Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1937-06-29
IE 27, 1931 IOlletI g four Sentence Amel Wins Title Cloudy, Warmer Replaces F'ranklln HI«b 01 CedIII' lOW -Partly doudy lotIa)' and 'sentenced to RapIds In dun lor 0011 Meet See ~tory on Pa«e 4. ..-row: _""'" ...,..~. "nty Joll Frh. • '. onrtn~y 01\ by (aiR »rfl I 0 U7 a C i t y Mor.llin, N e Y , pap e r. oned by (lov. • 8h rltt POll FIVE CENTS The As80CIRted press IOWA CITY, IOWA , TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1987 VOLUME XXXVI NUMBER 328 day. al·don. wllit'h was lccel v"11 Frldtly aft r III dlately .. e I serv d four ~. at Dllb,'llUIl h&vlnll' tukl'" memoors uf , ,n80n county r the bvakA vf thl' \lUI'. Britain Awaits Three Powers TRIPLE SLAYER GIVES SELF UP IN CHICAGO I!=pr=aUeJ=F=.D.R.====:!!11 California Children, Eu.rope's Reply Hold Majority OnCooperation Of World Gold 7, 8 and 9, Choked • In War Crisis Britain, France, U.S. To Death In Ravine Own Four-Fifths Subcommittee Will Of Visible Supply INGLEWOOD, aI., June 2 CAP) lrangled to d ath by Consider Return Of a s xual degenerat who lured t./lem from a pl8yground 'attlr German and Italian WASH[NGTON. June 28 (AP) day, thl' mutilated bodies or thr littl girls were discover d Thre nallons - Oreat BrltaiD. today in n deep ravine in the B8ldwin hill near bprp Ships to Sea Patrol France and lhe United Stat\!a-now Two of th girls, ll1adeJjnc Ever tt, 7, and her si tpr. l\[E'lba, ,coot ...
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