The Political Relations Between Wallachia and the Hungarian Kingdom During the Reign of the Anjou Kings *

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The Political Relations Between Wallachia and the Hungarian Kingdom During the Reign of the Anjou Kings * Relaţii internaţionale The Political Relations between Wallachia and the Hungarian Kingdom during the Reign of the Anjou Kings * Marius Diaconescu I. lntroduction During the Middle Ages, the politica! relations were governed by certain specific requirements. The medieval state meant one and the same with the sovereign's person - emperor, king, prince, etc. The relations between the medieval states were the same as those between their rulers. The basic principie of the feudalism was that of the vassality which designed the relationship between the ruler and the vassal'. The relations of the Romanian states with the neighbouring · ones, especially with the great powers, follow the same feudal principles. The historiography bas often approached the relations between Wallachia and the Hungarian Kingdom, in studies particularly focused on this topic as well as 2 in syntheses. The works of classical authors as D. Onciul , N. Iorga3, and Gh. Brătianu\ to refer only to the best known researchers of the problem, have been enriched, within the Romanian historiography, by other writings, more or less 5 relevant • Some of the contributions strictly tackling the subject are especially remarkable as compared to the rich literature published during the last 50 years. Maria Holban's studies, collected in a volume significantly entitled On the History of the Romanian-Hungarian Relationships6 compelled recognition in the Romanian literature, despite many discrepancies and far-fetched interpretations lacking • The hereby research is part of a series tackling the relationships existing between Wallachia and Hungary until 1526. 1 M. Bloch, Feudal Society, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1968, 1-11, pp. 145 et passim. 2 D. Onciul, Radu Negru şi originile Principatului Ţării Româneşti, in idem, Scrieri istorice, L Bucureşti, 1968 (critica! ed.ilion, edited by A Sacerdoţeanu), pp. 328-428; idem, Originile frincipatelor Romdne, in ibidem, pp. 560-715. N. Iorga, Lupta pentru stăpânirea Vidinului în I 365-9 şi politica lui Vladislav Vodă faţă de Unguri (following up: Lupta pentru stăpânirea Vidinului), in Convorbiri literare, XXXIV, 1900; idem, Carpaţii în luptele dintre Români şi Unguri (following up: Carpaţii în luptele dintre Români şi Unguri), in AARMSI, s. II, t. XXXVIll, 1915-1916; also the syntheses conceming Istoria romdnilor, the book Ctitorii, Bucureşti, 1937, passim. 4 Gh. I. Brătianu, L'expedition de Louis Ier de Hongrie contre le prince de Valachie Radu Ier Basarab en 1377, în RHSEE, 1925, pp. 73-82; idem, Les rois de Hongrie et les Principautes Roumaines qu XIVe siecle, în Bulletin de la Section historique de l'Academie Roumaine, xxvm, 1947, pp. 67-105. 5 I. Minea, Magyar-bolgar-oldh erintkezes Nagy Lajos alatt, Budapest, 1907; idem, Războiul lui Basarab cel Mare cu regele Carol Robert (noiembrie 1330), CI, 5-7, 1929-1932; V. Motogna, La războaiele lui Vlaicu-Vodă cu Ungurii, 1368-9, în R. Ist., IX, 1923, fasc. L p. 12-20; I. Lupaş, Atacul regelui Carol Robert contra lui Basarab cel Mare. I 330 (Lupta de la Posada), ACMJ, secţia Transilvania, 1930-1931; C. Lăzărescu, Despre lupta din 1330 a lui Basarab voivode cu Carol Robert, RI, XXI, 1935; E. Lăzărescu, Despre relaţiile lui Nicolae Alexandru voevod cu ungurii, RI, XXXII, 1946; etc. 6 Maria Holban, Din cronica relaţiilor româno-ungare în secolele XIII şi XW, Bucureşti, 1981, passim. Medi~valia Transi/vanica, tom II, 1998, nr. I. 6 Marius Diaconescu reasonable demonstrations. S. Iosipescu takes the question into consideration from another perspective, adding valuable nuances, in a conective volume about the 7 process of constitution of the Romanian states . Ş. Papacostea has paid during the latest decades a special attention to the birth of the Romanian states, going over various topics connected with the ones concerning the relations with the Hungarian kingdom. The latest serious researches on this subject in the Romanian historiography have meant to prove the importance of the international commercial routes, which crossed the territories of the Romanian states for their establishment as states8 or approached the reinterpretation of some new sources published by 9 1 Hungarian historians • A valuable synthesis referring to the l 3 h century Romanians properly places the evolutions of the Romanian space within the international 10 frame and offers a survey over the Romanians' history of that age • This contribution is especially precious for the understanding of the evolution of the Hungarian suzerainty over the Southern-Carpathian territories during the 13th century. The Hungarian historiography, beside those general studies approaching the Anjou dynasty, in which the connections with Wallachia were also included, like A Huber's 11 and B. Homan's 12 works, records particular attempts to research the topic. J. Pataki's 13 endeavour to bring together the contributions of Romanian and Hungarian historians has tried to present a general picture of the relations established between the kings of Hungary and the voivodes of the Romanian states during the 14th century. The latest contribution is L. B. Kumorovitz's 14 work, which reveals original documentary information and makes the correction of a wrong dated conflict between the Romanian voivode and King Louis. The diversity of the historiographic approaches of the topic made us reassess the relations between the rulers of W allachia and the kings of Hungary from a neutral perspective. The most part of the Romanian historiography has focused on the conflicts between the two sides. Often overstates the relevance or the position of a military victory within the context of the respective relationships in order to try and support the independence of Wallachia and minimised the 7 S. losipescu, Românii din Carpaţiii Meridionali la Dunărea de Jos de la invazia mongolă (1241- 1243) pînă la consolidarea domniei a toată Ţara Românească. Războiul victorios purtat la 1330 împotriva cotropirii ungare, in voi. Constituirea statelor feudale româneşti, Bucureşti, I 980, pp. 41- 96. 8 Ş. Papacostea, Începuturile politicii comerciale a Ţării Româneşti şi Moldovei (secolele XIV-XVI). Drum şi stat, (following up: Începuturile politicii comerciale) in SMIM, X, 1983, pp. 9-55. 9 Idem, Domni români şi regi angevini: înfruntarea finală (1370-1382) (following up: Domni rom!tni f/ regi angevini), in idem, Geneza statului în evul mediu rom!tnesc, Cluj-Napoca, 1988, pp. 113-130. 0 Idem, Românii în secolul al XIII-iea. Între cruciată şi Imperiul mongol (following up: Rom!tnii în secolul al XIII-iea), Bucureşti, I 993. 11 A Huber, Ludwig I von Ungaro und die ungarischen Vassallenliinder, Wien, 1884, pp. 7-10; 32- 38. 12 B. Homân, Gli Angioni di Napoli in Ungheria 1290-1403, Roma, 1938, pp. 300-304; 384-388; 401- 405 etc. 13 J. Pataki, Anjou kiralyink es a ket romdn vajdasag, Kolozsvâr, 1944. 14 L. B. Kumorovitz. J. Lajos kiralyunk 1375. evi HavasalftJldi hadjarata (es „ttJrtJk") hdboruja, in Szazadok, 117, 1983,no.5,pp.919-979 The Politica[ Relations between Wallachia and Hungary 7 significance of the vassal relationships during the epoch. On the other hand, the Hungarian historiography rninirnised at its turn the independence acts of Wallachia, as well as the cases when the Hungarian arrnies were defeated. Our study is trying to rediscuss the topic and balance the two trends, and also to point at some common places of the historical writing. Without clairning to achieve an exhaustive approach of the topic, we try to sum up the politica! relations between W allachia and Hungary during the Anjou epoch. 2. The Origins and the Beginnings of the Hungarian Suzerainty Hungary's foreign policy during the period of the founding dynasty, the Arpadian, was usually aggressive, permanently offensively oriented. with annexationist purposes. The 13th century also meant the beginning of the Saint Stephen's kingdom expansion towards the regions of the Danube springs, south of 15 the Carpathians • This expansion should be naturally understood as ruling in the sense of the vassalage relationships that characterised the Middle Ages. From a political point of view, the Cumans were the owners of the territory located between the Carpathians and the Danube. There is indisputable proof that, at one moment, the kings of Hungary were suzerains over a large part of this region. The privileges granted to the Teutonic knights 16 by King Andrew II after 1211, after the colonisation of the land of Bârsa (located in the Southeast of Transylvania, witbin the Carpathian curvature) show that the Cumans inhabited the territory south of the mountains. They were considered as enernies of the kingdom 17 at that moment • The document does not allow us to determine whether the Cumans ruled the entire territory lying between the Danube and the Carpathians. In the meantime, the Teutonic knights who settled in the land of Bârsa seem to have been an outpost facing the Cuman territories. Later documents, issued after granting the mentioned privileges, indicate that the knights also possessed lands relatively located south of the mountains (stretching from river Bârsa's springs, in 18 the mountains, to the Danube) • The Teutons did not hesitate tobe the first who occupied it after settling in the land of Bârsa. They soon built a city, placed there by means of a papal document, "beyond the snolry mountains" (ultra mons 19 nivium) • The Hungarian king reconsidered, at a certain moment, the legacy 15 Ş. Papacostea, fncepuiurile politicii comerciale, p. 10, claims that the motive of the tenitorial expansion of the Hungarian kingdom towards the Danube springs was economically defined, aiming at obtaining the access to the Eastem commerce. 16 The bibliography: H. Glassl, Der Deutsche Orden im Burzenland und in Kumanien, in Ungam Jahrbuch, 3, 1971, pp. 23-49, apud Ş. Papacostea, Romdnii msecolUI al XI//-lea, pp. 31, note 69. 17 Documenta Romaniae Historica, D. Relaţii între Ţările Române (following up: DRH, D.), L pp.
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