
With Love, We Serve and Care Haven of Hope Holistic Care Centre

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Haven of Hope Christian Service Headquarter Welcome to . We hope that this guidebook will help you to understand more about our background and wish you enjoy the tour in our Hospital.

Our Mission To provide holistic and quality health care service based on the love of Christ, professional excellence and progressive attitudes through which to witness the Christian Gospel; and solemnly care and respect every individual’s life, helping patients and their families to face diseases, suffering and even death with dignity and peace.

Vision Prayer God, together we serve and grow, witness the Gospel and experience Your love. May You be satisfied. Amen.

1 Brief History of Haven of Hope

During the political turmoil in Mainland in the1940s, many people fled to . The Hong Kong government settled some of them in () Refugee Camp. In the same period, foreign missionaries were forced to leave .

In the 1950s, the refugees were undernourished and lived in very poor conditions, many of them suffered from tuberculosis. With the love of Jesus Christ, a group of missionaries including Sister Annie Skau Berntsen set up a Rennie’s Mill Camp Church Clinic. In response to the increasing need for medical relief services, the Haven of Hope Tuberculosis Sanatorium (former Haven of Hope Hospital) was opened in 1955 on a piece of barren land.

God’s grace abounds in Haven of Hope, in both the past and present. During the past 50 years, Junk Bay (Tiu Keng Leng) has developed from a barren land to today’s , the territory and population has multiplied; the hospital also expanded her scope of services and capacity of beds to meet the need of the growing population in East area. Besides, Haven of Hope Hospital’s mother organization, Haven of Hope Christian Service has also developed into a non-profit making, diversified medical and social organization.

2 Hospital without wall

The Haven of Hope Tuberculosis Sanatorium was opened in 22 October 1955, serving patients with tuberculosis. The Sanatorium was renamed as Haven of Hope Hospital in 1976. The services of the hospital has been developed to meet the needs of the local community-- geriatrics and palliative care service were introduced respectively, and community-based / outreach programs were progressively launched and expanded. Today, the hospital has developed into a 425-bed rehabilitation-oriented hospital providing specialist services in Geriatrics and Rehabilitation, Pulmonary Care, Palliative Care and Infirmary, serving people living in the Kowloon East Area. We endeavors to become a “Hospital without Walls”, serving the patients and their families with “holistic care.”

Major Development of the Hospital 1955 Haven Of Hope Tuberculosis Sanatorium and Haven Of Hope Nursing School established. 1963 Haven Of Hope Evangelistic Fellowship commenced service. 1976 Haven Of Hope Tuberculosis Sanatorium renamed as Haven Of Hope Hospital. 1978 Geriatrics and orthopedic rehabilitation 1999 Nursing-led infirmary service service commenced. started operation. 1988 Hospice Care (Palliative Care) Unit established. 2001 The 1991 Became one of ’s (Haven Of Hope Hospital, public . United Christian Hospital, 1997 The new hospital building was built. ) 1998 The first hospital to launch the established.The last “Healthy Hospital” program. 2004 Graduation ceremony of Nursing School was held. Set up Linkage Gallery.

3 Hospital Ground Floor

Sleep Diagnostic Unit

X-Ray Dept. Garden

Pharmacy Dept.

Medical Social Service Dept. 3. Community & Health Resources Centre Tuck Shop Garden Outpatient Garden Clinic 4. Prayer Stone Medical Record Administration Dept. Dept. Finance Division Lobby

Reception Community Involvement & Entrance Volunteer Service Dept.

1. Bible scripture (Isaiah 53:11)

5. Tuck Shop 2. Donor Wall

Toilet Telephone Tuck Shop Lifts Stairs Corridor

4 1. Bible Scripture (Isaiah 53:11) In 1954, typhoon Ida attacked Hong Kong, many houses, including the tuberculosis ward were demolished, people sobbed with horrified cries. With pain in her heart, Sister Annie witnessed the disaster and wept at the feet of Jesus for the calamity, poverty, hunger and illness. The Lord revealed to Annie that the greater the love, the greater the pain. The main objective of our work is to let the Lord be satisfied. “I shall see of the travail of my soul, and then be satisfied.” (Isaiah 53:11) Through us, the Lord shall see the travail of his soul, that is the power of the Cross. Through our work, sinners heard the gospel, the sick were cured, the oppressed were released, prisoners were freed, and the Name of the Lord would receive the justifiable glory. After Sister Annie devoted herself afresh to the Lord, she realized the need for setting up a tuberculosis sanatorium and she followed His will to do so.

This Isaiah scripture was written on the old administrative block; today, it is printed on the lobby of the new hospital, reminding us that the one we serve is God, may He see the light of life and be satisfied.

5 2. Lobby (Donor Wall)

The donor wall is located on the left hand side of the hospital lobby. On the top right hand corner of the donor wall, there is a scripture – ‘The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self–control. Galatians 5:22-23’. The symbol of grape indicates the fruits of the spirit (靈實) which our hospital’s Chinese name and our wards were named after. There are Love Ward, Joy Ward, Gentleness Ward, Goodness Ward, Temperance Ward in the hospital. The English name of the hospital was originated from our historic environment. In the old days, in front of the hospital, there was a sea, which brought comfort and hope to those who suffered from illness, and this was how ‘Haven of Hope’ came from.

3. Community and Health Resources Centre

Health education and community health resources are available. The centre also offers self-help health check services, such as blood pressure examination and body mass / fat assessment. Patients could borrow auxiliary medical equipments such as wheelchairs and walking aids from the centre. ¦ Opening hours:Mon to Fri, 8.30am to 5pm Sat, 8am to 12pm Tel:(852) 2703 8381

6 4. Prayer Stone Garden

In the old days when resources was limited and the environment of the hospital was poor, Sister Annie Skau and staff used to kneel and pray for God’s provision and guidance. God is faithful and their prayers were listened. To memorize Haven of Hope’s humble beginning and the love of God for the poor and the sick, a stone from the old hospital site where people used to pray on was removed to the courtyard garden of the new hospital building in 1998. The open bible sculpture in the garden also serves as a reminder for us today. It reminds us to listen to the Lord and remember to pray and give thanks in all circumstances. ¦ Opening hours: Everyday, 6am to 5.30pm

5. Tuck Shop

Apart from drinks, snacks and health products, we also sell publications and souvenirs in the tuck shop. Publications include the autobiography of Sister Annie (‘Lovely on the mountains’ and ‘On the barren upland’), books about patients’ stories & staff’s testimonies, readings about elderly spiritual care are also available. Besides, there are souvenirs like postcards, handcrafts, environmental friendly handbags and jackets etc. ¦ Opening hours:Mon to Sat, 8am to 8pm Sun & public holiday, 12pm to 8pm

7 Hospital 1st Floor

Staff Overnight rooms Staff Linkage Gallery Canteen • Library 8. Healthy Farm •Sports facility •Computer centre 7. Linkage Gallery •Oasis for staff


1C Hope Ward Physiotherapy


Medical & Geriatrics 1B Gladness Ward Rehabilitation Centre 6. Chapel

1A Temperance Ward Occupational Therapy

Toilet Telephone Staff Canteen Chapel Lifts Stairs Corridor

8 6. Chapel Prayer meetings, baptism and praise worships are held in the chapel regularly. It is opened for patients, their families, staff and visitors.

¦ Opening hours: Everyday 9am to 10pm

7. Linkage Gallery In 2002, the annex building was refurbished from a Nursing School to Linkage Gallery. Linkage Gallery is a place for staff to relax, learn, exercise and chat. The historic development of the hospital is also exhibited. Library, sports facilities, computer centre, leisure rooms are also available for staff.

¦ Opening hours: Mon to Sat, 7am to 7pm

8. Healthy Farm One of the major achievements of the Healthy Hospital Program is setting up a Healthy Farm for staff cultivation. Since its establishment in 2001, numerous kinds of vegetables had been planted, e.g. tomatoes, beans, melons, peanuts, corns etc. Staff enjoyed cultivating and sharing the harvests. Apart from farming, other healthy and green practices were promoted. Staff participate in various recycling programs, energy Tennis count saving plans, environmental management committees, walking and exercising etc. In 2006, Haven of Hope Hospital was presented the ‘Grand Award’ in the Green Hospital Presentation Ceremony held by the Hospital Authority.

¦ For staff entry only.

9 Headquarter of Haven of Hope Christian Service

After the opening of the new Haven of Hope Hospital in 1997, the Joy Ward, a 3-storey block built for patients in 1969, was converted to the Head Office of the Haven of Hope Christian Service. At present, there are more than thirty social and health care services units run by the Haven of Hope Christian Service. The followings are service units which located in the same Haven of Hope Site.

Website: www.hohcs.org.hk

Haven of Hope Nursing Home

Sub-vented by the Government, the Haven of Hope Nursing Home was opened in March 1999. It provides 24- hour nursing and personal care, social, psychological and spiritual care for the frail elderly. The Haven of Hope Nursing Home endeavors to become the ‘home’ of the elderly.

10 Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Nursing Home The Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Nursing Home was opened in 2005. She is committed to provide high quality long- term care services to meet the holistic needs of the elderly.

Haven of Hope Holistic Care Centre

The Haven of Hope Holistic Care Centre was recently opened in 2006. This self-financing centre is dedicated to serve terminally ill and chronically ill patients with a holistic approach, addressing patients and their families’ psychosocial and spiritual needs.

11 Chapel

On July 5, 1955, Sister Annie Skau Berntsen and other staff prayed on the knoll the Chapel now situates. She got a clear vision from the Lord that a chapel be built on the knoll they were standing, and the chapel would become the light of people in the dark. A brother in Christ then put up a white cross in the knoll as a remembrance.

With offerings from bodies in Christ, Sister Annie’s vision was realized in 1961. A dedication ceremony was held on December 24 of the same year to witness the faithfulness of the Lord. Since then, praise and prayers in the Chapel have never ceased.

On the wall of the Chapel, there are fluorescent tubes making up a cross. The lighting is switched on in the evening, giving light and showing the cross to those passing by. In the past, Tiu Keng Leng(now Tseung Kwan O) was a deserted place surrounded by sea. In the evening, the shining cross on the wall of the chapel functioned as a lighthouse, and it also became the light of many people. Tseung Kwan O has now developed into a satellite new town. What lie in front of Haven of Hope are numerous high-rise buildings with a projected population of 500,000 citizen. May the cross of Christ continue to lighten up people’s soul through the work of Haven of Hope.

¦ Opening hours: Mon - Fri, 10am to 2pm

12 Your Support Makes a Difference

The non-subvented services of our hospital need regular funding support: ; Palliative care (hospice) & bereavement care ; Elderly medical care and post-discharge support

If you wish to make a donation, please send us a crossed cheque, payable to Haven of Hope Christian Service, and state the service that you would like to support at the back of the cheque. For enquiries, please contact our Community Relations Office at:

Tel: (852) 2703 8888 Fax: (852) 2703 8028 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hohcs.org.hk Address: 8 Haven of Hope Road, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon, Hong Kong

13 The Meaning of the Haven of Hope Logo

Represents vitality, hope and cheefulness which match her name of “Haven of Hope”, and her core values of progressiveness and professionalism.

Formed by an “h” letter in mirror, symbolizes the loving care services of Haven of Hope.

Expresses the vitality, progressive and innovative personalities of Haven of Hope.

Forms the letter “É” in the short form of “Haven of Hope - {É{”.

Symbolises a person prostrating himself before God to pray earnestly. The blue area inside signifies his lifting hand. This represents Christ- centred and evangelistic attitudes of Haven of Hope.

Suggests all-roundedness, representing Haven of Hope emphasis on “Holistic Care”–caring for the whole person.

© Produced by Haven of Hope Hospital Community Relation Office 2006