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Inside Today's Issue THURSDAY January 16, 2003 HIG Vol. 85 Youngstown State University Issue 29 BY LA'EL HUGHES state was $65 million below its Traci Saliba, a representa• for the 2004 fiscal year, which The Jambar estimates for the 2003 fiscal "Due to budget cuts, the fight at the end tive from OBM, said Taft starts in July. year. Reports from Ohio's of the tunnel has been turned off." would reveal his state budget University President In the wake oi a bleak Budget and Management office Feb. 3. David Sweet said to balance economy, YSU has been forced said it would be necessary to "Somehow we will come the rest of the budget for 2004 to make reductions in the "impose significant additional — OHIO BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT OFFICE up with a balanced budget," he would use cost control and remaining 2003 fiscal year, and budget cuts." Saliba said. budget cuts, but would not university and state officials "Due to budget cuts, the Yet Saliba was unable to have any final decisions until said future budget cuts are light at the end of the tunnel Such news from the state percent effective this summer, confirm which of Ohio's uni• Taft released his financial highly likely. has been turned off," reads a directly effects YSU's budget. other areas on campus are cur• versities and colleges would plans.. And, white YSU will be facing rently feeling a financial According to documents pessimistic comment on experience budget cuts, or how another tuition increase of 9.5 crunch, as well. from Gov. Bob Taft's office, the reports from the OBM much of a cut they would face See BUDGET, page 2 Students cope with SGA plans completion some generalizations. BY HEATHER SHAW of goals, The Jmitbar "The average cost of books for students per semester can range anywhere from $50 to It was mid-afternoon $75 or up to $500 depending looks ahead Tuesday, and Melissa Morvay on their course load," he said. decided she could procrasti• nate no more. Morvay, a junior, Students said buying used BY ROXANNE TOREUA slung her purse over her books does not offer much The Jambar shoulder and headed to financial relief either. Kilcawley Center to buy her Christa Natoli, junior, called the entire system of buy• Student!, m books, confident that her $50 Government s; *4j would not be nearly enough. ing books "a monopoly." s "New books are so hard to Association lead• "I had to take out extra get anywhere and cost stu• ers have reached loan money for this semester, dents more than they might one of three goals since tuition went up, just so I have to spend. Used books are they set last could buy my semester and will MMHMMMMMM jUSt 3S 6XpCn- books," focus on the other PARKS sive, I spent $90 Morvay said. two in the coming on one used "The cost of "I had to take out months, President Jeff Parks said. book and it had books are extra loan money so many pen At a meeting Monday, represen• expensive, and ink marks tatives discussed their views of last especially for this semester on it that I could semester and future goals.. Overall, when you are not highlight SGA representatives said they were buying them since tuition went" anything to pleased with their performance. new." up, just so I could study for "We did a great job on passing Morvay is buy my books." myself, " Natoli resolutions brought to our attention one of thou• said. and we've shown that there is no sands of YSU While buy• problem on campus too small or too students — MELISSA MORVAY ing books is big to handle, SG has the power to encountering student inevitable, SGA change things," said College of Fine high-priced leaders say they & Performing Arts Representative books and plan to have a Robert Greaves.' drained check• At the beginning of fall semester, books, and — solution in the future. Parks said SGA would work to YSU's Student Government Jeff Parks, SGA President, reconnect with students on a more Association is investigating personal level, reorganize the struc• options to help. said, "Student Government has been looking into options ture of business and refocus priori• Prices on books can range for buying books. It has been ties. This week, Parks said he feels from as low as $10 to hundreds dis'cussed in several meetings, the restructuring was achieved last of dollars for one book. For the the possibility' of starting an semester. average student taking 12 to 16 online book trade for students, ' Now, Parks said he wants to credit hours, the cost of books which will allow them to buy reinforce the remaining two goals by can ad.d up to S500 per semes• and sell their new and used focusing on the student body and ter. Dave Deyereux j The Jambar textbooks to other students at their needs. Ry a n M cN i chols, a reasonable prices." STACK EM' UP:'Sophomore Amanda Crago picks up a hefty stack Wednesday at the Parks and SGA Vice President Kilcawley Center Bookstore Emily Eckman said one way to employee, said each student's YSU Bookstore in Kilcawley Center. Crago is one of many students dropping big bucks costs will vary, but he offered See BOOKS, page 2 on schoolbooks this semester.' See SGA, page 2 > Zach Zaza, a senior business major, relayed student concerns to John Young, BY REBECCA MARQUIS said he became so frustrated with Bytes coordinator of Bytes 'N' Pieces. Hrishenko The Jambar 'N' Pieces that he has taken his homework said Young agreed to check the lab. elsewhere. "Sometimes the metal will come off of Several students said a Kilcawley "The computers I use now are really a floppy disk and if it is not reported, it Center computer lab has been the place good, but that's just in Phelps Hall," Zaza could mess up the next disk," Hrishenko where some of their most important said. "I gave up on the ones in Bytes 'N' said. assignments begin and — abruptly — end. Pieces because they might as well be on Hrishenko said he decided to talk to With the return to classes this week, life support. I just got tired of them crash• Young after being contacted by junior some said it was a return to the familiar ing every day." Christa Natoli, an SGA Cabinet member frustrations that come with using a PC at Junior Tom Kusiowski agreed. who has had problems completing assign• Bytes 'N' Pieces. "They freeze up, or the network takes ments in the lab. The problems also have grabbed the forever," he said. "Some are completely Natoli, secretary of external affairs for attention of YSU's Student Government frozen at times, and I see at least one or SGA, said she was working in the non- Association, and campus computer techni• two people a day have problems in this internet portion of the computer lab ' Mike Balale / The Jambar cians have pledged to'look into the lab lab." - * ' behind Bytes 'N' Pieces on Monday when FREEZIN' UP: Junior Tom Kusiowski surfs the Internet at a where several term papers and documents Mike Hrishenko, manager of the lab in Kilcawley Center. Kusiowski complained that the com• have been lost. Computer Services Help Desk, said he has See CRASHES, page 2 puters on campus freeze up frequently. Inside today's issue: News';,. 1, 2, 4 Broken Teeth keep it raw. New "Lord of the Rings" movie more Classifieds 5 Rock 'n' Roll Damnation, Page 6 action packed than its predrcessor, Opinion .3 poll question: Page 6 Entertainment .'. 6 urn Read The jambar online @ Who is most responsible for YSU's budget problems? Vote @ 2 The Jambar Thursday, January 16, 2003 BUDGET, continued from page 1 YSU Trustee H.S Wang close attention to what is going lars continued to spiral down. by taking out a loan from the Meshell and science labs in space that we have to worry said he was unclear where any on in Columbus," Ondreyka The capital improvement Sick Leave Conversion Fund Ward Beecher," Ondreyka said. about." other budget cutswould come said. "I am not personally budget is monies used to main• for $730,000. The Sick leave "This is the money that sup• Clouse commented on the from because of the past cuts knowledgeable on what the tain the physical structure of Conversion Fund is used to ports the behind the scenes computer and science lab YSU has already made. reductions will be." campus buildings, such as pay faculty and staff when stuff. Such as keeping the upgrades. "I haven't been here as But Ondreyka said he does classrooms, labs, and heating they are on sick leave. rooms warm during these cold "Those are on- going proj• long as some of the other mem• believe that there will be budg• and cooling systems. Onreyka said the depart• winter months." ects," Clouse said. "We nave bers, but 3 have heard that YSU et cuts in higher education. YSU's campus develop• ments on campus did not But, Dennis Clouse, direc• already renovated the labs that has already made cuts to its "I know President Sweet is ment budget received a reduc• receive any adjustments in tor of university Planning and needed immediate attention in bear bones," Wang said. highly committed to looking at tion of $650,000 and technolo• their budgets but did note that Construction, said YSU stu• Ward Beecher. And, there will Terry Ondrcyka , vice other alternatives," Ondreyka gy upgrades received a reduc• departments are impacted dents shouldn't notice any sig• be a computer lab <idded in president of Financial Affairs, said.
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