Foundation the International Review of Science Fiction Foundation 117 the International Review of Science Fiction
Foundation The International Review of Science Fiction Foundation 117 The International Review of Science Fiction In this issue: Foundation Vol: 43 No.117 Spring 2014 Vol: Foundation Brian Baker and Christopher McKitterick on Frederik Pohl Dean Conrad on Richard Matheson and Jude Roberts on Iain M. Banks Susan Gray and Christos Callow Jr. on science fiction theatre Andrew Milner on how (not) to periodise sf as a genre Victoria Byard on An Adventure in Space and Time and Paul March-Russell at Tate Britain Timothy Jarvis and James Machin on The Weird In addition, there are reviews by: Bodhissatva Chattopadhyay, Jacob Edwards, Iain Emsley, Grace Halden, Richard Howard, Leimar Garcia-Siino, Paul Kincaid, Anna McFarlane, Chris Pak, Patrick Parrinder, Andy Sawyer and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro Of books by: Brian Attebery and Veronica Hollinger, Andrew Blum, Andrew M. Butler, Al Ewing, Neil Gaiman, Simon J. James, Nicholas Joll, Cynthia J. Miller and A. Bowdoin Van Riper, Cherie Priest, J.-H. Rosny aîné, Eric Frank Russell and Paul Williams Cover: Frederik Pohl (c. 1968) and Richard Matheson Credit: New England Science Fiction Association and New York Magazine Foundation is published three times a year by the Science Fiction Foundation (Registered Charity no. 1041052). It is typeset and printed by The Lavenham Press Ltd., 47 Water Street, Lavenham, Suffolk, CO10 9RD. Foundation is a peer-reviewed journal. Subscription rates for 2014 Individuals (three numbers) United Kingdom £20.00 Europe (inc. Eire) £22.00 Rest of the world £25.00 / $42.00 (U.S.A.) Student discount £14.00 / $23.00 (U.S.A.) Institutions (three numbers) Anywhere £42.00 / $75.00 (U.S.A.) Airmail surcharge £7.00 / $12.00 (U.S.A.) Single issues of Foundation can also be bought for £7.00 / $15.00 (U.S.A.).
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