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TT I ---- ^O/a I Misii-Misi iVXabd Arpr ^ Mlaif ITSTOWN G a z e t t e . NUM BER 10 VOLUME LXXXVII HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. AUGUST 1, 1935 Alfred Powell Is a Annual Forestry Monroe Township to Receive James Thompson Funeral Rites For Texas Golf Club Champion Sales I ax Money Will Build Two The Slate Tax Dejiarlmcnt. conpeat- Fined For Theft of Cranbury Couple Mrs. Raymond Pow'ell and her son, Tour To Jeffers’ Alfred, of Baytown,- Texas, are visiting Killed In Crash Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolfe, of 240 Mer Parental Estate 8-Room Schools"'"'s^K'iation, ha-' promulgated rules for dc- Choice Liquors cer Street. Mr. Powell, a former ■ ----- ijuisit of sales ta.x receipts with 50.) bank^- Higlitstown resident, is the general Trip Through Susqu^Kaunna County— PWA Project WKkh Will Provide between the fir-t and 15lh of each A Trail of Pennies Leads to Arrest— Mr. ajnd Mrs. CKarles H. Davison Fa manager of the Humble Oil Company. D am asco Establishment Entered tally Injured When Their Coupe Col Inspect Reforestration Work Done— Moneys for Conatruclion Work—Ap-|month. He has been located in Tcxa.s for sev During Past Five Years 420,000 Seed Through Rear Door Sunday Night. lided With Truck and Trailer—Mol eral years. plication Calls for a Loan and Grant.; The a'*•'"nation wffered the service j --------- ten Wax Spilled As Truck Overturns. lings Have Been Planted, Alfred, who is 16 years old, attends --------- n* iiv 5H) members in all parts of the | .-\ fine of $3.^ and $3 cost^ was paid the Baytown high school. .According to Funeral rites for Charles H, Davison A group of jironiiiu-nt New' Jersey Annoinicemcnt was made Tuesday hvLtaie with"Ui enst I" the slate. Leslie j luev'-day morning by James 1 In.impson, news dispatches from Baytown, the Congressman William H. Sutliliin that . i,i«tniciion« urraigntd Mumlay before and his wife, Hannahj who were fatally youth won last week the club golf cliam- jieople spent the week end on a bus tour through Susquehanna County, Pa., President Roosevelt has approved a , . , ,, . , . ^ ijnstier "{ the Peace Franklin K. Hanip- injured in an automobile accident Thurs jiionship of the Baytown Country Club. grant of $67.5IX) for cuiistnictnm of iwn| ton on complaint of Chief of IMIice day night, were conducted at their home. He defeated I.awrenee Reilly, titlist, 2 as the guest of Henry W. Jeffers, of Plainsboro. schooL in \foiiroc Townshi]), represent- f'"in niervhams with monthly rciiort- Carltem II. Conoxer. Thonip.son w'as Main Street, Cranbury, Monday^aft^- up, over the 3()-hole route of the cham- ing45 per ami of the coiistriiction costs, :Recei|it« will be forwarded to the State 1 charged with petty thievery. noon by the Rev. Frank B. Everitt, pionshij) finals. Powell cardeeP' a 143, Kach year a week einl trip is taken through this seetion of Pennsyhania to Tax I lepariniem not later than the 2.sth - .\a-ording to the iiolice, the pastor of the Cranbury First^ Presby one under par. Reilly shot an even par P ‘ o h L * .made fin the theft of nine bottles terian Church. Interment was in Brain- of 144. inspect the refore'^tration work done by ] nblii Works -O'"' ■ ■ ; I’avnient of tax receipts inu-t be made i ,,j Hquors xaliied at $27.70 from the erd Cemetery, under the direction of A. Although Powell has entered several «Mr, leffers on his parental estate and year aeo or a •«' Per . cut g , 1 ut ,„ccc,.d- of Janies Damasco, 1(W Stockton S. Cole, Son & Co. tc.urnaments, it was his first title. Reilly also to visit otlier plantings in the coun- when the rogre. s . > ‘ ,„onlh. but mav be iiresented at the'g(re<i, -\ trail of iiennies from the rear Mr. Davison, 71, is survived by a set a brilliant jiace to start the finals, '>'■ J luring the t»ast five years Mr. Jel- turn ua- sen up the any fme after the first, M,-I„f | lamaseo’s ,o Thonmson’.s caused the daughter, Mrs, Charles Barclay, of .Al going out over the first nine holes in to a .-A jin unt gran , ‘ ' G <:i c;n - 1 uiadc clear banks wonhl mg be i arrest, whn. the iiuhce vay. con- lentown, and a brother, Furman Davi 3-f, two tinder par. Powell trailed with I'crs has [ilanled 420,(X)()' seedlings, in- ])ro\'ide> fur a loan and grant of cliuling while pine, red ihne, white, red, re''Pon''ible t"r tlie accuracy of )'a\ment 1 Thump-Min idc'^ with his son, of Long Branch, 5frs. Davison, a 35. On the second nine, Powell bag OOO. tutaL. imerprftali"n "i sales tax rnlf‘^. ! fa,,fily un the ^cc"n.l "ur "f the ad- 64, who was the second wife of Mr. ged a 37 and Reilly the same. I’owcll vSeotch and .Austrian pines, Norway ami Lrclnninary h''*”' of ,,enalties for xiohu.on norbmlding. Davison, leaves two brothers, Harry shot 34 on the first nine of the seconil white sjinu'es. balsam and llouglas firs, schtn-N were . .'Mexander Merchant.i'.*,': andI „■now Ihaithat |h„the d'olli-vtion of d-.-hoiiored vhecks. [ j'he entry wa- made Sunday night by Hammond, of Englishlown, and John IS holes, leading Reilly, «-ho shot an-'Japanese lardi and locn^t trees. The bank'', however, will chi-ek the n.,||o\in,«j a kIu"'' from the rear door of H. Flamntond. of Marlboro., ’ V. j Jhe i)arty left I’laniNboro caily Satin- gram Ina been roted d is exi.ected tbat ^ rreeli'iii'-"1 nam<’", addre«;scs and ('er-1 Injunr establishment. 'Phe stolen The accident occurred shortly after DuriitK his'vlsil in Hisbtstown Powell <l'jy mornmn At Sl,a«nl.sbur« Pa„ ,1 wdl be avoe.ptcl by -L'WI ! 1 'tax TVpoTt^-, ■ "g,lOd.v-.weie'Temnu’d; PNdiev al?H;>- rC'- Board "t I-.diication, and Mi. .Merihantj six o’clock last Thursday evening. Mr. is plavit^^a on the Pe.ldie polf course, ‘'’PV sto,,,,ed tor b e.kfast 1 c H'orted that Thompson, who lia- been and .Mrs, Davison were returning home * ■ _____________ I New Jersey group was met by a pait\ will then he in a ]>osition to i-roceed from Pennsylvania. An o\ernight stoj) receiving aid from the I'.R.-N, wonhl not from a business triji to Carteret when willi the final draft. inhtain aid in tin future from tlie EK.A. their small coupe collided with .a truck wafs luadi' at ALuitrose Inn. Montrt)SC, 1‘ian-' call lOi' the conNtrnclii»n of two- ^Jersey Homestead Soft Ball League J’a.. county scat of Susquehanna Coun i'J'Iiis was 4’homp''on’s third appearance and trailer loaded with 3,000 gallons of eight-rnnin schools, the location to be; I in eoiirt- -he liaving been twice lire- molten wax at the George’s Road in ty. A contingent of New Yorkers also decidul by the 'rowimhip Board of Kdii- Planning To Begin Second Series niatle the trip. I vi< nsly fined lor operatin.g an ant" with- tersection of the super highway in cation. The t\^o >cliools will jirovidc "111 a dnverN license. North Brunswick Township. ^ Q . 1 I A> the New Jersey College of .-Xgi'i- a c c i>111111''flatI'ln-- lor approximafeh' H)0 ‘ Work This Month: During the past week Judge llamjiton Mrs. Davison died in the ambulance L j QITICS O t 8 . r t 0 U !cr-linre is contemplating including a children. j has handled niimeri'ns east-s. pnnciiial- enroute to the hospital. Death came I fcjrcslray eonrse in its curriculum, Ih-of. C'cuntv Solicitor ]-'dmund Hayes j Iv violations of the ni"tor \tdiicle aet. to Mr. Davison at 8:30 o’clock hriday f', ilelvar was a member of the and h'reeholder C, Kaymoiid Wicoff Cn .Registration At ERA Office for Labor- Lace Work* Open Campajrn W>th ers to Be Employed Soon—Construc \ni"Hg thcN^.’ were: morning in St. Peter’s yiospital. New oju rated with the nuiniciiial authorities’; Louis Ciranaia, \'imland. speeding in Brunswick. Coroner......................... William.......... H. Jacjiii Smashing: Victory Over Citizens Uub j pariv this vear in- in "biaining the loan and grant. They tion Probably Under Force Account persons received fractured —Hi-Y Cracks Ruggies — Dairymen n udemial distnet. H. and violation of said both , mad( -c'veral tri)>s to Washington in be- ! C'-ndil loiial ilnver's license, $1, Officer skulls and internal.... injuries. and, Firemenr- Are«... irVictors. Samuel T, .Mcldey, warden New Jer-- , iuili Mi the apiilication. The reListralD'U oil \\ udin sda> at l^hi j \!igi;lo Donofrio. Bmoklyn, The truck and trailer was driven by ,sey Stale Hos]>ital. 'rrenlon; Dr. K. J., ]-it;],lx fur the cnnstniction will he re- loeal 14fu t 'if the I'-R.-X ot laborer - for careless driviivc. $1. 'Proopci Wdlgus. Richard Given, 29, of .501 West 174th The Lace Works oitened its campaign lielfftrd, Princeton; Mrs, lA J, Lei-, .j,j early date, which will per- work on the jerst-v 1 fi ime-ttad-- project Henry W. Barr, New York, careless Street, New York City, ami is owned by in the second half of the soft ball league ford,-Princeton; Julia .M. Bolles, .Mfrcd t^vo jobs within in Nfillstone 'I’ovvnship. seven mile‘s I driving. $.\ Trooper W'illgU's, .\iigustns the AIcCurmack Trucking Company, race witli a smashing victory over the S.