Mm Tk Ann Arbor Courier to RENT!
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mm VOLUME XXX.-NO. 50. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1891. WHOLE NUMBKR 1590. FARMERS' SONG. TALMAGE. A BOOM UNDER WAY. LADIES' LIBRARY. AI'TKH JAMKs (VHITCOMB BILBT. He Tells of the Science of Good Cheei The School of Music to Become a An Opportunity to Help it Along. Tk Ann Arbor Courier Reality. winn the wheat is iii the granary 'I'll- ami; II :e i hit gathered to listen The Ladies' Library ol Ann Arboi Ami the prices reach the sky, to Dr. Talmas-- on S.-iturdn.v evening A project is oa foot for establish- is ,-in organization wblch ba< been (Published Every Wednesday. 1 And iii: rooster* are a-erowlng in University nail, was an Im ing a school of music In connection in our midst for over twenty-five Ami the chickens flying high. niense one, ,-ind it was well enlertaii 1 with the university, which appears years. I/k- all benefits made lamiliar a Large Circulation araono Merchants, When tin city tellers squabble ed. A Dumber ol i>r. Talmage* perfectly fcasihl", and joint commit' through long association, Its ad Mechanic . Man ifacturers, Farmi i . i in- the Farmer'* views and rotes, unit Pan 1 i ••• • < •• •'"•!';il ly. stories were a little cthestnuty, bu tee- are at work to bring it to a vwntages perhaps are w>1 rightly ea- A MINE m Anil the burn is full of tlmol liy. his manner of telling them mad.- mad working basis. And i tie bins are hill of oats, them BS gOOd as new. Kspei-inlly wa. Monday evening the Business. Men's It has bee,, gald it ba« passed "l H 1.1:1:11 A N HIM. i OB i ll i. 1 A Very Desirable Medium lor Advertisers oil, it's then a feltec is .-i feedin at tbls true of the fOOlisb witness, am eoiiimit tee met and endorsed a prop Iti Hay of Dsefulness In the Increase ol his I 1'lie lady who was en tert a i nine; t ll OSltlOD to K«-t a hundred people to other libraries and the opportunities \vi111 t!]<• risiif sun to greet him Senator at Washington. guarantee 90S each, for three years, afforded bj that of the university. HOLIDAY iiniii the night of glorious rest, The Dr. staled that if we leave ti We do not think HO. It supplies a _ s-jr, to be paid the 1st of 00X1 April; Ami the babies play around htm, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. L %J evolutionists to KUCKS win-re we cami 926 to in- paid the 1 ti of &prU 1898, ili-manil met only by a Circulating li- ™ " f TRADE I Ami tbe colts are kicking high, from and to theologians lo proplne.\ and $i.",, if oecessary, In L894. This brary, supplying reading matter ta When the w in-.-i t la in t be granary TERMS: where we are going tO, W6 stil reserve fund of 16,600 would tafely aged persons, to Invalids, and the Ami the prices reach ihe sky. have b-i't for our consider.-! t ioi cover ,-iii current expenses over and many to whom it is impossible to $1.00 per Year in Advance. To Subscrib- There's something kind o*heorty like FLOOD GATES ARE OPEN! the f.iit i hat we are here. "This b above the tuition fees, anil by that make use of a library where the b ers out of the County, 15 cents extra, A limit the sky and field, the besi century ol the world, the bes time the school would undoubtedly be cannot l,e drawn. to pay postage. • SUCH A CARNIVAL « ^2/ With the stubble there a-laughtng decade of the |H-st century, the bes on a paying basis. Then when it The history of this assoeia t ion orlg- HI priri's wlH follow as "in create a At a thirty bushel yield, year of the best decade, and the bea made more than expenses, the sur •I by three or four ladies of the Entered at the Ann Arbor Postofflceu Second- furore In Ihe whole- communltj ! with the happy birds a slngtn' Class Mail Matter. \n(i the Battle In a dose, night of the best month m the bes plus would be devoted to repaying town when iis advantages In all di- And tin- hired man a-coming found whieh ever existed. 11 has tak with interest the original subscribers. rection* were limited and it was a To show his store clothes. aii ihe ages t.* meks this nulnufe The school is to be controlled by a pione r movement Is well known. ONLY ALL MKTAL CUTS INSERTED. A teller feels contented Ami at peace with all the world possible." Ord ol twelve directors, half of The successor* of these ladles Carpets. When th" Knldi'ii flag of plenty, "My iik-.-iH of religion are different whom may i«- selected from the Dust- through continued efforts were abh JOB PRINTINO Like a blessing, is unfurled. from those of some people. 1 iliinl. men who subscribe to the guar- in 1883 to ereel on Huron st., a build- We linvi- tin' most complete job office in the oil. l till j on Nancy's happy* in"; 00 which 8800 remain^ to be or In the Northwest, which enables m to Ami tin- girls are flying high, the more ri-litfion a man has the hap antee fund, thus assuring them a iirjut Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Progran ELEGANT TAPESTRY With the granary a-bustia' pier he is. Most of us go thrOUgl vole.- in iis management. paid. Bill-Beads, Note-Heads, Cardt, Eto., In supe- And t be prices in t be skj . rior style, upon the Bhottest notice. BBUSSEL8 - • • afoot, and I'm K'u'nn to make thosi The brightest feature of all about Mr. David ffAnntjig |KIS l;indly of- 39c. Minneapolis Tribuno. 1 the projret is that, in Dr. Stanley t he wiio go along with in - as happy fered to donate flOO toward the llquJ school can have ,-, t one,- so able ,-i BOOK- BINDING. THE VERV BEST SITKR I can." dalioii of tliis debt if it is paid with- Connected with THI COUBICI office in an REPORT OF THE CONDITION When he asks a Mason or an Odd manager, who by practicability, en- in the library year, whieli expires next TWO-PLI extensive Book-Bindery, employing oompetenl 59c. FellOW for the grip, they reply that thusiasm and his musical genius, can April. •ad experienced hands, AllKlndsol Record OF 'tin Ledgers, Journals, Magazines, Ladles' Bool he must join their society to obtaii secure the confidence of the men who Mr. John Lawrence has promised Hurals and Harper's weeklies, Etc., bound on CHEAPER tbe grip. Hi- had nc\t'V joined a back it up. The way he has con-to do the Haim-. Several other friends the shortest nonce and i u the most lubstan \ tlal manner, at reasonable prloes. Kusio es- QUALITY secret society in bis life, but he h.-u ducted tin- huge musical entertain have made pledges of various .sums pecially bound more tastefully than at any 39c,29c, 19c other bindery in Michigan. Has Ark Savings h\had the grippe. meats given la University Hail for niitil tin- amount Is reduced to $800 100 RUGS, UH, to uiji'llt, enter IntO a eon the pasi two years is a sufficient This is very encouraging indeed tO MASONIC DIRECTORY. At Ann Arbor BUoUgMl, tt the ClOM Ol bOSl- splracy of good cbeer, with a grip of guarantee of his business ability, for have the prospect of so small a sum 3x6, I S4.75 HUSH. Dee. 3, "91. $7.001 four fingers clenched over the palm they have all been complete succes- respectively to but as the 1500 AKN ARBOR COMMANDKKY, NO. 18, meets fl FOll TWO WEKKS. BSaOCBCXS. Of our neighbor's hand and the thumb , notwithstanding tbe large expen- 'I'littHday of each month, B. t, watts; I O.i Loans mill illscounts *J2«.(j4«i til Is pledged only on condition that the John K. Miner, Kecorder. Stocks, bonds, mortgages, »tc MM" *fl tightly i-lased ovei- the bae.k of tin ditures necessarily involved. $800 IS raised before next April, it WABHTENAW CHAITKII, NO. 6. It. A.M.- Meetl Overdrafts - MW 81 hand. If you have never yet tried tin Tin- university authorities promise le urged moot earnestly that all Due from Ijunks In reserves OitlW Iu:i.O74 10 first Monday each month, L. C. Goodrich, Cloaks. Due from other bunks mul baiik- force of good cheer, you should do si to Jiive it their support, so that the friends of the library come forward H. l'.; N. D. Uutux, Secretary. at once. I>'t. 118 Cultivate this spirit, TIIK LAST CALL ON I II KM. erH IXdG 40 Bchool could have the gTWt prestige and substantially aid the ladles that Due from School Treus. and city •airy it. into our ehuri-hes, i-arry It if the university from the start, and, We have a lar^e nnmln-r oi of Ann Arbor - 16,1588 « the.V may not forfeit the amount, BUSINESS CARDS. expensive, »tj llsb garments Furniture and flxtureH 1,930 H!i Into our homes. The worst thing Hgurlng out the proportion of IIIUHIC promised them. tell. They iire ut - - - - Your Price Current expenses and taxes IjDM 10 that can happen to a man is to have scholars in Oberlin, Albion, Olivet and It is proposed to hold a sale of -> TfT.I.