Inpatient Management of Patients with Volume Overload and High Filling Pressures

Tariq Khan, MD The majority of patients with acute decompensated failure are admitted J. Thomas Heywood, MD with symptoms of congestion. The classic symptoms of ‘‘congestive’’ reflect fluid overload, that is, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and pe- Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, California. ripheral edema; these symptoms can be so dramatic that it is not surprising that patients seek hospitalization. Activation of the renin angiotensin system coupled with sympathetic hyperactivity results in marked sodium retention and high fill- ing pressures that ultimately bring about these congestive symptoms. The treat- ment goal of patients hospitalized with volume overload and high filling pressures is to improve symptoms by normalizing the filling pressure and volume status without worsening renal function. The current use of diuretics, vasodila- tors, and ultrafiltration, as well as potential future use of investigational agents such as oral vasopressin antagonists and adenosine A1-receptor antagonists, is surrounded by the important issues of when to stop intravenous therapy in hos- pitalized patients and the exact mechanism by which the filling pressures are normalized. New data from evidence-based clinical trials and optimal strategies for monitoring fluid overload will help define this issue and ultimately reduce mortality in these patients. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2008;3(Suppl 6):S25– S32. VC 2008 Society of Hospital Medicine.

KEYWORDS: acute decompensated heart failure, ADHF, filling pressure, renal function, volume overload.

lthough patients with left ventricular dysfunction may pres- A ent with low-output syndrome and even cardiogenic shock, the majority are admitted with symptoms of congestion.1 The classic symptoms of ‘‘congestive’’ heart failure reflect fluid over- load, that is, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and pe- ripheral edema; these symptoms can be so dramatic that it is not surprising that patients seek hospitalization.2 Activation of the renin angiotensin system coupled with sympathetic hyperac- tivity results in marked sodium retention and increased filling pressures in the right and left that ultimately bring about these congestive symptoms of dyspnea and orthopnea.3 Increased filling pressure precedes admission to the hospital, and filling pressure falls during successful therapy.4,5 Indeed, Tariq Khan did not receive an honorarium in sup- normalization of the left ventricular filling pressure much better 6 port of this work. predicts survival than improved . However, de- spite the many advances in the evidence-based armamentarium J. Thomas Heywood received research support for heart failure, the one great deficiency in the evidence base is and editorial assistance from OptumHealth Edu- the lack of data on modalities that can reduce or normalize left cation through an educational grant from Otsuka American Pharmaceuticals and an honorarium ventricular filling pressures. This is not as unexpected as it from OptumHealth Education, in support of this seems because the symptoms of congestion are so dramatic work. and, until recently, the tools to mitigate were so few that rando-

ª 2008 Society of Hospital Medicine S25 DOI 10.1002/jhm.396 Published online in Wiley InterScience ( mized trials were difficult to conceive. However, aldosterone axis.20 Unfortunately, severe hyperka- the treatment paradigms for acute decompensated lemia remains a significant side effect and can heart failure (ADHF) management are changing, limit their use.21 and evidence-based mortality trials for filling pres- Despite the obvious beneficial effects of loop sure reduction and congestion relief continue to diuretics in the treatment of ADHF, we lack key evolve.7–10 fundamental information about these most fre- quently used drugs. For example, what is the cor- rect dose? Escalating the dose of diuretics has DIURETICS been associated with increased mortality in heart Mercurial diuretics were introduced in the 1920s failure even when corrected for the severity of the as the mainstay of therapy for ADHF; the loop illness.22,23 Proposed explanations for the diuretics became the foundation of therapy in the increased morality in patients with heart failure 1960s.11,12 In the Acute Decompensated Heart include activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldo- Failure National Registry database (ADHERE), 88% sterone system and sympathetic nervous system, of patients received intravenous loop diuretics decreases in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) during their hospitalization.13 Loop diuretics act contributing to cardiorenal syndrome, and intra- in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle vascular volume contraction and decreased left to inhibit reabsorption of sodium and chloride by ventricular filling pressure worsening cardiac per- inhibiting the sodium, potassium, and chloride formance in patients without significant fluid 1 1 2 (Na /K /2Cl ) pump. This blockade causes retention.22,23 It is now recognized that kidney dys- increased delivery of these solutes to the distal function plays a vital role in the progress of convoluted tubule and collecting duct, resulting in patients with heart failure, and increases in serum a shift in the balance of osmotic forces toward creatinine or blood urea nitrogen are known pre- fluid secretion into the collecting system. Through dictors of mortality.24 Thus, larger doses of diure- this mechanism, loop diuretics increase natriuresis tics may result in unfavorable outcomes in heart and diuresis (Figure 1).14 failure patients because of adverse effects on renal Less commonly used are the thiazide diuretics, function. In the Evaluation Study of Congestive which act on the distal convoluted tubule to block Heart Failure and Catheteriza- 1 1 Na ,K -ATPase and thereby NaCl transport in the tion Effectiveness (ESCAPE), there was a clear distal convoluted tubule.15 Thiazide diuretics are increase in mortality with escalating loop diuretic much less powerful than loop diuretics and are doses, especially above 300 mg/day of furosemide rarely used intravenously in the hospital. These do (or an equivalent dose of another loop diuretic).25 possess a synergistic effect when used with loop Although patients with renal dysfunction may diuretics in that sodium reabsorption is blocked in require higher doses, prudence would dictate using 2 sections of the nephron.16 Extreme care must be the lowest dose to gain a reasonable urine output. taken to avoid overdiuresis, but this combination How should loop diuretics be given: as a bolus can be helpful to treat diuretic resistance.17 or continuous infusion? Although diuretics have The third class of agents are the so-called been typically given as a bolus, there are signifi- potassium-sparing diuretics, which block sodium cant theoretical concerns about this method. reuptake in the final portion of the nephron (the Furosemide, for example, has a half-life of collecting ducts), resulting in an obligatory reup- approximately 2 hours; when it is given once or take of potassium. These agents include the aldo- twice a day, a breaking phenomenon is seen in sterone receptor blocker spironolactone and which the kidneys start to retain sodium and the eplerenone, which act primarily through competi- effectiveness of the bolus is reduced.26 A Cochrane tive binding of receptors at the aldosterone-de- review has found evidence that a continuous infu- pendent sodium-potassium exchange site in the sion of diuretics produces more diuresis, although distal convoluted renal tubule. Although weak the same article suggests that more titration is diuretics, they are the only class of diuretics needed to support this observation.27 shown to improve mortality in moderate to severe Several loop diuretics are used clinically, heart failure,18,19 presumably by modulating the including furosemide, torsemide, and bumetanide. abnormal neurohormonal activation of the sympa- Which one should be chosen? Furosemide is the thetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin- least expensive and most widely used, but 2

S26 Journal of Hospital Medicine Vol 3 / Issue 6 / Supplement 6 / November/December 2008 FIGURE 1. Single juxtamedullary nephron. Adapted with permission from Patel et al.14 animal models suggest more favorable cardiac caused natriuresis in some studies.34,35 Natriuresis effects (less fibrosis) with torsemide and even and augmentation of diuresis has not been consis- mortality benefit.28,29 There are no comparable tently demonstrated in published reports, how- human data to guide the clinician, unfortunately. ever.36,37 In addition, B-type natriuretic peptide, On a milligram per milligram basis, bumetanide when given therapeutically, does suppress aldoste- produces more natriuresis than either torsemide rone.38 or furosemide, but again, the clinical significance The largest clinical experience to date with of this is not known. nesiritide came in the in the Manage- ment of Acute Congestive Heart Failure (VMAC) 39 VASODILATORS trial. In this study, nesiritide was compared with Nitrates intravenous nitroglycerin and placebo when added to standard care for 3 hours in a double-blind, Nitrates, including nitroglycerin and nitroprusside, randomized protocol. Nesiritide reduced filling have been used in therapy for ADHF primarily as pressures in comparison with nitroglycerin and venodilators.30 Thus, they have been shown to placebo and provided greater symptomatic relief reduce right and left ventricular filling pressures, in comparison with placebo but not in compari- systemic and pulmonary , and, son with nitroglycerin.39 In a retrospective review to a lesser extent, systemic .31 A seri- of consecutive patients, the addition of nesiritide ous drawback to the continued use of nitrates is resulted in a decreased length of stay without the development of tolerance that can become compromising renal function.40 apparent within hours of their initial use.32 In addi- In 2005, 2 meta-analyses were published that tion, there have not been large outcome trials to raised questions about the safety of nesiritide.41,42 define the duration of benefit or the proper dose. In the first, a review of 5 nesiritide/placebo trials found an increased risk for worsening renal func- Nesiritide tion (specifically, a rise in serum creatinine of 0.5 A potential role for the natriuretic peptides in mg/dL or more).41 This increase occurred in 21% heart failure dates back to the 1980s when extracts of nesiritide-treated patients versus 15% of those of the right atrial tissue of rats was shown to pro- on placebo (P 5 .001). Some of these trials in the duce a brisk natriuresis when given intravenously meta-analysis employed dosages of nesiritide to a second animal.33 Nesiritide, as the commer- greater than the currently recommended 0.01 lg/ cially prepared B-type natriuretic peptide is called, kg/minute. When only those patients in the VMAC consistently reduced and and group that received the recommended 0.01 lg/kg/

Management of Volume Overload / Khan and Heywood S27 minute dose were analyzed, there was not a signif- solutes through the semipermeable membrane icant rise in creatinine.43 Riter et al44 reported a when hydrostatic pressure, generated by blood retrospective analysis finding that half or even pressure or an external blood pump, exceeds quarter doses of nesiritide actually produced oncotic pressure. The fluid removal rate can be improvement in renal function compared with the adjusted between 100 and 500 mL/hour. The standard dose or no nesiritide use. Higher doses of Ultrafiltration Versus Intravenous Diuretics for diuretics, >160 mg of furosemide or its equivalent Patients Hospitalized for Acute Decompensated in conjunction with nesiritide, did increase the risk Congestive Heart Failure (UNLOAD) trial rando- of renal dysfunction.45 In the Nesiritide Adminis- mized UF with intravenous diuretic therapy in tered Perianesthesia (NAPA) trial, 0.01 lg/kg/ patients with ADHF and showed that UF produced minute of nesiritide was given as a defined 24- greater weight and fluid loss at 48 hours versus hour infusion without bolus to high-risk patients diuretics and reduced the 90-day readmission rate with left ventricular dysfunction undergoing for heart failure.51 There was no statistically signifi- bypass and mitral valve surgery.46 Although serum cant difference noted between the overall mortality creatinine increased in both groups following sur- and serum creatinine between the 2 groups. Rogers gery, it increased more so with placebo than nesiri- et al52 found in a small, randomized trial that dur- tide (P < 0.001), despite increased urine output (P ing a 48-hour period, UF showed no significant dif- < 0.001) and shorter length of hospital stay (P 5 ference in the renal (GFR and renal 0.043) in the nesiritide group.46 A smaller study of plasma flow in patients with ADHF) versus the similar design also noted preservation of renal standard treatment with intravenous diuretics. The function with nesiritide compared with placebo in Heart Failure Society of America treatment guide- bypass patients.47 Therefore, the current recom- lines for the evaluation and management of mendation for nesiritide use is to use no more patients with ADHF suggest that when congestion than 0.01 lg/kg/minute. Reduction of diuretic fails to improve in response to diuretic therapy, UF doses would be prudent when nesiritide is used. may be considered (strength of evidence 5 C).53 Sackner-Bernstein et al42 combined the results Perhaps the most vexing issue surrounding of 3 placebo-controlled trials and reported an the use of diuretics, vasodilators, and UF is when increase in mortality with nesiritide at 30 days. In to stop intravenous therapy in the hospitalized this study, significant differences were found patient. There are no clear guidelines about this, between the placebo and nesiritide groups in and perhaps clinical experience is of paramount terms of baseline renal function,48 blood pressure, importance. Theoretically, vasodilator and fluid re- and use, and this may explain the moval therapy should be continued until the observed mortality difference.42 Mortality was the patient is euvolemic, that is, has normal filling same at 180 days. Abraham49 analyzed the 7 avail- pressures (usually associated with normalization able trials and risk-adjusted the patient popula- of the neck veins and loss of S3) with improve- tions to avoid group inequalities; with this ment in symptoms. This was clearly seen in the method, no significant effect of nesiritide use on ESCAPE trial, in which use of either hemodynamic mortality was seen. The 2 most recent large trials— guidance or clinical evaluation of jugular venous Follow-Up Serial Infusions of Nesiritide II (FUSION pressure resulted in more normal filling pres- II) (no effect of nesiritide on mortality) and NAPA sures.5 This is an extremely important issue (mortality decreased in nesiritide-treated pa- because continued fluid removal beyond the point tients)—have provided more safety data concerning at which the patient is euvolemic may result in re- the use of nesiritide.46,50 The most definitive answer nal dysfunction; the latter is a strong predictor of will come with the Acute Study of Clinical Effec- prolonged hospitalization and mortality.54,55 tiveness of Nesiritide in Decompensated Heart Fail- Initial fluid removal can be rapid with either ure (ASCEND-HF) trial, which will recruit 7000 diuretics or UF, and filling pressures fall within patients, the largest trial in ADHF to date. minutes with nesiritide. This is beneficial to the patient as long as extracellular sodium and water reenter the vascular bed to maintain preload. ULTRAFILTRATION (UF) Boyle and Sobotka56 emphasized the importance UF removes water and non–protein-bound small– of this plasma refill rate and proposed monitoring molecular-weight and medium–molecular-weight the hematocrit as is done in dialysis to prevent ex-

S28 Journal of Hospital Medicine Vol 3 / Issue 6 / Supplement 6 / November/December 2008 cessive fluid removal. As can be seen in Figure 2, the plasma compartment is easily refilled when extracellular volume is increased in edematous patients early in their therapy. However, the plasma refill rate can fall precipitously when this compartment is depleted. Hence, clinicians must be ever alert to this transition period when contin- ued fluid removal or vasodilator therapy results in depletion of vascular, not interstitial, volume with rapid declines in preload and cardiac output. Therefore, these therapies should be stopped when the patient becomes euvolemic, not later when the patient has become hypovolemic with the attendant problems. In the ESCAPE trial, the was the best indicator of a normal filling pressure,5,54 although this is not an infallible guide. Our practice is to stop diuretics and vasodilators when edema has resolved and jugular venous pressure is below 8 cm. In addi- tion, checking blood urea nitrogen and creatinine twice a day can give an early warning of hypovole- mia when these rise 25% above baseline.57 Volume status should be carefully evaluated by changes in the physical examination, including postural blood pressure changes and increases in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. When worsening re- nal function occurs, judicious fluid replacement with 500 to 1000 mL of normal saline given over 2 to 4 hours can quickly restore euvolemia and may improve renal function in the hypovolemic FIGURE 2. The importance of the plasma refill rate in the management of patient. acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF). (A) The patient with ADHF and significant fluid overload. The extracellular compartment contains more vol- ume than normal. The removal of fluid from the vascular compartment as INVESTIGATIONAL THERAPIES well as reduction in venous pressure by vasodilators reduces vascular ve- Oral Vasopressin Antagonist nous pressure and thus increases fluid movement from the extracellular Elevation of arginine vasopressin contributes to compartment. This is termed the plasma refill rate, as fluid removed by the fluid retention and hyponatremia and is directly kidneys is replaced from the extracellular compartment. Homeostasis is 58 proportional to the severity of heart failure. Tol- maintained as long as urine output or ultrafiltrate removal does not exceed vaptan is an oral, nonpeptide, selective vasopres- the plasma refill rate. Vasodilators can increase the plasma refill rate by sin V2 receptor antagonist whose action on the reducing venous tone and hence venous pressure. (B) As long as the plasma distal nephron causes loss of electrolyte-free water refill rate equals or exceeds fluid loss, volume in the vascular bed is main- 59 (aquaresis). The efficacy of tolvaptan was tested tained along with ventricular preload. Diuretics, ultrafiltration, and vasodila- in a double-blind, prospective, randomized inter- tors should be stopped at this point. (C) When diuretics and/or vasodilators national trial, the Efficacy of Vasopressin Antago- are continued beyond the point of depletion of already removed extracellular nism in Heart Failure Outcome Study with fluid, then the plasma refill rate no longer keeps up with fluid removal, and Tolvaptan (EVEREST), with a 30 mg/day oral vascular volume is reduced below normal. This results in decreased preload dosage of tolvaptan versus placebo within 48 and reduced cardiac output, blood pressure, and renal . The transi- 7,9 hours of admission with ADHF. Patients receiv- tion from euvolemia to hypovolemia may be very subtle and abrupt. This ing tolvaptan showed improvement in dyspnea on accounts for the frequency of worsening renal function in heart failure and day 1 along with body weight and edema reduc- its untoward consequences. tion on day 7 or discharge in comparison with placebo. The improvement in global clinical

Management of Volume Overload / Khan and Heywood S29 assessment was not different between the 2 groups. function and reduce renal abnormalities, thereby The serious adverse event frequencies were similar improving outcomes in patients with ADHF. between the groups without excess renal failure or hypotension in the tolvaptan group.7,9 Unfortu- Address for correspondence and reprint requests: J. Thomas Heywood, MD, nately, this small beneficial effect in the hospital Director, Heart Failure Recovery and Research Program, Scripps Clinic, 10666 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037; Telephone: 854-554-5588; Fax: did not result in positive survival benefit. 760-481-7580; E-mail: [email protected] Received 7 July 2008; revision received 25 September 2008; accepted 2 Adenosine A1-Receptor (AA1R) Antagonists October 2008. 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S32 Journal of Hospital Medicine Vol 3 / Issue 6 / Supplement 6 / November/December 2008