The Visitation of Cheshire in the Year 1580

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The Visitation of Cheshire in the Year 1580 329. / H22 Columbia tHniumitp '& intljcCifpofltrtn^ork THE LIBRARIES THE $) tt b 1 1 c a 1 1 o n £ OF %\)t Jlarletan ^octetp. ESTABLISHED A.D. MDCCCLXIX. Volume xmm. culicdngijtfiarcuts af the Smutty ftofottmcot* Clic^tiT //;/•" ;>./•(. 1„j,// /law ' ', i /<•//. Of' J/mrintlin ofJ^ad'fH, I'm.,/.-,//: Stiltsan ck / ,;i id I •i.rn cf/Hn/jiriJ t'l,l :h. I': St I'll '! a/ /.' if// r/ y/'i/i//v"'^t /drill* H /•/ Dunhtun n 7i 7io/>i"it S/ih'ii/u't/ t tiui/>/i'S /}<ivu !•/ i^/viiftiu/ 1,'iVlrll (')' /in 1A1I fill Wsttatton of Cbesfttre IN THE YEAR 1580, MADE BY ROBERT GLOVER, SOMERSET HERALD, foe WILLIAM ELOWER, NORROY KING OE ARMS, WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS AND CONTINUATIONS, TNCLUDING THOSE FROM Cijf agitation of CfjcSfjirr MADE IN THE YEAR 1566, BY THE SAME HERALD. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING CJje Visitation of a part of CJjcsJjtve IN THE YEAR 1533, MADE BY WILLIAM FELLOWS, LANCASTER HERALD, FOE THOMAS BENOLTE, CLARENCEUX KING OF ARMS. AND A FRAGMENT OF Clje Visitation of tjjc City of Chester IN THE YEAR 1591, MADE BT THOMAS CHALONER, DEPUTY TO THE OFFICE OF ARMS. EDITED BY JOHN PAUL RYLANDS, E.S.A. LONDON: 1882. — ; preface- The principal part of the present volume consists of a transcript of two almost identical manuscripts in the British Museum numbered 1424 and 1505 in the Harleian Collection. In the Official Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts, printed, in folio, in the year 1808, they are thus described : "1424. r " An Heraldical Book in fol. seeming to have been written & tricked by M John Saunders the Paynter-Stayner, while he was yet a young man. It relateth wholly to the County Palatine of Chester, as containing, " 1. Arms of the King of England impaling those of the Earl of Chester ; under which is a trick of the Great Sword of Chester, nor like to that old one in the Cottonian Library ; with the Arms of the eight Barons of Chester placed on the right & left sides, so as to make a sort of Frontispiece to the Book. " 2. Badge of the Prince of Wales in a Glory ; with his Arms & those of the Duchy of Cornwal & Earldom of Chester, below. On the backside of the Frontis- piece. " 3. Brevis Abstract. Cronice Coraitum Comitates Palatini Cestrife, a per- quisieione ejusdem per Hugonem Lupuni sive Wulf, Willelrni Conquestoris nepotem cum singulorimi Insignibus. [folio] 1. " 4. The Genealogy of the Earles of Chester. 2. " 5. Descent of the Lacies &c. Constables of Chester. 2 b. " 6. Extract from the Book of Domesday ; touching Cester-scire. 5. " 7. Recensio Terras Tenendum in Com. Cestr. e Libro Rubeo in Scaccario, &c. 6 b. " 8. The names of all and singular Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, & Free- holders in Com. Cestrise, a.d. 1579, & 1580. 7. " 9. A Copy of the Visitation book of the County of Chester, as the same was taken a.d. 1580, by Robert Glover Somerset-Herald, for William Flower, Norroy wherein the Pedigrees are all entered in alphabetical Order, according to the Sur- names of the respective Families. 12 b. " In this Copy are many Continuations of Descents ; as also Tricks of many old private Seals ; and Copies or Extracts from old Deeds. " Among which, I find, " 10. Deeds & Seals relating to Bromley. 28 b. " 11. Collections from the Evidences of Sir Rafe Egerton of Wormehill. 87. b mmt-t VI PREFACE. " 12. Collections from the Charters of Richard son of Richard Ligh of High- Ligh of the West-Hall, Esq. 85 b. "13. A Deed in French containing the Award of Sir Hugh de Calveleghe, Sir John de Barley, Sir John Devereux, Sir Brian de Stapleton, & Rauf de Statham Esq. ; touching the Arms claimed by two Gentlemen of the name of Massey, dat. 14 Nov. 2 Rich. II. 100. " 14. Determination of Thomas Stanley Earl of Derby, & Constable of England; touching the Arms to be born by Sir Thomas of Ashton, & Sir Piers a Leigh ; dated on Holy-Rode day in May, the 11th year of K. Hen. VII. 88. " N.B.—That the Feast of the Inventio S. Crucis was held the 3 of May ; but the Esaltatio, on the 14 of September. " 15. Ex Cartis et Evidence's Johanuis Savage Militia. 123. " Among these, is a Transcript of a Deed in French ; whereby Margarcta que fut la feme de Jeen Savage fille et hoir a Thomas Darners Chevalier, grants her Arms to her son John Savage & his heirs, for ever. " 16. Boner's Pedegree: or the Descent of Edmund Boner Bishop of London, sett down at large. 134." " 1505. " An Heraldical Book in fol. wherein is contained a Copie of that Visitation- book which was made for the County-Palatine of Chester a.d. 1580, by Robert Glover Somerset-Herald, Marshal and Deputy to William Flower Norry his father in law. " This Copie was made by that person who made the Book No. 1424, and perhaps from it. The Arms are better tricked in No. 1424 than in this, which hath also more faults than that. "There being nothing to be said by me touching^ the Contents of this Copy, but what hath been mentioned of the other already ; I shall forbear to repeat the same here ; making only this Remark, that since both these Books were written, some few Additions have been entred into each of them, by their respective Owners, unknown to one another ; which are therefore wanting in the one Copie, though inserted in the other." In making the transcript of these two manuscripts all variations between them have been scrupulously noted, and the words which appear only in Harl. MS. 1505 are printed in italics in square brackets. Additions by the Editor, such as the names of the various quarterings, etc., are distinguished by being given in ordinary type, and placed within square brackets. Occasionally it has been necessary to refer to Harl. MS. 5182, a small folio of 123 pages, which contains a number of the pedigrees entered at the Visitation of Cheshire in 1580. The present volume, as it stands, consists of the Visitation of Cheshire made in 1580, with the greater part, if not the whole, of the Visitation PKEFACE. Vll of Cheshire made in 1566, besides numerous additions and continuations variously dated, and a number of abstracts of deeds in illustration of some of the principal pedigrees, as well as drawings and descrip- tions of seals which are of considerable historical value. But, in refer- ring to the work, it must be borne in mind that it no doubt contains some entire pedigrees (as well as inserted generations and continuations of pedigrees) which are not to be found in the original Visitations. Indeed, this is the case with very many existing copies of the Heralds' Visitations of the various Counties. Had it been possible to compare the proofs with the official copy of the Visitation in the College of Arms this difficulty might have been entirely obviated, and it is to be regretted that such a course was found impracticable, as the value of this collection would have been considerably enhanced, and its usefulness greatly extended, if the Editor had been allowed this privilege. No attempt has been made to correct the many obvious errors into which the herald or the copyist has fallen, the Editor's chief aim having been to see that the manuscripts were carefully reproduced in print. It may be well to point out that the list of The Names of all and singular Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, & Freeholders in Com. Cestrice in 1579, which begins at page 7, though generally correct, is very incorrect so far as Macclesfield Hundred (page 9) is concerned. The names, however, in that hundred of the County have been printed in Mr. Eaewakee's History of East Cheshire, vol. i., page 17, in a corrected form, from another copy of the same list of Knights, Esquires, etc., preserved in Harl. MS. 1988. Some of the errors in the present copy are likely to mislead, and should therefore be noticed here: thus, John Graunge "of Shocklich" should be "of Chorley;" ;" " John Birtelley of Birtelley, g." should be "John Birtles of Birtles, gent. "Edward Bowster, gen." should be "Edward Broster, gent.;" Henrie Pownall " of Hatherie " should be " of Hawthorn ;" William Baskervile " of Owlwithought " should be " of Old Withington ;" Thomas Ward " of Morthbury" should be "of Norbury;" Robert Ryley "of Chockley" should be " of Chorley ;" etc. ; but a slight knowledge of Cheshire names will enable the reader to use the other parts of the list without difficulty. It has not been thought necessary to print here the Transcript of Domesday or the Recensio Terras Tenentium, named in the Official Catalogue of the Harleian MSS. ; but, instead of these documents, a copy of the whole of what is generally known as the Visitation of Cheshire in 1533, taken from Harl. MS. 2076, f. 11, and the whole of the — — Vlll PREFACE. fragmentary MS. of Chaloner's Visitation of the City of Chester in 1591, are given in the Appendix. These two fragments are described in the Official Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts, already referred to, in the following terms : "2076 [folio 11]. " 13. A Visitation made in Lancashire, & in a parte of Cheetershire, per Lan- castre Heraulde, in the 24th yeare of King Henry VIII., by a specialle Comicion of Thomas Benalt alias Clarencieux King at Armes of the same Province {sic). " This seems to be the Original, and "William Fellowe perhaps was Lancaster- Herald at the time, who set forth the severall Descents, Narratively, as the Heraldical People say." "2163 [folio 71].
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