Guidelines for the Use of Telehealth for Clinical and Non Clinical

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Guidelines for the Use of Telehealth for Clinical and Non Clinical Guidelines for the use of Telehealth for Clinical and Non Clinical Settings in NSW AGENCY FOR CLINICAL INNOVATION Level 4, Sage Building 67 Albert Avenue Chatswood NSW 2067 Agency for Clinical Innovation PO Box 699 Chatswood NSW 2057 T +61 2 9464 4666 | F +61 2 9464 4728 E [email protected] | (ACI) 150063, ISBN 978-1-76000-138-4. TRIM Ref. ACI/D15/1851 Produced by: Rural Health Network Telehealth Working Party Further copies of this publication can be obtained from: Disclaimer: Content within this publication was accurate at the time of publication. This work is copyright. It may be reproduced in whole or part for study or training purposes subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgment of the source. It may not be reproduced for commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for purposes other than those indicated above, requires written permission from the Agency for Clinical Innovation. © Agency for Clinical Innovation 2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The ACI acknowledges the members rural health ACI Clinical Networks, Taskforces and Institutes provide telehealth working group, who helped consult and develop a unique forum for people to collaborate across clinical this guideline. specialties and regional and service boundaries to develop successful healthcare innovations. The ACI also wishes to acknowledge the contributions of the NSW Local Health District Telehealth Managers A priority for the ACI is identifying unwarranted variation and members of the previous NSW Telehealth Statewide in clinical practice and working in partnership with Steering Committee in the formulation of the telehealth healthcare providers to develop mechanisms to improve guidelines. clinical practice and patient care. About the ACI The Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) works with clinicians, consumers and managers to design and promote better healthcare for NSW. It does this by: Service redesign and evaluation - applying redesign methodology to assist healthcare providers and consumers to review and improve the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of services. Specialist advice on healthcare innovation - advising on the development, evaluation and adoption of healthcare innovations from optimal use through to disinvestment. Initiatives including Guidelines and Models of Care - developing a range of evidence-based healthcare improvement initiatives to benefit the NSW health system. Implementation support - working with ACI Networks, consumers and healthcare providers to assist delivery of healthcare innovations into practice across metropolitan and rural NSW. Knowledge sharing - partnering with healthcare providers to support collaboration, learning capability and knowledge sharing on healthcare innovation and improvement. Continuous capability building - working with healthcare providers to build capability in redesign, project management and change management through the Centre for Healthcare Redesign 2 ACI Guidelines for the use of Telehealth for Clinical and Non Clinical Settings in NSW TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................... 2 BackgroUnd ................................................................................................................... 4 Aims ................................................................................................................................ 4 KEY Messages ................................................................................................................. 5 Case STUDY ..................................................................................................................... 6 Telehealth Use FOR Clinical PUrposes ........................................................................ 7 Telehealth Use FOR Non-Clinical PUrposes .............................................................. 11 Telehealth GlossarY of Terms ................................................................................. 12 Additional online resoUrces AVailable .................................................................. 15 ResoUrce Package - Clinical ..................................................................................... 17 ResoUrce Package – Non Clinical ............................................................................ 30 3 ACI Guidelines for the use of Telehealth for Clinical and Non Clinical Settings in NSW BackgROUnd AIms of THE TeleHealtH GUIdelInes In 2013, NSW Health Share Services (HSS) engaged a The Telehealth Guidelines are a generic high level consultant to map e-health (including telehealth) barriers resource, and include a toolkit of templates and checklists and enablers across rural LHDs as a foundation for the which can be customised to meet local need. The development of the rural e-health strategy. One of the Telehealth Guidelines are available for sites that are part issues identified state-wide was the degree of variation of a telehealth consultation (at both ends), to provide a in processes around usage and documentation which common communications framework specifically targeting accompanied the increasing adoption of telehealth ‘clinician to patient’, and ‘clinician to clinician’ usage following the introduction of MBS Item numbers. groups across the whole of the patient journey (ED, acute The Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) Rural Health care, triaging, case conferences and follow up). Network identified this body of work as a Network The Guidelines are intended for general use by NSW priority and convened a small state-wide working party; Health staff, Non-government organisations, Medicare a group of clinicians who use telehealth frequently, to Locals (Primary Health Networks), General Practitioners undertake a literature review and broad consultation in (GPs), Specialists, Aboriginal Medical Services, Residential the development of Telehealth Guidelines as a simple, Aged Care Facility Services and affiliated Colleges and practical resource which would meet the needs of Organisations. clinicians. The Guidelines are divided into two categories: telehealth for clinical purposes (i.e. patient consultations) and telehealth for non-clinical purposes, including meetings, educational sessions, forums, grand rounds, case conferencing and mentoring. The following topics are covered within the guidelines: • Clinical and implementation considerations • Financial considerations • Technical considerations • Tools for users incorporating all of the above. For the purposes of the Guidelines, the definition of Telehealth is the secure transmission of images, voice and data between two or more units via Telecommunication channels, to provide clinical advice, consultation, monitoring, education and training, and administrative services. The Telehealth Guidelines accompany the ACI Telehealth Resource Package which addresses Organisational, Funding and Implementation Factors and is available online from telehealth 4 ACI Guidelines for the use of Telehealth for Clinical and Non Clinical Settings in NSW KEY MESSAGES The Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) places high 9. The NSW Telehealth Guidelines ensure smooth importance on providing equity and access for patients and consistent performance of telehealth meetings to receive treatment and care throughout NSW. For between clinicians. those living in rural, remote and isolated communities 10. Telehealth should be delivered as part of team care across NSW, receiving expert care can be a challenge and communication should flow both ways between due to workforce availability and geographical isolation. the specialist and healthcare team involved with the Telehealth can help break down the barrier of distance patient. for patient treatment and care and also improve staff education and networking. The ACI works in alignment with the NSW Ministry of Health, Health Share Services and Local Health Districts (LHDs) to enable the use of Telehealth in delivering services to communities that might not otherwise have had access. The key messages underpinning the Telehealth Guidelines are: 1. Telehealth is about connecting with clinicians and / or patients and their carer, not technology. 2. Telehealth consultations should augment existing services, not replace face to face services. 3. Telehealth technology alone does not bring about the change in practice: a key factor to success is embedding behavioural change in the use of the technology. 4. Telehealth means providing a broad spectrum of health supporting services enabled by technology (both in real time and store and forward). 5. Telehealth can provide an equitable service delivery mechanism for people in rural and remote NSW to access good quality healthcare. This includes aboriginal populations; people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds and people with disadvantage or disability. 6. Models that utilise telehealth save people in rural and remote NSW expense and time consuming trips to major centres to access quality healthcare. 7. A critical component of successful telehealth consultations lies in co-ordinated administration support and preparation. 8. The NSW Telehealth Guidelines ensure smooth and consistent performance of telehealth consultations for consumers, carers and clinicians in NSW. 5 ACI Guidelines for the use of Telehealth for Clinical and Non Clinical Settings in NSW CASE STUDY TO SET THE scENE: David is a 35 year old
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