Game Summary
TIMM HeraM, Carrol!, t«. JS Henkenus Scores— June 10 197! 9 Lake City Shocks Tigers Kuemper Outlasts Jefferson, 1-0 today's FUNNY in Five Inning Game, 13-3 The Jefferson Rams played double for the Knights in the second out, after Schmitz' sac- Hand, 3b 1000 LAKE CITY — The Carroll the Eagles, who exploded into inning. errorless defense here Wednes- third inning, but Murphy coun- rifice. Dan Nurse singled and Totals 25 0 4 0 day evening, but their catcher, tered with a two-bagger for Jef- stole second, and Rick Gol- Tigers may have still been re- the scoring column in the first KUEMPER FIRST SKIN covering from the shock of inning with a seven-run out- Lake City added a pair of Shanda, dropped the ball once ferson in the sixth frame. wltzer walked to bad the AB R ft ftt cushion runs in the fourth, loo often, handing the Kuemper sacks. Jim Baldus grounded clipping league favorite. Perry, burst. Gregory reached first Henkenius went the distance Baldus, rf 3000 DIVERS 3-2, earlier this week. But on an Infield error, while C. while the beleaguered Tigers Knights a 1-0 triumph in a sev- to shortstop to end the threat, Hermsen, cf 3000 en-inning showdown in the East- on the mound for K u e m p e r, Wednesday evening they re- Johnson and Heath loaded the chalked up their only three striking out 11 Rams, and walk- The Knights pressured again Nurse, J., m 9010 ceived a shock of a different sacks with free passes.
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