

Content Page:

o Welcome to AIS 3 o Mission Statement 4 o AIS KG 7-10 o AIS PYP 11-12 o AIS MYP 13-14 o AIS DP 15-18 o Facilities 19-31 o Admission 32 o Working Hours & Contact Information 34-35

2 Welcome to AIS

It is the school’s responsibility to provide children with the appropriate learning opportunities to prepare them for life, however, nurturing values in our young learners is a shared responsibility between home and school.

Our biggest challenge at AIS is to empower our learners to grow as open-minded, principled and knowledgeable inquirers, preparing them to contribute positively to their country and serve the larger community; hence, becoming global citizens. Our distinctive academic programme and approaches to teaching and learning enable our students to become creative and critical thinkers, risk takers, problem solvers and be responsible for their own learning.

At AIS, we continue to attach great importance to inquiry, action and reflection; our learners reflect on their leaning, their behavior and their actions. Then they try their best to learn from all experiences and take action to improve their way of thinking and learning in order to save our planet.

Practicing thinking and research skills, using appropriate communication skills and possessing self-management skills ensure high academic achievement for all students and help them become independent lifelong learners.

We believe that parents are our partners in achieving our goals in educating the children and preparing them to make a positive impact and make the world a better place for everyone.

All the above explains and supports our motto at AIS: We prepare children for the real world.

Janette Wakileh 3 School Principal Mission Statement

ASAMIAH International School (AIS) aims to develop inquiring, self- confident, independent, productive, respectful and caring lifelong learners. Hence, AIS is committed to the achievement of academic excellence through providing our learners with high quality education. Our school ensures that all our learners grow intellectually, emotionally and physically in a creative, loving and respectful environment by acknowledging the rights and responsibilities of each learner.

ASAMIAH International School strives to develop international-minded learners whilst instilling in them a sense of pride and belonging to their country and their cultural heritage. AIS prepares students to meet their future with confidence and contribute positively to their local and global society by providing all support needed to help learners take meaningful and intentional action.


Rationale Behind Logo

Yellow: Joy and energy

Yellow is the color of sunshine. It produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, activates memory, and encourages communication .

Yellow shines with optimism, enlightenment, and happiness ; it carries the promise of a positive future . Yellow will advance from surrounding colors and instill optimism and energy, as well as spark creative thoughts.

Grey: Classical and Powerful

An authoritative color that is timeless, practical and solid, grey is familiar, habitual, and comfortable to many people; the perfect meaning of balance.

Meaning intellect, knowledge, and wisdom; it indicates security, reliability, modesty, intelligence and maturity.

Navy Blue: Graceful and Peaceful

A natural color from the blue sky, blue conveys importance and confidence without being somber or sinister. It is associated with intelligence, stability, unity and conservatism.

The dark shade of blue conveys trust and truthfulness; it leads to a conservative but sophisticated look.


The Quill

Going back to the start of literacy, this logo symbolizes the beginning of writing.

Combining a historical writing instrument, with modern fonts and fresh colors produces the strong-established educational system of AIS alongside its modern approach to teaching.

It all starts with the quill and could go anywhere!



Character Building

AIS teaching and learning is deeply connected and rooted in the IB program. All staff at AIS is required to mirror the IB Learner Profile traits through their daily interactions with students, parents and the school community at large. Thus, we lead by example, helping the children better acquire desired personality outcomes.

7 Bilingual Teaching System

Our AIS KG bilingual system allows two different language teachers to teach in one class for a whole day. This ensures full exposure to both languages and access to effective learning which help students reach their potential and progress to higher education. In the process, the learners themselves gain linguistic skills from learning English language in addition to classical Arabic.

Play-Based Learning

At AIS, fun is a key feature in our learning process. Research has explored that play-based learning encourages language skills, supports pre-literacy skills, develops social and emotional skills and fosters creativity and imagination. Perhaps one of the hardest aspects about play-based learning is that it is not a manual you can find on a bookshelf. Instead, our play- based curriculum is developed in the minds of our students and our teachers. We let creativity, ingenuity, and our interests be our guide.

Messy Exploration

Messy play contributes enormously to the development of a child’s cognitive and creative abilities. It allows a child to explore their senses by providing the opportunity to pour, mix, squeeze and squelch materials not normally available to them. Also, not having to produce something in particular, leaves a child free to explore all sorts of possibilities. It taps into a child’s curiosity about the world around them and feeds their irresistible urge to try new things and experiment. Our learners are huge fans of our Messy Exploration time and the best part is that we take care of the mess!

8 Arts

At AIS school is so much more than reading, writing and . We know that art provides a way for children to discover that they can make a contribution; it empowers them and raises their self-esteem. Art lets children put their own individual stamp on what they are good at. Music stimulates our learners’ brains, Drama teaches emotions and problem solving while visual arts and craft with the homeroom teachers develop fine motor skills and creativity. Most importantly, it is super fun!

9 After School Clubs

It is no secret that after-school activities do wonders for a child’s development. They are linked to improving social skills, overall coordination, sense-of-self and relationships with adults other than parents.

Our AIS KG after-school programs and activities include basketball, taekwondo, Zumba, art and much more. They give our little ones a chance to be themselves, free of the structure they face at school. It is important for them to have time to be creative, get moving and do something they enjoy.

Media Centers

Our KG has two media centers that offer enriching reading programs in addition to research opportunities in both English and Arabic Languages. Both centers are well stocked with English and Arabic resources and books, Interactive white boards and IPad. Our children visit these media centers regularly where individual and small reading opportunities, including reading assessments continuously take place to promote open-ended literacy learning skills. In addition to linking reading with the units of inquiry, our reading program helps develop children’s word recognition and language comprehension skills in both Arabic and English. Not to mention the development of their research skills at a young age. Our children, through reading different books, will practice their phonic knowledge and reading skills as well as enhance prediction, questioning and imagining. Our media centers/libraries are also systematically visited by our children to borrow books to read at home.


AIS KG specializes in a variety of events tailored for our learners which nourishes their mind. Adding events as a part of the yearly calendar works well for reinforcing elements pertaining to growth and development. Several events are also lined up to improve our learners’ awareness. As they partake in the events and activities, they enhance their recognition abilities along with their grasping skills.

Our events can be combined with invites to parent volunteers which adds more fun and energy to the learning process.

10 AIS Primary School

PYP Curriculum: AIS is an IBPYP authorized school since 2016 to deliver the IB Primary Years Programme, which provides a framework through which teachers can structure delivery of curriculum in a meaningful, inquiry-based and consistent approach. We live by and up to all the attributes of the IB Learner Profile to develop students who are inquirers, knowledgeable, confident, caring and internationally minded. Our long-term goal is to develop lifelong learners who possess strong values and ethics and who are empowered to make a difference.

While our students are engaged in this programme, they are given ongoing opportunities to develop a variety of qualities and skills through their inquiries. Students are actively engaged in their inquiries and make meaningful connections from their learning to the world around them. Further to this, as children progress through their years in the programme, they also begin to see that they are able to contribute to their school and country on many levels and take action to make change.

Our PYP is guided by six Units of Inquiry that provide the framework for exploration and study. The six transdisciplinary themes are explored using knowledge, skills and key concepts.

11 We seek to inspire young minds and to challenge each child to identify and develop their unique talents through engagement in different types of hands- on experiences, investigation, research and reading.

At AIS, we promote higher-level thinking skills, effective communication skills and research skills through our differentiated learning experiences and on- going assessment.

We believe that reading is a developmental process that involves constructing meaning from text. Hence, Asamiah students practice their reading skills through class novels and stories, our levelled reading programme, our library (media centre) and winter/summer reading programme. To train our children to be reflective and to express their thoughts freely, we encourage them to reflect on what they read.

At Asamiah, PYP students create a portfolio based on a range of experiences and curriculum areas. The portfolio is a collection of work selected by the students and teachers and is a record of students’ involvement in learning. It is designed to demonstrate success, growth, thinking skills, creativity, assessment strategies and reflection. It is a celebration of each student’s active mind at work and provides a picture of progress and development over a period of time. Portfolios enable students to reflect on their work with teachers, parents and peers in order to identify their strengths and growth as well as areas for improvement.

To support voice, choice and ownership for everyone in our learning community, learners partner with teachers and take charge of when, where and why they learn, thus demonstrating agency. They are also encouraged to take meaningful and intentional action, hence, acknowledging the rights and responsibilities of every individual.

12 AIS Middle School

Asamiah International School is a candidate school for the MYP. AIS is pursuing authorization as an IB world school. These are schools that share a common philosophy, a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that AIS believes is important for our students.

The MYP program is a conceptual curriculum that aims to develop active learners and internationally-minded young people who can empathize with others and pursue lives of purpose and meaning. The program empowers students to build confidence by managing their own learning, learn by doing and inquire into a wide range of issues of local, national and global significance. The result is young people who are creative, critical and reflective thinkers. The MYP organizes teaching and learning through eight subject groups:

• Language Acquisition • Language and Literature • Individuals and Societies • Sciences • Mathematics • Physical and Health Education • Arts (Performing Art and Visual Art) • Design (Digital Design and Product Design)

Our written curriculum is conceptualized, contextualized and designed in a way that is based on the knowledge and skills needed for students to master by the time they reach the DP level.

13 Through the eight subject groups, learners apply and develop their ATL skills to reach better understanding and to draw conclusions independently. Additionally, the teaching and learning process revolves around service and international-mindedness as we believe in the importance of growing caring and lifelong learners who are capable of transferring learning to their local and global communities.

Our written curriculum is designed in a way that is based on the knowledge and skills needed for students to master by the time they reach grades 11&12 and aims at preparing grades 6-10 students for specific DP requirements.

AIS learning approach is based on Inquiry. This approach allows students to be problem- solvers and lifelong learners by connecting what they are learning to real life situations.

MYP Projects

Service as Action

Service as Action is a vital element of the MYP. We strive to grow caring members of the community who seek to make positive change. Stemming from learning, students are expected to transfer the acquired knowledge and skills into real-life situations where they create novel solutions to authentic problems.

Community Projects

In Year 3, students experience the responsibility of completing a significant piece of work in collaboration with their peers and with the guidance of a supervisor. Students go through the service cycle to choose a community with a need, plan for service, take action then demonstrate their work and reflect on their achievement.

Personal Project

The personal project is a chance for individual learners to consolidate their learning throughout the programme. Students are oriented towards the end of Year 4 on the steps of their projects. In Year 5, individual learners, with the guidance of a supervisor, complete the service cycle to be submitted and moderated externally.

AIS DP School

Asamiah International School is an IBDP authorized school since 2015. DP Curriculum: The Diploma Programme (DP) is a two-year pre-university curriculum aimed at students aged 16-19. In these two years, learners complete six subject groups together with the DP core subjects: Creativity-Activity-Service (CAS), the Extended Essay (EE) and the Theory of Knowledge (ToK).

The Diploma Programme is divided into two categories; Diploma Programme and Diploma Course. In the Diploma course, learners are not required to complete the core subjects (CAS, EE and ToK).

The DP Subjects Offered at AIS:

Group 1 (Studies in Language and Literature)

Arabic Language A: Literature (SL)

English Language A: Language and Literature (SL)

Group 2 (Language Acquisition)

Arabic B HL/SL

English B HL/SL

Group 3 (Individuals and Societies)

Business Management HL/SL

Economics HL/SL

Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) HL/SL

Group 4 (Sciences) Biology HL/SL Physics HL/SL Chemistry HL/SL Design Technology HL/SL

Group 5 (Mathematics) Mathematics Analysis and Approaches SL Mathematics Application and Interpretation SL

15 The DP Assessments

During Year 1 and Year 2, learners work on internal assessments (IA) and get prepared for the external assessments (EA) which they sit for in May of Year 2.

Internal Assessment  Teacher supervises the work    Teacher marks the work  The work is moderated by IB examiners to ensure accurate marking

External Assessment  Teacher supervises the TOK, EE and Written Assignment   Examinations (Papers 1, 2, 3) in May   Papers are marked by IB examiners and then they assign a grade

Award of the Diploma

In order for the DP category students to obtain the diploma, they must study six subjects plus the core subjects (three subjects at the higher level and three subjects at the standard level). They must also accumulate no fewer than 24 points from the assessment in the subjects. Each subject is graded from 1-7, with the 7 being the highest grade. The core subjects are graded A-E, with A being the highest grade for ToK and EE; these two grades are then combined in the diploma points matrix to contribute between 0-3 points to be added to the total. The CAS is not assessed but learners are to submit their CAS portfolios in order to pass the diploma. The overall of maximum of the points from subject grades, ToK and EE is therefore 45: ((6x7) +3). Candidates must not obtain less than 3 in the higher level subjects and less than 2 in the standard level subjects to get the diploma.

16 Creativity-Activity-Service (CAS)

Learners are required to participate in student-initiated, school-arranged activities, provide an evidence and complete their profiles with reflections.

Extended Essay (EE)

Learners are asked to write an extended essay (4000 words) in any subject from the six groups starting the second semester of Year 1 which is considered an external assessment. According to the IB rules, schools are not required to allocate a specific amount of time during school hours for EE. However, the supervisor allocates no more than five hours to supervise and give feedback to the students.

Theory of Knowledge (ToK)

ToK is a course about critical thinking and inquiring into the process of knowing and tackles the idea of “how do we know what we know?” The assessment of ToK is divided into two; the internal assessment, which is the oral presentation and the external assessment, which is the 1,600 word essay addressing knowledge issues.

ToK and EE Matrix

17 Meeting the Ministry of Education’s Requirements

The diploma must be equivalent to the Jordanian General Secondary Education Certificate (Tawjihi) in either the science stream or the arts stream.

Science Stream Requirements   two subjects at higher level from groups 4 (Sciences) and 5 (Math)

Arts Stream Requirements   two literary or arts subjects at higher level

Percentage (Tawjihi) Equivalency

Calculate Total Average IB Score to %

 Find Average of 6 subjects 7 = 100%  Add the bonus points if the 6=95% average is less than 100%






AIS Facilities

Media Center

In order to support our learners in an age defined by connectivity and global collaboration, the school media center aims to empower and transform learners by making them effective users of ideas and information; via providing opportunities for critical thinking, meaningful creation of knowledge and a deeper understanding of complex world issues.

Our media center’s physical collection includes 17,963 titles; 24,862 with copies, our titles cover all subjects in addition to hobbies, sports, art, and fiction, and in multiple formats including DVD’s and e-books. The collection is split around 50% Arabic and 50% English; these also include classroom resources, English and Arabic Professional Resources. Each student`s share in the library is around 60 books.

We also provide access to local and global Periodicals including but not (National Geographic, National Geographic kids، مجلة ماجد، العربي) limited to

AIS media center also provides access to multiple Online Subscriptions including Encyclopedia Britannica Products: which include Britannica School, Britannica Image Quest, Britannica LaunchPacks Science and Britannica LaunchPacks Social Studies. All Britannica subscriptions offer age-appropriate diverse digital content that facilitate critical thinking, enable educators to make strong cross-curricular connections ,and supports differentiated learning needs.


Callido: This online platform offers a guided approach to develop thinking, research and communication skills.

Turnitin: An online plagiarism prevention database that helps educators and students check the originality of research-based assignments.

JSTOR: Provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. JSTOR helps you explore a wide range of scholarly content through a powerful research and teaching platform.

Kognity: a platform that gives our DP students and teachers a content that is curriculum-aligned to the latest IBDP syllabus.

The Day: is a daily online newspaper for secondary schools in the "which links news stories to international curriculums and programmes encouraging pupils to debate and engage with the wider world.

Brain Pop: Movies on various topics in science, social studies, mathematics, English, health, and technology.

Our Library is also equipped with ipads, laptops, and an interactive e-board, and in addition to our libraries/media centers, our school has an Arabic reading room for Grades 1-5 students.

InThinking: offers a comprehensive range of resources for new & experienced IBDP teachers and helps students to prepare effectively for exams.

20 Laboratories

ICT at Asamiah International School

The ICT laboratory is a multipurpose technology and collaborative workspace located at Asamiah International School where we focus on developing the digital skills of our students through Basic Computer Literacy, the Ability to Backup, Experience of Online Project work and Networking skills.

To make sure that the students are equipped with the right digital skills, every grade has a pre-defined ICT curriculum which the child has to master by the time he/she completes that academic year.

The curriculum for grades 1-5 is TechnoKids in addition to collaboration with the Unit of Inquiry (UOI). The curriculum covers the following subjects: Typing skills

 Concepts of Information and Communication Technology Using the computer and managing files  Word processing Presentation  Spreadsheets  Web browsing and communication

The curriculum for MYP (Years 1-5) is conceptual and contextualized allowing full exposure to:

-Movie Maker -Adobe Animate -Adobe Flash 2D drawing for grade 6 Scratch Programming interface -AppInventor application development software -Web Design (HTML) -AutoCad, TinkerCad & Sketchup -Adobe Photoshop -Microsoft Office Applications -Adobe Flash Animation for grade 10

22 There are two major ICT laboratories at Asamiah International School for Grades (1-5) and (6-12) that are fully equipped with the following:  A computer terminal for each student

 A printer to print out students’ work

 Interactive whiteboards and projectors for improved learning, increased participation and enhanced collaboration.

 Audio equipment (i.e. speakers and headsets) that helps auditory learning style.

Net Support which:

» Boosts learning outcomes and helps keep students on task

» Saves time

» Locks students’ screens to block certain applications or websites

» Delivers all of the key features required to allow a school to monitor pupils’ online behavior. It ensures teacher access is available and allows assistance to be requested by any student.

» Shows the teacher’s computer directly on students’ screens to help visual learning style Fire extinguisher for safety


There is also a Robotics Laboratory at Asamiah International School that is fully equipped with the following:

 LEGO Education, WeDo 1.0 Robotics Kits for ages 6-9, that introduc- es robotics to younger audience. The kit combines the LEGO bricks with one motor, two sensors, and a hub that connects the model to the computer which includes programming software to make the robots move.

 LEGO Education Mindstorms EV3 Robotics Kits for ages 10-16 that give the students power to create and command their own robotic LEGO creatures, vehicles, machines and inventions! By combining LEGO elements with a programmable brick, motors and sensors, they can make their creations walk, talk, grab, think, shoot and do almost anything they can imagine!

 LEGO Education Machines and Mechanisms Kits to discover how the real world works and explore gears, pulleys, wheels and axles to build amazing machines.

 LEGO Education Pneumatics kits that include pumps, tubes, cylinders, valves, air tank, and a manometer.

 Electrical Engineering kits including: breadboard, wires, LEDs, and other electrical components.

 Electronics Engineering Kits including Arduino Board, Sensors, Motors and other electronic components.

 Laptops trolley which is a mobile storage container to charge laptops, netbooks and tablet computers.

 Projector for improved learning, increased participation and enhanced collaboration.  Speakers for Auditory Learning Style

24 P.H.E. at AIS

Physical education in an IB school is more than just student participation in sports and games. Its purpose is to develop a combination of transferrable skills promoting physical, intellectual, emotional and social development; to encourage present and future choices that contribute to long-term healthy living; and to understand the cultural significance of physical activities for individuals and communities. Therefore, there should be specific opportunities for learning about movement and through movement in a range of contexts. Students of all abilities are challenged to improve their movement skills, but they are also supported and encouraged to enjoy physical activity and see it as part of a healthy and active lifestyle with connections to other areas of the curriculum and community. At AIS, we teach P.H.E. in all grades while focusing on all IB concepts relating to physical education, health, teamwork, sportsmanship, leadership, endurance and responsibility for the school as a whole.

Physical and Health Education course in MYP encompasses the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes which will positively impact the learner, not only that but also it would promote for a healthy lifestyle. In MYP, active learning is happening simultaneously and concurrently promoting holistic nature of well-being.

The course encourages the learners to embrace differences, reciprocate respect, as well as improving both communication and collaboration skills. The discipline puts forward opportunities to enhance interpersonal relationships and helps learners develop social responsibility.

Science Labs at AIS

Science is different from any other subject. In order to understand its concepts, students have to look beyond the books and conventional classroom teaching. Effective teaching and learning of science involves seeing, handling, and manipulating real objects and materials.

From our belief in the importance of practical work in teaching, we at AIS invested in having 7 professionally designed, well-established and fully- equipped science labs. We have 2 General Science labs that are used by PYP students (grades 1-5), and 5 specialized labs for Physics, Biology and Chemistry that are used by our MYP and IB DP students.

Science Labs 1+2 (Grades 1-5)

The PYP program regards the students as inquirers who need the suitable and safe tools and equipment that allow them to investigate freely to reach by themselves to the right conclusion of their scientific engagement.

The science labs are equipped with a large range of tools made of plastic specially designed for the use of small children. We also have a large selection of scientific kits (of the Dutch brand Cornelsen) that cover most of the science experiments needed. On the other hand, these labs are furnished with small size tables and chairs to ensure the convenience and safety of the students.

26 The Biology Lab

It provides wide space for students to conduct their experiments either individually or in groups, we have all what biology experiments require from light microscopes with a large variety of prepared slides of human cells, animal cells and microorganisms, dissecting sets, plastic models for human and plant organs and Cornelsen kits, as well as a smart board and projector to show any related videos.

The Physics Lab (1+2)

It is also fully equipped with a large variety of kits for different physical experiments (mechanics, optics and photovoltaics), and a large range of sensors which can be used with data loggers to measure and blot speed, acceleration, light, voltage, current, force and PH that are advanced enough to help conduct an experiment with multiple trials and obtain reliable data which helps in designing professional lab reports.

The Chemistry Lab (1+2)

The chemical room in the chemistry lab is designed according to the safety standards, it contains a wide variety of chemicals. The lab has a large number of different glassware that helps in performing the chemical reactions properly along with built in Bunsen burners. Besides, there are two fume hoods in each chemistry lab where the toxic vapor - producing experiments are held. Also the benches are provided with additional shelves to keep the experiment area as clear as possible.

It is also important to mention that all our science labs are designed according to professional safety standards, they have the needed fire extinguishers, fire blankets, first aid kits and eye washers which are regularly checked.

27 Student Support Center at AIS

Students with learning variabilities are a diverse group, some of them learn quickly and easily while others have a great difficulty.

Inclusive education refers to participating students with learning and behavioral challenges in general education classrooms.

We at Asamiah International School believe that every child matters so the Student Support Center’s main goal is to raise our students’ abilities and skills, using the latest and most professional methods, inside and outside the regular classroom. We also take extra care of our students to help them unleash the best in them academically, emotionally, and socially.

All students can learn, so we accommodate the environment to minimize the distractions, we modify worksheets and assessments to meet students’ needs. Moreover, students are pulled out to a special and well-prepared resource room with tools that help to improve the attention, concentration, memory, and eye-hand coordination skills.

The SSC helps all teachers understand variabilities and provide them with strategies to create a safe and motivating environment to ensure opportunities for all types of learners taking into consideration the multiple intelligences and Bloom’s Taxonomy levels.

28 Special enrichment programs are also created that address the gifted students’ interests through subjects they prefer the most.

Our specialists work to develop students’ performance based on the IB program requirements through emphasizing on building personal identity and self-esteem, extending the areas of learning, and collaborative work between teachers, parents and with the student himself.

Creative Arts at AIS

Performing Arts at AIS

The Performing Arts is structured to explore a selection of practices, techniques, movements and expressive skills. Drama classes in MYP could be considered as a melting pot, embracing abilities and directing creative performances through thinking routines. The course develops the learner’s interpersonal skills, as it is a lively platform to promote the IB learner profile holistically since it is taught within relevant contexts in order to create meaningful experiences.

Visual Arts

Our art education promotes the importance of the arts in our daily life, and our curriculum development, in order to develop the students’ skills and interests. The joyful and constructive learning experience is our main priority. Asamiah International School encourages student-centered learning, because it liberates the teaching and learning styles and shuns the rigid and traditional methods, which justifies our differentiated curriculum as our team collaborates to cover contemporary topics and refer to local and global artwork in our lessons.

DP Visual Arts

Art has a vast and stretched definition which could be interpreted in so many ways in different cultures, and with extreme contentment our visual arts curriculum serves the intellectual and the aesthetical aspects, and relates to the students’ own life experiences to enrich and develop needed skills.

Our visual arts department aims to deliver a holistic and a challenging experience to our students, which leads to new and deeper understanding of their surroundings; through the art projects we introduce the students to various cultural aspects and critically investigate the historical contexts of the artwork to widen the students’ scope of the art movements and the political, social and economic impacts. The student becomes aware and develops confidence when presenting the artwork at the end of this conceptual journey.

29 Visual arts actuate the ATL approaches during the learning experience in so many ways during the classroom time, the students are required to develop their research skills to apply and transfer knowledge in different settings, which explains how the art projects as an approach could be considered constructive and cognitive at the same time. Furthermore, this pedagogy promotes reflection as an IB Learner Profile trait, as an ATL and as a criterion to signify academic honesty and originality.

The student builds and strengthens his or her progress and enjoys going through a journey filled with experimentation and risk-taking reinforcement.

Design at AIS

Digital/Product Design & Design Technology

The design classes offered to the MYP-DP learners (Grades 6-12) concentrate on students’ understanding and improving their design and thinking skills through theoretical and practical assignments. Learners are also taught how to use computer programmes and softwares like Sketchup and AutoCAD in order to transfer their virtual designs to 3D models using the 3D printer. The design technology department has a well-equipped workshop with different machines and material. The DT technician, who is always available in the workshop, helps learners to improve their motor and manual skills in shaping the models and creating projects that solve real life issues. The digital design classes also focus on programming and coding skills.


AIS Cafeteria

The cafeteria is set up with a strong nutrition concept which promotes sound health in our students. It provides a variety of options of local and international cuisine consisting of light hot & cold sandwiches, healthy fruits and fresh vegetables. A variety of daily fresh salads and winter soups are offered while made by using the crisp fresh ingredients. Many of our sandwiches are offered in whole wheat or multi-grain bread. We steer our students to eating healthy by providing them with fresh ingredients free of artificial flavors or food coloring. Our objective is to consistently provide nutritious meals while strictly adhering to safe food preparation guidelines. We outsource products from reputable and reliable sources. Our staff is supplied with uniforms, head covers and gloves, which are required to be worn during food preparation and meal delivery. Meals are prepared on site to ensure freshness and cleanliness.

There are two ways to buy at our cafeteria:

1. Cash Money. 2. The Smart Bracelet (Electronic Payment Service).

31 Tuition Fees

Grades Fees 2019/2020 Fees Increase Percentage 2020/2021 Pre-KG 2860 2860 0% KG1-KG2 3350 3350 0% Grade 1 3505 3505 0% Grade 2 3570 3570 0% Grade 3 3640 3640 0% Grade 4-5 4490 4490 0% Grade 6,7 and 8 5640 5640 0% Grade 9 6230 6230 0% Grade 10 6840 6840 0% Grade 11 (IBDP Year 1) 7400 7400 0% Grade 12 (IBDP Year 2) 8400 8400 0%

Other Fees:

 One-time non-refundable registration fees of 400 JDs and an Application fee of 20 JDs.

• Various expenses of 250 JDs to include (Ministry of Education textbooks, daily educational hands-on resources, IB teaching resources and manipulatives, yearbook, accident insurance, international aptitude exams and field trips within Amman Greater Area) payable fully upon registration and not including English Textbooks, IB external exams and trips with entrance fees.

• After School Duty fees of 100 JDs per semester.

• CAS Fees for Grade 11 Diploma and Course students: 200 JDs.

• IB External Exams registration fees 650 JDs.

• Graduation expenses of 200 JDs payable during graduation year.

• Special Educational Needs fees (JDs 1000 payable over two semesters)

• Learning Support fees 250 JDs per semester per required subject.

• 10% discount on tuition fees for the second sibling and 15% discount for all other siblings.

• Special 5% discount on tuition fees for cash payments only if full payment is secured before the 1st of September.

• Special 4% discount is granted on tuition fees for visa payment only if full payment is secured before the 1st of September

• Special 1% discount is granted upon re-registration with retroactive effect on every preceding years at AIS.

32 Round One Category Zone Trip way

Swaileh, Al-Kamaliah, DabouqUm Al-Summaq (Al Kilo Roundabout), Al-Kursi, 1 600 400

Al-Jandaweel, Dahiyat Al-Ameer Rashid, Khalda, (Al Waha Roundabout), Ibn Sina Housing Estate, Tila’a Al-Ali Gardens, Dahiyat Al-Rasheed, 7th Roundabout, 6th Roundabout, Jubaiha , Al-Rabiah, Al Hummar, Fuhais, Um Uthayna, 2 700 450

Abdoun,Sweifieh, Deir Ghbar, Al Bayader, Arjan,Ain Al-Basha, Safout, Shmeisani, Wadi Saqra, 5th Roundabout, 4th Roundabout

Marj Al-Hamam, 2nd Roundabout, 3 750 475 3rd Roundabout, Al-Bnayyat, Dahiet Al Yasmine, Abu Nsair, Sports City


Work Hours

Work Days Time Sunday-Wednesday 7:30 am-4:00 pm Thursday 7:30 am-3:30 pm Saturday ( this applies to the Accounting Department and the Registrar Office) 9:00 am- 1:00 pm

Work Hours during Summer and Winter Breaks

Work Days Time Sunday- Thursday 8:30 am – 2:30 pm Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Work Hours during Ramadan

Work Days Time Sunday- Thursday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm



Contact Us

You can contact us any time by email or telephone to discuss matters regarding your child. If you like to meet us in person, please make sure you take an appointment in advance.

Telephone: +96265335301/+962 65335542

Fax: +96265333753

Email: [email protected]

School Map

Designed by Our Talented Student Dina Boulad