THE TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 Volume 35, Number 25 Thursday, June 27, 2019 The Beauty of Nature bbyy WWilliamilliam HHalliaralliar “The mission of Indiana State Parks is to conserve, manage and interpret our resources, while creating memorable experiences for everyone.” The beach at Indiana Dunes State Park. Much of the talk among visitors to our lakeshore The creation of the state park in Chesterton is a is of the new national park and all it has to offer. lesson in “balance, compromise and good working Perhaps an equally important story, one with an relationships between state and local governments, even longer history that for so many years impacted industry and private interests — an example of how life in Northwest Indiana, is Indiana Dunes State life should work,” says Serena Ard, Westchester Park. Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore became Township History Museum curator. She is recog- a reality in 1966, gaining national park status last nized as the local authority on the history of our year. Our state park has been welcoming visitors state park, and the Prairie Club of Chicago, which since it opened in 1925. Continued on Page 2 THE Page 2 June 27, 2019 THE 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 219/879-0088 • FAX 219/879-8070 %HDFKHU&RPSDQ\'LUHFWRU\ e-mail: News/Articles -
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