Mcgregor, Cathy, Ed. TITLE Sun, Moon and Shadows. a Languagedevelopment Unit for Science
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 353 153 SE 053 161 AUTHOR Gilmour, Margy; McGregor, Cathy, Ed. TITLE Sun, Moon and Shadows. A LanguageDevelopment Unit for Science. Earth, Space and Time.Grades One, Two and Three. INSTITUTION Northwest Territories Dept. of Education, Yellowknife. PUB DATE 88 NOTE 168p.; For other documents in thisseries, see. SE 053 148-150, SE 053 153, SE 053 156-158,SE 053 160, and SE 053 163-164; for the overview of thisprogram, see SE 053 072. PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use Teaching Guides (For Teacher) (052) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Childrens Literature; Concept Formation;Curriculum Guides; *Elementary School Science; English(Second Language); English Instruction;Foreign Countries; *Fused Curriculum; IntegratedCurriculum; *Language Arts; *Language Skills; Learning A:tivities;*Light; Mathematics Instruction; Physics; PrimaryEducation; Process Education; *Science Instruction;Social Studies; Units of Study IDENTIFIERS Moon; Northwest Territories; Shadows;Sun ABSTRACT One of the basic principles of theLanguage Development Approach is that studentsmust learn the language necessary to understand, talk, and write aboutall subject areas in order to succeed in school. This bookcontains information about teaching primary school science inthe Northwest Territories with lessons that emphasize language. Thegoals of the unit are to (1) develop students language proficiency;(2) provide opportunities for students to use language inmany different situations and formany different purposes;(3) develop student listening,speaking, reading, writing, and thinking skills includingthe science process skills; and (4) expand student knowledge ofthe science concepts related to the sun, moon, and shadows. Followinga section on resources (picture and a sample activity, and relatedEnglish materials--magazines, lists of children's books aboutbears, teacher's resources, films, etc.), lesson plans forgrades one, two, and threeon four topics (what is light, what makes a shadow, how do shadows change, andsun, moon, and earth) are presented.
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