TT I ---- ^O/a I Misii-Misi iVXabd Arpr ^ Mlaif ITSTOWN G a z e t t e .


Alfred Powell Is a Annual Forestry Monroe Township to Receive James Thompson Funeral Rites For Texas Golf Club Champion Sales I ax Money Will Build Two The Slate Tax Dejiarlmcnt. conpeat- Fined For Theft of Cranbury Couple Mrs. Raymond Pow'ell and her son, Tour To Jeffers’ Alfred, of Baytown,- Texas, are visiting Killed In Crash Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolfe, of 240 Mer­ Parental Estate 8-Room Schools"'"'s^K'iation, ha-' promulgated rules for dc- Choice Liquors cer Street. Mr. Powell, a former ■ ----- ijuisit of sales ta.x receipts with 50.) bank^- Higlitstown resident, is the general Trip Through Susqu^Kaunna County— PWA Project WKkh Will Provide between the fir-t and 15lh of each A Trail of Pennies Leads to Arrest— Mr. ajnd Mrs. CKarles H. Davison Fa­ manager of the Humble Oil Company. D am asco Establishment Entered tally Injured When Their Coupe Col­ Inspect Reforestration Work Done— Moneys for Conatruclion Work—Ap-|month. He has been located in Tcxa.s for sev­ During Past Five Years 420,000 Seed­ Through Rear Door Sunday Night. lided With Truck and Trailer—Mol­ eral years. plication Calls for a Loan and Grant.; The a'*•'"nation wffered the service j ------ten Wax Spilled As Truck Overturns. lings Have Been Planted, Alfred, who is 16 years old, attends ------n* iiv 5H) members in all parts of the | .-\ fine of $3.^ and $3 cost^ was paid the Baytown high school. .According to Funeral rites for Charles H, Davison A group of jironiiiu-nt New' Jersey Annoinicemcnt was made Tuesday hvLtaie with"Ui enst I" the slate. Leslie j luev'-day morning by James 1 In.impson, news dispatches from Baytown, the Congressman William H. Sutliliin that . i,i«tniciion« urraigntd Mumlay before and his wife, Hannahj who were fatally youth won last week the club golf cliam- jieople spent the week end on a bus tour through Susquehanna County, Pa., President Roosevelt has approved a , . , ,, . , . ^ ijnstier "{ the Peace Franklin K. Hanip- injured in an automobile accident Thurs­ jiionship of the Baytown Country Club. grant of $67.5IX) for cuiistnictnm of iwn| ton on complaint of Chief of IMIice day night, were conducted at their home. He defeated I.awrenee Reilly, titlist, 2 as the guest of Henry W. Jeffers, of Plainsboro. schooL in \foiiroc Townshi]), represent- f'"in niervhams with monthly rciiort- Carltem II. Conoxer. Thonip.son w'as Main Street, Cranbury, Monday^aft^- up, over the 3()-hole route of the cham- ing45 per ami of the coiistriiction costs, :Recei|it« will be forwarded to the State 1 charged with petty thievery. noon by the Rev. Frank B. Everitt, pionshij) finals. Powell cardeeP' a 143, Kach year a week einl trip is taken through this seetion of Pennsyhania to Tax I lepariniem not later than the 2.sth - .\a-ording to the iiolice, the pastor of the Cranbury First^ Presby­ one under par. Reilly shot an even par P ‘ o h L * .made fin the theft of nine bottles terian Church. Interment was in Brain- of 144. inspect the refore'^tration work done by ] nblii Works -O'"' ■ ■ ; I’avnient of tax receipts inu-t be made i ,,j Hquors xaliied at $27.70 from the erd Cemetery, under the direction of A. Although Powell has entered several «Mr, leffers on his parental estate and year aeo or a •«' Per . cut g , 1 ut ,„ccc,.d- of Janies Damasco, 1(W Stockton S. Cole, Son & Co. tc.urnaments, it was his first title. Reilly also to visit otlier plantings in the coun- when the rogre. s . > ‘ ,„onlh. but mav be iiresented at the'g(re'■ J luring the t»ast five years Mr. Jel- turn ua- sen up the any fme after the first, M,-I„f | lamaseo’s ,o Thonmson’.s caused the daughter, Mrs, Charles Barclay, of .Al­ going out over the first nine holes in to a .-A jin unt gran , ‘ ' G <:i c;n - 1 uiadc clear banks wonhl mg be i arrest, whn. the iiuhce vay. con- lentown, and a brother, Furman Davi­ 3-f, two tinder par. Powell trailed with I'crs has [ilanled 420,(X)()' seedlings, in- ])ro\'ide> fur a loan and grant of cliuling while pine, red ihne, white, red, re''Pon''ible t"r tlie accuracy of )'a\ment 1 Thump-Min idc'^ with his son, of Long Branch, 5frs. Davison, a 35. On the second nine, Powell bag­ OOO. tutaL. imerprftali"n "i sales tax rnlf‘^. ! fa,,fily un the ^cc"n.l "ur "f the ad- 64, who was the second wife of Mr. ged a 37 and Reilly the same. I’owcll vSeotch and .Austrian pines, ami Lrclnninary h''*”' of ,,enalties for xiohu.on norbmlding. Davison, leaves two brothers, Harry shot 34 on the first nine of the seconil white sjinu'es. balsam and llouglas firs, schtn-N were . .'Mexander Merchant.i'.*,': andI „■ now Ihaithat |h„the d'olli-vtion of d-.-hoiiored vhecks. [ j'he entry wa- made Sunday night by Hammond, of Englishlown, and John IS holes, leading Reilly, «-ho shot an-'Japanese lardi and locn^t trees. The bank'', however, will chi-ek the n.,||o\in,«j a kIu"'' from the rear door of H. Flamntond. of Marlboro., ’ V. j Jhe i)arty left I’laniNboro caily Satin- gram Ina been roted d is exi.ected tbat ^ rreeli'iii'-"1 nam<’", addre«;scs and ('er-1 Injunr establishment. 'Phe stolen The accident occurred shortly after DuriitK his'vlsil in Hisbtstown Powell - rC'- Board "t I-.diication, and Mi. .Merihantj six o’clock last Thursday evening. Mr. is plavit^^a on the Pe.ldie polf course, ‘'’PV sto,,,,ed tor b e.kfast 1 c H'orted that Thompson, who lia- been and .Mrs, Davison were returning home * ■ ______I New Jersey group was met by a pait\ will then he in a ]>osition to i-roceed from Pennsylvania. An o\ernight stoj) receiving aid from the I'.R.-N, wonhl not from a business triji to Carteret when willi the final draft. inhtain aid in tin future from tlie EK.A. their small coupe collided with .a truck wafs luadi' at ALuitrose Inn. Montrt)SC, 1‘ian-' call lOi' the conNtrnclii»n of two- ^Jersey Homestead Soft Ball League J’a.. county scat of Susquehanna Coun­ i'J'Iiis was 4’homp''on’s third appearance and trailer loaded with 3,000 gallons of eight-rnnin schools, the location to be; I in eoiirt- -he liaving been twice lire- molten wax at the George’s Road in­ ty. A contingent of New Yorkers also decidul by the 'rowimhip Board of Kdii- Planning To Begin Second Series niatle the trip. I vi< nsly fined lor operatin.g an ant" with- tersection of the super highway in cation. The t\^o >cliools will jirovidc "111 a dnverN license. North Brunswick Township. ^ Q . . 1 I A> the New Jersey College of .-Xgi'i- a c c i>111111''flatI'ln-- lor approximafeh' H)0 ‘ Work This Month: During the past week Judge llamjiton Mrs. Davison died in the ambulance L j QITICS O t 8 . r t 0 U !cr-linre is contemplating including a children. j has handled niimeri'ns east-s. pnnciiial- enroute to the hospital. Death came I fcjrcslray eonrse in its curriculum, Ih-of. C'cuntv Solicitor ]-'dmund Hayes j Iv violations of the ni"tor \tdiicle aet. to Mr. Davison at 8:30 o’clock hriday f', ilelvar was a member of the and h'reeholder C, Kaymoiid Wicoff Cn .Registration At ERA Office for Labor- Lace Work* Open Campajrn W>th ers to Be Employed Soon—Construc­ \ni"Hg thcN^.’ were: morning in St. Peter’s yiospital. New oju rated with the nuiniciiial authorities’; Louis Ciranaia, \'imland. speeding in Brunswick. Coroner...... William...... H. Jacjiii Smashing: Victory Over Citizens Uub j pariv this vear in- in "biaining the loan and grant. They tion Probably Under Force Account persons received fractured —Hi-Y Cracks Ruggies — Dairymen n udemial distnet. H. and violation of said both , mad( -c'veral tri)>s to Washington in be- ! C'-ndil loiial ilnver's license, $1, Officer skulls and internal.... injuries. and , Firemenr- Are «... irVictors. Samuel T, .Mcldey, warden New Jer-- , iuili Mi the apiilication. The reListralD'U oil \\ udin sda> at l^hi j \!igi;lo Donofrio. Bmoklyn, The truck and trailer was driven by ,sey Stale Hos]>ital. 'rrenlon; Dr. K. J., ]-it;],lx fur the cnnstniction will he re- loeal 14fu t 'if the I'-R.-X ot laborer - for careless driviivc. $1. 'Proopci Wdlgus. Richard Given, 29, of .501 West 174th The Lace Works oitened its campaign lielfftrd, Princeton; Mrs, lA J, Lei-, .j,j early date, which will per- work on the jerst-v 1 fi ime-ttad-- project Henry W. Barr, New York, careless Street, New York City, ami is owned by in the second half of the soft ball league ford,-Princeton; Julia .M. Bolles, .Mfrcd t^vo jobs within in Nfillstone 'I’ovvnship. seven mile‘s I driving. $.\ Trooper W'illgU's, .\iigustns the AIcCurmack Trucking Company, race witli a smashing victory over the S. Cook, Plaindinm; Henry 1). Lnf- qv; ^M-eks. from 1 lighistown, sLcms l"_ mdicate that! i{i-i,L-,horo. disorderly, $3, am! Inc., 261 11th Avenue, New York City. Citizens Chib, new entry in the ])en-^ field, treasurer iVineeton University; ------icon-tnictum workrk will begin at an 'larly, arly ,,,, cniiply witli traffie nffieer sig- He is a patient at St. Peter’s Hospital. nant chase, by a score of IH-5. The [Joseph P'asllack. HO Hudson Street. New York City; W. Robert Hale, free­ TPR^FY DRIVERS FACE id.ile. |nal. $1, Chief C.ono\er .Nbrani I aiitum, Oliver Stopped and Started Citizens Club, despite the presence of Jt-KSt-t p T s o N IN f a t a l i t i e s ; ''"■ '"'’'S’ ■'y‘™ '-,Nvw Ynrk, h.-ntinus pUiU.y $1, Trooper Davison was traveling smith on the several well known sluggers in its line- holder, Metuchen; Mr. and Mrs. bred P R l i ^ N ^ UIM11-; from l-edu-al ambonties. 1 he m en IHemard K, Mandelbanm. New iij), failed to come up to expectations as Herman, New Brunswick; Mr. and Mrs. super highway and attempted to make a ...... Aiiioniohilc (lri\vrs in New Jersey \vho >n ihe relief rolD. ThoNc h.-ted York, careles- driving, $.5^ and no left turn into George’s Road in the di­ far as baiting goes. In the field Yankee Charles Mnlzworth. Purlin; W. A ill be interviewed by a represetiialive drivi i'. license. $2, Troojier Gabel. Ed­ rection of his home. The other vehicle Krietag shone in eumiiany with Jimmy Houston, farm superv isor New Jersey the ileatli of another by driving Icr-ey Homesteads and at least Institutions and .Ap;cncie.s. 'rreuton; Mr. carelessly or heedlessly may expect I'"^'j ward I'. .Mandraeia, Maiicli Chunk, was proceeding in the opposite direction Thompson. Spike Denelsbeck, who is , . . I., |30 arc scheduled to be given imniedi- .speeding, S3. Troojier Wayiier. on the siijier highway, toward New York fast establishing for himself a repiita-^.....and .Mrs. Reginald Iseic, I’erth .Amboy; „„ tenns mnv gttc lata Ar-g^^ .-„,pl„vnu-nt. Solomon Chvrnowit/ loseph E. 'I'indall, Long liraneh, care­ City. tion as one of the league’s most danger-^ Mr. and Mrs. H, W. Jeffers. Jr., Plaiiis- tun- W, \lapa •’'T T . ? \n l t ‘’'ntnucr ami he will have less ilnviivv. $2, Troujicr Wagner. “I saw the cat stop, and 1 kept on ous hitters, had another field day at|l>nru; William K. Matthews, ]>resident ConnnixMomT. has jlcvlaral 'hr -Ut lU ^ ctotnivtion. Kieliard L inirrelly, Hernardsvdie. eare- going,” said Given in the emergency tlie expense of the harried Citizens Clubjoi I-ir-xt National Bank, Princeton; Wil- one o, ilu- oiiMamhn.q pivas a.itn- arc now t.v- le-.s driving, $2, fire |uiliceman Harry room at the hosjirtal where he was treat­ hiirler. Spike got five hits in five times lianiliatn M.-M. Mount,.Mount. Princeton; Mr. and motuv Irpixlalion in .'t-'j'g'. ' in.u hamllal hv thr Division oi Kr-ct- Und, !l« provisions, Isilhnp by auto- Anderson. Lester H. I lenbler, Cedar- ed for possible internal injuries. “Then at bat and scored five runs. The rec­ Mrs. Charles Morris, New Brmiswiek; llement -Administration of the liejart- ville, $2: C. W'ooilvvard llmloek. Laurel. the driver started ui> again. I was half­ ords sliow nothing in regard to runs William R. Petty, Cranbury; Henry .\. niolv.hluobih o ilianytd to '* ' ,nerit \,« riviilUirc. The oripinal plan i j lames McBride. I’aiils- way across the intersection. 1 jammed driven in. Other Lace Works hitters Stults. J, \', B, Wiec.ff. Douglas Wicoff, who distinguished themselves were Jack I*lainsb(.)ro; Charles P. Wilbur, head of on my brakes, but wc crashed. 1 don’t Ftht former law whichi f rated s T the killing""’'''" I 'LSh r «■« know what happened after that, it was Thompson and .Archer, who both batted New Jersey Forestry, Trenton; Miss ,1. nufitr one C'.nlnu't to a contractor. a- manslanghtci J.din .McGarry, West Orange, $1, and so sudden.” twice in the same inning and scored Klcanor Bojie, New Brunswick. According to unofficial information re­ Irffer-on l*'rame. X'ineland, $1, careless The impact was terrific ami the small twice. ceived by The <‘,azette. the building driving. Officer E. L, Daslson. Monroe car-was demolished. The truck and] The Hi-Y cracked down on the Rug .ipuratiom-- will now be done by force Rosenthal. Sj'otswood, $2, C'areless driv­ trailer swung to the right, the front of Mill to the tunc of 18-3. The Rug A. Jamesburg Group Contracts Will Be mcoiint. ing, Chief Conover. Lester Lewis, the truck burying itself in the soft C. showed little of the fight which it F'ra'hold, fictitious jdalcs, failure to an­ mud near the shoulder of the road, and evidenced in the closing games of the At Mass Meeting Offered To All SWIMMING CAMPAIGN swer smiimons, in court on warrant, ^ the trailer overturning. first half. Against tlie pitching of Red iTroujicr Ncltcrman, Ravinond T, Hill. Wax Dumped On Road Becker, the Ruggies were able to gather Growers of Rye The ■-mnmer swimming campaign con-j sjiceding in residential Hot wax, intended for use in the only eight hits. The Hi-Y boys belted Talk On Tax Thefts ducted by the Y. M. C. A. for the bciie-l -5;2, Chief Conuter. John E manufacture of candles, poured from Cannon, the Rug A. C. tosscr. for twen­ fit of the younger children (if the town y^^,ffil(.in, \ ilia Park, careless driving, the valve at the top of the trailer, which ty-four hits, of which Roger Morris ac­ Consider Possible Remedies to Ease the Farmers Signing Allotment Contracts [ under way on Wednesday morning. $2, 'rroojier Gabel, liertroni J. Xlathi- was later righted by power wrecking counted for four in five tries, One of Taxpayers’ Burden in Making Good, Will Receive Rental and Benefit Pay- scene Was the new .swimming pool soii, Keariu'v, jiarking in jirohibitefi cars. the four was a home run. Johnny the $40,000 Shortage. ments for Reducing Acreage. | recenilv vomiileled on Mercer Street. afea, $1, Officer DaGson, Esther Con­ The ambulance of Henry Bronson, Campbell, also of the Hi-Y, placed Mor­ - ■ - ’ — ■ The swimming began at nine-thirty and over ...... Davton, no driver's license, $5. of Milltown, rushed \fr. and Atrs. Davi­ ris with four hits, including two triples. 'I'lie financial jiliglit of the Borough j VV. Clay ton jester, of Kiglerc ille. Pa,, I continued iiiitil eleven forty-five. TI'O ! officer I'avison. Robert Taylor, Tren- son to the hospital, while Given was The Y's big inning was the third when olif Jamesburg due to the ciTibezzlcment I the cuniiiiodilics rcjireseiitalive of ihejiirogram is in charge of a competent I |,|;,te-,. $1. ConstabItable F. J taken there by a passing motorist. Mrs. they combined eight hits for eight runs. of)f more than $40.(XX)$40,tXX) by John Erhart.F.rhart, j Agricultural .-\djustiiicnl Administration, staff of inslriictors and life pnards j Charles F. Walker,'!' renton, Davison was pronounced dead on ar­ l3ecker’s Dairy smothered the Jer­ former tax collector, jiossible remedies j Washington, I). C., was in towii recent recruited from the ranks of loeal young t guilty of careless driving, on com- rival, and her Inisband’s condition was sey Central team in the latter's debut to ease the taxpayers’ burden in making ;ly conferring with S, KKvood Crosliaw, people. , Ijdainl of l-i. E Ewart. Tony DeSilviia, critical. as a member of the league. The actual good the stmount, and other jdiascs of ] secretary-treasurer oi the Wheat I’ro- Miniimim exiiense is being •■tressed in Cedar Brook, $2, careless ilriving on Coroner Jaqiii removed the body of score was 20-4. The inexperienced pow­ thc jiroblem were discussed at a meeting; ,h,ction Control .-kssociation of New Jer- the Work. The charges to Ihe children conijdaint of Conrad Decker, Mrs. Davison to his morgue. Later the er and light aggregation was unable to hcld last week at Jamesburg. ■ sey, and Herbert R. Cox.jt rcpresejita- are $I.(X) for the month of .Airgnst, per­ bodies of both ilr. and Mrs. Davison withstand the batting attack of the A committee formed “to discuss the tive of the Extension Service, New mitting them to use the pool five morn-, WPA APPROPRIATION FOR were taken to the parlors of A. S. Cole, Decker’s sluggers, who pushed five runs high tax rate caused by the embezzle­ Brunswick. ,\lr. Jester announced that ings a Week for recreation or instnic-, MAXWELL AVENUE SEWER Son and Company, of Cranbury. over the plate in the fourth and fol­ ment’’ announced that other meetings rye growers of the Ihiiled Stales will be tion, or. on the installmcnl |ilan, ten: Retired Farmer lowed with nine in the fifth, Connie will be held at which the taxjiayers will offered rye allotment contracts with the cents a day until Ihe dollar Is paid. 'Ihis Maxwell .\\enne sewer project, Davison operated a farm near James- Decker continued his lieaw hitting with be invited to express their views. ,-\t I lejiartnicni of .•\gricul- arrangement is made possible by thcj^ygjch has been under construction for biiry for many years. He later retired four out of five. Nelson Campbell went toriiey Stanley Bennett, of Camden, a Imre whereby the si.gners of the ctm- cooiieration of the pool management. ; several months, has been included in the and moved to his present address in his teammate one better by getting five brother of Commissioner Harold Ben-1 tracts will receive rental and hciiefil Children wishing to enroll in tbcj^'eoy lerstA projects appnwed by the Cranbury where he has lived for more i for five. Stonv hit a home run for the nett, of that city, is counsel for the ; payments for reducing their rve acreage course should .get in touchy with either j jAesid'ent. than.1 *15 r- years. Mrs. .. DavisonTN__ ;______was u;.«his JerseyT ______L ______Central team. committee. ' in accordance with the AAA. The ryci.Miss Dorothy h'ranklin or Stuart Simp It has been annum ed that Picsident ■wife by a second marriage. The Fire Company defeated the Col­ loseph Seaman, of Perth Ambo>‘, b(.)r-1 association will be closely allied with j son. Kooscrell has approved the allocation State trooper G. C. Derr, of Milltown lege Men ill a game that wasn't even (High auditor, exjilained that the sttgges- the Wheal Productiott Control .‘\ssocia- of $-l,057,251 to New lersev for the car- barracks, investigated. A technical close until the seventh inning. Up until tion had been made to set uji the taxjiion of New Jersey. SCHOOL PAINTING CONTRACT 1,.,.;,,^ „„ „,,n-Ee'deral projects iin- charge of manslaughter will be made that inning the fire laddies led sev.en to collector’s shortage in budgets over a| B'arlev, as well as rye, has been made _ ...... d( I the Works Progress .•Vdministration. against Given when he is released from two after six innings of loosely jilayed period of five years, but W.altcr R. I a basic commodity. ,\l r. Jester also in-1 The pniperty ciiminitue oi the Ikiard ; q'he local jirojeci c:aHs for sewer and the hospital. baseball by the College Boys. But in Darby, state auditor, decreed that the|(licated that Iri.sli potatoes will be madeAd h.ducation has awarded contract for | juagholc, etc., hedcral, $ti,tX19; sponsors The truck and trailer was towed to the seventh the College Men’s bats sud­ entire amomit must be inserted in a basic coinmodity a little later on, painting at the three .sehoolhouscs tO|j2,3K4. Loeal officials believe that this New York City from Sand Hills garage denly came to life. Four runs crossed single budget. Charles H. Laschc & Son. who hid a||-(.f(.r« j,, jhe Maxwell sewer as no at 5 o'clock Friday morning. About 100 the plate before the sitle could be re­ 'The 1935 budget contains $8,(XX) of POTATO SHIPMENTS total of approximately $.5IX). •Xiiothcr j project has been given final con- gallons of wax was lost from the in­ tired. Stu Simpson lost the game for proposal was submitted by James J.! ^idyralion by Council. the Erhart shortage. Mr. Seaman said. Total shipments by rail out of New sulated tank. the College Men by trying to reach In the absence of definite |iroof that Kay, who bid $30 higher than Laschc, j Monroe Town.ship is listed: Gravel- home when a teammate singled, only to Icrscy on Tuesday totaled 54 carloads, j 'fhe contract calls for painting Mdc-[j„j^ roads. Federal, $12,573: sponsor’s, the' confessed embezzler cannot pay bn the same day total shipments in all | EGG MARKET be tagged out by catcher Dunphey. Had back .additional money, the auditor said, " ami ceiling of the high school | ja,ISO, lie remained on third the run would insertion of the remaining $32,000 in 'states, 288 larloads. ] auditoriiiin; painting and patching nec-! Princeton: , Storm di'ain, Federal Thursday, July 25.—Prices on the lo- have scored when the next batter singled the budget has been deferred for an­ I While many potatoes arc being sidewalls and ceiling of, $Li,(,94; .s,„,nsor’s, $12,096. call egg market auction were as fol- thus tying the score. other year at least. ped out of this \ieiiiity by trucks 'he.jAjrh school library and office rooms; lo-ws: Fancy extras, 33 to 36; fancy The Colored Men ojiened the second Against the ^(),0(X) shortage, the bor­ digging is progressing \cry slowly. 1 jiainting oi cement floors of high school j MRS. INA PETRY WIDEBERG mediums, 29j4 to 32g; grade A extras, half by forfeiting to the Jr. Hi-Y. The iKitato mfcirmatum tifficc is ough has received $4,.5(X), ami the ex­ calcd m the Probasen building an. iss exterior of grammar \'‘"Lbcrg, (if janics- 32J/2 to 34J4; grade A mediums, 27j4 penses, including $150 for tax bill forms to 31j4; extra tints, 28j4 1 pullets, 23 to in charge of Howard B. Hancoe-k. M'sit j including the replacing burg, (lied Thursday at McKlinley Hos­ PETITIONS FAVORING MISS used in checking accounts, have Ikch pital, Trenton, where she bad been ill 26; peewees, 18 to 19jtJ; brown extras, EASTBURN BEING CIRCULATED $1,2,50, it was brought out. liquidation Dorothy Dennis Is handling' the office A,f ;,n ^-lierc foiiml necessary, on work. Potato inspection IS being made -II,. painting following a heart attack, funeral ser­ 30 to 32; brown mediums, 25J4. of Erhaht's assets will be completed two1 Monday, June 29.—Prices on the egg by 20 rederal-state inspector'j. boats all cornice and metal work around vices were conducted wnth interment in Petitions, addressed to Charles H. when his home in Jamesburg is sold, Femwood Cemetery, Jamesburg. market auction were as follows: Fancy Elliott, Commi.ssioner of Education, and and the proceeds will be subject to an lop of [irimary schoolhoiisc. extras, 33 to 36j4; fancy mediums, 30}i CHICKEN SALAD Mrs. Wideberg was born in James­ to the State Board of Education, re­ attachment of $2,700 held by .-Mbert free at Centra! Hotel, Hi^hlstown, Sat­ burg, the daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. to 33J4; grade A extras, 33j^ to 36J4; questing the reinstatement of Miss Sara Lange. grade A mediums, 28J4 to 31J4; extra urday, ,\Lo pickled piq feet with choice PRODUCE MARKET Willim Belry. Besides her parents and P. Eastburn as a high school teacher of other dishes. IMenty of h.iod on the! — ~ -- her husaiul, she is survived by one tints, 33i4 to 33^2 ; medium tints, 29;^; in the local school district, are being TO REPLACE GRINDERS l)Hi every week day, Tue,sday sales at the I-liKhlstown J’ro- pullets, 25 to 28^2; peewees, 17^4 to i daughter, IG'a; two sisters, Mrs. John circulated here for signatures of resi­ Notice has been given users of tele­ Bcer and ale on'drau.yhl and ■ijYbot-1dtice Auction ^^a^ket were: Sales, 425; Hulse, of Jamesburg, and Mrs. William 20j4 ; brown extras, 32J4 to 34; brown dents and taxpayers. ties. The best apple, rye. Kin, winL and I packaqcs, 7,227; potatoes, No. 1, jier ...... mediums, 27/2. A total of 110 cases phones in the Jamesburg district, that Holmes, of Malawan; three brothers. The petitions state that the signers on and after September 17 the present other liquors by the drink or bottle atjsack,’ ()0c...... to 73c;, ’ No. VT 2, 1 sack, io Mk 0>;j.^()y iJ^ny t'Ctry,Pelry uiof jamesuurgJamesburg laiK,Bark; Wilbur vvuuui were sold. believe Miss Eastburn to be well quali­ magneto system will be replaced by popular iiriccs. Quart bottles of soda.s, 3oc; tomatoes, climax. >JnNo. I1. Ifk* to 3()c: L„^j p^try, , of r Jamesburg.t. ----- Sheo-u.. STULTS ESTATE fied to fill the position as head of the modern common battery equipment. At 3 bottles for 35 cents. Our jazz band a member of St. George's Episcopal English department in the high school, the present patrons must wind a crank will play, If YOU want to enjoy a real, 85c to $1.20; , .green beans, jicr bushel. Church, of Helmetta. The estate of Mrs, Sadie A. Stults, to call the operator. Under the new taste of beer in this hot weather try al48c to $1.30; cabbage, half barrel, 20c to who died in Cranbury on July 5, is WEATHER REPORT system they wdll lift the receiver from , of beer from a new beer system. 25c; cabbage, jicr bushel, 10c to 15c; CLEANING SHOP LICENSE valued at $15,000, according to an ap­ the hook to signal. Hverybody is welcome.—adv. apples, bu.shel, No. I, 50c to $1.18; No. 2, plication made and granted at the office For the week ending Monday, July 3.3e to 60c; squa.sli, per bushel, 15c to 'I'hc three local merchants who handle of Surrogate Frank A. Connolly, New 29, cooperative observer Jame.s R. Pick­ 3.5c ; cucumher.s, jier bushel, .30c to 08c ; cleaning and dyeing of garments have Brunswick. ering reports observations as follows: carrots, half dozen, 6c to 7c; huckleber­ been notified that they must have a Laura M. Hutchinson, of 273 Mon­ High Low Rain ries, ,32-quart crate, $3.00 to p.65 ; black­ license to do business. The minimum mouth Street, Flightstown, and Jennie July 23 93 73 Pt. Cloudy berries, 32-quart crate, $3.50 to ,$3.75; fee is $10 jicr year. 'I'hc legi.slature re­ P. Everett, of kfain Street, Cranbury, July 24 91 74 Pt. Cloudy pepjiers, jier bushel, 73c to $1.03; lima cently passed a bill, at the request of daughters of the deceased, applied for July 25 8.3 71 .95 Cloudy beans, jicr bushel, $2.50 to $2.75. the Slate Cleaning and Dyeing As.socia- the letters of .administration. July 26 78 66 Pt, Cloudy tion, creating the State Board of Clean­ July 27 79 58 Clear LA’WN FESTIVAL ing and Dyeing Trades. 'The first ar­ CHURCH FESTIVAL July 28 80 55 Pt. Cloudy 'rhe annual lawn festival of the Xt. E. rest and conviction in this slate under St. Anthony’s Church Festival will July 29 86 63 Clear Church choir will be held on the church the new act was that of Morris Apple- be conducted three days this year, lawn Saturday afternoon and evening, baum at Atlantic City last week, Ap- Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August ANNOUNCEMENT August 3rd. Homemade cakes, pies, plebaum was arrested by an inspector of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. A chicken supper The Adella Beauty Shoppe will be candies, lemonade, ire cream, etc., on tlie state board and charged with will be served Thursday from 5:30 un­ closed from Monday, Ai^ust 5, to Sat­ sale.—adv. operating without a state license in vio­ til 9 o'clock. Friday steamed darns will urday, August 17, inclusive. Your con­ lation of Section 4, Act 281. be given away free. Corn on the cob tinued patronage will be appreciated.— HARVEST HOME will be served Saturday. Games of adv. Perrinevillc Presbyterian Church Har­ Rubber stamps for marking crates, skill, music, specialty booths and other Do You Remember vest Home Thursday, August 15th. baskets and other containers, as re- attractions will feature every evening. Wm. S. Heyer, Funeral Director, Pri­ Supper served promptly at 5 o’clock day- quired by state law, sold at Gazette of- Adults, 50c. Children, 35c,—adv. vate ambulance service. Phone 2.—adv. How Hay and Rye was carted from the farm. light saving time.—adv. fice,—adv. HIGHTSTOWN GAZErTE. HTGHTSTOWN. MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1935

rIossv skins, and a bright red color. be.kept a short time. Never try to save] Tons of N, J. Such tomatc^es, when cut, should show' jit overnight. 'Make a fresh potful each' well tilled seed cavities and thick, meaty Be An Expert 'time iced tea is to be served. | walls. If the tomatoes are ripe and T e e t h Tomatoes Are Now mature, the seed- will slip aside front Tea M aker the knife and will not be cut. Tonia- CRANBURY and WHEH THE KITCHEN THE!- On the Market t'.'e'i with much sunburn, or with tnany &r MISS J. KATHRYN FRANCIS I A surprise farewell party for Miss growth eraeks, are often mU worth the (Home n.*monsrraMon Atrent) j Nancy Payne, who is leaving for camp MOMETER GOES ABOVE IN* l>riee a''ked for them. Amon.LC the [>ro(lucls that New Jer­ While tea is a favorite beverage at all I at I'rankliii, N. H., and then for her new H ©SI 1 t h "The preparation of t->matoci is easy .seasoii'i of the year, it leaps to greater J home in New York State, vv^s given sey’s far;!’'' arul i.tTer in K^n- if they are tir>l scalded for a few min­ I by the Misses Winifred Jolmson and crous qiKiiiLitieA are tlie.larj;e. red. \iiie- luights of popularity in hot weather ute- ill boiling water or held '»ver a when it is served as an iced drink in 1 Sally Symrnes Wednesday evening at By DR. J. M. WISAN I’ipened t'nnatoe^ wliiel) hwusewues wiU llame .Xiiother method which gives the jllie pavilion on the lake. Refreshments find on loeal market stands now and un­ tall, frosty glasses. Oiairman, Council on Mouth Hygiene saiiie re'-iiit- is to prc?s or scrape the iwere served and games and dancing New Jer.sey State Dental Society til Some like it strong,' others like it skin gently with the. hack t>f a knife weak. However. Charles E. Hutchinson, -were enjoyed. “ToniatM .;ro\vin..; an important iu- before it is peeled When tlicy Tlio-e present were the Misses Jane diistry in the Garden State.” Mi>-' 1‘ran- chief tea examiner for the U, S. Depart­ REASONABLE AIMS e.l raw. the tornatoO- should alway- be ment of .ALgriculture, believes that a revel ■ PugUn, Barbara Waite, Marian Thonip- ci> a^'erl'>, '‘Ai)i'r*iximately dU.tXX) well chilled, but it I- nut wUe to keep ^.-oii and Marie Craig; Stanley and Cor- Cleveland, Ohio, may well boa^it of aere.-i are j.lanted 1.i tlii> familiar ta- teaspoon of lea leaves to a cup will one of the most intelligent dental scr- fre.-h tomatoes for several days at very satisfy tile average person. rell Johnson, Wesley Howard and Law­ vonle eaeh vear, and the average aamial low terni'erature. rence Blake, of Hightstown. the .Misse- \iee program.s for school children. produetiuii intaU 2-K),(KX) tmis of ,t"m.i- "Uan-iired. oven-broiled tomatoes or "The watiT must be boiling,"' Mr. .Mice Mersh. Roberta Snyder, Alberta Dr. Harris K. C. Wilson, director of ti'cs. Hi.d'h, of this hue;e amomu is deviknl tomatoes are an interesting ad­ Hutchinson says, ‘‘ the tea C'layton, Isabel Perriiie. Gladys Dan- dental hygiene, in the Cleveland schools, l)uiiL(h( hy'ednimcreial canner' lors-mps, dition to the vegetable plate or steak leaves will Pot open fully and part ot ,Acr, Meribali I.)avison, Nancy Payne, in a report issued last Aprii^ sets forth jiiiee, and eaimcd tomat-'e--. {mower-^ l>laM<-r, Kven green tomatoes have a the strength and flavor will be lost, Sally Symrnes and Winifreil Johnson, the following as the objectives of the arc e\ijeetm,k4 a fine entp throuulioiit the variety of uses 'ffiey are particularly Never actually boil tea and never l a green tomato m*)re than five or six minutes. Measure ■man. Aivah Perrine and Asa Davison, (1) To discover remediable dental de­ FRIGIDAIRE sorne food the tea leaves into the pot and pour jr, of Cranbury, , fects of the pupils. "Uniform fruit i' -r-ivsn a-> ".\ rather ditTcreiii .salad may i)c made on the boiling water.’ (2) To secure the correction of such rhe result lU’ mm h e.irefid en>.->sin._; of bv arranging alternating dices of Some tea experts claim that tea is ! birds Fly High defects through parent and pupil con­ varieties ami eullivali"ii i-,arly hi-tori- oranar and tomato on lettuce leaves ami be-t when steeped only three or four Migrating birds travel at fieights of sultation. NEVER FALTERS eal reeord-' ^ho^v, however, that loma- -erving them, thoroughly chdled. with minutes. Any addition of sugar or i thrw!, four, and even five thousand feet. (3) To teach the pupils the method.s Io(•^, wliiili ,iie i’eruvian hy ori.;;n. were French dressing.’ lemon is purely a matter of persona! , It appears that they rise In order to and the value of early correction of den­ BECAUSE eaten [)v tiihe- of Indian^ in IrupiiMl Tonuiloe-. are "Phe easiest of all vege- taste I find favorable winds. Wild ducks, tal defect-s. (4) To teach such preventive mea­ .\inene;i Unj, before the tir'l white ''el tabb - t ' can and their nutritive value is Tile* method applies for making , geese, and swans have been seen a mile i k !" Gam e to (hi- eiUHitr> luu cliangeil to any extent by the pro- sures as seem justifiable in the light of EVERY MODEL HAS good iced tea, except that it should be i high, hut as a rule prefer to fly at eu--, Mi-s Francis says Details on slightly stronger. After the tea Is steep­ present day knowledge—such as the in­ "Tomatoes are espenallv note.l as a ; aliout two thousand feet. The vulture yood -ouree oi vit.aniin C. whieh m>t tnetiiod- rec..mmemietl for canning to- ed, remove the leaves, cool the beverage, creased use of milk and all dairy prod­ THE S uper Freezer only i-re\ent-. seitrvv, l)ii( i- aU'' mi- iiiat'M--. ma> be obt.lined free of charge and put it in the ice box to chill thor­ > and tlie buzzard hang up at four ucts, fresh fruits and vegetables with jiorlant I" nornial nut-ntion and to the from hr; olTn u, C'.»ur! House, Trentoti, oughly, At serving time, add a small to five tliousand feet, watching the a decrease in the use of refined ce­ .^i„y •• known to Gaskell. McArdle, his out to sea. Gaskel! had time at last I'.iGs* (l.'ii k v/;lh a stubblo of hoard. run, but not all will provide ade­ "Don't get polite at me' When linen suit two size.s too large, wav­ bo remove the physical evidences .''•'jjpo'J -out of a rickshaw and ed a friendly hand at him. of his three-day spree ashore, He quate refrigeration, or freeze -sleiuhlered his way tlirough a mob you talk with’ a high hat on I know you mean it and it scares The trumpet call was sound­ was standing in his cabin, shaving enough ice cubes fast enough. <:( sweating coolies t«> the gang­ the last hit of black stubble from plank of the sloamor Kin Imng. me'" Her humility was swept away ing as Gaskell weaved his way suddenly by fiery indignation. through the crowd of passengers his face, when he heard his cabin Come into our showroom to­ /"..jored to her Hong Kong dock door slam. iOjiieaih his pith helmet his strong "Wlio

MANASQUAN TAX COLLECTOR Auditor Checking RESIGNATION ACCEPTED Success With New Costume Jewelry Your Garden By INEZ LA BOSSIER End Codling Moth The resignation of Lester Meseroll as (Exten'-ion Service, N. I. College of A giiculturr) Taj; Accounts In Delphinium Ruigexfi T’niversjty This Week tax collector has been formally accepted Jewelry has been staging a comeback by Spraying Trees South Brunswick by the Manasquan Council, By A. C. M cLEAN during the past few seasons and now it By A. C. M cLEAN Meseroll, former supervising principal (Extension Service, N. J. College of Agriculture; has reached a new high, Thi.«; seems to (Exionnori Scjvicf, N. J. Coilegf of Agiicuhure) Delphiniums, especially the hybrids or be true of both real ami costume je\s- Six Weeks’ Time Requiredl to Complete of the Manasquan schools and collector Long stride •-(^ov.-ard develoiiing a larg- Heavier Pruning Necessary large flowering typc.s, arc enjoying the elry, Xu doubt the revival of interest ci* and finer rock garden for next sjiring Verific*tion of Collections — Alleged there for six years, tendered a resigna­ is due to the fact that there is a ten­ During the Early Winter, Shortage Covered by $20,000 Bond. lieights of American popularity at pres­ can be ma4c by clipping straggling tion immediately after JJoberl F. Moll, dency toward more lavish attd elaborate plants and makuig cuttings of young Entomologist Says. auditor, revealed an alleged shortage of ent These tall, stately, blue llower.s ensembles and also to the fact that there growth during the month of August, Jt "will require approximately six frequently ai>]iear in home gardens, hut are many new types of compositiem iiia- ; By cutting back rock garden plant,s weeks to complete the verification of the $3,974 in the accminls. Meseroll also By F. C. Chantller. Assistant EninmologUt, many amateur.s have difficulty in grow­ lerials now on the market from which ' now, strong and voiing growth may be Illirioia State Nalural IIlHtory Survey. tax collections of South Brunswick tendered a $4,000 check to the borougii costume jewelry may be fashioned. ■ WNU Service. ing the plants from seed, since del- obtained from sh<-. I'.arring", t<*o, ma\ , is. one Wt of every ten apples grown the collector’s accounts,” Mr. Kaltcis- sow the sec otv This ran be ilone bv careful Although Meseroll has made “hill res­ in Illinois In 1034 was infested with sen stated. The former collector’s bond is early in Augusl, h’resh ■-eed h a rv e s t-i 'walerim, vtntdation. ami shailiug when is signed by William Cox, his father; titution,” the $-l,0(Xl cheek has not been codling moth worm.'<. Too many grow­ formally accepted by the borougli, Rid­ e.l on the Pacific Coast in July may also,' dlicre i- a luiidency to lushinu jev\- l:u snn > (■ > h"l The .-lardeiier who A. C. Beekman and J. Elmer Griggs, he used. IGther seed will germinate in|clry according to the various i.ireign, a!’->ws h ' cuttings jo wdl will meet with ers still think only of producing the township committeeman. dle ex])lained. This was nut done be­ cause Moll is making a complete audit aboul 14 days and make fairly good, i bdhiciicis which an allccting de-, failure By a I'tlU trial. U is po'-ible maxiinmn numlier of bushels rather When it was first discovered that Cox of all of MeserolTs accounts to deter­ strong jilaiils whicli may be brought j 'Ihe Hindu inllmnct is '■veil in to foul out wliicli plants root easdy and than liarvosting (luallty fruit. It usually had defaulted in his accounts, it was mine if the $3,974 is all that is alleged­ throiigli the winter succcMstully. ''rioant 'haiie jun or earring; the whiih foiifi roiu.s wilh difiu'uUy. Mosi is not nece.^jsary, however, to reduce announced that he had not been bonded. ly missing, Riddle said. One of the best ways to handle this | Pcr' iiilluince is seen in llu crescent, v)i il.t early hlo. uiing rock ]-lant' w ill tlie total croji to gel worm-free apples. Township Commilteeman Elmer (^igp . Although Meseroll has no, explaine.l .summer sown '^eed i.s to sow direct ly i pm or uarnng tin- Per^'gin in-‘"o. I eo'v, liow tver, if viroiiu. >oun._ If the grower can answer all six issued a statement subseqiiently to the shortage, il was rumored that he ill a frame where the plants may be :.fF-^‘H‘'e maime''t- ii-eU in tlie broad I' oi- ari leciid from-riear llu lui'e nf (he following iiiiestions in the nf- effect hat he was one of he signers. a p la n protected during winter and not trails-; b>‘tn’('lrt-- oi hamnuTcd metal or the Firmative, he can feci (hat lie Is pnlu- of Cox s bond and the bomlsnien were I planted until early next sjiring. If sown ' looking, ilivk" which_ serve a^ liable u]) to $20,000. VEGETABLE GROWERS' DAY , not too tliickiy on fairly fertili' soil that br^'Ol■h^^. carclip-, .g lu ll niicklc'- Tin- last da ( hir pimdimj hack 'U ing heavily enough for effective spray­ Arnold Rosenthal, townshij) auditor. ------• is well litned, and where drainage is, Thevo^au for llower- which ha- b< en pnmuu: oUt I (dirysanthem iniis ]•> a;,- ing against the codling moth. working in conjnnction with Walter R.I The latest mechanical aids to vegc- 'good, strong plants sh()uld be grown |so jinoaleiii all tlimugh the suiimiei sea- proaclmig, n-r next month these plants Has Hie tree been (hiiinod out enough Darby, state auditor, is making a veri-J table growing will be seen in operation ;ihat will produce fine llowers ncxl 'inn-' son luo earned over to the jewelry field! will >i.tM the f'-iination of dower binD. so Hint the man on Hio Iovvit of n fication of the tax collections. Every | by the fanners who attend Ihe \'cge- ' mei witha minimum of atteuiion. 'riiis .and w;l! coniiiim' n, bu po]gilar throiuh if tlu- ehry s.ititluunum plant'- li.ivt spray can drive the .''^pray material property owner in the township has been table Ghiwers' Day to be held at tlie '.applies to practically all varieties and the Coh - red coini'osition flow eT' ,.'r..v\;i Ion tall, pnudi llu'ni hack iiow (liroiigh (he tree? ivhdi tliere > viip tmu (o d o il with- requested to cooperate with the andi-! College of Agriculture, Rutgers Uni­ : species of .delphinium, excejU pe'idiaiis gn hi dd d ::i inrial- gold, silver, chro- .\re there enough in the - mt 'nniu i\ m. the ld< mi tors in comparing the tax bills with j versity, August 17. the yellow variety. del]d)inium Zalil. mimn > alinniiium arc u.scd in jmis, (ive .‘■0 that (he ground man can get the collection records, as shown on thei "Saving of labor is an important item ,'I'his type is a slow germinator. and it earelip- or hrae'ch'ts. F.namel is aKti \\ hde uio't .. a' dene-Ts s, -la-d oi pan- into ilie ceii.ter and spray the inside? collector's books. i in the growing of wgelables and it is [is better to sow (he seed in late fall'lieingu ud to I’arry out tlu same ellii l. When the exact shorta.gc is deter-i only through the u-e of labor saving s'.e'. Fiml’sh and fi'rgel-nie not-. \N’ilh larg(‘. fairly dense tree:?, some ' and all< 'W tlie plants to n mu* up in e a rly I o u v !s regaining ' im portance and duniig tlu imddle oi \umist. e;n!iei' growers limve three or four such open­ mined through this method of proving j devices that New jersey grotvers may j sjiring. ‘works ■m viTv well for e'arvid mai- his accounts it is believed the three xtontiniie to conij)cte successfully with sowing w ill rcsidl :n sirnnge'r ;md huger ings. * If. for any reasoip it is not convenient (jiu-iiU ' I'l' sim ila r IIo v u t s , 'Fhe many phiiits for iii"v im ill (he fall South Brunswick Township residents j those of other areas," Prof C , If. Nis- to sow the seed in suinmcr, it may be types , I compos,itioii materials made After the operator gets to rhe In.slde. will be called upon to make il good.; sley, extension hortieulturist, pointed saved for sowing in the sjiring provided from ci- luloM' are' being u seil exte'iisive- has the tree been thinned siilliciently Statue Liberty’s Lighting It has been estimated the shortage will j out as he told about the machines which care is used in storing it. A .good w a y ly espccially f'lr hracelels, 'Flu' colors so that he can do a IhorouLli job of amount to $7),5tKI to $7,(XX). | will be seen, (o do thiN i^ to thoroughly d iy ihe seed in w h u li tliu 'C m alerial.s c.m In niailli) ill s\ stem (if (he St atne spraying? Cox was taken into custody some time I Hand manipulated power driven ami am' then luit it in glass vials which can reridei ilumi unusually attinictivi. 'I'ur- of l.diertv was pm in eflect iii (K*ti 'her. Have too many low hanging hraiiches after the shortage was discovered and i horse drawn dusting inacliiiies—for the be scaled lightly and jdaced in a cool, quoise. lieil pink, and amber, as we ld31. by 'Milt- Jose Laval, daughte r I >f lieei) loFr on the tree? Trees twenty- (KHf- he has posted bail to await the action I control of inscct.s and diseases—will be dry jdare. By this method the seed will 'as more brilliaiu colors sneh a the F'rench jiremur Xinety-six 1 five years old may have a spread of 30 of the Grand Jury. The arrest was | in o])eratioii on Vegetables Growers' kcej) well, but if it is left exposed (o Ilanu ud and hriglit gricii. are part: wan huhis, pl.iced at the 11 conu-i s of made at the direction of Prosecutor I Day. The new dusting hoods, which the 'lar-'h ijie-l j', fiaNhed 11).- f<*ef. If the brandies loucli Hie ground the air. the germination will be greatly cirhirlv elfectivf with sport costiiiiu s. or come within a foot of it. (he side Douglas M. Hicks. guarantee a thorough coverage of foli- Heduced. As ward oil tlu mouument. with their idovv ill Ccmics iiuaiTi there will lu of the ap))le fneiffg Hie trunk will not The presentation of the case to the! age and which are being adopted by ' .-Mvvavs remember (hat when growing (loiihi be m ore em phasis placed oi leinfori-ed by wglu lamj's oi the • aine !-e hit by Hie spray Grand Jury is not expected to take place I progressive bean ami cabbage growers ' deljihiniuni, only a small percentage will vvoodc uvvtlry oi' a combination o type I'll tlu pedestal halcimv, !■'. ir (he until after the auditors have comi)lelcd 1 of the slate, will be demonstrated, ijiroduce (lie large sjukes sucli as those |wvi"d uni comjiositirm. 'Fhe heavie (oodi lhe'( 14 lU('U-vva(l lamps Mas the tielght of the tree been low­ their job. The feeling in the township! The fertilizer distributor with the pea, : seen in Hower s'hows, for they are all,metal' loo, will fiinl a definite plan ered as much as pracllcalde? 'Fhe top appears to be .strongly in favor of the j bean and corn iilanter attached will al.s pounds to the acre is recommended. This authority says Hu croti may also i»e sei'ded alone on latid that l« im! weedy. He recommends inociilutlug; the seed where the crop has not be(*u grown before. He reimrts a good su;> ply of seed available. Doctor I'ieiers .says Hiat where Ko­ rean lespedeza was grown in 11)31 a good volunteer stand is prohahio, and he says that small grain ma.\ he diski'd in Hie old les|H'dc/a and a cnqi of grain hay and one of li'sp(Mle-/a raised '111 the same lami.

Cut Boar’s Tusks 'I'lie largo, sliai'{) teeth whicli are foui;d in )iigs at hinii are liHuiiorary tusk's. Se far as h;is he^n ■disenvered, tliev are "( im valite whnlever to the pig. except as. a nieaiis of defense, and for that purjios.0 they are not needtMS on llio farm. 'Fiwks ai'o a miisanco, in Him Willi them the )>igs ofleu hurt each "tiler ami very irequently lacer­ ate the udder td' The ' mw. I'nr tliftt reason. e\|M‘rieneed hog men Com­ monly cut llies-e le('H) elus»' to the gums, wilh nippers vvhh'li arc made for Him purpose. In removing the leetii, one >li"uld be caiad’ul not to in.)ure Hie aniiis. since an oium wound fiiniislie.s- an ideal phn*e For disease infect ion to take place. 'Fhe projier time to remove ihe.'e ni.'ks is when (ho liigs are only a few days old, Cer­ tainly. they sliould never he left on a hoar tliat is intended for hreeding pur [loses.—Wallaces’ Fanner.

Tanninp' Cow Hides Many fanners will Imtcher a hoof or (wo this winter and he confroniiMl willi Hic [iros[M’ct of practically giving away (lie liiih*. Kailn-r than sell cow or calf IFules for a meager [irice. note.*! Both Tydol and Tydol-Ethyl Gasolines contain top-cylinder oil a wriHM’ ill 111" ,\li'soiiri raniicr, thev slioiihi hr* UM‘il oil ilie farm, It is not necessary (o tan a hide to make it into a suitalile rug, or a iital For Hie floor of one’s aiitomoliile. Try salting down a hide, ndling 11 U[) vvitii the salt v e n the best motor (Joesn’t produce its inside for a lime, or imcii Hie hide has is also a carbon-solvent (the "Engineer in WITH taken enough .salt* to “keep” it, theu E capacity mileage unless it gets proper Every Gallon”). roll it out and clean It and (nek up to upper-cylinder lubrication. Oil-thirsty valves dry. When dried, cut it into ii square This lubricant goes to work and soon has TYDOL GASOLINE sha[ie for a rug. or in suitable shapes stick. Pistons are slowed up by friction- for other imrposos such as a lloor mat valves, upper-cylinder walls and pistons cool drag. Upper-cylinder walls become over­ TRY TYDOL for the car. (dilf (ddes make splendid and smooth-working as a clock. Tydol gives m o t o r o i l rugs for Imthriinm. etc. Pugs cured heated. The whole motor works harder and up in (his way will ho stiff, but they you extra power, extra smoothness, extra delivers less mileage than it should. IN REFINERY make up for this in beauty. mileage . .. yet doesn’t cost a penny more than SEALED CANS That’s why there is blended in Tjdol Gaso­ ordinary gasolines. Drouth-Resistant Plants .After .sp.nrching the deserts end foot­ line a special top-cylinder lubricant which TIDE WATER OIL COMPANY hills of linsslnn I'nrkestan nml most o( STONAKER’S GARAGE, 387 Mercer St., HieMstown N. J. MAPLE SHADE SERVICE STATION, Freehold Rd., H rhulown. N. . Turkey tor plants to control solLero- MAPLE SHADE GARAGE. 161 Monmoulh Si., Hiehtrlown, N. J. siou, H. L. Westover and C. II. Enlow, pltmt explorers of the United States TN£ LUBNiCATiNO Department of .X^rlculture, Imve re­ turned after seven months with nearly ),S00 seedlings. Among Iheui Is a TRIPLE X desert which, uprooted by the wind, grabs hold again when It lands. AT NO eXTNA COST C AS O LINE Another, a kind of sedge, is propa­ TYDOL gated only from root-cuttings.—Literary Digest. HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, HtGHTSTOWN, UERCER COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1935

Hightstow n Gazette KNOW YOUR NATIONAL AFFAIRS Tk« Amencju GOVERNMENT” Oboe I* Indispensable The name America includes both the GEORGE P. DENNIS By FRANK P, LITSCHERT continents. North and South America, Editor and Owner in Modern Orchestras Phone 373 By H AROLD G. H O FFM A N One of the interesting economic de­ Cupid, Marksman but in popular use the word without Governor of New Jersey velopments of the summer comes from The Pboe consists of a conical wood­ the prefix north or south is often under­ Eotcred at the Hightstown, N. J., Post Office stood to refer only to North America The Sticte Higihvray Sy»tem of New various parts of the country where, ac­ en tube, composed of three joints, up­ is second class matter. cording to press dispatches, farmers and per, middle and bell, and a short metal unless the context implies both con­ JUr»ey By JANNIS PARKER tinents. ^ J Published every Thursday- ^ thft fruit growers are having some trouble tube to which are bound by many turns C, MoClure New»pai>er 8yndlcat*. Gazette Building The .state highway system of New to get adequate help because men refuse of waxed silk the two thin pieces of WNU Service. lt-5 Rogers Avenue Why Dry icc Burnt Fingers Jer.sey consists of i.SBd miles of au­ to go off federal relief, or what is some­ cane that form the mouthpiece. These The temperature of dry ice is 109 de­ thorized highways. This is the legislat­ times known as the government “dole,” t e r m s o f subscription pieces of cane are so beveled and thin grees below zero F. and it is so cold $1,50 T INDA was In the tub thinking of One Year ...... —...... ed mileage and not the number of miles for a private job. A few weeks ago it at the end which la taken Into the that it evaporates without first melting Eight Months------— - 1.00 of improved state highways. Only 1,- was tlic berry men of Kew Jersey who L-v Jerry when the phone rang. She’d _ .75 mouth that the gentlest stream of air and then absorbs ail the more heat in a Six Months ------—------_ .SO 594 miles have ever been taken over cumplainitig that they could not been thinking of him ever since they’d Four Months------suffices to set them vibrating and pro­ way that deadens the nerves and tissue, .04 by the state-4ny}liway commission. This get pickers and that the crop would met a week before at tlie last club Single Copy ------duce the tone of the Instrument, writes causing symptoms and pains identical leaves 28H miles of the state system in spoil. l'h» claim set up by some of dance of the season. And a bang-up an authority In the Washington Post. with those brought on burns. the hands of the counties. those who refused to go wa,s the xvages dance It had been. The orchestra, Im­ DAWES KNEW were not high enough, the assumption The system extends into all counties Tile oboe is employed chiefly as solo ported from Harlem, had out-cavorted Why Singers Heve Sore/Throats Last Dcrtmber the well-knowt seer being therefore' that it paid better lo Instrument and usually gives the “A” of the state, but there is a wide varia­ the dancers, their Instruments taking The public health service says that and former vice precident, Charles remain on government relief. to the other Instruments of the orches­ tion in the mileage in the various coun­ a terrible beating. During what was excessive use oUthe vocal chords may Gates Dawes, predicted the depression ties. In general this mileage is propor­ tra when they tune up. cause a decided irritation or soreness would end in June or July of this year tional to the area of the county except But there liaie been more recent de­ supposed to have been Intermissions of the throat; in fact, it is a well-rec­ velopments. Out in South Dakota, ac­ The lowest notes of the oboe are an Italian with a plano-accordlon that with .1 great revival of demand for so- in the spars,ely populated northeastern rather harsh and nasal In quality. The ognized condition among public speak­ called durable goods. He said: cording to the press dispatches, the state prohibited conversation, and a voice section. Thus, in Hudson County only middle register, which Is the beat, has ers and others whose occupations re­ "The jiarticular time when the sus- W/i miles of roads have been taken director stopped all relief because of the that dimmed the piano-accordion, had quire much use of the voice. tatned postponed mass dernands for over by the highway department while many complaints which had come to a reedy and penetrating quality, while sauntered from table to table singing durable goods in the 1«73 and 1S93 de- Governor Berry and the Relief Depart­ the highest notes are more pleasing. 122J4 miles have been taken over in ment, that men were refusing to go into old love songs of and new ones liressi'.*ns bc'^un to tc-'t the )'roducti\e Atlantic City. As the oboe resembles the shepherd’s from Broadway, MOTICK Of SETTLEMKNT: capacity of the country wa. readied m Of the total mileage taken over by the harvest fields and help bring in the pipe, It la admirably suited to portray The final ACCOUNT ot the SUBSCRIBER, each iiisliuu'c as shown by the rhart crops, they preferred to remain effects of pastoral simplicity. It Is Steve, good old Steve with the In­ Adm inistrator ol the est.-ite ot Mary RUen the commission, 1,372 mile.s have been on government relief. 'Work on relief Switzer, deceased, will be .settled by the Mer­ in a period of about five years and sue improved with permanent types of pave­ also used to picture rustic merriment. delible frown, the rhythmic feet and cer County Orphans' Court on September 6th, months after the respedive initial stock jirojccts wa.' therefore stopped and the the fog-horn voice, had asked Linda 193S.-EDOUARD J. .SWITZKR, Administrator! ment, all of which is concrete or has a relief office closed. It 'was announced In orchestral music the Incisive (Hightslown G.-tzcUe, Aug. 1, 1935.—5t.) market collap'es. concrete base. An additional 158 miles tone of tlie oboe makes It a favorite. to the dance. He had also presented fees $-1.2(J, "Accordingly, ! suggest that not later that the offices would not be opened Jerry. have been improved with some sort of until all farmers needing help to get inj The scores of Handel are full of strik­ ■than June or July of next year should surface other than a iiernianent type. “Want to meet Ihe nicest little job mark the i oiiimeiicemcnt r.f the year ot their cro|)' luol bene supplied with har­ ing passages for It, and in his time It xuOTICE OF SETTLEMENT: This leaves '>4 miles of highways the stork ever turned out?’’ he’d The fin.ll ACCOUNT of the SUBSCRIBER, full b u sin e ss prosperity in the country. vest hands. Some of those on relief J came near being a rival of the violin. t.uiirdian of the est.nte ol Edgar C. Groendyke, which have been t.aken over, but not had, of course, accepted jobs in the har­ The English horn la simply an oboe boomed. To ihi. wc now append the lolhiw- improved This mileage, a.lded to that a minor, will be settled by the Mercer County in'g from the current lrmi_Age : vest fields but many others vs-ere refii'-l half as large again as the smaller In- Jerry had. And Sieve hadn't exag­ Orphans’ Court on September 6th, 1935.— not' yet taken over by the commission, iiig to go because they wanted jiay equal | gerated, In short Linda was 0. K„ HIGHTSTOWN TRUST COMPANY, Guardian. "Kising loiii point to -P),5 per cent id makes a total of 352 inile_s of the sys­ Btniment; and, In consequence of Us (Hightstown Gazette, Aug. 1, 1935.—5t ) capacilv. -teel ingot prodiiclion this to or above the relief wage. j size, its pitch Is a Bfth lower. The ace-high, top-notch, first-rate. And Fees $4.20. tem 'till unimproved, or 510 miles not certainly men like Jerry would always week o- i'lered one of the most sper- English horn is not really a horn, but cular gam- eser experienced in imd- yet having a permanent type of surlace. South Dakota was not the only a.gri- have a market. He had everything t;ic Il :s not to be concluded that the cultural state, however, from which thej Is named from the old shepherd’s pipe >iminuT date can ili'Contimie highway construc­ cessation of relief was reported. It was' u.sed In England ami known as the the advertisements promised. Easily FRANK WELLER "The -harii increase in deel pr kIuc- Jerry and Linda had been the best tion esen when this 510 miles of high­ added that 'iiuilar efforts toward getting' hornpipe. Fts tone quality Is quieter turn in the middle of the summer when looking couple on the floor and lie had way i' completed There are numerous harvest hands hail been made in at least', and more solid than that ot the oboe. ICE CREAM CONFECTIONERY ..utput had been expected 1" I”' 'M’' (■MC.iiecting road', sviilemug projects, six other niidwestern states. In IIU- stuck to her all during the evening The middle and lower register Is espe­ I CIGARS, CIGARETTES, TOB.CCCO, PIPES fnoachiiig its lowest level of the year grade 'cparation structure', and by- nois. it was reported, relief work had like Ink to a blotter. ■ 111,IV be atlribiileil largely to iiii|irosed jia-'scs around congested areas that ceased in the rural districts and in Kan- cially full, rich and sonorous. The ear­ Mercer St. at Rosrer* Ave., Hi^tstoww business h:ii -triicLural steel and tin lier composers, used the Instrument Linda, however, -whose existence en­ should be constructed ,i' 'oon as the men were to be dropped from the abled tlie telephone company to pay plate" s , proent pnigram is completed. rolls if they refused temporary employ­ very little, but In modern orchestras F a ith 111 iiropheev i.- not so tashioii- The, ofTicial state highvvay system rc- ment. It was said that action was be­ It is. Indispensable. steady dividends, had not heard from WELLER BROS. able these lormerly, but bars him since that night. She found jire'cnt' onis a irartion of the imblic ing taken in Iowa and .Minnesota, that CIGAR STORE and stmetiiral 'teel are largely -dui- road' in the stale. Each county .and in other farm states' it was difficult for this disconcerting not because Jerry able go..d- d the most signilicant si.rt wa.s her answer to prayer but because "Smoke Shop" tn;i\ uiininu-nl ' I'liiiinicipality has a supidcmcntary sys- the farmers to get help. Shifting of Tidal Load .■\l lea-l w |tem of local roaiU an.i streets, a sub- ■Ml of this is. of course, a new de­ he’d started her praying. MAIN STREET HIGHTSTOWN "Go n. rinirlie' Go ;t, durable Keeps Experts Guessing j stantial part of wliicfT^is coii'tTUOtcd velopment in the Lfnited States. When | Now, alone in the apnrtmeut, she «,od-'" The eartli Is far from being finished i I with state aid money. I'o the m.itorist one remembers how, a few years ago, j had to leave the suds hurriedly, In the sense that a sculptor says that I P R O F A N IT Y jiiiany of these roads are o f as great jiolitical speakers of both great parties swathe herself In a towel and make BEERS and ALES denounced the European dole as some­ he has finished a statue tor exhibition. ! I, o p, be hoped Ida K n ise Mcl'ar-I importance as the state highways and wpl tracks for the shrill phone. F o r P ro m p t DeUverie* P h o n e 365 land ui'lriielor in F.ngli'h at C o lo ra d o inany o t them will eventually be mclud- thing ‘‘un-.‘\merican’’ and talked about Winds are continually brushing away our brave, in'lustrious nation, it imme­ A man’s voice boomed hoarsely over James Damasco Unnersitv, wa- n.d senoU' when ■‘’be | .^7';^'^';"' dust from one place and depositing It Con'trurtion G not the only field in diately becomes evident that this new the wires and Linda's high hopes fell 107 STOCKTON ST. HIGHTSTOWN receiilK w on herself a degree ol n..- on another; rushing streams are wear­ toriety In- deiiloriiig a decline, which she whr'h highvvay work must be carried development i.s one which is not entire!) ing away the hardest granite; strata to the ground. For seven days she’d IMPORTED and DOMESTIC on. N.,1 matter how enduring or expen­ claimed Jo have ob'crved, in the so- satisfact'.iry. are slipping here and there in an ef­ snatched up the phone—It might be WINES LIQUORS s allcd art and |>ractice of prof.anitv. \\ e sive .1 road may be constructed, it is I lie call she’d prayed for. It never not free from wear and other forces j’erhaps it mi'ght be well, for a mo­ fort to bring about equilibrium and to have not noticed any such declitu-, either ment, lo picture the trial.s, the dangers, level huge mountains. Wliee all this had been. m ciirreiil literature or in collotiuial which tend to destroy it. Constant inainlenjince is necessary to reduce the the hardships and the sufferings of the patting, molding and scraping Is over “Linda?” lie was repeating. Norton Floor Surfacing Co. .speech. I'.ul, even if profanity actually pioneer American men and women who “You sound like King Kong,” Linda were waning in virility, that would not effect of i these forces to the minimum the earth will he finished In more Floor* Surfaced, Both Old and New and to keep the road in good condition. cleared, and drained, and cultivated this senses than one. It will be dead, as­ replied, doing her best to sound llgbt- AUo Filling, Staining, Shellaking, be so di'iilorable as the 'peclacle ol an middle western land making it possible in'tructor in English deploring it. 'This maintenance vvvirk includes snow serts a writer In the New York Times. hearted and carefree. Why, oh wliy, Varni*hmg and Waxing. removal to keep tlie highways open in that this naturally rich section of our I’rofaiiily. or at any rate profanity of country was made the breadbasket of Among the forces that thus affect couldn't this have been Jerry? PH O N E 74-J the inveelive not the exdamator.v — the winter the earth are those exerted by the It has, therefore, been the custom to the world. This was in the “horse and “Just a slight . cold,’’ he explained. 129 Franklin St. H ig h tsto w n sort i' but a substitute for origin,il buggy days’’ of course, and these men tides. Bulges of water course around “I’ll soon be back to the silvery expression and as a rule is most U'Od consider only the ruling surface of the highway If that were good, the ap- and women were rugged individualists. the earth—two bulges—every 24 hours cadences. I’d have called you sooner by tho'i- whose powTr,'of expression in They did not depend on the government as the result of the moon’s attraction. the mother tongue are most limited. jicarancc did not matter. Of recent but unlU today 1 couldn't speak at all. Magazines years, however, the people who use the for relief, but on their own efforts with It is just as If a load slipped over 'Feed a cold,’ liowever, yon know. 8o I.ike slang, its use on the whole betrays the squirrel riffe, and the hand plow. cither a poverty or an indolence of the highways have begun to feel that some­ the earth’s crust. Where the load how about having dinner with me?” SUBSCRIPTIONS thing ought to be done about unsightly And they managed to get along some­ happens to be at the moment there intellect. It is, in short, the last thing how ajid to help build a great nation. "That would be awfully nice.” Try whose waning should be deplored,^ by conditions and bleak, unattractive must be a hollow in the crust-—a hol­ as she would Linda couldn’t sound en FOR ALL MAGAZINES an instructor in the art of using stretches of highway. The demand that low like that produced In a rubber something be done ha' been growing No man or woman will contend, for tlmslastlc. lish. , a moment, that in a great country like ball pressed In at opposite sides by the “Any chance for tonight?” MARJORIE DENNIS If the lady wanted to deplore the de­ and the state has begun in a small way P H O N E 39 o r 373 to try to make the highways attractive. the United States anyone should be per- hand. When the hand Is released the “Tomorrow night,” she said, cline of something virile, she might have mitlcd to become naked and starving. ball springs back Into shape. So does 24« STOCKTON STREET .leplortd the decline of original invec­ There is every indication that this work “Would it be ton much to ask you will require uicreasing attention in fu­ But the situation will become jnst as the earth when the tidal bulge moves to meet me In town?’’ Ids voice rasped. or Gzuiette Office tive, which I' the intelligent man’s or dangerous if we permit ourselves to get on. w'onian's method of arconijihshing what ture years. Linda lived tucked off In the suburbs The state lia' joined with Pennsyl­ into the state of mind where we expect i.s sought to he acconiplishcd, clumsily to live off the government until s.iriie- far from jay-walkers and taxi races. ami tritely, by profanity. However, vania and .New York in the construction “Where and wlien?" she asked. Notary Public and imrcliase of hrid.ges connecting their thing that happens to suit us iti the way TK« “Fourth Ertate" what with General Johnson and the of employment turns up. Some of these “Martini’s. At seven. (). K.7” GEO. P. DENNIS (ircsideiitial campaign coming on, we highways with those of New Jersey. The term ‘‘estates of the realm” was JTie Holland tunnel was also construct­ days the government’s supply of good ”0. K.” OFFICE: had not noticed that decline either. money will run out and we will then formerly applied to the three great Linda's mother came In as she hung ed Jointly by the States of New York classes or orders which had a share lit HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE have the prospect not only of a loss of up the phone. Gazette Building, 114 Roger* Aveou* NEWS? and New Jersey. lo the government, namely the clergy, dole but a loss of liberty and a reversion “For me?” she asked. Phone 37J A report from New York makes us Ill the early days of highway con­ the Lords and the Commons, In Eng­ wonder whether it has come to a poiiit struction in New Jersey, a part of the to some form of state socialism. “No. For me. Steve. I’m having RESIDENCE: work vva' financed by general [iroperty land. Jocular writers such as BTeld- dinner with him In town tomorrow 241 STOCKTON STREET 111 this Country where routine justice is Leaning on the government may be at Ing In 1752 referred to the “mob" as taxes. Now the situation is reversed night.” Phone 3> news. times in periods of stress, necessary, but a fourth estate; others applied the Thomas it.tint..n was silting on a and taxes on motor veliicles and gaso­ if long continued the leaner may lose Linda's motlier repeated what she’d fence in the rear of his home, singing line not only pay for all state highway, his independence and his American en­ term to the army, to the Times news­ been saying for some time. "You paper, to the journalist Cobbett, etc. JODY COPELAND tenor .at 9:15 in the evening. \ neigh­ work, but :ire being used to pay interest terprise, to say nothing of what may could do worse." bor siimmom-rl a policeman. Ihe officer and retire bonds issued for emergency Lord Brougham Is credited with the WILI, ENTERTAIN HIS MANY FRIENDS hajipen to the government. Few people “Much worse,” Linda admitted. “I AT HIS told Mr. llainlon to cut out the singing relief, teachers’ salaries, and construc- have ever starved in this country and use of the term In parliament, about could have two meals with him every and coiiH- down otT the fence. Mr. Bain- tioi. of institution building.s. none should be permitted to starve. 1823, to describe the groiving power of OLD BARN INN ton said he had a right to sit on his Ordinary recurring expenses for state day and three on Sunday. No, thank HIGHTSTOWN But at the same time we ought to be the nerwspaper press. In 1828 Macaulay you. Steve’s a lamb, bat . . ." fence and sing, and an argument ensued, highways and bridges in 1933-1934 were thinking less about government relief EVERY EVENING stated: “The gallery In which the re­ "You don't appreciate him," her FROM 7 P. M. U NTIL 12 P. M. in the course of which Mr. Bainton is $4,458,547. and more about giving private enter­ porters sat has become a fourth estate said to have invited the odicer t.. di­ (In next week’s article Governor mother broke In. “He’s a splendid Dancing and Entertainment prise confidence in the future so that of the realm." Carlyle used It In his to Your H eart’s Content vest himself of weapon' and see what Hoffman will discuss public welfare young man.’’ it will go ahead and supply real jobs for “Heroes and Hero Worship" In 1840, LUNCHEON SERVED would haiipen, .Mr, Haintoii then nude services of the sute government.) American workers. “For somebody else.” Come and enjoy some of our _ wonderful mixe4 the error of leaping from the fence and attributing It to the orator, Edmund The next evening Linda dressed lacka­ drinks made by our famous mixologist, “ShaA" Burke, but the statement Is not record­ fleeing, pursued by the policeman, who DR. JEWETT TO STUDY daisically. She didn’t wear the new Good Order WUl Be Maintained linallv caught him .and t'xik him to the Control Disease; ed la Burke's published works. The outfit. She was saving It just In case bousegow. He was relca.sed next day FUTURE OF DIRIGIBLES phrase designates the press as a dis­ the Jerry man had a sudden fit ot bv the trial ma.gistrate because the po­ tinct power In the state, presumably lice failed to produce any complaining Quarantine Urged Dr. Frank B. Jewett of Short Hills, memory. from the license It exercises, the lib­ The train ride Into the city was a agaiii't him. erties It enjoys, or the power It wields. Certainly if a charge of disturbing the president of the Bell Telephone Labora­ monotonous trip that was only taking .DO IN PRIZES peace is brought against a citizen, he E.very Precaution Should Be tories, has been appointed to a special her to a monotonous evening. The HEROY’S has a ri.ght to know whose peace is be­ service board to Investigate llghter- Hotel de* Invelides cross-town cab was an unrestful auto ing disturbed. We are glad the rnagi.s- Taken to Halt Spread than-alr craft, and the future ot dirigi­ The Hotel des Invalldes was found­ that was taking her to a restless eve­ Special Orange Pekoe tratc also made that inquiry, and when of Infection. ning. Linda bleakly visualized the rhe disturbed person could not be pro­ bles in the United States will be de­ ed by Louis XIV In 1671-74 as a home for disabled soldiers, the first of Us past seven days. Each day had Vi lb. carton, 30c duced. freed the accused. But we arc a By r>r. C. D. Orlnnells, Dairy Invftstlgratlon, cided largely by that board’s recommen­ kind, and at one time housed as many grown drearier, heavier. Fateh day little troubled to think that this com­ N. C. Agricultural Kxi>«rlment Station. dations, This body Is composed ot eight had taken her that much farther from The most cooling; refreshing and mon sense pnx'edurc should be treated WNU Service. scientists and engineering experts ap­ as 5,000 and even 7,000 pensioners. At economical summer beverage. Be Diseased animals should he quar­ Jerry. The possibility of more such as news Why isn't it the regular or- pointed by Dr. Karl T. Coijjptop, chair­ the outbreak of the Great war there sure to buy a package of our tea . . . antined to prevent the spread of in days was ghastly—days when the

DUTCH NECK ANOUNNCEMENT WILL START WORK AT ONCE ON which will be held on the church JERSEY HOMESTEAD PROJECT grounds on Wednesday evening, August Mr. and Mrs. Wyndham E. Small- “BOB” HUTCHINSON 21, at 5:30 o'clock. Announcement was made in Washing­ Mr, and Mrs. Warren H. Treat, Mr.s. bone visited’ Misses Lizzie and Mary announces that he will ton on Wednesday that work will begin Dye, of Hamilton Square, Sunday af­ at once on the Jersey Homestead pro­ Emma Vandegrift and Miss Marjorie reopen the ject. Everett spent Thursday at Atlantic City. The August meeting of Council will ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. 'Vernon L. Pullen will be held next Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Orville A. Walton were BARBERSHOP The first site to be prepared will be a move to Hightstown. guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. plant to manufacture pre-fabricated Walter Marrlner, of Jamesburg, Satur­ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The business meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sherman are in the Bus Terminal on slabs for planned to accommo­ Epworth League will be held on Thurs­ spending the week at Atlantic City, day. REV. THOMAS TYACK, Pa*tor date 200 needlcworkers and their fam­ Deputy police inspector John E. Cope­ The service of praise ami prayer will MONDAY, AUGUST s, 1935 ilies. day evening, with Mrs. Warren H. Treat and Miss Marjorie Everett as Miss Dunning, of Denver, Colo., land and wife, of New York; Mr. and be held this evening. Max Blitzer, project manager, wa.s in hostesses. Part of the evening will be visiting Miss Elizabeth Phillips, of Mrs. Theron Copeland and daughter, Next Sunday Sanitary serxice. A fine clean shop Washington conferri|ig with the Reset­ for the family You mill spent at Hightstown, Stockton Street. Jane, of Scarsdale, N, Y., spent a day 9:45 A. \f.—School for all ages. tlement Administratibn officials regard­ Miss Helen Taylor, of near Allen recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robert 11:00 A. M.—Public worship. The be ivelcome. ing methods of employing worker.s (or town; Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Taylor, Miss Ernest W. .Peterson, Jr„ of First Aye- Copeland. subject of the sermon will be, "The Tes­ the project and the w'age scale. ntie, has returned home after spending Gladys Taylor, K. Duane Taylor and Richard Groendyke, of Orange, visited timony of Age.” Upon his return to Hightstown Mr. Harry Taylor, Jr., vi.sited Miss Lucille two weeks in Palmerton, Pa, relatives here last week. The pastor will teach the class of wo­ Blitzer will .announce future policies and plans, Taylor at Avalon on Sunday Miss Katherine Dennis, of Stockton Florence Tilton, of Yardville, has been men and preach the sermon. Small Adv. Column John F. Hutchinson motored to On Tuesday of next week, August D A ^p*C * No advertisement inserted in Street, spent the week end with a col­ spending a few days with Miss Mar­ Greenwich on Sunday and visited hi, garet Chamberlin. 6th, the. Women's Society for Missions * this column for less than 25 lege classmate at Phillipsburg. cents. Add one cent for each word or abbrevia­ WINDSOR daughter, Mrs. Stella Marker, and fam­ Miss Sara M. Bergen has returned v/ill hold their annual picnic at the home tion abtive 25. Large size heading 10 cents ily. Elmer Tablet, of Mercer Street, at­ from a visit with Mrs. Alvah Onder- of Mr. and Mrs, John Clirehugh. Pot extra. Postage stamps arc acceptable. Ads Walter Robbins, of Bordentown, vis­ Clara Gulick spent Saturday tended the three-day annual convention donk, of Brooklyn. luck supper. inserted only on receipt of cash. ited at the home of .Mis.s Elizabeth Rob­ bins. night at Paterson and Sunday in New of the 29th Division at Cape May. Mrs. George D. Robins is suffering The members of the congregation York City. with a fractured collarbone, -whicFi she have greatly appreciated the services FO R RENT The regular monthly meeting of the I,allies' .Auxiliary of the Methodist Miss Jennie Roller entertained over John Lewis, of Second Avenue, retired sustained when she fell down stairs. of those who have conducted the Sun­ the week end her brothers, Harvey mason, will observe his 84th birthday Mr. and Mrs. Adelard Beaulieu and day morning worship and preached dur­ FOR RI'‘XT — Five-room apartment, Church will be held in the church Thurs­ Roller, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Theodore anniversary on Monday, August 5. family were recent guests at the home ing the pastor's vacation. , ' with bath, all improvements. Apply at day evening. Final arrangements will Roller, of Jersey City of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Weiscl, of City Bakery, Hightstown. be made for the annual harvest home. Mrs, Frank Probasco, of the York Plainsboro, FIRST M. E. CHURCH road, is planning to leave about Sep­ Ivan E. Bauman, of Trenton, who was FOR RIlN'T — 5-room bungalow. tember first on a trip to California. REV. GEORGE H. REDDING, MiniaUr a week end guest of his parents, Mr. The services at the Methodist Episco­ FlightsUjwn Heights. 2-car garage ami The third installment of taxes for the ami htrs. Charles E. Bauman, was the pal Church Sunday, August 4th, will be chicken house, all modern conveniences. current year are due today. Interest soloist in the local Presbyterian Church a.s follows: Applv K, (r, Stults, Higthstown, N. J. lOtf,' charges become effective after this date. Sunday morning. Church school, 9:45 A. M, Ail mem­ p a c k Miss Hazel Brietner, of South .‘km- bers are urged to be present to enjoy Misses Mary German, Mary Minta boy; Mr. and Mrs. William Karch and a pleasant hour together in the study FOR UF.XT—7-room house, U5 South White and Mary Powell are attending son. Billy, of Princeton, were entertain­ of God's Word. Each one can do his Street; all improvernentN; garage. the Methodist Conference at Penning­ ed Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. part in keeping up the attendance dur­ Fhonu Rus.sell A. I'-gnor, 158 t o m a t o U ton. John H. Snedeker. ing the summer months. Rogers Avenue. An outing to be sponsored by the 11:00 A. M.—Church services, with Charles Black, retired nurseryman of Ladies' Bible Class of the local Pres­ the pastor, Rev, G. H. Redding, in FOR RKXT—7-roorri house on Stock- the York road, will celebrate his 92nd byterian Church will be held along Car­ charge. ton Street, all improvements, 155 Stock- birthday anniversary on Sunday, Aug­ negie Lake, Princeton, Saturday after­ 8:00 P. M.—Evening church services, ton Street. Apply Sarah B. Smith, 137 ust 4th. noon and evening, August lOth, af which William Vogel, of Cranbury, Stockton Street. 5ltt. Howard W. Tindall, of Port Wash­ Miss Jean Marie Dolan, of Philadel­ will preach. ington, Long Island, and mother visited The regular weekly prayer services FOR RKXT—Six room house with phia, announced this week her engage­ relatives here Monday, bath. ■>teani heat and all improvements ment to Mehitabelle, of the will be held this Thursday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Abe Shteir had as their| 7 :45 o'clock. at 210 Morrison Avenue. Phone 84-R-2. Hightstown-Princeton road. guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mrs. \V. J. Scott, Princeton Road, Hightstown. 47ti. Mrs. Paul L. Lewis and children, Jane Spivak, of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH and Thomas, returned to Palmerton, William Spivak and son, Leonard, of Trenton. PRINCETON, N, J. FOR RKXT—2 to 5 room apartments; Pa., Saturday, after spending the past Mr. and Mrs. Abe Shteir and son, “Love" will be the subject of the Les­ and house on South Main Street, $37,50 Special JBeI jfHontC Val ues! week with her parents, Mr. and Sirs. Owen, were recent .ksbury Park vis­ son-Sermon ill all Churches of Christ, per month; exceptionally nice location. ■Willard Peterson. Scientist, on Sunday, August 4, Ph(.me 15R Russell A, Egnor, 158 itors. The Golden Text is: ‘"The Uird hath DEL MONTE—SLICED Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhenow and Alvin Groendyke, of Hightstown, was Roger.s Avenue. a guest Sunday of his brother, Raymond appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, family have moved from Franklin 1 have loved thee with an everlasting Street to the Major Voorhees residence, C. Groendyke, HULSES. apartments and bung-alows Carolyn Everett has returned from a love: therefore with loving kindness for rent and for sale. Phone 158, Pineapple - 2'3‘35‘ Stockon Street, which property they re­ have I drawn thee” (Jeremiah 31 :3). cently purchased. vacation spent at Seaside Heights. Russell Egnor, Insurance and 'Prop­ DEL MONTE Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Hawk and erty Management, 158 Rogers Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kulker, Jr., of Miss Dorothy Hawk were guests of thej CRANBURY Philadelphia, visited friends in Hights- former's mother, Mrs. Rebecca Hawk.i town this week. Mr. Fulker, architect of Hamilton Square, Sunday. Mrs. Walter Dye, Jr., Honored At FO R SALE Spinach ui-vw 2'3‘2 I‘ Mrs. B. A, Segerstrom and daughter, Sho-wer Given At Cranbury and illustrator, designed most of Phila­ FOR .SAI.K—One 1930 Ford truck, delphia's little known buildings. Alice, of Roebling, have returned home ■A surprise variety shower was given Del Monte Tomato Juice 2c.°n.‘ l3c after spending a few days with .\Ir and ILiday afternoon by Mrs. Thomas with bi>dy, in good condition. City Rev. and Mrs. George H. Redding will Mrs. Lewis B, Chamberlin. Wells in honor of Mrs. Walter Dye, Jr„ Bakery, Hightstown. Del Monte Tomato Sauce spent the month of August at “R- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Messier, of at the home of her grandparents, -Mr. Haveii,” Mt. Bethel, Pa. Mr. Redding Trenton; Rev, L. E. Tullar, of , anil .Mrs. William Cox. The .gifts were FOR S.\LF.—400 second-hand potato Del Monte Cherries 26c ■will occupy the local M. E. Church pul­ Africa; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Cham­ placed under a large umbrella of yel­ bagN. Inquire Wyckoff Bros,, Hights­ pit Sunday morning, Augst 4th and Ilth. berlin and Laura Chamberlin were re­ low and blue and were of china, glass­ town, X. ]. cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orville ware, money, silver, pyrex, kitchen WHITE HOUSE— EVAPORATED FOR S.\.LK--Doubte house on Stock- ■'Hob” Flutchinson will reopen the bar­ K. Wright. utensils ami linen. Games were enjoyed bershop in the bus terminal building on Guy__^ . A...... Bensinger, Jr., is spending . under the direction of Mr.s. A. L. Gong- ton Street, a very g(X>d investment; al­ .Monday, The shop has been newly some^ time at the Boy Scout Camplloff and refreshments were served. so bungaltw at very low price. Phone painted. Mr. Hutchinson has been em­ Pahaquarra, Columbus, N. J. I The guests were Mrs. Fred Cox, Mrs. 158. Russell A. Egnor, 158 Rogers Ave­ MILK - 3 :I7‘ ployed in local shops for several years. Mrs. Stella Jacobs and Miss A'ersa] Cyril Ilavison, Mrs, K. Hutton. Mrs. nue. May Jacobs, of Oak Park, III.; Miss Charles Schnell, Mrs, William Pullen, Miss Betty Burch is assisting tem­ Whilmina Miggee, of Berwin, III., have; Mrs. Fritz Liedtke,Mrs. William FOR SALE — 200 bushels seed rye porarily' in the Trenton Public Library been spending some time with M r. and Hughes, Mrs. Joe Hopple, Miss Jean­ grown from certified seed; free from lar this summer. Miss Burch, who will re Mrs. John C. Whitcomb, and Carter nette Hopple, Mrs. Harry Schanck, Mrs. foul seed; 75 cents a bushel cash. H. Peanut Butter S '™ ‘J I7< turn to Simmons College, Boston, in Whitcomb, of Hillside, is now a guest. William Schanck, Mrs. H. Meyer, Mrs. D. Mount, 104 Park Avenue. Phone September, is a senior in the library 302-W. Q L J CALiF.~Fr«»h Packed ^ f-lb | | C - Mrs. Crtiorge A. Groendyke, Miss William Ziegler, Mrs. E. Romweber, Somaiihing N«w—Ready to Sarva I CanS I science course. Elizabeth Groendyke and their guest. Mrs, Ray Clifford Stonaker, Mrs. C. Miss Bessie R. Melick, of Clinton, were Willenbrock, Afrs. A. L. Gongloff, Airs. FOR SALE — laundry route, truck “Freddie" Tornquist, who'is spending Ernest Campbell, Mrs. Ernest Laird, and laundry equipment. Immediate sale recent Asbury Park visitors. to highest bidder. Mrs. J. K. Paxson, Oakite Cleans a Million Things! p''* ' the summer at .Metedeconk, captured a Miss Cornelia Groendyke has return­ Mrs. David Griggs, Mrs. Willis .Apple- 2 9 19 35-poiind tuna fish while fishing at sea ed from a week's visit with her uncle gate, Mrs. William Stein, Mrs. Gordon Windsor. 10-3t. Whii* the,Supply Lait*! , _ near the Mohawk wreck. To prove his and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr, Clayton. Mrs. B. S. Van Dyke, Mrs. K p A n m S Sturdy- 4.St,ins story he exhibited his catch here CELERY PLANTS, early and late of Slackwood. Charles R. Cox, Mrs. C. Hagerty, Miss iRenuUrlv Z9 c i MB ^ Wednesday morning. Betty Runyeon, Mrs. Con. Pankevich, varieties, for sale. Phone .Mlentown Arthur Everett and Walter Appelget 7I-R-4. C. F^almer West, Soutli Main Dr. and Mrs. Edward Landes, of Still­ have returned from a motor trip toiMiss Anna Mount, Miss .Anna Eirvin Street, Allentown. 8tf. P^-G Whit* Naphtha Soap - 3 r*k«» lie Maine and . Anna Christensen, Miss Dorothy water, N. I., entertained on the Landes Chipio - 2 15c, Is* pkj 18c lawn last Thursday in honor of the Ernest .Allen is spending some time Krrickson, Mrs. A. Applegate, Mrs. ADDING MACHINE PAPER birthday anniversary of Mr.s. Landes. at Seaside Heights. Carrie Havens, Mrs. Ralph Danser, Mrs, Adding machine paper rolls for sale Sunnyfittld Corn Flakes Vk" l^c, pif,'he Miss 1-imma Dennis and Mrs. Charles Ruth Mather Feted Knima Harder, Miss Addle Kveringham, at Hightstown Gazette office.—adv. Dennis, of North Main Street, were Mrs. Fred Carlson, Miss Martha Carl­ AG'P Fancy Tiny P«as - No. j c«n 19c Ruth Mather was honored Fri­ son. Mrs. Alberta Abbott, Miss Lizzie among the guests. day at a party celebrating her twelfth COAL direct from the mines, deliver­ Petty, Mrs. 0. Reed, Mrs. M. M. ed. Stove, chestnut, pea, and buck­ birthday anniversary by her sister, Mrs. Griggs. Mrs. Walter Dye, Sr., Mrs. Ray­ ,A truck belonging to the Sun-A-Dee William Reed, of Rocky Hill. Bathing wheat. Walter M. Wright, 113 Rogers GRANDMOTHER'S—Sli ed or Unsliced Dairy, of the Windsor road, was turned mond Griggs, Mrs. William Cox. Mrs. Avenue, blightstown. and outdoor sports were enjoyed and a Walter Dye, Jr,, and Mrs. Thomas over Sunday when the driver ■ swerved dinner served. The guests participating ReeuliuriT I I " to the right to avoid a collision with an­ Weils; wrapped I in the event were: Misses Barbara Ben­ WANTED 9c other machine at the intersection of singer, Mary Short, Dorothy Conover, Mrs. C. Bishop returned Friday from Bread K !oa£ lo .v o . I a / Pennington Road and Older Avenue ex­ a visit of several weeks wdth her sis­ Walter Conover, Jr., Mrs. Herbert ter, Mrs. E. F. Hreining, at Waynes­ MKN—Canvassers, not afraid of hard tension. Passing autoists assisted the Mather, of this place; Mrs. William driver in placing the truck back on its boro. Pa. work. Apply immediately. Salary or Crullers dozen | 5 c Reed, Billy Reed, Richard Reed and Mrs. W. E. Grove spent several days commission. Hightstown Swimming wheels after much milk had been spill­ Edwin Reed, of Rocky Hill. ed. last week with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Pixil, Hightstown, N. J. SuccejffuJ Conte»taxit» Grove at Newark. You’ll Enjoy the Smoothness of ... Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Wilbur and Miss The local Presbyterian S^unday school Mrs. Louise Errickson, of Jamesburg, SALESMEN WANTED PURE FRUIT . , Sara Hutchinson returned this week picnic held at Sullivan's Grove, Wash- and her daughter, Mrs. Cora Quacken- Men wanted for Rawleigh Routes in Yukon Club FLAVORED A iiorted from a motor trip to Madison, Wiscon­ ington'.s Crossing, proved to be a very bush, of West Palm Beach, were guests West Mercer, East Monmouth, and sin; across Lake Michigan by boat; enjoyable event. The successful con­ of Mrs. W. E. Grove Thursday. Ocean Counties. Write tixlay, Raw­ through several northwestern states and testants in the sports events were: Un­ Mrs. S. Dohm, of South Orange, is leigh Co., Dept. NJH-131-SB, Chester, the Province of Ontario, Canada; der 12 years: girls, 50-yard dash. Miss visiting Mrs. Mary Lux for two weeks. I’a. 10-'*'5t, Beverages - 3btu 25* Niagara Falls, etc'. While away they Barbara Bensinger; boys, 50-yard dash, Mr. and Mrs. John Evans and two (Not artiflcieWy colored)— aUo ^ WANTED — Girl for housework. visited many points of interest, includ­ John F. Robbins, Jr.; over 12 years; children, formerly of Dunellen, have Ale euJ CeA— Ud VeUr ( I 2 kol. 9 5 c ) depo«U ing the University of Wisconsin, Uni­ girls, 50-yard dash, Mildred Everett; rented the home of Mrs. Lemuel Stults. Phone 346-W. Mrs. C. Allen Ely, 139 versity of Notre Dame, the famous 3 to 6 years, girls, dash, Betty Hand; They moved here Friday. South Street, Henry Ford hospital at Detroit, and girls and boys, 50-yard dash, Barbara Dr. Frederick Granger, of New York Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! the Ford plant, museum, village, etc., af Bensinger; wheelbarrow race, Walter City, is enjoying a vacation of two weeks MISCELLANEOUS Dearborn. They report a very delight­ F. Conover, Jr,, and Allan Roszel; pig­ with his family in Cranbury. GOLDEN RIPE ful trip. While away, the doctor's prac­ gy back race, girls, Mildred Kmenta and The Cranbury Fire Company wa.s call­ TO LO.AN—5% money on property tice was in charge of Dr. R. T. Buckley, Doris Kmenta; piggy back race, boys, ed out at i P. M. Saturday to the Wil­ mortgage. Address Box 23, Hightstown X | ib. l ^ c of the Peddle School. John F. Robbins, Jr., and Joseph Stults; son farm owned by the Walker-Gor- Gazette office. Bananas - running broad jump under twelve years: don Company to extinguish a fire in WESTERN TELEPHONE On Wednesday last Mrs. Byron Ed­ girls, Barbara Bensinger; boys, John an empty barn. The building was de­ RUBBER STAMPS ward Undervyood, Sr., o'f Berkeley, F. Robbins, Jr.; 12 to 15 years, girls, molished, but prompt action on the part Rubber stamps, self inkers, band Calif., -and Miss. Flofence E. Under­ -Kathryn Leigh; 15 years up, girls, Cora of the fire company saved-the adjoining daters, pads, stamp inks, numbering wood, of Taft, Calif., the mojher and McIntyre; baseball throw, girls. Cora buildings. P'ire chief Liedtke was in machines, stencils, .seal presses. Prompt Fancy Peas 2 2 5 ‘ McIntyre; baseball throw, boys. Carter sister of the Rev. Fr. Underwood, ar­ charge. attention to all orders. Gazette office CALIFORNIA-SWEET, SEEDLESS rived from Hyattsville, Md., where they Whitcomb; peanut scramble, (tics). Mrs. William Hoffman and children in Gazette Building, 114 Rogers Ave­ had been paying a surprise visit to Fr. are visiting friends from Massachusetts, nue, Hightstowa Underwood's sister,_ Mrs. Laurence W, who are summering at Cape May, Ferris, whose husband is a naval archi- PROSPECT PLAINS PAPERING—PAINTING Grapes - 2 2 5' tet in the Navy Department in Wash­ Two ships used by the Vikings as Paperhanging at reasonable prices. ington. Mrs. Underwood is the wife of Rev. Fredrich Schweitzer, of Ridley burial places were found near Keter- Wide selection of papers. Inside ami IP edcK eS El^*rU—Freestone 6 r,H“n 9 c Byron Edward Underwood, Sr., a former Park, Pa., visited Mr. and Mrs. Samuel minde, in Funen, the central island of outside painting. Phone 322-R. Ernest mayor of Berkeley, and as Florence K. Dey Sunday. Denmark. J, Voorhees, 144 Center Street. Iceberg Lettuce Ciiiforui. h..