436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 19 PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H. R . 1896. A bill for the relief of Lech Szczepan Korgol; to the Committee on the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Judiciary. bills and resolutions were introduced and By Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts: MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1953 severally referred as follows: H. R. ~ 897 . A bill for the relief of Mrs. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. By Mr. ADDONIZIO: Betty E. Lamay; to the Committee on the H. R. 1872. A bill for the relief of Joseph Judiciary. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, F. Lounsberry; to the Committee on the By Mr. REGAN: D. D., offered the following prayer: Judiciary. H . R. 1898. A bill for the relief of Sister May Jacinta, nee Elena Natalia Carvalho; Almighty God, we rejoice that Thy By Mr. ALLEN of California: thoughts toward us are always those of . H. R. 1873. A bill for the relief of Michel to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. ROONEY: peace and good will, of love and mercy. Bandak; to the Committ ee on the Judiciary. We humbly confess that we are fre­ H . R. 1874. A bill for the relief of Cesar H. R . 1899. A bill for the relief of Herm­ Grana; to the Committee on the Judiciary. inegilda Sanz; to the Committee on the quently greatly troubled as we face prob­ H. R,. 1875. A bill for the relief of Mir Judiciary. lems for which our fallible and finite Kazem Kashani; to the Committee on the H. R. 1900. A bill for the relief of Samuel minds seem to have no adequate and Judiciary. Fogel; to the Committee on the Judiciary. worthy solution. By Mr. ALLEN of California (by re­ H. R . 1901. A bill for the relief of Ciro May we never surrender to despair or quest): Picardi; to the Committee on the Judiciary. allow our efforts to languish. Make us H . R. 1876. A bill for the relief of Denning By Mrs. ST. GEORGE: confident that the spiritual resources are Mills, a copartnership; to the Committee on H . R. 1902. A bill for the relief of Samuel mightier than all the forces of evil which the Judiciary. T . Pomess, Jr.; to the Committee on the are arrayed against us. H. R. 1877. A bill for the relief of Erwin Judiciary. Irving Spira; to the Committee on the Judi· By Mr. SAYLOR: Grant that our newly chosen President ciary. H. R. 1903. A bill for the relief of Phyllis and leaders, in the business of statecraft, H. R. 1878. A bill fQr the relief of Lloyd D. Hertzog; to the Committee on Post Office and may be . inspired with unerring wis­ Bernard; to the Committee on Armed Serv­ Civil Service. dom and indomitable courage as they ices. By Mr. SHELLEY: daily set themselves to the adventurous H . R. 1879. A bill for the relief of Ezra H. R. 1904. ·A bill for the relief of Patricia crusade and arduous task of building a H. Y. Eliahou; to the Committee on the Ju­ A. Pembroke; to the Committee on the Judi­ nobler era of understanding and concord diciary. ciary. among the nations of the earth. By Mr. BARTLETT: H. R . 1905. A bill for the relief of Mont­ In all our hopes and endeavors may we H. R. 1880. A bill to authorize the sale of gomery of San Francisco, Inc.; to the Com­ be guided and sustained by the invincible certain public lands in Alaska to the Catho~ic mittee on the Judiciary. spirit of our b~essed Lord in whose name bishop of northern Alaska for use as a mis­ H. R. 1906. A bill for the relief of Anna E. we pray. Amen. sion school; to the Committee on Interior Hollander; to the Committee on the Judi­ and Insular Affairs. ciary. The Journal of the proceedings of By Mr. BATES (by request): H . R. 1907. A bill for the relief of Letizia Friday, January 16, 1953, was read and H . R. 1881. A bill for the relief of Pasquale Pugliares; to the Committee on the Judi­ approved. De Leonibus; to the Committee on ·the Ju­ ciary. diciary. H. R. 1908. A bill for the relief of Thomas By Mr. BELCHER: C. Cox; to the Committee on the Judiciary. MESSAGE FROM THE _PRESIDENT H . R. 1882. A bill for. the relief of Harold H. R. 1909. A bill for the relief of Francois A message in writing from the Presi­ Joe Davis; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Kloo; to the Committee on the Judiciary. dent of the was communi­ H. R. 1883. A bill for the relief of Frankiin H. R . 1910. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Jim; to the Committee on the Judiciary. cated to the House by Mr. Hawks, one of Arusik Tchakalian, Samuel Tchakalian, and his secretaries. By Mr. COUDERT: Manuel Tchakalian; to the Committee on H. R. 1884. A bill for the relief of Peter K. the Judiciary. Stein; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. WIDNALL: SWEARING IN OF MEMBERS By Mr. CRUMPACKER: H. R. 1911. A bill for the relief of Wally H. R. 1885. A bill for the relief of Fortu­ Krausnick Paeschke; to the Committee on The SPEAKER. The Chair under­ nato Portilla Delgado; to the Committee on the Judiciary. stands there are two Members .present the Judiciary. H. R. 1912. A bill for the relief of Hayik this ·morning who have. not taken the By Mr. GOLDEN: (Jirair) Vartiyan and Annemarie Vartiyan; oath of office. If. they will presen,t them­ H. R. 1886. A bill for the relief of Paul to the Committee on the Judiciary. selves in the well of the House, the Chair Myung Ha Chung; to the Committee on the By Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi: will administer the oath of office. Judiciary. H . R. 1913. A bill for the relief of William Mr .. FERNANDEZ and Mr. BLATNIK By Mr. HAYS of Arkansas: B. Ross; to the Committee on the Judiciary. presented themselves at the bar of the H. R . 1887. A bill for the relief of Marjorie By Mr. WILSON of California: House and took the oath of office. Goon (Goon Mei Chee) ; to the Committee H . R. 1914. A bill for the relief of Priscilla on the Judiciary. Anne Stephenson (Shizuko Hosokawa); to H. R. 1888. A bill for the relief of Gary Mat­ the Committee on the Judiciary. thew Stevens (Kazuo Omiya); to the Com­ COMPOSITION OF COMMITTEES OF By Mr. YATES: THE HOUSE mittee on the Judiciary. H. R. 1915. A bill for the relief of Mrs. H . R. 1889. A bill for the relief of Cecil Sarah.Hirshorn; to the Committee on the Ju- Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, I offer Wilson Hinkson, Jr.; to the Committee on diciary. ' · a resolution