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Cinderlla (Engish) Magazine: Real Leaders, Date: March 18, 2019 Size : (Trim) W21 x H27.5 cm. (Breed) W22 x H28.5 cm. vs. capitalism, as society continues to grapple KIND CAPITALISM with economic inequality, degradation of life- “We have to find sustaining ecosystems, healthcare, retirement, and a way to make a host of other challenges. Meanwhile, real leaders the aspects of everywhere are busy building a newer and healthier capitalism that form of capitalism that serves all stakeholders (not just shareholders). This new economic system serve wealthier goes by many names. Harvard Business professor people serve poorer Michael Porter calls it “shared value.” Others call people as well.” it conscious capitalism, sustainable business, ESG, — Bill Gates impact investing, the triple bottom line (People, Planet, and Prosperity) or socially responsible investing (SRI). There are also several thousand “Benefit Corporations” or “B Corps” that have been certified as being good for our people and our planet Do you ever wonder why people want us to choose by B Lab (who has partnered with us for the Real between two opposing viewpoints, as if there Leaders 100 Top Impact Companies Awards). are no other options? Why are we ever presented In this issue, you’ll meet many leaders who with a decision to choose between capitalism and represent this new kind of capitalism, or rather, socialism? Surely, this a false choice. “kind capitalism.” They are committed to leveraging Hasn’t the world already chosen capitalism, the power of capitalism to solve the many real even in communist countries such as China? The and existential threats we face today. They have new normal is for many countries to now decide discovered the Holy Grail: a way to thrive in their how they’d like to adapt the capitalist model to personal lives and finances by leveraging their deliver maximum benefits to citizens. But let’s be business as a force for good. It’s not easy. Making clear, unregulated capitalism would be a horribly money is always challenging, but doing so while destructive force — with child slave labor, hunger, protecting the environment, improving lives, rampant pollution, environmental degradation, and solving social problems is more so. But, mass extinction, and ultimately, a planet unsuitable it’s hugely rewarding. for human life. Some may say this is already the If you’re still skeptical after reading our path we’re on, despite the many existing laws that special section titled, “How to Lead with Your protect society from unbridled capitalism. How do Money” (pg 78), read what BlackRock, one of we get the balance right? How do we tame the beast the largest investors in the world, has to say in its of capitalism to serve us more like a racehorse and 2019 annual letter, “People and Profit”( less like a bucking bronco trying to throw us to the j4n16C). Addressed to the CEOs of companies ground? BlackRock invested in, Chairman Larry Fink As ordinary citizens, we make choices each day writes: “Companies that fulfill their purpose and with our spending — we vote with our money. We responsibilities to stakeholders reap rewards over choose how much harm or good we want to cause the long-term. Companies that ignore them stumble with our capitalist model. These decisions are no and fail.” Note that he mentions responsibility to longer dictated by CEOs. They are being made by “stakeholders,” not “shareholders.” And he speaks hyper-connected citizens who are progressively as a $6 trillion shareholder. identifying their values with the social impact being As you listen to the ongoing capitalism vs. made by companies they work for and support socialism debate, become a little light-hearted and with their spending. Successful CEOs increasingly say, “Neither works for me. Instead, I choose to be a realize the need to create a positive impact in their kind capitalist.” communities, beyond just creating jobs. In the months and years to come, we’ll encounter Mark Van Ness, Founder a growing debate over our “choice” of socialism (YPO Presidents’ Action NOW) [email protected]

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WWW.REAL-LEADERS.COM When Paul Polman resigned as CEO of British- Dutch consumer goods company Unilever last year, he left behind a decade of innovation and a global company with more than 400 brands, housed in a $140 billion company. He also left behind inspiration for our future, a visionary roadmap for consumers and CEOs alike. His long-term strategy and courage in the face of early shareholder pressure — combined with a genuinely global worldview — has inspired Unilever’s 170,000 employees to seek authentic purpose in their work. If you’ve ever washed with Dove soap, enjoyed a cup of Lipton tea, eaten a tub of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, or styled your hair with Toni&Guy, you can be confident that Polman’s foresight was behind it. It’s tough being a visionary — especially when your ideas are so far ahead PAUL that no one recognizes what you’re building. By Laura Giadorou Koch POLMAN: (YPO Big Apple Gold)

Above: The United LIFE AFTER Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) logo includes a colour wheel that represents each of the 17 goals. The SDGs were UNILEVER adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, and provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet — now and into the future.

6 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2019 Business cannot“ continue as usual and be a bystander to a failing system. Paul Polman ” Left: Many societies in India and have long realized the value of being resourceful and of recycling. Conserving natural resources is less a lifestyle choice and more about survival. Companies that develop solutions to social problems will become the winning companies of the future.

it,” he explains. “I will certainly keep working to help solve pressing world challenges. Indeed, now that I am no longer running a company, I can dedicate even more time to this agenda. We cannot stop until we truly leave no one behind.” For example, he serves as chair of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), chair of the B Team, and vice chair of the United Nations Global Compact. “CEOs are increasingly focused on the next quarter, driven by the pressures of the financial markets,” he continues. “Or in the case of governments, the next election cycle. This is an opportunity for all of us in the private sector to step up.” With more than 45 million companies associated with the ICC, Polman made a smart move by “It’s the best of times, it’s the worst of times,” says recognizing the tremendous opportunity for Unilever Polman, quoting Charles Dickens. “When Dickens wrote to become a thought leader among the world’s The Tale of Two Cities, ‘it was the spring of hope and corporations, while helping to develop a new social the winter of despair,’ and I think this is where we find contract that would focus on climate change and ourselves today.” inequality. Luckily, when he arrived at Unilever, he On one side, people are living longer and healthier already found a company with the right value system lives, more have access to formal education, and more in place and a desire to be a force for good. individuals than ever before have been lifted from poverty. He recalls that most of our current global And while some leaders scoffed at the United Nations governance dates back to Bretton Woods in 1944. Millennium Development Goals set in 2000 under Kofi The issues we face today are vastly different from 74 Annan, which had a goal of cutting global poverty in half, years ago, when 90 percent of the world was found miraculously, this was achieved by the target date of 2015. in Western Europe and the United States. Topics And yet, while progress is being made, it’s not all roses, such as climate change, cybersecurity, and financial says Polman, who thinks the system is still flawed and these victories may be short-lived. “We’ve seen enormous levels of over-consumption and private and government “I WILL CERTAINLY debt across world markets,” he says. “Frankly, we’re KEEP WORKING TO HELP leaving too many people behind. When you do this, the SOLVE PRESSING WORLD system starts to rebel against itself.” He cites the yellow CHALLENGES... WE CANNOT vest protests on the streets of France as a manifestation of STOP UNTIL WE TRULY what many people are feeling across the world . LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND.” There’s something appealing about a business leader who adopts the attitude of a world leader, someone who has the wisdom to see the interconnectivity between a bottle of shampoo and rioting on the street (waterless hair products ultimately result in less stress on an economic system). Under Polman, Unilever is one such company, $5 Trillion recognizing early on that the challenges of running The 4.5 billion people at the so-called base of the economic a business in a chaotic world are precisely where the economic growth is found. pyramid spend an enormous amount on products and Polman will be staying on at Unilever until early July services — $5 trillion — more than half of all consumer to support the handover to his successor Alan Jope. With spending in developing countries and emerging markets. the spotlight now off Polman as one of the world’s most powerful CEOs, he’s adamant there is still much to do. There is opportunity for companies to sell products and “I have no intention of retiring, nor would I recommend services at low prices offset by higher volumes. Source: World

8 8 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2019 SUMMER 2019 / REAL-LEADERS.COM on track to have more plastic in cannot be solved with the current People are value-conscious FOUR HUGE CHALLENGES the oceans than fish by 2050, so myopic focus on shareholders and consumers. They seek out WE FACE FOR THE FIRST goods and services that can TIME IN HISTORY the need for change is urgent,” he quarterly reporting.” improve their lives. What they points out. are willing to pay for — not 1. Decarbonizing the global 4. An economic system that what they “need” — shapes economy. “We are carbon junkies 3. Financial markets must move doesn’t only reward capital. “We business opportunities. and frankly don’t know how to to longer-term strategies. “So need a system that creates a fairer Consumption data shows cope without it,” Polman says. much money has been pumped social contract with society, that the huge scale of markets “We need to move our economic into global economies since the includes more inclusive growth in low-income communities. system to a circular one – not financial crisis, and so many and decent reward for labor,” The market for food and linear.” financial instruments have been Polman maintains. “Many will say beverages in the lower income created that are removed from this is the task of governments markets is significantly larger than markets in the middle 2. We are exceeding many the real economy — all chasing — to deliver the right rules, laws, and higher income markets planetary boundaries. “We are returns — that we are increasingly regulations, and frameworks — combined. The same is true using resources well beyond the taking risks that are short-term,” but we cannot count on them, and for energy. capabilities of our planet. We need Polman explains. “Addressing big I don’t think this will change within Source: World to recover those resources, and issues such as poverty, climate the next 10 years.” plastic is a good example We’re change, or income inequality

9 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2019 market regulations are now global issues, but without the modern mechanisms to deal with them. “Let’s face it, it’s not easy being a CEO today. The average life of a publicly traded company in the “THE SDG AGENDA U.S. has dropped from 67 years to IS ACTUALLY ONE OF 17 during my lifetime,” says the THE BEST AND MOST 62-year-old Polman. “The average ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS PLANS AROUND.” tenure of a CEO has dropped to just four and a half years. It’s the result of companies not knowing how to deal with the new world order they see around them. However, total shareholder return and 19 business is here to serve society, percent return on invested capital and if businesses can’t explain over the last ten years. Polman what benefits they bring, then why points out that consumers should society keep us around?” today have deep insight into the At first, skeptical analysts were products they purchase and will doubtful about Polman’s outlook — reward companies that behave that business was first and foremost responsibly. Increasingly, they about developing solutions for the will punish companies that don’t. world’s citizens. Unilever’s stock “The SDG agenda is actually one fell by 27 percent in 2008 when of the best and most attractive he stepped into the role of CEO, business plans around,” says partly due to the financial crisis; Polman. but he was vindicated by the time A passionate supporter of the he left — delivering a 290 percent Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Polman helped create The Commission of Business and Sustainable Development, POLMAN’S ADVICE FOR THE LEADERS which launched at the 2016 OF TOMORROW World Economic Forum in Davos. Its first report, that same year, convincingly illustrated the 01 02 03 benefits to business of pursuing SERVICE PASSION VALUES the Global Goals. It found that sustainable business models could open up at least $12 trillion of economic opportunities and Put yourself to the Do things with passion. Set Hold fast to your ideals create up to 380 million jobs by service of others. Find bold goals. Collaborations and values. It’s inspiring your purpose. Focus on and partnerships are that more and more 2030 globally. those areas where you can essential. It’s all about young people believe in Balance this against the fact make the most significant building movements companies with a sense of that the cost of not acting is impact. Naturally, this will for positive social and purpose and brands with becoming higher than the price environmental change. a point of view. They seek be different depending of acting. For example, according on whether you work in Young people are well out more authenticity, government, for an NGO, a placed for that. We see transparency, and to Polman, climate change is charity, or in business. But this with initiatives like One sustainability. We need costing the planet more than focus is key. Young World, Enactus, Net to bring back humanity $5.3 trillion a year and rising at a Impact, Free the Children, and look beyond the facts staggering rate. “This is probably and others, but also with and statistics to put a the massive explosion human face to issues. the biggest intergenerational in the number of social Behind each statistic on crime we’ve ever committed,” he enterprises and the B Corp poverty, hunger, or lack of says. “The visible results are the movement. There are now educational access, there drowning of little island-states many opportunities that is a human being. We need allow young people to to connect again with what and 8 million people per year harness and direct their really counts: the human being sent to a premature death desire for change. relationship. from air pollution. Consider that creating action around the SDGs will cost less than $5.3 trillion.”

10 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2019 PAUL POLMAN’S TWO not realizing that the visible nature BURNING ISSUES he destroys is the invisible God he worships in the first place.” 1. Climate crisis Polman says the Paris 2. Income inequality Agreement in 2015 “We have an was a good one that economic system that exceeded many of our expectations. unfortunately functions “The voice of business was for a few and doesn’t heard, and it gave negotiators and function for many,” governments the courage to go Polman says. “The financial crisis the extra mile. But still, this was of 2007–2008 gave many people just an initial agreement that didn’t the feeling that banks are too go far enough. We have found powerful and that people on the that in the three years since the street are too small to matter. Many agreement was signed, very few have still not seen their incomes countries are on track (or have even rise, and anxiety around what the implemented) these agreements,” future may bring has made people he says. reject the current system.” For example, Polman notes that Polman believes that In the the goal of the Intergovernmental United States, the majority of young Panel on Climate Change is to people feel that capitalism is not keep global warming below 1.5 working for them. “At the 2019 degrees, but the last 19 years have World Economic Forum, Oxfam been the hottest on record. “The issued its latest data on income World Wildlife Fund and the Living inequality. The Gini index of income Planet Report are talking about inequality is increasing globally. In species disappearing at more 2018, the lowest 3.8 billion people than a thousand times the natural of the world saw their net wealth rate. It will soon be our turn, if we decrease by 11 percent, while don’t intervene. Mother Nature billionaires saw their net wealth is sending us bills, and as you’ve increase by 12 percent. In fact, learned, She doesn’t negotiate,” billionaires gained $900 billion he says. “We need to find a way to more wealth last year – that’s $2.5 live in harmony with the planet and billion a day! If that money were carbon emission as climate change spent differently, or perhaps even is our most burning issue.” taxed at half a percent, you could Polman says Canadian give every kid an education and philosopher Hubert Reeves said provide healthcare for everyone.” it best: “Man is the most insane Imagine what the world will be like species. He worships an invisible when every CEO leads this way? God and destroys a visible nature,

Source: World Green Business Council /

Green buildings Green buildings Green building Green building Green buildings Green buildings can improve can use infrastructure design can spur use ‘circular’ are the fabric people’s health renewable creates jobs innivation & principles, where of sustainable & wellbeing. energy, becoming and boosts the contribute to resources aren’t communities and cheaper to run. economy. climate resilient wasted. cities. infrastructure.

11 SUMMER 2019 / REAL-LEADERS.COM “GOVERNMENTS ARE WILLING TO SPEND UP TO THREE TIMES MORE ON DEALING WITH THE CONSEQUENCES OF OUR WAR-LIKE NATURE, WHO IS THE B TEAM? RATHER THAN LOOKING AT WHAT IT MIGHT COST TO AVOID THESE CONFLICTS IN THE FIRST PLACE.” Six years ago, Richard Branson and Jochen Zeitz, (the former, CEO of Puma) co-founded the B Team, a nonprofit initiative made up of global business leaders wanting to create a better way of doing business for the wellbeing of people and planet. Deciding that business as usual was no longer an option, they aspire “The world is also spending 10 to 12 percent of its global to be courageous leaders that together accelerate business GDP (roughly $12 trillion) on conflict prevention and war,” transformation in the hope of creating a better world. They believe says Polman. “Governments are willing to spend up to three that innovation and entrepreneurial spirit within the private sector times more on dealing with the consequences of our war-like is where the answers lie. nature, rather than looking at what it might cost to avoid these To be a successful leader, the B Team suggests that you think conflicts in the first place.” What gives Polman hope is that about three principles simultaneously: equality, accountability, and sustainability. These should be embedded in your personal while governments act according to ideology, financial markets moral compass as well as your company’s. Members of the B understand the risks related to climate change and will probably Team encourage each other to engage in bold dialogue, innovation, act accordingly. There’s nothing like the threat of lost income to ideas, and brave action. Here, three B Team members share how inspire action. you too can become a part of the solution. Unilever’s goal of reaching 1 billion people and improving their health and well-being is underway, with much of the success attributed to a baked-in sense of purpose within its brands. “The better these brands are connected to real needs or issues in society, the better they perform,” Polman points out. An example is Dove, which has a goal of reaching 60 million adolescent girls and addressing women’s self-esteem. LifeBuoy wants to reach 1 billion people and teach them the importance of handwashing to prevent 4 million child deaths from infectious diseases. Domestos has a goal to build 25 million toilets globally. “There is no business strategy in runaway climate change, growing inequality, and extreme poverty,” says Polman. “We’ve already shown that we can address basic issues, yet collectively, we’re not doing it. At the end of the day, it boils down to The B Team’s Halla Tomasdottir: willpower. It boils down to leadership.” ‘I Would Have Done Very Little in my Life Part of his leadership team is his wife Kim, who runs a if I’d Waited Until I Was Confident’ foundation called Reboot the Future. Dedicated to nurturing a new breed of leader, she is helping people put purpose and Halla Tomasdottir is CEO of the B Team. She is the first woman to be responsibility at the heart of their actions. In the coaching of appointed to the Iceland Chamber of Commerce and the first female leaders and the raising of their three sons, she abides by her runner-up in the 2016 Icelandic presidential elections. Golden Rule: “Treat others and the planet as you would wish to be treated.” The couple have become guiding lights on Real Leaders: How do you measure success in the B Team, and how a compassionate approach to business, politics, and the what are you doing to help companies become both purposeful and profitable? environment can transform our planet. “We’re short of leaders and trees in the world right now,” says Tomasdottir: In trying to lead more holistically, we’ve grappled with Polman with a laugh. “We need to create more heroic leaders, how to create a holistic set of measurements that can measure ones who are more purpose-driven with a high level of awareness abstract concepts, such as the principle of equality. We advocate of what’s going on in the world and an ability to engage. We need that companies embrace the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and leaders who understand the true meaning of what a partnership that investors embrace the ESG criteria – Environment, Social, and is, and put others’ interests ahead of their own. In doing so, they Governance. will become financially better-off, too. All the changes we’ve ever seen in society have come about through the initiatives of You’ve been proactive in highlighting the gender gap. Can you courageous individuals.” tell us more? Opportunity naturally gravitates toward those who have the A few years ago, I hosted a “barbershop breakfast,” where we courage to act, and Polman’s parting words were reserved for brought together 100 of the most influential business leaders in the audience of Real Leaders, where he stressed a duty to future Iceland. We had a professor talk to them about what kind of leader, generations. “I want to remind many of you that you belong father, or husband they wanted to be. This was the first time a bold to 2 percent of the world population when it comes to income, space had been created for men to talk about everyday issues. education and lifestyle. Therefore, it’s your duty to put yourself in When it comes to toxic masculinity, it’s equally challenging for both the service of the other 98 percent.” RL men and women to deal with. But, it’s time for men to enter the conversation on gender and equality in more powerful ways.

12 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2019 Philanthropy Has How does the B Team inspire middle Limitations — Social management to become conscious leaders? Business Is Better We have leaders who are enlightened, or ‘“woke,” I consider employment an artificial as the younger generation likes to call it. These creation of our present system. From are people in touch with themselves and their an early age, we are told that we inner values and will be the ones who rise to the need to find a job. This is a wrong leadership challenge we all desperately need. perception. Human beings are not It takes personal transformation to change your made to work under someone else. leadership style, so if you want to change the world, Humans are go-getters who can solve start with inner change first. their own problems. We are all primarily entrepreneurs, yet we are teaching our What advice can you give on how to be a bold, children that they need education to get brave, and purposeful business leader? a good job. This is absolutely the wrong message. Each child should grow up Make sure you have a moral compass and clarity to become an entrepreneur, a creative on why you exist. Be clear on how you are going to person who believes they can do things lead and how you are going to achieve purpose. I “IT’S NOT on their own. Young people shouldn’t would have done very little in my life if I’d waited SUSTAINABLE. start their lives as job seekers, but rather until I was confident. The world is changing fast, so PHILANTHROPY as job creators. embrace courage, but be humble enough to know MONEY DOES NOT Under the present economic that no leader knows it all. All of us are just a small COME BACK; IT HAS framework, human beings are imagined part of a bigger puzzle that needs to fit together, so A ONE TIME USE.” as a selfish species, wanting merely find the humility to serve a greater good. Muhammad Yunus to enhance personal wealth. This is a Write your own personal manifesto with a clear wrong perception of who we really are. purpose statement and set of principles. Then do Today selflessness is presumed to be the same for your business. It’s a lot of work, but a feature of some special people, the it can transform your life and business and help philanthropists, who make money first change the world. and then donate it to help others. They do wonderful work, but philanthropy has a limitation: It’s not sustainable. Philanthropy money does not come back; it has a one-time use. Social business is a better solution as it has the goal of philanthropy and the sustainability of a business. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned as a leader is that people are good, and A Lesson from given an opportunity, they will do the right Indigenous People: thing. The political, economic, and social Live in Balance systems we have created for ourselves with Nature have pushed good people to do wrong things. These systems have not created alternative options for us as human The Universal Declaration Those crafting policies in beings. Leadership is about vision, and if of Human Rights says that response to climate change you see and think ahead, people follow all people are equal in dignity should listen and learn from you because they are convinced that you and rights. The preamble of local and indigenous people, who see more than they do. Others will believe the UN Sustainable Development shoulder the bulk of responsibility in you because you have shown them a Goals states that as we embark on this for the wellbeing of the planet. About better way of doing things, which they collective journey, we pledge that no one will be 70 percent of the world’s food is produced never thought possible. left behind. We are also called on to reach out to by small-scale farmers, and 70 percent of those those left furthest behind first. are poor women. We should welcome the most A member of the B Team, Muhammed Between 1948 and 2015, the time between the important lesson that indigenous people can teach Yunus, PhD, is founder of Grameen two declarations mentioned above, remarkable us: how to live more in balance with nature. Bank, a pioneer of microfinance credits, progress has been made. Literacy rates have more primarily to women in poverty. In 2006, than doubled, and rights have been advanced A member of the B Team, Mary Robinson is the Norwegian Nobel Committee jointly around race, gender, sexuality, and age. Despite president of the Mary Robinson Foundation – awarded the Nobel Prize in Peace to this progress, unsustainable consumption and Climate Justice. She served as president of Ireland Professor Yunus and Grameen Bank “for environmental degradation threaten to undermine from 1990–1997 and UN High Commissioner for their efforts to create economic and social our ability to achieve our goals. Climate change Human Rights from 1997–2002. development from below.” exacerbates existing inequalities in the world.

13 SUMMER 2019 / REAL-LEADERS.COM We’re Looking For Business Unusual

The RealLeaders 100 is the first ranking of positive impact companies across the globe. The RealLeaders 100 ranks the top companies leveraging the engine of capitalism for greater profit and greater good.

Are You One of Them?



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By Jomel Alos


It used to be that senior employees were the first to be promoted to leadership or managerial positions in many companies. However, the entry of Millennials into the workforce merits that you re-evaluate your leadership development initiatives, especially since Millennials are expected to make up 75 percent of the global workforce by 2025. Instead of relying on age or length of service as the basis for promotion, find other ways to discover leadership talent or capacity across all of your employees, whether they’re Gen X, Baby Boomers, or Gen Y. The key is using relevant strategies that can attract, engage, and retain workers across these generations.


Workforce engagement starts with building relationships with KEY TAKEAWAYS your employees. To realize this goal, focus on specific soft Business is evolving skills, such as emotional intelligence and people skills, because so fast that companies employees feel comfortable with someone who relates to their need to come up with concerns, sentiments, or challenges. brilliant solutions to avoid getting left behind. In 2019, your role as a 03 REDESIGN OF company leader will be more crucial than ever in MANAGEMENT addressing the demands and preferences of all types of working STRUCTURE demographics. As a leader, you have to help your employees set clear goals and the means of measuring their progress over time. In return, employees should feel welcome to give their honest assessment of your leadership style, so that everyone in the organization can help build a collaborative environment. LEAD


No matter how far-reaching technologies may become in the future, AND LEVEL OF OF AGILITY they cannot replace employees as the most valuable and capable asset of the company. Thus, it’s wise to invest in their learning COACHING The rise of new technologies because having employees who can work at their full potential will and creative minds are help grow your business. At the same time, you should be in touch There’s no question that coaching giving way to unprecedented with the need for employees to experience a work-life balance. Free is an integral part of leadership shifts and disruptions in the your employees from unnecessary meetings, after-work emails, and development. Through mentoring, market, which can prove to additional activities to prevent them from feeling overwhelmed. you get to know the individual be challenging for businesses. talents in your organization as well These scenarios call for you as their attributes, strengths, and to be strategically agile in 05 DEFINING THE weaknesses. This will give you a your leadership style, so you chance to groom high performers can help your organization IMPACT OF EFFECTIVE for more challenging tasks or to rally become more responsive behind underachievers, so they feel toward emerging demands and LEADERSHIP IN BUSINESS more included in the team. opportunities. For your coaching to matter, you’ll In a culture of agility, you’re need to study your employees’ supposed to keep track of Leadership is most significant when it’s in line with the thrusts of learning styles. Make sure that global trends and analyze how the organization. When you have a full understanding of what the you’re sharing the right content these may affect your industry. company believes in and hopes to achieve, you will exert efforts through proper delivery channels to As a leader, you should educate to stay in that direction and, as a result, inspire the same kind of bring about authentic learning in the your employees about current response among the members of your team. Moreover, a unified workplace. market conditions and influence approach on how to accomplish business targets can set your your employees to be more company apart from the rest of your industry. interested in new ideas, which

Watch our interview with can bring about improvements Nelson Mandela’s grandson: or innovations for the company. 08 MAKING USE OF TECHNOLOGY

Having both the talent and the technology to serve customers is fast becoming a norm in many business organizations. Take advantage of technology to help you with talent management such as training, assessments, and other employee development activities. Through AI technologies, you can gather valuable amounts of data about your employees. These can range from determining your employees’ leave patterns to analyzing your agent’s speech nuances during client calls — all of which can give you insights on how to help your employees perform their tasks better.

Ahad Ghadimi (YPO Denver), CEO of Forums at Work, hosts company-peer groups who meet regularly in open, honest, candid, and safe settings with the purpose of becoming better leaders. The Forum members grow together by discussing leadership behaviors through powerful sharing of experience and by supporting one another to take daily, tiny actions to apply their learnings. Enroll your employees in a free 21-day trial today by contacting Ahad Ghadimi directly at [email protected] or visit them Jomel Alos is a consultant at Guthrie- online at Jensen Consultants, a management training and consultancy firm in the Philippines. He specializes in helping businesses achieve greater growth, competitiveness, and profitability.

17 SUMMER 2019 / REAL-LEADERS.COM From a young age, I noticed a division between people of different races. I remember going to lunch in my elementary school’s cafeteria after moving to New Jersey from Dakar, : The black kids would sit in the far corner, the white kids would sit in the far left, the Chinese on one side, and the Indians on the other. I was this African kid, nappy hair, extremely black, and constantly teased because I had this heavy accent while trying to learn English. I wanted to be accepted, and this feeling of inequality based on where you were from, how you spoke, or what your socio- economic situation was always stuck with me. I started running with the tough kids who accepted me, and naturally, we got into a lot of trouble. While some of those early outcomes didn’t end By Akon ACTIVATING


so well (including a number of run-ins with the law), I learned a sense of loyalty and the importance of going to the wall for people. This is also where I learned the art of the hustle. According to the U.N., more than half of When you look at many of the media giants today, they, too, the world’s population now lives in urban have capitalized on their street mentality to make things happen, areas. By 2050, that figure will have using instinct to hustle their way into a deal. As my world grew, risen to 6.5 billion people — two-thirds of I learned that to truly succeed, you have to go beyond that basic all humanity. Sustainable development hustle. You have to level yourself up and surround yourself with cannot be achieved without significantly even better people who have the skill sets you want to acquire. But transforming the at the core, that drive to build something out of nothing, to make way we build and a life for yourself when you’re starting at the bottom, is something manage our urban that you never forget. spaces.

18 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2019 “I’m using my influence to make more people feel as though they, too, can fulfill their dreams — regardless of where they came from or what they started with.”

AKON TAKES ACTION “I Wanna Love You” (ft. Snoop Dogg) and “” (ft. 01 MUSIC Eminem). I was also recognized as America’s favorite male R&B/Soul artist at the 2007 American Music Awards, and My mom was a dancer and my dad a jazz musician. Since I was BET’s Hip-Hop Awards Producer of the Year in 2008. music was big in our family, I learned to play instruments I reached my musical dreams while working on the track like the drums and guitar. While in jail, I explored my early “Hold My Hand” with the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. musical talent. When I got out, I set up a home studio and My music career resulted in two multi-platinum produced a demo album right away. After some twists and albums, 27 songs on the Billboard Top 100, and countless turns and quite a few struggles, I was signed by Universal/ connections to amazingly brilliant people. But eventually, Motown Records, and my solo debut, “Trouble,” was that nappy-haired kid with the thick accent who felt like an released in 2004. outcast realized it was time to work on a more impactful In 2006, I launched my own record label called Kon legacy. When I was touring globally, we had concerts Live Productions. When starting Kon Live at Interscope, scheduled in certain parts of Africa, but I couldn’t properly I listened to all of their existing demos. At the time, I perform because there was limited or no electricity. Once, was writing for the Pussycat Dolls and had just signed a we started a concert in an area which had some electricity, producer named RedOne. One day, I was looking for more but before the second song started, all the lights went inspiration, something that could spark some ideas. Red out. When I returned to the area where I grew up, to visit said, “I know somebody that you can rock with.” He invited my grandma, it was like nothing had changed in the two her down, she killed it at the demo, and I knew she was decades I’d been gone — there still wasn’t electricity or special. We spent 30 days in a studio, and that artist, Lady running water! Gaga, finished her album. When I get involved with an Everytime I would visit, I would try to upgrade her living artist, I put them through the same process I went through. conditions, but she would never take anything. I wanted to I develop their sound, songs, and style with them, and at least put electricity in the house but discovered that the often help promote them from radio station to radio station, grid was too far away. It didn’t matter how much money I DJ to DJ. Everybody in the business knows that when I had; there was no way I could bring electricity to her. That’s sign an artist, I don’t just sign them; I get behind them. the moment when it hit me: Something needed to be done, Collaboration is the key to anyone’s advancement — you not just for my grandmother, but also for the other millions just need the right partners. I became the first artist to hold of people across the continent living without power. I both the No. 1 and No. 2 spots on the Billboard Hot 100 with realized I could leverage my success to help people.

can’t run from the sun in Africa. At that alternative ways to achieve my goals. 02 AKON time, solar power was really expensive. I got creative and figured out a way to It was hard to scale out a major project improve people’s lives. Now, because LIGHTING AFRICA for solar power in those areas. I started of the streetlights, vendors can spend doing more research and realized the six to eight more hours outside after When I first started Akon Lighting Chinese had built a whole infrastructure sunset providing for their families. Africa in 2014 with Samba Bathily of solar power to penetrate the United Children can effectively study at and Thione Niang, I wanted to bring States market. The United States was night when they previously had to sit electricity to Africa. If I was going trying to shut them out and put a 200 in a small kerosene-lit room reading to be instrumental in helping Africa percent tax on all solar products coming through thick and toxic smoke. African create infrastructure, we needed to from China. That was the best thing that women can leave their houses when it’s have energy. In Akon Lighting Africa’s could’ve happened for us. dark out with a sense of security. In one early stages, I didn’t know anything I flew to China and connected with area, crime decreased by 90 percent about energy. The music industry the biggest solar supplier manufacturer. once our lights went up. opened up many educational doors for They had all of these facilities and In less than a year, with the help me. Because of my connections as an inventory they couldn’t use because it of partners, Akon Lighting Africa artist, I now have the resources to learn was set for the United States. I was able installed solar lights in 14 (now 18) about everything that can help me to negotiate a billion-dollar credit line to countries across the continent. We’ve accomplish my goals. I can now answer use all of the equipment and supplies for also been able to create the Solektra any question about energy. Africa. With that credit line, I was able Solar Academy, which provides solar Initially, I planned to use gasoline to secure contracts with some African lighting and solar panel installation and fossil fuels to power Africa. When governments, and we installed street and maintenance training. Once these I realized I couldn’t get into traditional lamps in cities and rural areas. We have kids graduate, they’re often hired by energy since it would cost billions of now expanded to home systems. our company. To date, we’ve provided dollars to expand Africa’s energy grid, When I faced adversities, I never solar lighting that has improved the I thought of another way: the sun. You gave up. I always kept trying to find lives of about 100 million people.

20 20 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2019 SUMMER 2019 / REAL-LEADERS.COM to be in. The opportunities and 03 AKOIN entrepreneurs are already there; it’s just a matter of bringing A sustainable electricity grid them together. That’s what I’m was only the beginning for what doing. Over 35 percent of Africa’s I envision for Africa. There are population is under the age of 25. 54 countries in Africa, and each They’re technologically literate has its own government and own and prepared for technological currency. That disparity and solutions. Many of these young related challenges makes trading entrepreneurs even have two cell difficult. Despite Africa containing phones; that’s how they transact a giant percentage of the world’s their daily lives and business natural resources, the continent is activities. They have the most limited by inflation, government energy, and they get our vision regulation, and lack of access to completely. They’re the next real world class business tools and leaders in Africa. training. My new initiative, Akoin, Our blockchain ecosystem a new crypto-currency for Africa will provide partnered solutions and other rising economies, offers and opportunities in finance, financial stability, economic health, education, and basic growth, and opportunities to earn, utility services, as well as save, spend, and learn through broader professional and content our DApp platform of crypto- services into governance and based apps and on the ground infrastructure. Through our partnerships. Akoin’s crypto- platform currency exchange, ecosystem will provide blockchain every person and partner has transparency, unlock the potential the opportunity to be trading in of the world’s largest growing and out with Akoin, establishing economies, and initiate worldwide the utility and value of this entrepreneurial activation. currency for use within and In a blockchain ecosystem, beyond the platform into the all transactions are recorded local economy. In addition, we’re on a public ledger, which is already establishing partnerships synchronized between multiple with businesses throughout devices. As the data is recorded on Africa willing to accept Akoin as multiple systems, the blockchain payment for services. This helps us creates complete transparency establish Akoin as a safe/trusted and prevents people from taking cryptocurrency and distribute advantage of others or engaging tangible goods and social good to in any kind of shady business. The the people of Africa. currency is also protected from By having a currency accessible hyperinflation. globally, including to all African Our DApp (Decentralized Apps) nations, business will be store offers access to business simplified. Business owners will tools and service from your mobile no longer need to worry about A VISIONARY CURRENCY phone that provide the building various inflation rates across With the Akoin (above) Akon wants to add a level blocks for entrepreneurship. All borders. Trading any imaginable of transparency and trust of those things that I had to piece good or resource will be easily within a crypto ecosystem together and hustle for when I accessible to African leaders and that creates opportunities for was growing up to build my own entrepreneurs. The new economy young entrepreneurs in Africa. business dreams, I can now provide will create a base upon which we’re Blockchain technology was to budding entrepreneurs in Africa not only meeting, but also rising invented in 2008 by someone through a crypto-based platform. above basic human necessities and going by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto (true identity The whole idea is to support achieving individual and national unknown), who wanted it to entrepreneurs, to give them the economic success. It all comes become a public transaction tools to become successful in back to leveling the playing field ledger for the original whatever business they decide and equalizing opportunity. cryptocurrency Bitcoin.



Our vision wouldn’t be possible without our amazing partners and DApps that provide these much-needed tools and services through our ecosystem, and who trade in and out of our Akoin currency to make that happen. We work with each partner to configure their solutions so they fit for the needs of Africa, and ultimately, into other rising economies. I’m excited to share a few of our partners here. Our first partnership is with Lottery. com ( is the leader in providing charitable sweepstakes 05 AKON with a focus on achieving a social impact. CRYPTO CITY Instead of one person gaining a huge The best way to sum of money, is building a 04 AKON ON penetrate Africa’s micro-many model with us, where many currency market is to people win small amounts of money or LEADERSHIP start a city of our own. entrepreneurial building tools. This will be Technological growth huge in Africa, where a small amount of I can’t do all of this by myself. To bring through the internet resource can activate huge change. We’ll is exponential. We’ll Akoin to life, I’ve made sure I have a be launching our first program with them establish Akoin there, and group of people behind me who believe quickly, but sustainably, over the next few months, starting in the vision, have the skill sets, and are expand. We are currently in Nigeria. empowered to drive the company forward. laying the groundwork Another example is our partnership When I think of leadership at its best, to build a master- with BitMinutes, which empowers people it’s bringing the best people around you planned community, to do more with their mobile cell phone and letting them run while learning from Akon City, a first-of- minutes. Prepaid minutes in Africa is its-kind, 100-percent- each other in the process, and leveling the as good as money. People use it to pay crypto-based city with whole thing up. Akoin at the center of their bills, make daily transactions, etc. Jon Karas, Akoin president, leads the transactional life. We’re Through our partnership with BitMinutes, company and vision while building a developing this futuristic ( people will world-class team of individuals who also city within 15 minutes exchange Akoin into prepaid minutes or believe in our mission. Lynn Liss, our of the new international into the local fiat at the corner market or COO, executes on that vision and keeps airport, close to the local Bank/ATM. This was a big thing for coast, and a short the train going; she’s our hammer. As we drive from Dakar. Akon us, as BitMinutes has a growing corner grow, I look to and empower my team to Cryptocity blends leading market and financial institution footprint bring together the right star individuals to Smart City planning in Africa to ensure there is that local make this dream for Akoin into a reality. designs with a blank currency exchange option. People will also That’s exactly what we’re doing. canvas for cryptonizing use use those prepaid cell phone minutes our daily human and as collateral to take out a micro-loan or business exchanges and become a micro-lender themselves in their inventing a radical new way of existence. local market. We see a huge opportunity there for billions of unbanked consumers. Other critical services such as healthcare WATCH will be offered through partnerships such Our interview with as with KinectHub, (www.KinectHub. Akon on Facebook: com) who is using blockchain technology @RealLeadersMagazine to digitize health records, letting users earn cryptocurrency for sharing their health information and driving healthcare transformation in countries that need


it the most, such as Africa. These are only a few 08 TOGETHER examples of how we’ll shine a huge light on much- needed solutions for African entrepreneurs. We’ll I think my younger self, frustrated by the segregation provide tools that can build up Africa, other rising and inequality around him, would be happy to see the economies, and the people growing businesses. work we’re doing to bring the world together. There are And it’s not just about the DApp/App partners people who have the means but don’t have the tools. we curate. Something really important on our There are people who have the tools but don’t have the roadmap is providing African entrepreneurs means. For this to work, we all have to work together. with tools on our DApp store to create their own By giving people the tools they need to grow applications, which accept Akoin for any services on a level playing field, we’re going to see some they wish to provide through our proprietary Akoin unbelievable growth together. I’m using my influence Developer Network. to make more people feel as though they, too, can fulfill their dreams — regardless of where they came from or what they started with. They can make it. I’m fighting for Africa’s future. RL

Aliaune Damala Badara Akon Thiam is an American- Senegalese singer, songwriter, producer, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and actor. Find out more at


Through Akoin, we are creating a major social impact — but I’m not the only one using my power for good. We’re encouraging other celebrities to do the same through our Board of Influencers model. This is where high-profile celebrities, influencers, and global leaders are being aligned with DApps on the Akoin platform that support their social mission (world hunger, health, education, etc.). Through this alignment, they can amplify their mission and social impact results even further. By supporting these social-mission aligned crypto-based apps, they can create even more world change by bringing faster, more trusted/transparent, and more scalable and repeatable results. We’re also working with major brands who want to drive even more global change, using their brand power to create huge social impact. This ties in well with our Board of Influencers, many of whom are C-level leaders of major brands themselves or celebrities aligned with existing brands, who see Akoin as a platform for reaching Africa with the right message, the right opportunity, the right impact. This is going to be a big thing for us; as the Akoin community grows, our activation network will be massive. Contact: [email protected] to learn more.


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The SDG Circle is a flagship initiative of 5th Element Group PBC in partnership with and the Convening17 initiative. SDG Circle events bring together leading impact investors, donors and brand executives who create “traffic on the bridge” between KPI-driven performance and SDG-aligned impact.

In addition to access to some of the world’s most prestigious events, SDG Circle members receive a host of benefits, customized to each member:


Our mandate is to GET THINGS DONE in a way that is inspirational, aspirational, and demonstrative of a successful path to achieving the SDGs by 2030. Join with us! WITH SERVICES AND SUPPORT FROM 5TH ELEMENT GROUP PBC TOGETHER WITH CONVENERS.ORG. 1 IMMIGRANTS 0THAT HELPED CHANGE THE WORLD By Grant Schreiber “Solving big probelms is easier than solving little problems.” Sergey Brin: — Sergey Brin Co-Founder, Google

Country of origin: Russia World impact: A fast and easy online search engine to find what you’re looking for 24/7 Sergey Brin is a computer scientist, internet entrepreneur, and philanthropist who, together with Larry Page, co-founded Google. He is also the president of Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc., and one of the richest people in the world, with a net worth reportedly over $45 billion. Brin immigrated to the United States with his family from the Soviet Union at age six. “We don’t live the lives of Eskimos. We don’t need to kill animals for fashion.” – Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron: Actress and Humanitarian

Country of origin: South Africa World impact: Using her star power to eradicate AIDS in Africa At 19, Theron arrived in the United States intending to work in the film industry. She made it big and went on to star in several major Hollywood films, such as The Devil’s Advocate, The Italian Job, Hancock, and Mad Max: Fury Road. Frustrated by the AIDS epidemic in Africa, she founded the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project, which has assisted more than 300,000 young people and raised more than $6.3 million. In 2008, she was designated a United Nations Messenger of Peace, with a role that focuses on the prevention of HIV and the elimination of violence against women. SOUTH AFRICA

Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington: Co-Founder, Huffington Post

Country of origin: Greece World impact: Inspiring women to become leaders in a male- dominated media market

At the age of 16, Arianna Huffington moved to the United Kingdom to study economics at Girton College in Cambridge. In 1980, she moved to New York, and by May 2005, had launched The Huffington Post as Elon Musk: Technology a commentary outlet, blog, and an Entrepreneur alternative to news aggregators. It was sold in 2011 to AOL for Country of origin: South Africa $315 million. Huffington has World impact: Co-Founder of PayPal, trail-blazing often ranked on global lists of electric vehicle development, and private space the Most Powerful Women in transportation services the World and Most Influential Women in the World. In 2016, Born and raised in South Africa, Musk moved to she stepped down from her role Canada at age 17. After moving to the United at The Huffington Post to devote States, he attended the Wharton School where he her time to her new startup, Thrive earned an economics degree, followed by a degree Global, that focuses on health and in physics. Best known for founding Paypal, Musk wellness. moved into aerospace manufacturing with SpaceX in 2002, and then launched electric vehicle company Tesla the following year. His ongoing interest in science and physics to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, especially around mobility, have been bold and daring. In 2016 Musk launched The Boring company, to explore high-speed Pierre Omidyar: underground transport networks and his latest endeavors have been around reducing the risk of Founder, eBay human extinction by creating colonies on Mars. Country of origin: France World impact: An easy way for anyone to buy and sell securely online

The French-born Iranian-American entrepreneur and philanthropist founded the eBay auction site, where he served as chairman from 1998 to 2015. In 1995, at age 28, Omidyar began to write the original computer code for an online location that enabled the listing of a direct person-to-person auction for collectible items. He created a simple prototype on his personal web page, and on Labor Day, launched an online service called Auction Web, which eventually became the auction site eBay. In 1998, eBay launched a successful public offering, making Omidyar a billionaire. Since 2013, and prompted by the Edward Snowden leaks, Omidyar has been involved in First Look Media, a journalism venture producing original, independent journalism. The Omidyar Network, a philanthropic foundation founded with his wife, has committed more than $992 million to companies that foster economic advancement for governance and citizen engagement, education, and financial inclusion.

28 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2019 Jerry Yang: Founder, Yahoo

Country of origin: Taiwan World impact: The most widely read news and media website

Yang was born in Taipei in 1968. After the death of his father, he and his family to San Jose, California, when he was eight years old. Upon arriving in America, Yang knew just one word of English: “shoe.” Despite the daunting disadvantages, Yang excelled in school and attended Stanford, graduating in 1990. He started Yahoo in 1995, and when he stepped down from the company, he had accumulated a net worth of $1.15 billion. According to Rob Solomon, a venture capitalist, Yang is “a great founder, evangelist, strategist and mentor,” having “created the blueprint for what is possible on the Internet.” In February 2007, Yang and his wife gave $75 million to Stanford University, $50 million of which went to building the “Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building,” a multi-disciplinary research, teaching, and lab designed with sustainable architecture principles. In September 2017, Yang and Yamazaki pledged $25 million to the Asian Art Museum, the largest donation in the museum’s history. Yang now funds early-stage technology startups through his venture capital firm AME Cloud Ventures.


Eduardo Saverin: Co-Founder, Facebook

Country of origin: Brazil World impact: Online social networking

Born to a wealthy Jewish Brazilian family, Eduardo Indra Nooyi: Saverin settled in Miami CEO, PepsiCo in 1993. During his junior year at Harvard University, Saverin met fellow Harvard Country of origin: India undergraduate, Mark World impact: Shaping one of the world’s biggest brands Zuckerberg. Realizing there Born in Madras, India, the future CEO of PepsiCo grew up was no social networking conservative and middle-class, studying physics, chemistry, and website for students at math. Her determination to study in the U.S. brought her to Yale Harvard, the pair launched University’s Graduate School of Management in 1978. Despite The Facebook in 2004. financial aid from Yale, Nooyi worked nights as a receptionist. Although Zuckerberg and She went in for interviews wearing a sari because she “had Saverin later had their legal no money to buy clothes.” She persevered and finished her battles, in the end, Saverin degree, moving on to the Boston Consulting Group before joining was confirmed as co-founder PepsiCo in 1994. of Facebook. Now a venture Since then, she has been a significant part of reshaping the capitalist, he still derives Pepsi brand, serving as CEO from 2001 to 2018, and overseeing most of his wealth from his major acquisitions like Quaker Oats and Tropicana,. She moved 2 percent stake in Facebook corporate spending away from junk foods and into healthier and has a net worth of $8.5 alternatives. Nooyi now chairs the board of PepsiCo. Nooyi billion as of January 2019. has consistently ranked among the World’s 100 Most Powerful


Dr. Rao Mulpuri: CEO, View Inc. (YPO SF Bay) Elaine Chao: U.S. Secretary of Transportation Country of origin: India World impact: Revolutionized buildings to be human-centric Country of origin: Taiwan and smart World impact: First Chinese in American history to Born in India, Mulpuri moved to the United States in1989. As CEO of View serve in U.S. presidential cabinet Inc., he developed groundbreaking technology and products, including Chao is the current United States Secretary of the launch of the world’s first commercial-scale, dynamic glass product Transportation and a member of the Republican Party. She that allows windows to vary their opacity based on the intensity of outside was previously a Cabinet member in the administration light. Since raising $2 billion in capital to fund growth, the company has of President George W. Bush and served as Secretary of grown at a rate of over 100 percent each year since 2012. Prior to View, Labor from 2001 to 2009, and also director of the Peace Mulpuri was president of Novellus Systems Japan and vice president Corps under the same administration. Born in Taipei, and general manager of the Integrated Metals Business Unit. He is also a Taiwan, to Chinese parents who had left mainland China in member of the Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and the Urban Land 1949, Chao was the first Asian-American woman and the Institute, and serves on the board of directors of Kateeva, Inc. and the first Chinese American in U.S. history to be appointed to a advisory board of the College of Engineering at Boston University. President’s Cabinet.

than most.Immigrants are less likely to give up Why Immigrants in the face of adversity, as many have already faced tough times. They’ve left family and Can Make Great friends behind and entered an unfamiliar nation full of complex bureaucracy, discrimination Entrepreneurs and new languages. They watch social cues. Outsiders fear making mistakes in new They are amazed by the opportunities. environments and become hyper-sensitive to They are amazed by the quality of education signals that indicate trust or misunderstanding. and infrastructure and are struck by the lack of As a result, many become good at reading awareness and initiative from locals, who don’t people, which can potentially make them more always realize how much opportunity exists perceptive. They bring fresh a perspective. around them. They can deal with adversity. They also bring new ideas about solving All entrepreneurs experience failure and problems. rejection, but immigrants are better prepared

30 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2019 Rick Perez (right), with his mother in his teenage years. “This country has resources and people willing to help,” he says. “There’s plenty of information around on how to start and grow a business and how banking systems work. Of course, there’s a point where it’s all up to you.”

ick Perez (YPO Houston) was eight years old when he arrived in the United States from R Mexico, brought north by parents who believed in the promise of the American Dream. Beyond their hopes and prayers for his future, they also believed firmly that learning to speak English America.” Perez is adamant that would mean success. At first, he the melting pot of ideas and people knew some basic English words around him is the reason they have such as cat, dog, and milk, which scaled so rapidly. was challenging as the only Spanish- Another advantage of the speaking kid in a new school. immigrant influence in business is “Everything was just bigger here,” the blending of best practices from says Perez. “Everything centered different cultures. “Those with around rigorous thinking, and an ability to take the best of both society seemed more open to new worlds always seem to be the most ideas. It was great.” WHERE’S THE successful.” For Perez, this diversity Fast-forward to 2019 and has spilled over into technology, Houston-based Perez has built where he spotted the usefulness of an one of the world’s largest recycling OPPORTUNITY? app in managing the waste streams companies, with 750 employees in 13 of large companies — an impossible countries. Much of this success can ASK AN task without harnessing the power of be attributed to a resourceful way of big data. His company now leverages thinking that he developed growing technology to manage recyclables up. “Mexico has a very systematic IMMIGRANT like any other valuable product. way of thinking, and the way social “Avangard Innovative is actually classes are arranged, you’re limited man’s junk is another’s treasure. Excited by a social issue that’s also making in your ability to scale and grow,” the potential of making money from discarded money,” says Perez “Why look he says. “In America you have no items, Perez cleared a room in his parent’s at where the herd is headed and limitations, and it was just wonderful home. With a phone, fax machine, $1,000 in follow? Instead, look at where the when I realized I could create my start-up capital, and a part-time waitering job gaps are. I saw garbage thrown off a own way of doing things. It didn’t at a local steakhouse, he founded his empire, cliff or burned in some countries. I matter where I came from or what I Avangard Innovative, when he was a college wondered why they were throwing had done before. If you’re willing to junior. money away.” work hard, you can be successful at Believing in the importance of viewing Many people equate immigrants anything.” problems with the fresh eyes of an immigrant, with a drain on resources, assuming Some of his early resourcefulness Perez set about gathering talent around that one more immigrant means included throwing parties at age 16 him that saw the world from a newcomer’s one less job for a local. But many to make extra money, and later on, view. “We now have people with an ability immigrants create completely new buying soft drink bottles that were to look at partners around the world from a jobs and industries for Americans headed to landfills in Mexico. He local perspective. The way we look at things that never existed before. Think shipped them to the United States in America might not be the same way we about that the next time you’re and China where they were turned approach things in El Salvador or Honduras. about to throw a soft drink bottle in into fiber applications for items such We find the best practice to fit that particular the trash. RL as carpets. As the saying goes: One country, with an ability to scale like we do in


Human potential is the only limitless resource have no voice? Yes, that’s a bit like being in the world. Not time. Not money. Not skill. Not locked up. fame, beauty, or charm. I don’t care if you’re jaw- And then there’s dieting. If you want to droppingly gorgeous, at the top of your vocational experience a certain locked-up sensation, game, or have more money than you know what to give the Whole30 plan a try. No bread. No do with. At some point, those wells may run dry. cheese. No ice cream. No fun. But to the Wrinkles will show up, and your vitality will begin diet’s creators’ credit, at least it’s only 30 to wane. The needs of the marketplace may shift. days. Indeed, what helps us move through The stock market might plummet, leaving you with these experiences of feeling locked up an empty or depleted portfolio. But that is never the is the realization that it’s only a feeling; case with human potential. Who you might become we’re not actually locked up. We know that is forever before you, beckoning you onward. What eventually the plane will land, the sickness you might accomplish keeps whispering your name. will abate, and we’ll eat bread and cheese However much of your potential you unleash, there is once again. But what about being endlessly always more just waiting to be tapped. locked up? How would we cope with that? We have all heard stories about children whose Consider those who suffer a life- potential was recognized early — as a dancer, a changing event — a stroke, a traumatic chess master, a debater, or a lawyer — and who grew brain injury, a devastating car accident up surrounded by people who helped them realize — that forever alters their mobility, their their potential and live a full and fulfilling life. But personality, their ability to function. When for most of us, life isn’t like that. If you’re like most I went through treatment for breast cancer of the women and men I have worked with, this — the chemo, the hair loss, the ensuing process of realizing your fullest potential will feel like surgeries and infections and pain — I something inside of you is being unlocked. wondered about things like permanence. We’ve all had the experience of feeling “locked Would I ever feel whole again? And up.” Perhaps nothing has improved my prayer life Carly Fiorina is an then when Frank and I lost our younger quite like running for president. Let me tell you, all American businesswoman daughter, Lori Ann, at age 35 and only eight those cross-country flights on mini-me airplanes that and political figure, known months after that devastating diagnosis, it require you to duck your head as you make your way primarily for her tenure as made my darkest days even darker. to your seat — lest you crack your skull on the ceiling CEO of Hewlett-Packard. You and I both recognize these two types — force a deep faith. When we would hit turbulence, I This is an adaption from of being locked up: the temporary and the would reflexively flatten my palm against the window her new book “Find Your permanent. And yet, there is a third and Way: Unleash Your Power as if I could single-handedly keep the plane aloft. Just and Highest Potential.” most tragic form of paralysis that we often get this thing on the ground safely, I would silently overlook: the locked-up states we choose will the pilot, who was seated only six feet away. for ourselves. Locked up is precisely how I felt. Just off Fisherman’s Wharf in San Or what about when you’re stuck in bed sick Francisco Bay between the Golden Gate while others are out having fun? I was due to fly Bridge and Treasure Island sits Alcatraz to Chicago one time for a series of meetings that Island, where, between 1934 and 1963, mattered greatly to me, and yet on the morning of the most hardened U.S. criminals were my departure, I awoke with a bad case of laryngitis. sent. Yet, even within the walls of this When I tried to greet my husband, I sounded about notoriously tough prison, there was a place as smooth as a Texas bullfrog. Want to verbalize but where the roughest, toughest prisoners


“If you’re like most of the women and men I have worked with, this process of realizing your fullest potential will feel like something inside of you is being unlocked.”

admitted defeat: D Block. good you might bring to the world around you fades to D Block was where the solitary-confinement cell was black as you stand there hopeless, helpless, and afraid. located, a soul-crushing “time out” for prisoners who Now, imagine choosing this fate not as an hour-long misbehaved. Known as “the hole,” solitary confinement tourist attraction, but as a way of life. Real life. Your one was a soundproof, six-by-eight-foot space outfitted with and only wild and precious life. only a bed frame, a toilet, and a small sink. Prisoners Whether we’re talking about an introvert in a sea of who were viewed as an imminent threat to others, Type A personalities, a thoroughbred trying to survive or who violated prison rules, were placed in solitary in a donkey-paced work environment, an imaginative confinement for up to 19 days, during which they had dreamer tucked inside an accountant, a willing no human contact and no exposure to light except for friend who finds herself friendless, a contributor who during the three-times-daily check-ins by a guard. questions her ability to contribute, a would-be success During those meal breaks, the heavy outer door would story needing assurance that she won’t fail, nobody in open, allowing a shaft of light to stream through the their right mind stays locked up voluntarily. And yet room’s inner metal bars, and a tray of food, all lumped this is exactly what I see countless people do each day together, would be slid through a special opening. After in every imaginable vocation, location, and walk of about 20 minutes, the tray was returned and the door life, when they forfeit the freedom that can be theirs. was closed, casting the cell back into pitch darkness. To keep your potential locked up is to look at the offer If you visit Alcatraz today, you can experience one of of all-encompassing liberation and say, “Thanks, but I these isolation chambers for a few minutes. After being think I’ll pass.” ushered into the cell, you are given a quick overview, and May this never be said of you — or me. May we instead then the heavy door is slammed shut. There is nothing be the kind of people who welcome our better, stronger, quite like the sensation of being in a space so dark and sturdier selves with arms opened wide — no excuses, no desolate that you can neither hear the outside world nor apologies, no regrets. RL see your hand directly in front of your face. Whatever

33 SUMMER 2019 / REAL-LEADERS.COM Your values define you. But do your money and investments really express who you are? As someone wanting to create positive change with your spending, how do you live up to your principles without compromising performance? Is it possible for your investments to say good things about you, while at the same time doing good things for everyone else? Here’s how to start, for all little as $20.




34 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2019 01 02 03

Understanding the Why Aligning Task The Evolution of Purpose of Capital With Tool Matters Tomorrow’s Purposeful Leaders We have become By not pursuing a separated from capital deeper exploration of While some think and are now at its service, the purpose of capital, of leadership as a as opposed to it serving we leave extra-financial function of an individual us. Our relation with value on the table, standing out from the capital comes to define missing out on the crowd and stepping our understanding of opportunity to more forward, in fact many of self, our value relative fully integrate purpose today’s most effective to others, our happiness with profit. By focusing leaders are those who and personal satisfaction, primarily upon returns realize that before one our prospects within this for investors we fall leads one must have society and the future short of our potential an understanding of prospects of our children. to invest capital for the purpose, meaning and Our focus on investing as benefit of a broader intent — one must have finance alone has taken JED EMERSON, IMPACTASSETS set of stakeholders a grounding in where us down the wrong path FRAN SEEGULL, US IMPACT INVESTING ALLIANCE —including not only we are before guiding — forcing us to choose our communities and others toward where we CHARLY KLEISSNER, TONIIC between doing well and the environment, but need to be. Leaders of doing good. In reality, our LIESEL PRITZKER SIMMONS, BLUE HAVEN INITIATIVE also our own potential tomorrow understand work, lives, communities, DEVIN THORPE, SOCIAL GOOD CHAMPION to use our capital to profit and purpose and very Planet are all realize greater personal must be pursued JAMES ROSEBUSH, BEST-SELLING AUTHOR connected. capital and development for our simultaneously if we companies. We cannot AMY BENNETT, IMPACTASSETS selves. We must alter are to attain our true pretend to separate LINDSAY SMALLING, SOCAP our understanding of potential. money from meaning. the purpose of capital.


INTRODUCTION THE PURPOSE OF MONEY While we may acknowledge many of the incredible, positive effects finance and capital have had on our world — lifting people out of poverty, bringing electricity (increasingly solar) into previously dark places, and improving housing for a great number of people — the reality is that many of our planet’s most critical challenges remain unsolved. Primary health care and secondary education are beyond reach for many. Affordable housing is an issue in both the developed and developing world, and the diverse effects of climate change are making their presence felt. These are not issues that government and non-profits can tackle alone.While philanthropy and public funding will continue to be INVESTMENT TIP #1 important, the reality is that you cannot donate your way out of poverty, or back to a greener planet. Business has a meaningful role to play in working with other sectors to drive YOU CAN BE AN IMPACT positive change in our world. Whether we’re talking about INVESTOR — STARTING mission-driven for-profits or non-profit social enterprises, the fuel of business is always capital. NOW So, what is impact investing and why does it matter? For the past 20 years, a powerful global movement has Impact investing is about engaging your heart, mind, and emerged. Called impact investing, it’s changing the world soul; it’s about investing as a human being, taking charge for the better as investors unleash the power of capital for of your investment portfolio, and aligning it with your values. good. Impact investments are investments that generate Impact investors don’t see their investment activities as an measurable social and environmental impact as well as intellectual exercise to make money; they see their investment financial returns. Impact investing includes a range of portfolio as an expression of who they really are. They financial instruments that share one thing in common: lead with their heart, with compassion, empathy, and They allow us to “invest with meaning” for real and positive awareness. They lead with the intention of making a impact in the world around us. positive contribution to humanity and the planet. At the start, impact investors can be overwhelmed by Using market-based solutions to address social and jargon, products, and “impact washing.” My advice is first environmental issues, innovative entrepreneurs are tackling to know what you own and then detoxify your portfolio by the world’s most pressing problems, including poverty, getting rid of investments that are counter to your beliefs. education, health and climate change. These transformative It’s best to do this with a trusted investment advisor who efforts translate into investment opportunities across supports your impact journey. If your current advisor doesn’t microfinance, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, fit the bill, then it’s time to change that, too. basic services, housing, health care, and education . As a next step, choose ESG-rated (environmental, social, It’s important to know that your definition of impact will and governance) products, particularly around your public differ from the person sitting next to you on a plane or at an equity and debt allocations. Explore more profound impact event. But that’s a good thing! It means you’re free to pursue with direct investments through friends in the impact sector or through social venture funds. Don’t forget to engage your different types of social returns, just like you’ve always heart, mind, and soul. If you only invest with your mind, pursued the various returns of traditional financial markets. your impact will be accidental at best, and if you only invest with your heart, you’ll likely lose a lot of money. JED EMERSON IS CHIEF IMPACT STRATEGIST FOR IMPACTASSETS, A And critically, listen to the current framing between what NONPROFIT FINANCIAL SERVICES FIRM THAT INCREASES THE FLOW OF CAPITAL TO INVESTMENTS THAT SEEK SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND many call market-rate returns and impact as a black-and- IMPACT RETURN. white type of trade-off. It’s not! Impact investors expect an appropriate financial return for the impact they want and for the impact risk they are willing to take. Ultimately, my most important piece of advice is: Don’t wait, start now.



is now embracing the SDGs as a framework to develop new impact-investing products. Take a look at your existing portfolio, and see where you can make a small change — you might find that you’re having more of an impact than you knew. As you get more comfortable with impact investing, you can experiment further, increasing your commitments and branching out into new types of investments. Most importantly, enjoy the journey. “PURPOSE IS FRAN SEEGULL IS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF NOT A MERE THE U.S. IMPACT INVESTING ALLIANCE. TAGLINE OR MARKETING CAMPAIGN, “START BY IT IS A MAKING COMPANY’S A SMALL FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE IN REASON FOR YOUR EXISTING BEING.” PORTFOLIO.”

Larry Fink, CEO Fran Seegull Blackrock


Every day, investors make new commitments to being an impact investor. Joining this movement is invigorating, but it can also be overwhelming. Between the alphabet soup of industry jargon and the media buzz, it can be hard to imagine where you and your values fit. You don’t have to dive in head-first, however, and if you’re clear about your objectives, it becomes easier to take those first steps. So, how do you pick the right impact investment? First, let’s define what it is. Impact investing goes by many different names — ESG, SRI, sustainable investing, social investing, the list goes on. The common theme is a focus on both financial returns and impact — i.e., how does this investment make the world better? That impact is the exact reason you’re getting involved in the first place. Next, identify the issues or causes you want to address. Save the rainforest? Build great schools? Empower women and girls? The key is to define your goals clearly without being so narrow that you have a hard time finding these investment opportunities. As a shortcut, consider the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are 17 global goals that provide a “shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.” These goals cover everything from “Good Health and Well-Being” to “Clean Water and Sanitation” to “Sustainable Cities and Communities.” The investment management industry


So, when you’re INVESTMENT TIP #3 INVESTMENT TIP #4 BE AN INFORMED BUILD IMPACT INVESTOR MULTIPLE INVESTMENTS Impact investing can sound overwhelming. Many assume that every dollar you invest has to change the world. With so many sustainable investing funds around, it can feel like Today, there are so many ways to building your impact portfolio — you need weeks of research before taking action. invest money for both a financial especially when you’re investing on I’ve found that a good place to start is to look at what return and social impact. Despite crowdfunding sites — make lots of you already own. See what companies are in your portfolio, conventional wisdom, anyone small investments over time rather and spend a little time reading up on their business can be an impact investor. With than one that feels big. In other practices. Do they care about climate change? How do just $20, you can start by visiting words, make 20 investments of they treat their employees? Have there ever been any the website of Calvert Impact $50 rather than one investment controversies? Knowing what you own and making a few, Capital. Investments here are of $1,000. simple decisions based on this knowledge can go a long low-risk and pay interest rates a Some investments are bound way in turning a standard investment portfolio into one little higher than your bank. Or, just to fail. Most startup investors geared for positive impact. open a savings account at a credit find that a few successful When you’re ready to make an investment, take a good union that makes affordable loans investments make up for the look under the hood before you buy. Don’t just assume to its members of modest incomes. loss on others. If crowdfund that all companies in that ESG index fund live up to If you want excitement in your investing sounds too scary, your standards. Explore the companies in those funds impact investing, you can visit stick with conservative impact and ask some questions. Being an impact investor means investment crowdfunding sites like investments and sleep well, being an informed investor.,, and knowing that your money is safe Starting small is OK. Yes, when we think of impact to look and creating good in the world. investing, big world problems like hunger, rising sea levels, for startups that are doing work and poverty come to mind. But the truth is, those things that aligns with your values and expectation of what type DEVIN THORPE IS A CHAMPION are big problems for a reason: They’re difficult to solve. And OF SOCIAL GOOD, AN AUTHOR, of company creates a positive with the growing number of funds and investment choices EDUCATOR, AND SPEAKER. out there, it can be difficult to know where to begin. impact in the world. Investing in a company that is solving a problem — Minimum investments vary, even a small one — can be an exciting and rewarding but some are as low as $50 — “MAKE 20 however, these investments are opportunity. Impact investors shouldn’t let “perfect” be INVESTMENTS the enemy of the good. Find investments that influence not low risk. Invest only what something you care about and start from there. you can afford to lose. Wealthy OF $50 RATHER investors learn fast to diversify their LIESEL PRITZKER SIMMONS IS FOUNDER OF THE BLUE investments and create a portfolio THAN ONE HAVEN INITIATIVE. of varying risk and return profiles. INVESTMENT They just put a small portion of their investmenst into risky ventures OF $1,000.” such as startups. Even within their allocations to risk, they build portfolios of multiple investments.

38 REAL-LEADERS.COM / SUMMER 2019 PERSONAL JOURNEY HOW A KIDNAPPING ATTEMPT LED TO THE FIRST SOCIAL IMPACT OFFICE IN THE WHITE HOUSE On a hot and muggy July afternoon, just as I was just settling into work at my first job in the foundation world, I was shaken by the sound of machine gun fire blasting through the front door of our office. Like the rest of my startled colleagues, I grabbed my phone and dove under a desk. It was the only thing I could think to do. Although Detroit, Washington DC, and LA were burning, and race riots were dominating the news, no one expected our quiet Midwestern city to be the subject of extreme violence. The target that day was not any of us on the staff. It was a kidnapping attempt for ransom, and the target was our CEO, the eldest son of the founder of General Motors. As a preventative measure, he escaped into a room-sized know. The main shared feature of all these new strategies is safe, and, after several hours, a swat team led the staff urgency. Patience with failing education, healthcare solutions, and down the fire escape and released us unharmed. Although environmental degradation is at an end. There is a drive of human the terrorists were arrested and did not get their target, capital, AI, and tech pouncing on virtually every problem we face. it was a day that changed everything for the office, the Investors are actively pursuing solutions to clean fuels targeted official, and for me. It ushered me into the age of and water, saving the oceans, advancing nutrition and impact in its earliest stages, and ultimately led to me being health, and many other worthy causes. This is the private asked, years later, to start and manage the first White sector at work and at its best. Letting market forces drive House office on social impact investing and philanthropy. improvements in health care, personal safety, and the reduction in Our CEO, the target of the kidnappers, approached carbon footprints may be one way that sustainability could have me a few weeks after the incident with a request. I had the most lasting and significant effect. Some restless investors noticed a change in his demeanor. His calm personality have also spawned the rise of impatient capital being put to use in had become more lively, enthusiastic, and I sensed he had these directions through political and corporate activism. even gained a higher purpose. He asked me to begin a The creative genius Peter Diamandis, along with co-author strategic planning process for the organization that focused Steven Kotler, wrote in their 2012 groundbreaking book on measuring the impact we were having. This was the Abundance, “Humanity is now entering a period of radical beginning. We started to assess the social and community transformation in which technology has the potential to significantly impact of our investments using detailed demographic raise the basic standards of living for every man, woman, and child assessment data. It super-charged the organization and on the planet. Abundance for all is actually within our grasp.” gave me a focus for my professional life. What this means is that if abundance is within our grasp, Today, we are driving at light speed toward human then by strategically working backward we can know the progress. Impact has become the standard bearer obstacles to reaching it. We can begin to create the solutions to and rallying cry of the future, and within a decade, surmount them. As the development of policy shifts to the private will be commonplace rather than the exception. This sector, we must integrate industry, innovation, philanthropy, and phenomenon I call the New Age of Enlightenment because the social sciences to work as partners, or we will never reach of its potential for significant human progress – surpassing what Diamandis, the X-Prize Founder, has laid out as our goal. We the first, the 18th century period of progress. are talking fetterless opportunity and solutions beyond our present Although we don’t know how much money is imagination. Only fear, political constraint, or lack of dreaming can being allocated to impact investing today, we do eclipse this New Age of Enlightenment. RL know that it’s rising quickly and will appear as an avalanche of capital-seeking products and strategies JAMES ROSEBUSH IS A BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, SPEAKER, AND CEO OF GROWTHSTRATEGY, A CORPORATE ADVISORY FIRM. HE IS THE within this decade. New investment structures like MANAGER OF THE REAGAN WHITE HOUSE OFFICE ON IMPACT AND Green Bonds, Enterprise Zones, Cryptocurrency economic HAS A PERSONAL PASSION FOR COACHING EXECUTIVES TO SPEAK aid to developing nations, side-by-side philanthropic LIKE RONALD REAGAN. HE HAS ALSO ENJOYED UNIQUE ACCESS TO and investment co-ventures, and more are all underway. QUEEN ELIZABETH II, FROM WHICH HE HAS LEARNED MUCH ABOUT There are hundreds of social-impact incubators at work, LEADERSHIP. turning out new solutions to virtually every problem we

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