Ngc #21-15 Ngc #21-15 Ngc #21-15
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TAH OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSIGN REMARKS: WELLLOG ELECTRICLOGs X WATERSANDS LOCATIONINSPECTED SUB. REPORT/abd. DATE FILED LAND:FEE & PATENTED STATELEASENO PUBLICLEASENo U-10760 INDIAN DRILLINGAPPROVED: SPUDDED IN: COMPLETED: PUT TO PRODUCING: IN1TIAL PRODUCTION: GRAVITY A.P.I. GOR: PRODUCINGZONES .. TOTAL DEPTH: WELL ELEVATION: DATEABANDONED: FIELD: Monutilent Butte UNIT: cOUNTY: Duchesne WELLNO. Federal NGC #21-15 API# 43-013-30614 ' LOCATION 660 FT. FROM (N) Å LINE, FT FROM i (W) LINE. NE NN 1/4 - 1/4 SEC Chinle Motas Alluvium Wahweap Shinarump Manning Canyon Lake beds Masuk Moenkopi Mississippian Pleistocene Colorado Sinbad Humbug Lake beds Sego PERMIAN Brazer TERTIARY Buck Tongue Kaibab Pilot Shale Pliocene Castlegate Coconino Madison Salt Lake Mancos Cutler Leadville Oligocene Upper Hoskinnini Redwall Norwood Middle DeChelly DEVONIAN Eocene Lower White Rim Upper Duchesne River Emery Organ Rock Middle Uinta Blue Gate Cedar Mesa Lower Bridger Ferron Halgaite Tongue Ouray Green River Frontier Phosphoria Elbert Dakota Park City McCracken Burro Canyon Rico (Goodridge) Aneth Cedar Mountain Supai Simonson Dolomite Buckhorn Wolfcamp Sevy Dolomite JURASSIC CARBONI FEROUS North Point Wasatch Morrison Pennsylvanian SILURIAN Stone Cabin Salt Wash Oguirrh Laketown Dolomite Colton San Rafeal Gr. Weber ORDOVICIAN Flagstaff Summerville Morgan Eureka Quartzite North Horn Bluff Sandstone Hermosa Pogonip Limestone Almy . Curtis CAMBRIAN Paleocene Entrada Pardox Lynch Current Creek Moab Tongue Ismay Bowman North Horn Carmel Desert Creek Tapeats CRETACEOUS Glen Canyon Gr. Akab Ophir Montana Navajo Barker Creek Tintic Mesaverde Kayenta PRE - CAMBRIAN cekh AS 9 9 NATURAL GAS CORPORATION OF CALIFORNIA 85South2OOEast VernaL Utah 84078 (801)789-4573 September 18, 1981 Mr. E. W. Guynn Geological Survey-Conservation Div. 2000 Administration Bldg· DIVISR3NOF 1745 West 1700 South OIL,GAS&MINING Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Mr. Michael T. Minder Division of Oil, Gas & Mining 1588 West North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Re: NGC#21-15 Federal Section 15, T9S, R17E Duchesne County, Utah Pleasant Valley Prospect Gentlemen: Natural Gas Corporation of California proposes to drill the above cap- tioned well in Duchesne County, Utah. Enclosed are the following documents: (1) Application for Permit to Drill (2) Surveyor's Plat (3) 10 Point Drilling Plan (4) 13 Point Surface Use Plan (5) Rig Layout (6) Vicinity Map "A" and "B" Should you require additional information, please contact this office. Yours truly, William A. Ryan Petroleum Engineer /kh Encls. cc: Operations C. T. Clark E. R. Fo m 9-8810 SUBMIT IN T CATE* Form approved. (May 1963) ' Budget Bureau No. 42-R1425. (Other instrucuous on UNITED STATES reverse side) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR G. LEASE DESIGNATION AND SEEIAL GEOLOGICAL SURVEY U-10760 APPLICATION FOR PERMITTO DRILL,DEEPEN,OR PLUG BACK 6. IF INDIAN, ALLOTTEE OR TRIBE NAME 18. TYPEOFWORK DRILL Ü DEEPEN O PLUG BACK O 7. UNIT AGREEMENT NAME b. TYPE OF WELL OIL GAS SINGLE MULTIPLE 8. FARM OR LEASE NAME WELL WELL OTHER ZONE EONE 2. NAME OF OPERATOa Federal Natural Gas Corporation of California Û. WELL NO. 8. ADDRESS OF OPERATOR NGC#21 -15 85 South 200 East, Vernal , UT 84078 Telephone 801-789-4573 1Û. FIELD AND POOL, OR WILDCAT 4. CSATrfONœOF WELL (Report location clearly and in accordance wÏth any State requireinents.*) 1981' FWL, 660' FNL, Section 15, T9S R17E ξ's'tinizzia°"sa"=T At proposed prod, zone Section 15, .T9S, R17E 14. DIsTANCE IN MILES AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST TOWN OR POST OFFICE* 12. COUNTY OR PARISH 13. STATE Duchesne Utah PROPOSED* 1 . DISTANCE FROM 16. NO. OF ACRES IN LEASE 17. NO.OF ACBES ASSIGNED LOCATION TO NEAREST TO THIS WELL PROPERTY OR LEASE LINE, FT. CCf3 ORA An (Also to nearest drig. unit line, if any) UUU O'tU 4U LOCATION* 18. DISTANCE FROM PROPOSED 19. PROPOSED DEPTH 20. ROTART OR CABLE TOOLS TO NEAREST WELL, DRILLING, COMPLETED, AFPLIED ' OR FOR, ON THIS LEASE, FT· 5950 Rotary 21. ELEVATIONS'(Show whether DF, RT, GR, etc.) 22. APPROI. DATE WORK WILL START* 5197' GR December 1, 1981 23. PROPOSED CASING AND CEMENTING PROGRAM SIZE OF HOLE SIZE OF CASING WEIGHT PER FOOT SETTING DEPTH QUANTITY OF CEMENT 12-1/4 9-5/8 36#, K55, New 500 To surface ' 7-7/8 5-1/2 17#, N80, New TD As Required Operator proposes to drill a 5950' well to test for oil in the Green River Formation. For additional details please see the attached 13 Point and 10 Point Plan. APPROVED BYTHE STATE OF UTAH DIVist0N OF OIL, GAS, AND INING DATE: IN ABOVE SPACE DESCRIBE PROPOSED PROGRAM : If proposal is to deepen or plug back, give data on present productive zone and proposed new productive zone. If proposal is to drill or deepen directionally, give pertinent data on subsurface locations and measured and true vertical depths. Give blowout DprOg if any SIGN TITLE ŸetrOleum Engineer ,,,, 9/18/81 William A, Ryan (This space for Federal or State office use) PERMIT NO APPROVAT, DATE APPRQVEDBY TITLE DATE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, IF ANY : cc: USGS (5); Div. 0G&M; Operations; ERHenry; CTClark *See InstructionsOn Reverse PROJECT NATURAL GAS CORP. OF CALIF. located as shown in NE 1/4 NW I/4, Section 15, T9S, R17E, S.L.B.8 M. M 89 58' W Duchesne County, Utah. 80 .14 e [981 # 2/-/3 ---------- -- --- E/ev. Ungraded Ground ------- 5/97' o °o o /3 o . = CER TIFICATE Ti À ÌS TO CERTiFY THAÌ THE ABOVE PLAT W#Šf ÊÑEPIARÆD FROM FIELD NOTES OF ACTUAL SURVEYS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THAT TME $AME ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BE lE REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR REGISTRATioN Na 2454 STATE OF UTAH 80 .20 UINTAH ENGINEERING St LAND SURVEYING N 89 57'W P 0. BOX Q - 88 SOUTH - 200 EAST VERNAL, UTAH - 84078 SCALE n= 1000' 9/3/81 X = Section Corners Located NM, DC, JH REFERENCES GLO PLAT WEATHER FAIR / WARM ""E NATURAL NATURAL GAS CORR OF CALIF. R.OPOSE.D i..OCATto age ToPo. MAP"A " on -- S cALE- I"= 4 Ms. , saze ma, US.C. J/-ir Status=0 TRIPLICATE* Form 9-331 C S L' IN Form approved. ,(May 1963) Budget Bureau No. 42-R1425. • (Other instructions on UNITED STATES reverse side) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR O. LEASE DESIGNATION AND SERIAL NO. U-10760 ¯FOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY APPLICATION PERMITTO DRILL,DEEPEN,OR PLUG BACK 6. IF INDIAN, ALLOTTEE OB TRIBE NAME 1a. TYPE OF WORK DRILL Ü DEEPENO PLUGBACK O 7. UNIT AGREEMENT NAME b. TYPE OF WELL NNGLE MOUNLTH'LE OWELLL EeLL 6. FARM OR LEASE NAME . OTHER 2. NAME OF OPERATOR Federal Natural Gas Corporation of California 9. WELL NO. 3. ADDRESS OF OPERATOR NGC#21-15 85 South 200 East, Vernal , UT 84078 Telephone 801-789-4573 10. FIELD AND POOL, OR WILDCAT requirements.*) 4. LOCATION OF WELL (RepOrt IOCRiiOn clearly and in accordance with any State Pl eaSant Val ley At surface 1981' FWL, 660' FNL, Section 15, T9S, R17E 11. .,2.,..,2 osa x. At proposed prod. zone Section 15, T9S, RT7E 14. DISTANCE IN MILES AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST TOWN OR POST OFFICE* 12. COUNTY OR PARISH 13. STATE Duchesne Utah 16. DisTANCE FROM PROPOSED* 16. NO. OF ACBES IN LEASE 17. NO. OF ACRES ASSIGNED LOCATION TO NEAREST TO THIS WELL PROPERTY OR LEASE LINE, FT, (Also to nearest drlg. unit line, if any) 660 840 40 STANCE FROM PROPOSED LOCATION* 19. PROPOSED DEPTH 2Û. ROTARY OR CABLE TOOLS TO NEAREST WELL, DRILLING, COMPLETED, ' OR APPLIED FOR, ON THIS LEASE· "· 5950 Rotary 21. ELEVATIONS (Show whether DF, RT, GR, etc.) 22. APPROI. DATE WORK WILL START* 5197' GR \ December 1, 1981 28° PROPOSED CASING AND CEMENTING PROGRAM SIZE OF HOLE SIZE OF CASING WEIGHT PER FOOT BETTING DEPTH QUANTITY OF CEMENT 12-1/4 9-5/8 36#, KGB, New 500 To surface Operator proposes to drill a 5950' well to test for oil in the Green River Formation. For additional details please see the attached 13 Point and 10 Point Plan. IN ABOVE SPACE DESCRIBE PROPOSED PROGRAM: If proposal is to deepen or plug back, give data on present productive zone and proposed new productive zone. If proposal is to drill or deepen directionally, give pertinent data on subsurface locations and measured and true vertical depths. Give blowout SIGN D etrOleum Engineer 1 8 kh I llam A, Ryan (This space for Federal or State office use) RMITENDnBY A TIT DT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, IF ANY : cc: USGS (5); Div. 0G&M;Operations; ERHenry; CTClark NOTICEOF APPROVAL CONÖÎTÈ9NSIGIÑLPPRG%C ATTACHED & 4 † J ý g TO OPERATOR'S COPY a rao 014-82 Identification CER/EA No. of the Interior United States Department Geological Survey Administration Bldg. - 2000 1745 West 1700 South 84104 Salt Lake City, Utah REVIEW NEPA CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Corporation of Cali.fornia Operator Natural Gas Project Type Oil Well - T. 9S, R. 17 FWL & 660' FNL Sec. 15, Project Location 1981' U-10760 21-15 Lease No. Well No. October 8, 1981 Date Project Submitted October 23, 1981 FIELD INSPECTION Date I Field Inspection Darlington - USGS, Vernal Participants Greg - Vernal Gary Slagel BLM, Ryan - NGCC Rick Canterbury and Bill Allen Lee - D. E. Casada Company - Construction Leonard Heeney Ross Company - Construction .Tim Hackine Skeyes Fesource Analysis. Duchesne Planning Related Environmental Documents: Unit Unit, BLM, Vernal categorical exclusion review proposal in accordance with the there- I have reviewed the significant effects and, no.t involve any guidelines. This proposal would exclusions. exception to the categorical fore, does not represent an ' ? Ed ironmental scientist Date Prepared ¯= I concur E. W. GÙYNN FOR SUPERVISOR gg O$ $ pgTRICT Ott &GAS District Supervisor Date , 10-29-81 Typing Out -inn Ta PROPOSED ACTIONS: Natural Gas Corporation of California plans to drill the #21-15 well, a 5950' oil test of the Green River Formation.