University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 10-5-2001 Sandspur, Vol 108, No 05, October 05, 2001 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 108, No 05, October 05, 2001" (2001). The Rollins Sandspur. 170. WatThe Oldes t College Newspapeatttepur r per in Florida • Founded 1894 ^V October 5, 2001 Rollins College ® Winter Park, Florida Vol. 108, No. 5 Tolerance at Rollins, Part Kyle Stedman the Victims of This National found itself bouncing against the try, according to the Orlando held in reaction to September ijhe Sandspur Tragedy. We Must Stand ceiling these past few weeks, trying Sentinel. 11th need only to contact him, phe Cultural Action Committee United... Not Tear Ourselves to find placement, calm, and escape Erin Salem (2003), whose and planning would begin. [raised a banner outside of the Apart: One Nation in Love and from the ever-present threat of whole family is from Lebanon, As a reaction to the moldy, [Mills Memorial Building with Acceptance." falling away from the dignified said she had only experienced smoking hate being passed 'Our Hearts Go Out to The Rollins community has goals written on the CAC banner good things on campus.