Congressional Record-House House of Representatives
1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 13601 APPOINTMENTS TO TEMPORARY RANK IN THE AIR CORPS IN Tim Capt. Alfred Henry Johnson, Air Corps. REGULAR ARMY . Capt. James Roy Andersen, Air Corps. TO BE COLONELS WITH RANK FROM OCTOBER 16, 1940 Capt. Samuel Russ Harris, Jr., Air Corps. Lt. Col. William Elmer Lynd, Air Corps. Capt. Shelton Ezra Prudhomme, Air Corps. Lt. Col. Rosenham Beam, Air Corps. Capt. John Paul Doyle, Jr., Air Corps. Lt. Col. Harry Herman Young, Air Corps. Capt. Leon William Johnson, Air Corps. Lt. Col. Donald Wilson, Air Corps. Capt. Guy Beasley Henderson, Air Corps. Lt. Col. William Orman Butler, Air Corps. Capt. Henry Raymond Baxter, Air Corps. Lt. Col. Vernon Lee Burge, Air Corps. Capt. Morris Robert Nelson, Air Corps. Lt. Col. W"illiam Benjamin Wright, Jr., Air Corps. (NOTE.-Dates of rank not specified for officers nominated Lt. Col. Raymond Edward O'Neill, Air Corps. to the grades of lieutenant colonel and major, as such dates Lt. Col. Duqley Blanchard Howard, Air Corps. will be determined from the dates on which lieutenant colonelS Lt. Col. Floyd Emerson Galloway, Air Corps. and majors herein nominated accept their higher grades.) Lt. Col. Calvin Earl Giffin, Air Corps. Lt. Col. Carf William Connell, Air Corps. Lt. Col. Thomas Settle Voss, Air Corps. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lt. Col. Thomas Watson Hastey, Air Corps. MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1940 Lt. Col. Morris Berman, Air Corps. Lt. Col. Walter Bender, Air Corps. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Lt. Col. Albert Michael Guidera, Air Corps. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D.
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