Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

Annual School Report (2015-2016) Professional development programmes were as follows: Date & I. Management and Organization Topics Guests/Persons -in-Charge Duration 1. Mission of the School Fri New special arrangement Lo SK Our school is a subsidized grammar girls' school run by the Daughters 18/9/2015 in DSE for SEN Students & of Mary Help of Christians. Founded in 1973 and now in its 43rd year, it 4 hours Gifted Education has incorporated the educational philosophy of St. Mary Mazzarello Programme and St. John Bosco of educating the young with a harmonious and IT training to prepare for Tang SL joyous family spirit of loving kindness, reason and religion. The e-learning part 1 emphases of our mission are: Briefing on School Target Sr. Kwok MY, Yau WP, Leung PS, Chik CY, Fong PF, Ng SH a. With the teaching of Christ and values of the Gospel, we create an Fri Learning Motivation & Dr. Leung Shing Him educational environment that is full of joy, love and care. We help 25/9/2015 Catering for Learner’s our students to live with a clear sense of direction and to find the 2 hours Diversity true meaning of life. Fri “Mini-opera” of Mr. Morton Chan (CUHK b. We commit ourselves to the all-round formation of our students, 16/10/2015 Self-directed Learning: Quality School Improvement putting equal stress on the importance of spirituality, virtue, 3.5 hours from revision to project) wisdom, physique, sociability and aesthetic appreciation. construction of knowledge c. We encourage our students to participate actively in the life-long Wed IT training to prepare for Tang SL learning process, to apply the acquired knowledge to everyday 23/3/2016 e-learing part 2 situations, to cherish their lives and to contribute to the 6 hours To re-visit and realize the Mr. Peter Lau Chiu Yin community. vision of our Catholic Assistant to the Episcopal schools Delegate For Education 2. Class Organization and School Facilities Review on School Target I Yau WP, Leung PS, Fong PF There are altogether 25 classes with 4 classes each in S.1 to S.5, and & II 5 classes in S.6. The total number of students is 832. The computer Tue Catholic School Teachers’ Catholic Diocese of network in the school covers all 26 classrooms and 14 special rooms 17/5/2016 Day – “I am The Way, The including 2 multi-media learning centres (MMLC/ITLC) each providing 2 hours Truth and The Life” 44 sets of personal computers. The network also covers the library and Tue Evalution on School Target Yau WP, Leung PS, the hall. There is also a chapel, an English Corner, a Parents’ Resource 24/5/2016 (Major Concern I & II) Ng SH, Fong PF, Room, a Social Worker’s Room, 2 Counselling Rooms, a basketball Choi FY, Chun KY, court, 2 netball courts, a garden, a self-study area and a Snack & Chat Tang SL Area on the playground.

3. Teachers’ Information II. Teaching and Learning The total number of full-time and part-time teaching staff is 61, which includes a Native-speaking English Teacher. All 61 teachers hold 1. Medium of Instruction English is uniformly used as the medium of instruction at all form levels professional qualifications. All language teachers hold language except for the subjects of Chinese Language, Chinese History, proficiency qualifications. There are 40 teachers holding Master’s Putonghua, Chinese Literature, Liberal Studies, Ethics & Religious degrees, 20 holding Bachelor’s degrees and 1 other holding tertiary Education, Life & Society and Visual Arts where Chinese is used education qualification. Teachers participate actively in school-based instead. development programmes as well as professional seminars, talks, local and overseas courses to enhance their professional capacities. The following table shows the subjects taught in English in 2015-2016 4. School Administration S.1 – S.3 S.4 – S.6 The IMC of the School was set up on 30 August 2013. There are 14 English Language English Language School Managers working with the Principal and coming from 5 Mathematics Mathematics categories, namely School Sponsoring Body the Salesian Sisters, History (S.2 – S.3) History Teacher, Parent, Alumni and Independent Managers. Together with the Geography (S.2 – S.3) Geography rest of the school community, they strive to uphold the vision and Science (S.1 – S.2) Economics mission of the School. New term of office of the Teacher, Parent, Biology (S.3) Biology Alumni and Independent Managers started this school year on 1 Chemistry (S.3) Chemistry September 2016 and will last for 2 years. Physics (S.3) Physics Technology & Living Technology & Living(S. 5 & S. 6) The School Policy & Executive Team, consisting of 34 teaching staff Business, Accounting, Financial Computer Literacy and headed by the principal and vice-principals, draws up school Studies policies. These school policies and functions are implemented by Music various functional groups categorized into 5 sections, namely Physical Education Academic Development, Student Formation, Student Activities, Social Studies(S. 1) General Management / Support Services and IT Assisted Education.

5. Staff Professional Development 2 Learning & Teaching The theme of staff professional development of the year was to 2a. Curriculum Organization—S4 elective subjects enhance teachers’ capacity in facilitating the School Target I of “To combination enhance English Proficiency and general learning and teaching This year (2015-16), there are four classes in S5. Among the classes, effectiveness through reading across the curriculum, strengthening two classes (5C, 5D) are for those who take 3 elective subjects (3X) learning skills/strategies and catering for diverse learning needs in whereas two classes are for those who take 2 elective subjects (2X). class” especially in the increasing diversity in learning and School Therefore, students of different abilities are provided with the Target II of “To enhance students’ leadership and self-confidence” opportunities to study different electives. especially in the implementation of PIE (Planning-Implementation- . Evaluation) cycle for student leaders. It also aimed at preparing staff There are four classes in S4. One (4C) of those taking 3 elective members for the full implementation of IT in Education for the school subjects (3X) and the other classes taking 2X. After discussion at the year 2016-2017. Furthermore it also aimed at orientating staff members SPET meeting about the S.4 subject combinations for next school year, in the spirit of the implementation of the Core Values of Catholic it was decided to keep this year’s arrangements. Education under the spirit of the Incorporated Management Committee.


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas 4A (2X) 4B (2X) 4C (3X) 4D (2X) and emotions to others and through their reading and listening, others Core 1 Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Subjects 2 English English English English can communicate with them. Through appreciating a variety of texts in 3 Mathematics Mathematics mathematics Mathematics particular, students have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, 4 Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal intellectually, socially and spiritually. Literature, especially, plays a key Studies Studies Studies Studies role in such development. Reading also enables students both to Elective 1 Physics/Biology/History/Chinese Literature/BAFS (ACCT)/Visual Arts Subjects 2 Chemistry/Economices/Geography/Chinese History/BAFS(MGT) acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know. 3 -- Maths M1/ -- The students had benefited greatly from using class discussion in order Chemistry/ to learn – the acquisition of a wider vocabulary, and a better Biology 4  Ethics and Religious Studies (students will attend lessons on understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for Saturday morning) /Music/Other Language reading, writing and spoken language. A progression in learning was highly observable from the students 2b. Language across the Curriculum (LAC) in S.2 Geography across the junior form years. They demonstrated that they could write Rationale more clearly, accurately and coherently, and adapted their language 1. to integrate content learning and English learning and style in for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. 2. to raise students’ language proficiency and strengthen literacy skills in this content subject 2d. S.2 Drama Day Camp (English Version Only) This year’s S.2 drama day camp was conducted in the hall from Implementation 14/3/2016 to 18/3/2016. For four lessons, S.2 students engaged An English teacher has been assigned to teach 3 classes of themselves in theatre-related activities, line reading and rehearsals Geography in S.2, with the students who are not very proficient in leading to a stage performance. Students were asked to incorporate English. The teacher has revised the teaching materials, e.g. handouts an argument scene into their 8 to 10-minute play. Prior to the camp, and PowerPoint. Regarding teaching pedagogy, the teacher has teachers had taken students through drama-teaching and adopted the following strategies in order to enhance students’ script-writing. language proficiency: 1. Asking students to read the chapter before lesson and finish a Students were very positive about the drama day camp. In the simple summary task (reading skills) evaluation, they expressed that they had improved speaking and 2. Pre-teaching difficult keywords before starting the chapter, e.g. writing skills while acquiring various drama techniques and acting skills. marine animals (understanding vocabulary) They claimed that their confidence was enhanced and that they 3. Emphasising the singular/plural forms of nouns, parts of speech experienced joy in the learning process. They also recognized the and usage of vocabulary apart from explaining the meaning (use importance of team spirit, communication, cooperation, division of of vocabulary) labour and commitment in the preparation process. A majority of them 4. Helping students to decode the organization of a paragraph and appreciated this kind of learning method. Some said that drama could sentence patterns in textbooks (reading skills) help them explore other talents, like creativity. 5. Guiding students to identify keywords and use own graphic organisers It was through this drama day camp, alongside twelve other English 6. Designing worksheets and short quizzes for low-achievers, e.g. lessons on drama features conducted in the first term, that all S.2 fill in the blanks students had a hands-on experience in drama. 7. Designing tasks for students to give output using the concepts acquired, e.g. presenting causes and effects of farming problems, Theatre-going activities with language input (speaking skills) Title of Performing Date Venue Participants

English Group Evaluation Show In general, the teaching strategies were effective. Students showed Les AFTEC 18/3/2016 Sai Wan 283 improvements in both the English usage and content knowledge in this Miserables Ho Civic (all S.4 & subject. For example, they were more able to justify the reasons or Centre S.5 present the concepts in full sentences in class with language inputs. In students assessment tasks, students were also aware of the importance of except for language accuracy while giving answers. When students have prior those who knowledge of the key vocabulary before the introduction of concepts, had to they can learn the subject knowledge more efficiently. In certain topics, prepare for they were even able to read and understand the concepts before the Moot coming to class. Court Furthermore, giving chances for students to explain and present the competition concepts learnt was found particularly useful. The teacher could check held the students’ understanding apart from enhancing their speaking skills. following However, it required more lesson time so some of the chapters were day) not covered as planned.

2c. English Literature in Junior Forms (English Version Only) The subject targets to further enhance and extend the students’ ability

3. S.3 Project-based Learning 3a. Junior Projects For the overall planning of project skills training, different generic skills training were highlighted in different forms in school. This enabled students to master basic learning skills and generic skills at the completion of their junior secondary curriculum and to construct their own knowledge and prepare for lifelong learning. This year, the S1 subjects of Social Studies and Life and Society worked together on training students’ understanding of data. For S2, the Mathematics and Science Departments focused on data analysis and processing. For S3 cross-circular project, students were provided with opportunities to work as a team to investigate a problem. They conducted a survey, collected, analyzed and processed the data, and finally made a conclusion. S1 S2 S3 Implementation Whole Year Whole Year 2nd Term 4 key Learning Areas Project Learning and Reading to Learn Project Learning and Information Technology for Project Learning, Reading to Learn and Interactive Learning Information Technology for Interactive Learning Generic Skills  Communication skills  Communication skills  Communication skills  Information technology skills  Information technology skills  Information technology skills  Problem solving skills  Problem solving skills  Problem solving skills  Critical thinking skills  Critical thinking skills  Critical thinking skills  Numeracy skills (data analysis  Numeracy skills(data analysis and  Numeracy skills(data analysis and processing) processing) 4

Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

S1 S2 S3 Implementation Whole Year Whole Year 2nd Term Values and Attitudes  Perseverance  Perseverance  Perseverance  Respect for others  Respect for others  Respect for others  Responsibility  Responsbility  Responsibility  Commitment  Commitment  Commitment  National Identity  National Identity Project Skills Data Analysis and Processing Data Analysis and Processing Data collection, Analysis and Processing.  Observation (Chi/Eng/IS)  Observation (Chi/Eng/IS) Summarize and to Conclude  Data Collection (Eng)  Writing web pages (Comp)  Set a Question (Project)  Identify first-hand and second hand  Data Collection (Maths/IS)  Writing interview letter (Chi) information (SS)  Analysis of quantitative data (Maths)  Interview (Project)  Understand the importance of first-hand  Calculate the reliability of data (Maths)  Research Method (Project ) information (SS)  Ability to discuss and summarize (Chi)  Questionnaires (Project)  Collect second-hand information to assist  Writing a 2-pages Chinese summary in identifying existing problems (SS) report (Chi)  Screening information (SS)  Data analysis and processing,  Distinguish between facts (facts) and summarize and to conclude (Teacher opinions (opinions) (SS) advisors)  PowerPoint (Comp)  Preparation of PowerPoint and  Ability to discuss and summarize (Eng) presentation during English lessons (Eng)  Distinguish between facts and opinions (Chi) Learning Areas Chi/Eng/Comp/Social studies/IS Chi/Eng/Maths/Comp/IS  teacher advisors: regular meetings with students to facilitate and monitor the progress.  KLA: Project skills training  Project Team: Overall planning and implementation Project Team Chan SM / Lam CS Kwok FL / Lo YY Wong PS / Ng SH

3b. S.3 Project Learning “Project Learning” is one of the four key tasks in the Basic Education Curriculum Guide (2002). Our school has been carrying out projects since the school year of 1999/2000. A team of 5 teachers was set up in 2003 for developing and implementing plans for S3 Project Learning. In order to align with the NSS curriculum and our school target, the plan for S.3 Project Learning aims to provide a range of balanced experiences to enhance students’ development of generic skills for life-long learning. While other teachers took up different roles, project teacher each supervised 6 students in a group. Students worked out answers to their own queries. We believe that project learning is a good opportunity for students to transfer knowledge to experience through searching for, analyzing and organizing information. This helps to enhance independent thinking, problem solving and critical thinking abilities. In order to broaden students’ horizons and train them to think more critically, the projects were switched to a more enquiry-learning approach . Questions involving high order thinking were raised in the presentation session. This year, a 9th period was arranged to facilitate group discussion with project teachers. Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants/Result 3/11/2015 Introduction of project skills to students S.3 After Test - Interview Satisfactory (127) - Invitation letter - Questionnaire - Experiment - Report 14/01/2016 1st Meeting with teacher advisers S.3 + Teacher Advisors After Exam - Mind Mapping Satisfactory (127) - Group Discussion 3/12 (Team) Regular meeting with advisors to review progress 18/1(Project Pro) 27/1(Questionnaire) 25/2(Rehearsal) 17/3(Final Pre) (9th Period: 16:00 – 16:40 pm) Handing in “Project Proposal” to teacher adviser 21/1/2016 Confirmation of “Project Topic” 18/2/2016 Handing in “Progress Report” to teacher advisers 1/2/2016 Project Team giving advice on Questionnaire 7-8th Lesson Mock Presentation S.3 + S.5 Helpers + Teacher Advisors 3/3/2016 Handling in “Abstract” to Office PowerPoint Presentation S.2 + S.3 + S.5 Helpers + Teacher 22/3/2016 Peer evaluation Advisors + S3 Parents Satisfactory (S3)(127) Satisfactory (S2)(127)

Number of 4. Aesthetic Development Date Activities/Tasks 4a. Visual Arts Participants/Outcome Many visual arts activities were held so as to enable students to workshop broaden and diversify their arts learning experiences through different 29/10/2015 “Pressed flower keychain” 19 channels workshop 12/11/2015 “Ceramic chimes” workshop 15 List of activities: 19/11/2015 “Decoupage coin bag” 20 Number of workshop Date Activities/Tasks Participants/Outcome 26/11/2015 “Glass bottle painting” 20 Internal activities workshop 22/10/2015 “Colored sand bottle” 20 3/12/2015 “Casting resin and crystals 20


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

Number of 4c. Music Date Activities/Tasks Participants/Outcome 4 Chinese instrumental groups and 5 Western instrumental classes pendant” workshop were organized this year. 10/12/2015 “3D snowflakes” workshop 20 The Chinese orchestra, string ensemble, woodwind ensemble, 25/2/2016 “Lucky wooden pinwheel” 10 melodica band as well as the choir were formed to participate in various workshop musical activities including lunchtime concerts, Open Day Talent 3/3/2016 “Potted flower with memo 20 show, Annual concert in school and various performances outside holder” workshop school. Students were also encouraged to attend the HK Schools 10/3/2016 “Making wind hanger” 17 Music Festival Competition and student concert outside. All these workshop activities helped students develop their interests and potential in music 17/3/2016 “Decoupage of wooden 20 as well as broaden their horizons. case” workshop Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants/Result 7/4/2016 “Making casting resin and 20 24-26/11/ Learning Representatives from each class of F.1 crystals for mirror” 2015 Carnival – Music and F.3 were encouraged and selected 14/4/2016 “Making globe pendants” 18 performance by their classmates to give music workshop performances during the Carnival. 21/4/2016 “Tie-dye for drawstring bag” 8 There were instrument solo, ensemble, workshop dance and group singing etc. For F.2 28/4/2016 “Handmade soap” workshop 20 classes, the groups which wrote good 5/5/2016 “Beaded keychain for 20 bailans (白欖) were selected to recite Mother’s Day” workshop their works. As a whole, the audiences 24-27/1/ Junior Form Visual Arts Whole school enjoyed the performances of the 2016 Exhibition classes very much. 28/11/2015 Open Day Talent About 160 students took part in various 12/2015 S6 Visual Arts Exhibition Whole school performance performances, including instrument 12/2015 S6 Portfolio Sharing Whole school solo, woodwind ensemble, melodica External activities band, Chinese orchestra and choir 23/9/2015 Visited the Exhibition 11 singing. This provided chances for 《Walking in the Dreams》& students to display their musical 《The Past is continuing》 talents. 10/10/2015 JA Career Dimensions- 9 10/12/2015 Jockey Club About 120 F.1 students attended the Culture Mixer Keys To Music concert at Tsuen Wan Town Hall on 14/10/2015 - Joined《HIT Graffiti 15 Education that day. They appreciated the music of 9/12/2015 workshop》-12 hours Programme - different musical periods and the tone Schools color of different Western musical 15/10/2015 Pyrography art 23 Concerts instruments. Concert reports were Demonstration & workshop organized by the written. 12/12/2015 Visited the Exhibition 20 HK Philharmonic 《 Familiar Otherness: Orchestra Art Across Northeast 10,11/12/ Singing Contest There were 3 instrument soloists, 6 Asia》,guided tour & 2015 – semi final and solo singers in junior forms, 17 solo workshop instrument solo singers in senior forms and 17 groups 30/1/2016 Visited Hong Kong 15 final to take part in the Singing Contest International Terminals & semi-final respectively. Winners in Joined the Graffiti activity instrument solo and junior solo singing 12/3/2016 Visited《M+ Sigg Collection 20 were chosen. Then 4 soloists in senior Exhibition》& guided tour forms and 4 groups with the highest marks were qualified to enter into the 27/4/2016 Visited the Exhibition 11 final on 24/5/2016. 《Freeman Lau & Design: th 22/2-23/3/ The 68 HK About 150 students participated in 34 》 Inter-dependent Decisions 2016 Schools Music events, including the instrument solo, 30/4/2016 Visited the Art Exhibitions of 11 Festival singing in solo, choir, melodica band, HKICC Lee Shau Kee woodwind ensemble and Chinese School of Creativity instrument ensemble etc. They won a 5/2016 Visited the Exhibition《Claude 20 number of merit and proficiency Monet: The Spirit of Place》 awards.  F.1B Ariel Chan - Winner in Piano solo Grade 7 4b Drama Club  2nd in secondary school The Drama Club this year organized activities and courses to develop choir – singing in Chinese - students’ drama skills and experience. In various activities from second division – age 16 or under rd October 2015 to July 2016, students were given training in stage  F.2A Poon Chung Ki - 3 in performance and cooperative learning during 20 sessions by a Kuzheng solo Grade 7 Professional drama tutor, Ms Arternis Leung. Basically, there are The results were satisfactory. three stages in the programme: the training stage, the rehearsal stage 24/5/2016 Annual concert About 170 students participated in the and the performance stage. The training stage adds up to 30 hours 2016 and performances of instrument solo, choir whereas the rehearsal stage lasts for 6 hours. In total, there are 36 Singing Contest singing, woodwind ensemble, Chinese hours of training before students are ready to perform the drama on – Final orchestra, melodica band and guitar stage. ensemble etc. They had practiced with Date Activities No. of participants great effort and the performances were 24/10/2015 Drama appreciation «我要做 satisfactory and remarkable. 15 For the Singing Contest - Final, 細路» winners of senior solo singing and 2/2016 Hong Kong School Drama group singing were chosen. The 15 Festival 2015-2016 adjudicator was invited to give 10/2015-5/2016 Drama training workshop 15 comments and a demonstration of 6/2016-7/2016 Rehearsal singing. 15 (4 sessions) 6/7/2016 Annual Speech The choir and woodwind ensemble 11/7/2016 Performance Whole school Day band gave performances for the performance ceremony.


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

4d. School-Based Curriculum of Aesthetic Development for 2015-2016 NSS1 Music Instrument Stage Design Image Design Script writing Dance Drama playing 11/9 Introduction of the programmes provided by the Aesthetic Development 11/9 --Introduction &Grouping Appreciation of Introduction of ASD Introduction of Basic skills of Jazz -Ice Breaking - Music appreciation the artistic curriculum script writing Dance -theatre games 16/9 Opera appreciation elements of Introduction of clothing Appreciation of - Aida – Triumphal March Stage Design of and image Drama “Mr. Nan 25/9 -The Magic Flute–Sweet Music, Musicals: Preparation of portfolio Hoi “ -The bird catcher’s song and - “Romeo and Queen of the Night Juliet -”Jekyll and Hyde” 2/10 - Music Instrumental Introduction of Introduction of drug -Theory of Drama appreciation ensemble the artistic fashion design -Theatre games and -Sing songs of elements of competition improvisations HK Music shop window Body measurement and festival Design design 9/10 Pattern drafting skill 1 Appreciation and Dancing practice: 30/10 Pattern drafting skill 2 analysis “Jekyll Jazz Dance 6/11 Introduction of Construction of bodice &Hyde” the Perspective and decoration Musical 13/11 Construction of jacket -Warm up exercises with front opening and -Co-working on collars annual performance 19/11 Open Day practice Fashion Construction Elements of a with assorted materials Script:Creating characters 27/11 Elements of a Script:Dialogue 4/12 Open Day Performance Making a 3D Fashion illustration skill Elements of a -Co-working on – singing 小毛驢 model Script:plot annual performance 11/12 -Sing Christmas songs & songs of Mask painting Elements of a -Casting HK Music festival Script:themes -Music played by instrumental ensemble 18/12 -Sing Christmas Instrumental Workshop – 3D facial Elements of a songs & songs ensemble painting Script:conflict of HK Music festival -Music Appreciation 22/1 Sing songs of HK Fashion draping with Write a story -Rehearsal for the Music festival satin annual performance 29/1 Fashion draping with Clarify a plot -Train backstage cotton sequence and its team for the annual relationship performance 19/2 Discussion of project Script Writing 26/2 Design and theme 4/3 making the art Preparation for Year 11/3 work with the End Performance 18/3 following theme: 8/4 Preparation for Year End -Alice in Preparation for 15/4 Performance Wonderland Year End 22/4 -Pandora’s Box Performance 29/4 -Sea World 6/5 -Tang Dynasty Preparation for -UK in 18th 13/5 Presentation 20/5 27/5 Presentation and Performance (for S4) 7/2016 Presentation and Performance (for whole school)

5. Library Information Literacy Training Workshop for all the Form 1 students, in To promote a reading culture on campus and to develop “Learning from addition to the library lessons for Form 1 students. The workshop reading” equipped students with e-learning and various information searching skills. All Form 1 students finished an e-learning worksheet and several a. New initiatives and practices for better library services tasks. This year, two assisting librarians from Hong Kong Public To help the library facilitate teaching and learning, the library has Libraries (HKPL) were invited to our school to introduce and show developed its Collection Management Policy for 6 years. The latest students how to use various e-resources and e-books provided by Collection Management Policy was carried out and uploaded to the HKPL. They also taught students advanced search skills, like Boolean library web page. It is hoped that the reviewed Collection Management Logic. Policy can further enhance consensus-building and the quality of various library services and allow the library collection to facilitate Now the library provides photocopying, printing and laptop borrowing students’ academic development better and meet their needs more. services to students. All library facilities are frequently used. There are This year, our library has already been promoting e-learning more totally 14 laptop computers and 6 stationary computers for students to according to the policy. use to search for useful information this year. We have purchased 2 more i-Pad Air to create more opportunities for students to search To help students develop information literacy, the teacher librarian has information to read. The home page of the library has been revised and organized a lunchtime workshop. She has also specially organized an updated regularly, with information and photographs of activities. In


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

addition, we continue to use our more interactive and informative Web d. Helping students enhance English proficiency & learning 2.0 Online-Public-Access library catalog to facilitate information effectiveness – School Development Target (2015-2018) Major searching. The book reviews written in our Web 2.0 Catalogue can also concern I: To enhance English Proficiency and general learning be counted to earn marks in the Outstanding Reader Award Scheme, in and teaching effectiveness through reading across the curriculum, order to encourage the use of Web 2.0 and to enrich its content. strengthening learning skills/strategies and catering for diverse learning needs in class. To maintain its efficiency, our library continues to use the School Union Catalog and adopt good ideas from EDB Library Support Service and To echo the school development target, we encourage students to read other schools. extensively various English reading materials and English books, including our English e-books and the electronic encyclopedia b. Circulation and other library services Britannica Online to improve their English standard and subject-related In this academic year, the library received a school grant of $35,000 for knowledge. Moreover, to encourage students to use the English buying books and $24,000 for English e-books & e-learning resources. e-books more, the library specially organized an e-book report writing Many good books were purchased with the help of different subject competition. This year we have specially invited Ms. Kong Ching, a heads and the teacher librarian. All new books were displayed for 1 or 2 writer who majored in English Literature in her master’s degree, to weeks in the library before shelving. The library has also been deliver a talk titled “English books are easy to read”. She also responsible for cataloging ERS books, all magazines and teacher introduced various young readers and useful methods to cultivate reference books. Most reference books have been released for students’ habit of reading English books. Ms. Kong adopted a very students to borrow. interactive approach to inspire our students to reflect on their reading habits and provided effective suggestions to encourage them to start Now about 100 students visit the library daily. They not only borrow reading English books with initiative as well. books of fiction, but also publications of diverse academic disciplines. From 24th September, 2015 to 20th April, 2016, according to the SLS We also taught students how to submit online book reports and share system and the records of the language teachers, the total number of their reading with others in the Reading Share Garden, in the books borrowed by the students was 18,259 (English: 10,516, Chinese: classrooms and Online Reading Clubs. We hope this kind of reflection 7,743); of which 5,167 books (English: 1,295, Chinese: 3,872) were and sharing can help students think more in-depth. They were also borrowed from the library, and 13,092 books (English: 9,221, Chinese: encouraged to make use of the audio-visual materials at school and the 3,871) were borrowed in the classrooms (Extensive Reading Scheme). free e-resources available online provided by the Public Libraries. The Moreover, the number of e-books read by the students from September library also organized workshops to train interested students to to 31st March is 2103 also increased. The total usage of the electronic organize and run their own reading clubs. The library is very clear encyclopedia Britannica Online from April, 2015 to March, 2016 was about the close relationship between a student’s information literacy 190,266 times. The situation was excellent. All library prefects have and self-learning skills and her future success nowadays, especially been well trained to maintain an excellent circulation service. after the implementation of the NSS.

The library still maintains its service and efficiency by making fuller use e. Supporting teaching and learning in various subjects of the SLS functions. Now users can reserve and renew library materials both at school and at home online. They can also receive i.Reading to learn e-mails sent by the library. We successfully applied for the Public The library supports the Extensive Reading Scheme of both the English Library (PL) Board Loan service. Now through our arrangements, Language and Chinese Language faculties. It is also responsible for students can get up to 200 extra reference items from the PL for two the borrowing and returning of all books and distributing of all months when working on a particular theme. This year, we continued to worksheets involved in the S.1 to S.4 E&RE reading scheme. This year, offer the Student Self-purchase Book Scheme to make sure the the library‘s support of “Teaching and Learning” has practically collection can accommodate students’ needs and interests. maintained to be with 3 subjects, i.e. Chinese Language, English Language and E&RE. We have often encouraged colleagues in Staff c. Reading Promotion Meetings to make use of our “tailor-made” borrowing and returning A lot of initiatives were employed this year to promote reading, (Please service more. The library will continue to encourage and support see the table below for details) in order to help students develop their different subjects to make use of this through-train service, our library knowledge through using the library materials and enhance students’ collection or other library services to strengthen and enrich learning academic abilities. A “Star of the Day” was also chosen whenever we content by reading, so as to improve learning outcomes. had library activities. The library also held several Reading Club gatherings and reading promotion activities, including the wonderful ii. E-learning Reading Week activities and book fairs. During staff meetings or through intra-mails, we encouraged teachers of various subjects to cooperate with the library to enhance students’ Moreover, the "Highest Borrowing Record" was announced every 3 information literacy and online self-directed learning skills. This year, months. An award was presented to the class who achieved the according to our plan, we continued to subscribe to the e-learning highest score in each form. The best readers in each form and the best resource Britannica Online Encyclopedia for students to get used to 10 in the school also received certificates and 50 marks in the searching for reliable information. The additional features like storage, Outstanding Reader Award Scheme. translation, pronunciation, and meaning for each word can help students learn efficiently. We arranged representatives from Cengage The library held 2 book exhibitions by book companies. All book fairs Learning, our e-book supplier, to explain and demonstrate to all the were well received. Students bought 397 books (HK$29,024) in the first Form One students. We especially organized the whole school E-book book fair and 552 books in the second one (HK$29,700) . Reading Report Competition this year to stimulate students to use the e-resource more. There were lots of activities during Reading Week, including Mini Reading Carnival, book fair and special reading activities organized by The computers in the library were purchased specifically for e-learning. the English Department during morning assemblies and the Chinese The Apabi software was installed on all computers in the library. This Department during a lunch-time. The reading week was kindly allows students to read “Fang Zheng” e-books online. Moreover, supported by many parties. The programmes were rich. Reading Google Earth was installed on two computers in preparation for ambience was excellent. The students responded well and participated e-learning. The students can use different free e-resources, like the enthusiastically in the activities. Opposing Viewpoints provided by the Hong Kong Public Library. Moreover, we have also encouraged different subject teachers to This year, the school continued to participate in the Reading City co-teach and co-operate with the teacher librarian. In this way students 'Reading happily in school' Programme, using the Reading Club and can develop their information literacy and self-directed online learning reading boards provided to enrich the variety of reading promotion skills through various online resources of a particular subject in context. activities. We not only explored free e-resources and introduced them to our For extracurricular activities, the library often displays posters about students in recent years, our school has entered a new era in these reading and other cultural activities to encourage students to join four years by adding two e-resources – Britannica Online and Brain various activities, such as the “Teens’ Reading Clubs” and “Meeting the Pop, as well as providing more than 1400 e-books, according to our Author” activities organized by the Hong Kong Public Libraries. Many Collection Management Policy. As cultivating self e-learning and students in our school participated in the "Best Books Campaign" information-searching habit takes time, it is hoped that e-learning can organized by the Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union and voted be further supported by the school and we can continue to buy e-books for the best books . and e-resources next year.


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

iii. Information sources and services Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants/Results In view of the teachers’ and students’ needs for information resources 8-9/3/2016 Chinese and English teachers and services, the library has encouraged various subjects and students helped by taking classes to to make enquiries with the teacher librarian or the library assistant participate according to the through different channels, so as to help them seek more or better schedules resources for use. More and more students have communicated with 26/11/2015 Reading Club There were 3 gatherings this year. the teacher librarian to enquire about or request different things, 7/3/2016 gatherings 16 students joined the “How to especially the lower form students. Moreover, the teacher librarian also 20/4/2016 change the world” Reading Club. made use of the Intranet to send students information about different 9 students joined the “Travelling” reading activities or competitions, and encourage them to participate. Reading Club. Some senior form students have made inquiries about the detailed 12 students joined the “San Ti” information of joining some external reading competitions and Reading Club. self-learning resources for the IELTS English examination. The Reading Clubs were organized by Library Prefect Service Group f. On the job librarianship training and leadership training and Mr. Chan Shu Ming was the All the Library Prefects and Library Prefect Assistants were well trained speaker. The gatherings enhanced before the academic year and received on-the-job training throughout students’ insight and helped them the year. Through taking up duties and responsibilities of various types, read in-depth. they were better equipped to be versatile employees in the future. The 9/3/2016 My Reading Club 2 gatherings. new LP Reading Promotion Team, added to the Library Prefect Service 21/3/2016 gatherings Topic 1 was “Life journey”, Group last year, helped to facilitate reading promotion activities. Library organized and chaired by 4C Grace prefects developed better professional knowledge and team spirit Yu. 7 students joined. The teacher through participating in the Open Day and other reading promotion advisor was Mrs. Mak Lau Siu Ming. activities throughout the year. They acquired problem-solving skills and communicative competence through organizing various reading Topic 2 was “Do you think you are activities. Senior students also had the chance to develop their clever?”, organized and chaired by leadership in the group. 4D Angel Yung. 12 students joined. Each of 4 students shared one This year, the Reading Promotion Team had held 7 big meetings and related book. The teacher advisor coordinated constantly to help promote reading, especially during was Mr. Lo Siu Kit. reading week. There were 3 reading club gatherings to discuss various topics with the help of the “Reading Club” team of the Library Prefect My Reading Club was organized by Service Group. The speaker was Mr. Chan Shu Ming in two gatherings. the Reading to Learn Team of the Moreover, the teacher librarian organized training sessions to teach LPSG. The content was highly students how to organize their own reading clubs. They tried to make related to subject learning. For use of other teachers’ expertise by inviting them to be the teacher example, in the 2nd meeting, each advisors. The “Reading to learn” team in the LPSG had helped participant read one book about the organize 2 “My Reading Club” activities this year with the support of the topic and prepared a power-point to teacher librarian. The teacher advisors included Mrs. Mak Lau Siu Ming present before others. The sharing and Mr. Lo Siu Kit. Each participant was required to read a different was rich in content and the book of the same topic and prepared a power-point presentation to discussion was in-depth. share with one another. The “My Reading Club” programme can 28/11/2015 Open Day 10 library prefects introduced the definitely help students realize Reading to Learn independently. Library introduction library facilities, reading promotion activities and our library collection to List of Library related Activities: the visitors. Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants/Results 8/3/2016 – Reading Week All Students participated. 8/2015- Reading Ambassador All library prefects were trained to 11/3/2016 1. English Dept. The reading atmosphere was great reading activities during the reading week. Students 4/2016 Training Programme help promote reading in school in a morning participated in the activities well. 9/2015- Outstanding Reader All students assembly, They had lots of fun. 4/2016 Award Scheme No. of 6 Gold medalists: introducing books No. of 15 Silver medalists: with the theme No. of 45 Bronze medalists: “Heroines”. 9/2015 Every three months, All students. 2. Mini Reading 5/2016 flag presentation to Class ethos was better. Students Carnival (5 outstanding reading were further encouraged to work for reading game classes & certificates the Outstanding Reader Award booths by to the best 10 when receiving certificates Mathematics readers in the school Club, Eco Club, and the best reader Physics Club, in each form Chinese Club 9/2015 3 Library News The Library News Boards serve to Editorial Group & 6/2016 Boards (Two of them inform and inspire students about Library Prefect were updated bi- reading. We continue to use the Service Group) weekly) boards to promote reading using the nd 3. 2 Book Fair latest information about reading and 4. Chinese Dept. activity photos. This year, more lunchtime sharing by Stars of the Day was reading activities posted to inspire students to read th 11/2015- The 27 Most About 60 books from the reading list more. 3/2016 Popular Books were purchased and displayed for 9/2015 Online book report All students are encouraged to Voting students to read. The Chinese 5/2016 submission and submit book reports and share Language teachers helped online reading club about reading online encourage students to vote online. 3/2016 E-book Reading To encourage students to use the 13/1/2016 A training workshop All Form One students participated Report Competition e-books provided by the school on the use of and submitted related worksheets more, the library specially organized e-resources and afterward. This year, two assisting this competition in April. All online information librarians from Hong Kong Public students were encouraged to read searching skills Libraries (HKPL) were invited to our our e-books for the competition. school to introduce and show There was 1 award winner in each students how to use various class. Each got a $50 book coupon. e-resources and e-books provided 17-18/11/20 2 Book Fairs All students by HKPL. They also taught students 15 Both book fairs were very popular. advanced search skills, like Boolean


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants/Results Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants/Results Logic. academic excellence and read 13/10/2015 A training workshop 10 participants more. on “How to organize 14 Christmas Reading Students were encouraged to read my own reading -18/12/201 Promotion more through sharing festive club” 5 happiness and small gifts with the 15/10/2015 Talks in whole-school 1. Britannica Online Encyclopedia students. 8/3/2016 morning assemblies training workshop & E-books 15/12/2015 “Reading in V-Style” Several teams produced videos to about reading introduction and demonstration Reading Promotion join the reading promotion video for all Form One students Video Competition competition.180 students from Form 2. The English Dept. introduced 1 to 3 watched the competition. The books with the theme adjudicators were Ms. Tsun Wing Yi “Heroines”. and Miss Liu Sin Lai. The champion st 4/2/2016 Writer Ms. Kong This year we specially invited Ms. and the 1 runner-up were awarded Ching ’s Talk Kong Ching, a writer who majored in certificates and book coupons. English Literature in her masters 22/4/2016 World Book and The Library Prefect Service Group degree, to deliver a talk titled Copyright Day organized a Book Exchange activity “English books are easy to read”. Activity to echo World Book and Copyright She also introduced various young Day. Moreover, to encourage readers and useful methods to students to read more, book cultivate students’ habit of reading borrowers could receive small gifts English books. Ms. Kong adopted a on that day. very interactive approach to inspire our students to reflect on their reading habits and provided effective suggestions to encourage them to start reading English books with initiative as well. 27/1 - “Borrow-books-to-get Through giving out Chinese lucky 3/2/2016 lucky-sayings” sayings before Lunar New Year, Activity students were inspired to achieve

6. IT Assisted Education We aspire to foster among students the quest for 21st Century The School Intranet system provides accounts for teachers, students knowledge and we keep pace with the Education Bureau Strategies and parents. It also serves the function of communicating, learning and on IT in Education. teaching, project based learning and school administration. Led by the IT Steering Committee and assisted by IT Secretary The open source Learning Management System and Moodle of our (student group), the IT Implementation Team promotes and facilitates school provide a Virtual Learning Environment for students to study the use of IT in learning and teaching. inside or outside school. Currently, the whole campus is covered by wireless local area Our school has adopted the E-platform for School Development & network (WLAN) and all classrooms and special rooms are equipped Accountability (ESDA) which is a web-based application designed to with networked computers and projection systems. enhance the schools' efficiency in collecting and managing school data, For IT assisted learning and teaching, the Multimedia Learning with a view of further promoting data-driven school self-evaluation Center (MMLC) is available for language lessons whereas the under the School Development and Accountability framework. The Information Technology Learning Center (ITLC) is for lessons in other school can have a better grasp of our developmental trail and then subjects. Both centres are opened for students after school for formulate development plans by taking into account our schools' own individual learning. context.

List of Tasks in IT Assisted Education

Task Person Person Time Resources Success Mode of Achievement in-charge involved scale Criteria Assessment Report Procurement of 18 presenters (portable Tang SL Lam WC 9/2015-8/ School fund New presenters Check function of Successful visualizers) for all class rooms Thomas 2016 ($900X18=$16,200). work properly. new presenters. Replace 6 poorly performing LCD projectors of Tang SL Lam WC 9/2015-8/ School fund Replaced LCD Check function of Successful GP room and 5 classrooms Thomas 2016 ($7,000+$5,000x5 projectors work replaced LCD =$32,000). properly. projectors. Procurement of 4 WLAN AP with cabling in GP Tang SL Lam WC 9/2015-8/ School fund WLAN works Check function of Successful room, 4C 5C Classroom for mobile learning Thomas 2016 ($4,000x4=$16,000). properly. WLAN. Subscription renewal of Miscosoft EES for all Tang S L Lam WC 9/2015-6 School fund Contract renewed. Renewal process Successful school’s computers Thomas /2016 ($20,510) finished. Training on using Moodle for 60 teachers Tang SL Lam WC 9/2015-8 School fund Teachers attain Check training Processing ($40,000 / 20 teachers) Thomas /2016 ($40,000x3=$120,000) training record Subjects’ Moodle system. teachers Training on using eClass for teachers Tang SL Lam WC 9/2015-8/ eClass system. Teachers attain Check training Successful Thomas 2016 training record Subjects’ teachers Try out of Moodle and eClass in subject level Tang S L Lam WC 9/2015-6/ Moodle & eClass Courses in Check content of Successful for ITE4 mobile learning Thomas 2016 systems Moodle & subjects in Moodle Subjects’ eClass systems and eClass. teachers work properly. Enhance students’ IT skills for self learning: Mok WY Teachers of 9/2015-8/ - Open Office Students manage Quality of students’ Successful (S4&5 use of Open Office, Google doc., Graphic Computer 2016 - Google doc. IT skill assignments. Chemistry) organizer software, Web 2.0 applications department - Graphic organizer software - Web 2.0 applications


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

Task Person Person Time Resources Success Mode of Achievement in-charge involved scale Criteria Assessment Report Copyright and ethics on IT usage: Mok WY Teachers of 9/2015-8/ Nil Students care of Quality of students’ Successful, students Copyright is taught in detail in S1 Computer Computer 2016 copyright and assignments. can use the IT skill in Literacy and rules are reinforced in S2 and S3. department ethic on IT usage their study. Subject teachers can remind them on the issue and when assigning SBA. Subject teachers Implementing new functions of “MS Live@Edu” Chik CY Tang S L 9/2015-8/ MS Live@Edu Successful Check Successful & “Google App for Edu" Lam WC 2016 Google App for Edu implementation implementation of Thomas functions

7.Record of Foreign Exchange Trips/Study Tours organized by the school (2015 – 2016) No. of Participants Subsidy scheme Subsidy for Students from Jockey Club LW Learning Teachers Form/ Fund / School-based Activities Dates Objectives *Teacher-in Tour Fee Co-organizer Class No. of After-school Learning and -charge per head Others Students Support Programme

Total No. of amount students HK$ Nanjiang 28/3/2016 To help students Extract *Leung PS, S 5 30 $4,080 7 $18,330 EDB--Senior Study Tour - understand the International Yau WP Secondary 1/4/2016 history and Cultural Lau SM School culture of Exchange Students Nanjiang. Centre Mainland To enhance Exchange students’ Programme understanding of Subvention the motherland Scheme. and achieve the Each student objective of was national sponsored education $1,260/$1800 (3 students) Seoul 7/7/2016- To help students EGL Tours *Yip HC S4,5 70 $5,320 26 $57,000 -- Study Tour 10/7/2016 understand the Li CY history, Chan HW economics, Fong PF culture and Kwok FL environment of Lo SK Seoul Lo YY New 3/8/2016- English Study DAS Yau WP S.1 6 $25,200 2 $6,000 -- Zealand 18/8/2016 Tour Educational Lau SM S.2 11 Summer services S.3 3 Study Tour 2016

8. Measures to address learners’ diversity 中文辯論培訓 a.Chinese Language (Chinese Version Only) 02/08/2015 訓練學生參與校外 中二級至中五級共有 24 位學生參加 Gifted Programmes 19/09/2015 辯論比賽,以提升學 「辯論學會」 日期 活動 工作 參與人數 結果 / / 24/10/2015 生的辯論能力 中文寫作尖子培訓 21/11/2015 賽事:第四屆思辯盃全港校際辯論 29/10/2015 教授學生寫作思維 本年度對象為中二級學生,共 27 位 19/12/2015 邀請賽 26/11/2015 技巧,並提供學生實 學生參與。 23/01/2016 日期:2-8-2015 30/01/2016 25/02/2016 踐創作的機會 29/10/2015 (24 人出席) 辯題:香港應重發流動小販牌照 06/02/2016 07/04/2016 26/11/2015 (27 人出席) (反方) 05/05/2016 05/03/2016 25/02/2016 (23 人出席) 賽事:聯校辯論友誼賽 07/04/2016 (25 人出席) 日期:19-9-2015 05/05/2016 (27 人出席) 辯題:立法會功能組別議員應由有

關組别的選民以一人一票的 結果: 方式選出 反方 集中啟發學生的創意思維,學生均 ( ) 顯得投入和感到興趣。 賽事:第十五屆《基本法》多面體 中文朗誦培訓 ——全港中學生辯論賽 10/2015- (各級參賽學生平均 中一級至中五級共有 24 位學生參加 日期:24-10-2015 12/2015 參與 8-10 次訓練) 「校際粵語朗誦節」 辯題:免費報紙對香港報業發展利

訓練學生參加校際 多於弊 (反方) 朗誦比賽,並培訓中 結果: 三級至中五級學生 合共獲得 5 項冠軍、4 項亞軍、2 項 賽事:第二屆華辯盃粵語辯論比賽 擔任小導師,訓練中 季 軍。83.3%參加校際朗誦比賽的學 日期:24-10-2015 一級及中二級同學 生,能於比賽中取得優良等級。朗 辯題:行政長官出任大學校監應保 參賽,以促進學生協 誦組培訓有助提升學生的朗讀技巧 持禮節性角色 (反方) 作及自主學習的能 ,也提升了學生演說的自信心。中 賽事:聯校辯論友誼賽 力 三級至中五級小導師訓練中一、中 二級學妹參加校際比賽,能訓練學 日期:21-11-2015 生溝通及自主學習的能力,並能培 辯題:香港應提高公屋申請上限 正方 養學生的責任感。 ( )


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

賽事:校內辯論賽 日期 活動/工作 參與人數/結果 日期:19-12-2015 中三級 全年 4 次,配合「說 配合「說明文閱讀」進行 2 次小組指 辯題:家長應讓小孩相信童話故事 16/11/2015 明文閱讀」及「議 導,每次 20 位學生參與;配合「議論

賽事:第三十二屆新界聯校辯論比 30/11/2015 論文閱讀」進行提 文閱讀」進行 2 次小組指導,每次 20 賽 (外圍賽) 19/05/2016 升計劃 位學生參與。 日期:23-1-2016 20/05/2016 辯題:幼稚園應納入香港免費教育 中一級至中三級小組指導結果: 範圍 (正方) 配合小班教學形式,提升了學生學

賽事:第四十八屆聯校中文辯論比 習的專注度,大部分學生在小班課 賽 (初賽) 上也能以認真的態度學習及完成補 日期:30-1-2016 充練習,老師也能逐一解答個別學 辯題:恢復集體談判權對本港發展 生閱讀策略上遇到的困難。 利多於弊 (反方) 中一級至中四級個別指導或小組指導 (各班)

賽事:第三十二屆新界聯校辯論比 各班任課老 各班任課老師會就 結果: 賽 (初賽) 師自行安排 讀、寫、聽、說及 參與提升計劃的學生在審題技巧、 日期:6-2-2016 課後指導的 綜合其中某些範作答技巧及表達能力各方面仍有待 辯題:香港應推行垃圾發電 (反方) 日期 疇,要求參與計劃 改善,在指導過程中,普遍學生已 的學生完成增潤練 漸見進步。 賽事:第三十二屆新界聯校辯論比 習。 賽 (負方賽) 日期:5-3-2016 中五級及中六級個別指導或小組指導 (各班) 辯題:發展大嶼山對香港利多於弊 5A 各班任課老師自行 全級共有 26 位學生參與 10/2015- 安排課後指導的日 結果: 05/2016 期。老師會就讀、 5A:指導內容(寫作能力) 通過訓練,有助提升學會成員公開 寫、聽、說及綜合 5B:指導內容(寫作能力) 演說的技巧。透過籌劃聯校友誼辯 論比賽也有助擴闊學生的視野。 5B 其中某些範疇,要 5C:指導內容(寫作能力) 10/2015- 求參與計劃的學生 5D:指導內容(閱讀能力、寫作能力) 中五級及中六級個別指導或小組指導 (各班) 05/2016 完成增潤練習。 5A 各班任課老師自行 全級共有 12 位學生參與 10/2015- 安排課後指導的日 結果: 05/2016 期。老師會就讀、 5A:指導內容(寫作能力) 5C 參與提升計劃的學生在審題技巧、

寫、聽、說及綜合其 5C:指導內容(寫作能力) 09/2015- 作答技巧、立意選材及佈局謀篇各方 5C 中某些範疇,要求參 5D:指導內容(閱讀能力、寫作能力) 09/2015- 04/2016 面仍有待改善,但在指導過程中 與計劃的學生完成 04/2016 ,普遍學生已漸見進步。 增潤練習。 結果: 5D 5D 學生態度認真,積極改善閱讀及寫 09/2015- 作技巧。 09/2015- 04/2016 04/2016 6A 各班任課老師自行 全級共有 45 位學生參與 6A 各班任課老師自行 全級共有 25 位學生參與 09/2015- 安排課後指導的日 09/2015- 安排課後指導的日 11/2015 期。老師會就讀、 6A:指導內容(閱讀能力、寫作能力 期。老師會就讀、 :指導內容 寫作能力、說話能力 寫、聽、說及綜合其 、說話能力) 11/2015 6A ( 6B 中某些範疇,要求參 6B:指導內容(閱讀能力、寫作能力 寫、聽、說及綜合 、聆聽及綜合能力) 09/2015- 、聆聽及綜合能力、 6B 其中某些範疇,要 6B:指導內容(閱讀能力) 01/2016 與計劃的學生完成 增潤練習。 說話能力) 09/2015- 求參與計劃的學生 6C:指導內容(閱讀能力) 6C 6C:指導內容(閱讀能力、寫作能力 01/2016 完成增潤練習。 6D:指導內容(寫作能力、綜合能力) 、說話能力) 09/2015- 6E:指導內容(寫作能力、說話能力) 01/2016 6D:指導內容(寫作能力、綜合能力) 6C 6E:指導內容(寫作能力、說話能力) 6D 09/2015- 結果: 10/2015- 結果: 12/2015 學生態度認真,積極改善各卷技巧 02/2016 學生態度認真,積極改善各卷技巧 ,但普遍參與提升計劃的學生基礎能

,希望精益求精。約 參與學 6E 51.1% 6D 力較弱,審題及作答技巧仍須加強訓 生的畢業試成績比中五級下學期考 09/2015- 10/2015- 練。約 48%參與學生的畢業試成績比 試成績或平日測驗練習成績提升。 01/2016 中五級下學期考試成績或平日測驗練 02/2016 習成績提升。 Enhancement Programmes (Chinese Version Only) 6E 日期 活動/工作 參與人數/結果 09/2015- 中一級至中三級小組指導 (各級) 01/2016 中一級 全年 4 次,配合「記 1A(5 人)、1B(5 人)、1C(5 人)、 25/04/2016 敘文閱讀」及「記 1D(5 人),合共 20 位學生參與。 b. English Language (English Version Only) Date Activities/ Number of Participants/Result 29/04/2016 敘文古漢語閱讀」 Tasks 06/05/2016 進行提升計劃 9/2015- 2C speech Choral speaking practice and competition 09/05/2016 12/2015 training in the HK Schools Speech Festival, 2C awarded the champion. 中二級 全年 3 次,配合「景 配合「景物描寫閱讀」進行 1 次指導, 9/2015- 3A, 3C More advanced poems and short stories 09/05/2016 物描寫閱讀」、「古 20 位學生參與;配合「古漢語閱讀」 6/2016 Literature were taught. Students learnt about 10/05/2016 漢語閱讀」進行提 進行 2 次指導,每次 20 位學生參與。 lessons characterization and some social issues 12/05/2016 升計劃 addressed in the texts. 12/2015 S.5 credit 20 students wrote a minimum of 4


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

Date Activities/ Number of Participants/Result Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants/Outcome Tasks 10/2015-  Mathematics  10 students -2/2016 class compositions and got one-on-one / small 5/2016 Enrichment  Students showed great enthusiasm group feedback from subject teachers in 5 Programme for the programme. one-hour meetings. Participants’ written (S.1) work showed improvments in grammatical  6 times in this accuracy and style. year 4/2016- S.5 14 students participated in 8 one-hour  Mathematics  6 - 10 students 5/2016 5**Class after-school classes on exam skills to Enrichment  Students showed great enthusiasm tackle all 4 papers in the HKDSE. Programme for the programme. Students’ awareness of the importance of a (S.2) balanced performance in all papers was  5 times in this raised. year 9/2015- S.1-6 79 participants (36 of whom were in the  Mathematics  10 students 12/2015 Speech separate choral speaking group) Enrichment  Students showed great enthusiasm Group 10 prizes won: Programme for the programme. First Place: 3 (S.3) Second Place: 5  5 times in this Third Place: 2 year Winning events include choral speaking,  Mathematics  10 students solo-verse speaking and dramatic Enrichment  Students showed great enthusiasm duologue. Programme for the programme. 4/2016- Editoral 5 students from 2C formed the editorial (S.4) 7/2016 Group board for producing the English magazine  4 times in this English Express. year 2/2016- S.3 TSA 8 S.3 students given remedial help in  Mathematics  21 students 4/2016 Remedial writing in eight 30-minute lunchtime Enrichment  Students showed great enthusiasm sessions by the student teacher. Programme for the programme. Contents covered: planning for writing, (S.5) tackling different text types, grammatical  4 times in this errors, etc. year 9/2015- S.1 & S.2 S.1 10/2015-  Mathematics  42 students 5/2016 remedial Term 1 (9/9/2015-8/12/2015, Wed & Thurs) 12/2015 Enrichment  Students showed great enthusiasm class (20 participants, 23 meetings) Programme for the programme. Term 2 (22/2/2016-18/5/2016. Wed & (S.6) Thurs) (14 participants, 18 meetings)  5 times in this All participants agreed that the class year helped their learning of English and that the course contents matched with that of Enhancement Programme the normal lessons and thus improved their Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants/Result English learning outcome. Participants 10/2015-  Mathematics  15 – 30 students depending on also found the teaching useful and the 5/2016 Re-test the students’ performance in teacher devoted. Programme each test. (S.1)  Students were actively involved S.2 st  11 times in this in the programme. 1 round 9/9/2015 – 12/10/2015 year  The passing rate of the re-test (10 participants, 9 meetings) was over 60%. 2nd round 5/11/2015 – 7/12/2015  Mathematics  10 - 30 students depending on (10 participants, 10 meetings) Re-test the students’ performance in 8 students (80%) improved in English Programme each test. results and left the bottom group after First (S.2)  Students were actively involved Term Exam. rd  10 times in this in the programme. 3 round 22/2/2016 – 10/3/2016 year  The passing rate of the re-test (11 participants, 6 meetings) th was over 70%. 4 round 7/4/2016 – 16/5/2016  Mathematics  15 - 30 students depending on (11 participants, 11 meetings) Re-test the students’ performance in The course was conducted largely in Programme each test. English, supported by some (S.3)  Students were actively involved whenever necessary. It aimed to prepare  9 times in this in the programme. students for daily assessments (such as year  The passing rate of the re-test dictations and quizzes), tests and exams. was over 70%. Students’ response was positive and   satisfactory. Mathematics No. of students varied each time Re-test depending on the students’ Programme performance in each test. c. Mathematics (S.4)  Students were actively involved Gifted Programme  8 times in this in the programme. Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants/Outcome year  The passing rate of the re-test 11/2015 –  Mathematics  Five S.3 students participated in the was over 50%. 3/2016 Olympiad Hong Kong Mathematical High  Mathematics  No. of students varied each time Team Achievers Selection Contest on Re-test depending on the students’ (S.1 to S.6) 30/01/2016 Programme performance in each test  Three S.1, three S.2, three S.3, (S.5)  Students were actively involved three S.4 and three S.5 students  8 times in this in the programme. participated in the PuiChing year  The passing rate of the re-test Invitational Math Competition 2016 was over 80%. on 30/01/2016.  Mathematics  No. of students varied each time  Six S.4 students participated in the Enhancement depending on the students’ Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad Programme performance in each test. on 27/02/2016 (S.5)  Students showed great  4 times in this enthusiasm for the programme. year 10/2015-  Mathematics  15 - 25 students


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants/Result  12/2015 Enhancement Students showed great Programme enthusiasm for the programme. (S.6)  9 times in this year

d. Liberal Studies (Chinese Version Only) 透過以下計劃處理學習差異問題,計劃內容如下: 行動 資源/ 負責老師 有關老師 推行過程(詳述) 成功指標 檢討 備註 透過活動達致學習多樣化: 自行檢討 葉漢昌 全體通識 - 根據過去公開考試題目,設計一 - 透過考 - 所有行動除中四補底班, - 拔尖/補底班: 老師 份包括不同題型的練習教材,供補 試,比較 能力 都能順利完成。 設計一套清晰的知識及技 底班使用; 較弱同學於 - 中四由於要完成整個單元 能訓練 - 根據過往課堂經驗,將較難處理 不同階段的 六,課程變得緊迫,所以 課程: 的概念,設計工作紙供補底班使 成效,有提升 補底由老師自行處理,但 補底:概念溫習及澄清;拔 用; 者為達標。 成效不錯,大部分第一段 尖:技巧(如概念運用),中 - 利用公開考試取得 5**級別的範 - 最終目標 考不合格的同學都能取得 四級:下學期開始進行;中 本,分析答題技巧,提升拔尖班同 是達到公開 理想成績,有同學更取得 六級:由科任老師負責; 學的應試能力; 考試的第三 26 分的進步成績。 - 資料處理,題目分析; - 推行時間:由 10/11-15/12,星 級成績。 - 今年要求學生訂閱明報, - 巡迴講學:老師輪流到各 期二午膳時間(12:15 – 12:45)。 學生時事觸角比前有所提 組講解 2015 年公開試試題 - 中六級待九月課程完結後,老師 升。同時要求同學在課堂 - 開發學生時事觸覺 輸流到各組講解 2015 年公開試試 上作時事討論,加強他們 題,讓同學清楚了解不同題型的答 對時事的認知,考試回應 題技巧; 問題能多了運用例子作理 - 時事分享將會按概念及不同角 據,答題質素有所改善。 度分析作紀錄,每班每月至少提供 一份,並嘗試整合成為議題庫,與 其他班級分享。

e. Science (S.1-2) C. Evaluation of the effectiveness: Activities/ Date Number of Participants/Result For S1 Pre-examination Class: Tasks Students attendance and attentiveness in class were satisfactory. st 11/2015- S.1 tutorial class There were 13 participants in the 1 term. Their learning difficulties and problems were properly addressed by the 5/2016 was conducted 12 of them showed improvement in teacher-in-charge. Effective study methods were also suggested to after school on examination. 7 of them showed facilitate their learning. Owing to the fact that students’ learning Fridays remarkable improvement. They improved problems are mostly focused on one or two subjects, to facilitate the by 10.5 to 18.5 marks respectively (from class effectiveness, it is suggested that teachers who have related 48.5 to 59 and 32.5 to 51) knowledge of these subjects will take up the class. S.2 tutorial class There were 4 participants in the 1st term. was conducted One of them showed remarkable For S2 Pre-examination Class: after school on improvement. She improved by 29 marks Students had positive attitude towards the class in the hope that it Mondays (from 47 to 76). There were 15 would help improve their academic results so as to avoid the possibility participants in the 2nd term. Some of of detention. Each student volunteered to be the tutor of a student them showed significant improvement. and helped to do revision with other classmates to prepare for the coming tests and examinations. The teacher was the coordinator and f. S.1 & S.2 Pre-Examination Tutorial Class provided assistance whenever necessary. Students expressed that this class was able to arouse their interest in the subjects. As a result, A. Objectives: To enhance students’ overall academic results. students did perform better in the tests and examintions. B. Implementation: This class offered compulsory sessions However, in regard to subjects which require longer time for revision which were held before the examination period after school. and follow up, like Mathematics, Languages and Science, the class Students who participated in this tutorial class were from the could not offer much help. Most importantly, the class should equip bottom academic result groups of S.1 and 2. students to grasp the appropriate learning strategies and memorization In order to address their difficulties, several teachers were methods for different subjects so that students can help themselves in assigned to provide specific support to each of the students. the long term. The students were required to behave well during the tutorial class and made constant positive developments in their studies. g. S.1 Preparatory Classes In order to give effective extra assistance to S.1 newcomers, the It was believed that through the class, their study proficiency classes were conducted by our own English and Mathematics teachers. could be improved as well as to elevate their form rankings. In Futhermore, for improving the English proficiency of our newcomers, addition, they also received immediate support from the we organized English Reading sessions which were conducted by our teacher whenever there was any uncertainty on study. own S.6 students. In addition, 8 S.3 students were recruited to be Date Duration Total Teacher-in-charge helpers of the classes. Their assistance was very much appreciated number of and they received much applause. 118 students joined the class and students each of them paid $35 for the printing fee. The class lasted 10 days From 7 days, 1 24 (S.1), Fong PF(S1), Lo from 20 to 31 July. Students were divided into 4 classes and they 15-30/10/2015 hour for 15 (S.2) SK(S1), Li CY(S1), spent a total of 9 hours on English, 9 hours on Mathematcis and 6 each day Yip SH(S2) hours on English Reading. An activity day was organized by various From 8 days, 1 24 (S.1), Fong PF(S1), Lo student groups to welcome our new members to the SiuMingian family. 9-18/12/2015 hour for 15 (S.2) SK(S1), Li CY(S1), Students gained a better understanding of the school so that they could each day Yip SH(S2) adapt more easily to the new learning environments. From 8 days, 1 14 (S.1), Fong PF(S1), Lo 11-22/3/2016 hour for 10 (S.2) SK(S1), Li CY(S1), Activities/Tasks Number of Date each day Yip SH(S2) Participants/Result From 8 days, 1 15 (S.1), Fong PF(S1), Lo 20,21,23,24,27,28/7/2015 Morning assembly, 118 students were 19-31/5/20116 hour for 10 (S.2) SK(S1), Li CY(S1), English and introduced to the use of each day Yip SH(S2) Mathematics lessons English as the medium of instruction. They found it 14

Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

helpful especially learning Date Activities/ Number of Participants/Outcome the vocabulary of subjects. Tasks 22/7/2015 Welcoming parties All students enjoyed the Vocation by Catholic Hong Kong Diocesan Vocation by Catholic Society, activities very much and Commission Commission. The prayer was held in the Student Association, learnt about the various morning at Rm105 every day at 7:50 a.m. Senior Students activities offered by the and the average number of participants Helpers and 4 school. was around 7 including catholic teachers. Houses 20/9/2015 The film show 6 students participated in the film show and 29,30,31/7/2015 English Reading Positive feedback was activities received. of St. Mary the liturgy dance. They enjoyed the dance Mazzarello and were able to learn more about the life and liturgy of St. Mary Mazzarello and reflected dance themselves on how to respond to the III Student Support & School Ethos calling of God. 1. Spiritual Education 26/9/2015 The School 8 students joined the Mass and led the The overall result of moral and spiritual formation education in this Reopening action song group. school was encouraging. Students showed respect and attentiveness Mass for to spiritual programs, celebrations and moral values. Most students Salesian Youth showed appreciation and have benefited greatly. S1~2 Annual Retreat 11 S5-6, 2 S3-4 and 12 S1-2 students Date Activities/ Number of Participants/Outcome 19-20/12/ participated in the Annual Retreats. They Tasks 2015 enjoyed silence in a pleasant environment Whole school activities S3~4 to encounter God more profoundly. It was Whole year Masses and Variations of the liturgy appealed to the 28-29/11/ one of the most longed-for rewarding Celebrations students who participated joyfully in the 2015 moments when students could put aside all celebrations. They especially appreciated S5~6 their hectic study schedules and give more the action songs, which showed their 12-13/12/ quality time to God. youthfulness. 2015 Whole year Morning prayer Students were attentive and showed 15/11/2015 Caritas Altogether 33 students participated in the respect in the daily morning prayers, which Bazaar activity and showed positive attitudes. They were related to real life situations of learned how to give of themselves society. With enough support from the unconditionally. English teachers, prayer leaders were able 16/4/2016 “Dating with This event was organized by Catholic Hong to lead with confidence even with unfamiliar 21/5/2016 the Holy Spirit” Kong Diocesan Vocation Commission. 2 prayers. students on 16/4 and 3 S6 students on 21/5 Whole year Prayer Service Prayer Services were held at all Tuesday participated in the activity and they enjoyed General Assemblies in the Hall. Students much through the spiritual direction and showed attentiveness and respect for the adoration before the blessed Sacrament. well-prepared PowerPoint Presentations of 24/4/2016 “The Year of 5 students participated in this carnival and the Prayer Services. The prayer leaders Vocation 4 of them served as helpers. The activities were well trained and able to work Commission” were attractive and they enjoyed it. independently with appropriate songs Youth carnival chosen nicely. 17-19/6/ The Living This camp was held in June and there were 27/2/2016 Salesian Youth 23 committee members of the Catholic 2016 Faith Camp for 6 S6 students who joined the camp. The Day Society joined this activity and 6 members S6 students aim of this camp was to let S6 students to joined the core group and performed very reflect on their school life and prepare for well in the Game Group on Salesian Youth their future. Day. 19 students participated in the event. 8-10/7/ The Camp for This camp is for S1-S3 students who are They revealed joy meeting with other 2016 non-catholic non-catholic. The aim of the camp was to Salesian Youth and were able to show students let them know more about the Catholic friendship and hospitality to one another. (2016) Church and improve their motivational 22-26/2/ Catholic Week The theme for the Catholic week was power to join the Church. 2016 “Mercy and Grace”. Everyone was Religious Activities (Friends of Laura) welcome to the events taking place Whole year Salesian The group of 34 had involvement in throughout the week. It began with the Lent Friends of all-year-round volunteer services for charity donation of selling cookies. Other Laura mentally handicapped persons of the activities including the jubilee of mercy Caritas Chan Chun Ha Activity Centre. stall, check points and the game “Life line”. (23/11, 9/12 and 21/12/2015) Students Through different activities, the Catholic were invited to actualize Don Bosco’s Society committee members reminded vision through this activity and share love their schoolmates to learn how to show with others. mercy to people and improve the religious 16/4/2016 Trip to Sai 14 Students accompanied 12 mentally atmosphere of school. The amount of Lent Kung handicapped person of Caritas Chan Chun charity donation of selling cookies is Ha Activity Centre to make a trip to Sai $350.9. Around 20 Catholic students and Kung. Students were able to take care of teachers joined the check point game. them with kind hearts. 4/2/2016 Blessing The installation of the statue Sacred Heart ceremony of of Jesus started in December 2015 and the statue of was blessed on 4/2/2016. The ceremony 2. Civic Education Sacred Heart was held by Fr. Lanfranco Fedrigotti. He School civic education fostered in students positive attitudes and of Jesus also presided over the Mass to celebrate values so that they were ready for further study, work and the needs of the Feast of St. John Bosco as well as the life in the future. gratitude day after the ceremony and reminded students that the behaviors of St. The subject of L&S was offered to Junior students. The objectives of Don Bosco is our role model in our daily this subject were to broaden the vision of students, to promote students’ life. thinking skills and their ability to express themselves. The area of Religious Activities (Catholic Society) study included important issues faced by their own society, country and Whole year Catholic The average number of participants was the world. An issue-enquiry approach was adopted for learning and Society around 20. The committee members teaching Civic Education. This encouraged students to develop a showed enthusiasm and leadership in capacity for independent learning in the pursuit of knowledge and organizing the general meeting for the openness to new possibilities. whole school year. In addition, it helped students to understand Chinese culture as well as Whole year Prayer This prayer gathering was to echo “the the present and future development of our motherland so as to gathering for Year of Vocation Commission”, organized strengthen their sense of belonging and respect for being Chinese.


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

Furthermore, it educated students about civil rights and responsibilities, 3. Student Activities current issues and government policies of our society, and about There were more than 30 clubs and groups in school. The diversified communication between the government and citizens. extra-curricular activities enriche students’ learning experiences and The activities of this year were as follows: stretch their potential. About twenty interest classes were organized with external institutions. This also enriched students’ school life. 2a Flag-raising ceremony With the support of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Life-wide Learning In order to strengthen the sense of national awareness, a flag-raising Fund and School-based After-school Learning and Support ceremony was held on the first Wednesday of every month. Short talks Programmes, students in need were subsidised to attend on important news and national issues were given after the ceremony. non-complimentary courses and activities. The topics of the talks were as follows: Oct: The University of Hong Kong Student Union President Billy In order to enrich students’ learning experiences, our school joined Fung-en has spoken out after leaking details of a key HKU Council other institutions to provide diversified opportunities. For instance, S2 meeting students enjoyed the beauty of nature in the Life Education Workshop, Nov: Social Justice which was co-organized with the Hong Kong Birdwatching Society. S.4 Feb: The practice of having Hong Kong’s Chief Executive to serve as students also participated in the community services progamme, which the chancellor for the universities should be changed? was co-organized with the ABWE Shing Yan Christian Social Service Mar: The first day of Lunar New Year in Mong Kok Centre and HKFYG Kwai Fong Youth S.P.O.T.. Apr: CY Leung accused of abusing power in incident at airport involving his daughter Through the efforts of our teachers and students, we gained significant awards especially in verse speaking and project competitions. 2b Civic Education Activity Day The theme of the Civic Education Activity Day is “Social enterprise”. 3a. Regular Activities In order to arouse students’ awareness of the issues faced by refugees To enhance the all-round development of students, our school offers a around the world, through talks, exhibitions and activities were wide range of activities, clubs and extra-curricular classes numbering arranged in making students understand and experience the problem over forty, which can be divided into six categories. of refugees, and reflect on their own lifestyles in light of what they learn.

Academic Physical Skills Art Services Religious 2c. Other Activities: Learning Development Belief Date Events No. of Participants Chinese Club Sports Club Food Visual Civic Catholic 7/9/2015 ECA Information Day Whole school Technology Arts Education Society 14/10/2015 Flag-raising Ceremony in Whole school Club Club Services October Group Short-talk: English Club Basketball Chinese Drama Disciplinary Catechism The University of Hong Group/Team Debating Club Prefect Class Kong Student Union Club Services Group President Billy Fung Mathematics Volleyball Computer Music Further Salesian Jing-en has spoken out Club Team/Class Club Club Studies & Youth - after leaking details of a Careers Laura's key HKU Council meeting Guidance Friends 4/11/2015 Flag-raising Ceremony in Whole school Services November Group Short-talk: Liberal Badminton Stage Chinese Junior Studies Club Class/Team Management Orchestra Police Call Social enterprise Team 30/11/2015 to ‘Social enterprise’ Whole school Science Club Table String Junior Red 1/12/2015 Exhibition, Games Stall Tennis Class/ Orchestra Cross 11/11/2015- Business Plan For Lunar 2 teams (14 Team 3/2/2016 New Year Fair Stall 2016 students) Astronomy Athletics Melodica Library Club Team Band Prefect participated and one Services of them to be Group chosen Academic Swimming Woodwind Library 2/12/2015 Talk of Social enterprise Whole school Investigation Class/Team Ensemble Services 2/12/2016 & City Orienteering 7 S5 students Group Group 6/12/2016 Competition - 「認識祖國、 Geography Cross Country Around 20 School 認識香港」 Club Race Chinese Services Group/Team and Group 26/1/2016 Top Ten News Election Whole school Western 3/2/2016 Flag-raising Ceremony in Whole school Musical February Instrument Short-talk: Classes The practice of having JA Company Choir Social Hong Kong’s Chief Program Services Group Executive to serve as the Putonghua Dance The Hong chancellor for universities Club Group Kong Award should be changed? (Modern for Young 11/2/2016 Next Station is RTHK 19 S1-S5 students Dance) People 2/3/2016 Flag-raising Ceremony in Whole school Reading Club Senior March Student Short-talk: Helpers The first day of Lunar New Team for Video Moot Court Recording Year in Mong Kok and 13/4/2016 Flag-raising Ceremony in Whole school Photography April Service Short-talk: Campus CY Leung accused of Reporters abusing power in incident Eco Club at airport involving daughter ECA Elite Team 4/5/2016 Flag-raising Ceremony in Whole school The Student Association, the Disciplinary Prefect Services Group and May the four Houses helped strengthen the communication between the Short-talk school and students and enhanced students’ skills in leadership and organization. Students may form cabinets and stand for election,


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

thereby enriching their experience in the processes of democracy and Events Organizations No. of Participants accountability. S.1-S.3 S.4-S.6 School Drama Total Number of Students who participated in Inter-school Events Festival 2015/16 2015-2016 Weather Ho Koon Nature Events Organizations No. of Participants Observation Education cum -- 8 S.1-S.3 S.4-S.6 Competition Astronomical Centre & Company Junior Achievement Hong -- 22 Hong Kong Observatory Program Kong, HSBC Joint School Student Association 3 21 Kwai Tsing Kwai Tsing District, Youth -- 5 Detective Game District Youth Programme Committee Joint School Oral Student Association -- 25 Community Practice Service Movie “Home Of Catholic Hong Kong Competition Joy Click Off Diocesan Vocation 1 5 HKICPA HKICPA -- 8 ceremony” commission Accounting and Salesian Youth Salesian Youth Ministry -- 8 Business Chinese Office Management Province Retreat Case Caritas Bazaar Caritar Hong Kong 11 22 Competition 2016 (Secondary Salesian Youth Salesian Youth Ministry 14 13 School Group) Chinese Office 2015-2016 Province Retreat Inter-school AM730; Good Morning 20 13 Salesian Youth Salesian Youth Ministry 17 6 Advertising Class Day 2016 Office Competition Dating With The Catholic Hong Kong -- 2 全港中學社會資 Sing Tao Magazine Group - 5 Holy Spirit Diocesan Vocation 本微電影創作比 Limited Commission 賽 Jubilee Of Mercy Ad Hoc Committiee Of 1 4 Creative Virtual College of Business, City -- 5 For Teenagers Jubilee Of Mercy Business Plan University of Hong Kong Retreat Of Faith Salesian Youth Ministry -- 7 Competiton For Secondary Office 第一屆全港中學 EDB -- 6 Six Student 生珠寶設計比賽 The Tenth Hong Kong Institute of -- 39 Joint School Hong Kong Youth Power 2 2 Speaking Education Rational Chinese Association Contest for Hong Communication Debating Kong Students Educational Soceity Competition The Tenth Hong Kong Institute of -- 10 Joint School Joint Committee for The -- 4 Speaking Education Chinese Promotion of The Basic Contest for Hong Rational Communication Debating Law of Hong Kong Kong Students Educational Society Competition (English Section) Joint School Hong Kong Chinese -- 4 Pui Ching Pui Ching Middle School 9 6 Chinese Debating Association Invitational Debating Mathematics Competition Competition 2016 Teen Forum The Law Society of Hong -- 5 Kong The Hong Kong Po Leung Kuk and Hong 5 -- nd Mathematical Kong Association for The 32 New Joint -- 8 High Achievers Science & Mathematics Territories Joint School Debating Selection Education School Debating Associaton Contest Competition (Chinese) Hong Kong EDB -- 6 th Mathematics The 48 Joint Joint School Chinese -- 8 Olympiad School Chinese Debating Society Debating Moot Court Rotary Club of New 6 11 Competition Competition for Territories and the Hong Hong Kong Kong Institute of 2016 年宵達人大 Kowloon Federation of -- 6 Secondary Vocational Education 比併 Associations School Students (Tuen Mun and Morrison H.K. Schools Hong Kong Schools Music 100 30 2015-16 Hill) Music Festival and Speech Assocation th Mock Trial – HKSRACP 15 13 67 Hong Kong 55 14 Justice School Speech Education Festival Project 2015-16 (English) th Consumer Consumer Council 20 1 67 Hong Kong 15 9 Culture Study School Speech Awards Festival Hong Kong Bird Hong Kong Bird Watching 1 4 (Chinese) Watching Cum Society School Verse Bird Race Speaking 12 2 Fundraising Festival Event – (Putonghua) Secondary Teens’ Reading Hong Kong Public Library -- 1 School Team Clubs 2015-2016 370 435 Joint-School St. Francis Xavier School Island -- 18 Total Number of Students who participated in the Uniform/Social Orienteering and Voluntary Services Groups 2015-2016 Inter-school Hong Kong Schools 62 35 Items S.1-S.3 S.4-S.6 Sport Events Sports Federation Hong Kong Red Cross 18 23 Hong Kong Hong Kong Art School -- 15 Junior Police Call 16 24 17

Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

Social Service Group 9 18 4. Morning Assembly Eco Club 18 16 Various forms of morning assembly were conducted as scheduled S.2 Social Service Scheme 128 -- which helped to build students’ character and widen their global S.4 Community Service Scheme -- 153 horizons. 189 234 Date Activities/Tasks Number of 3b. Whole School Activities Participants/Result Whole year Morning assemblies for All the activities were i. 9/2015 Special Arrangements different departments with carried out on schedule. Date Activities their own purposes 2/9/2015 Plan on School Target Every General assembly in the All the activities were Sharing on Swiss Tour Tuesday hall with talks delivered by carried out on schedule. 4/9/2015 Presentation of Prefects and Library Prefects’ the Principal, teachers, Badges & House Inauguration department chairperson, Project Learning Presentation-PIE and once from each S4 7/9/2015 Project Learning II class. Briefing on Whole School Activities Every other 5 minutes News Reporting There were 10 reporting ECA Information Day Wednesday from campus reporters sessions and the campus reporters were able to ii. School Sports Day present their own critical Date Activities Venue thinking about recent 23/10/2015 Sports Day Heat Tsing Yi Sports Ground news. 26/10/2015 Sports Day Final Topics of Morning Talk on: iii. School Picnic Date Topic Person-in 20/11/2015 (Friday) -charge The arrangements were as follows: 15-09-2015 Students’ sharing – Our Lo SK Class Destination experience in a school for 1A - 1D Inspiration Lake and Gold Coast mentally retarded students 2A - 2D Tai Mo Shan Country Park 22-09-2015 Students’ sharing – Consumer Lo SK 3A - 3D Cheung Chau culture and concerns in families 4A – 4D Stanley Main Beach 10-11-2015 Frenemy 4A 5A – 5D Tai Mei Tuk 01-03-2016 Decidophobia 4B 6A - 6E Lamma Island 15-3-2016 Will 4C 24-5-2016 Feminism 4D

3c. Leadership Training Topics of sharing from Campus Reporters: (i) Student Leadership Training & (ii) Student-LED Project (Please Date Topic refer to “School Development Target IIB”). 28/10/2015 Controversy of Doctor’s Salary 11/11/2015 TSA (iii)Mentoring Training: 25/11/2015 -Hong Kong Football Match Incident Some of the groups in our school used the Mentoring Training mode to 9/11/2015 Online Article 23 enable the senior form students to share their experiences with junior 27/1/2016 Online Article 23 (Continued) form students. Student bodies involved are shown below: 9/3/2016 ATV Prefects Schools Speech Festival 15/3/2016 Youth Suicide Catholics Society Chinese Debating Club 20/4/2016 Luggage Incident of CY Leung Junior Red Cross Chinese History Enhance Group 24/4/2016 Hong Kong Localism? Hong Kong Independence Caritas Bazaar English Club Speech Group Movement? Senior Students Helpers Putonghua Club 18/5/2016 School for Social Development Students-LED Project Music Club

Sports Club various groups Visual Arts Club Topics of News Discussion on Friday: Choir Library Prefect Service Group Date Topic Level 6-11-2015 The MTR large-scale instrument saga S1 led by 3d. Training Programme & Implementing Services 5A i) “Learn to Serve” ( S2 Service Training Programme) 4-3-2016 TV Most S2 led by S2 Life Education was an experiential learning programme included in 5B the curriculum of Ethics and Religious Education (E&RE). This programme aimed at enhancing students’ appreciation of nature, their awareness of the environmental problems and conservation work. 5. Physique Development The programme consisted of two workshops; the first part is Exploring (1) Growth Nature through Bird-watching workshop. Students were brought to The growth and development of school children helps us understand nature, learned about nature and hoped to preserve the natural their basic health condition. Students may grow and develop differently environment. The second one was an Elderly Service Training during adolescence. School physical education teachers play an workshop. Class leaders organized a one hour integrated programme important role in helping school children understand their growth for elderly people. Students evaluated their performance after each condition by having students regularly do measurements in height and workshop. Leardership skills, communication skills and learning weight throughout the school year. Self-checking and self-evaluation of attitudes of students were found empowered and made prominent physical development are common approaches that help raise student progress. awareness of their growing status. Students were taught to calculate the growth ratio and body mass index. The physical education teachers ii) “Serve to Learn” (S4 Organizing & Implementing Service) inform students of fitness strategies and nurture health education S.4 students were provided with a chance to care for the needy in the accordingly. Some students were identified as overweight and community by designing community services and volunteer work. They underweight in our school. The number of overweight and underweight shared their service experiences in one of the October and May class students was as follows: 12 overweight in S1; 14 overweight and 3 teacher periods. With a total of 20 hours in the program, it included underweight in S2 and 8 overweight and 10 underweight in S3. eight meetings and two community service sessions. Social workers Physical education teachers provide professional advice and exercise sat in each meeting as facilitators to help S4 girls to set aims and opportunities to these students if necessary. The pattern of the growth evaluate students’ performance in each meeting or service session. ratios (in terms of weight and height) of our school children was stable One elite group participated in the external community service in the last few years. The overall growing pattern (in terms of weight competition. and height) of our students was within the normal range in the Hong Kong school norm.


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

(2) Healthy Lifestyle and Physical Fitness Most students showed good health and fitness levels. Research findings indicate that physical activity participation in childhood is related to exercise patterns in adulthood. Adolescents with (3) Sports and Leadership Development healthy lifestyle practices will likely continue active exercise patterns To enrich student sports experience and help student develop lifelong when they become adult. Surveys also show that physical fitness in sports participation are major learning objectives in school physical Hong Kong adolescents is declining in recent years. School physical education. Physical education teachers usually provide opportunities education has been tasked for promoting physical activity in school. for students to organize and take part in school sports activities to School physical education teachers designed strategies to help achieve these objectives. School sports activities and events were students develop healthy lifestyles and maintain good fitness systematically planned and organized in school. Different types of conditions. All lower secondary students were required to take the inter-class and inter-house sports competitions were scheduled School Physical Fitness Award Scheme related to physical fitness tests throughout the school year. Senior form students were trained and regularly so as to understand fitness condition and review lifestyle helped to organize these school sports activities. Besides, various patterns. They self-evaluated their fitness levels by making reference to sports training were also provided after school to address different the norm of the School Physical Fitness Award Scheme. The students’ needs of students. This training helped to develop student sports skills performance in the related physical fitness tests had improved when levels and enrich sporting experiences. Talented students in sports compared to last year. 96.7% of S.1 students achieved bronze level or take part in inter-school sports competitions. Providing regular planned above and 40.6 % attained gold level. 97.6% of S.2 students achieved sports activities also helps develop school sports culture and enhances bronze level or above and 41.7 % attained gold level. 99.2% of S.3 students’ school sports experiences. students achieved bronze level or above and 62.2% attained gold level.

6. Personal & Peer Guidance and Formation Programmes Date Events Participants / results 13 / 7 / 2015 Counselling on S6 HKDSE results release In progress 15 / 1 / 2016 S1 Adventure Based Counselling Camp All S.1 students Whole year Lunch time class activity: 25 9/ 2015, 9 / 10 / 2015, 13 / 11 / 2015, 18/12/2015, 29 / 1 / All S. 1 students 2016, 26/2/2016, 18 / 3 / 2016, 22 / 4 / 2016 and 13 / 5 / 2016 Tutorial class: 1st term: 28 / 10 / 2015, 14 S.1 students 29 / 10 / 2015, 19 S.1 students 15 / 12 / 2015, 10 S. 1 students 16 /12 / 2015, 2 S.1 students 17 / 12 /2015, 2 S.1 students 2nd term: 3 / 5 / 2016, 4/5/2016, 5/5/2016, 6/5/2016 Individual tutorial arrangements: 1/3/2016, 2/3/2016,3/3/2016, 8/3/2016, 9/3/2016, 10/2016, 15/3/2016, 16/3/2016, 17/3/2016, 22/3/2016, 6/4/2016, 7/4/2016, 13/4/2016, 14/4/2016, 20/4/2016, 21/4/2016, 27/4/2016, 2/8/2016,4/5/2016, 5/5/2016, 11/5/2016, 40 S.1 students 12/5/2016, 18/5/2016, 19/5/2016,, 25/5/2016, 26/5/2016 All S.1 students School hunting: 27 / 11 / 2015 Hall activity: 18/12/2015 Whole year Personal guidance Support received by the students in need. Whole year Self Improvement programme 3 S.1 students Sept 2015 Survey on the S.1and 4 students’ familial and living Completion of Questionnaires conditions Apr 2016 & Oct 2015 Stress Management survey on S.5 and 6 students Completion of Questionnaires / Students in need taken care of July 2015 Junior Form Assembly (Topic: Bullying) All S. 1 students

7. Life Planning Education and Career Guidance of individual student planning. In view of the implementation of the The team aimed at providing ample life planning education and career 3-3-4 academic structure, a series of talks in relation to S4 subject guidance support to students in different forms. It was intended to selection, its strategy and university entrance requirements were include life planning education as an integral part of the school arranged for them. Experience sharing sessions with senior form girls curriculum so as to equip students with the knowledge, skills and were conducted in May for them to exchange views and ideas about attitude to make wise choices in accordance with their interests, subject selection and learning tips. In addition, group counseling abilities and aptitude, thereby connecting their career/academic sessions on subject selection were organized for all S.3 students in aspirations with whole-person development and life-long learning. All May to ensure students were able to make the best choice of elective the activities were geared towards the needs of students at different subjects so as to improve their chance of admission to tertiary levels in a co-ordinated and systematic manner. Activities related to institutions for further studies. career planning, understanding self and goal setting continued to be organized for various forms as usual. Activities for senior form students Apart from self-understanding and development, career exploration Activities for junior form students and career planning and management are the main components of This year, life planning education talks on understanding self, goal activities for senior form students. This year, the booklet “Career setting and career planning were also organized for junior form Mapping: Career Development Tools for Senior Secondary Students” students. S1 and S2 students had to finish tasks assigned in the was also used for their personal and career development. This year, 30 booklet “Junior Secondary Careers Education”. They were asked to S4 students joined a Career Exploration Programme organized by write about their dream and their goals while follow-up was done jointly Hope Worldwide. They had to attend 16 sessions which included by our team and E&RE teachers to consolidate their plans. The trainings, workshops, visits and an adventure-based camp etc. In booklet “Finding Your Colours of Life: NSS Subject Choices and the addition, a variety of career-related experience activities were arranged Development of Career Aspirations” was used in S3 as the first phase for them to explore and reflect upon study choices and occupation


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

choices. Besides, students need to familiarize themselves with the S4 & 5 updated JUPAS Admission Scheme and specific requirements as well 10/9/2015 Introduction of a Career S4 as other study or training opportunities to establish learning goals and Exploration programme career aspirations. organized by Hope Worldwide (30 students joined the As usual, S6 students are guided to have a multifaceted review and programme) reflections on their learning experiences to gain a holistic 19/10/2015 Introducing “Career Mapping” : understanding of their achievements, qualities, aptitudes, abilities and Personal and Career personal/career aspirations. In addition, students were encouraged to Development make critical use of information and guidance from various sources to 23/11/2015 “Career Mapping” : “My Ideal plan their future pathway. A series of talks and group counseling Life” (to be carried out by class sessions on making JUPAS programme choices were scheduled. To teachers during CTP) meet the different needs of students, multiple pathways for NSS graduates and Electronic Advance Application System for 26/11/2015 “Career Mapping” : Career Post-secondary Programmes (E-App) were introduced to students and Values and RIASEC parents. Individual counselling about reprioritization of programme 14/12/2015 “Career Mapping” : The ‘tick’ choices and other further study opportunities was also provided after and ‘cross’ of occupational the release of HKDSE results. In addition, sharing sessions on JUPAS choices application, strategies on making programme choices and issues 4/12/2015 Talk : Planning for the future S5 related to other further study opportunities for S5, S6 mentors and 18/12/2015 Talk : Know more about work by subject teachers were also held. PLACE

26/1/2016 “Career Mapping” : The ‘tick’ Career-related Experience and ‘cross’ of occupational Under the framework of the Curriculum Reform, Career-related choices Experience is one of the five essential learning experiences that 17/3/2016 Introduction of JUPAS System students should undergo in school curriculum. In view of this, a variety and Iteration Process (to be of learning related activities were arranged or organized throughout the carried out by class teachers year, ranging from firm visits, success skills workshops, job shadowing during CTP) to case competitions, company program and working reality program. The experiential learning enables our students to achieve certain 29/4/2016 My Dream Job – Follow up(I) learning goals that are more difficult to attain through classroom 6/5/2016 My Dream Job – Follow up(II) learning alone. Through the activities, students were expected to relate 9/7/2016 Workshop : Training student and integrate learning outcomes from Career Related Experiences or helpers for DSE counseling work-based learning into exploration of study, training and work S.6 options. 2/9/2015 Talk : Sharing of JUPAS 2015 S6 and Multiple Pathways Parents’ Meeting 8/9/2015 Career Assessment Tools : Apart from organizing talks and workshops for students, talks were also MBTI held for S3 and S6 parents respectively to introduce the idea of life 14/9/2015 Career Assessment Tools : My planning and make aware them of the different pathways of education Future (Australia) and O*Net opportunities so that parents can provide more realistic and Online (US) constructive support to students. 15,17 & Career Assessment Tools : My 21/9/2015 Future (Australia) and O*Net Others Online (US) (Practical session) Last but not least, the team is also responsible for promoting our school 30/9/2015 Briefing on JUPAS Application to P.6 students and their parents in Tsuen Wan district and Kwai Tsing 8 & 9/10/2015 My Career Profile : OEA and district. Additional Information 29/10/2015 School Talk : City University Date Activities/Tasks Number of 30/10/2015 Talk : JUPAS Operations Participants/Result 30/10/2015 Parents’ Meeting : JUPAS S6 students and S.1− 3 Applications and Multiple parents 22/10/2015 Introduction of “Finding Your S3 Pathways Colours of Life & S4 Subject 4 /11/2015 Talk : Analysis of JUPAS S6 Selection Admission Scores & Strategy of 30/10/2015 “Finding Your Colours of Life” – making JUPAS choices (I) Honey Comb Party 9/11/2015 School Talk : Hang Seng 11, 12, 18 & Introduction of S4 elective Management College 19/11/2015 subjects : ERE, Ch Lit, BAFS, 18-25/11/2015 Group counselling : Making Econ & M1 JUPAS choices 18/12/2015 Understanding Self and Goal 25/11/2015 Talk : Analysis of JUPAS Setting Admission Scores & Strategy of 1/2016 Production of S3 Study Guide making JUPAS choices (II) 29/1/2016 S4 Subject Selection Survey 30/11/2015 School Talk : Shue Yan 2/2016 S4 Subject Selection – Mock University Trial 7/12/2015 School Talk :Stanley Ho 3/2/2016 Career & Life Planning Talk : S2 Community College Knowing Own Self & Life 14/12/2015 School Talk :VTC/Thei Planning 17/12/2015 Introduction of EApp, i-pass and 19/2/2016 Strategy on Subject Selection : S3 E-Navigator University Admission 8/7/2016 Parents’ Meeting : Preparation S6 & their parents Requirements and E-Navigator for 715 (HKEdcity) 12/7/2016 Workshops : Modification of S.6 & mentors 14/3/2016 Career & Life Planning Talk : My S1 JUPAS choices Dream 13-15/7/2016 Individual guidance to S.6 S6 mentors and 18/3/2016 Understanding Self and Goal S3 students on JUPAS modification subject teachers Setting – follow-up of choices and 14 S5 student 20/2/2016 S4 Subject Selection (S3 S3 & their parents helpers Parents’ Day) Others 5 & 6/5/2016 Experience sharing session : S4 S3 29 & 30/9/2015 荃灣區《升中博覽 2015》 P6 students & their subject selection parents 7/2016 Allocation of S3 students into S.4 classes


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

Career-related Experience our S1-2 students on cultural themes. Afterwards they had an Date Activities/Tasks Students Invloved impromptu Choral Speaking Practice with our S.2C on a poem “Jelly lover”. 29 Siumingian escort students also accompanied them to visit Sep 2015 – Company Program S.4-5 students Wong Tai Sin Temple and Ladies’ market in Mongkok on March 16, Apr 2016 2015. 18/9/2015 Get Set Go! Personal Financial S.3 students Management Workshop Oct - Nov 康復服務工作體驗計劃 S.5 Bio Students 9. Discipline 2015 General discipline was good. Students were polite and willing to obey 10/10/2015 JA Career Dimensions - S.4 VA Students the school rules. Culture Mixer The handling of application for the use of cameras during normal 31/10/2015 Professional Sharing – S.5 ACCT Students school day was helped by the school Office this year and the running Accountants was smooth. 22/9/2015 Job Shadowing at Credit S.5 BAFS Students A few classes adopted e-learning through using students to use their Suisse own mobile phones during lesson. Adjustments of the school rules in Oct 2015 - Inter-school Advertising S.3-5 Students relation to using mobile phones had to be made. When the whole Feb 2016 Competition school is ready for e-learning in the coming school year, the related Oct 2015 - 全港中學社會資本微電影創作 S. 4 students school rule would be amended and made known to all. For cases, junior students were mainly involved in late submission of Feb 2016 比賽 assignments while some senior students were late, eating at 15/11/2015 Creative Virtual Business Plan S.4 students inappropriate places and had marks deducted for dressing and Competition grooming. Dishonest cases like cheating in dictations and tests were Oct 2015 - HKICPA Accounting and S.5 BAFS ACCT slightly more than before, more attention here is needed. Serious cases Feb 2016 Business Management Case students of frequent stealing and cyberbullying require extra concern and Competition 2015-16 education. 21/11/2015 JA Success Skills Workshop at S.4-5 students Bloomberg Number of Date Activities/Tasks 15/12/2013 Visit Hong Kong Brands & S.4 BAFS/Econ Participants/Result Products Expo students Jul, Aug, Guidance programme for S.1 newcomers gained more 23/12/2015 Ocean Park Academy – S.4-5 students Sept S.1 newcomers understanding about the Front-of-house Observations expectations of the school in 20/1/2016 Business Lecture Series for S.5 BAFS students regards to discipline. Secondary School Sept Briefing on school rules by All students were encouraged 21/1/2016 Professional Sharing – S.5 ACCT Students class teachers and to pursue “Purity, Charity, Accounting Firm Visit disciplinary teachers Integrity and Love”, our 5/2/2016 Disney Youth Program: S.4-5 students school motto. Disney’s Foundations for Sept, Assemblies at form levels In the second term, the Police Career Success & Disney’s Feb Liaison Officer was invited to Hospitality in Practice deliver talks to S.1-3 26/3/2016; 第一屆全港中學生珠寶設計比 S.4-5 students students, the response was 23/4/2016 賽 good. Sept, Nov, Monitress Training Monitresses were reminded 14/4/2016 「推廣保障個人資料」流動展覧 S.1-5 students Mar of their duties, they evaluated 車校園巡迴展 their performances and 23/4/2016 JA It's my business workshop S.3 students sought help if necessary. 30/4/2016 JA Success Skills Workshop S.4-5 students 17/11/2015 Fire drill (Hall) Satisfactory with Starbucks 1/12/2015 Fire drill (Classrooms) 29/6/2016; Working Reality Program S.4 students Nov-Dec, Prefects’ Time Class prefects conducted 11/7/2016; Apr Class Teacher Periods, 14/7/2016 checked students’ uniform and grooming, commented and gave advice on class 8.Student Exchange Programs discipline. Local Scheme Feb Preparation for S.6 A booklet “Guidelines to The Tsuen Kwai Tsing Inter-school Student Exchange Proramme graduates graduates” was given and a (15-16) was held from 1st to 3rd March, 2016, among six EMI schools in special assembly was held the neighbouring districts. The other six participating schools this year April-May Selection of new prefects S.2 to 4 class teachers and are CNEC Christian College, Tusen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu prefect leaders were Memorial College, SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School, Tung involved. The response was Wah Group of Hospitals Chen Zao Men College and Ho Fung College. satisfactory. Interviews In total there were 9 students coming in and sending out to attend helped to select students who lessons for S3, S4 and S5. The purpose of this exchange is to enable had commitment and ability. students to experience the interchange of ideas, increase their social Oct, May Review of school rules Teachers and student leaders contact and promote mutual understanding of cultures among schools. expressed their views, which The activity proved to be a memorable, enriching and exciting one, as would serve as guidelines in our schoolmates on their return shared their experience of their visiting the formulation of school school’s ethos, teaching and learning modes with us and they gained rules in the coming year. insight and have widened their scope of horizon for immediate and Throughout Prefects maintained Prefects rendered great help lifetime learning. The event was later rounded off with a friendly and the year discipline at special and results were satisfactory. warm sharing session hosted by Lam Woo Secondary School. functions: Parents’ days, New S.1 interview, Open Overseas Scheme Day for Primary 5-6 Every year the school receives an overseas student from the AFS students, Casual Wear (American Field Service) for the period from September to June. This Day, Sports Day, year the student was from Italy. She took 2 S.4 subjects and 4 S.3 Graduation ceremony subjects. She mixed very well with her buddies and all her classmates Training for disciplinary Prefects exchanged their at different levels. The scheme provided a cross-cultural experience prefects experiences and views in for students. handling disciplinary matters. Issuing guidelines for Students were aware of the 40 teachers with 3 escort teachers Ms. Kato, Ms. Suwa and Mr. Hara Sports Day, Picnic, Casual specific requirements and from Seibi Gakuen Junior and Senior High School (an FMA school in Wear Day and Christmas showed cooperation. Tokyo, Japan) visited our school on March 18, 2016. They were first celebrations engaged in a fashion draping lesson then presented and shared with 21

Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

Number of Date Activities/Tasks Number of Date Activities/Tasks Participants/Result Participants/Result Checking of school Students were more aware of July, 2016 Joint school leadership 30 students uniforms by disciplinary holding fast to the ideals of training camp prefects, disciplinary purity and simplicity. Improper Welfare: teachers and class hair styling was the most 10/2015 – 9/2016 Umbrella lending, All students teachers common offence. Board game lending Case handling Dishonest cases like cheating Providing bags before All students in dictations and tests were long holidays slightly more than before. 10/2015 - 9/2016 Stationary selling All students Management of Detention Detention class was smoothly Handy warmer selling Class conducted (Winter) Maintaining discipline at Satisfactory in general; but Hair accessories morning line-up, Hall reminders had to be given selling assembly, recess time and ocassionally, more 16/12/2015 Christmas decoration All students lunchtime self-discipline of students is lending desired Communication: Issuing reminders to Teachers were informed of 10/2015, Student Council: All students teachers at staff meetings students’ situations and they 2/2016, Collecting opinions were willing to help whenever 7/2016 towards the School necessary. Policies Removal of personal Dates for removal were SA Webpage All students belongings before tests, pre-printed in Students’ 2/2016, 5/2016 School Policy Around 30 students exams, long holidays and Handbooks. Students were Forum special functions willing to cooperate. 7/12/2015 Thank you card writing All students Maintaining discipline Teachers and students were Election of ‘My during tests, exams and cooperative and the results Beloved Teacher’ public exams were satisfactory. 10/2015 – 7/2016 General meetings (three times)

10/2015 – 7/2016 SA Council Meetings 52 students (three times) 10. Student Association The three objectives of the Student Association are: (1) To develop students’ self-discipline and leadership; 11. School Social Service (2) To raise their awareness of civil liberties and democracy and to A School Social Worker from Caritas Hong Kong serves our school. In help them foster a sense of belonging; order to meet the growing and multi-faceted needs of adolescents, (3) To serve as a link between the school administration and the various service modes such as casework service, group work and students and to promote the welfare of the students. special programmes were rendered to our students. This year, positive

psychology programs were delivered for helping students pursue The overall performance was satisfactory. In general, the proposed positive emotions from the past and present situation. Besides, class programs were held on schedule and were conducted smoothly. programs were launched to lower form students for promoting healthy However, the Student Association strongly opposed to arrange the SA use of the internet. All programmes were implemented smoothly and activity day on the same day as the S3 Project presentation day. It feedback from students was generally satisfactory. Besides, the was mainly because: School Social Worker also provided professional support and - Lack of capable helpers for 2 large-scale activities consultation service to parents and teachers. - Large-scale activity would disturb the S3 project presentation (e.g.

noise), it brought a lot of unnecessary limitations. List of Activities/Tasks: - Limited space Number of - It violated the nature of the ‘whole school activity’ of the SA activity Date Activities/Tasks Participants/Outcome day 9/2015 S.1 Adjustment Program All S.1 students 10/2015 Classroom Open Day S.1 and S.2 parents Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants/Result 30/10/2015 S.6 Parents’ Day All S.6 parents 11-12/2015 S.1 Fun Time 62 Students Internal Activities: 10/10/2015 Talk for S.1 Parents 24 parents 16/9/2015-7/10/2015 Election promotion All students 11-12/2015 Parenting Group 5 Parents 29/9/2015 Election consultation 10-12/2015 Thanks giving Challenge All S.1 Students Session 11-12/2015 S.2 Student Growth Scheme All S.2 Students 7/10/2015 Polling day Camp 13/10/2015 Inauguration 31/10/2015 AA Program – Career Talk 32 S.5 students 26/10/2015 Sports day All students 2/11/2015 Anti-drug talk All S.4 students teacher-student game 23/11, Volunteer Service 12 Students 9/11/2015-30/11/2015 Sugarland 60 students 9/12/2015 (desert class) 21/12/2015 Volunteer Service 12 Students 27/11/2015 Throwback (recycle 3 students (Christmas program) paper making) 21/1/2016 AA Program – Firm Visit 32 S.5 students 21/12/2015 Christmas celebration All students Rite 10/2015-3/2016 Healthy use of Internet All S.1 – S.3 students 26/2/2016 Splendid craft 12 students 12/4/2016 Say No to Drugs – Class All S.2 students (accessories making) Program 27/2/2016 The Life 19 students 2/2016 S.6 Stress Management S.6 students (role playing activities) Program 22/3/2016 SA activity day – All students except the 15-16/3/2016 Sharing Happiness – Lunch 100 students detective game participants of the S3 time Program projects 16/4/2016 Volunteer Service - Outing 14 students 16/4/2016 Millionaires 25 students External Activities: 12/12/2015 Joint school oral 25 students (Chinese) 12. Home-School Communication practice (Chinese and 25 students (English) All parent committee members were enthusiastic, active and helpful, so English) activities commenced and ran smoothly and successfully. The annual 19/3, 9/4 (2016) Joint school detective 24 students activities included Lesson Observation (S1 & S2), Sports Day, S1 game Barbecue, Christmas Celebration, Picnic and Floral Tributes on Mother’s Day. The most fruitful activity was the Picnic held in April and 22

Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

there were 60 participants, including students, parents, clerical staff (Mon to Fri) Invigilation 8 volunteer parents and teachers. In appreciation of the sacrifices made by teachers in devoting their time 20/2/2016 2016 Annual 100 participants (parents and and effort to teaching, the PTA presented fruit to all staff members on (Sat) General Meeting teachers). Six items in the Teachers’ Day. constitution and the authorized signature of the bank account were Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants/Result updated. 10/9/2015 Teacher’s Day 4 committee members 17/4/2016 One Day Trip 83 participants (parents, students, (Thur) Fruit was presented to all teaching (Sun) clerical staff and teachers.) staff members. This programme is mainly and partly School Uniform 15 items of school uniform were subsidized by the Committee on Lending Service borrowed by 9 students, 2 items of Home-School Co-operation (CHSC) uniform were returned. and the PTA respectively. 22/10/2015 S1 & S2 132 parent participants (S1: 87; 4-6/5/2016 Floral Tributes on 7 committee members (Thur) Classroom S2:45) 7 parent committee members (Thur - Fri) Mother’s Day 15 volunteer parents Open day & 6 volunteer parents. This programme was mainly and School Uniform 3 items of school uniform were partly subsidized by the Committee Lending Service borrowed by 3 students. on Home-School Co-operation 23 & Sports Day 7 parent-committee members and 11 (CHSC) and the PTA. 26/10/2015 volunteer parents were the judges of 2-15/6/2016- Examination 6 committee members (Fri & Mon) the Cheering Team Competition. (Thur -Wed) Invigilation 9 parent volunteers The PTA donated 2 gifts for the Inter-house Cheer Group 3/7/2016(Fri) PTA Scholarship PTA ExCo Chairman presented The Competition and the Best Spirit presented on PTA Best Academic Award to the Award. Speech Day Form Six students who acqruied the 21/11/2015 Welcoming 82 S.1 students and parents, 9th to 13th places in the public (Sat) Barbecue (Form 10 teachers & staff members, 6 examination among all S6 students One) Janitor Staff members, in our school. 10 committee members, 9-10/7/2016 New Form One 7 parent committee members 1 parent volunteers Registration 10 volunteer parents School Uniform 3 items of school uniform were (Thur - Fri) Lending Service borrowed by 3 students. 21/12/2015 Christmas 7 committee members (Mon) Celebration 8 parent volunteers PTA donated 56 gifts in the Lucky Draw. 10/01/2016 The Community 6 parent-committee members (Mon) Chest 5 PTA members

5-21/1/2016 Examination 6 parent-committee members

13. Catering for Students with Special Learning Needs (SEN) Current situation Currently there is a very small proportion of SEN students in our school according to the SEN criteria of EDB. The students mainly have their special needs on hearing impairment, and most of them are not having severe defects.

Special arrangements / actions for SEN students Special examination arrangements were made for one S4 student and one S5 student. One S2 student showed her special needs in the social aspect. A year-long special individual mentoring programme was given to her (with the support of LSG). An EDB Education Psychologist worked together with the school social worker and SEN team. One S1 student showed her special needs in learning capability. Special arrangement was made by Senior Student Helpers Scheme, school social worker, SEN team and EDB Education Psychologist.

Staff development Many of our teachers completed various training programmes on topics about SEN. However, more teachers should be trained in order to fulfill the EDB requirement.

Specific Learning Difficulties Basic Course Advanced Course Thematic Course on Supporting Students with SEN English Chinese (30 hours) (90/120 hours) (90/120 hours) Language Language Required 6 3 (i) Behavioural, Emotional and Social Development Needs: 1 1 teacher Focusing on the needs of students with ASD, AD/HD and EBD (1) number Sensory, Communication and Physical Needs: (ii)Focusing on the needs of students with PD & VI (1) (iii)Focusing on the needs of students with HI & SLI (1) School 6 2 (i) Behavioural, Emotional and Social Development Needs: 2 1 achieved Focusing on the needs of students with ASD, AD/HD and EBD (1)

Sensory, Communication and Physical Needs: (ii)Focusing on the needs of students with PD & VI (0) (iii)Focusing on the needs of students with HI & SLI (1)

Was provided to all teachers on 18th September 2015 (Staff Development day). Sharing on the special arrangement of HKDSE for SEN candidates.

Gifted Education Statistics on students taking part in various gifted education programmes / competitions with training: Programme No. of students Rotary Club of New Territories and the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tuen Mun and Morrison Hill) Most Court Competition for Hong Kong Secondary School Students 2015-16 19


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016 HKSRACP Mock Trial – Justice Education Project 2015-16 28 Consumer Council Consumer Culture Study Awards 21

Gifted Education Programme for S2 and S3 Students (2015-16)

Objectives: To nurture a selected group of junior students with high academic potential To cater for the needs of junior students and enhance their motivation to learn, additional enrichment programmes will be conducted. Students with higher learning ability are expected to pursue higher academic goals. To develop the thinking skills of students through scientific investigation activities To enhance the learning skills of target students

Target students: Top 15 academically outstanding students in each level of S2 and S3

Selection: 15 students are selected from each level of S2 and S3 based on the overall results in the previous academic year and recommendations from class-teachers. Successful candidates are notified by parent’s letter.

Implementation: Students were allowed to have selected to participate in one of the following programmes :

Programme Partiicipated Programme details students Scientific investigation S2: 1 Students, in groups of 1 to 3, performed scientific investigations. The outstanding projects might be S3: 1 norminated for the public project competitions. Consumer culture studies S2: 6 Students, in groups of 1 to 4, conducted a study on consumer culture in Hong Kong. Their projects S3: 14 were nominated for the “Consumer Culture Studies Awards” organized by the Consumer Council. The Consumer Council provided in-school training workshops for students. Tasting programme for S2: 8 Students participated in the Mock Trial Programme organized by the SRACP as the Junior Mock mock trial Trial team. SRACP provided in-school training workshops for students.

In order to accommodate the wordload of S3 students, the S3 students participated in Gifted Education Programme were not required to submit the S.3 Project. However, those students still needed to take part in all learning activities of the S.3 Project, present their science projects / consumer culture projects on their “S3 project presentation day” and to be assessed by teachers.

14. Past Pupil Association In order to enhance the communication between the alumni and the school, the Past Pupil Assocation organized various activities and also informed the past pupils of the updates of organized events through electronic newsletters. With donations received from past pupils, the emergency fund balance has reached around $61,000. Date Activities/Tasks Number of Participants 26/10/2015 Presentation of prizes for annual sports day One committee member represented the Association in the presentation of prizes 10/2015 Newsletters 2015-2016 14/11/2015 Barbecue Around 170 committee members, teachers and past pupils 21/12/2015 Christmas Ceremony, presentation of prizes 6 committee members and around 50 past pupils 10/1/2016 Million Walk Around 20 committee members, teachers and past pupils 2/2016 – 4/2016 Responsive mobile webpage design competition All S3 students joined the competition One $1,000 and eight $200 book coupons were awarded to the champion and other prize winners (two from each class) 19/3/2016 Ocean Park (Ocean Treasures) 36 S1 to S3 students who obtained top position and best conduct in class and 3 teachers 24/4/2016 One-day Trip 27 past pupils and teachers 2015-2016 Private tutors referral 35 cases

IV. Attainment & Achievement 1. Prizes and Awards

With the great efforts of our teachers and students, we attained good results in various external competitions

Date Class Name of Student Class Name of Student Competition / Activity Organization Award Obtained 1.Schools Speech & Music Festival 67th Hong Kong Schools Speech Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and Speech Association 12/2015 1C Candy Tung Solo Verse Speaking - English First (Secondary 1 Girls) 2D Abbie Cheng Solo Verse Speaking – English First (Secondary 2 Girls) 2C Whole Class Choral Speaking – English First (Secondary 2 Girls) 1A Venus Chung Solo Verse Speaking - English Second (Secondary 1 Girls) 1B Ariel Chan Solo Verse Speaking - English Second (Secondary 1 Girls) 1D Suki Szeto Solo Verse Speaking - English Second (Secondary 1 Girls)


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016 2B Bibi Alysha Solo Verse Speaking - English Second (Secondary 2 Girls) 4C Winky Lo Solo Verse Speaking - English Second (Secondary 4 Girls) 1B Felicity Chan Solo Verse Speaking - English Third (Secondary 1 Girls) 3C Grace Cheung 3C Cherry Cheung Dramatic Duologue - English Third (Secondary 3 and 4) 11-12/2015 1C Chris Cheung Solo Prose Speaking - Cantonese First (Secondary 1) 1C Candy Tung Solo Prose Speaking - Cantonese First (Secondary 1) 3B Rachel Fung Solo Prose Speaking - Cantonese First (Secondary 3) 3D Winnie Tsang Solo Prose Speaking - Cantonese First (Secondary 3) 5D Cherry Leung Solo Prose Speaking - Cantonese First (Secondary 5) 4D Kerry Cheng Solo Prose Speaking - Cantonese Second (Secondary 4) 5A Bonnie Chan Solo Verse Speaking - Cantonese Second (Secondary 5) 5A Gloria Law Solo Verse Speaking - Cantonese Second (Secondary 5) 5C Ruby Sze 5C Vicky Leung Verse Speaking - Cantonese Second (Secondary 5 & 6) 1D Janet Hui Solo Prose Speaking - Cantonese Third (Secondary 1) 2C Athena Hui Solo Prose Speaking - Cantonese Third (Secondary 2) 11-12/2015 1B Ariel Chan Solo Verse Speaking – Putonghua First (Secondary 1 & 2 Girls) 1B Felicity Chan Solo Verse Speaking – Putonghua First (Secondary 1 & 2 Girls) 1C Winona Cheung Solo Verse Speaking – Putonghua First (Secondary 1 & 2 Girls) 3A Cindy Lam Solo Verse Speaking – Putonghua First (Secondary 3 & 4 Girls) 4C Winky Lo Solo Verse Speaking – Putonghua Second (Secondary 3 & 4 Girls) 2A May Feng Solo Verse Speaking - Putonghua Second (Secondary 1 & 2 Girls) 4B Natalie Wan Solo Prose Speaking - Putonghua Third (Secondary 3 & 4 Girls) 66th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival 3/2016 1B Ariel Chan Piano Solo Grade 7 First 2A Charlene Poon Kuzheng Solo Grade 7 Third Junior Choir and S4 AsD Secondary School Choir – Singing Second Singing Group in Chinese – Second Division – Age 16 or under 2. Academic 21/4/2016 4A Meanne Sum 5B Vivian Leung JA Company Programme Junior Achievement Hong Second 4B Dorothy Kwan 5B Vicky Mok Kong Runner-up in 4C Sharon Chan 5C May Cheung Most Popular 4C Kristy Keung 5C Jenny Chong Offering Award 4D Nicole Wong 5C Minnie Wong 5A Cindy Chan 5D Gigi Cheung 5A Yonny Chan 5D Angel Kwan 5A Kelly Chau 5D Wendy Kwok 5A Karly Hon 5D Gigi Lai 5A Kitty Lau 5D Cherry Leung 5B Sandy Ku 5D Amy Tang 21/4/2016 4B Gloria Lo 4C Mimi Lam Creative Virtual Business Plan College of Business, City Merit Award 4C Wendy Chan 4D Candice Ho Competition University 4C Mary Ko 21/4/2016 4A Joyce Cheok 5D Emily Cheung Working Reality Final Competition The Hong Kong Federation Second 5D Heidy Chan of Youth Groups; Home Runner-up in Best Affairs Bureau Sales 5D Heidy Chan Champion in Most Popular Employee 19/5/2016 2A Amy Siu 3B Grace Cheng Invention for Schools Contest Faculty of Engineering Second 3A Crystal Chin 3C Mandy Chiu (HKU) Runner -up 3B Naomie Chan 21/5/2016 2B Phoebe Chan 2D Emily Lee Invention for Schools Contest Faculty of Engineering The Most (HKU) Practical Invention for School Award


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016 2D Abbie Cheng The Most Innovative Invention for School Award 19/5/2016 2A Amy Siu 3B Grace Cheng Hong Kong Youth Science and Hong Kong Association for Distinction Award 3A Crystal Chin 3C Mandy Chiu Technology Innovation the Advancement of 3B Naomie Chan Competition Science and Technology 5C Alice Chung Tsuen Kwai Tsing District 12 Most Association of Heads of Merit Award Outstanding Students Award Secondary Schools of Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung & Tsing Yi District and 5C Alice Chung Tsuen Kwai Tsing District The Rotary Club of Tsuen Scholarship Outstanding Student Scholarship Wan & Kwai Chung 5C Valerie Man Rev. Joseph Carra Memorial Rev. Joseph Carra Scholarship Education Grants Education Fund Limited 6C Alice Leung Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes Sir Edward Youde Scholarship for Senior Secondary Schools Memorial Fund Council Students 9/2015 2014-15 2014-15 1A Britney Chu 4D Gigi Li Siu Wai Hing Scholarship 2014 - Siu Wai Hing Award Scholarship 1A Karen Li 4D Priscilla Pang 2015 Scheme 1C Cherry Ho 5D Evelyn Chan 1C Zita Li 5D Christy Ho 2A Winnie Chan 5D Janice Lee 2A Melody Ho 5D Janice Yeung 2C Livia Au Yeung 5E Ashley Hui 2C Cindy Yuen 5E Carol Leung 3A Cara Fong 5E Queenie Ng 3C Coco Cheng 5E Anna Yeung 3C Hannah Kwok 6B Vivian Li 3C Griselda Shek 6D Mandy Cheung 4A Maisy Kwok 6D Vincy Lee 4C Alice Chung 6D Candy Ma 4C Melody Lam 6E Angel Chan 4C Valerie Man 6E Peony Cheung 4C Nicole Su 6E Natalie Ng 4C Ruby Sze 6E Bonnie So 12/2015 2014-15 2014-15 Youth Arch Student Improvement Youth Arch Foundation Certificate of 1A Britney Chu 3D Kitty Leung Award Merit 1B Yumi Li 4A Sandra Tso 1C Ernie Sham 4B Natalie Wu 1D Vanessa Mak 4C Natalie Ho 2A Vivian Lo 4D Edna Cheung 2B Sophia Cheung 5A Agnes Ng 2C Natalie Kwan 5B Jasmine Kan 2D Helen Chan 5C Olivia Tsang 3B Emily Hui 5D Samantha Liu 3C Tammy Lam 5E Melody Tan 9/2015 2014-15 2014-15 Tsuen Wan Rural Committee Tsuen Wan Rural Scholarship 4C Alice Chung 5E Anna Yeung Scholarship Committee 4C Mavis Ho 6D Candy Ma 4D Gigi Li 6D Emily Poon 5D Ashley Fung 6E Angel Chan 5D Celine Hui 6E Peony Cheung 5E Queenie Ng 7/9/2015 6D Queenie Wong Don Bosco Prize Salesians of Don Bosco, Certificate of China Province in Award, $20,000 conjunction with Louis K.Y. Scholarship Leung Education Foundation 3. Culture & Arts 4. Physical Education 10/2015 6D Kelly Ip Kwai Tsing District Age Group Leisure and Cultural First Runner-up in Swimming Competition Service Department (Kwai 200m Freestyle Tsing District) Second Runner-up in 100m Freestyle 3D Annie Ng Second Runner-up in Girls C Grade 50m Breaststroke Second Runner-up in Girls C Grade 100m Breaststroke Second Runner-up in Girls C Grade 200m Breaststroke 11/11/2015 2A Daisy Chan 5B Edna Lai Kwai Tsing District Inter-School Hong Kong Schools Sports Champion in 4B Serena Li 6D Kelly Ip Cross-country Competition Federation A Grade 4D Regina Leung 6E Jena Chan 5B Icy Chan 6E Josephine Koo 26

Aunnal School Report 2015-2016 2A Tracy Lau 3B Yannes Tang Third 2A Hera Leung 3D Priscilla Tang Runner-up in 2C Cherry Ho 4B Bella Cheung C Grade 2C Athena Hui 6D Kelly Ip Fifth Runner-up in A Grade 11/2015 6E Katie Lee Kwai Tsing District Inter-School First Runner-up in Athletic Meet Girls A Grade Javelin 2B Sally Yeung Second Runner-up in Girls B Grade Shot Put 11/2015 6A Blossom Wong 6D Jessica Wong Kwai Tsing District Inter-school Champion in 6C Irene Lee 6E Kelly Chan Badminton Competition Girls A Grade 6D Evelyn Chan 6E Katie Lee 3/2016 3A Natalie Kwan 3D Kristy Leung Champion in 3A Isabella Lee 3D Priscilla Tang Girls B Grade 3B Yannes Tang 4D Lily Ng 1A Crystal Chan 1A Rachel Yip Champion in 1A Venus Cheung 1D Zita Ip Girls C Grade 1A Candy Hui 2C Ona Lee Girls Overall Champion 11/2015 5C Koby Wan 6D Jessica Wong Kwai Tsing District Inter-School Champion in 6D Stephanie Dai Table Tennis Competition Girls A Grade 3/2016 3B Natalie Chui 3C Gloria Chue First Runner 3B Jenny Tsui 3C Carmen Leung up in Girls B 3C Mandy Chan 4B Christine Sze Grade 1B Felicity Chan 1D Sonia So Second 1C Angela Choi 2B Gillian Chu Runner up in 1D Rachel Chan Girls C Grade Girls Overall Champion 10/2015 1D Janet Hui Kwai Tsing District Inter-school First Runner-up in Swimming Gala Girls A Grade 200m Breaststroke 3C Marcella Leung 4D Kelsey Kiang Second 3D Annie Ng 5C Elizabeth Ho Runner-up in Girls A Grade 4x50 Medley Relay 1D Grace Wong 2C Natalie Chui Second 2A Eunice Seto 6D Kelly Ip Runners-up, Girls A Grade 4x50 Freestyle 1D Janet Hui 3D Annie Ng First 1D Grace Wong 4D Kelsey Kiang Runner-up in 2A Eunice Seto 5C Elizabeth Ho A Grade 2C Natalie Chui 6D Kelly Ip Overall 3C Marcella Leung Kwai Tsing District Inter-school Girls First Championship 2015 – 2016 Runner-up 23/8/2015 5B Icy Chan Hong Kong Ladies Taekwondo Hong Kong Taekwondo First Runner-up Competition 2015 Association Girls Junior – Black Belt 6/12/2015 5B Icy Chan Guangzhou – Hong Kong Champion Taekwondo Competition 2015 9/1/2016 5B Icy Chan The 20th Asian Cities Taekwondo Junior Division Championships Champion 5. Skills 21/4/2016 3B Clover Chan 3B Jessie Wong Inter-school Advertising AM 730; Good Morning Brand Award 3B Grace Cheng 3D Zoe Yuen Competition Class Champion – 3B Irene Wan Snow Brand (Junior Group) 11-12/2015 5C Kitty Choy 6E Cheryl Ma The 10th Speaking Contest for Hong Kong Institute of Merit (Group) Hong Kong Students Education 6. Others 21/4/2016 5B Cathy Lee 5C Angel Chan Kwai Tsing District Youth Kwai Tsing District, Youth Kwai Tsing Representatives 2016-17 Programme Committee District Youth Represent- atives 2016-17 21/4/2016 4B Bella Cheung 4D May Law Kwai Tsing District Youth Kwai Tsing District, Youth Service Award 4B Theresa Ng 4D Rody Leung Community Service Competition Programme Committee 4C Kitty Chui 5/2016 2A Sandy Ho 2B Carmen Chan Active, Bright and Caring Education Bureau Pupil 2A Angel Hung 2B Phoebe Chan Ambassador 2A Stefi Lam 2B Mandy Wong 2A Bobo Lee 2D Cherry Lam 2A Helen Wong 2D Joanne Liu 7/5/2016 3A Karis Lam 4C Louie Lee Moot Court Competition for Hong Rotary Club of New Second 3A Amy Tsang 4C Grace Yu Kong Secondary School Students Territories and IVE (Tuen Runner-up 3C Livia Au Yeung 4D Cherry Chan 2015 - 2016 Mun and Morrison Hill) 27

Aunnal School Report 2015-2016 3C Christina Chan 4D Tina Chan 3C Coey Fung 4D Emily Chow 3C Hermione Heung 4D Athena Ip 3C Yannie Wong 4D Lily Ng 4C Wendy Chan 4D Angel Yung 4C Havis Chan 3C Livia Au Yeung 4C Havis Chan Best Defence 4C Wendy Chan Barristers 19/12/2015 3C Hermione Heung Mock Trial – Justice Education SRACP Best Barrister Project (First Round Competition) 4D Lily Ng Best Performance (Witness) (First Round Competition) 6/2/2015 3C Livia Au Yeung Best Barrister (Second Round Competition) 19/3/2016 4D Lily Ng Best Performance (Witness) (Semi-final Competition) 2C Rachel Chow 2C Phoebe Wong Outstanding 2C Cherry Ho 5C Natalie Ho Supporting 2C Yoyo Lie 5D Iris Lam Team (Semi-final Competition) 12/2015 5D Rebecca Ho Japan-East Asia Network of Education Bureau Student-delegate Exchange for Students and Youths Programme 2016

2. Student Award Scheme The American Awarded to the student in the next Zhang wing Ue A. Internal Awards Chamber of to graduating class with Angela (5C) a. Best Service and Outstanding Leadership Awards: Commerce achievements in community - Nomination in progress Charitable service, leadership, and other b. Siu Wai Hing Scholarship: Foundation Prize related fields. - Results will be announced after that examination Book Award c. PTA Best Academic Award: Nomination in progress 2015/2016 d. May Chan Scholarship: - Nomination in progress V. Others B. External Awards 1. School Environmental Policy Titles of Awards Details of the awards Name of The objective of the School Environmental Policy is to reduce Awardee(s) consumption of non-renewable energy and strengthen environmental Tsuen Wan Rural Best score in core subjects in each Nomination education. The specific measures are as follows: Committee level of S.4 to S.6. after Final Scholarship Examination a. School internal communication via Intranet and e-mail. Incoming Rev. Joseph Carra Selection is based on financial Man Yuen Wai faxes printed on paper used on single side. Re-use envelops and Memorial need, special family circumstances, Valerie (5C) brown envelopes in order to reduce paper consumption. Education Grants academic performance, conduct b. Collect waste paper, newspapers and textbooks regularly. and participation in extra-curricular activities. c. Encourage the use of reusable dining utensils at school gatherings. Tsuen Kwai Tsing Selection is based on academic Chung Hiu Ling Christmas decorations were reused. District achievement, conduct, participation Alice (5C) d. Teaching staff and students are encouraged to save energy. Outstanding in school/community activities. Guidelines for using air-conditioning were set. Lighting and Students air-conditioners should be turned off during recess, lunch and after Scholarship school. Tsuen Kwai Tsing “Outstanding Students” are Chung Hiu Lin e. Students’ experience of environmental protection was developed District 12 Most selected from the finalists of the Alice (5C) through visits, field trips and integration of environmental Outstanding Tsuen Kwai Ching District education into the formal curriculum. Students Award Outstanding Scholarship Sir Edward Youde Selection based on the student’s Leung Wing 2. Healthy School Policy Memorial Prizes academic performance in all Ting Alice (6C) The policy previously set was still in force. Different sections, functional for Senior subjects, her personality and groups and departments continued to help establish a healthy school Secondary conduct, participation in environment and develop programmes so as to help students to form Schools Students extra-curricular activities and/or healthy habits. contribution to the well-being of the Seminars and workshops on anti drug abuse for students of various community. levels, incorporation of drug fighting curriculum in school-based syllabuses of Ethics and Religious Education were the main strategies to promote “Say No to Drugs”


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016 DMHC SIU MING CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL 2015-16 School Development Plan Year-End Evaluation

Major concern I: To enhance English Proficiency and general learning and teaching effectiveness through reading across the curriculum

1. Review of the objectives, implementation process and outcomes of the school development plan in 2015-2016 Key concern Strategy Implementation methods The implementation (2015-16) Outcomes 1 A. To promote English For English Department:  Students having morning reading  Based on the discussion by teachers and questionnaire survey, 83% of class teachers To enhance Reading across the To equip students with reading session for 25 minutes a day during the were satisfied with students’ performance in the morning reading sessions students’ English Curriculum (RaC) strategies for learning the contents of period from 14/9/2015 to 23/5/2016,  Based on the discussion by teachers and questionnaire survey, 67% of class teachers proficiency and to during the reading reading materials – to identify the except Tuesday were satisfied with the performance of students in answering questions widen their periods main ideas of each paragraph Reading materials were provided to  During the focus group interview, some students expressed that they completed the subject and students of S1-S4; S5 students ordered questions with reading comprehension skills for English Language and they did not general (1) Students are For all EMI Subject Departments: To the English version of “Liberal Studies actually read the whole article knowledge encouraged to choose articles for students during Teaching Kit” published by the Sing Tao  Based on the discussion by teachers and questionnaire survey, 60% of class teachers read knowledge reading periods and set relevant Daily were satisfied with the arrangement for checking answers -based or questions.  Explanations to vocabulay came with  Based on the discussion by teachers and questionnaire survey, 83% of class teachers subject-related each article; relevant thinking questions believed that the review for after reading held four times a year was too many. But the English articles were provided for discussion students who participated in the focus group interview generally considered that the  Reading material came with a book for number of times was reasonable and they should be able to cope with that. Due to time (2) To provide Starting from 2016-17, students can teachers: Articles with answers; answers constraint, this year held three only. e-learning progressively use their own mobile were also available at teacherserver for  When students completed the reading materials provided by school, they were allowed to materials for devices to conduct the reading discussion and checking use extra-curricular English books instead. Some classes printed extra reading materials. implementation activity.  Students were required to complete a  Based on the discussion by teachers and questionnaire survey, 74% of teachers agreed of ITE4 starting review for after reading four times a year; that junior form students subscribed to Young Post from 2016-17 For library: To organize reading outstanding students’ works were  Based on the discussion by teachers and questionnaire survey, 71% of teachers agreed activities increasing students’ displayed on bulletin boards that senior form students subscribed to South China Morning Post exposure to non-fiction texts in  Reading speed varied from students in  Based on the discussion by teachers and questionnaire survey, 74% of teachers agreed different subjects. class/form that students of S6 did not have to participate in the morning reading session

Provide suitable e-books for implementation of ITE4.


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016 1 B. To enhance junior For subject level:  Junior form students were required to  Results of the S1 & S2 survey on basic learning strategies showed that the pre-test data for To strengthen (S.1-3) students’ Either A or B or both:- apply the basic learning strategies e.g. S1 and S2 were 82.42% and 79.49% respectively. The post-test data for S1 and S2 were students’ learning learning capacity in A. The basic learning strategies pre-lesson preparation and note-taking. 77.52% and 73.81% respectively. skills / strategies and beyond the should be subject-specific. Students In order to encourage students to  There was no significant difference in mastering the basic learning strategies between S1 in different classroom by basic should be able to display learning consciously use basic learning strategies and S2 students. The differences to S1 and S2 were 4.9% and 5.68% respectively. subjects learning strategies: outcomes of these strategies applied. and enhance their learning  S1 students who agreed that “teachers continue to encourage students to learn more e.g. pre-lesson B. To set appropriate online activities effectiveness, students had been asked vocabulary” increased by 12.9% in the post-test data (the pre-test and post-test data were preparation, from BrainPOP and BBC Revision for to complete assignments and learning 83.74% and 96.64% respectively). There were 89.92% of S1 students considered that note-taking, different levels of students. materials in relation to basic learning different learning strategies were of good use in learning. S1 students showed use of graphic skills. The works were even evaluated improvement in “note-taking”, and the performance in “always collect and filter information” organizers and For S1 students: by some of the teachers as continuous for S2 students was slightly enhanced (pre-test data was 61% and post-test data was “skimming and S1 Learning Strategies Workshop in assessment marks. 63%). scanning information” early September  According to the response from teachers, junior secondary students were able to  The implementation progress of learning understand different learning strategies but their performance was varied from putting into **Refer to Appendix 1 strategies in junior forms was mentioned practice, project assignments and evaluation. This was mainly because more time was in each mid-term subject panel meeting needed for homework and revision at the end of April. and teachers also periodically reviewed  According to the results of the questionnaire survey, students gave positive response to the the effectiveness of the plan. S1 Learning Strategy Workshop and they believed that the workshop was of good use in learning.  The S1 Learning Strategies Workshop was held on 17-9-2015. To help junior secondary students adapt to secondary studies through teaching learning skills in relevant subjects during lessons.

Key concern Strategy Implementation methods The implementation (2015-16) Outcomes 1 C. To address For School level:  From October to April this year, a total of 59 teachers were  1.7% of teachers who attended lesson observation agreed that the To cater for learners' diversity Focus developmental lesson required to design a lesson plan which focused on teacher’s questions (1 teacher) were able to address the learning learners’ diversity in class by at least observation--Each subject teacher is questioning skills and learners’ diversity in class. To needs of students and rated ‘Excellent’ (4 marks) in the Review on in classroom one of these: required to design one lesson plan catering achieve the desired learning outcomes in class, a teacher by Lesson Observation. (i) unpacking text; learners’ diversity in class. invitation and one more teacher / the Principal were arranged  74.6% of teachers who attended lesson observation agreed that the (ii) differentiated to participate in the lesson observation and post-lesson teachers’ questions (44 teachers) were able to address the learning assignments/ To provide support and training for teachers observation meeting. The Principal or Vice-principal were needs of students and rated ‘Good’ (more than 3 marks but less assessments; to utilize the learning management systems. also invited to attend. than 4 marks) in the Review on Lesson Observation. (iii) good  Staff development day on 24-5-2016: Ms Choi FY and Ms  23.7% of teachers who attended lesson observation agreed that the questioning to To invite teachers to share good practice of Chun KY were invited to share experience on lesson plan teachers’ questions (14 teachers) were able to address the learning scaffold for HOT; professional experience on staff development and questioning skills. Mr Tang SL was also invited to needs of students and rated ‘Average’ (more than 2 marks but less (iv) Self-access of day. demonstrate the application of ZAPTION. than 3 marks) in the Review on Lesson Observation. learning materials on e-platform, e.g., For subject level: e-class, Moodle. Early identification of needy students / early categorization of student capacity for further action Apply methods mentioned e.g. to ask scaffolding questions that cater for different students' learning needs in the classroom Organize learning and teaching materials for different levels in learning management systems.

2. Evaluation of the school development plan Methods of assessments of school development target 1A 1B 1C Quantitative 23-3-2016 Staff Development – discussion among  Questionnaire survey on basic learning strategies for S1 and S2 (pre-test data  To score teachers’ performance on the Review on Lesson Observation teachers and questionnaire survey compared to post-test data) Form (Questioning Skills) S1 Learning Strategies Workshop 30

Aunnal School Report 2015-2016 Qualitative 23-3-2016 Staff Development – discussion among  Minutes of the subject panel meetings . Teachers’ Comments from the Review on Lesson Observation Form teachers and questionnaire survey  Reflection on learning strategies by junior secondary subjects (Teachers’ (Questioning Skills)  S1-S5 Focus group interview: 18-22/4/2016 response/observation)  Post-lesson Observation Meeting Held during morning reading session 8:15-8:45 am

3. Review of the school development plan – achievements, reflection, feedback and follow-up 3.1 Achievements Major concern 1A 1 Based on the discussion by teachers and questionnaire survey, 83% of class teachers were satisfied with the students’ performance in morning reading session. Explanations to vocabularies came with each article; relevant thinking questions were provided for discussion. 67% of class teachers were satisfied with the performance of students in answering questions. In addition, 60% of class teachers were satisfied with the arrangement for checking answers. During the focus group interview, most of the students believed that the morning reading session helped to enhance their English reading abilities and also broaden their knowledge. 2 Reading material came with a book for teachers: Article with answers; answers were also available at Teacherserver for discussion and checking. 60% of class teachers were satisfied with the arrangement for checking answers. 3 During the focus group interview, most of the students agreed that the reading material was considered appropriate. Articles had different topics and some were interesting which helped arouse students’ interest in reading. Some teachers explained the more complicated articles to their students. Students gave positive comments. Major concern 1B 1. Results of the S1 and S2 survey: Junior secondary students understood the learning strategies and the subject learning skills (S1: 77.62%; S2: 73.81%), but they found it was hard to put the skills into practice. However, students had shown significant improvement in note-taking and vocabulary building. According to the results of the questionnaire survey, students of S1 believed that the “learning skills” were of good use in learning and also helped them adapt to the secondary school life and deal with the difficulty in studies. Additionally, S1 students who agreed that “teachers continue to encourage students to learn more vocabulary” increased by 12.9% in the post-test data (the pre-test and post-test data were 83.74% and 96.64% respectively). 89.92% of S1 students considered that different learning strategies were of good use in learning, and S1 students showed improvement in “note-taking”. 2. S2 students’ performance in learning skills: Results of the S2 questionnaire survey showed that students’ overall performance in learning skills was not as good as last school year. This was mainly because the pre-test data was the outcomes of school development over the past three years. However, some students could only understand the learning skills and they might not be able to put the skills into practice. Subject teachers should constantly remind students to apply learning strategies. Results of the survey showed that more than 80% of S2 students generally considered that they were able to apply the learning skills, such as note-taking. Teachers will continue to encourage students to learn more vocabulary and actually apply the learning strategies to their studies. Major concern 1C 1 Lesson observation: Teachers believed that those two items receiving lower scores still had room for improvement which included ‘There are different levels of questions so that students with different learning abilities can also respond to the questions’ and ‘Teachers can further ask questions upon the response of students’. 2 Lesson observation by the Principal: To improve teaching effectiveness of frontline teachers and to understand more about students’ learning during lessons, lesson observation of frontline teachers would be carried out by the Principal next school year. 3 Observation schedule for Key Learning Areas: The Key Learning Areas being observed during first term this year would be scheduled in the second term next school year. Conversely, the Key Learning Areas being observed during second term this year would be scheduled in the first term next school year.

3.2 Reflection and adjustments Major Concern 1A 1 Reading speed was varied from students in class/form. Some students had lower reading competence and some of them did not take reading seriously. Teachers took a longer time to explain the article. 2 Focus group: Some articles were too difficult, too long and too specialized. Some reading materials should be replaced next year. 3 Some students completed the questions with the reading comprehension skills for English Language and they did not actually read the whole article. 4 Based on the discussion by teachers and questionnaire survey, 74% of teachers agreed that junior form students subscribed to Young Post while 71% of them agreed that senior form students subscribed to South China Morning Post. There was 74% of teachers agreed that students of S6 did not have to participate in the morning reading session. Decisions were made after discussion among the promotion team members of the morning reading session: In addition to reading materials, junior and senior form students would only subscribe to Young Post and South China Morning Post respectively on Wednesday next school year. Students of S6 would only subscribe to South China Morning Post every Wednesday next year and there would be no reading materials for them. Major Concern 1B 1. Follow-up action on junior secondary subjects: Subject teachers were expected to strengthen students’ learning skills. To attain better results next year, subject teachers should remind students to put the strategies into practice and also internalize the learning skills. 2. Synergies: Subject teachers were expected to strengthen students’ learning skills. To achieve the best results, some of the subjects using the same learning skills were encouraged to cooperate and to change and influence students imperceptibly. 3. Strengthening the effectiveness of pre-lesson preparation: Students of S1 and S2 did not really agree with the effectiveness of pre-lesson preparation. This might possibly be because the students did not have time to do so or the students did not want to do the preparation, and some of them even believed that the preparation was not beneficial to learning. To strengthen students’ self-confidence in learning, teachers would be expected to ask students to do preparation before the lesson. Major Concern 1C 1 Lesson observation: Teachers believed that those two items receiving lower scores still had room for improvement which included ‘There are different levels of questions so that students with different learning abilities can also respond to the questions’ and ‘Teachers can further ask questions upon the response of students’. 2 Lesson observation by the Principal: To improve teaching effectiveness of frontline teachers and to understand more about students’ learning during lesson, lesson observation on frontline teachers would be carried out by the Principal next school year. 3 Observation schedule for Key Learning Areas: The Key Learning Areas being observed during first term this year would be scheduled in the second term next school year. Conversely, the Key Learning Areas being observed during second term this year would be scheduled in the first term next school year.


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

Major concern II: To enhance students’ leadership and self-confidence 1. Review of the objectives, implementation process and outcomes of the school development plan in 2015-2016

Key concern Strategy Implementation methods The implementation (2015-16) Outcomes (II)Empower 1.  Introduce the concept of  Last year (20/6/2015), ECA teachers introduced the concept  Both leaders, Crystal Chi and Edna Cheung conveyed a message that Students’ Facilitate students to ‘Long Term Planning in of a long term planning of extracurricular activities in a whole developing leadership skills is a long-term process and this helped Leadership develop their career extracurricular activities’ school assembly. Moreover, they provided students different students set a clearer direction and learn to do the right things. Junior and life Plan to the students, as it possible ways to become future leaders. 5E Crystal Chi, who students were motivated and actively participated in extracurricular facilitates the was a house leader, shared her leading experience at the end activities this year. development of students’ of the whole school assembly. Both Crystal and Edna presented in confidence and their leadership skills leadership skills and  This year, (On 3/5/2016), student leaders played a more were recognized through the sharing. Some leaders were shy to make career plan. leading role and helped ECA teachers to promote ECA public sharing in the past. However, through trainings and participation, activities. 5D Edna Cheung, the chairlady of Debate Team many of them were able to speak confidently in public now. who had been a member since she was a junior student, shared with us her commitment in the Debate Team.  Adopt a Leadership  S3 and S4 students were introduced to the self-nomination  The scheme attracted 97 future leaders to hand in proposals. Most of Self-nomination System scheme on 22nd June and 23rd June, 2015, respectively. these 97 leaders formed executive committees successfully before the Students who were interested to be future leaders of school Summer Vacation. clubs or groups, were required to hand in a whole year club activity proposal and a self introduction.

Key concern Strategy Implementation methods The implementation (2015-16) Outcomes (II)Empower  Commence a Student  ECA Info-Day was held on 7th September, 2015. Houses,  Students of both lower and higher forms actively visited and registered as Students’ Activity Information Day. clubs and small scale interest groups set booths or counters to members in their favourable clubs or groups. However, the registration Leadership Students were aided to pick promote the whole year plan to schoolmates and recruit new period was commented to be too short for students to visit other clubs or their favourable clubs or members. groups. groups. 90.5% of a group of 105 student leaders agreed or strongly agreed that Info-day was a good platform to empower their leadership skills and self confidence. 85.7% student leaders agreed or strongly agreed that their sense of belonging to the clubs or the school were both increased. 2  PIE model was introduced  Academic Investigation Group members shared how they  Academic Investigation Group gave detail and comprehensible sharing Introduce to all students in early adopted PIE in the community service project on 3rd that junior students could have a clear idea on how to apply PIE model in Student-LED to September 2015. September, 2015 in the whole school assembly. organizing activities. student leaders, and  Student leaders were  12 leaders shared the experiences and reflection they acquired  12 leaders were selected to share in front of the whole school though it was PIE model to all invited to share the past during the process of organizing ECA Info-Day on 18th their first time of trial, and they were recognized with their outstanding students. Encourage experiences in September,2015. progress in leadership. The self-confidence of these students was greatly regular reflection implementation and  5D Rebecca Ho shared and reflected what she had discovered increased during the sharing. before and after reflection in a Japan Exchange Programme on 24th May,2016, Moot  5D Rebecca Ho gave an inspiring speech and her effort was strongly activities. Court members shared what they had gained during the process recognized. Her success resulted from her diligent and enthusiastic of recruiting members and preparing competitions. character. Moreover, the mentoring conducted by teachers was very essential to enhance her to gain success.  Student-LED model was  Principal introduced the idea of Student-LED to all new leaders  According to the questionnaire done by student leaders on 24th May, 2016, introduced and each club or on 5th September. Principal encouraged student leaders to be 95.2% of the 105 student leaders agreed or strongly agreed that the group was to adopt the ‘learning experience designers’. Principal suggested student Student-LED Programme was useful . Student LED model into leaders to set task and have regular reflection while they were  Among the collected whole year reports from clubs and groups on 24th one future club activity. organizing club activities. May, 2016, 75% of these groups finished a LED Project. Those who had not handed in the LED Project Report, commented that the instruction guide is not detailed enough and they found it difficult to work out a LED project.


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016 3.  Leadership skill was  Public Speaking Skill was first introduced on the Training Day  According to the questionnaire done by student leaders on 5th September, Strengthen introduced and used to with interactive games and practical role play and exercises on 2015, there were 98.1% of 105 leaders who agreed or strongly agreed that students’ leadership empower student leaders in 5th September,2015. Students found it useful and they put it into the Public Speaking Workshop enabled them to improve their public and increase the Leadership Training practice on the ECA Information Day in order to promote their speaking skills. 95.2% of the 105 leaders agreed or strongly agreed that students’ self- Day and the Leaders clubs. the Leadership Training Day could equip them to take a leading role to confidence through Meeting.  Team spirit, collaboration, determination and self-confidence organize activities for members. leadership trainings.  All clubs and groups were were the main focuses in the student leader’s training workshop  According to the questionnaire done by student leaders on 3rd required to keep all their on 3rd October, 2015. This workshop was held by an external October,2015, 85 leaders (95.3%) agreed or strongly agreed that the records and documents organization called “Hong Kong Playground Association”. workshop helped them understand more of what leadership characters systematically, in order to  A mid-term evaluation and reflection was done on 15th they possess. 94% agreed or strongly agreed that the activities in the help the current and future Feb,2016 during the leaders’meeting. training day improved their communication skills and presentation power. leaders to organize and  On 6th May, 2016, a year-end evaluation and reflection meeting 97% agreed or strongly agreed that collaboration was improved through implement their plan was held. Leaders were to hand in the finance report, year-end the training day. effectively and efficiently. report and LED Project report.  Due to a technical problem, student leaders could not keep all ECA  Leaders were to save all reports and information in the Student documents and reports in the Homework drive. Server and Homework Drive.  Not all clubs or groups handed in the full report before the deadline. There was big room for student leaders to improve their time management skills and information processing skills.


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016 Key concern Strategy Implementation methods The implementation (2015-16) Outcomes II Refined mentorship - Input to whole school the 1. Students discussed questions about self – confidence in CTPs 1. Students have discussions on the meaning and characteristics of people To enhance for all round education concept of self-confidence between 2 / 9 / 2015 and 17/ 9 / 2015.. with high and low self – confidence in CTPs. students’ and life planning - Input to teachers on evaluation 2. On 7 Sept, 2015, Students completed a survey on self – 2. Assessment of students’ self – confidence revealed that, overall speaking, self-confiden adopting the Booklet formats confidence. a majority of our students have positive opinions toward themselves and ce “My Portfolio” - Student participation or 3. On 18 Sept, 2015, students learned about the characteristics of see themselves as valuable. However, relatively few of them think there is - OEA presiding over in school self – confidence in an assembly. a thing they can be proud of. Also, quite a few of them think that they are - Life planning events. 4. On 6 Oct, 2015, a talk on various ways to improve self – a failure and useless. In general, senior form students have lower rating - Academic results For example: confidence was delivered by representatives of the Community towards themselves than junior form students.  Prayer Leaders Chest and the Hong Kong Federation of Youth groups. 3. Students learned about the concept and characteristics of people with high

 MC in Mass, Liturgical 5. Class teachers were introduced to various class activities of and low self – confidence and various ways to boost their self – confidence. celebrations major concern II in each staff meeting. 4. Students experienced different class activities about self - confidence  S4 School Assembly 6. On 16 Feb, 2016, teachers were reviewed on the progress of arranged by class teachers in different CTPs.  Announcers major concern II in the first term and introduced its theme in the 5. In the survey of teachers’ opinions, all except S.4 class teachers disagreed  MC in Parents’ Day, second term. that materials provided by the school are useful in enhancing students’ self  MC in Speech Day 7. Class teachers finished a survey on the implementation of major – confidence and therefore, few teachers used the materials. However,  MC in Sports Day concern II on 23 Mar, 2016. teachers’ opinion on students’ participation in lessons were positive. Very  MC in Prize Giving 8. Students from each class were randomly selected and their few teachers agreed that students showed initiative in their PIE cycle and Ceremonies opinions on major concern II were sought afterwards in a form of therefore, its benefit to students remained unknown or at best, very little.  School Ambassadors at focused group discussion. Other comments from teachers included: School Open Day  Materials provided were too abstract, difficult to understand, too  School Ambassadors at packed and fonts were too small. new S1 Interview  Materials put too much pressure on teachers.  No need to print any materials.

 More interesting, interactive games or activities are suggested.  Different content should be provided for senior and junior form students.  More students’ sharing and presentation on successful learning experiences are needed.  It is also suggested that major concern II can be incorporated with students’ leadership activities, class meetings, career planning and JUPAS. 6. From the results of students’ focus group survey, students showed a general understanding of the concept. A majority of them, 29 out of 36, agreed that class activities and hall assembly enable them to better understand the concept. Yet, a few respondents disagreed and preferred more interactive class activities to reading materials. On suggestion to boost self – confidence, respondents unanimously suggest sharing and presentation. Some suggested leadership training and participation on ECA and chances to develop their strengths. For the part of PIE cycle, 22 out of 36 claimed that they succeeded in their cycle. While 13 out of 36 said they fail in their cycle. One student shared only the technique to complete the cycle without reporting any success or failure. Most students blamed poor time management, unassertiveness, technical problems and a lack of self – understanding as the difficulties encountered in their cycles.

2. Evaluation of the school development plan Methods of assessments of school development target –

II Empower Students’ Leadership II To enhance students’ self-confidence Quantitative 1. 3/9/2015 Leadership Training Day and 5/9/2015 ECA Info-Day Questionnaire 1. Survey: teachers viewed on target implementation, materials provided, students response and PIE cycle’s 2. 3/10/2015 Student Leadership Training Workshop Questionnaire implementation 3. LED Project Report 2. On 23 Mar,2016, teachers views were sought after in a form basis in staff development day. Qualitative 1. 3/10/2015 Student Leadership Training Workshop Questionnaire 1. Focus group: students views on class activities, PIE cycle and understanding of the concept. 2. LED Project Report 2. From 18/4/2016 to 22/4/2016, two students from each class were randomly selected and their views were recorded 3. ECA Mid-term Report in a focus group


Aunnal School Report 2015-2016

3. Review of the school development plan – achievements, reflection, feedback and follow-up 3.1 Achievements II Empower Students’ Leadership 1 A Leadership Self-nomination System has been adopted since school-year 2014-2015. Students hand in proposals of the coming year activities, and the outstanding proposals are selected by teacher-advisors. Through the self-nomination process, student leaders showed greater participation and ownership in activities. Teacher advisors were able to identify the enthusiasm and ability of future leaders. 2 Student leaders acknowledged the importance in developing the leadership and Career Life Plan. The number of applicants for student leaders 2016-17 reached 120. 3 Through the leadership training day, student leaders workshops and meetings, the leadership and the self- confidence of students had improved a lot. 4 Students responded well in the ECA Info-Day. Student leaders recognized that ECA Info-Day was able to let schoolmates understand more about the clubs and arouse the sense of belonging of members. II To enhance students’ self-confidence 1 Students have a general understanding of the concept. Students experienced different class activities in relation to major concern II. 2 Students started their PIE cycle. Based on different backgrounds, students demonstrated different degrees of success in these activities. 3 Through the use of world known assessment tools on self – confidence, the school has a general understanding of students’ degree of self – confidence. 4 Teachers were introduced the methods to boost students’ self – confidence in their teaching experiences.

3.2 Reflection and Adjustments II Empower Students’ Leadership 1 Leadership Self-nomination System and leadership training meetings started much earlier than last year. All nominees have handed in the proposal in May and are joining the leadership training on 24th – 25th June, 2016. New leaders’meetings are going to be organized on 29th June and 12th July, 2016 so that leaders have enough time to prepare for club activities during the summer vocation. 2 On 12th July, 2016, teacher advisors and student leaders can construct the whole year plan together in the meeting. Teacher advisors empower the leadership of leaders and give practical and supportive advice. To ensure the quality of activities, student leaders are advised to organize activities once every month, around 6 times in a school year. 3 ECA Team is going to give a whole year schedule to all leaders hoping that student leaders implement the planned proposal smoothly and successfully. They are requested to do regular evaluation and reflection, and hand in the club report on time. 4 ECA Team is going to give leaders more support and demonstrations on reflection in different levels, hoping that student leaders could give a higher level of reflection. Advisor teachers are to assist leaders to reflect regularly in higher levels. 5 To strengthen the cooperation of other areas, such as the S1 Adventure Based Training, S2 Life Education Programme and Student Growth Scheme, S3 Project–based Learning and S4 OLE Community Service. PIE model, leadership skills and self confidence elements are to be strengthened in the above schemes and projects. A whole school approach towards Major Concern II is expected in the coming school years. II To enhance students’ self-confidence 1 Materials provided by the school were negatively received by class teachers. There should be prompt response concerning the materials suitability, usefulness and a diminish or cut off of this practice should be considered. 2 Both teachers and students appreciated the use of sharing or presentation in class to boost self – confidence. More interesting and interactive activities should be suggested next year. 3 On the use of PIE cycle, teachers and students differ greatly in their opinions, more in-depth analysis of its success factors should be considered before it is put into use again.