Chapter Sixteen. the Christian Attack on Greco-Roman Culture, Ca. 135
Chapter Sixteen The Christian Attack on GrecoRoman Culture. ca. 135 to 235 Over the course of about four hundred years, from the early second century to the early sixth, Greco-Roman civilization was replaced by Christendom. More precisely, the gods were replaced by God and by Satan. When all the other gods were driven from the field the sole remaining god ceased to be a common noun and became instead a proper name, AGod.@1 That sole remaining god was the god of the Judaeans and Christians. Satan was his diametrically opposed counterpart, the personification of Evil. The god of the Judaeans and Christians had begun in the southern Levant, during the Late Bronze Age, as Yahweh sabaoth (AYahweh of the armies@). He became the patron god of the Sons of Israel, and during the reigns of David and Solomon his cult-center was moved to Jerusalem in Judah. In the seventh century BC monolatrist priests and kings in Jerusalem made Yahweh the only god who could be worshiped in Judah and began addressing him as Adonai (Amy Lord@). For Hellenistic Judaeans he was Adonai in Hebrew, and in Greek was Kyrios (ALord@) or ho theos hypsistos (Athe highest god@). For the Pharisees and rabbis, who supposed that even the title Adonai was too holy to be uttered, he was simply ha-shem (Athe Name@). Among early Christians he was Athe Father@ or Aour Father,@ and in the fourth century he became AGod the Father,@ a title which distinguished him from AGod the Son.@ Although they addressed him with different terms, Judaeans and Christians agreed that they were invoking the same god,2 who had created the world, had wiped out almost all living things in Noah=s Flood, had been worshiped by all of Noah=s immediate descendants, but had then been forgotten by humankind until he made himself known to Abraham.
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