Lighting The Road To The Future

“Downtown Injun Culture” Data Zone Film Premiere Page 6 “The People’s Paper” December 7 - December 13, 2019 54th Year Volume 32

A Data News Weekly Exclusive New Orleans Black Chorale Annual Christmas Concert

“We Have Heard the Angels Sing”

Page 2 Newsmaker State & Local Saving Celebrating St. Augustine “SaintsGiving” Catholic Church Page 4 Page 5 Page 2 December 7 - December 13, 2019 Cover Story New Orleans Black Chorale Annual Christmas Concert “We Have Heard the Angels Sing”

Chorale members were African prints for the Annual Black History Concert.

By Carol Dotson Orleans . mas Lighting of Canal Street, and its own annual con- Originally under the direction of the late Edwin B . certs and various music series concerts . The New Orleans Black Chorale grew out of an en- Hogan, it was comprised of soloists, people from orga- Throughout its history, the Chorale has not only semble that sang with the New Orleans Philharmonic nized church choirs, college choirs, and others with an given the New Orleans community access to music Symphony when it presented the first “Symphony in interest in preserving American Negro Spirituals . not usually heard but has also provided scholarships Black” in 1980, a concert that highlighted the contri- The Chorale has sung throughout the region, per- to music students at Xavier, Dillard, and Southern Uni- butions of Black artists to the cultural wealth of New forming for Pope John Paul’s 1987 visit, for the Christ- versities .

Cover Story, Continued on page 3.

DATA NEWS WEEKLY P.O. Box 57347, New Orleans, LA 70157-7347 | Phone: (504) 821-7421 | Fax: (504) 821-7622 INSIDE DATA editorial: [email protected] | advertising: [email protected] Terry B. Jones Contributors Art Direction & E. Benjamin Production Glenn Summers CEO/Publisher Data News Weekly Cover Story ...... 2 Dollars & Sense . . 8. Edwin Buggage Staff Writers Editorial Submissions Carol Dotson datanewseditor@ Editor Felice Leon Newsmaker...... 4 Health News . . . 9. . Darcie Ortique Sharonda Green City of New Orleans Advertising Inquiries Cora Lester datanewsad@ State & Local News . . 5 National News . . 11. Executive Assistant John Amis Associated Press June Hazeur N.O. File Photo Distribution Data Zone . . . . 6 . Mickey Welsh/Advertiser On The Run Accounting Shawn Colin Courier Services Please call 504-309-9913 for subscription information or to obtain a back issue of the paper ONLY. Dated material two weeks in advance. Not responsible for publishing or return of unsolicited manuscripts or photos. Cover Story December 7 - December 13, 2019 Page 3

Cover Story, Continued from page 2.

“Christmas is my favorite time of year,” Chorale member Kathy Celestine places NOBC Medallion The group will perform an assortment of seasonal selections includ- said Chorale member Kathy Celestine.“I on 2019 Honoree Damon Smothers, Founder, and CEO of ing Ralph Manuel’s Alleluia, Andre Thomas’ “Rock in Jerusalem,” Rogie know that it is for a lot of people and it’s Smother Academy. Clark’s “Angels Ring Them Bells” and “The Work of Christmas” by Dan a time to spread goodwill. Forrest, based on Howard Thurman’s Iconic Poem.

The New Orleans Black Cho- at Trinity Episcopal Church, 1329 for a lot of people and it’s a time “Angels Ring Them Bells” and Voice, Conducting, Vocal Diction rale will once again bring beautiful Jackson Avenue at 6:30 pm . The to spread goodwill . The music “The Work of Christmas” by Dan and Pedagogy, and is the Conduc- music to the City of New Orleans theme is “We Have Heard the An- the New Orleans Black Chorale Forrest, based on Howard Thur- tor of the Xavier Concert Choir this Christmas season . The group gels Sing .” The concert is free and performs is what makes it spe- man’s Iconic Poem . and University Chorus . He is pas- which will celebrate its 40th Year open to the public . cial . The music you’ll hear at the The Chorale is mourning the sionate about keeping the Ameri- in the Spring will perform at their “Christmas is my favorite time Christmas Concert is not your recent loss of longtime President can Negro Spiritual alive . Annual Christmas Concert sched- of year,” said Chorale member typical Christmas Carols that Harold Boucree . Boucree served “The New Orleans Black Cho- uled for Saturday, December 7th Kathy Celestine . “I know that it is people always sing . Of course, as president of the chorale for rale has had a tradition of sharing we do those, but we take it to many years and was also the un- Christmas with the community another level, and it is definitely official historian of the group . He through song and reminding ev- New Orleans Black Chorale 2019-2020 an experience that shouldn’t be will be recognized at the Christ- eryone of the meaning of Christ- missed .” mas Concert and at the Black His- mas . Our theme this year focuses Christmas Concert – The group will perform an tory Concert . on the carols and songs that tell “We Have Heard the Angels Sing” assortment of seasonal selec- The Conductor and Musical the story from the Angel’s . Wheth- tions including Ralph Manuel’s Director is John E . Ware –D .M .A . er African American or European, Alleluia, Andre Thomas’ “Rock he is a Professor of Music at Xavi- each selection has mention of the Saturday, December 7th in Jerusalem,” Rogie Clark’s er University where he teaches angels,” says Ware . Trinity Episcopal Church 6:30 pm 1329 Jackson Ave . FREE

Black History Concert Sunday, March 8th 5:00 pm Xavier University’s Administration Auditorium FREE

Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra Wednesday, March 11th 7:30 pm By admission

Christ Church Third Sunday Series – Covington Sunday, March 15, 2020 5:00 pm Christ Episcopal Church 120 New Hampshire St ., Covington FREE

For more information visit Page 4 December 7 - December 13, 2019 Newsmaker

Celebrating “SaintsGiving” The Black and Gold Clinch NFC South for 3rd Straight Season

E. Benjamin ticked down and Atlanta driving to Data News Weekly attempt to tie the game . Contributor All-Pro Cameron Jordan, who had 4 sacks on the day, put the nail It was a “SaintsGiving” Spec- in the coffin sacking Matt Ryan on tacular as the New Orleans Saints a fourth-down play from the New clinched the NFC South winning Orleans 44 with 38 seconds remain- the Division Title for the third ing . straight year beating their bitter ri- The Saints (10-2) and prepar- vals the Atlanta Falcons by a score ing for what is perhaps the biggest of 26-18 . game of their season where they The teams Swiss Army Knife will face the (10-2) San Francisco and Jack-of-All-Trades Taysom Hill 49ers; a contest that could deter- got things going early blocking a mine who will be the number one punt to set up his 3-yard touchdown seed with home-field advantage catch . Then later he scored on a 30- throughout the playoffs . yard run . This was truly his night The game is on Sunday, Decem- as he along with the Saints shined, ber 8th at the New Orleans Super- barring and giving the Falcons dome . The Who Dat Nation will be three consecutive on-side kick re- there in the Dome and all the Black coveries . and Gold fans from across the na- The Saints defense showed up in tion will be cheering them on to this game with nine sacks including New Orleans Saints Jack-Of-All-Trades Taysom Hill is getting it done in many different ways contributing to what is hopefully a victory . the team. He could be the X-Factor that may help them get to this year’s Super Bowl. (Photo Credit: John during a crucial time as the clock Amis Associated Press)

IN THE WAKE OF Mayor Cantrell Releases Statement on Public Safety A HURRICANE Readiness, Canal Street Shooting Investigation YOUR DOLLARS ARE City of New Orleans NEW ORLEANS (12/2/19) — Mayor LaToya Cantrell today HARD AT WORK released the following statement regarding the City’s public safety preparedness and the ongoing in- vestigation into the Canal Street shooting incident: “The outbreak of gun violence early this Sunday was an ugly aberration and a tragedy for the innocent victims impacted, but it was also a stark reminder of the preparedness and the respon- siveness of our public safety teams,” said Mayor Cantrell . New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell with Police Superintendent Shaun Ferguson. (File Photo) “Our NOPD officers worked seamlessly with partners from stand proudly behind the men and and our visitors . We will continue the Louisiana State Police, the women of our law enforcement to build on the tremendous suc- FBI, the DEA and the ATF to re- agencies, and we stand together cess the NOPD and our partners spond immediately and effective- with a strong network of partners have achieved in reducing gun ly . Our close collaboration with all committed to keeping New Or- violence and safeguarding our local, state and federal agencies leans safe . major events . We stand ready for a is a critical asset in such a cri- “In the last two days, my fel- safe and successful season ahead, Even a small donation can make a big difference sis, and we are grateful for their low elected leaders on every level and we will continue to prove ev- friendship and ready assistance . have reached out to express their ery day that no force in the world “As we look ahead to a busy support and commitment — in- can match the NOPD and our winter season full of major sport- cluding Gov . John Bel Edwards, partner agencies when it comes ing events welcoming visitors from and Senator John Kennedy . Every to making events in our City — across the world, and to a bright fu- one of us is dedicated to putting from big nights at the Superdome ture as a destination city for sports, every available resource behind to second lines in our neighbor- entertainment and tourism — we protecting this City, her people hoods — safe and successful .” State & Local News December 7 - December 13, 2019 Page 5

Mayor Cantrell joins St. Augustine Catholic Church in Announcement of $2.5 Million Campaign to Save America’s Oldest Black Catholic Church

Saint Augustine was built in 1841 to serve a diverse community. Early worshipers included Free People of Color, slaves, Creoles, Haitians, French, Spanish, and Germans. Today, it continues to welcome parishioners of every walk of life, including non-Catholics and visitors from across the globe.

Data News Weekly Staff of Color, slaves, Creoles, Haitians, Edited Report French, Spanish, and Germans . To- day, it continues to welcome parish- NEW ORLEANS - America’s ioners of every walk of life, includ- oldest Black Catholic Church is in ing non-Catholics and visitors from need of your help . On December across the globe . 1, 2019, Mayor LaToya Cantrell in Visitors are drawn to Saint Au- partnership with Saint Augustine gustine to witness history and to Catholic Church which is located enjoy St . Augustine’s famous gos- in New Orleans’ Historic Treme’ pel choir, when they do, they stand Neighborhood announced a $2 .5 where New Orleans’ musical greats million dollar restoration campaign and many of America’s most promi- to save this important church . They nent civil rights leaders have also also announced that they have stood . raised over half of this total through Saint Augustine Church has generous private donations . been an integral part of the devel- The announcement included lo- opment of Treme’ and shares in its cal dignitaries, and took place with- history of being core to New Or- in St . Augustine Catholic Church, leans’ culture . Henriette Delille a following the 10 AM mass, at 1211 free woman of color and founder of Governor Nicholls Street . the first African American order of nuns; the Sisters of the Holy Fam- About St. Augustine ily, took her vows at the altar of St . Church Augustine . Saint Augustine Catholic Through her service at St . Au- Church is recognized by the gustine she became a mother to the Smithsonian’s African American community starting the first school Museum in Washington D .C . as for slave children and adults and a America’s oldest Black Catholic home for aged people of color . She Church . The church is a bastion is now venerable (awaiting saint- of New Orleans culture, jazz mu- hood) and could be the first African sic, and has served as a center for American Saint . spiritual guidance for the Treme’ TO DONATE: Please visit for nearly 180 years . Today, years https://staugchurch .org/ of weather, wear and tear threaten Mayor Cantrell joins St . Augus- this historical sacred place . tine Catholic Church in Announce- Saint Augustine was built in 1841 ment of $2 .5 Million Campaign to to serve a diverse community . Early Save America’s Oldest Black Catho- worshipers included Free People lic Church Page 6 December 7 - December 13, 2019 Data Zone Red Carpet “Downtown Injun Culture” Film Premiere Photos by Glenn Summers

The community came to what was a truly amazing event . The premiere of the highly anticipated documen- tary “Downtown Injun Culture” . The evening was epic as the receptive au- dience watched a film that explored the Downtown Black Masking Cul- ture . In the audience were members of the Black Masking community, some who were feautured in the film in- cluded . Big Chief David Peters Mon- tana and Big Queen Ausettua Amor Amenkum of Washitaw Nation . Big Chief Shaka Zulu, Golden Feathers Hunters, Big Chief Victor Fi Yi Yi Harris, Mandingo Warriors and Big Chief Pie Tyrone Stevenson of the Monogram Hunters . Also on hand was Kevin Cheveyo Turner, Big Chief Al Womble and wife Big Queen Wanda Womble of the Cheyenne Tribe Alphonse “Dowee” Robair Black Hatchet Tribe and Big Chief Daryl Montana of the world-renowned Yellow Pocahontas . The Executive Producer of the project Glenn Chayil Jones would like to thank all those who came out to support the film and those cultural pillars, who continue the rich tradi- tion of Black Masking .

Visit for more photos from these events Data Zone December 7 - December 13, 2019 Page 7 Bayou Classic

By Ed Benjamin

The 46th Annual Bayou Classic was again a success . It was an amazing weekend celebrating Black Excellence and Data News Weekly was there!!!


140 Events each year. 1,300+ Members. Countless opportunities.

Join the New Orleans Chamber in 2020 and grow with us.

Visit for more photos from these events Page 8 December 7 - December 13, 2019 Dollars & Sense

Africa’s the Future Why Says that African Americans should Invest in the Continent

Felice Leon rapper decided to invest in . Contributor, Today, the 46-year-old has his hand in a bevy of investments— When you combine African notably, his energy company, Americans and diaspora Africans, Akon Lighting Africa; the Akonik that unity itself is what’s gonna Label Group and his forthcom- make Wakanda actually possible .” ing crypto city—powered by the —Akon businessman’s very own crypto- After his single “Locked Up,” currency, the Akoin . We call this Akon was determined not to be a light flex . your run-of-the-mill one-hit-won- So, it might be fair to say that der . Akon is giving T’Challa a run for The artist and producer had his money . What do y’all think? some foresight, understanding “Africa’s economic potential, that the shelf life of an artist in a I think, is to the roof . I think Af- super-fickled entertainment in- rica is not only the future, but it dustry is fleeting . So in the early has been the past for everybody,” 2000s, the Senegalese-American Akon Akon told The Root .

Book Review ‘The Christians’ features a 1960s Louisiana Love Story

Cora Lester The Drum Newspaper @datanewsweekly

The Christians, book one, fol- lows the life and love of Mary Jean Woods, a young, Christian woman in 1960 South Louisiana as she maneuvers through self-discovery, unrighteousness, and betrayal in hopes to find a true spiritual iden- tity . Through this first release, B .J .T 86 million Ledet weaves a story that answers “What exemplifies a Christian?” and introduce readers to charac- ters who boldly feel right–even all- knowing– in their beliefs when they vision and live in the past . rently, she gives back to the com- Americans are flawed and some are fallen . Using romance, family scandals, munity by tutoring kids inside her The Christians deals with the and murder, the novel questions home while working on completing distinctive differences and interac- who is and is not a Christian and the trilogy . Ledet enjoys writing Maybe even you, tions between the characters who how the interactions between fam- from her Baton Rouge home where consider themselves Christians and ily and friends impact the spiritual she lives with her spouse, a dog, those who don’t . Meet ministers growth of young adults . B .J .T . Ledet and a cat . who are in the business of religion is a retired Hurricane Katrina survi- Published by Jozef Syndi- have prediabetes. instead of uplifting the people and vor who worked at Tulane Univer- cate, The Christians (ISBN 978- teaching them to love . Meet the sity in New Orleans . She attended 1944155209) is available on Amazon ‘show and tell’ flock alongside the Southern University and A&M Col- and at www .jozefsyndicate .com/ person-ABOUT-TO- church Mothers who have tunnel lege and Tulane University . Cur- creators/b-j-t-ledet/ . FACT-CHECK-THIS-FACT. Health News December 7 - December 13, 2019 Page 9

Obesity Among Black Women Outrageously High Part 2 Embracing Their Curves...Positive Body Image and Self Esteem

Darcie Ortique The American Society for Aes- NNPA/OW Contributor thetic Plastic Surgery reports that ‘cosmetic augmentation among Cultural standards and barriers Black people increased 56 percent Some will argue that there are a between 2005 and 2013 and is still number of cultural barriers (fash- rising .” ionability, family responsibilities, Richard White, M .D . physician, stressful lifestyle) that may also specializing in internal medicine challenge or prevent many African and research at the Mayo Clinic American women from exercising in Jacksonville, Fla ., has studied regularly . the correlation between health United States Surgeon General literacy and the effect it has on Regina Benjamin stated in an inter- chronic health disease and obe- view for the Chicago Tribune, “Of- sity in underserved communi- tentimes you get women saying, ‘I ties . “It’s really going to require can’t exercise today because of my the African-American community hair or get my air wet .’” For some, to come together as a unit to re- there’s a trade-off between preserv- ally say, ‘you know what? this is ing heat-required hairstyles and our health as a community, this physical fitness and research sug- is something that we’re going to gests that misplaced vanity is at the take the initiative and interest to root of the problem . improve ourselves and not neces- Award winning artist Lizzo celebrates and According to The Washington Post, the poll revealed that To the contrary, African Ameri- inspires women to embrace their curves as “although Black women are [generally] heavier than their sarily rely on outside or external can men and the media have also beautiful. White counterparts, they report having appreciably higher forces to try and make it happen supported plus-size and curvy levels of self-esteem . for us,” White said . He encourag- women, which have made many Research like this also suggests ‘Baby Got Back’ & Rap musicians have type-casted es his African American patients overweight African American wom- that, as a culture, the majority of Songs like this and others in- the women they have in their mu- to take a personal inventory of en feel comfortable in their skin . African American women see no spired Black women to love the sic videos . And more often than their lives and take accountability The Washington Post and the harm in being too vain to take ac- skin they’re in and to be proud not, the video vixens usually have a for the foods they are consuming Kaiser Family Foundation con- countability for their health . The of their “thickness” because men small waist, thick hips, thighs, and and the decisions they make re- ducted a poll to get the perspec- 1992 hit, ‘Baby Got Back,’ by Sir appreciate rolls, curves and big a big butt . Black women who aren’t garding physical activity . tive directly from the source . Ac- Mix-a-Lot, highlighted the fact bottoms . “thick” or “curvy” are going to great Data News Weekly Editorial cording to The Washington Post, that many Black men embrace full- For years, many R&B, Hip Hop measures to achieve this look . Team Contributed to this Report the poll revealed that “although figured black women, despite con- Black women are [generally] trary beliefs: heavier than their White coun- “ I want em’ real thick and juicy terparts, they report having ap- so find that juicy double Mix-a-Lot’s preciably higher levels of self-es- in trouble,” The old-school rapper teem . That figure was 66 percent went on to say, “So Cosmo says among Black women considered you’re fat, Well I ain’t down with by government standards over- that ‘Cause your waist is small and weight or obese .” your curves are kickin .’” The People’s Website Page 10 December 7 - December 13, 2019 State & Local News Coco Gauff Visits the Big Easy! Open practice for the 15 year-old Tennis Phenom

Coco made history as a junior player by becoming the youngest #1 ranked ITF player in the history of rankings and has won several inter- national junior titles:

Members of the public attended and later spoke to and took photos with Gauff.

Data News Weekly Staff About Coco Gauff: player in the history of rankings Edited Report Cori “Coco” Gauff is a Profes- and has won several interna- Photos by Shawn Colin sional American Tennis Player tional junior titles: 2018 French and is ranked #68 in the world . Open Champion, 2018 Orange (New Orleans, LA) -- Coco Gauff, She made history this past year at Bowl Girls 18 Champion . the young, record-breaking tennis Wimbledon, where she became the Coco won her first WTA title in star, came to New Orleans and host- youngest female to qualify in the Linz, Austria at the age of fifteen ed an open practice on Wednesday, main draw at the age of fifteen, de- and currently holds 1 singles and 2 November 27, 2019, at City Park feated her idol, Venus Williams, and doubles titles . Pepsi Center from 11 am-1 pm . advanced to the fourth round . Coco’s goal is to one day be rec- Members of the public attended In addition, Coco made his- ognized as the GOAT (Greatest of and later spoke to and took photos tory as a junior player by becom- All Time) of tennis -- her motto is to with Gauff . ing the youngest #1 ranked ITF dream BIG .

more photos more stories more data Cori “Coco” Gauff is a Professional American Tennis Player and is ranked #68 in the world . National News December 7 - December 13, 2019 Page 11 DATA CLASSIFIED Call 504-821-7421 to Civil Rights Icon Rosa Parks Honored place your classified ad. with Statue in Montgomery, Alabama Job Opportunity Freelance Writers Wanted Data News Weekly, “The People’s Paper, is looking for freelence writers to join our team print and digital team. We want to hear from you if you are a working journalist, or an aspiring journalist who has 2 years or more of newspaper or PR writing experience. We need writers who can cover New Orleans news stories, ranging from local high school sports, Mary Louise Smith, from left, Governor Kay Ivey, Civil Rights Attorney community events, City Fred Gray and Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed pose after the un- Hall and entertainment. veiling of the Rosa Parks statue in downtown Montgomery, Ala., on Experience in print is Sunday, December 1, 2019. Mickey Welsh / Advertiser necessary, experience in digital and social media are encouraged. as Alabama’s Governor, Kay Ivey . refusing to give up her seat on the The Rosa Parks statue in downtown Montgomery, Ala., on Sunday Knowing we are in times that segregated bus system . She is one Compensation is evening, December 1, 2019. Mickey Welsh / Advertiser are historical, it is important to give of several women who were ar- competitive and great background to this and other coura- rested for this offense prior to Rosa story ideas will be geous people who put their lives on Parks that year . appreciated. the line for the right to pursue the Also, she was one of five women American Dream and to live with named as plaintiffs in the Federal If you are interested, please email your resume freedom, dignity, and equality . Civil Suit, Browder v . Gayle, chal- and 3 writing samples to: On Dec . 1, 1955 . . Rosa Parks lenging the constitutionality of the terrybjones@bellsouth. refused to follow a city bus driver’s state and local bus segregation laws net and datanewseditor@ order to surrender her seat -- which that were eventually overturned was already in the “colored section” and ruled unconstitutional by the -- to a White passenger because the U .S . Supreme Court in 1956 under front part of the bus was already the Equal Protection Clause of the We can’t wait to full . She stood her ground and got 14th Amendment . hear from you! taken to jail for it . On hand during the unveiling Her refusal and the subsequent was Civil Rights Attorney Fred arrest sparked the Montgomery Gray, who worked on many of the bus boycotts, which lasted for a Civil Rights cases in Alabama . He Rosa Parks on December 1, 1955 defying the segregation laws. Her ar- whopping 381 days . . and severely worked with Dr . Martin Luther rest was the beginning of the Montgomery Bus Boycott during the Civil hurt the transit companies’ bottom King Jr . and Thurgood Marshall Rights Movement. line . The city eventually changed its during this time of social revolution segregation bus law once SCOTUS in America . Data News Weekly Staff seat to a White person . . and where weighed in the following year . This is the Second Annual Rosa This space can be Edited Report a statue of her now stands tall . On this special day, there were Parks Day in Alabama after the The bronze life-size figure was un- other important people there too, State Legislature approved a mea- An Icon that spawned a move- veiled Sunday in Montgomery, Ala- that included Mary Louise Smith . sure to make it a state holiday in ment Rosa Parks was memorialized bama with the help of Mayor Steven She is notable for having been ar- 2018 . Alabama is one of several yours for only $80 in the city where she was once ar- Reed -- who recently became Mont- rested in October 1955 at the age states that have a day that honors rested for refusing to give up her gomery’s first Black Mayor -- as well of 18 in Montgomery, Alabama for the Civil Rights Icon .

This space can be yours for only $80 Call Now! follow us on