VOLVOLUMEUME 21,21, NUMBERNUMBER 33,, JJULYULY 2200005 THETHE NATIONALNATIONAL PUBLICATIONPUBLICATION OOFF TTHEHE SSURFRIDERURFRIDER FFOUNDATIONOUNDATION Making Waves The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit environmental organization dedicat- ed to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s waves, oceans and beaches Perspectives Outside the Comfort Zone for all people, through conservation, activism, research and education. Publication of The Surfrider Foundation A Non-Profit Environmental Organization P.O. Box 6010 • San Clemente, CA 92674-6010 “Past a certain point of magnifi cation, all portraits become landscapes.” (949) 492-8170 fx (949) 492-8142 (800) 743-surf France Bourély, scientist/photomicrographer, Hidden Beauty: Microworlds Revealed Web: e-mail:
[email protected] Executive Director Jim Moriarty Deputy Executive Director/Legal Director There are great lessons in perspective, some obvious, some not, in France Bourély's Michelle C. Kremer, Esq. Director of Chapters 2002 book, Hidden Beauty: Microworlds Revealed. This big photo book is a near-per- Edward J. Mazzarella fect blending of art and science which presents photographs taken though the eye of Director of Development the microscope. It provides us with a view into another dimension which surrounds us Steve Blank all, an infi nitely complex and breathtakingly beautiful hidden world. The beauty of this Marketing & Communications Director Matt McClain mundane world—a lunar landscape on the back of an ant, sculpted valleys within a Interim Environmental Director single fl ower petal, the fi erce and lacquered armor of a beetle, mountains made of pol- Mark Rauscher len, the topography of a single grain of sand—reanimates the limitless perspectives of National Grants Manager our childhood.