Mvmtiai Member Mth YEAR — 17th WEEK National Editorial Auoclatlo* M ATAW AN, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1963 New Jcrscy Pccm AuocltUoa Single Copy Ten Centa St. Joseph's Community Athletic Field Dedicated Clamp Down Lid Wet Down INeu Fire Truck Two-Acrc Zoning On Gas Stations Code Introduced Car Lots, Showrooms "Equivalent Ratable" Also Face Restrictions Feature Provided

Moving Ui control thf infill': of Madison Township’s new zoning .service stations ami car lots along ; ordinance was introduced Monday, highway areas, the Matawan Town­ j The ordinance provides a setup ship Committee Monday night in­ J considered novel for the whole troduced an amendment tn the /ou- : state in thal it sets up a two-acre ! im: rode requiring special use per- j minimum lot sire /one for ull the ;miis to be issued before thev nuv j area of the township between | he (-(instructed | Suyr*! Woods South and the Mata-- ; The ordinance limits the location j wan boundary to block out mass of service station*, used car lots I housing development except on one arid new car sales rooms to high­ j condition. way business' and industrial /ones • I be one < nndiiion is that the hut requites a special use permit, ! would - he developer fir.st carry al similar to a variance, he recom­ : completion or provide perform- mended bv the 7oning board of ad­ [ unco bonds for the carrying to i jus! men I before a huiidtn" permit completion of industrial and com­ is issued. mercial ratables at least equal in 'I'he committee closed tiie lid t.n true value to all the housing he development of this type ol com­ projects to build. Ih;s proviso is ' merrial venture even further when COlisjilereil iK; n'.n'e! ieaiure j_*f !!',a ft declared a moratorium on a'l measure, designed, as Harold (J. . const t action of these business en­ Smith, rhe township anorney, ob« terprises until the ordinance is con­ served, to “ protect flu* economic sidered for final adoption Nov t welfare ot the tuwn-*bip.“ It 1% ; Other Provisions called the “ ei|ui\alent ratable ra­ j 1 h-* ordinance will require a mm tio.” It applies only Ut the two- , imum loi si/e of !a,OW) squaie teet acre lot. oi R SO /one. Ihe desig­ ; and stipulates lhat no service sta nation of R so is drawn trom the I tion, iist d car lot or new car salt’s fact the lots in the two • acre /one' 'otfit i- n'av he located within l.'iDl) must have Sfl.OOO square feel anti . f,r I u( om, another and not clos.-i dinnMuions ol no !rss lhan ‘JlO - foot front and .'L’U feet in depth. Hie Rev. William J. Bauach, Mtlstanl pastor ol SI. lowph'i Church, regulation macadam outdoor basketball courts, four regulation macadam th m mu to anv school, hospi- the new l;N».l American Lal ranee 1000-gallon pumper of the Mat- Keyport, formally Meuci lhe new community athletic Held al St. lo- handball courts and macadam tennis courts which are being completed, tal, chuich or public buildim:. awan 'Iownship linse and Chemical Co. 1, Inc., was christened Saturday If the developer meets the ru- •eph’a Partafc oa Broadway, Keyport, Sunday afternoon. Participating Following tbe formal blessing, theHev. Father Hausch said, “ These : .\noih«*r ordinance, rer mmm-nd.-d at we! down ceremonies nt the lire, house. This makes a totul of lour quoeinenis of the ’’equivalent rata* la IIm dedkatloa ceremonie* were Mayors John W. Applegate, Mala­ facilities are dedicated to the youth not only of St. Joseph's Parish, ; bv the planning board to plug a ! fire trucks m the companv. Pictured in the truck Is Chief ICnginccr hie ratio," then lie can develop in w i! Borougk; Cardan 11. Poling, Keyport, and-John Marz jr., Malawan but to all youth of tbesurrounding communities regardless of race, color, loop hole in tiie present /.oning code John Moeci, and in front Malawan Iownship Committeeman Henry the K Sl) /om- on 100 • by . !f»fl - or religious conviction, and to you, the Mayors as tbeofficial repre- .was refened to the township at- : Traphagen hands tbe keys lo Andrew Nimziato, president of the Hoard feel, or one - third acre Inis. Th# Township. Coa*ratuiallon» were Dent by Mayor Philip J. Blanda jr., one-third acre minimum remain* Raritan Township. sentallvcs of your respective communities, we, of St. Joseph’s Parish, '■ torm-v, Herbert Smith, tor snutv.oi l itire Commissioners, while Chief Louis Auriemma stands at the right. wish to assure your children access to these facilities." ! provide* that exempted .subdivi- in force fur the Sayre Woods South The facilities conalit of a regulation baseball field with a steel area without reference tn th# backstop and dugouts, a one-llfth mile regulation oval track, four Tbe DeVHtc Military Band, Morganville, took part In the ceremonies. I s ons be limited to three homes ------(Under thr present ordinance, it is ■’equivalent ratable ratio " • i ia f . i {conceivable that time home;, mav Library Trustees Garden Apartments Clause Summon Levitt Rojected W ith RegfGt ihe built as an exempted subdm- Garden apartments are allowed One G ram m ar Grade ‘ i sion, provided the nine, in /troops onlv irr a new C J /ofie along Roma Apprised that there has been A communication f r o m the I of three, front on public streets. 'I and along the southern extremity oo reply to a letter sent to Levitt Matuwan Grammar School Par* ; Committeeman Norman F. Wood Explain Question of new Route IS 'Ihis zone i.s 4 and Sons, Inc., requesting a date ent-Tcachers Association read nt ; sported that final appraisals have strip laOU feet wide along boili Iho Matawan Regional Board of - been received for easements re- sides of these hujhwavs. Hut th# for Ihe resumption of a hearing One of the ouestions which will hrarv svstem, only one library di Faces Split Sessions Fdueutlon meeting Monday called squired for the widening and re- site fur the ;Mjden apartments Jn concerning recreation areas In appear on tiie ballot for the voters rector will be required, not two for reinstitution of the reading ! mnsnaction of I.lovd Kd. He noted this /tme must be appiovcd bv the Strathmore, the Matawan Town­ dlliori on Church St. where high of Matawan Borough und Matawan Centralization ot "behind the Luther A. Poster told thu Maui* of the excerpts from the Old that while condemnation proceed- planning board as suiublo for tha ship Committee Monday night school pupils from the borough Township to consider on Flection scenes" work eliminates costly du­ wan Regional Board of Education Testament and classroom prayers , j,l;.s Miav have to be tarted in two traffic contiol pattern govyrninjc summoned Levitt representatives Monday that the enrollment bulge walk up and down a heavily trav­ Day concerns the .Matawan Free plication with a resultant savin,;v in Matawan Schools. The P-TA 'cases, work will go ahead inuned- the highway aiea and cannot to appear at a hearing Oct. ]l would probably force an abandon­ eled roadway right in the way of Public Librarv. The question wiii I'he purchases of books, supplies Informed t h e board that ap- ( iatelv. The work is to be done by placed .<} any point m /he zone it at the township hall. ment of the junior • senior auto traffic was found particularly call for a vote of “ yes" or ‘’no" and services can be accomplished propriate resolutions were being ’ l.evi:t and Soils, Inc . at no cost to suits the faocv ot the builder. Oth­ Mrs. Rose K. Wenzel, township school attendance plan at the Mat­ bad. The spectator was told to take that the Township of M;itawan and more cheaply bv a larj;e unit than forwarded to the representatives ; the township, erwise the C J /one is limited to elerk, reported she had written awan Regional High School to the this matter to the Maawan Town­ the Borough of Matawan unite with bv two small fines actinj* M-p.iraie. s'.ores ot Mutable M«h >i aiea aiej Levitt officials two weeks ago of Monmouth County In the state ] obtain Witnesses each other in the support, main­ extent that the seventh grade pu­ ship Committee for lhe adoption Iv. parking grounds and other com. asking them to select either legislature and to the represent- ; C()mmit„ , . authorized Mr. tenance and control of a joint free pils will be moved out of the build­ and enforcement of a sidewalks as­ Undertake Larger Program men ial or professional husinesse# Oct. N or Oct. Sl to resume a sessment ordinance in these dan­ ativc of New in Congress ' public library pursuant lo the laws ing. . j Smith tn obtain expert witnesses to Another advantage ot tiie latgtt s;> implemented with parking lo'i, hearing on an appeal by Strath­ gerous areas. In connection with this request. I bol.-ier ti;e township’s case in a of lf)5!i. There w i l l be seventh grade Roy S. Matthews, president, library is m tiie srope ami n.ntue AiiOiher iie'.i lY.tlurc of tlie ordi* more residents that insufficient Asks Dus Transportation | suit being brought by Anthony It would appear without any pre­ classes established at t h e three commented that he wished the of its .services Manv programs can (sitinn to go forward im ­ the Levitt development by the bid of SIIHIU. The original oiler of ; operation and support since l!Hr>. Township Committee into split sessions, but cautioned it mediately with plans to expand ■laming board set ssldo. So Matawan Aid ed hy tne ban on such observ­ ‘ Recently, however, it was discov­ was too early yet to make abso­ SlillO wenl to $101)0 in bidding be­ facilities and provide a greater li­ far, no oao from the Levitt firm ances being effected hy a ruling ered that the steps taken in 1!M5 Receives Report lute statements on how the align­ tween Mr l’a iris and John Sav,t- brary service tn a larger segment b a s appeared to declare Its 50 Per Cent More of Ihe Supreme lo establish the joint library were ment i/ould be. sky. ( of the population A negative vote A special water study committed position. Court. That fs, he noted, that not sufficient lo comply VMtii tin: Tlie superintendent explained his ! on the question will, of necessity, Monday night recommended thul For School District children must not be given the laws of the Stale of Nev Jersey prognostication was hascd on a pu­ 1 result m curtailment of plans for Matawan Township rwrgani/e th# Idea they can disobey the law, | Squad Completes Drive concerning joint free public li­ pil Influx of 6.1 pupils per 10(1 houses IZdwurd Scullion, secretary, re­ the future. In its present legally present Sewerage Authority to in* J. as set up by the Supreme Court braries To correct this situation occupied in Strathmore to date. He questionable status the Board of chide jurisdiction over water util* Council Argues ported to the Matawan Regional or any other legislative body, i 'I'he Matawan Township First Aid I and to "lej'ali/.e" a mjrriage which noted thnt if this percentage is Trustees cannot move forward. A ities nnd then acquire the Stralh* Board of Education the figures just because they do not like the j Squad will complete its annual | bas been in existence for many maintained for the tola! 1900 hous­ negative' vole will mean holding law established. | fund drive this weekend in the ' years, tin. \la-;iwan Township more Water Co.. which serves th# es, It would result in IMO pupils of supplied from thc State Depart­ up all plans until another election Master Plan Strathmore area. The p i(» m ls of i Committee, the Matawan Borough l')im home Strathmore development* school age coming in. The rated can be held in IM I. a vear's delay. ment of Education .through the this drive will give the squad work­ ! Council and liie Matawan Free The rejx>rt, submitted to the com* capacity of the Strathmore School In tin* interest of continuing the Agr««s To Add county superintendent of school’s ing capital for the next year und ; Public Library Association have mittee bv Norton !L Berlin, chair* is 30 pupil* per room for 3-1 rooms. library system and providing an office on the amount of state aid Seek Monastery enable It to complete the payments ! entered imo an agreement which man of the committee, estimate# expansion of ils services, (he Hoa'd $500 To Share Mmt Count Pre - Schoolers the school district could expoct if on tbe two new ambulances and | defines the means of Joint open- s- ! ratify the continuance ol a joint on Flection bay. owned and operated utility lo on# Matawan Bor oil fill Council cleared pils moving in of school age wore Scullion reported state aid was sible to begin work on the new ; free public library. operated by a municipal agency. (he way for the execution of a con­ unreliable, that there had to be an quoted for the current year in the Basilian Fathers' building for the Strathmore urea. ( Nine-Member Hoard The report estimated that this tract with the Slate Department of accounting of those of pre-school letter from the state us S424.9.17. Hearing Continued j Under this agreement the Hoard age and this was of a more pro­ while the statu aid to be antici­ Drain Work Bids would represent a 31 per cent ro* Conservation anil Economic Devel­ of Trustees of the Matawan Free duction in water ra?es. presently nounced indication of future boom­ pated If the bonds pass will be Public Library will consist of nine opment for the preparation of a A hearing to determine if the Head* MD Drive charged Strathmore users. Resi­ ing enrollment. He said there are JG:i7,-llft, a 50 per cent gain. i members made up as follows: piaster Plan, The contract must be Dasilian Fathers of Mjii.i^ii:h. a dents of the development have com­ as many pupils coming in ages 1-5 The board received a rejxirt on ! Three appointed by the Matawan Seen Favorable •xecutcd before federal aid for the as ages 0-18. its current finances from the Sea­ Roman Catholic Order, nuv con­ plained the present rate schedule, ; Township Committee, three ap­ fixing a $J0 quarterly minimiutl project can be obtained by Ihe bor- man auditing firm, Perth Arr.hoy. duct a monastery in M ,t I a w a n Township To Award Asked about building plans to ] pointed bv the Matawan Borough charge, is trn» hijjh. Jasper Johnson, their representa­ cope with the situation, Hoy S. Township within the confines of (Council, together with the Mayors Contract Nov. 7 (continued on page four) Wilh Coundlmen John J. Walsh Matthews, board president, stated tive, stated tho crisis of operating land uses permitted under the zon­ I of each municipality and the su- r. and Warren Hutchinson dissent- the architects were viewing the the district lo have been $1,506,106.­ I pcrimendent of Matawan Regional ing ordinance was continued last The Matawan Township Commit on, council voted to approve an ad­ district lor suitable sites anti th.it 14 In imilMi.T against $!,2!M.ftt4.:i5 | Schools. ^ Forum O n Bond Issue (continued on pane fom Im i) tee Monday night received Ll bids ditional (500 to augment Its share they have been working on plans in 1MI-G2. ’lhe free appropriation Ihe expenses of operating this for u contract to install storm tt the cost of preparing the master for a new school structure for balance of June .11) last was J1H1,- iibraiv will be met, as they are I ii)ertv Grange yi. Marlboro, will drains on 2l» various streets. The plan. The additional sum is requir­ “ several months.*' 081 against $lft8,70.TB2. Mr. John- Seven Gas Stations now, bv taxation, each municipal­ spm;nr u forum ot which there .00 committee announced a contract ed for administrative fees of the The board was asked by a spec­ son did not consider the drop any-1 Ahead Of Ordinance ity participating ou the basis of ils will be a discussion of the pros and (continued on page four) tator about thc dangers of walking total tax ratables. No increased will be awarded for th*’ work ut a cons of the STiiO.OOU.IWO Hond Issue. thing for concern, even though ! special meeting Nov. 7 to nchools along heavily traveled 517.000 tuition Income from Madl-1 Malawan T o w n s h i p Planning ta\ burden will result from the The forum will In? held at th# Charter Study Info roads without sidewalks. The con* ratification of this agreement. The three lowest bidders were Grange Hall, Route 79, Marlboro. Z r ia r 'l h o n 'n i i T r , yC" r a.nd I n,mri1 I“ »' "iKht approved the ordi- The trustees point out the co*t the Nesto Construction Co., New­ Tuesday evening, beginning at, % special slate old benefits on be- nance referred to It by the town- ark, jsnjHJ‘1; Almeidas Construction At Matawan Library comingcnniini? n roi» rtnn rlittr<-i 1 _«.i_ ... . . J . . 11 of operation. With one large H- p m. There will he a upeaker tuv- I reKlonal district taper, ship committee to redraft the ion- Co, Brnwntown, $!)l,0)!l, und C off. orlng the IkjmJ Issue and one op­ Another fres opportunity for the No Intention Of „ ...... ,, , ,, i'lK covering filling stations, autu Della Pietro Inc.. Ilopelawri, posed. The forum will be ojwn tn On flo.ini.ial matters of .smaller repair jhopt, auto sales rooms IMI. Bids from other contractors iters of Matawan Township to the public. ■rn more (bout charter study sta tire, the board had some iliffi-j truck terminals and the like. The Charier Hopefuls ranged a* high as SWf.Otfi. E (iillle.i. Harold ,r. Dolan, n former redraft requires that eas statloni Tlie cfimmittee has authorized ia been revealed this week. Increasing Rates (continued on pagenuee four) oorl ... i... i - t The Matawan Free Public U- cannot he located with I.'«00 feet a .Md'i.llOO b«)nd issue to finance Candidate s' Night rary now has available ils book- Over Canco, Geist of one another nnd that they no Issue Statement (continued on page fourteen) its on the subjects of local govern- New Bank Branch longer can be erected by simply Thu flr«t, und ptmibly only, lont and charter study, according Toils Homo Ownort obtaining a pcrnvit from the build, Slate Backed By New Speed Limit candidate,’ nl|(ht (or tlw ill per. l library director, Mrs. May B. Kirst Merchants National Hank, ing Inspector. A use permit must mini running fur Ihe Towmhlp Harry Geist, chairman, pave as­ Strathmore Group lomlnlck. Ths literature was do- Asbury Park, hai been grintrtl bo sought from the /nninj; board CHARLES HASFMANN Along Route 35 CoiHinltteu h *c(iecr»llc; Prank l>e- hi«e«. I.arll ciindlrtate first (continued ou |>W four) ship committee then ran order the Law; Council and Commission hour, (hen Mttle back to en|ov of World War ll. lives wilh his Notice will Im- Introduced and aiked I* building Inspector to Issue no nvnre The First Unitarian Church of A furlher adjourned hear inr*. on Manager Government: Municipal that extra hour of sleep Hint vou permits, even though legal standing wife and two children at 250 Ja ck ­ slate fiN qunllflcntliiin, A mod­ Charter Rnvlsloa New J t riejr; Notice Tv son St,, Mntfiwan. Mofifiroi/'h County hai purchased «/i appeal Me(| )>y aggrieved par­ is lo*( In April when DavfUht hav­ of the ordinance la not totally ef­ erator then will ««k one eandldat* Municipal Oovernment In New Jer­ Malawan Township Resident. ing Time went Into effect, Commltleo chairmen Mrs, Slum III1'* acres on West Front St., Mid­ ties to th#* action of tin* Planning fective until IM final publication, front each slule lo present lil« sey; A Oulde for Charier Com­ Duo to tho severe drought, the non, Ru.fsell Uueco, Mrs. Shirley dletown, one mile w-est of the Mid­ Hoard In approving Juniper Park with thr warm weather thal according to law. pnrty’t position on the titular missions. Township Committee urge* all resi­ hat been In evidence the past Henderson, Mrs, George Leary dletown • Lmcroft Rd. lhe congre­ Section 2^, Stratbmon- At-Matawan fimip;il|>n Issuer. I liene lueltid* The library, located at the cor- dents tn make an effort lo conserve few weeks, It will be hard te get and Mrs, bili/’.abeth Costello have gation hones to begin construction will bo held on October 31st. IfW.'l lhe township .school*, rood pro­ In Take Out nor of Main and Park Sts., Is open water. u*ed to the darkness at an early heen appointed for their respec- of n building In the spring of I!)CL nt 8 p.m., at th" Municipal Build gram, public utilities, bench ero* from 2:30 to ,1 p.m. dally; 10 s.m. Rose K. Won/el, hour, hut the start of Eastern chicken, fried Shrimp live districts, ||ov.evn, according ing. nt Scallops w I7 F , JU.'i, »ion pro|ect, buil^el und llseiil to 12 noon Tuesday and Thuraday: Township Clerk Standard Time means that win­ to Mr. Ilnsemann. a gnat many Notice ROW K Wen/el pulley. 7 p.m, to S:.10 p.m, Monday and Jfp—utlv '21 ter la approaching, and the (her. Hollo Poi' Mouse more people are needed io pul Public Sale of Die household furn­ Township Clr-'k ; Thc third phase will invtiln Friday. mometer may stop soaring Into this (Mmnnign over in true Mala- ishings of the late Robert Rothwell jfp—adv -I a pane! asking tnclt slule to re Notice Old Wagon I' arm fhe Tt’f and Ws any time. wan fas'non, Arr,om* ho ran vvllf be conducted bv Ibe Cxcculors SfKMttl lo a Kcrlct ul qiwitloni, Notice Winter apples now available: al­ If you want lo get (o church on New Vork linnp.ku Fxprc&t snare nne houi, 5. nnketl to call of hi* Ivstuie nt '2!H Ilrond Street, Old Wdgon l arm l lnully, each comlldnte will liavi Welcome to Klwanlsns moving so pumpkins, Try our fresh prossed (lute Sunday morning, and not ■uses, frequent dally service from ellber Mr, Ilnsemann al .Wi us,VI, Key|M/rt, New Jersey, on Thurs­ Large s e le ctio n Kvergitsuv, j nn opportunity In rebut Hal*' Into our community. Meetings alaor It’s different, Roule 39, lM an hour early, don't forgvt Itollo’j Commuter* buy 10 trip Mr. Goodwin at .Viii 77112 or u com* day, October .'list, IW3, from 2 to rondy for planting. Roule V', | menu made by tho olher cand|> Tuesday l:N p.m., Ys Cottage North of Middletown, thal Um tlm# chaagti at t a.m. booku and suv* For schedule call mltlee chairman to volunleer ser­ ,1 P.M, North of Middletown riutos anil to nutii up hit plat Ian, Keyport. wjfp—adv M PtMh thM* eJocka feackt COlfax 4 2221. vices wjfp—adv 21 wjfj>—adv 24 form. Pug* Two THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, October 24, 1963 Bride Of Hazlet Mail Wedding In Kcan.shnrg Waring Laurence Harbor Betty Bay 1 is Keyport Girl A daughter was born Sunday, Oct. 20, 1963, in Riverview Hospi* tal to Mr. and Mrs. John Waring, Couple Married Saturday Bride Wed Saturday i 31 Buttonwood PI.. Hazlet. Mi s« Beverly Ann Wosatka. M»ss Betty Haylis, daughter of Miss M ary FlizntxMh Marotta, i DeFelice . feup.hter vf Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Waller Bayli.s, 7 Rus­ daughter of Mrs. Theresa Marotta. ; Mr. and Mrs. John DeFelice, 4*5 T. Wosatka, 818 Foresl Ave., Lau­ k sell PI., Hazlet, became the bride 8G Broadway, Keyport. and the talt* Lloyd Rd., Matawan. are the par­ rence Harbor, bccamc the bride of or John Fdward Fleming, son of Anthony Marotta, became the bride ents of a daughter, born Sunday, William Hoffman, son o[ Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Finning, j of Thomas Donofrio, son of tht* late Oct. 20, 1%3, wi Riverview Hospi. Mrs. William N. Hoffman. 501 Box 181 Leocadia Ct.. West Keans- - Mr. and Mrs. John Donofrio, Or- tal. Hartlinc Rd., Laurence Harbor, burg, Salurday. Ocl. IJ), 1%J, at i .enge. Salurdav, Oct. IJ/. Salurday, Ocl. ID, 196], it 1 p.m 2:HO p.m. in St. Ann's (Imrch, ; ! The Rev. Kdward Strano per­ t’ody The Rev. Waller M. Slattery,' Keansburg. 'llie Kev. Frederick.- i formed the doable ring ceremonv A son wys tw>rn Sundav. Oct. pastor, performed the double ring Valentino performed tlie double, , in S:. Joseph’s Church, Keypori ut 15H»3, in Riverview Hospital lo Mr. ceremony In St. Lawrence's ring ceremony. , j i p.m. and Mis. Charles Codv, U Deer St., Church, Lntirencc Harbor. 'Hie bride was given in marriage | M-ss .Josephine Donofrio. Orange. Hamlet. by her father. She wore a whin- The bride was Riven In marriage was the maid of honor, Slrand by her father. She wore a Chantil­ lace gown over sat in with long j John Tretolo. Bavside, I..I, ly lacc town which terminated in sleeves and chapel (rain. Met fin­ 1 tu phew ot the brdegnxim, was llte Mr. and Mrs, John Strand, HO a chapel train. The fitted bodice, gertip - lenglh veil of illusion fell : best man. Ushering were Guy Tre- Seventh St., West Keansburg, are the parents of a daughter, Ixirn (tudded with pearli and iridescent * V,’' I rum u crown of pearls and crys­ ) tolo, . and Oscar Tre- wquins, was designed with a -JSv'T’j!?■: tals and sh(* carried an old fashion­ tolo jr., Valley Stream, L.L, neph- Monday, Oct. 21. 1963, in Riverview iweetheart neckline and tons point ed bouquet of while roses wilh a ; t»ws of the bridegroom. Hospital. J E t t y *d sleeve*. The full skirt featured white orchid cenler. • After a wedding trip lo Florida, a tiered back. Her four - tier bouf­ '• , | (jeneral Hospilal. * ed Alencon lace. The fitted bodice with circular veils and curried fire- abeth Stafford, also of Perth Am- ' - h 1 was lhe flower girl. She wore a Amboy, became the bride of Rich' boy, cousin of the t. Ml -rd™ '! n,,ll'''ul -McIntosh. Kast Keans-: the bride of George Lockwood jr ..! wW.e oruln.7v drewess and a wrea'h had ellmw - length sleeves. A Chan­ (Me bankets of cold pompons. a 1-eHert ard Kricger, son of Mr. and Mrs. ensembles, similar to, the' ho„eo? 1 bUrK- l.iT !"V Vsh,V n,i »«" •" Mr. ^ Mrs. C«,rge u L \ p i n Z ,1 ■ ^pompons on her tilly lace panel trimmed the back John Shaw, Red Bank, was the A daughter was born at Perm Michael Kriegcr, 2 Fox Dr., Haz- maid's, were in orangee Sherber ! i 'i " " hnde wao*' 7 S'- W,'M K.'5n*burg. S h j . She carried a s/naJJ nosegay of Ihe full skirt which lerminaled best man. Usherinit were Arthur let, on Saturday, Oct. 19, 1H6!), al S.n. "f,^ ( -Sulurdav.Oct. 1-,. IM , a.2::iUp.,,,.of pink and blue ,x - Amboy General Hospital to Mr. I in a chapel train. Her full elbow* Woods, Wollaston, Mass. and Ralnh velveteen and satin and they car-1 ‘linio’m-''Garv'i-1eming. West Keans-: ” }•, p-,n-! 0 ,.,P!!,.k »“d blue |x>inpons. ! and Mrs. George LeBert, Norwood CalUnese, Butier, cousins of tlie 3 p.m. in Holy Spirit Church, Perth ried bouquets of orange - tinted ' burc brother of the’bridegroom: Ir . ’ **• McConnell per- William Oviatt, West Keansburg, I length veil of imported silk illu- Amboy. The Rev. Justin Herbst carnation, and ivy. i Wilham Shall,r. South Orange! ^ { l d ' ^ (* “ b .e “ 'emony brother - m - law of the bride- iAve., Laurence Harbor. j sion fell from a crown of Alencon Bridegroom and Dennis Fiala, Lau­ j lace re-embroidered with seed rence Harbor. officiated at tht double ring cere­ Richard Bobick. Perlh Amboy and Carmen Cimiuegiana. I. on g ‘ , 'r51 MethodiM Church of, grw,e .^‘ob Itelfiich, West Keans- j pearls and sequins and she carried For her daughter's wedding, ! A son was born io Mr. and Mrs. ' n cascade Imuquet of while carna- Given in marriage by her fath­ inj; were Vincent Brancifortc, Ha/- i mouth nephew of the bridegroom,! ; Joseph A, Fsty, 507JI San Clerc Mra. Wosatka selected a street- ' ; by her father. She wore a flixir- | Dennis I'oley Keansburg, couvjn of ! tions centered with white orchids. er, the bride wore a wedding gown ; Rd.. J a c k s o n v i 11 e, Ma., on length brocade dress with a match ' length gown designed with a lace ! the hnde; John Divitan and ; Sister U Matron Ol llonur of white peau de soie appliqued in .Thuisday, Ocl. 17, PJG3 in Baptist im hat and accessories and a cor- ^ wGeorge l.inde, - Keansburg. — ! Mrs, Peler Hayes, Union Beach, Alencon lace designed with a fitted Memorial Hospital. Jacksonville. ■jte of white gardenias. The KecffHlon At The Oaks ■ was the matron of honor for her bridegroom’s mother chose a pink bodice, portrait neckline and long After a reception in the Catholic ; Wanor' Highlands, th*. couple left : ^ e 's L ^ t .'H e r ^eouin'’!' |S'rd“ r?d The baby has been named David pointed sleeves. The bouffant skirt War Veterans Hall, Perth Amboy, j for the Pocono Mountains. Pa. Sin: A reception was held at Vie j sister. She wore a holiday pink rtlk street-length dress w ith a fingertip - length veil of illusion : Oaks. Middletown, hi 4:30 p.m. ; Hartman Fsty. Mrs. Fsty is ihe terminated in a chapel train. Her the couple left for a wedding trip wore turquoise suit, a black hat ! peau satin floor - length gown with Matching hat and accessories and a felt from a pearl crown and she: i-or ji«.jr wedding trip in Cana- [ former Miss Gail Hartman, daugh- to the Pocono Mountains, Pa. When and accessories and a white orchid ; matching overskirt. The filled ■ corsage of white gardenias. four-tier veil of illusion was attach- carried a cascade bouquet of whi'c- da, thr bride wore an olive green Ier of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G. eil to a matching lace erown and they return, they will reside In i corsage for traveling. When they ILirlrnan, iCl Broad Sl , Keyport. i bodice had a scoop neckline and Trip Ta Poconas carnations. I suit, a white hat and patent leather she carried a bouquet of carni- Perth Amboy. For traveling the: return, they will reside in New short sleeves. She wore a match* Afler k reception in O'Hara's Sister Is Matron Of Honor \ shoes and accessories with a while bride wore white knitted wool Brunswick. : Masters ing headpiece and carried a cas* Restaurant, Sayreville, the coupie tions and an orchid with flowing a Mrs. Jacob llelfrich, West Keans-r orchid corsage. When thev return, Mt for the Pocono Mountains, Pa. ivy. dress with black leather accessor- 1 ’Hie bride was graduaied from , Mr. and Mrs. Flmer Masters, ' cade txniquet of pale pink carna- Fer traveling. Ihe bride wore a Miss Mary Stafford, Perth Am­ • I l ■ i Baritim Vw nO lin 11-ill Srhool was ,Iie' “ Miron cf honor for; they will reside at 1K4 Cree^Creek Kd 78!) P Dussack. Morganville. Their gowns Ave., North Brunswick. satin skirt. She wore a matching A daughter was Ixirn Oct. II, The bride and the bridegroom K ^ r l’l S r.a ,l^ f.r« o M m ! emplojMfd Jby. the 'business Olfse.! ™ried » «' »!">«: i11’1'.«'« -".ployed as a U,„kk,,,„, - and headpieces were styled like the bouffant veil and bow and carried and white pompons. j by the Peoples National Bank, Key- PK»3. in Middlesex (jeneral Hospital •re graduates of Sayreville High a bouquet of carnation* and trail­ attended Monmoulh College and is Printing Service, Irvington, ; honor attendant’s. They wore pale School. Mrs. Hodman is employed The bridal attendants, who wore : port, t.i Mr and Mrs William Hogarty, ; p;nk .sheaths with holiday pink ov* ing ivy. serving in the U.S. Army Reserve identical gowns and headpieces ou* The bridat attendants were Miss house, Inc., Metuchen. Birllis Barbara Bennett, Miss Veronica | man, the bridegroom is employed Monahan Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Monahan, ; quels of pmk carnations. The bridegroom, who is attend­ Brenner and Miss Mary Gilleit. ! by the Klectromc Assistance tor of St. Mary’s lipiscopal Church, are the parents of a son, U»rn Tues­ Dou|l»> Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Thuma* Kross, 2C ■ are parents of a son born Thurv- gr«Kjm; l-'.dward Glovich, Freehoid, Keyport. officiated. Interment was day, Oct. 15, j%3, in Riverview Lesser liliminnte a mujor fire threat by Stcmpler -C'ourt. West Keansburg "'j'- ]‘> ^ itl X'vcrview cousin of the bridegroom, and Pet* Funeral services were held F ri­ in Hast Ridgelawn Cemetery. Dela* Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. David Lesser. 13 proper placement of extension j are parents of a daughter, l>orn , ns^! *l ’ er Haves, Un.on Beach, brother-:n- day at 10 a.in. at the Day Funeral W’nnna. : Autumn Lane, Matawan, aie the law of the bnde. cortls. Run the cords along mold- Hilkin*i ’ Wednesday. Oct. Hi, 1%^J, al River-i Luhrs tllfS ur baseboards, but not under Home, Keyport, fur Douglas Chap­ Mr. Chapman was born In Belle, , parents iff a son, born Sunday. Oct. For her daughter's wedding. M rv Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkins. , \iew Hospilal. j aJJ(, j|aM-y Luhrs, Jsey- man, €3, of 53H Morningside Ave., ville and had lived in Union Beach ‘JO, I DC 3, in Monmouth Medical , Williams selected a gold and beige Belleview Ave., Keansburg. are ! Center. for the past 10 years. He was a parents uf a son bum Wednes- llU-barolf jp01!, ari* parents of a daughter brocade ensemble wilh matching veteran of World War H an“ ( day. Oct. JO, 19li3, at Riverview Mr. and Mrs. Wasil Hleliaroff. ' } ? " n 1 lii’rsd.i.s. •>.!. 17. Ito . al j Russe accessories and a white orchid cor­ sage. The bi idegnKim's mother Nuptials At St. Joseph's served in the U.S. Navy. 1 Hospital. ; Hawthorne Way, Cliffwood Beach. K l' |,,' inv Huspital. A daughter was born in Mo.v j chose an aqua lace over satin in. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. , are parents of a daughter born1 Bryer i mouth Medical Center on Sunday. semble. matching accessories aid Eleanor (Grogan) Chapman; «! Rovce ; Thurstlay, Oct. 17, JWil. at River- N,f ,,m| Mrs rhllr)(., Bryer_ ! Ort. 20, MU. to Mr. and Mrs. Ales son, Fdwin D. Chapman, Bloom*! Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boyce. 3*11 view Hospital Busse, l‘i Deerfield Rd., Ha/let. a white orchid corsage. field; two brothers, Fdwin Chap- Park Ave., Union Beach, are par ' * ’ />op.,i»r Sr., Keansburg aie parents Aftir a tetepimn in lac Laven­ man, Millville, and William Chap-! ents of a son born Wednesday, j Donahue ; ’* daughter bom Ihursdav, Oet Baranuwski der Room ot ihe Magnolia Inn, man, Belleville; n sister, Mr.s. j Oct. 10. I9M, at Riverview Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue, 22 1?. at Ri\er\iew Hospital. Mr arul Mrs. Stanley Bar.mow- ITeneau. the coupie left for the Frances Nash, Cedar Grove, and!' .•ski, 4 Pallen Dr.. lla/lei, an- tiie Pocono '.h»>inia;:.>-, Pa For trawl- Pou ers one grandson. | parents of a .son, i-ojn Sund.iv. Oct. in;'., tht- bride wore a beige -‘..'-J Weds Leonardo Man Mr and Mis- I homas Powers. 20, J!lt»3, in Monmoulh Medical with pin!; trimming, rnalchmg ac- Francis A. Broderick • Itl.'i Avnndale Lane, Strathmore, Center. ri's-iines and a ioi^age ot xslnle Funeral services were held F ri­ are paienis of a daughter born ot eh.ds. day morning from the John J. R y .: Thuisdav, Oet. 17, itiQ, at River- . Chivers 1’ne !u :de and the hrich an Home for Funerals fo St. Ann’s \ i' .v /fc'pifal. ; Mr. and Mrs Darwin Clme;s. 'M-rc y.: ,Hiii.»(e(f irom f-rn fmld R*- Church, Keansburg, for Francis A!-: 1282 Netherwood Or.. Cliff'-\ood on a i llij’h Schftd Mrs. Glir, ch nysius Broderick, 70, who died Ihilhic j Beach, are the p a re n to f a son. ,s employed U* a s ci * lary «i Tuesday, Oct. 15. 1%U, at hi?; home, Mr anti Mrs. Donald Dutlvr, I horn Tuesday. Oct. 22, P»0. in Riv- Mar!i:(/ji» Slate H-:»sp;!at Her h.iv 10 Birchwood Ave., Keansburg. In­ Bromley Dr . lla/let, are parents ervie.v Hospital. . bai:d is seiv;ng w ;i!i the Air Na­ terment was in Mt. Olivet. Ceme­ of a daughter Uun Ihursday, Oc». , Salvatore tional Guard and :s employed r=y tery, Middletown. 17, pwilj at Riverview Hospital. ! A son was born Tuesday, Ocl. Noiw-(K)d Di.sinbutors, A s b u r y Mr. Broderick was born in Jersey Park. ' perranle J 22, 1%3, in Riveniew Hospital :o City and had lived in Keatuburg ; Mr. and Mrs. Biuno Salv.itore. 10 27 years. Ho was a retired member r A daughter was burn lo Mr. and ; Lincoln Circle, Matawan. ‘ of the Jersey City police Depart­ Mis. Daniel Ferranie, Bethany Kearny Woman Wed ment. A veieran of World War I, Rd . Ha/let. Friday, Oct. 18, 1W3, KncrynskI To Old Bridge Man he was a member of Veterans of at K i’. ei view Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kac/yn- ; Foreign Wais Post Ifl.Vt. lv-atis- ski, 40 Appleton Dr., Ha/.let, ,-ire Occlio Mrs. James M iG ialii, 136 Hud­ hurg, and World War I, Veienms, k jiii Mr and Mi s. John Occllo, War­ the parents of a daughter, I son Ave,. West Kian.burg, an­ Moliy Pitcher Post. Mr, Broderick F riday. Oct. IK, PM , in Riverview ren Dr.. Maiawan, ate parents of nounces ihe mari uige nf her sisur, was a communicant of St. Ann's ' Hospital. ;. Miss .Marge l!vte;, Mm St.. Kear­ Church. a ‘.on Uirn Friday. Oct. ih, 1M3, at }inF held at Sl. Thomas ( him h. fdd sons, Fred Beiker, Wes: Keans-, Mr. and Mrs. John Gianncttee, Bridge. Satur:!,i>, Oct I'). ,.| burg, and Ldward Becker, Keans-1 lo Mr. and Mrs. Louis Be.sl, I32’,> ; Turman Bl\d., ( liffwitod, are par- Creek Rd.. Keansburg. ; II a.m. 'I he R f\ , I, Dr mis<; t.’fi- burg; four daughters, Mrs. Mildred* fn**« of a daughter born at Per;h cialed. Schaibie, West Keansburg; Mrs. ’ Ambov (jeneral Hospital, Reinckl 1 The brule was gt\, IW3, in Riverview Hospital to Afler a weildmg tiip lo New Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunn, Mr. and Mr.v Jack Kofoed, MRS. DAVID M. CANNON Robert W. Tecgarden Gale \Vo<*| Dr . Ha/let. are pa/ents York State, Ihe couple will jeside Lorraine Dr., Cliffwood B'-ach. ; in Kejriiy. Mi»» Rom Mary Co», daujjhtcr ation. Circular veils fell over their Robert W. Teegarden, general of a daughter l*1T'i at Perlh Ainl*>> manager of the International Fla­ (jeneml Hospital. \ Seelhaler Mrs. Baker is employed hy the •f Mr*. Michiel Cox, n May St., matching pdlbnjes, siudoed with Nea lersey Bell Telephone Co., seed pearls ami they carried old vors and Fragrances Inc. plant >n ' Mr. and Mrs. I'erdmsind ScMh.il- Kfyport, and the laie Mr. Cox, be- Union Beach, who died Sept. 7, j OiecJmiin er, titl i.'urhn St.. Keansburg. flfe ffu- Newa/k. Mr. Bakrr is e/npJoyid by fashioned bouquets of bronie chrys­ Purity Paint. Brooklyn. tfltne the bride of David M. Gan anthemums, 1M3. willed his estate lo his wife) Mr. and M's. Adrmn Diet Mum. parents nf h iluughter, U»rn SaUu Ma, Aon of Mr. and Mr*. John H, Rolier t McCaffrey, Leonardo, Mary Ellen Teegarden who was Raritnn Blvd., Cliffwood Beach, tlaw Oef. pi, |%3, in Ri'.ei\ie\v Gannon, 25 Cedar Ave., Leonardo, was the best man. Ushering were named executri*. | are parents of a son lx>rn at INrth ‘ Hospitiil. Pass txamt Saturday, Oct. 19, m i Amlxiy General Hos|>ital. Neil Fitzpatrick, Matawan and An­ Roger Sweeney [ MRS. JO.Si;PM DOLAN IroiiMUun ■■ The Rev. Willla/n Bausch pe.*- thony bucco, Keyport. Fisher ■ A daughter waj, l»orn Satmday. 1 John .1 Muller. Liberty St., Mai. Roger Sweeney. Keansburg, who1 ... „ «•..». . awan. was lhe only one who passed farmed the double ring ceremony For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. died Aug I HMI3, in a will writ- 1 M jm Rose Reilly, daughter of - ned i>ou<|mis of blue CHrualKms Mr. and Mrs. J.oms l;is)ier. Al Oil, Ih, IfH'J, in Riverview IWi‘piial •I 11 a.m. before an altar decorat­ Cox selected a Dior blue lace a civ.il service test for the Union ed with white roses, and the Rev. ten in l!»32 ’ left' ius estate to his: a,ul «v*rs- ^«mes Reilly, 7 Fast , and chrysanthemums. pha A\t' . Old Bfid^f1, . are .paien; to Mr. and .Mrs Jame* ( iniiMiiini, street - length dress with a match­ brothers, John Sweeney nnd Louis ! Sl,Mn S l" became the bride 1-ive - year . old June Reilly, of it daughter l>orn al Pei lh Am Keyport. Beach job of part - (iine plumbing John Hendricks, Corpus CJrrfart j inspe.-’or, paying M Ml n year. Nofw ing jacket. She wore a matching Swet-ney’ who wa.s named execu- nf •ros,‘l)l1 M,n (,f Mr. and ; Ha/let, m sh t of ihe bnde, was the boy General Hospial. Church, Levittown, formerly of St. hat of silk petals, black accessories (0r> ‘ ‘ , Mrs. James Dolan, fl Brevent Ave , . flower girl She wore a Loor-length I’an/er ris P Maxwell Marlboro Stma Jtteph's Church, celebrated ihe and a corsage of pink roses. The ‘ Leonardo, Salurday, Oct. Ill, 1‘MiT j Lucerne blue satin gown with pulf f'wpieiie Dr and Mrs. Milfoid Pan/er. 4k Hospilal. Miirllxiro Township, .* auptiil mass which followed in S l bridegroom's mother chose a black Hannah RottenlNTg ■ Ne\. Gerald Cullaban per- j sleeves, iouihI neikl.ue, imd de Mr. and Mrs. John PfwjuetJe. Betlianv Rd., lla/let, ure ihi par- second on an eligibility list for the Joseph1* Church, Keyport. Leonard and gray metallic street - length Hannah Rollenberg. Key/wrt, , formed lhe double ting reremtuv i tachable Waiteau train Jjer )uad- Maple *ive., Maiawan, are parent ents of a son. Uun .Saturdav. Oct. slate job of brad baker, paying Porcelii, Red Bank, was the soloist dress with a black hat and acces­ who died Sept. 24, 1%3, in ii wili i,[ 11 i, in- ,u|d celebrated the imp- piece w us a man hing pe.irl nun i *>f n daughfer Ixnn .«t pt-i Hi Amtxn 19, 1‘Ni.l, in Riser view Hospital. 1 J4750 lo $617R a year. •ad he waa accompanied by Miss sories nnd a corsage of pink roses. wrilten in |‘M4, le'fi her estate io

bar of the board of elections In Irv ­ mass at St. M ary’s Church at 10 born In Elizabeth and had lived In Ceramic Studio Hos Mrs. Rose Richards, Keyport, had Exchange Vows ington for eight years and a former a.m. Interment will be fn St. Jo ­ Keansburg eight years. one first, two seconds, and two niember of tha Union Ave. School seph's Cemetery, Keyport. Ha was employed as a machine 17 Ribbon Winners thirds. Mary Jane Weiss, 13-year* Parent* Teacher Association. old, Newark, also a summer resi* operator by the American Smelting At Double Ring In addition to her husband, sur­ Mrs. Arthur J . Young Matawan Ceramic Studio again dent of Keansburg, took second viving are a son. James M. Stew­ Mrs. Isabella Young, 34, of 50 and Refining Company. Perth Am- place. Frances Morano, seven, Mlu Carol Schauss, daughter of lK»y. has sponsored 17 ribbon winners art, Clarke; two daughters, Mrs, Middlesex St., Matawan, died Matawan, had a second and third Mr. and Mn. John Johnson, Evans­ Mrs. Virgil L. SlmniMifl Robert Hackett, West Keansburg at the Eatontown Ceramic Show. place. ' and Mra. John Schulz, Monmouth Floyd Ledig, Bellflower, Calif., Surviving are his wife, Mrs. E l­ ville, Ind., became the bride uf Mrs. Mildred Simmons, 43, of Sundav, Oct 20, IW»3, in Monmouth Included in the winners for blue Mrs, Mildred Morano, instructor 122 Wesley Ave,, Union Beach, Beach; a sister, Mrs. John HoU- and Mrs. Jacqueline Weisenbach, eanor (Jones) McG.irrv; two sons. 5J Donald Hannon, aon of Mr. and Irvington: three sisters, Mrs. Har­ Medical Center. Born in Scotland, and owner of the Matawan Cer­ died Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1953, in berg, Middletown; and a brother, ribbons weie Mrs. Gertrude Mc- Mrs. William Jouvin, .» Prospect old McConnell. Union B<»ach; Mrs. Mrs. Young wns the daughter of Frank Lee McGarry jr.. West amic Studio, took a first and third Poliak Hospital, Jersey City, afier Albert Fleischauer, New Cuyama, Lane, Ha/let, three first place rib­ Ave,, River Gardens. Cliffwood, Charles Wasilewski, Avene!, and the lale Mr. and Mrs. William Fin­ Keansburg. and Trent Roger M j - place in professional categories. • ihort illness. She was the wife of Calif. Saturday. Oct. 12, 1963. The Rev. Mrs. Alfonso Toinasco, Livingston; lay. She was the widow of Arthur Garry, Keansburg; two daughters, bons; Mrs. Muriel Lynch, Hazlet, The studio is forming new classes Edward Strano performed the dou­ Virgil L. Simmons. The funeral was held Monday at J. Young. one first and one second place rib­ for the fall season. a brother, Bernard Arnold, Mad* Mrs. Leona Wen:/, L.incrofi, and ble ring ceremony at 2 p.m. in St. Th*? daughter of the Ute Herman 8:30 a.m. from the Laurel Funeral iera, Pa., and seven grandchildren. Mrs. Young had lived in Mata­ bon. Joseph's Church, Keyport. and Frances Jansen, she also is Home, West Keansburg, to St. Funeral services were held at wan for more than 60 years. She Mrs. Alberta Truax. Keansburg. A first and second place went This week, why don't you The bride was given in marriage survived by two sons, Richard L. Ann's Church where a Solemn R e­ the Haeberle and Bartb Home for was a member of the First Bap­ I and eight grandchildren. to Mrs. Jean Mackey, Brooklyn, look through (he windows of by her father: She wore a white Simmons, Laurence Harbor, and quiem Mass was offered at 9 Funerals. Irvington, Tuesday at 11 tist Church and Sirius Chapter, Or­ 1 Funeral services were held Wed­ a summer resident of Keansburg.your church . . . from the inside. brocade street - length gown de- Michael C. Simmons, at home; a o'clock by the Rev. Frederick Val­ a.ni, der of Eastern Star. Matawan. nesday morning at lhe John J. R y­ ligned with t round neckline and daughter, Bernice Simmons, at entino. Burial was in St. Joseph's Surviving aie a son, Alfred J. an Home for Funer.ils, Keansbur:’. ahort sleeves. Her fingertip - length home; three brothers, John Jan­ Cemetery, Keyport. Anthony A. Abhatiello Ewington, Matawan; two grand­ veil of illusion fell from a match­ sen, Henry Jansen and Edward Jan­ Gilbert T. Van Mater Anthony A. Abhatiello, 157 Henry children und seven great • grand­ Names Transposed S H H a E f l ing bow headpiece and she carried sen, all of Union Heach; a sister, St., South Amboy, died Sunday, children. s t u d i o s Mrs. Vernon Jones, Union Beach, Gilbert Taylor Van Mater, 82, Oci. 20, 1963, in South Amboy Me­ Funeral services were held Wed­ ( colonial bouquet of white pom­ who served as township clerk of In the notice of her death last pom. and iwo grandchildren. morial Hospital following a long nesday at 1 p.m. in the B**dle Fu­ week, there was un inadveticm CANDID WIMMNCS A SPECIALTY Raritan Township for more than illness. Me wan born in South Am- neral Home, Matawan. with the Mies Sharon Guscott, Morgan, Services were held Saturday at 25 years, died Saturday, Oct. 19, transposition in the name of Cecelia lK>y, the son of the lute Mr. and Rev, Robert W. Addiss, pastor of li MAIN ST. . cousin of the bridegroom, was the I p.m. at D ay’s Funeral Home, 1963, in thc Brookdale Nursing Redgate Ralhs. Mrs. Vincent Abhatiello. the Firs! Baptist ( hurch. .Matawan. 'P injiti of honor. Miss Joanne Jouvin, W I Maple PI., Keyport, wilh Kev. Home. Raritan Township, iie was Eldrich Campbell, pastor of Grace He was formerly the proprietor ollii'UKm^. Htinal was in Rosehill s Cliffwood, sister of the bridegroom, born in Raritan Township, the son Cemetery, Matawan. was the bridesmaid. They wore Methodist Church, Union Reach, of. of the late William and Margaret of Abhatiello'* Tavern. He was a communicant of St. Mary's Church, street - length gowns of white bro­ ficiating. Burial was in Green (W allace) Van Mater. He was a Abner Smock cade with blue tulle overskirts. Grove Cemetery, Keyport. retired farmer. South Anilx>y; a member of the A hivr Smock, 87, of 31 Highlands Their blue tulle bow headplcccs Holy Name Society and the Rotary Blvd., luMnsbmg. died Saturday, Kenneth M. Litchfield Mr. Van Mater was a member of Club. . had mulching veils and they car­ Kenneth M. Litchfield, nine-week the Holland Society of New York, Oct. 19, 1‘Mfl, in lias! Orange Vet­ ried white fireside baskets of blue- and was made an honorary liTe H« is .survived by his wife, Mrs. erans Administration Hospital tipped white pompons. old w>n of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Katherine (Daddio) Abhatiello; two W. Litchfield, 623 C am b rid g e member on his JjOth anniversary as Mr. Smock was Iwrn in New j Don't Miss The j George Shave, Cliffwood, was the a member of the Society; the Mon­ daughters, Mrs. Rosemary S/.eles. York. He had owned and operated Ave., Union Beach, died Monday, Laurence Harl>or, and Katherine kesl man. Thomas March, also of Oct. 14, 1903, in the Muhlenberg mouth County Historical Society, boardwalk concessions in Keans­ and thc First Baptist Church of M., South Amixiv; five sisters, Sr. burg for several years. He was a Cliffwood, ushered. General Hospital at Plainfield. Mary Cary Cabrini, Cathedral High Keyport. veteran of World War I. RecepIlM la Eaal Ktauburg Besides his parenls, he is surviv­ School, Trenton; Mr.s. Fannie Cox, After a reception In the Sea He is survived by a cousin. Clar­ Surviving are several nieces and ed by his maternal grandmother, ence D. Wall, Raritan Township. Keyport; Mrs. Carmel Gioffre, nephews. Horse Restaurant, East Keansburg, Mrs. Ernestine Snow, Union Beach, South Ambov; Mrs. Albert Robin­ Ihe couple left for the Pocono Funeral services were held Tues­ F'uneral services were held Tues­ and his paternal grandparents, Mr. day at I p.m. at the Bedle Funeral son, Morgan, and Mrs. Thomas day afternoon at 2 p.m. at lhe Mountains, Pa. For traveling, the and Mrs. Gerald Litchfield, Port Belianca, Woodbridge; two broth­ krlde wore a navy blue shift trim- Home, Keyport, with the Rev. John John J. Ryan Home for Funerals, Arthur, Tex. IL Sharpe, pastor of the Reformed ers, Vincent J., Morgan, and Police Keansburg. Interment was in Fair tied with red braid, navy blue ac- Captain Alex, Soulh Anibny; his tcsjoiiei and a white orchid cor- Services wera held Thursday at Church of Keyport. officiating. In­ Vmw Cemetery. Middletown. II a.m. at Day’s Funeral Home, terment was in Green Grove Ceme­ stepmother. Mrs. (ienoeffe Abba- lagc. When they return, they will Frank I McGarry 361 Maple pi., Keyport, with Rev. tery, Keypori. tiello, Stalen Island, N.Y. .ee feside in the Holly Hill Mobile Funeral services are being held Frank Leu McGarry, 55. of 125 Trailer Court, Keansburg. HldrlcH Campbell, pastor of Grace Methodist Church, Union Beach, Mrs. Edmund Gay this Thursday at 9:30 a.m. at the Crescent St., Keansburg, died Sun­ The bride was graduated from day, Oct. 20, 1963 at his home after officiating. Burial was in Easl Mrs. Anna R. Gay, 58, of 145 Gundrurn Service, South Amlwy, Central High School and the Trl- followed hy a solemn high requiem a brief illness. Mr. McGarry was Rldgelawn Cemetery, Delawana. East Washington Ave., Atlantic itate Beauty College of Evans- Highlands, died Saturday, Oct. 19, rille, Ind. She was employed by Ihe 1963, at her home. Mrs. Arnold Seger Important Antiques (40 yr. Collection) Charwana'a Beauty Salon, Evans- Mrs. Elizabeth Seger, 856 Soficld Mrs. Gay was a member of the rille, Ind. Ave., Perth Amboy, died Thurs­ Red Bank chapter of Hastern Stir PUBLIC AUCTION THE MIRACLE WINDOW VALUE A graduate of Matawan High day, Oct. 17, 1963, in Perth Amboy and Charity Court Amaranth. The Nathan Bijur's and Others Ichool, the bridegroom served General Hospital. Widow of Arnold Surviving are her husband. Ed ­ 242 Bath Ave., l ong Branch, N. J. lliat'i tb* M m * a< lhc moat Mft.iliu.al Aluminum Comb, Ihree yean in the U.S. Army and Seger, she was a llfe-tong resident mund Gay; a daughter. Mis* F.tlH SAT., OCT. n — « A.M. laatlua Storm ft Screcn Wlndoar w. hav. av.r had AT such la employed by Food Fair Ware­ of Perth Amboy. Remak, at home; a son, Michael (Rain or Shine) house, Linden. Surviving are a aon, Charles Se­ Rcniak, Highlands; two sisters, a Low Pric*. HEAVY DUTY Kram*, HEAVY DUTY la. EXHIBIT — THURS. 24 - 12 TO I P.M. ger, and a granddaughter, Karen, Mrs. Mary Nidak, Keyport, and aarta, HEAVY DUTY Stalnlcs* SleH Sprla|s. This Fla* Currently, aom M3,000,000 scpar- both of Matawan. Mrs. Catherine Ceir, Cranford; a Lovely Steiaway Grand Piano! ite U.S. Savings Bonda ara owned Funeral services at 11 a.m. Mon­ brother, James Gilrain, Elizabeth, Rare maple child's bureau; nice grandfather’s, Terry and bracket Window la Trlpla Track Mad* of Alcoa Aluminum and ly American familiesj worth nearly day took place In the Koven Fu­ and two grandchildren. clocks; (2) fin* 1775 pine corner cupboards; slant top and library can Im cl«an«d aailly Irom tha Inalde. You would aspect 47,000,000,000. neral Chapel, Perth Amboy, with Funeral services were held Tues­ desky; Windsor and rush choirs; nice tavern, sawbuck and hutch INST. the Rev. Sylvestus II. llcnson, min­ day at 10:30 a.m. in the Poslen tables; stands; unusual reels and spinning wheels; pine, cherry and to pay 14 t* H.M mora for s IIKAVY DUTY Window such OPT. ister of Simpson Methodist Church, Funeral Home, Atlantic High­ tnahog. bureaus; etc..! as this at PROWN S NOW FOR ONI.Y officiating. Interment was in Al­ lands wilh the Rev. John Ander­ M Oriental Rugs (Sold I P.M .) FORMAL pine Cemetery, Perth Amboy. son. pastor of the Presbyterian Primitive and fine old oil paintings; 2 Fracturs; Nautical collec­ 32 Broad St. Church, officiating. Burial was in tion; antique wrought iron, brass, copper and pewter; Waterford, W EAR Mri. Andrew Dickey All Saints Cemetery, Navesink. Sandwich, and fin© cut Rlass; Viet, organ; F’xquisite painled Limoges; Red Bank • 741-7500 Mrs. Madeline Dickey. 49, of 45 Meissen; Majolica; etc.II HHJ's of Collectors Items! Holly Ave., West Keansburg, died Charles T. Kuster TO HIRE Don't Miss This Sale!! • Prown's I A.M. lo 3:M P.M. - Wed. and Fri. 'til I Thursday, Oct. 17, 19(13, in River­ Charles Thomas Kuster, 74, of view Hospital, after a long Illness, Elizabeth, died Friday, Oct. 18, I.csU t and Robert Slatoff • Auctioneers - Trenton W. S. WALLACE She was the wife of Andrew Dick­ l!Mi3, after a long illness, lie was CLOTHING ey. Mrs. Dickey was born in New a retired rigger. York, daughter of the late Eric and Surviving art* his wife, Mrs. Mei and Boyi* Fumlthlnga Margaret (McGuire) Fleischauer, Rose Mary Kuster; a son, Frank SIMM and had resided in West Keans­ Kuster, East Keansburg; a daugh­ burg for the past 30 years. ter, Mrs. Margaret McDermitl, V. Frtot SI. Keyport Surviving, in addition to her hus­ Keansburg; two sisters, Mrs. Bar­ band, are a son, Andrew Dickey bara Jacquemin. Nutley. und Mrs. N o w . ■a Jr., at home; two daughters, Mrs Theresa Kaiser, Kearny, and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Mon­ day morning from the John J, new nam e, new size, new style, new spirit, Ryan Home for Funerals, Keans- .burg, to St. Catherine's Church, East Keansburg, where the Rev. Min m yen miss? Thaddeus J. Wojciechowski. pas­ tor, offered a requiem high mass. n e w c a r ! M M M r Burial was in Holy Sepulchre Ceme­ tery, East Orange. i W i l ­ Mrs. Morris Slewart Mrs. Syvilla Arnold Stewart. 53, l y I M M I of 18 Hazel PI., Irvington, died Sat­ urday, Oct. 19, 1%3, at her home Thero’a no better way to make turo after a long illness. Born in Ma­ aha remembers you - than to diera, Pa., Mrs. Stewart was a for­ remember her - with a thoughtful mer Newark resident. She was the phone call, n ew je r s e y b e l l wife of Morris Stewart and had lived in Irvington 37 years. Mrs. Stewart was a member ot the Irvington Democratic Club and a district leader, a former mem-

0 n & § o o tI t u r n d e s e r v e s ! a n o t h e r

l>ut not of te n ...w ith Beauty rest'

-V)« :

by Chevrolet & M A Y B E you turn your muttM m until th* felt padding hat "leveled," * much you k**p It spinning like Thtn turn it only 4 or i time* • ytar. U iu Chntllt ilaliliit Sport Coupt (Joiijrouwt) viih J/altbu Iiy * I f t 4 4 • lop But you W l Om4 W, if i«'» ■ That's M. ■«utyr«M. One* you g*t your Btsutyraat, you Only lhis could como lielwcoti Chevrolet nnd Citovy II. ism«*njln8crlnj talent that oinuupwlthtWeMmoortC Bwutyrart bu (hti loJtpM fat i f ttmg might miss all th* axtrclt* you had b*- Tlw ChovrUo Is a highly polUhod car on a trim llG-lnclt wliGolbwo. And that lrrcpronlbl* ChevroUt spirit In t *holM tf to Mil action that k«p« It ia ihap*. JuM m n (or* with your mattress. Try dc*p With its wolght down In tho 8,000-pound runic*, All o t which makes It or 0—Including optlonal-at-«xtra-cost vantona ill the n ig r a l a sweot-hamilinff, enijMo-mnnpuvor automobile. Small wondor this on* turn»d out th« w»y tl d id . ___ ll |our ummI way iht im few ■lathi kiMt b*ndi. Al for na, I b u t tutrcu*. But It’s roomy nnd relaxing inslda, with th* kind of rldo you’d oxpool Did w# my one! Actually ther* ar* 11 n9dlt|~W I|M % I In a blcftor cnr. Anti lt’a atylcd wllh t lively grac* And refluomcntt •port coupei, convortlblo*—In thr** M r i* . (not# tha curved nlda window* and plllnra, for example) tlmt makt Iti Uvea lomo cars that hav* beoa around (9f Vllt* • lOflf V B modeBt prico Alt tlm more rcmarknblu, glva you a cboio*llk* that. a t — A ncnt trlclcT We t»grn», But not ao difficult ronlly wlion Sound lllo soraothlni you ought to < d a n s e e you hav* tho tkllle ol soasonod Dody by Fisher crnftsmcu Consider tliLe your Invitation (or • m l 1 __ lo draw uiioti. alammin?, noat-bouadna, whiel'turalof t l u N M M j Convtntonf Monthly Paymantt Can Bo Arranged for Your Purchases And tho udvantugtof Full Coll tuspeiulon dtvolopcd by the Chovrolet dealer'*. Sm fivt entirely Afferent llnei ef cart at your Chevrolet ShewrooM -C H EV R O LET , CHEVELtE, CHEVY H , CM VAIII « t n w n » ^


water system rather than rely on tion outside Marlboro State Hospi- j Marlboro, as ne Is doing in a vigor-j is art architect retained by LevLt the opinion of those who are not tal of al)out 5500; in a total lamilous campaign, and says “ Look me | to act for the board m "matters (iHtatafomt ,3mmral experts or those who have a spe­ area of 19,000 acres. It is obvious j over." 5 concerning the Levitt school. Al­ cific product to sell? lhat there will be substantial! People in Marlboro have oven fred R. Manvdle,chairman of the IS T A II HHCP IMS The genera] question a.s to wheth­ growth during (he coming vear;;. ! looking Joe Lan/aro over for a hum buildingcommittee. informed Mr. Ttl'phoat IM-U30 — J. M ABIIL HKOWN, PU H IJSIIK Ii er the sewer charge should be in­ It is further obvious tha. there will ^ while. He's been here since I**l.i. : Snvd* r a last letter directed to Mr. FufeUahed every nmrid«v at Keyport. atonmouth County. N. J. creased is rephrased. Do you be­ be t a need for well planned anil i He's helped deiiver more babies : Sensanun >o the matter as of (Jet. BV BROWN PUBLISHING AND PRINTING COMPANY lieve that any required increase in rigid controls to avoid the threat 1 than runs? civilians would want :o 1 had jin: yet brvn answered. sower charges should be bas-:d!°f a population explosion implicit ; contemplate without a medical de­ Mr. Manviile stated Sept. 6 was J, Mtbtl Srowv, Editor — Geraldine V. Brown, Aasoclet* Editor on sewer use rather than water 'n furrent proposals (on which pr%?- ; gree. Hut a.s organizer ot thr; Mor the ia't ut ariA c r;omim;n:c.i- VW •••♦•wen Journal is a ne*ipeper 'of tOe people, by tht people, ' use. * hminarv approval ha.s already been i ganville lu s t Aid Hcpiad arid Joua- t: Odd rear (autolda U. 8.1____ |7 .« force the down-grading ordinance ; There are Iti groups now using the less the said developer will stipu- To the Editor, a wild and woolly affair . . . Real activity is taking place on lhe Township last January. ! building, he re|M)rted. One group THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1963 late that not more than 10 per cent 'Ihe question of land use in Marl has permission to use the old Chff- During the summer our member­ in both Matawan Borough and Township . . . It will bi of the proposed dwellings will be j boro Township is going to be with ! wood School and four the new one ship was polled as to thc role we ; interesting to see how the new Strathmore Democratic can­ constructed in any one calendar < us for a long time. We an1 in the1 There are 10 groups operating out Need Sidewalks should take in the November elec­ I Vear. I his pledge to be maintained j middle of an election. It won’t be ; of the Matawan Elementary School didates fare in the general election . , . Charter .study anK tions. As it was evident that net jfai.iy,...... without fear or fa\or. hav-; until J«m. I, 1M4, that a new gov-; and five have u base of operations library questions should be carried easily in the township After a pupil is killed,‘ it will be too late to do some­ Ihcr of the political parties were | jJJJ,* ''\'n nViVuV * the best interest of t erning body will take office. With at the regional high school. ' O F A E L TH IN G S . . . Recently in a speech before the Pack­ thing about it. That is the commentary to he made on jn agreement wilh our principles both fhe pre.vent and /uture popula­ all due ro p e d to our lameducks, The Iward received a compJa.nt ; agmg Institute’s annua! packaging forum. Robert Pliskin, pupils walking on heavily traveled roadways, Church St. or purposes, the Citi/ens’ Commit­ tion of (he area.” there is 1 i1111* they can do now. from the Hooks foundation priv- tee decided to run its own can­ (Signed) vice president in charge of art at Benton & Bowles, Inc. in particular, going to and from school. In Raritan Town- ______Therefore, I think all ol us In testing fees . should be reiained. off tables. “All in all, eggs have a thoroughly bad image— pupils, and indeed, motorists using the roads where these tion under the Faulkner Act. label or as an Independent. 1 was j As the mavor savs, "a propertv Mr. Scullion asked the board to are obsolete, marketing-wise,” he said . . . Mr. Pliskin sale • pupils walk, should not get the same safely program. The issue in this campaign is ; hoping to see him in the Democrat- owner has a right to earn a profit'' bfgin budget talks for next year. i he had assigned some designers to work on the egg problem, But the burden of this on the school board should be dear. Do you want uncontrolled ' h- column but 1 reah/e that tlie law ’ from his land but not .it th-- ev- The board agreed to meet each aud thnt they had come with some suggestions. The de cnly a temporary one, as the real problem is one of side­ mass development with duster I controlling our new form of ^ov-( pense of putting all, or .uiv. other Monday night for two hours. Mr type housing four or five per acre, ^rnrnent doesn’t permit that, : property owner m tax >du\erv. So .signers, for example, had created an egg with a screw-ot' walks, and that is the province of the municipal govern­ Matthews said th'* meetings would double or triple school sessions and There seems to be some lo” ic ! we ill Marlboro have a dilemma be closed. cap. another with a flip-top, still another with a soluble shel ment, As sidewalks go down in the danger areas, thc non­ a run-away tax rate with little or makinu the first election non- Let's be fair: give the iand own­ 'liie board scheduled a special and finally a plastic squcc/.c-bottle egg , . . Mr. Pliskin die state aided bus transportation is discontinued. There is an no possibility of new industry want- partisan. .Maybe the new »overn- er his due aud look towards the meeting (or Oct. '.Wi to m'rodn' e not say whether his designers had consulted with the hens issue of financing a sidewalks program, by general assess­ ing to locate here? Or, do you i lm'»l ca« g^t off the ground in bet- dav, earlv, I hope, that a satis­ rules jind j »*j:u!;u joiis for the dis­ want a balanced, well-planned | u*r shaPf‘ lf those wiio are in it factory solution will be lound to trict. Mr. Eosfer said the .otion ( THIS THAT . . . The rather black picture of tht ment of all properties, in that thc safety of the children o f< political [ bring profit to the land owner and i, . . - . 1 1 , * • i , ,1 , 1 crm/muniry with controlledeoniiollr.d erowth„mwth |don1 don't 1 havehave to tn worry about mi , . . would mdifv jwjlicv lor the stiperin- ; downtown section of Kevport painted by the municipal plan •U taxpayers is involved, or by special assessment on the j ancl lhe economic .stability that is .commitments. ; all of the other taxpavers. , tendeiu .md administiaiion. pupils ning consultants luis some bright spots around the edges . . properties affected, in that sidew alks increase their selling- ] needed so that industry would lo-!. If thls Is '* appears that Joe | Mr, l.atwaro has «.hown ll'' and per soiuiel. Kor instance, quite a few business places have been redon*’ price value to the owners. As the Matawan Township areas ■ cate here? * j Lanzaro is the only candidate fur j leadership a quality of Our lru--of all ol our problems which we adding to the altractivcness of the business district. Anion are more particularly affected, this is something on which O l township r is strateejcdlv ...., ..lo-'mayor w^° ^as a c^anre SfJ ^ cateda ted betweenbetween'New New York"York and ;,n,l Phil Phil- • 'v independent a* ihe new >\over>-: m respect and l.e nne te kev|, the more recent are Larry’s Barber Shop, Plain *N Fane; the candidates should m ake a specific analysis and proposal. ment takes shape. JI is opjxjneii's ; jn our public ^ruwice. I hope ne (Jiarlcr Hopefuls adclphia and within commuting; . t , . . -.., ^ »• i ... u . ' ‘ ‘ ‘ " .vhen I hair stylists, the Strand Luncheonette, new offices on En.* distance of New York. TIm it m< "> «-'thl-,r lh'' Rt-puh.t- w'lll he relumed as J (comimietl from page one) i r he Front St. of K/.ra W. Karkus. an attorney and of Aekerso/.. ideal area for bolh home building | Ca" 1 “s(Signed) , “ pr'-'sl,re f'’r" up- *h-** v<>'mK mi" 'hi!1''s | “ We will hold public hearings Support The Scouts and industry. Our candidates see - -n < 5th. ; iind eomliu t puhlu: forums in ail ! VunUuskirk aud Elliott, insurance firm . . . So let’s not t> Mrs. I lorence Earrell Emil H. Men/el j ‘rclions of the township and solu it Bayshore area residents are urged to support tlie c u r - ; lhe possibilities of ilevelopinn box 17. IM ). I (’hurch Road too downcast by the planners’ report. It seems that Keypoi : advice aml opinion from all in- .Mo»j.:anuHe. N.J. HnuJjshiown, N.J. peoj.de are doing something about it right now . . . Keypoi rent fund drive under way in Chingarora District by j ^y0^ 1,0"^ wiTlV'Vhose- jdividuals aml groups interested :,i .planners also have initiated a study to determine if big’ Monmouth Council, Boy Scouts of Am crica. Scouting, in ; wt„, wr>uitl sell Marlboro short ; better, more responsive govern­ To the Editor, rise apartments should be allowed tt) go up in lhe borough all its phases, provides an educational and healthful outlet j Our candidates nre dedicated I first became aware of tho plan­ Council Argues ment. to youngsters during the m ost im portant years of their lives. ! iti<,n who offer their services be­ ning problems of Marlboro Town­ To Draw From Experience This phase most likely will go hand m hand wilh urban re­ “ We \\ ill consul! will) people woo . . a _____ noj.j I____ .... X*__ i cause of the ureserit crisis. These ’ 1!W.V At that tune die newal when and if that point is reached in the overall in; A t T h e s t a r t o f " h i s ye a r, there were 9243 boys in M o n - i‘ ■1“s<, of 1|,(; I,r,!S‘!r'.1 f r,sl»- Tt,'‘s* j sbip in IMS. At that nine the | (continued from pape one) are. or have hn-en, connected wuh mouth Countv entfaeed in Scouting activities r u n n i n g from I’J. u . u T u ‘I1.1- a.n wl lin|| , PlannmK Board was working on 1 5u ie department, (-'mincilmti i:d- provement program. mourn county engageu in ocoutinK cILUV i u l s , iu iiiiu ik , to do Ihe job. Ihey are delermined :zoning recommendations to lie sub- , wi,rd I- Hyrne reported the )>o\ er iunMi! nf Matawan Town­ cubs, scouts, explorers and sea scouts. In mid-year, t l m ore j to make the most of Marlboro's j milted to the Township Committer, i The councilman said that whenship, lo draw nn their experience of the problems and needs of the n e w scout u n its we re organized in tiie co u nty lo acconuno- | j;rent pos.sibilities through study, i l-arly in ISM. some land o it w r j' an oricinal resolution autlt«iuin« Mr. Dolan also was disturbed iv, .iames. a third child, to argi town>hip. Along wilh this, we will date 600 more boys good planning and hard work. 'decided that the lot sizes in the . the borough's participation was np- when a contract as school nurse for joining in ihe inquiry, but W. - carefully leview the legal basis for Amrmtf ihm n r n W U c,mnnHi>H b v scouts in this dis - ! ’Ih.cfe m.en deserve your careful ! forthcoming plan might not be ac- proved in April, only j r , 00 wns fix­ was proposed for (»r.ice De Shaw. bam .1, O'Hagan. the board's a- . A m o n K projects supported b y scouts tn mis ais j consideration. ReniemlH-r - We Can jeeptable. One-acre lot si/e was b.‘- • ed as the borough's share,our repre- present township committee l?!iS New Hrunswick Ave. at S4*>O0. tornev. had to rule against M \ tnct, Comprising the bayshore camporccs, tne|jja\.e Better Marlboro/' .m g discussed at Planning Board senting one fourth of the estimated form of government. Mr. Do'an noted the board was ; Leaser's propnsa 1. "W c will comuit with public of­ ■eout guide seivice al the Deserted Village of Allaire, as- (Signed) ! meetings. At that lime a group of , $H,()yi) cost of tiie project. Admmis- • 'ffeiing contracts to teachers at The attorney said the piano* r ficials from olher New Jer.sey mun­ ; community ordinance was strict! listing the Goodwill Industries program for the hand­ Marlboro Township j land ownt-rs started a pn it ion a>>k-juauve fees chargi-d by the state icipalities, comparable to Mata- as low as SMOfl who had only Citizens’ Committee, Inc. | ing for --no-half acre lot .size for. were not included. emergency certificates. lie ques­ the concern of the municipal go icapped and regular and special scout training at Forest- witn. uhich aie operating under •lohn Barbagelata, Candidate the entire township. Side With Mayor ernnun:, and the Authority wou Eanikner Act governments, to de­ tioned why nurses not holding de­ burg Scout Reservation in New York. for Mayor . The Planning Board made its floih Mr. Walsh and .Mr. Hufchin- be going far afield to "butt in termine first hand, the advantages g rees should get so much more. ------1------| recommendations early in the sum-| son sided with Mavor John W. Ap- Four members of the Anthoi'l- Forestburg, a beautiful campsite, complete with excel­ and disadvantages ol the^e forms. l.uther A. hosier, -uipcrintendent lent trails and a lake, is owned and operated by Monmouth To the Editor, ntc.*r of IJlfifi. Simplv stated, they plegale who called for a joint in* sustained ihe rccomniendat io of '•t bools, explained that there is 'Carmen (iuzzo. one member, d» • A third letter to the voters of j projH'Sed certain areas adjacent t:i ' ing of the council wuh the planning • Vju!,t' eipti'11 ^ow^Tntm-Vu such r.o emergency * required hy the borough as is net rs.sarv lo tins study to m- for mii h an improvement had het mgs uerc /umimg at a high pitch building jots. (Again, it makes no for their v m c e s . He said no con­ Mirt' a thoiuugh, no stone imairn- .buffeted around lor m » long. Wh« Please give generously when you are asked. at this jMimt. many friends and tract has been signed with the con­ difference who was responsible, ed. evaluation ot our existing iorm Mr, 1 raphagen moved that spe' something must be done.) Now I neighbors were no longer on .speak­ sultants. of government and of the oilier No Intention Of locations be drawn onlv altei t! ing terms, 'lhe township. meetings; lie also noted that on Monday, wish to discuss a further threat nf forms a\aiialiie." : m allei of possible use of lhe faci’ COMMUNICATIONS were bitter and hard fought during‘ the planning board received a re- (continued from page one) even more burdensome taxes in the Mr. DoJan, Mr. Eroehluh. Mr. t v b y 1 anco had been settled, M this period. The two petition groups port from its consultants that no do our elected officials have a mor­ future. Hill. Mr, Slult/. and Mr. Swan to stnke a capital costs and rate (iuzzo became irate at this funfk. To the Editor, worked throughout the community, further work ori the Master Plan Will you please publish the fol­ al responsibility to see that build­ But first I wish to mention anoih furthermore urged all voters :n figure until he had gone into the ; delay and ttn-y dashed. ers tax estimates for the future are er matter deserving equally serious j When the petitions were com- j could be done until federal approv- M a’awnn Township to vote ’.ye> mailer much m o r e extensively Must Deliver Shrubs lowing opes letter to the candidates thought. Along with the coming • pleted, the half-acre people had 160 I al of the project was obtained, esti- for Mayor of the Borough of Mata- based on the anticipated rate in­ for Charter Studv Nov. f>. wuh Thomas Opie, the Authority lh e Itoard voled to ‘‘remind' wan. crease and thus lessen the possi­ change in our form of governmen:, j signatures. The petition fo support mated m about five months from engineer, and flien their findings Mayor John Mar/ jr. that tl bility of future foreclosures and there had been much talk of the Planning Board had M5 signa- now. had been submitted to tin* presem shrubs ami ^rass plot improve (Signed) . • lures favoring the one half and Seek Clarification Hon. Mayor John Applegate general property value decline or house - cleaning" — "throw the Ask Acquisition single holder of Authority bonds for ■ ment to which he had commit!* • should they take the position of rascals out" — "all new people" one-acre combination. The Town­ Councilman Hutchinson. aKo a a lequ.red consent to i-sue more himself ot ihe River Gardens plar Councilman Edward Hyrne in our new government — and sim­ ship Committee saw fit tn disre­ memher of the planning Uuird, to make up fnr the loss of decor “Caveat Emptor” ? (continued iron) page one) bonds for funds to renovate the ilar extravagant proposals. Can gard the Planning Board's pro­ said the hoard has asked for a clar­ plant for Canco. live shrubs m H*Mi, bought but n* Gentlemen: | Purchase Urued Mayor Applegate answered the anything be more foolish than to posals and the wishes of the 545 ification of lhe consultants' late-t Only on the figures iucepied by .delivered at the plant when he w Your fine appearance at the I 'Ihe* study committee recommend. question of whether the borough launch our new Ship of State (in petitioners, They reduced lot .si/e statement a.s it is apparent v :n the bondholder can the Authority . thairman in that year, were du ’‘Meet the Candidates’* open meet* | ed puichase of lhe Strathmore water supply is adequate for thc our small local puddle) w ithout one requirements to one-half acre and conflict with one made earlier this make a pro the plant, bul Mr. O'Hagan rub who have had the pleasure of ob­ ship's boriowing capacity. Acquisi­ needed to raise water pressure and means get new ones. But Ships of Committee members I.an/.aro, Mc- or Applegate's rerommenda! 10a capital outlay and charge for ser. : it out in lhat the Authority in e • serving both of you in action at the lhat preliminary steps have been tion by an authority would not af­ twrough meetings. However, it was State, like any other ships, are nol Cuer Crine and the late Daniel anil called for a joint meeting w:lh va e. he noted, one whereby tlm feet bad a contract of defini- taken by the borough to provide for al! parties concerned this Monday. fect the credif nf the foumhip it­ disappointing that you gentlemen run bv Admirals or Captains alone, i Brewer voted the half-acre for th.* self. Authority would finance hrh seu.-r all The residents of the Borough of ter supply had heen consulted and errors of leadership? Are they to careful reason could bo brought to Council referred to Borough At- res|Hi;i'W>;:itv for i,inn ng mams ’o ■ Ins'iiam e Co . under a trust agre Matawan will ttoon have to choose a added the information that the be thrown out carelessly, to be re- | the problem. mrmv Edward W. Cnrni a notice i water, it confine its acquisition tlu* K:\ir (iaid'-ns plan? and tiie merit t.allmg lor the sale of bon mayor to lead the borough through Layne, New York Company is a placed by a whole crew of green i 'Ihe Taxpavers' Association was that the Ixnough has h n made : ojiIv to the Strathmore Was- Authority onlv would undertake tiie in stand periods coinciding wi’ m critical time when large expendi­ respected company with competent hands? (and where do ue get the i formed and worked hard fo con- par'v to a civil suit brought bv tlie (>». to lower water rates. fhe bitlher opening of more usei ‘flu* report added j[ "does not re < quipp.ng and any |)eiienre c r e d i t toward tl mates made hy the builder of the ernmental financial aid. the speci­ means ‘population expiosinn" — code introduced and passed mto firm bv ihe borough, l iie v.oik and : ‘,(’r eonsideration hv the township the planned tomtmmnv ordinance. granting of a sanitarian's license Marc Woods homes so inaccurate fic question of immediate planning no matter how you spell it. We are . law, material* is valued at S22.VI 14 by ; rommitice, urged that us re. om- D.iv id I.esser. a member from But Mr Gu//,u questioned how f. * on the low side," raises a greater is raised. If it is anticipated that now threatened with attempts In PE)'! we had a "non-binding the Ern firm wh.th is suing hu that I liquidations be implemented as si-on Soaflimore. hurried back fiorn I Ihe Authority vhonhl go in perm ‘'downgrading" fhigger loopholes, : referendum." a.s to whether cer- amount. as possible tu escape anv irdfatio.j Monmouth Nhibcal tenter afo-r I ting i t s facilities tu become . specific question. Since the elected a major capital expenditure may ary trend in the estimated value officials of the borough or their soon be required, should consulting to permit building on smaller loti) tain areas of Marlboro Township In conjunction with the sewer in­ greeting a new am val in Ins fani;- 1 school. sometimes labeled with fanev titles j should he upgraded to one acr". stallation work. Ace Man/o. Inc.. of the water company, comnilttces must have had fre­ engineers be retained to study the Other menihejs of the commiitee quent contact with the builders of such as "density planning.” but hv [This referendum was wrought with Malayan, another coutiactor, rr* water problems of the borough and any olher name it still spells ; complications, court actions and {soiled 'Ai>rk on the installation of are Michael P. Altcrman. Hei he;i tbe Marc Woods homes during plan­ make specific unbiased recommen­ "downgrading," and we would • other difficulties. Although a large thc on.. New. Bruns ck Av.*. : S Eeder, Antlamv l inelli. Hay ning and approvals of the section, dations for improvements to . the show true "density" if we permit-, number of people again expressed j has b'-en 1 mph*ied and asked au- i Kierce, John Sca!/o and F.d'-'ard He can’t ted it. So far, we are still safe from } themselves in favor of upgrading, j tnontv :o go ahead with the in- > Ledford, this threat, but we need eternal j no upgrading ever occurred lat.on of curbs and a sidewalk get you Vigilance to continue our safety. : I believe ihis background of lo be plated alwive tiie lot al ion of Uut this is only half the bat Me. [events was the r*ason why the so. Councilman l.eon chrisii- Bond Issue lips out of We are now faced with the'called "M ob" a> the lan. 17, 1%.1, nat lepurt'fl there had been no fi- i Berman Paint Specials! equally serious threat of MHO or ! Township Meeting was so large nai d< d'teiinmation tenmnation whether toin pro- | (coniimu'd fiom page oih ) his mind... OHN SUNDAYS more new homes having already ' and so loud in their condemnation uth fhe work or delay d until ’ hoard president, ojipoved the Intis received preliminary approval un- of the proposed downgrading or-!sp ing. I because Ihey contained a payment Wh«n Wind Song der the existing Zoning Laws. And (linance 'I his meeting was onlv j Completion of this vcai's road ; of SMS to Stanb y /duuiak f the bulk of these could ' possibly.... be ' one of . nianv wavs the . public . . has! program was reported bv Council* < hauling dirt to the Cliffwood S< houi w h l t p t r t built within ft year. This would be ! shown t h * * i r disapproval of clown- man “llutthmson ' and ' Councilman’ ' ! gully, of $L1l)S In Keypoii . Haiti. your m taitg* PAINT THINNER n ralamitv. and must be prevented, j grading. W a]•;!» commended the M A O Dis- junre Co. for items winch Mr. l>o c Tbe tax impact of more than doub­ If con'-ider the hii ' o i y p»->a 1 Co. fro their co-operation n j lan believed could have been pur­ t h e Ir.-iflrnnco 1 Mtrksit Sealed Cans! ling the population m a ye.ir s of -/r,nf knows whelher il will stand up ;n | (Signed) r..rti.iinii lor pupils Im v iiik towiilk j |,f.r,nisc routes |mVp br.-n < h„ LATEX WALL PAINT court, until it is fried.' j Ihomas A. Antisel! Hid. ilanm-1-cnn h u .Is until I i» j lll)(1 h|, j;.,,. 98 1 — --- i j,1lew a Iks come inlo This is not the first time I have 1 "i,:' Ix-fri clcr-rc-ascfl hy 111 mil'",, Mi. Hrlni* 4mm th* cost of uslni a (Mid »»*y- To thr I'iditor, Imi,ird balked at this, said It w jh been told bv almost everybody that Wehrle has maintaiiud the m-t Ic-apply trniihle-fret paint. Cltan up wilh • •i. p could nol be done; and then a It would be difficult to disagree opposed fo non state aided trarifijxu Water. 12 decorator colors! 3 decrease is only l.fi mile* ,u.d way was found fo do it! Where jus­ wilh Mro'lhoro Mayor Joseph A I.ffion, Hut fhe persisling specbdor i.s faking on mlditioruC *mps *o drew admission that if he appeared tice is involved, a wav must be Laiwaro that Ihe first election In make lhe new fo-iles lavoui AOrk nl Ihe bearing on the IfHil-lia school found. our new form of government should siiKxdhly. budgei in January, he could request Everything l» I have prepared a pledge, whah be devoid nf partisan jw>lilics. 'lhe Try To \egoflale W a llp a p e r J wil) sign, and challenge all candi­ law itself seems to have required nn item on transportation for pu such a background. After things pils up to one-hfllf-mile from the »«XI ^ ^ J ^ Flr»t Quslltyl WmhnWr! dates for mayor or council to do Pei ft/n-e 8 00 to SPOO Art Supplies get going, the political parlies are P illfrtH for all romust Ihe same. I believe llns pledge fo .,r]„K,l . ihey nilcml lie ’pul on (lu- bul- | fuie ,,"7,:,,,, more nftempf I , " nt 7 '' nei'o'ciiion" h.'.' , Cotes''* *r<»/ i'*'** 3-76 Slunk Roll' be eminently fair and reasonable, to assume responsibility for can­ Cc'53r e I fUcM • V •’0, 'J 7fl F a r lh t h»tlnn«r and aud believe it will slaml up m didates. hut in the beginning, (hr .lamps Snxlrr, ttlticalion to n i . ; J ^ c "><' ‘"'■pm.- wilh Mr w-ln l-- O (It '.tl •»! pfofcaft7(inult Ifw; u p court. If il should be lipsel ni fact that flu* law forbids candid­ niiltrr rhiiinii.iiiot l l ,r Sin illiiiii.rc ; \ns l"' H'nyMl m’U I., t l i r S t a t e court, obviously evrrynne signing ates being placed in the partv ( I m i - A s M i c i n l Inn. wanU'il tn know I l^|,P.,t;tn"iit til I mIih iiI h . ii l o r n r .it would aulomalicnllv be Iherebv columns mdicales those who adopt about fhe slam of the "punch list bit t n tion. relcnsed. So why are they so afraid J pai Iv, or oiganizaiion, labels want on repairs due nt Ihe Strnihniore Mr, Dolan winded a fuller rs . fo sign it! An- Ihey afraid lhat jut- i lo .say ihev are more committed Sehocd, This ill-nxim sclnx)!, donut- plamitlon of f bo hi 11 ia I nut on Die haps il would shiml up in court * j to a special interest (ban to glv- ed by Leviit and Sons, the Strath- fill haulage and (be faloog of iM.fird ‘ MATAWAN DRUGS BERMAN PAIN! STORE Isn't il worth Hying? 'Hm. is dm ; ing fhe people of Marlboro n good moie ilevehqH.Tfi, has not been uf- business out tif lown. Mr. Scullion ’ noil'll! 3!) AT CI.IPt.WOnn AVE. wm‘« sure Ibe purchases in Kevnul M. Yi■ iil. It I*, nml I <' Vurii, H I 1, pltdge: I basic govrrnmml upon which to ficlnlly nccefiled hv the board yet MCN2I (A A I* CIIIIwimhI Shopping Center) "W IIE K E A S : This Township still 1 build, because all iiems of finishing • off had g«iod reason due to tbe nvnd- i M J M A IN ST., MATAWAN ability nf Iiems wanfed or favor- oiAHtii; Aicoiwrs i n v i t i -:d 1 /-it j •: 1 Tti^ny ‘thru ? ,j j j [ {I ., has n comparatively small pnpula-j Hu( Mayor l.an/aro bas nn even the school have nnf heen mW hy Hon * about l‘2MI dwellings, ahoul ] stronger ari'umenl for hi* flection Ih** l.evill firm, as consfruciorn, nble price quoling t»i f o i e Ibe I Ktiifrnnicy I’honi1 747.MW . 2!HH) rcp.ifdeied voters, loud ixipuln- when he iccdes his hiMury in Konuld A, Seii'iumuib Wusliingtuu, bii.ilnesf was lakrn there. 1 Thursday, Octobor 24, 1963 THE MATAWAN. JOURNAL, N. J. Pag* F iv t Rutgers Education Professor Chairman And Models At Sisterhood Fashion Show Camden Center Jewish Center Will Post 176 Head Hold Meeting Tonight Speaks On Secondary Education Project Topic The next general meeting of the Names Chairmen Strathmore Jewish Center will be Commander George Morey of tha Tht Woinan’i Club of Malawan, H ie Rev. Donald A. Grtesinan, held this evening at the Matawan Matawnn American Legion Post 17# Inc., held a covered dish luncheon St. John s Fpiscnpal Church. Cam­ lownship I irst Aid Squad build-j announced his committee chairmen •t their meeting in the parish hall Five Resign Posts den, was tne speaker al lh.* mg. riospeu Ave. and Amboy Rd. at ihe meeting held in the Legion Of the Trinity Episcopal Church. meeting ol the Ladies Guild of tne ChffuoiKl. at H:.iU pm. Home. Main St.. Malawan. Tlie resignations of five mem­ The Kuest speaker was J. Don­ lnmi\ Fptscopal (hurch. Mata­ Martin Cooper, president, urge? Servim* with Commander Morey bers of the executive board of the ald Neill, professor of education wan. held iti the church hall. all memoer* to attend the meet-j jhjs year w "1 be Joseph Hasemann, Matawan Regional High Schooi •nd director of pre-service train* lhe giiev. speaker. who was in­ my v111rtii;1. winch tutuie plans of vice commander, Russell Ing at Schooi of Education, Rut* Pare.it-Teacher Association were troduc'd bv Mrs. Hobor; Horbal, tne lemp>e wu; be discussed and presented at a recent meeting of U atlmg. second vice comtr.tinder^ ttcrs, 'Ihe State* University. Pro­ presidem. discussed the Camden voted Paul Hussey, third vice command­ lessor Neill chose as his topic, the board. Those resigning were ( enter project, which he is estab­ Kdward S. Lewis, treasurer: Mrs. er: Joseph Compolv, adjutant: Jo ­ “ The Development of the Ameri­ lishing. He described tne conditions seph Hasemaim. service officer;' can Secondary School." Ja ik Ulsenberg and Mrs. Kdward of the an*a and the need for a u w:- S. Lewis, co-chairmen of ihe mem­ i Referenda Are Robert Ziegler, finance officer; He described conditions In high reation center. bership committee; Mrs. Barnabas Prank Anson, chaplain; Richard school* throughout the United lhe Rev. Cai ro!! I! Hah. pas­ Carter, reading and librarv serv­ / 1 Pominy, historian; Robert LaMura, States obtained by personal visita­ ice, and Mrs. George Bopp, co­ tor. opened the meeting with a Discussed By l>PW judge advocate. tions. He revealed ihe unbelievable prayer. Mori O'Connor and Joseph li’ase- chairman of the program commit­ ! Miss Mary Ynssilades, legislature fact that tome hii*ti schools in thc Chairmen Report niann will serve as county dele­ tee. (chairman of the Business and Pro- middle west have registrations of Dimtu! the business session, gates. i fessional Women s Club of Mat­ Ihree to 17 pupils wilh bus trans­ ("lairnien reported tin the activi­ Chairmen Named portation and f u l l academic ties oi the Guild. Mrs. George ; awan. presented the program for • the meeting which was held in Mr. O’Connor also svill be chair­ courses, in contrast to schools in Plan To Start Miller re|>orted a verv successful . man for Americanism, Boys State, (he east with triple sessions and nunmaae sale Mrs. Marl; Helds the Mulwav Hose Pi re House with :Mrs. I-ranees I haler presiding. i ( hud Welfare and Youth Govern- overcrowding. He described the reported on the district meeting j ment Day. Joseph Hasemann, trial and error method of homo* Theatre Group held in St. Mark's Lpiscop.il Miss Vassdados presented items ! n.vmbership. memorial services generous grouping* curriculum and ( hurch. Keanslnirj:. 1 th j ! will appear on the November The Knights of Columbus, Card­ iand graves; Harold Bethel and school-yeur patterns which vary On Nov L a membetship tea ballot covering .state and local | Paul Hussey, oratorical; Robert from six years of grammar school inal Newman Council No. 5321 of w ill be heid under the chan man- i issues. She suggested that mem- Matawan, will organize a Little i Ziegler, Sons of the Legion; Russell and six years of high school to var­ ship of Mrs kdward Kibble, lhe 'hers "Read over their sample : Walling and Daniel Confalone, pub­ iations of 7, 2 and 3 and 8 2 Theatre Group for the young people* guest speaker vviU he a lavman i ballots, stodv tho issues, find out licity and ... and according to the community. of Matawan Borough, at a special all the information pro and con and! ^ Robt?rt 2 who is also working on the ( am* .. ci ...... r. ! Zieglei. house chairman. At present there nre 9,000,000 high meeting called by Charles O ’Hare, vote.” She read a letter fromj den (.enter project. Ihe Post and the Auxiliary will school pupils In the United States. Grand Knight of the Matawan On Now IJ ihe visitation of the Mr.s. Mae LL Dominick, Matawan . . , . . • . States. Council. The meeting will start \ Bishop will be held at i p.m. -n U1M .HV Director, ami a ineniher ^ ' 1 ° Sall,rd''V ""'"K; Mrs. Albert Abel!, president, ex­ at 8: ‘10 p.m. Wednesday in the J the church. lodowin;.; contirma* of th.. club. urKinK Ihe club to vote, 8. I f ,st ’'vt’s'" !,„■ tlu* local ietereniium on ! 'j";'su ,l" anil their fam- plained the library referendum American Legion Hall. Main St., j non. a reception for the nev.lv con which will appear on the Novem­ Malawan. turned will be hA I in the l'iiriili I he I-os, is also planning a tur- ber ballot. It wili ask that voters Jn addition lo discussing the Lit­ hall. ‘ ‘ , I key Mu>ot on Sundav, Nov. 17. Tho appiove a combined library .system tle Theatre Group and other activ­ A Corporate Communion will It.* Ui'iClissions ako were conducted j pi-,,.,. Wl|| bl. anmn'mcc(j with Malawan Township. ities of the local council, a charter held for the men and boys o’, the on tlie $7;>IJ,DIIU,0UI) bond i»sue pro-' The Chrisimus parlv for Legion- Plan Kilchen Showier party will be held. It is urgent parish on Nov. ;i(), St. Andrew's posal; the proposal lo tJive vet-1 iu iu ., ailli Ult.jr wm |>.. Mrs. Charles Kuinaud, chairman, that all charter members and active I)av. The member-, of the Guild erans a $:>0 eveinption on real anil! |„.|(| Snndav. Dec. 11. announced plans for the Ameri­ members of the council attend. Re- wiil serve a breaUfa'i* of bacon iwruiiul^ property taxes nnd other i i veterans m the area are can Home Departimfnt, A kitchen ft'VMtineiiU and beverages wiii be and eggs in the parish hall im­ pio|*isak invited to join the Post, Inturnu- served. mediately after the church serv­ abower for the new club houje Mrs. Arthur Bornfriend, left, who was In charge new evening fashions, (left lo right) Mr*. Melvin Reports On I'lrMer Cimtot | tior. may he obtained from Joseph The plans for the Little Theatre ice. will be held Monday, Dec. 9, at of arrangements for the fashion show and dinner Greenfield, Mrs. Donald Parker and Mrs. Hoivurd Mrs. Mildred Day. civic partici-: Hasemann. membership chairman, Group include performances in ad­ J : 30 p.m. in the parish hall of sponsored by Ihe Sisterhood of Ihe Sirathmore Jewish l-'alick. The affair was held at MagnoHu Inti, Mat- Refreshments were served by pation chairman, reported on the ] ------— dition to the special training of Trinity Church. Mrs. Rainaud hud Center, Is pictured wilh three members modeling i awan, on Oel. lt». Mra Herbert Staer and Mrs. Keep Matawan Clean poster eon-; T o W n s h lD A u X l l l O r v a list of needed items for thc choral groups, and lessons in James Mershon. lest, sponsored by the local club " * " K ^ W A in w r y scenery painting, stage manage- members' choice. , for the grammar school children W e l c o m e s M e m b e r s On Nov. il, Monday, her de­ irxmt, singing, dancing and dra­ during National Business Women's* Tlie Auvtliary of the Matawan partment will hold a workshop at matics. Social To Aid Week. Oct. G to I.'l. 10 a.m. In the morning. All club It is estimated that 100 theatre Matawan Personal Items Town* hip Hose and Chemical Co. hopefuls can be accommodated in Miss Kathleen Merritt, chairman held a monthly meeting Oct. IG members are invited lo attend and News Of You And Your Family Is Appreciated Al Any Time of "Hobday Hat Show’’ g ive her | briny old used candles, old lip­ the Legion Hall. at Ihe Oak Shades fire house and To Confer Second Degree Call Mrs. Lorraine Smith, Tel. 568*1.121 Memorial Home plans of the affair which will h e 1 welcomed two new members, sticks and glitter to make Christ­ lield Tuesday evening. Nov. P*. The Second Degree will be con­ The f.adhs Auxiliary of the Vet-; Mr-.. Hm li I'lennng and Mrs Char- mas candle. These candles will at tf p.m in the Ameiic3 n Legion ^ ferred Wednesday evening, Nov. erans of Foreign Wars to Guad.il-! loite Smith Mrs, Frank l.ewickl be sold for the benefit of the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Em lev and Mrs. Rudolph Fraebel entertain-: Dean Brenner, son of Mr, and Hall, Matawan. Th" theme ot ihe G, at 8:30 p.m. in the Legion Hall. canal Post t7tr» f»f Mataw.m Town- ' presided m the absence of Mrs. kitchen. This department will spon­ sun, Lane, were the Saturday ed at pinochle on Wednesday and ! Mrs Norman Hienner, Sirathmore, j party vv iil be “ Do Vour Chii'.imas; Arrangements are being made by ship w i l l sponsor a Halloween | Andrew Nicora, pvesident. sor a dressmaking contest Ibis guests of Mr. and' Mrs. Albert her guests were Mrs. Harry Wells, [was the guest ot honor At a party SUojiping K a ily / ’ ’llieie will !>e William Cavradino, assisted by social Saturday at the post home; u’.' T 4’" Plans were made to hold a rum­ year. Judging will be held the Baines, phillipsburg. Mrs. William Burmester, and M ri. ! to celebrate his third birthday on loves, jew lry, dt.-sses, middle of February and members George Carradino. Knights of on Cliffwood Ave,, (’liffwood. 'I here * 1 ' mage sale N'C,. is-’j.} al the Mr. and Mrs. William J. Miller Lvdia Walling \ Sunday. The guests were Hric and stocking sluri'ers. and pjits fm all may select any pattern. In pre­ Columbus members, in good stand­ Mrs. W. J. Kabel entertained at will be prizes for costumes. Tickets , III It! S'.*. were the guests on Saturdav of Todd Brenner, Mitchell Barsky, • . . - I . i «• - i t i imembei.sol the familv 1’bei e w ill 1 vious years, members were con­ ing in any council, are invited lo me hide dancing and tnuid n»fiesh-iUi. „ , • , ■ I b-sle-.-.es v.ete M is Sanv Can­ their sons, William and Gary, for desert - bridge on Wednesday and i-ieven Beck, Shelley Ann Yurko, - -• -• j S>e ui>or pi 7.es and e?ieslirn'-n, \ s. : fined to Vogue patterns. attend. j the winner-, were Mrs. Bertha ments. Profits realized will he usei /an) Mr>. Richard Becker, Mrs. Parent’s Day at Ursimis Colleg.*, Mark Bieber, Scott Lichtenstein, James Shea and John McKenna ; Story Sehanek, Mrs. Joseph Detn- for the mortgage fund for the Mrs. Thaler will h" act onuv.ini«‘d I 1.1:1k iJeviuo arul Mrs. Noruiun Mrs. Rainaud also announced Collegeville. Pa. They were accom­ and Feron Frieson. have been named co-chairmen of ' berger, and the hostess. Other Memorial Home. Tickets are avail­ by Mrs. Bernice Van Pell Mis', \Si»*.d Gift-- were received from plans for a party for the Golden- panied by Martha and Blair Miller Mrs. Abel Ardman, Brooklyn, Is Agers around Christmas time. Res­ tlu* buTfct dinner-dance which will ;',ue>is were Mis. George G. Down- able from any member or may bo Merritt, Miss Mary ilaussmann and Iheit seciet pals by Mrs Jam ei anil Miss Judith Rice. visiting at the home of her son-in- Miss Theresa Hans-miami at llie idents of locul nursing homes and honor the Outstanding Knighls of o->. Mr.s. Leroy Sickles, Mrs. law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. purchased at the door. \'ena, Mrs -lame-. Cahill, Mrs. The executive board ol the M j N November Slate Board ine»'lin:;. local residents will be transported I li** Year. Plans for this affair also Ch.ules K Hunt, Mrs. Frank Bliss, David Lesser, Strathmore. Mrs. Irene Brenon, president, Bud Slraniero, r.Jrs. Nicora, Mrs, awjn Junior Woman's Club met and Mrs. klmore Kattner. Saturday. Nov. pi, jh (|jt. Hotel : to the new club house for the will be discussed at the special M r s . Roy Brown, Mrs, Thomas presided at the meeting In the lorn Falco and Mrs. Lewicki. party. Oct. M meeting. Oel. 15 m the homo of Miss B a r! 1/.. Charles Weigel, Bcechwood post home and initiated two new Suburban. F-asl Oiange. llie club, bar.i Woodhouse, Keyport. Other j Ferieri and Mrs. Christopher Ven- of the Orange^ will be the hosi | The Monmouth County jail will Joseph Carroll and the six-point Terr., attended a Marketing Re­ iero. Belleville, were the Friday members, Mrs. Stephanie llilde- members of the board present i club. Based on the year* therm* C o rfo o n Carnival be remembered at Thanksgiving chairman, Philip Incorvaia, are search discussion group, held nt luncheon guests of Mrs. George brant and Mrs. Mary Lehtinen. were Mrs. Barton Hoeg, Miss Jean with gifts of candy, fruit, used completing arrangements for the 1’ruvs Kail. New York, on McCiravv, Struthmore. Mrs. Dorothy Smith wa.s ap­ “ It Can Be Done — It’s l.fp 'lot The Holmdel lownship Recrea­ retreat Nov. 15 through 17. ne Groger.son. Leonardo; Mrs. W il- 1 'I htirsdav. Joseph Woodlock, vice pointed chairman for the Harvest You/' the workshop will be de tes Commission will sponsor a books and playing cards for the Mrs. Howard Rand and chil­ Plans also are being considered Viam Comvay. Mrs. William \ president, Computer Program De­ Moon Ball to be held Nov, 23 in voted to techniques oi membership.' showing of Hallowe'en cartoons at prisoners. Members were asked to dren. Howard and Maureen, Mrs. Brock ie, Mrs. William Wright, Kev- j velujKi nt tlu* Market Research the post home. public relation.'., pmgijm and h- the Indian Hill School Saturday bring any items that would be use­ for special ballroom dancing les­ Molly O’Connor, Miami, Fla.; Miss sons for the members. Al a try­ port; Mr.s. Frank Panek, Sir.-.. Nel-1 Corporahon of America, spoke on It was decided to have the Aux­ nance. ! .-.(.ii inn; ;j ! Io a m Pre-school ful to the next meeting. ~ Kileen McGuire. Glen Rock, and son Lamb, Mrs. Mark Fields. Mis. I--a Mode] tor Furly Prediction of iliary Christmas party Thursday, 'I’he hostesses for t h t* evening ihriiui:h third Kfad.? pupils are wel- In commemoration of National out held in the Legion Hall during Mrs. Margaret Smith, New York, Art Week, the club wili have an Mariv Mahoney, and Mrs. Ronald N'*w Products Future Dec, ID, at Buck Smith’s Restau­ co.'tiv Pn/es tor costiimes will Ihe past week, more than 100 at­ were the Saturday dinner guests of were Mi.^s M aiy Hauxsinann and artist present a program at the tended the lessons given by Mr. Nankivell. Malawan. Mrs. John Sigmund. Mrs. Wil­ rant, Fast Keansburg. Any mem­ Miss There.sa H.i'issmann ■awarded and refieshmems served. Mr.s. J. C. Lewis, Matawan, and liam Quinn, Mrs Calvin Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tosetto, Lake* Nov. 4 meeting. Members will and Mrs. Prank Matuch, side Gardens. ber desiring to go may contact bring guests. Mr and Mrs. John Crownshaw, ! Mrs. Milton Gunkle. Mrs. Rollin Mrs. Brenon. Kevport. have returned from a vis-j Richards, Mis. Kveretl Carlson, Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrj. Mrs. Kay Liegel reported the Legal Secretaries it with Mr. and Mrs. Lester N J and Mrs Wmston Schaffer were John T. Kiick, Marc Woods, were Strathmore Plans recent toy sate was a success. Plan "Bosses Night" Hill, Southbury, Conn.. and Mr.s. | lhe Wednesday evening bridge ber parents Mr, and Mrs. A. S. Following the business session, A u t u m n Meeting Calendar Sarah Ashworth and sons, Winsted, I ;;n-*sts of .Yrl s Robert LaMura. • Connolly, Jersey City. a surprise party was tendered the Co„n. | Mr>. Cecille Boyd, Cambridge, Mr and Mrs. John Keno, W y Past Department President, Mr:_ Final plans were formulated for Mr. and Mrs. E. Charles Weiy'd : N't., is visiting at The home of her The Strathmore Civic Association the annual “ Bosses Night” of Mon­ ckofl, were the recent guests of I Marjorie Concepcion, who is niov- and son. Charles, were the Sunday .son-in-law and daughter, Mr. aud C l e a r a n c e has invited all Matawan Township mouih Legal Secretaries Associa­ Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kleinberg, i ing to Florida. She was presented dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Waller Bromm. Weldon Kd. urbanizations to list their names tion at the regular monthly meet­ Stralhmore J wilh a monetary gift from the George C. Pfeiff. Fdison Mrs, Gerard L)ev!:n entertained Hid dates of meetings on a calen­ ing held Thursday night, at the ., . . ; and Mrs. Henry Kiechlin and 5 auxiliary a n d ‘.several personal Mr. and Mrs. George Clark were Shore Motel, Wanamassa. at l..idf;e on lliorsd .s and the j children. Marc Woods, were the ,.,fIV An auliimn theme prevailed dar which will be available to Ihe the Sundav guests of Mrs. Alfred association’s nearly 1000 members, Mr.s. Ruth Huxbaum, president prue Winners were Mrs homas ;weekend suests of Mr. and M r,. ! am, sum* r wa, served Dark Cottons Glidcwell, Red Bank. Welstead, tin* ho.va.*-is. and Mrs Le- . Roger Ma/zone, Brooklyn. j ______of Monmouth Legal Secretaries As­ Robert J. Chcsterman, president, Mr. and Mrs Harry Wells we.e sociation. disclosed the annual rov Sickles. Olher guesis ner- M n. j A recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. ' /* . 1 w i snid the calendar is intended to the Saturdav dinner guests of Mr. event would be held at the Mana- Prank Bliss, Mrs. Margueri'el Irving Ledet. Cambridge Dr.. I G u i d a n c e m e m b e r s provide an accurate and up-to-date and Mrs. Charles Hess. Fgg Har­ Laird, Mrs. Paul Fgun, Mrs. W. J. I Strathmore, was M. B. McDavid,* squan River Golf Club, Bridle, on record of groups holding meetings bor, at Clare and Cohv’s, South Rabel. and Mts. Catherine McDratories. residents will Iihvc an opportunity Mrs. Lydia Walling returned Mrs. list her Doberman and son. Holmdel Three members of the guidance , JUST ARRIVED lo learn what nre the groups, when and their invited guests. The Met- home Tuesday after spending 10 Frank, Ihe Bronx, were the week- ( Mr. and Mrs George Schour and department of Maiawjn Regional rntones, a local musical organiza­ d» they meet and where. At the days as the guest of Mrs Frederic end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Larrv dayman, High School participated in a one- ' tion, will furnish entertainment 1 same time, the calendar can In; Fessler, Saxon River. Vt. Dworkis. Srathmore I ’rank Dob­ day state w ide guidance confer- ‘ New Fall during thc evening. Stralhmore. dined at the Shore referred to by persons arranging Mrs. George: Clark and Mrs. Wil­ erman will leave in lhe n>-ar t'utu;e Poini Inn. Ha/.let. on Saturdav ev­ eik o sixmsored by Putgers Gradu- j Mrs. Barbara Wortley and Mrs. ate School of Fijucaiinn, Oct. Ifi. Proportioned SLACKS croup program dates so as to avoid: e . liam Mallett were the Thursday to enter Harper Colitrge. Buu'ham- ening, possible conflict* with other Rroup*; guests of Mrs. George Foeri, ton, N.Y. Mr, drnl Mrs. Thomas Crane, at the Brunswick Inn | meeting at the same time, or date Keansburg. Mr. and Mrs. Cljude Lewis, Stralhmore...... have recently returned...... 1 httmas Stachura. M.irgaret Rob-I CORDUROYS...... 3.99 was followed by a successful white Strathmore, entertained on Friday or place. elephant sale. Mr. and Mrs Charles r. Perrine home from a trip to Anapoiis. M l. prison anti George Beckman heard ; attended the Rutgers - Lehigh foot­ evening to celebrate their Kith Mrs. Sam Schafer, M Ayrmont Mrs. Haru llains, an Association While there ihev were the guests 1 If11’ keynote speaker, Dr. C. Gilbert LINED W O O L from 5.99 ball game in New Brunswick nn wedding anniversary. ’Iheir gue.sts ; Wrenn. professor of edurjlionai 1 Ls., has been named by Mr. Ches- member and second vice president of Mr. and Mrs L C. Fure. Saturday. were Nir. and Mrs. Willis Hines, . psyeludofty at Michigan tlniver-j tcrman to be in charge of the cal­ of the National Association of Le­ Su/anne («omlick, daughter of STRETCH SLACKS .... 10.95 endar. All group officers respon­ Mrs. William Ohnsman and Mr.?. Strathmore; Mr. and Mrs B.irry Mr. and Mrs. Louis (Jfimlitjk, : sity, anti author of “ Counselor in : gal Secretaries is leaving Friday Nicholas Francisco were th? prize Gotu-hercr, Scarsdale. N V , and sible for scheduling meeting dates fnr Ihe National Board meeting in Strathmore, celebrated her fif'h a Changing World.” speak on “ fhe : Mr and Mrs. Willis ll:iK '. Sr ru t h- are asked to contact Mrs. Schafer Tampa, Fla. • winners on Thursday evening when birthdav with a party on Wedms- Hard Facts al>ou! V'ocatir>naI Cotin- ! by letter or by telephone, 566*7847. Mr.s. Richard Cermak entertained more; Mr. and Mrs. Barrv (iotte- ‘ day afternoon. Guests wer** Dino . seling.” ! at bridge. Other guests were Mrs. lieter. Scarsdale. N.Y.. ami Mr. j and Jolin Truntafvlos, John and Ibe conference, which included , Change Location Bruce MacCutcheon. Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Ike GuV. the Bronx Ja y Tesik. Dick Prara, Barbara inlormal discussion and panel an- ! Lutherans, Jews Mr. and Mrs ’oito fiaub, Over­ BETTYS Weber, Mrs, Joseph Rankl jr., and Bennett Paris. Wendv and swers to group (pjesijons, was in- ! SHOP Of Music School Mrs. Roy Kaiser, and Mrs. George hill Rtl . were the dront-i gu-'sis ot Craig Schultz. Dannv. Kennv and : tended to stimulate a greater in- ! Share Facilities Mrs Gatib’s brother and si'ii'T-m- Sandra Shapiro, and her bt other The t-cnevc Music School, under i D^ ; arul Mrs [j0Iiai(1 w |<„l,in- terest in the student whose high , The Cross of Glory Lutheran law, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Fountain, ! Billv. Mrs. (jdheti Wickizer. Cher- • school goal wnt job preparation, j 139 Main St. M a la w a n the direction of Len Baird and Eve ; son ;vPre tj1(, Sunday dinner guests Neptune Citv, at Ihe Carshikes in Church and the Strathmore - at • i ry Hill, maternal grandmother, al­ ; rather than preparation for col* ; Nelson, i.s moving to larger quar- j of Mr ami Mrs Arthur Gardner, Mount Hollv on 'fhursdav. We Give S*H Matawan Jewish (’enter shared the ; so was present. jlege, ' tors und wdl be located one-quar- j Mohawk Village, Westfield. Weekend guests of Mr. and Green Stamp* 5 6 6 - 1 5 0 6 facilities of the Strathmore Ele­ Alan Smith, son of Mr and Mr.;. ter of a" mile“ *J,“ south-.... ' from---1 s‘"its pres­ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burket Mrs. Robert Dauster, Strathmore, mentary School Sunday morning. ! Bavnard Smith, is a pauen; in Riv- ent location on Route 3-1, Mata­ were Mr. and Mrs, l)av:d Alien, j At a.m. the Lutherans held Sun­ spent 'luesday in Flemington and ; erview Hospital. Mrs. Kriete Honored wan. New Hope. Pa Morrisville, Pa. day School for their children. At ' Mr. and Mrs Richard Boehm. Jn one year the school has in­ Weekend visitors in New Fngland Mr. and Mrs Nat F.isenle'rg, Mr. : Af Bon Voyage Party 9:.10 a.m. the Jewish Center’s chil­ . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maruleville, creased the music teaching staff were Mr. and Mrs Stockton Hop­ and Mrs. Lou Fisenberg. tAu’ens; ■and Mr, and Mis. Herbert Cottrell dren arrived for their Sunday Mrs. Jolm K Kriete jr.. II Neil from four lo nine teachers. The kins and Mr.s. F.dward Sandford. Miss Rose Fisimber s.1,. ’Ihe Bronx, were the Saturday evening dinner School. The Lutheran Services Dr., Marc Wttods. vva^ guest of WHICH BILLS staff includes graduates of Julli- |-'riday evening guests of Mr. arul anti Mr and Mr.s. Ilm iv Kaplan, ' and bridge guests of Mr. and M r1!. were held at 10;.10 a.m. The Jewish honor at a bon voyage party given ard, Manhattan Conservatory of Mrs. Nelson Lamb were Mr. and Dr<«ikivn. were the Surd.r. gtiesJs ; P. Judson b.vans, Middletown. Center’s School continued until Sundav evening by her neighbors Music, University of Indiana and Mrs. William George. New Bruns­ of Mr and Mrs. Jack Pisenbi-rg, ! Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. Ihoinp- 11:30 a.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl TO PAY? Hunter College. wick. Sirathmore. ; son attended homecoming dav at The Rev, Richard Weeden, pas­ Muller. Mrs, Krieie, a member of Miss Louise Kernev, Brooklyn, Mt and Mrs* Walter l'abi-,hak : Rutgers University on Satutflay. tor of the Cross of Glory Church, fn addition to tlu? instruction of the late Jacob Kiis familv, nnd spent several days as the guest of and daughter, So|)iiie. and Mr*. ! and in tbe afternoon attended the announced a ThanhsKlvlnn E v e ! m ific. the school has now added her children, Ruth Ann and John, Mr. aud Mrs Allan J, Morrison Ghulvs Wo/niak ami thuighier, Do. Rutgers ♦ Lehigh foolball game. Service to he held Nov. 27. This I ballet, tap anil toe duncinj; under will leave Nov, I to visit relatives Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Manville lores, Cttlle^e Pouu. L.L. w