Descriptions of New and Noteworty Gastropoda from Western Pacific and Indian Oceans
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Descriptions of New and Noteworty Gastropoda from Western Pacific and Indian Oceans By Tokio SHIKAMA* On February, 1975 the writer during )ouney in Taiwan could gain some In interresting shells for study from Mr・ Chu Sham Chiang in Tainan・ 1976- 77 the writer also could have the chance to study some noteworthy shells from Mrs. T. OISHI in Nagasaki and Mr・ S・ HAYASEI in Mikawa-Isshiki・ The former w・ere brought by丘shermen from East-South China Seas and the latter were from off Paci丘c coasts of SouthⅦestern Japan. The writer has been keeplng SOme、unknown shells offered from Mr・ K・ NAKAYASU in Kugenuma, Fujisawa, Mr. H. MuRAKAMI in Osaka and Mr・ M・ SuzuKI in Tokyo, etc. These comprlSe this paper. Here the writer extends his cordial tbanks to these lady and gentlemen for their kindness and generoslty・ Also he wishes to express his sincere thanks to Dr・ T・ HABE and Mr・ K・ OzAKI for different kinds of help and suggestion during the course of this study・ Entemnotrochus urashima SHIKAMA et OISHI, SP. nOV. ウラシマオキナエビス(節) (Pl. 1,丘gs. 1a, b, 2, texト丘g. 1) I)escription: Shell small to medium sized compared with rumPhii, rather thick and like the latter in general outline but splre higher than that of it・ shell trochiform with 9 volutions of teleoconch. Protoconcb small, smooth, light yellow and with 1.5 volutions. Slit narrow and very deep, terminated at a point Just OppOSits side of outer lip of aperture along last wborl・ Selenizone carries many丘ne spiral striations. Shoulder of whorl rather angu- lated just above selenizone. Snture deep. There are runnlng many丘ne splral striations and axial ridges which run oblique to selenizone, hence surface of whorl cancellated. Umbilicus open, narrow, very deep and touching protoconch・ columella thin and straight. Fasciole tolerably large, depressed and with many growth lines. Base of last whorl smooth,flat and sometimes nacreous layer exposed. Types: Two shells stored in the writer's collection, presented by OISIiI; larger shell 97・8mm high and llOmm vide; smaller one 76・9mm high and 97.2 mm wide. Locality: East China Sea, associated with rumPhii. *地学教室(°ept. of Geology). 10 T. Sf-JIKAMA Text一点g. 1. Spiral ridges of penultimate whorl, shown in the lower. Right: urashima, ×1.5 nat. size. left: rumphii, ×1.7 nat. size. Remarks: This species is rather similar to rumPhii in shell construction and genral outline but is distinguished from it by relatively higher spire, more yellow colouration and cancellated surface of whorl, etc. Margarites (Pupillaria) australis StIIKAMA et CHIANG ミナミスヂマキュビス(節) (Pl. 2,丘gs. 1a, b) Description: Shell large sized as Margarites with relatively low spire. Protoconch carries l・5 volutions and relatively small sized. Teleoconch has 3 Shoulder volutions・ not ang・ulated and suture not deep・ Spiral ridges many, 血e and weak・ Umbilicus deep and small・ Aperture large with thick inner lip・ Inner surface unlustrous, light pinkish white to greyish white. Nacreous layer lustrous much while surface layer very thin, pinkish white to greyish white. IIolotype: shell 25Amm wide and 20.8mm high, stored in the writer's collection, presented by CHIANG. Locality: South China Sea, gained by丘sberies in Kaoshung, Taiwan. Remarks: In general outline, colour pattern and spiral ridges, M. (P.) PuPillus GouLD is well liked but is distinct by smaller size, relatively higher deeper spire, suture and by less or stronger spiral ridges. M. (P.) sordida M・ (HANCOCK) and cinerea CouTHONY are Separated by much higher spire and less spiral ridges・ M・ groenlandicusCIIEM.・ may be near this species in general New and noteworty Gastropoda from Western Paci丘c and lndian Oceans ll outline and spiral ridges but is distinct by thinner shell and less splral ridges・ In shell structure and large size this species may be unlque among MARGARITES・ Solafiella (Microgaza) opalina SHIKAMA et HAYASHI, Sp. nOV・ オパールシダタミ(新) b, (Pl. 2,丘gs. 2a, c) Description: Shell small sized, thin, trochiform with 4 volutions of teleoI low, conch. Protoconch small and round, with 1.5 volutions. Spire with very smooth whorls which are light reddish brown with white tint, lustrous and iridescent・ Sutre deep and subsutural band depressed with a rim of small tubercles of torturous arrangement. Numerous丘ne growth lines visible on whorl surface. Shoulder rounded. Base rather丑at thougha little inflated・ Umbilicus deep and narrow. Fasciole narrow and gently curved with a sharp edge with many small nodules of touturous arrangement・ Axial striations run from the edge on basal surface. Aperture subrhombic with sharp inner and outer lips. Types: Three shells stored in the writher's collection, presented by HAYASHI; largest one 8.9mm high and 13.3mm wide. Locality: 0ffsouthwestern Honshu. One shell was gained from off KashiwaJlma island, Toga; two shells are from offKushimoto, Kii. 450m deep・ Remarks: This species is near S. nuda DALL from Northeastern Pacific in general outline, construction of shell, iridescent whorl surface, etc. but is distinct from it by nodulous edge of fasciole, nodulous rim of subsutural band and by a little more angulated shoulder・ Atlantic species, rotulla DALL which is a type species of microgaza, is also allied to this species but is distinct from it by whitish grey colouration. Calliostoma (Tristichotrochus)hayashii, sp. nov. -ヤシエビス(新) (Pl. 2,丘gs. 3a, b) Description: Shell medium to large sized as Calliostoma, trochoid, tur- rated, not thick and with 6 volutions of teleochonch・ Protoconch small, smooth, deep・ Whorl dark brown and with 1.5 volutions. Spire high and suture white to light yelloⅥ7ish brown with angnlated shoulder・ There are runnlng many Four distinct spiral ridges consisting of mumerous smau tuberclesI prlmary run between first ridges run above peripheral ridge・ Three secondary ridges latter and second prlmary ridges, also between the and third prlmary ridge between fourth while one secondary ridge visible third and primary ridges, run also bet∇een the latter and peripheral ridge・ Nine secondary ridges between suture and first prlmary ridge・ Axial colour bands run from stlture brown dotts・ Base to shoulder touching peripheral edge and becomlng same distance・ rather flat, slightly convex with spiral threads arranged with 12 T. SHIKAMA Columella narrow, pure white and umbilicus closed. Aperture rhombic with thin outer lip and nacreous inner surface. Ⅱolotype: Shell 33・2mm high and 34.7mm wide, stored in the writer's collection, presented by HAYAStII. Locality: 0ffKushimoto, Kii, 350m deep; quite rare in occurrence. Remarks: This unlque Species is allied to unicum DuNKER in sculpture of base but is distinct from it by larger size, more distinct primary ridges above periphery and by nodulous spiral ridges between suture and shoulder. Species kiiensis IKEBE Or COnSOr LISCHKE may be near it in nodulous splral ridges and angulated shoulder but are distinct from it by smaller size and sculpture of base・ At any rate this species belongs to the groups of consor, kiiensis-unicum. Minolia midu)ayensis, sp. nov.コガネシダタミ(新) (Pl. 2,丘gs. 4a, b, 5a, b) Description: Shell small sized, thick, trochoid, and with 5 volutions of teleoconch・ Protoconch small, round and with 2 volutions. Suture deep and subsutural band distinctly depressed, smooth and with numerous axial brown StriationsI Surface of whorl lustrous, creamy yellow to white. There are runnlng many Spiral ridges wbicb 5 on penultimate whorl and uppermost ridge angulated, with numerous axial crenulation. Columella white, thin and Umbilicus twisted・ deep and nartow・ Aperture subquadrate with thick and sharp outer 一ip. inner surface of it nacreous. Ⅱolotype: Shell 14・8mm high and 13.7mm vide, stored in the writer's collection, offered by SuzuKI. Loeality: Sea from Bomin lslands to Midway Islands. Remarks: This species is near Punctata A. ADAMS but is distinct from it by sbsence of tubercles on basal spiral ridge and by broⅥTn axial blotches on whorl surface, etc. Galeoastraea formosana, sp. nov.タカサゴカンス(新) (Pl. 2,丘gs. 6a, b) I)escription: Shell small sized, trochoid with 4 volutions of teleoconch. Suture There is a distinct shallow. edge between base and shoulder of wbor】. has Last whorl 6-9 spiral ridges which are nodulous・ Edge carries sharp tubercles which are trlgOnal, projected exterio-downward and overlapped surface of suceeding whorl. Shoulder of whorl gently curved. Surface of light whorl violetish brown with irregular blotches of brownish black colour- ation. Base of whorl also bas axial blotches of brownish black colouration. Callus thin while columella thick, white and twisted. Aperture suboval with nacreous inner surface. Outer lip thin. New and noteworty Gastropoda from Western Paci丘c and lndian Oceans 13 Ⅱolotype: Shell 24・8mm high and 26.2mm w!de, stored in the writer's collection, offered by NAKAYASU. Localitry: 0ffTaiwan. Remarks: This species is rather near Persica DALL Or aSteriana DALL but is distinct by axial colour blotches of base and by colour blotches on shoulder of last whorl・ Peripheral tubercles of last whorl of this species is less in both than the species, while spiral ridges of whorl have more nodules in this species than in them. Serpuorbis (s・s・)yokojima, sp. nov.ヨコジマ-ビガイ(新) (Pl. 3,丘gs. 1a, b) I)escriptoin: large Shell sized as Serpuorbis, attached to the other shells with spire side,・ attaching surface flat and shoulder Of last whorl sharply・ Protoconch broken・ angulated・ and spire Coiling of 3-4 volutions extended to -one direction along atta・ching surface. Ventral surface of last whorl in- flated, convolute, white and with many longitudinal striations・ Median longl- tu、dinal striation angulated or feebly keeled・ There are many transverse brown striations runnlng Parallel with lips of aperture, white and very lustrous. IIototype: shell 46・7-53・6mm in diameters, 17.5-24.5mm in diameters of aperture, stored in the writer's collection, offered by NAKAYASU. Locality: Philippine Islands. Remarks: This unlque Species is clearly distinguished from the other species of Serpuorbis by many transverse brown striations.