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Want to Sell Something Tomorrow? 2G2 1953--MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1953 Want to Sell Something Tomorrow? Use a JOURNAL WantAd-Dia12321 HYERS PEGGY lMarguerite E) prop Bennett " Sunoco Service Station Merton J Inger­ Studio h116 Linn soll prop 101-103 W Clinton Hylander Augusta P wid John C chaperon Inglehart Jean K (Mrs Robert) elk CU res Westminster Hall r do West Shore RD2 Hynes Dorothy inst CU r706 E Seneca " Robert (Jean K) student CU h W Shore " -see Hines Ingram Howard L Jr r425 Titus av " Howard L (Margaret T) pres Ingrams IB GRILL John Alexander prop 115 E Green Inc M25 Titus av Iacomini Alfonso emp 120 Third r do Ingrams' Inc 107 S Aurora pres Howard L Iamvelli James (Antonnette) emp Borcari Ingram h148 Kendall Ingwersen Samuel (Frances) grad student CU " Joseph W (Anastasia) emp MCCo h132 h140 Grandview at Coddington rd Ink Charles T retired h Spencer rd " Paul P (Virginia) emp MCCo h232 Penn­ " Helen B Mrs emp CU M28 N Cayuga sylvania av " Henry D emp Trainor's Restaurant h522 " Vinceno (Ruth J) millwright MCCo h159 Titus av Kendall " Howard W (Florence L) carp foreman AH ,. Virginia (Mrs Paul P) emp NYTelCo h McPhearson & Son h513 Cliff 232 Pennsylvania av " Robert R (Isabel 1'.1) cont h606 S Albany Iamele Mary (Mrs Victor D) emp GLF h407 Inlet Garage Carl H Smith prop 801 Taber Linn " Lunch John A Sheheen prop 708 W ,. Victor D (Mary) slsm Purity Ice Cream Buffalo Co M07 Linn " Valley Cemetery Spencer rd RD5 Ilxmez Henry emp Mohawk Airlines hll0 " Valley Farms Inc Bruce N Millard pres Grandview ct S Meadow ext Ice Cream Shoppe (Francis J and Mary G Inman Elmer J (Rose) emp I Highway Dept Yeno) 106 N Aurora h542 Spencer rd RD5 " E Clark (Eva) student IC h129 Nitche " Frank H (Mabel E) emp IGCo h231 Wood Ide Richmond H (Sadie J) retired h321 N " Hattie E wid Thomas r208 E Buffalo Plain " Leslie E (Nellie 1'.1) cook College Spa h310 Ide's Drome George I Ideman prop roller W Seneca skating 222 Judd Falls rd RD2 INMAN MERTON W lVelma G) prop State Ideal Barber Shop James R Graves prop 514 Street Tydol Service h Bostwick rd RD6 \Y State " Nellie 1'.1 (Mrs Leslie E) emp Ingrams h Ide:nan George \Y (l\Iary 1'.1) prop Ide's 310 W Seneca Drome and town councilman h946 Mit­ Intercity Amusement Co Angelo Cannizzo chell ext RD2 prop amusement machines 606 Madison Idzelis George janitor CU res RD1 Intermaggio Jean B (Mrs Joseph L) emp Iffert Lois E l\Irs h105 First Tompkins County Mental Health Clinic Ilen Carey (Betty) student CU h109 Cook h203 Williams Illencsik John (Helen G) tailor shop 205 E International Association of Machinists Local Stc>.te h208 Utica 1607 bus agt Donald J O'Connor. Meets " Louis J (Elizabeth) tool mkr Townsend 4th Thurs monthly 8 p m at 319 E Seneca J\Hg & Tool Corp h205 Utica " Business Machines Corp Paul D Brad­ I1lston Fred W emp IGCo r626 W State shaw repr 121 E Seneca (103) " Laura H wid Cady P emp TCMHosp h511 Iorio Frank bartender Sons of Italy h607 S W Clinton Aurora IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH-see Ireland Marie wid William h239 Cliff Chure':! of the Immaculate Conception Irions Charles C (Ethel 1'.1) USAF r424 E IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CONVENT AND State SCHOOL Sister Gertrude Marie sister " Ethel 1'.1 lMrs Charles C) sec CU r424 superior 318-320 W Buffalo EState Indelicato Sol Jr (Hildegard) mgr Lakeland Irish Katherine G wid John 1'.1 M20 EState HJmes h:319 Highland rd Cay Hts l3B5) Irvin Ames (Barbara) grad student CU h704 Inferrera Anthony R student IC r417 Casca­ E Buffalo dilla " Edward L (Louise) emp A-WAM h119 Ingalls Albert \V mech CU res Slaterville Cleveland av ,. Clyde E (Mary R) prof CU h Sheldon rd " Lloyd R (Mary) emp City Golf Course h , Irving W (Mildred A) adv mgr and v-pres 206 Third American Agriculturist res Trumansburg " Mayme F r409 S Aurora RD3 " Robert R (June T) prod mgr Laux Adver- •. Ruth asst CU r709 Triphammer rd tising Iuc h1517 Slaterville Ingersoll Elizabeth S h414 Eddy " William (Martha) asst CU M10 Yates " !\lerton J (Teresa 1'.1) prop Ingersoll Ser­ " William L emp Bd of Educ r410 E Yates vice Station h714 Hanshaw rd Cay Hts Issac Nina dept sec IC res Myers 48,000 READERS Just think-when you place a Want Ad in the Ithaca Journal your message is placed before more than 48,000 readers. That's why thousands of people proclaim, "Use Want Ads for Results at Low Cost." The next time you want to rent your vacant apartment, sell un­ wanted furniture, be sure to thbk of this inexpensive advert:s~ng medium. The rates for Want Ads are within the means of everyone who wants to use them. 54c The Ithaca Journal --PHONE 2321-- 1''' ;a 1953-MANNINO'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1953 263 Dodge Brothers and Plymouth WM. T. PRITCHARD Sales and Service Dodge Brothers Trucks 304-312 S. CAYUGA ST. Phone 2733 lsachsen G William (Anastasia) student CU " College Department Liberal Arts Earl E h646 E Tower rd Clarke dean 123 E Buffalo lsaly John D (Karen E) student CU h505 " College Department of Physical Educa­ Wyckoff rd tion Gymnasium Laurence S Hill dean lsam William (Joyce) student CU h663 E 120 E Seneca Tower rd " College Department of Physiotherapy A lsaman Arnold M (Helene S) emp GLF h106 Garman Dingwall director 402 E Buffalo Taylor pI " College Department of Drama, Music and Isch Louis J Jr Rev (Dorothy F) pastor Radio 314 N Cayuga Christian & Missionary Alliance Gospel " College Gymnasium 117 N Aurora h511 N Plain " College Infirmary Sara V McDonald and Isenberg Pearl B Mrs tchr Sr HS r147 Vet­ Mrs G Arline Baker nurses Willet's pI erans pI " College Library Sarah DeG Osborne li­ Ishii Sam (Margaret) emp Babcock Poultry brarian 123 E Buffalo Farm h325 W Seneca " College Phi Delta Pi 111 Osmun pI, Delta loom WH (Helen) asst CU r197 Veterans pI Phi Zeta 510 E Seneca, Newman Hall ,. William (Joyce) student CU h197 Vet­ girls dormitory 503 E Buffalo, Studio erans pI Bldg 120 E Buffalo, Library Bldg 123 E Israel Alvin ROTC CU h162 Grandview ct Buffalo Westminster Hall girls dormitory Italian Mutual Aid Sons of Italy Romeo 323 N Tioga, William Hall 130 E Buffalo Russic pres 417 W State Chadwick Hall 311 N Tioga Sigma Ithaca Amusement Co 111 S Aurora Alpha Iota 440 E Buffalo, Phi Mu ITHACA AUTOMOBILE CLUB Ralph R Kingsley Alpha 117 DeWitt pI, Kappa Gamma Jr exec sec 210 N Aurora Psi 102 Cascadilla, Egbert Hall 404 E ,. Bakery John Zazzara prop 408 N Meadow Buffalo, Stewart House 204 Stewart av ITHACA BOARD OF EDUCATION supt schools " College Publicity and News Bureau William L Gragg pres Clyde B Moore Harold E Jansen director 123 E Buffalo v-pres G Eric Peabody sec Gladys " College Radio Work Shop 101 W Court Thomas 117 E Buffalo see p 7 ITHACA COMMUNITY CHEST 210 N Aurora pres ITHACA BOTTLING WORKS (Francis and Ber­ Haines W Cole treas Rowland G Fowler nard Sigler) 407 W Seneca see p 108 exec v-pres T Merrill Shipherd sec Mrs " Bowl-O-Drome Louis B Barnard prop 622 Barbara M Brock tel 2962 W State " Co-operative GLF Service Inc Keith " Bowling Association 104 Cascadilla av Davis mgr store 120 S Fulton pres Melvin L Passman sec-treas C John " Co-operative GLF Service Inc Farm Store Calistri Meets on call of president yearly Dept Richard Porteus mgr 213 S Fulton n Bowling Center Inc Kenneth L Barber " Dairy Products Co Stanley W Cotton mgr 402 EState prop butter mfrs 23 N Fulton " Building Trades Council Frank Dunkle ITHACA DELIVERY Minor R Bennett prop 212 bus rep 102 EState Center see p 159 " Cash & Carry Dry Cleaners Mrs Blanche " Dental Laboratory Arland 0 Newman Moffat mgr 316 College av Mrs Clara prop 213 EState Blum mgr 111 W State ITHACA ENGRAVING CO INC pres Harry S Rich­ " Cayuga Optical Service William T Heim­ ardson v-pres Alfred Baron v-pres Cecil lich owner 134 EState E Webb sec-treas Joseph G Kent photo­ ITHACA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE pres Terrell B engravers and artists 115 Tioga see p Maxfield v-prests James R Simpson, 153 Seville Reulein and William L Gragg " Farmers Market Frank E Steiger prop exec sec Charles FLight asst sec Mrs 502 N Meadow Charles A Stewart treas Ralph W Mungle " Floor Covering James C Smith prop 407 210 N Aurora see p 4 Taughannock blvd " Children's Home Foster Home Service " Flying Service Inc training school and . exec sec Mrs Ruth R Pettengill 119 E passenger service and charter flights end B¢Ialo Taughannock blvd pres-mgr Herbert M ITHACA CITY OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS-see mise dir Peters sec-treas Mrs Dorothy B Peters " 9ity of Traffic Violations Bureau ~ity ITHACA FUEL SUPPLY CO THE (Fred M and judge Edward J Casey 115-117 N Tioga Bernice E Thayer) coal gas 222 S Fulton " City Water Filteration Plant Oliver M " Gear and Auto Parts Co Inc 111 E Green Neigh chief opr 967 EState pres Leo J Samuels sec-treas Albert A Kanter " Civil Service Commission Raymond C " Groton-Cortland & Auburn Bus Fay I Milks sec 114 N Tioga (312) Giddings prop leaves bus terminal 128 S "Clothing Exchange Carl Ozer prop 522 Aurora W State ITHACA GUN CO INC gun mfrs 123 Lake pres iTH'ACA COLLEGE 120 E Buffalo pres Leonard Louis P Smith v-pres Sheldon M Smith B Job sec Charles L Smith treas Walter Ewald 264 1953-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1953 Hudson Motor Cars Phone HCTMt C '30 W.
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