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Larval development of Chthamalus malayensis (Cirripedia: Title Thoracica) reared in the laboratory

Author(s) Yan, Y; Chan, KK

Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Citation 2001, v. 81 n. 4, p. 623-632

Issued Date 2001


Rights Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 Hong Kong License J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 2001), 81, 623^632 Printed in the United Kingdom

Larval development of Chthamalus malayensis Cirripedia: Thoracica) reared in the laboratory

Yan Yan* and Benny K.K. Chan Department of Ecology &Biodiversity and The Swire Institute of Marine Science, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong. *E-mail: [email protected]

Larvae of Chthamalus malayensis Cirripedia: Thoracica) from Hong Kong were cultured in the laboratory. Larval development includes six naupliar stages and a non-feeding cypris stage. Larvae reached the cypris stage in 20 d at  218C compared to 14 d at  288C. Morphological features including the cephalic shield, frontal horns, labrum, abdominal process, antennules, antennae and mandibles in all nauplius and cypris stages were described and illustrated using a combination of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Attempts were made to compare morphological di¡erences between the nauplii and cyprid of C. malayensis with those of other Chthamalus species including C. stellatus, C. montagui, C. dentatus, C. fragilis, C. dalli, C. antennatus, C. ¢ssus and C. challengeri. The present description of the nauplii of C. malayensis is not in agreement with the previous descrip- tion of this species.

INTRODUCTION described larvae of other members of the Chthamalus is also included. Chthamalus malayensis Pilsbry 1916) is an intertidal common in the Indo-Paci¢c region Pope, 1965). In Hong Kong, C. malayensis inhabits the high intertidal MATERIALS AND METHODS on exposed, oceanic shores Morton &Morton, 1983). Larval rearing The larvae of only nine Chthamalus species have been described, namely C. stellatus Bassindale, 1936; Daniel, Adult Chthamalus malayensis were collected in May^ 1958; Burrows et al., 1999); C. montagui Burrows et al., November 2000 from high intertidal rocks at Cape 1999); C. dentatus Achituv, 1986); C. malayensis Karande d'Aguilar, on the south-east coast of Hong Kong island. &Thomas, 1976); C. fragilis Lang, 1979); C. dalli Korn Egg masses containing embryos with eyes were removed &Ovsyannikova, 1979; Miller et al., 1989); C. antennatus from mantle cavities and transferred to ¢ltered seawater Egan &Anderson, 1989); C. ¢ssus Miller et al., 1989) containing 50 mgml71 streptomycin sulphate to inhibit and C. challengeri Lee, 1999). Although the larval devel- Gram-negative bacteria) and 10 mgml71 penicillin to opment of C. malayensis has been reported from the Indian inhibit Gram-positive bacteria) Landau &d'Agostino, Ocean Karande &Thomas, 1976), this description is not 1977). detailed, as light microscope examination alone of the Hatched larvae were cultured in 1-l autoclaved glass larval development of has been found to be vessels maintained in culture cabinets under 14 h light: inadequate. To maximize taxonomic resolution, descrip- 10 h dark photoperiod and temperatures of 21 Æ2or tions of barnacle larvae often involve the use of scanning 28 Æ28C. These two temperatures covered the range of electron microscopy SEM) to investigate larval Hong Kong seawater temperatures during the reproduc- structures in more detail e.g. frontal horns, surface sculp- tive season Morton &Morton, 1983). Autoclaved ture, and antennular segment and carapace of the seawater 30 psu) containing antibiotics was changed cyprid) and to discover more diagnostic characters of every three days, and larvae were fed with the £agellate species see Rainbow &Walker, 1976; Walker &Lee, Isochrysis galbana at 1Â10575Â105 cells ml71 concentra- 1976; Clare &Nott, 1994; El¢mov, 1995; Glenner & tion. HÖeg, 1995; Moyse et al., 1995; Walossek et al., 1996; During the larval development, 30 larvae at each stage Karande, 1999). stage I to cyprids) were collected and preserved in 30% This paper presents observations made with both light ethanol in order to monitor their morphological charac- microscopy and SEM of morphological characteristics of ters Miller, 1994). Preserved exuviae and larvae were the nauplii and cypris larvae of Chthamalus malayensis dissected with ¢ne needles and observed under a light reared in the laboratory. Morphological di¡erences microscope. Drawings were made using a camera lucida between the nauplii and cyprids of this species from attachment and measurements made with a calibrated Hong Kong and Mumbai, India Karande &Thomas, ocular micrometer. The total length of the nauplii was 1976) are compared. A detailed comparison of the measured from the frontal margin of the cephalic shield

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2001) 624 Y.Yanand B.K.K. Chan Larval development of Chthamalus malayensis to the tip of the dorsal thoracic spine or abdominal RESULTS process, whichever was longer. The shield width of the Larval culture and development nauplii was measured at its widest point and shield length from the anterior margin of the shield to the posterior Larval development of Chthamalus malayensis consists of border. The width depth) of the cypris larvae was six naupliar stages and a non-feeding cypris stage. Larval measured as the maximum distance between the dorsal development from stage I to cyprid took 20 d at 21 Æ28C and ventral margins of the carapace at the deepest point, and 14 d at 28 Æ28CTable1). and cypris length from the anterior to the posterior cara- pace margins. The morphology of the antennules, antennae and mandibles was described using the setation Larval morphology of Chthamalus malayensis formulae of Newman 1965) and setal terminology based Nauplii of C. malayensis have a convex, globular on Lang 1979) and Branscomb &Vedder 1982). cephalic shield with a posterior spine at stages II and III; the posterior spine is absent from stages IV to VI. The frontolateral horns are directed ventrally and the Scanning electron microscopy SEM) unilobed labrum bears numerous teeth. The caudal The structure and surface sculpturing of the carapace, processes are considerably shorter than the cephalic labrum, frontal horns and thoraco-abdominal processes shield itself. In addition to common simple S) and were investigated using the scanning electron microscope plumose P) setae, the mandibles bear cuspidate C) SEM, Leica Stereoscan 440). Larvae were ¢xed in 2.5% setae and the antennae possess one hispid H) and glutaraldehyde in seawater) for 1h, rinsed in distilled several feathered F) setae. Setal formulae after water for 1min, then dried progressively in graded etha- Newman, 1965) are given inTable 2. nols 30, 50, 75, 95 and 100%), critical-point dried and Naupliar length increased from 239 mm at stage I to coated in gold-palladium before observation using SEM. 526 mm at stage VI Table 3), while cyprid length ranged

Table 1. Time taken days) for the appearance of the larval stages of Chthamalus malayensis at the two culture temperatures.

Larval stage

Culture temperature 8C) I II III IV V VI Cyprid

21 Æ2 114691420 28 Æ2 112471014

I^VI, naupliar stages.

Table 2. Setal formulae for the nauplii of Chthamalus malayensis.

Naupliar Antenna Mandible stage Antennule exopod Endopod exopod Endopod


Setal types: S, simple; P, plumose; C, cuspidate; G, gnathobase; H, hispid; F, feathered.

Table 3. Dimensions of cultured larval stages of Chthamalus malayensis.

Total length mm) Shield width mm) Shield length mm)

Stage N Mean ÆSD Range Mean ÆSD Range Mean ÆSD Range

I30239Æ12 225^260 126 Æ7 120^140 II 30 332 Æ10 320^340 217 Æ9 210^225 III 30 379 Æ15 350^390 267 Æ10 255^280 IV 30 428 Æ10 410^445 310 Æ10 290^320 312 Æ9 310^330 V30475Æ17 440^490 350 Æ11 330^370 342 Æ24 310^385 VI 30 526 Æ19 490^510 424 Æ16 400^450 429 Æ13 420^450 Cyprid 20 425 Æ13 410^440 221 Æ9 210^230

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2001) Larval development of Chthamalus malayensis Y.Yanand B.K.K. Chan 625

Figure 1. Body forms dorsal shield outline) of larvae of Chthamalus malayensis:A^F) representing naupliar stages II^VI and cyprid. Note the presence of lateral gland spine indicated by arrows). Scale bar: 100 mm.

Figure 2. The position of the pores and setae on the dorsal cephalic shield of naupliar stage II, III and IV recorded under SEM investigation. Scale bar: 100 mm. from 410^440 mm Table 3). The detailed morphological simple, but many small spines decorate all appendages characteristics of the larvae are as follows: when observed under SEM.

Nauplius I Nauplius II This larval stage has a mean length of 239 Æ12 mm. The cephalic shield Figure 1A) has become extended The pear-shaped cephalic shield has a pair of anterior in length 332 mm) and convex in shape. A pair of lateral frontolateral horns folded back parallel with the long axis gland spines was observed Figure 1A). The anterior of the body and a dorsal thoracic spine. No frontal shield margin is smooth, but the posterolateral shield ¢laments were observed. The labrum is smooth and has margin is spinulated with 5^9 ¢ne spines. No pores no teeth. The dorsal thoracic spine and abdominal were observed on the dorsal surface of the cephalic processes are blunt and similar in length. The setae are shield, but a pair of setae was recorded on the frontal

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2001) 626 Y.Yan and B.K.K. Chan Larval development of Chthamalus malayensis

Figure 3. Frontal horns of larvae of Chthamalus malayensis under SEM: A^E) of naupliar stages II^VI. Note the pores are only present at stage II. Scale bar: 10 mm.

Figure 4. Labrum of naupliar stages II to VI of Chthamalus malayensis:A,C^F)ventralviews;andB)dorsalviewofnaupliar stages II. Scale bar: 10 mm.

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2001) Larval development of Chthamalus malayensis Y.Yanand B.K.K. Chan 627 8 large spines. ^ VI. ^ described by Karande &Thomas 1976) 8 ¢ne spinules along the5 ventrolateral unequal side spinuals of on each a ramus. caudally directed distal abdominal m. ^ ^ m 450 ^ 8 teeth at stage II and only two teeth at stages III and VI. spine. thoraco-abdominal process. ^ A row of 4 A row of 7 Additional stub-like seta in the ¢rst group endopodites inSimple stages or III, plumose IV seta in the fourth group of endopodites. A ¢ne spinulation along its posterior lateral margin with 7 Spines present on the dorsal surface. Four spines in all, forming a crown pattern at the free end of the 7 Chthamalus malayensis 9 ^ VI. ^ in the present study and those described by Karande & Thomas 1976) in India. Chthamalus malayensis in present study 7 unequal spinules on the upper margin of the dorsal ^ m. 415 m 526 ^ 9 teeth at stage II, one pair of teeth at stage III and two pairs of thoracic spine. spine and 6 spines. teeth at stages IV, V and VI. ^ Spines absent from the dorsal surface. A row of ¢ne spinules on the lower margin of the dorsal thoracic Feathered seta in the fourth group of endopodites in stages II Three pairs of spines at the end of the thoraco-abdominal process. Chthamalus malayensis VI 428 ^ Comparison of morphological features between the larvae of Labrum 5 Thoraco-abdominal process at stage II A row of 5 ¢ne large spinules and 10 small spinules in the ramus. Setal type in antennaTotal length in stages IV Simple and plumose seta in the ¢rst group of endopodites in all stages. Cephalic shield in stages II and III No ¢ne spinulation along the posterior lateral margin and with 5 Thoraco-abdominal process at stage VI Six pairs of thoracic spines on the abdominal process. Table 4. Morphological features

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2001) 628 Y.Yan and B.K.K. Chan Larval development of Chthamalus malayensis

Figure 5. Thoraco-abdominal process of naupliar stages II to VI of Chthamalus malayensis:A,C^F)ventralviews;B)dorsal view, at stage II. Scale bar: 20 mm.

Figure 6. Surface structures of a cyprid of Chthamalus malayensis: A) three posterior lattice organs; B) two anterior lattice organs; C) shape of third segment; and D) setae. Scale bar: 10 mm. part of the shield Figure 2). The frontolateral horns pair of frontal ¢laments was observed on the anterior are bent slightly in an anterior direction when side which continue to be present in all the subsequent compared to stage I and have 16^18 pores Figure 3A); stages. The dorsal thoracic spine has small teeth and is a short dorsal stylet is present which is not fused with longer than the abdominal process, which has a pair of the rim of the open distal end of the horn. The labrum large serrated spines series 1) and a bifurcated ramus bears 5^9 spines plus slender setae Figure 4A,B). A Figure 5A,B).

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2001) Larval development of Chthamalus malayensis Y.Yanand B.K.K. Chan 629

Figure 7. Antennules of naupliar stages I^VI of Chthamalus malayensis. Scale bar: 100 mm. Figure 8. Antennae of naupliar stages I^VI of Chthamalus malayensis. Scale bar: 100 mm.

Nauplius III Figure 3D,E). There is a ¢ne dorsal spine, a ventral The larva Figure 1B) has increased in total length spine and a row of tapering ¢laments surrounding the 379 mm) and width 267 mm) when compared to stage II. distal end of the horns. An additional pair of lateral teeth Similar to stage II, one pair of lateral spines and eight occur on the labrum Figure 4D) which together with the pairs of pores appear on the dorsal cephalic shield presence of two pre-axial setae on the antennules are surface: two pairs of pores on the anterior, three anterior diagnostic features of this nauplius stage. The second pair lateral, three posterior lateral, and a further two pairs of large spines series 2) has emerged close to the base of of pores on the central area of the dorsal surface: one the furca and the dorsal thoracic spine is still longer than anterior and another posterior a total 22 pores, the abdominal spine Figure 5D). Figure 2). The frontolateral horns have become thickened and shorter in length Figure 3B). The ventral perfora- NaupliusV tions have been lost and the structural arrangement at The cephalic shield has increased in size Table 3), but the distal end is altered. Two teeth on each posteriolateral the general shape remains similar through to nauplii VI margin of the labrum Figure 4C) and a preaxial seta Figure 1D). The position and number of pores on the present on the antennules are diagnostic features of stage dorsal surface of the cephalic shield remain the same. The III nauplii. The dorsal thoracic spine is now barbed and number of teeth on the labrum of this stage Figure 4E) consistently longer than the abdominal process. A row of is the same as for stage IV, and subsequently stage VI four spines with spinules appears behind the series 1 spine Figure 4F), except that the number of spines on the Figure 5C). surface of the labrum varies. The dorsal thoracic spine remains barbed, but is now shorter than the abdominal Nauplius IV process where a third pair of spines series 3) has This stage Figures 1C) has the caudal spine separated appeared Figure 5E). The presence of three pre-axial from the cephalic shield. In addition to the 22 pores and ¢ve postaxial setae on the antennules is a diagnostic arranged on the dorsal cephalic shield see in stage III), feature of this nauplius stage. another three pairs of pores on the central area of the dorsal surface are present, giving a total of 28 pores Nauplius VI Figure 2). The frontolateral horns of this stage are The body shape of this stage Figure 1E) is similar to di¡erent from those of stage III Figure 3C), but stage V except in size. In the latter development of this remain morphologically similar in subsequent stages stage, a pair of compound eyes becomes clearly visible on

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2001) 630 Y.Yanand B.K.K. Chan Larval development of Chthamalus malayensis

Figure 10. Total length mm) of naupliar stages of Chthamalus malayensis* present study), C. malayensis Karande &Thomas, 1976), C. stellatus and C. montagui Burrows et al., 1999), C. fragilis Lang, 1979), C. dentatus Achituv, 1986), C. dalli and C. ¢ssus Miller et al., 1989), C. antennatus Egan & Anderson, 1989) and C. challengeri Lee, 1999).

DISCUSSION Figure 9. Mandibles of naupliar stages I^VI of Chthamalus Comparison of the larval description of Chthamalus malayensis in malayensis. Scale bar: 100 mm. the present study with that of Karande & Thomas 1976) Larval development Observations showed that Chthamalus malayensis either side of the median nauplius eye. The nauplius VI requires at least 20 days to reach the cypris stage under stage is easily distinguished from other stages by the six laboratory culture at 218C. This period was longer than pairs of thoracic spines occurring on the abdominal for the same species from Mumbei, India, which only process and the primordia of the cypris thoracic appen- required 7^12 days Karande &Thomas 1976). The dages beneath the exoskeleton of the thoracic spines di¡erence may be due to the culture temperatures Figure 5F). Three distal teeth are present on the employed. Although Karande &Thomas 1976) did not inner prong of the antennal gnathobase of the third give their culturing temperature, when other batches of group of endopodites of this stage, similar to those of larvae in the present study were cultured at 288C, cyprids stages III^V. appeared within 14 days.

Cyprid Larval morphology The bivalve carapace of the cyprid Figure 1F) is The present larval observations of C. malayensis di¡er 425 mm in mean total length and 221 mm in mean height from those of Karande &Thomas 1976) with regard to Table 3). The anterior region of the body contains larval size and morphology, such as spines along the numerous oil droplets. There are six pairs of thoracic posterior lateral margin of the cephalic shield at stages II limbs and a posterior caudal furca. Median and and III, thoraco-abdominal process at stage II and stage compound eyes are present in the anterior region of this IV, teeth of the labrum and setation of the antennae larva. Under the SEM, the carapace surface has a Table 4), possibly re£ecting ecological and biogeogra- honeycombed pattern with a large number of small phical variation. projecting setae, which are uniformly distributed over the entire carapace Figure 6D). Five pairs, two anterior Figure 6B) and three posterior Figure 6A), of lattice Comparison with other Chthamalus species organs LO) are also obvious. The antennule ends in a Larval size and shape cup-shaped third segment consisting of an almost circular Comparison of size ranges among Chthamalus species attachment disc, a raised rim velum or skirt) and sense show that the nauplii of C. malayensis occur in the organs Figure 6C). middle of the range Figure 10). The nauplii of

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2001) Larval development of Chthamalus malayensis Y.Yanand B.K.K. Chan 631

C. challengeri are the largest at every larval stage and Abdominal processes the larvae of C. fragilis and C. antennatus are smallest. At all six stages, the pattern and emergence of spines In some cases, the size of larvae at each stage is on the abdominal process observed in C. malayensis probably the simplest distinguishing character i.e. was the same as that in C. montagui, C. stellatus, C. dalli between C. stellatus and C. montagui Burrows et al., and C. ¢ssus, C. antennatus and C. fragilis, except for 1999), and also separates C. fragilis and C. dalli at the stage III. There are no di¡erences in the abdominal same stages Miller &Blower, 1989). The size of process between larvae in stages II and III for some larvae reared in the laboratory, however, is often of Chthamalus species, such as C. montagui, C. stellatus, little value in the identi¢cation of species, as variation C. dalli, C. ¢ssus, C. antennatus, C. fragilis, C. challengeri in culture conditions such as temperature Miller & and C. dentatus Lang,1979;Achituv,1986;Egan& Blower, 1989; Burrows et al., 1999), larval density Anderson, 1989; Miller et al., 1989; Burrows et al., Lewis, 1975) and food types Stone, 1988) can a¡ect 1999; Lee 1999), although di¡erences are present in larval size. Chthamalus malyensis between nauplius II and III. In Shield length was approximately equal to shield nauplius II of C. malayensis, only a group of ¢ne spinules width ratioˆ1.01^1.03) in C. malayensis,whichis on the posterior trunk were observed, but in nauplius III, similar to other Chthamalus species ratio of length to two rows of ¢ne spinules with some bigger spinules 3^4) widthˆ1.0^1.15; Lang, 1979; Achituv, 1986; Miller et al., were present. 1989; Egan &Anderson, 1989; Burrows et al., 1999; Lee, 1999). Shield shape, therefore, is not a diagnostic Setation of appendages character to separate species in the genus Chthamalus. Little attention has been paid to the morphological variability of the antennal coxal gnathobase in nauplii of Sculpturing of the cephalic shield Chthamalus species. The gnathobases of two Chthamaloid There is no recorded information about the dorsal species Octomeris sulcata and C. challengeri) and one surface sculpturing of the cephalic shield in Chthamalus Lepadomorph Capitulum mitella) barnacle were reported nauplius larvae and very little for the Cirripedia in to be very similar to each other with two distal teeth on general. Scanning electron microscopy images of the inner prong of the antennal gnathobase Kado & Semibalanus balanoides nauplii showed 32 dorsal pores and Hirano, 1994). Scanning electron microscopy images two pairs of minute, mid-dorsal setae on the cephalic of the antennal gnathobases of Chthamalus malayensis shield surface in the sixth nauplius stage Walker &Lee, revealed three teeth on the inner prong of the antennal 1976). In the present study, the nauplii of C. malayensis gnathobase, which indicates there are di¡erences between have 22 dorsal pores at stage III and 28 at stage IV C. malayensis and C. challengeri, suggesting the antennal and also one pair of frontal setae from stages II^VI. gnathobase may be a useful feature to separate Chthamalus These observations might provide useful for future species. comparative studies of the sculpturing of the cephalic The review of larval morphology in the nine shield of cirripede nauplii. It is likely that the dorsal Chthamalus species from a wide geographic range suggests ornamentation of the cephalic shield and the number that the di¡erences in size of larvae, the shape and teeth and positions of the pores and setae may vary from of the labrum, the number and position of abdominal species to species. process spines and setation of appendages are important features to separate the nauplii of Chthamalus species. Labrum The teeth of the labrum in Chthamalus species are a This study was supported by a University of Hong Kong HKU) research studentship to Y.Y. We are grateful to Dr Gray diagnostic character in the separation of the larval A. Williams for critical review of the manuscript. The authors stages of a given species and also the larvae of would also like to thank Dr A.A. Karande from the Naval di¡erent species. In C. malayensis, the teeth of the Materials Research Laboratory, India and Dr C. Lee from the labrum are very useful in distinguishing stages II, III Aquaculture Division, East Sea Regional Fisheries Research and IV larvae. The unilobed labrum has 5^9 teeth at Institute, National Fisheries Research &Development Institute, stage II, one pair of teeth at the corners of the free Korea for providing references. We are also in debt to Dr G. distal end at stage III, and two pairs of teeth from Walker from School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor, for giving information on larval SEM investigations stages IV^VI. A similar pattern has also been and Mr Lee from the SEM Unit of HKU for providing observed in C. stellatus, C. montagui, C. ¢ssus and C. dalli. assistance in SEM sample preparation. The teeth of the labrum of some C. malayensis stages, however, are di¡erent from those of C. antennatus, REFERENCES C. dentatus, C. fragilis and C. challengeri. The setose labrum in stages IV, V and VI of C. antennatus have two Achituv, Y., 1986. The larval development of Chthamalus dentatus lateral teeth on the distal margin Egan &Anderson, Krauss Cirripedia) from South Africa. Crustaceana, 51, 1989), whereas in C. dentatus, the labrum at stage IV has 259^269. a pair of lateral teeth Achituv, 1986). The labrum in Bassindale, R., 1936. 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Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2001) 632 Y.Yanand B.K.K. Chan Larval development of Chthamalus malayensis

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Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2001)