Extensions of Remarks Hon. Delbert L
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1959 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE ·11151 PETITIONS, ETC. tonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, by Soviet Rus surely and certainly come to them if such sia, and protesting a summit meeting efforts will be continued; to the Committee Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions which, under present circumstances, will on Foreign Affairs. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk only strengthen the cause of international 224. By the SPEAKER: Petition of George and referred as follows: · communism, and expressing heartfelt thanks Harclaon, Seattle, Wash., relative to de for the many efforts being made by the manding an investigation by the rackets 223. By Mr. FLYNN: Resolution of the President, the Senate, and the House of Rep committee into the affairs and activities of Lithuanian Americans of Racine, Wis., me resentatives of the United States on behalf the commission for the Seattle World's Fair morializing the 19th anniversary of the of those still behind the curtain of iron and and the proposed Seattle Civic Center; to forcible occupation of the Baltic States, Es- who still dream of the freedom which must the Committee on Rules. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Results of a Poll: Fifth Congressional program is helpful to you? Yes, 11 percent; by Senator JosEPH CLARK, the distinguished no, 89 percent. Democrat of Pennsylvania. My first chore District of Ohio (c) Do you agree that the farmer generally was to describe the provisions, and so here wants fewer controls and more freedom from they are. EXTENSION OF REMARKS Government interference even though it may The Commission on Metropolitan Problems mean a temporary period of price adjust would have 18 members. OF ment? Yes, 90.4 percent; no, 9.6 percent. The President of the Senate would appoint (d) Has the soil bank program been help six Members, and the Speaker of the House HON. DELBERT L. LATTA ful to you? Yes, 10.7 percent; no, 89.3 would appoint six Representatives. The OF OHIO percent. President of the United States would choose IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES another six. These six appointees would in clude the heads of two Federal departments ~ednesday,June17,1959 Proposed Commission on Metropolitan and two Governors from States having major Mr. LATrA. Mr. Speaker, recently I urbanization problems (I hereby put in a Problems nomination for New Jersey), and two mayors, conducted a survey of my district on and I leave that nomination up to my New several issues before the Nation. In York City friends in the audience. order to apprise the House of the think EXTENSION OF REMARKS The Commission would make a complete ing of the people of the Fifth Congres OF and full investigation into the Federal sional District of Ohio on these impor policies and programs affecting the Nation's tant matters, I am inserting the results HON. JOSEPH S. CLARK metropolitan areas. Of thiS poll in the RECORD. OF PENNSYLVANIA In the words of the bill, the Commission IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES would try to determine-- The questions and the percentage of " ( 1) the present and prospective needs of "Yes" and "No" answers to each question Wednesday, June 17, 1959 the Nation's metropolitan areas for public ~: ~ven by the people of the district in the Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, one of services, including but not limited to plan questionnaires are set forth below: the best statements in support of a bill ning, highways, mass transit facilities, water 1. Should we maintain the best possible resources, elimination of air and water pollu to create a Federal Commission on Met .. tion, health and welfare services, schools, defense regardless of its impact on the ropolitan Problems-S.1431-which I in.. budget? Yes, 80.5 percent; no, 19.5 percent. recreation facilities, urban renewal and 2. (a) Should our mutual security-foreign traduced earlier this year, has been made housing, ports, airports, and prevention of aid program be limited to military assist by the able and experienced junior Sena.. crime and delinquency; ance? Yes, 74.8 percent; no, 25.2 percent. tor from New Jersey [Mr. WILLIAMS], in "(2) capabalities of different levels of gov (b) Should we also continue our economic a recent speech before the New York ernment to meet such needs; assistance in the hope that these countries chapter of the American Society for Pub.. "(3) the extent to which the Federal Gov w111 remain allied with the non-Communist ernment is assisting metropolitan areas in lie Administration. meeting such needs; nations? Yes, 47 percent; no, 53 percent. I think it is particularly significant 3. Do you favor President Eisenhower's po "(4) means for improved coordination of sition on Berlin? Yes, 91 percent; no, 9 that the Senator gives his endorsement Federal, State, and local policies and pta percent. to this measure, because he comes from grams that affect metropolitan areas; 4. Do you favor the proposed llf2 -cent in one of the most urban States in the " ( 5) such other matters as may be of as 'l!rease in the gasoline tax to maintain our Union and has been struggling with met .. sistance in solving the various problems of, "ederal interstate highway construction ropolitan problems both as an alert, ag.. and promoting the social and economic well :Program on a pay-as-you-go basis? Yes, 54.6 gressive Representative and as a Senator. being of, the Nation's metropolitan areas." percent; no, 45.4 percent. The Commission would submit its report I ask unanimous consent that that por.. to the President and the Congress before 5. Do you favor the proposal to expand tion of the speech pertaining to this bill the social security program to include the February 1, 1961. payment of surgical and hospital bills if it be printed in the RECORD. I've been told by the Senate Committee on means an increase in your social security tax? I also ask unanimous consent that foJ .. Government Operations that they hope to be Yes, 30.1 percent; no, 69.9 percent. lowing the speech of the Senator from ready within the next month or so to start 6. Do you favor legislation to effectively New Jersey, a copy of an editorial from hearings on Senator CLARK's bill. The com curb the irregularities revealed by the Mc the Bergen Evening Record, published mittee is awaiting reports from heads of Fed Clellan committee in some of the labor eral administrative agencies before starting at Hackensack, N.J., commenting on his the hearings. unions? Yes, 95.2 percent; no, 4.8 percent. remarks, be printed. The editorial is 7. Do you favor an expansion of the Fed entitled "Things To Come as We Shape THE WALKING TOUR eral Trade Commission's investigation of the Like many other legislators, I very much price differential betweeen what a farmer re Them." There being no objection, the speech hope that the bill will be passed, and passed ceives for his product and what the consumer as soon as possible. pays for it? Yes, 7{).1 percent; no, 23.9 and editorial were ordered to be printed I think it will make possible what I would percent. in the RECORD, as follows: like to call a walking tour approach to our 8. Do you favor Federal aid for school ADDRESS BY SENATOR WILLIAMS OF NEW JERSEY metropolitan problems. buildings if it means any Federal control? Let me explain what I mean by a "walking Yes, 24.8 percent; no, 75.2 percent. You have given me an important topic here tonight. tour." · 9. (a) If you are engaged in farming do A planner recently said that statistics don't you believe that Public Law 480 which pro S. 1431-which would establish a Federal Commission on Metropolitan Problems-is help us at all when we try to understand vides that the Government may sell farm urban blight. He suggested instead that surpluses abroad for foreign currency should one of the most significant bills introduced this year, and I appreciate this opportunity citizens take a walk through the slums, be expanded? Yes, 80.6 percent; no, 19.4 through the so-called gray zones, through the percent. to speak to a group which has such a keen interest in it. new sections of cities which are already show (b) Since the Soft Red Winter Wheat ing signs of decay. He was talking only grown in Ohio is in demand and is not con DESCRIPTION OF S. 1431 about slums, but I think we need the same tributing to the what surplus, do you believe Mr. Harvey was clear in his instructions. kind of approach when we talk about metro that a Government control-price support I am to discuss the bill introduced March 16, politan problems. 11152 -cONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE June 17 The proposed Federal Commission would people will reach 18 years of age in 1975 Actually a great deal can be done. We give the entire Nation the kind of tour I have alone. This would be nearly twice as many have before us the Regional Plan Associa in mind. as reached their 18th birthday in 1958. And tion projection. That's a help, because it The Commission, and the experts it could so it would seem that our metropolitan tells us what to expect. Having digested it hire, would have hearings in the key urban areas are going to be quite lively places in as dispassionately as possible, it might not areas throughout the Nation. These hearings 1975-with demands for more schools, more be a bad idea to follow the suggestion of would focus attention on problems well un homes, and more services for each of those Senator WILLIAMS (Democrat, of New Jersey).