ISSUE #165 April 2021 April CONTENTS 2021 165
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The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING TM Williams Pinball Volume 6, Mine- craft, Suicide Squad, and more this issue. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury claws into living rooms! ISSUE #165 April 2021 April CONTENTS 2021 165 Links: Home Page Section Page(s) Editor’s Desk 4 Female Side 5 Comics 7 Sound Off 8 - 10 Look Back 12 Quiz 13 Devotional 14 In The News 16 - 23 We Would Play That! 24 Reviews 25 - 37 Sports 38 - 41 Developing Games 42 - 67 Now Playing 68 - 83 Last Minute Tidbits 84 - 108 “Family Friendly Gaming” is trademarked. Contents of Family Friendly Gaming is the copyright of Paul Bury, and Yolanda Bury with the exception of trademarks and related indicia (example Digital Praise); which are prop- erty of their individual owners. Use of anything in Family Friendly Gaming that Paul and Yolanda Bury claims copyright to is a violation of federal copyright law. Contact the editor at the business address of: Family Friendly Gaming 7910 Autumn Creek Drive Cordova, TN 38018 [email protected] Trademark Notice Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft all have trademarks on their respective machines, and games. The current seal of approval, and boy/girl pics were drawn by Elijah Hughes thanks to a wonderful donation from Tim Emmerich. Peter and Noah are inspiration to their parents. Family Friendly Gaming Page 2 Page 3 Family Friendly Gaming Editor’s Desk FEMALE SIDE world I have hope. My trust, hope, and joy #UncancelAmerica. Diversity come from God. I know everything is in his Blessings Abound Holy Hands. If we are in the last days before Day after day we are taken care of and pro- Something I have noticed in recent years is the political left I am so very thankful for each and every one of ya’ll that the Antichrist then so be it. If I live out my tected by God. Satan and his minions are is on the attack against diversity. The whole cancel culture are supportive of Family Friendly Gaming. The more I life and the Earth keeps on spinning then so constantly trying to destroy those that obey from the political left shows they do not celebrate diver- think about life the more thankful I am for all of the amaz- be it. Philippians 1:21 “For to me, to live is God faithfully. We are far from perfect. We sity. They do not embrace diversity. They are attacking and ing blessings we have in our lives. We have reached mil- Christ, and to die is gain.” Paul hit the nail on are grateful God watches out for us. We are attempting to destroy anyone who is diverse from them. lions with Family Friendly Gaming. We have constantly the head there. To live is Christ, and to die is thankful God leads, guides and directs us. Their hypocrisy is astounding. They run around claiming grown no matter where we go or how we do it. We are so gain. I keep doing God’s will for my life on We appreciate the love, grace and compassion to celebrate diversity when they actually are trying to at- blessed to have so many followers, subscribers, readers, and a daily basis. I don’t do it for awards and ac- God has shown us. We did not deserve it, nor tack and destroy it. The double standards from the politi- viewers. We are so thankful for all of our sponsors, adver- colades on Earth. I do it because I am grate- did we do anything to earn it. Thank you for cal left are horrible. From Nancy Pelosi to Gavin Newsom tisers, donators, and members. We get help from people ful to God for saving my eternal soul. I do taking the time to read this. You are appreci- we see examples over and over again of how they say one all over the world. We have readers and viewers from all it because I want all ya’ll in heaven with me ated. We are humbled that you took that time thing and do the exact opposite. Then they blame others across the globe. when our time here ends. out of your busy schedule. for exposing them as complete and total hypocrites. The Democrat controlled media lets them get away with it. We are so appreciative of the grace all ya’ll have given us God bless, God bless, Instead they obsess over Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz did not cause over the years. We are human, and we make mistakes. Paul Bury Yolanda Bury the black outs, or cold weather. Too much green energy We are far from perfect. We acknowledge these facts. We is part of the problem in Texas. Those windmills froze up strive to be better every single day. We work on improv- and stopped spinning. Maybe some solar panels would ing ourselves and Family Friendly Gaming as often as have been a wiser course of action. The problem with green possible. It is fascinating to go back and see older reviews, energy is the cost. Why hasn’t BIG TECH made the costs previews, news stories, and magazine issues to see how cheaper? much we have improved over the years. It is fantastic to see how many readers have supported us over the years. Those I am sick and tired of companies like Coke spewing such readers have grown over the years. We are so very thankful hate speech and racist things. I believe in treating everyone for that. equally no matter the color of their skin. The content of their character is more important to me. Do they obey God There have been so many organizations that have been sup- or openly rebel? Do they humble themselves to follow the portive of Family Friendly Gaming over the years. There path God put before them? I know people from all kinds have been advertisers, sponsors, and more. A wide array of of walks of life. Some obey God. Some partially obey God. companies have sent Family Friendly Gaming a plethora of Some rebel against God. Some openly rebel against God. products. We are so very thankful of everything they have When people ask me the questions about what they should done for us over the years. My hubby shows me so many do I always point them to God. Seek God and humble wonderful emails, letters, and other communications that yourself. God will prune things away from you that you have come into Family Friendly Gaming. We have assisted do not need. God will grow areas of your life you never so many companies over the years. It is wonderful to see thought you would participate in. Do you think I wanted to how we have touched their lives. create Family Friendly Gaming? Do you think I wanted to deal with haters and death threats? Do you think I wanted There are always haters out there that express themselves. evil, vile and wicked people spewing all kinds of lies about We are thankful that we reached them and their minds me? Do you think I wanted to open myself up to criticism were exposed to new and diverse thoughts from what they from radicals on the far left? previously knew. We enjoy spirited, civil, and polite debate on a wide array of topics. We live and let live. We don’t Even though we are in dark times in America and the try to cancel them for their beliefs. We strongly believe in Family Friendly Gaming Page 4 Page 5 Family Friendly Gaming Lesson-based EDUCATION & FUN Mission SOCIAL MEDIA Statement TIDBITS Family Friendly Gaming (FFG) was cre- ated in March of the year of our Lord 2005 as the first ever Christian video game magazine. The goal of Family Friendly Gaming is to report on video games from the family view point. Family Friendly Gaming takes a fair and bal- anced approach to all news, previews, reviews, interviews, features, and other Colossians: 9781935915010 | 1 Peter: 9780976054870 | 2 Peter: 9780976054887 | Phillipians: 9781935915010 | James: 9780976054863 articles found within. The secular video 1 Timothy: 9780976054825 | 2 Timothy: 9780976054894 | Interactive Parables: 9780976054801 | Interactive Parables Spanish: 9780976054818 game media reports mainly on the most morally bankrupt games and call those games good. The major secular media Interactive Bible Series for Windows by GraceWorks Interactive reports on the bad side of video games mainly. Most other Christian media outlets claim video games turn the player into a zombie, or they completely wor- ship video games. Family Friendly Gam- ing reports the good, and bad side effects alog features 1 to video games. It is the belief of the s cat 500 Thi + owners that readers are smart enough to vailable Homesch come to their conclusions without those 0 a ool 00 titl in the media handing opinions to them. DVD-ROMs contain PowerPoint Bible stories, 3 - 5 on 9 es each disk. The PowerPoints contain stunning lifelike of . Those of us at Family Friendly Gaming still graphics. Not cartoons, but computer generated photorealistic imagery. Their purpose is to provide a believe by giving you the facts, you can great backdrop while the teacher articulates the story, decide for yourself. There are plenty of re- there is no audio, but a lesson outline is provided for the teacher along with Bible references. Each story also has ally good video games on the market that a printable PDF activity sheet and a coloring page. teach wonderful lessons. Both inside the 14 DVD ROM titles Christian video game market, and from $10.99 each Easter 1 EAN 5060209840680 non-Christian video game developers.