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Average Daily Itet Press Run THtJRSDAY, MAY 27, 1971 The Weather PAGE TWENTY-FOUR fa r The Week Difad inatvlfjfstri* lEttming l|FraUi M o y SS, 1971 Clear and cool tonight with low in 40s. Tomorrow sunny, mUder; high 76 to 80. Near sero School St., conveyance tax Manchester High School. Germatu Btty Hair The South Mandieater High Center and Second Congrega­ Cheryl Casavant Miss Casavant has been danc­ 15,600 chance of rain throughout. School, Claas of MSI, BOth annl- tional Churches will have a Senate Snarls 638.60 __ BONN — Demand tor wigs A bout Town Tcwn of 'Manchester to Ol- ing for 16 years and wUl gradu­ ManeheUer— A City o f Vittage Charm veraary conunlttee will meet Joint teacher training session Gets Scholarship ate next month from Manches­ and hairpieces In West 0«^ Hie Camncel Choir of Eman­ A Hairy Bill gerts ipavins, two paroles on Tuesday at 7 :M p.m. at the home tonight at 7:80 at Center ter n gh School. She is a g ra d ­ many Is booming- to Uie first uel Lutheran Church wlU re­ Church. Mountain Rd., no conveyance Miss Cheryl Casavant, daugh­ of hbUt and Julia Moriarty, 7B A MU concern in g the m arket­ uate of the BaiMaon School of half of 1970, imports reached VOL. LXXXX, NO. 203 (TWBNTT-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1971 (Classified AdveeUsleg on Fags M) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS hearse tonight at 7:30 In Luth.er tax. ter of Mr. and Mrs. MarcM Oas- Forest St. The reunion is June Release of Tax Lien Modeling In Hartford. $31.8 mllUon. Hong KOng Mooe Hall of the church. 36 and will be a garden party at The New Members dass of ing and serviolnig' of natural hair avant o f 189 B rook field S t , re­ ■Upped $18.1 mllUon worth to EUghth UtniUes D istrict 5 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Center Congregatlanal Church wigs for women was defeated ceiv ed a $100 scholarsM p from Germany in copiparison with against Robert P. and Hieresa Full Ooepel ChriaUan Fellow­ Mrs. Moriarty. There will be a wlU meet tonight at 7:80 in the the Betty Jane Turner SchoM of Tea wUl taste more mellow If In the Senate yesterday. The E. Burdick. $9.1 mUUon WMth In aU MM- ship, Interden<»nlnatlanal, will picture taken in front of the old Federation Room of the church. Dance at its. recital Sunday at a pinch of salt is added to It have a Bible Study and open bin had passed In the House, Marriage Uoense high school at B:S0 p.m. Dinner Heiury Michael Seifert of El­ W arning dlacuaslon tonight at 7 :S0 at and reminiscing will follow. The diacohate of Oommunlty but the Senate acUcn kUls the Orange Hall. Baptist Church will meet to­ Mu tor this session cf the Gen­ lington and Barbara Ann Ma- caione of 37 E. Middle Tpke., night at 7:80 in. the church eral Assembly. Murder Count in California There will be a setback tour­ Issued On t youth building. no date set. nament for senior citlsens at the The MU would have placed Building Permits Senior Citlsens Center tomorrow the marketing of natural hair Carlton R. Welsh, demolish T oy K it U p W ith from 7 to 10 p.m. as usual. Temple Chapter, OES, will wigs for women imder the reg­ garage at 466 Woodland St., $140. Food Ad^ditivw? hold Its iuuuial chicken barbe­ ulation of the State Health De­ Andrew Ansaldi for Arthur E. Die in Crash HARTFORD (AF) —State cue Sunday In the banquet hall THEN Westhill Gtardens Social Club partment and would have re­ Smith, demolish house at 38 Consumer Protection Com­ of the Masonic Temple, 38 E. will meet famionow at 1:80 p.m. stricted the Male of such wigs R aym ond R d ., $600. missioner Barabara. Dunn E A T T H E C enter St. S ervin g Hrlll b e from to Ucensed dealers. WiUiam C. WbaUey enclose warned Thursday against a At 20, Deputy Sheriff Says NATURAL WAY! at. the Oommunlty Hall. A klt- AMERICAN dien social is ptanned. Mem­ 1 to 8 p.m. and there win be When the House passed the breeseway and garage at 09 toy shaving kit found by fed­ a buffet of homemade salads, Watch For Opening o< bers will bring artioles for the MU, It was over objectians that F ran ces D r., $1800. eral officials to contain po­ By KEITH HEARN rolls pie and beverages. Reser­ s o d a l. the iiieasure should have ap- Chester W. tambcdl, rocf over In Germany tentially harmful material. Associated Press Witter H E A L T H vations may be made by con­ pUed also to wigs piade from patio and toM shed at 184 Hack­ “Children \riiO have the tacting Mrs. John VonDeok, of m atack St., $178. toy shiMild not b e allow ed to FO O D F A R M Mandiester Little League will artiflclpl hair and to hairpieces YUBA CITY, CaUf. (AP) 70 Gerald Dr., Rockville or any Orin Prosser Jr., bam at 181 WUPPERTAL, Germany (AP) — Forty schoolchil­ use it, and Connecticut re­ 747 Main St., Mancheater meet tonight at 8 at the Army- fo r m en. —Eight more bodies have o ffice r. W oodslde St., $300. 3 VALUABLE REASONS dren and five adults were killed Thursday night in the tailers should remove it fixun (Next to State TUeatm) Navy dub. All coadies and in­ A stmllar MU was defeated been dug up in fruit or­ in the 1969 legislative session. worst train wreck in West German history. their shelves,” she said. terested adults are invited. chards near here, bringing Mountain Laurel C3iiq>ter of Adventist Aid Why You Should fay Gaselho of Railroad officials aaid at least ------— r:------The; ‘Tjidher N Lotion Toy 34 other peiaone were seriously Toiletries'’ kit contains a to 20 the num'ber found Sweet Adelines win meet to­ WASHINGTON (AlP) — The *nie freight made a scheduled injured In the head-on coUlslon plastic raso^, "lotion’’ and along the Feather River, night at 8 at the Russian-Amert- Seventh day Adventist Church stop at the small station of Dah- can N ational Center, 318 W eth­ Public Records of a ^>eclal two- passen- play “sha'vinig cream.’’ reiMrta that its welfare serviceB lerau, where the line has two law enforcement officers ersfield Ave., Hartford. The n - Warranty Deeds ger train and a frel$^t The federal Food and Drug WEEKEND CASK ft QU tK T SPECTAL ladt year gave aid valued at seta of tracks to permit two-way said. ^ hearsal Is open to aU women in­ Robert F. and Elsie M. Luurt- The two trains crashed into Administration says the lo­ sema to James N. and Patricia more than $4.4 mllUon to vic­ GORMAN BROS. traffic. The engineer said he "It seems there’s no end to each other on a -track line tion and cream are contami­ terested In. singing four-part took a sign from the station them,” a weary deputy sheriff Desautels, property at 181 tims cf disasters in 41 countries. between the Wuppertal suburbs nated by bacteria that could harm ony. master as the signal to pull out, said as the toll mounted Thurs­ POTTED GERANIUMS 9tc of Oberbeumen and Radev«irm- cause . serious problems if waid. The freight train engi­ but the station master denied they enter the body through day. Mixed Cemetery Baskets $2^9 up ] ^ neer, Mdio was not hurt, told au­ giving any such signal. He told the eyes or through cuts. Sheriff (Roy D. Whlteaker said FREE thorities he had gotten a go-a­ authorities he tried in vain to Thk kits are. made by three more bodies were found head signal from a station mas­ eignaJ the freight to halt, thcsi Merry Mfg. Ck>., a subsidiary 'Thursday afternoon for a total 1 0 ! .SI ter up the fine, but the station alerted all rascue stations along of Leisure Dynamics, toe., of o f 16. master dmied giving such a sig­ the line of the impending colli-, Cincinnati, Ohio. Later, a Yuba City pcmceman fidul SiudhuiA. nal. Sion. A spokesman for the firm and a deputy aheriff said the The first passenger coach was said as many as 1,000 of the • X V e 'e V e V Railroad officiate suspended number of bodies rose to 20 as FLORIST. INC. the etation master, and an crushed by the heavier freight 49-cent kits may have been night feU. GREEN STAMPS investigation into the cause of locomotive. sent to Connecticut. “Somewhere - arSund here 1122 Burnside Ave. the wreck was under way. Many parents were waiting at we’ve got one hell of a crime Elast Hfutford The boys and girts in the the Radevormwald station for scene,’’ the policeman said. W ITH ALL FUJ.PUPS their chlldrai. When news of the Tel. 628-5009 w reck w ere 16 and 16 yecura old. Both asked that they not foe \ y seniors at the Radevormwalder. accidMit reached them, panic tdenUlied as WUteaker directed Open Sunday Mornings »S . Jimior echool. They were return­ broke out on the platform. Par­ Mother Vows that others not comment on the Annual Sale ing from a study tour of the ents ran to their cars and raced case. The sheriff refused com­ North German dty of Bremen. to the scene of the accident as ment on whether the additional FREE Killed with them were two of firemen, police and volunteers Fight to Keep five bodies bad been found. were prying dead and injured mm their teachers, a chsperon and He called a news conference two railroad employes. from the twisted wreckage. ••e*e*e*X*o*e*sMM FREE 13 O l. Honey Color Gloss by Anchor for 10 a.m. PDT today. \ I r ’Ihe chUdrm had traveled ’Ihe Injured were ruriied to Adopted Tot ' Whlteaker had said the first • m m from Bremen to Wuiqrertal In a hocfHtals in Wuppertal and sur- 16 bodies were cf transient farm Hocking— Modrid Pedfem wHh PivcInbo of regular passenger train and rounding communities. Sur- MIAhQ (AP) — Mr. and Mrs. workers or drifters ranging In then changed to the dleeel geons operated .throughout the mm. Nicholas DeMartino today told a age from 40 to 68. AH had been w m . 10 Gab. of Gasoline. coaches known colloquially as night on the oriilcaUy injured, news conference they would hacked and slashed to death on railbuses.. Bodies were laid out In the the back of the head by a mach­ Officials said the freight train Radevormwald gymnastic hall, “ respectfully decline’’ If author­ ities attempted to force them to ete or similar weapon. was on a regularly scheduled orlevlhg parents filed throush Nylons return to New York and face There were no descripttons of run from Radevormwald to to Identify their children. Others contempt charges for failing to the latest five bodies. (Sate ends Saturdays Jaaa 6) Wuppertal, and the possengeV (ranticaHy toured the tm ^tals. 3. AMOCO SUPER Isolated In a Y uba C ity Jail coaches were headed In the op- Federal Transport Minister return the baby they hope to adopt to her natural mother. and charged Wednesday with 10 -poslte direction. The colUsian Sutter County deputies excavate grave where 13th victim of a -mass slaying was found. (A P Phtyto) occurred shortly after 9 p.m. (See Page FWir-) Both parents repeatedly de- of the miurders was Juan V. C o­ PREMIUM GASOI.INE '*hied they had fled New York to rona., 37, o f Y uba C ity, who Micro mesh prevent the loss of their year- spent three months In a state The Only Lecd Free High Oefone Goseihie ^d daughter, Lenore. m ental hocq>ltal In 1966. p o n fy hose “We honeymooned In Flori­ I n Cambodia There still was no apparent da,’’ DeMartino said, “We’ve al­ Soviet Vnion^ Sign motive for the ’ macabre slay- It Con Police Sent Connecticut ways liked it and we decided to Ings. l e l S pr- move down here. We are not Battle Continues to Rage The three ibodles reported by •^•SSS|S!*e* 15-Year Friendship Treaty reguforfy 1.39 Double Muffler U le shopping for Justice.’’ Whlteaker were in crude, shal­ To Enforce Release Set ’The baby was not present. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS arises. Observers in Cairo re- low graves in peach and plum Clings to your every move. In Rubber Plantation Town 2 DAYS ONLYI :ix -:-»x .: Nor -was the DeMartinoe’ four- The Soviet Union and Egypt garded this as a Russian corn- orchards. “I have no idea how Shades of black mist, French Double Sporlg^ug Life coffee, smoke, cinnamon. (See Page xagbt) „ By GEORGE EBPER gon casualties were listedas signed a 18-year treaty of mltment of deeper—and per- long the sesu'ch will continue,’’ FRI. & SAT., M afia E xile F or Seale friendship and cooperation haps even direct—military In- the sheriff said. Short, avaroge, tall and Give More Miieoge Fer Gd. Associated Press Writer eight killed and 18 wounded. ’im -M extra tall. Thursday night, renewing their vclvement If Egypt and Israel Offletera worked in cool rain MAY 28th & 29th FILlOUipI, Sicily (AP) — tw o CHICAGO (AF) — Black Pan­ SAUGON (AP) — With a ma- In South Vletitam’s central close alliance In the woke of go to war again. Jor assist from allied aircraft, higfalanda, 160 m ll^ northeast Thursday, using a tractor-drlv- hundred police In battle gear ther Chairman Bobby O. Seale Egyptian President Anwar Sad­ ’The treaty also calls for ex; ^ trench digger, then shovels Group 2 South Vietnamese forces battled of Snued, about 400 North Vlet- landed otl the rebellious Island is to be freed In Connecticut, at’s purge of his rivals for pow­ panded cooperation In a vi«It ^ find three bodies. W E H O N O R Spacecraft NOrth Vietnamese tn x ^ for the itamese attacked a South Vlet- of FUicudl today to enforce the marking the first time in 21 er. number of fields: Industry, agri­ Suspected graves have been • mm exile of 18 reputed Mafia bosses. tiiird day today for the Cambo- nomese battalion headquarters ’Ib# pact signed by Sadat and culture, water conservancy, ir- Shoor moth months that’ the Panther leader dian rubber plantation town of about 86 miles south of Plelku . „ . , discovered during general The restdeitis i»cmptly an­ Ready F or 'vlslti^ President Nikolai V. rigation, development of natural g ^ ^ e s by lawmen and farm- SALE 5 «x «.x .:; will be but of the custody of Snuol. Fighting also raged In City. South Vietnamese oCficeip Stockings nounced they would abandon the Podgomy provides for contin­ reaources, electric power, per- ■' ers in a mUe-square area along island in protest. authorities. South Vietnam’s central high- claimed 128 North Vietnamese ued Soviet military, economic. sonnel training, trade, shipping, m m M ar^Trip lands and around the A Shau troops were killed but said they pougcal and scientific aid. The ______the 'Feather lUver five miles UnAaven and red-eyed after The way was cleared ftH* his science, the arts, literature, ed- 1 9 P*-- three sleepless nights. Islanders release from the state prison in valley near the Laotian border, captured no weapons from the two governments also pledged ucation, health services, press. (Sea Page IWcBly-ThiM) men's famous Montvllle,. Conn., by a federal WABHING’rON (AP)— ’The South Vietnamese officials bodies. “noninterference In the Internal radio, television, cinema, tour- regularfy $1 watched Impassively as the po- . ^ . U.S. space agency plans to Uce d isem b ^ at the m ^ Ju ^ In Chicago Friday. claimed more than 400 North South Vietnamese losses in affairs of each other,” which ism, physical culture, workers’ Proportioned lengths for an Judge Luther M. Swygert opn- launch its Mariner space­ port after coming from Sicily. " Vietnamese and Viet Cong were the ground attack and a shelling would be Interpreted as a So'vlet organizaticHis and cultural and exacting fit. Newest colors eluded, fallowing a meeting with craft at 6:20 p.m. EDT Sat­ Include Nassau, French Then their agitation commit­ killed in the fighting Thursday attack on another government abandonment of the leftist lead- scientific Institutions, mm attorneys for Seale and the gov­ urday for a Mars orbit by smoko, cinnamon, Paris tee Issued a comnumlque saying and today, many by air and ar- position to the south were re- ers ousted and arrested by Sad- ’Ihe two governments also m m ernment, that there was no need N ov. 14. Canada brown, cafe glace, and many GORMAN BROTHERS tjie inhabitants were “con­ tillery strikes. But Saigon head- ported as four kUled and 38 at In the recent Egyptian power ag(reed to consult regularly “(»i James C. Fletcher, admln- others. Sizes 9 to 11. Short, to return Seale to Chicago tor quarters conceded port of the wounded. struggle. all importont questions affect­ 770 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER strained by events’’ to leave the Istator of the National Aero­ Average, Tall. releose.- claim was based on reports Another 66 enemy troops were In the military qhere, the ing the Interests of both statics.’’ Island If the underworld exiles nautics and Space Adminis­ l«x<.x.: Seale still faces a four-year from aerial observers, which reported killed in the northern Russians promised the Egyp- ’The treaty is subject to ratifl- F avors Als* sheer mesh ponty hose, THE BRIGHT SPOT ON MAIN STREET remained. They made prepara­ tration, said ’Thursday he regularly $1 . , . 79^ contempt of court conviction frequently are inflated. sector of South Vietnam in and tians arms and miUtaxy training cation, but this is considered a tions to leave. Is satisfied the craft has DMribnted by Meeeniy OU Oo. stemming from the Chicago Incomplete casualty reports around the A tman Valley. Five to enable them to win heck the formality, mmi The 300 or so residents of this Eight conspiracy trial, but his been corrected to avoid a re­ 946 Main S t , Manchester said at least. 12 South Viet- goutfa Vietnamese were report- Sinai desert from IsraOLeL The Tl In Washington, meanwhile, T roop Cut fishing island charge that the la'oryers posted a $38,000 appeal peat of the first Mariner namese were killed and 62 were ^ wounded. treaty said arms and equl^entlU ^ e senior government officials said exile of lilafla suq>ecta here will bond on ’Thursday. launch failure May 8. OTTAWA (AP) — Ctenada Ground fighting raged only would be supplied to E^ypt there was nothing In the treaty ^20% ■poll tourism. The 7th U.8. Circuit Court of “At the same time, I fully “with a view to strengthening joined the Soviet Union, in call­ The police came after the Ma- Appeals ruled that Seale could recognize that the Atlas- U.8. B62 bombers and heUccq)- yards west of Snuol, but the that Impressed them as new. ing for a reduction of armed Its capacity to eliminate the Neither, they said, are U.S. fit- fia cblefs and their police escort remain free while appealing the Centaur IB an extremely ter guttshtps and South Viet- galgoo command sold the town forces in central Ekirope today 0ff namese fighter-bombers took under control of South Vlet- consequences of aggression as forts to bring peace to the Mid­ spent their second back-break­ contempt conviction. complex vehicle, that there well aa Increasing Its ahUlty to and alUed itself with the Soviet ing night on chairs, taUes and Seale, 34-year-old cofounder of are literally thousands of part In the battle for Snuol, 90 jiamese troops. “There are no dle East affected by the pact. plan for a European security I vsg, $76 to 899 miles north of Saigon, and South memy In the town now," stand up to aggression in gener­ Podgomy and Sadat signed the floor of a lonely seaside cafe the Black Panther party, was parts that must fuctitm per­ a l.’ ’ conference. and a requisitioned hotel under expected to be released ^ d ay fectly, and that a finite prob­ Vietnamese spokesman claimed ^ spokesman, Lt. Ool. Le the treatyeaty at the end of a three- A communique issued at the Deluxe quality worstetl and MANCHUTIB CONM KfICOT 219 enemy soldiers were killed - teen members of one gang were houses to mark President Ken­ erly prepared” conference on below. taken to Unosa, south of Sicily; nedy’s Urthday. On Saturday, when the late European security and coopera- the islanders grumbled hut put ion, at ^riilch both Canada and hoff SAVE ON THESE OPEN STOCK PIECES up no active residenct. president would have been 64 years old, a lO-plece church the United States would be rep­ Not so the FiUcudians. They resented. tag. 829.96 to 849.60 A . Large 22-oz. soup bowl . . . 79e waited up Tuesday night, and bond will play at the ceremo­ nies on the lawn of John's home Trudeau, the communique when the Mafiosi were landed said, outlined to Soviet Premier New , lightweight fabrics for spring. B. Fruit d is h ...... 4 9 t and an American Legion post Wednesday, the locals scuffled Alexei N. Kosygin the conslder- Fashionable sitTgla breasted styles with plans a poetry reading. with the police. They couldn’t atlrni In favor of a mutual and wide lapels, deep center vent, and flap C . 10 inch serving dish ...... 13 9 house Young ’Tohanesyn says two prevent the landing, but they balanced reduction o t forces by pockets. New double knit fabrics in state legislators, two city coun- newest styles including. Bi-swing back kept the police boato from un­ NATO and the Warsaw Pact. D. 10 inch divided serving dish 1.79 cilmen and two contingents of and pleoted pockets. REGULARS, loading cots and food tor the The communique also said the veterans organisations have SHORTS. LONGS; unwelcome guests. Canadian and Soviet govern­ E. Sugar bowl with cover .... 99e Since then the Mafia chiefs said they 'wUl p articipate. He ments had confirmed their, In­ and their guards have been said he expecU 300 residents of F. 12 inch platter ...... 99e tention to negotiate a general •tayiiv In an Isolated seaside the area to be preqqit also, agreement on cultural, educa­ 14 inch p la tte r...... 1.99 cafe and a hotel under construe- John and hte two brothers- tional and scientific exchanges. tioo, with no beds, no blankets David, 10, and Wayne, 7—have John Tohanezyn, who has celebrated the birthday of the late former president, is shown with his collection of Kennedy President Kennedy annually since the assassination of the memorabilia 'today in his home in Philadelphia. (AP Photo) (Soo Fage TweaSy-lfetee) 94S MAIN ST. MANCHESTER )uo-tone creamer 99e (gee Fage Elsvea) (gee Page Fear) K tl

MANCHESTER EVENING ^ R A L D . MANCHESTER. CONN., FRII)AT, MAY 28, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCJHESTER, (X)NN., FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1971 PAGE THREE PAGE TWO AU are ^ecU ve the end of been made sufficiently aware of to get rid of these bills this NORTH . Coventry the current year, this tact in the recent, budget Labor Bills Die way,” the Anaonia Democrat Refute Vaed aa Fuel Sheinivold on Bridge 4 1087 S2 B radford W right, EIngUsh sessions, told newsmen. VIENNA—Europe’s most mod- K4 teacher at the high school, re- Messier said, though, that It After Apparent As part of the deal, the House ern long-distance generating PLAYER’S STATEMENT ' o KJ8 quested a leave of absence to was his understanding that passed with little ppixwiUon a plant has begim operating here, CANNOT d e c e i v e US noting with satlsfacUot: that ♦ KQ2 Lack of Gom m im ication Seen complete work on Ills cerUfica. some $20,000 is unaccounted-for Swap of Favors biU pi^ohibiting a town or city sending heat, light and hot they dl-vide evenly. The stage is EAST ticn prograin. O’Connor noted educatlmi revenue, applicable By AUIUED SHEINWOLD WEST HARTFORD (AP)—Three la­ frem deducting union dues from water to 44,000 apartments. It then set-for the correct dia­ ♦ 6 3 * 9 4 that Wright has been In the sya- to the current budget, has been bor bUls were quietly kflled by the paychecks of employes who is powered by a large incinera- "I would have 'bet 6 to 1 that I mond play. South leads a low 9 Q 10 8 AJ532 Cause of School Budgetw W oes .tern tor 10 years, . and >«« such « a O.-kecelved, .u, . but that the Town ^ ^ ^ are members of nonraco^zed tor that burns ^ to™ of ref- was going to make that hand,” diamond from his hand and O 9 4 O Q 1076 ' in ,. ^ te n u re witl)OUt certification OouncU is spending this money oonarant arrangement with ““1°"*. requiring fact-find- use a day without fumes or South declared -after going puts . In dumniy’s eight when 4 J 10 9 7 4 3 4 A5 ne tioard Educatian met placement perscamel last night, \ow and carry the proper red places ho burden on the board on general government ex- j, _ j ^polato co- municipal labor disputes odor. * * * * * * * * s down one on the hand shown to­ West plays lowi SOUTH last night and heard local rest- In a. -vote that means no one flashers. This was Included at to grant a leave of absence, penses, rather than turning It chairman • *’' of the Labor Commit­ ’ —------East wins with the ten of dia­ day. “I had three good chances 4 AKQJ dent David Campbell, who said resigned will- be re- the request of some 100 rest- requested for the 1971-72 school over to the school board, where, tee. I for It, but everything was sour. monds but cannot make a safe 9 976 he detected a “note'note of rislna wtll^con^teUonuntil consultation ^th n.w, aenudents -wno-who signeasigned a petition,peaaim, year.year, Wright’s wngni's requestrei was un- he said. It rightfully belongs. * * In returh, Badolato got from Some days it doesn't pay to get return. A dlamond jflves dum­ 0 A532 " - ..... board-agreed to request acainat the bnent” being done submitted last night, asking that anlmoutly denied. The the majority Democrats some out of bed.” This statement was my a free finesse; V heart give * S6 , ..." budgetary condl- supplemental carriers be so des- The tractor contract went to a meeting as soon as possible changes toe Labor Committee intended to prove that South a trick to dummy’s king. peop In connection -with the tions, and against the advice of ignated. Oontractot’s Equipment Oo. at with the council to discuss both West North Eart wanted in toe Municipal Em- was a great pla/er but that West cannot interfere by put­ Pass 3 4 Pass recent town meeting at which board memter Donald AveriU, The milk bid for the new a cost of $2,600 and this lead to this and the tractor questten. SUN., MAY 30 ting up the nine of diamonds plcyes RelaU(»is Act. ^SWEATERS] Fate was against him, but he A ll Pass A school board budget withr— a .. noted that the best-quail'* school year wa* awarded to some discussion as to what ac- The school calendar for 1971- when Sot)th first leads that suit. Recommitted to toe Labor AND cannot deceive readers of this minimal Increase for 1971-72 *^bere have Blre^y been Ueary Bros, at $.702 per half count this unbudgeted expendl-, 72 was adopted after O’OMmor colum n. Declarer then puts in dummy’s placM In poMtlcHis by this time pjjjj requested ture should be pidd from, explained that It Is the same Committee Thursday were bUIs was adopted. that would have provided for MON., MAY 31 ^ th dealer Jack, and East is caught Just as in the year. received. O’Connor noted that a total of calendar to be in effect In all East-West vulnerable fast in the trap. GampbeU, who with his wife binding arbitration In municipal (MEMORIAL DAY) Messier said the board will Donald Richards guidance $8,100 remains in the current area schools. contract disputes, required pay­ O pening lead—J a ck o f CDubs. Dally <)ae.tion Is a frequent visitor to school ■ ‘ ■ School will open on Sept. 8 ( CLEANED C C^BLOCKED ) As dealer, you hold: Spades, board meetlmrs w«nt nn ^ Hardy, to conuselor at the high school re- budget, but it was felt that the ment cf wages to municipal em­ West openid the Jack of clubs, team his feelings on the mat- signed, noting that ho Is mov- board should return to the ’Down and cloM, If aU snow days are 4.8; Hearts, A-J-6-8-8; Dia­ line what he feels is the cause ployes comparable to wages paid and dummy’s queen lost to the ter, and lu^efuUy, the hiring ing to WlscMisin. Mrs. Anne CounoU to ask for the $2,600. , »“ ed, on June 28, 1972. ace. Back came ^ club to dum­ monds, Q-19-7-g; CSubs, A-5. of this anger: A lack of com­ to employes In similar Jobs in ( O J ) toe ^ be held up Goldman and Mrs. MarieUen O’Connor stressed that the ------my’s king, and declarer 'Answer: Bid one heart. You munication between both private industry, and aUowed longer than toe next two to Lalor resigned their positions boaud has tread very carefuUy Manohester Evening Herald promptly drew tnimpia in two have 11 points In high cards and board and ]the town and the promotion proc^ures for muni­ three weeks. ^ and second Grade teach- in this year’s budget, with all Coventry correspondent Holly cipal employes to be negotiated. rounds. 2 points for the doubletims, lx)ard and the Town OouncU. South tried Ids first shot by enough for an optional opening ’^ e board, he said, should Bos Contract era, reqMcUvely, at Coventry accounts frozen as of April i, Gantner, Tel. 742-8796. There was “substantial oppo­ i BETTER CLEANERS I leading a low diamond to fi­ bid. You decide to bid rather consider that It can do a “ better The board signed too 1971-78 Grammar School. Mrs. Gold- to insure that toe board would ------sition” to toe three bills on both V 121 (JKKK.N ROAD, M.LN( HKSTEU J nesse with dummy’s Jack. East than pass because your high- KESTAOKAKT Job of letting toe townspeople bus contract -with Floyd Monroe man - said she -wants to worit not have to return to toe town Uto and Navajo Indians once sides of toe poUtlcal aisle, said House M ajority L eader C arl AJ- won with the queen of dia­ card structure is good. You know Just how these budget tast nlgJUt, stipulating In It that only on a part-time basis, and for extra funds at toe end of warred for possesslcn of miner- ^ (Next to 7-11 Store) — Tel. fl Ifi-.'jUst; ^ ello. ’’Rather than a fight for no monds and returned a low dia­ would prefer to have the ten or cuts are gedng to affect toe chil- all " station wagons that carry Mrs. Lalor cited pregnancy as toe fiscal year, June 80. He said al springs at Pagoea Springs, good purpose, we Just decided mond. nine of hearts Instead of three TALCOmiLLE LOUHSEft 848 d ren .” chUdren must be painted yeL her’'reason. he thought toe public had not Oolo. West’s nine forced out the very low cards, and some very The budget as adc^ted re­ king, and South tried his second conservative experts would , Dinners , fle cts a $206,000 cut im posed by WED. - THURS. shot by leading a diamond to prefer to pass this hand for lack toe Town OouncU, 'leaving toe FRI. - TOES. omuiuNtwrwMn E x e m m aR»-.M.iMin SUN. ft HOL. the Bce. It the diamonds tooke of a strong suit. m o H U o p e r f e a t u r e board with a five percent In­ 7 :0 0 -9 :8 0 8 - 4 :8 0 - conrM iD som * crease In budget over too cui^ SATURDAY i i mTNEAIREEAST s evenly, his last diamond would Copyright 1971 ROAST PR’ME RIB OF BEEF AU JUS : M.mumjma______7 :0 0 -9 :8 0 ^ lEMIOFTHE be good and -would allow him to General Features Corp. rent appropriation to nm toe 8:80 • 6:00 - 7:80 RRAlT.inn NEW YORK U RliH N STEAK...... schools. 10:00 discard a heart from dummy. South had to faU back on his PRIME FILET MIGNON ...... ‘ m m "More adults would speak up third shot. He led a heart, hop­ BmXSRODK’S CLUB STEAK MBDAULION ...... iT ... .gt-HO on behalf of toe school board if t h e a t e r t i m e ing that West held the ace. But better communications exist­ East had the ace of hearts, and SCHEDULE SSSs?:151ilJ*SSueB 3let Mignon, (% P^^ Chicken and an Entire ed,” GampbeU said. MEMORIAL DAY the defenders defeated the con­ He suggested that toe board Lobster Tall. ______If f tract with two heart tricks. State—” 20,000 Leagues Under attempt to work more closely D U S n N South had a sure thing going the Sea” 6:40-9:00; Short Sub­ with parent-teacher groups In H O fTM A N if he Just plamd the hand care- jects 8:80, 8:60. toe schools to explain toe budg­ OPEN ALL DAY 8A.M.-9PJ fid ly . A fer Vnnnlng the; second UA Theatre East — ’’Little "From the Ocean Blue ets, next year, 'vdien budget Big Man” 7:00-9:80. trick Iri dum m y -with the king ___ $SJB» time rolls around again. X IT Y U 3 FREE IN PERSON Manchester Drive-In—“ When 8 of cl-abs he should Immediately b r o i l e d IAWSTER TADUl ...... GampbeU also asserted that PENlSUNDJ^ ALL Di APPEARANCES ruff dummy’s last club. Bells Toll” 10:20, ’’Jenny” 8:80. SEAFOOD NBWBURG ...... toe board does not make good East Hartford Drive-In—’’lit­ B IG MAN** South then draws trumps. ALASKAN KINO CRAB AU ORATIN ...... use cf the people here” , those Panawision'IechnicokN^* 3 ,6 & 8 P .M . tle Big Man” 10:46, ”Rlo Lobo” SOiET mnnijr.. GRAB ...... who might be able to act as re­ 8:26. source perscMis or help toe FOR EVBtrMrUROAY East Windsor Drive-In—’’Air­ CLOSED MONDAYS .board In an attempt to Improve ::llli!iii11ii!ijl.'... port” 8:28, ’’Savage Land” its communications with the iliijiijiii P e p M o l t 10:00. com m unity. PRESCRIPTIONS ____ ^ DAY and NIGHT CHICKEN Meadows Drive-In—"When 8 He added that he Is cem- CM Your Pipsi coupon Bells Toll” 10:16, ’’Jenny” 8:80. wuaw»a»8ua»ffniag«>fflgag«»3i8fflg<^''g^-l cemed toat toe 1971-72 budget on tho. P8|^ cartons BARBECUE Blue Hills Drive-In — ’’Get is not going to be able to pro­ Carter” 10:18, ‘‘Moonshine g j vide toe necessary educational * • • • • • • * Gratild STOCK CAR nut Sponsored hy War” 8:80. ^ services for (be chUdren, and FIGURE 8 RACES Temple Chapter #68, O.EJ8, m he urged the board to go to the ResetMi^h Grant Town OouncU and ask for at Opening DAERY SAT.-8r0 0 P.M. SUNDAY, JUNE 6lh least partial restoration of toe WASHINOTON (AP) — The $ ^ ,0 0 0 . Serving 1 - 6 p.m. . ruipf uiTN National Science Foundation has m\ W E’RE OPEN ' Answering CampbeU’s com­ WE SAVE YOU M ONEY... AT THE PARKADE ONLY!!! Specials I Rl ' i- ■ I I 1'. ni at awarded a $1.6 million grant to ments, board chairman Richard SAVE 1.23 a Yale^based research organiza­ Messier noted that toe board I irl ! '.li PJ I [1 lii Masonic Temple tion to find ”a better under- ”is not luq>py with toe out­ SAVE $1 — Ahmimm GARDENING SPECIALS 10 PACK ^ SAT. & SUfL, MAY 29tti & 30Mi 86 East Center St. ^itandlng of public problems,” come” of toe town meeting. Sen. Abraham Rlblcoff, D-Oonn., Memorial Day Weekend GMqr FrMbqr nigM it (The board had publicly urged AdiOta 88.86 per person BATTERIES Bomit Wiglit said Thursday. rejection of toe budget, so that BEACH OHUE SA V E $1.01 Children under 10 $1.80 The rntmey to the Institute of m It could be returned to the In p er person Social Sciences will be spread m Town GouncU for restoratlMi of l^pedaUy designed for p oly - ROUTE 159 HARDEN HOSE ba g. 1 0 % O H Call Mrs. John VonDock over three years. some of the cuts.) UM in sand. Noa-tUt 77‘ AGAWAM. MASS. 876-8798 He added, however, that toe legK Rounded anns. % ” x60 ft. G reen p la stic. 6- Enough for all your . RttNfldiiirFrtt U n M m C o U > t ^ cuts have not been finalized as year guarantee. $2.00 value. 99e , needs. 0 yet, and that much of this work WITHt t h i s c o u p o n ON M L CffiNDERS t PIZZAS ? M DW lEIVaiNaB wUl not be done u ntil D r. Dm IdnUng. 79c v al. 43c brary and audio-visual costs per pupU, she said. Is $17.34 for 24-IN CH BLUE HILLS each these categories. Under 9' TO BISSELL B81DGE MU WIST mCHAROWIDMARK toe 1971-72 budget, a total o f Llll AT BLUE hills AVI NLl ____ AIAWAIDA $6.95 Value SAVE $2.96 $1,80 for both categories per GRILL The Hoonshine NEW DELICIOUS RAINWAVE Mkhael Caine pupU wUl be aUowed. e LONGER BURNING ¥ fa r As did GampbeU and Mrs. SAVE $2.98 • HARDVtrOOD COLOR couil Howe, Tom HUl spoke under toe Oscillating Sprinkler e TOP QUAUTY D a i r i i audience of citizens portion of Permanently sealed motor. Slow BRAZIER toe budget and said he wanted $1.98 Value Pulsating Sprinkler sweeping spray covers oversize to commend toe board and ad­ W IT OBEY zmaJUBUBIR Q u e e n area. 1-year j;uarantee. A AA I Adjustable diffuser screw. DeUvers ministration for its support of’ SAVE 1.47 SAVE 1.01 5.96 Value. U S 9 toe music program in the lup to 6 gallons per minute CLAMS QUART PIN T 1 over a 76-ft. circle, v SA V E 41c schools. He said, “I was 4>rlv- Rustproof, chrome plaited grid. Positive AND Ueged to hear toe hl$^ school grid*^ adjustment. Sturdy, removable $1.48 $1.28 band last week during Its ap­ $7.96 Value R eg . 2.96 R eg. 2.29 2 QT. FOAM ICE |@COUM IB I______straight tripod steel legs. THMKOLOR* pearance on GonsUtution Plaza” SAVE $3.46 BUCKET BlMNni D ally at FRIES and added that he was most 8:80-4*.80 Btaomi Dally at b m a er. inqaressed with toe caliber of 59e Value 7 d l0 -9 d l0 LOO •4:W .nm -9:80 toe performance and of toe' TENNIS RAOKET SET Bsrqsin Hour Till 2 P.M. lEi. Sun. 8IJ01 youngsters themselves, as weU as of their director, Oarl Salina. 4.49 with Jr. Champ Tennis Racket, Holds 2 trays of Friday Only, May 28th In other business last nlg^t, Ice cubra. toe iMard approved an eariler ”X” tennis press, 8 tennis balls {lacked in a deluxe tennis box. date for toe incumbent superin­ 7.96 VA L. Va lb. golden brown New England Fried Clams with our own Braiier tendent, Latuence D’Gonnor, to TONIOHT-Ust RUN leave toe system in order to SAVE 98c m ANCHESTe When Eight Bells Toll” 10:80 tattar sauce plus a heap of crisp french fries. Come on down to prepare for his new position in jenny” shown at 8:30 Rhode Island, which starts on B A ^ 80c TENNIS BALLS your favorite D.Q. Brazier and treat the family. July 1. The board. Messier said, V-TYPE ZORRIES SAVE 65c decided to pay O’GMmor for 3 for 1.97 both accrued sick leave and va­ Your Choice !t8i^ FANCY SWIM CAPS Poncho Gonzales si$7iature. Uni­ cation, aUowing him to leave Men, women or chUdren’s form in size, weight and rebound. WILKINSON # Banana Splits on Jim e 1. sizes. AU rubber. 2.96 VAL. Other • Ice Cream Sodas The board also reaffirmed a by Playfex SWORD BU0E5 m oratorium ntinues See Saturday’s TV Week In G erm any W E D D IN G Seen Threat to Economy Free to Town Students InC am bi i i i i Friday, May M (OontinDed from Page One) By JOHN OUNIFF StW MoHale’l Navy doors. the accident this morning to _ cent while Interest rates- were 6;tS (49) Weather Wateh school program at the elemen- Hie command said BOO South n e w YO R K (A P ) - su rvey it. ® *** lese than 8 per cent on home Sil9 (I9> amigaa’a lelaad 581 Vietnamese infantrymen, sup­ (49) WluiPa M y UaeT (C) i t w u the second serious rail­ Fred pnd Marcella Uberf surgence of interest rates is mortgages and 6 per /cent on Bpotte ported by tanks and U.S. planes, 9:99 (t4.ZM9> Weather — school levels this year. sithm, spelling and the study ot road accident In West Germany threatening to collapse the na- long-term corporate bonds. aad News (C) fought a three-hour battle with (18) Candid Camera Enrollment In classes in read­ language. .This program will an equal-slBed North Viet­ in as many wedcs and the third ti(Hi’s secu rities m arkets and IWhat is needed, W right said (C) (89) Ta ■TeU the Tratt ing and arithmetic improve- emphasis individualized in- namese force and killed 90 of this year. smoOier economic recovery, a authoritative, 9:96 (49) 77 Saniet On May IS, five passengers 9:89 (9) News with Whiter ment at the elementary level, ztTuction that will actively en­ the enem y. highly respected HnunMni advis- clear and unequivocal state- gage students in the areas indi­ thirty minutes after the Bat­ were killed and 20 others in­ er has told the Nixon adminls- ment from the administration (8) Nawa with H .K . will be limited to Vernon stu- aad Harry Beaseaer cated. tle ended, South Mletnamese jured when a passenger train tTation. that: Jumped a track near nierUssen, (18) Disk Taa Dyke dents who have been referred As with the other classes, bombers attacked enemy forces Jolui Wlnthr(q> Wright, who “1. The current high level of (8849) NBC News (SI by and registered through the children recommended by the massing about a mile northeast in southern Germany. advises many of the nation’s interest rates to excessive and a On Feb. 0, a trans-European ANTIQUE & FLEA MARKET ’ '••■‘5 o .® t a f f .a '« i m a n i a ’ ’ school the child attends. schools will receive first pref­ of Snuol. Hlen said aerial ob­ largest brokers and close to serious impediment to interna- (9) Tnth or Gmsaqacaon . express overrtiot a curve near (O) These classes will be con- erence. servers counted the bodies of 1,000 banks, as well as handling tlonal financial stability and (U) WhsPa My UaaT (O) the south German town of Kaiif- (88-8949)^ . "Neam — Weather^ ducted in the mornings and will At RockvlUe Iflgb School 120 N orth V ietnam ese. directly hundreds of millions of prosperity, the U.S. Command reported beuren, killing 28 persons and 7:8# O) The lateral B (O) start June 28, aiding July SO. courses will be offered to stu- dollars in investments, com- “ 2. Access to capital kt ------(O) that American helicopter gun- Injuring SB.' Every Sunday at (8-49) Brady Baach C3illdren recommeiided for eith- dents free of charge, lor make- The worst prevlottB postwar pared the situation to the 19S0s. moderate rates is fundamental (18) WMteraers er of these programs have td- up crepmental reading forces In eastern Cambodia dur­ (IS) BasebsU (O) in June, 1981, w hen a train CURIOSITY CRAFT SHOPPE view. “ I can’t imagine they’d be - i . The NWon admlidatratiwi preference. Other students may will ^ offered -with no credit ing the past two days. so stupid as to permit it again;*’ jg committed to the re- 9:89 (8) Mavte , (0) U.S, B52 bombers were divert- plowed into a group of raHroed (88-89) Name af the Game (C) apply and will be registered if Involved. he said In referan^' to Fed- ^ ^.8. Interest rates to tra- (849) Partridse Family (C> ' ed tram other targets to attack workers and killed 84. 9:99 (949) That OIrl (O) space is available. The only Other courses to be offered A total of 82 children, five 397 TOLLAND TURNPIKE eral Reserve Board, which ^ ditionally moderate levels.’’ 9:19 (8-tt) The Odd Oeaple (C) North Vietnamese base camps considerable charge to Vernon sch(x>l chil- will be driver education with teachers and a chiqwrane made po^er over inter- congressional teatimony ear­ 19:99 (949) I,nve, Amerteaa Style and sui^ly depots sui^torting eat rates. (88-89) Straage Bepert B (O) dren will be a nominal fee for a fee to be charged and peraon- the trip to Bremen. For many of lier this week by Arthur Burns, the troops besiegihig Smiol. MANCHESTER Wright said the threatened 19:99 (18) Bartterd Talk-In (C> 'lirorkbooks. There will he a fee al typing for a fee. Non'resl- the children it was their first Fed (diairman, was- “a stop in it!** biiKri is on Highway 7, 10 coHapse “ is a danger w hich I d o ^ ,, Weather aad Sports (C) charged for non-residents. dents will be charged for all long Journey array from home. miles from the South Viet­ not presenUy hut Classes will be cR: FVom Isolation to In- able Interest costs. They built tervention.” er-bombers and South Viet­ Tom orrow this country. Hiey’re the reason liberated two hours and acquit­ 7:89 Soon (0) "Minister Louis Farrakhan" namese Infantrymen attacked (Oontinneb from Page One) why we went ahead of Europe,” ted a West Hartford mtm Tlmra- North Vietnamese forces in and 8:89 NET F lsyhsan (C) Wright said. He branded the day of manslaughter in connec- "A Song of Bummer” around the A Shau Valley and turned out 8,000 hand-made 19:99 Maatoimeee Theatre B (0) Flags Placed at Veterans Graves flyers that urge nrtghbors to fly deficit “made in Europe" and tiem with the shooting death ot "The Meeting" killed BO enemy solders. Saigon said the dollar was sound. headquarters reported. their flags on the late presi­ his son. the DAR where flags were Cemetery. Veterans graves in Also in the northern sector, a Hugh Ward, a member of the ed by the members of the var- dent’s birthday, liie Inothera Intmst rates (m high g^de Roj>ert L. Allyn, 73, had been American Legion, idaces a flag lous Veteran Organliatlons as- placed on' graves that dated St. Bridget and St. John's tdso have made IBO posters ask­ long-term corporate bonds have charged with manslaughter in U.S. Cobra helicopter gunshlp Cemeteries ¥rere decorated by at the graveside of a Wwld slsted by the Boy Scouts. Vet- back to the RevtduUonary War. ing people to remember Kenne­ now reached 8.26 per cent com- shooting of Ms son Robert crashed from unknown causes members of the ViFW post. If a War I veteran in East Oeme- erans, members of the Amer- Buckland Cemetery was the re- dy, and have placed them in pared to a 16-year average end two days visiting The foreign mlnistm: sold the House amended 'it to knock out are substantially Mgher than in Navy bases in South Vietnam, stand up to aggression.’’ He re- ^ „.„ 4, advanced the word “wlllhil’’ and the Sen- orbit’s elem «its, a rodlotrteme- Downtown and Parkade trtc system to trannnlt to the the U .S.” then______visit______aircraft carriers of peated Elgypt’s demands for the jm^ard peace than we would ate amended it again to put in ABAIR-L.AVEIRY PEST CONTROL. CO. In other words, he explained, WHl BE CLOSED tbo U.S. 7th Fleet in the fTonUn larwUs to back ftwn ^ oc- bitfmndi lew in- the word “grow.’’ earth data on the functioning of SCOUT instnanents end equipment.’’ HTOUIIHIII - TEINITE NITMl the inundation of dollars into Gulf. “ flammable than it has been.” House Minority Leader Fran- B O Y foreign countries, wMch helped The Navy expects to complete Palestinians to self-determlna- Israel remains ready els J. CoUlns said Thursday he T he orM t ran ged betw een 818 MONDAY, MAY SI and 17B miles above the earth accelerate their inflation, result­ its VletnamWation program by **“ *• to negotiate on over-afl permo- would not object to the term Notes and News lU CQira STiOr, UMCHEIIER, CONNECTICUT IWMO • mOHE. 8491110 ed from their own high rates. the ndiKDo of next year, a^ TJie two preeidents also boundaries, or to take a “grow negligence,” but that he and lasted 92.2 mlmites, Tass MEMORIAL DAY For the United States to sbut off tiwMigti some advleera -will re- signed a communique accusing gtep-by-step approach tarting feared it was “watering down” said. p a ck 17 the flow by raising rates here, rrmin- The emptuuds now is on Israel of a “persistent e:q>an- ^ jh the reopeniiig of the Sues ttie bill. Cub Scout Pack 47 of tbo EMERGENCY TEL NO. 649^857 be^iiiK the 'ifletnamese navy’s sicnist policy.’* It said “a last- canal. 'Hie measure could require he said, w any mew ai^ relm- nal|y that “Ckmtrary to the fnu fulfillment in full volume of the Eban said. He added that 12,000 buraiiig Uie owners of damaged F ^ a ;^ n u s niver anvw. VEST tem a l creed o f bankers alt hom e remaln to be transferred BInchea, hear b od g e, Nov. 22, 1987, resolutian of the Affteans have received develop- propwty. D avid and abroad, moderate interest g o ld arrow, and I United NaUoiis Security coun­ ment training in Israel in t h e ------and ILL rates do not cause inflation.’’ R eg er Hancock gold a rrow ; l■ OM tMILIM m MIVKI ^ Grant fw Nonvich c il.’ ’ past 10 years, while more than Cover a bokiiig sheet with . __ — i MCKAGE l^ ia u e fi experts have aaatat- tato chlpe. Sprinkle lightly with den 8 WASHINGTON (AP) — A The U.N. resohitica calls for f . ' ed programs In 80 African coun- salt, lemon Juice and grated m A • STORE 8909,000 federal grant has been IsraeU withdrawal and acknowl- tires. cheese. Slide lido a hot oven for den 4, David Dechlarra and | aiproved to more than double edgment-by the Arab states of a few monutts only and serve Phll^ MeUey, -wolf, and Day- the sise of the Norwich, Conn., Israel’s right to exist within piping hot. «»<« Plompen, gold arrow. industrial park. ‘*secure and recognised” bor- Woul(J VIRY SPICIALI Hie EconcHnic Developent dera. But the communique Voter Ignores WE W H l BE Agency said Thuraday the men- made specific mention only of ilfer ey will finance the purchase of the withdrawal aipect. Broken Bones you like COTTON KNIT 180 acres as well as the histalla- in Tel Aviv, IsraeU Foreign LOSED HONDA t / lliMMM VMJNHMMmii n t a tion of water and sewage faciU- Minister Abba Elban said be t o m b s t o n e , Aris. (AP) — , . . until you firid out more about natural PANTSUITS ties, grading and accew. bed the Calro-Mbeoow pact In this, the town too tough to H AY S lfl w The industrial park now con- “wlU not be the act which -wlU die, there are some pretty tough MMM^M U IM HMFIllllHll JMM OTIlHiOTm gas for home heating. Clean, dependable tains 118 a cre s, the HU>A said. klU tbe'poesiUUty cf any inter­ people, too. C H E C K Y O U R natural gas gives you wall-to-wall warmth I im settlement.’’ Take ICm Poulton, for in­ U9UOR SUPPLY at today’s most reasonable price. When you stance. Poulton went to vote in BIKES BY NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — a ^>e^ school bond election heat your home with gas, you don’t worry 9.94 ■OYS* OR SIRLS’ NEW 1871 MODELS Ftorelgn Jifliiister Abba Eban of this week. As he entered the WmSKBY DAISY Come to this m S reg. 18.00 Israel, starting a two-week Afri- poUlng place, he deU oa a step JUST BEOEIVED Juice of H Lemon Christian Science Lecture about fuel deliveries or downed power £ u F tt!tt9 can tour, said EYiday that “less and broke his hip. THIS WEEK ^ Teaspoon Powdered lines. Your fuel supply comes to you (con­ FnbUsbad Dally Eraipt Bqndays great power interveidlon and While a caU went out for an Sugar Summer cotton knits and Holidays at ISB iM l Street THIS 1 T eospon G renadine nBarCBDBCH OF tinuously through safe underground pipe­ ------^ Iter. Conn. more local dialogue*’ would im- ambulance, Poulton protested, Synq> cBBBfr. BODBiram ore great. . . especially Telephane 849a7U prove riiances ta r peace in the saying: '*Hold it, Fm still going 2 os. Black Velvet 447 Mortb Main Street lines. And you can rent a gas conversion d dam PoaU«e. Paid rt Middle Eaet. to -vote.” WEEK-END SERVE THE BEST itmqtJidUy in these perky two piece W hiskey Mnncheater, Conn. burner on CNG’s.low monthly plan. So “The aOddle East question Although lying on the floor, he Canadian wtiiakles are a blend of light whiiskiea dis­ Shake with cracked ioe Ybun., June 8, s P.M. watch wUh pantsuits. Great selection BUBSCBlPnON BAXBS will be solved by the countries puUed out his registration card, tilled at 185 proof, and mariufactured under close and strain into stein or 8 2lhiff don’t make a move toward next winter’s FayaUs in Advance ♦nfcing their destiny in their own -was signed in and Just as the Fully set up, too. A government supervision to insure the high standards os. metal cup. Add cube Tear ...... fin e bike w ith the 3-year of prints with matching hands,” Eban told newsmen. ambulance pulled up, he cast tor the product oi ice and decorate with 65 DIFFERENT STYLES heating, until you find out about natural gas chrome fenders, fuU fr u it FOR MEN AND WOMEN The.foreign minster also re- his -vote. Vmgth chain guard, OPEN ALL DAY untmdUional pants or stripe tunic ALW AYS 855 T O 8595 now. Converting to gas heat is easier than giant 8” reflMtar, gmrantee tops with matching solid new reflector pedals. BUCK VELVET FOR QRADUATiON you think. Make that call to your gas heat­ MONDAY $44 TO $480 W ritten 9 / a ____ % g a l . $18,29 — QT. $6.99 ing contractor or CNG, today. pants. 10- 18. sportswear G uarantee 5TH ^.69 — PT. $8,59 — FT- Q1.89 Choose bracelet watches, Memorial Day strap watches, sports.or Downtown and Parkade m LINOLEUM AND COLORS: dress watches, diamond ANTIQUE KENTUCKY watches, automatics, STORE HOURS CAAPET Boya’ : Radiant STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY HOLIDAY waterproofs and calendar DOWNTOWN Central M ocha This Whiskey is Six Years Old watches. In stainless d a i l y 9:80 - 5:S0 JUST BEOEIVED Gills’ : Green steel, gold-filled and t h u r s . to 9:00 PJJ. m 112 THIS WEEK 86 Proof — 6tti $6,26 / Coming Up U K g o ld . PARKADE Best of all, your grad­ MON. - TUES. - SAT. RMtniO SHM GftMfT ll,,.M.y..N0W ,q. Jd. 'We s e l l PACKAGED ICE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE uate gets 3 years of 10 A .M . - 8 P .M . CAMPING EQUIPMENT READY TO GO Best buys in sun sonrico absolutaly FREE. WB!D. • THURS. - FRI NYLON SOULPnmeD CRNPETb,.; m. , . N 0 W J M » ^ Wa Cony A Complata Lina of Imported and Domestic VUInes. This remarkablo value 10 A.M . - 9 P.M . 'n fun supplies! offer will bowtthdrawn m June 19th. 1 2 BURNER PROPANE PRESCRIPTION DEPT. KITOHEN CRRPET .-.NOW GAS SIOVE 8 7 0 * * SEVEN IDGATIONS TO SERVE YOU 640*9046 i\ Ideal for Bee Beam, Den, Ete. laolalled with disposable cylinder I T ______All Other Calla 648-6380 CONNBCTXXJTNAIlJRALGAS(X)RP()RAnON st. VHm. ASBESTOS FLOOR THE ^ "T; TENTS - CANOPIES • CHESTS WESTOWN Suppliers of nature's clean fuel r » Beanttfni Bmboeeed Design (Oi <>■)' u i - m u Serving the Greater Hartford and New Britain Areas 2 MAIN ST. lasraaiEisa BMitim-mMmMnm tmcc 1909 ^ -it V a i » i l 296 W. MIDDLE TURNPIKE MANCHESTER 649-4336 FARR'S OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 455 HARTFORD RD. Downtown Menobeetor et 866 Mein Stroet am m » m MANCHESTER MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCIIJs TER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1971 PAG E SEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1971 PAGE SIX Muszynskl, Mrs. WUUam Ooaa, uniform at that jime in order tion of Monday, a holiday, la Bride notifies that the library Andover Mrs. David Yeomans, Mrs. that the parade may begin cui follows: will also be cIOo^ Monday eve­ James Anderson, Mrs. Bernard promptly at 9:80. 'niesday: Frankfurt and nood­ ning, and normal hours w ill pre­ The Human Mission TAK . OAXElCoiC' LoFlne and Mias lisa Morton- School library Cloaing le casserole, spinach, corn- vail the remainder of the week. Surely U is apparent that we are ttvlng -By (X A Y R. POIXAN- U ltA C ancerFund son. ’ Principal of the Andoyer Ele- bread, applesauce. W . H. Sttpttitt^ ifjralb in ah age of science and tertuiology, and M Vow Dally AdM y GukU ^ Mrs. WUliams extended On mentary SchoM, Mrs. Doris We^eaday: Macaroni and Manchester Evening Herald that they have brought with them both If A c ^ rd ln g fo Ih* Sian. behalf cf the American (Cancer Chamberlain, states that the cheese, green salad, sliced Andover correspondent, Anna To develop message for Soturdoyt - Tops Quota . plagues and blessings. Our problem Is to society and herself, a thanks to sriipol Ubraiy;wlU close to atu- beets, peanut butter sandwiches, F rta ln s, T e l. 742-9MT. read words corresponding to numbers > f.476-77 all those vMunteers who helped dents on June 4. ENGLAND eliminate the form er—sustain the latter. ofyour Zodiac birth sign. a: nie Cancer Fund drive con- fruit jello with topping. tCORHO bring the drive so far over Its 'Dte eariy closing Is necessi- THOHAS r . I state this simple Utopian premise, not jfX A m a n I Omurvotiv 31 Con 6IVVotfc Thursday: Orange juice, grill­ WAUnSR R . _____ OCT.M ducted during the m onth c f quota. She reminds townspeo- tated by the weeks of work re Digger Rang Self PubUiben because I believe we shall ever rearti the 2You 32Doy 62Exchong* ed cheese sandwiches, vegetable ( ^ M A r 10 JMovts 33Nsw 63 On NOF. I f April has gone weU over the pie vrtio may not have as yet qulred to take Inventory and get phorolete cake LUMBER IMMiaded October 1, 1881 perfect state, but becauke.tt is my cen- 4Pinh 34 Un*xp*cttd 64A NANTEiS, France — Through vicUon that the human mlsskm is to con­ 5-3M1-44 5Ntw 35 Your 65 Up t<9 , accocdlng to Andover a contribution If they all the library materials Into ’ 51-42-Z2 fragmented ,rock, a new ETench stantly make the attempt. 6Laev* 36'Tro^ 66Cwvsr chalrinan Mrs. Mrivin P. woro rail mailers, that they their proper places before the tawm COMPANY Itanoheater, Conn., eu Second CUm UAU «U d N I 7 Fin* 37 Avoid 67Todoy SABITT AM US may stIU do so and their doni- cloaing of school. TWa wlU be crawler - trencher made in Matter ______Part of our problem is that the science I MA? il. Sit's 38 Thrown 68A Nantes digs s'8-foot-deep, 18-to- VRoutIn* 39 To 69 Roods HOT. 22 J tion wlU be credited towards the lost week that books can be SUBSCRIPTION RATES policy that began after \\rorid War n, I June lONot 40 Not 70 Of Die. I f B Mrs. WilUama reports that Andover’s final figure. taken out of the Ubrary uy MUk and bread and butter 24-lncb-wide trench at the rate sandwiches are served at all Bolton Notch, Conn. F e ^ e to AdmuM and which has sustained us for so many IIK stp 41 And 71 Out youngsters; after this books o f 20 y a rd s an hour and One T m ...... ^ ‘9S , fciA-ar-at M 4-25dA tbe goal set by the Windham Parade Preparattons years has begun to erode. We are now l2 E v i^ 42B* 72ldsos <7-5089 . m eals. through softer terrain at 380 ^ Hontlu ...... U-W UCon 43 For 73 Stuff Unit ot the American Cancer Chairman of the Andover Me- may be returned but no longer l& e e Montba ...... |.75 trying to turn the major thrust of our CANCni CAPRICORN Holiday Cloatng y a rd s an hour'. One Month ...... ** ______; UW o/s 44Vsntur*t 74 To society for the town of Andover C^mittee Lucas taken ouL sui^MMt to more, humane purposes tToni jUM 11 IS To 4SA4ar>ty 75 Tratrsocflon « C . 2 f ^ ^ UViAMba has K*s*« laottrarliW ed a « souaMoeAcArequest that lLT««raMn. (Btsmberlain asks all The First Selectman’s office The digger weighs 9.6 tons 116 May 46 Twist 76 Anothfr w a s $400, s a d re c e ip ts o f the ' mUMBlUft o F __ m ilitary to civilian—and because these JAM. » *>« porttclpat- parents to help their chUdren has released a closing schedule and la only 20 feet long and 5.6 THE ASeOCIATBp P HBSS, . 17 Your 47 Only 77 Day d oo r • to Hie Aanoated Frees to. j?wau»lroly. en- purposes are largely domestic and Inter­ IS Mod* 48 Ov*Ttim* 78Gsor 3-18.294), Ing and marching in tomor- to remember to return all the for the Memorial Day holiday, feet wide. Ite hydrauUc system >13-24^5 81-71-7945* $6M.8B. tUed to tne ui nal, we seem not able to develop that - 19 For 49 Out 79 As raw’s parade, ara h> assemble Ubrary hooka so that they can The town office building and the automaticaUy cimtrols Ito dig­ SATURDAY 20 R*iotlonshipt 50 Enjoy 60 Loos* AQUARIUS Mrs. Williams stated that ^ sense of urgency tfaet the threat of an ex­ 21 Good 51 VorMy 81 And the elementary school he included with the rest. town dump wlU be closed Mon­ ging torque and speed accord­ Ja n . 20 '° i S riSSs*^rSpal)uSSlon ol Mwctol dto- ternal war emMgency posed. Nonethe­ m x 2) 22AlMod 52 Put 82Finn*r th m WlU a la o be a number of grounds at 9 a.m. tomorrow. 'Lunch Menus day oU day. The dump wUl be ing to the hardness of the less, we w ill not have success until we ef­ s ^ A u i.u , 23 Toko 53 Finollilng 83 tods miff; memorial donations and mail- open the rest of the week ac- ground. Once started, tbe ma­ pfttohes ner^Sn apo atoo peg^pvw. 24Piah 54T10 84 Footing Moe stated that aU those 'who The luncheon menu at the An- Phone 649-5201 fectively learn to apply science and tech­ a0-2T;i3-43l 2SBss» 55Your SSEsptctsd ins sent by Andover resldente, wUl be wearing uniforms such dover EBementaiy school for the cording to ite normal schedule. chine can be left to do Its work mo., as- » 8 M 1 4 8 ^ for typo- nology to bridge the social, economic 26Seh*(U * 56 Luck 8 6 P o 6 ^ ty who were not at home when os the scouts, tdKWld be in fuU foUowing week with the excep- Librarian Mrs. Adele Mac- efficlenUy by Itself. adrerttoe; 27 Bo 87Ns«l nntbloal errors aiipeerins In — and pobttcal gape which threaten us. To vwoo 57 In called on by a volunteer and A140AM4Vments rr***i^and vother aass»a reedtng•' natter tn The 28 Day SSProctlcol SSPteosing Mandiester- • ------EvenlnsIf______Herald. __ do this effectively, I am mote convinced 129M oy 59 You 89Rshwat1totlon were left addressed envelopes i 30Chor)gts 60 Sociobilily to send in their contrthutiana. | Cash & Carry Sobacriber to Los Angeles Hmes-Waahliic- each day that our approach must be In­ 90W<^^29 ton Poet Nows Serrlce. ______. ... ter-disciplinary in concept. We wlU need * a ^ @ G o o d Adretse C > H ^ Hie town was divided Into Pull service client of N. B. A, Service, me. '49 6: 1 PubUsbera . R e p w w e n ^ e a , — . .M a m e ^ science and technology, yes, but we wBl eight districts for the cancer Specials Shannon and Cullen Inc., Special A g n o y also need capitsil, social understanding, drive, each under its own cap­ — Now York, Chicago, P etroft and Boston. the arts, the humanlttes and a govern­ tain. District 1 workers includ­ 4 8 - 9 U A l f t T i rmiraiOTI ATTT>IT~BTIRBAU O P d R C U liA - ment both sensitive to the needs of our ed Mrs. Hurry Taylor, captain; TION8.______society and capable cf r«qiottdliig to Mrs. George Taylor and Mrs. Dlrotay advorttoliw dostog bows those needs. And, as must be obvious, as Political Parade L.E. Whitcomb. District 2 work­ THEItMOS IbrMonday p.m. TOto. R -BEST FURNITURE Pbr Tnesday — 1 p.jn. S^rday. much as any of these, we vdll need faith. ' (Oontimied from Page 8) ly rate of many — suggests the ers were Mrs. WUliams, ciq>- lYw Wednesday — 1 p.m. M W ^ . ta^; Mrs. James Foran, Hiss For Thursday — 1 p.m. ^esday As I say this, I recall the reoognlUcn 1 ^ . price that is being paid let- COOLER P ot M day — 1 p.m. Wednasday. have made of yotir qpecial technical employe and employer on the u„g ^tal quesUons of ec(»om lc Pamela Fhran, Mrs. J.C. Ctoasine^eadllne 4:8» p .m ^to b«h- competence which I have clasaifled as a fin t S»000 ' dollars o f. annual policy be settled in the p<^tical- Hutchinson, Mrs. PhlUp Maza- with 4-qt. HsteUng Jug rare commodity. It is, bewaver, not a earnings. WiHx the new M il, the ly insulated, tightly controHed nik. Hiss' Cindy Fora, Mrs. John permanent tidng — it cannot stand by it­ Hutchinson and Mias Susan and CARPET CENTER Friday, May 28 combined rate rises to almost en vlron ^t ^ the Ways and Reg. 36.95 NOW self — and because it cannot I eriiort you ^ Means Committee’s closed ses- W righ t. ^p er cent of the payrril on Too many members of to Ibok to the future. If you are to be ef­ Ciaptain cf District 3 waa Mrs. fective In meeting the chaHenges which wages up to the 10,000-doUar (ksigress have become accus- Eklitha Birmingham with work­ Red » White & Blue Sidewolk Sole What We’re Doing To Our State your education has prepared you to r, you level. tomed to letting WUbur kDUs do ers Mrs. John Frislna, Mrs. Arn T«e 1971 procees of law making and w ill know that you must constantly re­ That tax is teveled regaidleas tb b M n g and declrion- thur 'Von Roemer, Mrs. Roscoe 2395 new and attend your training. ’Ihose of the number of dependents or making on difficult questions, Talbot, IBss Karen Person, and law signing at Hartford has, to date, had SATURDAY, MAY 29th challenges are persistent. They will legitimate deductions the earn- But It also ' Indtcates some- Mrs. Lewis Brown. District 4 as Its major result the addition o t som e grow, and you must grow with them. Be- er has. It gives no real con- thing else: The peculiar Insensl- included Mrs. Ralph Briee, cap­ Sherwin legal houiB to r public drinking on Fri­ ym d that, you w ill find the need to Mend to his attUty to pay. Bte leading Democratic tain; Mrs. Watson Wadsvrortli, (ONE DAY ONLY) 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. your special skills Into the affairs of gov­ Mrs. Franklyn Fairclough, day, Saturday and Sunday nfgbts. TWs year, as the SrookingB P****' AJIW jrvw, oo -uo dentlal awlrants, to the eco- Mrs. Paul Jurovaty Sr., Mrs. Williams ernment, of management, cf social prog­ Photographed by Reginald Pinto ress, of international relations, if you are hare a fa ^ ^ Dtacuaring the In- John Phelps, Mrs. John Stocm This major, conatmctlvo Mep forward to succeasfuUy participate in maUng our STREET IN OLD WALLED CITY OF EVORA, PORTUGAL a hwba^ eaxni^ 7,W equities o t payroU taxing may and Mrs. Anthony Tlemann. ITEMS LATEX d ^ e u i a wife eainl^ 6.0W „„eh praise at for Connecticut is soon, apparently, to be political system overcome Its habits and Distriot 5 was headed by Mrs. dollars WlU pay 624 dollars in Georgetown cocktafl parties as toppled from Ite rank and place as prejudices. Kenneth Pelletier, captain; and payroll taxes (5.2 per cent). A a ringing denunciation of the HOUSE Mrs. Steve Ursln and libs. Rob­ the outstanding accompliriiment cf the For some yean now, I have been con­ fam ily wiUi the identical Income bombing ______in Laos__ or_____ the tactics cerned that an antipathy to science and Yesterdays ert Wey, 'wbUe District 8 includ­ new political order In OonnecUctot. from one wage earner would bo the” washlngt<« poUce. A PAINT tetimology would characterise itself by taxed only 40640 doUara (8.4 candidate who took a serious ed Mrs. Raymond Boisvert, Political Parade captain and workers Mrs. Gor­ a jHibllc demand for a technoHglcal aiow- ^ Herald Open Form p e r c e n t). look at our tax system might Top rank seems ready to go to a neat don MagDcmald and Mrs. Don- dewn hosed on the Idea that society need By DAVID S. BRODBR That Is one Inequity. Another even suffer a sudden shortage Reg. 9.19 Goi NOW agreement, reportedly Involving the nal Carlberg. gain the wisdom to use its technologjl' The Washington Post 25 Yean 4go is pointed up In the advisory of campaign contributors. But leadership of both parties In the Oeneral safely. You Miould not be'aurprised that District 7 was headed by Mrs. M orla^ Brothers receives councU study. When the social there are issues that can be such a alowdewn la now underway, since Dr. Cohen and The BlU PracUcaUy aU of the suggested Robert Cardlnl assisted by Mrs. Assembly And the state’s new Oovemor, WA6HINOTON — Among the not inngresslve, that has lUtte permission to erect new ga­ security, i^stem began in the raised, wrongs that can be you are directly effected. We have seen econqmles of group purMisses Richard Estabrook and District relattonsbty to aUUty to pay, rage, salesroom and service loaos, the S,000-doUar wage base righted, and votes that can be 77s many pubUcIy unexplored Is­ on a “gambling blU package” In which ahttost unbridled m ipport for research To The Editor. have been going on for years. 8 included Mrs. John (tori, cap­ sues buried In H.RJ, the wel­ and whose burden hits hardest atatlcn at Center and Broad all the earnings of aU earned by the poUtlclan who the bleeslngB of a state tottery, horse and development for more than twenty In last Saturday’s iasue of The Coordination among various tain; Mre. Robert Jones, ICra. ^ GAL. fare reform and social security cn low-and-middle-inoome wage- Sts. a t a c o s t o f $60,000. but 5 per cent of the workers. YdU deign to consider matters years. And now we find a feeling build­ Herald ydu published a soothing hotqdtals Is nothing new, and WUlism HMnhdi, Mrs. Walter - track betting, and off track bettiiig will earnBTfl* ^ S t Mary’s Church benefits by T8ie wage tax, In those days, that matter to wage-earners, ing within US that man can know, or at WU devised by Chairman W l- statement by Dr. Morris Cohen, Is being practiced. We need That tUs can happen without about $6,000 under will of Mias was, in effect, the same tax all be conferred on the state In one In­ least desire, too much for bis own good. bur Mills (D-Ark.) and the sponsor of Substitute BlU HB m o re o t this, but what we don't a murmur of debate or political on everyone. AMERICAN Life has become complicated, many peo­ House Ways and Means Com­ Debora McCann. 8702, e n titled “ A n .A c t C re a tin g need is another Commission to spired piece of leglslaticn. controversy indicates Just how John Moore of Parker St., ple get turned off, and in' ttia struggTo mittee, is a tax Increase on a Health Care Qommisstan’’, clog up the works. But in recent years, IMlUs and insensitive to real pocketbook dies; he was one of survlvcrs of We suspect it would be rather diffi­ that evolves, as we seek aoultion, the middle income famines that which stated my previous re­ Substitute BiU I S 87091 Is an bis committee have teen reluc­ FLAGS issues the Washington poUUc- Lusitania, sunk by submarine hope is built that, we can turn back to a will almoot double the slie of marks against the pn^>0Bal w e re Ul-advised effort to govern tant to push the wage-base ceU- THOSE WHO cult to find any serious student of Con­ lana have become, particular - during WW I, and an employe HOUSE iJfIS more pastoral kind ot Ufe. ’That this feel­ the second biggest bite on their “ premature” , since the BUl had health care in (Connecticut by iug up os fast as Inflation and ly those Democrats who control cf tbe Manchester Divlaloa of MOUNT necticut life who would rule that addl- ing is catching bold can be seen In those paycb3cks In Ithe next six years. not been comirieted at that time. edict I hope our representatives earnings have increased. Today, Congress and parade as the file Connecticut Power Co. In som ew h ere b etw een 20 and 25 WAHT THE LLAWJ A W N y e s tioaal hours public drinking, or wide actions by many cf our people, acting Under the bill, the social se­ D r. C otten 's w a s a aechman. pleted blU, issued yesterday, man, for example, gets just as QVAUTY IS C B 1892 The only circumstance which m i(^t alrflMds, roads and about anytUng that p re s e n t 7,800 t o 10,900 A d la r s Manchester Memorial Hospital It appears also'in the report of U g retirement benefits, as a 7,- TRASH CAN In any way upsets the natural state to a next year, with the result that 10 Yean Ago May 26th. Dr. Cohen was abso­ lead to such a judgment woidd be the the admlnlstratton’s Advisory lutely right! My first remarks 800-dollar-a-year-man, b u t the screeching halt. ■ the payiMl tax tor a man mak­ ’nils was a Sunday; The Her­ • LAWN • VEGETABLE • FLOWER SEEDS uncommon iT>eed with which the various Council on Social Security. But were premature. Had all the State Income Tex effective payroU rate on his in- | Reg. 3.98 NOW ing a bit leas than 300 dollars a ald ltal costs in Connecticut There are ways In which w/o CONTINUOUS FILAMENT $0.99 By contraat, that same attto ping up enthustaam tor a state 2 8 9 our technology aimed at the accomplish­ ers unaware of these issues. A Thought for Today been apparent at that time, my these Inequities could be reme­ wraker, supporting a wife and Income tax. There Is an alternative judgment. ment of humanistic endeavors. Now, I In part, the ftooU iigs studies reaction would have been far died. Pn^iosals have been made two children and taking only his Sponsored by the Manchester Ike pitch is that It wiU be a NYLON CARPETING 13 COLORS ^ son of the belief, that whatever our ehort- suggest, the social security tax stronger, far more oppoaed to to r yoajea to shift a portion of It denies that there Is any great pub-. standard deducUens, w ill have Council of Churches lot cheaper for the taxpayer comlngs, we cannot be hurt by knowing system lias been protected from the cMicept expressed. social security financing onto W e’re settins the pace with NEVER BEFORE — 100 SQUARE YARDS FOB LESS THAN $300.00 Uc need for such improvements in Oon- an in com e ta x b ill o f 1,063 d ol­ more—as much as we can possibly know debate by two carefully cuUvat- Nothing said in my original than a hiked sale# tax to 7 per the progressive income tax and lars this year, decreasing to 996 Hew many people have ex­ necti^t life. —about the true nature of our physical statement needs retraction.. in cent. off the regressive payroH tak. dollars with next year’s sched­ ed myths. One Is the notion that changed their life’s devotton In environment and the life isracess. To spite of the provision that the But if the argument Is going Without going that far, there FLOROK uled Income tax reductions. It Is a “social insurance” ms- different areas for a choice It maintains, to the cootnary, that such earn support so that we can build the tom, in ediich an Indlvidual’B State Healtti Dept, shall supply to be based on a savings to the could be a system of deductions Wtaat this example indicates vU ch they came to be persuad- manpower, the facilities, the equipment personnel to work tor ttve pro­ real estate property owner, it or Income tax credits that developments are going to mean sad, la that payrMl taxes are becom­ conlributionB (taxes) are held ^ waa even m oro desUable — r DRIVEWAY and to have' the resources to support posed Oommlssimi, it is obvious Is a faUacy. would help the low-income wage in trust for him and returned, “ Here is mtmey. If you will just sick things for Connecticut. them wUl not be on eai^r task. We will ing an increasingly important that the mountains of paper No matter what the final type earner who now is hardest with interest, as retirement • forget your scruples” — so the have to sharpen the procedures cf gov- part of our revome system — invMved wiU result in an en­ of income tax is enacted it wlU by payroU taxes. But Omgreas, i SEALER b en efits. temptation comes. ‘‘Here are And it holds that there is something enunent, of education, of democratic tn- yet one which has largely es­ larged payroll for the State and be an additional burden on the under Democratic control, has in fact, it is not It is, rather, prestige, power, popularity, sUtuttons and of the marketplace. Due to caped debate, either in political done exactly the (^poslte In re­ 5 G o Ro m regrettably reckless and imprtncipled In a system of transfer payments government. If you will under­ a blizzard of staUsUcB to be sup­ property owner, and far heav­ the accdtoratlng tempo of our'tim e, de- campaigns or In the tax-writing plied by our Hospital adminis- cent years, cutting Income tax­ Bread new 1971 OSo^, 6 eyllnder, am posh whatever new order of politics It is ■ to currmtly retired people, fi­ cut this friend or this associ­ ier than any hiked sales tax. dstons w ill often have to be made with Ways and Means Committee. trators and their staffs. I be­ es and raising payroU taxes, bottoB iadlo, air flow heater, backet aeahw toU LARGE SELECTION OF nanced almost oitirely by taxes ate’’—BO tbe temptation comes. under the smoke - screen of which b«s suddeidy brought Connecticut great rapidity and their consequences Unbeknownst to most Amdri-' and thereby making the vdiole wheM eovere, 3 qreed eleetrlc wtoen and wash­ portunity for presenting POST MW M IL of systems analysis tor major social en­ mates that between last year the wage-earner, because the good life which God has destin­ Down Ettpenses AU Along the profit hospitals? The record amendments to it on the House encountering, from the public Itself, deavors and proMems to identify and and next, payrMl taxes alone amount the em]^oyer pays in ed will come only as people Are L in e . . . shows quite the contrary. flo o r. some slight signs of uneaslnees. structure the crucial technical questions w ill ris e 12.S bilU cn (B ) d ollars, first devoted to Him and then, EL d : OoUina social security taxes he would This BlU aspires to nothing This example — and It Is on- for Investigation. We w ill have to inno­ while individual and corporate otherwise by putting into the within the embrace of that de­ that Is not being handled now We aU know, even those who sure back­ vate new experimental concepts in order income taxes combined will p aych eck . votion, seek to fulfill their by existing organizations, by the Thanks Garden OhdM to derive meaningful data from complex grew by only 7.2 billion (B ) dol­ TUs is worth emphadxlng. .needs, seek to do their work, ing these measures with thedr special existing OsmecUcut Hospital 8' SECTION, 2.RAIL ecological eystoms and from the dynam­ la rs . seek to know their loves and To the Editor, When the social security system Association, by various exist­ personal enthustasms — that we are ic interrelationahips of urban society. What this means is that we lead their Uvea. “Ifim only The City Beautiful (Committee began 86 years ago, the tax ing regional supervisory bodies, with about to do Connecticut no favor. No one Ongoing tedmotoglea win have to be as­ are becoming increasingly de­ rate waa one per cent each on ahalt thou serve.” takes this onMrtunity to thank I END TABLES pendent for . federal finances cn Chaplain Russell E. Camp, by existing ’Trustees and Admin­ the Mancheitter Garden Club thintis It Is really going to be good sessed for unwanted side effects or un­ UNE POST the payroll tax, a tax that la (See Page Seven) Connecticut State Prison istrators ot individual hospitals. and tbe 'Perennial nantors Gar­ imoiiHiMr foreseen trends and consequences. New for us, to .have this put over ca us. technologies w ill require comparison as den (Club for their contributions • COFFEE TABLES to their cost-boiefit retunis as weU as to In helping to underwrite the pur­ Once, instead of lying down and play­ detect the impacts we may want to chasing of Norway q^nica seed­ PLANTS,,. • RECLINERS ing possum, the state would have a con­ avoid . lings which were presented to $' Manchester’s sixth graders in science which would be up and fighting. We will probahiy have to redefine B ia>-«N K —WHITE pubUc and parochial schools O ER A m iM S progress as a much more sopUsUoated Fischetti during the Arbor Day cere­ and intricate concept ttian mere change. NO MONEY DOWN - FREE UY-S-WAY - MASTER GHAR8E monies as were conducted at OUR per sect. I believe there will 'he more of an ele­ Bowers Elementary School. SUCTION ment of renewal—even revlvai— In soci­ FREE DEUYERY ON ALL ORDERS SIM AND OYER No Face Without the c«»pei«itton of ■ isr ety. I have the hope we w ill want to re­ civic groups such as the above As we read the advertisements, the build ciUea, transportatloa systema and lO Y 10* SECTION. 2-RAIL mentioned, It would be Impos­ HLTIUZIR environments to eliminate Ihe awful latest gamUlng device has every con­ sible to follow through with the problems of human cengeation, for I with ceivable part of the game, wdiich is draw community betterment projects UME cannot beUeve that yro are just going to Win A Prize-’-No Purchase Necessary — Ad ulfs Only of this nahire. poker, except one. move out of those cities, as we must if LINE POST (Cordially, DUST AND SPRAYS { they continue to deteriorate ett their TOHIJITO PUmTS ONE ENTRY PER FAMILY — WINNER NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WINl It is a draw poker machine, electrical­ W. Howard Baldwin, MJC., present pace. We will want to restore DRAWINGS AT: ly operated. Oet down to your shirt and mnintnin vsluss whlch were not rec­ Arbor J>ay Prognun ognised until they were lort. SATURDAY, 11 AJd. WIN A RECLINER sleeves, rolled up, and a can of beer, FTBATTTRF OF THB WBBK: ______In summary, science and technology SATURDAY, 12 Noon WIN A BEAN BAG CHAIR and a few chtpe, and press a lever, EUONYMUS ALATUS COMPACTA pose a challenge which can be met at SATURDAY, 1 P.M. WIN AN END TABLE (YOUR CHOICE) and the machine deals and shows you Current Quote* least perttaUy with greater -understand­ WINGED EUONYMOUS SATURDAY, 2 P.M. WIN 2 END TABLES (YOUR CHOICE) your five card hand. Then, as you try in g o t science and technology. At ttie “It’s my pleasure to remind per sect. same time, we cannot forget that knowl­ Shrub with wide, (»rky 'wings or ridges along twigs. Unique rose-s(»rlet SATURDAY, 8 P.M. WIN A SWIVEL ROCKER to improve It for the final betting, there the audience that U you: see one edge must be the creature and not the fall coloration. Dwarf fonn make a good hedge which Q C VBI director you’ve seen ’em ENTRY BLANKS MAY BE PICKED UP AT OUR STORE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY are buttons you press, to draw the num­ master of mankind. TU s is In the highest aU”—Mhrtha MUchell, wife of requires little pruning. 6’ 10' SECTION, 3-RAIL ber of additional cards you need. tradition of our human heritage. I hope the attoHMy general, JMdng ir'k ir k'k'kii'kk k k 'k irk ’k ii'k idrk'kir'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k’k'k^ 'k you will find great personal fulfillment with J. SIdgar Hoover, the na- with That seems to be just about everything and satisfaction In both applying and tton’s first and dUy FBI direc­ managing the knowledge you have be- one needs in order to ait down and pro­ tor, at a dinner In ha- honor. COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH THOSE OF ANY QUALITY FURNITURE STORE LINE POST gim to acquire; and that the environ­ “Suoh tender and chivalrous ceed to lose one's shirt during a tingling JO H N B ment of a gronring public understanding concern for the weU bring of the WE AKE tOO&TED IN aU-nigtit session. of science and tecbnology ahoiiKI in­ female half of the adult iwpulsr crease yqur abiUty to make a lasting tioti cannot be translated Into le­ Everything except one thing which, contribution to human progress. — gal restrictions on employment NURSERY THE COLONIAL SHOPPING PLAZA for many pteyers, is the real fun, and FROM A COMMBNCBSMBNT ADDRESS o*tunlties tor women.” —Jus­ Whltham“"“" ROUTE 83 VERNON. CONN. 875^9 $1 DEMVERED AT CASE WESTERN RE­ tice Raymond E. Petwa of the -emaw wrru u s- ___ skill, of the game. BOUTE 8, BOLTON—69# YDS. n O M BOLTON NOTCH—•4$:-7SM SERVE UNIVERSITY BY ttMHIO Q. (California Supreme Oourt, writ­ OPBN DAILY oad SUNDA.T M iS e-n U . BVBNINO tffl 8 PJL OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY tIH 9 P.M. DADPARIO, aULF h WESTERN PRE­ ing a unaitimoas opinion that per sect. The machine doesn’t wear, and the CISION ENOINBERING COMPANY, struck down a state law banning machine can’t see, a poker face. MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT '—Mou ASotiTM mmmL mswj, lady bartenders. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY* MAY 28, 1971 PAGE NINE - ...... ■ _ II I I . 1, I « MANCHESTER EVENING HERA1J&, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 2 ^ 1971 PAGE EIGHT OouncU on Aging be at least Bolton Health Care Center Bill 60 y e a n old. Fenum Shoneski To Seek Election Royal Honor -Require persons uatog sec- Mother Vows CorreeXion ^hand ambulances and hears­ An error in a headline in LONDON (AP) — ()ueen PLAZA DEPT. STME Memorial Day EUzabeto H has iqipotnted Passed, Sent to MeskiU es far other purposes to change yesterday’s Herald said that As Eighth District Director PTO /May Dissolve the appearance of the vehicles (We Hav« A Nottai Te Pleaso) Lester Pearson, (hmartian and a O b itu a ry Fight to Keep teachers rejected a $291,000 / Rites Feature HARTFORD (AP)-A major without content, > theyXcould not be mistaken B . BODOLB TPKE. (Next to Peptthur M kt.) salary award by a narrow prime minister from 1668 to blU aUowtog toe establishment m®®^ ttat would remove toe arigtoaUy were, imillam J. Slconcskl of 26 Bol- 1988, a member of toe Order tfpRN vote. ‘Ihe vote, taken at a llster Bt., a lifelong, resideni of cf nonprofit, group-practice on®-hour-^y. Uml^tlcn on wnai>^y onguuuiy Adopted Tot Talk by Steele For Lack of Leader o f M erit. V teaching to foreign languages to meeting of school staff mem­ the north end, has declared his health care centers to Ooanecti- 4,,^ schools. Nocturnal use the moon 1 ! bers in the Manchester High The Order of Merit, Brit­ Thomas R. Graham Dies, (Continued from Page One) Mayor Frank i. McCoy will candidacy for the vacant poal- The Perant-TJeacber Oiganl- day. The of$ic« wUl be open OPEN THI S fONHHfT School cafeteria, was over­ ain’s most exclusive order, cut — a once-ccntroverslal Issue Action waa postponed on a *® ® beacon; itey maintain a be the main qieaker and UB. tton on the Bighth UtiUUes Dis­ setiim may be tUaeolved next Tuesday from 9:80 ^m. to 1 is restricted to 24 memben —was passed without opposttion proposed amendment to toe talrly straight m u m by yeaixrid adopted daughter, Lin­ whelmingly agidiist accept­ EVERYIODY IS PLEASED Served Police 22 Years Rep. Robert H. SteMe, the guest trict. weoir, for lack of a preeldait to P-”"- at a time. They are choseii by toe house ThunMiay and sent ■tato cimstitutlon which would fo g th^unor Imag^ at a fixed da. ance of the award, the result Nar of arbitrators’ recommenda- speaker at Memorial Day cere* He Is the only candidate so serve next year, aectvdtog to . “ *«**«> “ y® for exceptional achievement to toe governor for signing,' aUow 18-year-olds to vote to ®h8te ®*> the eye’s AT PLAZA When asked to what lengths to some field of endeavor. R ^ . Morris Oohen, D-Koom- state and local elections and tional Geographic Thomaa Rusadl Graham, SO, tlons. The narrow vote In­ monlM to be held Monday at fa r in the election which wlU she would go to keep Lenore, be held at the annual meeting "•****’ PU'iJlclty gggt gm thle week. AU prop- Present members Include field, who Is co-chairman cf the eUmtoate requirements that vot- a member ot the Mancheater volved was on in-which the Grove HU Cemetery. teachers accepted a group of June 28 at the Bentley School erty on wMtto taxes are unpaid painter Graham Sutherland,’ Public Health and Safety Com- om be able to read EtogUsh and Polioe Depaitmoit for 32 yean, Jean DeMaitlno said, '.‘Ask any Memorial Day activities wlU Mra. Warner eaye that a gen- non-salary items. on HbUlster St. The vacancy is wUl be Uened June 28. ’Ihe Uen sculptor Heiiry Moore, com­ mlttee, said such centen offer t>« o* "good moral character.” died this moinliiK at hla home mother to what end she would begin with a memorial service eml meeting wiU be held Wed- f-e he and 0 ner cent poser Benjamin Britten and toe possibility of less expenflve Questions developed over due to the recent death of Jo­ nesday at 8 pen. at toe elemen- at M Raddinc Bt. after a lone go in order to keep her child." at 7:80 a.m. at St. Bernard’s seph Harrington. tary Mbool to make the decl- tat®rest wUl he charged through Sir imuiarn Walton. Nobel medical care. amendmmenta offered on short WE HERE AT THE lORIAL CORNER STORE HOPE ALL OUR FRIENDS AND . H ie D^MartinoB said their Prize-wtontog scientist Doro­ GUSTOS HAVE A NfOB DAV MBSIORIdL DAY. Illness. Church. Harold Osgood .whose three- “ The costs of health care con- notice by Deputy kOnority Lead- New Torfc house .was for sale The parade wlU form at 8:10 tton. thy Bod$^dn, , and Biarl ttoue to rise so steeidy as to ®r (3er^d F. Stevens, and toe “ He was an outsU^idlne poUoe year term runs out this year Is officer," PoUce Chief James M. and they considered themselves P olice Log a.m. on Kingsbury Ave. and wOl Mr. and Mra. WlUlam Vogel Mountbatten, toe mUltary price these services beyond the matter wee put off until nhxt UNUKE^THER STORES, WFLL IE expected to seek re-election. It Reardon said of Graham, “and permanent Florida residents. start along the line of march a t. are presently serving as co-pres- ®*?.®®f hero. reach of any of our ritizens,’’ Tueeday at the earliest is also believed that all of the ldei&. Mrs. Vogel%ho Is also dover dump ^ be c l ^ he was dedicated not only to his The tanned couple was weU Ai>n.rwMi 9 »•"»■ ■*«P ^ **• said Cobon. , It is important to have full wife and famUy, but to the polioe composed during the news 87 o f 88 St- Bernard’s Cem etery: the ofticera of the district wiU run nomlnettog committee chair- J?"" **‘* M®*"®®*®* Group practice had been attendance on propoaed consti- Raymond R. Jone^T, of m ^ proceed to man, asks that anyone willing service as w^. We are all agalrr. frewned on for many yean by titianal amendments, because OPEN NALL DAY sexTy to lose him,” (Reardon add­ ‘^*NA now eT Yorit M.WM state mai|s.f1oV with af- lirOVearove «UHill I WnCiewhere the«IO ■peektiig Speaking of his main reason to serve as president contact her Beard Gifts of Blood toe Connecticut Medical Society they must get favorable votes court Justice Thursday found breach «>* P«®«* ^ program wUl take place. for running, Skoneskl said he before next w e A ’s meeting. ^IgA ,^^00! drama club ed. Nomtositlons wlU also be taken and the parent American Mjedl- by at least two-thirds toe mem- Police Capt George Ifc- the DeMartlnoe In contempt.contempt, temoon Btol^ ------Sadlak wlU reotte linr JjOSS F ligh t M orh wants to do everytWhg he can wiU present "Harvey” tonight Carry Malaria cai Association, but not a voice hers cf each chamber—not Just Justice Charies Loreto made the turbance. Court date Jun 21 from toe floor. Caughey said, “It’s a blow to coin’ssoln’s Gettysburg Address and O O to maintain the IntegritjIntegrity of the WUHam SksnesM and tomorrow night at 8 p.m . to was raised against the blU two-thirds of those present—^to MEMOmAL DAY lose him, he was dedicated.” finding after being informed the Scott Novak, Logan’s Memorial LL Fred P. Leonard, in, aoa district He Is agalndt, as are The p ro’s a ^ ttea have been o,e aU-purpose^m of toe ele- Across Pacific Thursday. order to survive. Joining the (Manchester Police DeMartince had moved from Guy A. Day dr^rs.'Both are RockvUle „f L to i. (ret.) Ihped’p. Leon- aU the directors on the board jent of the now defunct Man- meny and varied this year, ac- _entarv s S ^ UNTIL MIDNIGHT! charged with cording to Mra. Warner. In ad- "®°°®*-,, ATLANTA, Ga, (AP) _ Oohen said It had toe backing Bills passed by toe House and Department as a supernumer­ their Brobldyn home to the Ml- day morning on w !’ Middle __ Big?______studer^.____ Prayers, ard of_ 78______Mnuntsin ____ Rd.,, ___ has___ new, , the. consolidaticnmnaniiaaiian of the cheater..k.o,.. ImprovementTn,nmvement Assocla-AaaocU- _ ,o f toe Oonnectlcut Hospital As- sent to toe Senate would: ary in 1948, he was named a pro- a ^ by the Rev. Anthony ICtch- legged his 1,000th flight hour in Bigi^ District seww faculties which worked for devel- HeraU Transfiialoiis cf Wood from sol- scclation. -FbrWd toe sale ot Uquor on ordered the De- Tpke. Court d ^ .^ 14. and science fairs, the organiza- Mancheeter______Evening__ If we can hdp to make your day a little better, well be very happy indeed. batianary member of the force AOCIDENTB ell of St Bernard’s Church. g. crusader Jet, the Navy has with the town’a opment of the North Bind. He tion prepared and distributed correspondent JadHh dlers returning from Vietnam in other action, toe House Independenite Day and Labor In 1940, and a regular poUce- MartiiKM arrested and sen- Taking part Jn _the^ announced. *1116 milestone came Skoneskl was on the Blghth retired from the State Comp- On New State Rd. near W. the school calendar. Donohue, tel. 849-8469. have given a 19-year-old auto passed and sent to toe governor Day by any outlets other than We Have A Full Line of tenced to 30 ^ Middle Thke Wedensday after- wlU be the RockvUle I ^ ^ ^>rfl, whUe Leonard was fly- District board for a year be- troUer’s Office last year after man in lOSO. TlNnaaa K. Graltm* A program of revolving class­ accident victim and a heart sur- a hUl that would protect tenants bars, Uverns or restaurants. He not only attended poUce were found within New York involved cars town ofllcl^, ^ g^th the VFP-68 detaclmumt ginning in 1961 and served as 16 years there. WhUe employed ____from ha'vtog their heat, hot wo- —Require that half of the fu- CMaAa * 88\AJ6 t __ . . . - su# * . . ...m ___«..>■_ ___ _lae. aw,.-. Wa eama mSACrfflAnL room exbibita from toe Lutz geiy patient malaria, says the . .. ^ „ - - PHMIO SUPPLIES, SOLO OUTS, FRftNKFURTS, schools in West Hartford and of the Manchester Rod and Gun State, driven by Robert A. Whitehead members of the variow service ygg Franklin D. Roose- insurance commissioner. WhUe with the state he was president ® ^ __ _ . ter or electricity ♦'‘■-"•sturned nwoff tore members of the Advisory the Junior Museum to Manclvester Quinzel Quits U.S. Onter for Disease Oontrol. Manchester, but also a Bomb Club and a member of the Jacob Fuchsberg, lawyer ^ Richard Rd. and Jrtm ®y*^f'**“**i^, Mediterranean. there he pressed for reform in M Chapter 66 of the Connecticut has also been initiated by this DinMsal School, the Hartfmd British - American dub. Wash- representing the D eM m i^ In Murphy of Bast Hartford. Ularie*. Boy and Gin ucouu ‘Skip’ Leonard got his the organisation of the dls- State Employes. Both patients responded to ------HMWUIMI ROLLS, SODA KNUDSEN N E OREAH, years' PTO, School Early Institute of------Criminology, - and - a ington - Social------Club, RockvUle New York, ~»dread A a stitiement statement «.• 1-u- ^ glvlc groups. pUot’s Ucenae at the University trict’s Insurance, particularly a Long active In sports, Skones- malaria treatment, the weekly The group arranged to have FRUIT, MILK, DREAD, RROCERIES, CHAROOAL JuvenUe training course as weU Lodge of Elks, and the Inters from the couple sayi^ ^ y be- A pickup truck which left the Junlor. vtee OTHimander Rob- ^ gouthem Callloniia, where he unification of the various poU- kl Is commissioner of the C2iar- BALITMORE (AP) — Quinzel CDC report said Thursday. as several Red Cross courses. state ' Fokce Officers Assocla- Uevod they could a hearing scene damaged a car driven ert Cane of the American Le­ graduated in 1966 arith a degree cies under one agent. ter Oak Midget and Pony Foot- The CDC said the 19-year-Old | Ho was born April 8, 1921 in Oon. In Florida on the merite of the by Thomas R. Creegan of 1 gion is chairman of the com- in industrial engineering. He re­ Skoneskl is the former presl- boU dm ference Inc. I from Bcluxd Thursday, and offi- girl develtq>ed chills and fever Manchester, son of the late He is survived by his wife, case. ceived his Jet traiiring at the U.S. plajvmmd equipment, and ar- ^ Maryland Ponlton- after her release from the hospl- | I n d A t A t R n iid s o n (YOU NAME IT) ranged such social functions as tal, and she was readmitted as | Thomas D. and Sarah Farquhar Jennie Klaboeh Graham; and The DeMartlnoe had lost a ’TiUie. early this mom- ,“**f?*i *?^_i*^***"^li Navy Auxiliary Air Station In w- t • a A A G A A h | h in too school Christmas party, Prison authorities said Cov­ a malaria patient. I c e C r e a m (^aham, and had Uved hero aU two sons, Ames R. Graham and series of court decisions J**® w gt 12:16. w o t ” Meridian, Hiss. T / f Tlfltt AfinOUnCeS parent-teacher luncheon -and of his Ufe and graduated frmn Thomas C. Graham, both at unwed natara^ mother, Olj^ ------John Marriial of the VFW. VFP-68 detachment, in- OXJBOjero M j fill ^fllllfll ington, a 26-year-old Inmate Some of toe blood she had re­ _ graduated —______^ n ru nm o.lt also provld- ^ ^ AliNlrllV\withoursl&iE^ nOVWlTy Manchester achoola. During home. Scarpetta, 82. ’Ihoy were under Caldor, last night at 6:60, OoaOnwiXUm eluding Leonard and four other ceived had been donated by a World War n, he served with Funeral sMvlces will be ’Tues- court order to return the year- ^ conislon involved cars driv- Five young people of TriMty pUot.,* recently won the golden Third State Party Aim ?®'^®®' *®» to Spring HUl soldier who hod returned to toe th * ntlroel* t i t miAiftMit 1 the Army as a staff sergeant In day at St. Mary’s Episcopal old Lencxe when Fuchsberg an- James G. Mcalees of Lutheran Church, who tallbodk award for carrier land- Elementary SebotA to lecture UA. a year earUer from Viet­ dbwTltown maneh88t«pj MEMORIAL the European Theater. Church at-a time to be announc- nourused Monday they had left gogty Windsor, and Joseph S. ^ e ^ e d In a two-yew c«- excellence during the flrst A t ^ Day at the dose of ewh g ^ ^ dangerous drugs, nam, where malaria is a com­ By 8al Church, Kan- tery. KOss Scarpetta, a native of ------firmed U»^SnkltaRooeevelt A statewide taxpayers’ group, which towns will be tovolved to ships to ®®”^ :„ P-m., so did the prisoner, bolt- service. The five wUl receive ______A successful hHT from two guai^ and a fel- m alaria. Chester Lodge of Masons and Friends may caU at the Colombia, South America, gave j^t South Main and Sunset , ------headed by E. Steve Pearl of toe third party campaign.” n y lo n c o r d Hs Friloimraft Club. He be- Hblmea Fhneral Home, 400 tjte baby up for adoption four gts., yesterday afternoon at Hriy Communion for the first best value to any of the T 1 i 1*AA C ^ llA lirtlP n Manchester, armoutuied yeater- He said that toe new party **‘® tomate arid ruimtog away A 46-year-old man who re­ we know tolaa d a ^ toe W longed to the Rite Main St., Sunday and Monday jays after her birth. She con- 6 ;4b, g collision Invrived cars time on the following Sunday, a ^ c e s ®* th® from toe school, authorities re- •up^lea — toe CORNER STORE ceived five units of vtoole bipod A iU kT V :? V jU C IU S U S ^ u U.forming a third will bo called toe "Oonaervatlve Theae classes will provide toe bodies of Hartford, The Con- from 3 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tends die changed her mind and driven by PhllUp R. Romano- Members of the class w : party and that It wUl run candl- Party,” and that Its strongest ported. during open heart surgery de­ different sizes 852 MAIN ST., CORNER OF HAYNES necticut Consistory ' (S3nd do- The family suggests that arry to got Lenore back several wicz of 28 Village St., and Elizabeth Schmidt, Diana wn- Named T o FiU mardiera for Bolton’s new;y- The penitentiary said toe es­ veloped fever, weakneM and dates to at least 12 Connecticut support is to toe “ southern part formed fife and drum corps. gree) of Norwich, Sphinx Tern- memorial cortiributions may be igter. David A. Dwyer of 409 Spring decker, Robert Dumachat, Jo- cities and.towru this November, of the state.” cape was the first Involving anemia whUe to toe hoepltaL „ >/4 lb. tpoolz 00® You’ll Always Find Us Open When The Others Are Closed. ple HbrtnA ot Hartford, Omar made to the Book of Remom- Spenco-Chr^ agency gt. *®I* Merten and ’nmothy Oyr. School Posts Mra. Warner notes that 460 about 200 convicts to a special One of his donors, another sol­ The ’Paxpayera’ Association of “We do not have a two-party families are tovolved to the Shrine Club of Manchester and brance of f*-,**^ " says that while Mias Scarpetta ------As partiri ^ ------„ ------program allowing them to parti­ dier who had been to Vietnam, Three department heads have Connecticut, saying it la dls- system to Connecticut, but cno school system, and hopes that the Police Square Chib. Clnirch or to the Amwlcaii can- ggjgg |g geveral times to discuss At B. Middle ’Tpke. and Ver- requirements for conflnnati^ been appointed at Manchester- gruntled over sigiui that taxes party with two factions, that cipate to outside activities such probably had had malaria, toe one wtU find toe time and inter­ , He also was a past president cer Society, 287 B. Mam (ggUmjg gtxxit the baby, die non Sts., yesterday afternoon members of the class preparM school as succeasors to re- will go up this year and charg- merely debate over the kind of as lecturing. (3DC said. est to direct tiie PTO next year. " never formally asked for her re- at 6:16, a collision mvolved speeches on various subjects chairmen, and a new ing Hint “g pgrlay on taxes at taxes to Impose, but never seem Memorial Day Service turn. • driven by Wayne A. Glrouard gnd read them to toe cotigre- gujgnjgp schoed dtcectoy has the request of Gov. Thomas to call for cute m spending," The Bolton Volunteer Fire Mis. BlaHan L. Dunn Maurice W. Blee Under current New York of Bast Hartford, and Eugene gatlon during both church m w - named. Mesklll will lead to The Great Pearl charged. Depeurtment and its Women’s Mra. Lurie Dunn, W, Maurice Walton Rice, 67, ‘ State law, adoption U not final C. Woodward of Lebanon, Ices last Sunday to place of toe g ^ Cwnpromlse,’ which wUl to- He said of MeskUl, “Our new AuxlUary will hold a Memorial o f Bloomfield, sister o f M rs. CSromwell, a Manchestw i until six months after the „ „ _natur-____ regular sermons. chalrmaif of toe mathematics elude a state income tax," is governor has not done what he .Day service Sunday at 7 p.m. John Rottoer of Manchester, live, died gi mother surrendms the baby. On Broad St. near Green Man- Jime Graduate department, succeeding Mra. criltog for a return to “too two said he would do as a candidate at the firehouse. Marching died Wednesday at a Blooroflrid sex Memorial Midair Scaipetta’s lawyer, Jo- or BWd., pesterday afternoon at Mias Heather E. Sommsn, Rosamond M. Toomey. party system to Connecticut.” emd instead has foUowed the We’re setting the pace wKh convalescent hosplteL town. ^ was Zalk, said be would file a 6:40 a collision tovolved con datghter of Mr. and Mn. John Lawrence B. Perry wUl be Pearl, who claims hla assocla- disastrous spend-and-tax p8U- practice will be held to prepa­ The funeral was held this af- Mts. Ardelle A. Hayward Rice. petition to Family nnm-tCourt here drividriven by David H. Orondto M F. Sonunen of Trout Stream of the science depart- tion has about 60,000 members, cies of his predecessor.’’ ration for Monday’s parade at temoon at toe Weinstein Moctu- Mr. w born S ^ . 9, custody o f the chUd. 21 Angel St., and $niUam L. Dr., wUl graduate next Frid^ ment, succeeding George A. ------1:80 p.m. Sunday. AuxlUary ary, 640 Farmington Ave.^^^ ^ toS he^Tta turn can ask SoSulote of 98 Columbus St. members should report to the Potterton. » ostom ^ guidance fmm the firehouse at 9:80 a.m. Monday. lord. Burial WlU be to toe to a n - ^ ^ for action to a Florida court. O O Sm A lN TS bumham. Mass. Francis M. GulUvan wUl bo university of Connecticut. He DAYS! uri Synagogue Cemetery, Weto- years. Ite was employed m a ______A basebaU glove was stolen Tax CoDeotor FINAL The Academy to a coo«luc^ chairman of the Industrial arts has also completed 80 addltiomd ersfield. Inspector at the Feim from beneath toe Bennet Junior F ire Calls Mrs. Mhrilyn Mocnan, tax col- f ------^ tional boarding day department, succeeding WU- hours of graduate wnn1ist f In it dustrial arts as OCSC and East­ two' brothers; six other slstera; yean before he retired to 19^- J O lin ia llS l U H II morning. cUc University, Washington, j,' rsmtfiAM will be be closed Monday and Wednes- ern Connecticut Stake O olite. The town firemen were called and four grandchildren. ge was a mbmer of Washlngtm R -^in:***,* ^ . ^ 1. summer school director- out for an electrical short on a PHASE FOn PRBERRED MEMBERSHIPS Memorial Werit wlU be ob- Lodge of Masons of Cronu^. iY a ilie » JA C C ipiC ni- He has taught 16 years to Sometime Wednesday night Emblem dub ,,, ^ native of BeUows Falls, Vt, Manchester, during which' he stove wire .at 66 Ckstway Rd., Brand new 1971 lim mla 4 Door, 869 V8, taibo served at toe home of her sister, and Watotagton SJnlirtl A leh in three vtooels ami tiros were Mrs. Bari GarrHy 9«S to- j j . graduated from Thayer introduced an industrial arte this morning at 10:88. hydramattc, power disc brakes, power steering, Mn. WAwjAmte Horn of 60 Wood- aisi Columbia CouncU, RASM, vFI 0 C I1 0 1 a r »Ilip am push button radio, acoent moldings, full wheel course for mentally retarded The BSij$hto District men put W a n t s d ' Rd., West Hartford. both to Middletown. .i j. w,-.. — coven, back-im llglita, idr flow beater, 2 ^eed '^1 ’Ihe fi»"«»y suggests toat.^me- Survlvocs, besides his arlfe, A $800 icholanhlp created students. He has also taught an out a car fire yesterday motn- eleotrlo wipers and washers, and many more ex­ adult education course to pew- ing at 10, at Woodbridge iSt Clean, Late Model morial aomtUons may be inade are three daughters, Mn. Ar- tfala year by toe Oonneotleut Sometime y esterd ^ slx ^ day attoe Elks Ca^jj^House. ^Xge*^^l962*aSi^ a^^^ra tras. teratolthing three years. and Green Rd., and a fire to to a charity of toe donor’s dalle R. Bdwaidson, Mrs. Anna chapter of Sign Delta Chi, pro- anlum jriants were BtMittn stolen #Mun frnn other officers Installed .were: ^ - — to 1968 from Hlllyer Ccrilege, Sullivan Is a member,of toe a Junk oar to Hickey’s Grove USED CARS choice. R . OUsri and (Mrs. Jacqueline fesslonal Journalistic society, a grave maricer to "toe West MIS. Kay since merged with the Unlver- R- Hein, aa of CromweU; a sto- V. V Cemetery. PTA, Manclvester Federation of last night about 8:80. Top Prices Paid ’ 3 4 8 5 - * * * * PhlUp Raymond of was awarded last night to a ^ »*ty o* Hartonl. Teachers, Connecticut Indus------— ter, Mrs. vlc(B president; Mrs. James Jo- ^ j. _ m em ber of I&q>pa For All Makeb! Rec Board West Hartford; and seven Guilford man. Tires were slashed last night sephlac,__ .-j financialA...... I ..1 secretary;sAAMAfaw. _ ^ IS „ H iwmn»- men wxriAtv in edu. trial Arts Association, and for­ Carter Chevrolet grandchildren. The award, presmted to Rob- on two cars parked on Biwuce Mrs. William Davis, treasursr; mer treasurer of Epsilon Pt CARTER CHEVROLET 1229 MAIN ST., BIANCHBSTER Funeral iMvlces will be to­ ertrt Allen (louge. was created_by at. Mra. Theodore Ventura, record- Tau, national industrial arts A bout Town Agrees On morrow at 2 p.m. at Rose IBU toe society as a means of “en­ The Rev. Norman Swenson, C O .. INC. Golf Need FunMral Mome, 860 Efan St. couraging Joumallam as a ea­ ____ - . . Mato Teacher peutor of ’Trinity Covendht 1229 Main , St. Rocky rail. Burial will be in rner.” It la awarded to a Con­ Town Takes Bid taiy; Mrs. Leonard Metorlch, Chatfirid, a teacher of mathe- church wlU conduct a service Phone 649-5288 in a letter «mt yeirterday to R <-e ^ Memorial Park. necticut resident comirieting his chairman of truateea; Mi». El- matica and science at Bennet Sunday at 8:16 a.m. on radio Junior year at a four-year col­ toe Board of Directors., toe Park On Sewer Work ton CampheU, martiHUl; Mrs. co^. Junior High School for two station WINF. The program U lege and who has “demonstrat­ William Peaae and Mrs. Jean y^ar,, received a BA to hlatory sponsored by toe Manchester and Recreation Advisory Com- ed a sincere desire to pursue a The Addison Construction mission unanimously recom- ns*al tome to n ^ ______Corp of Glastonbury is the ap- Carter, aealatant marahalls; rw#«szioi« am. and BngUah from St. Anselm'a OouncU of Oiurches and the „ .^ A a the r « gnHAMnn« g o tar- A Masonic aorvlee will be held career to Jounudiam.” , John Lemek. chaplain; Sue^MimcheMer. N.H., to Qergy Association of Manches- FLOWERS FOR MEMORIAL DAY Gouge 81. was one of fiV(e pa*«nt low bidder for toataUar ^ ^ 7 ,^ ' omtotot; *>clatlon two yeara. ward on the aqMnskm of the tonight at 8 at the funeral homo. 1960, and a masters degree to ter. finalists screened by a commit- tton «< *'*J®*1, ^'****fied sanita^ Jones, press corrie- P«rry w m bom taN ^u^ education from Fitchburg ----- Mancheater Country Club. Arndveraasy Maa._____ toe headed___ by Paul__ Gou^ of »®wer and house laterals in ^ historian, and. N.H. A g ra ^ ojt WW. bo re- (Maas.) Teachers’ CoU^e to Francis DellaFera, director Secretary (Rol^ Bleller ^ d ,^SSd “^ v e S ^ Maaa N^Havm R eglstorl^ Greenwood. St. Paul, and Mai^ J^7“DtonrRcm«rMto’ oelved a BS to m9 and a m » IMl. cf toe Crestfield Country Home tola morning ^ for Catherine Sommervllle wlU «,lection was made by toe ch^ ion Dra. The company’a com- ^em^ ^^^a. t®" d® ^ ^ Before coming to Manoheatpr, and Convalescent Hospital. wUl has some doubts about c e i^ celebrated tomorrow at 7:46 teria Board of Dlrectora. btoed Wd for two propoaola ™ presented to Trinity OoUege. He has taught GERANIUMS he served as teacher and ad- ^ "® f* *^® aspects of the a.m at toe Church ot toe Jut— - Tlvs xvcipiQu^recipient la» W.WMKUIAJ*attending vritoto wanaa-a toe contract was $86,296. BiKfl’ Sxaiteanj^aited RulerKuior uoaiFcyGodfrey «ain toe school •'■'■'J—system for 19 Hudfloi «ontion anaand luncacMifunctlcMi oco f anaand methe lu- hole expansion on ’Pawn-owned ‘ Southern Connecticut State Col- The apparent low bidder for gtuckart. by Emblem Oub Past ye«». At he or^niied m ln l^ orto^ prospects of convalescent land, but said toe commission aumption. lege, majoring to Bngltoh. He Is tastallaticn -anltaj^ ^ ^ O ^ t Mrs. Stanley Me- t^e F h o to g ra ^ . C ^ . Stamp, hospltLs ^ toe Ovltan Ch agreed crowded facUitiea, ris­ U R R E SIZE Annivetsaiy presently employed as on edl- and a septic syatem qn O veri^ ^ ^he money will go Into and Folk Music clubs. ^ D e^ . au m Tuesday at 12:16 p.r ing population, and toe abeence f . . ----- .V . . T^.a> r,— h -.a. PerTV wss wlth Uic locsl clvU shire; and at toe Covmtry Mia of other ares courses, neces­ sitate enlargement of facllitiea. Marine Sgt. Bernard J. Gan- The letter suggests toe com' vto Jr., husband of toe former mission bo Included to future “ ------. ------"^ i woro obened tola mom- » state, and national Education and Miss Carol A. Bleu o f 96 Char* discussiotts between toe board ------who 1. nmrrled and toft ^ ^ ter Oak St. has returned to the and toe club managem^ to U n it thr^er of tiuee chUdrm, ^Maurice Pass, dlractcTof 8®*®“ ®® T®®®h®~ Associations, her o f toe present. nUUUr Ultlt Z ______further Miss Spiveys eaucauon ifaima. honorarv He waa a member of toe New Marine Corps Air Station Beau- order that they can wrote on his application form, g;eneral services. - a Q».« and Phi Delta Kempa, honorary He waa a “definite recommendations tar to toe field nursing^ She Hampehlre and National Teach- ford, S.C. after participating in “ I am entering a career to Jcui> The only other company to a training exercise at Roose­ future operation of toe golf Seats OfiiceT« plana to attend Boeton Unl'ver Hartford, Sullivan era Associations, the New Hamp- nallsm because I have found it ud on toe Greenwood Dr. 'work velt Roads, Puerto Rico. course.’ ’ slty to toe fall md gr^u- HaU HlgJi School ehlre and (Connecticut Elemen- ______Unstion Theta chapter of PM to be more Interesting and self- was Davoren and Oonneely Inc. ate from RockvtUe High School Hartford, itBceived a BS tary Principals Association, and _ „ __ fulfilling than any other field ot Hartford. Their combined bid Theta Kappa, national honor ^ ^ encounter- was $92,440. this June. to toduatrial arte from Cmtral waa president of toe Ooffstown J H f^ ra ld A<1 b SMALL SIZE ROTO Scliolarahlps Guest To Call society ed Maaohestor Cwnmu- only other company to Connecticut State CoUege, and (NJL) PTA. IXCilU AACrUAU Applications for toe NROTC 25 26 For Dance Club idty College, recently held its Prevlouriy he worked as a Ud on toe Overlook Dr. con- Navy-Marine Scbolarsh^ Pro­ hf"T»»* at the writer■------with the apuUlc toforma- tract waa..— toe--- Mather Construc- gram cuoare ekVeilAeWJioavailable Cbvat toewaw Rock- tion department of Conununlty tion <3o. of Bloomfield ydto a ^ school guidance of- Kerry Stutzman of Brookha- Armj^ and Navy Club, Progress,Tb I I ...... T Inc.,ma TUmnavNew UHaven.awam TJteHe .A.^.aitotal kalaSbid of^ $17,640. HAA .. Fa- floe along with bulletins con- ven. Pa. will be toe guest caller officers are Miss has held positions to several The sewer Installaticns were y,g ellglblUty requlre- THIS OFFER CLOSES SAT-, MAY Z9 AT at tto w ^ k ly d a ^ ^ o f tricla B h e ^ ncn-J^i^yiKUlstic fields and the subject cf a controversy to 8 P.M. AND WILL NOT BE REPEATED.

atutzman has been calltog for «- meanor «^®® allowance monthly, four yeara and averages about chapter presided. Aw J ^ o m their share of the cost If and AppUcants for the program SPKIAL three night a week of calling. He '^®" “‘®’^ wlU be considered based « Is a ctob caller for two clubs were guests. A thW advisor, from the student advisors BCortB obtained on either the $099 to I^ennsylvanla and one to Dr- ttobort R ic h a r d ^ w m offleo at coUoges throughout tho Scholastic Aptitude Test or the t W" t Delaware and Is « i toe staff unaWo to attend. MDC Presl- country. They also may be ob- Public Records American College Test. of seven other clube to his dent (Frederick W. Lowe Jr. tatoed from the chapter, Wairaniy Deeds area. He teaches at least one spoke on the conq^lexities of Also at last night’s meeting, E. James (Jr.) and Stephanie PLANTS square dance class.itooo ac year and------modern society------and too need fwJ ----- held , to ~ Wethersfield,------Paul to Richard V. and Br- calls for about 16 other local achleyement to Its future lead- Kunts of WHTC, was elected nesttoe'Lemleux, property at 90 Stock Market ALL THESE FABULOUS FEATURES clubs about three times a year. era. president of the Connecticut pitkto St., conveyance tax $22.- By LINDA RUBEY Hls out ot state calltog dqtes Outgotog chapter president C2uq>ter, tor toe coming year. 55, AF Business Writer have taken him to New Jersey, Miss Karen Welch reviewed Other ctficmv elected were: Raymond H. and Arlene R. NEW YORK (AP) — Stock Mixed Pots for fhe Cemefery . . . EASILY BUDGETABLE Delaware, Maryland, New York, this year’s accomplishments. Sherman London, Woterbury Dancosse to James R. and Rose market prices drifted marginal­ Yo«r savings will ceirtlMt fliroiMlimit ywir MMibw^lp b«eaw« ywi Oxmecticut, Massachusetts and Among them is toe Phi Theta Republican American, and Nor- m . McKeon, property at 90 ly lower to today’s slow trading cen re-Mron «t thn siNM low rolnl Rhode Island. Kappa Schdarriiip E>u]d, ad- man Fenichel, Charles Palm Bigelow St., conveyance tax as investors pidled back before (Committees for the evening ministered by the college finon- Alex GirelU, Manchester Eve- $86.80. toe three-day weekend. Sepnrale tMtiom for men, vmmeii/zwiininino pool • whirlpool both • Ice are Mr. and Mra. Wilfred Doug- clal aid office for a student or ntog Herald, secretary-treasur- Marriage Ucenaes The noon Dow Jones average las, door duty; Mr. and Mra. students chosen on the basla of er. David Roncari and GUda plupge • sauna • iteom room'* iOholation ropm • condhtoning of 80 industrial stocks slipped mochi(M4*wm boolta• prbaie ihoweri• dretiing booRw, lockers Ladies' bays — Mon-Wed. Fri. RaymAY, MAY 28, 1971 PAGE ELEVEN PAGE TEN MANOHESTESl E!WEa«Na,HE«Ai:J>. MiWCKESTER, ndlUonlng-^hiDiigh listed three main advantages of Introducing a bill to make Mafia Exile In recent years, the Inhabit­ knew nothing about our Souto Korea has “o t*®- -^vms passed by the House heavy dike, O.C. suspects tional load of fertiliser that toe the world’s hast noUcaabh air distribution Of the Year October each year ‘‘drug ants have made a living from foot, nind^ inches. Hcwevfir, to be a 3^ ornan^t fw toe intern, hid no "papers' and sources and no coal. Hie fOT- T^toursday. . . „ , It is toe work of man. When Cheney lawns on Hartford outlets. Installs In hours Instead of days, sending children to a nursery awareness month.” Judges said ^ole Frog had toe houm provided *>«■ Jie r b ^ r ^ ^ interested, school. Mrs. Bertha Payive of Hart­ (Continued from Page One) the tourists who totaled 40,000 ests which once covemd toe The House a c ^ there was no longer any use Road got free, wittiout tearing your house apart or Steele, said the proclama­ overnight stays last year. “sexiest legs” of the 30 contest­ emph^er. toe OiOf OU Oorp. Customs man In country were cut off during the regaled by ^p. WlUliun , ^ ttoy were stiU ______causing costly remodeling problema She stated that toe childrm ford Tumptke was cited as Ver­ ants. When Gulf closed toe school and vvAnvM A.# TAWkAmttWtt rtjV iV iivui- T D - M M o n M lI r w f t t i a v i a - ^ ■ - "learn to adjust socially, bow non’s first Senior Citizen of the tion would serve to recognize and little food. ’Two policemen “Our future rests with tour­ . ____ . Bridgeport dictated over too J«g ^ who were For free Information, ism,” said Stefano Perlazzo at telephone to my wife a letter tion The Koreans n e ^ tool. s ^ p t i o ^ an e ^ r iy bank dl- multiplying in the vicln- demonstration and Installation to take esure of toelr own needs Tear. "that drug awareness Is a who had not eaten for two days to anetther company i^er^ed gh„ ahnuid send to him au- When Joanna went there to reobu' wboae hobby was going ^ esUmate, ask us about the'remarkable, end to have compassim for toe The award was presented at deterrent to drug abuse.” one of the barricades. “Many ^ ^ j . . . . . ^ .... Ity. Draining toe ponds at that RANGE AND He has recently returned fell til ’Thursday from hunger who had booked rooms In our school In D e m n ^ ^ e rp « » o n ^ thorislng transfer of toe "pa- teMh, toe G ^ ^ to the b«^ ^ watehlng the owner of U- advanced-design SPACE-PAIC” Central ^ - other children around them.” toe close of a public card party and exhaustion. One was flown Just completed cm^ctlOT of young people be denied loans. and made sure no water FUEL OIL Mr-Conditloning System I sponsored by the Senior CTitizens (rom a globe spanning drug houses for the summer have al­ pffects were sW pi^ p e i ? ^ toe Hartford office. i t Is at this age, she said that by helicopter to a hospital In DemnaA ^ to pai^^ progress, w oil r^ery, by Amer- gentien^’a feeling was ^„u*ct there again. GASOLINE children fopn play habits and last night at H any Park by Investigation trip and plans ready phoned they are no longer home. She had too lantern sen lantern was now back In Sire ta u ^ t toat no one riwuld be o a n ^ ^e- Donald Burger, recreation direc­ to release soon a “compre­ Sicily. coming.” Any of these ugly weeds social habits that will carry hensive report on the world , Now Britain. I took hall a day dren in four primary grades any money unless they already ^ BANTLY OIL them thrmgh their school years. tor. He referr^ to Mrs. Payne Scores of persons from the ‘"The state has never helped We knew it wan c Rockville 875-3274 Ssles and Servlee 94 Hear Customer Service The school plans a three-day-a coming to Vernon in 1968. erans Homes, the Newklngton town council appealed to Presl- P°w.er and no water It ^ ®n® To clear out weeds as you feed ... to have a reception in toe back>- Americans were replaced and datmry retlre m ^ t age at 72 for —— ■ ■ ■ Her activities Incluited work Qjjji,jren’s Hospital, the Man- dent GlBueppe Saragat to end telephone, ^ d drinking wa delivery and pay toe duty. sent back to *^stateside" jolM, members of batiks' boards week program for four-year-dds yard. What Is It, AnyhowT and two days a week tor three- with the Red Cro^ Rockrille gjjggtgf Senior Citizens, aa well FlUcudl’s designation as an brought In by tanker, Spread Scotts plus-2. In July came a letter from toe the schoc4 populaticm dwindled dli«ctora. Hopital AuxlUa^, Burpee Re- g-ggjgj t^ps made by the Then toe question was bow and the school was finally The state iRflT*irfwg Department CAR and TRUCK year-olds. open air prison. "We have been known around Within days, you’ll see these weeds Gulf manager In South Korea. much? 'What was toe thing RENTALS Anyone Interested in enrolling lief Corps and toe VF'W. Manchester and Vernon Sen- iFUlcudt was a prison Island as as the 'children of convicts’ for and many others begin to fade. Before on toe way. hs t ^ J o ^ ^ tried to get bonks to adopt such a child or vriio would like fur­ a ie Joined the Golden Age early as the ICth century under centuries,” said Tommaso Per- said, but through a mistake It j ® regret. She was fascinated by ruloa vohmtarily, but faUed to I'.N ill. CTub and nine years ago she ’ you know it, they'll be gone completely ther informatim may cmtact was elected president of that__ Active in the VFW, she was the kings of Naples. A law datn lazzo. “We want no one to start had been to Seattle to- ^ r e ^ ^ J ^ c y hid people and their an- Tptrmiaaa them, said Rep. Roy I>\^ W I 1 l\ MON I II the president, Mrs. diaries Bel- KtMul of to the and Boutli Korew currency, naa culture. Tire climate at Ervin, R-FVtirfleld. I .<>111; J ' rII1 1.1 .tsiii^ g^p'^*V p^titw i ^e 'h a s been recently presented an award of ing from Mussolini’s era In- calling us the children of Mlaflo- — roots and all. plus-2 also full-feeds he had already ordered It terns- Pr®bably not given more thM ujgan on toe Japan Sea she told vln of Slocum Rd., or member- re-elected to eight times. merit tor her services as chap- eludes It on a list of Islands si.” your lawn at the same time — helps grass Bhlnnnd fromSeattle to Bridse- American money for It. yg jyjg ^ Baltimore. ------Vn\ M.iKr nr Mm). I riilp cbalman, Mrs. Jeff Aa a meznbRF ot the Red Cross lain for the auxiliary for nine ______fill in where the weeds were. This was a guess but It turned professlonaUy. she was the Manchester Motors Adams, Mlllstream Rd. she has assisted with toe blood- years. _ ------— — — ■ ^ t Brldrenmt^waa toe nearest °“t t® be about right. Would I priniary teacher and toe prin- AUTHENTICITY I Camporee mobile visits and as a membpr Mrs. Pajme runs the weekly g l.oase, Inc. P“» “ • ^ ®‘Pa»- There was no s u p ^ - BEHER THAN EVER Four patrols from Boy _6*^ut Relief .Corps, she attend- kitchen socials held each Mon- ^ that was too high. We agreed teid of schools. Cbuld any ’ I ill. f I . > 11 U .1 \ .Mill I! \ lit' r ’Troc^ 28 recently participated ^ induoUon of draftees day by the Senior Citizens and It Um’t, ot course, ^ ! no ^ ^ er ask lor more? N O W O N ''\ ‘.1. Ill’s in toe Blackledge District from Tolland County, giving out has served as treasurer of the >1 ' W I N I ( IN I I 1: ^ I . BOZ-ETJS sculpture? I said The refinery Is now run by toe MAIN STREET Spring Camporee held In the gifts to departing service- pinochle group, although she Is for a ^ p It was not. The Custmns man Koreans. Gulf suiqtiles toe crude M \N( liJ -^1 l.K —i;i l.'.l i Meshomasic State Forest in men. tire not a pinochle player. She Is, HXJSKYS through a thick book, oU, riilpped in tankers from Glastonbury competing against She has also been responsible however, a member of the sen- » '5»t®K®'y “eaded. "Ob- Arabia, 68 other patrols In the district tor putting on musicals and iors’ bowling team. cams and went Then toe Ian- ^ omtinent- on camping skills. tern came to Bridgeport, not by Teaching in Denmark was a ed,” and charged me $7.60. I one-term assignment at toe tag THE SHAD ARE RUNNING Scoring highest from the ocean frelgiiter, but by truck. A thought this was very reason­ H yx^ was the Panther Patrol New Britain trucking company, end of a aimllor retinery proj­ Sea the A & B SPORTS SHOP for ail Your Shad able and I paid. ect, then about to be taken over which accumulated 849.8 points making local deliveries for a during the Judging and ended transcontinental trucking firm, ’The trucker’s bill was another by tire Danes. Now for three Fishing Needs. picked it up in Bridgeport, totde matter. Gull had paid $20 to years Joanna has been teach­ COMPLETE SELECTION OF up ranked 27. Hie Black Jaguar emorial Dav- have toe lantern carried by ing in Vmezueto. at a town in Patrol received a rating ot 40 A lot of 8hp it to New Britain and asked lU SHAD LURES - RIGSJIGS - BEADS>& HOOKS ‘ with a total of 834.2 points; the what to do neoct. freighter across toe Pacific tire oU fields, back in toe In­ Ocean. Bringing It overland terior, and not 'far from toe Flaming Arrow Patrol scored 640 Foands of Oiaiilte from Seattle coat $108.68. I A&B SPORTS SHOP SPENBERS 833.7 points with a rating of 41. “lawn tractor The lantern welghod eoo equator. This is a larger com­ paid, and os instructed by- toe munity, and she has one grade, 1000 HARTFORD TURNPIKE - ROUTE .30 - VERNON, CONN. And with 800.6 points, rated at a low cost. manager of Gulf, sent toe tblrd. 66, was the Wolf Patrol. case weighed another 60 pounds. toe bill to bis company and was IWondsy thru Friday: 10 to 9 Saturday 10 to 7 Scoutmaster Miltim Shaw and Could me man unload It at our Assistant Scoutmasters WlHiam \ To dear out weeds, without feeding... house or would they have to reimbursed. Clotsd Sutulays Getting toe case open 'was a Larrabee and Joseph Kearns at­ Spread Scotts kansel. One spreader send two men? couirie of hours’ work. K was ALSO:. A COMPLETE LIKE OP CAMP EQUIP. tended the weekend camporee XI thought m e man could man- ^ planks, cut to WECANTUSL with the boys. application clears out all the weeds that LOAM Plus-2 does — but it contains no fertilizer. ^ ZJde toe e^cT lf^ «*•toe three blocks of ‘^ stone ‘*® “ cmld Manchester Evening Herald, basemmt garage and tire truck not move In any direction. The Hebron correspondent, Anne IN6R0UND KANSEL is ideal for the weedy lawn that could 'be backed up to the wall undam- Emt, 298-3971. mrth7 Sitem pSUermi’ of , ®"“>^®‘y FOR SALE ■IffiMORlAL-DAY- has been fertilized recently. Makes toe truck m planks. This hap- *e®“-’Two hlg^ school boys helped If you’re out to impress someone RECTANGULAR non-grass weeds gradually fade away pmed eventually, but first came me set It in toe ground, and Mail-a-Wire — roots and all. toe detail of clearing toe ship­ there it stands. We have flow­ *26 6-Yard Load spending money stay away from Bonanza. ment through U.8. Customs. Oin: ers around It In toe summer. Services Due trucker, whm he asked, was C A LL 647-154A wa tti. a» «~t tu«, h. tod “ No one holds our check jn awe. ST. LOUIS (AP) — A new to do was take - toe 660-pouQd ing appearance when snow piles Between 7:30 cbm. message service that will com­ H usky Pup package back to Bridgeport. up m the pagoda txx^. At and 9 a.m. Of course, people are impressed hy pete with telegrams will begin Model 813 Plus-2 If tills did not make sense, it Christmas we have a light In operation In 26 major cities July (feeds as il weeds) complied with the law. The the lantern. I dm’t know what by our tab. It’s small enough to 1, toe Independent Postal Sys­ GEAR TRANSAXLE ELECTRIC START 5.000 sq ft bag (20 lbs) 7.95 "papers” said toe lantern was tem of America (IPSA) has an­ 10,000 sq ft bag (40 lbs) 14.95 consigned to Bridgeport and it u p impress anyone. nounced. cmld not be opened for in ^ c - IPSA President Tom Murray Geraniums 89' told a news conference 'nitirs- SPECIAL 15x30 IN GROUND POOL Kansel LARGE 4’’ POTS — IN BUD AND BUMM For less than $3 you can buy the day he expects that the new (weeds without feeding) message form, IPSAgram, DO IT YOURSELF KIT 5.000 sq ft bag (5 lbs) ,4.95 OPEN ALL DAY We*re setting the pace with best T-Bone in town. A buck something eventually will become a substi­ tute for first class mail because ANNUALS tray «5o buys a delicious Ribeye steak. And cf Its speed, low cost and versa- 20 GAL VINYL LINER MONDAY tlUty. Murray said a 120-word # Petunioa # M arifoM t # Alyasum, Etc. for less than two bucks you get the IPSAgram would cost about $6, STEEL WALL PANELS MemoriaL Day f compared 'with $10 for a tele­ WHITE EXTRUDED COPING gram. authorized C S c o fc sO retailer MIXID POTS AND BASKETS $3.00 up sirloin steak. IPBA will take a printed mes­ FUN'a SUN i sage directly from a customer OVERSIZE AUTOMATIC SKIMMER The Husky S13, we call it our Pup, has an electric HANGING FUCHSIA and transmit It through a fac starter, features easy exchange of attachments, simile machine over telet^ione ALL NECESSARY PIPING, a tight turning radius and big tires that ride 'a NOLIOAV In bud or Meeni large pot $5.98 wires to a receiver In toe destl ■ HARDWARE & FITTINGS lightly on your lawn. There's also a Husky Pup 510 Brand new IFU • 6K f t FlecteUe PloIai|> yi ton, nation city within six minutes (5 hp model) and 610 (6 hp model). See th^am! MANCHESTER 6 QyltndcTyr. Also brakes, air flow beater, eye line Hurray said. Your best buy for year 'round rugged y | " * NEEDS n d im ts badc«tip Uglitip heavy i gpnre V4 H.P. SAND HLTBR care at a low cost. From ttre and many move etniidgid Ammig cities In toe IPSA Law Priced, Of Course! gram network are New Yolk Clhlcago, St. Louis and Kansas BOLTON MANCHESTER IW.&GIENNEY PRESCRIPTION DEPT. $ 2 9 4 5 0 0 W. H. Preiisa Sons, Inc. Go^tol Equlpnient Co., loe. 649-5253 AAILOQAA City,. Route • a 44A 38 elaln Street AU Other CaUs 648-5280 McCONVILLE CO. Extended Forecasl ^ a b n n a IBiOAD BROOK SOUTH WINDSOR Coiier Chevrolet GREENHOUSE AND FLORIST Fair Sunday. Cloudy with a HoKnuui Lawn Care South Windsor Equip. Co, 1229 MAIM ST., BIAMCHBSTBR see Wiooi»BiDGaB err. aas-sseT snumm chance of showers Monday. Church St. 89 Sulilvaii AVe. 3 3 6 WESTOWN 287 Waet Middle Tpkt., Manohaatar Where Quality Belies Partly cloudy Hiesday. Temper­ WHIiDUNTTO n o r t h m a i n s t r e e t isitfJxUDSsa OOBN BVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ItO rMNare foa OU. ^9rtM • iU. 1. OratM Itorrin Mob BmIm • Raota 44A Cavaafry'^\ 455 HARTFORD RD. atures averaging near normal Mansfield Bqnlpmeiit FLOWBBS FOB ALL OCCASIONS with daily highs in the low to MflalBriMUtlai ToL 7424171 RFO 8, Perkina Oonrer MANCHESTER abUBbinnaiNii______- ______■ mid 70s and low# In toe upper 40S to low 60s. M

Mip^CHEStER EVENING HERALD, MANjCSSSTER, CONN,, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1971 PAGE TWELVE Section Two F R ID A Y , M A Y 28, 1971 iUanrlfitBtrr lEttBttitts l^rraUi F R ID A Y , M A Y 28, 1971 Pages 13 to 24 __ * . / „ -T-; Manchetter Area Gunman Picks Poor Target Two Arrested Reception Set Thursday BAN FRIAMCISCO (AP) — A We’re setting the pace with Senate Blocks Delay On Drug Counts gunman picked the wrong taiv get and wound up In the hoqdtal For Miss Beth Hoffman . Davtd Wilson, 20, o< MUn St, with a bullet hole in his neck Mias Beth R. Hoffman, head aociatlan of SchorU Social Work- On Silver Lane W ork iSUington was a m s te d a t 2;B0 after trying to rob an FBI Qt the schoid social woric depart- which she is a charter a-m. today by Vernon police on agent, authorities report. By SOL R. COHEN ment, win be hcoored with a ^ , (Herald Reporter) a charge of operating under the Bdward 8. O'Keefe, 33, an r ___ . Other past and present mem- FBI agent for six yean, said he Silver Lane in East Hartford, a continuation of Spen­ 'influence of liquor or drugs. Chevelle tetlrement reception and dinner borshlps and offlcea Include 'pailied his car Wednesday and at the Manchester Country CSub secretary-treasurer and preel- cer St., Manchester, will be widened after all, thanks ' PoHce said 'Wilson had stop- was about to walk tow'ard the Y'hlr^My. dent of the Connecticut Associ- to a vote in the State Senate yesterday which negated Federal BuRdbit when a young ' ped after his car was oteerved Norman FendeU, q;>ecial edu- atlon of Sohoci Social Workers; a dela3ring action in the House last week. man pointed a pisCol at him and traveling in an erratic manner cation supervisor, Is committee president and memberriiip The Senate, by a 18 to 17 ------said, “Give me all your dough.” Brand new IW l Msaba « Door, 8 oylliider, aid^ matie, power steering, am push buttai ram , air chairman, aaaiated by many of chairman of the Connecticut •on Rt. 83. Wilson and a passen- O’Keefe skid he asked: "What standing voice vote, rejected a SennlM in relecUnr the flow heaer, baok-iq^ lights, 8 H»«od eleetrio MIm HcCtman’s frlmds and co- Chapter of the National Assocl- bin which WOU14 have delayed . ^ iger In his car, Mrs. Theresa did you sayT” and wathen, Inster seal, and many more stand­ wcriiers, Reservations for din- aUon of Social Workers; mem- w ld ^ of Silver Lane mtU . When the youth said the same 'Wilson Of Breton Rd., Manchea- ard featores, ’ ner, which WiU be served at 7 her of the executive board of such time as the Wilbur Cross , thing, O’Keefe reached into his .^ter, were both charged with p.m., may be made by miutig the Orexter Hartford Assocl- Highway Is widened to 10 lanea, 3387,000 coot—aiqipotedly ta r his wallet ; possession of controlled drugs Mhi. BUnche Caroeatl through atlon; flrst vice president and ^ e e n Baat Hartford and the —and pulled out fals gun and 'witti a fourth charge of reslst- *3 0 3 5 ® ® the Board of awitch- president of the Business and Vernon Circle. fired one shot. Professional Women’s Club of 2. That the perm anent wld- ,lng arrest charged against WU- Man^ester State ^n. Darid ^^ng of the Wilbur Cross to Police ideattfled the wounded West Hartford and chairman of ' son. Odeg^ voted w ^ the picvalN fo fo the Indefinite fu- man as James Duffy, IB, of San Carter Chevrolet its schctanhlp committee; and • Both were held at the police Francisco. Hd Was reported In 1229 gA|N ST„ M^IICHBaTBB PI Beta PM and Delta Theta t"* from B to 10 years away. Natation, Wilson, In lieu o f a |7,- satisfactory canditicn. Lane widening. When the Mil to . Tau social fraternities. delay p aJ ^ the House last '000 bond and Mrs. Wilson ta Wilbur Cross, Miss Hoffman ll«#s at 70 Bev­ week, Manchester’s three state . lieu of a 33,000 bond. They were Those loose electric cords that when permanently widened, will presided In Circuit - Court erly Rd., West Hartfovd, where representatives voted for the de­ always get tangled up In the she is a member of the ETrst relieve congestion on Silver .Blast Hartford this morning. He lay. kitchen drawers can be at easy Church of Christ Congregation­ Lane. was released on a $3,000 bond readblf placed Inside the card­ Testerday’s Senate action al. She said that she expects ” to • and she on a $400 bond and their board rollers of bathroom tissue. was the second in two days on Read Herald Advertisements take it easy fmr about tdx ; cases were continued to Circuit WBD. road bills which affect Man­ Court 12, Rockville, June 18. mcnths and then become In­ chester. On Wednesday, tile About Town volved In som e w ay w ith i>eo- Senate, by a lopsided voice vote, A Rockville man was arrest­ pie again.” ed this morning by Vernon po- defeated a bill which prcqxwed The executive board o f C9iurch Uct and chadgred w ith evading an immediate halt to the pUui- Women United wiU meet Tues- responsibUlty. nlng and constnioUon of an 1-86 ^ay at 12:80 p.m. at the home Police said the arrest was the Rockville Interchange, between the Put- ^f Mrs. Edward Ooss of 128 result of an Investigation of an OPEN MEMORIAL DAY nam Bridge in Glastonbury and h a I bIhb Rd Laurel Lake In Manchester. ' ___ accident about 11:30 a.m . today History of Tobacco Wins a Citation Hospital Notes That propoeal too had been _ when a car struck and snapped at Manchester Community Col­ hAacco museum on Its new . ^ Mrs. Bleanor Coltman of 125 L.eague of Hlrimical Societies visiting hours are 12:80 to 8 given House approval last week. y™®*! off a utility pole on Bast Main lege, and Albert Harris Is presi­ HUlstown Rd. - WethereU St. Baldwin Rd. returns to the Saturday at Its quarterly meet- pan. in oD areas expect ma­ Senate action 1ms killed both ^nny wUl a 8t. dent of the Manchester Hlstoii- camiMis. Riirfciiind farm of the Hartman Ing at the Plalnvllle Congrega- ternity where they are 2 to 4 bills, and work U expected to Prayer b i^ j^ Sunday at 8:1B cal Society. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate 7A.M.T011PJ BYancls French, 23, of Old Tobacoo Co., which played a ticnal Church, and 0:80 to 8 p.m . precede <»i widening SUver atadel. of Jackson CoUege for Women Town Rd., was arrested after role In the award of merit that John Sutherland, center. Is In- Mrs. Coltman w ^ cited “For Lane and constructing the 1-86 ----- his car was found In the rear of riie holds. She was one of sev- structor of history and director having incepted and carried of mifts Urtverslty, where she Mbs BeOi B. HoMman • ICE Admitted Tuesday: Robert interchange. Teple Chapter, DBS, will have a yard on Pro^iect St. He was honmed by the Connecticut of the Institute of Local History through Its first two years after received an AB In 1987, Mrs. • F R U IT \ board, or at her homo, 847 Oak Lee, Lawrwice St., Rockville; Silver Lane (State Highway its annual chicken baibecue released on his promise to ap­ ------" ------its founding In 1968 the Institute Coltman received her MA In • VEGETABLES ' • F ILM St Anyone unable to stay for Maureen Comi, IBllside Dr., 602) will be -widened from Its next Sunday June 6, not this pear in Circuit Court 12, Rock- (Herald photo by Pinto) In Oroult Court, Bast Hartford, him to chase one of the boys In- of ^ History of the Man- diplomatic history from the • MAGAZINES dinner la imrited to attend the Etilington; M ar;^ Miller, Bast present two lanes to a planned Sunday as reported in last viUe June 16. Chester Community CoUege, an pi^tcher School of Law • D E L I Eagle Scouts Doug Hauschild, left and John June 14 to the shadows. Chester Community CoUege, an mekcher School of Law and social hour at 6. gt., Rockville; Donna Burgess, four lanes, from the vicinity of night’s Herald, at the Masonic „ . hto organization which as a pioneer cHpiomacy of Tufts in 1988. She • TO YS Blake receive congratulations from their mothers. IsabeUe Ward of 319 Merllne Oolam bU • FROZEN FOOD In 1966, Miss Hoffman Joined Merllne Rd., and Lucy Audet, Blake, Hauschild G et __ Rt. 16 in Bast Hartford to the Tempta in the banquet hall, 26 depcutment Rd., Vernon, was charged yes­ • EGGS . • CHARCOAL new Rt. 6 (to be called 1-84) in e . Center St. Serving wiU be Agnes Hawkins cf Baltic was. father on a written promise to nation has successfUUy brought the school system with the re- Allen Dr., both Vernon; Elsie terday 'With failure to obey a charged with failure to grant appear and la scheduled for of social sclepce and coordbia- HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS sponslbUity for Initiating a pro- Baer, Village St., and Christine Manchester. from 1 to 6 p.m. Reservations stop sign; Wayne Pitney, 28 of together town and gown and tor of the public service career • MILK • PANTY HOSE right of way at a private drive court June 14. gram of social woric. She now T^mko, Orand Ave., both Rock- Eagle Scout Awards Contact with Work World The 1066 General Assembly may be made by contacting Somers, was charged with fail­ provided a resource center programs at MDC. after being involved in a two- ^ ensued as Rauten- has a staff of 14 under her vUle; Kim Hills, Mountain Rd., had authorized $6 million tor Mrs. John VonDeck of 70 Ger- ure to obey a traffic control sig­ vdiere professlonalB and laymen (Herald photo by Pinto) CANDY — SUIRPS — SODA supervision. and Helen Bailey, Rt. 83, both John Blake, son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Blake of widening Silver Lane and, to ald Dr., Rockville or any officer. nal. Both are scheduled to ap­ car accident on R t 6 In oohim- attempted to arrest Good- in their chosen fields can apply Aim for High Schoolers Ma, yesterday. date, the state has spent about pear in Circuit Court, Rock­ ^ the dlsclpUnee of sdiolarriilp; Before coming to Manchester, BUlngtcn; Pamela Cloukey, 46 Elsie Dr., and Doug Hauschild, son of Mr. and Mrs. PoUce said the Hawkins w ^ said a dose of 3237,000 on plans md designs. ville, June 16. and also for having set an ex­ aho taught Bngllrii and girls’ Metcalf Rd., Tolland; Ray- Vemon F. Hauschild of 93 Constance Dr., last night By JOHN JOHNSTON he said, high school students. Mizpah-Spencer ClrcVe of pulled out of a rest area on Rt. failed to atop the youth’s The State Transportation De- South United Methodist Church o o v E M rn tT ample herself at the local his­ phyrical education at CSielms-' were elevated to the rank of Eagle Scout at the Boy (Herald Reporter) girls as well as boys, wlU have gnid it la ready to United MeUiomst 6, Into the path of_ a being Qijashlng, and so he struck him tory level through her research­ Two teen-agers were arrested Seout Troop 362 Court of Honor .t St. BMtholomoV. „ ^ , driven by Diane M. Quinn of es in an oral history recordings Broad S t, Maneheiter SS KIS,’ iSJiSS; T6. P^VW. ™ p™,n. und SILZ?Susannah S^pSnW^Wesley parking lot once over the head with a night­ Ing a greater number of town the law enforconient field on cbnstruction. Coiumhla. kOss Quinn was treat- stick. of people engaged in the tobac­ urtth thm PhAAnlTrianrt rad, Meadowbrook Rd., joined the troop in 1664 and has Other advtuicement awards criebrate. Its 87th anniversary ti^mynlciiWlcz, and bring In recommendations at out walls,” Board of Education tlort. , morlal Day. Legs While They In eduearion at Southem TiHno«« UKe &>. Casualty Oo. has ax!- r « c . leagues. He was a mem- Greg McDermott, Tenderfoot another meeting . in about a Chairman Walter Doll Jr. sum- ______M , cn - It » * « ■ » > ■ qhargea 2cf yr* V University. qulred the Amsterdam Ovet^ ber of the St. Bartholomew’s scout. month. up- gnitolla, 84, of Wethersfield, headquarters oh was ira vriln g north. -Blquin, ac­ lH«acb of peace and resisting Miss H o^an Is a member of a®a8, a New 'York-based com- gchool 1666 Manchester Dean- badges were awarded The meeting was the out- “We need a real commitment When Hia OeccKlon Cedb for Flowars, ceding to poUce, intended to a rre s t Comfort Your Feet! the Manchester, Connecticut, mercial finance company. ery ch^plonshlp basketball Blake, safety, nature, growth of a written proposal from businessmen,” NeU Law- make a left turn into Scantic Answering a complaint of M- and National Education AebocI- "nie coat of the acquisition was team. He entered scouting In geology Bteve Dawson, wild life made to the Board of Education r«nce, MHS occupational coor- Think o f Tho Rd., croBsed the neflibound lane terers by the manager of a U ^ and the Academy o^ Cer- about 317.6 mUUon In carfi. 1664 as a cub scout in Pack 120 management and citizenship in by Robert Puller, president of ainator, said. ”We have been and was struck on the right FriemHy’s, Officer Wajme Rau- i n g s tlfled Social Woiiiera, She was Amsterdam provides financing at St. James’ C2iurch and ^ in community; Rick Lourie, first ... Colonial Board Co. In opening waiting too long to bring voesr ParkhilU Joyce slde by the DegnitoUa car. The tenhMg went to the parking lot wTTTW TTTTTTrTTTrrrrr I t a member of the National lAs- services to smaUer businesses, isee joined Troop 362, earnea Hickey, home re- the meeting. Fuller stated that timtal orientation earlier to stu- Blouln car then swung around about 10:80, .w h ile the youths to Ad Alterl ^ l Aw ^ in scholarship; Dennis Mc- for some time he has bepn con- dents. We have to teach them and struck a third car. stopped scattered.Into the darkness of 1968, arta 7“ *® ^rten, home re^rs; and John cemed with the divtalveness of q healthy respect for the world Flower Shop for a Uc^t and driven by Je- Center Springs I^ k . b r o a d ST„ MANCHESTER gar Patrol vdilch ranked third ’ society, “to Ithe extent that I of work.” Fidiik Gobeler, P ropWetor rome CcUleUo, 80, o f PlainvlU e. According to Rautenberg, ob- out o f 62 patrols In the 1666 P®“ ’ *«Pf“®®' believed everyone eU^s was ------601 M A IN ST., MANCH13STB1 also— Scoutmaster K eegan an- Blouln is wAediiled to appear scenitiea and cries of ”pig” led K Blackledge District Camporee wrong and I was right.” Always be sure, when raising (Next to Hartford Nattoaal Prospect Avenne and Kane Street Weat Hartford . . . T to year, he was a member of iwimced that the patrols of the B onk) _____ OiPBN DAHAT 10 A M . to 10 PJH. MUNICIPAL BUILDING He said that he had come to Venetian blinds, that the slats the Lancer Senior Patrol which troop had placed very well In the conclusion that there are <^>en. Blinds may be per- • TBS—WB DBUVEB • placed second out of 16 patrols the recent Blackledge District several establtahments, not one. manenUy Injur^ If rsdsed when Fh ooM : 649-0791— 64B-1MS in the camporee. Camporee, and were presented <etitlon were presented to the “ There has g^>t to bp an ele­ THE scoutmaster by Mike Hickey lor ment of credlblUty,” he con­ MORIARTY at King's! his patrol which placed fifth out cluded. ”I would biate to see MONDAY people dlsaffect from It (our of 86 patrols, and by Bllle Kee­ B-l-G MAY 31. 1971 TRAVEL gan for his senior scout patrol form of society) because of KBrwia Si^ Manchostor • Or m i 10 pun. Call Us For AU Your which placed second out of 16 their misunderstanding of what BROTHERS IN OBSERVANCE OF MEMORIAL DAY Travel Needs senior patrols. Ute ribbons will makps it tick.” European Trips be placed on the troop flag ac­ Robert Rlzza, Paul Silver, 315 CENTER STREET— MANCHESTER Canadian Rocklea' Toby Welch, Peter Dumalne, SUNDAY. MAY 30. 1971 Cruises cording to troop tradition ON THE LEVEL AT CENTER AND BROADI King-Size Savings on Airline Ttekets Last n l^t’s Court of Honor and Cynthia Cohen, MHS stu- Honeymoons cwicluded Keegan’s final year dents, were critical of the busl- Emergency Telephone Numbers: as scoutmaster, and he was pre- ness and education systems In OOODCmLD-BABfnLETT an Exciting Collection! sented a desk set by Bernard expressing views on the desires "Used Car Spotlight" Highway ...... 649-5070 TRAVEL S c h o // 118 Main St., Manchester J. Hickey, troop committee- and needs of studwits. While Famous 648-2008 666-1744 man, on b^ialf of the troop. The Distributive Education and FULL LENGTH Refuse ...... 649-1886 Leal Agent for American gift was Inscribed "In grateful COEP (Cooperative Occupation- H eritage Sanitary Sewer and W ater ...... 649-9697 appreciation to our Scoutmaster al Eduoatlcn Program) serve a Frank B. Keegan, 1968-1971, useful pmpose tor the student 1IN» BUICK Troop 362, St. Bartholomew who does not plan to continue 1970 MERCURY T o g a E x e rc ise Church.” Since Keegan as- hta education, they said, there sumed the poet of scoutmaster, *|[s an equal need to provide the Marquta Colony Park Station Wagon. Electra 4-Door Hardtop. You'U luxuriate five boys Save gained Eagle cxdlege-bound with exposure to T to unique 6-pasaenger red wagon has in the comfort and safety cf tto big car! AND MATCHING contrasting xlaik maroon vinyl htterior. Medium. yellow with black vinyl roof. rank under t o tutelage. busbiesses and professions. Just look at the plus features of tto DONT FORGET Hickey expressed apprecta- PoUce Chief James Reardon, Blveryone wiU love the air conditioning S an d als and the children will like all the room beauty:—You’ll eujoy the stereo tape aa tlon to Keegan on behalf of the stating the personal view that in the rear carpeted loeul area. Has you cruise along In the cod air condltlcn- B ik in i troop for to faithful years of “Tills year’s Youth In Govern- radio, automatic, vdiltewalta, powo: ing comfort; atao has power-brakee-steei> service and t o leadership In or- ment Day was the best one we brakea and steer^, tinted glass, plus ing-aeats-wlndowa, plus vdtitewalls, tinted ganizlng Retreat Weekends and ever had,” said that hta depart- rem ainder o f 6-year 60,000-mile_ glass, tilt steering wheel — all M B O K Better Than Barefoot Bvenings of Recollection for ment ta planning to inaugurate warranty. We’d love to have this luxury for only Bvil0i9 Cathcdlc scouts. a program in September. In it. your family try tto one! i 9 9 Assorted tizes Kathy soys—"Hove a Safe Holiday!. . . We'B 1999 VOLKSWAGEN For your night Be Open Thru the Holiday Weekend!" ISn COUGAR Kanekalon life, a slinky long NATIVE: A^aragus, Spinach, Radiate, SoalUons, Hot t o g a gown o f MOONLIGHT Houae Tomatoes, Onkes, Rhubarb, New i^otatoee. Egg Plant, 2-Door Sedan. Here’s the answer to your Ito won the car of the year award In low coet transportatioiv—it’s real ec<»- and softest nylon tricot Peas, Boston, Bonoalne Lettuce, Belglnm Endive, Oreen, 1969—end can now be yours! I f f a real Yellow Squash, BrooooU, Cauliflower, ihalots, OTurnlps, Corn omy! Ideal for the second car; for mom with a saucy bikini IMPORTED: Red, White, Blue Onqies, Cantaloupes, Honey- sport Indeed! Rich royal burgundy ex­ terior with a mattdiing maroon interior or the student Attractive sky blue, with Dynel Modacrylic to matchl Lined dews, Bing Cherries, Navel Oranges, Umes, Strawberries, radio, heater, plus a qwrty bucket seat lacy bodice with —plus a rieh black vliwl roof. Equlpte Coconuts, Bartlett Pears . with bucket seats, im rts coisdle, radio, with four-ape^ tranamtaaioa. As you can stre tch straps, autonudic transmtamon, tinted windows, see by the price—It’s atao economical to open sides. Siz­ WEEKEND SPECIALS! vdiltewalta, power brakes, power ateer- buy. It’s heire hxilght, but may be gone Classic Tapered Back zling in black and Scfyo// ICEBUR6 LETTUCE ...... head 29^ Ihg; ]dus fatory instaUad t o condition­ tomorrow so—don’t hesitate. TI645 firebird! SAL VINE RIPE TOMATOES ...... Ib. 3 8 « ing — tiyly, tto Is a real «o(d NATIVE HOT HOUSE CUKES .... 2 Tor 3 9 « Sizes S-M-L The exclusive toe-grip action T O N tG H T — 4 ? M . fo M ID N 10H T Stretch Higs BANANAS ...... 2 ibs- t S t firms and tones your legs, to COKE ...... 24 bottles (plus deposit) 22.39 help moke them shapelier, We Carry The Manchester Evening Herald rettier.' The smooth, scupted coNNEcncurs OSZ fXlMPLBTE LINB OF SUNDAY PAPERS Eeechwood and soft, padded OLDEST leather strop comfort every "THE KING step you take. Lincoln - Mercury OF Our best selling pre*set, easy care wigs at PRODUCE!" DEALERS! an unheard-of low pricel In your choice of ^Chaise It” with Your C.B.T. or In flat or raised heel. In red or bone strap. all the wanted colors. CAJ*. Master Charge Caid! PERO 445 HARTFORD ROAD...MANCHESTER 276 OAKLAND ST., MANCHESTER — 64S-6864 PAGE FIFTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1971 PAGE F o u r t e e n MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEStER. CONN.. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 197J

A meeting tor parents has T e n T o w n Y o u th s dd^inn, "Turn Back, O win;’’ J Rham District Sponsors of the trip were Tax Session Comment Session Tolland County Superior Court teachers Hemy A. Grabber and been schedulemlsed to be a their home on Codfish Falls vvas talr8 on the bridge first of Its kind In the world in The last sh^ was the Di­ bling,’’ Ajello said yesterday. The blU would h-ive permitted ly recommended.). rer by the entire chorus are “Hal- COMET that Mrs. Quade made no writ- railings of the Coe Oob Bridge, that it is coded for cMnputer nosaur State Park in Rocky “Obviously, It folU>vi^‘ that no towns to accept out-of-town ap- Senate Majority Leader J. Ed­ ten statements following her ar- i>jje spokesman did not Indl- processing and at the same Hill to study dinosaur foot­ gambling commission hor ma- pllcants, providiiq; the priority ward Caldwell said the Demo­ 24IOOR rest but said there were oralbow loi^ the lane would be time establishes objective cri­ prints. Several studenta made chlnery has yet been esixtoUah- lists (open to local applicants crats were gthig to go through statements. closed. teria for style classiflcatloo. plaster casts of the prints. ed, nor have ^U cationN ;^ ftrst) had vacancies. the budget “Item by Item" with SEDAN Before Mrs. Quade testified cedures, regulations and riSn- —------Meskai’* fiscal advisors before dards been set up.” . The Senate Wednesday passed Mercury’s better idea for a small car to her ownership of specific the night meeting. OLfiSMOBILE comes in two sizes. The 2-door sedan is items taken in the search. State Ajello said that there Is noth- and sent to the House a bill Friday morning’s session was hidlt on a 108-lnch wheelbase and seats Prices Start At Police Detective James Shea, GUARANTEED 100% Ing In the proposed act, tor per- which would authorize four-year the second one this week at the ^ 3 6 9 5 TORONADO four adults comfortably. The 4-door sedan who was in charge of the Inves­ mltting horsetracks, "that terms for town clerks and reg- governor’s mansion, which ap­ with a 109.9 inch wheelbase is sUghtly tigation, answered questions would guarantee that area of IstraTs of voters. The terms now pears to be - Mesklll’s favorite FYdl Power, Factory Air, Extra Clean, Faoto^ Warranty. larger and will seat five without difficulty. put by Tarpinlan as to the man­ the state or any local zoning are two years, site for negotiations. There’s reasonable luggage space, too. In ner in which the search was board could take action to per- permit the fact, there are a lot of things you get with YOU TALK the Mercury Comet you don’t wet with carried out. AMEN. mlt establlrtunent of any gam- to exercise local option rLYMOimi $‘ other small cars. Distinction is one of them. The defense attorney, in at­ Ing facility.’’ t,y ordinance on extending the n he dealer qwqrtwtw 1 0 0 % to repair or lepkice Hie ewgiiAe. iBori D elaw are G ets The Comet has Its own bold front griUe and tacking the search warrant it­ FURY III powerdome hood design. Hie rear end self, insisted it has to be specif­ A a d W E ' U . A N o-Fault Law treatm ^t is unique and features Montego- ic, and questioned whether this front axle aSsembHet. brake system and dectrieol systeoi. Only tbose ears that 2^Door Hardtop. PS, PB, Automatic, BxceptlonaUy Low style talllamp. A handy repair manual is ■ for do-it-yourselrs. one was. £ “ DOVER, Dri. (AP) — Ow. MUeage, Factory Warranty, Showroom Condition. our 16-pokit liispeetlon get this goon torT L etreck off 1-91, on the One of the kinds of things line of Rocky HUl and Orom- sociatKm, is ^tog credited wlto taken was books, and Detective Shea was asked how police de­ LISTEN! to 60 Dojfs! Meriden Hioroughbred and the Senate. _____ ^ ^^faSt auto Insurance 1V71 DEMONSTRATOR SA tfl! cided which books to take. WHh UnlimHed Mil OLDSMOBILE Shea said he had consulted a AL CATALANO f l ^ksa of South- The Manchester Young Re- law. ‘ 2 7 9 5 doctor on the subjects prior to It's "TALK-A-DEAL DAYS DELTA ROYALE 1— 1971 MONTEREY STATION WAGON the search. FuU Power, Sharp, Factory Warranty. Shea testified that a number flrtv he ow ns o ff 1-84 in South- presid ent fo r the 1971-72 year, com pu lsory and 2— 1971 MONTEGO MX STATION WAGONS of items have been returned to At PONTIAC PARK ... 7 1 6 A IS T A N G 3595.00 owns Off 184 m aou ^ Karin von Deck, that a Tver’s own the Quades because they were «9 FORD 219SA0 ' _____ who was elected secretary. company reimburse him for F-lOO Pickup. 6-cyl.. ntd.. 8’ body. V8, Auto., P/S, Factory Air, Silver. determined to be outside the ic PICK YOUR NEW PONTIAC U.8. Sen. LoweU Welcker has Others officers nomed at an out-Cf-pocket losses ue DODRE 1— 1971 MONTEGO MX 4-DOOR BROUGHAM purview of the warrant. ’Ihey aoDolnted Edward L. Wlnpenny election meeting Wednestoy a<^ept.” ‘ 1 9 9 5 were held for almost four 70 PORSCHE S8I5M JrrttN ew Canaan to be his ex- night, are: James Royce, vice Hi* fow pror»^ MONACO WAflON NEVER REGISTERED! SHOW ROOM CONDITION! months, and a list of these ^ NAME YOUR PRICE! 68 M U S T A N G ecutive coordinator for Con- president; Carolyn Shaw, treas- perscns’'inay lilU go to court to items. Including a number of 911-T, EHectric roof. Under 10,000 recover eidfiUonal damages for Clean. Priced Fasiback. 8, auto., PS, grten. necticut. Winpermy will direct urer; and Wlnthrop Porter, pro- 9-Paasenger, PS, Automatic. Runs Uko New, These fine cars c a r r y the wmwnder of the I books has been entered as an n itfe iln g or other^lntanglbles. ir WE'LL TRY TO MEET IT! miles. the «ffEND! Sky Ckmv. V-8, auto., PS, PB. blue. LTD 2-Dr. Hardtop V-8,-auto., PS, PB, office. a dinner-dance June 5 at 7 p.m., Jan. 1. 'i, \ CHEVROLET were hers. She insisted, on WALLY PARCIAK air, green, ------at flie Waveriy Inn, Clieslre. Most auto insurance law^ otlp- ‘ 1 9 9 5 cross-examination by the assis­ that payments wlU be WPALA tant state’s attorney, that they ■nie Stat^ Senate yesterday proceeds wlH be used to defray ulate approved a blU that would the' %oets of the Connecticut made by the Insu^M co were her own even though her 69 MUSTANG 239SA8 4-Door Hardtop. 8, Automatic, PB, Vinyl Roof. Sharp. husband had access to them. Htp.. V8. Auto., P/S, White. 69 FORD 1995A0 maVA Jan. 18 a legal state boll- delegation to the Young Repub- of the' driver judged to he at When it became evident that Falcon Futura 2-Dr .Auto., V-8, PS. day In memory of the late Dr. ucana national convention later fault in an accident. . \ PONTIAC PARK Martin Luther King. It passed June, in Phoenix, Ariz. \ Tarpinlan intended to question "Autborixed Pontiac Dealer for Metropolitan Hartford’ each pcdice officer on exactly on a 28 to 8 roll call vote and 0LD8M0RILE 67 M E R C U R Y 1395.00 now goes to the House for ac- where in the Quade house each 373 MAIN ST. MANdHESTER M4-2M1 l‘‘9 r LUXURY SEDAN individual item in the search Capri 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, auto., PS, tion. H r ‘2495 MOMARn 67 OLDS 2095il0 The Senate, by a 27 to 7 vote, was found, a process \rtdch blue FuU Power, Vinyl Roof, Must Bo Seen. Under 80,000 MUes, could take many hours. Judge Tbronado, 2-dr. killed a measure aimed at open- ■ 643-5135 24 HOUR TOWING Paul J. Driscoll suggested that _ tory Air, Turquoise* Badlal Tires. tag fraternal societies to mUMW- B Factory Warranty. the questions be resolved with Ity-gTOup members. The bill — 66 BUICK 1395.00 would have effected eating or ■ police Informally so that argu­ Skylark 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, auto., PS, ments could g^ down to the 70T-BIRD 4495.00 drinking estaWlriiments licens­ M oriarty BroHiers MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM BROHIERS actual issues. ’Hie defense attor­ blue. ed by the state. H ney contended that where the 2 Dr. Htp., vinyl roof, rome^terior, air Manchester State Sen. David H cond., 6 -v ^ seat, tape deck, radial tiros. Odegard voted with the major!- Lincoln - Mercury - Jeep items were found was Important FOR PROFESSIONAL, QUALITY In detenplning whether or not 65 P O R S C H E 2795.00 When the House by an 87 to ■ SIS OKNTIEB S fl. M ANCHESTER they fell within the scope of the sc coupe, silver metallic, excqitional 66 rdU call vote yesterday ap- ^ CONTROLLED AUTO BODY REPAIRS MANCHESTER w arrant. cond. proved a bUl establishing a third The attorneys planned to file M f f l E R I C K 67 FAIRLAtK 189SA) kind of pmalty for flrist degree ■ on all makes.. 643-5135 briefs on the motions withtn the murder convictions, Manches- IB Ranchero, 8, Autpi, P/S, Maroon. next few weeks. 70 D O D G E CORONET 2695.00 ter-area legislators were split 4 dl-DSMOBILE OPEN DAILY 9 to 9, THURSDAYS till 6, Attorney Tarpinlan made an ^ 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, auto., PS, green. to 4 on the proposal. ■ unexpected oral motion to dis­ Voting for the bill were State STAN OZIMEK, Manager SILVER LANE AT HTFD. RD., MANCHESTER 8A TU BD AYS tUl 8 . . . miss, charging that the case Reps. Thomas Dooley of Ver- H 643-1511 — Open Eves. Except Thurs. ft Sat. USE YOUR BEAT BELT FOR SAFETY FIRST! was being tried in the newspa­ 69 P O N T IA C 2495.00 non, Dorothy Miller of BoUon, ■ 301-315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER pers and it would be diflflcult 2 dr. H ^,^8, Auto., P/S, 69 RAMIHJER 1395.00 TIuHnas Donnely of South VHnd- to pick an Impartial Jury. He Catalina, 2 dr. sor and VTlUam O’NeUl of the M complained that Information P/B, Factory Air Amerioto, 6, 8 Speed, 4 Door, Green. 82nd District. was being supplied to the press FORD INC. by the state’s attorney’s office, FITZGEKALD although all he cited in support ■ / for this was a newspaper story on Wednesday announcing that 1969 TORINO GT 1969 GALAXIE 500 the motions were being argued 1969 XL Conv. Yallow. 2 dr. H-top. auto trana.. V-8 angina. PS; PB, on Thursday, "according to the M A VERICK 2-Dr Sedan YsUow, blsek top, auto trana, V-8 angina, powsr A q u a . 2 dr. H-top. auto tram.. 428 ram air angina, 69VW 1845.00 radio. WSW tiraa. whaal covara A n o n e state's attorney’s office.’’ 70 VW 199SA8 tiasring. radio, WSW drsa whaal oovsri. trae look. VJSW. PS. PB. AM/FM radio itaroo. taeh. Deluxe Sedan, Blue make memorial day Caldwell stressed that assign­ BASE PRICE Deluxe Sedan, Red VOLKSWAGENS dntad 0 ^ Pb>* "MMe. $ 2 0 9 5 AIR CONDITIONING ments were a matter of public $2Z95. record available on a printed 68VW 159540 docket'In the clerk’s office.The *2 1 7 5 .0 0 69 V W 189S.00 Deluxe Auto. Sedan, Red CO defense attorney Insisted the Driuxe Sedan, Red 69 VW 2495.00 memorable with a 1968 FALCO N Wagon 1967 F A LC Squareback, Auto, Beige ^1969 CMC T R U C K case had been tied to the slay­ Dark blua.^drg L. 6 eylindar angina. ^ ing of Paget Weatherly and con­ NO CHANGES IN THE SIMPLE MACHINE. 68 V W 1545.00 O Whita, H ton. *ort box, Fhwtiids, Md. trans., S cyi- Dark Wua. 6 paaa. atd. tram . 6 eylindar angina, 69 V W 219SJ)0 Deluxe Sedan, Green radio. A-1 eondhian. ___ . radio, axd sequently was given more sensa­ Kombi, Red great OK used car indsr angina, radio, txtra dsan. tional coverage than it deserved. M A VERICK 4-Dr Sedan 69 V W 2395.00 ______$1295. $ 945. S i However, Judge Driscoll com­ 69 V W 219S.00 Squareback Station Wagon, 67VW 134540 ______$1845, mented that this was first men­ Blue Deluxe Sedan, Red y y :H^;i^^j|LJ»¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ^ ¥ tioned last week by Tarpinlan BASE PRICE Karmann Ghia Cpe., Red 1966 BRONCO Wagon himself when he questioned Ma­ 1967 CHEVROLET 66 Wy 124540 1967 SUNBEAM Conv. Ford. MaroonAivhIta. 4 whaal driva. fraa running jor O’Brien about comments 65 VW 114540 Rootas. rid . blsek top. radio. 4 spoad atiek. buckat Black. Biacayna. 4 dr. Sadan. auto tram . V-8 angina. 66VW 124SJI0 Deluxe Sunroof, White 70 CAMARO $2895 69 DODGE $2095 huba. radio, atd. tram . 6 eylindar angina, buckat O’Brien made to the press after ^2235.00 Deluxe Sedan, .Black 68 CHEVELLE $2025 aaati. low mllaaga. Deluxe Sedan, Beige RaUy Sport Coupe. V8, auto­ Dart Swinger, 2 Door Hard­ laata. mud and anow tiraa. the arrest. \ Concours Blstate Station Wa­ top. 6 cyunder, automatic, $1645 I Tarpinlan also asserted that 67VW 149540 gon. V8, automatic, pow*r matic, power steering, radio, heater, custom interior. radio, heater,, vdiltewalls. SPECIAL $ 895. un assistant state's attorney In 65 V W 1145.00 65VW 114540 Type 8 Fastbflck, White steering, luggage rack, radio, $ 945. Utchtleld County was making Deluxe Sedan, Gray Deluxe Sedan, Blue heater, whitewalls. 68 VOLKS. $1495 71 PINTO $1995 use of some material in the EXCEPT FOR A COUPLE OF EXTRA DOORS. 66 CHEVROLET $1295 2 Door, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, 66VW 109540 Deluxe 2 Door. 4 cylinder, 4 radio, heater, white Mlchelln 1966 SQUIRE Wagon Quade case, implicating the ^ Impala 4 Door Hardtop. V8, speed, radio, heater, white- 1966 FAIRLANE 65 V W 1145.00 65VW 114540 Deluxe Sedan, Red tires. t /> Graan. (tountry Sadan. 10 pan., auto tram . V-8 an­ state's attorney here. automatic, power steering, w alls. WhHa. 10 paaa.. auto tram . V-8 angina. PS. PB. Deluxe Sunroof, Blue Bhia. 2 dr. H-top. auto trana.. 390 V-8 arxiina. powar As the afternoon sesslwi drew Deluxe Sedan, Blue radio, heater, whltewaUs. 68 FORD $1595 gina. radio, powar ataaring. WSW tiraa. 65 CHEVROLET $995 ataaring. buckat aaata. radio. WSW tiraa. radio. WSW tiraa. whaal covara. 2 9 5 to an end, Caldwell told the 69VW 184540 68 CHEVROLET $AVE Falrlane Sport Coiq>e. 6 cyl­ $1095., 6SVW U9S.00 64 VW 104540 Deluxe Sunroof, Blue BelAir 4 Door, 0 cylinder, BelAir Station Wagon. V8, inder, automatic, power M A VERICK Grabber automatic, radio, heater, automatic, radio, heater, steering, heater, whltewaUs. 895 Station Wagon, Blue Deluxe Sedan, White whitowaU tires. w hitew alls, v»Bry low mUe- 68 PONTIAC $2195 age. OPEN ALL DAY BASE PRICE 66VW 124540 67VW 159540 70 Monte Cario $3275 Firebird Sport Coupe. V8, 64VW 104540 Station Wagon, Red 67 CHEVROLET $1295 Sport Ckxipe. V8, automatic, automatic, power steering, Deluxe Sedan, Red Sedan, Blue Impala 4 Door Hardtop. V8, power steering, power disc vin yl root, radio, heater, SPECIAL OF THE WEEK MONDAY *2 3 5 4 .0 0 automatic, power steering, brakes', vinyl root, radio, whltewaUs. 69VW 1845.00 -radio, heater, vddtewalls. 66VW 124540 M V W 104540 heater, vriUtewalls. 70 CH EVROLET $2595 Deluxe Sedan, White 70 CHEVROLET $3250 Memorial Day Deluxe Sedan, Bdwe Deluxe Sedan, Bine 69 PLYMOUTH $2375 Nova Sport Cfoupe. V8, stand­ Impala Sport Co u m . V8, Fury HI Sport Cfoupe.V8, pow­ ard, power steering, vinyl MAINE CAMPER COVERS 70VW 2395.00 69 V W 1845.00 automatic, air ccndlUonlng, er steering, vinyl roof, radio, roof;' radio, stereo tape, heat­ ...AND A LITTLE MORE JAZZ... 66VW 124540 power steering and brakes, heater, v^tewoUs. er, raUy ^ eels, whltewaUs. Deluxe Sedan. Black ' Karmann Ghia Cpe.^_Red Deluxe Sunroof Sedan, Red radio, heater, whltewaUs. For 6 & 8' Box Model TCS 8-26 No. C4 67 BUICK $1525 Toast It Tan 69 FORD $2495 69 MERCURY Mcntego.MX Sport Coupe. 6 Special Deluxe 4 Door. 6 cyl­ —don’t roast it rare! (...AND A TREMENDOUSLY«"*^^ DEAL) 63 V W S A V E 68 VW 1895.00 Country Sedan Station Wagon inder, automatic, radio, heat­ Jack Hgrkim 66 V W 1495.00 V8, power steering, radio, cylinder, automatic, radio, SquaxdtMck, Green heater, vinyl roof, whitewalls er, whitewalls, low mileage! $ 2 9 9 .5 0 LEADING SUNTAN station Wagon, Red St W hite Deluxe Sedaii, White, heater, whitewalls. t /1 Real Clean SRLCS PREPARATIONS "AGoodPlfuetoBMjaCar^ FORD _____ imORPORATEO prescription d e p t . AAO.QQAA CHEVROLET FITZGERALD FORD AU Other Calls 6^5230 Opea 8 A M_ . to 9 . P M . — Convenient a - MHartford Am « National___ ■ V>_Bank__B_ or__ #4— Connecticut DABsIr Bank aavadi and ^ISplia6 Trust I Co. Time Payment Plans DILLON FORD ® TED TRUDON ® _____ C0„iNC. 2485 WESTOWN CARTER^ ^ 3 J Y e 4 n f of SeEtg& Servicing Cbevrolett^ YYINP90R AYR. RbuiN S3. ROCKVHIE 875-33W •“ MITI M, TILIJUII TMma« TMJtTTVRlJk aMNIIITIR MMII m n a a ijz s s a 319 Main Street, Manchester — 643-2145 I22B M6IM ITv-OPEN EVEHIHBt TIL $— THUBt. TIL I— MNNBHEttEH 455 HARTFORD RD. ' ' '" SHOP ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a n d MANCHESTER \ ' PAGE SEVENTEEN MANCHESTiER EVEiftN0 H i»Al3), MANCP^ OONN., FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1971. MANCHESTER EVENING «ERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY- MAY 28, 1971 PAGE SDCTBEK C o editor OUK BOARDINO HOUSE with MAJOR feoOTLE Dave larseon BUGGS BUNNY E ditor Sports Editor Xawrle Minor lO atretta X WENPIR IF A M M HA* Feature Eidltor Alt Editor JUST A MINUTE I AIN'T MAKIN' OViE MOVE,Vg '* > b e t t e r , Anotr Id fraiiMt hail* Daryl Juran UNTTIL VA PUT VEK / i AMV P0U6H? W JTX^ •BTTIB Baxtiara Fee BEFORE y/K 6TAKT IPLAV IT P m t n u o a f o r h ell BE c a r e f u l ! . Books to Read ANOTHER GAME, r *WIM OFF >^iTER^T>iAN A S chool W orld PUDDSV! T he i MINNOW FEEUN' A Zane Vaughan, Faculty Adrisor BHAPOW! Compiled by Students of Manchester High Sc|iool . s a m e HERE, JAKE-BUT ACROSS VOL* x x x m No. 31 FRIDAY, MAY 28 1 “ ----- and 58 Go astray N e m O O w a * a v m y OF COURSE M Y*U«iSgM 50 Semiprecious ABE MORE IM T W e i^ * Puniihmcnt” VEAB. AMO*! ,*OME T I^ T 8 "Hieof stone Personal Request STOCK I HAO J B S ’ FOR THAN THE C ^ « 5 Small World Barbara Fee Wins FINANCIAL WOBLP.' AU Flesh” DOWN M azur T ops KICK* FINALLY 9 “ ----- Han I would like to make a per­ ui/*ucrn OBre/ Who Was 1 Lake in Africa 2 Strictness A t A F S F est sonal request, and this Is it H iunday” Candidates It would be greatly aj^ireci- 12 Job giver 3 Greek goddess Journalism Aivard 13 Yellow bugle o f peace 'The American Field Service ated if the people who con­ 4 "Three----- harvest month Celebes plant International fair and dinner, stantly Instat upon leaving Bartiara Biee, feature editor ask that a story be^ lefti'iltten in&Boatr 20 Fatigue 40Closeby ' For Council their Jimk aU over the grass 14Poneaies held Saturday fta the MHS Cafe­ of the High School World, won or cut. 15 Traveling 5 Urges oh 22“__ -L oet” on the front lawn would pick (S cot) 25 Ages and ages Martin Maxur was elected teria, was a worth-while experi­ a sixth place award from t^ ^ Webster Gault <» lalceman It up. 6 "M erry-;p. 28 Greek letter 43 French ence for all those Involved. Un­ Hartford Oouroat at that news- ^ BY LANK LEONARD 16 "Green , 27 "The Golden revolutionary prealdent of the Student Coun- Not only la It ugly, but it's MICKEY FINN Hoimtain w papers' l«th annual 7Tum aw ey 45 Capable 611 OR Wedneaday, defeating fortunately, the number of per­ a rather senseless thing to State” 29 Ornamental 46 Feminine Kim Oealey and (Jhlck Bale- sons was not overwhelming. ^ conference last Saturday. ^ VES, ^ ANO t WISH you WOULP \ 18 Oxford tutor 8 Spun wool do. Nobody has the right to SHERIFF—, L E T M y HUSBAND A ^ E l 9 Conjunction carparts name aono in a well-fought campaign. But the AFS Club did realise She belongs to the Courant's 19 English 48Eastem mess it up for the reet of the THERE MUST EE SOME THERE < a novelist (vsr.) 30 Breathe Marty la Uie son of Mir. and about $228 to help p a y the ex ­ 185-member oMpa^ Parade pf ^ ^ ^ “morgue,” the CERTMHLYK 10 Chinese heavily university school. MISTAKE, MRS. BLEAKER- (1713-1768) 49 H4ad covering Mm. Jerome Maaur of n Lewis penses of John Lombardo In And does it leaUy take Youth .correspondents, and “"O*®** uv——,* hv ------1^1 21 Ribbed febric dynasty 31 Small vaUey 11 Superlative 33 Upper limb 50 English St. He Is a member of AFS Germany this summer. that much effort? / 23 Follower cathedral city hSd***^^ ^ 'com »rtl^ "tte peraM^*^^tacts. The writer (suffix) suffix 34 Hawaiian and won kudoe for bis role aa 'The fair began In the early Laurie 17 Onetime garland 51 Escape (slang) chairman of the Student Dec­ afternoon. AFS members had entire World staff congratulates f * f f i t a 24BrixtlelUce 36 Wild ox of 53 Pretext S-3B part French orum Committee of the Student been working since morning to « rni >, HI*. 1.^ TM >.» HI j* e » o ; . „ ___. position by debate and veriflca- 28 Continent 1 T J- IT TT Council. Herein are included set up their booths. The coun­ The pres/mta^ t^plM e ^ ^ L (comb, form) 1 i r r r n excerpts from the campaign tries represented were El Sal- Vater W in s at a dinner In the Hartford HU- at the end E N*. OH. TIME.' form) ■ ear towards ideas given by stu­ 4 1 G y w IT T" booths offered foreign food; investigated and wrote “the re- niay have only one clumce for dents. But action and parUcipa- brush. husband others a few sold objects such cent stories on the medical-dent- good shot. Therefore, he is al- 44 Footwear ST - 1 H t l It u Uon by you has to be very ap­ 47 Spring month parent. . . It’s only logical 'and as candles. In the Mexican Debra’s entry wlU now be sub- school at Farmington, dls- lowed an unlimated supply of 48Indonaaian JT just that everyone participate booth, there were plnatas fuU niitted foir final judging and cussed the construction of news fum and may take as many as lataiwl 62 by putting their involvement of candy to be broken open for will compete for a $600 first articles. He said that articles goo photographs m i a large as- 52 "Tlie Beggar’s U w. Bl within the school system. a small price. Prt“. ^ second prise or $100 should be brief as posaible with slgnment, out of which only one BT IB IB 54 w inglike part "Secondly, student representa­ titeratare on each country third inlBe. Important points at the begin- or two may be printed, he said, 55 Thai dialect BT BT U tion on the Board of Educa- was available; posters lined Judges for the contest were ning^ because the reader has a Hie copy reader is the last 580f royWty M tlon Is a prime step for basic the walls; foreign redpea were Stewart Klonls, executive diiec- limited time and Interest q>an. man behind the scenes, pointed 57"G or Jordon student rights. . . It would distributed; artifacts were on tor of the Art Students League Russ Havourd, state desk re- out Peter Goodman, copy edl- seem to the benefit of the Board V) dlsplay. Operators of several of New York; Isaac Soyer, In- porter, offered suggestions on tor. He catches all the last mln- of Education that we offer our booths were dressed in foreign structor for toon art classes at feature story writing. Hie fear ute errors and writes head- tbou^ts and our views of pro­ costumes and music In different the Brooklyn Museum Art ture writer must approach his lines-. If the most minor erroro My horse and 1, Our friendship I dive him tender He ^ives .me gressive change within "their" languages filled the catetoila Schod, and artist AUco Baber, gtory with ImpartiaUty, and yet are not ^ ^^® saddle sores. CABNtVAL BY DICK TURNER we're quite a paii; never bores. loving care, . system . all day. The Israel booth fea- relate to what he vraltoa about, article — cannot— -» ■ be printed, ■- ‘"Hilrdly, the new modified tured Israeli folk-dancing. he told the students Individual- Courant President EdmuM Ity Is Important. With where W. Downes was speaker at tte open campus system will be Hie usual fair activltieB such he’s been, or what he’s done, dinner which preceded the BY PHIL KROHN perfected in our time, but to Track Team Looks Good \ Guidance Notes as a wishing well and dart ^The Boys GUMMER STREET throw, were also available. every person could bo material awards presentation, activate its fUU purpoee, .the P it, 72 open 'campus system needs a best of luck In his new office, somethin to shoot at. Application forms for the Rob- On the International Dinner TnBand^ for a feature story. The field S -l« menu were caaserdes and des- is casual and wide open, axxiord- AMV MAIL . I suppose ir «nouLp 6 iu ^ THE LESSER OP TWO EVILS student______lounge.. . After two heartbreaking loeeee In the 100-yard dash, Billy erteon Scholarship are available HOHOHOMO |J7 f^ENDEZyo ing to Havourd. FCKeMeTOCWf m e 5 o m 5ATi$ f a c t io m us FlnaUy, the Student OouncU to Maloney and Platt H l^, both Rhodes remains undefeated, as In the Guidance Office. For serte from foreign lends; m w m TO KNOW I 0ei6H X eH B P Is quickly approaching the point Mjerlden, the Indians put It he has been sweeping all com- this scholarship, preference ie As Nancy Hunt, junior vrtio Is Unified Women find about the same Slave D ay MMMM UPHI5RAV where the poeition it hdds as toKether 'Tueoday and beat petition. He-has already tied the given to residents of the 8th erated the Caita/te booth, opportunities in a newspaper Z r SHORT RIBS BY liU N K O'NEAL an advisory group can no longer \nndham on our track. track record______of 9.9 ___seconds. „ School and UtiUtiesUtilities District, said, "It really muiR be a small 'Hie Boys In the Band," the career as men do, said lUss ¥ n v m be sufficient. It calls for a com- '^JJigrtri'^Uata coachM and' his team- CJompleted appUcations must be world, U we can fit It aU into Hartford Stage Companys last Gall Ctopeland, the J^urart's R e v is io n mlttee of student-faculty and he Is u nd«^ d mates feel that BUly Is the fast- returned to the Guidance Office the cafeteria.” offering of The season, w aem patent women's ^tor. The z r - ' administration having equal the jump and long est sprinter In the OCTL and he by Tuesday, June 8, 1971. dieller last week by MHS student sub- Women’s Page Is trying to keep scrlbers. Mart Crowleye contro- away from routine subjects Is N eeded power. . i I feel It Is a very jump, as he set echoiH records should really be something to ______venrial play was described by such aa fariiion and cuisine. promising and effective way of ^g^h event. Hie previous watch next year, Time magazine as "a funny, and has done articles on sub- Slave Day came once again m making very real and constnic- jump record was 21 feet In the 229-yard dash Jack ((■' sad and honest play about a set )ects such as poUuUon and edu- to MHS. The “ prospective mei> tive change In the educational inches, hut It was shat- Prior has broken his own per- Indian ISine Roars Back of mixed up human beings who cation. She also explained that chandlse” was paraded across stnicture Itself. tered when’ Angelo jumped 22 sonal best wUh a clocking of MW was Ocnard. Hurler Brad Steurt happen to be deviates, an editor should not hesitate to the stage on May 20. 'Hie stu­ S-JB "In cloeliig, all I can say Is ^ inches. TTie previous 22.9 seconds. In the 440-yard After a three-game dents In the audience spent their that we, as students, have m^k In the triple jump was -lash, Steve Blake and Jeff streatk put their backs to the er put on a one-man show, lych- One ®*J^® time judging appearances, mak- received, through many efforts, ^ feet, set by CZiuck Lankford ‘'eck continue to Improve their well In regards to qualifying for Ing a three-hitter, and sMking commuted tow ing comments, (some of them, Ry f r a n k b a g in s k i prlvqegea that other school sys- fV*®^„®®^’^ ^ p e d out that times and are conslstonUy get- the state tournament, the MHS out 10. But Stouroris b l ^ “ ® /" *® Four W in as usual, unnecessary) bidding, PLAIN JANE - - t. . .We can't fe et 5 ting first and second places, baseball team roared back with contribution was at home plate, he had over seen. U ^U , sets, or watching everyone etae bid. QUICKJ.l_APy..„WHO.IS _ /'FAST! FACT! THIS M usic Camp It was David Kolumber's job U'LLADV WINS A FULL B U ( ? I ^ IN <=.RAJVT^ TOMB.??, ger guidelines that are now es- . surprise for the squad heel doesn’t seem to affect his to even their record at 8-8. As two Imme runs and ttree R ^ . U ***® ^ to keep the bidding going. This VeAiRS SUPPLY O F ‘^“ **hed- th^ vSLISCen toe to“ per- time, and when Steve doesn't this paper went to press, the ahm had a circuit clout Yon ^ *X d ^ e^ - Scholarships a m m o - d e n t proved to be rather difficult as we npiii'r»iiNiu.iHAT “As seen in the successes of of Kevin Wal* in tiie come through Jeff does; togeth- Tribe faced a must-win sltua- for the wlnne^. ^th abaction towa^ most of the audience was either HPASTC! Four Mandiester High Stu­ New SCHOOtMARM this year's councU, actions hap- UieT^te an uiibeafable tion against Windham In Ite final ^ ^ too embarassed or laughing too nen smoothlv and effectively Javelin. He DM oearon An*™ j contest in order to qualify for Tribe’s record came behind an- individual acton. dents have received scholar- JMOVeP TO TCHIM/ In the last two meets, and we pair. ______J*” ” “ other steUar pitching perform- Directing the production was hard to bid. only In a situation of mutual look for him to have a strong In the 880-yard run, Steve the tournament. attend Laurel Music The best thing one can say respect. If you take your The Injuns’ rictory string be- ance by Noske. Hte diminutive Pa«i; WMdner, producing dlrec- b“P» aw «irf«^''liist flnleh at the end of the season. Gates ran htshis best^ ever inm 2:08.12 :o».i ^ the . . __Bristol . - • ifahth'aiider • a aa -- a ___aa tossed------a three-hit-W4A ite"* , ^ the a a. . St^i n a _ _ .a . y”Vaaa*aea*eae#<3ompiiy- Ac- A A _ Camp from Juno 28 to July 2. about Slave Day Is that It makoa t e -me pole vault has gotten a big -after he ^ won toe mUe ^ ” toi Eastern to gain a IS. Includr^Mark ^p«>y, cheryl Howe and Dave Laro- m«iey. V®“ « 'MAN 4*'.28 C1WUrWtAhc,mi9B.M±tW.0lt ^ world In general a little mutual Uft this year with toe addition rum Although behind A1 Noske. Steve Smyth 6-2 win. The Indians were also Frasier, Anthony Heald, oon wlU be sponsored by toe Otherwise, it ^om pU ahodl^ resnect < »^ g o ’a long way.” oi Stove Caasels and too return ond it was one ^ toe clo ^ brought home toe winning taUy held to only three safeties by Robert Motoerly, Michael Nouri, cSiamlnade Music Club, Nancy tie. If you . "Oh, I guess she's popular enough . . . but not a ^ l T ^ w o l Scott Wlggln. Along with racre we have sren aU S , s^ iglT ^ losing moundsman Wayne GU- ^avld O. Petersen, Paul Rudd, Fortie by toe Manchester Eve- friends, it can embarbarra* TV to^AU^tooOThdldates for the David Bunco, they have shovm Noske strorfe^out seven in a fine ley, but four runs in toe thlrt jjenry Thomas and Lisle WU- nlng Herald and Lisa Larson by sing for toe kid " with many people!" stand on display until someone SHOW perfcrmance. witnout benefit of a hit Paul Rudd was a member Ray Beller's Music Shop. Next victim fo r toe Indians sealed t of the National Company of a u four are members of the finally bids. Embarrassment ^ 5”toe” W h'^o^W ^d ^Swtt contoue their fine per- “'®®® *'®^® "The Boys In the Band," joined Round Table Singers. Lisa and even awaits toe bidder In some aXATISTlOB BY ROL3TON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY esnecialty congratulate Marty formances hi the diot put, and be^ really toe New York cast and toured cZieryl are first aJtos, Nancy to cases. Too many people MR* ABERNATHY In summer stock. a second alto, and Dave is a ridiculed because of their loau, in ^^!!^, and wish him toe have given their competition ^ R H 2B SB PLATER AB Ths pWy will nm through first tenor. and It just shouldn’t he like I'M w r it in g AN ...HOW(3UMEOURCOUMTWDO^^ . BY mCK CAVALU I PROTEST! nfe WINTHBOP year has to go to Phil Stone- M arsh 69 8 14 1 June 90. Laurel Music Camp to at West that. A N G P y LETTER TO HAVEA «AL\WnON N A H Y r NCTTRAIRJ t o mem. ffince toe first meet, in Jackson 88 8 11 0 Barbara Hill Pond In New Hartford; High Maybe Slave Day would be THE JD IN T AU-paSKC WHO LEFT A Nen* peMocRATic.' FDNNy..60Mg0P/U 0 ^ MHS Breeds Exotic Birds which he ran a 4:58.0, Phil has B alesano 68 8 12 3 ______school students gather there for better If people didn’t see who CHIEPS OFSlAFP WINCX3WC3PENV D) CALLH?/NDfiAIDTHB2E6 steadily Improved his time so GUha 68 7 10 3 one week each summer to enjoy they were bidding on. All that AND THE Good evening, ladles and gen- pair of foam-rubber dice hang- A en^ANoe OBJECT iruiii uio much that he is now nihnlng Steurer 48 12 12 1 “No offense, man.” camp life as well as to develop would be told la whether toe PREGiDevrli tlemen, and welcome to the Ing from the nore HANGING OUTCN Sm yth 45 4 12 0 Maynard O. Kreba g,^ share their musical talents, “slave'’ up for Md to a boy or ^ ciJcmHEeuT«. MHS Zoo and C r^ Factory. V S * te ^ N oske 60 5 12 1 ------'Dielr week at Laurel will con- giri and what he had promised We vrould like to show you some to almost all of MBB U ^ be a good runner and W lggln 38 4 3 2 VHeUo, Mrs. CSeaver, is Wal- gigt of sports activities and elth- m do. That way, people could T albot 25 2 8 0 lace In?" er chorus, band or orcherira re- relax more when they hid. H olik 87 6 8 1 Biddle Haskell hearsals under outstanding con- Maybe, then, it would be more o f that tatrl^ SSlL^t‘rf“ti^ h S ^ toe But^^ leading W lrtalla 28 2 4 0 ------ductors. The Camp ends on July fgn. “Manchester Teenagerum" flm^e been Steve Gates. In the Wind- K ravontka 9 0 0 0 “And when you hear this 2, with a public concert given Claire ? iL X t ^ limst, we come ham-Norwloh tri-meet, Steve B ernard! 1 0 0 0 sound, that means the round to at Gilbert High School In Win------■ m te eh^ to ^ ^ l^ v K Tall Of ran a L J T 7 mile ^ d won toe G oss 1 1 0 0 over." sted. »«■« these creatures. TWs is “News- event with ease. He hopes to TOTAL 618 67 101 12 Art Fleming JoAnne and OaU £n f f l S t O r y z z BY ROY CRANE Stret BUZZ SAWYER PU- P»P®n“ STLro By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BUT, HONEV, I DOHT AHY MORE. «4iire lonir KftJr «nd exotlc odoT tag features Include a warped all sure he will. .V. .1 : - A ->• ~ } r - - IT'S M E ^.W IN .' I BOUGHT TH E RANCH IN TEXAS/ GAME ANIMALS GAU>R^ Today Is Friday, May 28, the AMTELOPES„,SAIEU.ES...BAN GIRAFFES AND AFRICAN YOU USED TO ANO I HAVE NO ’^m SStei^^al^” finite mind, tack of all conventional This seems to be toe ^ar BACK, HELEN. ^ ^ w «n s Md- restraint and termhial acne. An for all other schools to ^ ve route to the North, Its early his­ I48to d a y o f 1971. T here a r e 917 a m DOWNSTAIRS, ELEPHANTS, and y o u 'l l LOVE THE HOUSE. IDVE THE INTENTION OF BY CBOOKS & LAWRENCE COUNTRY... MOVING TO A CAPTAIN EASY bLea StiXht identifying lArase is, “Good- good two-mllers except Man­ tory was scarred by Moody • t* m COUfftJiW days left in the year. I'VE SOT GREAT or Volksw^ ^a. r*“s f Chester. Although working hard, British City clashes between toe occupying Hiday's wigWlgfat In Bstory NEWS. AHD people find it hard to dteOn- “ye- ” 7DMONIWW, MV PfiAR CAPITAN, ^ Sm t e a IT* THE ONLY WAViEASYl Dave Mark Hanna, Jeff Geyer, Dick forces and oppressed northern­ On this date to 1940, In World '" y o u ' , HORSEBACK M ar V N0C(rS HOLPMS MBA guteh one sex from tiie other, a p e o » M € ^ X SHALL TAKE YOU TO OUK OKAYTMK Crafts and Mike Salmond can’t war n, British and French FORQEt, CINNABAR M W e- FROM WHICH jJJg^JsjiRTUAL nueoNE^ fact which led one beer-can In 1 9 0 0 th ers. PRINCESS1 seem to get it together. But troops began an evacuation WIN, X ISeXTRACTBP------■roeMtACURyoKB'^------ALL THIS ABOUTW T iO U pblloeoptier to remark, “You Peace was not restored with C«vfVs Cj*a VJt ip DETEST we're sure their times will im­ the expulsion of that first invad­ On Hite Date HKNTINSMETU know, It’B getting to be bo' s you Bloodmobile .RANCHES.. KIDNAP Y 3U f prove and they’ll come on in Anniversary er: The city was still to feel toe can’t teU toe boys from toe ‘a ^ O '7 In 1864, A rchduke Ferdinand the last half of toe season. wrath of William the Conqwror, girls.’’ The sexes are told apart MaxtmlUan of Austria-Hungary D u e A gain The hardest workers of toe By JULIE FLINT Oliver Cromwell and, ultimate­ eitbsr by toe presence of facial landed In Vera Crus, Mexico, to Associate Press Writer t u n e 'ix o A i : ‘5 0 - 3 hair (denoting a male) or care- Although toe HMtford blood- year a v ^ ^ J ^ ® 22 ly, toe (Jerman bomb. become emperor. mobUe Is no longer at Mknclwo- hurdlers I^k Tyo, H o ^ YORK, England (AP) — Bm- The anniversary celebrations In 1906, R u ssia’a fle e t su ffered we ter Mgh, those non-donating 18- glade, D«« M or;^ ^ ^ k conquerors, brigands recaU Yort’s checkoi^ a cUastrous defeat to toe Russo- fbST “^^orm lo Honorus." year-olds may now bo relieved Itore really come all have left their in a Bpectwulw - 5 ' . 0 0 - Japanese War. XI. bte SDOie time read- of their past ^pprMienslons, just through in stiff competition. In ^g^t on toe ancient cathedral set against the backgrou^ t o 1984, M rs. O liva D ionne teSL!X to dSSte blood during the Wlndh^-Norwlchjri-i^t “ ^g, ^ork. ruin, of toe 18th pentiuy Bt. f * 6 0 - 5 * - 3 0 gave Urto to qulntiqdets to a ALLEY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN i^tifvinff'features are toe tilt- the months of July or August at TVo just But the quaint, cobbled city, Mary's Abbey. farmhouse near Callender, On­ ^^STftKirnlng hte head Temple Beth ShMom. |n combines toe best of tte Most Uq^ve, tario. * hnnk titles tm library AcconUng to donors, tiie hour- The school record to 16.8 sec- jj,g present, has with- toe re-enactment of tto 19M JJ rn FREE ASA »RP/ I HNgy ...A N ' IF THAT BK3 BLOW- to 1837, British Prime Mtois. rPD TAKE MOREW A BUNCH OF HARD SUZ EVER PUTS S ^ m t w S lo^ V r^ in . Is palMess. Af- onds and Dick ran a M.9 ^ t ^ gg„tgrtes of plunder and avil War battie ter Stanley Baldwin resigned CVS^ai«^WN LIZARDS rSET ANOTHER CROWN-eWAPPINe BY MILTON CANIFF knd*^^uU ar hUMt of ^ a period of regtotorlng and he’U havq the record befme toe pg,/gr.game8 and this year cole- Moor, which elp»a»^ ‘ f ita rtlrq J PfUPOSmON TO ME STEVE CANYON and was succeeded by Neville OL."IUNK, BV eUMBOl 2 2 S X r h t o X r ^ ^ an •nackl^ on doniS and juice, season's dver. „ {2*te. brates thethe 1900th1900th anniversaryanniversary of; fall to Cromwell’s Roundheiu Rich Gowen has conststentiy jjg fgundatiwi In 71 A.D. by toe troops. w ri. teojce-Vj \ Chambertaln. ^UH-.-ANYTHINO X SHOULoY^yES.SUMAAER) ...m taftim An identifying toe most painful action takes L* aronkA bu J n 1989, tw o m onkeys nam ed DO — BESIDES OPENING ) 6ET (WT YOUR -A place - tiTpIn.prick. This de- brought hte time, Roman governor of Britain, Another highlit Is the re- Able and Baker survived a too- MV UMBRELLA AND J EUROPEAN PHRASE pbrasei. _____ w 1- denoted bv the termlnes Moodnnod conditioncoidition and seems to getgc bettor with each Qui„tug petUllus Cerealte. creatiwi of the fimer^ M ^ A k i i a n r t 1 ------7 JUMPINO ? ------T BOOK... hypertxjte. "C „ type, -me actual blood donation meet. Blade and Morgan have Thousands of visitors already man emperw Lucius SepUmlita W mile trip into space after being to toe na^ wtm said to feel like a duU reaUy looked riiarp In toe 180 flocking to toe city, sand- Severus, who ended hte despotic launched from Cape Canaveral, . next roecl- throb, hardly the torture toat lows and have also continued to ^ghed between toe Industrial rule In York to 2U A.D. Fla., to the nose of a rocket. turol might hg expected. The remain- Improve. Midlands and busy Tyneside, York Iflnstor—the vast Md t o 1992, (h e New Y ork stock men. He is A ^ e ^ - lounging ITte record now stands at four ^ jjjg „^ggt javteh celebrations beautiful cathedral, built on the market took Us Mggest Iomi “M" M i faX^on Jtoce win. and four losses overall ever staged within Its 14th oen- site of an early 9to century sin ce O ctober 1929. ' SSTSteCr Md\m.SS ^ W . mort ^ four ^ % ,^ -gg^ walls. churoh-te toe center of an ex- Ten Years Ago ISSLSl ^ e ^ Ib o w , Words donors claimed to enjoy perfect OCH. competition. ^ ® The feativltiea, which will be pensive musical program. Nu- President John F. Kennedy « « "Hi. health and spirits. Now, was remain. T.C. Banana In full swing from May to Octo- merous orchestral and Mioral announced ttasit U .N . am bassa­ her, remind both the casual viri- concerts are being held In toe * ^ e !" The female toat «. bad?!? dor Adlai E. Stevenson would BY COKER and PENN tor and the careless local that isto century minster, which has make a South American tour to LANCELOY York to, and always has been, a been newly decorated, cleaned promote unity in - the Western ..LANCE » PKACTICINe FDR HIG M om ents pretty explosive place. and restored. //I'L L TAKE ONE XLL GEE “GtaasehaUus Hotrodlum" to or August They saW th^ It Hemlqiriiere. NO.ON ee C ^D YOU ANO kME WITH TH E BOVG J It was here that Guy Fawkes — ------l a s " TONIGHT/ found exclusively In toe student made them feel good to taiow hills away Five Years Ago THOUGHT XLL MAKE R A IS E t/OU was born In 1670, 86 years be- ___ . Government troope were A DOLLARI narkins' lot Due to a strange that not only were they helping DtetMt aim GTANFBATI fore he set hte slg^its on blowing . » keeping the South Vietnam ^ fCPUNP!. U M ^La ritual, this iqiecles to to replenteh the low Mood supply Wnds of Bpri^ up parliament and wound up Juke box s Mowliy toe fure- hte hSTtatood in toe hospitals, but they were Many grassy plains city of Hue under ti{^ control [.ITTLE SI^B TS BY BOUSON vrtto to head on the block. heart’s beat^ rhytto ^ days eternally circling the also helping their famUlM. If And It was here that In 1789 soul keeps singing the N i^ after an uprising by Buddhist “Grease- any of ttS f kin outride of Oon- TaU mountains Eljnnaanauanu^^m inr^aaa^^uanu the notorious highwayman and Chuck Berry students. EBBUaaQUUQnnci wwiiia II l3L|»|*|jMb fSp bSSr^I^odta^" are kiwwn nreticut (which does not re q ^ Tinted g re^ ^ “ '*® horse-tolef Dick Turpin took t o ------One Year Ago QQ 0 0 0 last bold step—^up toe gallows. “par-boUed." Prealdeat Ntxon told a meet­ XWERS 00 IM tS m w a s the parking lot since early 1988. need a^ amount ^ Add tall, fire Ever since Ite foundation, ^.c.Flelds, when asked how ing of buslnesi leadens the 00 ^j^^^hrases are "A 427 price wlU^be ^ ®* York has sutfered iri tha raps- ^g „^g^ children, underlying lU.S. economy was Sfefes 0$0 S S ^ K T b a ^ l V-8.aad Uutae profit., plu. the Walking <3 cioua hands of greedy warlords ______very strong and he expected aa • ? !*• :?A" :? * m .ilifTlfhtjr'tdd ^^*toe shad^ cast In different riiades and power-loving poUtlclam ^ u r » T ) economic upturn later In the are permai^tly filthy h ^ , winnowing wlUows bend The mlUtary capital of lUanan “Hey, Pancho!" year. The Glaco Kid %• debMe wlteon Britain and a key print on toe ^bedded In the akuU and a faction. Stephanie

r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEStfeR. CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1971 PAGE NINETEEN IIANCHESTEE EVENDJG-h e r a l d ,-MANCfiBSTER. CONN„ ^P*RIDAY, MAY 28, 1971 PAGE EIGHTEEN Showdown at Fens Tonight THeDRYSide Indy Speed Story Complete on Saturday 4 In When Red Sox Receive A’s o f Sports McLaren Cars East Showdown Tonight n n«S T n \ r ^AP\ __ Thte ms sucoewor, Eddie Kaako, The Red Sox plan to counter toth lon g a d o ^ t » By t h e ASSOCIATED PRESS B y D E A N Re YCfp S r J H old Down - BOSTON (AP) ine ^ aecond year M Blue with right-hander Sonny Peters picked up hla fifth vte- AmerloM lieagne By DEAN YOST against the Falcons who fadl- tog Into tonislit’s contest are East Division ------Boston------Red Sox and the Boston manager, has the Red Mehert, who has won eight tory In eight decisions with re Qiips Down Indians E n ^ CIAC Tourney Tomorrow will never loned M im pressive 16-2 over­ Don GMdreM and Bob Ferron, W. L . P et. OJB. Front Spots all record. Both defeats came both around the .880 mark, Oakland A's open a three- soxKJK in frontiroiii in theui,> East stralgilt this season and 10 lief help from a y«J?S When the chips are down, idanchester High seems come for East Catholic I. >1, nlnn+v of Now comes the showdown be-'cver-aU since last September, southpaw tr^ng to find the Boston 28 18 .681 — . to respond with instant s u c c m s . During this past foot­ at the hands of St. Pm I’s. T “CM’t play tomorrow, if we Baltimore 24 17 .686 8 INDIANAPOUS (AP), "' High’s baseball team to­ game set with plenty or divisional leaders on Jim Lonborg, coming back from groove to stardom, ball season the Indians ndMed a win over Windham South Catholic blanked East lose tonight,” said Coach Pen- side attractions topight in wilUams’ first return to Fenway various allmenU. wUl s ^ Lee ball^ o^ Petera m a Detroit 24 20 .646 4% — ^The month of May hgs l e a g u e night IF Xavier High of last Wednesday, 8-0. dera to a telephone convena- 18 24 .429 9% to put the CCIL into a three-way tie. The Tribe came Spotting Gunver a five - run what some observers feel Park since he was fired .under urday with ^thi^ BUI Lee Cleveland se^n record spee^, inhOr jg^ the end of two innings, Middletown comes out A sound defense, plus a po, lion. Tlie question was asked; New York 18 24 .429 through. In basketball the Indii^ won four of their Vu3k o nrAvi^w of the aomewhat bitter clrcumBtances the nominee for Sunday. sixth and checked the Sena New Yor» vations m aerodynamics ^ m ^ ^ Md ahead of the Eagles at tent offense, is needed by Estat How do you feel about playing preview or tne The Red Sox tuned up fir the on three harmless hits the rest ,^a,ailngton 17 28 .878 best five games to ^ te r post-season tournament play. Palmer Field at 8. to order to overcome Xavier’s at night? and electronics .and a sur- temped the stampers, i m , last 1971 World------Senes.,------wiiiikms‘“w is lS sticUiur i^ sT with S lT nis ^ th oig seneshis big py series maauis by ii.making vwp u. it a a of the _way. *™ .,—o West Division Now in l^eball the up-and-down Tribe has' come on Presently the Blue and White fine all around play. In their Penders replied, ”I think It’s Of course, there s a long way WUI^ ^ Washington Sena- der struck out four and dldn t si 16 .660 pnse pole sitter at the In- night at the Keeney Field, strong winning its last four starts to quidify for the clad Eagles are 8-7. A victory previous meeting this year to a great opportunity for the play- TOmOHT’8 GAMES dianapolis Motor Speed- Dc m Yoet led the of- to go to the,P^t !:!Sr’Zn s^aSal tor. with a 6-2 3 o n Tlmrs- walk a batter. , SSJ^ta 28 22 .611 (3IAC basebalktoumey. is needed to order to qualify for Manchester, East lost 11-6. era. They are really looking for- Stevenson vs. Ansaldi, Ver­ most g, .(rtnner of 10 in a row, wUl day before 14,996 fans. The Red Sox played tte finale iQyjfomia 22 24 .478 w ay. The story will be fbnslve attack witii two circuit the (ZAC Tournament. Final Xavier was paced at the jdate ward to the game.’! 'Btast-beat pianck any pennant ^ k . But f ^ ^ e ^ mTir-v norrnna, anarw 5 5 th r u im ln g o f t h c ®f R®" Sm IowUe count Is midnight tonight. Esst Davo Suzlo, boOi hitting round park under the'lights . to them as c ^ cujtomdl*. ^ ^ C »m « nSaSSi^Hun- leaded ringle and the Red Sex shoulder Injury and rfiortst^ 23 .410 ier have a better record. It gf Glastonbury VFW vs. Nassiff, Buckley could be a number of thtoga; box derhy^winnar to A ^ T Indy 500, the premier auto ®!*’ ^®'"fr®^ the unbans ^ ^ake the deadline, by only trippers. Cheney Yech, 1-12, closed out won naUed do^ the declslan In the Lula Apariclo res^ on the ^ Be«lto lack oi a fourth starter; tocon- led the Red Sox *® strait and Hunter eight fifth with four runs. Including a bench. However, boUi are due e, Washington “ IIU- 52^ race m th« uSited State., S to to. *?* irr n r “."T INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE atotent hitting;. Md lack of toito thistKito year’s ’nilitv-threeT1ilrty-three conicars will biurinbegin errorless oau m me Coach Jim Penders wlU send be Brton SuUlvan. temoon at home againat WW- ^ hi In in a rowro the Red Sox have pair on Reggie Smith’s ninth ho- back in the Uneup against Oak- g KhmesoU 8 heads-up base running. starttag field to this year’s TW^ t ^ c o t ^ ^ BUodeM Leading hlttera for Bast go- cott Tech. Hcddtog off a late rallying Indy 600. ttieme race at 11 a.ma .^ , E^T withw lto j[ggt gt p ^ te with Sef merandRlcoPetrocem’sdxtl, umd.______Cleveland 10, BalUmBaltimore 6 When they settle down to play Lawyers, the Professional Bar­ Detndt 4, New Yort 8 good ball, the Indians are a ZlmmerniM, pUottog the Voll- °lJ^®n Rich Ron^o also blwiant in bers' managed to eke out m Only games scheduled 8-7 decision last night at Ver- Friday’s Gsmea around the two and a half mile ‘M cLar^l^^ark the ®*® "®“- "^pp*** “‘® Leagues Iron Out Court Rules ptanck Field to up their record ra>wiarwi enwrismamrisurprtaed i~fnnnti~sirifa^ ___ ® ------Major League H ^hG oR ers Oakland (Blue IS l) at Boston ______’Hie LMtern has now to 6-3. The Lawyers stand at (AP photo) (Slebert 8-0), night best racelW ’to the OCH^ Jim 169.776 mi* good tdt the tte 'w ” knocked 19 homers to co to first place with a 7-2 ey Lolich doesn t believe in ^ monme. No- The Sengals 1 to onen a Mi""-. H: <>“va, MUm., 11. ori the back. Brad Downey was more at Minnesota clash when It was announced in out it was Uke a morgue. No- ’The were ® TRIPLES-Unser, Wash., 4; the only Indian golfer not to be National League A. J. and scored a lone tally to the Washington, D.C. that Alcindor “ “ ® recognition against the 2:00 (30) Athletics vs. Red log while Sears slipped bock jinxes body was saying anything.” 10-game trip J>e8tanl^ in the 70s. O^W hero doe. the trouble ^ ““®® ‘'®P* ““ *™®-““® '^®'' East Division Foyt, Houston, Tex. sixth to down the linemen, 94. would be married today. older league. Is led by Rick Sex, w n c to 8-6. So he doesn’t mind talking «i gald. 'Oome on you guys, tonight in ^waukTO vdth ’ r t in S—Cash Det. Manchester vs. Platt; Dunkm UeT Lately tt hasn’t, to the last ** *^® “ ®“ ‘ Barry, 'who has starred to both W. L. Pot. OA. Tliree New Englanders make Foyt, drivii^ a Ctoyote-Ford, Eddie White, Dave Krlnjack Alcindor, the architect of Mil­ (18) Yankees vs. Angels, It was the second shutout of about the goal that has burned only six more outs for a no- southpaw Les Cain, 1-0, getting wHcwton Det 10-’ OMva! ss-86-74 Beaudry 89-86-76 Nlel- four gam es, all M M chester viC' all went 3-8 leagues, rookie sensation inslde him for his nine years utter.’” his second start for Detroit, op- U, W .I^, Det., 10. OHva, Jltol at. Louis 28 17 .622 — tonJ a,« “P the field this year, Revson wUl start the race on the out- and Bruce Wtaot all waukee’s NBA championship. WINIF the year for Emil Habefern team-mate CharUe Scott of Virginia, Zelmo New York 26 16 .610 .1 rende^onlfS^i^t^; . ?»mmerm_M, ^ of the did not arrive here Thursday gggj gf ^g Utah Stara, Md 4:80 (8) ^>orts Challenge who struck out ei^t. with the Detrcrft ’Hgers but -i-m not that type of , posing BUI Parsons, 6-4. New M ^ , m B ASES-Cam o- 86-84-70 Home 40-66-78’ h im 6:00 (8) Wide World of Sports No iriayer on either side came which always has eluded him - i „ever will pitch a no-hltter York returned home for an 11- S T O d B N ^ E t^ ^ p - * * ^ 864^ H«m 40-|»-TO. Ptttebuit^ 26 OS .691 VA nis^ l^ k ^ Glastonbury, and BenUy War- position. The who won the Ron AUen slashing out two hits. with other NBA stars but was mdlana’s Mel Daniels, xnocKea ^ Giouceator Mass, tody 600 to 1961, ’64 and '67 Linemen Ron Noeke atao went up with more Ui m cne hit, Montreal 18 19 .496 6 scheduled to be on hMd today ^he game was the Idea of the 8:80 (8) Indianapolis 600 ,M ru „.« '’S'iS- wuu. h .« o„ S . Mike linsMbigler, Jeff Backof- Chicago 20 24 .466 7H SUNDAY PhUadel. 16 26 .881 10V& ^ r * - Srr^rMllita‘SS;y“C E r f^porrourbT^ra t^n^^f's en Md Steve Sheldon getting IMo'th. lU«5l raS™ i», with « BUI m i-a i rtpp»> ations M d does not have the the \mpco blows with Tom West Division Bblklng out 14 batters. H e Bettenhauaer and Cale Yai- ^®^ *®P®.’ „ pearences Plans now call for Alcindor to blessing of the cluh owners, 1:00(18) Pre 600 Race j utaiMjra. nc _i-_ .m ffcof It 'was Donohue, driving his wi.NF. 800 001 0 9-16-1 Jones, Dave Peck Md ’Tom S Fnanciaco 82 14 .696 — wi^ed 18 and gave up five Wte ^ g h eJ^itoe up U ^ ^ e catch a flight from Washington The players have been threat- 2:00 (18) Yankees vs. Angels, car-own- linemen o il 002 0 4rl2-8 Richter coming up with Sears’ YaiAees 4-3 for their eighth Rrai Hansen each singled to the wlnnl^ rally after ^llng 96; ?.irAmTin T c d B n ild a m O U r Houston 28 22 .611 8Mi 'foUowtog the wedding to time ened with fines M d suspensions WINF and only 8 tuns. Steurer, tine W i^ ‘® ® ”^*® er Roger Penske ot Phlta- ^®"*®“ Red Sox vs. A’s, WTIC offense. v i c t o r y in the last nine games, load the bases. LoUch got Ho- 2-1 following tack-to-back ,* ¥ T r ' ^ « « Atlanta 22 24 .478 10 left-hander on the staff, to - that c m top the unbeat- ®**''® ABA a closer match. game to spite league owners w n c Pushing across eight runs to (AP photo) St. Louis 10, Chicago 0 hits while BalesMo fanned 18 ®“ ® Stevens to the Sonny AlUiough P^^®® if Mother move affecting the but to show the owners that the that could jinx you? The 80- and so remains atop the ^erl- ’ **’ ^ lor athletic exc^ence and echo- HELLO THERE!— All smiles, Clete Boyer leaves Los Angeles 6, San Francisco 4:00 (8) Mets vs. Giants the first toning, Moriaity Bros, vear-old left-hander was asked, can League East Division In the Tigers sixth, and Katoe StL., 68. lontlc achievement and walked three. Koezella No. 16 to ‘Mr. Modi- ^ ”BA lineup, the Baltimora Bui- two leagues could meat to m went an to trounce thd Medics Atlanta airport with unidentified pretty fan. 1 Pltchtog statistics for the four Bed’, Ray Hendrick from Rich- tacludtag a homer big Bob jgjg announced they did not all-star game without m ” lUe- ^ “I don*t believe In Jinxes/* he standings games ahead of sent Wm home ' Brindamour, a mathematlca Only games scheduled. last night at Buckley irield, 106. responded. “A couple weeks third-jdace Detroit. But seccxid- run with a hit to left. Hoikon m .AIou, St.L., 18. Boyer will meet with the Braves’ brass today. g a m ra ^ like this: 88 strike- mond Va. ^ P^ Ktenroe to play to gal” me^r. Friday’s OsniM It was the fifth win to eight ago In Washington I was pitch- idace Baltimore lost, leaving and Freehan*s singles followed, i^OTiffll-aemente, 'rn.TPT.inft—me Wtts., f" oii^ 20 walks, 12 hits and only Hendricdc, will be to the area **‘® contest. A club A blending of tlthe rules of starts while the Medics were *____nhtn A- success chapter in the annals of Chicago ((Pappas 6^1) at Hold Your,,, ■ ' '' " 6 Kesslnger, Chic., 4, Connecticut awlmmtag. ’tte runs. ’ forTfidl weS^of racing be **“* ®P®®^®^“ ®'®®*^® ^ ® t “ ^ s^kesmM _s^d If Monroe both leagues ftaaUy was Ironed losing No. 4 against five victor­ Pittsburgh (Vmslker 1-8), night tim er. drove to two runs, played the Bullets “ could take out Thursday. Under the^ setup. HARTFORD (AP) — A W. D avis, L A ., 4. captain of the swim team last Over this ^>m the Indians ginning tonight at the Tliomp- ies. HOME BUNS—StargeU, Pitt., Boyer’s Discontent Houston KWUson 4-2) at Cln- Donohue spot For MB's John QuagUa had "hold your horses” warning _ ci_.a_ I National Leaffue Roundup fall suffered a knee Injury, and have gone to the opiate 141 s T TIT*® !T ® T* ^®‘«ver measures are spelled the first half wlU be played lis- Bach side collected eight hits 18; H.Aaron, Atl., 16. ctanati (Oullett 6-2), night went out Thursday to wonld- with Dm White getting two to STOLEN (BASEB—Brock, doctors told him not to cantinue Atlanta (Reed 6-2) at at. be race track promoters to swimming. “An operation was a t ^ b a ^ ave^e of ,276. m the 60-lap feature at Stafford p g rcl^ from Tern McLaren, ^ Kent Smith accounted for ®‘"“®® “"“P®^*® ““®- Md NBA official ball. The sec- the first toning exploslcn for St.L., 19; HaxrelsMV, N .Y ., 12. Louis (Cleveland. 4-2).. night . But (Monroe said he was end haU it wiU be the ABA’s 80- Connecticut. TODAY Building for Years to^vlai^y. B i^ steurer and a„d Amday’s 100-lsq> national developed a sUppoge to the su» the other two hits. the MB’s. ’r w io i’nnB)_ Indicated and he. decided to l7ew Yorte (jBeaver 5-^) at Ctiuli packtog for . Houston. "It’s a second clock, red-whlte-Md- House Majority Leader FRIDAY, MAY 28 Brock s Hit Streak PTTOHING (6 L»ecision») postpone It until spring so that Fred OBba with .488 averages championship show at Stafford, pension which coat the veterM BiUlards 831 400 x—11-18-2 Dave Wetberell homered for Dierker, Houst., S I, .889, 1.94; Diego (Arita 1-6), night matter of principal that I play, blue ball M d 8-potot basket. Carl AJello said movea to aet East <3athoUc at X avier he could continue swimming," OT below Steve Smyth’s .666 Although Jack Ttot Md CSayt driver Important stability to the Morlarty’s 002 000 0— 2 -6-2 the Medics M d teammates C^d C ^ue ^ m m g.” ATLANTA (AP)—“We don’t have the team, pitch- Philadelphia (Bta^ M)‘ at up race tnwks ahould await (night) Ryan, N .Y., S I, .888, 1.82; said Coach Pete )|IcDevltt. ntMk. A1 Noake to next at .412. Mitchell sold the modified turns. Green Manor’s Roger Ma- Tom Custer M d Jim Pech each Wolcott Tech at Cheney J.Johnson, S.F., S I. .888, 0.86. "T^^ratiohw^d have ing or morale to win a pennant here,’’ Clete Boyer said i.oe Angeles (Downing 8 i -2), final action on gambling bills had two blows. STRIKEOUTS — Jenkins, Homers have been a common chevy coupe to Dick Armstrong, *nie three men who have wH Harrington behind the the 600 since Foyt’s last victory ■victory as he peusedpaced hto team to a n,iS Morlarty’s 810 100—10 8 0 Manchester at Xavier Chic., 90; Seaver, N.Y., 81. to swim despite the In- of gaining today his release from the , «>^San “Any such promoter 1s Medics 031 010— 6 8 0 Stouter leading the circuit pa- wheel, the T m I an d Mitchell vvlU all be starting the race to 19-8 victory over Acadia Res- acting solely on his own M d Golf NEW YORK (AP)—This is the Lou Brock doll, a jury, and he swam In pain all “You can’t irtay baseball ev- . . .. Francisco (Stone M), night rade with two and Smyth, Jack- egmbo still tune the Chevy Ca­ the first three rows of the 11- tMrant at Fitzgerald Field, Plepler and Kelly; Custer, ’s Games at bis own risk,” the Ansonla HaU, Manchester at Platt real beauty. Wind it up, face it toward the pitcher, Lart N i^ t’s Figjito y ei. He’s just a fabul^ kid ery day under pressure Uke It ®®y®f requested his rale^ son Md Balesano aU getting „,gjg to perfection, row field. Macaione singled, double, Peck, FinnegM Md Costello. Chicago aflplttsburgh Democrat said. SATURDAY, MAY tO any pitcher, and let it go. ~ COLOGNE "Germany -Joee and an exceUent leader,” re- is here,” said Boyer, vrtio from the ® ^ f^ ® cne each. Hendrick, will attempt to put ------tripled and homer. accounted Yank GoKers Bow, Track Houston a t CaanlnnaU, night AJello sold he was disturb­ FARM LEAGUE It goes . .'. and goes . . . and single to Chris Oannlzzarro. Manuel “Urtata” Iber, 203, lated the coach, grl^ com- added^ ttot his wtta ^ ;^;!j®elub.s“ ce^ sl^ n ti * * * Stevens’ win skein o f five at m Rem Jitonson of the New Yoric for six RBIs, and scored four Central ‘ Valley Conference Attanta at St. Louis, night ed by reports of “at least oea." • " Joe Torre’s’Torre’s double with s ^ " faio^iied out'ivaA peUtor amassed en^h'points the Braves org^tlon GlM ts gained 1,037 yards last runs. Bob Buttram went 6-6 National — Doug Waddell’s Meet at Glastonbury traded verbal blasts pubUcly. New York at Sm Diego, night Zunm erm an Q ualifies end Saturday in the straight 60- two promoters who have m - St Louis’JU*/WP OM«C»saus0streaking awawleft field- DrOCRBrock lUlUand ULM7Joe Hague aboard ^ w_ __194 Yugoslavia, _ ____ 8. during his three-year career to been buUdtag for four ye^- ‘^„h.rds summed the season. with a triple, double and three four doubles paced the Medics Philadelphia at Los Angeles, Ih his third attempt to quail- tapper. nounced idans to build race er------continues to perform------Uke- a. . triggered . . an eariy uprlstag by ' Sutout s u inn o oiSS yia : ^, ’ Japan-Japan— ®ani.the earn the Bob MiUrMuir ^^phy’Trophy ^ “Nob^y ,hashas My enta^mentiiu^ra, tS’“tWrd**t^e^ emM by ------^------singles. Frank Gonzales, Lea British Trimuph to M 8-4 decision over Bonanza Ight tracks. ^ lUmechanical ^ ^ 8 4*»A 4 A V *fcl *marvel, * * » a w w * f whistitag T* SI iprv ssp the UlO IL>CWllliU0|Cardtaala, vtaoWilM took 0»a quick KiUchlILMtSIU xJXcKHiOkada, 121%,XAXTSt Japan, the 4AAC AV«V»New England IlillQACMSVB IntercoUeglatem s w i it’s just all a lot of individual Sursday to which Im Kestmi and Jim Breen had two last night; AmericM — Sears Yesterday’s Stars telegram ’Thursday to which he “The public should be three hits ’ThursdayThursday night night to to 2 0 jump. Riock, Broidc, Mttity Matty Alou Alou outpointedoutpointed Park Park Chung, Chung. -121, 121, Swim Swim Championships Championship. _ He also _ptay,”play,” _ he s^d. said. M«Montreal at Sm Francisco stogies each with Marsh Potter 11, Wipco 2. just had all I CM said If Boyer failed to go by the aware that no bill has yet Hl’TTING—^Roberto Pena, stretch his betittag string to 28 Hague drove In runs in Ihe Korea, 18. Okada retains Orient made a great contribution to a “ I’ve been passed to legalize any takq.” Braves office by noon today Brewers, deUvered a ptach-hlt games as the Cardinals decked g^pond (n"(ng to give Zachary tltie. ^2 team record. “you will be suspended 'without form of ganabllng,” AJello 4-I«a riiiHa 1(UA. ____ a«__ u... ____ Spearta M d ^ Mvison had Walker Cup to Great Britain for the first time in 33 three-run triple In the eighth to- the Chicago Cubs 10-0 more Ui m he needed, a 6-0 Doubles Tourney said. 'EUington Ridge pay indefinitely.” two hits. years. ningntag 10to carry MUwMkee to a -c6- Brock’s » boshsMasma has victimized —— cushion. lighted the BHtish comeback BUta to Institato a state “ I hope to heU Manor 360 461 X—19-24-1 CRIERS TOURNAMENT 3 triumph over the lOnnesota the National League’s top lUtch- n-fge'eS^’^S A t Neipsic C lu b “We have no excuses," lottery M d to legalise horde time so I don’t ge( Acadia inn nt» 1 « a 4 T-v nn * -1. , “^t®*" Wadktaa’ victory over Bo- Twina. tag talent—the latest of which d o d g BBS - GIANTS — rer said. “I plan to „ , ^ ^ ~ . . 100 001 1 - 8 -8-4 J < ^ Wtotera, the non-iday^ ngugg^ had put the Americans racing and pari-mutuel bet­ 1. Ina TourteUotto 49-26-24; 2. Kelley Rewards Braves traffic,” (Boyer said. “I plan w» ni.™,. r^..K «,ni Evelyn Marino 46-16-32 ; 3. ^ b ------was hasd-tlirowtag Chicago ace i^yuug Davis of Los Angelea be there at 11:69. I WMt to find ----- captain of the Americans. ”It ahead 10-7 ting—on and off-track — are pnCHlNG—Chris Zachary, Ferguson Jenkins. The right- ,>,1 the National League’s out if hta word Is My good. I ® Doubles Hem^- RBC LEAGUE was a great tournament. We HMah Stewart beat Vtonle to the leglalative hopper. bte Leger 66-26-83, Tommy Fei'- The Town Employees con- enjqyed every minute of It Md y",™ ,® ruolo 68-26-33. Cardinals, checked the Chicago hander didn’t give Brock mudi ______best current hitting don’t trust him.” . Cubs on two hits to pace a 10-0 04 g, selection, but It didn’t mat- gjpgjjj The spat erupted Thesday beshtotog at 9:80 on the omirts streak at 19 games, stroking a By Winning First Start 4 f> { ’ ™ " " » • “ m i St. 'Louis romp. I®*"- . u 1 fifth inning stogie In the Dodger \^en Tlie New York Poet ^ _s ^ a last night at N^ebo dete^- ^he British gained their firet Metoyk, Jacksonville, Fla. 2 In the tout’s other N a^ Frandsco. quoted Boyer as saying there ^®, “P *® tog AmericM Driving SchoM, victory since 1988 to the famed and 1 and Ctaarile Graen beat ^ague Montreal given a 2-0 lead ------Making„ the------most of his Wouldn’t be My place to base- <*“*« with a possible three more t®;®- amateur competition by taking Allen Miller, Pensacola, Fla. on Harvard^ VMass Dominate Tim pevan^y ^ e d to^ g,x straight stogies matches Uie final hole to square things ® ^ “ 4-lT ^ e Pittsburgh PI-®« lUchte ^ e n ’s fl^tontag pitching gtart of the sea- ball for a mM like Richards. ®“^®®-, , Richards repUed, “ For such AU club men are eligible to Toira attack with three hits to- jjjgj turned a 10-7 deficit Into a at 10-10. rates topped the Ctactai^ th^’oe^^^T ^va^ the*^!^ son, Tom Kelley responded a lousy player. Boyer does a lot participate even if not signed up eluding a triple ^th tcOTmates j 3.1t triumph to the windup of Roddy Carr then put the Brit- ISCAA District 1 Squad RIVERSIDE of talking.” tt*ts time. The only requlre- t**® t^o-day tourney Thursday, ish ahead to stay by beating SSera ^ m M thf^S^ garnTd the three-game with a brilliant four-hitter Bob Post all reaching base safe­ SPEEDWAY Rlchards said Thursday that nient Is to bring a guest pait- “Hang on to that cup,” Win- Jim Simons, of Butler, Paon BOSTON (A(P) — Harvard, Named from Harvard were F iM clsco GlM ts 6-1. Sudakte d eliv er^ a homo night as the Atlanta My attempt at reconciUation ner. ly twice. tors admonished the British, the final hole with a 30-foot t*>e Eartem Interctdlegiate repeaters (Pete Varney, a catch- For the losers, Dave Henne- . . . run to the ^lea cause. M ontreal, would be "up to his attitude. This la the second year for the "In two years we’ll be bock to putt. George MacGregor frrilow- champion, Md MlBssachusettB, er, and Dm DlMicfaele, m out- quto bit a two-run homer off CARDS - CUBS PIRATES - REDS — 4-1, In Montreal, n Hell, I have no personal feeling member-guest event. Last Fet It Md you ml^it not see It ed with a 1-up victory over Jim the Yankee Conference Wng, fielder, Md junlm: second base- about this. It’ll be strictly pro- years winners were Dale Vm to*’ another 88 years.” Gabrielsen of Attanta Md Da- each have throe players on the mail Vince McGugM. *Torr^ Roberto Clemente and Manny After four brief reUef appear- fesslonal as far as I’m con- Winkle of (Stastonbuiy and t e ^ B i lle d twice along with gj^g^g yjg jgg^^ j(gj.gh clinched the Cup by 1971 NCAA District I baseboU (Preshm M CSiaiiey Manley of left d l Ttarro hit to 22 straight Sangulllen ripped home runs as Kelley was nominated cemed.” guest Larry Hutnick of Weth- ^ defeating vetonm Bill Hynd- team. Massachusetts was m over; p S r t o ^ lL 'a t a r i Of t :Sr^l^S hy Manager UrniM Harris to Asked If he thought tbe two ersfield. Ar^cim ^ ^ ^ win,” commented British cap- mM of Phlladeli*la 1 up. Connecticut gatoed two berths whelming outfield selection. could reach accord, Richards For more tofonnatton oontae) A o ie n c M oo* jato Michael Bonallack who The United States players M d Northeastern M d Dart- Also representing the Redmen 424 oace Wb seventh loas of the year, start against the Expos. said, “Frankly, I doubt It.” (Ben Ford, 107 Johnny Oake was beaten 8-1 by Lanny Wad- now will compete In next mouth one each on (the 10-m M were sophomores Dm Etaposlto, DUSTY LEAGUE .1 hiving hlB Merritt, a 20-game winner to AppaSently fully recovered Boyer left no doubt. Lm c , CHastonbury. kins, the U.S. Amateur cham- weric's British Amateur Golf squad, toclucUng two , e- first bememan, M d Marie Pa- during Ws ” S?®*r;rimie^ther 1970, has not won a game for.,from arm miseries, the former Behind a 21-hit attack. Cen­ ter Congo limited North End pion from Richmond, Va. Championships at nearby Car- announced Thursday by dlatrtct tM, a third baseman. s ^ « ^ ^ k ^ Chultanatl since last Aug. 28. aeveland IndlM flreba^r was Bonallack gave special juaise noustie. Committee ch a lrm M Tinker Sophomore southpaw Brtan 42^ ™ 'this year and Dock EUis pitched a slx-hltter to top form as he ^® Fire to only 10 hits and two „ ... ZLtfio b^ this year and ^ ^ , American League Roundup runs as they scored 16 tallies ------Connelly of Northeastern. HeroslM of Connectlcult and stolen 19 oases. . . , , hits onlv one was for extra to . win, 16-2 phries Md 20.yearoild Roddy In 1962 NYU dro{q>ed football Harvard and Massachusetts rlght-hMded^ juniix’ Pete Brob- Brock’s sweet swinging made mente s fifth **^®f ^ ^ ^ pon Falriy’s double, Fred Schnieder paced U,g__ CaiT, . son , of _ IrelMd’s famed from Its varsity qxuls program meet to a best-of-three playoff erg were selected as pltchen. it easy for St. Louis starter year, a itwo-run shot to the sec- bases, Ron irainy ® This year It has droiq>ed basket­ j,T0NY MORDINO] /i Congo attack with a perfect 5-6 £®® . for a iriayoff to toe College Rounding out toe team were Zacharv who didn’t end, and SanguUlen’s baaea- The Braves gave Kelley a 10 Little Indians night with G<»don (Jeer stash- Their two triumphs high-______ball and track. World Series this weekend, shortstop Steve GdamUanco of WatsilNiiy, (kmn. make It easv for 'CWcMa with empty Mast to the fifth, his sec- three-run cushion to the first to- DiMng at RhenUe Spaadmy tog out three hits Md driving starting with a doubleheadn: on Northeastern and outfielder ^^^sSlow ed ond*^ circuit clout. ntag and added a a^le tally to ths Crimson’s field Sunday. Keith Graham of Connecticut. lOywn . „ rtu^innW d«ible to . • • the sixth before 18,166 fans. Tundty Night Gnduata £.‘£Sp":iV."S55£55:’r TroubU Continues to Follow HUl Wlnmr 2nd >^P Jetodns an d ^ ^ slxth-lnntog BRAVES - EXPOS — Mghllghttag the Attanta Touch All Bases and Bkl McCarthy. Ctarl Rug- Faatunl971 ______-___ Sonny Jackson's two-run tense was Hank Aaxtwi s 16th Q ccapi^: (hatbudion stogie ciqqied a three-run hurst homer. NEW YORK (AP) — Ten little Indians eager for a Harold Zicfflcr LeaGs Thomas Open, SAT., MAY 29 to the first inning and Attanta The former MMcheater High score touched all the bases in Baltimore. rode Tom Kelley’s four-hitter to Md AmericM Legion right- ” Gcsh It’s good to beat theti ISTJiFFORD MOTOR Speedway] START 8KX> P.M. T A L L W OOD the victory over Montreal. The hMder worked more Innings s bah club once 'to awhile,” Mhn- seven decisions with tast-tontog Fires Remarkable 62 Round ROUTE 140, STAFFORD SPRINGS CT. A cHm Pmtkmtl Braves’ decisive inning came last night tliM he did to all four /'■ ager Alvin Dark saM (Thuraday „u ef help from PhU Hennlgan. Congo 216 081 4-16-21-1 jojiupHia. Tenn. (AP) — It fort, his career beet, matched with two out as Hank Aaron relief stints with the Braves, night after hta Cleveland In- Vada. Ptnaon -i-o poked three Fire mo 000 1— 2-106 STOCK COUNTRY stogled, OrlMdo Cepeda walked Nine years ago KeUey signed dlans overran the Oriolea. 1041 for the Indiana and five looks Uke Larry Ziegler ja go- the low I84irte round on the pro and DarreU Evans followed with' ClevelMd, by Scouts Hal with a 17-hlt spree. teammates had two apiece. ng to miss the IndlaaapoUs 600 ® CAR with a stogie for the first run. Newhouser and BUI Stewart. CLUB It was the fint victory for Frank Robinson, whbee two- lUing Triumphs RACES Jafkson tiien chased home He was to the todtan system for tho first time In five years, cumbrous Frank Beard golng^ DOI Evara and Oepeda. seven years and was signed as Tommy Kelley the todJons to four games base error kieyed a three-run **rve never finished more into today's second round, Main EvMit against Baltimore this season. Cleveland Uhrd that sent the A gainst Ben n et NOW HAS Aaron later hammered his a free agent by the AtlMta or- nil .a « T» A a. 27 holes here before* and I Beard* winner

PAGE TWENTY Wanted To Rent 6B Hburas For Solo 72 Hdp Wanted Mde 36 HelpW ontad- Articles For Seda 4B Rooh m W Iriiout Board 59 Butinass Loeorien* Out of Town BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE H elpW anletf-Fem ale 35 HeIpW anted-PoliM ie 35 F or R en t 64 For Rant 66 BOI^GN or vicinity, MATarHEaTER — GIvTO Rdl Trailers - THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW SAT.UMi and Service representa- M ala OT Fom cda 3 7 ■ ~ - physlolan requlrw picture-book^______6-room_____ Cape, . . 8< five — Opening for an amW- i .T i::: TWO-WHEEL traUer, 7X10’ wlMi COMMERCIAL place tor lease bouse or apartment with mini- ~ - Mobile Homes A-A WANTED reliable woman to ROCKVILLE — 8-room apart- bedrooms, dining room, fire- GENERAL CLERKS m » ” H u ^ S ^ c S ? e T t -Ides. Phone 6464078. ^ or sale 4«1 St., nort to mum two to three bedfooM B u t BACR1ME CAR Oljr OF A MiME-rooT care for elderly couple, Sun­ large pleasantly furnidied Sc^eUent bustoes. ]Uace, garage with patio, T h r ead a m e e ix e ? m o problem a t ^ peraon who would Uka to work opportunity onnortunltv toin an aggreulveamrreaalve r j c h Mono free loam, ~ business for I to 6' months. 1-438'9301, CLASSIFIED GARAGE DOOR? THATfe AMOTHER 01DRV ! d a ys and hoHdays. C all 643- Several positions are now tn^ management Five-day room s, parking. CaU 649-2868 beautiful lo t Only $25,600. Lou- fO R MAPAM HEMSTItCMER- company. High commlaaions, - - l^tton with buUdtag. CaU to e x t 271 o r 272, b etw em 9 a.m . 4408 w eedays only. open in our general office week, salary plus commission 6 yards $20. sand, gravel; tor overnight and permanent 646-2426 9-6. old er couple p referred . 876- Sam R ea lty , 644-1689, Lou A r- CAMPER'S HOLIDAY caU for confidential interview. for clerks, with either book­ ahd car allowance. Other com­ stone, manure, pool, and patio guest rates. 8816. — 6 p.m . ruda. OM.WAR! keeping, pricing or accounts Lou A m id a , 644-1689. sand. 648-9604. MANCHESTER GREEN — ------— Is' pleased to announce a pany benefits. Apply in per­ HUSBAND and wife and teen- bejitfON ST. — 7-room over­ ADVERTISING liO T payable experience.------^1 . ^ ——— Ground floor, 900 sq. ft ft^fnmt fn»t new addition to our family KEYPUNCH OPERATORS son, Sliiger Oo., 866 Mkln St., age daughter need 2-bedroom Cape, Bowers School/ 4 AGAlMf Manchester. Situations W anted - MOVING out of state, totnltar^ FURNISHED room, to country porfion carpeted, second 'floor, RockviUe CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS of fine recretaionsd vehicles. <3ood wages and working .lam ps, curtains, _ faousw old p , , m onth. CaU 742-8161. o ffice 12x12, caU 649-2741 _ stogie house or first-floor bedrooms, (one aU knotty ptoe After careful consideration FOR apartment to suburban or with buUt-tos), 2 baths, fire- 8AJLto4:80PJL n«idiH• « » • RM u F iM a r and caps. In order to ba,ve keypunch operators. A min­ eheater. . ______s— ,sx TWO ROOMS, Uvtog room and ------tog, heat, hot water, swim­ you meet your new addi­ f i r s t N ATIO N A L ______AyaM O ntt ^ bedroom, for working gentle- STREET Otflw space, gle house', July 1st Prefer 648-6666. imum of two years exper­ ming pool, storage and park­ country or subuthon but not tion, we are making the fol­ r ? : finUDCTOR OF NURSES. Fori home, McKei and Oen- i960 17H’ DimPHY lapstrake, man. quiet home, central. 649- P®*“ PLEASE READ YOUR AD low ^ introductory offer: ience in this area desirable. STORES, INC. u are^ 120-bed convalescent ter Sts. CaU 64S-W23. w ood hull and maho^^trlm 7410. ^^-conditioned, auto;. ing. From $160. CaU Su- essential. 649-9832 a fte r 8 p.m . ^ sprinkler. A pply Ideal working ctmditions, Park A Oakland Avenues home with a staff of 20 nurses. ------^ 70 h.p. Mercury. 1968 ------— ------pertoten dant 875-1666, 278- OfaMilfled «r **Waat Ada” a n takca « n r Iks akwa M__ a 18’ Intrepid Trailer equipped NOTICE free parking, excellent East Hartford, Conii. Past experience as a director'director .i^Umt cci^- Marlow's, 867 Mato S t 1510, 242-0668. ooBVCBlMios. Tks adnrtlasr skMiM nad Ms ad Iks FIBST with pressure water system, Houses For Solo 72 DAT IT APPBAB8 and BliPQKT BBBOBS ki Uiiie Im t Ik s wages and benefits. Sum­ or an assistant director re- CHILD CAKE, Ucensed home, „ ll60o’ 649-7084. TWIN BEDROOM, mini apart- nAaK am amuirfl feet M PUBLIC HEARING nsxt inaertioB. Ik s Bsnld Is rsavoaaikls far onljr ONB In- heater, gas light, double gas quired. surfing ralary open girt. 7-U, CaU 643-1667. tion. ^ $1.600. M 9 -^ ------m e n t Ideal for worl^ couple ^ T ^ b to MANCaiESTER — H^hry Street . BOARD OF DIRECTORS bottles, toilet, 8-way com­ mer schedule starting Jw e engineering space available. comet or omlttsd taNsrUon I mt awr'a^vsrtiasBaont and ttea stoove $10,000. No fee, Rita Per- OERICB'8 KartM Sarvlee, an- w atogle person. 648-6918. Heating, air - conditioning, — Ideal 7-room &mUy home. TOWN OP MANCHESTER, only to tks sstw t'ot a "make | o ^ taaertlea. Hrrars widek bination refrigerator, front 1st, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. so n n d 646-4040. » - w. J J thorlzed BvtoniTO outboard ’ ------Walking distance to aU schools. CONNECTICUT ds not Issaen tks vahw d tki dlnnette, rear gaucho and Registered Nurse WHiL care for chUd, days, part- Distinctive older Colonial has TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1971 overhead bunk, hose bumper PARTNER wanted, learn my time or fuU-time. 640-im. b«Stag"1icL8i^esri082 7 ^ FRONT room for rent, central, 16 e a n so tsd b y "m a k e to a d " InanrU Api^y In person. terns, located to Marlborou^’s rOT ROIIt 6W# 7 3 V orVI 4V bedrooms,HWAAWtuia# IHA/B baths,iMbWlBf The XTI6 BoardDOMTU ofUa Directors will wasa and a full 8’ wide. Full price OR NURSE * business to spare time. Must ------xpks. BuoUand, Conn, 59 Birch St. 649-7129. new industrial and commercial — ^------large remodeled kitchen (buUt- .conduct a pubUc session Tues- $2,460 includes frel^t. havebave strong desire to work forlor . , . park. Two private entrances. GIANTS NECK Beach — East dishwasher), day, June 1, 1971, from 9:00 88 LONG HILL ST. FuU-time opening lor RN yourself. CaU for appointment ______!------— ------OENTIKMAN — centraUy lo- lyme, 8-bedroom cottage, large carpeted foyer, attractive g.m. to 11:00 a.m. to the 849*8808 V/AU o4a*8oBi > CaU 1-296-0440 fo r appoint­ 643-2711 BONUS—'Free Reese hitch with operating room wtper- 40 H.P. JOHNSON electric start private home, pheasant renting June 26 through July uving room, formal dtotog Board of Directora’ Office to and installation to the first iJ k a A k ^ 't o East Hartford, Conn. ience or who is Interested in with 16’’ boat and. traUer. $406. shower. Parking. m en t LABORERS wanted for con- __ ; w t - j , 10, nicely furnished. Phone room, den, summer porch, plus (be Municipal BuUdtag to hear 6 lucky families to place an RoeeRXT^RA. An equal opportunity employer. specializing In surgical nurs­ 4 1 CaU 644-2394. CaU 640-6801 a fter 6. OFFICE space available, good Autom obiles For Sole 4 strucUon work. Apply Alco Irags — DifaS — rOtS - - ______Avon 1-678-2886. finished third-floor room. AU comments and suggestions from order. CHICAGO, ILL. ing. Completely new surgi­ location, reasonable. Call Bob city conveniences. $29,900. CaU thg p^bUc. Deve^m ^ Oorp. 1 C^rt a h c , wlrabair terrier, female co^Pl®*®^ furnished 1968 OUDMOBHJffi 442 convert­ cal faclUUes in newly Smith 644-2467. for rent, sleeps 6. $86 per week. Suz^e Shorts, J. Future sessions wlU bo held 20’ Intrepid rear bunk house opened section of the hos­ ^ ^ k vlU e. Ask for Mr. ,^ ^ y ._^ b r^ ^ fim e to ^Pi^.®‘5SS^ro?^S^ filt-traUe? “ouw.keeiTOg ro^ ible, power steering, power _ m Ai d — part-Ome, must have Watsim Beach Real Estate Oo., |be first Tuesday of each month model with tandem axle also pital. Excellent wage and la d y. Phone, 649-064L 648-6888, brakes, low m ileage. 644-2896. Business O pportunlly 28 own transportaUon, 6 days a lea ve m other. 640-7084. 547-1560. ______from___ n.AA 9:00 a.m.« *to -.1 11:00 1 .nn aa.m. m on display. IVEules accepted. Household Services 13*A R o^ng and benefits and continuing in- $600. CaU 742-8868. or inquire at 109 Foater St Houst* For Rent 65 week, 4 hours dally Including MANC91ESTER Board of Edu- hmi- vim . - . " MISQUAMKJOT — Rhode aIs-=- ______South and the third____ Thursday of 1966 DODGE O ia rg e r, V-8, pow ­ Bank financing available. 1 6 - A service education program. xatton la seeking qualified Uttle M tt^ ne^ CARVER__ Oommandor, —16’ MANCHEiSTER — Seven-room UOHT trucking, collar and Chlm noyS weekends. Manchester Motel, ■ hom e. BYee. 049-9286 €kfter 6 land. Four-room ^ated ert- b„ut h^M^ta each month 6:80 p.in. to er steering, automatic. Six new For personal interview painters and or painter’s help- ^ -----wood^ lanetrake, 66 h.p. Mer- ROOM for rent to 4-room apart- furnished home. Three 1^- tage. Walking distance to Farms. Quauty Bum m ^ ___ ^ rn . attics cleaned, odd Jobs, la t^ , ROOFING — Specialising re- 1 M cN a ll«gt., 644-1604. please contact Personnel a desirable location. Walking ***® “ * tires. New shocks. offer. V A m . * «MSawa«S sasaoww v w . w r * - - cury motor, tUt traUer, canopy ment to Manohost^ near rooms, IH baths, fireplace, beach. OaU 6484H91. CAMPERS HOLIDAY INC. trees cut and removed. CaU" pairing roofs of all kinds, new EARN 815,-$25,000 Painters must have had distance to schools^ parks, rectors* Office, 647-1984. Department, 646-1M2 Ext. alSd to v e r, waU-to waU c a r p e t garage, trirod lot. Immaculate. ------————------= = Portland, Conn. Route 66, 643-6000. roofs, gutter work, chimneys IF you need extra money, we a minimum of 6 years expert- cxXXCER Spanlris, 6,. weeks, swimming and golf. Choose Donald Wells, AS A 481. ence, helpers at leSst 2 years AHC, champion bloodlines, tag phis many extras, excel- Hip rtdeks only, $276 p er m onth. CaU B roker, LAK E WINNIPBSAUIQJB 1970 M AVERICK, 6 cylin der, 6,- cleaned and repaired. 80 years heed you. Flexible hours, car yive room Chalet, very from one of our models or Secretary 1-342-1212 WE repair power mowers and experience to the trade. Good bred for show, wonderful‘pete, lent condition, $1,200. 64W046. alter 6 p .m . ______876-6288. 600 m iles, A-1 ck»^o Unes CANTOR M i Crockett Agency, for low rates ______Ifies. 742-8161. ter, 742-8142. $2,196. 648-7562. 5 p .m . sires to be his own boss. 6:80. — ------oon Podunk JOU Restaurant, PftlVET hedge, 20 cents each, including passenger liability. SAM WA’TSON Plumbing and 969 miHilgfain Rd., South Wind- rtock, reaaonable. 742-7966. NOTICE 12 for $2. Call 6A4il60. DUNE BUGGY — must be seen Heating, Bathroom remodel­ RN and LPN, aU shifts, charge H elp W ontod-M ote 36 OOVmNTRY PLANNING AND ZONING 648-1877, 9 a .m . to 5 p .m . SHELL OFFERS oor, (Jonn. CALICO kittens and others Apartment* - Flats- to be appreciated. $1,500. 528- VYILL TACKLE ing and repairs. Free esti­ nurse, RockviUe Memorial COMMISSION — ------equaUy fluffy and beautiful, IMMEDIATE INVITATION 0842, 289-5181. ANYTHING! m ates. CaU 649-8808. • ExceUent paid training Nurslng Home, 22 South St. A MAN, local dairy store 8 eve­ Garden •> Fanil- Tenements 63 OCCUPANCY HEBRON, CONNECTICUT Busineu Services 1 3 • Financial assistance better place to work. Call be­ nings weekly plus Sunday. OaU B O Y to do odd jobs around the free to good homes, 64IMI946. Four apartments ranging TO l ^ o m It M ay C on cern : 19$i OLDSMOBlin ! 2- Two OUlege Girls Available 649-8017 b efore 6 p .m . Dairy Produeta 50 T O B ID 442 • Insurance and retire­ tw een 8-8, M rs. G ., 875-0771. fa rm . CaU 649-7767. Shetland sheep dogs, (a UANGHESTEOI — June 1, 8 from 1^ to 8 rooms. WaU- The Hebron Planning and CSTA11S door hardtop, 4-speed, $1,696. TREE SERVICE (Soucler)— for housework this summer. M i l i n e r y , - ‘ ------£%X%XJ OUOUCUlU DIlVOp V$» ■ ----—. ment plan rooms, ufiUfies, appliances, to-waU carpeting, buUt-ta Zotong ^mmlsalon wlU hold a 647-1042. Trees cut, building lots clear- DRIVERS for schod buses, DRIVERS for school buses, i»mr,TAiir.F. to distribute GcUl* ^ VEOE-TA^ CaU 649-9789 or 643-7007 Dretsm olilng 1 9 'IV __ rwkwmdiTiAibfpermanent ohn^Ji. shots. RjliMfl Raised with with for onln.sale. fSlAASMlGleason flt..St., MOAClieS*Monchea- paridng, $170 monthly, securi­ oven - range, refrigerator, bA the PubUc Hearing on June 8, 1971 Panorama Country ------ed, trees topped. Got a tree • Many more benefits Manchester schools. 7:30 to Manchester scluxds. 7:80 to one of the country’s leading ^ne^ Sei^wa, « Center g 8:46 a.m., to 8:45 p .m . Eix- children end loving care. CaU ter, 649-7691.______ty d ep oid t P la n o A gen cy, 646- ample cobtoeta, beautifully View Duplex Homes pr^lem! Well worth phone CUSTOM tailored ladles’ dress­ 8:46 a.m., 2:16 to 8:46 p.m. Elx- 2:16 cleaning products. Must be Street, Manchester, Conn, until Bagging to conalTOr an appU- REWEAVING of bums, moth- GET THE FACTS 6200. decorated. Electric heat, 3 Bedrooms $41,600 1966 VOLKSW AGEN, g ood con­ caU, 742-8252. es, suits, alterations and cellent part-time o{^>ortunlty. ceUent part-Ome opportunity. neat to aiqiearance. Ebeperi- 6724)298. dition, $660 firm . 646-1666. holes, zippers repaired. Win­ We train you. 643-2414. parking. No chUdren, no Hobert^I^^PPer 2 Bedrooms $40,300 costume jewelry in your stone Call coUect week days 1-528- We train you. 648-2414. oaceWlCO' 1KI1> not necessary, V»aa* wlU vacHaa. train. DELUXE one-bedroom apart­ SHARPENING Service — Saws, dow shades made to measure Houtehold Goodf 51 pets. Prices starting from for extension of tfie Central p referen ce. 649-1188. 9401, Mr. Palumbo. Nights CoU 646-?782 for appointment, pbjbjb to good homes, cats and ment, waU-to-waU carpeting Bid forms, plans and specif! Lost and Found 1 1969 LTD Ford, one owner, low knives, axes, shears, skates, aU size Venetian blinds. Keys $170. Buatoesa Zone from Ita eastern FEIATURKS: WaU-to-waU and w eekends, 1-666-61Q0 M r. EUROPEAN Health Spa now RB5FRIGERATOR — apart­ throughout, complete appU- cations are available at tbe carpeting, sliding i^ass doors, mUeage, power eteerlhg, V-8, rotary blades. Qidck service. made vdiUe you wait Tape ------hiring part-time life guard and ------ZmZI^ZZ^IIZIZZZIZZZI Uttens. Phtme 649-0066. boundary on the north side of FOUND — ’The best place to Jarvis. Or write SheU OU SUMMER HELP m ent size, Uke new , $78. 80’ ’ ances, vatoty bath. CentraUy General ServloeaServices Office,trace, 41 gg g distance of 617 1% baths, sq>arate baiw- automatic transmission, vinyl Caplm Equipment Co., 38 recorders for rent. Marlow’s, M oving - swimming teacher, 3 days a F. M, GAAL AGENCY <^MX)se home' decoraUcna and Co., 477 Conn. Blvd., East i.W a M o d - ■ ------gaa stove, $85. Aiumtaim com- located . $175. m onthly. R .D . Center Street, Manchester, Con- . a g,. ggg^ with a depth menta. top, 4 new tires plus 2 snow Main St, Manchester. Hours 867 Main St, 649-5221. Tracing - Storogo 20 w eek, CaU 646-4260. 648-2682 feet to the east with a depth gifts is Your Gift GoUeiy at ctqts. P rice d right. CaU 648- H aM ord, C on n .. 06108. Wanted for fuU-Ume sum­ o r r e m uh 37 ^jrrieles For Sale 45 btoation screen doora, $10. M urdock, 648-3692. necticut. daUy 7:80-6, Thiursday, 7:80-9. each . 64S-2466 evenings o r 648- of 600 feet. 7H% 30-year financing W atkins, 985 M ain S t Y our 1184 o r 646-6988. TWO handymm want a vari^ MANCHESTER — DeUvery- FULD or part-time hairdresser. mer work to do general Town of Manchester, Dated at Hebron, Connecticut, Can be purchased by one or Saturday, 7:80-4. 648-7968. PART-TDCE, drug clerk over ALUMINUM screen • storm 1442. LOVELY one-bedroom apart- VEIRNON — 8 rooms, waU-to- home town friendly world of of Jobs ^ day or ught trucking and package de­ Experienced, for busy weU es­ maintenance. Must be over Connecticut this 26th day of May 1971. two families. 1968 MHIBCUBY Montego, V-8, 21, some experience preferred, doors, buUt-to bath tubs, tava- ment with refrigerator, range, waU carpeting, garbage dispos­ gifts. Telephone, 648-5171. AIR-CONDmONING sales and clean yai^, atUM uvery. Refrigerators, washers tablished ,beauty salon. CaU 18 years of age and have with Robert B. Weles, Roy Wirth, 648-8442 — 875-6244 low mUeage, very clean. CaU a vaUd driver’s Ucense. Ap­ driver’s Ucense, reliable. Ap- torys,’ toUeta, kitchen cabinet SINGER touch and sew disposal and parking, $166 al, alr-conditiontog, brand service including instaUatlon, Reasonable. CaU 648-5306. stove moving, specialty. ROUTE 83, 643-9882. cabinet. Monograms, hema, General Manager Secretary tDST — SUver Grandmother's ^y to persMi, MiUer Phar­ sinks, metal waU cabtoeta, hot monthly. Handy to Mato St. new , $140. p er m onth, 873-2878. 649-4917 after 5 p.m. both commercial and private ply in person only. embroiders, etc. Uaed, excel­ bracelet, one head. Sentimen­ ______^----- F olding ch a irs fo r rent, 649- PILGRIM MILLS, 99 Loomis w ater fu rn a ce. 648-2466, 648- CaU 644-2427. homes. Also commercial re- MANCHESTER m a cy . lent condition. Guaranteed ta l valu e. CaU 64941818. frlgeratkm service. Ccmco Me­ Building Contraering 14 0762. ______1442. 1969 NOVA, V-8, B est o ffe r. 649- MANCHBSTEffi HOUSING ATTENTION teachers — World _ FuU p rice now $66 o r 7 m onth­ chanical S ervices, 643-9346. WES ROBBINS Carpentry re------— (TOLLAND TPKE.) ______Houedtold goode, ly paym ents o f $8. 822-0476. IMMEDIATE LOST — P assb ook N o. 78798 1871. ______ing and marking departments. . Book EJncycIi^iedla is hiring AUTHORITY bed, ckthee, booke, draperiee, OCX3UPANCY Savings Bank of Manchester. ■ — ^.-^ed drivT TIMBBRLAND Tree Service— modeUnir specialist. Additions, Painring “ P oponng 21 8-Bay Modern Apply Miss Coburn, 646-1414. ■ for summer employment. For D ealer. 24 Bluefield Dr., Mancsester and wardrobe. Wedneeday, — Are you ouf of your free? AjqJlcatlcn made for payment. tT ^ e r 643: IJroe mmmral prunl^, lots rec rooms dormers, porches, ------—------rr":::— information caU 648-2991. USEID refrigeraUwe, 4l4-room ’Town House ^part- Conn. Huireday and EYlday. 12-7. 206 CLEIAN, ______,?L— cleared. No Job too big or cabinets, formica, buUt-ina, ~ TURN Idle hours into busy „ automatic waahera ment, 2 baths, alr-condltlontag, bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446. exterior with references. FuUy KXPEIRIESNCEID shoe salesm an HiUUster SL ranges smaU. Fifteen years experi­ SUNOCO cash. If you have a few free irito guarantees. See them at stove, refrigerator, dlspoeal, Join fhe folks at South Ridge insured. WaUpapering a spe- hours and woiAd like to earn An Equal Opportunity EmjUoyer needed to operate chUdren’s CADH DAC, 1968, convertible, ence. Bonded and Insured. 648- CEMENT patios, steps, side­ FOR “a Job weU done feeUng" B D Pearl’s Appliances, 649 patio with sUdtag glass doors. ciaU ty. 649-8719. $60-$100. w eekly caU 629-1122 shoe department to largq cloth­ RIDE wanted to TiUland, vicini­ nil power, excellent condition, 0478. walks. Concrete work. Free Service Station clean carpets with Blue lais- Mata St. CaU 648-2171. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. . | in g store. CaU J o e H ealy 648- and have free(s)'of your own, ty Borrougfaa, two-three days low m Ueage, $8,000. 646-6144. estim ates. G . C row ley 872-^091. INSIDE—outside painting. Spe­ o r 669-0098. tro. Rent electric shampooer C all DRIVEWAY sealing, tree re­ cial rates for people over 66. For rent Now. WAJITED — experienced low 9668. TftADER “F" — Antiquea, weekly, time arranged, from bed traU er d riv er. C a ll 633- $1. Pinewood Furniture Shop. M anchester. 649-8T10. 1967 FORD Ranchero, 429 en- moval, also Ught trucking and NEWTON H. SMITH A SONS— Call my competitors, then caU ______used furniture and appUances, 649-6651 649-2179 glne, mint condition; 1969 MG odd Jobs, yard work. Reason- Remodeling, repairing, addi- me. EsUmates given. 649-7863. Sun Oil Co. is taking appli­ CLERK 2026. O ARA GE SAXK — Saturday,, ^ OU A pgg^ ©**Al gt,, Arae**«.#eaa»wManchester. Open ■ ■ ' WILD the boys who own the car midget; 1968 Dodge Polaro able rates, free estimates. CaU ions, rec rooms, porches emd cations on this excellent op- 10-6. Housrtiokl furniture, g„g evenings. We buy [XIOKINO for anythtog to real FuU-Ume opening for an ex­ OIL BURNER man experi­ PE91SONS INTERESTED on Union St iSease coihact 600, wlUi alr-condlUonlng. 648- Mike, 289-6829 or 648-8676 after roofing. No Job too smaU. CaU FLOOR SAlTOINO, and refln- paintings, miscellaneous. 180 648-6946. —estate rental .- anK,4memta.apartments, perienced figure clerk in enced, must be thorough and Mrs. Harold Lnughrey imme­ 1766 after 6. a6 n p.m m . 649-8144. ishing (specializing in older P«riuiuuy now. IN INTRODUC!ING Avery St., Manchester. ______W H E R E ’S South Ridge? floora). In and outside painting, our inventory control de­ relia b le. WUI b e p a id highest gw er zlg »»««•. multiple dwaUtop, no dia tely , 648-4887. • Paid Training prevailing wage, dependent ------SBJWINO m achine ^ fees. CaU J.D. Real Estate As­ - 1961 CORVETTE, red convert- CLEANING — Interior com- N. J. LAFLAMME — Carpenter etc. No Job too small. John partment. Otwnpany offers ONE OF .the finer things of lUe Button holes, mono- upon experience. Inquire Im-' SHAKLEE PROD­ sociates, Inc., 648-6129. ible, 288, 8-speed, very good merclal and Induatrlal system­ contractor. Additions, remod­ V erfaiU e, 649-6760. good wages and working _ Bljie Lustre carpet cleaner. hems, etc. OrigtaaUy ______• Financing Available mediately at Imperial OU Oo., junoniODHQB ror sow ^ condition. $1,800. 049-0768. atic floor cleaning and waxing eling and repairs. CaU any­ conditions. Convenient free Rent electric th^p<^r ^ Bjggy poUR-ROOM apartment, ap- Between South and Mountain offices and businesses. Com­ RICHARD E. MARTIN. FuU parking and an exceUent 981 SulUvan A v e ., South W ind­ UCTS IN THIS AREA. NEED CART Credit very badT i964 FORD Falrlane, automatic tim e fo r free estim ate. 876- terms. CaU 622-0981, Dealer. pugage., hent. central loca- plete Janitorial services. Free 1642. professiaaal painting service, For details call Mr. Cox, free ben^t program. Ap­ sor, 644-1621. Mato St., Manchester, 649-4601. — ^g^, „ferances. security de- Bankrupt, repossession? Hon- transmiasioa, radio, good con­ estimates. FuUy insured. Sub­ interior-exterior. Free esfi- j p ly CALL FOR AN AP­ est D ouglas a ccep ts low est dHion, $200. 843-8860. Streets in \MiUimantic. urban Floor Maintenance Ser­ HALLMARK BuUding Oo. For m ates, fuUy Insured. 649-4411. 568-3400 Evenings and THE amazing Blue Uistre wUl „iturey\ppUances etc. Week- posit, $170. monthly. 649^640. down, smaUest payments, any------, home Improvement, additions, ______—— FIRST NATIONAL ROAD FOREMAN POINTMENT. leave your ui^olste^ ' days, and evenings. 18 Oxford m b r t h WOOD Apartments — where. Not amaU loan finance 1962 OHEVIROiLET convertible, v ice . 649-9229. Sons, weekends, Frank Spilecki, roc rooms, garages, roofing, * STORES TOWN OF COVENTRY fully soft and clera._Reto e ec- Manchester or caU 648- One and twivhedroomtwo* bedroom apart-apart­ company plan. Douglaa Merators, works construction program. ^ to a new air-conditioned Manchester. 646-1700.______interior, exceUent condition, interior, exterior, vinyl paper fuU or part-fime, experienced. Oiqiortunlty for experienced su- aai IB — Variety of DELUXE 2-bedroom ap^- Quality new ranch homes D ays 246-7226, evenings 649- SERVICE STATION TAG SALE ®*-'_ . - __ mAnfment, ttrall.t/A-wAllwaU-to-waU caruettog.carpeting, new roof, automatic, aU power. TOP QUALITY IKON dESZYNSKI buUder — hanging, free estimates, 77 Hilliard pervlsor with abUlty to lay out Manchester pirat. SCREJENED loom, sand, gravel, from three famUles, Saturday, 9629. Apply Cobar cA'., complete appliances, 3 alr------646-1835. new homes custom buUt, re­ prompt, efficient service. FOR LEASE work in field. Minimum 6 years’ Oontrol Data 0*P'* J*_5.****. ? processed gravd, stone, flU. May 29th 10-4, NorthfleW Rd., St. 643-2254. ' ^ condlticners, fuU basement, 1966 CHEVELDE, 2-door, auto- —— LOAM AND FILL modeling, additimiB, rec Economy Painting Co., East - employment in road construc- St, Bloomfield, 242-2226. An Also bulldozer and backhoe off Route 44-A, North Coventry, mafic transmlsslan, bucket 1964 CHEVROIKT tapala^S^ equal opportunity employer. washerTOyer hook-up, vanity and open space. G ood rooms, garages, kitchens re­ H artford, 628-0074. Located at comer of West Mid- RESPONSIBLE mature woman tion and maintenance worit In- service and drain flelTO. 742-8178. seata, low mUeage. CaU own- P*' Sport cMvemble. Also expavaUng, buUdozing, modeled, bath file, cement for work In home for the aged, eluding 2 years as supervisor. Oeorge H. Grifftag, Andover. type ba*h, glass sUdtog doewm ^KSuUtfon. O riginal ow ner, 646- onto p a tio. $220 p e r m onth. er, 644-2896. grading and drainage work, work. Steps, dormers. Resi­ J. P. LEWIS 6c SdN, custran 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. (tontact Mrs. position to be flUed by cbmpe- 742-7886. decorating, interior and ex- cheste^ne of the busiest In­ Robert D. Murdock, Realtor, 1089. commercial and residential. dential or commercial. CaU kOUer, 649-5986, 9 a.m. to 5 tifive examination. For details OR TECHNICIAN V(KKBWAOEN Dune buggy, terior, paperhanging, fuUy in- tersecUons in town, HAHN-ECUPSE rotary mower, Musical lustnmiants 5 3 VOLKSWAGEN Super FuUy insured. 649-4291. p.m. and appUcatiem contact Chief 648-2692. ______new 58 h.p. engine. Must be 197'1 sured. For free estimates caU presently in operation. FuU-time opening for op­ $16. Also Kodak Instamatic ------Beetle, radio, heater, leather­ ------Administrator, Coventry, or f o u r -r o o m apartment, bath, seen to ap precia te. $1,260. 646- DORMERS, garages, porches, camera. 648-6600. ette seata. In service, going 649-9668. If no answer 648-8862. gj^ceUent opportunity for the MA’TURE woman to b^yslt in gj^te Personnel Department, erating room technician. WHEN’S South Ridge coming? 1665. rec rooms, room additions, stove, reflrgerator, heat hot ov ersea s. 549-9129. NAME your own price, painting, individual, my home, v^ ti^dnl^ LARGE garage and ceUar w ater. $120 p er m onth. CaU 1967 SILV E R g ra y Oldsm obUe, paperhanging, rem oval. 0789. bef< »« June 18, 1971. apiHnvea no^w« ^ Saturday »ndand Sunday.Sunday, May 64»-238e after 8:80 p.m.______CH E VRO LET 1966 B elair, 2- 872-4866 742-9477 siding, general repairs.' Qual­ • Paid Training program. Completely new FOR SALE Delmont 88, 8 cylinder, 4-door ity workmanship. Financing Prompt service, fuUy Insured. LEGAL Secretary — FuU-fime, 290) and 80tb, 11 a.m. until We re digging now —- homes d o o r se d a p , one ow ner, $660. surgical faculties to newly Wanted, responsible party to WE H A ^ customers waiting hardtop. Power steering, pow­ available. Economy BuUders, Satisfaction guaranteed. Call • Financial Assistance salary open. Smd resume to dark. 867 East Center St, Man­ <3aU M r. P e rm , 648-2129 be­ opened section of the hos­ take over low monthly pay­ for the rental of your i^art- er brakes, good fires. Radial In c., 6434169, 872-0647 ev e­ J erry K enny, 647-9664. Attorney Stephen E. Ketrtiam, chester. tween 10 a.m.-6 p.m. only. BUIDDOSSER backhoe work, e EixeeUent retirement and in­ pital. ExceUent wage and ments on a spinet piano. ment or home. JJ>. tires on rear. ExceUent condl- 68 Windsor Avenue, RockviUe, benefits and continuing in- by August. land clearing, state Ucensed nings. surance program SATURDAY NTTB Auction, 7 Chn be seen locaUy. Write tate Associates, Ihc. 648-6132. tlon. ’Transferred to Oregmi, 1971 CJ 6, JE E P , com plete w ith Conn. service education iragram. for Installatlan sepUc t ^ ^ce mas<« work, aU B o i h I s - HOUSE Md p.m. Italian-American C9ub, Credit Manager, P.O. Box good buy. Best offer accepted. plow and U$^ta, only 6 months tormafion call- Eldrldge St, Manchester. An­ 86, Cortland, Ohio, 4441Q. 649-2861 o r 228-9829, M rs. Z if- old. Moving south. CaU TO- please contact Personnel De­ tiques, giassware, china, furni­ ment, stove, refrigerateg, 649KM66. job too small. Over 20 years ______1-800-922-2488 days (toU free) GOmiEIIGIAL fren. 9296 fo r fu rther inform ation. partm ent, 646-1222, E x t. 481. ture, eomethtog for everyone. 008-0688. TWO YOUNG maiTled men experience. AU work guaran- MORTGAGES, loons, first, sec- 1966 BUICK SPEXXAL, station iggr CHEVROLET Impala, 4- PART-nME PAINTme s i x -r o o m duplex, adults pre­ wlU do smaU repair Jobs and teed. CaU a fter- -6 p .m ., 648-*■* third. AU kinds. Realty 1-418-666-8986 evenings. STARORAFT CAMPER, sleeps ^ ~ wagon, V-8, automatic, i>ower door sedan, V-8, automatic MANCHESTER ferred, no pets. West side, near painting, also c^lar cleaning 1870, 644-2976. statewide. Credit rating unnec- ______' Otflee Gashier, 6 or • nlglito (Indoor - (Xitdoor) 6, stove, sink and electric. Al- VtffHltsd — Ta BUV 58 HOW can you buy steering, 'qew brakes, 61,000 transmission, power steering, st<^G8 and bus lin e. W rite B ox im d Ught trucking. CaU 646- essary. Reaamiable. Confiden------j— w eekly. m e m o r i a l h o s p i t a l so hand carved monkey pod ------——------mUes, $676. CaU 872-8620 after exceUent condition. $1,096. 649- B rush and “V” Manchester Herald. 2692, 646-2047. Roaling - Siding 16 fial, quick arrangements. Al- HeIp W ailledI re iHOle 35 71 Haynes St., dishes, must be seen to be HOUSEHOLD lota — Antiques, 6 . 6290. vln Lundy A gen cy, 627-7971. ------— ------— Credit Clerk, Tuesday night Airless Spray and Saturday. appreciated. Also butterfly bric-a-brac, AVAILABLE June 1st large 8- GENER^ CONTACTING — Bip\t(ELL> Home Improvement 100 OMisfitufion Plaza, Hart- EXPERIENCBSD help for 649-7102 644-1353 M anchester, Ck>n^ tray. 872-6026. glasswar^ Wo buy estates. BMrtment______appliances,««n)l«nces. at South Ridge? 1964 F IA T Station w agon, re­ NO Job too smaU, none too ford. Evenings, 288-6879. ecreenlng—touch-up are^ flrrt VUlage Meddler, Auctioneer, room aportmei^ cent valve Job, good condlficn, 1966 SU PE R Sport CheveUe, Co. Ebepert Installation oi a lu W . T. GRANT CO. beat parking. large, wlU paint or make dog minum siding, gutters and shift, 7-8:80 p.m. Intorvlewn 8- Estlinato — Ne Chaqce ALUMINUM sheets used as 420 1 ^ 0 S t., B olton, 649-8247. needs tune-up, $176. or best of­ Best offer. 648-2061. house, landscape anything, T toS ^ ’lnstXtioo and MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd., ^eek daya. Multi Ctaculta, Maneheater Paiioide m o t e l desk clerk, nlgbta,6:80 printing piatos, .009 thick, 38x ____ , — ■_ .. — $170. 646-606a fe r. C a ll a fter 6, 646-8199. 19(D DODGE OHrenet 440, 2-door buUd or paint bridge. Esti­ trim. Roofing A ------mortgages —interim financing qq Haiflaon St, Manchester. to 12 midnight, 4 nights a 86” . 26 cents each or 6 for $1. WANTKD — antique furmture, A variety of financing plans — repairs, 649-6496) 876-9109. — expedient and confidential ------— ------1969 M G Ifid g e t, Britiah racing bardt(q>, 6 cyUnder, automatic m ates w ith smUe. 644-2874. week, eiqierlenced cleric 648-2711. AL LAPLANT — Siding, roofing, service. J. D. Real Estate NEED money for sprl^ toco- ferric Must be sober and green, wire wheels, new fires. transmission, power steeA»- AMESTra work. RepainT-ra rafing? You can earn it now as ' lARAGE BALE—Huckland Rd. tity. The ^Harrison’s, •42.8709, under 12, no pets. CaU 648-6618. storm windows, awnings, p o l­ A ssoc. 643-6129. p^TOble. CaU M8-1866 for ap­ Low mUeage. CaU after 5 p.m., power brakes, as Avon representative. It’s i Smith, South VHndsor, May F.H.A., V.A. or conventional. driveways, walks, holes, etc. ity workmanship, free estl- poin tm en t 166 Oakland Street. yAi,arn»r> — Someone to sublet 649-4466. $596. 649-6290. easy, fun, no experience neces­ ^ , 10-8. Old bottles, brlc-a- N o Job too smaU. CaU 648-9112. m ates. F u lly insured. 849-8417, 29 80 sary. To get started, Just caU DOITT READ THIS AD . . . 644-0478. used restaurant, tav- 4-room apartment t o w n o f MANCHESTER 872-9187. Read Herald Ads 289-4922. ern, hotel, grocery store, bank- dential area. OaU after 4 p.m., A s little as $200. down. moving large appliances. rupey equipment Also have 8 647-9874.______LEGAL Best offer. CaU 1- IF you ore sarisfiM with your prasaM condition. Burning barrels deUvered, $4. SSSER floora of used equipment for 429-7026. p o s illa ii. NOTICE 644-1776. NOTICE Help Wanted - Female 3 5 Part-tlmo, wages, piece fast and ready ' cadi.c a d i. CaU PLANNING AND ZONING FouBfatoe’s Used Restaurant Fiim lsliad The Planning A Zoning Com­ LAWN mowers sharpened and IF you aren't •— we hova a posltian for a work, silk and roogli. COMMISSION Equipment 627-6771, 478 Wind- - - mission at a meeting held May Tniekt - Tractors repaired. Pick-up and deUver. ONE-HOUB M|UlTINIZINO 6 3 -A HEBRON, CONNECTICUT Bzzzzzzzz in and see our sto St, Corner of Canton St., A pO ftlliailf* M, iv n arerwed the appUca- Chevrolet, truck, CaU 649-7968, after 4. young aggrassive. man in tha ratcA . . . $M W. T|*e. Do you qualify? ‘ $$ AM A# fit A D a w a r lM ^ * FoUojring a PubUc Hearing H artford. tion of the Barwln Company PLANT SECRETARY busy Bea, We’re ready, t h r e e -r o o m fundsbed apart- for a change in the zoning from ^eUent condltjc^ BACKHOE, ditch digging, back on May 26, 1971 the Hebron fires, and chains, $200. 646-6998. ^ - - . _ . _ X __ _ ment for gentieman, private “Rural Residence’’ to ’'Indus­ flU, etc. FlU, gravel and loam. Planning and Zoning Commte- Control Data has an exceptional (g>enlng for a plant M e r e - willing and able to assist W ANTED — fiv e 80$4k67$4 fuU ^ entrance, utiUtles, 226 688-6600. Sion voted to: tary in their new Mahcberter pldnt. ___ _ MAm AfW% _ MmA trial’’ for approx. 21.7 acres on I SHOE BUSINESS | screens. 648-4782 C9iarter Oak, 648-8868. the north aide ot Tolland Turn­ A pprovb an appUcation you in the sale or pur­ Aula Accossories-TIies 6 AVAILABLE for yard work, Hng and diversified work and personnel systems con­ Gall now! — 423'1641 from Mrs. (Tarol Inking, ^ PRESIDENTIAL p l e a s a n t S-rooms, shower, > pike and the raUroad abutting lawns mowed, hedges trimmed, trol, marketing, and aU phases of plant produefion. chase of YOUR property. I the East Hartford town line and FOUR Sprint mag wheels, for Mrs. Elizabeth Rochain and With a fast growint i«tafl Conneeticat shoe VILLAGE APTS. Including aU utiUties. Parking. GM i>roducta, 14” , good condi­ general cleaning. CaU 649-9368. Murray Qatrager, for sub­ This is not a clerk type Job. Heavy exposure to dlvMon / Legal Notica voted unanimously to adopt a chain. MANCHESTER No children, no pets. 272 Mato land use of "Industrial’’ for tion. 646-8824. division of property on Wall poUcy makers. Right hand man to plant «««?««'• STEPS, sidewalks, stone waUs, have good typing and shorthand experience. Contact Mr. St. land described in the appUca- fireplaces, flagstone terraces. Street into five lota. Harvest Opportunity for nmid advancomont. KEITH ^1 and 2-bedroom iq>art-$ Den SouUgny. Prabate Cburt BOLION Notch — Iflicely fur- ficn . AU concrete repairs, both in­ Acres Subdivision n, with menta. On bus line. AppU- UlOTATiu k ^TATION T r a i l e r f > Some ezperieneo needed. r e a l e s t a t e w*'mBT. R. LARSON nlahed 2-room ap artm en t aU The effectiv e date is June 1, side and outside railings, land­ the sfipulafion that only Iota . ances, carpeting, beat and XOTA 1 o r A -k-A ICABBL B. LARSON utiUties included, for male 1971. Mobile Homot 6-A scaping. Reasonably priced. 1, 2 and 8 can be buUt on at Present openings in ManehMter and Hartford fhot water. For iqipotat-^ _ jt ilo t ot JUaeboMUr South Ridge Homes 172 E. CENTER ST. a d u lt 548-2226.______Planning & CaU 643-0861. this time. Lots 4 and 6 can­ • V :V ;■ .!■ ;

MANCHESTER EVENINi^ HlBRALP. MANCHESTER. CO'NN.. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-THREE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES^tEft. CONN, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-TWO 0 « t of Town Out of Town Wanted— Real Estate 77 Tolland Tolland Howes For Sole 72 Howes For Sate 72 tOH For Sate 73 For Sate 75 For Sole 75 Connecticut Howes For Sole 72 SELXilNO yotir hom e or acre­ VERNON — t « v e l 160*180’ lot. SOUTH WINDSOR — Five-room age? For prompt friendly serv- $6,000. Wolverton Agency, R e­ Citizens School Committee Referendum on Budget CXFPBRBK) BY THE Ranch. Attached two-car ga­ •ice, call Louia Dimock Real­ Release Set CXILONIAL alaed Cape, brick BERRY'S WORLD Offered by the MANCHESTER altors, 640-2818. rage. Three bedrooms, cathe­ ty, Realtors, 649-0628. CLASSIFIED and beauUAdl Seven rooms, MANCHESTER — Excellent dral ce ll^ , 114 baths. fuU Slates Its First Session Scheduled Next Thursday two full ceramic baths, S-car recreation room, two fire- F o r Seale Ifarage. Fiill-shed dormer, two PHILBRICK $27,600 Brand new 6-room Co- n n e lot, half acre phis, . GAAL. The 800 residents attending have ruled at least partly in lonlal, xyk baths, alu- i^akewood CSrole area, dty placea, circular driveway. La- LISTINGS WANTED A “Citizens Committee for Thlfault points to the rapid In- (Continued from Page One) ADVERTISING front dormers. Many extras Penta Agency, Realtor, 646- the Public Schools” Is in the crease In the town’s population last night’s adjourned annual tovor of teacher groups and re- mlnum aiding, centrally utlUties, CaU Mr. Zhniner, I will ideture advertise your baU Including window air-con- located. Must be seen. y, t>. Real Estate Associates. 1 AIGENCY 2440. ' formation stage according to In the Immediate area of the of a affldavlt in federal tuemuig meeting m>i.set uuiu>June 8o fromiron, - retroactive . ___ _ ta' „ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ditloninf units, stove, wall-to- house twice a week, plus, SuDorintendent of Schools Dr. takeoff on the Coventry-Totiand Dcurt In Newmr UaerAviHaven. * rsvAOOAacreases, Iwbhe avTblaltVAfl.explained, fliVlin0ad^ AGENCY give daily coverage to two i 8 AJL to 4:S0 PJL wall, fireplace mirror, medi­ w $29,900 “ C” sone, 6-room Co- ***~ *^ ‘ ------MANOltalSTBat — Older 7-room McKenzie, who an- town line on Rt. 81 (Mile HlU The bond was granted over « « » utoU 8 p.m. as the date did not know what position cine cabinets aiid vanities, •RANCH 7 room s, m odem kitch- onlal, garage, large shed, CJOVENTRT — Treed building Colonial. Bowers school area. papers every week until nounced the date of the first Rd.) toe government's continued ob- for the referendum vote cn the this would place the school sold. Call \ built-in desk, bookcase, etc., en; dining room, famUy room, Uvc-ln busl- lots. $8,600 each, five acres, Four. bedrooms, formal dining C a n a d a ' meeting as Tuesday night at 8 Feoment Auttortzed Jection based on Seale’s Con- proposed budget for the 1971-72 board In. ocHnr CLOSING m iE f o r c l a s s i f i e d a d v t . etc. Must see the parklike large living room, garage, $28,- ness, antique shop, etc. Tremendous valley view. $10,- room . ’Two-car garage, amesite UNSAY REIALTY In the Meadowbrook School all- The Board of Selectmen has nectlcut murder-Wdnap trial fiscal year. Increase Seen 4iN PJO. DAT BBPOBK FDBUOATIOH yard with several varieties of 900. 900. Paved road. Hayea Agen- driveway. BeautifiiBy land- 649-9168 purpose room. authorized payment of $7,011 to which ended to a mistrial Tues- It Is the earUest date the Taking ite proposed $2,212,226 ^ , $84,000 Immaculate Raised lu ajnai ocaped, ovendsed lot. $28,000. Expressing the need for “ad- the G. and G. Construction Co. day. vote could be held, cuscordlng budget as a base, the sc^ l DMidUne tor Sotnrdajr and M filoy ta 4>M p.m. Frida} trees, bushes. Belflore Agen­ CAPE—PuU shed dormer, large Ranch, 8 bedrooms, din- cy, 64iwa»i. ______Favors cy, 447-UU. ______- ______vice and help.” Dr. MacKenzle tor work on the Crandall’s Park The government contended to state statutes which allow 7 board showed a $237,473 to- kitchen and m-lng room, with ^ Toom, 2 fuU baths, TREED building lot, 90x171’ , COVENTRY — 6-room Ranch. ALL OASH for vour nrooertv promises to discuss a number dam during the month of April. Seale should not be granted ball to 14 daysfoUowlng tt® pre- crease ever the present year. yocK_o(^n^^nTO|^|Wiii. DIAL 643-2711 LOVBUUY four-bedroom Coloni­ fireplace, den, 4bcdr^ms, j fireplaces, 2-car ga- Rowers schod area. City wa^ Baoement garage, glass sliding. T r o o p Cut \«tthln21 houre Avoid red of Important subjects following in other actions at their meet- because he was not acquitted In sentation of petitions for refer- It then deducted the anticipated al in desirable Hollywood sec­ large lot, $26,900. ^ Velvet green lawn, tor-sewers. Wdcott Realty. doors to terrace, brick fireidace, tane instRiit service Hayes toe election of officers at the ing earlier this week, the select- the Connecticut trial .The judge endum. $98,869 increased state aid over tion. Mr. Zinsser, Belflore SOUTH WINDSOR, Birch HIU, be seen to appre- sOS-gaoO. aluminum siding, amesite drive, (CkHitliined from Page One) Asency 646-0131 meeting. men agreed to erect two signs to tiiat case dismissed the Both petitions calling, for a the present year, ending up Agency, 647-1418. . large 7-room Ranch, cathedral elate. ------— > 200^ artesian weU. Many extras. ^ ______!______The superintendent Is seeking on Snlpslc Lake Rd. as request- charges, ruling that massive referendum on a budget for the with an overall budget Increase Coariniied From Precediiiq Page P rice $80,900. Meawhlle, In Brussels, U.S. ceiling in Uving room, formal |S6,000 Brand new 8-room Co- ReSOlt PlOpertV Defense__ Secretary„ _ Melvin _ .R. ------— community Involvement ta ej py David Baines. Baines publicity made it impossible to 1971-72 fiscal year, were ruled of $139,104 for next year, or 7 a s s u m e 6H per cent mort- L^drt warned''the'Eur^Maii ai- but because they think they many rf tte problem Areas fac- claimed that a total of 14 chll- e m ^ l a second unbiased jury legal and validated at the percent. ' 7 2 S6S6 or lllMral new financing dining room, modem kitchen onlal, country club area, w___ BOL/TON—7.7 acres of land. Houses For Sate 72 Houses For Sate with dining area, largo famUy 4 bedrooms, famUy 9**" ______74 600’ frontage. Ideal for Invest­ lies todafr that a proposal by should He said they would con- ing the local school system, tap- dren live In three houses on the “i Q^ectlcut. eleventh hour last night This corresponds to an anticl. _ on this diaded Colcnlal in es- Senate Majority Leader Mike tinue their European Defense ptog the talents of townspeople street. These children are en- 1^®«^ questions arose over pated seven per cent Increase taMUdied neighborhood. New room, 2 full baths, 2 fireplaces, room off kitchen, pm A- ry>yiiiWTR.v ~ Summer cot- ment type property. Will assist -car 'garage, swimming pool, to-back living room, din- rooms, ahunhnim In marketing. $60,000. to cut US forces In Improvement Progrtun—BIDIP. on a volunteer basis to provide dangered by speeding cars, he toai Se^® notify the U.S. mw- both petitions, submitted to in enrollment, according to $19,600—BUTS THIS 4 and 2 un- roof and funmce. Mr. liom- 2 4 PLUSH BRICK RANCH large wooded lot \ng room , 2% baths, 2- storms, carpeting, treed lot, Euroue could come up again Under BDIP. the 10 European citizen study, evaluations and claims. First Selectman Charles “‘“ L,’*'*l®"®’i,**..**® *®®’'®* ‘^®** M®urant Kaynor. flnlriied Cc^e, ceramic, bath, bardo, Belflore Agency, 647- ■i HEBRON—89 acre farm with future miiB. are to spend an additional recommendations for action. Thlfault checked the situation court s juri^tkm ^ r^uest Wednesday, prompting her to The Board of Finance budget rTTcrrrtu nim-p t car garage, acre lot with design, fireplace. large eat-in kitchen, full base­ 1468. two-fam ily house, 4 barns, 2 ^ dollars on defense over The concept of the citizens agreed with Baines, prom- *,*,*’,! ®®®*‘ toe opinions o< Town Coun- of $3,043,m represents a $80 In- With all the features for the sUef^room sTtfaS pond. Truly a fine home. ,^ooo. Hayes Agency. 046-0181. ment, on bus line. Wolverton ponds and a brook surrounded , . budeet discussions five years, felt this Is-not likely committee was created earUer ,g ^ a SO-mlle an hour “*® Y"*tod States. gel Rotyrt King, before official- crease in the annual tax bUI for entertaining executive. Two SEVEN-ROOM clean older Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. baths, formal dining room, $99,000 Investment, 4 apart- 77^ waterfront, by stone walls, trees. Ideal for co_™as acoradtog to an of- to remove much If any of Amer- to the year, but the concerted g, stating “ChUdren S*mUar travel restrictions jy aj^irovlng them. the average local family hav- huge marble flreplaces, 2% home with 2-car garage and family room, porches, 2-car ments, 2 offices, close to -round, huge pine panded dalry fannl^. horse raising closed- lea's present share of the Euro- effort to bring the project to p,gy teye been plMCd on roven other ^s residents filed Into the Tol- ing a house assessed at $10,000 ceramic baths, unbelievable extra lot of record. Trees, BIGHT units, two buildings on garage, $86,600. hospital. Call for details. ^blestc^Tfl^ and for developer. 1.8 mile road ^______^__ defense burden. Most of fruition had been delayed until Although the selectmen sitting rtot defendwts -who are gchool gym for the on the 65 per cent of 1960 prop- one lot. Paved parking area. home maker kitchen, mam­ shrubs. Excellent value here moth master bedroom suite. in the twenties. Belflore Agen­ place, 8 bedrooma, cellar, base frontage. $120,000. officials said Laird also the money will be spent on air- now. ______-_____ as the town traffic authority '’•®® ____ meeting. It was still uncertain erty value assessment. $68,000. W(dverton Agency, ® 1*71 kr NIA, Ik. EAST CENTER ST. Large 10- ray heat, carpeting through­ WHAJMAimC — 'Income prop- reported to defense ministers of craft Bhedters. PTO Officers g^j^j y,gy ^cognize the dangers , severed froin the y^hether they would be able to This breaks down to about $5 Realtors, 649-2818. P rice reduced by $6,000. cy, 647-1418. room Colimlal may be used for Mrs. Rosewltha Herz has Goose Lane-Anderson sentenced for cimtempt abetter one or both per month according to finance FRECHETTE out, low taxea, beautiful view, erty. 8-family house, 16 rooms, the North Atlantic Treaty Or------Please call home or .offices, large lot with been elected president of the intersection, they turned l^aause of reputed wtturste. petitions would be accepted. board members. MANCHESTER — Keeney St. THREE family ^ Ideal south If I'm a bit depressed, it's because my secretary is possibUlty of acqdring more pure .water swimming- 10 city water and sewer, city lot, ganlzation on the strategy of end location. Call Mr .Lom­ Meadowbrook School PTO for g request submitted by t caucused outside the The final speaker was Dr. Da- area, 4-bedroom Oanison Co­ land. mUes Manchester. $28,000. Call reasonable taxes, house fully ''realistic deterrence,” especial­ going to Europe this summer, and it IIJo k e years before REALTORS Killing G>imt the coming year. the Planning and Zoning C om - I;®®Jr' o j ” *'1™ '"^to moderator Atty. Ar- vld Serlucco, who pointed to lonial, family room, 2 fire­ HERITAGE HOUSE bardo, Belflore Agency, 047- 1-687-1468. rented. Income $ ^ per month. ly as It applies to them. we can afford to go! r OCKLEDOB—Dynamic 0-room MLS Other officers of the organl- mission to make the Intersec- ordered Beale snacxiea Sbarge, before the an- ToUand’s reccurd as a young, places, double garage. Only 1418. Price reduced for quick sale. The report was made ta view Raised Ranch, 6 bedrooms, 2>A zation are Gerard Oaniera, Uq^ a four way stop, andgag^ tothe nouncement of acceptance of energetic town, °to petitions was acknowl- by otters for leadership, 0181. city ccavenlences features V thedra^^mlUng living and dining AROUND THE CLOCK Dean, recording secretary; fgj- uje second time, the select- convicted of croesiiur state lines ^ ^ ai. • ^ For the finer homes. 2 SALT—with the Soviet Union to Incite rioting at the time of ®^ed- He warned of the effects of this 7-room Raised Ranch with HoiKM FOf 72 Houses For Sole nrMsmroom,-' morlArnmodem Mt/*h«n.kitchen. A ver>ver­ For Sate 75 Mrs. Valerie Vasquenza, cor- men agreed to install "danger- MANCHESTER — Large fam­ PROMPT and their response to Western In California the 1968 Democratic National Vote Cdnfirmed letting all this go' "down the 2-car garage in Manchester. satile home in an exceUent lo- respondtog secretary; Mrs. qus intersection ahead” signs ily? Need room? How about 6 '------AND FRIENDLY offers to negotiate on force re­ Convention. Two were acquitted Although the details of the drain” fo r $6 per memth. He Mr. Funderburke, ®*’®‘** pprjp ptw T .v, All fout^room ,IMMACULATE 6-room Ranch, caUon. 2-car garage ductions to Europe. (Continued from Page One) Judith Schachner, treasurer, on both directions of Goose referendum are still uncertain, also praised the older residents bedrooms on a lot over an acre PITKEN — Porter St area, 6- at carpeting. Two batha, two- „ SERVICE AT: wlth______both and a half, 2-car _ga- year- old aluminum sided eus- _Agency,______647-1418.-______— apartments. Four garages; with 24’ fai^y rrom, 8 bed- OFF PORTER ST. . ______The official______said_____ that Laird and Mrs. Diane Dandis, mem- Lane. Anderson Rd. will con- °*’rae “^ ^ n ■ defendanU and conformed that both peU- cf the to^ m^y of whom are lone heat Electric kitchen* emphasized the need for all north of Yuba City. Whlteaker bership chsdrman. tinue to have atop signs In each rage. 2 fireplaces. Want to ^ „'***“^ CHENEY ESTATE — AU Uie Shows care. Low 60s. Wolver- wonw. fi^^ed lly^ tw m , jjutch Colonial wlUi an Beautiful famUy room. 80s. BOLTON CENTER — Three- their two defense attorneys requesta can appear on the concerned for the town’s young hear more, caU H.M. Frechette, BtoUy with >>«^6d charm plus aU the ton Agency, Realtors, 640-2818. kitchen wlto w , j^gg„^able mortgage, formal wdverten Agency, Realtors, bedroom Ranch. Fireplace, members to maintain their described them as “Indenta- Outgoing president Mrs. Jean direction. were found In contempt and glv- referendum. pe<^le and for the schoota. R M . strength If they are to have a o,, _oji Fleet will serve as parllmen------en sentences ranging from sev- The first petition, submitted Senior dtizens chance for successful talks with ,, 4„. „ ^hothAr d tartan. Manchester Evening Herald __ ,, ta Mrs. Muerant, calls for an Ralph Duell of Mile Hill Rd. ______sSL“sr'^,'^ most rrrijr8 acres js ___ _ ™ . chen, overslsed »<-, attached 2-car RELAX — 4-4 two famUy, fire- etc. CaU Now. Hayes ^ncy, i.nmh«T«in. Bel- c«»dtlon. Dream •'*1**®J*- Agency, Realtors, 040-2818. ’ RECENT two-famUy, 4-4, heav- Moscow. He declined to say whether of- ,„gtallatlon of Officers Tolland corresjondent Bette l i a l e 1^ ^ n to custody for additional $80,000 cut In the gen- one of the circulators e l the shrubs. Mr. Bel- ^ 'JJJiit.ln *OTen-mhge dli*" These will only be possible, he fleers had probed any suspected eral government budget and an- petition calling for cuts, in the d a ces, new kitchens, carpet- 040-0181. NEW LISTINa - Overslied a y treed lot Large kitehen - GNAL The Tolland Lions Club will Quatrale, tel 876-2840. almoet two years. Two Agency, 047-14U.______washer Fireplace. Upper 20s. MANCHESTER Ganisan Colonial, less than dining area. Fireplace. Must intor-TOm alarm sys, added. If the West keeps a gjtes and found them emly. install officers June 7 at 7:80 other $90,000 cut in the Board of proposed budget, cited the dif- in Wolverton Agency, Realtors, RATED B, F. one year old. Omer trans- i,^ seen. $28,900. Wolverton ^ strong deterrent through part- ^ believe there ore in the VFW Posit Home, Eklucation budget, which would ficulties of senior citizens in AGENCY result in a 70 mill rate, same as meeting ccHiUnulng rising taxes, Agency, Realtors, 0494(82$. Evergreen but- 649-2818 PV>r Big FamUy. That Is ferred. EUght rooms, 2H baths. Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. landscaped lot. Dead end nership and strength. Installation Banquet In Yugoslavia fireplace, rec room. Acre jhtI- . . . ______what this ton-year-old An- first-floor family room with street CaU 648-6410 or 0484H97. One American official defined checked out (md searched,” St. Matthew's Ladies Guild at present. The larger grand and claimed that eight of ten MANCHESTER Spacious 7- vate treed lot Only $24,900. rounded rw ya^ iweiyPRINCETON Street — Owner saldl Colonial can handle. fireplace, formal dining room, SWIMMING, sailing, fishing. Owner. "realistic deterrence” this way: ggj^ sheriff, who refused to will hold Its annual Installation list generates more money than people he asked to sign the petl- room home, aluminum siding, Ha^ Agency, 646-0181. enclosed L^^ , cmi vacaUng this choice 4 bedrooms, formal dining 4 bedrooms, aluminum siding, cosy, attractive Ranch, stove, _ Realtors, MLS the present mill rate would. tion were receptive to the idea ------Uving room and dining room, rvunnui AU sensible of- "In the face ot the strategy, ,j,ggugg g^jy asMct of Corona’s banquet June 9 at the Country new roof, double garage, large room, large Uving room 2-car garage. ExccUent weigh- refrigerator, air-clnditloner. Worker Self-Management The second petition places the of the budget cut. ■ MANCHBMTEBR — Preferred both carpied. Kitchen Is a jcyj wUl be given serious con- Custom buUt <1960), 7-room manpower, fiscal and political bivolvement other than to say Squire restaurant In Ellington treed lot. Low 80s, Hayea plus Rec room with bar. bortiood. $41,900. fireplace, park-Uke lot, large Board of Finance’s $3,043,220 He noted that 300 signatures neighborhood, 6-room custom housewife’s dream, has every- t .J. Crockett, Real- Rambling Cape. Beautlfkilly 643^2682 roaUUes we face In tte 1970’s, „^g^g ^ g ^ ^ committed beginning at 7 p.m. Agency, 646-0181. Not one but two fireplaces. trees. Hutchins Agency Real- the strategy of realistic deter- murders ” Reservations may be made Program Two Decades Old budget cn the voting machines, were obtained in a 24 hour pe- ______buUt Garrison Colonial. Rec thing and Is the very best! 648-1077. Price $88,900. CoU J. Mc- d R C A 1848—Federal Colonial— 64941824. carpeted and ^E^xdnted ThO finance board budget to- riod for the petition calling for MANCHESTER Industrial sane room, two fireplaces, carpet- pHnlshed family room. Two- *______'------______rence by stressing greater con- ___ ' by contacting Mrs. Raymond L a u « ^ , 64941806. Six large rooms, full walk-up ’______1 throughout Three bedrooms, was 18 per cent of all enter- otodes $128,660 in original budg- the overall $120,000 cut In tte g-famlly bouse, exoeUsnt busl- Ing, private yard. $82,900. attached garage. Belfiore SHAIiDWBROOK LANE — ex- atUc, handy locatkm. $20,900. TWO. ______ACRES, custom stone 2^ filed baths, beamed ceU- BOIJrON — Owners want quick non’ 1-em®*'. M rs. Steirfien Shack- By DAVH) MAZZAREIXA ness oppertunlty- 'BIgd traffic Hayea Agency, 646-0181. Agency, 047-1418. tremely spacious customised 9- ■ale of handsome Raised JHenite andj^es, seeta to tfSY *®^ way or Mrs. (Peter Walzer. Asscelatod Press Writer Drinea M d thev emnloved 14 «* req“ ®»ta fo r the general gov- budget. B Ranch, foyer, famUy room, 2 togs, largo famUy room cver- tabllsh a free worid structure tractlng service off and on for a-™* STc«;nt“ toSl circulating the petition count, good -ccodltion. CaU ------— ----- — room Raised Ranch on huge THE XnfiTMATE to a Ram- -car garage, tantallz- looking scenic waterfront, Ranch ^ with 8 bedrooma, . . B & W « « 2 that can deter war and set the 16 years In Tuba City, collecting Scout B®Ktott^ BELGRADE, Yugoslavia rich ®®*«taar requests of the to place the Board of Finance now. $81,000. Hayes A g e n ^ , A ^ IN O $20,000. Fast sale wooded lo t BuUt-ln kitchen, bii^ Itanch abounding ^ Hutehtoa Agency, Must be seen. Out-ct-town own­ beamed ceiling and huge mod­ BARROWS AND WAULACE CO. stage for meaningful negotia- crews for ranchers at harvest A signup- session for Girl aT tiiA naiAjii ^ ^*>*d unenaployment, rib Sagora, who circulated BQUder says to seU this nine- la exonerated in this huge tiled bathroom, modem Uteh- lately kept For the fastidious m a NGHEETTER -Picture book area, 8H baths, swimming pool, tioo. Good investment proper- Beach Real Estate Co., 047- have outUned for the defense Uved in a three-yearold, $22,000 room colonial tor $60,000. Has ren E. Howland Realtor, 648- the Town Hall. Communist Yugoslavia’s “work- Hnies fe ^ rivalries between for an 88 mUl rate. It the petition for the finance 4-bedroom l^iUt level, 2% en. Come make a reasonable buyer. Hayea Agency, 646-0181- Cape, 7 rooms, 2 batha, car- garages, ty. 40s. Wolverton Agency, 1600. ministers additional spending on tract home. ' five bedrooms, 2H baths, 1108. Girls registering for partlc- self-management” system. was reduced to 76 mlUs at last board budget, claimed that sav- ceram ic bcUhs, Uving room offer! Belfiore Agency, 647- Realtors, 649-2818. pettog, garage, fireplace, Realtors, 640-2818. ______defense that President Nixon’s Hisrus wuewife ViionaGloria adescribed e se n o e a mmhim ^ Brownie and Girl ® seu-manugomem states, which have historic ------— , ” -hia vear la llkelv choice setting. Top value here. 1,200’ road BOLTON — Large 1830 CMmlal w w n v w ______r-AAA «Uh administration wants to do in as a good husband and father “ me Browse aim Gin ^ management — Inlated week’s annual town meeting tog money this year “ uxey Witt cathedral ceiling and 1418. shade trees, anchor fence, ***'“ > Buy now and choose your own MANCHESriER — $18,000, flve- MANCHESTER — $24,000. 7- ten large rooms PLUS good In­ who oS t- i,.n anvon. S®"** program should bo be- flggtj„g,y by t^g pg^g oopi- ore some- ™jocted. to cost us more money in the Roman fireplace, mammoth Hutchins Agency, Realtors, Montage. $80,000. breezeway and gfarage, itaity Europe—if Congress approves, who couldnt’ kin anyone. decorating. T.J. Crockett, Re­ TTBIEE-FAMILY, East side, room bomn with garage. Inrge come from year around 8-room tween the ages of seven and 14. mune 100 veafs a£po—Ib now two "o'***®****®* xrovwvew awsaav The Boctrd of Finance subse- long run as have other fiieplaced family room. Dou­ 64941824. . room Cape, central location, hi trees and shrubs, 1,900. Present planning calls for more "I love him and always will altor, 648-1077. very convenient Mr. Lorn- kitchen, nevdy painted meteri- ___ We NEED LISTINGS fam ily room , garage, 60x120 Carriage house. Many autten- Adults Interested in helping rtg-gAgg m Yugoelavla. It ^®® ™®®® bureaucrats and q„g^y decided on a unanimous budgets in previous years, which ble automatic garages, {rias- 649-8666. money to go to the il.6. 6th want him back home. He . . . with tte program may also ^ ^ be looked upon Communist party officials on ^g^g jg resubmit the entire neglected to recognize Itema ter construction and a love­ baido, Belfiore Agency, 647- or. Convenient location. As- MANCHESTER— Pitkin Street. NOW ! **Thln1riny <«f Sell- lot A real value. Bel Air Real tic old features (7 fir^laces, Fleet in the Mediterranean on couldn’t have done anything like MANCHESTER — New on the inside shutters). Most attrac­ come to the Town HaU to reg- bafflement by the West poUtasal conalderatKxis. budget as to, but with a 76 mlU should have ^en done, ly treed lot. Priced to the 1418. sumafale 014 p w cent mort- stately 1 1 -room Colonial, to your propertyV* Call Estate, 648-0832. COVENTRY -- 8-bwtooom jg ^ g„^ antitank operations, this,” she said. maricet, 7-room Ranch, large one of Manchester’s premier * — tive lake privUeges. Ideal for later at these times. suspicion by the East. Yugo- It's a far cry from the poet- rate. *nie difference would be ToUand’s low inking as to family room with Anderson 60s for immediate sale. TEN-ROOM Raleed Ran^. By 5DAYI Ranch, built 1061 attach^ed^ antisulimarine teams and otter Sutter County Superior Court locations. Must be seen to be NINE-ROOM custom buUt Gar­ antique enttuslasta, bustoess rage, laige wooded lot, dcM y^gpgj,g records disclosed that .Corona, Dletiict Gamporee elavs admit the system poses war days when companies like made up from Increased state ^ windows, large living room, quaUty huUt by U A R . Four appreciated. T. J. Crockett, rison OolMdal 2400 sq. feet, 4- to home sltuatlan, large fami­ end s^et. ^,7(» dov^ $^- defense ministers tten 22, was committed to De Boy plenty of problems, but they In- Galenlka were formed by a cen- grwto, eiqiected to bring about H^rmS^oIfan^ dining room, 8 bedrooms, ga­ bedrooma dn one level, two on 821,900 Realtor, 643-1077. bedrooms, office, 214 baths, ly. ChU Suzanne SbMis, 646- 800. M eyer, Realtors, 648-0609 m e T ^ iT ^cem ^rttey ^tt ^ te Hospi;i aV Arbum, ‘P®*®^ *" «>e recent Hlghl^d ^ ^ggp „ as a veraton tral governmant mlntotry, but $80,000. rage, fireiriace, nice grounds. HERITAGE HOUSE another. Two firetdaces, 2-car central 0-room Cape with 8 double garage, carpeting. 8238 J. Watson Beawh Real Es­ the town has hbranch of thAtte VuavMlA.vYugoslav AlthoughAlthmi^h AAntlmAfitiisentiments regard-re 646-2482 eer, Belfiore Agency, 647-1418. basement Beautiful lot' 10% EXCEPTIONAL UUr 1LK» era to love It M we to ^ye tor ^ er Im^vement^a^e^ on g«i .-Hobo patrols” each re- 4,000-employe drug faeU^ Communist party can ”8ug- tog the budget are running very size. CRiElAiH PUFF — Superbly MANCHESTER — Just listed — VERNON — Proudly we rave the apple, peach, pew. quince by tte a l^ e as a yriiol^ln celved a red ribbon tor their ry here to an example of how It gest,” tor Instance, that a strong In both directions, those „ . . _Herald decorated 7-room Ranch, fire- For the finer homes. Oversized Cape, AA zone, 4 fttid other flowering trees and phuinlng defence for the 1970s Lwo doctors who gave a tenta- affnMa 18 FRANKLIN STREET ^3;««*“R ^tor''^io77'‘ huge 9-room Colonial set on 114 about our 0-room Ranch, vmrks. wealthy company merge with a discussing the budget last night placed paneled famUy room room aluminum sided home, Crockett, , bedrooms, 2 fuU baths, large AGENCY acres of land. Two full baths, abounding with extrao. Large plants on landscaped 2 acres. Theae ore expected to amount tlye dlagnosto of schizophrei^ P ^hcaj patrol front-to-back Uving room Corona was released as “re- Th® »»cat pairoi was award- ^ig fpge lunch Idea first oc- poorer one. w»re very restrained In their off dining area, m baths; to-Iaw suite. ’Two fuU baths. ------— $31,900. Heritage House, 646- utchoi and dining area, car- Love tte born and workshig). to considerably more money, al- Corona was released as re- pamx quatrale, Tel. 875-2840, with fireplace, eat-ln kitch­ covered” three months and two ed a blue ribbon, placing fourth curred six years ago to an ordl- gbice private ownership of comments, equliqied kitchen, richly car- WaU-to-waU carpeting. Bel- COUNTRY CLUB area — this REALTORS 2482. peted Uving room , 8. bedrooms, Lovely pre-1940 home — 8 or 4 though no figures are available Anaaldl buUt executive Raised Ranch Is set en with buUt-to, rec room, days later. to the competition agal^ « nary worker, aomebody surfi as property to not possible except Perhaps this occured since peted, Bcreened porch, attic, br^I Oore Agency, 047-1418. -—— ----- garage. Nice yard. Inunacuiate bedrooms, dining room, stone on the {dan, known as AD-70, the strain of obtaining signa­ garage, ------meticulouelyJ ------maintain- 6 large - roome, large „ bre«m . ______beautifully on a private wood­ lots of closets, deep lot TWO FAMILY 6-8, recent ^ ^ $28,400. M lttm It also was learned that Coro- other patrols. The Bobcats will Mtoa, a laboratory apprentice g^ g individual scale, (280’ ) for in ivacy, $82,900. fireplace, finished basement, a meeting of foreign minis- tures and over the indectolcxi Senate Scraps ed. Unr 80s. Elva Tyler, Real- wy, 2^w MANCHESTER vicinity — 6- ed acre, centraUy alr-condl- kitchens, extra buUdtog lot. Agency, Realtors, 648-6860, 647- na and hto brother were aiied fill in for either of the three whose base salary to $90 - 646-4200 Wolvertan Agency, Realton, Low 40’s — owner tor, 649-4469. ______full^c, ^ Raised Ranch m i large tioned and richly carpeted, It Ranch, over an acre, extra 1678. 1600. C^neric Name large kitchen, 8 bedrooms, 649-2818. BEAUTIFUL Lookout Mbuntaln, ^ tle s . Immediate occupancy. VERNON — New Usting 7-room Raised Ranch, 2 fire- cSiaries Lesperanoo, 649-7620. Sl?' basement garage, $28,600. NOTICE beat him. A judge In nearby Swimming Program cosmetics concern, votes tor one „ ...... Drugs Measure tUed baths, Q .B. buUt- ______—------— Priced In the mid 20s. CaU The room, country kitchen and OPEN HILLB — Custom Red­ room Ranch. posals on troops reductions. In PLANNING AND ZONING Marvsvllle awarded $260,000 to A registration session tor the of 13 workers’ committeemen, ' erendum. All the funds in the to icar garage plastered BiANCHBSTBR-New Ml mar- WQtten Agency, Realtors, 648- paneled famUy room with Ranch, 8 bedrooms, Uving wood Ranch. PTreplaced faml- LolS Fof Sote 7 3 ment recreation room, 114 HARTFORD (AP)—A faiU that room 14x24’ with fireplace, ly room off kitchen. Two baths. CXIMMISSION still unpaid damages, calling town swimming program will be each of which represents a dlvl- Another self-manageinent elections account have l»en wails laundry room large bet Immaculate 8-hedroom 6930. buUt-ln bar and brick waU fire- ^^IXoritative sources said a screened porch, eat-in kitch­ carpeting, sundeck, 20x24’ rec- t OU aAND — 8 biiUdliig lots, HEBRON, CONNECTICUT C cZ ”one^ tte 'most rf- l^^tomornTfrom 9 a.m. until slon. . primaries^ cSec- treed’ lot, city utUlUes, 80-day Ranch, c^venlent toca^ MANCmgr^ like new P*®^®' transfe^ Im- Air Real Estate, major problem now under dto- en, 2-car garage, treed lot, reation room . Hutchins Agen- $s,600 total. Tcriland, acre lot, The Hebron Planning and clous to come before the court.” i p.m. at the Town Hall. Tho division where the lunch lack the background for tte tions last summer and fati. to preacribe drugs ^ taelrj^n- occupancy. Charles itoper- trow. VERNON— Ebcceptiimal 0-room cusslon to how to go about start- $28,000. Bel A ir Real Estate, qulsltely reproduced authentic ^ 648-7706. $22,000. cy, 649-0824. $8,000. Vernon, high sconle Zoning Commission wUl hold a N rc^nlnal charge was filed. To be eligible tor the swim- idea began sent it along to tte large dectolona they are coUed it was considered T ance, 649-7620. Ranch, 3-car garages, private tag talks: awuld a stogie envoy Up ^p tow» thisuus morning,morimMs, five------of the- mtog lessons------a------chUd must------be at------workers’------councU,— the------factory’s. - upon to make In workers’ coun- both std^is of the budget fight ...... n ^ e n ^ ^ a feated . . . . TSiursday by 648-9882. 914-room Dutch Colonial on ___ ■; ------TT----- — — acre, $8,900. O tter land Hayes PubUc Hearing on Juno 8, 1971 paih-Uke lot to prestige area. $21,900 — Attractive 8-bedroom SECLUDED acre tot, trees, ^ at 8 p.m. In the Town Office half acre lot, fruit trees, stone be sent to Moecow, like Manllo ^gtf„,g ^g^g known to have least six years of age and be supreme body whose 67 mem- cite. might offer to donate f^ man- therfate ^nate. Three fireplaces, 4 baths, first- Ranch, waU-to-waU carpet, KEITH REAL ESTATE lush J^ro^ Odonl^, ® *^t------BuUdtog to consider; fireplace, many extras. $82.- Broelo, secretary-general of j^g„ ,dg„ufled. The job was flntohtag kindergarten. here are elected by the 13 com- j^ c esUmatea that up to P°wer for ;^kto« at “ e floor laundry room, 0-zone trees, nice view. Hutchins 846-4126 649-1922 tag, first-floor family room, MANCHESTER — Rural lot to AnappUcation for the sub- 500. Mitten Agency, MLS Real- NATO; should a small group of ggmpUcated by varying stages Lessems wUl be offered ta mltteea for two-year terms. one-fifth of any factory’s councU which wwld cut drasUcaUj^e ^ beeii, p os^ y H o^, The Capelet For Soa 'N Fan heating and much more. Must Agency, Realtors, 649-0824. double garage, $89,900- town api»oxlm atoly 100x600, division of the I9Us Farm, tors, 648-6930, 647-1678. countries be appointed to repre- decomposition of the bodies three sessions, the first to be T^e councU talked It over with to made up of woritere with vlr- to be potentiauy see. A real c^iportunlty. Hayea Hutchins Agency, Realtors, CaU 648-7287 or 647-1641. GUead Street into six par­ should every- ^ the fact that most were be- held from June 21 until July 9; g director general whom it had tuaUy no education and Uttle *tambera of Bomu or r omigeix^. Agency, 646-0181. MANCHESTER — Large Dutch MANCHESTER — Five bedroom M»g824. -______^ .. ____ cels. .ra™.™...... » m , m « » » » . ^ S S ; Raised Ranch, 7 rooms, car- Brick Colonial. Ideal central — BOLTON —One mUe from Mto- Dated at Hebron, Ccnnecticut, huge 7-room cu^ »>le? g„d drifters. and the final one from Aug. 2 pettog, paneled recreation location In preferred neighbor- SWEEPING views, majestic 11- Chester. W ^ ^ corn er Irt, batha, garages, Q^g gggroe said Broelo, now t Ivb first body was found May until Aug. 20. ®®" b« on the basis budgets." up tte door to tte backyard aliSZ,™ siding, 2-car hood. Convenient to every- room clroa 1800, O o ^ , ^cro plus P ^ o ^ MH ttto 26tt day cf M a^ »^ ^ 0* popularity only,” he says. comments from the public ^rug manufacturer.” And Sen. INVITATION ®"'* ®*^‘ '^® ’ ®*«“ unearthed Tues- a new program providing for gjons but, says Deputy Director i„ckv because wo have V garage, trees. Hutchins Agen- thing. Immaculate. Bel Air large barn, acreage. Hutchins Palmer, Realtor, 648-6821, 649- ^ w™ , Agency, 649^(824.______tant to undertake tte assign- day and three more wer edls- famUy use of the Crandall’s jg^ “the money was workers here but ..ere limited. Joseph J. FauUso, D-Hartford, cy, M90824. Real Estate, 648-9832. Agency, Realtors, 649«824. 0688. Secretary pour - bedromn ment. Another suggestion was covered Wednesday. _ . ■__ I A.....^4ii4-iAa Anar 770 Ullter&te workeffl here» but Board Biidaet whfwiA son is & doctnp said it T O BID time and"^^rimmtasr lessons •-“> we ^g guu have to_ give specLal pTnance board mem_^r Wil- ^g„,d Micourage p ^ e to 116 baths enclosed taat he might not be acceptable Most of the men were fully time and for swimming lessons free iunches,’ Sealed bids wlU be received courses ta economics to a few of ugm Swanback described the ii nrtili------^ for ix>VENTO.Y —Oversized 8-room that some of America’s Euro- cd cf two months ■with the most memberships without lessons. iv> tnn much Inltertas ” ®®® ^ ® *^“® cases where a tdngle type of REHABnJTATTON OF WOODLAND A\ANOR Dutch Colonial partitdly fin- pean aUies are faUtag behind ta recent slayings occurring within pees wUl be charged for the , wm-ircr«’*cnun ®°*'®®*’' slnply gave tte factory tlon n^e . . hudpcs reo- ***'** ^ being s® ^ "^® "ilSoviets ridicule the sys- |>^;®"®"®!.“ der a brand name. Strada said. Ctonnecticut Ranch, 8 bedrooms, bullt- AU but Franco of the 15 NATO was. toturday’s reg- ‘®*" ®® taipractical because too “V / ^ “Hie bUl contained a provtoion Robert B. Weiss, HOMESTEAD STREET, MANCHESTER tas, % acre lot, Immediate member nations were repre- Missing person reports began igtration session. Another session ctarts, so it murt tapw l fie ^ petgile are tavirived ta tar a doctor to ^clfy a certain General Manager occupancy. Clean as a whis­ aented at today’ a semiannual to pour into the sheriff’s office j,e held June 6 also at the P®"“ ®*' “ ® ” ®®r^. ^® ^ making dectolona. But Jenc, a «ui brand-name drug ta the prescrip- The Board of E d u c^ « M60^ Uon If he wiriied. tle, Colonial decor, flre- meeting. ta Yuba aty. a town of $14,000 tar man^ement of ^ manager for 21 years, says: ”If l^ace. To cinch the deal The West German responae to that calls Itself America’s psach CUrto’ SoftbaU hfwvto approach a problem seri- CUSTOM BUILT LUXURY APARTMENTS THAT OFFER' ALL THE CONVENIENCES OF QUIET there are two finished Laird’s appeal was expected to bowl. Some descriptions ap- registration for Ute Girls’ ,,. **^*’ * ously, you can settle it with the LEGAL roopia ta tte basement. 714 be cool, at least for any direct peared-to match some vtctima, ggftbaU program wlU be held ®P*“ ®P ta® woritere In 16 days.” ortminiatroave aaBiatam. .xi,w~ German participation. But De- a deputy said. after school Wednesday after- Last year It voted 16 mmths -niere's no doubt that the sya- ..o-v,---- uniaries' 212 400 trana- kP|w®val would: CROCHET SPAcioUs'oNf. TWO AND THREE-BEDROOM APARTMENTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR OCCU- rooms $23,9(X>. It’s up to you. NOTICE CUI H r. Lewis 64941306. fense Minister Helmut Schmidt Meet of the bodies were found „gg„ gj CrandaU’s Park. of salary to e v e n ^ y -^ tern has given Yugoslalva the m o Oo ’ adiilt educa- -Require a conviction for llllivATI .-. ____ ai-- .^ ._ -A TAvti* Ufftn mAkAfl a mOMZl. __ a __ . . ___ pormuuil,l»itetiw,^^,>w __ wiofrHfront negUgent twhmW>lflA homicide OT or man- S M A tt ADMISSION was refkxted convinced that the on the 600-acre Jack SulUvan 4qj^i^ between tte 4 ages44 of 10 Jenc, who makes $200 a month, highest standard of Uving 4ta any U™taig tethers or entire pro- sive. 3214 bust . . . 214 yards six (6) months, and take the buUt Ranch. Two flreplaces, edness to chUdren can often be 8**™®- . stad. tn o SM Is ctlst fsr IKS sat- of 45-inch. oath prescribed by law. extra large rooms. Ctorage. c®ntaal tenet of Christian ett- ctav. Thomas Mesklll, express- ®^,,*^®® ttrs ts lacMis 6ntelui MIHsf. Patterns available only ROBERT D. MURDOCK troop strength In Ehirope and Buy Afore Gas Aaae Cabot, Manchester Dated at Manchester this Double lot. ExceUent area. Evealns HomM. 1160 AVE.' in sizes ‘shown. 28Ui day of May 1971. $88,900. Hayes Agency, OTTAWA — The National En­ OFa m s b ic a s Tnew TOBK.. Board of - Admissions The Rev. Dr: Mlkko E. JUva M T IMW 0181. forces. ergy Board estimates that Can­ Wat Naaa M *su wHk Zir MUdred M. SebaUer, HOUSIN^RP. ada ■win be expinrttag 1.2 triUlcn CODE as4 Atlt NasAsr. Selectman Realtor HEBRON — Tremendous value, ^aKioa^axi^vs *Ko* f j$fh'AnanlRiTi iioAfl tA AATi- w om hntt ViAMi ATmrAVfid bv the m e iree niiMiict iii»o iicuivy in seeiiig iue scxkkm ** ^ ^ s. ^ __ j5cAS; itKW TOBK, natural gas an- The Spring & Summer William C. Johnson, only $24,900, for a 6-room three-hour meeting of the Euro-, K aetata ?v ^ ^ ter 7e- produced both very rich and blackboard, he may have myo- ily cut salaries with no recourse cubic feet of *71 ALBUM is 654, includes Ranch on a lot of 100x200’.»’. Nice group. He toldtoW newsmenn ew ^ ^ theto Eu-^ but ______now eeea_____ tte Struggle_____ coiurideration ______of the WU, which w- veryygrv poorooor self-maim-edself-mana«red compa- pla. JUiAn eyeeve wamtaation,examination, by an to ttethe teateachers to bargain them nually to the United States by Wat llaaw,..M«taM aiWl ZIP Selectman OF MJ^HESTER the town would be 1976. In 1909 the figure was 084 postage and handling, MDZ. ttm llaaAtr aaS Uia. Chester F. Bycholskl, 643-2692-643-95S1 setting, rural, private, yet ropeans are planntag to do more w ice as an untent now goes jto the House for ac- nles. Itot year 1,800 Yugoslav opthalmologtot or an <^me- back up, n u avtin . -. taalw..Imly .**- legal actitHi. Courts billion cubic feet. The Spring and Summer Selectman !m5y a g !^e.%.J. Crock- t^me^tjhrir^^^ ^ u^. * companies had .deficits. That trist, 1s recommended. liable to •Ifsa la a «tar aialljl WWot ’71 Basic FASHION Bock ia Sitsati ibacUHt. a ilO -^ , la- Edward Tomklel, tlaOs* paatan aa4 kaadlaf. $1.00. Town Clerk

■ FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1871 PAGE fWENtY-FOim iMaitrt?galgr lE itg tt^ ^jgralii A v o r a g o Dally Net Press Run The feather For The Week Ended M ay M , 1871 F a ir itpa cool tonight; low 40 9 Claire Rd., Vernon; Mrs. to destroy stU results received. vrlU be known a s the P S A T / Ruth E . POck, ISO P rosp ect St.| Science "Associates will repro­ NhtaSQT and w ill follow the p re­ to 00./ Tomorrow inoreaalng 'Manchester Mrs. Mary T. VoUand, 61 Haw­ Schools Told of Error cess each student’s answer sent PSAT format. ' VERNON OPTICIANS cloudinesa; high near 70: thorne St; Sheryl L. Carlaon, 1 5 ,6 0 0 Hospital Notes meet and mall corrected list -It will replace the NMSQT Manchester— A CUy o f Viliage Charm 09 Ironwood Dr., Vernon; Del- In Merit Test Scorim reports and prescore labels to that would normally have been ■“ “ VKENON, OWN? VDITINO HOURS phis E. 'Mason, East Hartford; schools not later than Sept. 1 . administered in February next 8/10(fa of a MUe from Vernon Circle mtNinedtate Oare Setnl- Mrs. Irene L. Jaqulth, 37 Park year. Science Research Associates, a conversion to a/hew system Results of the February test VOL. LXXXX, NO. 204 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS—INCLUDING TV) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1971 (Ctaaalfled AdrarUalng on Page IV) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS private, HOOD ■ * p>m„ and . 4 West Dr., Rockville; Lars Chris­ ’Ihe step is being taken to FHONE 872-9091 Inc. has noUfied Manchester for processing. /Approodmately will be used for scholarships pan. - 8 p jn .; pMvate rooma, tensen, Stafford Springs; Mrsi reduce the hea'vy demands on High School, East Catholic High 10 per cent cf/fai students test­ awarded next year. Present sen­ 18 a.m. ■ S p.m., and 4 p jii. ■ 8 D iana M orris and son, 436 N. school time and faculties, and School, and area town high ed will hav^score changes, a iors are not affected. p a n . Main St.; Mrs. Mary Jane Te- extra coats, effort, and loss Note Our New Hours! schools that an audit of the 1971 few w ill ^ higher, but most Beginning in October, the Col­ PediaMoa: Farenta allowed treault and daughter, 178% Cen­ of classroom time for students ter St.; Mrs. Genevieve Gill and National Merit Scholarship students/mfected -will ea^rl- lege Board’s Preliminary Schol­ day time ex o^ noon - 8 p .m .; caused by multitesting. OPEN MON. tlini SAT. 9 A.M. to 5:1^ P.M. Party Chief son, Storrs. Qualifying Test (NMSQT) given ence yrauctlons ot one oIm w o arship Qualifying ’Test (PSAT) No Herald Machete Found ottieiw, 8 p .m . • 8 p .m . in February, has revealM In­ selection points, the will replace the NMSQT as the THURSDAY NIGHT till 8 P.M. Self Service: 10 a.m. - 8 p .m .; DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. screening test for the National Pound for pound wood On Monday Constance E . Supple, 104 G or­ accuracies. notification stated. 4 p .m . - 8 p.m . Schools have been instructed Merit Scholarship Program. It atrcmger than steel. Goiifirmed Intenalve Care and Coronary don Dr., South Windsor. The error was the result of The ' Manchester Eivening Care: Immediate family only, Herald will not print an edi­ In California; any time, limited to five mln- By Czechs tion Monday, in observance ntea. of Memorial Day. The ataff Maternity: Patiiera, 11 a.m. • PRAGUE (AP) — Guatav Hu- wiahea a pleasant and mean­ 18:4S p.m., and 8:80 p.m. - 8 aak waa conflrmed aa chief of ingful hcdlday to all. Death Count: 21 p.m.; otbc^ 8 p.m.*4 p.m., the Chwchoalovak Communist and 6:80 pm . -8 p m . . . party today in the closing ses- . Illli/g-"**■***•' Age Umlta: 16 In maternity, nlon of Uie party’s .Uth con­ By KEITH HEARN 18 In otiier arena, no limit bi g ress. Mafia Exiles Associate Press Writer aeIf.8ervloe. Husak personally announced YUBA CITY, Calif. (AP)—^A wooden club bearing The emergency entrance on his re-election to the leaderdilp. possible bloodstains and a machete have been found by Armcny St. la flie only hartal He took the revived. Soviet-style D rive O ut C ukloi MEMORIAL WEEKEND SALE investigators at the home of the man accused of mur­ entrance open from 11 p m . to title trf general secretary, in­ 1 am . All otlier ootOide doora OPEN LATE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT! stead of his formr designaticm I . dering 10 itinerant farm workers. A total of 21 bodies are locked during the night of first secretary. Islanders have been unearthed. nUft. Husak heads a ruling party The muivierer was “probably wheither it also bore Coronas FIUDUDI, Sicily (AP) Patlenta T o d a y : 871 FoBBn^hair presidium unchanged except for a homicidal maniac,” Sheriff name. O a k b u rn e one member. Eighteen exUed Mafia boaaes Roy D. Whlteaker said Friday Also found at the home were a OihKOAL 24” Big Boy B-B-Q Grill and a battalion of carabinieri 0k ADMTTTBJD Y E ST B R D A T : Our Rag. 10.99 Karel Hoffmann, head of the after searchers uncovered the 2li-fo o t4ong wooden club and a had this tiny island to them­ 1 3.positien two-foot crowbar, both with pos­ Sam uel Adam y, 174 P a rk er S t.; nOUEIIB C harcoal Our Rag. 9.99 Csechoslovak trade unions and 2l 8t victim and prepared to dig selves today as most of the pop- sible bloodstains, a hatchet and M rs. M ary Jane B edard, Eki- Gold Iridite finished One inch alumi­ formerly a candidate member fo r m ore. field; Mrs. Helen Bowers, Jobs num frame, curved of the presidium, a post-hole diggper with hair and B riquettes legs, handle, adjusting double tubular was nameo but a few dOaen of FlUcu- Besides the dub and machete. IQll Rd., Ellington; PhiUas crmik lift7'Revolvm^ Investigators foimd other pos- -possibly blood on it,' the affida- Chasse, 33 Norman Dr., South arms, flared back. 7.77' d l’s 200 inhabitants abandoned 6.97 mambera, replacing Elvzen Er- sible weapons at the home of ^t said. Found outside the chrome grid witf the island In less than 24 hours Windsor; Georgia Damaschl, 60 Comfortable, co­ ban, a holdover from the liberal house near the fireplace was a 1 9 20 lb. handles. lorful vinyl tubing. as a last resort against the ship- Juan V. Corona, a farm labor Hayes Rd., WaM>ing; Mrs. Alexander Dubcek era, whose contractor, Whlteaker said in a meat cleaver. From the kitchen Grace Donnelly, 85 Kenwood Pkg. poUUcal fortunes have been de- court affidavit disclosed Friday. officers cMitiscated a butcher D r.; Hlarl D . E verett, 169 C roft Kinyl Tubing cllnlnr Italian authorities. The affida'vlt supporting Whit­ knife with a 12-inch blade. Dr.; William Fisher, East Hart­ tew old people left behind to •n»e ofher presidium mem- handker aker's petition for a search ford; Mrs. Nancy Bletcher, Old Crowd of police and groundcrew sfattter as ietliner starts to taxi to runway bers, besides Husak and Hoff- ^^er- warrant was revealed adout the Stafford Rd., Tolland; Susan Folding Chaise mon^ are President Ludvlk Svo- with alleged hijacker aboard at New Y ork’s LaGuadia Airport. (AP Photo) W riter time deputy sheriffs called off Forand, East-Hartford; Ehigene Beach Umbrella Our Rag. 17.99 boda, VasU BUak, Slovak Pre- J?’ ^ EYeeman, 079 Center St.; Mrs. COMPLETE SELECTION OF 5-potHion Ibe AeoUan chain that has sup- for the night their search for 5% feet across, Our Rag. 7.99 Betty Gordon, WilUmantlc; Mrs. Polished alumi­ ported FlUcudl’s protest. WoiiT hiore vicUms burled in an or­ Slain Seen • P ool Chemicals •Filters with 6 ribs, 1 inch Antonin Kapek, Josef Kempny,, ^ In Bahamas Regrets chard along the Feather River Barbara Guggols, 3|4 Garnet num frame, same 71 Josef Korcak, Josef Lenart and «" criea ^ i^ e a . • Skimmers • Ladders. aluminum 2*piece Some villagers said that all north of Yuba City. Rd.; Mrs. Josephine Harrington, pole. Supportod as chair above. Lubomlr Stnougol. inhabitants would be off the is- Whrltealoer sold two days of ^Dropouts’ Amston; John C. Hughes, 27 • P ool Toys • Covers vinyl in alternating Two tone color Dudley St.; Barbara J. Hutton, Vaclav HuU and MBoelav weekend, leaving It Script Elbeady rain had caused the san­ • Poly Pools color panels. 5.94 ^ k o v lc were i^ e d cMdl- completely to the Mafiosi and Former NYC Policeman Seized Wndsor 'Locks; Mrs. Nancy H. • Lounges vinyl tubing. dy soli to settle, revealing five date members of the presldi™ . ^ poUcem en. HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Rod O f Society Johnson, (RED 4, Rockville; Mrs. • Vacuums • Splasher Pools HruakovlcXJMeaV^ert/» isira a newcomer. For­ * . . . depressions which might be Linda L. Lombardo, East Hart­ "W e’ll turn the animals loose Serling aays he’s sorry he wrote more gravesites. mer candidate member Dalibor Editor’s Note: Who were the ford; Mrs. Mary E. Machell, Famous Lily Paper Plates & Cups in the flelds and ship out,” one the scii^ for the movie The hacked-up bodies of the Hanes, chairman of the parlia­ Attempting to Flee Hijacked Jet men whose bodies were found 58A Chestnut St.; Unda J. Mlc- For A man said today. "Doomsday Flight," which off! victims, all but one found since 21 ment and another Dubcek era Hie Mafia chieftains and ___ in shallow graves among the cheUi, Hartford. holdover, waa dropped. blow the plane up with explo- p«*ably triggered at ipuesday were buried in graves .. j »u 5” Paper Plates Bug Free he claimed to have least three airline extortion 3,,^ ^ _ a squalls Also, Paul A. MlncarelU, South IHUos Jakes, a hardlin er lon g some of the police took ^van- ° About 80 U.S. Customs agents, slves he clalm^ to have 1®^ P a ck o f 100 W hite, Glastonbury; Mrs. Daisy Pea­ in charae of the nartv watchdM /.loim airport personnel and Nassau strapped around his waist. plots. piurti and peach or- Yuba City, Calif.? How could It R a g .5 5 c...... bo^^e revlalotr^ comfortable City policeman w h o claim - subdued Bennett and During the 90-mlnute New "I have done a real disservice chards lining the river. body, 45 Sunnyview Dr., Ver­ Summer! be that their disappearance in- non; James M. Regan, 00 Ben­ was reelected. arriving here last ^ he^ad wrapped himself gtr^jped him as they searched York stop. Bennett’s wife, Lnr- to the airlines,” Serling said. “I ^Is affidavit, Whlteaker no worrv m InoufH es’ ton St.; Mrs'. Linda Rencurrel, ■ Husak anm>unced the leader- .w.., ... . „ „ explosives wa^ overpow- tor &e explosives. They found ralne, made an unsuccessful didn’t .realize there were that g^id: “Bi my opinion, the nature ^ 7 toVlovrtn^ato^ describes 8 Emerald Dr., Rockville; Mrs. 9” Paper Plates Electronic I thTfive-day ered today as he attempt- none. plea to. dissuade her husband many kooks In the woodwork.’’ wouAds'^and their sava, Sfe llv e^ rf^ ew ^ oS S Sara A. ,Teets, 44 Porter SL; congress had shown Czechoelo- ed to flee a hijacked air- He was whisked to a Nassau *«>"> MJaoking scheme. He The writer waa Interviewed gery, the dlspositkm of the bod- Hie Forgotten Men. Mrs. Edith R. Valleau, iBast P a ck o f 100 W hite, Rag. 7 9 c ...... vak CommunUts are "above all ^®®^ Uner with *500,000 and jail, and Bahamian poUce said pilot John O'HiAiliO’NeUl aa as he and hlahis nHinr^ e r fIvAfive crAwmAmbersc r e ^ e ^ inspector Kowsld of the payoffs totaling 4580.000. 2.47 a ataite mental hospital in Janu- basis of life in Sutter County. Anderson, U R a n ge 2011 D r., Nestea (See Page Five) Itiied inn outside uie village walked toward two small bags qw aboard^ovyi fh®the mA.r.BAL ' 727tvt tidiAftrljet nra.pre- Snyders Pretzels New York Police Department ‘T wish ... I had written a ary 1906 as a schizophrenic. He 'nils year they also yielded the Rockville; a son to Mr. and Pair Tropic Torcheses Kills bugs instantly iUuminated by the glare of a pared to land their 180 passen- Our Rag. 4.99 | Iced Tea Mix or Chips and sdso to Martha Mitchell, stage coach drama starring was released In April 1906 when bodies of at least 21 forgotten Mrs. Philip 'Fleury, 812 Main By Doughboy 2 qt. capacity, bums up to O "' on contact. Use in­ walnUng automobile’s head- gets at New York’s La Guardia wife of the attorney general, John Wayne Instead. I wish I’d doctors certified to t he had re- men. St; a son to Mr. and Mrs. 15 hours per filling. 7” ISugar and doors or out. No lights. Airport after a flight from IQ- Eyripidls Panayoti^us, 'Bhurt bright aluminum heads, fumes, no mess, no 4 ' a 9 4 ' whom he S€ild he admired,” Sul- never been bom,” Serling said, covered. Sheriff’s deputies with shovels If Purchased S ■lemon fla- O’NelJj, 02, had stood quietly ami. Hartford; a son to Mr. and Mrs. 6’ sectional poles, wicks, fresn! Deli­ chemicals. Uvan said. Airline officials said the extor- sheriff’s 63-naae affidavit teter aided by a mechanical Ivored. Add Bennett, identified by Deputy Ernest Plerog, Charest Trailer Separately /I I wick holders, snuffing caps. 3.97 Iwater. cious! U.S. Ship To Join Red Craft to one side of the runway. He Bennett, laentuiea oy ijepuiy then said he wanted to go tloti threats followed the pattern Park, Vernon; at daughter to said he “sized the hijacker up” Police Chief Josej* CoUlns of shannon (Ireland)...But after of the movie plot and tot the ^ . „ .. ... ------— e 820.97 ^ ^ and, after deciding he "really New York as a lO^year veteran airborne he requested calls were made shortly after ^ r t oulimmg ms reas^ a exposing the M r. and M rs. A lb ert R ice , 269 to search Corona’s Pleasant Valley Rd., South Complete package includes pool with expandable liner, In Journey Tow ard Mars wasn’t armed,” waited unUl he of'Wew York’s motorcycle force, Nassau. He reruns were shown of the drama ” March corona Every few hours the home, then listing an toventory stop, wrenched back W indsor. Doughboy nackwash filter, redwood safely ladder, thru- was close enough and then "just ordered a stewardess to tell Sul- g ^ reason why he wanted written for television, waU skimmer. GAF By HOWARD BENEDICT consldetably heavier than^Mari- g-rabbed him in a good old hfead- Uvan to land and stand by for of what was confiscated. to reaUty by a shout, 'Tve DISCHARGED YiESTBlRDAY: AP Aeroopooe Writer - n er 9’ s 2,2(X) jxjunds. U.S. ob- lock and 'wrestled him to the further instructtons or he would (See Page Ten) (See Page Five) 'Hw search warrant was jf^und another erne." Mrs. Eldith Schoell, 1700 Tolland 1 Pool Pkg.#2 Pool Pkg.#3 ___ -- _ , . Servers believe both Soviet craft signed hy Buperior Court Judge juan Vallejo Corona, 37, a lar Tpke.; John H. Atherton, 46 I ^ S u p c r 8 CSAPE K E N N E Y , F ^ tAF) attenq>t to land capsules or John G. Houk less than an hour tx>r contractor who for nine sea- Diane Dr.; Mrs. Miriam E. Bed­ j 24*xl6’ Oval Pool Deluxe Pool — Hie United Stato IwntoM roving vriilcles on t o surface of and a half before Corona was sons has provided crews of Mex- ford, South Rd., Bcdton; llm - Mariner 9 toward Mara tonight, ^ « arrested at his hlme about 4 ican-Amerlcans to work the or­ othy Stino, Brandy St, ^ ton ; 1 with Expandable Liner 24’x48” Eifl Zoom K 2 has an 11- a.m. Wednesday. chards, is in the old county jail, D avid H ayes, 122 Lake S t.; Wildcat sWps a lr^ h u i^ day head start, NASA officials Alt the time the search war­ charged with murder. Dawn Plefka, Elast Hartford; Eight Allied. Positions Attacked rant was requested, eight bodies The motive for the murders is Save beUeve Mariner 9 has a chance to mysterious ^ Ptenel ^ reaching Mars first. Hiafs M rs. K athleen Y ankow sU , 203 $109 M ovie had been discovered. By the unknown. School St.; Hortense E. Orcutt, |b *544£ ‘3 9 4 s ■No matter which craft gets because 'the * Russian vehicle time Corona had been arrnoted, Sheriff Roy Whlteaker says 00 CHenwood S t; Mrs. Alice C. Petri FTEE f/1.8 3 lb. Polyester Fill there first, officials of the Na­ was launched on a day when nine had been found and when all the victims apparently we: Anderson, 8 FrankUn Park E., Camera tional Aeronautics and Space minimum rocket energy was re- In Southern Half of South Viet he was booked on the murder transients, temporary resident:2 Rockville; Arthur Willey, 71 1 Pool Pkgi^4 Pool Pkg.# 5 lAutomatic 35mm SLRCameri Sleeping Bag Administration hope t o ^ n^ ^ thus sped away charges the court had run to 10. o* e*^d row in Marysville, Green Rd.; Leonard J. Belang­ tlons can aggee to coordinate >______..from earth at a slightly slower Autorities say they plan no across the Feather River from 3AJGON (AP) — North Viet- Viet Oong troops attacked the can was killed and four were tars a South Vietnamese er, 2837 E llin gton R d ., South 1 Deluxe Pool Deluxe Pool Electric Eye Our Rag. 12.99 flte three missions to receive rate than to American ship's further action against Corona City’s trim streets, TTL exposure au­ Our Rag. 166.99 Our Reg. 64.99 Colorfui^ylon shell that’s namese and Viet Cong forces at- barge from the shoreline with wounded, the U.S. <3ommand base Loc Nlnh, 20 miles Windsor; KeUy A. Knight, Staf­ tomation. Semi-au­ Capture your vaca­ maximum scientific benefit. intended speed. until Wednesday, vhen ha is to "Nobody would miss these 18’ x48” 15’ x 4 8 ” durable yet lightweight. tacked eight alUed positions in recolUess rifle and small arms said. southwest of Bu Dop. ford Springs; Mrs. Mildred tomatic match needle tion on movie film, An Atlas-Gentaur rocket Is The Americans estimate a ______- - It marked the first time to t be arraigned teur of them In the Saigon wounded, one of them critically, neers manning the buUdozers ported against these two bases In one of the graves. Whiteak- Dr., Coventry. Sov* » _____ . ______Mara 2 ana lane novemoor lo r ______^regficai, military______spokesmen ______said A helicopter__ on board for re- were shelled.haiioS vHthwith mmortars, nrtam suf-ouf. them are on the lam, probably. Complete with case. cartridge loading. 4 4 ’ “ 8 . 8 8 fkvorahle launch i>eriod be- In several weeks. er’s affidavit sold, searchers $S2 129 Over Sized 39x80 M ars 3. today. pairs was destroyed and a pa- fering light casualties but no fa- They could even have used Also, John P. McKeown, SO tween 6:21 and 7:20 p.m. EDT. The two bases support South foimd two receipts from the Del *237 s The Russians have been mum aliases.” Wadiington St., Vernon; May­ I s W a The pciytoad Is to coast out­ The UB. Command reported trol boat tied to the side of the talltles. about the missions of their two Vietnamese forces operating Pero Bros. Meat co., both bear- one American killed and 13 barge was damaged. The Saigon command report- The men inhabit $1 a night ho­ nard R. Jeffries, 24 Edgerton wards for nearly six months and ships, other than to say to y are across the border in Cambodia, ing Corona’s name. St; Mrs. Joan Daigle, 29 Oak Poly Lite Cooler ea a 40-round mortar barrage tels near the levee in Marys- arou^arsNw. g^ and neighbor- *55 against a government position ™®7 ®f®,^ . ThaThe llat list of of material material taken ville, sleep in empty boxcars on St.. Rockville; Mrs. Ekina M. All Packages Inclkide Rag. 12.99 14, For at least three manto Friday and today. The Smith, 90 Pine Tree Lane, South C o le m a n 38 quart capaci­ alter that, if all goes well. It will 1*,“*^;'’;. other attacks were against the room, crlUcaUy wounding a 28 miles northeast of Saigon and ^ ito ito^ the Western Pacific tracks or, Windsor; Mrs. June Magan, He­ ty. Leak proof send beck more than 6,000 The U^ted St^s n ^ vl^ese, cl- stewiird who ^ due to feave a four-round mortar atteel* S 'f ^ under Filter and Ladder drain and re­ bron Rd., Bolton; Mrs. Elisa­ cloee-up pictures and scientific __ „ _ ^ a n was reported killed and 12 the barge today for to United against a district town 17 mUes Whlteaker declined to say the E Street Bridge, beth N. Bleller, 43 Harvard R d.; cessed easy had Mariner 8 not foiled be- _ _ ^ married. north of to caplto One clrilto Ninh is nine ______^___ data that could help determine gauga”o, rocket” t^ M e ot m Lv wounded. Mrs. Ethel L. Getchell, 31 Deep- \ carry handles. 9.88 1 / Save if primitive life such as ml- « nroblem was traced to a ®*temy losses were not Enemy troops firing mortars, was repored killed and 10 „jjgg the Cambodian bor- wood Dr.; William Greene, 18 Boys & Girls I Charge U! crobes or Uny plants could exist gLaii electronic oart in an auto- *™own. bazooka-type rockets and small wo^ed. ^g^^ gjjj, the base at Bu Dop is Auburn Rd.; Mrs. Mary Pas- \ 1 Gal. Snow Lite Jug Over tore. „i|„t ^ the aat<lng through ene- lean artillery base at Bu D<^, 80 neared to indicate that North Mrs. Linda L. Warner, Rose Treaty Seen Strengthening Stove or Lantern Bach of the Soviet ships wna tne Bovpets wouia nave Cambodian boc- my base camps near Highway 1 miles north of Saigon. Saigon Lane, Andover. (See Page Five) der. northwest of Saigon. One Amerl- spokesmen said 10 82mm mor- Also, Robert E. Nelscm, Esist Save Over $8 weighs more than 10,000 pounds. (See Page Five) Hartford; Mrs. Ruth M. Pike, YOUR Russian Position in Egypt CHOICE Extra Wide 3 Pc. Redwood Set 12.88 JERUSALEM (AP) — Is- pressure, he replied: "I do not ' Two Burner Stove raeJ’B acting premier said today rule out the po^biUty nf pres­ Factory stained and dried. 6 board Our Reg. 39.99 Folding wind baffles, stainless steel the Soviet Union scored a "first sure from Washington for the top, over 33” wide; shaped ends. burners. #425 E499 Reg. 15.M Crowd of 250 Welcomes class diplomatic success” by sake of balance.” ) Double Mantle Lantern signing a new 10-year friendship But he said If it came to iRedwood ftez, 2 mantles for added light, Pyrex Bobby Seale to California treaty with Egypt. standing up to pressure or (dv- I Our Rag. 5.89 o gal...... 3 . 8 9 3 0 7 globe. #220F Reg. 14.98 Yigal AUon added that to Ing up vital national interests, GOSPEL "I would recommend standing Ry UCHABD H .SMITH Seale planned an eariy confer­ treaty was the kind the Kremlin H i-R iser up to pressure for a long time.” Aasoclatod Pre** Writer | ence, was not at the airport. signed only with its Eart bloc S eale, 34, and N ew ton a re co- allies. He described It as a suc­ Asked about a possible inter­ SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Three speed; front and Plugs in Two Man foundeis of the Black Panther cess for Moscow in Its global im agreement on t o reopening SERVICES BUuek Panther C hairm an B obby rear calipher brakes. $ P arty. struggle with the United States of the Suez (janal, AHim replied: Wenzel O. Seale, free on bond following Like a Lamp! Mountain Tent ..-David Hilliard, Panther chief and in strengthening Its position "I doubt if the Egyptians or the Our Rag. 46.99 two stormy trials, has returned, Soviets want it now. But Israel Monday thru Friday Our Rag..16.49 of staff, and Seale’s brother In Egyi>t. home to California a fter 21 is still keeping the door open Sewed in floor, John were the first to greet the The treaty was signed in Cai­ Westinghouse nylon screened months behind bars . and is prepaed to.negotiate.” 7:30 P.M. Panther chairman when he ro on Thursday by Soviet Presi­ zippered front,, Hatleas and grinning broadly, Allon ssild Egypt had deftly wsJked out of the federal court dent Nikolai V. Podgomy and nylon screen rear Seale w a s greeted b y som e 25ft exploited ’.’the impression there building in New Haven, Conn., President Anwar Sadat, oicces- Sunday - 7:00 P.M. 5,000 BTU window. Metal persons Friday night when he was improved relations with 11.88 Friday afternoon. sor to Gamal Abdel Nasser. oles and stakes. Washington in order to obtain emerged from an arrival gate Hilliard and Newto have It provides for continued So­ at San EVanclsco international recognition for their new re­ 80SPEL H A ll A ir been directing the Panthers dur­ viet military, economic, politi­ :abin Tent Airport after a flight from New g im e .” 410 CENTER STREET 8’xlO’ Cabin Tent I ing Seale’s impilsmunent.t cal and scientific aid. ^m e in He said to t the new treaty Conditioner Nylon screen door Y ork . Seale’s release on $25,000 bond Cairo expressed a belief the Our Rag. 56.99 ■ cost the Egyptians much more and windows. A bodyguard of a half dozen was approved Friday by a 7th treaty commits the Soviet Union MB. O. MaeLIBOin than they expected) “even Hickory, N.C. Black Panthers encircled the di­ U.8 . Circuit Court of Appeals to deeper and perhaps even di­ Altuninuni exter­ though they had ousted pro-So- minutive Seale as he dashed judge in Chicago, pending rect military involvement if Is­ MB. D. BOWABD ior suspension down t o long airport corridor, viet elements" from the govern­ Scale’s appeal of a four-year rael and Egypt once again go to Salem, Oregon 98 frame. Sewed In' without pausing to talk with ment. Allon did not elaborate. 115 volt, 7.5 ampere motor, 2 speed 44.8ffl contempt sentence stemming w ar. newsmen. Within three'minutes, The new devrii^ment in Cairo For God to loved the floor. from the first ot the two trials. fan. High cooUng for daytime, low 'Allan, serving ais government glvea validity to Israel’s request Seale was in a Uue sedan wait­ In to t, he and the seven other world that He gave Save Over $10 for night. \ | 9 ’ x 1 2 ’ Sojourner I leader while Premier (Jolda to Washington for needed deter­ ing at t o exit door for a promp defendants were accused of con­ Melr visits Scandinavia, said in rent armaments to continue His only begotten Son, Charge departure. spiracy Involving disorders at Our Rag, 72.99 The crowd streamed after an interview on t o Israeli state w ithout interruptlm i, AUem said. that whosoever believ- GYIM-DANDY« t o time of the 1968 Democratic It! ra d io : Earlier, Defense Minister him as he hurried along the cor­ NatiiMial Convention in Oiicago. eth in Him should not "I see in all this an attempt Moshe Dayan h^ said he ridor, and they chanted over The charges against Seale were Play Gym a«ui over again: "Power to the by Sadat to return to the classi­ feared there might ’be delays in erish, but have aver- later dropped. cal Nasserlst idea of positive deliveries of these arms be­ Kisting life. Peoidet Power to the People!” After leaving the OonnecUcut Glider, swings, sky ride, Sale Fri. & Sat. neutralism to mobilize Washing­ cause of U.S. overtures to Cairo JOHN 8:16 large attached slide. Easily Seale responded with several state prison at MontidUe, Seale 1145 ToUand Tpke. Men. thru Fri. 9:30 A . M. le 9:30 R. M, ton to put pressure on Israel to He said if Washington did ex­ assembled. cloiched fist salutes and occa­ signed bond papers in New Ha­ Saturday 9 A. M. ta 9:80 P. M. agree on conditions vdiich would ert pressure