Evidence for Ancient Mare Volcanism
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Proc. Lunar Planet. Sc,. Co11}. 10th (1979), p. 2899-2918. Printed in the United States of Amenca 1979LPSC...10.2899S Evidence for ancient mare volcanism Peter H. Schultz Lunar and Planetary Institute, 3303 NASA Road 1, Houston, Texas 77058 Paul D. Spudis Department of Geology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281 Abstract-Basaltic volcanism clearly exposed as dark surface units may represent only the last stages of continuous volcanic activity during the first 1.5 b.y. of lunar history. Between 3.0 and 3.9 AE, part of this record has been masked by ejecta deposits from large (> 100 km) impact craters but is then partly re-exposed by subsequent smaller impacts. This process is clearly illustrated by dark-haloed impact craters on the ejecta deposits of large craters such as Copernicus, Langrenus, Theophilus, and Maunder. Identification of dark-haloed impact craters on the distal ejecta deposits of Orientale basin suggests that mafic units also may pre-date the impacts responsible for the last major basins. A global survey of dark-haloed impact craters larger than about 1 km reveals that they commonly occur on light plains units, notably south of Mare Humorum and in the eastern hemisphere. Orbital geochemical data support the interpretation that the dark ejecta deposits contain significant fractions of Mg-rich materials. Consequently, at least some of the smooth highland plains are believed to represent ancient basaltic units covered by ejecta debris from the last major basin-forming impacts. Such a proposal is consistent with new topographic data demonstrating that crater-contained mare units and light plains units exhibit similar elevations. Studies previously have cited a contrasting distribution of elevations between maria and light plains as an indication of contrasting origins. The proposed identification of buried basalts is also consistent with lunar sample data and implies that extrusions of KREEP and mare volcanics temporally overlapped, thereby creating wide diversity in lunar basaltic chemistries. INTRODUCTION Mare basalts on the moon are generaily recognized by their relatively low albedo (0.06-0.09) that typically results from the presence of mafic minerals. This qual- itative photometric characteristic has been used either implicitly or explicitly to map dark smooth plains interpreted as basaltic lavas (Wilhelms, 1970), and to identify possible pyroclastic mantling deposits (Heiken et al., 1974; Head, 1974). Spectral and geochemical data generally confirm this correlation (Pieters and McCord, 1976; Johnson et al., 1977). Where mare basalts have been buried by impact ejecta deposits, they may be re-exposed in the ejecta from a later cratering event. The resulting dark-haloed craters, therefore, can be important indicators of local stratigraphy, provided that the dark halo is clearly associated with an 2899 © Lunar and Planetary Institute • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 2900 P.H. Schultz and P. D. Spudis impact crater and that the crater is sufficiently old to permit soil maturity (i.e., sufficient build-up of impact-derived agglutinates in the soil, see Pieters and McCord, 1976). 1979LPSC...10.2899S In the following discussions, we address first the identification of dark-haloed impact craters that may provide an indication of buried mafic layers. Second, we consider the global occurrence of dark-haloed craters in non-mare terrains. And third, we discuss the significance of the inferred ancient mare deposits for un- derstanding the early stages of lunar basaltic volcanism. IDENTIFICATION OF IMPACT-EXCAVATED MAFIC MATERIALS Dark-haloed craters have been clearly identified from earth-based telescopic stud- ies and, prior to higher resolution spacecraft views, typically were interpreted as volcanic vents (Shoemaker, 1962; Salisbury et al., 1968). With increased reso- lution provided by spacecraft, it became clear that this interpretation was rea- sonable for certain dark-haloed pits and craters along fractures (Carr, 1966; 1969) but was improbable for other craters resembling impact structures, e.g., craters on ejecta deposits of Langrenus (Hodges, 1973) and Copernicus (Schultz, 1972, 1976). Dark-haloed impact craters illustrate the process of stratigraphic inversion graphically demonstrated in laboratory-scale impacts (Gault et al., 1968) wherein originally lower stratigraphic horizons are deposited on top of higher horizons. Figure 1 illustrates stratigraphic inversion by the crater Copernicus H that excavated mare basalts buried by ejecta deposits of Copernicus. The inferred contribution of mafic material to the dark ejecta halo is confirmed by color-dif- ference images of Whitaker (1972) and color-ratio images of Johnson et al. (1977). Oberbeck et al. (1974) have suggested that secondary impact cratering dilutes the contribution of primary material in the ejecta deposits of large impact craters. However, primary ejecta material can be clearly identified in the ejecta deposits of medium-size craters such as Dionysius (Schultz, 1976) and Picard (Pieters et al., 1976; Andre et al., 1978) as well as in certain rays from Theophilus (Saunders et al., 1976). These preserved signatures of primary ejecta may indicate low- velocity impact by ejecta swarms or weakly bonded ejecta (Schultz and Men- denhall, 1979). Because dilution of primary ejecta by secondary ejecta generally decreases with decreasing crater size, ejecta deposits around small impact craters ( <15 km) are most likely to reveal mafic units hidden by long-term impact dep- osition processes. Dark ejecta deposits also occur as impact melt ponds and flows (Howard and Wilshire, 1975; Schultz, 1976; Hawke and Head, 1977). However, such deposits typically are concentrated near topographically low portions of the rim resulting from pre-existing topography or oblique impact. Figure 2 permits comparison of this type of impact melt deposit with deposits believed to represent an excavated dark unit as shown in Fig. 1. Albedo contrasts associated with melt deposits appear to decrease rapidly with time, whereas symmetric dark haloes persist. Photometric contrasts also can develop between excavated highland plains, © Lunar and Planetary Institute • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 1979LPSC...10.2899S ~--.. - 1 .· 'j·!/,....,~,' ,{-, <•'' ,' . .·:./V' ;ii, ' . .,,: ' @ ,..Ji. •:'~·.iflfl;/!'~ ' ',,, _... • t""' ' '' :1$'"' ·;;,.,,., :·":' .·: .~,f~t ''* -~~>~-~- = ,(,_ '¥,;.' = ,;,,;••' e; • _..,,,,,_, '-::~{ _.i.,,:j,:-',:)~\ =Q. -,,.~~" "_,~_;a"'., -;.'-'~'-:,',' ,, ::si "'-~.~«! '""" ' ' [ ..... ,.,,,-,, ,.-~ .... ' ~· ;'" • '' <~· t'rl , •'. '1'· "'.'. 0 '.. -.ti:: J"t· ....< w·· c..: Q. •t,i - .r'' ,•":-':_ ::3 °"(") Q. t ., C" ~;t:,, • °" '-< •• :,:¥;i?~ .:.~ --: ; -L ~-. - :::::, ' ?' ,,(:-,. ::3 z (") > ~•-·•.-~- ~- rn ~~_i:~!-• . ::3...,_ > ,, ._ -~ :::l > ,! :::::, Cll ,.., ~~-- ~- --: 0 ..... 't< _',-~- °""'.'. "C \~ ' ' .;,,~it•',.•,:~· .._Cl '-<=- :'.>i'' (b) (") Cll ~.,,.' '••:,•~~--- ' ... 4-'. :::::, ....t') ::3 Cll c::;· 0 Fig. 1. (a) Comparison of high-illumination view (top) and color ratio map (bottom) (Whitaker, 1972) from earth-based photog- :::l a raphy showing the dark-haloed craters around Copernicus. Arrow locates the dark-haloed crater Copernicus H that has exca- rn vated blue-colored mafic material from below the ejecta deposits of Copernicus. (b) High-resolution view of Copernicus H from '-< Cll ;'" Lunar Orbiter images (LO-V -147-M). Crater form and ejecta facies are characteristic of impact craters in its size class (about t-v s 4 km in diameter). \0 c:,._ 1979LPSC...10.2899S w -~'~ ."'i ., ' , -., @ t"" = "'I ::t: ,v) V'.l =Q. ,. (") "tl ;::s- ' ' .:: § N .....!'0 -- ;:: ..... 5l .....s t, • ~' ti.:: "tl c:;· 8.... Q. i. a' '< ~. g z >rJJ. > > ::t"' .§ "'....n "'t, Fig. 2. (a) Dark rim patch on 12 km-diameter crater south of Theophilus as revealed in earth-based photograph. (b) Lunar ! Orbiter photograph (LO-IV-84-H2) showing topographic low along rim where dark patch occurs. rJJ. Asymmetric ejecta deposits '< may indicate either dark substrate or impact melt. Craters thought to display melt deposits are not included in this "' survey. 3 Evidence for ancient mare volcanism 2903 which typically exhibit albedoes of 0.12, and much lighter crater ray deposits, which exhibit albedoes of the order of 0.2-0.3. Such regions with strong photo- metric contrasts may be misidentified as possible mare deposits. Although em- pirical techniques exist to determine the absolute albedoes, photographic cov- 1979LPSC...10.2899S erage is extremely variable and generally exhibit poor photometric calibration. For example, photographic sources include earth-based telescopic views under different illuminations (Kuiper et al., 1967), as well as Lunar Orbiter, Apollo (Hasselblad, metric, panoramic frames), Mariner 10 and Zond 8 photographs. In the absence of absolute values of albedoes, regions with very high albedoes (cra- ter rays) were generally avoided. As a result of the preceding limitations, several criteria were used to identify dark-haloed craters that most likely could indicate excavated deposits of mafic material. First, the crater size range was generally restricted between 1 and 20 km. This restriction provides a large sample of craters and partly avoids the problem of large ponds of impact melt. It also unifies the scale of the data base (high-resolution Apollo photography and low-resolution earth-based photogra- phy). Exceptions to this size restriction include clusters of smaller dark-haloed craters and these