Robert Olds of Windsor and Suffield, CT and his descendants

An evolving electronic document by Dan W. Olds Spartanburg, SC June 18, 2002 PREFACE

The family of Old of Windsor and Suffield, CT, has been most fully reported in The Olds (Old, Ould) Family in England and America by Edson B. Olds (Washington, DC, 1915). That publication provides the family structure for most of this document. Edson B. Olds’ work, although mostly correct, provides rather little in terms of documentation – at least by the standards of today. Of course, it also provides nothing on later generations.

The greatly increased availability of genealogical materia l in the for m of family history books, abstracted public and private documents, indices and other research aids, and the wide range of internet data collections and correspondence encourages the hope of improving upon the work of E. B. Olds. I began that attempt over fifty years ago and one result is this document. There are now at least thirteen generations of this Olds family in America. The immigrant Robert Olds had fourteen known children and fifty-five known grandchildren. All of these were born with the surname Old(s). Using a factor of 50 for each two generations yields a calculated 15 billion descendants by generation 13. This did not happen, even with the presumed duplications for multiple lines of descent, but is an example from the puzzle I pose for myself about the proper scope for this project. Should it be have a limited goal and, if so, what?

Among other ways, the project might reasonably be limited by date (all descendants born before 1850, perhaps), by generation (through the eighth generation, say), by surname (only those inheriting the Olds surname, perhaps), or (even more egocentrically) by closeness to my own line of descent (my ancestors and their siblings, perhaps). A combination of methods might be used such as following all descendants for five generations, continuing with the Olds surname only until 1850, then continuing with the descendants of John Hixon Olds, my great-grandfather.

These are theoretical methods of limitation. A practical limit comes from the time, money, and effort required to obtain, connect and report various data items. This limita tion tends to focus the project on New England (where data is usually easier to gather), on earlier generations (because of the limited numbers and because of the many connections to be proven for later family members), and on the Olds surname (because it easily gets my attention in any record collection and is the one constant known from the beginning). Because of these practical considerations, I have adopted a format which does not assign an Arabic (continuation) number to a child unless either the mother or the father bore the surname Olds. This means that I will create a numbered paragraph for the children of Olds daughters but not the grandchildren. In addition, however, I will trace all descendants of my own great-great-great grandfather, Jonathan Olds who married Lucy Wood and Joanna Keith. Most of their children moved to before further dispersion.

The results of this research have evolved, through many changes of goal and format, into the present, electronic, form. As an electronic document, this presentation changes much more rapidly than a traditional publication would. It has been presented in a variety of formats, styles, and contents. Recent versions therefore include a date on each page to help with the identification.

What others have sha red with me, I am glad to share with you in the hope that through continued exchange we will improve the scope, accuracy and documentation of our knowledge of this family.

Dan W. Olds


Robert Olds of Windsor and Suffield, CT ...... 1

Second Generation (CHILDREN) ...... 3

Third Generation (GRANDCHILDREN) ...... 8

Fourth Generation (GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN) ...... 19

Fifth Generation (GREAT-GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN) ...... 41

Sixth Generation (GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN) ...... 77

Seventh Generation (4th-GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN) ...... 135

Eighth Generation (5th great GRANDCHILDREN) ...... 193

Ninth generation (6th great grandchildren) ...... 227

Eleventh Generation (8th great grandchildren) ...... 239

Twelfth Generation (9th great grandchildren) ...... 241

Appendix A. 1900 Bryant Reunion...... 245

Appendix B. Olds Miscellany...... 253

Appendix C. Olds Line in England ...... 264

INDEX ...... 268

iii Robert Olds of Windsor and Suffield, CT and his descendants

The history of this branch of the Olds family was the component of at least one genealogy.1 The immigrant, Robert Ould (Old, etc.) was said to be a son of John and ______(Gatherest) Old of Sherborne, Co. Dorset, England. Robert was born there in 1645. His father was buried at Hillfield, 15 Jan. 1682, and his mother was buried at Chard, 29 May 1660.2 Although I have examined some of the parish registers and tax lists there, I have found no record of this Robert Old in England. The English connection is based on an English pedigree showing Robert Ould was born in 1645, moved to America and settled in New Windsor.3

1. Robert Old is first found in America at Windsor, CT, in 1667 as an apprentice to Jacob Drake (perhaps he should be described as a servant; need to know more about Drake, as well). On 19 Feb. 1667, Noah Drake agreed to pay Robert Ould's 30 shilling fine for night walking.4 Robert Old was to pay this back to his master and if "he falls into transgression while he remaynes servant to Jacob Drake, he is to pay instead of his thirty shillings, the sum of three pounds."

He married Susannah Hanford on 31 Dec. 1669.5 His household size was 2 on 7 March 1670.6 They had two children born at Windsor 7. Although there is no record of his having held land at Windsor, "Robert Old, of Windsor, in the County of Hartford, has assigned and made over to Thos. Bissell of Windsor all his estate to take out as much as is due to himself and to allow to the wife of Robert Old out of the rest of the estate as she desires for herself and children. Dated Oct. 27, 1673". 8 Robert Old was one of the five founders of Suffield, CT , in 1670 where he was granted (allowed to purchase for 4 pence per acre) fifty acres of land on Jan. 26, 1670.9 It was in 1673 that he moved to Suffield.10 He lived on the part of Northampton Road later called Old Street. In 1696, "Goodman" Old made bricks, and built the chimney for the minister's house. In 1696, he was appointed town agent to manage the town's case before the General Assembly. The town was poor and unable to pay its colonial tax. Due to his efforts, the taxes were forgiven. He appears to have been a prominent man of the town, one of the first five proprietors, owning 50 acres at the corner of Northampton Road and New Haven Road, adjoining the old cemetery. However, he was not qualified to vote at the first town meeting and probably was never made a freeman.11 It is unknown how he got the title Dr. Robert Old and what this title meant.

Susannah (Hanford) Old died 6 Jan. 168812 and Robert married Dorothy Granger on 1 April 168913 14 (i.e. three months later). She was a daughter of Launcelot Granger who was born in 1620, married Joanna

1 Edson B. Olds, The Olds (Old, Ould) Family in Engl and and America, (published by Edson B. Olds, Washington, DC, 1915). 2 Olds, p. 34 3 Olds, p. 14. 4 Record of Hartford Quarterly Court, p. 72, quoted in Olds, op. cit., p. 15. 5 Welles, Edwin Stanley, ed., Births, Marriages and Deaths Returned from Hartford, Windsor, and Fairfield, and entered in the Early Land Records of the Colony of . Volumes I and II of Land Records and No. D of Colonial Deeds, (Hartford, Conn., 1898), p. 12. From Windsor marriages, folio 45, of the entries in Vol. I, 1640-1653. Her name is given as Susan. 6 Holbrook, Jay Mack, Connecticut Colonists, Windsor, 1635 - 1703 (Oxford, Mass., 1986), p. 194 7 Stiles, Henry R., The History of Ancient Windsor, Connecticut, ... , 1635-1891, Vol. II, The Genealogies, (Press of the Case, Lockwood, and Brainard Company, 1892), p. 537-38. 8 Olds, p. 14 9 Robert Hayden Alcorn, The Biography of a Town, Suffield, Connecticut, 1670 -1970, p. 9. 10 Gowen, Bela E., Genealogy of the Olds Family (compiled in 1952 and known to me only from a photocopy supplied by Ken Haughton, Los Gatos, CA, in 1986), p. 10 11 Sheldon, Hezekiah S., Documentary History of Suffield in the Colony and Province of the Bay in New England, 1660-1749 (1879), pp. 17, 44-45. 12 Stiles, op. cit., p. 538. He gives the surname as Hosford. 13 Olds, op. cit., p. 55. 14 Barbour Collection, Connecticut Vital Records, Suffield, Births - Marriages - Deaths, 1674 - 1850 (a 1928 typescript in the Conn. State Library), pp. 195-197.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 1 Adams in 1654, and died 3 Sept. 168915.

Sheldon applies the death date, 16 Jan. 1727/8, to this Robert Old, although the same date has been given for his son Robert.16 17 The town records quoted below make it clear that it was the first Robert Olds who died on this date.

The following is from a typed copy of page 3, Vol. 1 of the Suffield Vital Records, sent by Dorothy K. McCarty, Town Clerk, in her letter to me dated Nov. 24, 1987.

Robert Old the first Mindwell Old the Daughter of Robert Old which Susanah his Wife Gave to him born February the 4th 1674. Handford his Son born March the 24th, 1677. William his Son born Feb". the 7th 1679 and Die- (died) Augs. 24th 1680, his son William born August the 28th. 1680. his Son Ebenezer born Dec. 22 1688. Susannah his Daughter born October the 21st 1683. Ebenezer his son Die" (died) Decem" 30th 1688. his Wife Susannah Dei" (died) January the 6th 1688. and himself joined im [sic] Marriage with Dorothy Granger April the 1st 1689. John his son which Dorothy his Wife bore to him born July the 11th 1691. Ebenezer his son born Jan. 22. 1692-3. his son Jonathn died Decemb" the 19th 1696. his Son Josiah born March the 4th. 1694-5. Jonathan his Son born June the 8th 1698. Nathanl his Son born March the 2nd, 1701-2. his Son Joseph born Feb. 7th his son Josiah die Decemm the 28th 1712. Robert Old himself died January the 16th. 1727-8.

Olds lists the birth and death year for the first Ebenezer as 1681, which is between William and Susannah. The order is followed by Sheldon18 and Stiles19. The out of sequence record leaves doubt about his birth year. However, this vital record listing surely answers the question of which Robert Old died in Jan. 1727/8. A small stone in the Suffield Cemetery marked his grave.20 Dorothy (Granger) Old died ______1728.21 This date, however, seems to be contradicted by the fact that widow Dorothy Olds joined the church at Suffield on 29 June 1735.22 All fourteen children are named by Sheldon23, Stiles24 and Olds25, perhaps from Sheldon, in the order given below. Robert Ould, b. 9 Oct. 1670, and Jonathan Old, b. 4 Jan. 1672, are listed as sons of Robert Ould and Susannah Hanford in the Matthew Grant Record, a private record of Windsor Vital Statistics kept from the early years of the town.26 Later, in summarizing the births in Windsor from the beginning up to 17 Aug. 1677, Grant list Robert Ould with two, thus not including Mindwell and Handford who had been born at Suffield by that time. Each birth after the first two is in Barbour27 and both parents are named in the record. 28 The Barbour Collection lists an Allyn Old, who died 12 Sept. 1675, from Vol. 1, p. 40 of the Windsor record.29 This, however, should be old Mst. [i.e. Mistress] Allyn who was one of the twelve people

15 Olds, op. cit., p. 55. 16 Olds, op. cit., p. 56 and 61. 17 Z. H. Hills, "Mr. and Mrs. Justin H. Olds", a talk given at the Bryant Reunion in June, 1900, and published in the Bureau County Republican, (Princeton, IL), 5 July 1900, says this Robert Olds died in 1685 at Windsor. This is not correct. 18 Sheldon, p. 44 19 p. 538, perhaps following Sheldon. 20 Sheldon, p. 45. 21 Olds, p. 55. 22 Records of the Congregational Church in Suffield, Conn. (Except Church Votes), 1710-1836 (Hartford, Connecticut Historical Society, 1941). This is is Volume Seven, Fifth Town, Series II, Churches, of Vital Records of Conn. See p. 12. This reference will be abbreviated as SChR. 23 Sheldon, pp. 44-45. 24 Stiles, p. 538 25 Olds, p. 56-57. 26 Some Early Records and Documents of and Relating to the Town of Windsor Connecticut, 1639-1703 (Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, 1930, reprinted by Clearfield Co., Baltimore, 2002), p. 54. 27 Barbour, Suffield VR. 28 Connecticut Nutmegger, "Births, town of Suffield", Vol. 14 No. 4 (March 1982), page 564, gives births of Mindwell, Handford, William, William (28 Aug. 1682), and Ebenezer -- no Susannah -- to Robert and Susannah; John, Ebenezer, Josiah, Jon athan and Nat han iel -- no J ose ph - - to Robert and D orothy. 29 Barbour Collection, Conn. Vital Records, Windsor, Births - Marriages - Deaths, 1637 - 1850, p. 208.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 2 who died at Windsor in 1675, as recorded in the Matthew Grant Record. 30

Children of Robert and Susannah (Hanford) Old

2. i. Robert Old, b. 9 Oct. 1670 ii. Jonathan Old, b. 24 Dec. 1672,31 d. 19 Dec. 1696.32 The birth date is 4 Jan. 1672 in Stiles and 4 Jan. 1673 in Warren. 33 Since he died at age 23, even though no children are mentioned, it remains a possibility that he had heirs. I take the fact that another son was named Jonathan, shortly after the death of this one, as a clue that this one had no children. 3. iii. Mindwell Old, b. 4 Feb. 1674/5, the only white child born at Suffield before King Phillip's War.34 However, this in not the earliest birth in the Suffield records.35 4. iv. Handford Old, b. 24 March 1677/78. v. William Old, b. 7 Feb. 1679, d. 24 Aug. 1680.36 5. vi. William Old, b. 28 Aug. 1680,37 d. 21 Sept. 1749. vii. Ebenezer Old, b. 22 Dec. 1681, d. 30 Dec. 168138 or 22 Dec. 1688 - 30 Dec. 168839 6. viii. Susannah Old, b. 21 Oct. 1683

Children of Robert and Dorothy (Granger) Old 7. ix. John Old, b. 11 Jan. 1691, d. 10 Dec. 1755 8. x. Ebenezer Old, b. 22 Jan. 1692/3, d. 28 Oct. 1732 xi. Josiah Old, b. 4 March 1694/5, d. 28 Dec. 1712, and thus he probably had no heirs. 9. xii. Jonathan Old, b. 8 June 1698. 10. xiii. Nathaniel Old, b. 2 March 1701/02. 11. xiv. Joseph Old, b. 3 Feb. 170__ 40 Second Generation (CHILDREN)

2. Robert Old, son of Robert and Susannah (Hanford) Old, was born 9 Oct. 1670, at Windsor, CT.41 He married widow Elizabeth Lamb on 28 Jan. 1696/7 at Springfield, MS, where their marriage intention was announced 9 Jan. 1696/7.42 They were married by Judge John Pynchon of Springfield, MA.43 She was a daughter of John Atchinson. 44 Burt's History of Springfield lists "Robberth Ould, Senre, fence viewer, 8 March 1697/8 and "Robbert Old, 11 March 1700". Robert had the title of Doctor and lived on Springfield road within

30 Some Early Records and Documents of and Relating to the Town of Windsor Connecticut, 1639-1703 (Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, 1930, reprinted by Clearfield Co., Baltimore, 2002), see p. 10, p. 85 and index. 31 Olds, p. 56 32 Sheldon, p. 44 and Stiles, p. 538, (from Sheldon) assign this death to this Jonathan. 33 Thomas B. Warren, Springfield Families, Vol. II, F-O, (Springfield, MS, 1924-25), p. 514. Used at New England Historic and Gen ealogica l So cie ty Li brary. Th is refer enc e lists a Jo nat han , d. 1696 , among th e ch ildren o f Rob ert and D orothy. 34 Sheldon, p. 17, quoted by Stiles, loc cit. 35 Connect icut Nutmegge r, "Bi rths, town of Suffield", Vol. 14 No. 4 (M arch 1982), page 562, gives, for example, children of John and Benedict Lawton born in 1662, 1666, and 1669. Probably these children were born elsewhere. 36 Warren, loc. cit., gi ves this chi ld as M ary. 37 The year is 1680 in Warren and Olds, 1682 in Barbour and Connecticut Nutmegger and Schott, Nancy E., comp., The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records, Suffield, 1674 - 1850 (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 2002). 38 Warren, loc. cit., gives "Ebenezer b & d 1688". If so, this birth may well have been the cause of Susannah's death. The Nutmegger article includes Ebenezer, b. 22 Dec. 1688. 39 Schott, Suffi eld VR. In the publicati on the information [of Robert and Susan nah] is adde d in br ackets with no explanation of the meaning of bracketed information. Since reference is made to Vol. 1, p. 3, which is quoted above, the bracketed information is undoubtedly added from the context which makes it obvious, though not stated. 40 The date is 7 Feb. in Barbour; the year is 1704 in Noon, p. 437 41 Some Early Records and Documents of and Relating to the town of Windsor, Connecticut, 1639 - 1703 (Hartford, Conn. Hist. Soc., 1930), p. 54. From the Matthew Grant Record. This record also gives the marriage of Robert Ould and Susannah Hanford and the birth of their son Jonathan, 3 Jan. 1672. 42 Warren, p. 514. 43 Judge Pynchon's Marriage Record: 1685-1711, NEHGR, vol. 123 (1969), p. 264. The date printed here is Jan. 28, 1697/8, but this is corrected to Jan 28, 1696/7 in vol 146 (1992), p. 181. 44 Warren, p. 514.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 3 the present town bounds of Brimfield. Although his death date has been given as 16 Jan. 1727/2845, that date has been shown above to apply to Robert Old, Sr. It needs to be determined whether he or his father held the title of Doctor. Robert Old held land on the west side of the Connecticut River in Springfield, not far from the Connecticut border and was living there in 1720.46 Steward47 includes “Dr. Robert Olds” and Elizabeth Atchison, b. 22 April 1672, widow of Daniel Lamb, among the ancestors of Sir Winston Churchill. He says Robert died, probably at Monson, Mass., by 1736, and that Elizabeth was living in Brimfield, Mass., in 1736.

Children of Robert and Elizabeth (Atchinson) Old48 49

12. i. Jonathan Old, b. 30 Nov. 1697 13. ii. Elizabeth Old, b. 19 March 1698/9. 14. iii. Robert Old, b. 6 June 1701. iv. Daniel Old, b. 19 July 1703, d. Dec. 1724 v. Benoni Old, b. 28 Feb. 1705/6, d. 14 April 1706.50 15. vi. Mercy Old, b. 29 Nov. 1707. vii. ----- Old, b. 18 Aug. 1710. 16. viii. Joshua Old, b. 3 Oct. 1715.

3. Mindwell Old, daughter of Robert and Susannah (Hanford) Old, was born 4 Feb. 1674/5 at Suffield, Conn. She had an illegitimate daughter Mariah or Mary whose father was Edward Smith, Jr. Mindwell Old renewed her baptismal covenant at Suffield on 28 Feb. 1713/14.51 She also appears to be the only available identification for the Mindwell Old who married John Stockwell at Suffield on 11 Dec. 1716 (intentions published 25 Nov. 1716).52 John Stockwell joined the church at Suffield on 28 April 1728 and Mindwell Stockwell joined on "June ye last" 1728.53 No children are recorded for this couple at Suffield.54 On 12 Aug. 1702, at Suffield, John Stockwell had married Elizabeth Weller (17 April 1680 - 12 Sept. 1716).55 "It is certain that John's house was built before 1732. From circumstantial evidence, we think it must have been built around 1720. By 1720 John definitely needed a large house for his considerable family. His first wife, Elizabeth Weller, had given him eight children; six of whom were still living. Elizabeth had died following Samuel's birth, but Mindwell Old was John's second wife and was the new mother in the family. We have searched all cemeteries in and around Suffield in vain for Elizabeth's and Mindwell's graves. It is surmised that they, like Quinton and Abigail, were probably buried in the part of the Congregational churchyard that was obliterated to make way for a new wing of the church. We know that Elizabeth died in 1716. It appears that Mindwell probably died between 1732 and 1737. She and John both signed a deed at Suffield in 1732,(Deed f. 242, court records). In 1737, John signed one alone with no mention in the document of a wife. ... He was admitted to membership in the Suffield Congregational Church on 28 Apr. 1728 and his wife Mindwell (Old) Stockwell was admitted on 3 June 1728."56 Children of Mindwell Old

17. i. Mariah Old, b. 10 Aug. 1707

45 Olds, p. 61, which also says he was born at Suffield. 46 Stiles, p. 538. 47 Steward, Scott C., “The Eighth-Generation Ancestry of Sir Winston Churchill”, NEHGS NEXUS, Vol. XIV, No. 2 (March-April 1997), p. 67. 48 The same list is given by Olds, p. 61, and Warren, p. 514. 49 Dates given in IGI differ slightly from the above: Robert and Elizabeth were married on 23 Jan. and also June; Jonathan was b. 20 Nov.; Robert was b. 6 Jan. 1701; Daniel was b. 28 Apr. 50 Index to Death s of Springfie ld, M S, fil m 0185412, Family Hi story Library, Salt Lake Cit y, UT. Benoni is listed as son of Robt. and Eliz. 51 SChR, p. 16 52 Barbour, Suffield VR, p. 196. 53 SChR, p. 10 54 Suffield Births, Connecticut Nutmegger, vol 15 #1, (June 1982), pp. 17-18; Schott, Suffield VR 55 Barlow, Claude W., "Descendants of Richard Weller of Windsor, Northampton and Deerfield", TAG 34(1958), p. 142. 56Stockwell, Irene Dixon, The Stockwell Family, Adventures into the past, 1626 - 1982, Second Edition, Revised (Janesville Printing Co., Janesville, Wis., 1982). pp. 59-60.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 4 4. Hanford Old57, son of Robert and Susannah (Hanford) Old, was born at Suffield, Conn., on March 24, 1677. He married (1) Elizabeth Neal58 on 11 Feb. 1702/3 at Springfield, Mass. They were both of Westfield, Mass.59 She died 20 May 1740 and he married (2) Mary Handchit60 (intentions published 28 Aug. 1742) and she died 4 Jan. 1756. Hanford died at Westfield, Mass., on 13 March 1765. His name is also spelled Handford.

Children of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Olds61

18. i. Samuel Old, b. 29 April 1706 19. ii. Elisha Old, b. 29 Jan. 1707/8 20. iii. Elizabeth Old, b. 3 May 1710, at Springfield, Mass. 21. iv. Daniel Old, b. 28 April 1703, (?) Westfield, Mass. 22. v. Jacob Old, b. 25 May 1712, d. 28 Nov. 1745. 23. vi. David Old, b. b. 4 June 1714, Westfield. 24. vii. Caleb Old, b. 4 Aug. 1716, Westfield. 25. viii. Isaac Old, b. 6 March 1718, Westfield. 26. ix. Abel Old, b. 5 Jan. 1721/2. 27. x. Eunice Old, b. 20 July 1724, Westfield. 28. xi. Rhoda Old, b. 11 May 1727, b. Westfield.

5. William Old62, son of Robert and Susannah (Hanford) Old, was born at Suffield, Conn., on 28 Aug. 1680. He married Elizabeth Walker (20 Nov. 1691 - 10 May 178263) at Suffield on 11 Dec. 170764. William died at North Brookfield, Mass., on 21 Sept. 174965. He was Captain at the Siege of Lewisburg in Queen Anne's War, 1747, and lived in North Brookfield, Mass., on the south side of the river near Mason's brook. The seige of Louisburg is given elsewhere as 8 June 175866 and also as a 49 day seige ending on 17 June 1745.67 Apparently there was more than one siege. Elizabeth Walker was a daughter of Edward and Elizabeth (Dean) Walker.68

The will of William Old of Brookfield, Mass., was probated 10 May 1751. His widow was Elizabeth and he named his eldest son William, other sons Comfort, Ezekiel, Ruben (Reuben) and Josiah and his daughters Elizabeth, wife of Uriah Gilbert, Hannah, wife of Moses Barns, Abigail, wife of Jonathan Gilbert and Deborah, wife of Aaron Barns.69

Children of William and Elizabeth (Walker) Old70 71

57 The birth, marriages and deaths are all in Olds. Warren reports the birth and first marriage. 58 Warren, p. 515, suggests she may have been a daughter of Edward and Martha Neal, b. 26 Feb. 1682. 59 Index to Springfield, MS, Vital Records, film 0185412, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT 60 Warren, p. 515, gives her name as Mary Wandell and the marriage was at Westfield. 61 Olds, p. 89-90, lists eleven children and their birth dates. 62 Olds, p. 129-30, lists the birth, marriage and death dates. 63 Elizabeth Olds, widow of William, d. 10 May 1782, in her 92nd yr. Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 64 Schott, Suffield VR 65 William Olds, husband of Elizabeth, d. Sept [21], 1749, in 67th yr. Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 66 Lobdell, Jared Charles, "An identification of the Lieutenant Hopkins at the Siege of Louisbourg", NEHGR 109(1965), p. 248. 67 Chase, Albert, History of Ware, Mass (Cambridge, 1911)., p. 131 68 Pedigree chart sent by Tom Benson, Schaumburg, IL, May 1993. 69 Worces ter Co., Massach use tts P rob ate Abstracts , Vo lume 3 , 1748 -17 51, from Ea rly Vit al Record s of Worces ter Count y, MA CD-ROM (Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 70 Olds lists the names and birthdates of eight children, with no Reuben. 71 The same eight children and birthdates are in the Vital Records of Brookfield, Mass.Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM (Sear ch and Research Pu blishing Company, Wheat Ri dge, CO. (c. 2000). Reub en is missi ng from Olds and from the Vital Records.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 5 29. i. Elizabeth Old, b. 5 April 1711, at Suffield72. 30. ii. William Old, b. 8 Sept. 1714. 31. iii. Hannah Old, b. 8 April 1716. 32. iv. Abigail Old, b. 12 April 1718. 33. v. Josiah Old, b. 23 May 1720. 34. vi. Deborah [Debrah] Old, b. 13 July 1722. 35. vii. Comfort Old, b. 14 May 1724. 36. viii. Ezekiel Old, b. 21 May 1727.

6. Susannah Old, daughter of Robert and Susannah (Hanford) Old, was born 21 Oct. 1683. Her marriage record, if any, is unknown.

7. John Olds, son of Robert and Dorothy (Granger) Old was born 11 Jan. 1691, at Suffield, Conn. 73 and died 10 Dec. 175574. He joined the church at Suffield on 31 July 172075 where he and Ebenezer had renewed the baptismal covenants and were baptised as young men on 2 Nov. 1718.76 On 18 Feb. 1721/22, he married Elizabeth Denslow, of Windsor, who died 23 Dec. 1774.77 John made his will on 22 Nov. 1755 as "John Olds of Suffield in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut in New England". He named his wife Elizabeth, eldest son John, eldest daughter Elizabeth, second daughter Experience, youngest daughter Patience, and sons Josiah, Joseph, and Benjamin. He was able to leave four hundred pounds to each daughter, according to the will. The seven children were all baptized at Suffield as children of John Old. 78

Children of John and Elizabeth (Denslow) Olds79

37. i. Elizabeth Olds, b. 8 April 1723. 38. ii. John Olds, b . 18 Oct. 1724 39. iii. Experience Olds, b. 25 Aug. 1726 40. iv. Josiah Olds, b. 13 May 1728. 41. v. Joseph Olds, b. 19 Oct. 1730. 42. vi. Benjamin Olds, b. 21 Jan. 1732/3. 43. vii. Patience Olds, b. 9 Sept. 1736.

8. Ebenezer Old, son of Robert and Dorothy (Granger) Old80, was born 22 Jan. 1693 and died 28 Oct. 1732.81 He married Rebecca Temple on 7 Nov. 1718 at Concord, Mass.82 83 She married (2nd), John Towsley, on 12 May 1736 (intentions published 29 April 173684) and died in October, 1746. The Old children were all born at Suffield. Ebenezer and his brother John were baptized at Suffield on 2 Nov. 1718.85 Ebenezer Old joined the church at Suffield on 25 Oct. 1719 and his wife Rebeka (name added later) joined the following Jan. 10.86 A note in the Olds genealogy in the library of the New England Historic Genealogical Society says there

72 at Suffield, per Olds, but at Brookfield, according to Suffield Births, Connecticut Nutmegger, vol 15 #1, (June 1982) article. The Suffield record specifies Brookfield according to Schott, Suffield VR 73 Olds, op. cit., lists his marriage, his family, and quotes his will. 74 Suffield VR film. 75 SChR, p. 8 76 SChR, p. 17, 29 77 Suffield VR film. 78 SChR, pp. 32-46 79 Suffield Births, CN 14:2 (March 1982), p. 564, lists the births of their children except Benjamin and Patience (the article ends with 1730). 80 Olds, op. cit., p. 56-7, lists his marriage and children. 81 Schott, Suffield VR 82 This marriage was performed by Justice Minott and recorded in the Vital Records of Concord, MA. Concord Births, Marri ages and Deaths. Early Vital Records of Middlesex County, Massachusetts to about 1850. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 1998) 83 She was of Concord. Their intentions were published at Suffield on 13 Sept. 1718. Schott, Nancy E., comp., The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records, Suffield, 1674 - 1850 (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 2002). 84 Schott, Suffield VR 85 SChR, p. 29 86 SChR, p. 8

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 6 are additional records on the children of Ebenezer in the Records of the Cong. Church of Springfield. These six children were baptized at Suffield as childr en of Ebenezer Old87, although Olds does not mention Abigail and gives no dates for Ebenezer and Isaac.

Children of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Temple) Old88 89

44. i. Dorothy Old, b. 14 Oct. 1719 45. ii. Rebeckah Old, b. 15 Feb. 1720/21 46. iii. Prudence Old, b. 14 Feb. 1722/3 47. iv. Abigail Old, bapt. at Suffield, 27 March 1726 48. v. Ebenezer Old, bapt. 22 Sept. 1728 49. vi. Isaac Old, bapt. 1 Oct. 1732

9. Jonathan Old, son of Robert and Dorothy (Granger) Old90, was born 8 June 1698. He married Susanna Temple of Concord91 on 30 Oct. 172292 and she died 22 June 1780. According to the note mentioned above, there is more information on the children of this Jonathan listed in the records of the Cong. Church of Springfield. I have not been able to confirm this. The death of a Jonathan Old on 21 April 1740, age 41,93 recorded at Springfield may apply to this Jonathan but has been applied to Jonathan, son of Robert and Elizabeth (Atchison) Old, q.v. Susanna Old, wife of Jonathan, joined the church at Suffield on 4 Oct. 1724.94 It was probably this Jonathan who joined the same church on 25 May 1735.95 His name is listed as one of many "who to a Judgement of Charity have been Converted" on 24 April 173596 and he was baptized as an adult on 25 May 1735.97 The children below were baptized at Suffield as children of Jonathan Old98 but only the first two are mentioned in Olds and are recorded in the Suffield vital records.

Children of Jonathan and Susanna (Temple) Old99

50. i. Mary Old, b. 11 Nov. 1723. 51. ii. Rhoda Old, b. 20 0ct. 1725. 52. iii. Hannah Old, bapt. 2 June 1726 53. iv. Susanna Old, bapt. 9 June 1734 54. v. Jonathan Old, bapt. 9 June 1734 55. vi. Sarah Old, bapt. 20 April 1735 56. viii. Stephen Old, bapt. 3 July 1737 57. ix. Seth Old, bapt. 20 July 1740

10. Nathaniel Old, son of Robert and Dorothy (Granger) Old100, was born 2 March 1702. He married Mercy Stool101 on 18 July 1722 (intentions published 14 May 1722). Their children were all born in Suffield, Conn., and are recorded in the vital records there.

87 SChR, pp. 30-44. 88 Suffield Births to 1730 , CN 14:2 (Mar ch 1982 ), p. 564, list s births of the first three childr en. Th e bapt isms are from SchR, pp. 30-44. 89 A son and a daughter of Ebenezer and Rebeckah are listed without names as born in Suffield. Schott, Suffield VR 90 Olds, op. cit., p. 57, lists his marriage and children. 91 Barbour, Suffield VR, p. 196. Also Schott, Suffield VR 92 This marriage was performed by Justice Minott and recorded in the Vital Records of Concord, MA. Concord Births, Marri ages and Deaths. Early Vital Records of Middlesex County, Massachusetts to about 1850. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 1998) Jonathan and Susanna were both "of Concord". 93 Ella May Lewis, (copiest), Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1736-1809, First Church, Springfield, Mass. (1938), p. 39 94 SChR, p. 9 95 SChR, p. 12 96 SChR, p. 22 97 SChR, p. 44 98 SChR, pp. 33-46 99 Suffield Births, CN 14:2 (March 1982) lists only Mary and Rhoda. 100 Olds, op. cit., p. 57, gives his marriage and children. 101 Warren, p. 514, gives the name as Mercy Steel. The name is given as Steel or Steel in Schott, Suffield VR. This is no doubt correct as others of the name Steel(e) but not Stool appear in the town.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 7 Children of Nathaniel and Mercy (Steel) Old102

58. i. Nathaniel Old, b. 1 Oct. 1722. 59. ii. Mercy Old, b. 30 April 1724. 60. iii. Azubah Old, b. 23 Oct. 1727. 61. iv. Abiah Old, b. 26 Sept. 1729. (twin) 62. v. Lucy Old, b. 26 Sept. 1729. (twin) 63. vi. Sabia Old, b. 30 April 1736.

11. Joseph Old, son of Robert and Dorothy (Granger) Old, was born 3 Feb. 170-103. He still must be traced. He is the only unidentified Joseph Old I know of who was born early enough to be the Joseph Old who died at Brookfield, MA, 10 Oct. 1760104 and about whom I currently know nothing else.

Third Generation (GRANDCHILDREN)

12. Jonathan Old, son of Robert and Elizabeth (Atchison) Old was born 30 Nov. 1697 at Springfield, Mass. He married Martha Wright on 18 Feb. 1720.105 He lived in Ware, Mass., where a lot was known for many years as the Olds lot. He lived on it, but never owned it. Widow Martha Old married Capt. Jabez Olmstead of Ware on 22 Nov. 1748. In 1761 Comfort gave a power of attorney for the settlement of her father's estate. 106 Warren says "Widow Martha int. with Pelatiah Glover, married Capt. Jabez Omstead and John Hancock. ... Capt. Jabez Omstead of Ware River, m. 2 Feb. 1748/9 widow Martha Old (Ch Rec), widow of Jonathan ... Widow Martha Omstead married John Hancock" 107 His reference to deeds E-406 and X-88 is probably for Omstead rather than Olds. Warren also refers to a Springfield Church record that Jonathan died 21 April 1740, age 41.108 This record could also fit Jonathan, son of Robert and Dorothy(Granger) Old.

Children of Jonathan and Martha (Wright) Old109

i. Martha Old, b. 12 Dec. 1720; d. same day. 100. ii. Martha Old, b. 1 April 1722. 101. iii. Lurane (or Lurana) Old, b. 28 April 1724. 102. iv. Jonathan Old, b. 19 Oct. 1726. v. Zebulon Old, b. 13 Aug. 1728; d. 5 Oct. 1730 103. vi. Comfort Old (daughter), b. 1 Jan. 1730/1. 104. vii. Luci Old, b. 23 June 1733.

13. Elizabeth Old, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Atchison) Old, was born 19 March 1698/9. She married Jonathan Ball on 2 Dec. 1726.110 Steward111 says Jonathan Ball was born in Springfield, Mass., 25 Dec. 1692, gives the marriage at Springfield as 12 Oct. 1727 and his death at Granville, Mass., on 10 March 1778 (Granville VR). Children of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Old) Ball 125. i. Lebbeus Ball, b. Granville, Mass., 11 Nov. 1739, d. ca. 1806

102 Suffield Births, CN 14:2 (March 1982), p. 564, lists all the children except Sabia (the article stops with 1730). 103 The date is given as “Feb. 7, [ ]” in Schott, Suffield VR 104 Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 105 my notes from Index to Springfield, MS, Vital Records, film 0185412, Salt Lake City, UT, show the intentions were published on 25 Jan. 1719/20 and the marriage was on 13 Feb. 1719/20. 106 Olds, p. 62. 107 Warren, p. 515-6. 108 Warren, p. 515. This Jonathan would have been 42. 109 Olds, p. 62. 110 Olds, p. 61. 111 Steward, Scott C., “Six generations of the Anglo-American Ancestry of Sir Winston Churchill”, NEHGS NEXUS vol. XIII, no. 5 (Sept.-Oct, 1996), p. 171, taken mostly from Warren’s Springfield Families.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 8 14. Robert Old, son of Robert and Elizabeth (Atchison) Old, was born 6 June 1701. He married Mindwell Wright (pub. 8 June 1722)112 and lived at Springfield, Mass. She died 4 April 1741.113 114 A child of Robert Olds d. 20 Jan. 1737, but has no name in the record.115

Children of Robert and Mindwell (Wright) Old

i. Zebulon Old, b. 10 April 1723, d. 18 April 1723. 145. ii. Abner Old, b. 28 April 1724. iii. Anne Old, b. 28 April 1724, d. same day. 146. iv. Daniel Old, b. 29 June 1726. 147. v. Ann Old, b. 9 Nov. 1728. 148. vi. Mary Old, b. 6 May 1731. 149. vii. Zebulon Old, b. 2 Aug. 1736, bapt. 8 Aug. 1736116 150. viii. Thamar Old, b. 19 Nov. 1739, bapt. 25 Nov. 1739117

15. Mercy Old, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Atchison) Old, was born 29 Nov. 1707.118

16. Joshua Old, son of Robert and Elizabeth (Atchison) Old, was born 3 Oct. 1715.119

17. Mariah Old, daughter of Mindwell Old and Edward Smith, Jr., was born 10 Aug. 1707.120

18. Samuel Old, son of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Old, was born at Springfield, Mass., on 29 April 1706. He marr ied Abigail Handchit at Westfield, Mass., on 10 July 1745. She was born 3 Jan. 1717. Samuel died at Westfield on 17 April 1766.121

Children of Samuel and Abigail (Handchit) Old

171. i. Samuel Old, b. 1 April 1747. 172. ii. Justin Old, b. 1 Nov. 1750. 173. iii. Amos Old, b. 18 Jan. 1753, d. 1828. 174. iv. Abigail Old, b. 19 Aug. 1755. 175. v. Moses Old, b. 29 Aug. 1757, d. 1828. 176. vi. Aaron Old, b. 29 Aug. 1761.

19. Elisha Old, son of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Old, was born 29 Jan. 1707/8 at Springfield, Mass. He married (1) Jerusha Taylor on 18 June 1731 at Westfield, Mass., and (2) Margaret Tousley of Suffield on 22 Aug. 1752. Elisha died 26 Feb. 1760/61 at Westfield, Mass.122

Children of Elisha and Jerusha (Taylor) Old

197. i. Elisha Old, b. 27 July 1736. 198. ii. Hannah Old, b. 21 July 1743.

20. Elizabeth Old, daughter of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Old, was born 3 May 1710 at Springfield,

112 Index to Springfield, MS, Vital Records, film 0185412, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT 113 Olds, p. 62. 114 Lewis, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1736-1809, First Church, Springfield, p. 39, "wife of Robert Olds, d. 4 April 1741/2" 115 Lewis, p. 39 116 Lewis, p. 1, for baptism 117 Lewis, p. 3, for baptism 118 Olds, p. 61. 119 Olds, p. 61. 120 Suffield Births, CN 14:4 (March 1982), p. 564. 121 Olds, p. 90. 122 Olds, p. 90-91.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 9 Mass. She married Daniel Granger on 1 March 1733. Their children were all born at Westfield, Mass.123

Children of Daniel and Elizabeth (Old) Granger

219. i. Zaccheus Granger, b. 21 Nov. 1733-4 (??) 220. ii. Lydia Granger, b. 7 Nov. 1735. 221. iii. Rhoda Granger, b. 7 Nov. 1737. 222. iv. Daniel Granger, b. 6 May 1740. 223. v. Elizabeth Granger, b. 7 June 1742. 224. vi. Silas Granger, b. 5 Oct. 1744. 225. vii. Eunice Granger, b. 5 Oct. 1744. 226. viii. Mary Granger, b. 6 April 1747.

21. Daniel Old, son of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Old, was born 28 April 1703(?) at Westfield, Mass. He married (1) Hannah Fowler on 10 Jan. 1733/4 at Westfield. He married (2) Mary Webb on 12 Jan. 1754 at Westfield.124

22. Jacob Old, son of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Old, was born 25 May 1712 at Westfield, Mass. He married Mary Streen there on 23 Feb. 1733/4 and he died there on 28 Nov. 1745.125

Children of Jacob and Mary (Streen) Old

257. i. Oliver Old, b. 7 Sept. 1739 at Glastonbury, Conn. 258. ii. Azubah Old, b. 13 Aug. 1744. 259. iii. Jacob Old, b. 28 Nov. 1745.

23. David Old, son of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Old, was born 4 June 1714 at Westfield, Mass.

24. Caleb Olds, son of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Old, was born 5 Aug. 1716 at Westfield, Mass. He married (1) Sarah Sanford on 2 Aug. 1739 at Southbury, Conn. She died 30 Sept. 1749. He married (2) Abigail Rice on 21 Aug. 1750 at Southbury. 126 Sarah was born in 1719 and Caleb died about 1753.127

Children of Caleb and Sarah (Sanford) Olds

280. i. Betty Olds, b. 10 Nov. 1740 at Woodbury, Conn. 281. ii. Daniel Olds, b. 25 March 1744 at Woodbury, Conn. 282. iii. Isaac Olds, b. 20 April 1746 at Woodbury, Conn.

Children of Caleb and Abigail (Rice) Olds

283. iv. Aaron Olds, b. 28 May 1751.

25. Isaac Old, son of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Old, was born 6 March 1718 at Westfield, Mass. He married Elizabeth Winchell on 10 June 1744 at Westfield and died 26 Nov. 1745.128

26. Abel Old, son of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Old, was born 5 Jan. 1721/2 at Westfield, Mass. He married Mercy Stiles there on 23 July 1747. She was born 28 Jan. 1728.129 She is surely the Mercy (Stiles) Olds, 1727 - , daughter of Reuben Stiles, who married Reuben Gunn (1708 - ) and became the mother of

123 Olds, p. 89. 124 Olds, p. 90. 125 Olds, p. 91. 126 Olds, p. 91-92. 127 Ancestor table of Clara C. McLean, TAG 40(1964), p. 165 128 Olds, p. 90. 129 Olds, p. 92.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 10 Warham Gunn, b. 1757.130

Children of Abel and Mercy (Stiles) Old

304. i. Eunice Old, b. Jan. 1750 at Westfield. ii. Lydia Old, b. 11 Feb. 1752 at Westfield, d. there 6 March 1752.

27. Eunice Old, daughter of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Old, was born 20 July 1724 at Westfield, Mass.

28. Rhoda Old, daughter of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Old, was born 11 May 1727.

29. Elizabeth Old, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Walker) Old, was born 5 April 1711 at Suffield, Conn. She married Uriah Gilbert on 21 Dec. 1732.131 132

30. William Olds, son of William and Elizabeth (Walker) Old, was born 6 Sept. 1714 at Brookfield, Mass. He married Damaris Gilbert at Brookfield on 16 Feb. 1738133. William was a sergeant in the French and Indian War in 1757. Olds gives 22 Jan. 1805 as the death date for both William and Damaris.134 Her death but not his is recorded at Brookfield. 135

Children of William and Damaris (Gilbert) Olds 136

335. i. Lydia Olds, b. 20 Oct. 1738. (30 Oct in the printed VR) 336. ii. Elizabeth Olds, b. 24 Dec. 1740. 337. iii. Josiah Olds, b. 6 March 1743. 338. iv. Simeon Olds, b. 30 March 1745. 339. v. Miriam Olds, b. 23 June 1747. 340. vi. William Olds, b. 15 Oct. 1747 (probably 1749 as in the printed VR). 341. vii. Silas Olds, b. 25 Nov. 1751. 342. viii. Damaris Olds, b. 14 Feb. 1754. (given as 175[3?] in the printed VR) 343. ix. Sarah Olds, b. 10 May 1756. (given as 175[6?] in the printed VR)

31. Hannah Old, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Walker) Old, was born 8 April 1716. She married Moses Barnes in 1734.137 138

32. Abigail Old, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Walker) Old, was born 12 April 1718.139 She married Josiah Gilbert on 20 May 1739.140

33. Josiah Old, son of William and Elizabeth (Walker) Old, was born 23 May 1720.

34. Deborah Old, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Walker) Old, was born 13 July 1722.

130 Ancestor table of Robert Bruce Nisbet, The American Genealogist, vol. 31(1958) p. 252. 131 Olds, p. 129. 132 The month of marriages is not clear in Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 133 Her name is not clear in Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 134 Olds, p. 130. 135 Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 136 Nine children of William and Damaris Old are listed in Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909) 137 Olds, p. 129. 138 The month is not clear in Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 139 This birth is recorded in the Vital Records of Brookfield, MA, according to an abstract sent to me by Mrs. Doris Littebrant of Jackson, MI, in 1992. 140 Olds, p. 129.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 11 35. Comfort Olds, son of William and Elizabeth (Walker) Old, was born 24 May 1724 at Brookfield, Mass. He married Abigail Barnes (1723 - 1779) on 23 May 1745.141 He was a soldier in the French and Indian War and in the Revolutionary War.142 Comfort Olds became guardian for the minor children of Abner Olds.143 Abigail Old, wife of Comfort, died at Brookfield, MA, 29 July 1779 at age 56.144 There is also a (possibly corrupted) record that Abigail Olds, wife of Comfort, died at Brookfield on "July 30, 1756?".145

Children of Comfort and Abigail (Barnes) Olds146

3644. i. Hannah Olds, b. 12 March 1746 365. ii. Ezra Olds, b. 25 May 1747 366. iii. Samuel Olds, b. 29 Dec. 1748 367. iv. Eunice Olds, b. 9 Oct. 1750 368. v. Levi Olds, b. 8 Jan. 1741 (sic -- the correct year is 1751, as in the printed VR). 369. vi. Abigail Olds, 21 June 1754 vii. Rachel Olds, 6 May 1756, d. 24 Aug. 1781147 370. viii. John Olds, b. 31 May 1758 371. ix. Comfort Olds, b. 29 July 1760 372. x. Mercy Olds, b. 2 Jan. 1763 373. xi. Abel Olds, b. 16 Sept. 1765

36. Ezekiel Old, son of William and Elizabeth (Walker) Old, was born 21 May 1727 at Brookfield, Mass. He married Elizabeth ______(1723 - June 24, 1782148). Ezekiel served in the French and Indian Wars. He was a corporal and a captain in the Revolutionary War and fought in the Battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill. He died 26 March 1777149 at the seige of Boston. He lived at Brookfield, Mass.150

Children of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (______) Old 151

404. i. Lucy Old, b. 7 June 1752. [given as 17[52?] in the printed VR] 405. ii. Deborah Old, b. 21 May 1754. 406. iii. Thomas Old, b. 8 Oct. 1756. [given as 175[6] in the printed VR] 407. iv. Lois Old, b. 19 March 1759. [given as 175[8] in the printed VR] 408. v. Joseph Old, b. 19 Oct. 1761. vi. Ezekiel Old, b. 12 Feb. 1763, d. 14 Feb. 1763.[twin; age 2 d. in the printed VR]] vii. Reuben Old, b. 12 Feb. 1763, d. 14 Feb. 1765. [twin; d. 14 Feb. 1763, age 2 d in printed VR]] viii. Ezekiel Old, b. 25 March 1765, d. 19 May 1765. [age nearly 2 m. in printed VR] 409. ix. Phinehas Old, b. 12 Oct. 1767. [Phinias in the printed VR] 410. x. Jesse Old, b. 31 May 1770. [Jessee in the printed VR] 411. xi. Elizabeth Old, b. 7 Sept. 1772. [given as Elisabeth in 177[2?] in the printed VR]

141 Brookfield Marriages. Early Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO (c. 2000) 142 Olds, p. 130-131 143 Yerington, p. 56. 144 Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 145Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 146 Including Levi in 1751, these births are recorded at Brookfield as children of Comfort and Abigail Old(s). Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 147 at age 26 per the printed VR. Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 148 Elizabeth Olds, wid. of Ezekiel, died 4 (not 24) June 178 2 in he r 50th year. Brookfield De aths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 149 Eze kiel Old s, hus ban d of E lizab eth, d. 26 M arch 1 777 . Br ookf ield Dea ths. Ear ly Vi tal Re cords o f Wor ces ter Count y, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 150 Olds, p. 131-132, 151 Olds l ists the same el even childr en as the VR. Brookfield Births and Brookfield De aths.. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 12 37. Elizabeth Olds, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Denslow) Olds, was born in 1723 at Suffield, Conn., and baptized on 14 April 1723152. She married Capt. Abraham Granger of Westfield, Mass., on 4 April 1751.153 She died 20 June 1803.154

Children of Abraham and Elizabeth (Olds) Granger 155

462. i. Abraham Granger, b. 10 Nov. 1752. ii. Elizabeth Granger, 23 Jan. 1754, d. 21 Oct. 1757. iii. William Granger, b. 12 Sept. 1756, d. 17 Oct. 1757. 463. iv. William Granger, b. 12 March 1758. 464. v. Elizabeth Granger, b. 30 Oct. 1760. 465. vi. Hannah Granger, b. Dec. 22 1762.

38. John Olds, son of John and Elizabeth (Denslow) Olds, was born at Suffield, Conn., on 18 Oct. 1724. He was baptized there on 18 Oct. 1724156, so perhaps birth date and baptismal date have been confused. He married (1) Anna Saxton157 on 16 Nov. 1752 at Sheffield, Mass. He married (2) Lucy Barnard Adams, widow, about 1786. He lived at Suffield, Conn., Sheffield, Mass., and Manchester, Conn. 158

Children of John and Anna (Saxton) Olds

516. i. John Olds, b. 16 Oct. 1753 at Suffield, Conn.159 517. ii. Gilbert Olds, b. 22 May 1755 at Suffield, Conn. 160 518. iii. Abilineh Olds, b. 25 Dec. 1756 at Sheffield, Mass. 519. iv. Elizabeth Olds, b. 18 Aug. 1759 at Sheffield, Mass. 520. v. Desire Olds, b. 18 Dec. 1760 at Sheffield, Mass. 521. vi. Rhoda Olds, b. 12 April 1762 at Sheffield, Mass.

Children of John and Lucy (Barnard) Olds

522. vii. Benjamin Olds, b. 30 July 1790.

39. Experience Olds, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Denslow) Olds, was born 25 Aug. 1726 at Suffield, Conn., and baptized there on 28 Aug. 1726161. She married Samuel Spencer on 15 May 1750 and Experience, the widow of Samuel Spencer died at Suffield on 9 Feb. 1822 at age 96.162 Samuel Spencer, perhaps this one, had died there on 27 Dec. 1792.163 Ensign Samuel Spencer, born 1730, d. 1792, and Experience Old Spencer, wife of Samuel, b. 1726, died 1882 [sic], are buried in the Old Center Cemetery, Suffield, CT.164

Children of Samuel and Experience (Olds) Spencer 165

152 SChR, p. 32 153 date confirmed by SChR, p. 126 154 Olds, p. 215-216. 155 Schott, Suffield VR 156 SChR, p. 33 157 Her name is given as Anna Sexton in the Suffield record. Schott, Sheffield VR 158 Olds, p. 216. 159 Probably "1763" according to Schott, Suffield VR 160 The printed volume of Suffield vital records suggests that the year might be 1765 instead of 1755. Schott, Nancy E., comp ., The Bar bou r Collect ion of Conne cti cut Town Vi tal Re cords, Suf fie ld, 1674 - 18 50 ( Gen ealogica l P ubl ishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 2002). If he has been correctly identified (below) as a Revolutionary War soldier, this would not be the case. 161 SChR, p. 35 162 Schott, Suffield VR 163 Schott, Suffield VR 164 Old Center Cemetery, Suffield, CT, Copied by C. G. Flanders, 19 Oct. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, The same listing shows Ensign Samuel Spencer, d. 27 Dec. 1692, age 63 yrs. 165 Schott, Suffield VR. Both parents are named in the birth and death records. It seems unusual that so many children lived through infancy but died young or single.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 13 530. i. Experience Spencer, a daughter, b. 15 Nov. 1750, d. 23 Aug. 1799 531. ii. Luther Spencer, b. 27 Aug. 1753, d. 27 Aug. 1783 532. iii. Jerusha Spencer, a daughter, b. 25 Sept. 1755, d. 14 June 1775 533. iv. Calvin Spencer, b. 10 July 1757, d. 23 Dec. 1778 534. v. Martha Spencer, b. 3 July 1759 535. vi. Paulina Spencer, b. 6 July 1761, m. Charles Hathaway, Jr. on 31 March 1785 536. vii. Samuel Spencer, b. 6 Nov. 1753, m. Hannah Pomroy on 26 April 1796

40. Josiah Old, son of John and Elizabeth (Denslow) Olds, was born 13 May 1728 at Suffield, Conn., and baptized there on 19 May 1728166. He married Apphia Kent on 11 May 1757 at Suffield. Josiah died 29 Sept. 1808 at Suffield. 167 Apphia, wife of Josiah Olds, died 1 Feb. 1792.168

Children of Josiah and Apphia (Kent) Old

573. i. Josiah Old, b. 19 Feb. 1759. 574. ii. Apphia Old, b. 21 May 1760. 575. iii. Dorinda Old, b. 8 Oct. 1762. 576. iv. Tryphena Old, b. 28 Aug. 1765.

41. Joseph Olds, son of John and Elizabeth (Denslow) Olds, was born 19 Oct. 1730. He was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 25 Oct. 1730.169 He married Margaret Pease on 6 April 1796.170 “Ens.” Joseph Olds died 27 March 1817 at age 87171 and had no children. He is recorded as "Ensign" on his tombstone. 172 Joseph Olds is on the list of men from Suffield who served under Capt. Jonathan Pettibone of Simsbury, 9th Co., 4th Regiment, in the 1755 militia, and in the campaign of 1757 (as Corp.), and in the 1st Company, 1st Regiment in the Campaign of 1758 and 1759.173 At the Congregational Church next to Academy in Suffield is a tombstone inscribed "In memory of Joseph Olds who died March 27, 18[07?], aged 86 years" and also one for his wife Margaret Olds who died June 27, 1808, aged 58 years.174

42. Benjamin Olds, son of John and Elizabeth (Denslow) Olds, was born 21 Jan. 1732/3 at Suffield, Conn., and was baptized there on the same day(?)175. He married Via Smith (1739 - 1820) in 1758. He served in the Revolutionary War from Granville, Mass. He wa s a member of the Legislature, 1783/5, a Justice of the Peace at Marlboro, Vt, 1785, and Town Clerk of Marlboro, 1787/8. He lived at Suffield, Conn., Granville, Mass., and Marlboro, Vt.176 Olds gives the following Revolutionary War services for Benjamin (not clearly connecting them with this Benjamin): 1. Private in Capt. Reuben Munn's Co., Col. Nicholas Dikes' Regt., 1776. 2. Private in Capt. Wm. Cooley's Co., Col. John Mosely's Regt. of Hampshire Co which marched to reinforce the Northern Army; served from July 9, 1777 to Aug. 12, 1777. 3. Private in Capt. Wm. Cooley's Co., Col. John Mosely's Regt, which marched on alarm to Bennington; served from 17 Aug. 1777 to 21 Aug. 1777.

166 SChR, p. 36 167 Olds, p. 217. 168 Schott, Suffield VR. A reason for thinking that this death date applies to this particular Josiah Old is that the reference for the de ath is to Vol . NB 1, p. 160 , the s ame pag e con taining th e ot her informat ion on t his fa mil y. 169 SChR, p. 39 170 The marriage is reported as 7 April 1796 in SChR, p. 145. Since Joseph was 66 at this time, further verification of his identity should be sought. 171 Schott, Suffield VR 172 Olds, p. 216. The tombstones are among those transcribed from Old Center Cemetery in 1937 by C. G. Flanders, 19 Oct. 1934 and now published on the internet by Kathy Camp, kathycamp/ Inscriptions/P age015.html (a nd page 016). This reference sa ys he d. 27 March 1817, age 86. 173 Spencer, Jack T. and Spencer, Edith W., "The Spencers and other men of Suffield, Connecticut, who served in the French and Indian War - 1755-1760", The Connecticut Nutmegger, Volume 28, Number 2, September, 1955, pages 208, 217, and 220. 174 I visited this cemetery in Suffield on 30 Oct 1994 and could not be sure of his death year. 175 SChR, p. 41 176 Olds, p. 217-8.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 14 Children of Benjamin and Via (Smith) Olds177

677. i. Benjamin Olds, b. Dec. 1759. 678. ii. Thaddeus Olds, b. 11 July 1763. 679. iii. Joseph Olds, b. 26 April 1769. 680. iv. Gamaliel Smith Olds, b. 11 Feb. 1777.

43. Patience Olds, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Denslow) Olds, was born 9 Sept. 1736 and baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 13 Sept. 1736178. She married Daniel Spencer, Junior, on 16 March 1758179 and had seven children.180 Children of Daniel and Patience (Olds) Spencer181 685. i. Daniel Spencer, b. 26 May 1759 686. ii. Patience Spencer, b. 21 June 1762 687. iii. Jehiel Spencer,b. 29 July 1764 iv. Asahel Spencer, b. 3 Apr. 1766, d. 17 July 1756 (1766?) 689. v. Elizabeth Spencer, b. 21 May 1767 690. vi. Asahel Spencer, 2nd, b. 18 Nov. 1768 691. vii. Augustus Spencer, b. 25 Sept. 1760

44. Dorothy Old, daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Temple) Old, was born 14 Oct. 1719 at Suffield, Conn., and was baptized there on 7 Nov. 1719182. She married Noah Pettibone of Simsbury183 on March 13, 1745/46.184 185

45. Rebeckah Old, daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Temple) Old, was born 15 Feb. 1720/21. She was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on the last of April, 1721.186 Rebecca Old, daughter of Ebenezer, renewed her baptismal covenant at Suffield on 30 Dec. 1739.187 She married Manassah Pomeroy on 2 Jan. 1739 (intentions published 10 Nov. 1739188) and had 1 child. 189

Children of Mannassah and Rebeckah (Old) Pomeroy 700. i. Phebe Pomeroy, b. 30 Apr. 1740190

46. Prudence Old, daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Temple) Old, was born 14 Feb. 1722/23 and baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 19 May 1723191. She married Joseph Pease (1712 - 1800).192

47. Abigail Old, daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Temple) Old, was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 27 March 1726.193

48. Ebenezer Old, son of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Temple) Old194, was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 22

177 The births of the last three children are recorded at Granville, MA, naming both parents. Granville Births. Early Vital Recods of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 178 SChR, p. 46 179 SChR, p. 128 180 Olds, p. 216. 181 Schott, Suffield VR 182 SChR, p. 30 183 Schott, Suffield VR 184 Olds, p. 57. 185 SChR, p. 124 186 SChR, p. 31 187 SChR, p. 21 188 His name is given as Pumry. Schott, Nancy E., comp., The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records, Suffield, 1674 - 1850 (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 2002). 189 Olds, p. 57. 190 Schott, Suffield VR 191 SChR, p. 32 192 Olds, p. 57. 193 SChR, p. 34 194 Olds, p. 57.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 15 Sept. 1728195.

49. Isaac Old, son of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Temple) Old196, was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 1 Oct. 1732197. He is listed without a birthdate in the Suffield records.198

50. Mary Old, daughter of Jonathan and Susanna (Temple) Old, was born 11 Nov. 1723.199 She was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 4 Oct. 1725/6.200 She married Thomas Williams on 23 Feb. 1743/4201 and had two children.202 Children of Thomas and Mary (Old) Williams 710. i. John Williams, b. 13 Dec. 1744 711. ii. Thomas Williams, b. 24 Sept. 1746

51. Rhoda Old, daughter of Jonathan and Susanna (Temple) Old, was born 20 Oct. 1725.203 She was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 6 March 1725/6.204

52. Hannah Old, daughter of Jonathan and Susanna (Temple) Old, was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 2 June 1726.205

53. Susanna Old, daughter of Jonathan and Susanna (Temple) Old, was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 9 June 1734.206

54. Jonathan Old, son of Jonathan and Susanna (Temple) Old, was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 9 June 1734207, the same date as his sister Susanna.

55. Sarah Old, daughter of Jonathan and Susanna (Temple) Old, was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 20 April 1735.208

56. Stephen Old, son of Jonathan and Susanna (Temple) Old, was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 3 July 1737.209 Stephen Old appears on list of Suffield men who served under Capt. Jonathan Pettibone of Simsbury in the campaign of 1757, and in the 1st Company, 1st Regiment in 1758 and 1759 during the French and Indian War.210 Stephen Old married Elizabeth Rockwood on 4 Oct. 1762, at Suffield. Elizabeth Old, wife of Stephen, died there 1 May 1776.211 She was buried in the West Suffield Cemetery at age 32.212 He then married Elizabeth Hale on 8 May 1777 at Suffield.213

Children of Stephen and Elizabeth (Rockwood) Old214 730. i. Elizabeth Old, b. 7 Nov. 1763

195 SChR, p. 37 196 Olds, p. 57. 197 SChR, p. 41 198 Schott, Suffield VR 199 Suffield Births, CN 14:4 (March 1982), p. 564. 200 SChR, p, 33 201 Olds says she m. Thomas Williams in 174- and the marriage is recorded in SChR, p. 123. 202 Olds, p. 57. 203 Suffield Births, CN 14:4 (March 1982), p. 564. 204 SChR, p. 34 205 SChR, p. 36 206 SChR, p. 43 207 SChR, p. 43 208 SChR, p. 45 209 SChR, p. 47 210 Spencer, Jack T. and Spencer, Edith W., "The Spencers and other men of Suffield, Connecticut, who served in the French and Indian War", The Connecticut Nutmegger, Vol. 28, Number 2, September 1955, pp. 217, 220, 222. 211 Schott, Suffield VR 212 West Suffield Cemetery, Suffield, CT, Copied by C. G. Flanders, 19 Oct. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, age136.htm. 213 Schott, Suffield VR 214 Schott, Suffield VR

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 16 731. ii. Stephen Old, b. 27 Nov. 1765 732. iii. Samuel Rockwood Old, b. 12 March 1768 733. iv. Chloe Old, b. 15 Jan. 1773 734. v. Isaac Old, b. 23 May 1770 735. vi. Rufus Old, b. 15 Apr. 1776

57. Seth Old, son of Jonathan and Susanna (Temple) Old, was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 20 July 1740.215

58. Nathaniel Old, son of Nathaniel and Mercy (Steel) Old, was born 1 Oct. 1722 at Suffield, Conn. 216 A Nathaniel Olds joined the church at Springfield on 1 Nov. 1741 and also on 26 July 1741.217 A Nathaniel Olds was baptized there on 12 July 1740.218

59. Mercy Old, daughter of Nathaniel and Mercy (Steel) Old, was born at Suffield, Conn., on 30 April 1724. Mercy and Azubah Old were taken under the watch of the church on 15 March 1747219 and were baptized as adults. She married Timothy Woolworth220 on 13 June 1747221 and died 30 Oct. 1801. She had thirteen children.222 A Timothy Woolworth, perhaps this one, died at Suffield on 22 Feb. 1804.223 There is a possibility that two people, Mercy Old and Mary Old, have been combined into one person here, although I have several times seen the names Mercy and Mary applied to one person this way.

Children of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth224 750. i. Elijah Woolworth, b. 18 Sept. 1748 751. ii. Ebenezer Woolworth, b. 18 Dec. 1749 752. iii. Justus Woolworth, b. 5 July 1751, d. 25 Oct. 1776 753. iv. Reuben Woolworth, b. 28 Feb. 1753 754. v. Phinehas Woolworth, b. 31 Oct. 1754 755. vi. Mercy Woolworth, b. 9 March 1756 756. vii. Levi Woolworth, b. 9 June 1757 757. viii. Lucy Woolworth, b. 17 Jan. 1759; d. 9 March 1759 758. ix. Seth Woolworth, b. 18 Feb. 1760 759. x. Timothy Woolworth, b. 6 April 1763 760. xi. Silvanus Woolworth, b. 11 July 1764 761. xii. Zadock Woolworth, b. 9 Feb. 1766 762. xiii. Alexander Woolworth, b. 23 Aug. 1768

60. Azubah Old, daughter of Nathaniel and Mercy (Steel) Old, was born at Suffield, Conn., on 23 Oct. 1727. According to the Olds genealogy, she married Daniel Clark on 15 Nov. 1801 and died 20 Dec. 1806. She had five children.225 It was Tryphena Old who married Daniel Clark at Suffield on 15 Nov. 1801.226 Surely it was this Azubah Old who married Thomas Archer on 29 Nov. 1749.227 In fact, Julie Helen Otto has

215 SChR, p. 51 216 Olds, p. 57. 217 Thomas W. Ellis, Manual of First Church of Christ and Names of all the members from the year 1735 to Nov. 1, 1885 (Springfield, Mass., 1885), p. 59. 218 Ella May Lewis (copiest), Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1736 - 1809, First Church, Springfield, Mass. (1938), p. 4. 219 SChR, p. 67 220 However, she is given as Mary Old in both the intentions and marriage record and he is Timothy Walworth in the intentions published at Suffield, CT, on 21 March 1746/7. Schott, Nancy E., comp., The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records, Suffield, 1674 - 1850 (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 2002). 221 or 3 June 1747, per. SChR, p. 124 222 Olds, p. 57. 223 Schott, Suffield VR 224 Both parents are named in each of the thirteen birth records. Schott, Suffield VR 225 Olds, p. 57. 226 Schott, Suffield VR 227 SChR, p. 125

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 17 recently published this identification,228 calling the connection to Daniel Clark “a patent error”. She fur ther states that Thomas and Azubah (Olds) Archer had 11 children recorded in Suffield and baptized in the Suffield Congregational Church (1751-1772). Azubah Archer, wife of Thomas, died at Suffield, CT, on 20 Dec. 1806.229 She should have been called widow because Thomas Archer died there on 14 March 1797.230

Children of Thomas and Azubah (Old) Archer231 i. Thomas Archer, b. 25 March 1750, d. 6 Oct. 1752 870. ii. Mary Archer, b. 24 March 1752 871. iii. Elizabeth Archer, b. 19 June 1753 872. iv. Sabra Archer, b. 4 June 1755 873. vi. Thomas Archer, b. 7 June 1758 874. vii. Azubah Archer, b. 27 Nov. 1762 875. viii. Lucy Archer, b. 14 Nov. 1764 876. ix. Lovina Archer, b. 22 Aug. 1768 877. x. Eusebius Archer, b. 22 March 1770 878. xi. Jemimah Archer, b. 3 March 1772

61. Abiah Old, daughter of Nathaniel and Mercy (Steel) Old, was born at Suffield, Conn., on 26 Sept. 1729, a twin with Lucy. On 5 May 1748 Abiah married Joseph King, 3d. 232 She had ten children. 233 The Joseph King, 3rd, who married widow Tryphena Bowker on 12 Sept. 1769 and had more children is probably another man. His family is referenced as being in Vol. NB1, p. 170-71. He died 19 March 1814 at age 73 and Tryphena died 30 Nov. 1828, age 90.234. The Joseph King who died 4 June 1772 at Suffield was probably Joseph King, 2nd, husband of Eunice Seymour.235 236 Thus, we don’t now know when Joseph and Abiah died. Children of Joseph and Abiah (Old) King 237 900. i. Peletiah King, son, b. 24 July 1748 901. ii. Abiah King, b. 16 Oct. 1749, d. 9 July 1828, age 79, unmarried 902. iii. Agnes King, b. 30 Jan. 1752 903. iv. Nathaniel King, b. 4 July 1753, d. _____ 904. v. Joseph King, b. 17 March 1755 905. vi. Sabra King, b. 9 Apr. 1758 906. vii. Ezekiel King, b. 18 Jan. 1760, d. 19 Sept. 1777 907. viii. Eli King, b. 26 Aug. 1762 908. ix. Oliver King, b. 23 Dec. 1765 909. x. Lucy King, b. 16 June 1769

62. Lucy Old, daughter of Nathaniel and Mercy (Steel) Old, was born at Suffield, Conn., on 26 Sept. 1729, a twin with Abiah. She married Gideon Towsley on 25 June 1750.238

228 Otto, Julie Helen, “Answers (A-459 OLDS)”, NEHGR Nexus, The Bimonthly Newsletter of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Vol XII, No. 1 (Feb-March, 1995), page 37 (Boston, Mass.). 229 Schott, Suffield VR 230 Schott, Suffi eld VR. The reference for his death is to Vol . NB 1, p. 119 , which is the page on which the family of Thomas and Azubah is list ed. I presume this date applies to the father, Thomas, because the family of Thomas, Jr., i s on another page of the original record. 231 Schott, Suffield VR 232 SChR, p. 125 233 Olds, p. 57. 234 Schott, Suffield VR 235 The reference for his death is Vol. 1, p. 50, which is the page containing the family of Joseph, 2nd, and Eunice. Schott, Suffield VR 236 Old Center Cemetery, Suffield, CT, Copied by C. G. Flanders, 19 Oct. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, Joseph King died June 4, 1772, aged 62 yrs. Eunice is not mentioned. Another Joseph King is listed there as "died Mar. 19, 1814, age 72 yrs. (Revolutionary War Marker (Flag). See pages 029 and 044. 237 Schott, Suffield VR 238 Olds, p. 57.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 18 Children of Gideon and Lucy (Old) Towsley 920. i. Nathaniel Towsley, b. 9 Oct. 1750

63. Sabra Old, daughter of Nathaniel and Mercy (Steel) Old, was born at Suffield, Conn., on 30 April 1736.239 "Sabre" Old, dau. of Nath., was baptized at Suffield, Conn., on 15 Aug. 1736.240


100. Martha Old, daughter of Jonathan and Martha (Wright) Old, was born 1 April 1722. She was baptized on 2 April 1722.241 She was unmarried in 1750 according to Springfield deeds, 1-291.242

101. Lurane Old, daughter of Jonathan and Martha (Wright) Old, was born 28 April 1724. She was baptized in West Springfield, 14 June 1724.243 She married John McClane. 244

102. Jonathan Olds, son of Jonathan and Martha (Wright) Old, was born 19 Oct. 1726 at Springfield, Mass. He married Hannah Jones (1728 - 3 Feb. 1802) on 15 Aug. 1749. He lived at Springfield and Ware, Mass. He and his wife joined the First Church at Springfield 29 July 1750.245 Hannah, wife of Jonath. Olds and Hannah, dau. of Jonath. Olds, were baptized at Springfield on 22 July 1750.246 Jonathan served in the French and Indian War. His name appears on a Muster Roll dated Ware River Parish on 5 Jan. 1758, recording 39 men of Capt. Jacob Cummings company that went to the relief of Fort William Henry in August, 1757.247 Jonathan marched to Greenwood in that expedition. Jonathan died in 1779 or 1780.248 Jonathan also lived at Belchertown.249 Widow Olds, cr edited with 18 months service in the war, is named in a list of Belchertown men who served in the "present war" , dated 12 March 1781.250 Hannah Olds is listed in the 1790 census of Belchertown, Hampshire Co., with one male under 16 and 2 females in the household. Justin was the only other Olds in the town. Hannah Olds is buried in the East Cemetery or "Ould Burying Ground" in the portion belonging to Belchertown and hers is the oldest stone there. 251 Her headstone is quoted by Noon as "IN MEMORY OF\ THE WIDOW HANNah\ OLDS WIFE OF MR\ JONATHAN OLDS\ DECEAST WHO DIED\FEB 3d 1802 IN\ 74 YEAR OF\ (illegible)\ Mortals we are none can deny\ Farewell my friends prepare to die".252

The following lengthy quotation tells something of this family during the Revolution.253

"In the days when the country was rife with preparations for maintaining the Revolutionary War, the recruiting agent was no uncommon sight even among the lonely farmhouses. Some of the companies formed were not so moral as was desirable to many of the families of the members. "It happened that a partly-formed company of the undesirable sort appeared one day to enforce the enlistment of Jonathan Olds. He and his wife, Hannah Jones, did not favor his joining this company. After a very brief

239 The name is Sabia in Olds, p. 57, and Sabra in Schott, Suffield VR 240 SChR, p. 46 241 Mass. Vital Records, West Springfield Births to 1850. 242 Warren, p. 515. 243 Mass. VR to 1850, West Springfield. 244 Warren, p. 515. 245 Thomas W. Ellis, Manual of First Church of Springfield ..., p. 59 246 Ella May Lewis, p. 8 247 Chase, Arthur, History of Ware, Mass., (Cambridge, The University Press, 1911), p. 134 248 Olds, p. 63. 249 Warren, p. 516. 250 Payson W. Lyman, "Historical address delivered at the Centennial Celebration, East Hampton, Mass., July 4, 1876 (Springfield, Mass, 1877), p.88ff which contains the Belcherton list, printed only in those copies sold in Belchertown. Copy in the New England Historic Society Library, Boston. 251 McChesney, Herbert L., A History of Ludlow, Massachusetts, 1774 - 1974, (Ludlow, 1978) p. 118 252 Noon, p. 90 253 Noon, Alfred, History of Ludlow Massachusetts with Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens, Reminiscences, Genealogies, Farm Histories, and an Account of the Centennial Celebration, June 17, 1874 (first edition compiled by Alfred Noon, A.M., a former pastor of the town, second edition, revised and enlarged, printer by vote to the town. (Springfield, Mass., 1912). p. 332-333

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 19 consultation, Jonathan requested a few minutes respite for prayer with his family. The request was granted, the men waiting outside, jesting and laughing meanwhile. "Jonathan offered but a short prayer; the good wife Hannah took up the petition, while Jonathan quietly made his departure through the back door into the woods. "The lengthening shadows roused the officer to the fact that enough time had been used; he demanded Jonathan's immediate presence. As no one appeared he entered the house and asked for Jonathan. Thereupon Hannah replied, "I will not tell you; find him if you want him." Search was at once begun; so thorough was it that floors were torn up and feather beds ripped open, but all in vain and the men departed. "In the meantime Jonathan had swiftly made his way towards Springfield and in the morning was safely enlisted in one of the more orderly companies. "Again and again the call for troops was repeated, and so ready was the response that Hannah Olds found herself with but one son to help care for her family, and he a mere lad. "When the recruiting officer again appeared she dressed this son in his grandmother's gown and great frilled cap and seated him on a huge settle in the darkest corner of the room, by the fireplace. The officer inquired if she had a son at home old enough to enlist. She responded, "Yes," and was order ed to produce him; but she answered as before, "You must come and get him if you want him." "Again her home was invaded by a search party and ruthlessly torn up. Once more the search was fruitless, for none thought to peer under the cap frill for a soldier. "This woman is buried in the historic "Ould Burying Ground." Her grave is marked by a large slate tombstone, bearing the strange device of a great round face surrounded by clusters of fantastic stone curls. The entire stone is adorned with a conventional border of morning glories. ... "Samuel Olds, who was born in 1756, was probably the lad referred to in the preceding story."

Readers will note that the age of Enoch Olds might more likely qualify him as the "lad" in the story.

Children of Jonathan and Hannah (Jones) Olds254

1000. i. Hannah Olds, b. 20 Nov. 1749 at Springfield. 255 1001. ii. Jonathan Olds, b. 10 Feb. 1752256, d. 22 Aug. 1775 1002. ii. Justin Olds, b. 16 Aug. 1754 at Springfield. 1003. iii. Samuel Olds, b. 26 Aug. 1756 at Wa re. 257 1004. iv. Enoch Olds, b. 3 Oct. 1759 at Ware. 1005. v. Lurane Olds, b. 10 Jan. 1762 at Ware. 1006. vi. Asenath Olds, b. 23 Sept. 1764. 1007. vii. Tirza Olds, b. 11 May 1767 at Ware. 1008. viii. David Olds, b. 3 March 1771.

103. Comfort Olds, daughter of Jonathan and Martha (Wright) Olds, was born 1 Jan. 1730/31.258 In 1761 she gave her power of attorney for settlement of her father's estate. 259 She was unmarried at Ware River in 1764 (Deed 4-43).260 She married Aaron Taylor (intentions published 23 Aug 1776).261

104. Lucy Olds, daughter of Jonathan and Martha (Wright) Olds, was born 23 June 1733.

125. (Major) Lebbeus Ball, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Olds) Ball, was born in Granville, Mass., 11 Nov. 1739 and died in Pompey, NY, ca. 1806. On 20 May 1762, in Granville, he married Thankful Stow

254 Olds, p. 63-64. 255 Noon, p. 438, gives this date as 20 Nov. 1750 which conflicts with the baptismal date quoted later. 256 Jonathan is listed last, but with this birthdate by Olds. Since the birthdate is confirmed elsewhere, I place him here in the corresponding order. The point is important in identifying Revolutionary War soldiers named Jonathan Old. Noon, p. 438, gives the birth as 10 Feb. 1753 in Brimfield. 257 Noon, p. 438, gives the birthdate as 6 Dec. 1756. 258 Births, Marriages, and Deaths of Springfield, MS, film 0185414, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT 259 Olds, p. 62. 260 Warren, p. 515. 261 Olds, p. 62

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 20 (Granville VR). She was born 14 June 1738 in Middletown, CT.262 Through their daughter, Elizabeth Ball, born 15 Feb. 1765, Robert Olds became an ancestor of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Children of Lebbeus and Thankful (Stow) Ball 1. Elizabeth Ball, b. 15 Feb. 1765

145. Abner Old, son of Robert and Mindwell (Wright) Old, was born 28 April 1724 at Springfield. Warren263 says that he died on the same day, but Olds assigns this death to his twin sister Anne and gives Abner a wife and children. He married Mary Snow on 21 Dec. 1767 at Brookfield, Mass.264 265 He was a soldier in the French and Indian War and also in the Revolutionary War.266 "Abner Old of Brookfield, mustered May 4, 1775" appears on a muster roll of Capt. Sylvanus Walker's Co., Col. Timothy Danielson's Regt. for eight months service for the "Eight Months Campaign of 1775".267 The age at mar riage and a ge at service raise some doubt whether this all refers to the same man. Abner Old of Brookfield was a private in Capt. Sylvanus Walker's Co., Col. Timothy Danielson's Regt., listed on a company return probably of Oct. 1775.268 Abner Olds "Brookfield (also given New Braintree). Private, Capt. Sylvanus Walker's co., Col. Timothy Danielson's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted May 4, 1775; service 3 mos. 5 days; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Roxbury, Oct. 31, 1775; also, return of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from 4th co., Col. Converse's (4th Worcester Co.) regt., as returned by Lieut. Jonathan Snow; residence, Brookfield (also given New Braintree); engaged for town of Brookfield (also given New Braintree; joined Capt. Harrod's (also given Capt. Harwood's) co., Col. Nixon's regt.; term, 3 years."269 Yerington states that Abner Olds and Mary Snow filed their marriage intentions on 12 Dec. 1767 in Warren, MS, and on 21 Dec. 1767 in Brookfield, MA. She also states that Abner died 19 or 29 Apr il 1777 and states that he left minor children, quoting a Worcester Probate Case No. 44302 mentioning Joseph Olds, minor 15 years of age. She lists four children (no Stephen) with birthdates, but it not clear these came from the probate record. 270 Four children (no Joseph) of Abner and Mary Old are in the birth records of Brookfield. 271

Children of Abner and Mary (Snow) Old 1020. i. Joseph (or Stephen) Old, b. 26 April 1769. 1021. ii. Abigail Old, b. 26 Feb. 1771. 1022. iii. William Old, b. 13 Nov. 1773. (twin) 1023. iv. Elizabeth Old, b. 13 Nov. 1773. (twin)

146. Daniel Old, son of Robert and Mindwell (Wright) Old, was born 29 June 1726.272 Warren gives the date as 19 June 1726.273

147. Ann Old, daughter of Robert and Mindwell (Wright) Old, was born 9 Nov. 1728.274

148. Mary Old, daughter of Robert and Mindwell (Wright) Old, was born 6 May 1731.275

262Steward, Scott C., “Six Generations of the Anglo-American Ancestry of Sir Winston Churchill”, NEHGS NEXUS, Vol. XIII, No. 5 (Sept-Oct, 1996), p. 169. 263 Warren, p. 515. 264 This is the date the intentions were filed. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 265 Abner Olds of Brookfield, MA, and Mary Snow filed intentions at Warren, MA, 12 Dec. 1767. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 266 Olds, p. 64. 267 J. H. Temple, History of the Town of Palmer, Mass, early known as the Elbow Tract: including records of the Plantation, District and Town. 1716 - 1889, (published by the Town of Palmer, 1889), p. 174 268 Massachusetts Solders and Sailors in the War of Revolution, p. 627. 269 Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution. 270 Yerington, p. 58 271 Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 272 Olds, p. 63. 273 Warren, p. 515. 274 Olds, p. 63 and Warren, p. 515. 275 Old s, p. 63 a nd W arren, p. 515 whe re the da te is 8 Ma y.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 21 149. Zebulon Old, son of Robert and Mindwell (Wright) Old, was born 2 Aug. 1736.276

150. Thamar Old, daughter of Robert and Mindwell (Wright) Old, was born 19 Nov. 1739.277

171. Samuel Olds, son of Samuel and Abigail (Handchit) Old, was born 1 April 1747 at Westfield, Mass. He married Elizabeth ______. He marched in 1775 on the Lexington alarm. He lived in Southwick, Mass., where he was chosen constable in 1779, warden in 1783 and surveyor in 1784.278 Heman is the only child listed by Olds. The children, some of their dates, the will and other information are given by an author whose name I did not record. 279

"[Samuel] died in Southwick, Massachusetts, about 1832. ... He was a private in Captain Silas Fowler's company of Minute Men, which marched, April 21, 1775, and reached Roxbury on April 29, joining Danielson's regiment. After twenty-one days' service he was dismissed. He also served twenty-eight days as corporal in the same company in a detachment to Colonel John Mosley's regiment, serving from October 21 to November 17, 1776. He later was in a detachment under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Timothy Robinson to reinforce the Northern Army. In the 1790 census he is recorded as head of a family at Southwick, Massachusetts, consisting of two males over sixteen (one being himself) three under sixteen and four females (one probably being his wife)." "The will of Samuel Olds was dated June 30, 1832, and reads as follows:

"I Samuel Olds. of Southwick in the County of Hampden and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, considering the uncertainity of this mortal life, and being of sound mind and memory, and Blessed be God for the same, do make and publish this my last will and testament, in manner and form following (to wit) First, I give and bequeath unto the Heirs of my son Levi Olds (decased) one dollar, I do also give and bequeath to my son Justus Olds one dollar, I also give and bequeath to the Heirs of my son Wareham Olds (deceased) one Dollar. "I do also give and bequeath to my Daughter Elisabeth Mather the sum of one Dollar, I do also give and bequeath unto my Daughter Lucinda Carter one dollar, I do also give and bequeath to the Children of my Daughter, Sarah Smith (Deceased) one Dollar and I do also give and bequeath to my Daughter Julia Holcomb, the sum of thirty Dollars. "Which said several legacies or sums of Money, I will and order shall be paid to the said respective legatees, within one year after my decease, by my Executor herein aftr named "I also give and devise unto my Grand-son William Olds (the son of Sylvester Olds) and to his heirs and assings [sic] forever; the following real estate: (to wit) the Homestead where I now live Bounded southerly by the road, Easterly by land of Thaddeus Foote, Northerly by land of Enoch Kellogg, and westerly by the Mountain road partly & partly by land of Joshia L. Grofs -- together with two Dwelling Houses & two Barns standing thereon, Containing about thirty five acres of land "Also one other tract of land lying the south side of the road & oposite [sic] the House I now live in -- and bounded Northerly by said road, Easterly by land of Josiah W. Stevens, southerly by land of Jesse Stevens, and Westerly by the Brook Containing about twenty-five acres. "And it is further my will that my Executor herein after named shall hold the use and improvement of the hole of the land herein given to my Grandson William Olds untill he, if living should be of the age of Twenty one years as Trustee, and the income of said lands and Buildings, to be appropriated, for the support of my son Sylvester Olds his wife and Children and after my Grandson William Olds becomes twenty one years of age he shall come into possession of one half of the aforesaid described tracts of land and Buildings, and the other half of the afresaid described tracts of land and Buildings my Executor to hold the same as trustee for the benefit and comfort of the said Sylvester Olds wife and Children -- during his natural life; and should his wife survive him, it is my will that she should occupy one room in ... of my houses and one quarter of an acre of Land for a garden where she may chuse, so long as she remains his widow & no longer; "and I also give and bequeath all my personal property, to my Grandson William Olds he to pay all my Just Debts and the legacies herein given and funeral expenses and should my Grandson William Olds die and leave no Children, then it is my will that the same shall go to his Brothers and Sisters who shall .....survive him equal

276 Olds, p. 63 and Warren, p. 515. 277 Olds, p. 63 and Warren, p. 515. 278 Olds, p. 92-93. 279 "McKallor and Allied Families", Americana (American Historical Magazine), Vol. XXVII, pp. 368-372.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 22 Shares, and to their heirs and assigns forever. "And I hereby nominate constitute and appoint "Abraham Rising Jun my Executor, of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and annulling all former willes by me made. "Dated at Southwick this thirtieth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two in Testimony Thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal and published by the said Samuel Olds, declaring this to be his last will and testament in presence of us, Who at his request were called as witnesses to the same, and in his presence did hereunto subscribe our names. Saml Fowler Stiles Fox Samuel Olds Third signature illegible)"

Children of Samuel and Elizabeth (______) Olds 1036. i. Levi Olds, b. 1775, d. 19 Feb. 1821 1037. ii. Justus Olds, b. 1778, d. 5 Feb. 1847 1038. iii. Wareham Olds, d. bef. 1832 1039. iv. Elizabeth Olds, b. 1040. v. Heman Olds, b. 1785, d. 17 Nov. 1807 1041. vi. Lucinda Olds 1042. vii. Sarah Olds, d. bef. 1832 1043. viii. Julia Olds 1044. ix. Sylvester Olds

172. Justin Old, son of Samuel and Abigail (Handchit) Old, was born 1 Nov. 1750.280

173. Amos Olds, son of Samuel and Abigail (Handchit) Old, was born 18 Jan. 1753 at Westfield, Mass. He married Phebe _____ and was living in Great Barrington, Mass. in 1790. He died in 1828 at Southwick, Mass. All the children were born at Great Barrington. 281 Amos Olds and Elenor Harmon were married 10 Feb. 1803 at Great Barrington and Elenor Olds, widow of Amos Olds, "a pensioner", died there of old age on 2 Aug. 1849, at the age of 81.282 "Olds, Amos. Private, Catp Peter Ingersoll's co., Col. John Brown's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; enlisted July 1, 1777; discharged July 30, 1777; service 30 days; also, Capt. Roswell Downing's co., Lieut. Col. Miles Powel's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; enlisted July 19, 1779; discharged AUg. 23, 1779; service 1 mo., 9 days, at New Haven, Conn., including 4 1/2 days (90 miles) travel home."283

Children of Amos and Phebe (______) Olds284

1050. i. Octavia Olds, b. 31 March 1783. 1051. ii. Pamela Olds, b. 25 Sept. 1784. 1052. iii. Caroline Olds, b. 1 Dec. 1786. 1053. iv. George Olds, b. 8 Nov. 1788. 1054. v. Polly Olds, b. 11 April 1791. vi. Lovice Olds, b. 14 Oct. 1793, d. 14 April 1795.285 1056. vii. Ephraim Olds, b. 27 Feb. 1796.

174. Abigail Old, daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Handchit) Olds, was born 19 Aug. 1755.286

280 Olds, p. 90. 281 Olds, p. 93. 282 Great Barrington Deaths. Ear ly Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Corp., Wheat Ri dge, CO. (c. 2000) 283 Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution. 284 All seven children are in the birth records of Great Barrington, MA, and both parents are named. Great Barrington Births. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 285 Great Barrington Deaths. Ear ly Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Corp., Wheat Ri dge, CO. (c. 2000) 286 Olds, p. 90.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 23 175. Moses Olds, son of Samuel and Abigail (Handchit) Old, was born 29 Aug. 1757 at Westfield, Mass. He married Silence Loomis on 29 March 1786. Both died in 1828.287 She was a daughter of John and Silence (Hayes) Loomis, b. 5 April 1764 and married (1) ______Eldridge and (2) on 29 March 1786, Moses Olds of Southwick..288

Children of Moses and Silence (Loomis) Olds289

1060. i. Roxana Olds. 1061. ii. Moses Olds. 1062. iii. Cynthia Olds, b. 18 June 1798, Southwick, Mass. 1063. iv. Fanny Olds, b. 17 Jan. 1800, Southwick, Mass. 1064. v. Serviah Olds, b. 1803.

176. Aaron Old, son of Samuel and Abigail (Handchit) Old, was born 29 Aug. 1761.

187. Elisha Old, son of Elisha and Jerusha (Taylor) Old, was born 27 July 1736 at Westfield, Mass. He married Elizabeth Granger at Westfield on 13 Sept. 1760. She was his cousin, born 7 June 1742, at Westfield, Mass., the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Olds) Granger (q.v.) and granddaughter of Hanford and Elizabeth (Neal) Old. 290

Children of Elisha and Elizabeth (Granger) Old

1070. i. Jerusha Old, b. 6 May 1761, Westfield, Mass. 1071. ii. Desire Old, b. 22 Jan. 1764, Sheffield, Mass. 1072. iii. Levina Old, b. 28 June 1765, Sheffield, Mass. 1073. iv. Mercy Old, b. 4 July 1767, Sheffield, Mass.

188. Hannah Old, daughter of Elisha and Jerusha (Taylor) Old, was born 21 July 1743. She married Paul Johnson in 1763.291 292

219. Zaccheus Granger, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Old) Granger, was born 21 Nov. 1733-4 (?) at Westfield, Mass. He married Mary Watson. 293

220. Lydia Granger, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Old) Granger, was born 7 Nov. 1735.294

221. Rhoda Granger, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Old) Granger, was born 7 Nov. 1737. She married Jonathan Whitney on 21 Oct. 1757.295

222. Daniel Granger, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Old) Granger, was born 6 May 1740. He married Jennie Watson on 3 May 1760.296

223. Elizabeth Granger, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Old) Granger, was born 7 June 1742. She married her cousin Elisha Old, Jr., on 13 Sept. 1760. See his record (above) for their descendants.297

287 Olds, p. 93. 288 Loomis, Elisha S., Descendants of Joseph Loomis in America and his Antecedents in the Old World (originally published by Elias Loomis in 1875, revised by Elisha Loomis in 1908 and republished by John E. Loomis in 1981), p. 178. 289 Olds, p. 93-4. 290 Olds, p. 89, 94-5. 291 Olds, p. 91. 292 Hannah Olds and Paul Johnson filed marri age intentions 21 May 1763. Westborough Marria ges. Early Vital Records of Wocester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 293 Olds, p. 89. 294 Olds, p. 89. 295 Olds, p. 89. 296 Olds, p. 89. 297 Olds, p. 89.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 24 224. Silas Granger, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Old) Granger, was born 5 Oct. 1744.298

225. Eunice Granger, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Old) Granger, was born 5 Oct. 1744.299

226. Mary Granger, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Old) Granger, was born 6 April 1747.300

257. Oliver Old, son of Jacob and Mary (Streen) Old, was born 7 Sept. 1739, at Glastonbury, Conn. He married Hannah Rice of Woodbury on 21 June 1766. He served in the Revolutionary War from Woodbury. 301

258. Azubah Old, daughter(?) of Jacob and Mary (Streen) Old, was born 13 August 1744.302

259. Jacob Old, son of Jacob and Mary (Streen) Old, was born 28 Nov. 1745.303

280. Betty Olds, daughter of Caleb and Sarah (Sanford) Olds, was born 10 Nov. 1740 at Woodbury, Conn. She married John Stiles on 13 Aug. 1760.304 Additional information is available in Stiles who also lists the seven children below.305 John Stiles was born 21 Aug. 1738 in Stratford, Conn. Soon after the Revolution, he moved to Salisbury, Herkimer Co., NY.

Children of John and Betty (Olds) Stiles 1100. i. Hannah Stiles, bapt. 22 Nov. 1761 1101. ii. Daniel Olds Stiles, b. 10 June 1764. (b. 22 July 1764306) 1102. iii. Asa Stiles, b. 1 March 1767 1103. iv. John Stiles, bapt. 20 May 1770 1104. v. Aaron Stiles, bapt. 4 July 1773 1105. vi. Andrew Stiles, bapt. 22 May 1776 1106. vii. Philo Stiles, bapt. 23 July 1780

281. Daniel Olds, son of Caleb and Sarah (Sanford) Olds, was born 25 March 1744 at Woodbury, Conn., and died 14 Sept. 1806. He married Abigail Granger who died in Feb. 1828.307

Children of Daniel and Abigail (Granger) Olds

1110. i. Caleb Olds 1111. ii. William Olds, b. 1775 1112. iii. Daniel Granger Olds, b. 20 March 1784 1113. iv. Hannah Olds 1114. v. Abigail Olds, b. 6 July 1779 1115. vi. Catherine Olds, b. 1770, d. 1860308 1116. vii. Sally Olds

282. Isaac Olds, son of Caleb and Sarah (Sanford) Olds, was born 20 April 1746, at Woodbury, Conn.309

283. Aaron Olds, son of Caleb and Abigail (Rice) Olds, was born 28 May 1751 at Litchfield, CN, and died 19 Oct. 1825 at Fairfield, VT. On 22 April 1771, at Washington, CN, he married Eunice Durkee. "he was a

298 Olds, p. 89. 299 Olds, p. 89. 300 Olds, p. 89. 301 Olds, p. 91. 302 Olds, p. 91. 303 Olds, p. 91. 304 Olds, p. 92, who lists only Daniel as their child 305 Stiles, History of Ancient Windsor, Vol. II, p. 717 306 Olds, p. 92. 307 Olds, p. 92, 95 308 TAG, 40(1964), p. 164, Ancestral chart of Clara C. McLean. 309 Olds, p. 92.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 25 pensioner of the Revolutionary War, in which he served in the Connecticut Militia in 1777; was living in Fairfield, Vt., in 1818".310

Children of Aaron and Eunice (Durkee) Olds

1130. i. Caleb Olds, b. May 1775 1131. ii. Robert Olds 1132. iii. David Olds 1133. iv. William Olds, b. 20 Jan. 1783 1134. v. Aaron Olds 1135. vi. Alva Olds 1136. vii. Abigail Olds 1137. viii. Esther Olds 1138. ix. Eunice Olds

304. Eunice Old, daughter of Abel and Mercy (Stiles) Olds, was born in January, 1750, at Westfield, Mass. She married John Pont on 22 Aug. 1771.311

335. Lydia Olds, daughter of William and Damaris (Gilbert) Olds, was born 20 Oct. 1738. She married Joseph Walker on 17 April 1760.312 313

Children of Joseph and Lydia (Olds) Walker314 1139. i. Patience Walker, b. 26 Jan. 1760[?] 1140. ii. Lydia Walker, b. 29 March 1762 1141. iii. Rachel Walker, b. 11 April 1763 1142. iv. Miriam Walker, b. 7 March 1766 1143. v. Joseph Walker, Jr., b. 4 April 1768 1144. vi. Mary Walker, b. 23 Nov. 1769 1145. vii. Nathan Walker, b. 28 Aug.1771 1146. viii. Premalia Walker, b. 4 Oct. 1773 1147. ix.. Simeon Walker, b. 2 Jan. 1776 1148. x. Caleb Walker, b. 23 May 1779 1149. xi. Mettelda Walker, b. 21 May 1781

336. Elizabeth Olds, daughter of William and Damaris (Gilbert) Olds, was born 24 Dec. 1740.315

337. Josiah Olds, son of William and Damaris (Gilbert) Olds, was born 6 March 1743 at Brookfield, Mass. He married Dorothy Smith on 25 May 1766 at Brookfield. 316 He lived at Brookfield, served in the Revolutionary Army and was still living in 1790.317

Children of Josiah and Dorothy (Smith) Olds318

1150. i. Nathan Olds, b. 11 Jan. 1767.

310 Olds, p. 92. 311 Olds, p. 92. 312 Olds, p. 130. 313 Intentions were filed Feb. ____, 1760 for Elizabeth Olds and Joseph Walker but the marriage is recorded for Lydia Olds and Joseph Walke r. Brookfield Marriages. Earl y Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Res earch Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 314 These eleven children are added from Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909) 315 Olds, p. 130. 316 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 317 Olds, p. 133. 318 The seven children are in Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 26 1151. ii. Ezekiel Olds, b. 31 March 1770. 1152. iii. Luke Olds, b. 20 Dec. 1772. 1153. iv. Jonathan Olds, b. 7 June 1775. 1154. v. Asaph Olds, b. 8 March 1778. [Aseph in the printed VR] 1155. vi. Cate Olds, b. 13 Sept. 1783. [1780 in the printed VR and indicated by the order in Olds] 1156. vii. Josiah Olds, b. 14 Dec. 1782.

338. Simeon Olds, son of William and Damaris (Gilbert) Olds, was born 30 March 1745 at Brookfield, Mass. He married (1) Sally Wright on 1 Jan. 1771 at Brookfield. 319 She died 31 Dec. 1771.320 He married (2) Elizabeth Banister on 1 April 1773.321 He was in the Revolutionary War and lived at Brookfield. He died in August, 1800.322 Elizabeth Olds died at Brookfield, MA, 30 Dec. 1831 and the editor of the pr inted VR has added "[wid. Simeon ?].323 Simeon Old was a Private in Capt. John Morgan's co.; enlisted 17 Jan. 1778; discharged July 1, 1778; service 5 m 14 d; company detached from militia of Hampshire and Worcester counties to guard stores and magazines at Brookfield and Springfield.324

Children of Simeon and Sally (Wright) Olds

1200. i. Sally Wright Olds, b. 16 Oct. 1771325

Children of Simeon and Elizabeth (Banister) Olds326

1201. ii. Betsy Olds, b. 29 Jan. 1774. 1202. iii. Lydia Olds, b. 6 Oct. 1775. 1203. iv. Joshua Olds, b. 27 July 1778. 1204. v. James Olds, b. 23 April 1781. 1205. vi. Seth Banister Olds, b. 29 May 1787. 1206. vii. Solomon Francis Olds, b. 29 Oct. 1790.

339. Miriam Olds, daughter of William and Damaris (Gilbert) Olds, was born 23 June 1747.327

340. William Olds, son of William and Damaris (Gilbert) Olds, was born 15 Oct. 1749 at Brookfield, Mass. He married Abigail Hewes on 7 March 1771 at Brookfield.328 He was in the Revolutionary War and died at Brookfield in July 1827.329 330 William Old was a private on the pay roll of a company of volunteers who enlisted from Capt. Nathan Hamilton's co. belonging to the 3d Precinct in Brookfield upon application to Committee of Safety in Brookfield by Samuel Webb, Conductor of Ordnance Stores of that place; service from Jan. 1, 1779, to Feb. 6, 1779, 1 mo. 6 days, under Lieut. Joseph Olmstead, guarding magazine stores, and 6

319 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 320 Sally, wife of Simeon Olds, d. 31 Dec. 1771. Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 321 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 322 Old s, p. 133 . Th e da te is 6 Aug. 1 800 in the pr inted VR . Br ookf ield Dea ths. Ear ly Vi tal Re cords o f Wor ces ter Count y, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 323 Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 324 Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution. 325 Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester Counnty, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 326 The six children are in Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester Counnty, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 327 Olds, p. 130. 328 William Olds, Jr., and Abigail Hews in the VR. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 329 Olds, p. 134. 330 William Olds, husband of Abigail, d. July ____ 1827. Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 27 days in addition guarding stores to Providence by order of Col. Chevers, making a total of 1 mo. 12 days service."331

Children of William and Abigail (Hewes) Olds332

1220. i. Miriam [Merriam] Olds, b. 14 Aug. 1771. 1221. ii. Tilly Olds, b. 11 Dec. 1773 1222. iii. Lucy Olds, b. 1 Oct. 1776. 1223. iv. Abigail Olds, b. 16 May 1779. 1224. v. Damaris Olds, b. 29 April 1782. 1225. vi. William Olds, b. 25 Jan. 1785.

341. Silas Olds, son of William and Damaris (Gilbert) Olds, was born 25 Nov. 1751. He lived in Brookfield, Mass., and marched on the Lexington ala rm, 19 April 1775. He married Hannah Dodge on 18 Feb. 1777.333 The marriage intentions were filed at Brookfield, MA, 11 Feb. 1777.334

Children of Silas and Hannah (Dodge) Olds 335

1240. i. Warren Olds, b. 6 Oct. 1778. [Worran in printed VR] 1241. ii. Polly Olds, b. 17 March 1781. iii. Bathsheba Olds, b. 20 July 1783; died 178-. [Bashabe in printed VR of births] 1242. iv. Silas Olds, b. 9 June 1786. 1243. v. Charlotte Olds, b. 13 July 1789. 1244. vi. Joel Olds, b. 22 Feb. 1792. 1245. vii. Gilbert Olds, b. 20 Aug. 1794. 1246. viii. Elizabeth Olds, b. 20 April 1799.

342. Damaris Olds, daughter of William and Damaris (Gilbert) Olds, was born 14 Feb. 1754336. She married Simeon Rockwood at Brookfield, Mass., on 11 July 1771.337

343. Sarah Olds, daughter of William and Damaris (Gilbert) Olds, was born 10 May 1756. She married Jonathan Bingham on 14 May 1774.338

364. Hannah Olds, daughter of Comfort and Abigail (Barnes) Olds, was born 12 March 1746.339

365. Ezra Olds, son of Comfort and Abigail (Barnes) Olds, was born 25 May 1747. He married (1) Sarah Dougherty on 9 May 1776.340 He married (2) Mary Thompson. He served in the Revolutionary War, moved to about 1800 and settled in Delaware Co.341 "Private, Capt. John Banister's co., Col. Job Cushing's regt.; engaged Sept. 7, 1777; discharged Nov. 29, 1777; service 3 mos. 2 days in Northern department, including 9 days (180 miles) travel home; also, list of men, dated Brookfield, June 30, 1778, showing service credited to

331 Massachusetts Soldiers and Sai lros i n the War of th e Revolu tion 332 The six children are in Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester Counnty, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 333 Olds, p. 135. 334 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 335 The eight children are in Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 336 according to Olds, but given as 14 Feb. 175[3?] in Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 337 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 338 Olds, p. 130. 339 Olds, p. 131. 340 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 341 Olds, p. 135.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 28 them, respectively, as returned by the committee chosen to make an average of the service rendered to the credit of the 3d Preinct of Brookfield; total amount of service rendered made to average 5 1/2 months for each single poll in said precinct; said Olds credited with 6 1/2 mos. service."342

Children of Ezra Olds

1260. i. Ezra Olds 1261. ii. Benjamin Olds, b. 1 May 1795. 1262. iii. Comfort Olds 1263. iv. Mary Olds

366. Samuel Olds, son of Comfort and Abigail (Barnes) Olds, was born 29 Dec. 1748. There is a record at Hardwick, MA, of his baptism in Brookfield on 19 Feb. 1749.343 He married Persis Rice on 11 Feb. 1777.344 He lived at Goshen, Mass., where he was a pioneer settler. He was a minute man in the Revolutionary War, and marched on the Lexington alarm, 21 April 1775, from Goshen.345 He died in 1813.346

Children of Samuel and Persis (Rice) Olds

1280. i. Elias Olds, b. 23 Feb. 1778. 1281. ii. Abigail Olds 1282. iii. Lucinda Olds, b. 17 March 1784. (twin) 1283. iv. Cynthia Olds, b. 17 March 1784. (twin) v. Moses Olds, b. 1788, d. same year (twin) vi. Aaron Olds, b. 1788, d. same year (twin) 1284. vii. Jason Olds, b. 1793.

367. Eunice Olds, daughter of Comfort and Abigail (Barnes) Olds, was born 9 Oct. 1750. She married Reuben Hitchcock on 26 Nov. 1774.347 348 349 368. Levi Olds, son of Comfort and Abigail (Barnes) Olds, was born 8 Jan. 1741 (this is the date listed by Olds, although the order of birth suggests that 1751 is intended) at Brookfield, Mass. He was in the Revolutionary War from Brookfield in 1778. He moved to Goshen, Mass. Levi married Sabra ______(1754 - 9 April 1839).350 Julie Helen Otto351 says that Sabra was a daughter of Thomas Archer (d. 14 March 1797 and Azuba Olds (23 Oct. 1727 - 20 Dec. 1806) of Suffield and that “Sabre” Archer m. “Levy” Old(s) (her second cousin of the half-blood) at Suffield on 15 Nov. 1775 (quoting Suffield Cong Church VR, p. 135). According to Ms. Otto, Levi Olds was born in Brookfield, Mass., 8 Jan. 1751 and died in Cummington, Mass., 26 Nov. 1827, and Sabra was born 4 June 1755 at Suffield and died at Cummington, Berkshire County, Mass., 8 April 1839, age 85 (quoting Cummington VR for the death).352 This is the only Olds family in the

342 Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution. 343 Hardwick Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 344 This is the date intentions were filed at Brookfield, MA. He was of Chesterfield. Her name is spelled Parcis. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 345 Olds, p. 136. 346 Yerington, p55 347 Olds, p. 131. 348 He was of Western. This is the date intentions were filed. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 349 Eunice Old of Brookfield and Reubin Hitchcock filed intentions of mariage at Warren on 26 Nov. 1774. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Wocester County, MA CD-ROM Search and Research Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 350 Olds, p. 136. 351 Otto, Julie Helen, “Answers (A-459, OLDS)”, NEHGS Nexus, The Bimonthly Newsletter of The New England Historic Genealogical Society, Vol. XII, No. 1 (Feb-March, 1995) , page 37, (Boston, Mass.). 352 He was age 75, and she was age 85 and she died at E. Packard's which is the same place given for the death of Persis Olds, daughter of Chester. Lucy Olds and Eliphalet Packard, Esq., were married at Cummington on 27 Oct. 1826. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 29 1800 census of Cummington, where Levi is listed with 1 male under 10, 3 males 10-16, 2 males 16-26, 1 male over 45, 1 female 10-16, 1 female 16-26, and 1 female 26-44. The 1810 listing is 1 male 10-16, 1 male over 45, 1 female 16-26 and 1 female over 45. In the 1820 entry for Levi Olds there were 1 male over 45 and 1 female over 45. In 1820, there were also listings for Levi, Jr., Nath[aniel] and Zenas Olds.353 Only Nathaniel and Rufus are listed in 1830, neither having an elderly woman in the household. However, Eliphalet Packard, who was age 40-50, with wife age 40-50, had a female age 70-80 in the household. In 1850, Eliphalet Packard was age 65 and his wife was Amanda, age 49.354 355These census records leave open the option for more children in the family of Levi and Sabra Olds.

Children of Levi and Sabra (Archer) Olds

1300. i. Levi Olds 1301. ii. Rufus Olds, b. 1786. 1302. iii. Zenas Olds. 1303. iv. Archibald Olds. [Archer]

369. Abigail Olds, daughter of Comfort and Abigail (Barnes) Olds, was born 21 June 1754. She married Eli Hitchcock on 23 Dec. 1776.356 357

370. John Olds, son of Comfort and Abigail (Barnes) Olds, was born 31 May 1758 at Brookfield, Mass. He married Ruth Lamson on 5 Feb. 1784 at Brookfield. 358 About 1790, he moved to Randolph, Vt.359

Children of John and Ruth (Lamson) Olds

1320. i. Joseph Olds, b. Jan., 1787 at Brookfield.360 1321. ii. Chester Olds, b. 14 May 1790, Randolph, Vt. 1322. iii. Ezra Olds, b. 18 April 1792, Randolph, Vt. 1323. iv. John Olds, b. 28 May 1794, Randolph, Vt. 1080. v. Ansil Olds, b. 9 Aug. 1796, Randolph, Vt.

371. Comfort Olds, son of Comfort and Abigail (Barnes) Olds, was born 29 July 1760. He was a soldier of the Revolutionary War. He married Prudence Gilbert in 1788.361 "... ;in 1791 he moved to Morristown, Vt., taking four weeks to travel from Brookfield with an ox team, accompanied by his wife and two small children; in 1796 he was the first Town Clerk of Morriston, Vt., and he had a brother living in Randolph; he was a member of the Methodist Church."362

353 Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 354 Census abstracts from Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 355 Eliphalet Packard m. (1) Clarissa Dawes, 30 March 1808, who died 18 March 1823, age 35; (2) Lucy Olds, 27 Oct. 1826, who died 11 Aug. 1840; (3) Amanda Kent of Cummington, 2 March 1841, who died 22 May 1859, age 57 yrs, 9 mos., 8 days. With Lucy he had (at least) a son Levi Spencer Packard, b. 13 May 1831. Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 356 Olds, p. 131. 357He was of Western. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) She was of Brookfield and they were married in Brookfield. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 358 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 359 Olds, p. 137. 360 He is the only child of John and Ruth Olds in Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 361 Their intentions were filed at Brookfield, MA, 15 Dec. 1787 and there were married ______1788. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 362 Olds, p. 131.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 30 372. Mercy Olds, daughter of Comfort and Abigail (Barnes) Olds, was born 2 Jan. 1763. She married Solomon Bartlet on 6 Jan. 1793.363 364

373. Abel Olds, son of Comfort and Abigail (Barnes) Olds, was born 16 Sept. 1765.365

404. Lucy Old, daughter of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (______) Old, was born 7 June 1752. She married Benjamin Wood on 4 April 1775.366 Lucy died 13 Dec. 1850.367

405. Deborah Old, daughter of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (_____) Old, was born 21 May 1754368. She married Ezra Walker on 28 Oct. 1773. Deborah died 12 May 1821.369

406. Thomas Olds, son of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (_____) Old, was born 8 Oct. 1756 at Brookfield, Mass. He married Mehitable Pike on 10 Dec. 1778. She was of Sturbridge and the marriage was performed there. 370 371He lived at Brookfield, Mass., and was in the Revolutionary War.372

Children of Thomas and Mehitable (Pike) Olds373

1340. i. Ruth Olds, b. 7 Jan. 1780 1341. ii. Cynthia Olds, b. 16 Oct. 1781. [Synthia in the printed VR] 1342. iii. Ezekiel Olds, b. 29 Jan. 1784. 1343. iv. Thomas Olds, b. 16 Jan. 1787.

407. Lois Old, daughter of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (______) Old, was born 19 March 1759. She married John Wood on 20 Sept. 1778.374 375

408. Joseph Olds, son of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (____) Old, was born 19 Oct. 1761 at Brookfield, Mass. He married Bethiah Marsh on 2 Jan. 1783.376 Joseph lived at Brookfield, was a corporal in the Revolutionary War and died in August, 1822.377

Children of Joseph and Bethiah (Marsh) Olds378

1360. i. Daniel Olds, b. 16 Nov. 1784. 1361. ii. Olive Olds, b. 6 May 1786.

363 Olds, p. 131. 364 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 365 Olds, p. 131. 366 This is the date intentions were filed. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 367 Olds, p. 132. 368 Birth and marriage are in Brookfiled VR. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 369 Olds, p. 132. 370 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 371 Also recorded at Sturbridge wh ich shows Thoma s Old of Brookfield. Sturbridge Vital Records. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 372 Olds, p. 137 373 The four children are in Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester Counnty, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 374 Olds, p. 132. 375 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 376 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Whe at Rid ge, CO. (c. 200 0). Appar ent ly her nam e is wr itten as Mash i n one en try. 377 Olds, p. 137. 378 All ten children are listed in Brookfield Bir ths. Early Records of Worcester Co., MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 31 1362. iii. Baxter Olds, b. 30 July 1787. 1363. iv. Sally Olds, b. 20 July 1790. 1364. v. Emily [Emila] Olds, b. 24 Oct. 1792. 1365. vi. Stillman Olds, b. 15 June 1794. 1366. vii. Welcome Olds, b. 27 June 1795. 1367. viii. Liberty Olds, b. 1 Feb. 1798. 1368. ix. Susan Olds, b. 4 Oct. 1799. 1369. x. Mary Olds, b. 28 Jan. 1801.

409. Phinehas Olds, son of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (_____) Old, was born 12 Oct. 1767 at Brookfield, Mass. He married (1) Polly Gale (31 May 1771 - 28 March 1796) in 1789 at Alstead, N. H. He married (2) Deliverance Kidder (1 Nov. 1774 - 14 March 1864) on 17 Nov. 1797. He lived at Alstead, N. H., and moved to Williamstown, Vt., about 1794.379 Phinehas died 2 May 1842.380

Children of Phinehas and Polly (Gale) Olds

1380. i. Joel Olds, b. 22 Feb. 1791, Alstead, N.H. 1381. ii. Phinehas Olds, b. 17 April 1792, Alstead, N.H. 1382. iii. Asa Gilbert Olds, b. 15 Nov. 1793.

Children of Phinehas and Deliverance (Kidder) Olds

iv. Jesse Olds, b. 16 June 1798, d. 28 Aug. 1801. 1383. v. Samuel Olds, b. 12 March 1800. vi. Polly Olds, b. 1 Jan. 1802, d. 21 Jan. 1802. 1384. vii. Betsy Olds, b. 16 May 1803. viii. Almira Olds, b. 6 March 1805, d. 22 Oct. 1807. 1385. ix. Elisha Olds, b. 5 April 1807. x. Mehitable Olds, b. 17 May 1809, d. 20 March 1816. 1386. xi. Louisa Olds, b. 24 Nov. 1811. 1387. xii. Lewis Olds, b. 14 March 1814. 1388. xiii. Mehitable Olds, b. 24 March 1817.

410. Jesse Olds, son of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (____) Old, was born 31 May 1770 at Brookfield, Mass. He married Mercy Taft (26 Jan. 1773 - 12 Oct. 1850, daughter of Seymour Taft) in 1793 or 1794 in Uxbridge, Mass. "... he graduated from Harvard College, Class of 1794, having married while still at college; studied theology; was the first Congregational minister at Williamstown, Vt., but remained in the ministry only a year; he moved into Vermont from Montague, Mass., in 1798 and was the first white settler in Westfield, Vt.; was a member of the Ver mont Legisla ture 1802/4 and 1807 from Craftsbury, Vt.; studied law and in 1812 was admitted to the Supreme Court at Chelsea, from Randolph, where in that year he had removed from Craftsbury; practiced law at Randolph until 1817, when he moved to Kentucky, accompanied by his brother, Phinehas, who, however, remained there only a short time; gave up the practice of the law and became a professor of languages, which avocation he followed during most of his life; moved to Macoupin Co., Ill., about 1836." Jesse Olds died 6 Sept. 1838 in Macoupin Co., Ill. 381

Children of Jesse and Mercy (Taft) Olds

1400. i. Elizabeth (Eliza) Olds. 1401. ii. Frances Olds. 1402. iii. Clarissa Olds. 1403. iv. Frederick Augustus Olds, b. 5 Dec. 1809.

379 Olds, p. 138-9. 380 Pedigree chart sent by Tom Henson, Schaumburg, IL, May 1993 381 Olds, p. 140-41.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 32 411. Elizabeth Olds, daughter of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (_____) Old, was born 7 Sept. 1772.382

462. Abraham Granger, son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Olds) Granger, was born at Suffield, Conn., on 10 Nov. 1752. He married Belinda Loomis (24 June 1752 - 27 July 1820, Tolland, Mass.) on 25 Nov. 1779 at Granville, Mass. Abraham served in the Revolutionary War and died 24 Oct. 1830 at Granville, Mass.383

Children of Abraham and Belinda (Loomis) Gr anger

i. Alexander Granger. ii. Betsey Granger. iii. Abraham Granger. iv. Harriet Granger. v. Launcelot Granger. vi. George Washington Granger. vii. Anna Granger.

463. William Granger, son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Olds) Granger, was born 12 March 1758. He married Phoebe Gardner and died 23 Feb. 1824.384

464. Elizabeth Granger, daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth (Olds) Granger, was born 30 Oct. 1760. She marred Joseph Hastings.385

465. Hannah Granger, daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth (Olds) Granger, was born 22 Dec. 1762. She married Ebenezer Slocum. 386

516. John Olds, son of John and Anna (Saxton) Olds, was born 16 Oct. 1753 at Suffield, Conn. He married Roxcellano Darte on 23 June 1783 at Bolton, Conn. John was a soldier in the Revolutionary War.387

517. Gilbert Olds, son of John and Anna (Saxton) Olds, was born 22 May 1755 at Suffield, Conn. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War.388 Gilbert Oldes "Private, Capt. John Spoor's co., Col. John Ashley's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; entered service Sept. 19, 1777; discharged Oct. 19, 1777; service 31 days; company marched to Stillwater. Roll certified at Suffield by Brig. Gen. John Fellows."389

518. Abilineh Olds, daughter(?) of John and Anna (Saxton) Olds, was born 25 Dec. 1756 at Sheffield, Mass. "George B. Slater, of Manchester, Conn. [died 1912], was a descendant of Abilineh Olds."390

519. Elizabeth Olds, daughter of John and Anna (Saxton) Olds, was born 18 Aug. 1759 at Sheffield, Mass. He married Joshua Palmer on 27 May 1788 and had seven children. 391 His name is given as Joshua Palmeter in the Suffield records.392 He may have had a previous wife because Anna, wife of Joshua Palmeter, died at Sheffield on 20 Feb. 1788 (recorded on the same page as the family of Joshua and Elizabeth, i.e. Vol. NB1, p. 217).

Children of Joshua and Elizabeth (Olds) Palmeter 1420. i. Elizabeth Palmeter, b. 21 April 1789 1421. ii. Asahel Palmeter, b. 15 Aug. 1790

382 Olds, p. 132. 383 Loomis, p. 168. 384 Olds, p. 215. 385 Olds, p. 215. 386 Olds, p. 216. 387 Olds, p. 216 388 Olds, p. 216-217 389 Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution. 390 Olds, p. 217. 391 Olds, p. 217. 392 Schott, Suffield VR

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 33 1422. iii. John Palmeter, b. 20 Feb. 1792 1423. iv. Enos Palmeter, b. 3 April 1794 1424. v. Noble Palmeter, b. 17 March 1796 1425. vi. Ezra Palmeter, b. 22 March 1798 1426. vii. Eli Palmeter, b. 23 June 1800

520. Desire Olds, daughter of John and Anna (Saxton) Olds, was born 18 Dec. 1760 at Sheffield, Mass.393

521. Rhoda Olds, daughter of John and Anna (Saxton) Olds, was born 12 April 1762 at Sheffield, Mass.394

522. Benjamin Olds, son of John and Lucy (Barnard) Olds, was born 30 July 1790 at Manchester, Conn. He married Rachel Pierson Ogden (b. 9 April 1790). He moved to Newark, N. J. when quite young and died there 8 March 1881.395 He is listed in the 1880 census as396 Census Place: Newark, Essex, New Jersey Source: FHL Film 1254776 National Archives Film T9-0776 Page 175C RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace Elisha GABLE Self M W W 70 NJ Occ: Jeweler Fa: NJ Mo: NJ Charles GABLE Son M S W 25 NJ Occ: Actor Fa: NJ Mo: NJ Etta GABLE Dau F S W 22 NJ Occ: Keeps House Fa: NJ Mo: NJ Lizzie GABLE Dau F S W 17 NJ Occ: School Fa: NJ Mo: NJ Benjamin OLDS FatherL M W W 91 CT Occ: Retired Merchant Fa: ---Mo: ---

Children of Benjamin and Rachel Olds

1450. i. John Spencer Olds, b. 25 Oct. 1821. 1451. ii. Henrietta Malvina Olds, b. 5 Feb. 1823. 1452. iii. William Butler Olds, b. 15 July 1824. 1453. iv. Horace Hinsdale Olds, b. 21 May 1826. 1454. v. Benjamin Franklin Olds, b. 21 July 1828. 1455. vi. Charles H. Olds, 14 Sept. 1830. 1456. vii. James C. Olds, b. 1 March 1833.

530. Experience Spencer, daughter of Samuel and Experience (Olds) Spencer397, was born at Suffield, CT, 15 Nov. 1750, and died there 23 Aug. 1799.

531. Luther Spencer, son of Samuel and Experience (Olds) Spencer 398, was born at Suffield, CT, 27 Aug. 1753 and died there 27 Aug. 1783. Luther Spencer, son of Ensign Samuel, born 1753, died 1783, is buried in Old Center Cemetery, Suffield.399

532. Jerusha Spencer, daughter of Samuel and Experience (Olds) Spencer 400, was born in Suffield, CT, 25 Sept. 1755, and died there 14 June 1775.

533. Calvin Spencer, son of Samuel and Experience (Olds) Spencer 401, was born in Suffield, CT, 10 July 1757 and died there 23 Dec. 1778. Calvin Spencer, son of Ensign Samuel, born 1757, died 1778, is

393 Olds, p. 217. 394 Olds, p. 217. 395 Olds, p. 218-9. 396Family Search 1880 Census, CD-ROM. He is the oldest person named Olds found in the 1880 National Index. 397 Schott, Suffield VR 398 Schott, Suffield VR 399 Old Center Cemetery, Suffield, CT, Copied by C. G. Flanders, 19 Oct. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, age043.htm. 400 Schott, Suffield VR 401 Schott, Suffield VR

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 34 buried in Old Center Cemetery, Suffield.402

534. Martha Spencer, daughter of Samuel and Experience (Olds) Spencer 403, was born in Suffield, CT, 3 July 1759.

535. Paulina Spencer, daughter of Samuel and Experience (Olds) Spencer 404, was born in Suffield, CT, 6 July 1761 and married Charles Hathaway, Jr. there on 31 March 1785. He was born 4 Dec. 1759 at Suffield and died there 22 Aug. 1838, age 80.

Children of Charles, Jr., and Paulina (Spencer) Hathaway i. Harriet Hathaway, b. 7 April 1786, d. 20 April 1786 ii. Paulina Hathaway, b. 11 May 1787 iii. Hervey Hathaway, b. 24 July 1782, d. 12 Dec. 1807 iv. Franklin Hathaway, b. 28 Nov. 1796, d. 13 Dec. 1830

536. Samuel Spencer, son of Samuel and Experience (Olds) Spencer 405, was born at Suffield, CT, 6 Nov. 1753 and married Hannah Pomroy there on 26 April 1796. Samuel Spencer, son of Ensign Samuel, born 1763, died 1821, is buried in Old Center Cemetery, Suffield.406

Children of Samuel and Hannah (Pomroy) Spencer407 i. Samuel Spencer, b. 15 March 1797 ii. Julia Spencer, b. 17 Aug. 1798 iii. Edward Spencer, b. 19 April 1800 iv. Sherman Spencer, b. 19 Feb. 1804, d. 4 Feb. 1833

573. Josiah Old, son of Josiah and Apphia (Kent) Old, was born 19 Feb. 1759 at Suffield, Conn. Josiah Old, Jr., married Ruth Barker (d. 29 May 1819) on 11 May 1779.408 Josiah Old died at Suffield on 8 June 1795.409 410

Children of Josiah and Ruth (Barker) Old

1470. i. William Olds, b. 30 Nov. 1779.411 1471. ii. Zardus Olds, b. 13 Feb. 1781.412 1472. iii. Ruth Olds, b. 2 June 1784. 1473. iv. Oliver Olds, b. 15 Dec. 1785. 1474. v. Obediah Olds, b. 24 Dec. 1788.413

574. Apphia Olds, daughter of Josiah and Apphia (Kent) Old, was born 21 May 1760.414 She must be

402 Old Center Cemetery, Suffield, CT, Copied by C. G. Flanders, 19 Oct. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, age043.htm. 403 Schott, Suffield VR 404 Schott, Suffield VR 405 Schott, Suffield VR 406 Old Center Cemetery, Suffield, CT, Copied by C. G. Flanders, 19 Oct. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, age043.htm. 407 Schott, Suffield VR 408 or 12 May 1779, per SChR, p. 136, where he is recorded as Josiah Old, junr. 409 Olds, p. 219. 410 His birth, marriage, and death are in the Suffield records. Schott, Suffield VR. One reason for thinking that this death date applies to this particular Josiah is that the reference for the death date is to Vol. NB1, p. 190, the page on which his marriage and children are recorded. 411 Schott, Suffield VR, says “Nov. 31 [sic], 1779". 412 Schott, Suffield VR, lists the name as Zardes and Zordus. 413 Obedi ah, son of Josiah, Jr., a nd Rut h, b. 21 Dec. 1788 according to Schott, Nancy E., comp ., The Barb our Collecti on of Connecticut Town Vital Records, Suffield, 1674 - 1850 (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 2002). 414 Olds, p. 217.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 35 the Apphia Old who married Thaddeus Lyman at Suffield, Conn., on 20 March 1784.415 This marriage is not in the Lyman Genealogy. 416 A story of General Phinehas Lyman and his family, including his sons Phinehas and Thaddeus, is reported by Alcorn.417 They were among a party of Connecticut men who left home on 10 Jan. 1773 to explore new territory along the Mississippi. A favorable report came back in August of that year and started a rush of settlers from Connecticut, Massachusett and elsewhere. This Lyman family headed back to Mississippi in December, 1773. Before long Phinehas Sr. and Jr. were buried on their land in Mississippi and Thaddeus returned for his mothers and sisters. After being hara ssed as Tories, the mother and sisters also died in Mississippi. Thaddeus Lyman, now a widower, returned to Suffield and repurchased the house his father had sold in 1773. He married (2) Apphia Olds of Suffield and they had two children. Thaddeus died in debtors prison in New York in 1812. Thaddeus, 3rd son of Phinehas Esquire died in New York City, 1812, age 66 years.418 Apphia Olds Lyman, wife of Thaddeus, died Sept. 1824, age 66.419 Children of Thaddeus and Apphia (Olds) Lyman420 1475. i. Experience Lyman 1476. ii. Thaddeus Lyman, Jr.

575. Dorinda Olds, daughter of Josiah and Apphia (Kent) Old, was born 18 Oct. 1762. This may be the Lorinda Old who married Abel Kent at Suffield on 7 Jan. 1794, although a younger person should be sought.421

576. Tryphena Olds, daughter of Josiah and Apphia (Kent) Old, was born 28 August 1765. She married Daniel Clark on 15 Nov. 1801 and had five children. 422 Children of Daniel and Tryphena (Olds) Clark423 1480. i. Zardus Clark, b. 13 May 1802

677. Benjamin Olds, son of Benjamin and Via (Smith) Olds, was born in Dec. 1759. He married (1) Lois Baldwin (1762 - 1814) at Rowe, Mass. He married (2) Esther Bissell Baldwin (d. April, 1849) at West Springfield, Mass. (intentions published 23 April 1815424) She was the widow of his brother-in-law, Elnathan Baldwin. Benjamin died 5 May 1827.425 "Esther Bissell, b. 25 Apl., bp May 1777; m. Elnathan Baldwin of W. Springfield, Mass, a native of Granville, Mass., who d. 12 July 1811. She m. (2) Col Benj. Olds, and d. Apl. 1849. For ch. (all by 1st husband, see Baldwin Genealogy)".426 Col. Benjamin Olds died 7 May 1827, age 66, and his widow Esther Baldwin Olds died 9 April 1849 age 73 (also given as age 72), both in West Springfield, Mass.427

Children of Benjamin and Lois (Baldwin) Olds

1500. i. Alfred Olds, b. 4 Feb. 1783. 1501. ii. Mary Olds, b. Apr. 1794.

415 SChR, p. 138 416 Coleman, Lyman, Genealogy of the Lyman Family in Gr eat Bri tain and America, (J. Munsell, Albany, NY, 1892), p. 206. The line traced there ends with Thaddeus, b. at Suffield, 16 March 1746, to General Phinehas Lyman. 417 Robert Hayden Alcorn, The Biography of a Town, Suffield, Connecticut, 1670 -1970, p. 68 - 70 418 West Suffield Cemetery, Suffield, CT, Copied by C. G. Flanders, 31 Oct. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, 419 West Suffield Cemetery, Suffield, CT, Copied by C. G. Flanders, 31 Oct. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, 420 Robert Hayden Alcorn, The Biography of a Town, Suffield, Connecticut, 1670 -1970, p. 70 421 SChR, p. 143 422 Olds, p. 217. 423 Schott, Suffield VR 424 according to Olds, p. 220, but Benjamin Olds of Westfield and Mrs. Esther Baldwin of West Springfield published their intentions 21 April 1815 according to West Springfield Marriages. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 425 Olds, p. 219-220. 426 Stiles, Henry, History of Ancient Wind sor, Vol. II, p. 101. 427 West Springfield Deaths. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000).

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 36 1502. iii. Benjamin Olds, b. 1796.

678. Thaddeus Olds, son of Benjamin and Via (Smith) Olds, was born 11 July 1763 at Granville, Mass. He married Helena Mather (24 March 1765 - 15 July 1837) on 17 Feb. 1783. She a granddaughter of Rev. Cotton Mather. Thaddeus Olds was in the Revolutionary War in 1782 from Windham Co, Vt. He died 16 April 1842 at Marlboro, Vt.428

Children of Thaddeus and Helena (Mather) Olds

1520. i. Ira Mather Olds, b. 21 Oct. 1785. 1521. ii. Ariel Olds, b. 1 March 1785 (verify dates). 1522. iii. Alexander Olds, b. 8 Jan. 1794. 1523. iv. Calvin Olds, b. 3 May 1799. 1524. v. Cynthia Olds, b. 26 Aug. 1803, Marlboro, Vt.

679. Joseph Olds, son of Benjamin and Via (Smith) Olds, was born 26 April 1769 at Granville, Mass. He married Sally Whitney (10 Aug. 1774 - 19 Nov. 1840) in 1790 at Marlboro, Vt. She was a daughter of Jonas Whitney. "... Joseph Olds moved from Granville, Mass., to Marlboro, Vt., where he was Town Clerk from 1795 to 1804 and from 1807 to 1820; was a member from Marlboro of the Vermont Constitutional Convention in 1814; in 1820 he moved to a farm a few miles south of Cleveland, Ohio, and in 1830 to Circleville, Ohio." He died 29 July 1844 at Lithopolis, OH.429

Children of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds

1550. i. William Ross Olds, b. 11 Aug. 1791. 1551. ii. Amasa Minley Olds, b. 16 Feb. 1793. 1552. iii. Joseph Olds, b. 25 Oct. 1794. iv. Edson Olds, b. 22 March 1797, d. 12 Feb. 1799. 1553. v. Chester Olds, b. 24 Oct. 1798. vi. Sally Olds, b. 5 Oct. 1800, d. 18 Jan. 1809. 1554. vii. Edson Baldwin Olds, b. 3 June 1802. 1555. viii. Gamaliel Olds, b. 28 Nov. 1803. 1556. ix. Jonas Whitney Olds, b. 17 July 1805. x. Benjamin Olds, b. 5 May 1807, d. 4 April 1808. 1557. xi. Benjamin Strong Olds, b. 24 March 1809. xii. Sally Houghton Olds, b. 4 Nov. 1810, d. 21 Aug. 1811. 1558. xiii. Lorenzo Houghton Olds, b. 24 Jan. 1812. 1559. xiv. Roxey Olds, b. 14 June 1814. 1560. xv. Chauncey Newell Olds, b. 2 Feb. 1816. 1561. xvi. Lyman Newton Olds, b. 16 July 1819.

680. Gamaliel Smith Olds, son of Benjamin and Via (Smith) Olds, was born 11 Feb. 1777 at Granville, Mass. He married Julia Whitney (b. 21 April 1788, daughter of Jonas) at Marlboro, Vt., on 27 April 1811. "... Gamaliel Olds graduated from Williams College, 1801; was tutor there until 1805; was first professor of mathematics and natural philosophy there until 1808; ordained Presbyterian minister at Granville, Mass., Nov. 10, 1813; preached there three years; professor of mathematics and natural philosophy at University of Vermont, 1819/20; at Amherst College, 1820/1; professor at University of Georgia for several years; moved to Circleville, Ohio, in 1841." Gamaliel Olds died at Circleville, Ohio, on 13 June 1848.430

Children of Gamaliel and Julia (Whitney) Olds

428 Olds, p. 220-221. 429 Olds, p. 221-2. 430 Olds, p. 223-4.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 37 1570. i. Morris Farnum Olds, b. 17 April 1812. ii. Julia Maria Olds, b. 1815431, d. 6 (or 8) June 1815432

685. Daniel Spencer, son of Daniel and Pa tience (Olds) Spencer 433, was born at Suffield, CT,26 May 1759.

686. Patience Spencer, daughter of Daniel and Pa tience (Olds) Spencer 434, was born at Suffield, CT, 21 June 1762.

687. Jehiel Spencer,son of Daniel and Patience (Olds) Spencer 435, was born at Suffield, CT, 29 July 1764.

689. Elizabeth Spencer, daughter of Daniel and Patience (Olds) Spencer436, was born at Suffield, CT, 21 May 1767. She may have been the Elizabeth Spencer who married Silas Dewey, 18 Jan. 1791 at Suffield, CT.437 This Elizabeth died there 3 Aug. 1834, age 71, not a very good match. Silas and Elizabeth Dewey had some children born at Suffield. 438

690. Asahel Spencer, 2nd, son of Daniel and Pa tience (Olds) Spencer 439, was born at Suffield, CT, 18 Nov. 1768.

691. Augustus Spencer, son of Daniel and Patience (Olds) Spencer440, was born at Suffield, CT, 25 Sept. 1760.

700. Phebe Pomeroy, daughter of Mannassah and Rebeckah (Old) Pomeroy, was born at Suffield, CT, 30 Apr. 1740441

710. John Williams, son of Thomas and Mary (Old) Williams, was born at Suffield, CT, 13 Dec. 1744.442

711. Thomas Williams, son of Thomas and Mary (Old) Williams, was born at Suffield, CT, 24 Sept. 1746.443

730. Elizabeth Old, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth (Rockwood) Old444, was born at Suffield, CT, on 7 Nov. 1763.

731. Stephen Old, son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Rockwood) Old445, was born at Suffield, CT, on 27 Nov. 1765.

732. Samuel Rockwood Old, son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Rockwood) Old446, was born at Suffield, CT, on 12 March 1768.

431 Olds has the name as Julia. Julia Maria Olds, daughter of Rev. Gamaliel S. and Julia W. Olds, was born 10 Jan. 1815. and died 8 June 1815, age 4 m. G. R. 4. Greenfield Births. Greenfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 432 Marriages, Deaths, Ordinations from Newspapers in the City Library, Springfield, Mass., Jan. 9, 1812 - Dec. 11, 1817, p. 26, taken from the Hampden Federalist, 22 June 1815. "d. on th 6th inst. Julia, youngest child of Rev. Gamaliel Olds". Thus there may have already been other children. The Olds Genealogy says she died at Burlington, Vt. 433 Schott, Suffield VR 434 Schott, Suffield VR 435 Schott, Suffield VR 436 Schott, Suffield VR 437 Schott, Suffield VR 438 Schott, Suffield VR 439 Schott, Suffield VR 440 Schott, Suffield VR 441 Schott, Suffield VR 442 Schott, Suffield VR 443 Schott, Suffield VR 444 Schott, Suffield VR 445 Schott, Suffield VR 446 Schott, Suffield VR

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 38 733. Chloe Old, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth (Rockwood) Old447, was born at Suffield, CT, on 15 Jan. 1773.

734. Isaac Old, son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Rockwood) Old448, was born at Suffield, CT, on 23 May 1770.

735. Rufus Old, son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Rockwood) Old449, was born at Suffield, CT, 15 Apr. 1776.

750. Elijah Woolworth, son of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth450, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 18 Sept. 1748.

751. Ebenezer Woolworth, son of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth451, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 18 Dec. 1749.

752. Justus Woolworth, son of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth452, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 5 July 1751, d. 25 Oct. 1776.

753. Reuben Woolworth, son of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth453, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 28 Feb. 1753.

754. Phinehas Woolworth, son of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth454, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 31 Oct. 1754.

755. Mercy Woolworth, daughter of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth455, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 9 March 1756.

756. Levi Woolworth, son of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth456, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 9 June 1757.

757. Lucy Woolworth, daughter of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth457, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 17 Jan. 1759; d. 9 March 1759.

758. Seth Woolworth, son of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth458, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 18 Feb. 1760.

759. Timothy Woolworth, son of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth459, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 6 April 1763.

760. Silvanus Woolworth, son of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth460, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 11 July 1764.

447 Schott, Suffield VR 448 Schott, Suffield VR 449 Schott, Suffield VR 450 Schott, Suffield VR 451 Schott, Suffield VR 452 Schott, Suffield VR 453 Schott, Suffield VR 454 Schott, Suffield VR 455 Schott, Suffield VR 456 Schott, Suffield VR 457 Schott, Suffield VR 458 Schott, Suffield VR 459 Schott, Suffield VR 460 Schott, Suffield VR

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 39 761. Zadock Woolworth, son of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth461, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 9 Feb. 1766.

762. Alexander Woolworth, son of Timothy and Mary (Old) Woolworth462, was born at Suffield, CT, on b. 23 Aug. 1768.

870. Mary Archer, daughter of Thomas and Azubah (Old) Archer 463, was born at Suffield, CT, on 24 March 1752.

871. Elizabeth Archer, daughter of Thomas and Azubah (Old) Archer 464, was born at Suffield, CT, on 19 June 1753. She is likely the Elizabeth Archer who married Pelatiah King there on 31 Dec. 1773 and had a daughter born 1 Dec. 1775.465

872. Sabra Ar cher, daughter of Thomas and Azubah (Old) Archer 466, was born at Suffield, CT, on 4 June 1755, baptized there on 22 July 1755 (Suffield Cong Chr. records in Suffield VR). She married “Levy” Olds, son of Comfort and Abigail (Barnes) Olds, on 15 Nov. 775 (Suffield).467 See Levi Olds, above, for further information.

873. Thomas Archer, son of Thomas and Azubah (Old) Archer 468, was born at Suffield, CT, on 7 June 1758. Perhaps he was the Thomas Archer, Jr., who married Roxellana Hancock there on 31 Dec. 1778 and had children. 469

874. Azubah Archer, daughter of Thomas and Azubah (Old) Archer 470, was born at Suffield, CT, on 27 Nov. 1762. Azubah Archer had an illegitimate daughter. The father was Samuel Gibbs.

Child of Samuel Gibbs and Azubah Archer i. Harriet Archer, b. 22 March 1797, d. 23 Aug. 1835, age 38

875. Lucy Archer, daughter of Thomas and Azubah (Old) Archer 471, was born at Suffield, CT, on 14 Nov. 1764

876. Lovina Archer, daughter of Thomas and Azubah (Old) Archer 472, was born at Suffield, CT, on 22 Aug. 1768. She married Jacob Barnard in Nov. 1788.

Children of Jacob and Lovina (Archer) Barnard i. Thomas Barnard, b. 18 Nov. 1789

877. Eusebius Archer, son of Thomas and Azubah (Old) Archer473, was born at Suffield, CT, on 22 March 1770. He married Hannah Coy, but the date is not given. She died 6 Oct. 1827, age 65.474

Children of Eusebius and Hannah (Coy) Archer475

461 Schott, Suffield VR 462 Schott, Suffield VR 463 Schott, Suffield VR 464 Schott, Suffield VR 465 Schott, Suffield VR 466 Schott, Suffield VR 467 Otto, Julie Helen, “Answers (A-459, OLDS)”, Nexus, The Bimonthly Newsletter of The New England Historic Genealogical Society, Vol. XII, NO. 1 (Feb-March, 1995), p. 37 (Boston, Mass.). 468 Schott, Suffield VR 469 Schott, Suffield VR 470 Schott, Suffield VR 471 Schott, Suffield VR 472 Schott, Suffield VR 473 Schott, Suffield VR 474 Schott, Suffield VR 475 Schott, Suffield VR

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 40 i. Ralph Archer, b. 22 Jan. 1793 ii. Gurdon Archer, b. 18 June 1794 iii. Diantha Archer, b. 29 April 1796, m. Ralph Fort 2 Nov. 1831

878. Jemimah Archer, daughter of Thomas and Azubah (Old) Archer 476, was born at Suffield, CT, on 3 March 1772.

900. Peletiah King, son of Joseph and Abiah (Old) King, was born at Suffield, CT, on 24 July 1748. He married Elizabeth Archer (also given as Elizabeth Arthur) on 31 Dec. 1773.477

Children of Pelatiah and Elizabeth (Archer) King478 i. a daugher, b. 1 Dec. 1775

901. Abiah King, daughter of Joseph and Abiah (Old) King, was born at Suffield, CT, on 16 Oct. 1749, and died there 9 July 1828, age 79, unmarried.479

902. Agnes King, daughter of Joseph and Abiah (Old) King480, was born at Suffield, CT, on 30 Jan. 1752.

903. Nathaniel King, son of Joseph and Abiah (Old) King, was born at Suffield, CT, on 4 July 1753, and died there _____.481

904. Joseph King, son of Joseph and Abiah (Old) King482, was born at Suffield, CT, on 17 March 1755.

905. Sabra King, daughter of Joseph and Abiah (Old) King 483, was born at Suffield, CT, on 9 Apr. 1758.

906. Ezekiel King, son of Joseph and Abiah (Old) King, was born at Suffield, CT, on 18 Jan. 1760, and died there on 19 Sept. 1777.484

907. Eli King, son of Joseph and Abiah (Old) King485, was born at Suffield, CT, on 26 Aug. 1762.

908. Oliver King, son of Joseph and Abiah (Old) King486, was born at Suffield, CT, on 23 Dec. 1765.

909. Lucy King, daughter of Joseph and Abiah (Old) King 487, was born at Suffield, CT, on 16 June 1769.

920. Nathaniel Towsley, son of Gideon and Lucy (Old) Towsley, was born at Suffield, CT, on 9 Oct. 1750.


1000. Hannah Olds, daughter of Jonathan and Hannah (Jones) Olds, was born 20 Nov. 1749 at Springfield and baptized with her mother there on 22 July 1750. According to Olds, she died in 1775 and

476 Schott, Suffield VR 477 Schott, Suffield VR 478 Schott, Suffield VR 479 Schott, Suffield VR 480 Schott, Suffield VR 481 Schott, Suffield VR 482 Schott, Suffield VR 483 Schott, Suffield VR 484 Schott, Suffield VR 485 Schott, Suffield VR 486 Schott, Suffield VR 487 Schott, Suffield VR

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 41 the implication is that she was not married. 488 However, she must have been confused with another Hannah because this is surely the Hannah Winslow who got an equal share with the other siblings in the estate of David Olds who died intestate at Belchertown, by 23 Oct. 1811.489 According to Noon, Hannah married a Winslow, a pioneer in New York, and died in 1775.490

1001. Jonathan Olds, son of Jonathan and Hannah (Jones) Olds, was born 10 Feb. 1752491. In 1775, on Lexington alarm, he enlisted and died in service 22 Aug. 1775. Noon says Jonathan was born 10 Feb. 1753 at Brimfield. 492 Chase493 reports his name as a Private on a muster roll of a company under Capt. Jonathan Bardwell in Col. David Brewer's Regiment. These men had enlisted in April or May of 1775 for periods of three months to three months and two weeks. An undated muster roll of Capt. Jonathan Bardwell's Company in the 9th Continental Regiment commanded by Col. David Brewer contains the entry "Jonathan Olds, d. Aug. 22".

1002. Justin Olds, son of Jonathan and Hannah (Jones) Olds, was born 16 Aug. 1754494 495 at Springfield, Mass. He married Mehitable Hixon (4 June 1755 - 19 Dec. 1815) on 21 June 1775496. Justin Olds was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and in Shay's Rebellion. He had the title of "Lieutenant" and lived at Belchertown, Mass.497 Justin Olds was a priva te in Capt. Joseph Hooker's co., Col. Ruggles Woodbridge's regt.; enlisted Aug. 23, 1777; discharged Nov. 29 (or Nov. 30), 1777; service, 3 m. 16 d., under Maj.Gen. Gates at the Northward, including 9 days (175 miles) travel home. Roll dated Greenwich.498

The family is listed in the 1790 census of Belchertown, Hampshire Co., with one male under 16, one male over 16 and 4 females. The 1800 census of Hampshire County lists the family of Justin Olds with one male over 45, one male 16-26, one male 10-16, two females under 10, one female 10-16, one female 16-26 and one female over 45. Justin Olds is listed in the 1810 census of Belchertown, Hampshire County, Mass., as head of a fa mily with one male over 45, one female 10-16, two females 16-26, and two females over 45. Thus, one male in 1800 and one female in 1810 are not accounted for.

Lt. Justin Olds of Belchertown married Mrs. Louisa Bliss, widow (or Loisa Blis in the intentions) of Palmer on 7 May 1817.499 (intentions dated 18 [or 11 April, check this] April 1817).500 He died 26 April 1819.501

His estate was probated in Northampton, Mass. in 1819.502 Jonathan Olds was the administrator of "Justin Olds, late of Belchertown" and Smith Barrett and Joshua Cowles of Belchertown signed the $3000 bond on 4 May 1819. His estate included 63 acres of land with one undivided half of a house and barn, 7 acres of woodland, etc. On 15 Oct. 1819, Louisa Olds received her dower as widow of Justin Olds. In April 1820, Charles Bennett, Jr., was guardian of Cromwell B. Comstock and Catherine Comstock, minors

488 Olds, p. 63. 489 Microfilm probate records of Northampton, Mass., vol. 28, 1811 - 1813. 490 Noon, p. 438 491 Olds, p. 64; also in Brimfield ( Mass. ) Births, Ear ly Vital Records of Western MA, CD-ROM (Search and Research Publishing Co., Wheat Ridge, CO, 2000) 492 Noon, p. 438 493 Chase, Arthur, History of Ware, Mass. (Cambridge, 1911). pp. 141-142 494 Olds, p. 64 495 Brimfield Births, Early Vital Records of Western, MA, CD-ROM (Search and Research Publishing Co., Wheat Ridge, CO, 2000) has the date as 22 Aug. 1754 496 or 3 June, per Noon, p. 438 497 Olds, p. 64-5. 498 Massachusetts Soldiers and Sai lors i n the War of th e Revolu tion. Do any of these records refer t o Justin Olds, son of Samuel? 499 Palmer Marriages. Early Vital Records of Wester MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 500 Belchertown VR, 1747 - 1843, Corbin Collection, New England Historic Genealogical Society 501 Noon, p. 438 502 microfilm probate records of Northampton, Mass., vol. 32, 1818-1820.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 42 under 14, children of Jacob Comstock and grandchildren of Justin Olds. Susannah and Amanda Olds signed for their portions. The distribution of the estate was to Louisa Olds, widow of Justin Olds, who got land and to the children and grandchildren of said Justin Olds: to Jonathan Olds, son of Justin, to Susanna and Amanda Olds, daughters of Justin, to Cromwell Brown Comstock and Catherine Comstock, children of Mehitable Comstock, deceased wife of Jacob Comstock and daughter of Justin Olds.

"Mrs. Mehetable Olds wife of Lieut. Justun [sic] died 18 Dec 1815 AE 60. My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyful sound Then burst the chains with sweet surprise And in my Saviour's image rise" -- from her tombstone in the Liberty Cemetery in Belchertown.

Children of Justin and Mehitable (Hixon) Olds

2000. i. Jonathan Olds, b. 1 Nov. 1780. 2001. ii. Mehitable Olds, b. 13 Sept. 1782, Belchertown, Mass. 2002. iii. Susana Olds, b. 9 Aug. 1785, Belchertown, Mass. 2003. iv. Cate (Catherine) Olds, b. 30 Sept. 1790, Belchertown, Mass. 2004. v. Amanda Olds, b. 14 Feb. 1800, Belchertown, Mass.

1003. Samuel Olds, son of Jonathan and Hannah (Jones) Olds, was born 6 Dec. 1756 at Ware, Mass. He married Anny Daniels and died at Ludlow, Mass. in 1854.503 Noon gives the following information about Samuel Olds.504 The Ludlow Vital Records show the death of a Mrs. Anna Olds on 30 June 1839. There is a stone in the Liberty Cemetery marked "grandmother Anne Daniels, wife of Samuel Olds" with no dates.

"Samuel Olds, who was born in 1756, was probably the lad referred to in the preceding story." [quoted in the record of his parents, Jonathan and Hannah Olds.] He was gifted in many ways with a phenomenal memory. It is said that after listening to a sermon he could repeat it word for word. He retained this faculty when an aged man. Frequently the young people read to him stories or poems, which he would later recite almost perfectly. Another of his gifts was that of rhyming. Many a local event is told to-day in his quaint jingles. Perhaps his greatest power lays in his "second sight". To that capacity is attributed the following story: "Having occasion to pass the "Ould Burial Place" very late one night, he saw a bright light in one corner of the yard. Upon looking at it steadily he also saw two figures, whom he recognized as his friends, Solomon Wright and Jedediah Paine, busily engaged in digging a grave. "His curiosity was aroused and he hastened to enter the yard to ascertain why they were doing this. The fastening of the gate proved obstinate and so fully occupied his attention that when he had succeeded in opening it, the light and men had disappeared. Careful search revealed nothing. He related the incident at home, but it was so uncanny that it was not talked about openly. "One can hardly picture the astonishment of Samuel and his family when the news of the tragic death of the two men was later announced. ... "Samuel's prescience of the things to come served to save property and sometimes life. As he was watching the coming of a thunder storm one summer afternoon, he several times expressed a fear that a certain neighbor's house would suffer damage. After the storm had begun, as the family were gathered within the house, he suddenly started up and shouted in terrified tones that the house in question had been smitten. To pacify him his sons went to the house. They found a group of terror-stricken children, for their parents were away. A strange odor in the house made them hurry upstairs, where they discovered a great hole in the roof and a feather bed on fire. The flames were quickly extinguished. What a catastrophe his "second sight" had averted!

Children of Samuel and Anny (Daniels) Olds

2005. i. Ruth Olds, b. 27 July 1779.

503 Olds, p. 65. 504 Noon, p. 333-335

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 43 2006. ii. Ann Olds 2007. iii. Reuben Olds, b. 1786. 2008. iv. Nathan Olds, b. 12 Sept. 1791. There is a Nathan Olds, d. 19 Aug. 1810, age 19, at Cummington, Mass.505 2009. v. Polly W. Olds, b. 1784. 2010. vi. Sally Olds 2011. vii. Hannah Olds (m. David Daniels, a cousin506, son of Asa and Lurane (Olds) Daniels. See him for the descendants.)

1004. Enoch Olds, son of Jonathan and Hannah (Jones) Olds, was born 3 Oct. 1759 at Ware, Mass. Enoch Olds of Belchertown married (1) Martha Wright of Ludlow on 13 Dec. 1781507 and (2) Eunice Hatch (intentions published 17 Jan. 1791). His wife died 27 Jan. 1812 and he died 16 March 1813.508 Perhaps it was the same Enoch Olds who married Achsa Rice on Nov. 24, 1812.509 Noon510 lists the children as David, Azubah, Aaron, Cyrus, and two who died young. The first five children of Enoch and Eunice are in Palmer Births, with these dates.511

Children of Enoch and Martha (Wright) Olds 512

2012. i. Daniel Olds, b. 1785

Children of Enoch and Eunice (Hatch) Olds 513

2013. ii. David Olds, b. 8 April 1791 2014. iii. Aaron Olds, b. 14 Nov. 1792 2015. iv. Zubah Olds, b. 20 Dec. 1794 2016. v. Amos Olds, b. 16 June 1800 2017. vi. Cyrus Olds, b. 16 May 1803 [possibly 10 May in printed VR] 2018. vii. Darius Olds

1005. Lur ane Olds, daughter of Jonathan and Hannah (Jones) Olds, was born 10 Jan. 1762 at Wa re, Mass. She married Asa Daniels. Lurane died 3 Nov. 1853.514 "Lurana Olds Daniels, a sister of Samuel Olds and wife of Asa Daniels, was also noted for her wonderful memory. It is reliably reported that she remembered accurately every birth, marriage, and death that had occurred in the part of the town where she lived, as well as the date of the erection or repair of all buildings."515

"Lurana, wife of Asa Daniels, died Nov. 3, 1853, AE 91" and "Asa Daniels died Nov. 23, 1838, AE 78" are buried in what is now the Liberty Cemetery, Belchertown, and the quotes are from their stones. Children of Asa and Lurane (Olds) Daniels

2020. i. Asa Daniels 2021. ii. Lydia Daniels, b. 15 Dec. 1768516 2022. iii. David Daniels (he married Hannah Olds517) 2023. iv. Roxana Daniels

505 Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 506 Noon, p. 439 507 Corbin Collection, microfilm from New England Historic Genealogical Society, VR of Belchertown. 508 VR of Palmer, Mass., to 1850 509 VR of Palmer, Mass., to 1850 510 Noon, p. 440 511 Palmer Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 512 Olds, p. 67 513 J. H. Temple, History of the Town of Palmer, p. 52 514 Olds, p. 63. 515 Noon, p. 334 516 date added from Noon, p. 441 517 Noon, p. 441

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 44 2024. v. Justin Daniels

1006. Asenath Olds, daughter of Jonathan and Hannah (Jones) Olds, was born 23 Sept. 1764. She married Jonathan Lombard.518 Noon refers to the Lombard Genealogy. 519

Children of Jonathan and Asenath (Olds) Lombard

2030. i. Jonathan Lombard. ii. Asenath Lombard, unmarried. 2031. iii.Cynthia Lombard. 2032. iv. Justin Lombard.

1007. Tirza Olds, daughter of Jonathan and Hannah (Jones) Olds, was born 11 May 1767 at Ware, Mass. She died 23 Sept. 1810 according to E. B. Olds. However, a photograph of her stone shows the inscription to be "Miss Tirzah Olds, died April 15, 1839, ae 72".520 Noon521 gives the date as 13 April 1839, a possible reading of the stone. It is clear that Olds has interchanged the death dates of Tirzah and David. She was the heroine of the ballad "Nick and Tarzy, O____". 522 The story has been reprinted several times. One of the best is in The History of Ludlow.523

"Nick and Tarzy

"Melancholy was the story of "Nick and Tarzy" who were very worthy people. "Nicholas Daniels lived in the eastern part of town on the farm of which the "Ould Burying Ground" was once a part. Thirza Olds lived over the line in Belchertown. "Nick was a fine specimen of the Yankee of the olden time with his "cue" tied with strips of eel-skin. He always wore a blue coat with shining buttons, regulation knee-breeches, his stockings being very smooth and fair. His shoe buckles, large and shining silver, are treasured to this day by a descendant of his family. "For nearly two score years, he visited Tarzy every Sunda y night, fondly anticipating the day which never came. It is said that on "general training day" he never failed to bring Tarzy a goodly cake of hard gingerbread when he came home. "Family legend claims that Nick had injured his had with some sharp instr ument. One cold, stormy Sunday evening in spring, he donned his best attire and despite warnings of his family, wended his way to Tarzy's fireside, along the path which he had trodded for forty years. Exposure to the storm brought on lockjaw and he died in Tarzy's home. Need we wonder that even the voluble McLean found his vocabulary straitened when he undertook to offer Thirza words of consolation? "Afterward poor Tarzy lived but to keep Nick's memory green. She observed training day, never failing to bake gingerbread of a most golden hue, which she distributed in her lover's name to the children who came to see her. She always turned her cow out to pasture on the anniversary of his death, and walked to Three Rivers, ca rrying her butter and eggs to exchange for tea and snuff. Going and r eturning, she never failed to pay a visit to his grave. "Anny Olds, a tiny tot, went with her one of the last times Tarzy make the journey. Anny carried a little basket with some eggs as a venture of her own. When the store was reached, she bartered the eggs for two dainty little salt cellars, one of which is still treasured in the family. "When the travelers reached Tarzy's home, Anny was offered some of the gingerbread, but, remembering the color of the snuff, she declined for the first and last time to accept it. Tarzy was soon laid to rest near Nicholas in the "Ould burying ground", just across the line on the Belchertown side. As in life, they are divided. Her grave is marked with a fair stone, but, sad irony of fate! the most prominent workd of Tarzy's

518 Olds, p. 64. 519 Noon, p. 438 520 the photograph is reproduced by McChesney, p. 119 521 Noon, p. 438 522 Olds, p. 64. 523 The History of Ludlow, Massachusetts, With Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens, Reminiscences, Genealogies, Farm Histories, and an Account of the Centennial Celebration, June 17, 1874. First edition compiled by Alfred Noon, A.M., a former pastor of the town, Second Edition Revised and Enlarged (Springfield Printing and Binding Company, Springfield, Mass., 1912). pp. 329ff

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 45 epitaph is the word "Miss". "A local bard wrote the quaint ballad, "Nick and Tarzy, O!" containing the story of their love. When the centennial of Ludlow was celebrated in 1874, this ballad was printed, distributed among the people, and sung to the tune of "Benny Havens". "Into the conversation current of a generation has passed the expression "Courting as long as Nick and Tarzy". The text of the balla d is in the reference.

1008. David Olds, son of Jonathan and Hannah (Jones) Olds, was born 3 March 1771. David Olds of Belchertown married Sally Thornton of Ludlow on 19 Nov. 1807 (int. 23 Oct. 1807)524 and, according to Olds, died 13 April 1839525, but Noon gives 23 Sept. 1810.526 David's estate was probated in Dec. 1811 in Northampton, Mass.527 He died intestate by 23 Oct. 1811 and his administrators were his widow Sally Olds and Jonathan Olds. The widow was paid 61.37 for her share of the personal property and equal shares (8.76 or 8.77) were given to Hannah Winslow, Justin Olds, Samuel Olds, Enoch Olds, Lurana Daniels, wife of Asa, Asenalth Lombard, wife of J??, and Tirzah Olds. Jonathan Lombard, Jr., signed for Asenath Lombard, Phillip Horton signed for Hannah Winslow, Nathan Olds signed for Lurana Olds (check name!, must have been Samuel), Asa Daniels signed for Lurana Daniels, and Enoch, Tirzah and Justin Olds signed.

1020. Joseph [but listed as Stephen in the published VR of Brookfield528] Olds, son of Abner and Mary (Snow) Olds, was born 26 April 1769. His line is not continued in the Olds genealogy, but on page 285 is a Joseph Olds "possibly the son of Abner, son of Robert". Handwritten notes in the copy of the Olds Genealogy at ______indicate529 "this is right as it checks with family records and cemetery records". I have located no such records. Thus, Joseph is included here on expectation rather than on evidence. According to Olds, the Joseph who begins the new, unconnected line at this point was born in 1769 and died 17 Sept. 1822. He married (1) Hannah Bissell, b. 1774, and married (2) Rhoda ______. "He was said to have been born and married in Connecticut; moved to Chautauqua County, N. Y., afterwards to Niagara Co., N. Y., where he died." His children are listed as:

Children of Joseph Olds

2040. i. John Bissell Olds, b. 1796, d. 18 June 1883 2041. ii. Ira Olds, b. 1798, d. 1888. 2042. iii. Orson Olds, b. 22 May 1802, d. 30 March 1887 2043. iv. Ferdino Olds, b. 1800, d. 20 Oct. 1856 2044. v. Henry Olds, m. Wealthy Horton 2045. vi. Hezekiah Olds 2046. vii. Alonzo Olds 2047.viii. Rhoda Olds, b 28 July 1804, d. 26 May 1890 2048. ix. Mariah Olds, b. 24 Feb. 1817, d. 4 March 1872/3.

1021. Abigail Old, daughter of Abner and Mary (Snow) Old, was born 26 Feb. 1771.530

1022. William Old, son of Abner and Mary (Snow) Old, was born 13 Nov. 1773.531

524 Corbin Collection, Belchertown VR 1743-1843. 525 Olds, p. 64. See Tirza, above. Olds has interchanged the death dates of Tirza and David. 526 Noon, p. 438 527 microfilm probate records of Northampton, Mass., vol. 28, 1811 - 1813, pages 43,44, 55, 189, and 267 528 Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 529 these additions and corrections were made by Mrs. Vera (Stratton) Yerington, Dec. 1948. "The records here, in the old bibles, historys, church and cemetery records, all complete this line with that of. Joseph Olds.B-1769; son of Abner, B- Apr.28,1724; son of Robert Olds...All sons of Joseph are buried at the 'Pioneer Cemetery,' Hartford, Mich. and their sons, most of them." 530 Olds, p. 64. 531 Olds, p. 64.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 46 1023. Elizabeth Old, daughter of Abner and Mary (Snow) Old, was born 13 Nov. 1773532 and thus appears to be a twin of William.

1036. Levi Olds, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (______) Olds, was born in 1775 and died 19 Feb. 1821. According to his father’s will, he left heirs.533 The history of Middlefield, MA, adds detail, saying he was born at Southwick in 1776 and died at Middlefield on 19 Feb. 1821. He married Lucintha _____ who married (2) Capt. Joseph Smith on 8 Jan. 1829534. "Levi Olds came to Mid. [Middlefield] between 1800 and 1810, probably about 1802-1804. He lived on the West Hill in a house which stood west of the road to Hinsdale, north of the house occupied by Justus Olds which was near where the Becket road turns off to the west. He had two brothers familiarly known as "Jet" and was known as "Mut Orcutt". In the skirmishes of Shays' Baptist Church in 1817 and many of their children joined in later years."535

Children of Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds536 2050. i. Susan Olds, b. 6 Jan. 1800, d. 12 Oct. 1877 2051. ii. Levi Olds, b. 1 July 1805, d. 30 April 1867 2052. iii. Cynthia Olds 2053. iv. Emily Olds 2054. v. Chancy Olds 2055. vi. Samuel Olds 2056. vii. Stillman Olds, b. 4 Aug. 1810 2057. viii. Sarah Olds, b. 20 April 1812 2058. ix. Eunice Olds, b. 21 April 1814, d. 15 March 1815537 2059. x. Reuben Olds, b. 5 Sept. 1815 2060. xi. Caroline Olds, b. Oct. 1817, d. 22 Dec. 1848538 xii. Catherine Olds, b. 12 June 1822, d. 25 Aug. 1823539

1037. Justus Olds, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (______) Olds, was born in 1778 in Southwick, MA, and died 5 Feb. 1847 in Middlefield, MA. 540 541 Olds542 lists him under "Unconnected Lines" but lists his wife Mary Loomis (1777 - 1855) and eleven children.

The McKallor ar ticle gives Justus, son of Samuel, "born in Southwick, Massachusetts, in 1778, died February 5, 1847; married Mary Loomis, born in 1777; they had ten childen.[not named]"543

Smith and Smith544 say he was "possibly a son of Samuel" and was born "Southwick, 1778; d. Mid. [Middlefield] 2-5-1847; m. Mary, dau. of Nehemiah and Elizabeth (Morley) Loomis of Westfield, who was b. 1780; d. Mid. 9-25-1857. He came to Mid. shortly after 1800. He lived on the West Hill in Mid. on the road to Washington just north of the north road to Becket.". Eleven children are listed, as in Olds (which Smith and Smith had seen), but with somewhat different details.

532 Olds, p. 64. 533 "McKallor and Allied Families", Americana (American Historical Magazine), Vol. XXVII, pp. 368-372. 534 Mrs. Lucintha Old s, widow, marrie d Capt . Joseph Smith, 8 Jan. 1829. Middlefie ld Marria ges. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 535 Smith and Smith, p. 560. The last two quoted sentences appear garbled. 536 Smith and Smith, p. 560-61. 537 Eunice Olds, daughter of Levi, d. 15 March 1815, age 11 m. Middlefield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 538 Caroline Olds d. 22 Dec. 1848. Middlefield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 539 Catherine Olds, daughter of widow Lucintha Olds, d. 25 Aug. 1823, age 3 y. 2 m. Middlefield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 540 Olds, p. 296 541 Justus Oles, farmer, b. Southwick, died of pleurisy, 5 Feb.1847, age 69. He was the husband of Polly [G. R. 1.] and had surname Olds [C. R. 1.] Massachusetts Town Death Records, Vital Records of Middlefield, search, 21 Oct. 2001. 542 Olds, p. 296 543 "McKallor and Allied Families", Americana (American Historical Magazine), Vol. XXVII, pp. 368-372. 544 Smith and Smith, p. 562.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 47 Loomis545 (which predates Olds) gives Mary Loomis "b. 1777, m. Justus Olds, d. 1847. She d. 1855. Middlefield, Mass." and lists ten children (omitting Almira), but no parentage for Justus Olds.

Children of Justus and Mary (Loomis) Olds546 2061. i. Mary (Polly) Olds, b. 4 Aug. 1800, d. 9 May 1865 2062. ii. Justus Olds, b. 26 May 1803 2063. iii. Elizabeth Olds, b. 10 Oct. 1804, d. 12 Nov. 1853 2064. iv. Maria Olds, b. 1 July 1806 2065. v. Heman Alson Olds, b. 31 Dec. 1807, d. 1846 2066. vi. Harriet Olds, b. 3 Feb. 1809 2067. vii. Amanda Olds, b. 3 April 1811 2068 viii. Lucy Olds, b. 17 Jan. 1813 2069. ix. Emaline Olds, b. 31 July 1816 x. Almira Olds, b. 12 March 1820, d. 25 Oct. 1821 (age 19 m., 13 d. 547) 2070. xi. Sarah Delight Olds, b. 2 March 1824, d. 21 Nov. 1899

1038. Wareham Olds, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (______) Olds, died by 1832. According to his father’s will, he left heirs.548

1039. Elizabeth Olds,549 daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (______) Olds, is called Elizabeth Mather in her father’s will. She married Ezra Mather, son of William and Rhoda (Marvin) Mather, who was born in Southwick, MA, 4 Feb. 1772, and died in Troy, NY, 1843. Children of Ezra and Elizabeth (Olds) Mather 2071. i. Betsey Mather 2072. ii. Amelia Mather, m. Abram Bennett 2073. iii. Mary Mather 2074. iv. Heman Mather, b. 16 March 1809, Moreau, NY, d. 8 June 1868, West Troy, NY 2075. v. Horace Mather, b. 19 Dec. 1811, m. Mary H. Folsom 2076. vi. Julia Mather 2077. vii. Rhoda Mather, m. Dennie Margenie

1040. Heman Olds, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (______) Olds, was born in 1785 and died 17 Nov. 1807. He is not named in his father’s will and the implication is that he left no heirs.550 He is the only child of Samuel and Elizabeth named by Olds where his death date is given as 23 Oct. 1807.551

1041. Lucinda Olds, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (______) Olds, is named Lucinda Carter in her father’s will.552

1042. Sarah Olds, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (______) Olds, was dead by 1832. She is named Sarah Smith in her father’s will and she had children.553

1043. Julia Olds, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (______) Olds, is named as Julia Holcomb in her father’s will.554

545 Loomies, Elias and Loomas, Elisha S., Descendants of Joseph Loomis In America And his Antecedents in the Old World, The Original Published by Elias Loomis, LL. D., 1875, Revised by Elisha S. Loomis, Ph. D., 1908. (republished by John E. Loomis, 1981), p. 179. 546 Smith and Smith, p. 561-662, with additions from Olds as noted. 547 Middlefield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 548 "McKallor and Allied Families", Americana (American Historical Magazine), Vol. XXVII (1933), pp. 368-372. 549"McKallor and Allied Families", Americana (American Historical Magazine), Vol. XXVII (1933), pp. 368-372, p. 325 550 "McKallor and Allied Families", Americana (American Historical Magazine), Vol. XXVII (1933), pp. 368-372. 551 Olds, p. 93. 552 "McKallor and Allied Families", Americana (American Historical Magazine), Vol. XXVII (1933), pp. 368-372. 553 "McKallor and Allied Families", Americana (American Historical Magazine), Vol. XXVII (1933), pp. 368-372. 554 "McKallor and Allied Families", Americana (American Historical Magazine), Vol. XXVII (1933), pp. 368-372.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 48 1044. Sylvester Olds, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (______) Olds, was living and had a wife and several children according to his father’s will, including a son William. 555 Children of Sylvester Olds 2079. i. William Olds, not yet 21 in 1832.

1050. Octavia Olds, daughter of Amos and Phebe Olds, was born 31 March 1783.556

1051. Pamela Olds, daughter of Amos and Phebe Olds, was born 25 Sept. 1784.557

1052. Caroline Olds, daughter of Amos and Phebe Olds, was born 1 Dec. 1786.558

1053. George Olds, son of Amos and Phebe Olds, was born 8 Nov. 1788 at Great Barrington, Mass. He died 30 Oct. 1867. He married Mary Ann Kent (16 Dec. 1790 - 10 April 1875) and moved to Middlesex, Mass., then to Lockport, Niagara Co., NY. 559

Children of George and Mary Ann (Kent) Olds

2080. i. Mary Ann Olds, b. 21 Feb. 1813 2081. ii. Eliza Olds, b. 23 Oct. 1815 2082. iii. James Olds, b. 3 April 1816 2083. iv. Martin Olds, b. 16 March 1818 2084. v. Maria Olds, b. 19 Dec. 1819 2085. vi. Emeline Olds, b. 19 Oct. 1821 2086. viii. Levi Olds, b. 12 June 1823 2087. ix. Caroline K. Olds, b. 21 March 1825 2088. x. Edwin Olds, b. 21 March 1827 2089. xi. Charlotte Olds, b. 4 Jan. 1829 2090. xii. Frank Olds, b. 31 Jan. 1831 2091. xiii. Charles Olds, b. 9 Aug. 1833

1054. Polly Olds, daughter of Amos and Phebe Olds, was born 11 April 1791.560

1056. Ephraim Olds, son of Amos and Phebe Olds, was born 17 Feb. 1796.561

1060. Roxanna Olds, daughter of Moses and Silence (Loomis) Olds, was born 5 Dec. 1810. She married Jonah L. Gross.562

1061. Moses Olds, son of Moses and Silence (Loomis) Olds, was in the war of 1812.563

1062. Cynthia Olds, daughter of Moses and Silence (Loomis) Olds, was born 18 June 1798. She died 3 April 1872, Portage, NY. 564

1063. Fanny Olds, daughter of Moses and Silence (Loomis) Olds, was born 17 Jan. 1800. She died 26 July 1866, at Portage, NY. On 3 Jan. 1826, she married Chester Andrus (12 Jan. 1791 - 17 March 1874).565

555 "McKallor and Allied Families", Americana (American Historical Magazine), Vol. XXVII (1933), pp. 368-372. 556 Olds, p. 93. 557 Olds, p. 93. 558 Olds, p. 93. 559 Olds, p. 96. 560 Olds, p. 93. 561 Olds, p. 93. 562 Olds, p. 93. 563 Olds, p. 93. 564 Olds, p. 93. 565 Olds, p. 94.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 49 Children of Chester and Fanny (Olds) Andrus

2100. i. Celestine Andrus, b. 27 Sept. 1826 2101. ii. Lydia Elizabeth Andrus, b. 17 June 1828. 2102. iii. Cynthia Andrus, bon 25 Sept. 1829. 2103. iv. Fanny M. Andrus, b. 5 Oct. 1831. 2104. v. Martha J. Andrus, b. 18 July 1836. vi. Jerome Andrus, b. 21 Oct. 1839, d. 4 Sept. 1840. vii. Chester Andrus, b. 13 Feb. 1842, d. 4 Aug. 1848. 2105. viii. Byron E. Andrus, b. 15 Sept. 1844.

1064. Serviah Olds, daughter of Moses and Silence (Loomis) Olds, was born in 1803 and died 1 Nov. 1848. She married Josiah Swan in Oct. 1829 at Southwick, Mass.566

1070. Jerusha Old, son of Elisha and Elizabeth (Granger) Old, was born 6 May 1761 at Westfield, Mass.567

1071. Desire Old, daughter of Elisha and Elizabeth (Granger) Old, was born 22 Jan. 1764 at Sheffield, Mass.568

1072. Levina Old, daughter of Elisha and Elizabeth (Granger) Old, was born 28 June 1765 at Sheffield, Mass.569

1073. Mercy Old, daughter of Elisha and Elizabeth (Granger) Old, was born 4 June 1767 at Sheffield, Mass.570

1100. Hannah Stiles, daughter of John and Betty (Olds) Stiles, was bapt. 22 Nov. 1761.571

1101. Daniel Olds Stiles, son of John and Betty (Olds) Stiles, was born 10 June 1764.572 The birth date of 22 July 1764 given by Olds 573 might be a baptismal date. He married Sarah Buckland, "has a family", and moved to Salisbury, Herkimer County, New York.574

1102. Asa Stiles, son of John and Betty (Olds) Stiles, was born 1 March 1767. This same date is given as a baptismal date by Stiles575 who says Asa married Rebecca Cahoon and moved to Cuyahoga Co., NY, in 1811.

1103. John Stiles, son of John and Betty (Olds) Stiles, was bapt. 20 May 1770.576 He married and moved to Herkimer Co., NY.577

1104. Aaron Stiles, son of John and Betty (Olds) Stiles, was bapt. 4 July 1773.578 Aaron married and moved to Delaware Co., NY. 579

566 Olds, p. 94. 567 Olds, p. 95. 568 Olds, p. 95. 569 Olds, p. 95. 570 Olds, p. 95. 571 Stiles, p. 717. 572 Stiles, p. 717. 573 Olds, p. 92. 574 Stiles, p. 717 575 Stiles, p. 717 576 Stiles, p. 717. 577 Stiles, p. 717 578 Stiles, p. 717. 579 Stiles, p. 717

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 50 1105. Andrew Stiles, son of John and Betty (Olds) Stiles, was bapt. 22 May 1776 and moved "West".580

1106. Philo Stiles, son of John and Betty (Olds) Stiles, was bapt. 23 July 1780 and moved "West".581

1110. Caleb Olds, son of Daniel and Abigail (Granger) Olds, married Rachel Davis. He died 3 Sept. 1821.582

Children of Caleb and Rachel (Davis) Olds

2120. i. Davis Olds 2121. ii. Henry Olds, b. 14 Sept. 1794

1111. William Olds, son of Daniel and Abigail (Granger) Olds, was born in 1775 and died in 1834 at Brownsborough, KY. He married, as his fourth wife, Deborah Griswold (1794 - 1881) of Rock Hill, Conn.583 Deborah Griswold, daughter of Constant and Rebecca (Boardman) Griswold, bapt. 6 July 1794, married William Olds.584 The widow Deborah Olds is listed in the 1880 census as585

Census Place: Rocky Hill, Hartford, Connecticut Source: FHL Film 1254100 National Archives Film T9-0100 Page 563B RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace Harriet R. LARNED Self F W W 58 IN Occ:Keeps House Fa: CT Mo: CT Deborah OLDS Mother F W W 85 CT Fa: CT Mo: CT Agnes GOODRICH Other F S W 18 CT Occ:Servant Fa: CT Mo: CT

Children of William Olds and Deborah (Griswold) Olds586

2125. i. Harriet R. Olds, b. ca. 1822 2126. ii. Henry C. Olds, b. 1833

1112. Daniel Granger Olds, son of Daniel and Abigail (Granger) Olds, was born on 20 March 1784 at Waterloo, NY, and died 30 Sept. 1854. He married (1) Lavinia Noble on 28 Nov. 1811. She was born 14 Aug. 1784 and died 19 March 1821. He married (2) Mary Bunker on 22 May 1823. She was born 25 Sept. 1796 and died 13 March 1837. He married (3) Tenty Sweet on 18 March 1838.587

Children of Daniel Granger and Lavinia (Noble) Olds

i. Leander Olds, b. 4 Aug. 1812, d. 28 July 1813 2130. ii. Lavinia Olds, b. 20 Oct. 1815, d. 29 Sept. 1898 2131. iii. Noble Granger Olds, b. 5 Jan. 1818 2132. iv. Katherine Olds, b. 29 July 1820

Children of Daniel Granger and Mary (Bunker) Olds

2133. v. Caroline Olds, b. 20 April 1824 2134. vi. Adaline Olds, b. 10 July 1826 vii. Leander Olds, b. 6 July 1828, d. 30 March 1835 2135. viii. Charles Ver Planck Olds, b. 29 Jan. 1831 2136. ix. Daniel Granger Olds, b. 7 Nov. 1833

580 Stiles, p. 717. 581 Stiles, p. 717. 582 Olds, p. 98 583 Olds, pp. 98-99 584 Stiles, Henry R., "The Griswold Family" in History of Ancient Wethersfield, Vol. II, 1903 repr. 1975) 585 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 586 The 1880 census shows that Harriet, at least, is a daughter of Deborah. 587 Olds, p. 99-100

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 51 x. Mary Abigail Olds, b.18 July 1837, d. 17 Aug. 1838

Children of Daniel Granger and Tenty (Sweet) Olds

2137. xi. Henry Harrison Olds, b. 19 Feb. 1841 2138. xii. Emily Olds, b. 18 Dec. 1845

1113. Hannah Olds was a daughter of Daniel and Abigail (Granger) Olds.588

1114. Abigail Olds, daughter of Daniel and Abigail (Granger) Olds, was born 6 July 1779 and married John Stearns in 1800. They settled in Utica, NY. 589

1115. Catherine Olds, daughter of Daniel and Abigail (Granger) Olds, married ______Crosby and lived in Collamer, Ohio. 590 He is given elsewhere as Abijah Crosby (1769 - 1843) of Barnstable, Mass., and Cleveland, Ohio. 591 Caty Olds and Abijah Crosby were married at Lee, MA, on 15 Jan. 1795.592

Children of Abijah and Catherine (Olds) Crosby 2145. i. Thomas Daniel Crosby, b. 1804, d. 1897593

1116. Sally Olds was a daughter of Daniel and Abigail (Granger) Olds.594

1130. Caleb Olds, son of Aaron and Eunice (Durkee) Olds, was born in May 1775 and died 9 June 1854, in Fairfield, VT, and is buried in Franklin, VT. He married Susannah Preston at Poultney, VT. She was born in April, 1776, and died 23 July 1854. He was baptized and received into membership of the Congregational Church, Fairfield, VT, on 2 Jan. 1842 and died 9 June 1854.595 She was received into membership of the Congregational Church, Fairfield, VT, on 5 March 1854 and died 21 July 1854.596 They lived in Poultney, Essex and Fairfield, VT.597

Children of Caleb and Susannah (Preston) Olds

2150. i. Almira Lucy Olds, b. 22 April 1799 2151. ii. Lorenzo Olds, b. 17 March 1801 2152. iii. John Preston Olds, b. 23 Aug. 1803 2154. iv. William Andrus Olds, b. 3 Dec. 1808 2155. v. Rachel Amine Olds, b. 24 Feb. 1810

1131. Robert Olds was a son of Aaron and Eunice (Durkee) Olds.598

1132. David Olds was a son of Aaron and Eunice (Durkee) Olds.599

1133. William Olds, son of Aaron and Eunice (Durkee) Olds, was born 20 Jan. 1783 at Poultney, VT, and died 15 Oct. 1860 at Westport, NY. On 22 Sept. 1808, he married Nancy J. Greeley who was born 29

588 Olds, p. 95 589 Olds, p. 95 590 Olds, p. 95 591 Ancestor table of Clara C. McLean, The American Genealogist, vol. 40 (1964), p. 164 592 Lee Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 593 TAG, 40(1964), p. 164 594 Olds, p. 95 595 Doane, Gilbert Harry, "Records of the Congregational Church, Fairfield, VT, The American Genealogist, Vol. 12 #2 (Oct. 1935) 596 Doane, Gilbert Harry, "Records of the Congregational Church, Fairfield, VT, The American Genealogist, Vol. 12 #2 (Oct. 1935) 597 Olds, p. 100 598 Olds, p. 96 599 Olds, p. 96

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 52 May 1792 and died 1 Dec. 1879. The lived at Saratoga, NY, Fort Ann, NY, Queensbury, NY, and Westport, NY.600

Children of William and Nancy J. (Greeley) Olds

2160. i. Cornelius Olds, b. 3 Oct. 1809 2161. ii. Abram M. Olds, b. 12 Dec. 1811 2162. iii. Lucy S. Olds, b. 14 June 1814 2163. iv. Ann E. Olds, b. 17 Sept. 1816 2164. v. William W. Olds, b. 1 April 1819 2165. vi. Susan G. Olds, b. 18 April 1822 2166. vii. Louisa K. Olds, b. 23 Nov. 1824 2167. viii. Harriet M. Olds, b. 25 Feb. 1829 ix. Thomas J. Olds, b. 10 June 1830, d. 25 Aug. 1846 2168. x. Ruth E. Olds, b. 30 March 1836

1134. Aaron Olds was a son of Aaron and Eunice (Durkee) Olds.

1135. Alva Olds, son of Aaron and Eunice (Durkee) Olds, was born in 1793 in Vermont and died in 1875 at Pine River, WI. On 21 Oct. 1815, he married Mary Crampton (b. 1793) at Saratoga, NY, where he had moved about 1813. "in 1850 was living at Arcadia, Wayne Co., N. Y.; moved there about 1835; in 1873 was living at Pine River, Wis.; he was a pensioner of the War of 1812; enlisted May 1, 1812, at Whitehall, N. Y.; was in the battles of Queenstown Heights, Lundy's Lane and Christley's Fa rm, Upper Cana da, and was wounded in the latter one. 601

Children of Alva and Mary (Crampton) Olds

2170. i. William C. Olds, b. 1825 2171. ii. Mary Olds 2172. iii. Amanda M. Olds, b. 1835

1136. Abigail Olds was a daughter of Aaron and Eunice (Durkee) Olds.602

1137. Esther Olds was a daughter of Aaron and Eunice (Durkee) Olds.603

1138. Eunice Olds was a daughter of Aaron and Eunice (Durkee) Olds.604

1139. Patience Wa lker, of Joseph and Lydia (Olds) Walker605, was born 26 Jan. 1760[?]

1140. Lydia Walker, of Joseph and Lydia (Olds) Walker606, was born 29 March 1762

1141. Rachel Walker, of Joseph and Lydia (Olds) Walker607, was born 11 April 1763

600 Olds, p. 101 601 Olds, p. 104 602 Olds, p. 96 603 Olds, p. 96 604 Olds, p. 96 605 These eleven children are added from Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909) 606 These eleven children are added from Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909) 607 These eleven children are added from Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 53 1142. Miriam Walker, of Joseph and Lydia (Olds) Walker608, was born 7 March 1766

1143. Joseph Walker, Jr., of Joseph and Lydia (Olds) Walker609, was born 4 April 1768

1144. Mary Walker, of Joseph and Lydia (Olds) Walker610, was born 23 Nov. 1769

1145. Nathan Walker, of Joseph and Lydia (Olds) Walker611, was born 28 Aug.1771

1146. Premalia Walker, of Joseph and Lydia (Olds) Walker612, was born 4 Oct. 1773

1147. Simeon Walker, of Joseph and Lydia (Olds) Walker613, was born 2 Jan. 1776

1148. Caleb Walker, of Joseph and Lydia (Olds) Walker614 was born 23 May 1779.

1149. Mettelda Walker, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Olds) Walker615, was born 21 May 1781

1150. Nathan Olds616, son of Josiah and Dorothy (Smith) Olds, was born 11 Jan. 1767 at Brookfield, Mass. and died 18 Dec. 1806617. He married Katherine Gilbert on 10 April 1788618 and they lived at Brookfield.619 Katherine, widow of Nathan Olds, died at Brookfield, MA, on 18 Dec. 1806.620 These death dates invite further review.

Children of Nathan and Katherine (Gilbert) Olds621

2180. i. Ruth Olds, b. 26 May 1792. 2181. ii. Phydema Olds, b. 27 Oct. 1796

1151. Ezekiel Olds, son of Josiah and Dorothy (Smith) Olds, was born 31 March 1770 at Brookfield, Mass. He married Lydia Stevens on 17 Nov. 1791 at Brookfield. 622 623

Children of Ezekiel and Lydia (Stevens) Olds

608 These eleven children are added from Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909) 609 These eleven children are added from Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909) 610 These eleven children are added from Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909) 611 These eleven children are added from Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909) 612 These eleven children are added from Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909) 613 These eleven children are added from Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909) 614 These eleven children are added from Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909) 615 These eleven children are added from Brookfield Births. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, tothe end of the year 1849. (Franklin P. Rice, publisher, Worcester, Mass., 1909) 616 Olds, p. 141 617 Per Ol ds, but the da te is 19 D ec. 180 5 in the p rinted V R. B rookfi eld De aths. Ear ly Vi tal Re cords o f Wor ces ter Count y, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 618 Named Katy Gilber t in the VR. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 619 Olds, p. 141. Ruth is the only child listed by Olds. 620 Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 621 Two childr en of Nathan and Ka therine in Brookfield Births. Early Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO (c. 2000) 622 Olds, p. 142. 623 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 54 2190. i. Cheney Olds, b. 31 March 1793. 2191. ii. Mary Olds, b. 4 Nov. 1804.

1152. Luke Olds, son of Josiah and Dorothy (Smith) Olds, was born 20 Dec. 1772.624 He may be the Luke Olds who married Hulda Gouldsbury on 7 April 1799 at Brookfield, MA.625

1153. Jonathan Olds, son of Josiah and Dorothy (Smith) Olds, was born at Brookfield, Mass., on 7 June 1775. He died on 28 Dec. 1841, at Tyringham, Mass.626 On 19 Oct. 1800, he married Ruth Richmond at Brookfield, Mass.627 628

Children of Jonathan and Ruth (Richmond) Olds629

2200. i. Ezra Richmond Olds, b. 7 Sept. 1801 2201. ii. Cynthia Olds, b. 1 Oct. 1805 2202. iii. Vashti Olds, b. 19 Aug. 1807 [19 Aug. 1808 in the printed VR] 2203. iv. Moses Olds, b. 27 Aug. 1809. 2204. v. Jonathan Olds, b. 29 July 1810 2205. vi. Ruth Richmond Olds, b. 31 Dec. 1812 2206. vii. Diana Olds, b. 20 June 1815 2207. viii. Betsy Richmond Olds, b. 11 Aug. 1817

1154. Aseph Olds, son of Josiah and Dorothy (Smith) Olds, was born 8 March 1778 at Brookfield, Mass. He died in Warren, Mass., April 3, 1849.630 On 29 March 1807631, he married Anna Hale who died 1 Jan. 1818.632 This date is probably an error. The date is the same as that given for their daughter Emeline Augusta and, in Brookfield Births, the first seven children are listed as children of Aseph and Anna Olds. George Wilson Olds is not listed there.633

Children of Aseph and Anna (Hale) Olds

2210. i. Henry Gilbert Olds, b. 5 March 1808 [Henry Albert in printed VR] 2211. ii. Luke Orrison Olds, b. 21 Nov. 1811, d. 1835 2212. iii. Ruth Hardy Olds, b. 13 July 1813 2213. iv. Lucy Ann Olds, b. 26 Feb. 1815 v. Emeline Augusta Olds, b. 19 Jan. 1817, d. 1 Jan. 1818.634 2215. vi. Charlotte C. Olds, b. 9 Nov. 1818 [Charlotte Corde in printed VR] 2216. vii. Colesworth Pinkney Olds, b. 22 Sept. 1820 [Cotesworth Pinkney in printed VR] 2217. viii. George Wilson Olds, b. 19 Dec. 1831

624 Olds, p. 133. 625 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 626 Tyringham Deaths. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 627 Olds, p. 142-143. 628This is the date intentions were filed. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 629 The eight children are in Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 630 Asaph Olds (married), son of Josiah and Dolly S., died 3 April 1849, age 71 y. 25 d. of consumption. He was borin in Brookfield. A private record gives the date as April 4. Warren Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD- ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 631 Brookfield Marriages. Early Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO (c. 2000) 632 Olds, p. 143. 633 Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 634 Emeline Augusta Olds, dau. of Asaph and Anna, d. 1 Jan. 1818. Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 55 1155. Cate Olds, daughter of Josiah and Dorothy (Smith) Olds, was born 13 Sept. 1780.635

1156. Josiah Olds, son of Josiah and Dorothy (Smith) Olds, was born 14 Dec. 1782 at Brookfield, Mass. He married Hannah Winter on 26 Nov. 1812 at Brookfield.636 Their childr en were born at Pelham, Mass.637 638 Josiah Olds died at Prescott, MA, on 14 Feb. 1829.639

Children of Josiah and Hannah (Winter) Olds

2230. i. Josiah Olds, b. 20 April 1814 2231. ii. Warren Olds, b. 22 Feb. 1816 2232. iii. Chester Olds, b. 28 Dec. 1817 2233. iv. Harriot Olds, b. 17 Oct. 1819 2234. v. Jarvis Olds, b. 19 April 1822 2235. vi. Sophronia Olds, b. 26 July 1824 2236. vii. Lucy Olds, b. 2 Jan. 1826 2237.viii. Melinda S. Olds, b. 4 Dec. 1827640

1200. Sally Wright Olds, daughter of Simeon and Sally (Wright) Olds, was born 16 Oct. 1771. She married Moses Walker on 14 Aug. 1791.641 642

1201. Betsy Olds, daughter of Simeon and Elizabeth (Banister) Olds, was born 29 Jan. 1774 and died 10 Jan. 1863.643

1202. Lydia Olds, daughter of Simeon and Elizabeth (Banister) Olds, was born 6 Oct. 1775.644

1203. Joshua Olds, son of Simeon and Elizabeth (Banister) Olds, was born 27 July 1778 at Brookfield, Mass., and died 12 Nov. 1863. He married Betsy Abbott on 21 May 1801645 and lived at Brookfield. 646 Olds lists six children with the dates below but in the order Harvey S., James Abbott, Laura, Lydia, Mary, and Warren. The Brookfield Births include these six births plus George, Lewis, and Nancy. Brookfield Deaths contain the dates and ages for Warren, Laura, James Abbott, and Lewis, naming their parents.

Children of Joshua and Betsy (Abbott) Olds 2260. i. George Olds, b. 7 Dec. 1801 2261. ii. Lydia Olds, b. 20 Jan. 1804 iii. Warren Olds, b. 20 May 1806, d. 27 May 1806, age 7 d. 2262. iv. Nancy Olds, b. 13 Aug. 1808 v. Laura Olds, b. 2 March 1811, d. 7 Aug. 1813, age 2 yr. 5 mo. 5 d. 2263. vi. Harvey S. Olds, b. 27 April 1813 [no "S." in the VR births]

635 Olds, p. 133, but corrected to 1780 from the Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 636 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 637 Olds, p. 144. 638 The first four children, with birth dates, are listed among the births at Pelham, Mass. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM, c. 2000, Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) The next four children of Josiah and Hannah Olds, with birth dates , are recorded at Prescott, MA. Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (C. 2000) 639 Prescott Vital Records. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 640 Her name is " Molinda" in the Prescott Births. Her marriage record at Greenwich, MA, calls her Melinda S. Olds. 641 Olds, p. 133. 642 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 643 Olds, p. 133. 644 Olds, p. 133. 645 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 646 Olds, p. 144.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 56 vii. James Abbott Olds, b. 19 Oct. 1815, d. 17647 Jan. 1817, age 1 yr. 3 mo. viii. Lewis Olds, b. 17 Dec. 1817, d. 6 Oct. 1831, age 13 yr. 9 m. 20 d. 2264. ix. Mary Olds, b. 27 June 1821

1204. James Olds, son of Simeon and Elizabeth (Banister) Olds, was born 23 April 1781 and died in Feb. 1814.648 649

1205. Seth Banister Olds, son of Simeon and Elizabeth (Banister) Olds, was born 29 May 1787 at Brookfield, Mass. He drowned 5 Jan. 1817650. He mar ried Relief ______who, as his widow, married (2nd) her brother-in-law, Solomon F. Olds.651 Seth Olds married Relief Drury at Brookfield, 19 Nov. 1811.652

Children of Seth Banister and Relief (Drury) Olds653

2270. i. Lucia Olds, b. 25 March 1813 2271. ii. Charles Olds, b. 23 May 1814

1206. Solomon Francis Olds, son of Simeon and Elizabeth (Banister) Olds, was born 29 Oct. 1790 at Brookfield, Mass. He died 25 May 1875 at Warren, Mass. He married (1) Thankful Rice on 21 Sept. 1812 at Brookfield, Mass.654 She died in 1819655 and he married (2) Relief Olds, his sister-in-law, at Warren, Mass.656 The intentions for this marriage were published 5 April 1819. Relief was born in 1793 and died 15 Nov. 1866. Solomon served in the War of 1812.657

Children of Solomon Francis and Thankful (Rice) Olds658

i. Cynthia Olds, b. 20 Jan. 1813, d. 22 May 1816, age 3 yr. 4 m. ii. Francis Olds, b. 10 Sept. 1814, d. 21 March 1816, age 1 yr 6 m. 11 d.

Children of Solomon Francis and Relief (Drury) Olds 2280. i. Cynthia Olds, b. ca. 1820659 ii. a son, b. ca. 1825, d. 28 Sept. 1833660 2281. i. Alexander Olds, b. 1828, d. 13 March 1877.

647 given as 7 Jan. in Olds, p. 142 648 Olds, p. 133. 649 Jam es Old s, son of Si meon an d Sa lly, d. Fe b. ___ _ 18 14. Brookfield Dea ths. Ear ly Vi tal Re cords o f Wor ces ter Count y, MA CD-ROM . Search and Rese arch P ublishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). However, it s eems unlikely that Sime on and Sally had any children other than Sally Wright Olds, so E. B. Olds is probably correct in assigning this death date to James Olds, son of Simeon and Elizabeth. 650 Seth B. Olds drowned 5 Jan. 1817. Brookfield Deat hs. Ear ly Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 651 Olds, p. 144-145. 652 Brookfield Marriages. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 653 Both children are in Brookfield Births but Lucia's record names only her father. Early Vital Records of Worcester Counnty, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 654 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 655 Thankful Olds, wife of Solomon, d. ____ 1819. Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 656 Widow Releaf Olds and Solomon F. Olds filed marriages intentions 5 April 1819. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 657 Olds, p. 145. 658 Two chil dren of Solomon and Thankful are in the Brookfield Bi rths and in Brookfi eld De aths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 659 Added to the list, base d on he r mar riage record at War ren, MA. 660 A son of Solomon F. Olds died 28 Sept. 1833 at Brimfield at the the age of 8. He was buried at Brookfield. Brimfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 57 1220. Miriam Olds, daughter of William and Abigail (Hewes) Olds, was born 14 Aug. 1771 and died in 1834. She married William Blair, Jr. on 3 Feb. 1791.661 662 663

1221. Tilly Olds, son of William and Abigail (Hewes) Olds, was born 11 Dec. 1773 and died in 1846. He married Elizabeth Draper on 21 Feb. 1802.664 665

1222. Lucy Olds, daughter of William and Abigail (Hewes) Olds, was born 1 Oct. 1776 and died in 1849. She married Thomas Herring on 15 March 1804.666 667

1223. Abigail Olds, daughter of William and Abigail (Hewes) Olds, was born 16 May 1779 and died in 1854.668

1224. Damaris Olds, daughter of William and Abigail (Hewes) Olds, was born 29 April 1782 and died in 1863. She married Wm. Hastings on 3 March 1805669 with intentions filed at Brookfield 3 March 1805.670

Children of William and Damaris (Olds) Hastings

i. Hiram Hastings, b. 1806, d. 1810 2300. ii. Lucy Hastings, b. 1808, d. 1860 iii. Hiram Hastings, b. 1811, d. 1814 2301. iv. Thomas Herring Hastings, b. 1815 2302. v. Charles Hanson Hastings, b. 1821

1225. William Olds, son of William and Abigail (Hewes) Olds, was born 25 Jan. 1785 at Brookfield, Mass., and died in 1834.671 He married Sally Upham on 7 April 1806.672 They lived at Brookfield. 673 The printed Brookfield Births do not include Jacob Willard Olds and show Hannah Shumway Olds as a daughter of David and Sally which is the same couple shown a parents in the death record of Susanna Blair Olds.674

Children of William and Sally (Upham) Olds

2310. i. William Bemis Olds, b. 16 Aug. 1807 2311. ii. Joel Warren Olds, b. 16 Jan. 1811 [Joshua Warren in the printer VR] 2312. iii. Jacob Willard Olds, b. 17 Jan. 1814 2313. iv. Sarah Sophronia Olds, b. 29 May 1816

661 Olds, p. 134. 662 He was of Whites Town, NY. Brookfield M arriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 663 Miriam Olds of Brookfield and William Blair, Jr., filed intentions of marriage 15 Jan. 1791. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 664 Olds, p. 134. 665 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 666 Olds, p. 134. 667 He was of Albany, NY. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 668 Olds, p. 134. 669 Olds, p. 134. 670 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 671 William Olds, husband of Sally, died _____ 1834. Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 672 This is the date intentions were filed for William Olds, Jr., and Sally Upham (of Sturbridge). Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 673 Olds, p. 145-146. 674 Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 58 2314. v. Harriot Newell Olds, b. 5 Dec. 1818 2315. vi. Hannah Shumway Olds, b. 19 Aug. 1820 2316. vii. Mary Eliza Olds, b. 7 March 1822 viii. Susan Blair Olds, b. 8 June 1825, d. 4 May 1839675 676

1240. Warren Olds, son of Silas and Hannah (Dodge) Olds, was born 7 Oct. 1778.677 Warren Old and Rejoice Weatherbee filed their intentions of marriage in Brookfield, MA, on 23 Jan. 1803.678 Their marriage is recorded at Harvard, MA, on 12 April 1803.679 Rejoice Olds and Rev. Stephen Bemis were married at Harvard on 16 Jan. 1812 (or 8 Dec. 1811, according to the duplicate record).680 Children of Warren and Rejoice (Weatherbee) Olds 2320. i. Melissa Warren Olds, baptized 16 June 1811.681

1241. Polly Olds, daughter of Silas and Hannah (Dodge) Olds, was born 17 March 1781. She married Otis Herring on 24 Jan. 1802.682 683

1242. Silas Olds, son of Silas and Hannah (Dodge) Olds, was born 9 June 1786.684

1243. Charlotte Olds, daughter of Silas and Hannah (Dodge) Olds, was born 13 July 1789.685

1244. Joel Olds, son of Silas and Hannah (Dodge) Olds, was born 22 Feb. 1792 at Brookfield, Mass., and died in 1846. He married Clarissa Hamilton on 17 May 1812.686 Joel Olds died at Spencer, MA, 9 July 1846, age 54, and is apparently buried there. 687

Children of Joel and Clarissa (Hamilton) Olds688

2340. i. Mary H. Olds, b. 27 Nov. 1814 2341. ii. Melissa Dodge Olds, b. 13 Jan. 1817 2342. iii. Alonzo Warren Olds, b. 22 March 1821 2343. iv. Clarissa Hamilton Olds, b. 20 June 1823 [30 June 1823 "in Western" per the printed VR] 2344. v. Chauncey Old

1245. Gilbert Olds, son of Silas and Hannah (Dodge) Olds, was born 20 Aug. 1794 at Brookfield, Mass., and died 2 June 1865. He married Amanda Draper on 4 July 1816.689 He is listed as of Spencer and their

675 Olds, p. 146 676 Susanna Blair Olds, daughter of William and Sally Olds, was born 8 June 1825. Susanna Blair Olds, daughter of David and Sa lly Olds, d. 4 May 182 9 (not 1839) , age 3 y 11 m. Brookfiel d Births and Brookfield Death s. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) The original records should be examined in this case, especially for the identity of David and Sally Olds. 677 Olds, p. 135. 678 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 679 Harvard Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 680 Harvard Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 681 I added her name on the basis of "Melissa Warren Olds, daughter of Rejoice, bp. 16 June 1811." Harvard Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 682 Olds, p. 135. 683 The date is 14 Jan. 1802 in the VR. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 684 Olds, p. 135. 685 Olds, p. 135. 686 Olds, p. 146. Also Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 687 G. S. 3. Spencer Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 688 The first four children are in Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 689 Olds, p. 146.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 59 intentions were filed 9 June 1816.690 691

Children of Gilbert and Amanda (Draper) Olds692

i. Amanda R. Olds, daughter of Gilbert and Amanda, b. 24 Dec. 1827693, d. 13 March 1820, age 2.694 2350. ii. Nancy Warren Olds, b. 13 Sept. 1819 ["At Spencer" in printed VR] iii. George Rawson Olds, b. 22 Sept. 1822, d. 9 Sept.1824695 2351. iv. Juliet Amanda Olds, b. 8 Oct. 1825 2352. v. Hiram Ellis Olds, b. 8 March 1832 vi. Ellis Henry Olds, b. 26 Sept. 1834, d. 16 Nov. 1839696 [twin] vii. Francis D. Olds, b. 26 Sept. 1834, d. 21 Nov. 1839 [Francis Draper, twin, in printed VR; age 5 yr., 2 m697]

1246. Elizabeth Olds, daughter of Silas and Hannah (Dodge) Olds, was born 20 April 1799.698

1260. Ezra Olds, son of Ezra Olds, died 8 Nov. 1859 at Oxford, Ohio. He married Theda Washburn on 25 Dec. 1822 and lived at Westfield, Ohio. "...he was a coporal in the Ohio Militia, War of 1812, and was 5 ft. 4 in. in height, grey eyes, dark hair; he was a farmer and inherited the old home farm which his father entered from the Government, and it is still owned by his descendants."699

Children of Ezra and Theda (Washburn) Olds

2360. i. Albert Olds, b. 23 Oct. 1828

1261. Benjamin Olds, son of Ezra Olds, was born 1 May 1795 and died 19 Dec. 1862, in Morrow Co., Ohio. He married Abigail Washburn on 20 Oct. 1822. She was born 11 July 1805 and died 31 Aug. 1889. "...he was a regularly ordained Methodist minister and was a soldier in the War of 1812.700 She was living with her son, James, in 1880.

Children of Benjamin and Abigail (Washburn) Olds

2370. i. James Olds, b. 4 Oct. 1823 2371. ii. Henry Olds, b. 29 Jan. 1825 2372. iii. Luther Olds, b. 10 Aug. 1827 2373. iv. Abner Olds, b. 13 Aug. 1829 2374. v. Sanford Olds, b. 12 Sept. 1831 2375. vi. Jane Olds, b. 25 July 1834

690Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 691 In the record at Sturbridge, MA, he is listed as of Spencer and she of Brookfield. Sturbridge Vital Records. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 692 The last six chldren are in Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester Counnty, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 693 Given as Amanda R. Olds in Spencer Births and in Spencer Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 694 Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 695 George [Rawson?] Olds, son of Gilbert and Amanda, d. 9 July 1824, age 1 yr. 9 m. 18 d. Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 696 Ellis H. Ol ds, son of Gilbert and Amanda, d. 16 Nov. 1839, age yr. 8 m. Brookfield De aths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 697 Brookfield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 698 Olds, p. 135. 699 Olds, p. 147. 700 Olds, p. 147.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 60 2376. vii. Miles Olds, b. 1 Dec. 1836 2377. viii.Lester Olds, b. 25 June 1839 2378. ix. Chauncey Olds, b. 10 July 1841 2379. x. Mary Ann Olds, b. 14 April 1844 2380. xi. Walter Olds, b. 11 Aug. 1846

1262. Comfort Olds, son of Ezra Olds, "moved from Ohio to Pulaski Co., Ind."701

1263. Mary Olds, daughter of Ezra Olds, married Henry Foust and lived and died in Delaware Co., Ohio.702

1280. Elias Olds, son of Samuel and Persis (Rice) Olds, was born 23 Feb. 1778 at Goshen, Mass. He lived at St. Albans, Vermont. In 1815, he was deacon in the Congregational Church, Swanton, Vermont.703

Children of Elias Olds

2385. i. Henry Elias Olds, b. 31 Jan. 1827

1281. Abigail Olds, daughter of Samuel and Persis (Rice) Olds, married Daniel Ford and died 8 Feb. 1859.704 Abigail Ford died in Goshen. Daniel Ford was born about 1776-7 and died in Goshen, Mass., on 12 Oct. 1849. The 1830 census of Goshen lists the family of Daniel Ford as 1 male 50-60, 1 female 15-20, and one female 50-60. The date of their marriage is given as '16 Dec. 1817 sic (?)' because this seems late. 705 Olds lists only the first child, Lucretia, with no dates.

Children of Daniel and Abigail (Olds) Ford

2390. i. Lucretia Ford ii. twin son, d. 23 July 1818 iii. twin daughter, d. 24 July 1818 iv. twin son, d. 16 Nov. 1819 v. twin son, d. 16 Nov. 1819

1282. Lucinda Olds, daughter of Samuel and Persis (Rice) Olds, was born 17 March 1784 (twin).706

1283. Cynthia Olds, daughter of Samuel and Persis (Rice) Olds was born 17 March 1784 (twin).707

1284. Jason Olds, son of Samuel and Persis (Rice) Olds, was born in 1793 at Goshen, Mass., and died in 1852 in Ohio. He married Matilda Ford in 1815. She died 20 May 1841. He was a minister and moved from Goshen, Mass., to Ohio.708 He is probably the Jason Olds who testified for Andrew Ford when Andrew applied for a Revolutionary War pension in 1833.709 According to Stewart710, Matilda was born 6 Nov. 1792, was married in Plainfield on 23 May 1815, died 20 May 1841 and is buried in the Genung Corners cemetery at Madison, Ohio. Jason died in Madison Twp. [Geauga Co., Ohio?] about 22 Oct. 1852. Jason had remarried by 17 June 1844 to Clarissa G. ______who was born in Maine about 1800.

701 Olds, p. 135. 702 Olds, p. 135. 703 Olds, p. 149. 704 Olds, p. 136. 705 Stewart, Elizabeth Cross, The Descendants of Andrew Ford of Weymouth, Massachusetts, Part I, The First Six Generations (Capitol City Press, Montpelier, Vermont, 1968). p. 63 gives the information on Daniel and Abigail Ford and their children. 706 Olds, p. 136. 707 Olds, p. 136. 708 Olds, p. 149. 709 Stewart, p. 64 710 subsequent information on Jason and Matilda from Stewart, p. 65

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 61 Jason evidently lived in New York by 1818 because the 1850 census shows his sons Eli and Pliny were born there. He is in the 1830 census of Hamilton, Madison Co., NY. In 1831, he bought land in Madison Twp. and moved there. He was a Presbyterian minister and supplied the church at Hambden, Ohio. His will dated 17 March 1852 and probated 22 Oct. 1852 named his wife Clarissa and sons Eli and Pliny.

Children of Jason and Matilda (Ford) Olds

2410. i. Samuel Olds, b. ca. 1817 2411. ii. Eli Olds, b. 26 Feb. 1818 2412. iii. Eunice Olds, b. ca. 1822 2413. iv. Pliny Fisk Olds, b. 28 Sept. 1828

1300. Levi Olds, son of Levi and Sabra Olds, was born about 1785 and married Hannah Ford on 8 July 1813 at Cummington, Mass711. She died in July, 1830.712 They lived at Cummington. Hannah713 was born about 1798 and died in Cummington, Mass., on 12 July 1820 (note the discrepancy between Stewart and Olds). The published records of Cummington show that Hannah, wife of Levi, Jr., died either 12 or 19 July 1820 at the age of 28.714 Levi was born about 1783 and died about 25 Oct. 1821 (18 Oct . 1821 at the age of 36, in the Vital Records of Cummington715 or 19 Feb. 1821 in the Vital Records of Middlefield716). Nathaniel Olds was appointed administrator of his estate and Aaron Bigelow was named guardian of the minor heirs, Hannah and Emily. In the 1820 census of Cummington, the family of Levi Olds, Jr., is listed with 1 male age 26-45 and 2 females under 10.717

Children of Levi and Hannah (Ford) Olds

i. Roxey Olds, b. 14 April 1815, d. 29 Jan. 1816718 2430. ii. Emily Olds, b. 10719 Dec. 1816 2431. iii. Hannah Olds, b. 28 June 1820720

1301. Rufus Olds, son of Levi and Sabra Olds, was born in 1786. He died 26 Feb. 1871 (a widower) at Cummington, Mass. He married Eunice Sprague on 25 Aug. 1814721 at Cummington. She was born in 1786 and died 27 Nov. 1857.722 The deaths of Rufus and Eunice (Sprague) Olds are listed in the Vital Records of Cummington, Mass., which indicate that she was born in Westhampton and that he was born in Cummington.723 The family first appears in the 1830 census of Cummington, Mass., with 1 male under 5, 1

711 This date is also given as the date the intentions were filed. See The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 712 according to Olds, but apparently incorrect. 713 details on Hannah and Levi added from Stewart, p. 71f 714 Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 715 Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 716 Levi Olds fell and instantly expired without uttering a word or a groan as he was breaking a path tho the snow" age 46 (or age 45 or in 46th year). Middlefield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 717 Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 718 Roxcy Olds, daughter of Levi, Jr., and Hannah, was b. 14 April 1815 and d. Jan. 29 (or Jan 26) 1816, age 9 months. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 719 day added from Stewart, p. 72. This day was apparently added to the Cummington VR at a later date. The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 720 The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 721 intentions filed at Cummington, MA, on 1 Aug. 1814. Eunice was of Goshen and Rufus was of Cummington. The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 722 Olds, p. 150. 723 Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 62 male 10-15, 1 male 40-50, 1 female 5-10, and 1 female 40-50. The 1850 census lists Rufus, age 63, a carpenter, Eunice, age 63, Eunice, age 28, and Horatio, age 25.724

Children of Rufus and Eunice (Sprague) Olds725

2449. i. Gideon Lyman Olds, b. 25 March 1816 2450. ii. Henry Olds, b. ca. 1819, d. 26 Aug. 1821, Cummington, Mass.726 2451. ii. Eunice Corinth Olds, b. 6 Aug. 1822 2452. iii. Horatio Henry Olds, b. 12 July 1825

1302. Zenas Olds, son of Levi and Sabra Olds, married Susanna Ford on 26 Jan. 1817.727 728 Zenas Olds of Cummington, Mass., was born about 1796-7 and died 6 April 1862 and is buried in Thompson Road Cemetery, Geauga Co., Ohio. He married (1) Susanna or Susan Ford at Plainfield on 26 Jan. 1817. She was born 1 Oct. 1798, died 18 Feb. 1854 after a fall from a buggy and is buried in Dock Road Cemetery, Madison Twp. Zenas married (2) Sally M. Carpenter on 29 Oct. 1855 by whom he had another son. He bought land in Madison Twp in 1827 and 1828 and settled there; by 1860 he was living in Thompson Twp. His will, dated 22 Jan. 1862 and proved 10 April 1862, named his sons Levi, Nathan, Sheldon, Henry, Nelson, and the heirs of a deceased daughter, Cordelia Norton. He also named daughters Susan Griffith, Augusta Wilcox, Clarissa Bennett, Maria A. Olds and his son Almon, whose guardian was to be Noah Moseley.729 The family first appears in the 1820 census of Cummington, Mass., with 1 male under 10, 1 male 16-26, 1 female under 10, and 1 female 16-26. By 1830, they were no longer at Cummington.

Children of Zenas and Susanna (Ford) Olds

2460. i. Cordelia Olds, b. about 1818 2461. ii. Nathan Olds, b. about 1820 2462. iii. Augusta Olds, b. about 1822 2463. iv. Susan Olds, b. about 1824 2464. v. Clarissa Olds, b. about 1826 2465. vi. Levi Olds, b. 1829 2466. vii. Sheldon H. Olds, b. about 1833 2467. viii. Nelson Olds, b. about 1836 2468. ix. William Henry Olds, b. in 1840 2469. x. Maria A. Olds, b. about 1844

Children of Zenas and Sally M. Olds

2470. xi. Almon Olds

1303. Archer Olds, son of Levi and Sabra (Archer) Olds, died in 1857. He married Philena Webb, born in Lisbon, CT, 14 Feb. 1773, the daughter of Jonathan and Abigail (Curtiss) Webb.730 The orginal query stated that Archer Olds and Philena Webb were married at Dalton, Mass., 1 July 1799731, and that Philena

724 Census abstracts from Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 725 The birth records of three children (excluding Henry) are at Cummington. The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 726 The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). This Henry is not in Olds. His death record, not his birth record, is at Cummington. 727 Olds, p. 136. 728 she was of Plainfield according to The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass, Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 729 Stewart, p. 68, gives the information on Zenas Olds and his family, with additional references 730 Olds, p. 150, lists “Archibald” Olds. His corrected name, parentage and wife’s identification are from “Answers (A459) in NEH GS N exu s, The Bim ont hly New sletter of The New England H istor ic G ene alogical Soci ety, Vo l. XII, No. 1 (Febr uar y- March, 1995), p. 37 (Boston, Mass.). 731 Dalton Marriages.. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 63 was born in Norwich, CT.732

Children of Archer Olds

2480. i. Nathan Olds, b. Dec. 1812 2481. ii. Hannah Olds 2482. iii. Betsey Olds 2483. iv. Melissa Olds

1320. Joseph Olds, son of John and Ruth (Lamson) Olds, was born in Jan. 1787 at Brookfield, Mass.733

1321. Chester Olds, son of John and Ruth (Lamson) Olds, was born 14 May 1790 at Randolph, Vermont.734

1322. Ezra Olds, son of John and Ruth (Lamson) Olds, was born 18 April 1792 at Randolph, Vermont.735

1323. John Olds, son of John and Ruth (Lamson) Olds, was born 28 May 1794 at Randolph, Vt., and died 31 Oct. 1859 at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. He married Mercia Purdy on 19 May 1816 at Brandon, Vt. She was born 18 May 1795. He was a member of the First Baptist Church, Lorraine, N.Y.; moved to Kent, Ohio, in 1833, and to Wisconsin about 1849.736

Children of John and Mercia (Purdy) Olds

2490. i. Mary P. Olds, b. 12 March 1817 2491. ii. Ruth L. Olds, b. 23 Sept. 1818 2492. iii. William F. Olds, b. 29 Aug. 1820 2493. iv. Ezra J. Olds, b. 25 May 1822 2494. v. Philander P. Olds, b. 28 May 1825 2495. vi. David A. Olds, b. 11 July 1827 2496. vii. Jane A. Olds, b. 12 Jan. 1830 2497. viii.Newell Olds, b. ca. 1833 2498. ix. Silas B. Olds, b. 11 June 1835 2499. x. Charlotte L. Olds, b. 24 Oct. 1837

1324. Ansil Olds, son of John and Ruth (Lamson) Olds, was born 9 Aug. 1796 in Randolph, Vt.737

1340. Ruth Olds, daughter of Thomas and Mehitabel (Pike) Olds, was born 7 Jan. 1780.738

1341. Cynthia Olds, daughter of Thomas and Mehitable (Pike) Olds, was born 16 Oct. 1781.739

1342. Ezekiel Olds, son of Thomas and Mehitable (Pike) Olds, was born 29 Jan. 1784 at Brookfield, Mass. He died at Cairo, Ill., on 5 March 1866. He married Betsey Pitney at Conneaut, Ohio in 1807. Betsey was born in 1789 and died 25 Jan. 1832. Ezekiel moved to Conneaut, Ohio, in 1805, where all his children were born. 740

732 Skinner, Gordon S., “OLDS/WEBB” query, NEHGS Nexus, The Bimonthly Newsletter of The New England Historic Genealogic Society, Vol. X, Nos. 5 & 6, (Oct-Dec., 1993), p. 195 (Boston, Mass.). 733 Olds, p. 137. 734 Olds, p. 137. 735 Olds, p. 137. 736 Olds, p. 151. 737 Olds, p. 137. 738 Olds, p. 137. 739 Olds, p. 137. 740 Olds, p. 151.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 64 Children of Ezekiel and Betsey (Pitney) Olds

2520. i. Phebe Olds, b. 28 Feb. 1815 2521. ii. Ezekiel Olds, b. 10 July 1817 2522. iii. Sarah Ann Olds, b. 9 Oct. 1819 2523. iv. Louise Olds, b. 10 Feb. 1822 2524. v. John Olds, b. 26 June 1824 2525. vi. Ruth Olds, b. 26 March 1827 2526. vii. Cynthia Olds, b. 30 July 1829 2527. viii. Betsey Olds, b. 6 Jan. 1832

1343. Thomas Olds, son of Thomas and Mehitable (Pike) Olds, was born 16 Jan. 1787.741

1360. Daniel Olds, son of Joseph and Bethia (Marsh) Olds, was born 16 Nov. 1784 and died 9 Jan. 1855.742

1361. Olive Olds, daughter of Joseph and Bethia (Marsh) Olds, was born 6 May 1786. She married Luther Bartlet on 1 March 1804.743 744

1362. Baxter Olds, son of Joseph and Bethia (Marsh) Olds, was born 30 July 1787.745

1363. Sally Olds, daughter of Joseph and Bethia (Marsh) Olds, was born 20 July 1790. She married George Hunter on 6 Nov. 1808.746 747 The marriage intentions of George Hunter of Greenwich and Sally Olds of Brookfield were filed at Greenwich, MA, on 15 Oct. 1808.748

1364. Emily Olds, daughter of Joseph and Bethia (Marsh) Olds, was born 24 Oct. 1792. She married Tilly Newton on 22 Dec. 1812.749 750

1365. Stillman Olds, son of Joseph and Bethia (Marsh) Olds, was born 15 June 1794.751

1366. Welcome Olds, child of Joseph and Bethia (Marsh) Olds, was born 27 June 1795.752

1367. Liberty Olds, son of Joseph and Bethia (Marsh) Olds, was born 1 Feb. 1798 at Brookfield, Mass. He died in 1846. He married Ann A. Goodridge who died in 1849. He kept a hotel in Jackson, N.Y. 753

Children of Liberty and Ann A. (Goodridge) Olds

2550. i. John Olds, b. ca. 1829 2551. ii. Henry Olds 2552. iii. Joseph Sidney Olds, b. 1833

741 Olds, p. 137. 742 Olds, p. 138. 743 Olds, p. 138. 744 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 745 Olds, p. 138. 746 Olds, p. 138. 747 This is the date the intentions were filed at Brookfield. He was of Greenwich. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 748 Vital Records of Greenwich. Early Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 749 Olds, p. 138. 750Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 751 Olds, p. 138. 752 Olds, p. 138. 753 Olds, p. 152-153.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 65 2553. iv. Ann M. Olds, b. 1828

1368. Susan Olds, daughter of Joseph and Bethia (Marsh) Olds, was born 4 Oct. 1799.754

1369. Mary Olds, daughter of Joseph and Bethia (Marsh) Olds, was born 28 Jan. 1801.755

1380. Joel Olds, son of Phinehas and Polly (Gale) Olds, was born 22 Feb. 1791 at Alstead, N.H., and died 21 July 1872 at Erie, Pa. He married (1) Rhoda Parker on 5 May 1814 at Sharon, Vermont. Rhoda was born 30 July 1795 and died 14 Nov. 1837. Joel married (2) Juliet Baker on 11 Dec. 1838. She was born 24 June 1811 and died 2 April 1887. In 1793, Joel moved to Williamsburg, Vermont, and in 1815 to Erie, Pa.756

Children of Joel and Rhoda (Parker) Olds

2580. i. Harriet Olds, b. 15 Sept. 1816 2581. ii. Frances Olds, b. 11 Oct. 1821 2582. iii. Polly Gale Olds, b. 22 May 1824 2583. iv. Horace D. Olds, b. 19 June 1826 2584. v. Phila Parker Olds, b. 30 Nov. 1829 2585. vi. Emily Olds, b. 23 Oct. 1831

Children of Joel and Juliet (Baker) Olds

2586. i. Helen Baker Olds, b. 21 April 1840 ii. Caroline Olds, b. 15 July 1841, d. 10 July 1842 2587. iii. Sophronia M. Olds, b. 11 Dec. 1843 2588. iv. Melvin Joel Olds, b. 20 Sept. 1845

1381. Phinehas Olds, son of Phinehas and Polly (Gale) Olds, was born 17 April 1792 at Alstead, N.H., and died 6 Feb. 1811.757

1382. Asa Gilbert Olds, son of Phinehas and Polly (Gale) Olds, was born 15 Nov. 1793 at Alstead, N.H., and died 8 Dec. 1877. He married Lucy Church on 16 April 1821 at Winsted, Conn. She was born 5 Sept. 1794 and died 13 Aug. 1881. He moved from Vermont to Pennsylvania in 1815.758

Children of Asa Gilbert and Lucy (Church) Olds

2600. i. Lewis Wilson Olds, b. 21 July 1822 2601. ii. Nelson Olds, b. 20 May 1826 2602. iii. Erskine Olds, b. 17 Nov. 1827 2603. iv. Clarissa Olds, b. 11 June 1831 2604. v. Emily J. Olds, b. 2 April 1834

1383. Samuel Olds, son of Phinehas and Deliverance (Kidder) Olds, was born 12 March 1800 at Williamstown, Vermont, and died 4 Feb. 1854 at Barre, Vermont. He married Polly Fuller of Connecicut who was born 15 July 1793 and died in 1866. He lived at Elmore and Barre, Vt. "...he was a man of substance and made periodical visits to his brother in Kentucky, travelling in his own conveyance. In his time he was considered wealthy."759

754 Olds, p. 138. 755 Olds, p. 138. 756 Olds, p. 153. 757 Olds, p. 138. 758 Olds, p. 154. 759 Olds, p. 155.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 66 Children of Samuel and Polly (Fuller) Olds

2610. i. David Olds, b. 24 May 1824 2611. ii. Melissa N. Olds, b. 5 Jan. 1826 2612. iii. Betsey C. Olds, b. 30 Aug. 1827 2613. iv. Alexander Rising Olds, b. 9 March 1829 2614. v. Deborah L. Olds, b. 11 Sept. 1830 2615. vi. Ezekiel P. Olds, b. 15 April 1832 vii. Lewis J. Olds, b. 2 July 1838, d. 16 March 1845

1384. Betsey Olds, daughter of Phinehas and Deliverance (Kidder) Olds, was born 16 May 1803 and died 6 Oct. 1862. She married David Burnham on 8 April 1823. He was born 26 Jan. 1802 and died 7 May 1875.760

Children of David and Betsey (Olds) Burnham

2620. i. Elisha K. Burnham, b. 25 Jan. 1824 2621. ii. Lora Burnham, b. 26 Dec. 1825 2622. ii. Martin Burnham, b. 21 Feb. 1828 2623. iii. Marcus Burnham, b. 11 March 1830 2624. iv. Emma Burnham, b. 24 March 1832 2625. v. Luthera Burnham, b. 14 April 1834 2626. vi. Rosette Burnham, b. 28 Oct. 1836 2627. vii. Martha E. Burnham, b. 27 Dec. 1840 2628. viii. Henry B. Burnham, b. 11 Dec. 1843, killed in the Civil War, 19 Oct. 1864.761

1385. Elisha Olds, son of Phinehas and Deliverance (Kidder) Olds, was born 5 April 1807 at Williamstown, Vt., and died 19 Oct. 1874 at Belle Valley, Pa. He married (1) Abigail W. Flint on 17 June 1830. She was born 22 Nov. 1810 and died 11 Aug. 1847. He married (2) Mary Ann Deming on 22 July 1852 at Kenosha, Wis. She was born 12 Nov. 1823 and died 7 May 1857. He married (3) Electa Chase Jenner Huie on 22 April 1858.762

Children of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds

2630. i. James Phinehas Olds, b. 18 Feb. 1831 2631. ii. George Olds, b. 9 March 1832 2632. iii. Oby Olds, b. 21 Sept. 1833 2633. iv. Oro Olds, b. 26 Jan. 1835 2634. v. Mason Oel Olds, b. 21 July 1836 2635. vi. Allen Olds, b. 23 Jan. 1838 2636. vii. Welcome Olds, b. 14 Aug. 1839 2637. viii. Henry Olds, b. 8 Feb. 1841 2638. ix. Delight Olds, b. 16 Aug. 1842 2639. x. Moses Olds, b. 7 Jan. 1844 2640. xi. Plenty Nellie Olds, b. 11 April 1845 2641. xii. Martha Olds, b. 5 April 1847 xiii. Mary Olds, b. 5 April 1847, d. 15 Aug. 1847

Children of Elisha and Mary Ann (Deming) Olds

2642. i. Dana Elisha Olds, b. 25 April 1853

760 Olds, p. 139. 761 Olds, p. 139 762 Olds, p. 156-157.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 67 2643. ii. Walter Ruben Olds, b. 22 March 1855

1386. Louisa Olds, daughter of Phinehas and Deliverance (Kidder) Olds, was born 14 Nov. 1811 and died 10 April 1859. She married George D. Fellows on 8 April 1833. He was born 2 Aug. 1812 and died 26 Feb. 1856.763

Children of George D. and Louisa (Olds) Fellows

2650. i. Charles Lewis Fellows, b. 11 Aug. 1834 2651. ii. William Fellows, b. Sept. 1835 2652. iii. Harrison Fellows, b. 2 July 1840

1387. Lewis Olds, son of Phinehas and Deliverance (Kidder) Olds, was born 14 March 1814 at Williamstown, Vt., and died at Union City, Pa., 19 June 1875. He married Eunice Velina Scovel on 16 April 1840 at Conneautville, Pa. She was the daughter of Daniel Scovel, a veteran of the War of 1812.764

Children of Lewis and Eunice Velina (Scovel) Olds

2660. i. Mary Elizabeth Olds, b. 7 April 1850 2661. ii. Independence Louisa Olds, b. 4 July 1852 2662. iii. Winter Jesse Olds, b. 22 Jan. 1860

1388. Mehitable Olds, daughter of Phinehas and Deliverance (Kidder) Olds, was born 24 March 1817 and died 1 June 1900. She married Miles J. Stebbins on 21 Sept. 1844 at Williamstown, Vt.765

1400. Elizabeth (Eliza) Olds, daughter of Jesse and Mercy (Taft) Olds, married Wm. Jackson of Claysville, Ky., and had twelve children.766

1401. Frances Olds, daughter of Jesse and Mercy (Taft) Olds, married William Bailey.767

1402. Clarissa Olds was a daughter of Jesse and Mercy (Taft) Olds.768

1403. Frederick Augustus Olds, son of Jesse and Mercy (Taft) Olds, was born at Craftsburg, Vt., on 5 Dec. 1809. He died at Rochester, Minn., 3 Aug. 1864. He married (1) Sally Curran McAfee on 4 Sept. 1828. She was born 31 Oct. 1811 and died in 1838. He married (2) Elizabeth A. Lincoln on 2 Jan. 1839 in Macoupin Co., Ill. She was born 17 July 1817 and died 3 Sept. 1906. "... in 1814 he emigrated with his parents to Vincennes, Ind., afterwards to near Harrodsburg, Ky.; studied and read law with General McAfee, of Kentucky, his father-in-law; was admitted to the Bar of Kentucky, and later to that of Illinois, but never practiced his profession; commenced farming in Kentucky in 1830; in 1836 emigrated to Macoupin Co., Ill., where he farmed on an extensive scale; served two terms in the Illinois Legislature at the same time Lincoln and Douglas were in the Senate. In 1851 moved to Clayton Co., Iowa, and in 1857 to Minnesota, where he laid out an addition to the town of Rochester, built a large flouring mill, and carried on one of the largest farms in the county; served as Mayor of the town."769

Children of Frederick Augustus and Sally Curran (McAfee) Olds

2680. i. Robert Augustus Olds, b. 23 Dec. 1829 2681. ii. Elizabeth Jackson Olds, b. 25 Dec. 1831

763 Olds, p. 140. 764 Olds, p. 158. 765 Olds, p. 140. 766 Olds, p. 141. 767 Olds, p. 141. 768 Olds, p. 141. 769 Olds, p. 159-160.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 68 2682. iii. Mary McAfee Olds, b. 25 Oct. 1833 2683. iv. Frederick Taft Olds, b. 25 Jan. 1836 2684. v. Sarah Mercy Olds, b. 25 March 1838

Children of Frederick Augustus and Elizabeth A. (Lincoln) Olds

i. Julia Augusta Olds, b. 29 Nov. 1839, d. 9 Dec. 1840 2685. ii. Thomas Benton Olds, b. 25 Feb. 1842 iii. Henry Laurens Olds, b. 9 Dec. 1843, d. 20 July 1845 2686. iv. Julia Caroline Olds, b. 25 Nov. 1846 v. Octavia Adeline Olds, b. 8 Sept. 1848, d. 26 July 1851. 2687. vi. Florence Celeste Olds, b. 23 Dec. 1851 2688. vii. Octavia Irene Olds, b. 12 April 1853 2689. viii.Augustus Bertrand Olds, b. 2 June 1855 2690. ix. Ida Eugenia Olds, b. 14 March 1857 2691. x. Clarissa (Clara) Frances Olds, b. 21 May 1860

1420. Elizabeth Palmeter, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth (Olds) Palmeter, was born at Suffield, CT, on 21 April 1789.

1421. Asahel (also Asel) Palmeter, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth (Olds) Palmeter, was born at Suffield, CT, on 15 Aug. 1790.

1422. John Palmeter, son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Olds) Palmeter, was born at Suffield, CT, on 20 Feb. 1792.

1423. Enos Palmeter, son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Olds) Palmeter, was born at Suffield, CT, on 3 April 1794.

1424. Noble Palmeter, son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Olds) Palmeter, was born at Suffield, CT, on 17 March 1796.

1425. Ezra Palmeter, son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Olds) Palmeter, was born at Suffield, CT, on 22 March 1798.

1426. Eli Palmeter, son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Olds) Palmeter, was born at Suffield, CT, on 23 June 1800.

1450. John Spencer Olds, son of Benjamin and Rachel Olds, was born 25 Oct. 1821.770

1451. Henrietta Malvina Olds, daughter of Benjamin and Rachel Olds, was born 5 Feb. 1823.771

1452. William Butler Olds, son of Benjamin and Rachel Olds, was born 15 July 1824.772

1453. Horace Hinsdale Olds, son of Benjamin and Rachel Olds, was born 21 May 1826.773

1454. Benjamin Franklin Olds, son of Benjamin and Rachel Olds, was born 21 July 1828.774

770 Olds, p. 219. 771 Olds, p. 219. 772 Olds, p. 219. 773 Olds, p. 219. 774 Olds, p. 219.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 69 1455. Charles H. Olds, son of Benjamin and Rachel Olds, was born 12 Sept. 1830. He "went west".775

1456. James C. Olds, son of Benjamin and Rachel Olds, was born 1 March 1833 in Newark, N.J., and died 26 Oct. 1859. He married Emily A. Mead on 20 Aug. 1856. She died in March, 1915.776

Children of James C. and Emily A. (Mead) Olds

2720. Frederick Warner Olds, b. 1 Jan. 1858

1470. William Olds, son of Josiah and Ruth (Barker) Olds, was born 30 Nov. 1779 at Suffield, Conn., and died there 13 April 1848. He mar ried Tabitha Allen on 24 Dec. 1801. She was born in 1782 and died 15 Sept. 1849.777 They are buried in the Hastings Hill Cemetery (William died 13 April 1847, age 68, and Tabitha died 15 Sept. 1849, age 67.778)

Children of William and Tabitha (Allen) Olds

2740. i. Sally Olds, b. 13 Sept. 1802779 2741. ii. Henry Olds, b. 2742. iii. Aratus Olds, b. 2743. iv. William Olds, b. 2744. v. Minerva Olds, b. 2745. vi. Cecilia Olds, b. 2746. vii. Cornelia Olds, b. 2747.viii. Riley Olds, b. 13 April 1820 ix. Matilda Anne Olds, b. 1822, d. April 13, 1835

1471. Zardus Olds, son of Josiah and Ruth (Barker) Olds, was born 13 Feb. 1781 at Suffield, Conn., and died 12 March 1839. He married Lucy Parsons in 1783 [sic]. She was born 10 Sept. 1780 and died 11 Sept. 1854.780 781

Children of Zardus and Lucy (Parsons) Olds

2760. i. Julia Olds, b. 29 Feb. 1804 2761. ii. Hosea Olds, b. 4 April 1806 2762. iii. Valorus C. Olds, b. 2 Feb. 1808 2763. iv. Oliver P. Olds, 17 Nov. 1810 2764. v. Lucy Olds, b. 15 Dec. 1812 vi. Zardus Olds, b. 17 June 1814, d. 16 Aug. 1818 vii. Fanny Olds, b. 11 June 1817, d. 18 Aug. 1818 2765. viii. Fanny Olds, b. 25 July 1819

1472. Ruth Olds, daughter of Josiah and Ruth (Barker) Olds, was born 2 June 1784. She married John Hull.782

1473. Oliver Olds, son of Josiah and Ruth (Barker) Olds, was born 15 Dec. 1785 at Suffield, Conn., and died 31 March 1861, at Troy, Geauga Co., Ohio. He married Polly Remington on 28 Oct. 1814 at

775 Olds, p. 219. 776 Olds, p. 224 777 Olds, p. 224-225. 778 Hastings Hill Cemetery, Suffield, CT, copied by C. G. Flanders, 5 Nov. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, 779 Sally is the only one of their children listed in Schott, Suffield VR 780 Olds, p. 225-226. 781 for her Parsons ancestry, see Parsons, Gerald James, "Aaron Parsons, Jr., of Wilbraham and Springfield, Massachusetts", The American Genealogist, vol. 39 (1954), p. 170 782 Olds, p. 219.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 70 Suffield. He was a soldier of the War of 1812.783

1474. Obediah Olds, son of Josiah and Ruth (Barker) Olds, was born 24 Dec. 1788 and died 11 March 1840. He was a soldier of the War of 1812.784

1475. Experience Lyman, daughter of Thaddeus and Apphia (Olds) Lyman785

1476. Thaddeus Lyman, Jr., son of Thaddeus and Apphia (Olds) Lyman. 786 He died Aug. 13, 1840, aged 48 years, 6 months, and is buried at Suffield, CT.787

1480. Zardus Clark, son of Daniel and Tryphena (Olds) Clark788, was born at Sheffield, CT, on 13 May 1802.

1500. Alfred Olds, son of Benjamin and Lois (Baldwin) Olds, was born 4 Feb. 1783 and died 29 Nov. 1851. He married Lue _____ on 11 Oct. 1813. She was born 3 June 1794 and died 26 Nov. 1855. In 1800 he was living in Rowe, Mass.789

Children of Alfred and Lue (______) Olds

i. Benjamin Olds, b. 8 July 1814, d. same day ii. Lois Baldwin Olds, b. 12 July 1815, d. 6 Dec. 1816 2800. iii. Truman Tuttle Olds, b. 6 Dec. 1818 2801. iv. Mary Angeline Olds, b. 8 Aug. 1819 2802. v. Alfred Johnson Olds, b. 7 April 1825 2803. vi. Benjamin Gamaliel Olds, b. 5 Dec. 1826 2804. vii. Joseph Smith Olds, b. 4 June 1829 2805. viii. Clarinda Elmira Olds, b. 14 April 1833 2806. ix. George Edway Olds, b. 7 June 1835

1501. Mary Olds, daughter of Benjamin and Lois (Baldwin) Olds, was born in April, 1794, and died 11 May 1829. In March, 1818, she married Emory Strong who was born 21 March 1796.790

Children of Emory and Mary (Olds) Strong

i. Mary Strong, b. 1819, d. 11 March 1821 ii. Almira Strong, b. Dec. 1820, d. 17 Apr. 1822 2810. iii. Benjamin Olds Strong, b. 22 Feb. 1824, d. 2 April 1857

1502. Benjamin Olds, son of Benjamin and Lois (Baldwin) Olds, was born in 1796 and died in 1822. He married Reudo Strong, was a physician and lived at Strongsville, Ohio.791

1520. Ira Mather Olds, son of Thaddeus and Helena (Mather) Olds, was born 21 Oct. 1785 at Granville, Mass. He married (1) Roxanna Whitney, daughter of Jonas, on 25 Sept. 1808. She was born 10 May 1786 and died 26 Jan. 1813. He married (2) Phoebe Young on 19 Dec. 1813. She was born in 1782 and

783 Olds, p. 219. 784 Olds, p. 219. 785 Robert Hayden Alcorn, The Biography of a Town, Suffield, Connecticut, 1670 -1970, p. 70 786 Robert Hayden Alcorn, The Biography of a Town, Suffield, Connecticut, 1670 -1970, p. 70 787 West Suffield Cemetery, Suffield, CT, copied by C. G. Flanders, 31 Oct. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, 788 Schott, Suffield VR 789 Olds, p. 226. 790 Olds, p. 220. 791 Olds, p. 220.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 71 died in 1835. "... he was a Presbyterian minister, and founder of South Lyon, Mich., Presbyterian Church; graduated from Williams College in 1808."792

Children of Ira Mather and Roxanna (Whitney) Olds

2830. i. Mary Olds 2831. ii. Edward Franklin Olds 2832. iii. Alonzo Whitney Olds

Children of Ira Mather and Phoebe (Young) Olds

2833. i. Roxanna Olds 2834. ii. Harriet Newell Olds 2835. iii. Caroline Rosalthe Olds, b. 1835 2836. iv. Ariel Young Olds 2837. v. Susan Olds 2838. vi. Elizabeth Olds 2839. vii. Catherine Olds 2840. viii. Lyman Condit Olds, b. 1829

1521. Ariel Olds, child of Thaddeus and Helena (Mather) Olds, was born 1 March 1785 and died 1 Sept. 1811.793

1522. Alexander Olds, son of Thaddeus and Helena (Mather) Olds, was born 8 Jan. 1794. He mar ried Lovicy Prouty, b. 2 Aug. 1798.794

Children of Alexander and Lovicy (Prouty) Olds

2850. i. Lewis Franklin Olds 2851. ii. Dewitt Clinton Olds 2852. iii. Albert Manley Olds 2853. iv. Caroline Olds 2854. v. Cynthia Lucinda Olds 2855. vi. Helena Olds 2856. vii. Almira Maria Olds 2857. viii. Alfred Olds

1523. Calvin Olds, son of Thaddeus and Helena (Mather) Olds, was born 3 May 1799 at Marlboro, Vt., and died at Clinton, Wis., 23 May 1862. He married Hepzibah Pratt on 26 Aug. 1821. She was born 18 Aug. 1799 and died 24 Nov. 1887. He came to Clinton, Wisconsin Territory in 1844 where he was a farmer.795

Children of Calvin and Hepzibah (Pratt) Olds

2860. i. Benjamin Baldwin Olds, b. 12 Nov. 1822 2861. ii. Emmeline Elvira Olds, b. 1823 2862. iii. Amandrin Mather Olds, b. 1825 2863. iv. Ira Leavitt Olds, b. 15 July 1828796 2864. v. Annie Marilla Olds, b. May, 1832

792 Olds, p. 227. 793 Olds, p. 221. 794 Olds, p. 228. 795 Olds, p. 228-229. 796 Olds, p. 248

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 72 1524. Cynthia Olds, daughter of Thaddeus and Helena (Mather) Olds, was born 26 Aug. 1803 in Marlboro, Vt., and died 26 June 1835 at Guilford, Vt. She married Timothy Larra bee.797

Children of Timothy and Cynthia (Olds) Larr abee

i. Chipman Larrabee, b. 1822, d. 1823 ii. Harriet Larrabee, b. 1824, d. 1835 2871. iii. Fannie Larrabee, b. 1825 2872. iv. Martha M. Larrabee, b. 1827 2873. v. Clarissa Larrabee, b. 1829 2874. vi. Cynthia Larrabee, b. 1831 2875 vii. Timothy Larrabee, b. 1833 2876. viii. Ira Larrabee, b. 1835 2877. ix. Lucy Larrabee, b. 1841

1550. William Ross Olds, son of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds, was born 11 Aug. 1791 at Marlboro, Vt., and died 15 July 1861. He married Barbara Pratt on 7 Jan. 1813 at Bennington, Vt. She was born 31 Jan. 1791 and died 17 Oct. 1854. He lived at Bennington, Vt.798

Children of William Ross and Barbara (Pratt) Olds

2890. i. Philena Morgan Olds, b. 1 Aug. 1814 2891. ii. Sophronia Pratt Olds, b. 14 Feb. 1816 2892. iii. William Emerson Olds, b. 13 Jan. 1818 2893. iv. Harriet Maranda Olds, b. 6 March 1822 2894. v. Barbaraann Olds, b. 23 April 1823 2895. vi. Joseph Chauncey Olds, b. 9 Aug. 1830 2896. vii. Jonas Whitney Olds, b. 10 Nov. 1832

1551. Amasa Minley Olds, son of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds, was born 16 Feb. 1793 at Marlboro,

Vt., and died 20 Sept. 1838. He married Lephe Winchester on 22 Nov. 1814. She was born 1 Nov. 1794 and died 30 Oct. 1849.799

Children of Amasa Minley and Lephe (Winchester) Olds

i. Joseph Winchester Olds, b. 15 March 1816, d. 19 March 1820 ii. Amasa Olds, b. 21 Feb. 1818, d. 5 March 1818

2900. iii. Amasa Hubbard Olds, b. 1 Oct. 1819, d. 21 Sept. 1838 2901. iv. Sarah Vienna Olds, b. 5 April 1824 2902. v. Joseph Holland Olds, b. 12 July 1829

1552. Joseph Olds, son of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds, was born 25 Oct. 1794 at Marlboro, Vt., and died 27 April 1847. He married Almira A. Olds (no explanation given in Olds Genealogy). "...moved to Cir cleville, Ohio, in 1819, and studied law there; opened an office and was eminently successful for over a period of twenty years; was frequently a Representative in the Legislature and was State Senator from 1828 to 1831; was President of the Circleville Bank, and prominent in the political and financial transactions of his day in the State."800

Children of Joseph and Almira A. Olds

i. Marcus Olds, d. in infancy.

797 Olds, p. 221. 798 Olds, p. 229-230. 799 Olds, p. 230. 800 Olds, p. 231.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 73 1553. Chester Olds, son of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds, was born 24 Oct. 1798 at Marlboro, Vt. He married Phila Adams on 27 Feb. 1822. She was born 3 March 1800 and died 8 Nov. 1878. He "... was Doctor of Medicine; moved from Vermont to Circleville, Ohio, about 1845; practiced his profession there until his death, July 21, 1862."801

Children of Chester and Phila (Adams) Olds

2920. i. Lucy Mather Olds, b. 22 Dec. 1822 2921. ii. Lyman Whitney Olds, b. 3 Nov. 1824 iii. Mary Jane Olds, b. 25 Oct. 1826, d. 18 Jan. 1829 2922. iv. Sarah Jane Olds, b. 8 Jan. 1829 v. Chester Olds, b. 10 Feb. 1831, d. 17 July 1832 2923. vi. Chester Adams Olds, b. 22 March 1833 2924. vii. Henry Clinton Olds, b. 16 May 1835 2925. viii.Rosalthe Olds, b. 20 Dec. 1837 2926. ix. Edwin Adams Olds, b. 28 Sept. 1840 x. Frederick H. Olds, b. 1 March 1846, d. 6 Oct. 1847

1554. Edson Baldwin Olds, son of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds, was born 3 June 1802 at Marlboro, Vt., and died at Lancaster, Ohio, 24 Jan. 1869. He married Anna Maria Carolus on 1 June 1824. She was born 7 March 1805 and died 22 Dec. 1859. Edson moved from Vermont to Ohio about 1820 and taught school. He then studied law with his brother Joseph Olds, but later graduated from Philadelphia Medical University and began medical practice at Kingston, Ross Co., Ohio, in 1824.802 He was "physician, general produce merchant, State representative and senator, United States Representative form 4 March 1849 to 3 March 1855.803

Children of Edson Baldwin and Anna Maria (Carolus) Olds

i. Sarah Maria Olds, b. 26 Nov. 1825, d. 15 Aug. 1827 ii. Edson Olds, b. 26 Nov. 1825, d. same day 2930. iii. Mark Lafayette Olds, b. 1 Jan. 1828 2931. iv. Rosalthe Olds, b. 4 Jan. 1830 2932. v. Joseph Olds, b.15 April 1832 2933. vi. Edson Denny Olds, b. 15 May 1834 2934. vii. Mary Olds, b. 10 Dec. 1836 2935. viii. Lucy Olds, b. 6 Jan. 1839 ix. Anna Maria Olds, b. 6 March 1841, d. 24 Feb. 1844

1555. Gamaliel Olds, son of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds, was born 28 Nov. 1803 at Marlboro, Vt., and died 26 Jan. 1894, at Nichols, Iowa. He mar ried Minerva Howe on 18 April 1826 at Strongsville, Ohio. She was born 6 Oct. 1804 and died 26 Jan. 1876.804

Children of Gamaliel and Minerva (Howe) Olds

2940. i. Almira Olds 2941. ii. Minerva Olds 2942. iii. Gamaliel Whitney Olds, b. 3 Aug. 1836 iv. Mark Olds, drowned when 10 years old

1556. Jonas Whitney Olds, son of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds, was born 17 July 1805 and died 30

801 Olds, p. 231. 802 Olds, p. 232-233, which contains more detail. 803 memorial for Edson B. Olds (a grandson), NEHG Register, Vol. 89, April 1935, p. 182. 804 Olds, p. 234-235.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 74 Sept. 1832. He married Mary Ann Walker on 18 April 1826. No children. 805

1557. Benjamin Strong Olds, son of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds, was born 24 March 1809, at Marlboro, Vt., and died 22 Nov. 1862, at Muscatine, Iowa. He married Theresa Louise Herron on 7 April 1831. She was born 28 July 1810 and died 1 March 1894. They lived in Muscatine, Iowa.806

Children of Benjamin Strong and Theresa Louise (Herron) Olds

2950. i. Almira Louise Olds, b. 21 June 1832 2951. ii. Benjamin Franklin Olds, b. 19 July 1834 iii. Ellen Olds, b. 27 Jan. 1837, d. 1 Sept. 1841 iv. Kate Fairchild Olds, b. 2 April 1843, d. 17 May 1843

1558. Lorenzo Houghton Olds, son of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds, was born 24 June 1812 at Marlboro, Vt., and died 21 Aug. 1898 at Springfield, Ohio. He married Anna W. Rabbitts on 25 March 1835. She was born 12 March 1819 and died 22 Aug. 1887. "... he moved to Circleville, Ohio, about 1840, to Springfield, Ohio, about 1849, where he was a manufacturer of woolen goods; about 1860 moved to Lancaster, Ohio, and was interested in woolen mills there; went back to Springfield in 1872."807 In 1880 the family is listed as:808 Census Place: Springfield, Clarke, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1254999 National Archives Film T9-0999 Page 289C Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Lorenzo H. OLDS Self M M W 67 VT Fa: VT Mo: VT Anna N. OLDS Wife F M W 61 ENG Occ: Keeping House Fa: ENG Mo: ENG Elizabeth N. OLDS Dau F S W 43 OH Occ: At Home Fa:VT Mo:ENG Charles L. OLDS Son M S W 39 OH Fa: VT Mo: ENG Edwin W. OLDS Son M S W 29 OH Occ: Civil Engineer Fa:VT Mo:ENG S. D. EVANS Other F W W 55 MA Occ: Dress Maker Fa: MA Mo:MA Clara COLE Other F W W 28 OH Occ: Dress Maker Fa: MA Mo: CT Edward M. DOTY Other M M W 61 NY Occ: Commercial Agent Fa: NY Mo: NY Elizabeth B. DOTY Other F M W 58 PA Occ: At Home Fa: PA Mo: PA John BARRETT Other M S W 35 PA Occ: Laborer Fa: --- Mo: --- George WILSON Other M S W 31 GER Occ: Stone Cutter Fa: GER Mo: GER W. James HARRISON Other M S W 28 PA Occ: Tailor Fa: --- Mo: --- Jacob BALTZY Other M S W 22 OH Occ: Student Fa: --- Mo: --- Maggie MAHAN Other F S W 21 OH Occ: Servant Fa: IRE Mo: IRE Kittie MAGEE Other F S W 18 OH Occ: Servant Fa: IRE Mo: IRE Children of Lorenzo Houghton and Anna W. (Rabbitts) Olds

2960. i. Elizabeth Ann Olds, b. 9 Jan. 1836 2961. ii. Charles Lyman Olds, b. 25 Nov. 1839 2962. iii. Edwin Whitney Olds, b. 1 Sept. 1850

1559. Roxey Olds, daughter of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds, was born 14 June 1814 and died 29 Jan. 1899. She married Israel Gregg in 1837. He was born 1 Sept. 1804 and died 9 Sept. 1867.809

Children of Israel and Roxey (Olds) Gregg

805 Olds, p. 222. 806 Olds, p. 235. 807 Olds, p. 236. 808 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 809 Olds, p. 222-223.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 75 2970. i. Margaret Gregg, b. 31 Dec. 1838 2971. ii. Joseph Olds Gregg, b. 5 Jan. 1841 2972. iii. Samuel Gregg, b. 18 Feb. 1843 2973. iv. Sallie Whitney Gregg, b. 2 June 1845 v. Emma Gregg, b. 1847, d. young 2974. vi. Clara Gregg, b. 27 Aug. 1849 2975. vii. John Ball Gregg, b. 27 June 1857

1560. Chauncey Newell Olds, son of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds, was born 2 Feb. 1816 at Marlboro, Vt., and died 11 Feb. 1890 at Columbus, Ohio. He married (1) Caroline Woodruff on 22 March 1838. She was born 19 April 1819 and died 21 Jan. 1851. He married (2) Mary Bliss Williams on 9 Sept. 1852. She was born 17 July 1830 and died 1 Jan. 1889. "Chauncey N. Olds moved in 1820 from Vermont to Cuyahoga Co., Ohio., and in 1830 to Circleville, Ohio; educated at Ohio University and graduated in 1836 from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, with the highest honors of his class; was Professor of Latin there until 1840, when he studied law with his brother, Joseph Olds, at Circleville, Ohio, and was admitted to the bar in 1842; practiced law there until 1856, when he moved to Columbus, Ohio. He served in the Ohio Legislature from 1848 to 1850, and was elected Attorney General of Ohio in 1865. It was said of him that he was undoubtedly the most accomplished orator and best belles-lettres scholar at the Franklin bar."810 This family is listed in the 1880 census as:811 Census Place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255016 National Archives Film T9-1016 Page 171A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Chancy N. OLDS Self M M W 63 VT Occ: Lawyer Fa: --- Mo: --- Mary OLDS Wife F M W 50 OH Fa: --- Mo: --- Mary OLDS Dau F S W 31 OH Occ: At Home Fa: VT Mo: OH Frank OLDS Son M S W 25 OH Occ: Physician Fa: --- Mo: ---

Children of Chauncey Newell and Caroline (Woodruff) Olds

2980. i. William Woodruff Olds, b. 22 Nov. 1838 2981. ii. Mary Gore Olds, b. 23 Sept. 1847

Children of Chauncey Newell and Mary Bliss (Williams) Olds

2982. i. Frank Williams Olds, b. 19 June 1853

1561. Lyman Newton Olds, son of Joseph and Sally (Whitney) Olds, was born 16 July 1819 at Marlboro, Vt., and died 26 April 1875 at Circleville, Ohio. He married (1) Minerva Adams on 5 May 1846. She was born 15 May 1821 and died 27 May 1847. He married (2) Maria Louise Dresbach on 7 June 1849. She was born 27 Aug. 1818 and died 11 March 1899.812 Louisa is listed with her son Charles W. Olds in the 1880 census.

Children of Lyman Newton and Minerva (Adams) Olds 2990. i. Edward Mather Olds, b. 16 Feb. 1847

Children of Lyman Newton and Maria Louise (Dresbach) Olds

2991. i. Charles Whitney Olds, b. 15 April 1850 ii. Alice Neal Olds, b. 2 Sept. 1851, d. 22 Oct. 1851 iii. George Anson Olds, b. 12 Sept. 1851, d. 12 Oct. 1851 iv. Louise Newton Olds, b. 9 July 1857, d. 9 July 1858

810 Olds, p.237-238. 811 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 812 Olds, p. 238.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 76 1570. Morris Farnum Olds, son of Gamaliel and Julia (Whitney) Olds, was born 17 April 1812. Sixth Generation (GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN)

2000. Jonathan Olds, son of Justin and Mehitable (Hixon) Olds, was born 1 Nov. 1780 at Belchertown, Mass., and died there 6 July 1842. He married Lucy Wood on 30 May 1805813 (int. of Jonathan Olds of Belchertown and Lucy Wood of Palmer, 4 May 1805814) She was born 15 Aug. 1782 and died 22 April 1814. Jonathan Olds and Joanna Keith, were married on 29 Aug. 1816 by Experience Porter.815 She was born 22 April 1783 and died 20 Jan. 1842. He was a member of the Massachusetts Legislature and was commonly called "Squire Olds".816

Children of Jonathan and Lucy (Wood) Olds817

5000. i. Justin Hixon Olds, b. 4 Sept. 1806 5001. ii. Lewis Kingsbury Olds, b. 26 April 1808 5002. iii. Curtis Lyon Olds b. 18 June 1810 iv. Julia Ann Olds, b. 22 April 1812, d. 6 July 1814

Children of Jonathan and Joanna (Keith) Olds 818 5003. i. William Riley Olds, b. 20 April 1817 ii. Lucy Ann Olds, b. 27 Jan. 1819, Belchertown, Mass., d. 7 Feb. 1837, Belchertown, Mass. 5004. iii. Marshall Keith Olds, b. 30 June 1821 5005. iv. Jonathan Lathrop Olds, b. 17 Jan. 1824 5006. v. Verannus Wyatt Olds, b. 30 Aug. 1828.

2001. Mehitable Olds, daughter of Justin and Mehitable (Hixon) Olds, was born at Belchertown on 13 Sept. 1782 and died 11 Jan. 1819.819 Although Olds gives no marriage for her, my notes from the settlement of her father's estate show that she had married Jacob Comstock and was the mother of the two surviving children.820 Jacob Comstock, Jr., and Mehitabel Olds, both of Belchertown, were married 2 Feb. 1804.821

Children of Jacob and Mehitable (Olds) Comstock 5007. i. Cromwell Brown Comstock 5008. ii. Catherine Comstock

2002. Susanna Olds, daughter of Justin and Mehitable (Hixon) Olds, was born at Belchertown, Mass., on 9 Aug. 1785. She died 26 Aug. 1846.822 She was still single in 1819 when her father's estate was settled.

2003. Catherine (Cate) Olds, daughter of Justin and Mehitable (Hixon) Olds, was born at Belcherton, Mass., on 30 Sept. 1790 and died 3 Oct. 1817.823 Olds says she married Jacob Comstock. She may have been confused with her sister Mehitable who did marry Jacob Comstock, Jr. Samuel Bennett and Catherine Olds, both of Belchertown, filed marriage intentions on 2 Nov. 1816.824 They apparently had no surviving

813 Jonathan Olds of Belchertown and Lucy Wood were married at Palmer, 30 May 1805. Palmer Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 814 Corbin Collection, microfilm. 815 Cobin Collection, Belchertown VR, 1743 - 1843 816 all from Olds, pp. 67 - 68. 817 Olds, p. 68 818 Olds, p. 68 819 Olds, p. 65 820 microfilm probate records of Northampton, Mass., vol. 32, 1818-20. 821 Corbin collection, microfilm 822 Olds, p. 65 823 Olds, p. 65 824 Corbin collection, microfilm

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 77 children as they are not mentioned in her father's estate.

2004. Amanda Olds, daughter of Justin and Mehitable (Hixon) Olds, was born at Belchertown, Mass., on 14 Feb. 1800 and died on 13 Nov. 1856 at Lamoille, Ill.825 She married Cyrus Hills.826 Noon says she died in 1855.827 Cyrus Hills of Palmer married Amanda Olds of Belchertown, intentions published 10 March 1821 at Palmer, marriage at Belchertown recorded with several marriages on 30 April 1821.828

2005. Ruth Olds, daughter of Samuel and Anny (Daniels) Olds, was born 27 July 1779 and died 5 May 1855. She married George Moors of Ludlow, Mass,829 on 5 May 1795830 831.

Children of George and Ruth (Olds) Moors832

5020. i. Mehitable Moors, b. 29 May 1797 5021. ii. Electa Moors, b. 22 June 1799 5022. iii. Orlando Moors, b. 14 March 1801 5023. iv. Asenath Moors, b. 31 May 1803 5024. v. George Moors, b. 3 May 1805833 5025. vi. Lydia Moors, b. 13 May 1807 5026. vii. Phoebe Moors, b. 15 March 1809 5027. viii. Ruth Elizabeth Moors, b. 17 July 1811 5028. ix. Orpha Katherine Moors, b. 30 Nov. 1813 x. Julia A. Moors, b. 27 Feb. 1817, d. 21 Dec. 1818 5029. xi. James G. Moors, b. 7 Jan. 1820 5030. xi. Juliaett Moors, b. 9 May 1822

2006. Ann Olds, daughter of Samuel and Anny (Daniels) Olds, married Aaron Wright of Ludlow, Mass.834

2007. Reuben Olds, son of Samuel and Anny (Daniels) Olds, was born in 1786 at Ludlow, Mass. He died 21 Nov. 1862. He married (1) Polly Hayden (1796-20 July 1831) on 3 March 1814. He married (2) Mrs. Charlotte Parsons (1791 - 14 Nov. 1839) on 14 Jan. 1834. He married (3) Polly Brown (1798 - 23 March 1847835) on 5 Nov. 1840836. He married (4) Betsy Eaton (1802 - 23 March 1851). After that he buried two housekeepers and lived alone for several years.837 Marriage intentions for Reuben Olds of Ludlow and Polly Haden of Belchertown were filed on 3 Feb. 1814.838 "Charlotte, wife of Reuben Olds, d. Nov. 10, 1839"839

Children of Reuben and Polly (Hayden) Olds840 5050. i. Mary Ann Olds, b. 3 Sept. 1814

825 Olds, p. 65 826 Olds, p. 65 827 Noon, p. 438 828 Corbin Collection, VR of Belchertown, 1743 - 1843 829 Olds, p. 65. 830 Noon, p. 439 831 Ruth Olds of Ludlow filed intentions of marriage at Palmer, MA, 15 April 1797. Palmer Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) Either Noon or the printed VR seems to have the year wrong. 832 Olds, pp. 65-66 833 Olds lists George as b. 13 May 1807 and omits Lydia. The corrections are from Noon, p. 439 834 Olds, p. 66 835 Noon, p. 439, gives this date as 23 March 1857 which is at least inconsistent with the death date for the fourth wife 836 Reuben Olds of Ludlow marri ed Pol ly Brown at Palmer, MA, 5 Nov. 1840. Pa lmer Marr iages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 837 all from Olds, pp. 68-69 838 Corbin Collection, microfilm 839 Ludlow Vital Records , 1774 - 1843 840 Olds, p. 69

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 78 ii. David Olds, b. 16 May 1818, d. 17 Sept. 1839 5051. iii. Caroline Phoebe Olds, b. 28 May 1821 5052. iv. Elijah C. Olds, b. 21 Oct. 1820841

Children of Reuben and Polly (Brown) Olds 5053. v. John B. Olds, b. 13 July 1842

2008. Nathan Olds, son of Samuel and Anny (Daniels) Olds, was born 12 Sept. 1791 at Ludlow, Mass. He died 8 Aug. 1864 at Holyoke, Mass. He married Hannah Wr ight who was born 15 May 1792 and died 1 Oct. 1881.842 Hannah and Nathan are listed among West Springfield Births where her birth date is given both as 1 May and 15 May 1792.843 She is listed in the 1880 census with her son Jonathan (see below).

Children of Nathan and Hannah (Wright) Olds 844 5060. i. Rebecca Olds, b. 25 Dec. 1814, Ludlow, Mass. 5061. ii. Hannah Olds, b. 19 March 1816, Ludlow, Mass. iii. Orra Olds, b. 11 Nov. 1817, d. 12 Aug. 1818 5062. iv. Ruby Olds, b. 9 Dec. 1819845 5063. v. Orra Olds, b. 27 March 1821 5064. vi. Enoch Olds, b. 22 April 1822 5065. vii. Anna Olds, b. 7 June 1825 5066. viii. Maria Olds, b. 3 June 1829846 5067. ix. Jonathan Olds, b. 13 Aug. 1832847

2009. Polly Olds, daughter of Samuel and Anny (Daniels) Olds, was born in 1784 and died 7 April 1848. She married Ransom Cook (15 Oct. 1783 - 5 Oct. 1849. They were pioneers near the town of Forest, Ohio.848

Children of Ransom and Polly (Olds) Cook849 5070. i. Erastus Cook, b. 23 Sept. 1804 5071. ii. Melissa Cook, b. 2 Aug. 1807 5072. iii. Almerine Cook, b. 10 Aug. 1810 5073. iv. Leonard Cook, b. 2 Feb. 1814 5074. v. Alonzo Cook, b. 10 Sept. 1815 5075. vi. Chester Cook, b. 15 Oct. 1817 5076. vii. Mary Ann Cook, b. 28 Nov. 1820 viii. Maria Cook, b. 5 March 1822, d. 24 Jan. 1824 5077. ix. Dwight Cook, b. 27 Dec. 1823

2010. Sally Olds, daughter of Samuel and Anny (Daniels) Olds, was born ______. She married Bluet Button and they were pioneers in New York state. 850

2011. Hannah Olds, daughter of Samuel and Anny (Daniels) Olds, married David Daniels, her cousin. See his listing for their children.

841 Noon, p. 439, places "Elijah Caswell" Olds as a son of Reuben and Charlotte. This does not fit the dates above. 842 Olds, p. 70 843 West Springfield Births. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 844 Olds, p. 70 845 Noon, p. 440, lists Ruby's birth as Nov. 19, 1819. 846 also listed in West Springfield Births. Early Recods of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 847 Given as ______1832 in West Spr ingfield Births. Ear ly Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 848 Olds, p. 66 849 Olds, p. 66 850 Olds, p. 66

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 79 2012. Daniel Olds, son of Enoch and Martha (Wright) Olds, was born in 1785 and died 9 Jan. 1855. He married (intentions published 27 Nov. 1813) Sally Thornton (1788 - 24 Oct. 1847).851 Since the Belchertown Vital Records show the marriage of Daniel Olds of Springfield to Sally Olds of Belchertown on 16 Dec. 1813,852 it appears that Daniel Olds married the widow of David Olds who had married Sally Thornton of Ludlow on 19 Nov. 1807.853 Although the David who married Sally Thornton was shown earlier as son of Jonathan and Hannah, he may have well been Daniel's brother David.

2013. David Olds, son of Enoch and Eunice (Hatch) Olds, was born 8 April 1791 at Palmer, Mass.854 Noon states that this David Olds married Sally Thornton. 855

2014. Aaron Olds, son of Enoch and Eunice (Hatch) Olds, was born 14 Nov. 1792, at Palmer, Mass.856 He died 16 Sept. 1878. His third wife was Melinda Taylor (16 Aug. 1796 - 4 Nov. 1836) and his fourth wife was Laura Skinner whom he married on 29 Oct. 1840.857 858 859 Aaron Olds and Melinda Taylor filed intentions of marriage at Palmer on 8 June 1817.860

Children of Aaron Olds861

5090. i. Eunice Olds, b. 2 Dec. 1817 ii. Emily Olds, b. 3 March 1820, d. 9 July 1829 5091. iii. Mary Olds, b. 6 March 1822 5092. iv. Amos Olds, b. 20 Oct. 1823862 5093. v. Leonard Olds, b. 24 Dec. 1825 5094. vi. James M. Olds, b. 13 April 1829863 5095. vii. Emily M. Olds, b. 15 June 1834864 5096. viii. David M. Olds, b. 1 Nov. 1836

2015. Azubah Olds, daughter of Enoch and Eunice (Hatch) Olds, was born 20 Dec. 1794 in Palmer, Mass.865 She married Lewis Hogerney on 23 Sep. 1819.866

2016. Amos Olds, son of Enoch and Eunice (Hatch) Olds, was born 16 June 1800, at Palmer, Mass.867

2017. Cyrus Olds, son of Enoch and Eunice (Hatch) Olds, was born 10 May 1803, at Palmer, Mass.868 He married Keziah Holbrook. 869 She was born in 1805.870

851 Olds, p. 67 852 Corbin Collection, VR of Belchertown, microfilm 853 Corbin Collection, VR of Belchertown, microfilm 854 VR of Palmer, Mass. to 1850 855 Noon, p. 440 856 VR of Palmer, Mass. to 1850 857 Olds, p. 71 858 Noon says Melinda and Laura wer e Aaron 's fi rst and s econd w ive s, respe cti vel y. 859 Aaron Olds and Laura Skinner (of Springfield) filed intentions of marriage at Warren, MA, 28 Sept. 1840. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 860 Palmer Marr iages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM . Search and Res earch Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 861 Olds, p. 71 862 Noon lists no Amos here. 863 Noon gives the name as James Monroe Olds. 864 Noon doe s no t list the s econd E mil y. 865 VR of Palmer, Mass., to 1850 866 VR of Palmer, Mass., to 1850 867 VR of Palmer, Mass., to 1850 868 VR of Palmer, Mass., to 1850 869 Olds, p. 67 870 Palmer Births, Early Vital Records of Western, MA, CD-ROM (Search and Research Publishing Co., Wheat Ridge, CO, 2000) (from "G. R. I.)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 80 2018. Darius Olds871, son of Enoch and Eunice (Hatch) Olds, married Mary Bates at Ludlow, Mass., on 12 May 1830.872 Intentions of marriage were filed at Belchertown on 20 April 1830 for Darius Olds of Belchertown and Mary Bates of Ludlow. 873

Children of Darius and Mary (Bates) Olds

5100. i. Joseph Merrick Olds, b. 1833

2020. Asa Daniels, son of Asa and Lurane (Olds) Daniels, married Azubah Cowles.874

2021. Lydia Daniels, daughter of Asa and Lurane (Olds) Daniels, was born 15 Dec. 1788 and died 6 Feb. 1876. She married Jonathan Lombard, her cousin. 875 See his listing for their children.

2022. David Daniels, son of Asa and Lurane (Olds) Daniels, married Hannah Olds, his cousin.876

2023. Roxanna Daniels, daughter of Asa and Lurane (Olds) Daniels, married Francis Morgan.877

2024. Justin Daniels, son of Asa and Lurane (Olds) Daniels, married Prudence Shaw. 878

2030. Jonathan Lombard, son of Jonathan and Asenath (Olds) Lombard, married Lydia Daniels, his cousin. 879

2031. Asenath Lombard, daughter of Jonathan and Asenath (Olds) Lomabard, died unmarried.880

2032. Cynthia Lombard, daughter of Jonathan and Asenath (Olds) Lombard, married Samuel Bennett.881

2033. Justin Lombard, son of Jonathan and Asenath (Olds) Lombard, married Orra Fuller.882

[End of Family of Robert -- Begin Family of Hanford]

2040. John Bissell Olds, son of Joseph and Hannah (Bissell) Olds, was born in 1796 and died 18 June 1873. He married Hannah Brown (1804 - 4 Oct. 1877).883 He is buried in the Pioneer Cemetery, Hartford, Mich.884

Children of John Bissell and Hannah (Brown) Olds 885

5150. i. Ira Olds, b. 1829 5151. ii. Hiram Olds, b. 1826 5152. iii. Almon A. Olds 5153. iv. Andrew Jackson Olds 5154. v. Jane Anne Olds 5155. vi. Mary Olds

871 not listed in the VR of Palmer, Mass., to 1850 872 Olds, p. 72 873 Corbin collection, VR of Belchertown, microfilm 874 Olds, p. 63 875 Olds, p. 63 876 Olds, p. 63 877 Olds, p. 63 878 Olds, p. 63 879 Olds, p. 64 880 Olds, p. 64 881 Olds, p. 64 882 Olds, p. 64 883 Olds, p. 285 884 Yer ington, Mrs. Ver a, not es add ed t o a co py of t he O lds Ge nea logy. 885 Children list ed by Olds, p. 285-86 , dates added by Yeringt on

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 81 5156. vii. Albert John Olds

2041. Ira Olds, son of Joseph and Rhoda Olds, was born in 1798 and died 25 Ja n. 1888. He maried Margaret Parks886 and then married Rhoda ______.887 He is buried in the Pioneer Cemetery, Hartford, Mich.888 Children of Ira Olds

5160. i. Robert Olds, 5161. ii. Ira Olds, died in Civil War 5162. iii. Harrison Olds 5163. iv. Mamie Olds

2042. Orson Olds, son of Joseph and Rhoda Olds, was born 22 May 1802 in Bloomfield, Hartford Co., NY, and died 30 March 1887. He married Renew Scoville (30 Oct. 1808 - 8 Jan. 1886) in 1825. He setteld in Van Buren Co., Mich., in 1842.889 He is buried in the Pioneer Cemetery, Hartford, Mich., and Yerington has corrected his death date to 1884, at age 82.890

Children of Orson and Renew (Scoville) Olds

5170. i. Elizabeth Jane Olds, b. 11 Aug. 1827 5171. ii. Joseph Ransom Olds, b. 30 Dec. 1829 5172. iii. James Van Ransler Olds, b. 19 Jan. 1832 5173. iv. William Wallace Olds, killed by tree 5174. v. Edwin Ruthven Olds, b. 18 Oct. 1830 5175. vi. Rhoda Mariah Olds, b. 8 Jan. 1838 5176. vii. Almon Hezekiah Olds, b. 24 Dec. 1839 5177. viii. Allen Orson Olds, b. 1 Jan. 1843 5178. ix. Henry Clay Olds, b. 19 May 1845 5179. x. Marcius Arilus Olds, b. Oct. 1850891

2043. Ferdino Olds, son of Joseph and Rhoda Olds, was born in 1800 and died 20 Oct. 1856. He married Irene Cone. He was the first settler in Van Buren Co., Mich., 1837.892

Children of Ferdino and Irene (Cone) Olds

5180. i. Julia Olds 5181. ii. Alonzo Ferdino Olds, b. 21 Aug. 1839 5182. iii. Harriet Olds 5183. iv. Sarah Olds 5184. v. Wilson Olds 5185. vi. Lorenzo Olds 5186. vii. Aaron Olds 5187. viii. Rosaline Olds 5188. ix. Rosetta Olds 5189. x. Frank P. Olds

2044. Henry Olds, son of Joseph and Rhoda Olds, married Wealthy Horton.893

886 Olds, p. 286 887 Yerington 888 Yerington 889 Olds, p. 286 890 Yerington 891 name and dat e as correcte d by Yeri ngton 892 Olds, p. 287 893 Olds, p. 285

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 82 2045. Hezekiah Olds was a son of Joseph and Rhoda Olds.894

2046. Alonzo Olds was a son of Joseph and Rhoda Olds.895

2047. Rhoda Olds, daughter of Joseph and Rhoda Olds, was born 28 July 1804 and died 26 May 1890. She married Albert Kinyon (b. 12 Feb. 1800) on 10 June 1822.896

2048. Mariah Olds, daughter of Joseph and Rhoda Olds, was born 24 Feb. 1817 and died 4 March 1872/3.897

2050. Susan Olds, daughter of Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds was born 6 Jan. 1800 and died 12 Oct. 1877. She married Mr. Gaylord.898

2051. Levi Olds, son of Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds was born 1 July 1805 and died 30 April 1867. He married , on 9 Oct. 1828, Emily Meacham, daughter of Ambrose and Lucy (Rising) Meacham and "moved to Peru [MA] where he lived at the 'Ziegler Place,' so called, which has recently burned".899 900 Children of Levi and Emily (Meacham) Olds901 5190. i. Emily Catherine Olds, b. 28 July 1829, d. 4 Oct. 1869 5191. ii. Lucy Elvira Olds, b. 3 Nov. 1811, d. 12 Dec. 1864 5192 iii. Nancy Minerva Olds, b. 19 March 1834, d.14 April 1901 iv. Julia Adelia Olds, b. 6 May 1836, d. 11 Nov. 1838902 5193. v. Levi Fayette Olds, b. 25 July 1838, d. 8 Sept. 1906 vi. Ellen Melissa Olds, b. 11 May 1840, d. 15 Sept. 1841903 5194. vii. Helen Samantha Olds, b. 26 March 1842, d. 15 Nov. 1908 5195. viii. Elma Emily Olds, b. 19 Jan. 1844 ix. Howard Olds, b. 12 Feb. 1845, d. 17 Aug 1845904 x. Henry Martin Olds, b. 20 Sept. 1846, d. 23 Nov. 1854905 5196. xi. Dwight H. Olds, b. 10 April 1848 xii. Herman F. Olds, b. 11 May 1849, 4 Aug. 1850 5197. xiii. Ella L. Olds, b. 17 Nov. 1850, d. 20 March 1881 5198. xiv. Edwin W. Olds, b. 29 Sept. 1851 xv. Ida R. Olds, b. 27 Oct. 1882, d. 22 Feb. 1854 5199. xvi. William Clifford Olds, b. 5 Dec. 1856, d. 20 May 1912

2052. Cynthia Olds, daughter of Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds.906 She married (intentions filed 26

894 Olds, p. 285 895 Olds, p. 285 896 Olds, p. 285 897 Olds, p. 285 898 Smith and Smith, p. 560-61. 899 Smith and Smith, p. 560-61. 900 Middlefield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 901 Smith and Smith, p. 561. 902 Julia Olds , daughter of Levi and Emil y, died 11 Nov. 1838, age 2 y. 6 m. Middlefi eld De aths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 903 Ellen Melissa Olds, child of Levi, d. 7 Sept. 1841, age 1 y. 4 m. Middlefield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 904 The name Howar d Olds (Oles) is in the Middlefi eld De ath Re cords wi th no da te. There is also an en try for a s on of Levi and Cintha who died of consumption 16 Aug. 1845 at the age of three months (with another record giving 3 Aug. and one giving 17 Aug for Howard Old s. Middlefield Deat hs. Ear ly Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 905 But Henry Martin Olds, child of Levi and Emily, died of the croup on 23 or 24 Nov. 1848, at the age of 2 y 2 m. Middlefield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 906 Smith and Smith, p. 560-61.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 83 Oct. 1822907) Aaron Whittemore, Jr., and moved to Fulton, NY.

2053. Emily Olds, daughter of Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds. She married Zeba P. Jennings of Dalton, MA, on 11 Feb. 1830.908 909

2054. Chancy Olds, child of Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds, joined the Middlefield, MA, Baptist Church in 1827.910

2055. Samuel Olds, son of Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds, married Mary, the daughter of John and Lucy (Blush) Smith on 26 Dec. 1843. They went west in 1845.911 Samuel Olds, a farmer, son of Levi, married Mary Smith, daughter of John and Lucy, 16 Dec. 1843 (1844 on a duplicate).912

2056. Stillman son of Olds, Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds, was born at Middlefield, MA, 4 Aug. 1810 and died at Middlefield on 18 Dec. 1844913. In Chester, MA, on 14 Dec. 1835, he married Wealthy Johnson, daughter of Isaac.914 She was born 2 Aug. 1803 and died 15 Jan. 1886. He was a farmer in Middlefield.915 Children of Stillman and Wealthy (Johnson) Olds 5220. i. Zilpha Olds 5221. ii. Stillman Olds, d. Aug. 1917 5222. iii. Olin C. Olds, b. 12 Dec. 1841 5223. iv. Franklin Smith Olds, b. 20 July 1843

2057. Sarah Olds, daughter of Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds, was born 20 April 1812.916

2058. Eunice Olds, daughter of Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds, was born 21 April 1814 and died 15 March 1815.917

2059. Reuben Olds, son of Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds, was born 5 Sept. 1815 at Middlefield, MA. He married Elmira Ferguson of Cummington (intentions filed 11 March 1837) and was living in Middlefield in 1840.918 Children of Reuben and Elmira (Ferguson) Olds 919 5229. i. George Sidney Olds, b. 23 June 1846920 5230. ii. Levi J. Olds

907 Name given as Lucintha in intentions. Middlefield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 908 Smith and Smith, p. 560-61. 909 Middlefield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 910 Smith and Smith, p. 560-61. 911 Smith and Smith, p. 560-61. 912 Middlefield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 913 Stillman Oles, a married farmer, son of Levi and Cintha, died of lung fever, Dec. 18 (dup. has Dec. 19) 1844. Middlefield Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 914 Stillman was of Middlefield. They were married 15 Dec. 1835. Chester Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 915 Smith and Smith, p. 560-61. 916 Smith and Smith, p. 560-61. 917 Smith and Smith, p. 560-61. 918 Smith and Smith, p. 563. For intentions, see also The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass., which state that Reuben was of Middlefield and "Almira" was of Cummington. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). The intentions of Reuben Olds and Elmira Ferguson, 11 March 1837, are also recorded at Middlefield. Mi ddlefield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 919 Olds names (with no other data) the following children in this order: Loisa, Levi, Madison, Granville, Herbert. 920 added on the basis of this record his birth record at Worthington. George Sidney Oldes, son of Reuben, farmer, and Almira, b. 23 June 1846. Worthington Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 84 5231. iii. Madison Olds 5232. iv. Louisa Olds 5233. v. Herbert H. Olds, b. 13 Dec. 1856 5234. vi. Granville Olds

2060. Caroline Olds, daughter of Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds, was born in Oct. 1817 and died 22 Dec. 1848.921

2061. Mary (Polly922) Olds, daughter of Justus and Mary (Loomis) Olds923, was born 4 Aug. 1800 and died at Becket, MA, 9 May 1865. At Middlefield, on 29 Nov. 1824, she married John Hamilton924 of Washington (1792 - 1880). Children of John and Mary (Olds) Hamilton925 i. John Orson Hamilton, b. 3 Aug. 1823 ii. Mary Mariah Hamilton, b. Nov. 1825 iii. Almira Hamilton, b. 1827 iv. Orton J. Hamilton, b. 1829 v. Chester A. Hamilton, b. Oct. 1831

2062. Justus Olds, son of Justus and Mary (Loomis) Olds926, was born 26 May 1803 at Middlefield, MA,927 and died in 1877 at Fowler, OH. 928 He married (1) Anna, daughter of Daniel and Anna (Bissell) Leach (intentions published 20 Aug. 1826). She died 4 Oct. 1830 at age 25. He married (2) Elizabeth Granger of Southwick (intentions published 30 April 1831)929. These two marriages for Justus Olds, Jr., are recorded at Middlefield.930

2063. Elizabeth Olds, daughter of Justus and Mary (Loomis) Olds 931, was born 10 Oct. 1804 and died 12 Nov. 1853. She was born at Middlefield and died unmarried.932

2064. Maria Olds, daughter of Justus and Mary (Loomis) Olds933, was born 1 July 1806. On 29 Nov. 1827 she married (1) Henry Saunders, Jr., of Dalton, MA. She married (2) John Johnson of Springfield, IA. Maria Olds and Henry Sanderson (Saunder in the intentions), Jr., of Dalton, were married at Middlefield, MA, on 29 Nov. 1827.934 "Maria Olds [dau. of Justus and Mary [Loomis]]" appears on the list of members of the Middlefield Congregational Church in 1827 (only).935

2065. Heman Alson Olds, son of Justus and Mary (Loomis) Olds936, was born 31 Dec. 1807 and he died in 1846 in the U. S. Army.

2066. Harriet Olds, daughter of Justus and Mary (Loomis) Olds937, was born 3 Feb. 1809. She married (1) James Coleman of Hinsdale, MA, on 25 Nov. 1841 and (2) William Ormsby of Lagrange, OH. She was

921 Smith and Smith, p. 560-61. 922 Olds, p. 296 923 Smith and Smith, p. 561-662, with additions from Olds as noted. 924 called John Hamilton, Jr., in the marriage record. Middlefield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 925 Olds, p. 296 926 Smith and Smith, p. 561-662, with additions from Olds as noted. 927 Massachusetts Town Birth Records, Middlefield, as son of Justus and Polly. search, 21 Oct. 2001. 928 Death date and place from Olds, p. 296 929 Olds, p. 296, add that Anna Leach was born in 1805 and the second marriage was 30 Sept. 1831 930 Massachusetts Town Records, Middlefield. search 21 Oct. 2001. 931 Smith and Smith, p. 561-662, with additions from Olds as noted. 932 Olds, p. 296 933 Smith and Smith, p. 561-662, with additions from Olds as noted. 934 Middlefield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 935 Smith, Edward Church, "Middlefield, Mass., Congregational Church Records", The American Genealogist, Vol. 29 (1955), p. 31. 936 Smith and Smith, p. 561-662, with additions from Olds as noted. 937 Smith and Smith, p. 561-662, with additions from Olds as noted.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 85 born in Middlefield, MA.938 He is listed as James Coleman, Jr., in the intentions.939

2067. Amanda Olds, daughter of Justus and Mary (Loomis) Olds940, was born 3 April 1811. She married Israel Hale and lived in Ohio. She was born in Middlefield, MA.941 Emeline Olds and Israel Hale filed intentions of marriage in Middlefield in March or April, 1839.942

2068. Lucy Olds, daughter of Justus and Mary (Loomis) Olds943, was born 17 Jan. 1813. She married Leonard Clark and lived in Fowler, OH. She was born in Middlefield, MA. 944

2069. Emaline (Emeline945) Olds, daughter of Justus and Mary (Loomis) Olds946, was born 31 July 1816. She married Milton D. Leonard (intentions published 9 March 1839947) and lived in Danbury, CT. She was born in Middlefield, MA, and married at Hinsdale, MA. 948 Intentions for Miss. _____ Olds and Doane Leonard of Hinsdale were filed at Middlefield, MA, in March 1839.949 Children of Milton D. and Emeline (Olds) Leonard i. Loretta Leonard, b. 1842 ii. Merrick Leonard, b. 1856, d. 1857

2070. Sarah Delight (Sarah C.950) Olds, daughter of Justus and Mary (Loomis) Olds951, was born 2 March 1824 and died 21 Nov. 1899. She married Edmund Johnson (intentions published 24 Feb. 1844952) who died 25 Feb. 1893, age 74. Olds says the marriage was 2 April 1844953 at Chester, MA, and that Edmund Johnson was born in 1819.954 Children of Edmund and Sarah C. (Olds) Johnson i. Myron Johnson, b. 1852, d. 1870 ii. Marian Johnson, b. 1856, d. 1860

2071. Betsey Mather, daughter of Ezra and Elizabeth (Olds) Mather

2072. Amelia Mather, daughter of Ezra and Elizabeth (Olds) Mather, m. Abram Bennett

2073. Mary Mather, daughter of Ezra and Elizabeth (Olds) Mather

2074. Heman Mather, son of Ezra and Elizabeth (Olds) Mather, was born 16 March 1809, at Moreau, NY, and died 8 June 1868, at West Troy, NY.

2075 Horace Mather, son of Ezra and Elizabeth (Olds) Mather, was born 19 Dec. 1811. He mar ried

938 Olds, p. 296 939 Middlefield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 940 Smith and Smith, p. 561-662, with additions from Olds as noted. 941 Olds, p. 296 942 Emeline, not Amanda in the printed VR. Middlefiel d Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM . Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 943 Smith and Smith, p. 561-662, with additions from Olds as noted. 944 Olds,p. 296 945 Olds, p. 296 946 Smith and Smith, p. 561-662, with additions from Olds as noted. 947 Emeline Olds of Middlefield. Hinsdale Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 948 Olds, p. 296 949 Middlefield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 950 Olds, p. 297 951 Smith and Smith, p. 561-662, with additions from Olds as noted. 952 Middlefield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 953 Sarah C. Olds of Middlefield and Edmund Johnson were married 2 April 1844 at Chester, MA. Chester Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 954 Olds, p. 297

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 86 Mary H. Folsom

2076. Julia Mather, daughter of Ezra and Elizabeth (Olds) Mather

2077. Rhoda Mather, daughter of Ezra and Elizabeth (Olds) Mather, married Dennie Margenie.

2079. William Olds, son of Sylvester Olds, was not yet 21 in 1832.

2080. Mary Ann Olds, daughter of George and Mar y Ann (Kent) Olds, was born 21 Feb. 1813 and died 25 Sept. 1836. She married John Jeffers.955

Children of John and Mary Ann (Olds) Jeffers

5239. i. Deodat Jeffers, b. 1836

2081. Eliza Olds, daughter of George and Mary Ann (Kent) Olds, was born 23 Oct. 1815 and died 21 Aug. 1894. She married John Batey. 956

Children of John and Eliza (Olds) Batey

5240. i. Joseph Batey, b. 1832 5241. ii. George Batey 5242. iii. Mary Ann Batey, b. 1835 5243. iv. Sarah J. Batey, b. 1837 5244. v. Edwin Batey 5245. vi. Angela C. Batey vii. Betsey Batey, d. at age 4 viii. Janette Batey, d. at age 6 5246. ix. John Batey, b. 1848 5247. x. Clara O. Batey, 5248. xi. Eva L. Batey, b. 1853 5249. xii. Willard C. Batey, b. 1857

2082. James Olds, son of George and Mary Ann (Kent) Olds, was born 3 April 1816 and died 14 April 1827.957

2083. Martin Olds, son of George and Mary Ann (Kent) Olds, was born 16 March 1818 and died 15 July 1870. He married (1)958 Lavilla Stoughton. 959

Children of Martin and Lavilla (Stoughton) Olds

5260. i. Edward Allen Olds, b. 24 April 1844 5261. ii. Ella M. Olds, b. 1858 iii. Francille Olds, d. in infancy

2084. Maria Olds, daughter of George and Mary Ann (Kent) Olds, was born 19 Dec. 1819 and died 29 Jan. 1900. She married William B. Lusk. 960

955 Olds, p. 96 956 Olds, p. 96-97 957 Olds, p. 97 958 The memorial implies that there was a second wife. NEHG Register, Vol. 90, April 1936, p. 167 959 Olds, p. 104, 109 960 Olds, p. 97

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 87 Children of William B. and Maria (Olds) Lusk

5270. i. Harrison J. Lusk 5271. ii. Alson Lusk iii. Mary Lusk, d. age 14 5272. iv. George W. Lusk, b. 1853 5273. v. Ella Lusk, b. 1861

2085. Emeline Olds, daughter of George and Mary Ann (Kent) Olds, was born 19 Oct. 1821 and died in October, 1889. She married (1) Newton Johnson and (2) Horace Thayer.961

Children of Newton and Emeline (Olds) Johnson

5280. i. Emma L. Johnson, b. 1853 5281. ii. Martha Johnson, b. 1846962 5282. iii. Sophia Johnson 5283. iv. Frank Johnson 5284. v. Eugene Johnson

Children of Horace and Emeline (Olds) Thayer 963

5287. vi. Ella Thayer 5288. vii. Eunice T hayer

2086. Levi Olds, son of George and Mary Ann (Kent) Olds, was born 12 June 1823 and died 10 Sept. 1902. He married ______.964

Children of Levi Olds

5320. i. Ida Olds, b. 1853 5321. ii. Sarah F. Olds, b. 1851965 5322. iii. Mary Olds, b. 1860 5323. iv. Carrie Olds v. George K. Olds, died in infancy vi. Willie T. Olds, died in infancy

2087. Caroline K. Olds, daughter of George and Mary Ann (Kent) Olds, was born 21 March 1825 and died 27 Nov. 1912. She married Lorenzo C. Averill and had no children. 966

2088. Edwin Olds, son of George and Mary Ann (Kent) Olds, was born 21 March 1827 and died 8 June 1873. He married ______967

Children of Edwin Olds

i. Joseph E. Olds, born 1870, killed accidentally in 1882

2089. Charlotte Olds, daughter of George and Mary Ann (Kent) Olds, was born 4 Jan. 1829 and died 12 April 1909. She married Daniel Tripp and had no children.968

961 Olds, p. 97 962 This birth date in Olds, p. 97, does not agree with the order in which the children are listed. 963 Olds, p. 98 964 Olds, p. 104 965 This birth date from Olds, p. 104, does not agree with the order in which he lists the children. 966 Olds, p. 98 967 Olds, p. 105 968 Olds, p. 98

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 88 2090. Frank Olds, son of George and Mary Ann (Kent) Olds, was born was born 31 Jan. 1831 and died 13 Sept. 1879. He married ______.969

Children of Frank Olds

5335. i. Fred Olds, b. 1857

2091. Charles Olds, son of George and Mary Ann (Kent) Olds, was born 9 Aug. 1833 and died 11 Nov. 1906. He married Mary F. Nichols on 28 Dec. 1865.970

Children of Charles and Mary F. (Nichols) Olds

5340. George H. Olds, b. 20 Oct. 1866 5341. Charles Louis Olds, b. 24 March 1869 5342. Willis J. Olds, b. 18 April 1871 5343. Edwin N. Olds, b. 18 Nov. 1872 5344. Jesse S. Olds, b. 9 Jan. 1876 5345. Edith May Olds, b. 29 July 1878

2100. Celestine Andrus, daughter of Chester and Fanny (Olds) Andrus, was born 27 Sept. 1826 and died ______, at Addison, NY. She married Myron S. Curtiss on 21 May 1851.971

2101. Lydia Elizabeth Andrus, daughter of Chester and Fanny (Olds) Andrus, was born 17 June 1828 at Granby, Conn., and died 26 Aug. 1898 at Elmira, NY. She married Rev. Thomas Tousey on 25 Nov. 1847. He was born 24 Aug. 1823 and died 21 March 1891.972

Children of Thomas and Lydia Elizabeth (Andrus) Tousey

5350. "Mrs. Theo. C. Rose"

2102. Cynthia Andrus, daughter of Chester and Fanny (Olds) Andrus, was born 25 Sept. 1829 at Simsbury, Conn., and died 23 Dec. 1904 at Portage, NY. She married Robert W. Thompson in May 1851.973

2103. Fanny M. Andrus, daughter of Chester and Fanny (Olds) Andrus, was born 5 Oct. 1831 at Portage, NY, and died in Feb. 1906 at Nunda, NY. She married John M. Drake.974

2104. Martha J. Andrus, daughter of Chester and Fanny (Olds) Andrus, was born 18 July 1836 at Portage, NY, and died 11 June 1840 at Portage, NY. 975

2105. Byron E. Andrus, son of Chester and Fanny (Olds) Andrus, was born 14 Sept. 1844 at Portage, NY, and died 21 Aug. 1905 at Portage, NY. He married Helen M. Arnold on 1 May 1867.976

[End of Family of Robert -- Begin Family of Hanford]

2120. Davis Olds, son of Caleb and Rachel (Davis) Olds, lived near Birmingham, Ohio, and died in

969 Olds, p. 105 970 Olds, p. 105 971 Olds, p. 94 972 Olds, p. 94 973 Olds, p. 94 974 Olds, p. 94 975 Olds, p. 94 976 Olds, p. 94

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 89 1876.977

2121. Henry Olds, son of Caleb and Rachel (Davis) Olds, was born 14 Sept. 1794 in New York state. He died 4 May 1875 at Syracuse, NY. He married (1) Susan Walton (8 May 1814 - 14 Nov. 1865). He married (2) Mary A. Strickler on 27 Oct. 1872 at Seneca Falls, NY. He lived in Syracuse and Seneca Falls, NY. 978

Children of Henry Olds

5352. i. Frank Olds 5353. ii. Henry Olds

2125. Harriet Olds, daugher of William Olds, married Mr. Larned.979

2126. Henry C. Olds, son of William Olds, was born in 1833 and died about 1905. "lived in New York City, where he was financial agent of the Gilsey House for over 17 years.980

2130. Lavinia Olds, daughter of Daniel and Lavinia (Noble) Olds, was born 20 Oct. 1815 and died 29 Sept. 1898.981

2131. Noble Granger Olds, daughter of Daniel and Lavinia (Noble) Olds, was born 5 Jan. 1818 at Bedford Springs, PA and died 10 April 1876 at Bridgeport, CN. On 10 Jan. 1839, he married Elizabeth Woolsey (29 July 1815 - Sept. 1872) at Auburn, NY. He married (2) Susan A. Woolsey (sister of Elizabeth). "when young he moved to Auburn, N. Y., and shortly after his marriage moved to Sandusky, Ohio; about 1858 or 1859 he moved to Fort Wayne, Ind., where he established a spoke and hub factory called Hanna and Olds, succeeded in 1860 by N. G. Olds and Sons, which, under the name of 'Olds Wagon Works,' grew to be one of the largest industries of its kind in the country."982 The widow Susan A. Olds was living with her parents in 1880, listed as983 Census Place: Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut Source: FHL Film 1254095 National Archives Film T9-0095 Page 445B RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace David F. WOOLSEY Self M M W 72 NY Occ:Carriage Maker Fa:NYMo: NY Sarah A. WOOLSEY Wife F M W 69 CT Occ:Keep House Fa: CT Mo: CT Susan A. OLDS Dau F W W 44 NY Occ:At Home Fa: NY Mo: CT Bridget DOYLE Other F S W 24 IRE Occ:Servant Fa: IRE Mo: IRE

Children of Noble Granger and Elizabeth (Woolsey) Olds

5355. i. Henry G. Olds, b. 14 Oct. 1839 ii. Charles L. Olds, b. 15 July 1841, d. 18 Dec. 1849 5356. iii. Johnston D. Olds, b. 8 Sept. 1843 5357. iv. Jay V. Olds, b. 9 Oct. 1849 5358. v. Charles Luther Olds, b. 17 April 1855

2132. Katherine Olds, daughter of Daniel Granger and Lavinia (Noble) Olds, was born 29 July 1820.984

2133. Caroline Olds, daughter of Daniel Granger and Mary (Bunker) Olds, was born 20 April 1824 and

977 Olds, p. 106 978 Olds, p. 106 979 Olds, p. 99 980 Olds, p. 99 981 Olds, p. 99 982 Olds, pp. 106-107 983 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 984 Olds, p. 99

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 90 died 25 Dec. 1904. On 24 Dec. 1845, she married John T. Van Alstine who died 22 Oct. 1887.985

2134. Adaline Olds, daughter of Daniel Granger and Mary (Bunker) Olds, was born 10 July 1826 and died 14 Dec. 1906. On 9 April 1848 she married G. W. Jenks who died 21 April 1876.986

Children of G. W. and Adaline (Olds) Jenks

5359. i. Alice A. Jenks

2135. Charles Ver Planck Olds, son of Daniel Granger and Mary (Bunker) Olds, was born 29 Jan. 1831 and died 29 Nov. 1887, unmarried. He "lived in Sandusky, Ohio, where he established the book and stationery business of Olds and Huntington.987

2136. Daniel Granger Olds, son of Daniel Granger and Mary (Bunker) Olds, was born 7 Nov. 1833 at Auburn, NY, and died 20 March 1900. On 13 March 1859, he married Amanda Olds, daughter of Alva Olds. "Lived in Auburn, N. Y., Pine River, Wis., and Wild Rose, Wis.".988 The family is listed in the 1880 census as:989 Census Place: 2nd Ward, Sandusky, Erie, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255013 National Archives Film T9-1013 Page 246C Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Daniel F. OLDS Self M M W 45 NY Occ: Huckster Fa: CT Mo: NY Amanda OLDS Wife F M W 35 NY Occ: Keeping House Fa: VT Mo: NY Huguie H. OLDS Son M S W 17 NY Occ: Upholster Fa: NY Mo: NY Mary E. OLDS Dau F S W 15 NY Occ: At School Fa: NY Mo: NY

Children of Daniel Granger and Amanda (Olds) Olds

5400. i. Eugene H. Olds, b. 28 June 1863 5401. ii. Mary E. Olds, b. 8 March 1865

2137. Henry Harrison Olds, son of Daniel Granger and Mary (Bunker) Olds, was born 19 Feb. 1841 at Waterloo, NY, and died 14 Jan. 1906 at Detroit, MI. On 17 Oct. 1867 he married Georgianna Judd Apthorp at Riga, Monroe Co., NY. "he was a sergeant, Co. B., 72d Ohio Vo., in the Civil War, serving from 1862 to 1865. His widow is still living (1915)."990

2138. Emily Olds, daughter of Daniel Granger and Mary (Bunker) Olds, was born 18 Dec. 1845.991

2145. Thomas Daniel Crosby, son of Abijah and Catherine (Olds) Crosby, was born in1804 and died in 1897. He lived in Lee, MA, and Cleveland, OH.992

2150. Almira Lucy Olds, daughter of Caleb and Susannah (Preston) Olds, was born 22 April 1799 at Essex, VT, and died about 1888 in Waterbury, VT, unmarried.993 She was received into membership in the Congregational Church of Fairfield, VT, on 3 Jan. 1841.994 She and Mrs. William Olds were voted a letter recommending them to the church at Franklin (entered without date, probably 1854).995 She is listed

985 Olds, p. 99 986 Olds, p. 100-101 987 Olds, p. 100 988 Olds, p. 107 989 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 990 Olds, pp. 107-108 991 Olds, p. 100 992 Ancestor Table of Clara C. McLean, TAG, 40(1964), p. 164 993 Olds, p. 100 994 Doane, Gilbert Harry, "Records of the Congregational Church, Fairfield, VT, The American Genealogist, Vol. 12 #2 (Oct. 1935) 995 Doane, Gilbert Harry, "Records of the Congregational Church, Fairfield, VT, The American Genealogist, Vol. 12 #2 (Oct. 1935)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 91 in the 1880 census with the family of her brother, William A. Olds.

2151. Lorenzo Olds, son of Caleb and Susannah (Preston) Olds, was born 17 March 1801 at Essex, VT, and died 16 March 1873 at Highgate, VT. On 9 July 1839, he married Edeline Felton who died in March 1883. "both are buried at Highgate, Vt. in 1871 he was operating a general foundry and machine shop in Highgate, Vt; afterwards was a real estate dealer."996 The widow, Ediline Olds, was living at St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, in the 1880 census with her son Barnard Lorenzo Olds.

Children of Lorenzo and Edeline (Felton) Olds

5405. i. Caroline Susan Olds, b. 13 May 1840 5406. ii. Albert Felton Olds, b. 29 May 1843 iii. Maria Felton Olds, b. 7 May 1845, d. 28 Aug. 1847 5407. iv. Edwin William Olds, b. 22 July 1847 5408. v. Barnard Lorenzo Olds, b. 17 May 1850

2152. John Preston Olds, son of Caleb and Susannah (Preston) Olds, was born 23 Aug. 1803 at Essex, VT, and died 6 April 1881, at Franklin, VT. On 27 March 1827, he married Mary Porter Burr (18 Jan. 1808 - 1 Sept. 1884). "he was a farmer and a member of the Vermont Legislature in 1848; was Selectman and Lister many times; was Assistant Judge of Franklin Co. Court for a term of years, and was elected Overseer of the Poor for 30 consecutive yers, but positively declined taking it after he was 75 years old. He and his wife are buried in Franklin, Vt."997 The family is listed in the 1880 census998 as Census Place: Franklin, Franklin, Vermont Source: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 Page 113A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace John T. OLDS Self M M W 76 VT Occ: Farmer Fa: CT Mo: CT Mary P. OLDS Wife F M W 72 VT Occ:Keeps House Fa: VT Mo: MA Susan OLDS Dau F S W 43 VT Occ: At Home Fa: VT Mo: VT Marshall OLDS Son M M W 32 VT Occ: At Home Fa: VT Mo: VT Josephine OLDS DauL F M W 32 VT Occ: At Home Fa: VT Mo: VT Fred OLDS GSon M S W 14 VT Occ: At School Fa: VT Mo: VT Willie LONGE Other M M W 26 VT Occ: Laborer Fa: VT Mo: VT Nancy LONGE Other F M W 22 VT Occ: Servant Fa: VT Mo: CAN

Children of John Preston and Mary Porter (Burr) Olds

5410. i. Harmon Douglas Olds, b. 12 Nov. 1829 5411. ii. Aaron Burr Olds, b. 8 July 1832 5412. iii. Mary A. Olds, b. 13 Aug. 1834 5413. iv. Susan R. Olds, b. 13 Dec. 1836 5414. v. Caroline Rachel Olds, b. 2 Dec. 1838 5415. vi. Lucia Preston Olds, b. 30 Aug. 1841 5416. vii. Arabella Cook Olds, b. 24 Feb. 1844 5417. viii. Martha Ann Olds, b. 19 May 1846 5418. ix. Marshall John Olds, b. 24 Jan. 1848 5419. x. Edward Everett Olds, b. 26 Oct. 1852 xi. Freddie F. Olds, b. 14 Jan. 1854, d. 23 April 1863

2154. William Andrus Olds, son of Caleb and Susannah (Preston) Olds, was born 3 Dec. 1808 at Fairfield, VT, and died 24 May 1890 at Wilton, ME. On 18 Aug. 1850, he married Sarah O. Brown (d. 28

996 Olds, p. 108 997 Olds, p. 109 998 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 92 July 1883).999 The family is listed in the 1880 census1000 as Census Place: Troy, Orleans, Vermont Source: FHL Film 1255346 National Archives Film T9-1346 Page 507A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Wm. A. OLDS Self M M W 74 VT Occ: Farmer Fa: CT Mo: CT Sarah B. OLDS Wife F M W 54 VT Occ: Keep. House Fa: VT Mo: VT Hattie OLDS Dau F S W 25 VT Fa: VT Mo: VT Herbie OLDS Son M S W 15 VT Occ: Wrk. On Farm Fa: VT Mo: VT Nelson BROWN BroL M S W 49 VT Occ: Wrk. On Farm Fa: CT Mo: CT Harriet BROWN MotherL F W W 79 CT Occ: Ret. Housekeeper Fa: CT Mo: CT Almira L. OLDS Sister F S W 81 VT Fa: VT Mo: VT

Children of William Andrus and Sarah O. (Brown) Olds

5420. i. Howard Caleb Olds, b. 23 Nov. 18521001 5421. ii. Harriet Susannah Olds, b. 16 Oct. 1855 iii. Helen Amelia Olds,b. 20 Oct. 1857, d. 2 March 1858 iv. James Arthur Olds, b.23 Nov. 1858, d. 17 July 1860 5422. v. Herbert William Olds, b. 24 April 1866

2155. Rachel Amine Olds, daughter of Caleb and Susannah (Preston) Olds, was born 24 Feb. 1810 and died 3 May 1888. She married Heman Barnum (1809 - 1883) at Franklin, VT. Their children were all born at Franklin, VT.1002 He is listed as Herman Barnum in the 1880 census1003 Census Place: Franklin, Franklin, Vermont Source: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 Page 113A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Herman BARNUM Self M M W 71 VT Occ:Farmer Fa: CT Mo: VT Rachel BARNUM Wife F M W 70 VT Occ: Keeps House Fa: CT Mo: CT Harley BARNUM Son M M W 31 VT Occ: At Home Fa: VT Mo: VT Jennie BARNUM DauL F M W 23 CAN Occ:At Home Fa:CAN Mo:CAN Arthur BARNUM GSon M S W 5 CAN Fa: VT Mo:CAN Harriet BARNUM GDau F S W 1 VT Fa:VT Mo:CAN John DANIHUE Other M S W 22 VT Occ:Laborer Fa: CAN Mo: CAN

Children of Heman and Rachel Amine (Olds) Barnum

5425. i. Lorenzo H. Barnum, b. 9 Sept. 1834 5426. ii. Elizabeth S. Barnum, b. 9 Nov. 1837 5427. iii. Rodney R. Barnum, b. 24 Dec. 1843 iv. Harriet A. Barnum, b. 24 Feb. 1845, d. 1847 5428. v. Harley C. Barnum, b. 13 April 1843 [sic -- but about 1849 per 1880 census]]

2160. Cornelius J. Olds, son of William and Nancy J. (Greeley) Olds, was born 3 Oct. 1809 at Saratoga, NY. He married (1) Mary E. Morse (18 Nov. 1815 - 23 May 1882) on 12 Dec. 1833 at Westport, NY. He married (2) Mrs. Martha Dolman (b. 16 May 1830) on 5 July 1883 at Cumberland, OH. He lived at Marysville, OH.1004 He is listed in the 1880 census as1005 Census Place: Paris, Union, Ohio

999 Olds, p. 111 1000 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 1001 However, Caleb Howard [Olds] was baptized for "Sister William Olds" at Fairfield, VT., where she was rec'd by letter, both recorded 4 July 1852. Doane, Gilbert Harry, "Records of the Congregational Church, Fairfield, VT, The American Genealogist, Vol. 12 #2 (Oct. 1935) 1002 Olds, p. 101 1003 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1004 Olds, p. 112 1005 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 93 Source: FHL Film 1255073 National Archives Film T9-1073 Page 109A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Cornelius J. OLDS Self M M W 70 NY Occ: Farmer Fa: VT Mo: NY Mary E. OLDS Wife F M W 65 VT Occ: Keeping House Fa: NY Mo:NY

Children of Cornelius J. and Mary E. (Morse) Olds

5530. i. Nancy Caroline Olds, b. 11 Jan. 1835 5531. ii. Alfred H. Olds 5532. iii. William Fletcher Olds, b. 24 Aug. 1841 iv. Cornelius Marshall Olds,b.4 May 1843,d.28 Jul 1843 v. Wesley Thomas Olds,b. 27 Nov. 1844, d.17 July 1845

2161. Abram M. Olds, son of William and Nancy J. (Greeley) Olds, was born 12 Dec. 1811 at Saratoga, NY. He married Sabrina E. Patten (8 March 1819 - 17 Dec. 1876) at Panton, VT, on 25 May 1837. He was Superintendent of Schools, Westport, NY, in 1847 and 1854.1006 In 1880, he was living in Guernsey County, OH, with his son Orcelius.

Children of Abram and Sabrina E. (Patten) Olds

i. Orcelia Erminia Olds,b.9 June 1843, d.10 Nov. 1846 5535. ii. Orcelius Luther Olds, b. 22 Oct. 1845 5536. iii. Lucy S. Olds, b. 4 June 1850

2162. Lucy S. Olds, daughter of William and Nancy J. (Greeley) Olds, was born 14 June 1814 at Saratoga, NY, and died 18 Aug. 1847. On 11 July 1838, she married Josephus Williams.1007

2163. Ann E. Olds, daughter of William and Nancy J. (Greeley) Olds, was born 17 Sept. 1816 at Saratoga, NY, and died in April 1884. She married Josephus Williams on 9 Sept. 1850.1008

2164. William W. Olds, son of William and Nancy J. (Greeley) Olds, was born 1 Sept. 1819 at Saratoga, NY, and died 5 Aug. 1868 at Westport, NY. He married Mandana L. Ray (b. 24 Aug. 1823) on 9 Jan. 1848 [sic -- age 15, ten years before first child?] at Hinesburg, VT.1009

Children of William W. and Mandana L. (Ray) Olds

5540. i. Walter Howard Olds, b. 8 June 1858

2165. Susan G. Olds, daughter of William and Nancy J. (Greeley) Olds, was born 18 April 1822 at Fort Ann, NY. She married Rev. Daniel Rowley (b. 11 Oct. 1810) on 3 Sept. 1840.1010

Children of Daniel and Susan G. (Olds) Rowley

5545. i. Harriet A. Rowley, b. 14 July 1842 5546. ii. William M. Rowley, b. 12 Jan. 1848 5547. iii. Laura O. Rowley, b. 27 Oct. 1850 5548. iv. Mary L. Rowley, b. 2 Feb. 1855 5549. v. Sarah E. Rowley, b. 14 Nov. 1858 5550. vi. Elmer W. Rowley, b. 15 Feb. 1861 vii. Phoebe Rowley, b. 27 Dec. 1863, d. 19 June 1865

1006 Olds, p. 113 1007 Olds, p. 101 1008 Olds, p. 102 1009 Olds, p. 113 1010 Olds, p. 102

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 94 5551. viii. Joseph M. Rowley, b. 14 March 1867

2166. Louisa K. Olds, daughter of William and Nancy J. (Greeley) Olds, was born 23 Nov. 1824. She married Urbana C. Thurston (8 Sept. 1810 - 21 March 1887) at Westport, NY, on 18 April 1858.1011

Children of Urbana C. and Louisa K. (Olds) Thurston

5555. i. Charles Howland Thurston, b. 28 Sept. 1861

2167. Harriet M. Olds, daughter of William and Nancy J. (Greeley) Olds, was born 25 Feb. 1829 at Queenstown, NY, and died 23 July 1880. She married (1) Calvin T. Bingham (22 Aug. 1823 - 17 Aug. 1861) on 16 Sept. 1846 at Westport, NY. She married (2) Edson B. Rogers (27 July 1823 - 23 July 1880) on 8 Nov. 1867 at Albion, NY. Her children were all born at Newhaven, VT.1012

Children of Calvin T. and Harriet M. (Olds) Bingham

i. Wallace Thomas Bingham, b. 7 Dec. 1848, d. 12 Jan. 1852 5560. ii. Henry M. Bingham, b. 25 Nov. 1850 iii. Louise Adelle Bingham, b. 22 Feb. 1854, d. 29 Oct. 1872 iv. Charles T. Bingham, b. 30 March 1858, d. 30 Aug. 1858 5561. v. Helen Louise Bingham, b. 19 Jan. 1860

2168. Ruth E. Olds, daughter of William and Nancy J. (Greeley) Olds, was born 30 March 1836 at Westport, NY. She married John Harris on 14 Oct. 1854.1013

2170. William C. Olds, son of Alva and Mary (Crampton) Olds, was born in 1825 and died in 1914 at Wild Rose, WI.1014

2171. Mary Olds was a daughter of Alva and Mary (Crampton) Olds.1015

2172. Amanda M. Olds, daughter of Alva and Mary (Crampton) Olds, was born in 1835 at Lyons, NY. She married Daniel Granger Olds, son of Daniel Granger Olds, and she died 27 June 1908.1016

[End of family of Hanford -- Begin family of William]

2180. Ruth Olds, daughter of Nathan and Katherine (Gilbert) Olds, was born 26 May 1792.1017 1018

2181. Phydema Olds, daughter of Nathan and Katherine (Gilbert) Olds, was born 27 Oct. 1796. Phidema Olds and Harvey Gilbert were married there on 30 April 1817.1019

2190. Cheney Olds, son of Ezekiel and Lydia (Stevens) Olds, was born 31 March 1793 at Brookfield, Mass., and died 7 Dec. 1874 at Albany, Ill. Cheney Olds and Amma Walker (of Sturbridge) filed intentions of marriage at Brookfield, MA, on 20 June 1817.1020 They were married at Sturbridge, MA, on

1011 Olds, p. 102 1012 Olds, pp. 102-3 1013 Olds, p. 103 1014 Olds, p. 103 1015 Olds, p. 104 1016 Olds, p. 104 1017 Olds, p. 141 1018 Brookfield Births and M arriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheatfield, CO. (c. 2000) 1019 Brookfield Births and M arriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheatfield, CO. (c. 2000) 1020 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 95 11 Sept. 1817. He was a soldier of the War of 1812 and lived at Sturbridge. In 1827, he moved to Cayuga Co., NY, and after about two years he moved to Cattarugus Co., NY. In 1838, he migrated to Albany, Ill. Amma Walker was born 23 Jan. 1794 and died 18 Jan. 1883.1021

Children of Cheney and Amma (Walker) Olds

5800. i. Warren Olds, b. 29 Nov. 1818 5801. ii. Chester Olds, b. 27 July 1820 5802. iii. Lewis Olds, b. 5 June 1822 5803. iv. Nancy Olds, b. 19 Aug. 1824 5804. v. Ezekiel Olds, b. 24 Oct. 1826 5805. vi. Walker Olds, b. 4 July 1829 5806. vii. Cheney Olds, b. 7 Aug. 1832 5807. viii. Asenath Hamant Olds, b. 21 Sept. 1834 ix. Mary Olds, b. 7 Sept. 1836, d. 7 Sept. 1838

2191. Mary Olds, daughter of Ezekiel and Lydia (Stevens) Olds, was born 4 Nov. 1804, at Brookfield, Mass. She married (1) Carleton Guy Branch and (2) John D. Chandler in Auburn, NY. John D. Chandler was born in 1803 and died 3 Jan. 1859. In 1834, they moved to Lorain Co., Ohio, and afterwards to Albany, Ill.1022

Children of John D. and Mary (Olds) Chandler1023

5820. i. Jane Chandler, born 15 Jan. 183_ 5821. ii. Charles D. Chandler, b. 5 Feb. 1835, d. 3 March 1861 iii. Caroline B. Chandler, b. 20 Sept. 1837, d. 14 June 1838 iv. James Davenport Chandler, b. 10 May 1839, d. 8 Jan. 1848 5822. v. Annie E. Chandler, b. 28 May 1842 5823. vi. Esek Bradford Chandler, b. 2 May 1844

2200. Ezra Richmond Olds, son of Jonathan and Ruth (Richmond) Olds, was born 7 Sept. 1801 at Brookfield, Mass., and died 10 Feb. 1848 at Washington, Mass.1024 He married Louis [sic] ______, who died 23 Aug. 18341025. Their children were all born at Tyringham, Mass.1026

Children of Ezra Richmond and Louis (______) Olds1027

5830. i. Oliver Olds, b. 13 May 1823 ii. Ezra Richmond Olds, b. 21 Feb. 1826, d. 18 Dec. 18341028 iii. Mary Ann Olds, b. 9 Oct. 1827, d. 1 Jan. 18351029 5831. iv. Willard Crossman Olds, b. 2 July 1829 5832. v. Harriet Jane Olds, b. 21 Feb. 1832 5833. vi. William Henry Olds, b. 17 April 1834 5834. vii. Egbert R. Olds, b. 1 Oct. 1838

1021 Olds, p. 162-64 1022 Olds, p. 142 1023 Olds, p. 142 1024 Ezra R. Olds, d. of consumption on 10 Feb. 1848, age 46 y 5 m 3 d. Washington Deaths. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1025 Tyringham Deaths. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1026 Olds, p. 164 1027 The birth dates of the seven children are also given in Tyringham Births, Early Vital Records of Western, MA, CD- ROM (Search and Research Publishing Co., Wheat Ridge, CO, 2000) 1028 Tyringham Deaths. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1029 Tyringham Deaths. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 96 2201. Cynthia Olds, daughter of Jonathan and Ruth (Richmond) Olds, was born 1 Oct. 1805 at Brookfield, Mass.1030

2202. Vashti Olds, daughter of Jonathan and Ruth (Richmond) Olds, was born 19 Aug. 1807 at Brookfield, Mass., and died 24 Feb. 1830.1031 1032

2203. Moses Olds, son of Jonathan and Ruth (Richmond) Olds, was born 27 Aug. 1809 at Brookfield, Mass.1033

2204. Jonathan Olds, son of Jonathan and Ruth (Richmond) Olds, was born 29 July 1810 at East Brookfield, Mass. On 11 April 1841, he married Frances Minerva Bush, at Monterey, Mass. His widow is "now the only living pensioner of daughters of Revolutionary soldiers. She resides at Napa, Cal."1034

Children of Jonathan and Frances Minerva (Bush) Olds

i. Martha Olds, b. 7 March 1844, d. 15 Jan. 18471035 ii. Albert D. Olds, b. 15 May 1846, d. 15 Jan. 18471036 5850. iii. George W. Olds, b. 7 Feb. 1848 5851. iv. Egbert J. Olds, b. 23 March 1842

2205. Ruth Richmond Olds, daughter of Jonathan and Ruth (Richmond) Olds, was born 31 Dec. 1812 at Brookfield, Mass.1037

2206. Diana Olds, daughter of Jonathan and Ruth (Richmond) Olds, was born 20 June 1815 at Brookfield, Mass. She married Josiah Tooley on 24 April 1848.1038 Cynthia Diana Olds, age 33 and a daughter of Jonathan, and Josiah Tooley, were married at Washington, MA, 24 April 1848.1039

2207. Betsy Richmond Olds, was born 11 Aug. 1817 at Brookfield, Mass.1040

2210. Henry Gilbert [Henry Albert in printed VR1041] Olds, son of Asaph and Anna (Hale) Olds, was born 5 March 1808.1042

2211. Luke Orrison Olds, son of Asaph and Anna (Hale) Olds, was born 21 Nov. 1811 at Brookfield, Mass., and died in 18691043. He married _____ who was born in 1810 and died in 1850.1044

Children of Luke Orrison Olds

1030 Olds, p. 143 1031 Olds, p. 143 1032 Vashti Olds d. 24 Feb. 1830, age 22 y. 6 m. 5 d. Tyringham Deaths . Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1033 Olds, p. 143 1034 Olds, p. 165 1035 Mart han Ann Olds d ied 26 (not 15) Jan. 1847,age 2, of canker rash, at Lee, MA. Lee Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1036 Albert Dexter Olds died 18 (not 15) Jan. 1847,age 10 m., of canker rash, at Lee, MA. Lee Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1037 Olds, p. 143 1038 Olds, p. 143 1039 Washington Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1040 Olds, p. 143 1041 Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1042 Olds, p. 143 1043 Olds, p. 165 gives his death date as 1869 and on p. 143 lists it as 1835 1044 Olds, p. 143

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 97 5860. i. George H. Olds

2212. Ruth Hardy Olds, daughter of Asaph and Anna (Hale) Olds, was born 13 July 1813. She married Archibald C. Bolds on 25 Nov. 1840.1045

2213. Lucy Ann Olds, daughter of Asaph and Anna (Hale) Olds, was born 26 Feb. 1815. She married Frederick Foye (intentions published 22 Oct. 1830).1046 1047

2215. Charlotte C. Olds, daughter of Asaph and Anna (Hale) Olds, was born 9 Nov. 1818. She married ______Simonds.1048 Charlotte C. Olds, age 26, single, of Warren, MA, (of Mansfield according to the intentions) married Silas C. Simons (Simmons on the intention), age 22, single, cooper, of Boston, son of John and Remember, Ma__ 7, 1845.1049

2216. Colesworth Pinkney Olds, son of Asaph and Anna (Hale) Olds, was born 22 Sept. 1823.1050

2217. George Wilson Olds, son of Asaph and Anna (Hale) Olds, was born 19 Dec. 18311051 at Warren, MA.1052

2230. Josiah Olds, son of Josiah and Hannah (Winter) Olds, was born at Pelham, Mass., on 20 April 1814.1053 He may be the one referred to in the following records: Josiah Olds and Miss Sarah A. Thompson, both of Greenwich, filed intentions of marriage there on 6 May 1845 and were married in Prescott by Rev. Francis Wood on 27 May 1845. Both were single and he is listed as a yeoman. She was a daughter of Ezra Thompson. 1054

Josiah and Augusta Olds had a nameless stillborn son at Greenwich, MA, 5 Jan. 1849. He was a farmer, born at Prescott. She was born at New Sa lem.1055

2231. Warren Olds, son of Josiah and Hannah (Winter) Olds, was born 22 Feb. 1816.1056

2232. Chester Olds, son of Josiah and Hannah (Winter) Olds, was born 28 Dec. 1817.1057

2233. Harriot Olds, daughter of Josiah and Hannah (Winter) Olds, was born 17 Oct. 1819.1058 She may be the one referred to in the following records: Harriett Olds and Col. Ira Haskell filed intentions of marriage at Greenwich, MA, on 26 April 1845 and were married in Petersham by Rev. Josiah A. Coolidge on 12 May 1845. The register also shows that he was a widower, a merchant and son of Elias Haskell. She was single. 1059

1045 Olds, p. 143 1046 Olds, p. 143 1047 Lucy Ann Olds and Frederick Foye of North Brookfield filed intentions of marriage 27 Oct. 1836. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1048 Olds, p. 143 1049 Mansfield Marriages. Early Records of Bristol County, Mas sachusetts to about 1850 CD-ROM. Search and Research Publ ishing Corp. , Wheat Ridge, Co. 1050 Olds, p. 143 1051 Olds, p. 143 1052 Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1053 Olds, p. 144 1054 Greenwich VR. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1055 Vital Records of Greenwich. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1056 Olds, p. 144 1057 Olds, p. 144 1058 Olds, p. 144 1059 Greenwich Vital Records. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 98 2234. Jarvis Olds, son of Josiah and Hannah (Winter) Olds, was born at Prescott, MA, 19 April 1822.1060

2235. Sophronia Olds, daughter of Josiah and Hannah (Winter) Olds, was born at Prescott, MA, on 26 July 1824.1061

2236. Lucy Olds, daughter of Josiah and Hannah (Winter) Olds, was born at Prescott, MA,on 2 Jan. 1826.1062

2237. Melinda S. Olds, daughter of Josiah and Hannah (Winter) Olds, was born at Prescott, MA, on 4 Dec. 1827.1063 Melinda S. Olds (or Oldes) of Greenwich and Samuel W. Russell of Belcherton filed intentions of marriage at Greenwich on 12 May 1849 and were married at Col. Ira Haskells on 29 May 1849 by Rev. E. P. Blodgett. Samuel was a widower, age 28, born at Springfield and residing at Belchertown, son of James and Nancy Russell of Springfield. Melinda was single, age 21, born at Prescott and residing at Greenwich, daughter of "Joseah & H. Oldes" of Greenwich.1064

2260. George Olds, son of Joshua and Betsy (Abbot) Olds, was born 7 Dec. 1801 at Brookfield, Mass. Possibly he was the George Olds who married Lucy R. Brigham there in Oct. 1831 and the George Olds who died there 15 Oct. 1843, age 41 (or in Nov. 1843).1065

2261. Lydia Olds, daughter of Joshua and Betsy (Abbot) Olds, was born 20 Jan. 1804. She married Otis Twitchell on 4 April 1831.1066 1067

2262. Nancy Olds, daughter of Joshua and Betsy (Abbot) Olds, was born 20 Jan 1804 at Brookfield, Mass. Perhaps she is the Nancy Olds who married Henry Hale there on 3 May 1832.1068

2263. Harvey S. Olds, son of Joshua and Betsy (Abbot) Olds, was born 27 April 1813 at Brookfield, Mass. He married Cinderella Brooks on 10 April 1841.1069 Marriage intentions were file at Brookfield on this date. She was of Warren. 1070 Marriage intentions were also filed at Warren on that date, which state that he was of South Brookfield.1071 They lived at Brookfield and Warren, Mass.1072 The 1880 census give a different, less recognizable, name for Mrs. Olds.1073 Census Place: Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254562 National Archives Film T9-0562 Page 110A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace

1060Prescott Vital Records. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1061 Prescott Vital Records. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1062 Prescott Vital Records. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1063 Prescott Vital Records. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1064 Greenwich VR. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1065 Brookfield Births, Marriages and Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1066 Olds, p. 144 1067 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1068 Brookfield Births and M arriages. Ear ly Vital Records of Worcester Counnty, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1069 Olds, p. 165-66 1070 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1071 Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1072 Olds, p. 165-66 1073 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CC-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 99 Harvey OLDS Self M M W 67 MA Occ: Carpenter Fa: MA Mo: MA Bindmolli OLDS Wife F M W 61 MA Occ:Keeping HouseFa: MA Mo: MA

Children of Harvey S. and Cinderella (Brooks) Olds

5880. i. Lewis C. Olds, b. 11 April 18421074 5881. ii. Henry Oscar Olds, b. 24 June 1848

2264. Mary Olds, daughter of Joshua and Betsy (Abbot) Olds, was born 27 June 1821.1075

2270. Lucia Olds, daughter of Seth Banister and Relief (Drury) Olds, was born 25 March 1813.1076

2271. Charles Olds, son of Seth Banister and Relief (Drury) Olds, was born 23 May 1814.1077

2280. Cynthia Olds, daughter of Solomon Francis and Relief (Drury) Olds, was born ca. 1820. At age 27, Cynthia Olds, daughter of Solomon F. and Relief, married Peres Morton Hathaway on 18 April 1847.

2281. Alexander Olds, son of Solomon Francis and Relief (Drury) Olds, was born in 18251078 at Warren, Mass. He died 13 March 1874. On 26 May 1870, he married Jeannette Squires at Warren, Mass.1079

Children of Alexander and Jeannette (Squires) Olds

5890. i. George Perry Olds, b. 14 Aug. 1871

2300. Lucy Hastings, daughter of William and Damaris (Olds) Hastings, was born in 1808 and died in 1860. She married Samuel Adams.1080

2301. Thomas Herring Hastings, son of William and Damaris (Olds) Hastings, was born in 1815.1081

2302. Charles Hanson Hastings, son of William and Damaris (Olds) Hastings, was born in 1821.1082

2310. William Bemis Olds, son of William and Sally (Upham) Olds, was born 16 Aug. 1807 at Brookfield, Mass. He was a minister and pastor of the Methodist Church at Monson, Mass., in 1849/50 and later in Leicester, Mass. He married Eveline Upham. 1083 William B. Olds and Eveline Upham were married at Brookfield, MA, 24 Nov. 1830.1084

Children of William Bemis and Eveline (Upham) Olds 1085 1086

6400. i. Frances Ellen Olds, b. 6 April 1833 6401. ii. Catherine Amelia Olds, b. 3 Oct. 1834.

1074 Lewis C., son of Harvey S. and Cindarilla Olds, b. 11 April 1842. Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1075 Olds, p. 144 1076 Olds, p. 145 1077 Olds, p. 145 1078 Olds gives 1828 on p. 145 and 1825 on p. 166. 1079 Olds, p. 166 1080 Olds, p. 134 1081 Olds, p. 134 1082 Olds, p. 134 1083 Olds, p. 166 1084 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1085 Olds, p. 166, lists only Francis Ellen. 1086 Both children are in Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester Counnty, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 100 2311. Joel Warren [Joshua Warren in the printed VR1087] Olds, son of William and Sally (Upham) Olds, was born 16 Jan. 1811.1088

2312. Jacob Willard Olds, son of William and Sally (Upham) Olds, was born 17 Jan. 1814.1089

2313. Sarah Sophronia Olds, daughter of William and Sally (Upham) Olds, was born 19 May 1816. She married Hale Young (intentions published 20 Aug. 1835).1090 Sophronia Olds and Hale Young of Sturbridge were married at Brookfield, MA, 13 Sept. 1835.1091

2314. Harriot Newell Olds, daughter of William and Sally (Upham) Olds, was born 5 Dec. 1818.1092

2315. Hannah Shumway Olds, daughter of William and Sally (Upham) Olds, was born 19 Aug. 1820.1093 However, the printed Vital Records of Brookfield show Hannah Shumway, Olds, born 19 Aug. 1820, as a daughter of David and Sally Olds.1094 David and Sally had no other children there, although William and Sally did. Hannah S. Olds marreid Nelson F. Rogers, both of Monson, MA, at Brookfield on 19 Aug. 1840.1095

2316. Mary Eliza Olds, daughter of William and Sally (Upham) Olds, was born 7 March 1822.1096

2320. Melissa Warren Olds, daughter of Warren and Rejoice (Weathervee) Olds, was baptized 16 June 1811 at Harvard, MA. 1097 Malissa W. Olds and Roland Willard were married there on 6 April 1825.

2340. Mary H. Olds, daughter of Joel and Clarissa (Hamilton) Olds, was born 27 Nov. 1814.1098

2341. Melissa Dodge Olds, daughter of Joel and Clarissa (Hamilton) Olds, was born 13 Jan. 1817. She married Elisha D. Sholes at Leicester, Mass. (intentions published 18 Aug. 1839).1099 She was of Southbridge.1100 1101

2342. Alonzo Warren Olds, son of Joel and Clarissa (Hamilton) Olds, was born 22 March 1821 at Brookfield, Mass., and died 24 April 1913 at Southbridge, Mass. He married Fidelia Williams Albee. 1102 Alanzo W. Olds, son of Joel, of Southbridge and Fidelia W. Albee were married at Brookfield, MA, on 8 May 1845.1103 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1104 Census Place: Southbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts

1087 Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1088 Olds, p. 145 1089 Olds, p. 146 1090 Olds, p. 146 1091 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1092 Olds, p. 146 1093 Olds, p. 146 1094 Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1095 Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1096 Olds, p. 146 1097 Apparently this was not an infant baptism. Harvard Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1098 Olds, p. 146 1099 Olds, p. 146 1100 Leicester Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1101 Melissa D. Olds of Southbridge and Elisha W. Sholes of Leicester were married 2 Sept. 1839. Worcester Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1102 Olds, pp. 166-67 1103 Charlton Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1104 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 101 Source: FHL Film 1254566 National Archives Film T9-0566 Page 171C Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Alonzo W. OLDS Self M M W 59 MA Occ: Merchant Tailor Fa: MA Mo:MA Fedelia W. OLDS Wife F M W 56 MA Occ: Keeping House Fa: MA Mo:MA George C. OLDS Son M S W 21 MA Occ:Skating Rink Fa: MA Mo:MA Children of Alonzo Warren and Fidelia Williams (Albee) Olds

6460. i. George Cummngs Olds 6461. ii. Linus Alonzo Olds 6462. iii. Fanny Susan Olds 6463. iv. Frank Preston Olds 6464. v. Albert Morris Olds 6465. vi. Albert Hamilton Olds

2343. Clarissa Hamilton Olds, daughter of Joel and Clarissa (Hamilton) Olds, was born 20 June 1823.1105

2344. Chauncey Olds, son of Joel and Clarissa (Hamilton) Olds.1106

2350. Nancy Warren Olds, daughter of Gilbert and Amanda (Draper) Olds, was born 13 Sept. 1819. She married Calvin P. Stoddard on 22 Oct. 1835.1107 1108

2351. Juliet Amanda Olds, daughter of Gilbert and Amanda (Draper) Olds, was born 8 Oct. 1825. She married Hiram Barret, "both of Oakham", on 23 April 1848.1109 1110 1111 2352. Hiram Ellis Olds, son of Gilbert and Amanda (Draper) Olds, was born 8 March 1832.1112

2360. Albert Olds, son of Ezra and Theda (Washburn) Olds, was born was born 23 Oct. 1828. He married Mary Louisa Thurston on 3 Dec. 1857. She was born 6 Aug. 1839. He was a farmer and lived at Ashley, Ohio.1113 The family is listed in the 1880 census as:1114 Census Place: Oxford, Delaware, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255012 National Archives Film T9-1012 Page 393B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Albert OLDS Self M M W 51 OH Occ: Farmer Fa: PA Mo: NY Louiza M. OLDS Wife F M W 41 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: NY Mo: OH Charles A. OLDS Son M S W 20 OH Occ: Works On Farm Fa: OH Mo: OH John T. OLDS Son M S W 17 OH Occ: Works On Farm Fa: OH Mo: OH Burton OLDS Son M S W 14 OH Occ: Works On Farm Fa: OH Mo: OH Fannie OLDS Dau F S W 7 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH OLDS Son M S W 3M OH Fa: OH Mo: OH

Children of Albert and Mary Louisa (Thurston) Olds

1105 Olds, p. 146 1106 Olds, p. 146 1107 Olds, p. 146 1108 Named as Nancy W. Olds in the VR. He was of North Brookfie ld. Brookfie ld Marria ges. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1109 Olds, p. 147 1110His name is given as Barrett and hers as Juliette A. and the date is 23 April 1846 in the Vital Records. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1111 Juliette A. Olds and Hiram Barrett filed intentions of marriage on 16 Oct. 1845 in Oakham, MA. Oakham Marriages. Early Vital Records of Wocester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1112 Olds, p. 147 1113 Olds, p. 167 1114 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 102 6480. i. Willard Olds, b. 19 Sept. 1858, d. 3 July 1878 6481. ii. Charles Augustus Olds, b. 25 March 1860 6482. iii. John Thurston Olds, b. 31 Dec. 1862 6483. iv. Barton Olds, b. 3 Jan. 1865 v. Fannie Fern Olds, b. 7 Jan. 1872, d. 28 April 1881 6484. vi. Ray Benton Olds, b. 2 Feb. 1880

2370. James Olds, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Washburn) Olds, was born 4 Oct. 1823 and died 28 Jan. 1903. He married Anastasia Talmage on 31 Dec. 1863. He was a lawyer and was a Major in the 65th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Civil War.1115 The family is listed in the 1880 census1116 but note the curious relationship of "Other" Census Place: Mount Gilead, Morrow, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255053 National Archives Film T9-1053 Page 385B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Jams. OLDS Self M M W 56 OH Occ: Atty At Law Fa: PA Mo: NY A. S. OLDS Other M M W 38 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: NJ Mo: MD Mary OLDS Other F S W 15 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Benjm. OLDS Other M S W 11 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Abigail OLDS Other F W W 75 NY Occ:Retired Fa: --- Mo: ---

Children of James and Anastasia (Talmage) Olds

6500. i. Mary Olds, b. 26 Oct. 1864 6501. ii. Benjamin Olds, b. 27 Sept. 1868 6502. iii. Walter Floyd Olds, b. 6 April 1884

2371. Henry Olds, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Washburn) Olds, was born 29 Jan. 1825 and died 4 Nov. 1856. He married Elizabeth Hull (1831 - 1881) on 24 June 1849.1117 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1118 Census Place: 1st And 4th Ward, Marion, Marion, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255046 National Archives Film T9-1046 Page 184D Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Elizabeth OLDS Self F W W 47 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: VA Mo: NY Oscar H. OLDS Son M M W 25 OH Occ: Travling Agt. Fa: OH Mo: OH Sarah E. OLDS Wife F M W 25 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: OH Mo: OH Clinton OLDS Son M S W 4 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Henry H. OLDS Son M S W 1 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH

Children of Henry and Elizabeth (Hull) Olds

i. Walter Hoyt Olds, b. 1850, d. 1851 6510. ii. Ophelia Olds, b. 1852 6511. iii. Oscar H. Olds, b. 1853 6512. iv. Viola Olds, b. 1855

2372. Luther Olds, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Washburn) Olds, was born 10 Aug. 1827. He mar ried Amanda Hull on 1 Sept. 1852.1119 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1120 Census Place: Waldo, Marion, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255046 National Archives Film T9-1046 Page 127C

1115 Olds, p. 168 1116 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1117 Olds, p. 168 1118 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1119 Olds, p. 148 1120 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 103 Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Luther OLDS Self M M W 52 OH Occ: Farmer Fa: PA Mo: NY Amanda OLDS Wife F M W 45 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: VA Mo: VA Madora OLDS Dau F S W 25 OH Occ: At Home Fa: OH Mo: OH Edson OLDS Son M S W 23 OH Occ: Working On Farm Fa: OH Mo: OH Absolom OLDS Son M S W 18 OH Occ: Visiting Fa: OH Mo: OH Maggie B. OLDS Dau F S W 8 OH Occ: At School Fa: OH Mo: OH Children of Luther and Amanda (Hull) Olds 6515. i. Madora Olds, b. ca. 1855 6516. ii. Edson Olds, b. ca. 1857 6517. iii. Absolom Olds, b. ca. 1862 6518. iv. Maggie B. Olds, b. ca. 1872

2373. Abner Olds, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Washburn) Olds, was born 13 Aug. 1829 and died 10 Aug. 1854, unmarried. He was a physician.

2374. Sanford Olds, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Washburn) Olds, was born 12 Sept. 1831. He was a soldier in Co. D, 121st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Civil War and died of wounds on 28 Jan. 1864. He married Lucetta Smith on 25 Sept. 1854. Lloyd A. Olds, b. 10 Feb. 1890 is listed as a child of Sanford Olds and also as a child of Sanford's son Emil. This Lloyd clearly does not belong among the children of Sanford.1121

Children of Sanford and Lucetta (Smith) Olds

6520. i. Addie A. Olds, b. 26 Oct. 1869 6521. ii. Emil L. Olds, b. 23 Jan. 1861

2375. Jane Olds, daughter of Benjamin and Abigail (Washburn) Olds, was born 25 July 1834 and died 13 Sept. 1872, unmarried.1122

2376. Miles Olds, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Washburn) Olds, was born 1 Dec. 1836 and died 10 May 1871. On 23 June 1870, he married Dorothy West (28 March 1838 - April 1872).1123

Children of Miles and Dorothy (West) Olds

i. Eva Leona Olds, b. 31 Oct. 1860, d. in infancy 6530. ii. Owen Walter Olds, b. 31 Dec. 1864 6531. iii. Elmer Seneca Olds, b. 21 Sept. 1867

2377. Lester Olds, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Washburn) Olds, was born 25 June 1839 and was living in LaBette Co., , in 1915. He was a soldier in Co. D, 121st Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He married Elizabeth H. Porter on 27 Dec. 1870.1124

2378. Chauncey Olds, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Washburn) Olds, was born 10 July 1841. He was a soldier in the 3d Ohio Cavalry, Civil War, and died of wounds, 9 Nov. 1862. He was not married.1125

2379. Mary Ann Olds, daughter of Benjamin and Abigail (Washburn) Olds, was born 14 April 1844 and died 28 May 1908. She married Wilbert Granger (b. 21 June 1845) on 3 March 1867. "He was fifth in descent from the brother of Dorothy Granger, who was the second wife of Robert Ould, of Suffield,

1121 Olds, p. 169 1122 Olds, p. 148 1123 Olds, p. 170 1124 Olds, p. 148 1125 Olds, p. 148

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 104 Conn.1126

Children of Wilbert and Mar y Ann (Olds) Gra nger

6540. i. Viola Granger, b. 21 March 1868 6541. ii. Audria Jane Granger, b. 8 March 1873 6542. iii. Walter Olds Granger, b. 6 April 1878

2380. Walter Olds, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Washburn) Olds, was born in Morrow Co., Ohio, on 11 Aug. 1846. He was a soldier in Co. A, 174th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, a State Senator for from 1876 - 1880, a Circuit Judge from 1885 to 1889 (resigned), a Supreme Judge of Indiana from 1 Jan. 1889 to June 1893 (resigned). In 1915, he lived in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and was practicing law. He married Marie J. Merritt on 11 July 1873 at Mt. Gilead, Ohio. 1127

Children of Walter and Marie J. (Merritt) Olds

6550. i. Lee M. Olds, b. 21 Oct. 1874

2385. Henry Elias Olds, son of Elias Olds, was born at 31 Jan. 1827 at St. Albans, VT, and died 12 Jan. 1871 at Delphi, IN. He married Sarah Ann Murdock at Wea, IN. He was a 1st Lieut., Co. M, Ind. Cav. Vols, Civil War.1128

Children of Henry Elias and Sarah Ann (Murdock) Olds

6552. i. Frank Walter Olds, b. 21 Nov. 1853 6553. ii. Edgar Milford Olds, b. 28 May 1856 6554. iii. Clarence Henry Olds, b. 1858 iv. Mary Olds, b. 7 Feb. 1860, d. 1873 6555. v. Anna Roxey Olds, b. 31 Dec. 1862 6556. vi. Jane Abigail Olds, b. 12 Nov. 1864 6557. vii. John Murdock Olds, b. 9 Oct. 1868

2390. Lucretia Ford, daughter of Daniel and Abigail (Olds) Ford, moved to Plainfield (Mass.?) and married ______.1129

2410. Samuel Olds, son of Jason and Matilda (Ford) Olds, was born about 1817.1130

2411. Eli Olds, son of Jason and Matilda (Ford) Olds, was born 26 Feb. 1818 and died 23 Feb. 1902. He married Ulilla M. Walker (17 Feb. 1818 - 16 Jan. 1899) at Madison, Ohio, in 1830.1131 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1132 Census Place: Madison, Lake, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255038 National Archives Film T9-1038 Page 342B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Eli OLDS Self M M W 62 NY Occ: Farmer Fa: MA Mo: MA Ulilla OLDS Wife F M W 62 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: CT Mo: CT Alfred W. OLDS Son M M W 35 OH Occ: Farmer Fa: NY Mo: OH Louisa OLDS DauL F M W 25 OH Occ: Asst. Housekeeper Fa: OH Mo: OH Ralph OLDS GSon M S W 2 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH

1126 Olds, p. 148 1127 Olds, p. 170 1128 Olds, pp. 170-71 1129 Olds, p. 136 1130 Stewart, p. 65 1131 Olds, p. 171 1132 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 105 Children of Eli and Ulilla M. (Walker) Olds

6560. i. Eunice M. Olds, b. 9 Jan. 1847 6561. ii. Albion H. Olds, b. July 1843 6562. iii. Alfred W. Olds, b. 31 Oct. 1845

2412. Eunice Olds, daughter of Jason and Matilda (Ford) Olds, was born about 1822.1133

2413. Pliny Fisk Olds, son of Jason and Matilda (Ford) Olds, was born 28 Sept. 1828. He married Sarah Whipple (b. 24 April 1834) on 22 May 1849. "In 1854 he started a machine shop at Geneva, Ohio; in 1870 moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he went as Superintendent of the Variety Iron Works, of that city. In 1874 he moved his family out on a farm in Parma, Ohio, in order to regain his health, and in 1878 moved back to Cleveland, where he remainded two years. In 1880 he moved to Lansing, Mich., where he started a machine shop under the name of P. F. Olds and Son, his partner being his son, W. S. Olds; later the younger son, R. E. Olds, bought out the interest of W. S. Olds, and five years later bought out the interest of his father. P. F. Olds retired from active business in 1890."1134 The family is listed in the 1880 census as:1135 Census Place: Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255006 National Archives Film T9-1006 Page 301B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace P. F. OLDS Self M M W 56 NY Occ: Pattern Maker Fa: NY Mo: NY Sarah OLDS Wife F M W 56 OH Occ: Housekeeper Fa: VT Mo: MA Wilber I. OLDS Son M S W 30 OH Occ: Peddling Milk Fa: NY Mo: OH Emery W. OLDS Son M M W 26 OH Occ: Travelling Agent Fa: NY Mo: OH Wallace D. OLDS Son M S W 24 OH Occ: Machinist Fa: NY Mo: OH Sarah E. OLDS Dau F S W 21 OH Occ: Housekeeper Fa: NY Mo: OH Ransom E. OLDS Son M S W 17 OH Fa: NY Mo: OH

Children of Pliny Fisk and Sarah (Whipple) Olds

6570. i. Wilbur Jason Olds, b. 19 June 1850 6571. ii. Emory Whipple Olds, b. 21 April 1853 6572. iii. Wallace Samuel Olds, b. 13 Sept. 1856 6573. iv. Sarah Eliza Olds, b. 20 March 1859 6574. v. Ransom Eli Olds, b. 3 June 1864

2430. Emily Olds, daughter of Levi and Hannah (Ford) Olds, was born 10 Dec. 1816.1136 In 1834, Emily Reed, formerly Emily Olds, chose Ichabod Reed as her guardian. Emily Olds of Cummington, Mass., had changed her name to Emily Read on 27 March 1833.1137 Ezra C. White of Williamsburg and Emily Reed of Cummington were married 29 Nov. 1838.1138

2431. Hannah Olds, daughter of Levi and Hannah (Ford) Olds, was born 28 June 1820.1139 The following 1880 census record1140 suggests that this Hannah Olds married Chandler M. Powers, also born about 1820. Census Place: Greenwich, Hampshire, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254537 National Archives Film T9-0537 Page 79D

1133 Stewart, p. 65 1134 Olds, p. 172 1135 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1136 Stewart, p. 72 1137 Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1138 Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 1139 Olds, p. 150 1140 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 106 Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Chandler M. POWERS Self M M W 60 MA Occ:Farmer Fa: MA Mo: MA Harriett POWERS Wife F M W 60 MA Occ:Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA Hannah OLDS MotherL F W W 86 MA Fa: MA Mo: CT

2449. Gideon Lyman Olds, son of Rufus and Eunice (Sprague) Olds, was born 25 March 1816, at Cummington, Mass. He married ______Smith there. (intentions published 13 Oct. 1838).1141

2451. Eunice Corinth Olds, daughter of Rufus and Eunice (Sprague) Olds, was born 6 Aug. 1822.1142

2452. Horatio Henry Olds, son of Rufus and Eunice (Sprague) Olds, was born 12 July 1825. He married Louise L. Lindsay at Cummington, Mass. (intentions published 28 Sept. 1853).1143

2460. Cordelia Olds, daughter of Zenas and Susanna (Ford) Olds, was born about 1818.1144

2461. Nathan Olds, son of Zenas and Susanna (Ford) Olds, was born about 1820.1145

2462. Augusta Olds, daughter Zenas and Susanna (Ford) Olds, was born about 1822.1146

2462. Susan Olds, daughter of Zenas and Susanna (Ford) Olds, was born about 1824.1147

2464. Clarissa Olds, daughter of Zenas and Susanna (Ford) Olds, was born about 1826.1148

2465. Levi Olds, son of Zenas and Susanna (Ford) Olds, was born in 1829.1149

2466. Sheldon H. Olds, son of Zenas and Susanna (Ford) Olds, was born about 1833.1150

2467. Nelson Olds, son of Zenas and Susanna (Ford) Olds, was born about 1836.1151

2468. William Henry Olds, son of Zenas and Susanna (Ford) Olds, was born in 1840.1152

2469. Maria A. Olds, daughter of Zenas and Susanna (Ford) Olds, was born about 1844.1153

2480. Nathan Olds, son of Archibald Olds, was born in Dec. 1812 and died in Dec. 1860 He married Lois Allen on 30 Sept. 1838.1154

Children of Nathan and Lois (Allen) Olds

6600. i. Nathan Olds, b. 16 Aug. 1839 ii. Edward Payson Olds, b. 12 June 1841, d. in infancy 6601. iii. Albert Hinckley Olds, b. 11 June 1844

1141 Olds, p. 150. See also The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Res earch Publishing Company, Whe at Rid ge, CO. (c. 200 0). He r na me i s supp lied a s Mary A. Smit h of H awl ey. 1142 Olds, p. 150 1143 Olds, p. 150. See also The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). SHe was of Dana and he was of Cummington. 1144 Stewart, p. 106 1145 Stewart, p. 68 1146 Stewart, p. 68 1147 Stewart, p. 68 1148 Stewart, p. 68 1149 Stewart, p. 68 1150 Stewart, p. 68 1151 Stewart, p. 68 1152 Stewart, p. 68 1153 Stewart, p. 68 1154 Olds, p. 172-3

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 107 6602. iv. Alfred Allen Olds, b. 16 Jan. 1852

2481. Hannah Olds, daughter of Archibald Olds.1155

2482. Betsey Olds, daughter of Archibald Olds.1156

2483. Melissa Olds, daughter of Archibald Olds.1157

2490. Mary P. Olds, daughter of John and Mercia (Purdy) Olds, was born 12 March 1817.1158

2491. Ruth L. Olds, daughter of John and Mercia (Purdy) Olds, was born 23 Sept. 1818, at Lorraine, NY. She married George Ferry on 31 Oct. 1838. She had 6 children and was a member of the M. E. Church for over 40 years.1159

2492. William F. Olds, son of John and Mercia (Pur dy) Olds, was born 29 Aug. 1820 at Lorraine, Jefferson Co., NY. He died 15 Nov. 1892 at Wayland, Michigan. He married Mary B. Hall (b. 5 June 1826) on 31 Oct. 1844.1160

Children of William F. and Mary B. (Hall) Olds

6610. i. Milton Hall Olds, b. 10 March 1847 6611. ii. William Riley Olds, b. 31 March 1849 6612. iii. David Ansil Olds, b. 27 Jan. 1852 6613. iv. John N. Olds, b. 14 Dec. 1858

2493. Ezra J. Olds, son of John and Mercia (Purdy) Olds, was born 25 May 1822.1161

2494. Philander P. Olds, son of John and Mercia (Purdy) Olds, was born 28 May 1825.1162

2495. David A. Olds, son of John and Mercia (Purdy) Olds, was born 11 July 1827 at Lorraine, Jefferson Co., NY, and died in 1906. He married Sarah S. Wyatt (b. 1828) on 6 June 1848 at Ravenna, Portage Co., NY. David was in Co. G., 21st Wis. during the Civil War and was County Judge in Taylor Co., , for many years.1163

Children of David A. and Sarah S. (Wyatt) Olds

6620. Alfred Henry Olds, b. 12 May 1850 6621. John Newell Olds, b. 28 Sept. 1851 6622. Edwin F. Olds, b. 7 May 1856 6623. Flora Lauretta Olds, b. 5 April 1860

2496. Jane A. Olds, daughter of John and Mercia (Purdy) Olds, was born 12 Jan. 1830 and died in 1903.1164

2497. Newell Olds, son of John and Mercia (Purdy) Olds, was born about 1833.1165

1155 Olds, p. 151 1156 Olds, p. 150 1157 Olds, p. 150 1158 Olds, p. 151 1159 Olds, p. 151 1160 Olds, p. 173 1161 Olds, p. 151 1162 Olds, p. 151 1163 Olds, p. 173-4 1164 Olds, p. 151 1165 Olds, p. 151

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 108 2498. Silas B. Olds, son of John and Mercia (Purdy) Olds, was born 11 June 1835.1166

2499. Charlotte L. Olds, daughter of John and Mercia (Purdy) Olds, was born 24 Oct. 1837.1167

2520. Phebe Olds, daughter of Ezekiel and Betsey (Pitney) Olds, was born 28 Feb. 1815. She married James Press in 1834.1168

2521. Ezekiel Olds, son of Ezekiel and Betsey (Pitney) Olds, was born 10 July 1817. He married Roxana Wilcox in 1840.1169 His family is apparently listed in the 18801170 census as: Census Place: Hopkins, Whiteside, Illinois Source: FHL Film 1254258 National Archives Film T9-0258 Page 123D Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Ezekiel OLDS Self M M W 64 OH Occ: Farmer Fa: VT Mo: VT Roxana OLDS Wife F M W 55 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: RI Mo: VT Charles OLDS Son M S W 15 IL Occ: At School Fa: RI Mo: VT Nettie OLDS Dau F S W 18 IL Occ: At School Fa: RI Mo: VT

Children of Ezekiel and Roxana (Wilcox) Olds 6630. ii. Nettie Olds, b. ca. 1862 in IL 6631. i. Charles Olds, b. ca. 1865 in IL

2522. Sarah Ann Olds, daughter of Ezekiel and Betsey (Pitney) Olds, was born 8 Oct. 1819. She married Isaac Judson in 1839.1171

2523. Louise Olds, daughter of Ezekiel and Betsey (Pitney) Olds, was born 10 Feb. 1822. She married Charles Maranville in 1844.1172

2524. John Olds, son of Ezekiel and Betsey (Pitney) Olds, was born 26 June 1824 at Conneaut, Ohio, and died there in 1893. He married Harriet Laughlin in 1848.1173 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1174 Census Place: Conneaut, Ashtabula, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1254992 National Archives Film T9-0992 Page 368D Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace John OLDS Self M M W 55 OH Occ: Farmer Fa: NH Mo: --- Harriet E. OLDS Wife F M W 51 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: --- Mo: --- Alfred O. OLDS Son M S W 21 OH Occ: Works On Farm Fa:OH Mo:OH Children of John and Harriet (Laughlin) Olds

6640. i. Nettie C. Olds, b. 1850 6641. ii. John Wilson Olds, b. 19 April 1854 6642. iii. Alfred O. Olds, b. 1857 iii. George Olds, d. young iv. Jessie Olds, d. young

2525. Ruth Olds, daughter of Ezekiel and Betsey (Pitney) Olds, was born 26 March 1827. He marrid

1166 Olds, p. 151 1167 Olds, p. 151 1168 Olds, p. 152 1169 Olds, p. 152 1170 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. Perhaps the children were incorrectly listed with parents have the same birthplaces as their mother. 1171 Olds, p. 151 1172 Olds, p. 152 1173 Olds, pp. 174-5 1174 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 109 Solvester Rhodes in 1851.1175

2526. Cynthia Olds, daughter of Ezekiel and Betsey (Pitney) Olds, was born 30 July 1829. She married William Chapman on 14 Oct. 1847 and was still living in 1915.1176

Children of William and Cynthia (Olds) Chapman

6650. i. Sarah Chapman, b. 8 June 1849 6651. ii. Phebe E. Chapman, b. 13 Aug. 1851 6652. iii. Henry William Chapman, b. 6 April 1854 6653. iv. John Burt Chapman, b. 28 June 1856 6654. v. Will B. Chapman, b. 8 Feb. 1866

2527. Betsey Olds, daughter of Ezekiel and Betsey (Pitney) Olds, was born 6 Jan. 1832. She married Byron Petty in 1851 and was still living in 1915.1177

2550. John Olds, son of Liberty and Ann A. (Goodridge) Olds, was born about 1829. He died 8 Feb. 1849 at Williamstown, Mass.1178 1179

2551. Henry Olds, son of Liberty and Ann A. (Goodridge) Olds, was born ______and died at the age of about 46. He married Harriet ______, b. 1827.1180 1181

Children of Henry and Harriet (______) Olds i. Mary Ann Olds, b. ______, d 29 April 18491182 6660. ii. Martha M. Olds, b. 14 Aug. 1848.1183

2552. Joseph Sidney Olds, son of Liberty and Ann A. (Goodridge) Olds, was born in 1833 at Cambridge, NY and died 16 Sept. 1886 at Boston, Mass. He married (1) Mary A. Keith (b. 1850) and (2) Verona Fox (b. 1843).1184 Verona is listed in the family of her mother, without Joseph, in the 1880 census.1185 Census Place: Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254536 National Archives Film T9-0536 Page 89D Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Minerva FOX Self F W W 65 CT Occ: Keeping House Fa: CT Mo: CT Larison FOX Son M S W 33 MA Occ: Plumber Fa: CT Mo: CT Verona OLDS Dau F M W 41 MA Occ:At Home Fa: CT Mo: CT Lewis OLDS Nephew M S W 18 MA Occ:Button Shop Fa: MA Mo: MA Janes WESDEN Other M S W 45 MA Occ:Carpenter Fa: MA Mo: MA

Children of Joseph Sidney Olds

1175 Olds, p. 151 1176 Olds, p. 151 1177 Olds, p. 152 1178 Olds, p. 153 1179 John Olds, shoemaker, son of Liberty annd Ann, d. 8 Feb. 1849, age 19 (or John H. Olds, d. Feb. 7, G. R. 3). Williamstown Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1180 Olds, p. 175 1181 Harriet Olds , wife of Hen ry, b. [1827]. Will iamstown Births. Ear ly Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1182 Mary A. Olds, daughter of Henry and Harriet, d. 30 April [1849], age 11 m. (also d. 29 April), of consumption. Williamstown Deaths.. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). I have not reconciled the apparently conflicting death dates of these two girls. 1183 Martha M. Olds, daughter of Henry, a shoemaker, and Harriet Olds, was born 14 Aug.1848. Williamstown Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1184 Olds, p. 175 1185 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 110 6665. i. George William Jennings Olds, b. 1871, Boston, MS

2553. Ann M. Olds, daughter of Liberty and Ann A. (Goodridge) Olds, was born in 1828 at Jackson, NY. She married William C. Harris on 30 Nov. 1848 at Williamstown, Mass.1186 Ann N. Olds, age 20, b. Jackson, NY, daughter of Liberty and Ann N. Olds, married William C. Harris, age 29, son of William and Jemima Harris, 30 Nov. 1848.1187

2580. Harriet Olds, daughter of Joel and Rhoda (Parker) Olds, was born 15 Sept. 1816 and died in October, 1872. She married Charles Worden. 1188

2581. Frances Olds, daughter of Joel and Rhoda (Parker) Olds, was born 11 Oct. 1821 and died 18 Feb. 1805 [sic]. She married Frank Foster on 2 Oct. 1854.1189

2582. Polly Gale Olds, daughter of Joel and Rhoda (Parker) Olds, was born 22 May 1824 and died 17 July 1849. She married Charles W. Clark on 7 Jan. 1849.1190

2583. Horace D. Olds, son of Joel and Rhoda (Parker) Olds, was born 19 June 1826 and died 9 March 1879. He married Hannah Johnson in 1860.1191

2584. Phila Parker, daughter of Joel and Rhoda (Parker) Olds, was born 30 Nov. 1829 and died 20 Oct. 1854.1192

2585. Emily Olds, daughter of Joel and Rhoda (Parker) Olds, was born 23 Oct. 1831. She married William Ward on 11 April 1850 and he died in Jan. 1898. She "lives at Los Angeles, Cal."1193

2586. Helen Baker Olds, daughter of Joel and Juliet (Baker) Olds, was born 21 April 1840 and died 26 March 1887. She married George E. Noble on 22 July 1869.1194

2587. Sophronia M. Olds, daughter of Joel and Juliet (Baker) Olds, was born 11 Dec. 1843. She "lives in Pasadena, Cal."1195

2588. Melvin Joel Olds, son of Joel and Juliet (Baker) Olds, was born 20 Sept. 1845 at Erie, Pa. He married Clara E. Webster on 10 Jan. 1871. She was born 30 June 1848 and died 12 Jan. 1900. He "lives at Pasadena, Cal."1196

Children of Melvin Joel and Clara E. (Webster) Olds

6700. i. Z. Webster Olds, b. 12 March 1874 6701. ii. Leon Baker Olds, b. 7 June 1889

2600. Lewis Wilson Olds, son of Asa Gilbert and Lucy (Church) Olds, was born 21 July 1822 in Erie, Pa. He married Louisa E. Ackerly on 9 May 1848. She was born 10 April 1826 and died 12 August 1901.

1186 Olds, p. 153 1187 Williamstown Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1188 Olds, p. 153 1189 Olds, p. 153 1190 Olds, p. 153 1191 Olds, p. 163 1192 Olds, p. 154 1193 Olds, p. 154 1194 Olds, p. 154 1195 Olds, p. 154 1196 Olds, p. 176

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 111 "For years he was a wholesale manufacturer of pumps. He lost heavily by fire in 1869, and later accumulated a handsome fortune, possessing much real estate. He died June 25, 1908. He was probably the first man in this country to make the old log pump an article of commerce. As there were no shipping facilities when he began, he built a flatboat in a nearby creek and floated his goods via Alleghany and Ohio Rivers to Cairo, Ill., opening up a large trade through the South and West. As an investor he manifested great foresight, holding at the time of his death much property in Erie, also several farms in Iowa; the town of Olds, in that State, being named after him. 'The Erie Despatch' said of him: "It was his motto that it was better to be ten years in of the events than ten years behind, and because of such views he was antagonized by men who were afterwards the first to acknowledge his wisdom and foresight when occasion proved the truth of his views." He was a man of ideas, firm in his convictions and master of every situation in which he found himself. He was especially interested in historical and genealogical matters. Papers read by him before the Erie Horticultural Society, the Erie Chamber of Commerce, and the Erie County Historical Society, published in the local papers, elicited a great deal of attention. Because of his interest in his family history he made a special trip to London, finding much interesting data regarding the lines of both his parents. 'The Erie Despatch then concludes a long review of his life: "A type of man of a past day and age, who courageously encountered and surmounted the most difficult obstacles, of a broad charity and genial, generous nature which knew no envy, rather rejoiced in the prosperity and well-being of his fellow man, in his death Erie loses a citizen who is generally and sincerely mourned.'1197

"No man knows or remembers the history of his own origin; neither does he know of his own knowledge when or where ris [sic] advent into the world took place; nor does he know when or where his ancestors first settled on the earth. As near as I can learn I commenced the earth life four score and two years ago in a little clearing in a dense forest about five miles from Erie, near what is called the Lake Pleasant road in East Millcreek, Erie county, Pa. My mother whose maiden name was Lucy Church, emigrated from Winchester, Conn., with her two unmarried brothers in 1818. They made the journey in midwinter with an ox team and were over six weeks on the road. Many yea rs ago I visited the land of their nativity and when I saw the rocky, wild and hilly country which never should have been taken from the wild animals, I did not wonder that thye wanted to go west even though the journey had too be made in mid-winter with an ox team. In tracing up the ancestral lines of my mother, I found that her paternal ancestor emigrated from London and settled in New England in 1635. The Church family with their descendants, were in all the Indian wars in New England also in the war of the Revolution. My mother's father, whom I saw in 1832, was with Arnold at Quebec and Saratoga and helped Arnold off his horse when wounded in his furious charge against the British in that memorable battle which turned the affairs of the nation in favor of American Independence. My father, Asa G. Olds, came from the Green mountains in Vermont in 1814. He came on foot in the winter season and the distance was nearly 500 miles. After he reached our county, he worked for Benjamin Russell two years on his farm near the town of Erie. He afterwards settled on the forest farm, where I was born, and where he died in 1877 aged 84 years. In tracing up my father's ancestral lines, I find that his paternal ancestor, Robert Old, was married at Windsor, Conn., Dec. 31, 1669 O. S. From whence he came or who were his ancestors, is unknown. He bouth in 1670, in the town of Suffield, located in the valley of the Conneticut [sic] river, a few miles south of Springfield, Mass., 50 acres of land for four pence and acre, which in out money would be a trifle less than eight cents per acres. I find in tracing up family history, that many family names have changed in spelling from father to son and some in pronunciation. The letter 'S' was added to my parental ancestor's name about the time of the Revolutionary war. I will now close his part of my family history by saying that Robert Old is the parental [paternal?] ancestor of evrey family by the name of 'Olds' now living in America. I wish, however, to add that when in England many years ago, I found the name of Olds to be an old English name; and as the ancestors of the English were all savages, I concluded that myself, with many others, were not very far removed from the pre-historic man who dwelt in housless [sic] forests, caves and restless caverns. Regarding this distant relationship, where true or untrue I will say that I had much rather be the descendant of the pre-historic man than to be the descendant of an ancestor who was a thief and a robber."1198

1197 Olds, p. 176-7 1198 "L. W. Olds, Something of The History of THe Man After Whom Olds, Iowa, Was Named", Free Press, 1904. This newspaper article contains a picture of L. W. Olds and was sent to me by the Director of Mt. Pleasant Public Library, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa on 4 Aug. 1997. I assume this is the Mt. Pleasant Free Press which did exist at the time but I have no more specific date for the article. She also included p. 144 of From Ackley to Zwingle: The Origins of Iowa Place Names by Howard

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 112 Children of Lewis Wilson and Louisa E. (Ackerly) Olds

6710. i. Inez Lunette Olds, b. 11 March 1849 6711. ii. Clark Olds, b. 14 July 1850 6712. iii. Nettie Louisa Olds, b. 17 Sept. 1854 6713. iv. Phila Olds, b. 20 Nov. 1857 6714. v. William C. Olds, b. 17 Aug. 1859 6715. vi. Florence Elizabeth Olds, b. 9 Nov. 1863 6716. vii. Charlotte Olds, b. 3 Sept. 1865

2601. Nelson Olds, son of Asa Gilbert and Lucy (Church) Olds, was born 20 May 1826 in Erie, Pa., and died there 2 Oct. 1901. He married Sylvia Phillips of Dunkirk, NY, on 23 Jan. 1861. She was born 10 Nov. 1836 and died 29 April 1901.1199

Children of Nelson and Sylvia (Phillips) Olds

6720. i. Frank Olds, b. 27 Jan. 1863

2602. Erskine Olds, son of Asa Gilbert and Lucy (Church) Olds, was born 17 Nov. 1827 in Erie, Pa., and died 11 Nov. 1896 on the old homestead near Erie. He married Ellen Stancliff on 25 Dec. 1857. She was born 31 Dec. 1833. "his widow lives at Erie, Pa., R.F.D. No. 4"1200

Children of Erskine and Ellen (Stancliff) Olds

6725. i. Elmer Williams Olds, b. 3 April 1863 6726. ii. Minnie Emily Olds, b. 26 Nov. 1868

2603. Clarissa Olds, daughter of Asa Gilbert and Lucy (Church) Olds, was born 11 June 1831. She married Isaac Keeler on 2 May 1882. "The family was prominent in the underground railroad work. He graduated at the Atlanta Medical College, but gave most of his life to philanthropic work. He died in Washington, D.C., November 1, 1902. Mrs. Keeler continued on the same line and by her investigations became an authority on penal work. She died in Washington, March 15, 1913."1201

2604. Emily J. Olds, daughter of Asa Gilbert and Lucy (Church) Olds, was born 2 April 1834. She was for many years a successful teacher in Erie, Pa. On 3 July 1884, she married William Weed (b. 1833) of West Green, Pa. She died 6 Dec. 1886, leaving no children.1202

2610. David Olds, son of Samuel and Polly (Fuller) Olds, was born 24 May 1824 and died 25 March 1913. He married Rosanna H. Seaman on 27 July 1844. She was born 10 May 1830 and died in Feb. 1872. They moved to Seneca Co., NY, later to Owego [sic -Oswego?], NY, and afterwards to Nebraska.1203

Children of David and Rosanna H. (Seaman) Olds

i. Sylvester Olds, b. 1847, d. 1847 6730. ii. Hamilton A. Olds, b. 21 June 1849 6731. iii. Franklin M. Olds, b. 20 Aug. 1851 iv. Edward Olds, b. 1853, d. 1868

E. Dills (1993), which states that Olds, in Henry County, Iowa, "was named after a Mr. Olds, who donated the land for the town with the condition that it would be named for him" according to the postmaster of Olds, Iowa. 1199 Olds, p. 179 1200 Olds, p. 179 1201 Olds, p. 154-55 1202 Olds, p. 155 1203 Olds, p. 179-180

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 113 6732. v. Isaac C. Olds, b. 1855 6733. vi. Almeda M. Olds, b. 22 Sept. 1857 6734. vii. Melissa C. Olds, b. 28 July 1859 6735. viii. David E. Olds, b. 22 March 1861 ix. Minnie Olds, b. 1863, d. 1863

2611. Melissa N. Olds, daughter of Samuel and Polly (Fuller) Olds, was born 5 Jan. 1826 and died 18 April 1898. She married Augustus N. Harlow on 18 Dec. 1849.1204

Children of Augustus N. and Melissa N. (Olds) Harlow

6740. i. Mary V. Harlow, b. 14 Nov. 1850 ii. Corydon Harlow, b. 15 Oct. 1852, d. 5 Oct. 1855 iii. Martha J. Harlow, b. 1 Aug. 1855, d. 13 March 1858 6741. iv. Jennie E. Harlow, b. 12 July 1858 v. Flora L. Harlow, b. 21 May 1860, d. 22 Jan. 1864 6742. vi. Arthur L. Harlow, b. 14 Dec. 1865

2612. Betsey C. Olds, daughter of Samuel and Polly (Fuller) Olds, was born 20 Aug. 1827 and died 27 Sept. 1860.1205

2613. Alexander Rising Olds, son of Samuel and Polly (Fuller) Olds, was born 9 March 1829 at Elmore, Vt. He married Araminta E. Seaman (sister of Rosanna H. who married David Olds). She was born 18 March 1834 and died 18 March 1889. Alexander married (2) Margaret McSweeney, in 1897. He moved to Seneca Co., NY, then to Middletown, Orange Co., NY and afterwards to Newark, NJ, "where he now resides".1206 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1207 Census Place: District 2, Princeton, Mercer, New Jersey Source: FHL Film 1254788 National Archives Film T9-0788 Page 139C RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace Alexander OLDS Self M M W 52 VT Occ:Carpenter Fa: VT Mo: VT Arminta OLDS Wife F M W 45 MI Occ:Keeping HouseFa: NYMo:NY Glendower OLDS Son M S W 21 NY Occ:Attending CollegeFa:VTMo:MI

Children of Alexander Rising and Araminta E. (Seaman) Olds

i. Lily L. Olds, b. 1 May 1855, d. 12 Nov. 1868 7750. ii. Julian Olds, b. 14 April 1858 (He appears to be of the same age as the Glendower in the census)

2614. Deborah L. Olds, daughter of Samuel and Polly (Fuller) Olds, was born 11 Sept. 1830 and died 11 Feb. 1908. She married Andrew Hannaford and lived at Claremont, NH.1208

2615. Ezekiel P. Olds, son of Samuel and Polly (Fuller) Olds, was born 15 April 1832 at Barre, VT, and died there 9 April 1911. He married Ellen M. Gale on 6 March 1860 at Montpelier, VT. She was born 15 May 1840 and died 21 Feb. 1906. He was a farmer and lived at South Barre, VT.1209 The family is listed in the 1880 census1210 as Census Place: Berlin, Washington, Vermont Source: FHL Film 1255348 National Archives Film T9-1348 Page 22C

1204 Olds, p. 155-56 1205 Olds, p. 156 1206 Olds, p. 180 1207 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 1208 Olds, p. 156 1209 Olds, p. 181 1210 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 114 Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Ezeekil P. OLDS Self M M W 48 VT Occ: Farmer Fa: VT Mo: CT Ellen M. OLDS Wife F M W 40 VT Occ: Keeps House Fa: VT Mo: VT Burnham G. OLDS Son M S W 15 VT Occ: Farm Laborer Fa: VT Mo: VT Laura S. OLDS Dau F S W 6 VT Fa: VT Mo: VT

Children of Ezekiel P. and Ellen M. (Gale) Olds i. Edward G. Olds, b. 6 Dec. 1860, d. young 7760. ii. Burnham G. Olds, b. 20 Aug. 1864, d. 7 Sept. 1886 7761. iii. Laura S. Olds, b. 7 July 1873

2620. Elisha K. Burnham, son of David and Betsey (Olds) Burnham, was born 25 Jan. 1824. He married (1) Lucinda Flint on 13 April 1851. She was born 9 Feb. 1824 and died 2 April 1853. He mar ried (2) Sally R. Flint on 15 March 1855. She was born 16 April 1836.1211

2621. Lora Burnham, daughter of David and Betsey (Olds) Burnham, was born 26 Dec. 1825 and died 18 Aug. 1907. She married Denison Kinsman on 21 March 1867. He was born 6 July 1818 and died 22 June 1903.1212

2622. Martin Burnham, son of David and Betsey (Olds) Burnham, was born 21 Feb. 1828 and died 14 Nov. 1914. He married Martha Martin on 2 Nov. 1853. She was born 18 May 1832 and died 29 Jan. 1898.1213

2623. Marcus Burnham, son of David and Betsey (Olds) Burnham, was born 11 March 1830 and died 21 June 1910. He married Phebe Maria Folsom on 5 Sept. 1859. She was born 29 June 1830.1214

2624. Emma Burnham, daughter of David and Betsey (Olds) Burnham, was born 24 March 1832 and died 1 Oct. 1902.1215

2625. Luthera Burnham, daughter of David and Betsey (Olds) Burnham, was born 14 April 1834. He married Henry B. Howard on 14 May 1862. He was born 22 June 1834 and died 7 Nov. 1914.1216

2626. Rosette Burnham, daughter of David and Betsey (Olds) Burnham, was born 28 Oct. 1836 and died in 1907. She married Clarke Prentiss on 1 May 1859. He was born 29 Jan. 1833 and died in 1904.1217

2627. Martha E. Burnham, daughter of David and Betsey (Olds) Burnham, was born 27 Dec. 1840 and died 8 April 1873. She married Winslow W. Avery on 2 Sept. 1860. He was born 22 April 1836 and died in June, 1908.1218 According to Benson, William Wright Avery was a printer, lived at Plymouth and died 7 June 1908 after having married a second time. 1219

2630. James Phinehas Olds, son of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds, was born 18 Feb. 1831 and died 5 May 1902. He married Lydia H. Martin on 1 Feb. 1859. She was born 20 Dec. 1837.1220

Children of James Phinehas and Lydia H. (Martin) Olds

1211 Olds, p. 139 1212 Olds, p. 139 1213 Olds, p. 139 1214 Olds, p. 139 1215 Olds, p. 139 1216 Olds, p. 139 1217 Olds, p. 139 1218 Olds, p. 139 1219 Benson, Tom, pedigree chart sent in May 1993. 1220 Olds, p. 181

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 115 7800. i. Abigail L. Olds, b. 15 Aug. 1859 ii. Mary Olds, b. 18 Feb. 1861, d. Aug. 1861 7801. iii. A. Maria Olds, b. 3 Jan. 1863 7802. iv. Jessie Olds, b. 21 Nov. 1865 v. John James Olds, b. 1 July 1872, d. 8 June 1883 7803. vi. Flora Olds, b. 12 Aug. 1874 7804. vii. Nellie Olds,

2631. George Olds, son of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds, was born 9 March 1832 and died 14 June 1910. He married Julia Louisa Flint who was born 9 Jan. 1856 and died 1 Sept. 1908.1221

Children of George and Julia Louisa (Flint) Olds

7810. i. Warren Elisha Olds, b. 9 March 1865

2632. Oby Olds, daughter(?) of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds, was born 21 Sept. 1833 and died 31 July 1863. She married Isador Nicolas.1222

2633. Oro Olds, son of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds, was born 26 July 1835. He married (1) Margaret A. Haybarger on 6 Dec. 1860. She was born 26 Feb. 1842 and died 14 March 1887. He married (2) Sarah Margaret Lafferty Golding on 1 Jan. 1889. She was born 20 Feb. 1843.1223

Children of Oro and Margaret A. (Haybarger) Olds

7820. i. Mary Viola Olds, b. 17 Nov. 1861 ii. David Edwin Olds, b. 20 Feb. 1865, d. 9 Oct. 1865 7821. iii. William H. Olds, b. 7 Sept. 1867 7822. iv. Gertrude Maud Olds, b. 10 Feb. 1880

2634. Mason Oel Olds, son of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds, was born 21 July 1836 and died 12 March 1873. He married Eliza Mead on 31 Aug. 1862. She was born 16 May 1838 and died 25 Nov. 1906.1224

Children of Mason Oel and Eliza (Mead) Olds

7830. i. Lewis Wilson Olds, b. 20 March 1865 ii. Hattie Louisa Olds, b. 15 Feb. 1869, d. 18 June 1869

2635. Allen Olds, son of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds, was born 23 Jan. 1838 and died 28 May 1877.1225

2636. Welcome Olds, child of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds, was born 14 Aug. 1839 and died 23 Jan. 1913.1226

2637. Henry Olds, son of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds, was born 8 Feb. 1841 and died 10 March 1908. He married Mary Jane Stone on 10 Jan. 1867. She was born 5 April 1845.1227

Children of Henry and Mary Jane (Stone) Olds

1221 Olds, p. 182 1222 Olds, p. 157 1223 Olds, p. 182-83 1224 Olds, p. 183 1225 Olds, p. 157 1226 Olds, p. 157 1227 Olds, p. 183

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 116 7840. i. Edwin Elisha Olds, b. 1 Jan. 1868 7841. ii. Charles Elmer Olds, b. 9 Dec. 1868 7842. iii. Harvey Henry Olds, b. 2 April 1875

2638. Delight Olds, daughter of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds, was born 16 Aug. 1842 and died 3 Sept. 1866.1228

2639. Moses Olds, son of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds, was born 7 Jan. 1844 and died 14 March 1897. He married Martha Annis Filer on 24 Nov. 1869. She was born 6 Feb. 1851.1229

Children of Moses and Martha Annis (Filer) Olds

7850. i. Wallace James Olds, b. 17 June 1870 ii. Harvey Roger Olds, b. 8 June 1872, d. 2 Oct. 1873 7851. iii. Fred A. Olds, b. 7 April 1874 iv. Harry Lisle Olds, b. 31 May 1876, d. 16 Aug. 1877 7852. v. Moses Olds, b. 20 July 1878 7853. vi. Vernon Olds, b. 20 April 1880 7854. vii. Worthing Monreith Olds, b. 23 Jan. 1882 7855. viii. Leroy Olds, b. 12 Nov. 1883 7856. ix. Herbert Filer Olds, b. Sept. 1885 7857. x. Frank Olds, b. Aug. 1888 xi. Sarah Olds, b. 21 July 1889, d. 11 Oct. 1890 7858. xii. Ethel May Olds, b. 17 Aug. 1890 7859. xiii. Arthur Olds, b. 17 Dec. 1892

2640. Plenty Nellie Olds, daughter of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds, was born 11 April 1845 and died 15 Sept. 1911. She married William Mead Durham on 4 July 1867. He was born 7 Jan. 1841 and died 21 March 1902.1230

Children of William Mead and Plenty Nellie (Olds) Durham

7870. i. William Lewis Durham, b. 4 Aug. 1868 7871. ii. Minnie Etta Durham, b. 19 Oct. 1870 7872. iii. LeGrand Mead Durham, b. 7 Oct. 1879

2641. Martha Olds, daughter of Elisha and Abigail W. (Flint) Olds, was born 5 April 1847. She married Truman Stone. 1231

2642. Dana Elisha Olds, son of Elisha and Mary Ann (Deming) Olds, was born 25 April 1853 at East Mill Creek, PA, and died 14 Feb. 1885 at Geneva, NY. He married Cora Isabella Edwards on 9 Oct. 1881 at Dunnings, PA. She was born 8 Aug. 1859. He was a pump manufacturer, doing business in Geneva and vicinity at the time of his death. 1232

Children of Dana Elisha and Cora Isabella (Edwards) Olds

7880. i. Inez Edna Olds, b. 15 Oct. 1882 7881. ii. Helena May Olds, b. 27 Feb. 1884

2643. Walter Reuben Olds, son of Elisha and Mary Ann (Deming) Olds, was born 22 March 1855. He

1228 Olds, p. 157 1229 Olds, p. 183-84 1230 Olds, p. 157 1231 Olds, p. 157 1232 Olds, p. 184-5

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 117 marreid Roseltha Birch on 12 April 1879. She was born 27 July 1859.1233

Children of Walter Reuben and Roseltha (Birch) Olds

7890. i. Willard Olds, b. 20 May 1883 7891. ii. Dana E. Olds, b. 2 May 1894

2650. Charles Lewis Fellows, son of George D. and Louisa (Olds) Fellows, was born 11 Aug. 1834. He married Mary Francis Yates on 3 Sept. 1857. She was born 29 Dec. 1839.1234

2651. William Fellows, son of George D. and Louisa (Olds) Fellows, was born in Sept. 1835 and died 3 Nov. 1902. He married Amanda Maynard who died 7 April 1903.1235

2652. Harrison Fellows, son of George D. and Louisa (Olds) Fellows, was born 2 July 1840 and died 1 April 1887. He married Jane Mitchell Higgis on 1 Aug. 1861. She was born 25 April 1843.1236

2660. Mary Elizabeth Olds, daughter of Lewis and Eunice Velina (Scovel) Olds, was born 7 April 1850 at Conneautville, PA. She died 8 Aug. 1893. She was for many years a successful school teacher.1237

2661. Independence Louisa Olds, daughter of Lewis and Eunice Velina (Scovel) Olds, was born 4 July 1852 at Conneautville, PA, and died 10 Oct. 1908 at Union City, PA. She married Seneca F. Davis on 29 Sept. 1872 at Wattsburg, PA.1238

Children of Seneca F. and Independence Louisa (Olds) Davis

8000. i. Lewis Winter Davis, b. 5 March 1874 8001. ii. Jesse Fenton Davis, b. 24 June 1878 8002. iii. Annie Scovel Davis, b. 15 April 1884 iv. Mary Esther Davis, b. 27 March 1892, d. 21 March 1908

2662. Winter Jesse Olds, son of Lewis and Eunice Velina (Scovel) Olds, was born 22 Jan. 1860 in Free Soil Township, Fillmore Co., Minn. He married Evangeline Van Meurs on 22 Jan. 1889 at Union City, PA. He "lives at Union City, Pa., and is the founder and proprietor of the Union City Greenhouses".1239

Children of Winter Jesse and Evangeline (Van Meurs) Olds

8005. i. Lewis Winter Olds, b. 18 Nov. 1889 ii. Mary Evangeline Olds, b.4 Sep. 1892, d.9 Oct. 1893 8006. iii. Hugh Wilson Olds, b. 13 April 1895 8007. iv. John Alfred Olds, b. 27 June 1904

2680. Robert Augustus Olds, son of Frederick Augustus and Sally Curran (McAfee) Olds, was born 23 Dec. 1829 near Harr odsburg, KY. He died 7 March 1855 at Carlinville, IL. On 19 Feb. 1852, he married Elizabeth Fishback in Macoupin Co., IL. She was born 19 Oct. 1834 and died 26 April 1881.1240

Children of Robert Augustus and Elizabeth (Fishback) Olds

8010. i. Sylvester Olds

1233 Olds, p. 185 1234 Olds, p. 140 1235 Olds, p. 140 1236 Olds, p. 140 1237 Olds, p. 158 1238 Olds, pp. 158-59 1239 Olds, p. 185 1240 Olds, p. 186

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 118 ii. Alice Olds, d. at 4 years old

2681. Elizabeth Jackson Olds, daughter of Frederick Augustus and Sally Curran (McAfee) Olds, was born 25 Dec. 1831, near Harrodsburg, KY, and died 26 April 1906, at Rochester, Minn. She married Thomas Lacy Fishback on 9 Oct. 1856. He was born 21 Oct. 1832 and died 30 June 1908.1241

Children of Thomas Lacy and Elizabeth Jackson (Olds) Fishback

8020. i. Horace Fishback, b. 21 Aug. 1857 8021. ii. Herbert O. Fishback, b. 24 April 1859 iii. William Fishback, b. Jan. 1861, d. 1865 8022. iv. Ora Blance Fishback, b. 19 June 1863 8023. v. Dora Elizabeth Fishback, b. 4 Sept. 1869

2682. Mary McAfee Olds, daughter of Frederick Augustus and Sally Curren (McAfee) Olds, was born 25 Oct. 1833 and died 28 Jan. 1913. She married William Goldsworthy on 29 Oct. 1861.1242

2683. Frederick Taft Olds, son of Frederick Augustus and Sally Curren (McAfee) Olds, was born 25 Jan. 1836 near Harrodsburg, KY, and died 7 July 1900 at Tacoma, Washington On 12 July 1859 he married Angeline G. Harding (b. Jan. 1841) "after the death of his father, he ahd his brother-in-law, Thos. L. Fishback, purchased his father's flouring mill and made it one of the leading business intitutions of the region; served as Mayor of Rochester, and one term in the Minnesota State Legislature; in 1883 moved to Tacoma, Wash., where he became a leading citizen; in a time of panic, when the town was threatend with dire reverses, he was waited on by a large committee of citizens and prevailed upon to accept the office of City Treasurer, restoring confidence and saving the financial reputation of the city.1243

Children of Frederick Taft and Angline G. (Harding) Olds

8028. i. Fred A. Olds, b. 7 April 1860

2684. Sarah Mercy Olds, daughter of Frederick Augustus and Sally Curren (McAfee) Olds, was born 25 March 1838. She married (1) Alvin Gray on 2 May 1855 in Olmsted Co., Minn. She married (2) Charles Young.1244

Children of Alvin and Sarah Mercy (Olds) Gray

8030. i. Octavia J. Gray, b. 1857 8031. ii. Oliver Gray, b. 1858 iii. Eugene Gray, b. 12 May 1860, d. young 8032. iv. Lawrence Gray, b. 1861 8033. v. Thomas A. Gray, b. 1863 vi. Kate Gray, b. 11 Aug. 1865, d. young 8034. vii. Elinor Gray, b. 1866

Children of Charles and Sarah Mercy (Olds) Young

8035. viii. Julia Young, b. 1870 8036. ix. Laura Young, b. 1872

2685. Thomas Benton Olds, son of Frederick Augustus and Elizabeth A. (Lincoln) Olds, was born 25 Feb. 1842 in Macoupin Co., IL., and died 31 Aug. 1864 at Helena, AK. He was a soldier in the Civil Way

1241 Olds, p. 159-60 1242 Olds, p. 160 1243 Olds, pp. 186-7 1244 Olds, p. 160-61

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 119 in co. H, 6th Regt., Minn. Volunters and died in service.1245

2686. Julia Caroline Olds, daughter of Frederick Augustus and Elizabeth A. (Lincoln) Olds, was born 25 Nov. 1846 in Macoupin Co., IL. She married Cyrus H. Kellogg on 14 Aug. 1866. He was born in 1843 and died 7 Nov. 1910. They moved to St. Paul, Minn., in 1882.1246

Children of Cyrus H. and Julia Caroline (Olds) Kellogg

8040. i. Ella May Kellogg, b. 7 May 1867 8041. ii. Frederick Lorenzo Kellogg, b. 12 Nov. 1868 8042. iii. Clara N. Kellogg, b. 1 Aug. 1870 8043. iv. Lee Olds Kellogg, b. 7 March 1881

2687. Florence Celeste Olds, daughter of Frederick Augustus and Elizabeth A. (Lincoln) Olds, was born 23 Dec. 1850, at East St. Louis, IL.1247

2688. Octavia Irene Olds, daughter of Frederick Augustus and Elizabeth A. (Lincoln) Olds, was born 12 April 1853 at Garnavillo, Iowa, and died 8 April 1876, at Rochester, Minn. She married Amos Hyatt on 27 Jan. 1874.1248

2689. Augustus Bertrand Olds, son of Frederick Augustus and Elizabeth A. (Lincoln) Olds, was born 2 June 1855 at Garnavillo, IA, and died 27 Nov. 1888, at Tacoma, WA. He married Irene J. Hills on 18 Jan. 1881 at Madison, WI. She was born 24 Nov. 1855 and died 8 June 1913. "he entered into the banking and mercantile business in company with Horace Fishback in Brookings, S. Dak., January, 1880; in 1885 moved to Tacoma, Wash., then to Kansas City, Mo., returning to Tacoma in January, 1888.1249

Children of Augustus Bernard and Irene J. (Hills) Olds

i. Helen Hills Olds, b. 25 Feb. 1882, d. 8 Feb. 1885 8050. ii. Louis Bertrand Olds, b. 2 Nov. 1884 8051. iii. Harold Edward Olds, b. 14 Aug. 1886

2690. Ida Eugenia Olds, daughter of Frederick Augustus and Elizabeth A. (Lincoln) Olds, was born 14 March 1857, at Garnavillo, IA, and died 25 Sept. 1903, at San Diego, CA. She married Charles H. Curtis on 6 Sept. 1880, at Kansas City, MO.1250

2691. Clarissa (Clara) Frances Olds, daughter of Frederick Augustus and Elizabeth A. (Lincoln) Olds, was born 21 May 1860 at Rochester, MN.1251

2720. Frederick Warner Olds, son of James C. and Emily A. (Mead) Olds, was born 1 Jan. 1858 at Newark, NJ. He married Selina H. Carew on 15 Oct. 1879 at Wayne, PA. "He lives at Newark, N. J."1252 This entry from the 1880 census seems to incorrectly represent the relationship of Frederick and Selina.1253 Census Place: Newark, Essex, New Jersey Source: FHL Film 1254776 National Archives Film T9-0776 Page 45C RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace William MEAD Self M M W 65 CT Occ:Dentist Fa: CT Mo: CT Eliza S. MEAD Wife F M W 62 CT Occ:Keeps House Fa: CT Mo: CT

1245 Olds, p. 161 1246 Olds, p. 161-62 1247 Olds, p. 162 1248 Olds, p. 162 1249 Olds, p. 187 1250 Olds, p. 162 1251 Olds, p. 162 1252 Olds, p. 239 1253 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 120 Frederick W. OLDS GSon M S W 22 NJ Occ:Machinist Fa: NJ Mo: NJ Selina OLDS GDau F S W 20 NY Fa: --- Mo: ---

Children of Frederick Warner and Selina H. (Carew) Olds

8150. i. Florence Astley Olds, b.14 Oct. 1880, d.9 Mar. 1908 8151. ii. Edith Hubbard Olds, b. 25 Feb. 1883

2740. Sally Olds, daughter of William and Tabitha (Allen) Olds, was born 13 Sept. 1802 and died 24 Aug. 1886. She married Thomas Baker on 26 March 1829.1254

Children of Thomas and Sally (Olds) Baker

8160. i. Lucy A. Baker, b. 19 Oct. 1832

2741. Henry Olds, son of William and Tabitha (Allen) Olds, married Polly Rumrill on 24 Feb. 1825. He was killed in the Civil War and is buried at Zion's Hill near Suffield, CN.1255 (Henry Olds, Co. G, 22nd Conn. Infantry, buried at Hastings Hill Cemetery.1256)

2742. Aratus Olds, son of William and Tabitha (Allen) Olds, married Nancy A. Newton on 23 Feb. 1840. Both were of Suffield, CT.1257 They moved to Binghamton, NY. 1258

2743. William Olds, son of William and Tabitha (Allen) Olds, was born ______and died 10 Aug. 1843.1259

2744. Minerva Olds, daughter of William and Tabitha (Allen) Olds, was born _____ and died 13 April 1843.1260

2745. Cecilia Olds, daughter of Willliam and Tabitha (Allen) Olds, was born ______and died 16 Sept. 1828.1261

2746. Cornelia Olds, daughter of William and Tabitha (Allen) Olds, was born _____. She maried Elijah Lathrop of West Springfield1262 on 1 Jan. 1828.1263 He died 29 Nov. 1851.1264

Children of Elijah and Cornelia (Olds) Lathrop

8180. i. Charles Lathrop, b. 1 Dec. 1851

2747. Riley Olds, son of William and Tabitha (Allen) Olds, was born 13 April 1820 at Suffield, CN. He married (1) Olive Hastings on 3 Dec. 1849. She was born 20 Jan. 1821 and died 26 May 1866. He married (2) Mrs. Delia M. Mount who died 29 May 1875 and he married (3) Mrs. Mariah Delaney who

1254 Olds, p. 224 1255 Olds, p. 224 1256 Hastings Cemetery, Suffield, CT, Copied by C. G. Flanders, 5 Nov. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, 1257 Schott, Suffield VR 1258 Olds, p. 225 1259 Olds, p. 225 1260 Olds, p. 225 1261 Olds, p. 225 1262 Schott, Suffield VR 1263 Elijah Lathrop, Jr., and Cornelia Olds, both of West Springfield, filed intentions of marriage 20 Dec. 1827. West Springfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1264 Olds, p. 225

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 121 was born 25 Dec. 1836.1265 He was a widower when the 1880 census was taken. 1266 Census Place: Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut Source: FHL Film 1254099 National Archives Film T9-0099 Page 273B RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace Riley OLDS Self M W W 59 CT Occ:Blacksmith Fa: CT Mo: CT Geo. W. OLDS Other M S W 25 CT Occ:Laborer Fa: CT Mo: CT

At Hastings Hill Cemetery are markers for six members of his family (Riley Olds, b. 1820, d. 1907, Olive R. Hastings Olds, wife of Riley, b. 1821, d. 1866, and Delia A. Mount, wife of Riley, b. 1820, d. 1879, Ellen M. Lemon, daughter of Riley and Olive Olds, b. 1850, d. 1925 , Alice J. Faust, daughter of Riley and Olive Olds, b. 1863, d. 1896, George W. Olds, son of Riley and Olive Olds, b. 1852, d. 1912)1267 Children of Riley and Olive (Hastings) Olds

8185. i. Ellen Olds, b. 1850 8186. iii. George W. Olds, b. 22 Nov. 1863 (as listed in Olds) 8187. ii. Alice Josephine Olds, b. 1863 (per tombstone)

2760. Julia Olds, daughter of Zardus and Lucy (Parsons) Olds, was born 29 Feb. 1804 and died 13 Feb. 1846. She married _____ Cady.1268

2761. Hosea Olds, son of Zardus and Lucy (Parsons) Olds, was born 4 April 1806.1269

2762. Valorus C. Olds, son of Zardus and Lucy (Parsons) Olds, was born 2 Feb. 1808. He married (1) Ruth Cooley on 29 Nov. 1832 and (2) Mary Ann B. Cady on 17 June 1842. Mary Ann was born 14 Oct. 1806. He lived at North Killingsby, Conn., Springfield, Mass., and Chicopee, Mass. They are listed in the 1880 census as1270 Census Place: Chicopee, Hampden, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254534 National Archives Film T9-0534 Page 302D RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace Valorous C. OLDS Self M M W 72 MA Occ: Repair Furniture Fa:CT Mo: CT Mary Ann OLDS Wife F M W 73 RI Occ: Keep House Fa: CT Mo: CT

Children of Valorus C. and Ruth (Cooley) Olds

i. Samuel C. Olds, b. 24 Jan. 1834, d. 20 May 1834 8300. ii. Julia C. Olds, b. 1 May 1836 8301. iii. Ruth C. Olds, b. 21 Sept. 1811

Children of Valorus C. and Mary Ann B. (Cady) Olds

iv. Lucy Jane Olds, b. 17 April 1844, d. 2 Aug. 1844 v. Mary Jane Olds, b. 15 Sept. 1845, d. 6 Oct. 1845

2763. Oliver P. Olds, son of Zardus and Lucy (Parsons) Olds, was born 17 Nov. 1810. He married (1) Caroline S. Morley and (2) Mary C. Gaylord (1827 - 11 May 1869). He married (3) Mariah E. Leland on 15 May 1873. He lived at New Britain, CT, Westfield, MA, and Agawam, MA. 1271 The marriage intentions of Oliver P. Olds of New Brittain, CT, and Miss Caroline S. Morley of West Springfield, were

1265 Olds, p 239 1266 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 1267 Hastings Hill Cemetery, Suffield, CT, Copied by C. G. Flanders or E. D. McCue, 5 Nov. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, 1268 Olds, p. 225 1269 Olds, p. 225 1270 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1271 Olds, p. 240

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 122 filed 15 April 1836.1272 The 1880 census listing is 1273

Census Place: Longmeadow, Hampden, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254534 National Archives Film T9-0534 Page 114A RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace Oliver P. OLDS Self M M W 69 MA Occ:Farmer Fa: MA Mo: MA Maria E. OLDS Wife F M W 66 MA Occ:Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA Edward OLDS Son M S W 11 MA Occ:At Home Fa: MA Mo: MA Children of Oliver P. and Caroline S. (Morley) Olds

8310. i. Elizabeth M. Olds

Children of Oliver P. and Mary C. (Gaylord) Olds

8311. ii. Edward C. Olds, b. 24 April 1869

2764. Lucy Olds, daughter of Zardus and Lucy (Parsons) Olds, was born 15 Dec. 1812 and died 14 April 1844. She married _____ Goodwin.1274 Lucy Olds and Darius Goodwin, both of Springfield, filed intentions of marriage at Chester, MA, on 1 May 1837.1275

2765. Fanny Olds, daughter of Zardus and Lucy (Parsons) Olds, was born 25 July 1819. She married John Eddy, of Ware, on 14 July 1850, at West Springfield, MS.1276

2800. Truman Tuttle Olds, son of Alfred and Lue Olds, was born 6 Dec. 1818 and died 1 June 1890. He married Aurecta Stafford on 23 Sept. 1848. "She lives in Seattle, Wash."1277

Children of Truman Tuttle and Aurecta (Stafford) Olds

8320. i. Gamaliel Truman Olds, b. 13 Sept. 1849 8321. ii. Angie Aurelia Olds, b. 19 Jan. 1854 8322. iii. Alfred Stafford Olds, b. 3 May 1862

2801. Mary Angeline Olds, daughter of Alfred and Lue Olds, was born 8 Aug. 1819 and died 12 Jan. 1841.1278

2802. Alfred Johnson Olds, son of Alfred and Lue Olds, was born 7 April 1825. He married Amanda Wadleigh and "lives at Wenatchee, Wash."1279

Children of Alfred Johnson and Amanda (Wadleigh) Olds

8330. i. Alfred Wadleigh Olds 8331. ii. Darwin D. Olds 8332. iii. Jay T. Olds

2803. Benjamin Gamaliel Olds, son of Alfred and Lue Olds, was born 5 Dec. 1826 and died 1 June

1272 Wes t Sp ringfield Marriages . Ea rly Record s of Wes tern MA CD-ROM, Sea rch and Res earch Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 1273 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 1274 Olds, p. 225 1275 Chester Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1276 Olds, p. 226 1277 Olds, p. 241 1278 Olds, p. 226 1279 Olds, p. 241

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 123 1902. He married Sarah Clark.1280 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1281 Census Place: North Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254521 National Archives Film T9-0521 Page 249A RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace Benjamin G. OLDS Self M M W 52 OH Occ: Hardware Store Keeper Fa: CT Mo: MA Sarah L. OLDS Wife F M W 45 MA Occ: Keeps House Fa: MA Mo: MA Geo. Walter OLDS Son M S W 22 MA Occ: Clerk Hardware Store Fa: OH Mo: MA Sarah WHALEN Other F S W 18 MA Occ: Domestic ServantFa: IRELAND Mo: IRELAND

Children of Benjamin Gamaliel and Sarah (Clark) Olds

8335. i. Walter G. Olds

2804. Joseph Smith Olds, son of Alfred and Lue Olds, was born 4 June 1829 and died 20 June 1907. He married Ellen Aldrich.1282 1283 Children of Joseph Smith and Ellen (Aldrich) Olds

8340. i. Mary J. Olds

2805. Clarinda Elmira Olds, daughter of Alfred and Lue Olds, was born 14 April 1833. She married George Knapp and "lives in Boston, Mass."1284

Children of George and Clarinda Elmira (Olds) Knapp

8345. i. Alfred Knapp 8346. ii. Catherine Knapp

2806. George Edway Olds, son of Alfred and Lue Olds, was born 7 June 1835. He married Betsey Hodgkins and "lives at Granite Falls, Minn."1285

Children of George Edway and Betsey (Hodgkins) Olds

8350. i. Benjamine E. Olds, (dau.) 8351. ii. Bell Olds 8352. iii. Lue Olds 8353. iv. Catherine Olds 8354. v. Nina Olds

2810. Benjamin Olds Strong, son of Emory and Mary (Olds) Strong, was born 22 Feb. 1824 and died 2 April 1857.1286

2830. Mary Olds, daughter of Ira Mather and Roxanna (Whitney) Olds, married Franklin Smith. 1287

2831. Edward Fr anklin Olds, son of Ir a Mather and Roxa nna (Whitney) Olds, was born in Vermont. He married Lucia Whitney (1823 - 1862), "moved to New York State when quite young, then to Michigan; he

1280 Olds, p. 241 1281 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 1282 Olds, p. 241-42 1283 Mor ris, Joyce Kel ley, sent family not es wit h ad ditiona l informa tion on this Jos eph S. O lds an d fa mil y. 1284 Olds, p. 226 1285 Olds, p. 242 1286 Olds, p. 220 1287 Olds, p. 226

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 124 was educated at Watkins College, was a graduate of Medical College, Ohio, and was a successful practitioner in Detroit, Mich., and vicinity for many years. He died in 1888."1288

Children of Edward Franklin and Lucia (Whitney) Olds

i. Joseph Olds, d. at age 2 8360. ii. Elizabeth Olds 8361. iii. Rosalthe Olds

2832. Alonzo Whitney Olds, son of Ir a Mather and Roxa nna (Whitney) Olds, was born in 1810 in New York state and died 15 May 1898 in Green Oak, Michigan. He married Janet Bingham, of Scotland. She died 12 Sept. 1863. They settled in Michigan in 1833.1289

Children of Alonzo Whitney and Janet (Bingham) Olds

8365. i. Mary Olds, b. 1843 8366. ii. Ira Mather Olds, b. 10 Aug. 1840 8367. iii. Robert Olds, b. 10 Sept. 1846

2833. Roxanna Olds, daughter of Ira Mather and Phoebe (Young) Olds, married Maurice Thompson. 1290

2834. Hariett Newell Olds, daughter of Ira Mather and Phoebe (Young) Olds, married Dr. Hubbard. 1291

2835. Caroline Rosalthe Olds, daughter of Ira Mather and Phoebe (Young) Olds, was born in 1835. She married Dr. Searle of Petosky, Michigan.1292

Children of Dr. and Caroline Rosalthe (Olds) Searle

8370. i. Elizabeth Hubbard Searle 8371. ii. Octavia Hubbard Searle

2836. Ariel Young Olds, son of Ira Mather and Phoebe (Young) Olds, married Sarah Hubbard.1293

Children of Ariel Young and Sarah (Hubbard) Olds

8380. i. Mary Electa Olds 8381. ii. Celestia Sayre Olds 8382. iii. Jeannette Laodamia Olds, b. 1844

2837. Susan Olds, daughter of Ira Mather and Phoebe (Young) Olds, married John Murphy. 1294

2838. Elizabeth Olds, daughter of Ira Mather and Phoebe (Young) Olds, married Philo Bacon.1295

Children of Phil and Elizabeth (Olds) Bacon

8390. i. Charles Bacon

1288 Olds, p. 242 1289 Olds, p. 243 1290 Olds, p. 227 1291 Olds, p. 227 1292 Olds, p. 227 1293 Olds, p. 243-44 1294 Olds, p. 227 1295 Olds, p. 227

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 125 2839. Catherine Olds was a daughter of Ira Mather and Phoebe (Young) Olds.1296

2840. Lyman Condit Olds, son of Ira Mather and Phoebe (Young) Olds, was born in 1829 and died 15 April 1909 at Baltimore, MD. He married (1) Mary Minerva Glover (1835 - Oct., 1861) and (2) Mrs. Fannnie A. Harkins (in 1863). "... he was born in New York State; moved to Michigan when quite small, and lived at South Lyon until 1866; moved to Ingham Co., Mich.; about 1877 moved to Cambridge, Md., afterwards to Baltimore."1297 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1298 Census Place: Cambridge, Dorchester, Maryland Source: FHL Film 1254508 National Archives Film T9-0508 Page 133A RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace Lyman S. OLDS Self M M W 51 NY Occ: Physician Fa: NY Mo: NJ OLDS Wife F M W 38 MI Occ: Keeping House Fa: VT Mo: NJ Lilly OLDS Dau F S W 12 MI Occ: At School Fa: NY Mo: MI

Children of Lyman Condit and Mary Minerva (Glover) Olds 8395. i. Helen Louella Olds, b. 26 Feb. 1858 ii. Cassius Olds, b. 1859, d. 1874

Children of Lyman Condit and Fannie A. (_____) Olds 8396. iii. Lillian Evelyn Olds, b. 4 April 1868

2850. Lewis Franklin Olds was a son of Alexander and Lovicy (Prouty) Olds.1299

2851. Dewitt Clinton Olds was a son of Alexander and Lovicy (Prouty) Olds.1300

2852. Albert Manley Olds was a son of Alexander and Lovicy (Prouty) Olds.1301

2853. Caroline Olds was a daughter of Alexander and Lovicy (Prouty) Olds.1302

2854. Cynthia Lucinda Olds was a daughter of Alexander and Lovicy (Prouty) Olds.1303

2855. Helena Olds, daughter of Alexander and Lovicy (Prouty) Olds, married S. P. Nobel, of Buffalo, NY.1304

2856. Almira Maria Olds was a daughter of Alexander and Lovicy (Prouty) Olds.1305

2857. Alfred Olds was a son of Alexander and Lovicy (Prouty) Olds.1306

2860. Benjamin Baldwin Olds, son of Calvin and Hepzibah (Pratt) Olds, was born 12 Nov. 1822 at Marlboro, VT, and died 20 March 1887 at Clinton, WI. He married (1) Sarah Westby (26 Oct. 1823 - 10 April 1860). He married (2) Diantha Martin Curtis (b. 2 Feb. 1840) in 1869. "... he moved from Vermont to Clinton, Wis., in 1844; he was a progressive farmer, always seeking the best; prominent in church and Sunday School work, and was Chorister for forty years; his motto was "Seek ye first the kingdom of God."1307

1296 Olds, p. 227 1297 Olds, p. 244 1298 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 1299 Olds, p. 228 1300 Olds, p. 228 1301 Olds, p. 228 1302 Olds, p. 228 1303 Olds, p. 228 1304 Olds, p. 228 1305 Olds, p. 228 1306 Olds, p. 228 1307 Olds, p. 245-247

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 126 Children of Benjamin Baldwin and Sarah (Westby) Olds

i. Sarah Elvira Olds, b. 5 Feb. 1845, d. 1846 8520. ii. Annie Curtis Olds, b. 9 Feb. 1859

Children of Benjamin Baldwin and Diantha Martin (Curtis) Olds

8521. iii. Otis Calvin Olds, b. 16 Aug. 1863 8522. iv. Leavitt Lincoln Olds, b. 7 Jan. 1865 8523. v. Caryl Emily Olds, b. 20 April 1867 8524. vi. Joseph Irving Olds, b. 20 April 1870 8525. vii. Charles Burnell Olds, b. 13 March 1872 8526.viii. William Benjamin Olds, b. 3 June 1874 8527. ix. Alice Louise Olds, b. 17 Aug. 1876 8528. x. Bessie Marilla Olds, b. 7 Nov. 1881 8529. xi. Nina Delia Olds, b. 29 Aug. 1883

2861. Emmeline Elvira Olds, daughter of Calvin and Hepziba h (Pratt) Olds, was born in 1823 and died in 1845. She married Charles Clisbee. 1308

Children of Charles and Emmeline Elvira (Olds) Clisbee

8540. i. Herbert Clisbee, b. 1844

2862. Amandrin Mather Olds, son of Calvin and Hepzibah (Pratt) Olds, was born in 1825 at Marlboro, VT, and died 20 Sept. 1800 at Minneapolis, Minn. He married Almena Lewis (1831 - 1899).1309

2863. Ira Leavitt Olds, son of Calvin and Hepzibah (Pratt) Olds, was born 15 July 1828 at Marlboro, VT, and died 19 Nov. 1892 in . He married Rhoda A. Randall (1829 - 1905) in 1849. "... moved from Vermont to Wisconsin Territory in 1844; had charge of a sash and blind factory in Beloit, Wis.; went to Glenmont, Minn., and established a large lumber business; lived in Minneapolis, later in California."1310

Children of Ira Leavitt and Rhoda A. (Randall) Olds

8550. i. Rosetta Emmeline Olds, b. Oct. 1850 ii. Herbert Leavitt Olds, b. Feb. 1854, d. Oct. 1854 iii. Carrie Elizabeth Olds, b. May 1857, d. Oct. 1858 8551. iv. Arthur Alden Olds, b. 8 Dec. 1870

2864. Annie Marilla Olds, daughter of Calvin and Hepzibah (Pratt) Olds, was born in May 1832 and died in November, 1858. She married Rev. Asher W. Curtis at Glenmont, WI. He was born in 1832.1311

Children of Asher W. and Annie Marilla (Olds) Curtis

i. Frank Allison Curtis, b. Oct. 1857, d. 1858

2871. Fannie Larrabee, daughter of Timothy and Cynthia (Olds) Larrabee, was born in 1825 and died in 1902. She married Martin Scott.1312

1308 Olds, p. 228 1309 Olds, p. 228 1310 Olds, p. 248 1311 Olds, p. 229 1312 Olds, p. 221

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 127 2872. Martha M. Larrabee, daughter of Timothy and Cynthia (Olds) Larrabee, was born in 1827 and died in 1904. She married Alman Ballou of Holyoke, MS.1313

2873. Clarissa Larra bee, daughter of Timothy and Cynthia (Olds) Lar rabee, was born in 1829 and died in 1881.1314

2874. Cynthia Larrabee, daughter of Timothy and Cynthia (Olds) Larrabee, was born in 1831. She married George C. Tucker.1315

2875. Timothy Larrabee, son of Timothy and Cynthia (Olds) Larrabee, was born in 1833 and died in 1885. He married Sarah C. Stacy. 1316

2876. Ira Larrabee, son of Timothy and Cynthia (Olds) Larrabee, was born in 1835. He married Mary Ann Jenks.1317

2877. Lucy Larrabee, daughter of Timothy and Cynthia (Olds) Larrabee, was born in 1841. She married Charles Stacy.1318

2890. Philena Morgan Olds, daughter of William Ross and Barbara (Pratt) Olds, was born 1 Aug. 1814 at Bennington, VT, and died 25 Dec. 1861. She married William H. Upham on 1 May 1841.1319

Children of William H. and Philena Morgan (Olds) Upham

8570. i. Emerson Upham

2891. Sophronia Pratt Olds, daughter of William Ross and Barbara (Pratt) Olds, was born 14 Feb. 1816 in Bennington, VT. She married (1) David Sibley on 2 March 1837 and (2) ______Jellison.1320

Children of David and Sophronia Pratt (Olds) Sibley

8580. i. Albert Sibley 8581. ii. Charles Sibley

2892. William Emerson Olds, son of William Ross and Barbara (Pratt) Olds, was born 13 Jan. 1818 at Bennington, VT, and died 20 Sept. 1896. He married Margaret Morgan (b. 20 Sept. 1827) on 7 Oct. 1847. "... he was a powder maker and lived in Canada for fourteen years and afterwards lived in Moosic, Pa., where he was in charge of the Moosic Powder Mills.1321

Children of William Emerson and Margaret M. (Morgan) Olds

8590. i. Mary Alice Olds, b. 16 May 1856 8591. ii. Jessie Fremont Olds, b. 16 Nov. 1861 8592. iii. Mabel Morgan Olds, b. 14 Jan. 1864

2893. Hariet Maranda Olds, daughter of William Ross and Barbara (Pratt) Olds, was born 6 March 1822 in Bennington, VT, and died 15 June 1880. She married (1) Dr. James G. Morrow on 21 Sept. 1840

1313 Olds, p. 221 1314 Olds, p. 221 1315 Olds, p. 221 1316 Olds, p. 221 1317 Olds, p. 221 1318 Olds, p. 221 1319 Olds, p. 229 1320 Olds, p. 229 1321 Olds, p. 248

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 128 and married (2) ______Cloud.1322

2894. Barbaraan Olds, daughter of William Ross and Barbara (Pratt) Olds, was born 23 April 1823 in Bennington, VT. She married John B. Betts on 12 Nov. 1845.1323

Children of John B. and Barbaraan (Olds) Betts

9000. i. Alice Betts 9001. ii. Edward Betts 9002. iii. William Betts

2895. Joseph Chauncey Olds, son of William Ross and Barbara (Pratt) Olds, was born 9 Aug. 1830 and died 1 Feb. 1896 at Valley Falls, NY. He married (1) Mary E. Morgan (10 March 1832 - 28 Aug. 1855) on 1 Jan. 1852 at Bennington, VT. He married (2) Sarah M. Morgan (b. 12 Jan. 1839, sister of Mary E. and of Margaret Morgan who married William Emerson Olds, his brother). "He spent most of his life in Valley Falls, N.Y., where he was President of the Schaghticoke Powder Co., was President of the Board of Education, and was always interested in all that made for the improvement of that town. He was an earnest Christian gentleman, greatly loved by all for his generosity and kindly hospitality."1324

Children of Joseph Chauncey and Sarah M. (Morgan) Olds

9010. i. Mary E. Olds, b. 2 May 1861 9011. ii. Anna M. Olds, b. 19 March 1864 iii. William Morgan Olds, b. 12 April 1875, d. 11 May 1891

2896. Jonas Whitney Olds, son of William Ross and Barbara (Pratt) Olds, was born 10 Nov. 1832 at Bennington, VT. He married Lydia Dennison about 1859. He lived at Muscatine, IA. 1325 This family is listed in the 1880 census1326 as: Census Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois Source: FHL Film 1254194 National Archives Film T9-0194 Page 182B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Jonas W. OLDS Self M M W 47 VT Occ: In Mining Business Fa: VT Mo: VT Lydia OLDS Wife F M W 47 NY Occ: Keeping House Fa: NY Mo: NY Charles OLDS Son M S W 23 NY Occ: Trav. For Paper Co. Fa: VT Mo: NY George OLDS Son M S W 19 ME Occ: Printer Fa: VT Mo: NY Children of Jonas Whitney and Lydia (Dennison) Olds

9015. i. George Olds, b. ca. 1857 9016. ii. Charles Olds, 1861

2900. Amasa Hubbard Olds, son of Amasa Minley and Lephe (Winchester) Olds, was born 12 Oct. 1819 and died 21 Sept. 1838.1327

2901. Sarah Vienna Olds, daughter of Amasa Minley and Lephe (Winchester) Olds, was born 5 April 1824. She married Dr. William L. Peck (7 July 1820 - 5 Jan. 1882) on 19 April 1841.1328

2902. Joseph Holland Olds, son of Amasa Minley and Lephe (Winchester) Olds, was born 12 July 1829 and died 9 Oct. 1899. He married Sarah Jane Olds (8 Jan. 1829 - 9 April 1900) on 18 Sept. 1850. She was

1322 Olds, p. 230 1323 Olds, p. 230 1324 Olds, p. 249-50 1325 Olds, p. 250 1326 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1327 Olds, p. 230 1328 Olds, p. 230

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 129 a daughter of Chester Olds. Joseph was a surgeon in the Army during the Civil War.1329

Children of Joseph Holland and Sarah Jane (Olds) Olds

9030. i. Cara Olds 9031. ii. Fred L. Olds, b. 17 Oct. 1851 9032. iii. Rose Olds

2920. Lucy Mather Olds, daughter of Chester and Phila (Adams) Olds, was born 22 Dec. 1822 and died 4 Jan. 1847.1330

2921. Lyman Whitney Olds, son of Chester and Phila (Adams) Olds, was born 3 Nov. 1824 at Newfane Hill (later Fayetteville), VT, and died 19 April 1895 at Muscatine, IA. He married Sarah M. Curry (1 March 1826 - 5 March 1902) on 8 Aug. 1848. "In 1845 he moved from Vermont to Circleville, Ohio, and shortly afterwards to Lithopolis, Ohio, where he lived five years, and was a partner with his brother-in-law, Israel Gregg; in 1853 he moved to Muscatine, Iowa, where he conducted a very successful business in dry goods until 1871, when he retired. In 1865 built Olds' Opera House Block there, was a director of the Merchants' Exchange (afterwards First National) Bank, and a director of the Muscatine Water Works Company. After retiring from business he settled on a farm of 1,000 acres near Nichols, Iowa. He was a member of the Congregational Church, and devoted to his family."1331

Children of Lyman Whitney and Sarah M. (Curry) Olds

9040. i. Emma Olds, b. 6 June 1849 ii. George Olds, d. young iii. Frank Olds, d. young 9041. iv. Ella Olds, b. 13 Feb. 1863

2922. Sarah Jane Olds, daughter of Chester and Phila (Adams) Olds, was born 8 Jan. 1829 and died 29 April 1900. On 18 Sept. 1850, she married Joseph Holland Olds, her cousin. See his record for their children.1332

2923. Chester Adams Olds, son of Chester and Phila (Adams) Olds, was born 22 March 1833 at Circleville, Ohio, and died 17 June 1904. He married Elizabeth Rice (1829 - 1867) on 15 Sept. 1859.1333 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1334 Census Place: End Ward, Circleville, Pickaway, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255058 National Archives Film T9-1058 Page 556B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Chester A. OLDS Self M W W 47 VT Occ: Book Keeper At Grist M Fa: VT Mo: VT Mary R. OLDS Dau F S W 19 OH Occ: Teaching School Fa: VT Mo: OH Charles A. OLDS Son M S W 17 OH Occ: Clerk In Store Fa: VT Mo: OH Louisa STONG Other F S W 27 OH Occ: Servant Fa: BAVARIA Mo: BAVARIA Children of Chester Adams and Elizabeth (Rice) Olds

9050. i. Mary Rice Olds, b. 25 June 1860 9051. ii. Charles Adams Olds, b. 7 Aug. 1863

1329 Olds, p. 251 1330 Olds, p. 231 1331 Olds, p. 251-52 1332 Olds, p. 232 1333 Olds, p. 252 1334 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 130 2924. Henry Clinton Olds, son of Chester and Phila (Adams) Olds, was born 16 May 1835 and died in Dec. 1904.1335

2925. Rosalthe Olds, daughter of Chester and Phila (Adams) Olds, was born 30 Dec. 1837 and died 8 March 1902. She married Thomas R. Patterson.1336

2926. Edwin Adams Olds, son of Chester and Phila (Adams) Olds, was born 28 Dec. 1840 and died in August, 1864.1337

2930. Mark Lafayette Olds, son of Edson Baldwin and Anna Maria (Carolus) Olds, was born 1 Jan. 1828 at Circleville, OH. He moved to Minneapolis, MN, in 1854, where he was the first Register of the Land Office. He practiced law until 23 June 1859, when he became an Episcopal minister. He moved to Belle Plaine, MN, in 1860, to Hastings, MN, in 1862, to Trenton, NJ in 1864, and to Washington, DC, in 1865. He was rector of Christ Church until 18 Sept. 1868, when he died. He married Katharine Sargent Dustin (20 Aug. 1828 - 30 Sept. 1912), a widow, on 29 Aug. 1855, at Minneapolis, MN. She was a daughter of Hon. Nathan Sargent.1338 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1339 Census Place: Washington, Washington, D.C., Washington D.C. Source: FHL Film 1254123 National Archives Film T9-0123 Page 403B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Katharine S. OLDS Self F W W 48 NY Occ: Keeping House Fa: VT Mo: MA Edson B. OLDS Son M S W 25 MN Occ: Clerk In Bank Fa: OH Mo: NY Henry W. OLDS Son M S W 21 DC Occ: Clerk In Treasury Fa: OHMo: NY Katharine M. OLDS Dau F S W 19 MN Occ: At Home Fa: OH Mo: NY Ellen W. OLDS Dau F S W 16 MN Occ: At Home Fa: OH Mo: NY Mark S. OLDS Son M S W 13 DC Occ: At School Fa: OH Mo: NY

Katherine (Sargent) (Dustin) Olds was a daughter of Hon. Nathan and Rosina (Hodgkinson) (Lewis) Sargent.1340

Children of Mark Lafayette and Katharine (Sargent) Olds

9200. i. Edson Baldwin Olds, b. 8 Feb. 1857 9201. ii. Henry Worthington Olds, b. 26 March 1859 9202. iii. Katharine Mary Olds, b. 8 Jan. 1861 9203. iv. Ellen Louisa Olds, b. 2 Nov. 1863 9204. v. Mark Sargent Olds, b. 7 Nov. 1867

2931. Rosalthe Olds, daughter of Edson Baldwin and Anna Maria (Carolus) Olds, was born 4 Jan. 1830 and died 5 Jan. 1861. She married Wilson Baker on 15 March 1849.1341

Children of Wilson and Rosalthe (Olds) Baker

9210. i. George Edson Baker, b. 2 Nov. 1849 9211. ii. Wilson Baker, b. 24 Sept. 1851 9212. iii. Charles Abraham Baker, b. 4 July 1854 9213. iv. Denny Olds Baker, b. 10 Aug. 1856 v. Mary Christina Baker, b. 10 Nov. 1858, d.15 Sep. 1860

2932. Joseph Olds, son of Edson Baldwin and Anna Maria (Carolus) Olds, was born 15 April 1832 at

1335 Olds, p. 232 1336 Olds, p. 232 1337 Olds, p. 232 1338 Olds, p. 253 1339 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 1340 Memorial for Edson B. Olds, NEHG Register, Vol. 89, April 1935, p. 182. 1341 Olds, p. 233

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 131 Circleville, OH, and died 31 Jan. 1905 at Columbus, OH. He married (1) Eliza P. Scott (1839 - 27 July 1859) and (2) Mary Anderson, on 18 Dec. 1866. "He was a graduate of Yale University and Harvard Law School; practiced law at Circleville until 1868, when he was elected Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and served until 1873; moved to Columbus, Ohio, and practiced law there until his death."1342

Children of Joseph and Mary (Anderson) Olds

9220. i. William Marshall Anderson Olds, b. 13 Sept. 1867 9221. ii. Mary Anderson Olds, b. 6 July 1869 9222. iii. Joseph Olds, b. 12 Jan. 1871 9223. iv. Eliza Olds, b. 18 Feb. 1873 9224. v. Effie Olds, b. 7 Nov. 1875 9225. vi. Eleanor Olds, b. 12 Jan. 1882

2933. Edson Denny Olds, son of Edson Baldwin and Anna Maria (Carolus) Olds, was born 15 May 1834 and died 2 April 1859. "studied at a Medical College in Philadelphia, where he went through the course in three years, the youngest graduate they had ever had, being less than twenty-one years; went to Minnesota in 1856 as a Physician and Surgeon to the Indians on the Reservation near Mankato; in 1858 went to Mexico and Physician and Surgeon in the Mexican Army under General Juarez, where he was killed by a cannon ball while at work in the hospital."1343

2934. Mary Olds, daughter of Edson and Anna Maria (Carolus) Olds, was born 10 Dec. 1836 and died 16 Sept. 1904. She married George Hunter Smith (24 Dec. 1836 - 14 Nov. 1899) on 7 March 1860.1344 The family is listed in the 1880 census as:1345 Census Place: Lancaster, Fairfield, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255015 National Archives Film T9-1015 Page 322D Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace George SMITH Self M M W 44 OH Occ: Silver Smith Fa: VA Mo: VA Mary SMITH Wife F M W 43 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: VT Mo: PA Rose SMITH Dau F S W 19 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Harry SMITH Son M S W 16 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Edson SMITH Son M S W 12 OH Occ: At School Fa: OH Mo: OH Joe SMITH Son M S W 9 OH Occ: At School Fa: OH Mo: OH Lucy SMITH Dau F S W 7 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Lizzie OLDS1346 SisterL F S W 41 OH Fa: VT Mo: PA

Children of George Hunter and Mary (Olds) Smith

9230. i. Rosalthe Olds Smith, b. 1 April 1861 ii. Frank Carolus Smith, b. 24 Sept. 1862, d. 26 Aug. 1863 9231. iii. Henry Charles Smith, b. 2 May 1864 9232. iv. Edson Bernard Olds Smith, b. 14 Sept. 1868 9233. v. Lucy Olds Smith, b. 22 Feb. 1873 9234. vi. Joseph Matlock Smith, b. 8 March 1871

2935. Lucy Olds, daughter of Edson and Anna Maria (Carolus) Olds, was born 6 Jan. 1839.1347

2940. Almira Olds, daughter of Gamaliel and Minerva (Howe) Olds, married Thomas Mills.1348

1342 Olds, p. 254 1343 Olds, p. 234 1344 Olds, p. 234 1345 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1346 She is the right age to be the sister of Mary Olds Smith whom I have listed as Lucy Olds. 1347 Olds, p. 234 1348 Olds, p. 235

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 132 2941. Minerva Olds, daughter of Gamaliel and Minerva (Howe) Olds, married Philip Cone.1349

2942. Gamaliel Whitney Olds, son of Gamaliel and Minerva (Howe) Olds, was born 3 Aug. 1836 and died at Victor, Montana, in 1911. He married Hannah Leffingwell Tracy on 5 Oct. 1858. She was born 6 Nov. 1841 and died 19 March 1905. They lived at Muscatine, Iowa, and Victor, Montana.1350

Children of Gamaliel Whitney and Hannah Leffingwell (Tracy) Olds

9240. i. Georgia Olds, b. 9 Dec. 1859 9241. ii. Nina Olds, b. 4 Dec. 1861 9242. iii. Verna Tracy Olds, b. 28 Aug. 1867 iv. Austin Whitney Olds, d. in infancy v. Lauren Ferdinand Olds, d. in infancy vi. Rita Hannah Olds, d. in infancy 9243. vii. Floy Leffingwell Olds, b. 16 July 1884 viii. Tracy Olds, d. at age 10

2950. Almira Louise Olds, daughter of Benjamin Strong and Theresa Louisa (Herron) Olds, was born 21 June 1832 and died 22 August 1901. She married (1) Dr.George Reeder (Oct. 1820 - 30 June 1862) and (2) F. L. Dayton (13 April 1840 - 2 April 1913). "Mr. Dayton was Adj. 35th Iowa Inf. and Aid to Genl. Tuttle, Civil War."1351

Children of George and Almira Louise (Olds) Reeder

9440. i. William Herron Reeder 9441. ii. Nellie Olds Reeder 9442. iii. Esther Butler Reeder, b. 11 Nov. 1856 9443. iv. George Reeder, b. 20 April 1862

Children of F. L. and Almira (Olds) Dayton

9444. v. John H. Dayton, b. 22 Feb. 1869

2951. Benjamin Franklin Olds, son of Benjamin Strong and Theresa Louisa (Herron) Olds, was born 9 July 1834 and died in 1886. He married Esther Felkins in 1875 and she died in 1883.1352

Children of Benjamin Franklin and Esther (Felkins) Olds

i. Louis Olds, b. 1877, d. 1878 9450. ii. Ellen Reeder Olds, b. 1 Jan. 1879 9451. iii. Almira Louise Olds, b. 19 March 1881

2960. Elizabeth Ann Olds, daughter of Lorenzo Houghton and Anna W. (Rabbitts) Olds, was born 9 Jan. 1836 and died 11 Oct. 1904.1353

2961. Charles Lyman Olds, son of Lorenzo Houghton and Anna W. (Rabbitts) Olds, was born 25 Nov. 1839 and died 10 March 1885.1354

2962. Edwin Whitney Olds, son of Lorenzo Houghton and Anna W. (Rabbitts) Olds, was born 1 Sept.

1349 Olds, p. 235 1350 Olds, p. 235 1351 Olds, p. 235 1352 Olds, p. 256 1353 Olds, p. 236 1354 Olds, p. 236

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 133 1850 at Springfield, Ohio, and died 13 April 1914. He married Sallie Therese Sasseen on 20 June 1888 at Henderson, KY. She was born 22 March 1864 and died 10 June 1912. They lived at Springfield, OH.1355

Children of Edwin Whitney and Sallie Therese (Sasseen) Olds

9460. i. Mary Elizabeth Olds, b. 6 June 1890 9461. ii. Anna Nuth Olds, b. 10 July 1893 9462. iii. Edwin Phelps Olds, b. 10 Sept. 1894 9463. iv. Margaret Sasseen Olds, b. 5 July 1896 9464. v. Sara Whitney Olds, b. 16 Jan. 1899

2970. Margaret Gregg, daughter of Israel and Roxey (Olds) Gregg, was born 31 Dec. 1838. On 18 Dec. 1860, she married Charles E. Shulze (5 Jan. 1839 - 22 May 1907).1356

2971. Joseph Olds Gregg, son of Israel and Roxey (Olds) Gregg, was born 5 Jan. 1841. He married (1) Emma Frances O'Neal (7 Nov. 1845 - 3 Feb. 1895). He married (2) Elvira Converse Clark (7 Nov. 1847 - 18 March 1914).1357

2972. Samuel Gregg, son of Israel and Roxey (Olds) Gregg, was born 18 Feb. 1843. He married S. P. Zook on 9 Aug. 1885.1358

2973. Sallie Whitney Gregg, daughter of Israel and Roxey (Olds) Gregg, was born 2 June 1845.1359

2974. Clara Gregg, daughter of Israel and Roxey (Olds) Gregg, was born 27 Aug. 1849. She married Abiel Lord Wright on 4 March 1869.1360

2975. John Ball Gregg, son of Israel and Roxey (Olds) Gregg, was born 27 June 1857. He married Eda ______on 18 Dec. 1881.

2980. William Woodruff Olds, son of Chauncey Newell and Caroline (Woodruff) Olds, was born 22 Nov. 1838 and was killed at Vicksburg, Miss., on 1 May 1863. He was Adj. Gen. 42d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, on Gen. Garfield's staff. He married Mary E. Osborn in 1861.1361

2981. Mary Gore Olds, daughter of Chauncey Newell and Caroline (Woodruff) Olds, was born 23 Sept. 1847 and died 11 Sept. 1898. She married Dr. Edward C. Lewis on 26 April 1882 and "lives at Canal Dover, Ohio. 1362

2982. Frank Williams Olds, son of Chauncey Newell and Mary Briss (Williams) Olds, was born 19 June 1853 at Circleville, OH. He married Harriet E. Nash (b. 12 Aug. 1855) on 10 Dec. 1889. He "was house surgeon, Bellevue Hospital, New York City; member N. Y. County Med. Soc.; moved in 1892 from New York City to Williamstown, Mass., where he is now, 1915, practicing his profession of medicine."1363

2990. Edward Mather Olds, son of Lyman Newton and Minerva (Adams) Olds, was born 16 Feb. 1847 at Circleville, Ohio, and died 20 Jan. 1900. He married Emma Gilbert (Dec. 1846 - 11 Nov. 1886) on 3 June 1869.1364 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1365

1355 Olds, p. 257 1356 Olds, p. 223 1357 Olds, p. 223 1358 Olds, p. 223 1359 Olds, p. 223 1360 Olds, p. 223 1361 Olds, p. 237 1362 Olds,p. 237 1363 Olds, p. 238 1364 Olds, p. 257-8 1365 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 134 Census Place: 3rd Ward, Circleville, Pickaway, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255058 National Archives Film T9-1058 Page 578A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Edward M. OLDS Self M M W 33 OH Occ: Book Store Keeper Fa: VT Mo: VT Emma C. OLDS Wife F M W 33 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: VA Mo: PA Minnie A. OLDS Dau F S W 10 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Frank L. OLDS Son M S W 5 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Edward OLDS Son M S W 2 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Ellen SEADMAN Other F W 30 OH Occ: Domestic Servant Fa: OH Mo: OH

Children of Edward Mather and Emma (Gilbert) Olds

9490. i. Minerva Olds, b. 12 April 1870 ii. Edna Olds, b. 1872, d. 1874 9491. iii. Frank Olds, b. 1874 9492. iv. Edward Olds, b. 1878 9493. v. Marie Olds, b. 1880

2991. Charles Whitney Olds, son of Lyman Newton and Maria Louise (Dresbach) Olds, was born 15 April 1850. He married Emma Stein Hartz (b. 29 Aug. 1853) on 10 June 1874. "Lives at Circleville, Ohio."1366 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1367 Census Place: 2nd Ward, Circleville, Pickaway, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255058 National Archives Film T9-1058 Page 561C Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Charles W. OLDS Self M M W 30 OH Occ: Dealer In Books Ec. Ec.Fa: VTMo: OH Emma OLDS Wife F M W 26 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: PA Mo: OH Nellie OLDS Dau F S W 5 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Louis OLDS Son M S W 3 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Carrie OLDS Dau F S W 2 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Louisa OLDS Mother F W W 61 OH Occ: At Home Fa: PA Mo: PA Mary FELLERS Other F S W 19 OH Occ: Servant Fa: PA Mo: PA

Children of Charles Whitney and Emma Stein (Hartz) Olds

9700. i. Nell Olds, b. 17 March 1875 9701. ii. Louis Newton Olds, b. 1 July 1876 9702. iii. Carry Louise Olds, b. 14 Feb. 1878

Seventh Generation (4th-GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN)

5000. Justin Hixon Olds, son of Jonathan and Lucy (Wood) Olds, was born 4 Sept. 1806 at Belchertown, MA, and died 30 Nov. 18791368 at Peoria, IL. He married Charity Louisa Bryant on 15 June 1837. She was born 13 Feb. 1805 and died 13 Dec. 1868, a sister of poet William Cullen Bryant. Justin Hixon Olds was Government Inspector at Peoria, IL, during the Civil War and originated a system of Gaging that was adopted by the Government, and he was sent to all the distilleries in the country to introduce it.1369

We are fortunate to have a lengthy description of the life and family of Justin Hixon Olds.1370

1366 Olds, p. 258 1367 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1368 The correct date is 30 Nov. 1878, from his estate papers. 1369 Olds, p. 72 1370 Bryant Reu nion article, Bur eau County Repub lican [Pr inceton, IL], 5 Ju ly 1900; see Appe ndix A.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 135 His widow, Myra K. Olds, filed for Letters of Administration on his estate on 28 Dec. 1878 in Peoria County, IL. The petition stated that Justin H. Olds had died on or about 30th Nov. 1878 in Richwood Township without leaving any will. His estate included personal property of probable value $800 with real estate of probable value of $8000 and his survivors were his widow, and John H. Olds, Sarah Mathews, and Julia L. Olds, "his only children and only heirs at law." His real estate was listed as "twenty acres the south end of the west half of the north west quarter of section thirty four in township nine (9) north Range eight east of the fourth P.M. in Peoria Co. Illinois" as was valued at $7000.00. Myra K. Olds was released as administratrix after her final report to the court in June term, 1884.1371

The family of the widow Myra K. Olds is listed in the 1880 census1372 as: Census Place: Richwood, Peoria, Illinois Source: FHL Film 1254241 National Archives Film T9-0241 Page 385D Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Myra K. OLDS Self F W W 57 VT Occ: Keep House Fa: VT Mo: NH Julia L. OLDS Dau F S W 37 IL Occ: At Home Fa: MA Mo: MA John C. SARTLE GSon M S W 10 NM Occ: At School Fa: VT Mo: VT Ida PALMER Other F S W 13 IL Occ: Servant Fa: IN Mo: IL Children of Justin Hixon and Charity Louisa (Bryant) Olds

10000. i. Sarah Snell Olds, b. 1 April 1839 10001. ii. Julia Louisa Olds, b. 7 July 1840 iii. Bryant Olds, b. 1845, d. 1852 10002. iv. John Hixon Olds, b. 21 March 1847 10003. v. Lucy Wood Olds, b. 7 July 1849

5001. Lewis Kingsbury Olds, son of Jonathan and Lucy (Wood) Olds, was born 26 April 1808 at Belchertown, MA, and died in March 1845 at Lamoille, IL. He married Eliza Holbrook at Lamoille, IL, and had no children. 1373

5002. Curtis Lyon Olds, son of Jonathan and Lucy (Wood) Olds, was born at Belchertown, MA, on 18 June 1810 and died at Lamoille, IL, in Oct. 1878 (?). He married Emily Wright in 1838 at Ware, MA. She was born 30 April 1820 and died 17 April 1889.1374 The family is listed in the 1870 census of LaMoille twp., Bureau Co., IL, 10 June 1870, p. 338, LaMoille P. O., as: 100/101 Curtis Olds 60 m w farm laborer, b. Mass Emily Olds 60 f w keeping house, b. Mass Chas 14 m w, b. Ill/.

Children of Curtis Lyon and Emily (Wright) Olds

10010. i. Julia Olds, b. in Oct., 1840 10011. ii. John Olds, b. 1842 10012. iii. Charles Emery Olds, b. 5 Dec. 1855

5003. William Riley Olds, son of Jonathan and Joanna (Keith) Olds, was born 20 April 1817 at Belchertown, MA, and died at Wyanet, IL, in July, 1844. He married Susan Sanborn at East Windsor, CT, on 20 Feb. 1842. She was born 21 Nov. 1813 and died 16 Jan. 1897.1375 This family is listed in the 1870 census of Wyanet twp., P. O. Wyanet, Bureau County, IL, 15 Aug. 1870, p. 560.5 as: Olds, Wm. R. 53 m w farmer $4350 $ 900, b. Mass. Susan 54 f w keeps house, b. VA? Frank 16 m w home, b. Ill.

1371 copies of his Probate Case File obtained from the IRAD Depository, Macomb, IL, 8 July 1991 1372 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1373 Olds, p. 68 1374 Olds, p. 73 1375 Olds, p. 73-4

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 136 The 1880 census listing1376 is: Census Place: Wyanet, Bureau, Illinois Source: FHL Film 1254177 National Archives Film T9-0177 Page 373D Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace William R. OLDS Self M M W 63 MA Occ: Ret. Farmer Fa: MA Mo: MA Susan OLDS Wife F M W 66 VT Occ:Keeping House Fa: VT Mo:VT

Children of William Riley and Susan (Sanborn) Olds

10020. i. Clarissa Olds, b. 2 Feb. 1843 10021. ii. Joanna Olds, b. 3 May 1845 10022. iii. Henry Olds, b. 1847 10023. iv. Frank Olds, b. 12 Dec. 1853

5004. Marshall Keith Olds, son of Jonathan and Joanna (Keith) Olds, was born 30 June 1821 at Belchertown, MA, and died 13 March 1887 at Table Rock, CO. He married Susan Jenks on 24 Nov. 1842 at Belchertown, MA. She was born 5 Oct. 1822 and died 9 March 1908. "He was one of the proprietors of the Western Cottage Organ Factory at Mendota, Ill., from 1875 to 1880."1377 The family is listed twice in the 1880 census1378 as: Census Place: Mendota, La Salle, Illinois Source: FHL Film 1254223 National Archives Film T9-0223 Page 419B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace M. K. OLDS Self M M W 58 MA Occ: Organ Manufacturer Fa: MA Mo: MA Susan OLDS Wife F M W 57 MA Occ: Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA Millroy OLDS Son M S W 23 IL Occ: Tuner Fa: MA Mo: MA Clara Bell OLDS Dau F S W 28 IL Occ: At Home Fa: MA Mo: MA Lizzie GOLPER Other F S W 18 IL Occ: Servant Fa: PRUSSIA Mo: PRUSSIA

Census Place: Mendota, La Salle, Illinois Source: FHL Film 1254223 National Archives Film T9-0223 Page 427A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Marshall K. OLDS Self M M W 59 MA Fa: MA Mo: MA Susan OLDS Wife F M W 56 MA Occ: Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA Clara OLDS Dau F S W 29 IL Occ: At Home Fa: MA Mo: MA Milroy OLDS Son M S W 23 IL Fa: MA Mo: MA Lizzie ZOLPER Other F S W 20 IL Occ: Servant Fa: PRUSSIA Mo: PRUSSIA

Children of Marshall Keith and Susan (Jenks) Olds

10030. i. Jeremiah E. Olds, b. 4 Sept. 1843 10031. ii. Rinaldo Lawson Olds, b. 30 July 1848 10032. iii. Claribel Viola Olds, b. 6 Dec. 1850 10033. iv. Milroy Frank Olds, b. 25 Sept. 1856

5005. Jonathan Lathrop Olds, son of Jonathan and Joanna (Keith) Olds, was born 17 Jan. 1824 at Belchertown, MA, and died 3 July 1874 at Aurora, IL. He married Hannah Mariah Cleveland on 30 April 1848 at Lamoille, IL. She was born 7 Nov. 1832.1379

Children of Jonathan Lathrop and Hannah Mariah (Cleveland) Olds

i. Maltby Olds, b. 17 Oct. 1851, Berlin, IL, d. 22 Oct. 1852

1376 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1377 Olds, p. 74-75 1378 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1379 Olds, p. 75

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 137 10040. ii. Ella Mariah Olds, b. 12 Aug. 1855

5006. Verannus Wyatt Olds, son of Jonathan and Joanna (Keith) Olds, was born 20 Aug. 1828 at Belchertown, MA, and died 1 July 1906 at Grand Junction, CO. He married Mary Louisa Givens at Clear Water, FL, on 24 Dec. 1877. She was born 20 Oct. 1851 and died 28 Jan 1885.1380 His family is listed in the 1880 census1381 as Census Place: Precinct 3, Hillsborough, Florida Source: FHL Film 1254128 National Archives Film T9-0128 Page 394B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Varanus OLDS Self M M W 52 MA Occ: Farmer Fa: MA Mo: MA Mary L. OLDS Wife F M W 28 FL Occ: Keeping House Fa: NC Mo: SC Claude V. OLDS Son M S W 1 FL Fa: MA Mo: FL

Children of Verannus Wyatt and Mary Louisa (Givens) Olds

10050. i. Claude Verannus Olds, b. 29 Jan. 1879 10051. ii. Claribel Allene Olds, b. 24 Jan. 1881

5007. Cromwell Brown Comstock was a son of Jacob and Mehitable (Olds) Comstock.1382

5008. Catherine Comstock was a daughter of Jacob and Mehitable (Olds) Comstock. 1383

5020. Mehitable Moors, daughter of George and Ruth (Olds) Moors, was born 29 May 1797 and died 25 May 1831. She married Rev. Ephraim Scott.1384

5021. Electa Moors, daughter of George and Ruth (Olds) Moors, was born 22 June 1799 and died 5 Aug. 1826. She married Jonathan Ward. 1385

5022. Orlando Moors, son of George and Ruth (Olds) Moors, was born 14 March 1801 and died 31 July 1839.1386

5023. Asenath Moors, daughter of George and Ruth (Olds) Moors, was born 31 May 1803 and died 27 Nov. 1847. She married Samuel Wade. 1387

5024. George Moors, son of George and Ruth (Olds) Moors, was born 13 May 1805 and died 9 July 1841. He married ______Alden.1388 1389

5025. Lydia Moors, daughter of George and Ruth (Olds) Moors, was born 13 May 1807.1390

5026. Phoebe Moors, daughter of George and Ruth (Olds) Moors, was born 15 March 1809 and died in Feb. 1830.1391

5027. Ruth Elizabeth Moors, daughter of George and Ruth (Olds) Moors, was born 17 July 1811 and

1380 Olds, p. 75-76 1381 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1382 estate of Jonathan Olds, microfilm probate records, Northampton, Mass., vol. 32, 1818-20. 1383 estate of Jonathan Olds, microfilm probate records, Northampton, Mass., vol. 32, 1818-20. 1384 Olds, p. 65 1385 Olds, p. 65 1386 Olds, p. 65 1387 Olds, p. 65 1388 Olds, p. 66 1389 Olds lists George b. 13 May 1807 and omits Lydia. The corrections are from Noon, p. 439 1390 Noon, p. 439 1391 Olds, p. 66

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 138 died 13 Feb. 1845. She married Rudolphus Converse.1392

5028. Orpha Katherine Moors, daughter of George and Ruth (Olds) Moors, was born 30 Nov. 1813 and died 2 May 1896. She married Edwin L. Tupper.1393

5029. James G. Moors, son of George and Ruth (Olds) Moors, was born 7 Jan. 1820 and died 24 Dec. 1888.1394

5030. Juliaett Moors, daughter of George and Ruth (Olds) Moors, was born 9 May 1822 and died 18 July 1869. She married Adin Whitney.1395

5050. Mary Ann Olds, daughter of Reuben and Polly (Hayden) Olds, was born 3 Sept. 1814.1396

5051. Caroline Phoebe Olds, daughter of Reuben and Polly (Hayden) Olds, was born 28 May 1821 and died 27 April 1881. She married Purchase D. Fuller (3 Nov. 1817 - 30 July 1872) on 6 Sept. 1842.1397

Children of Purchase D. and Ca roline Phoebe (Olds) Fuller

i. George A. Fuller, b. 9 Oct. 1843, d. 21 June 1862 10100. ii. Eveline J. Fuller, b. 22 March 1846 10101. iii.Ellen T. Fuller, b. 2 April 1848 10102. iv. Austin D. Fuller, b. 28 March 1852 10103. v. Charles D. Fuller, b. 25 July 1854 vi. Edward L. Fuller, b. 17 Feb. 1858, d. 18 July 1863 10104. vii.Frank A. Fuller, b. 4 March 1863

5052. Elijah C. Olds, son of Reuben and Polly (Hayden) Olds, was born 21 Oct. 1820 and married Mrs. Mary Ann Poole on 19 June 1840 at Ludlow, Mass.1398

5053. John B. Olds, son of Reuben and Polly (Brown) Olds, was born 13 July 1842 and died 3 Feb. 1867. He married Marcia A. Braman, b. 7 May 1843.1399

Children of John B. and Marcia A. (Braman) Olds

10110. i. Frank Everett Olds, b. 10 Jan. 1866

5060. Rebecca Olds, daughter of Nathan and Hannah (Wright) Olds, was born 25 Dec. 1814 at Ludlow, Mass., and died 22 June 1878, at Fond du Lac, Wis. She married William Hubbard Beebe on 1 April 1835 and they went to Fond du Lac in 1845.1400 "When William Hubbard Beebe and Rebekah Olds entered the room where they were to be married, the bride was on the wrong side of the groom. During the prayer, when every head was supposed to be bowed in reverent attention, one ancient dame arose, tiptoed her way across to the couple, changed them about and returned to her seat unobserved. When the prayer was over, the consternation of the assembled guests, to see the couple placed as conventionality demanded, may be imagined."1401

Children of William Hubbard and Rebecca (Olds) Beebe

1392 Olds, p. 66 1393 Olds, p. 66 1394 Olds, p. 66 1395 Olds, p. 66 1396 Olds, p. 69 1397 Olds, p. 69 1398 Olds, p. 69 1399 Olds, p. 76 1400 Olds, p. 70 1401 Noon, p. 334

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 139 10115. i. Robert W. Beebe 10116. ii. Edwin H. Beebe, b. 3 July 1841 10117. iii.Andrew H. Beebe, b. 5 Feb. 1852 10118. iv. Evanore Olds Beebe,

5061. Hannah Olds, daughter of Nathan and Hannah (Wright) Olds, was born 19 March 1816 at Ludlow, Mass. She married Alanson Poole on 26 Oct. 1837. He was born 26 Oct. 1816.1402

5062. Ruby Olds, daughter of Nathan and Hannah (Wright) Olds, was born 9 Dec. 1819. She married Joseph N. Hendrick.1403

5063. Orra Olds, daughter of Nathan and Hannah (Wright) Olds, was born 27 March 1821. She married Hiram Danks on 7 March 1843.1404 1405

5064. Enoch Olds, son of Nathan and Hannah (Wright) Olds, was born 22 April 1822 at Ludlow, Mass., and died 26 June (or June) 1898, at Southampton, Mass. He married Rachel Barnes at Southampton on 9 Nov. 1848. She was born 24 Feb. 1827.1406 The 1880 census listing is 1407 Census Place: Holyoke, Hampden, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254535 National Archives Film T9-0535 Page 353B RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace Enoch OLDS Self M M W 58 MA Occ: Far mer Fa: MA Mo: MA Rachel OLDS Wife F M W 52 MA Occ: Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA Charles OLDS Son M M W 23 MA Occ: Works On Farm Fa: MA Mo: MA Carrie OLDS Wife F M W 24 MA Fa: MA Mo: MA Frank COAT ES Other M S W 18 MA Occ:Works On Farm Fa: MA Mo: MA Linus OWENS Other M W W 55 MA Occ: Laborer Fa: MA Mo: MA

Children of Enoch and Rachel (Barnes) Olds i. Edward L. Olds, b. 14 Dec. 1855, d. 15 April 1856 10131. ii. Charles S. Olds, b. 22 April 1857 iii. Marcus N. Olds, b. 1 May 1865, d. 4 Aug. 1867

5065. Anna Olds, daughter of Nathan and Hannah (Wright) Olds, was born 7 June 1825. She married Marcus Daniels at Ludlow, Mass., on 25 Nov. 1846.1408 1409

5066. Maria Olds, daughter of Nathan and Hannah (Wright) Olds, was born 3 June 1829 and died 3 Oct. 1852.1410

5067. Jonathan Olds, son of Nathan and Hannah (Wright) Olds, was born 13 Aug. 1832 at Ludlow, Mass. He married Sarah A. Wyman in 1854 and in 1889 was living in Holyoke, Mass.1411 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1412 Census Place: Holyoke, Hampden, Massachusetts

1402 Olds, p. 70 1403 Olds, p. 70 1404 Olds, p. 70 1405 Hiram Danks of Springfield and Miss Orra Olds of West Springfield filed intentions of marriages 16 Feb. 1843. West Springfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1406 Olds, p. 70, 76 1407 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 1408 Olds, p. 70 1409 Marcus Daniels of Ludlow and Miss Ann Olds of West Springfield filed intentions of marriage on 24 Oct.1846. West Springfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1410 Olds, p. 70 1411 Olds, p. 77 1412 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 140 Source: FHL Film 1254535 National Archives Film T9-0535 Page 353B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Jonathan OLDS Self M M W 48 MA Occ:Farmer Fa: MA Mo: MA Sarah OLDS Wife F M W 46 MA Occ:Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA Anson J. OLDS Son M S W 16 MA Fa: MA Mo: MA Lena M. OLDS Dau F S W 4 MA Fa: MA Mo: MA Hannah OLDS Mother F W W 87 MA Fa: MA Mo: MA

Children of Jonathan and Sarah A. (Wyman) Olds

10140. i. Hiram Eugene Olds, b. 4 Nov. 1855 10141. ii. Anson Jonathan Olds, b. 31 Oct. 1863 10142. iii. Lena Maria Olds, b. 12 April 1875

5070. Erastus Cook, son of Ransom and Polly (Olds) Cook, was born 23 Sept. 1804 and died 26 Feb. 1869.1413

5071. Melissa Cook, daughter of Ransom and Polly (Olds) Cook, was born 2 Aug. 1807.1414

5072. Almerine Cook, daughter of Ransom and Polly (Olds) Cook, was born 30 Aug. 1810.1415

5073. Leonard Cook, son of Ransom and Polly (Olds) Cook, was born 2 Feb. 1814 and died 5 Jan. 1887.1416

5074. Alonzo Cook, son of Ransom and Polly (Olds) Cook, was born 10 Sept. 1815 and died 20 Aug. 1850.1417

5075. Chester Cook, son of Ransom and Polly (Olds) Cook, was born 15 Oct. 1817.1418

5076. Mary Ann Cook, daughter of Ransom and Polly (Olds) Cook, was born 28 Nov. 1820 and died 1 May 1851.1419

5077. Dwight Cook, son of Ransom and Polly (Olds) Cook, was born 27 Dec. 1823.1420

5090. Eunice Olds, daughter of Aaron Olds, was born 2 Dec. 1817 and died 13 July 1869. She married (1) Joseph Wilder and (2) John Towne, of Ware, Mass.1421

Children of Joseph and Eunice (Olds) Wilder

10170. i. Albert J. Wilder 10171. ii. Alonzo W. Wilder 10172. iii. Franklin Wilder 10173. iv. Sarah A. Wilder 10174. v. Mary Wilder

Children of John and Eunice (Olds) Towne

1413 Olds, p. 66 1414 Olds, p. 66 1415 Olds, p. 66 1416 Olds, p. 66 1417 Olds, p. 66 1418 Olds, p. 66 1419 Olds, p. 66 1420 Olds, p. 66 1421 Olds, p. 71

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 141 vi. Willie F. Towne, b. 1856, d. 1856 10175. vii. Annie M. Towne, b. 7 April 1863 10176. viii. William C. Towne 10177. ix. Viola Towne

5091. Mary Olds, daughter of Aaron Olds, was born 6 March 1822 and died in May 1866. She married Bryon W. Nichols, of Ludlow, Mass.1422

Children of Bryon W. and Mary (Olds) Nichols

10180. i. Martha H. Nichols 10181. ii. Fred Nichols 10182. iii. James Nichols

5092. Amos Olds, son of Aaron Olds, was born 20 Oct. 1823. He married S. Minerva Rice on 25 Oct. 1846. She was born 12 March 1823. In 1889, he was living at Three Rivers, Mass.1423 The 1880 census listing is1424 Census Place: Palmer, Hampden, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254534 National Archives Film T9-0534 Page 360C RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace Amos OLDS Self M M W 56 MA Occ:Farmer Fa: MA Mo: NH Minervy OLDS Wife F M W 56 MA Occ:Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA Lorin SHAW Other M S W 28 MA Occ:Meat Market Clerk Fa: MA Mo: MA William BENGLE OtherM S W 23 CAN Occ:Meat Market Clerk Fa:CAN Mo:

Children of Amos and S. Minerva (Rice) Olds

10190. i. Martha L. Olds, b. 28 Jan. 1852 10191. ii. Minetta L. Olds, b. 3 Jan. 1854

5093. Leonard Olds, son of Aaron Olds, was born 24 Jan. 1825 and died 1 July 1837. He married Phoebe Jane Hadley.1425 1426

5094. James M. Olds, son of Aaron Olds, was born 13 April 1829. He married Katie Ryan. 1427 Perhaps more research will show that the following 1880 census listing represents this family1428 but for the moment I've only matched the name and age of the head of household. James M. Olds had a son who was born at Palmer, MA, 3 Dec. 18491429 Census Place: Belchertown, Hampshire, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254537 National Archives Film T9-0537 Page 10D Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace James M. OLDS Self M M W 51 MA Occ:Farmer Fa: MA Mo: NH Elizabeth OLDS Wife F M W 48 MA Occ:Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA John W. PARKER NephewM S W 9 MA Occ:At School Fa: NH Mo: MA

5095. Emily M. Olds, daughter of Aaron Olds, was born 15 June 1834. She married Edwin D.

1422 Olds, p. 71 1423 Olds, p. 77 1424 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1425 Olds, p. 71 1426 Leonard Olds and Jane Hadley filed intentions of marriage at Palmer, 2 Nov. 1847. Palmer Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2001) 1427 Olds, p. 71 1428 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1429 Palmer Births. Ear ly Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Corp., Wheat Ri dge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 142 Lamb.1430

5096. David M. Olds, son of Aaron Olds, was born 1 Nov. 1836. He married Mary M. Underwood and he served in the Civil War.1431 The 1880 census listing is 1432 Census Place: Ludlow, Hampden, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254534 National Archives Film T9-0534 Page 117A RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace David M. OLDS Self M M W 43 MA Occ: Farm Laborer Fa: MA Mo: NH Mary M. OLDS Wife F M W 41 MA Occ: Keeping House Fa: CT Mo:MA Minnie E. OLDS Dau F S W 16 MA Occ: At Home Fa: MA Mo: NH Marshall E. OLDS Son M S W 9 MA Fa: MA Mo: NH Luella M. OLDS Dau F S W 6 MA Fa: MA Mo: NH Rosabelle M. OLDS Dau F S W 3 MA Fa: MA Mo: NH

Children of David M. and Mary Minerva1433 (Underwood) Olds1434

10195. i. Minnie Etta Olds, b. 12 April 1864 10196. ii. Merton David Olds, b. 1867, in Pelham, MA1435 10197. ii. Marshall E. Olds, b. ca. 1871 10198. iii. Luella M.Olds, b. ca. 1874 10199. iv. Rosabelle M. Olds,b. ca. 1877

5100. Joseph Merrick Olds, son of Darius and Mary (Bates) Olds, was born in 1833.1436

5150. Ira Olds, son of John Bissell and Hannah (Brown) Olds, was born was born in 1829. He married Sarah Lewis. His widow married Robert Olds (son of John Bissell Olds).1437

Children of Ira and Sarah (Lewis) Olds

10200. i. Ira Olds 10201. ii. Ferdino Olds 10202. iii. Clara Olds 10203. iv. Susan Olds

5151. Hiram Olds, son of John Bissell and Hannah (Brown) Olds, was born in 1826 and d. 22 Nov. 1861. He married Mary Stratton. 1438 He is buried in the Keeler, MI, Cemetery. 1439

Children of Hiram and Marion (Stratton) Olds1440

10210. i. Elizabeth Olds 10211. ii. Ira V. Olds 10212. iii.Maryetta Olds

1430 Olds, p. 72 1431 Olds, p. 72, p. 78 1432 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1433 The name Minerva (rather than si mply the initial "M .") is taken from a biography of Lilla Lazelle Olds in "Town of Enfield -- Biography" . Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1434 Olds, p. 78, lists only Minnie Etta. The others have been added from the 1880 census. 1435 Merton David was added from a biography of his wife Lilla Lazelle Olds in "Town of Enfield -- Biography" . Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1436 Olds, p. 72 1437 Olds, p. 288 , with date adde d by Yeri ngton 1438 Olds, p. 288 , with dates added from Yerington 1439 Yerington 1440 Ira's middle initi al and the names Maryet ta and Stephen a dded from Yerington

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 143 10213. iv. Stephen Olds, b. 18 Jan. 1861

5152. Almon A. Olds, son of John Bissell and Hannah (Brown) Olds, married Harriett Alice Lewis. He was b. Mar. 9, 1831 at Newfane (?), NY, and died 14 Aug. 1901.1441

Children of Almon and Harriett Alice (Lewis) Olds

10220. i. Arthur E. Olds 10221. ii. Charles L. Olds 10222. iii. Alice M. Olds

5153. Andrew Jackson Olds, son of John Bissell and Hannah (Brown) Olds, was born at Lockport, NY, and married Annie Eliza Parker.1442

5154. Jane Anne Olds, daughter of John Bissell and Hannah (Brown) Olds, married James Manley, "son of Adrian and Almira Manley buried at Keeler Mich". 1443

Children of James and Jane Anne (Olds) Manley

10230. i. Will Keeler Manley 10231. ii. Clement Keeler Manley 10232. iii. Clara Keeler Manley

5155. Mary Olds, daughter of John Bissell and Hannah (Brown) Olds, married George Grandville.1444

5156. Albert John Olds, son of John Bissell and Hannah (Brown) Olds, married Charlotte Bene.1445

5160. Robert Olds, son of Ira Olds, married Sarah Lewis Olds, widow of Ira Olds (son of John Bissell Olds). Robert died 7 Sept. 1906.1446

5161. Ira Olds, son of Ira Olds, died in the Civil War.1447

5162. Harrison Olds, son of Ira Olds, married ______Hillman. 1448

5163. Mamie Olds, daughter of Ira Olds.

5170. Elizabeth Jane Olds, daughter of Orson and Renew (Scoville) Olds, was born 11 Aug. 1827. She married George Manley, b. 21 Feb. 1822 and d. 11 Jan. 1857 and they are buried in the "Pioneer Cemetery" at Hartford, MI.1449

Children of George and Elizabeth Jane (Olds) Manley 10250. i. Volney M. Manley 10251. ii. Ma ry Jane Manley 10252. iii. Renew Manley 10253. iv. Oscar Manley 10254. v. Josephine Manley

1441 Olds, p. 288 , with wife's middl e name and the children's midd le initia ls added from Yerington 1442 Olds, p. 286 1443 quoted from Yerington -- who is buried there? 1444 Olds, p. 286 , husband a dded from Yerington 1445 Olds, p. 286 1446 Olds, p. 286 , date adde d from Yeringt on 1447 Olds, p. 286 1448 Olds, p. 2862 1449 Olds, p. 286 , with his dates, their burial and the last three children added from Yerington

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 144 5171. Joseph Ransom Olds, son of Orson and Renew (Scoville) Olds, was born 20 Dec. 1829 and married Jerusha Hurd. She was born 10 April 1836 and died 29 May 1865, age 29. He died 1 April 1910, age 80.1450

5172. James Van Ransler Olds, son of Orson and Renew (Scoville) Olds, was born 19 Jan. 1832 at Pendleton, Niagara Co., NY. He married Huldah Johnson, born 1842.1451

Children of James Van Ransler and Huldah (Johnson) Olds 10260. i. Rene M. Olds 10261. ii. Nellie Olds 10262. iii.Edith Olds 10263. v. Clyde Olds

5173. Wilia m Wallace Olds, son of Orson and Renew (Scoville) Olds, was killed by a tree.1452

5174. Edwin Ruthven Olds, son of Orson and Renew (Scoville) Olds, was born 18 Oct. 1836. He married Harriet Olds, daughter of Ferdino Olds.1453 He married (2) ______

Children of Edwin Ruthven and Harriet (Olds) Olds 10270. i. Nettie Olds 10271. ii. Grover Olds

Children of Edwin Ruthven and ------Olds 1454

10272. iii. Edwin Olds

5175. Rhoda Mariah Olds, daughter of Orson and Renew (Scoville) Olds, was born 8 Jan. 1838 and married Giles Cook. She died 29 May ????.1455

5176. Almon Hezekiah Olds, son of Orson and Renew (Scoville) Olds, was born 24 Dec. 1839 at Chautauqua, NY. He married Matilda Cook. He died 15 June 19??, age 80.1456

5177. Allen Orson Olds, son of Orson and Renew (Scoville) Olds, was born 1 Jan. 1843 and married Mahala Lewis. He died 14 Feb. 1925, age 82.1457

5178. Henry Clay Olds, son of Orson and Renew (Scoville) Olds, was born 19 May 1845 and died 28 Feb. 1934. He married Martha Allen.1458

5179. Marcius Arilus Olds, son of Orson and Renew (Scoville) Olds, was born 12 Oct. 1850 and died 10 Sept. 1934 at Fergus Falls, MN. He married Olive Havens, daughter of William Henry and Jane Lewis Havens. She was born 8 Dec. 1853 at Cohocton, NY, and died 29 Jan. 1936 at Fergus Falls, MN, where she is buried.1459

Children of Marcius Arilus and Olive (Havens) Olds

1450 Olds, p. 287 , with her dates and b oth death dates and age s adde d by Yeri ngton 1451 Olds, p. 287 , with the last three children added by Yerin gton 1452 Olds, p. 287 1453 Olds, p. 289 1454 2nd marria ge and ch ild added b y Yerington 1455 Olds, p. 287, with death added by Yerington but the year is illegible in my copy 1456 Olds, p. 287 , with his death adde d by Yeri ngton 1457 Olds, p. 287 , with deat h adde d by Yeri ngton 1458 Olds, p. 287 , with deat h adde d by Yeri ngton 1459 data on this couple and their family is from Mrs. Vera (Stratton) Yerington, added to the copy of the Olds Genealogy at ______.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 145 10300. i. Iva Blanch Olds, b. 19 April 1876 10301. ii. Chester Oman Olds, b. 2 July 1879 10302. iii. Grace Hortance Olds, b. 30 April 1881 10303. iv. Ellsworth William Olds, b. 7 June 1883 10304. v. Lillian Nora Olds, b. 16 Nov. 1885 10305. vi. Jesse Wallace Olds, b. 20 April 1889 10306. vii. Wade Manley Olds, b. 28 Oct.1 891 10307. viii. Olive Elmanew Olds, b. 10 March 1895

5180. Julia Olds, daughter of Ferdino and Irene (Cone) Olds, married Ansel Reynolds.1460

Children of Ansel and Julia (Olds) Reynolds 10320. i. Ottie Reynolds 10321. ii. Emmer Reynolds 10322. iii. Manny Reynolds 10323. iv. Kittie Reynolds 10324. v. Nina Reynolds

5181. Alonzo Ferdino Olds, son of Ferdino and Irene (Cone) Olds, was born 21 Aug. 1839. He married Carrie Cary (10 July 1845 - 1 July 1908).1461

Children of Alonzo Ferdino and Carrie (Cary) Olds

10330. i. Lula Belle Olds, b. 1 Sept. 1875 10331. ii. Carrie Mae Olds, b. 4 March 1877 10332. iii. Henry Alonzo Olds, b. 28 Oct. 1883

5182. Harriet Olds, daughter of Ferdino and Irene (Cone) Olds, married Edwin Olds, son of Orson Olds. See his record. 1462

5183. Sarah Olds, daughter of Ferdino and Irene (Cone) Olds, married James Robinson. 1463

Children of James and Sarah (Olds) Robinson

10340. i. Hattie Robinson

5184. Wilson Olds, son of Ferdino and Irene (Cone) Olds.1464

5185. Lorenzo Olds, son of Ferdino and Irene (Cone) Olds.1465

5186. Aaron Olds, son of Ferdino and Irene (Cone) Olds.1466

5187. Rosaline Olds, daughter of Ferdino and Ir ene (Cone) Olds, married John Disbroe.1467

Children of John and Rosaline (Olds) Disbroe

10345. i. Sarah Disbroe

1460 Olds, p. 287 1461 Olds, p. 289 1462 Olds, p. 287 1463 Olds, p. 287 1464 Olds, p. 288 1465 Olds, p. 288 1466 Olds, p. 288 1467 Olds, p. 288

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 146 5188. Rosetta Olds, daughter of Ferdino and Irene (Cone) Olds, married Christian Poltz.1468

Children of Christian and Rosetta (Olds) Poltz

10355. i. Cora Poltz

5189. Frank P. Olds, son of Ferdino and Irene (Cone) Olds.1469

5190. Emily Catherine Olds, daughter of Levi and Emily (Meacham) Olds, was born 28 July 1829 and died 4 Oct. 1869. She married Rufus Hyde. 1470 Emily Catherine Olds, age 19, teacher, daughter of Levi and Emily, married Rufus Hyde, farmer, of Chesterfield, at Middlefield, MA, in Aug. 1848.1471 Children of Rufus and Emily Catherine (Olds) Hyde i. Rufus Hyde ii. Clarence Hyde iii. Levi Hyde iv. David Bliss Hyde v. Oscar Henry Hyde

5191. Lucy Elvira Olds, daughter of Levi and Emily (Meacham) Olds, was born 3 Nov. 1811 and died 12 Dec. 1864. She married Thomas Rhodes and had no children. 1472

5192. Nancy Minerva Olds, daughter of Levi and Emily (Meacham) Olds, was born 19 March 1834 and died 14 April 1901. She married Artemis Terrell1473 at Cummington, Mass., on 12 April 1854.1474 Children of Artemis and Nancy Minerva (Olds) Terrell i. Flora A. Terrell, b. 11 Dec. 18561475 ii. Minnie Olivia Terrell. b 14 July 18601476 iii. Louie Terrell, b. 5. Sept 18731477

5193. Levi Fayette Olds, son of Levi and Emily (Meacham) Olds, was born 25 July 1838 and died 8 Sept. 1906 at Springfield, OH. He married Sarah Cole.1478 The family is listed in the 1880 census as:1479 Census Place: Springfield, Clarke, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1254999 National Archives Film T9-0999 Page 302B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Levi F. OLDS Self M M W 42 MA Occ:Prop. 99c Store Fa: MA Mo: MA Sarah M. OLDS Wife F M W 34 MA Occ: Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA Howard OLDS Son M S W 11 MA Fa: MA Mo: MA

1468 Olds, p. 288 1469 Olds, p. 288 1470 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1471 Middlefield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1472 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1473 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1474 Artema s Tirrill , age 25, mech anic, of Worthi ngton but born in P lainfield , son of Arza, mar ried Nancy M. Olds, 20, of Worthi ngton but born in Middlefiel d, daughter of Levi Ol ds, at Cummi ngton, Mass., on 12 April 1854. Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 1475 Fora A. Tirrill, b. 11 Dec.1856, daughter of Artemas, farmer, (b. in Plainfield) and Nancy M. (b. in Middlefield) Tirrill. Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 1476 Minnie Olivia Tirrill, daughter of Artemas R., farmer, (b. in Plainfield) and Nancy M. (b. in Middlefield) Tirrill. Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 1477 Louie, son of Artemas R. Tirrell, showman, b. in Plainfield, and Nancy M. (Olds) Tirrell, was b. 5 Sept. 1873. Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 1478 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1479 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 147 Mable OLDS Dau F S W 1 OH Fa: MA Mo: MA

Children of Levi Fayette and Sarah (Cole) Olds 10364. i. Howard Levi Olds 10365. ii. Mabel Olds

5194. Helen Samantha Olds, daughter of Levi and Emily (Meacham) Olds, was born 26 March 1842 and died 15 Nov. 1908. She married John Hamilton. 1480 Children of John and Helen Samantha (Olds) Hamilton i. David Levi Hamilton ii. Abbie Emily Hamilton iii. Homer Willis Hamilton iv. Oscar Olin Hamilton v. Lawrence Meacham Hamilton

5195. Elma Emily Olds, daughter of Levi and Emily (Meacham) Olds, was born 19 Jan. 1844 and died in Decatur, . She married William Ramage.1481 Children of William and Elma Emily (Olds) Ramage i. Herbert A. Ramage ii. Levi J. Ramage iii. Edwin Willis Ramage iv. Emily Meacham Ramage

5196. Dwight H. Olds, son of Levi and Emily (Meacham) Olds, was born 10 April 1848. He married (1) Sallie Smith and (2) Cora ______. He lived at Springfield, OH, and had no children.1482

5197. Ella L. Olds, daughter of Levi and Emily (Meacham) Olds, was born 17 Nov. 1850 and died 20 March 1881. She married William Harwood. 1483 Children of William and Ella L. (Olds) Harwood i. Charlie Harwood ii. Ethel Harwood

5198. Edwin W. Olds, son of Levi and Emily (Meacham) Olds, was born 29 Sept. 1851 and died at Chicago, IL. He married Emma Develbliss..1484 Children of Edwin W. and Emma (Develbliss) Olds 10377. i. Herbert Olds 10378. ii. Helen Olds 10379. iii. Edna Olds 10380. iv. Harry Olds 10381. v. Edwin Levi Olds

5199. William Clifford Olds, son of Levi and Emily (Meacham) Olds, was born 5 Dec. 1856 and died 20 May 1912. He married Ida Longley.1485 Children of William Clifford and Ida (Longley) Olds 10382. i. Louie Olds

5220. Zilpha Olds, daughter of Stillman and Wealthy (Johnson) Olds, married Albert Smith of Chester, MA.1486

1480 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1481 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1482 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1483 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1484 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1485 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1486 Smith and Smith, p. 561

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 148 5221. Stillman Olds, son of Stillman and Wealthy (Johnson) Olds, d. Aug. 1917. He married (1) Lucinda Leonard, (2) Myra Cutting (who died 25 Feb. 1892) and (3) Mrs. Alma Anderson who was living in 1918.1487

5222. Olin C. Olds, son of Stillman and Wealthy (Johnson) Olds, was born 12 Dec. 1841 and died at Middlefield, MA, 18 Dec. 1917. He married Helen M. Prentice in May, 1869. He was a farmer in Middlefield for many years, living on the River Road at the foot of Glendale Falls. He was a selectman in 1890, 1898-1900.1488 Children of Olin C. and Helen M. (Prentice) )Olds 10383. i. Minnie Sarah Olds, b. 12 Oct. 1870 10384. ii. Wesley A. Olds, b. 4 Feb. 1873 in Middlefield, MA 10385. iii. Cora W. Olds, b. 19 Sept 1874, d. 16 Dec. 1906

5223. Franklin Smith Olds, son of Stillman and Wealthy (Johnson) Olds, was born 20 July 1843 and died 11 June 1908. In Huntington, MA, on 24 June 1874,he married Louisa Flavilla Meacham, daughter of Elijah and Louisa (Warren) Meacham, who was born 20 Aug. 1840. They had no children.1489

2059. Reuben Olds, son of Levi and Lucintha (______) Olds, was born 5 Sept. 1815 at Middlefield. He married Elmira Ferguson of Cummington (intentions filed 11 March 1837) and was living in Middlefield in 1840.1490

5230. Levi J. Olds, son of Reuben and Elmira (Ferguson) Olds, was a soldier in the Civil War and died in service. 1491

5231. Madison Olds, son of Reuben and Elmira (Ferguson) Olds, was a soldier in the Civil War.1492

5232. Louisa Olds, daughter of Reuben and Elmira (Ferguson) Olds, married Charles Brown and died at W. Worthington, MA.1493 Henry Brown, age 18, farmer, born in Worthington, VT, son of Christoper, married Louisa V. Olds, age 18, of Worthington, but born in Cummington, daughter of Reubin Olds, on 4 June 1856.1494

5233. Herbert H. Olds, son of Reuben and Elmira (Ferguson) Olds, was born 13 Dec. 1856. He was adopted in infancy by Sylvester Prentice of Worthington.1495

5235. Granville Olds, son of Reuben and Elmira (Ferguson) Olds, died in Dalton, MA.1496

Children of Granville Olds 10387. i. Silas Olds 10388. ii. Myra Olds

5239. Deodat Jeffers, child of John and Mary Ann (Olds) Jeffers, was born in 1836 and died 26 Nov. 1861 at St. Louis, MO.1497

1487 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1488 Smith and Smith, p. 562 1489 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1490 Smith and Smith, p. 560-61. 1491 Smith and Smith, p. 563 1492 Smith and Smith, p. 563 1493 Smith and Smith, p. 563 1494 Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 1495 Smith and Smith, p. 563 1496 Smith and Smith, p. 563 1497 Olds, p. 96

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 149 5240. Joseph Batey, son of John and Eliza (Olds) Batey, was born in 1832.1498

5241. George Batey, son of John and Eliza (Olds) Batey, died 29 Feb. 1908.1499

5242. Mary Ann Batey, daughter of John and Eliza (Olds) Batey, was born in 1835 and married ______Keith. 1500

5243. Sarah J. Batey, daughter of John and Eliza (Olds) Batey, was born in 1837 and married ______Thomas.

5244. Edwin Batey, son of John and Eliza (Olds) Batey, died 26 Nov. 1904.1501

5245. Angela C. Batey, daughter of John and Eliza (Olds) Batey, married _____ Loehr. She died 6 Jan. 1902.1502

5246. John Batey, son of John and Eliza (Olds) Batey, was born in 1848 and "lives in Roseburg, Ore.".1503

5247. Clara O. Batey, son of John and Eliza (Olds) Batey, married _____ Earle. She died 19 Dec. 1903.

5248. Eva L. Batey, daughter of John and Eliza (Olds) Batey, was born in 1853. She married ______Van Sickler and "lives in Galesburg, Mich.".1504

5249. Willard C. Batey, son of John and Eliza (Olds) Batey, was born in 1857 and "lives in Galesburg, Mich."1505

5260. Edward Allen Olds, son of Martin and Lavilla (Stoughton) Olds, was born 24 April 1844 at Lockport, NY. He married Ella Knapp (b. 9 Sept. 1856) on 22 July 1875. "he is the proprietor of Packer Mfg. Co., New York City. 1506 According to his memorial1507, he died 20 July 1926 in New York City his wife was Ella Knapp, born in New York City on 9 Sept. 1852, died there on 15 June 1934, was a daughter of Halsey Wing and Abby Leah (Packer) Knapp. "In 1861 he enlisted in the Seventeenth New York Independent Battery and served throughout the Civil War, participating in the Battle of Petersburg, and being present at the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox Court House. ... In 1872 he bought a half interest in Packer's Tar Soap Company from Daniel Packer of Mystic, Conn., resigning his position with Henry, Curran & Company to devote all his time to his new business. Later he bought the remaining interest from Mr. Packer. His sole hobby was fishing for trout, bass, and salmon, and he spent his spare time in the Canadian woods. ... Three children, Mrs. John Leslie Crosthwaite (Elsie Olds), Edward Allen Olds, and George Stoughton Olds of New York City, survive him."

Children of Edward Allen and Ella (Knapp) Olds

10390. i. Elsie Olds, b. 10 July 1876 10391. ii. Edith Olds, b. 12 Feb. 1878 10392. iii. Edward Allen Olds, b. 10 May 1879 iv. Halsey Knapp Olds, b. 1881, d. 1881

1498 Olds, p. 96 1499 Olds, p. 96 1500 Olds, p. 96 1501 Olds, p. 97 1502 Olds, p. 97 1503 Olds, p. 97 1504 Olds, p. 97 1505 Olds, p. 97 1506 Olds, p. 113-114 1507 NEHG Register, Vol. 90, April 1936, p. 167

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 150 10393. v. George Stoughton Olds, b. Aug. 1887

5261. Ella M. Olds, daughter of Martin and Lavilla (Stoughton) Olds, was born in 1858. She married _____ Swift and "lives in Auburn, N. Y.". 1508

5270. Harrison J. Lusk, son of William B. and Maria (Olds) Lusk, died 28 April 1900.1509

5271. Alson Lusk, son of William B. and Maria (Olds) Lusk, died 12 April 1911.1510

5272. George W. Lusk, son of William B. and Maria (Olds) Lusk, was born in 1853 and "lives at Decatur, Mich.".1511

5273. Ella Lusk, daughter of William B. and Maria (Olds) Lusk, was born in 1861 and "lives at Decatur, Mich.".1512

5280. Emma L. Johnson, daughter of Newton and Emeline (Olds) Johnson, was born in 1853, married ______Welton and "lives at Sanborn, N. Y.". 1513

5281. Martha Johnson, daughter of Newton and Emeline (Olds) Johnson, was born in 1846, married ______Dobbyn, and "lives at Coloma, Mich.".1514

5282. Sophia Johnson, daughter of Newton and Emeline (Olds) Johnson, married ______Knight and died in June, 1888.1515

5283. Frank Johnson, son of Newton and Emeline (Olds) Johnson, died 2 Jan. 1906.1516

5284. Eugene Johnson was a son of Newton and Emeline (Olds) Johnson.1517

5287. Ella Thayer, daughter of Horace and Emeline (Olds) Thayer, married ______Wright and died 5 Aug. 1900.1518

5288. Eunice Thayer, daughter of Horace and Emeline (Olds) Thayer, married J. W. Troxell and died 27 Nov. 1906.1519

5320. Ida Olds, daughter of Levi Olds, was born in 1853, married ______Martin, and "lives at Coloma, Mich."1520

5321. Sarah F. Olds, daughter of Levi Olds, was born in 1851, married _____ Nix and "lives at Ovid, Mich."1521

5322. Mary Olds, daughter of Levi Olds, was born in 1860, married ______De Voght, and "lives at

1508 Olds, p. 104 1509 Olds, p. 97 1510 Olds, p. 97 1511 Olds, p. 97 1512 Olds, p. 97 1513 Olds, p. 97 1514 Olds, p. 97 1515 Olds, p. 97 1516 Olds, p. 97 1517 Olds, p. 97 1518 Olds, p. 98 1519 Olds, p. 98 1520 Olds, p. 104 1521 Olds, p. 104

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 151 Detroit, Mich.".1522

5323. Carrie Olds, daughter of Levi Olds, married ______Dunlap and died 8 May 1880.1523

5335. Fred Olds, son of Frank Olds, was born in 1857. He died at Summerland, CA. 1524

5340. George H. Olds, son of Charles and Mary F. (Nichols) Olds, was born 20 Oct. 1866.1525

5341. Charles Louis Olds, son of Charles and Mary F. (Nichols) Olds, was born 24 March 1869. He married Mary A. Johnson on 28 May 1894 at Philadelphia, Pa. She was born 5 March 1862. "he is a physician living at Marco, Fla.". 1526 Children of Charles Louis and Mary A. (Johnson) Olds 10395. i. Orida Olds, b. 18 Aug. 1896 10396. ii. Saloma Olds, b. 12 Feb. 1899 10397. iii. Rosalie Olds, b. 8 Oct. 1901

5342. Willis Jerome Olds, son of Charles and Mary F. (Nichols) Olds, was born 18 April 1871. He married Lauretta Shaw on 20 Oct. 1897 and "lives at Sanborn, N. Y.".1527

Children of Willis Jerome and Lauretta (Shaw) Olds

10400. i. Raymond Shaw Olds 10401. ii. Alice Nichols Olds 10402. iii. Margaret Frances Olds 10403. iv. Willis James Olds 10404. v. Charles Howard Olds

5343. Edwin Nelson Olds, son of Charles and Mary F. (Nichols) Olds, was born 18 Nov. 1872 at Cambria, NY. He married Effie Ruth Wells on 14 April 1897 at Mapleton, NY. She was born 11 Sept. 1876. He "lives at Lockport, N. Y."1528

Children of Edwin Nelson and Effie Ruth (Wells) Olds

10410. i. Edwin Glenn Olds, b. 20 April 1898 10411. ii. Ada Ruth Olds, b. 29 May 1908 10412. ii. Davis Arline Olds, b. 17 June 1912

5344. Jesse Sterling Olds, son of Charles and Mary F. (Nichols) Olds, was born 9 Jan. 1876. He married Edith May Parrott on 1 July 1903 and "lives at Delphos, Kan.".1529

Children of Jesse Sterling and Edith May (Parrott) Olds

10420. i. Mildred Louise Olds 10421. ii. Charles Belgrove Olds 10422. iii. Winifred Gevevieve Olds 10423. iv. Mary Frances Olds 10424. v. Agnes Elizabeth Olds

1522 Olds, p. 104 1523 Olds, p. 104 1524 Olds, p. 105 1525 Olds, p. 105 1526 Olds, p. 114 1527 Olds, p. 114 1528 Olds, p. 115 1529 Olds, p. 115

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 152 5345. Edith May Olds, daughter of Charles and Mary F. (Nichols) Olds, was born 29 July 1878 and "lives at Delphos, Kan."1530

5352. Frank Olds was a son of Henry Olds who lived at Syracuse and Seneca Falls, NY. 1531

5353. Henry Olds was a son of Henry Olds who lived at Syracuse and Seneca Falls, NY. 1532

5355. Henry G. Olds, son of Noble Granger and Elizabeth (Woolsey) Olds, was born 14 Oct. 1839 at Auburn, NY, and died 14 May 1902 at Fort Wayne, IN. On 9 May 1864, he married Caroline M. Brooks (17 Dec. 1844 - 12 May 1902). "succeeded his father as head of the Olds Wagon Works, which later marged into the American Wheel Co., a trust which afterwards failed and was reorganized into the Standard Wheel Co., still in business in Terre Haute, Ind. Henry G. Olds was a real captain of big business ;and the failure of the American Wheel Co. was due to the fact that it came too early into the field of business enlargement and sank for lack of support."1533

Children of Henry G. and Caroline M. (Brooks) Olds

10430. i. William Henry Olds, b. 3 June 1867 10431. ii. Noble Granger Olds, b. 13 Dec. 1869 10432. iii. Eugene Henry Olds, b. 14 Jan. 1873 10433. iv. Caroline Elizabeth Olds, b. 12 April 1879

5356. Johnston D. Olds, son of Noble Granger and Elizabeth (Woolsey) Olds, was born 8 Sept. 1843 and died 9 Jan. 1914 at Fort Wayne, IN. He married Almirah McLean who died 1 Feb. 1905. They lived at Fort Wayne, IN.1534

Children of Johnston D. and Almirah (McLean) Olds

10440. i. Egbert C. Olds, b. 5 Sept. 1868 10441. ii. Charles M. Olds 10442. iii. Hugh B. Olds

5357. Jay V. Olds, son of Noble Granger and Elizabeth (Woolsey) Olds, was born 9 Oct. 1849 at Sandusky, OH, and died 24 April 1891 at Jacksonville, FL. He married Emma Buskirk.1535

Children of Jay V. and Emma (Buskirk) Olds

10445. i. Samuel Buskirk Olds

5358. Charles Luther Olds, son of Noble Granger and Elizabeth (Woolsey) Olds, was born 17 April 1855 at Sandusky, OH. On 17 May 1872, he married Eliza McLachlan (b. 3 April 1856). "lives at Fort Wayne, Ind. He is the founder of The C. L. Olds Construction Co."1536

Children of Charles Luther and Eliza (McLachlan) Olds

10450. i. Charles L. Olds, b. 13 June 1877 10451. ii. Percy Granger Olds, b. 8 March 1879 10452. iii. Norman E. Olds, b. 17 Feb. 1881

1530 Olds, p. 105 1531 Olds, P. 106 1532 Olds, p. 106 1533 Olds, p. 116 1534 Olds, p. 116 1535 Olds, pp. 116-17 1536 Olds, p. 117

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 153 10453. iv. Marjorie Noble Olds, b. 27 Feb. 1883 10454. v. Alexander McLachlan Olds, b. 25 Nov. 1884 10455. vi. Edward C. Olds, b. 26 Feb. 1887

5359. Alice A. Jenks, daughter of G. W. and Adaline (Olds) Jenks, "lives in Auburn, N. Y.".1537

5400. Eugene H. Olds, son of Daniel Granger and Amanda (Olds) Olds, was born 28 June 1863 at Palmyra, NY. On 31 July 1888, he married Ida E. Morris and "lives in Cleveland, Ohio.".1538

Children of Eugene H. and Ida E. (Morris) Olds

10460. i. Edna May Olds, b. 4 Aug. 1889 10461. ii. Walter E. Olds, b. 14 Sept. 1891

5401. Mary E. Olds, daughter of Daniel Granger and Amanda (Olds) Olds, was born 8 March 1865. She married Egbert H. Lowell on 12 Dec. 1900 and "lives at Wild Rose, Wis.". 1539

5305. Caroline Susan Olds, daughter of Lorenzo and Edeline (Felton) Olds, was born 13 May 1840. On 27 Nov. 1868 she married Edward U. Sunderland and "lives at Highgate, Vt. (3 children)".1540

5406. Albert Felton Olds, son of Lorenzo and Edeline (Felton) Olds, was born 29 May 1843 at Franklin, VT. About 1864, he married Rhoda B. Searl at Fairfax, VT. She died 6 Sept. 1872 at St. Albans, VT.1541

Children of Albert Felton and Rhoda B. (Searl) Olds

10465. i. Ernest Albert Olds, b. 16 May 18671542 ii. Jennie E. Olds, b. 1870, d. 1872

5407. Edwin William Olds, son of Lorenzo and Edeline (Felton) Olds, was born 22 July 1847 at Franklin, VT. He married Jennie L. Potter at Webster City, IA on 30 Nov. 1871 and "lives (1915) at Pomona, Cal.", 1543

Children of Edwin William and Jennie L. (Potter) Olds

10470. i. Frederick Lee Olds, b. 25 Feb. 1873 10471. ii. Albert Roy Olds, b. 30 Oct. 1881 10472. iii. Howard Arthur Olds, b. 22 April 1887

5408. Bar nard Lorenzo Olds, son of Lorenzo and Edeline (Felton) Olds was born 17 May 1850 and died 17 Nov. 1914. He married (1) Lizzie A. Cross on 23 Sept. 1873 at Highgate, VT. She died 10 May 1879 at St. Albans, VT. He married (2) Kitty Woodworth on 3 June 1880 at St. Albans, VT. He was the inventor of "Olds Horse Power".1544 The family is listed in the 1880 census1545 as Census Place: St. Albans, Franklin, Vermont Source: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 Page 239B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace B. L. OLDS Self M W W 30 VT Occ: Machinist Fa: VT Mo: VT

1537 Olds, p. 100 1538 Olds, p. 118 1539 Olds, p. 107 1540 Olds, p. 108 1541 Olds, p. 118 1542 Ernest Olds, a ge 13, is listed as nephew in the family of B. L. Olds, Frankli n, VT, in the 1880 census (Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM) 1543 Olds, p. 118-19 1544 Olds, p. 118-19 1545 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 154 Daisey OLDS Dau F S W 4 VT Fa: VT Mo: VT Ediline OLDS Mother F W W 66 VT Occ: Keeps House Fa: MA Mo:MA Emma LAWSON Other F S W 26 CAN Occ:ServantFa: ENG Mo: ENG Ernest OLD Nephew M S W 13 VT Occ: At School Fa: VT Mo: VT

Children of Barnard Lorenzo and Lizzie A. (Cross) Olds

10475. i. Daisy A. Olds, b. 18 Aug. 1875

Children of Barnard Lorenzo and Kitty (Woodworth) Olds

ii. Varlie E. Olds, b. 7 July 1881, St. Albans, VT, d. 14 March 1887, Edgar, NE iii. Almeren L. Olds, b. 9 Sept. 1885, Edgar, NE, d. 29 March 1891, Denver, CO iv. Carl B. Olds, b. 22 Feb. 1888, Denver, CO, d. 30 March 1890 10476. v. Percy Olds, b. 12 April 1893

5410. Harmon Douglas Olds, son of John Preston and Mary Porter (Burr) Olds, was born 12 Nov. 1829 at Fairfield, VT, and died in 1898 at Cedar Rapids, IA. He married (1) Sarah W. Sturgis on 2 March 1852 at Fairfield, VT. She died 13 Nov. 1867 and he married (2) Annie H. Dingman on 19 Sept. 1871 at Cedar Rapids, IA. He served three years during the Civil War in 3d. Vt. Inf., and one year in 5th Vt. Inf.1546

Children of Harmon Douglas and Sarah W. (Sturgis) Olds

10480. i. Helen Louise Olds, b. 16 April 1858 10481. ii. Fred Allen Olds, b. 7 Aug. 1865

5411. Aaron Burr Olds, son of John Preston and Mary Porter (Burr) Olds, was born 8 July 1832 and died 11 Jan. 1886. He married Salina Temple in 1854. She died in 1914.1547 This family was living in Franklin, VT, in 1880.1548

Census Place: Franklin, Franklin, Vermont Source: FHL Film 1255344 National Archives Film T9-1344 Page 121A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace A. Burr OLDS Self M M W 50 VT Occ: Carpenter Fa: VT Mo: VT Selina OLDS Wife F M W 45 VT Occ: Keeps House Fa: VT Mo: VT Libbie OLDS Dau F S W 21 VT Occ:At Home Fa: VT Mo: VT Children of Aaron Burr and Salina (Temple) Olds

10485. i. Elizabeth Olds, b. 25 Oct. 1857 ii. Charles M. Olds, died young iii. Fred F. Olds, died young

5412. Mary A. Olds, daughter of John Preston and Mary Porter (Burr) Olds, was born 13 Aug. 1832 and died in 1900. She married Charles Mitchell (who died 17 Nov. 1884) at St. Armand Station, P. Q.1549

5413. Susan R. Olds, daughter of John Preston and Mary Porter (Burr) Olds, was born 13 Dec. 1836 and died 31 Dec. 1884.1550

5414. Caroline Rachel Olds, daughter of John Preston and Mary Porter (Burr) Olds, was born 2 Dec.

1546 Olds, p. 119-120 1547 Olds, p. 120 1548 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1549 Olds, p. 109 1550 Olds, p. 109

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 155 1838 at Franklin, VT. She married ______Kennedy. 1551

Children of ______and Caroline Rachel (Olds) Kennedy

10490. i. Mary Elizabeth Kennedy, b. 9 June 1861 10491. ii. Katherine Louise Kennedy, b. 20 Jan. 1863 10492. iii. James Ernest Kennedy, b. 12 Feb. 1865

5415. Lucia Preston Olds, daughter of John Preston and Mary Porter (Burr) Olds, was born 30 Aug. 1841. She married (1) Lewis J. Dimon who died 17 Jan. 1884 and (2) Alva H. Spear (d. 1900) of East Highgate, VT. "she lives (1915) at Swanton, VT.".1552

Children of Lewis J. and Lucia Preston (Olds) Dimon

10495. i. Cora Bell Dimon, b. 22 July 1864 10496. ii. Molly Burr Dimon, b. 1 Dec. 1868

5416. Arabella Cook Olds, daughter of John Preston and Mary Porter (Burr) Olds, was born 24 Feb. 1844 at Franklin, VT. She married Buren M. Soule in June 1875. He died about 1905 and "she lives at Remington, Va. (1915)". 1553

Children of Buren M. and Arabella Cook (Olds) Soule

10500. i. Josephine Soule 10501. ii. Floyd Soule 10502. iii. Laura Soule

5417. Martha Ann Olds, daughter of John Preston and Mary Porter (Burr) Olds, was born 19 May 1846, Franklin, VT. She married Orrin M. Reynolds at Swanton, VT, on 24 Oct. 1865. "in 1898 was living at Palo Alto, Cal."1554

Children of Orrin M. and Martha Ann (Olds) Reynolds

i. Florence B. Reynolds, b. 18 May 1868, McGregor, IA, d. 18 Nov. 1870, Mankato, MN 10505. ii. Everetta A. Reynolds, b. 28 Aug. 1871

5418. Marshall John Olds, son of John Preston and Mary Porter (Burr) Olds, was born 24 Jan. 1848 at Franklin, VT. He died in 1912 at East Berkshire, VT. He married Josephine Marshall on 6 Oct. 1869. She was born 12 July 1848.1555

Children of Marshall John and Josephine (Marshall) Olds

10510. i. Helen Olds, b. 1893 (adopted)

5419. Edward Everett Olds, son of John Preston and Mary Porter (Burr) Olds, was born 21 Oct. 1850 at Franklin, VT. He married Mary Smith on 10 Sept. 1873 at Highgate, VT. "lives at Burlington, Vt. (1915)". 1556

1551 Olds, p. 109-110 1552 Olds, p. 110 1553 Olds, p. 110 1554 Olds, p. 110 1555 Olds, p. 110 1556 Olds, p. 121

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 156 Children of Edward Everett and Mary (Smith) Olds

10515. i. Ethel Alta Olds, b. 21 March 1875 ii. Grace S. Olds, b. 25 Aug. 1877, d. 1901

5420. Howard Caleb Olds, son of William Andrus and Sarah O. (Brown) Olds, was born 23 Nov. 1852. He married Cora Mitchell at Lowell, Mass., on 15 Oct. 1888.1557

Children of Howard Caleb and Cora (Mitchell) Olds

10520. i. Esther Olds 10521. ii. John Olds 10522. iii. Dorothy Olds 10523. iv. (a son)

5421. Harriet Susannah Olds, daughter of William Andrus and Sarah O. (Brown) Olds, was born 16 Oct. 1855 at Fairfield, VT. She married Arthur C. Allen at Lawrence, Mass., on 14 Oct. 1882 and "lives (1915) at East Dixfield, ME.".1558

Children of Arthur C. and Harriet Susannah (Olds) Allen

10525. i. Alton Roy Allen, b. 30 Nov. 1884 10526. ii. Ruby Cora Allen, b. 22 July 1888 10527. iii. Bernard Llewellyn Allen, b. 28 Feb. 1891 10528 iv. Ella Annie Allen, b. 12 Dec. 1893

5422. Herbert William Olds, son of William Andrus and Sarah O. (Brown) Olds, was born 24 April 1866 at Franklin, VT. He married Goldie Perkins on 15 Nov. 1890 at Shelborn, NH and "Lives at Fellmere, Fla. (1915)"1559

Children of Herbert William and Goldie (Perkins) Olds

10530. i. Vera Mildred Olds, b. 25 March 1882 ii. William Herbert Olds, b. 18 Nov. 1894, Cumberland, ME, d. 15 June 1895 10531. iii. Victor Herbert Olds, b. 17 June 1896

5425. Lorenzo H. Barnum, son of Heman and Rachel Amine (Olds) Barnum, was born 9 Sept. 1834 and died 7 Sept. 1882.1560

5426. Elizabeth S. Barnum, daughter of Heman and Rachel Amine (Olds) Barnum, was born 9 Nov. 1837. She married (1) James C. Catchapaw on 10 Nov. 1855. He died in 1876 and she married (2) William Taday (1827 - 1887) on 15 Jan. 1883. She married (3) Nathan C. Page on 12 April 1893.1561

5427. Rodney R. Barnum, son of Heman and Rachel Amine (Olds) Barnum, was born 24 Dec. 1843 and married Mary Elizabeth Hopkins.1562

5428. Harley C. Barnum, son of Heman and Rachel Amine (Olds) Barnum, was born 13 April 1843 [sic -- but about 1849 per 1880 census] and died 31 Dec. 1888. About 1875, he married Jane A. Sweet.1563

1557 Olds, p. 121 1558 Olds, p. 111 1559 Olds, p. 121 1560 Olds, p. 101 1561 Olds, p. 101 1562 Olds, p. 101 1563 Olds, p. 101

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 157 The family is listed with his parents in the 1880 census (see above) and that listing provides the names of two children: was born about 1875 in Canada and Harriet Barnum, was born about 1879 in VT.

5530. Nancy Caroline Olds, daughter of Cornelius J. and Mary E. (Morse) Olds, was born 11 Jan. 1835 at Panton, VT. She married Levi Keeran and lived at Marysville, OH.1564

Children of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran

10540. i. William W. Keeran 10541. ii. Henry L. Keeran 10542. iii. Mary E. Keeran 10543. iv. Eva C. Keeran 10544. v. Albert C. Keeran 10545. vi. George D. Keeran 10546. vii. Eli M. Keeran 10547. viii. Walter M. Keeran 10548. ix. Arthur Keeran 10549. x. Robert O. Keeran 10550. xi. Lewis M. Keeran 10551. xii. Lucy P. Keeran

5531. Aldred H. Olds, son of Cornelius J. and Mary E. (Morse) Olds, was born at Panton, VT. He married Diana Ford. 1565 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1566

Census Place: Paris, Union, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255073 National Archives Film T9-1073 Page 109B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Alferd H. OLDS Self M M W 43 VT Occ: Farmer Fa: NY Mo: VT Diana OLDS Wife F M W 46 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: OHMo:VA William OLDS Son M S W 19 OH Occ: Farm Hand Fa: VT Mo: OH Charley OLDS Son M S W 17 OH Occ: Farm Hand Fa: VT Mo: OH Benjamin OLDS Son M S W 15 OH Occ: Farm Hand Fa: VT Mo:OH Alva OLDS Son M S W 13 OH Fa: VT Mo: OH Bertie OLDS Son M S W 11 OH Fa: VT Mo: OH Carrie OLDS Dau F S W 8 OH Fa: VT Mo: OH Daisy OLDS Dau F S W 4 OH Fa: VT Mo: OH

Children of Alfred H. and Diana (Ford) Olds

10555. i. William L. Olds 10556. ii. Charles C. Olds 10557. iii. Benjamin R. Olds 10558. iv. Alva E. Olds 10559. v. B. Eugene Olds 10560. vi. Caroline M. Olds 10561. vii. Violet D. Olds

5532. William Fletcher Olds, son of Cornelius J. and Mary E. (Morse) Olds, was born 24 Aug. 1841 at Newark, OH. He married Mary J. Lowther and lived at Fernandina, FL.1567

5535. Orcelius Luther Olds, son of Abram and Sabrina E. (Patten) Olds, was born 22 Oct. 1845 at

1564 Olds, p. 112 1565 Olds, p. 122 1566 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1567 Olds, p. 112

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 158 Westport, NY. He married Alice M. Douglass on 22 Dec. 1845 and "lived at Cleveland, Ohio". Their children all died young.1568 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1569 Census Place: Spencer, Guernsey, Ohio Source: FHL Film 1255020 National Archives Film T9-1020 Page 245D Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Oreelus OLDS Self M M W 24 NY Occ: Dentist Fa: NY Mo: VT Alice M. OLDS Wife F M W 27 NY Occ: House Keeping Fa: NY Mo: NY Gumey OLDS Son M S W 3M OH Fa: NY Mo: NY Abraham OLDS Father M W W 68 NY Occ: Retired Farmer Fa: RI Mo: NY Elva SWEET Niece F S W 6 OH Fa: NY Mo: NY

Children of Orcelius Luther and Alice M. (Douglass) Olds

i. Marshall D. Olds ii. Clara S. Olds iii. Gurney L. Olds iv. William W. Olds v. Walter C. Olds vi. Derland B. Olds

5536. Lucy S. Olds, daughter of Abram and Sabrina E. (Patten) Olds, was born 4 June 1850 at Westport, NY, and died 28 Aug. 1876. She married Charles F. Sweet.1570

Children of Charles F. and Lucy S. (Olds) Sweet

10565. i. Elva M. Sweet, b. ca. 18741571 10566. ii. Emma L. Sweet

5540. Walter Howard Olds, son of William W. and Mandana L. (Ray) Olds, was born 8 June 1858 at Westport, NY. He married Carrie E. Howard in June, 1888, and "lives in Medina, N. Y."1572

Children of Walter Howard and Carrie E. (Howard) Olds

10570. i. Ray Howard Olds, b. 22 Feb. 1889 10571. ii. Mildred Florence Olds, b. 23 June 1891

5545. Harriet A. Rowley, daughter of Daniel and Susan G. (Olds) Rowley, was born 14 July 1842. She married Oscar H. Scott.1573

5546. William M. Rowley, son of Daniel and Susan G. (Olds) Rowley, was born 12 Jan. 1848. He married Hester G. Lightfoot.1574

5547. Laura G. Rowley, daughter of Daniel and Susan G. (Olds) Rowley, was born 27 Oct. 1850. She married John Stoddard. 1575

5548. Mary L. Rowley, daughter of Daniel and Susan G. (Olds) Rowley, was born 2 Feb. 1855. She married Charles C. Scott.1576

1568 Olds, p. 123 1569 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1570 Olds, p. 113 1571 see listing of Orcelius Olds, Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1572 Olds, p. 122-23 1573 Olds, p. 102 1574 Olds, p. 102 1575 Olds, p. 102 1576 Olds, p. 102

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 159 5549. Sarah E. Rowley, daughter of Daniel and Susan G. (Olds) Rowley, was born 14 Nov. 1858. She married George C. Whitcomb.1577

5550. Elmer W. Rowley, son of Daniel and Susan G. (Olds) Rowley, was born 15 Feb. 1861. He married Ella M. Barnes.1578

5551. Joseph M. Rowley, son of Daniel and Susan G. (Olds) Rowley, was born 14 March 1867. He married Ella M. Myres.1579

5555. Charles Howland Thurston, son of Urbana C. and Louisa K. (Olds) Thurston, was born 28 Sept. 1861 at Albion, NY. He married Harriet S. Clark.1580

5560. Henry M. Bingham, son of Calvin T. and Harriet M. (Olds) Bingham, was born 25 Nov. 1850. He married Ella C. Rogers.1581

5561. Helen Louise Bingham, daughter of Calvin T. and Harriet M. (Olds) Bingham, was born 19 Jan. 1860.1582

5800. Warren W. Olds, son of Cheney and Amma (Walker) Olds, was born 29 Nov. 1818 at Sturbridge, MA, and died at Albany, IL, on 19 July 1888. He married (1) ______who died in 1849. He married (2) Phebe Golden at Nauvoo, IL. She was born 21 Jan. 1820 and died 17 Dec. 1898. "he was a carpenter and purchased land and became an enthusiast in the propagation of new and rare varieties of fruits and flowers; he was a very religious man, member of the Baptist Church and was a singer; he had a very kindly disposition and was a with children."1583 This family is listed in the 1880 census1584 as: Census Place: Albany, Whiteside, Illinois Source: FHL Film 1254258 National Archives Film T9-0258 Page 91D Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Warren OLDS Self M M W 61 MA Occ: Farmer And FruitRaiser Fa: MA Mo: MA Phebe OLDS Wife F M W 60 KY Occ: Keeping House Fa: NJ Mo: NJ George OLDS Son M S W 23 IL Occ: Farming Fa: MA Mo: KY

Children of Warren W. and ______Olds

10580. i. Mary Jane Olds, b. 1849

Children of Warren W. and Phebe (Golden) Olds 10581. ii. Ellen Amma Olds, b. 6 April 1852 iii. Lewis W. Olds, b. 1854, d. 1855 10582. iv. George W. Olds, b. 1856

5801. Chester Olds, son of Cheney and Amma (Walker) Olds, was born 27 July 1820 at Sturbridge, MA, and died 3 Nov. 1852 at Albany, IL. He married Lovicia Pettygrove on 26 Dec. 1849 at Franklin, WI. She was born 14 Oct. 1835 and died in Nov., 1857.1585

Children of Chester and Lovicia (Pettygrove) Olds

1577 Olds, p. 102 1578 Olds, p. 102 1579 Olds, p. 102 1580 Olds, p. 102 1581 Olds, p. 103 1582 Olds, p. 103 1583 Olds, pp. 187-88 1584 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1585 Olds, p. 188-89

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 160 10585. i. Lois Olds, b. 29 Jan. 1850 10586. ii. Chester Etta Olds, b. 14 Nov. 1852 (daughter)

5802. Lewis Olds, son of Cheney and Amma (Walker) Olds, was born 5 June 1822 and died 22 Feb. 1894, unmarried. He moved to Yale Co., Colorado, in 1850.1586

5803. Nancy Olds, daughter of Cheney and Amma (Walker) Olds, was born 19 Aug. 1824 and died 26 Nov. 1887. She married Peter Bergen Van Nest on 21 Dec. 1842 and lived in Gardenplain, IL.1587

5804. Ezekiel Olds, son of Cheney and Amma (Walker) Olds, was born 24 Oct. 1826 at Sturbridge, MA, and died 10 Dec. 1898 at Albany, IL. He married Sarah Pitkin Pease on 29 Dec. 1852 at Albany, IL. She was born 5 Sept. 1829 and d. 19 Jan. 1902. The family is listed in the 1880 census1588 as:

Census Place: Albany, Whiteside, Illinois Source: FHL Film 1254258 National Archives Film T9-0258 Page 91D Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Ezekiel OLDS Self M M W 53 MA Occ: Carpenter And Fruit Raiser Fa: MA Mo: MA Sarah P. OLDS Wife F M W 50 MO Occ: Keeping House Fa: CT Mo: CT Mary E. OLDS Dau F S W 26 IL Fa: MA Mo: MO Fannie P. OLDS Dau F S W 22 IL Occ: Music Teacher Fa: MA Mo: MO Edwin L. OLDS Son M S W 19 IL Occ: At Home Fa: MA Mo: MO Edith OLDS Dau F S W 17 IL Fa: MA Mo: MO Louise OLDS Dau F S W 13 IL Fa: MA Mo: MO Albert H. OLDS Son M S W 10 IL Occ: At Home Fa: MA Mo: MO Children of Ezekiel and Sarah Pitkin (Pease) Olds

10590. i. Mary Elizabeth Olds, b. 25 May 1854 10591. ii. Fanny Pitkin Olds, b. 14 April 1858 10592. iii. Edwin Lewis Olds, b. 23 Dec. 1860 10593. iv. Henrietta Edith Olds, b. 22 May 1863 10594. v. Louise Warburton Olds, b. 1866 10595. vi. Albert Henry Olds, b. 18 Nov. 1869

5805. Walker Olds, son of Cheney and Amma (Walker) Olds, was born on 4 July 1829 in Cayuga Co., NY, and died 2 Feb. 1899 at Albany, IL. He married Susan M. Park on 20 May 1856. She was born 23 June 1834.1589 The family is listed in the 1880 census1590 as: Census Place: Albany, Whiteside, Illinois Source: FHL Film 1254258 National Archives Film T9-0258 Page 91C Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Walker OLDS Self M M W 50 NY Occ: Plasterer Fa: MA Mo: MA Susan M. OLDS Wife F M W 44 IN Occ: Keeping House Fa: VA Mo: VA Mary A. OLDS Dau F S W 14 IL Fa: NY Mo: IN William L. OLDS Son M S W 11 IL Occ: At Home Fa: NY Mo: IN

Children of Walker and Susan M. (Park) Olds

10600. i. Charles A. Olds, b. 18 Feb. 1857 10601. ii. Edgar H. Olds, b. 1 Nov. 1860

1586 Olds, p. 163 1587 Olds, p. 163 1588 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1589 Olds, p. 190 1590 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 161 10602. iii. Mary A. Olds, b. 22 Jan. 1866 10603. iv. William L. Olds, b. 9 Dec. 1868

5806. Cheney Olds, son of Cheney and Amma (Walker) Olds, was born 7 Aug. 1832 and died 16 March 1897. He lived at Woodland, Yale Co., CA. 1591

5807. Asenath Hamant Olds, daughter of Cheney and Amma (Walker) Olds, was born 21 Sept. 1834 at Ellicottville, Cattaraugus Co., NY, and died 29 May 1910 at Beatrice, NE. She married John Wilde Faxon on 30 Dec. 1852 at Albany, IL. He was born 6 May 1830 and died 19 July 1911. She lived in Genesee, IL, Oskaloosa, IA, Lanham, NE, and Beatrice, NE.1592

Children of John Wilde and Asenath Hamant (Olds) Faxon

10610. i. George Louis Faxon, b. 20 Nov. 1853 10611. ii. Henrietta Amma Faxon, b. 30 April 1857 10612. iii. Nellie Amanda Faxon, b. 21 Feb. 1859 10613. iv. Kate Asenath Faxon, b. 16 Dec. 1866

5820. Jane Chandler, daughter of John D. and Mary (Olds) Chandler, was born 15 Jan. 183- and married Horace P. Smith, on 10 March 1852. He died 25 Dec. 1869.1593

5821. Charles D. Chandler, son of John D. and Mary (Olds) Chandler, was born 5 Feb. 1835 and died 3 March 1861.1594

5822. Annie E. Chandler, daughter of John D. and Mary (Olds) Chandler, was born 28 May 1842.1595

5823. Esek Bradford Chandler, son of John D. and Mary (Olds) Chandler, was born 2 May 1844 and was a drum-major in the Civil War.1596

5830. Oliver Olds, son of Ezra Richmond and Louis (____) Olds, was bor n 13 May 1823 at T yringham, Mass.1597

5831. Willard Crossman Olds, son of Ezra Richmond and Louis (____) Olds, was born 2 July 1829 at Tyringham, MA.1598

5832. Harriet Jane Olds, daughter of Ezra Richmond and Louis (______) Olds, was born 21 Feb. 1832 at Tyringham, Mass..1599

5833. William Henry Olds, son of Ezra Richmond and Louis (____) Olds, was born 17 April 1834 at Tyringham, Mass.1600

5834. Egbert R. Olds, son of Ezra Richmond and Louis (____) Olds, was born 1 Oct. 1838 at Tyringham, Mass.1601

5850. George Washington Olds, son of Jonathan and Frances Minerva (Bush) Olds, was born 7 Feb.

1591 Olds, p. 163 1592 Olds, p. 164 1593 Olds, p. 142 1594 Olds, p. 142 1595 Olds, p. 142 1596 Olds, p. 142 1597 Olds, p. 164 1598 Olds, p. 164 1599 Olds, p. 164 1600 Olds, p. 164 1601 Olds, p. 164

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 162 1848 in Lee, MA. 1602 He married Eunice D. Cole in Napa, CA.1603

Children of George W. and Eunice D. (Cole) Olds

10650. i. William H. Olds

5851. Egbert J. Olds, son of Jonathan and Frances Minerva (Bush) Olds, was born 23 March 1842. He married Georgianna Elder on 3 April 1868 and was a soldier in the Civil War.1604 They were both of Huntington and were married at Worthington by William Goreham, Pastor of the M. E. Ch.1605

5860. George H. Olds was a son of Luke Orrison Olds.1606

5880. Lewis C. Olds, son of Harvey S. and Cinderella (Brooks) Olds, was born 14 April 1842 and died 4 Oct. 1862.1607

5881. Henry Oscar Olds, son of Harvey S. and Cinderella (Brooks) Olds, was born 24 June 1848 at Warren, MA.1608 He married (1) Sarah M. Crosby on 26 Oct. 1872 and (2) Martha S. Upham on 25 Nov. 1874.1609

5890. George Perry Olds, son of Alexander and Jeannette (Squires) Olds, was born 14 Aug. 1871 at Ware, Mass.1610

6400. Francis Ellen Olds, daughter of William Bemis and Eveline (Upham) Olds, was born 6 April 1833 at Brookfield, Mass.1611 She died 23 June 1848 of heart disease at the age of 15 y 2 m 17 d. 1612

6460. George Cummings Olds was a son of Alonzo Warren and Fidelia Williams Albee Olds.1613 He was born about 1859 (per the 1880 census).

6461. Linus Alonzo Olds was a son of Alonzo Warren and Fidelia Williams Albee Olds.1614

6462. Fanny Susan Olds, daughter of Alonzo Warr en and Fidelia Williams Albee Olds, married Augustus Cook.1615

Children of Augustus and Fanny Susan (Olds) Cook

10660. i. Ida Cook 10661. ii. Joseph Cook 10662. iii. Marion Cook (daughter) 10663. iv. Harry Cook

1602 Lee Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1603 Olds, p. 191 1604 Olds, p. 165 1605 Bible Record, copy of the marriage page in my files. 1606 Olds, p. 165 1607 Olds, p. 166 1608 _____, son of Harvey S. and Cinderella, b. 24 Jun 1848. Warren Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1609 Olds, p. 166 1610 Olds, p. 166 1611 Olds, p. 166 1612 Barre Death records. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search & Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) 1613 Olds, p. 166-67 1614 Olds, pp. 166-67 1615 Olds, p. 167

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 163 6463. Frank Preston Olds, son of Alonzo Warren and Fidelia Williams Albee Olds, married Mary Rosalie Hefner and lived at Southbridge, MA. 1616

Children of Frank Preston and Mary Rosalie (Hefner) Olds 10670. i. Alonzo Joseph Olds 10671. ii. Leo Fidelis Olds 10672 iii. Clara Olds

6464. Albert Morris Olds was a son of Alonzo Warren and Fidelia Williams Albee Olds.

6465. Albert Hamilton Olds was a son of Alonzo Warren and Fidelia Williams Albee Olds.

6480. Willa rd Olds, son of Albert and Mary Louisa (Thurston) Olds, was born 19 Sept.l 1858 and died 3 July 1878.1617

6481. Charles Augustus Olds, son of Albert and Mary Louisa (Thurston) Olds, was born 25 March 1860. He married Mame Shoemaker on 30 Oct. 1868. She was born in Sept. 1866.1618

6482. John Thurston Olds, son of Albert and Mary Louisa (Thurston) Olds, was born 31 Dec. 1862 at Ashley, Ohio. He married Blanche Alberta Westbrook on 23 Oct. 1889. She was born 17 Dec. 1871.1619

Children of John Thurston and Blanche Alberta (Westbrook) Olds

10670. i. Neil Albert Olds, b. 11 June 1891

6483. Bar ton Olds, son of Albert and Mary Louisa (Thurston) Olds, was born 3 Jan. 1865. He married Hattie May Cutter on 7 March 1886. She was born 9 Dec. 11865. In 1892, he was a farmer at Ashley, Ohio.1620

Children of Barton and Hattie May (Cutter) Olds 10680. i. Hazel Dell Olds, b. Nov. 1886 10681. ii. Fred Cutter Olds, b. Nov. 1890

6484. Ray Benton Olds, son of Albert and Mary Louisa (Thurston) Olds, was born 2 Feb. 1880.1621

6500. Mary Olds, daughter of James and Anastasia (Talmage) Olds, was born 26 Oct. 1864. She married William Richard Baxter on 29 March 1888. He was born 24 July 1859.1622

6501. Benjamin Olds, son of James and Anastasia (Talmage) Olds, was born 27 Sept. 1868. He married Anna Barton Irwin on 28 Sept. 1893 and "lives at Mt. Gilead, Ohio." She was born 30 Aug. 1870.1623

Children of Benjamin and Anna Barton (Irwin) Olds

10700. i. Iras Irwin Olds, b. 11 Jan. 1896 10701. ii. James Olds, b. 10 June 1899 10702. iii. Anna Barbara Olds, b. 6 Oct. 1910

1616 Olds, p. 191 1617 Olds, p. 167 1618 Olds, p. 167 1619 Olds, p. 191 1620 Olds, p. 192 1621 Olds, pp. 167-68 1622 Olds, p. 168 1623 Olds, p. 193

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 164 6502. Walter Floyd Olds, son of James and Anastasia (Talmage) Olds, was born 6 April 1884. He married Agnes Bell Gill (born 23 May 1884) on 5 Oct. 1912 and "lives in Chicago, Ill."1624

6510. Ophelia Olds, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Hull) Olds, was born in 1852. In 1877, she married J. S. Boyd (1848 - 1881).1625

Children of J. S. and Ophelia (Olds) Boyd

10720. i. Ted Boyd, b. 1878 10721. ii. Kate Boyd, b. 1878 10722. iii. Oscar H. Boyd, b. 1881

6511. Oscar H. Olds, son of Henry and Elizabeth (Hull) Olds, was born in 1853. He married (1) Sarah E. Byrd (1853 - 1904) in 1874. He married (2) Nora Griffith (b. 1867) in 1897.1626 The family is listed with his widowed mother in 1880.

Children of Oscar H. and Sarah E. (Byrd) Olds

10730. i. Clinton Byrd Olds, b. 1876 10731. ii. Hoyt Olds, b. 1878 10732. iii. Charles B. Olds, b. 1886

6512. Viola Olds, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Hull) Olds, was born in 1855. She married J. H. Vaughn (b. 1848) in 1878.1627

Children of J. H. and Viola (Olds) Vaughn

10740. i. Mabel Vaughn, b. 1878 10741. ii. Jay H. Vaughn, b. 1884

6515. Madora Olds, daughter of Luther and Amanda (Hull) Olds, was born about 18551628

6516. Edson Olds, son of Luther and Amanda (Hull) Olds, was born about 18571629

6517. Absolom Olds, son of Luther and Amanda (Hull) Olds, was born about 18621630

6518. Maggie B. Olds, daughter of Luther and Amanda (Hull) Olds, was born about 18721631

6520. Addie Olds, daughter of Sanford and Lucetta (Smith) Olds, was born 26 Oct. 1859. She married John R. Coe on 24 Sept. 1879.1632

Children of John R. and Addie (Olds) Coe

i. Amber A. Coe, b. 22 Dec. 1880, d. 5 Jan. 1881 ii. Reginald Olds Coe, b. 24 March 1884, d. 6 Aug. 1899 10750. iii.Jessie S. Coe, b. 3 Oct. 1891

1624 Olds, p. 168 1625 Olds, pp. 168-69 1626 Olds, p. 192 1627 Olds, p. 169 1628 as listed in her father's family, Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1629 as listed in his father's family, Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1630 as listed in his father's family, Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1631 as listed in her father's family, Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1632 Olds, p. 169

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 165 6521. Emil L. Olds, son of Sanford and Lucetta (Smith) Olds, was born 23 Jan. 1861. He married Ida E. Schoonover on 19 Oct. 1882 and "lives at Osborne, Kan.".1633

Children of Emil L. and Ida E. (Schoonover) Olds

10770. i. Vera L. Olds, b. 2 July 1886 10771. ii. Lloyd A. Olds, b. 10 Feb. 1890

6530. Owen Wa lter Olds, son of Miles and Dorothy (West) Olds, was born 31 Dec. 1864 and died 12 Nov. 1896. He married Lillian A. Balliett (b. 23 March 1869) on 27 Oct. 1887.1634

Children of Owen Walter and Lillian A. (Balliett) Olds

10780. i. Frank Van Olds, b. 26 June 1888

6531. Elmer Seneca Olds, son of Miles and Dorothy (West) Olds, was born 21 Sept. 1867. He married Margaret M. Balliett (b. 29 Sept. 1871) on 26 Dec. 1894 and "lives at Shelby, Ohio".1635

Children of Elmer Seneca and Margaret M. (Balliett) Olds

10790. i. Robert Balliett Olds, b. 2 Aug. 1897 10791. ii. Margaret A. Olds, b. 8 Nov. 1902

6540. Viola Granger, daughter of Wilbert and Mary Ann (Olds) Granger, was born 21 March 1868 and married Bartholomew Sperry on 7 July 1890. They had no children. 1636

6541. Audria Jane Granger, daughter of Wilbert and Mary Ann (Olds) Granger, was born 8 March 1873. 1637

6542. Walter Olds Granger, son of Wilbert and Mary Ann (Olds) Granger, was born 6 April 1878. He married Beatrice J. Kauffman on 26 Oct. 1904.1638

6550. Lee M. Olds, son of Wa lter and Mar ie J. (Merritt) Olds, was born 21 Oct. 1874. He mar ried Winifred Keogh on 16 Oct. 1902 in San Francisco, CA. He "was a Major in the 161st Indiana Vol. Inf. in the Spanish-American War; practicing law (1915), San Francisco, Cal.".1639

Children of Lee M. and Winifred (Keogh) Olds

10900. i. Walter Keogh Olds, b. 10 May 1904 10901. ii. Merritt Robinson Olds, b. 27 Sept. 1905 10902. iii. Winfield Lee Olds, b. 28 Dec. 1906

6552. Frank Walter Olds, son of Henry Elias and Sarah Ann (Murdock) Olds, was born 21 Nov. 1853 at Lafayette, IN. He married Annie Curry Tea on 27 June 1882 at Delphi, IN., and "lives at Detroit, Mich.".1640

Children of Frank Walter and Annie Curry (Tea) Olds

1633 Olds, p. 193 1634 Olds, p. 193 1635 Olds, pp. 193-94 1636 Olds, p. 148 1637 Olds, p. 148 1638 Olds, p. 149 1639 Olds, p. 194 1640 Olds, p. 194

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 166 10920. i. Edna Gertrude Olds, b. 18 July 1887 19021. ii. Florence Winifred Olds, b. 1 June 1890 19022. iii. Frank Walter Olds, b. 17 Oct. 1894

6553. Edgar Milford Olds, son of Henry Elias and Sarah Ann (Murdock) Olds, was born 28 May 1856 and "lives at Detroit, Mich."1641

6554. Clarence Henry Olds, son of Henry Elias and Sarah Ann (Murdock) Olds, was born 3 April 1858 at Delphi, IN, and died in May, 1908. He married Minnie Fairfield at Big Rapids, MI, in 1888.1642

Children of Clarence Henry and Minnie (Fairfield) Olds

19030. i. Katherine Marie Olds, b. 1899 19031. ii. Clarence Fairfield Olds, b. 1891

6555. Anna Roxey Olds, daughter of Henry Elias and Sarah Ann (Murdock) Olds, was born 31 Dec. 1862 and "lives at Detroit, Mich.". 1643

6556. Jane Abigail Olds, daughter of Henry Elias and Sarah Ann (Murdock) Olds, was born 12 Nov. 1864 and "lives at Detroit, Mich.". 1644

6557. John Murdock Olds, son of Henry Elias and Sarah Ann (Murdock) Olds, was born 9 Oct. 1868 and "lives in Minnesota".1645

6560. Eunice M. Olds, daughter of Eli and Ulilla M (Walker) Olds, was born 9 Jan. 1847. She married Solon W. Call (b. 13 Nov. 1845) and "lives at Perry, Ohio".1646

Children of Solon W. and Eunice M. (Olds) Call

i. Jessie Call, b. 8 Nov. 1880, d. 26 June 1893

6561. Albion H. Olds, son of Eli and Ulilla M. (Walker) Olds, was born in July 1843 and died in Aug. 1864.1647

6562. Alfred W. Olds, son of Eli and Ulilla M. (Walker) Olds, was born 31 Oct. 1845. He married ______.1648 This family is listed with his father in the 1880 census, which shows Alfred's wife's name as Louisa.1649

Children of Alfred W. Olds

10950. i. Ralph W. Olds, b. 6 Dec. 1877 10951. ii. Grace Pauline Olds, b. 28 July 1894 10952. iii. Clara Halstead Olds, b. 1908

6570. Wilbur Jason Olds, son of Pliny Fisk and Sarah (Whipple) Olds, was born 19 June 1850 and died in Oct., 1913.1650

1641 Olds, p. 171 1642 Olds, p. 195 1643 Olds, p. 171 1644 Olds, p. 171 1645 Olds, p. 171 1646 Olds, p. 171 1647 Olds, p. 171 1648 Olds, p. 195 1649 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1650 Olds, p. 172

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 167 6571. Emory Whipple Olds, son of Pliny Fisk and Sarah (Whipple) Olds, was born 21 April 1853 and died 2 Feb. 1914. He married Charlotte Britton on 25 Feb. 1875.1651

6572. Wallace Samuel Olds, son of Pliny Fisk and Sarah (Whipple) Olds, was born 13 Sept. 1856. He married Hattie Hoag on 22 Feb. 1883.1652

Children of Wallace Samuel and Hattie (Hoag) Olds

10980. i. Benjamin Olds, b. 17 March 1884 10981. ii. Eddiess Olds, b. 10 Jan. 1890

6573. Sarah Eliza Olds, daughter of Pliny Fisk and Sarah (Whipple) Olds, was born 30 March 1859. She married George Sheets on 10 Aug. 1887.1653

6574. Ransom Eli Olds, son of Pliny Fisk and Sarah (Whipple) Olds, was born 3 June 1864 at Geneva, Ohio. He married Metta U. Woodward on 5 June 1889. "In 1887 he built the first horseless carriage and on account of frightening horses did his driving between 3 and 4 A. M.; in 1890 put the first stationary gasolene engine on the market, and organized the Olds Gas Engine Co., pioneering the gasolene engine which is today so extensively used for general purposes. In 1892 he brought out a successful motor vehicle, and in 1896 organized the Olds Motor Vehicle Co., manufacturing the first gasolene automobile; in 1899 formed the Olds Motor Works, with a capital stock of $350,000, which company manufactured Oldsmobiles on an extensive scale and grew to large proportions. In January, 1904, he sold out his interests in that company, and later in the year organized the REO MOTOR CAR CO., with a capital of $500,000; this company, of which he is the President and principal stockholder, in ten years earned assets and dividends to the amount of about $15,000,000. He is a man of big and original ideas, and is widely known as a large manufacturer and a pioneer in the gasolene engine and automobile business. He is president of the Capital National Bank, Lansing, Mich., and is president or director in many industrial as well as financial institutions; is interested in educational matters and has recently organized the Ransom Fidelity Co., for philanthropic work; is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kalamazoo College. He lives at Lansing, Mich., having a summer home at Elbamar, Grosse Island, Mich., and a winter one at Daytona Beach, Fla."1654 His memorial1655 says he was of Lansing, MI, and died 26 Aug. 1950. His wife, Metta Ursula Woodward, was born 6 June 1864 in Pinckney, MI, the daughter of Joseph Darwin and Mary Eleanor (Bennett) Woodward.

Children of Ransom Eli and Metta U. (Woodward) Olds

11000. i. Gladys M. Olds, b. 15 July 1892 11001. ii. Bernice E. Olds, b. 16 April 1894 iii. Mildred L. Olds, b. 9 Sept. 1899, d. 21 Sept. 1899 iv. Ralph E. Olds, b. 19 Aug. 1902, d. 20 Aug. 1902

6600. Nathan Olds, son of Nathan and Lois (Allen) Olds, was born 16 Aug. 1839. He married Mary Robinson about 1861.1656

6601. Albert Hinckley Olds, son of Nathan and Lois (Allen) Olds, was born 11 June 1844 and died 30 Sept. 1874.1657

6602. Alfred Allen Olds, son of Nathan and Lois (Allen) Olds, was born 16 Jan. 1852. He mar ried

1651 Olds, p. 172 1652 Olds, p. 195 1653 Olds, p. 172 1654 Olds, p. 195-197 1655 NEHG Register, Vol. 105, Jan. 1951, pp. 65-66 1656 Olds, p. 173 1657 Olds, p. 173

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 168 Lizzie Maria Whipple on 23 March 1875 at Springfield, Mass., and "lives at Hartford, Conn.".1658 They are listed in the 1880 census as1659 Census Place: Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut Source: FHL Film 1254097 National Archives Film T9-0097 Page 232A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Alfred A. OLDS Self M M W 28 CT Occ:Store Dealer Fa: CT Mo: CT Lizzie M. OLDS Wife F M W 27 MA Occ:Keeping HouseFa: CTMo: MA Edith W. OLDS Dau F S W 4 CT Fa: CT Mo:MA Alfred W. OLDS Son M S W 3 CT Fa: CT Mo:MA Frank A. OLDS Son M S W 7M CT Fa:CT Mo:MA Louis A. OLDS Mother F W W 65 CT Fa:CT Mo:CT Mary THOMPSON Other F S W 23 IRE Occ:Servant Fa: IREMo:IRE

Children of Alfred Allen and Lizzie Maria (Whipple) Olds

11020. i. Edith Willard Olds, b. 2 Feb. 1876 11021. ii. Alfred Whipple Olds, b. 3 March 1877 11022. iii. Frank Albert Olds, b. 28 Oct. 1879 11023. iv. Edna Allen Olds, b. 1 Nov. 1881 11024. v. Herbert Vincent Olds, b. 23 May 1883

6610. Milton Hall Olds, son of Wiliam F. and Mary B. (Hall) Olds, was born 10 March 1847 at Kent, Ohio, and died 5 Aug. 1904, at Amity, Ark. He married (1) Mattie Edna McLean (8 Nov. 1853 - 18 Feb. 1881) on 11 Nov. 1874. He married (2) Mary J. Boyd on 17 Nov. 1882) She was born 10 March 1845. "moved to Texas about 1870 and to Arkansas about 1872; he was a man that was well liked and was a member of the M. E. Church for 25 years."1660

Children of Milton Hall and Mattie Edna (McLean) Olds

11030. i. Edgar Orville Olds, b. 25 Aug. 1876 11031. ii. William Hibbard Olds, b. 13 July 1878 11032. iii. Mary Carlotta Olds, b. 2 Oct. 1880

6611. William Riley Olds, son of William F. and Mary B. (Hall) Olds, was born 31 March 1849 and died 13 Sept. 1906 at Leighton, Mich.1661

6612. David Ansil Olds, son of William F. and Mary B. (Hall) Olds, was born 27 Jan. 1852 and died 28 March 1912.1662

6613. John N. Olds, son of William F. and Mary B. (Hall) Olds, was born 14 Dec. 1858 and died on 26 Jan. 1903 at Orange, Texas. He was employed by the Southern Pacific R. R. for many years.1663

6620. Alfred Henry Olds, son of David A. and Sarah S. (Wyatt) Olds, was born 12 May 1850 at Oconomowoc, WI. He married Mary Miller in 1871.1664

Children of Alfred Henry and Sarah S. (Wyatt) Olds

i. Lucia W. Olds, d. 1874

1658 Olds, p. 197 1659 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 1660 Olds, p. 198 1661 Olds, p. 173 1662 Olds, p. 173 1663 Olds, p. 173 1664 Olds, pp. 198-199

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 169 11050. ii. Flora H. Olds 11051. iii. Ida Olds 11052. iv. Walter Olds 11053. v. William Olds 11054. vi. Jay Olds 11055. vii. James Olds

6621. John Newell Olds, son of David A. and Sarah S. (Wyatt) Olds, was born 28 Sept. 1851. He married Sarah Ann McMillion on 7 Jan. 1881. She was born in 1859.1665

Children of John Newell and Sarah Ann (McMillion) Olds

i. Eddie Olds, b. 29 Jan. 1882, d. 1884 11060. ii. Minnie Queen Olds, b. 16 March 1884 11061. iii. John Wesley Olds, b. 3 Aug. 1887 11062. iv. Mary Ethel Olds, b. 13 Feb. 1892

6622. Edwin F. Olds, son of David A. and Sarah S. (Wyatt) Olds, was born 7 May 1856. He was apparently dead by 1915.1666

6623. Flora Lauretta Olds, daughter of David A. and Sarah S. (Wyatt) Olds, was born 5 April 1860 at Oconomowoc, WI. She married J. E. M. Hedley on 3 April 1881 at Abilene, TX, and "lives in Granite, Okla.".1667

Children of J. E. M. and Flora Lauretta (Olds) Hedley

11070. i. Rowena Hedley, b. 29 Dec. 1885 11071. ii. Wyatt Olds Hedley, b. 24 June 1888 11072. iii. Thomas Gregg Hedley, b. 18 July 1890 11073. iv. Lula Hedley, b. 18 July 1882 11074. v. Hazel Hedley, b. 26 Oct. 1894 11075. vi. Blanche Hedley, b. 3 July 1897 11076. vii. John David Hedley, b. 12 Dec. 1899 11077. viii. Weldon Eli Hedley, b. 1 Nov. 1902

6630. Nettie Olds, of Ezekiel and Roxana (Wilcox) Olds, was born about 1862 in IL.

6631. Charles Olds, son of Ezekiel and Roxana (Wilcox) Olds, was born about 1865 in IL

6640. Nettie C. Olds, daughter of John and Harriet (Laughlin) Olds, was born in 1850. She married Fernando C. Colby and died in March, 1913.1668

Children of Fernando C. and Nettie C. (Olds) Colby

11080. i. Harriet C. Colby, b. 10 June 1869

6641. John Wilson Olds, son of John and Harriet (Laughlin) Olds, was born 29 April 1854 at Conneaut, Ohio. In 1879, he married Dora E. Durkee who was born 27 Sept. 1856. They lived at Conneaut, OH.1669 Children of John Wilson and Dora E. (Durkee) Olds

1665 Olds, p. 199 1666 Olds, p. 174 1667 Olds, p. 174 1668 Olds, pp. 174-5 1669 Olds, p. 175

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 170 11085. i. Sara L. Olds, b. 19 June 1881 ii. Maurice A. Olds, b. 17 July 1885, d. 7 March 1904 11086. iii. Benjamin H. Olds, b. 2 June 1884 11087. iv. Isadora M.Olds, b. 17 Jan. 1891

6642. Alfred O. Olds, son of John and Harriet (Laughlin) Olds, was born in 1857.1670

6650. Sarah Chapman, daughter of William and Cynthia (Olds) Chapman, was born 8 June 1849, at Conneaut, OH. She married Charles Hayward and "lives at Conneaut, Ohio.1671

6651. Phebe E. Chapman, daughter of William and Cynthia (Olds) Chapman, was born 13 Aug. 1851. She married Stephen A. Holbrook and "lives in Bradford, Pa.".1672

6652. Henry William Chapman, son of William and Cynthia (Olds) Chapman, was born 6 April 1854 at Conneaut, Ohio. He "lives in Scarsdale, N.Y.". 1673

6653. John Burt Chapman, son of William and Cynthia (Olds) Chapman, was born 28 June 1856, at Conneaut, Ohio, and "lives in Northfield, Ohio"1674

6654. Will B. Chapman, son of William and Cynthia (Olds) Chapman, was born 8 Feb. 1866 and "lives in Crafton, Pa."1675

6660. Martha M. Olds, daughter of Henry and Harriet (_____) Olds, was born 14 Aug. 1848 at Williamstown, Mass.1676 Henry Patridge, age 21, farmer, of Williamstown but born in Chesterfield, son of Horace and Mary Patridge, married Martha Olds, age 19 of Centerville (Adams) but born in Williamstown, daughter of Henry and Harriet Olds, on 30 May 1868 at Cummington, Mass.1677

6665. George William Jennings Olds, son of Joseph Sidney Olds, was born in 1871 in Boston, Mass.1678

6700. Z. Webster Olds, son of Melvin Joel and Clara E. (Webster) Olds, was born 12 March 1874. He married Elizabeth Mehler on 2 Aug. 1899 (b. 23 Oct. 1875) and "lives at Erie, Pa."1679

6701. Leon Baker Olds, son of Melvin Joel and Clara E. (Webster) Olds, was born 7 June 1889 and "lives at Pasadena, Cal.". 1680

6710. Inez Lunette Olds, daughter of Lewis Wilson and Louisa E. (Ackerly) Olds, was born 11 March 1849. On 4 Jan. 1882, she married Eugene M. Tayntor (22 Jan. 1847 - 28 Aug. 1911) of Eatin, NY. "She resides in Erie, Pa.".1681

6711. Clark Olds, son of Lewis Wilson and Louisa E. (Ackerly) Olds, was born 14 July 1850 in Erie, Pa. He graduated from the University of Michigan in 1870 and from the University of Leipsic in 1873. He married Livia Elizabeth Keator (b. 3 Sept. 1855) on 13 Dec. 1876. He "is a prominent lawyer in Erie, Pa., and was for many years President of the Water Board there."1682

1670 Olds, p. 175 1671 Olds, p. 152 1672 Olds, p. 152 1673 Olds, p. 152 1674 Olds, p. 152 1675 Olds, p. 152 1676 Olds, p. 175 1677 Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). 1678 Olds, p. 175 1679 Olds, p. 176 1680 Olds, p. 176 1681 Olds, p. 177 1682 Olds, pp. 200-201

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 171 Children of Clark and Livia Elizabeth (Keator) Olds

i. Romeyn Keator Olds, b. 11 Feb. 1882, d. 3 Mar 1899 12000. ii. Irving Sands Olds, b. 22 Jan. 1887 iii. Marguerite Olds, b. 14 June 1889, d. 28 March 1897

6712. Nettie Louisa Olds, daughter of Lewis Wilson and Louisa (Ackerly) Olds, was born 17 Sept. 1854 in Erie, Pa. On 17 Dec. 1884, she married Frank M. Lamb (b. 14 Dec. 1854) "of Erie, Pa., where she still resides."1683

Childr en of Frank M. and Nettie Louisa (Olds) Lamb

12010. i. Clark Victor Lamb, b. 2 May 1877 12020. ii. Catherine Louise Lamb, b. 17 June 1891

6713. Phila Olds, daughter of Lewis Wilson and Louisa (Ackerly) Olds, was born 20 Nov. 1857. On 21 Sept. 1892, she married James W. Cole (2 Feb. 1820 - 5 June 1907). "Lives in Greencastle, Ind.".1684

Children of James W. and Phila (Olds) Cole

12030. i.James Gilbert Cole, b. 20 Sept. 1894

6714. William C. Olds, son of Lewis Wilson and Louisa (Ackerly) Olds, was born 17 Aug. 1859 in Erie, Pa. On 9 Jan. 1884 he married Mary Porter Brown, daughter of Robert B. Brown of Huntington, Pa. William "is Industrial Agent for Southern Railway, Land and Industrial Dept.; Fellow Royal Society of Art, London, England; Associate American Society of Civil Engineers; lives at Washington, D.C."1685

Children of Wiliam C. and Mary Porter (Brown) Olds

12040. i. Harry Ingram Olds, b. 22 Dec. 1884 12041. ii. Louise Olds, b. 1 Jan. 1887 iii. William C. Olds, b. 11 Dec. 1889, d. 8 Oct. 1889

6715. Florence Elizabeth Olds, daughter of Lewis Wilson and Louisa (Ackerly) Olds, was born 9 Nov. 1863 and died 10 Oct. 1909.1686

6716. Charlotte Olds, daughter of Lewis Wilson and Louisa (Ackerly) Olds, was born 3 Sept. 1865 in Erie, Pa. On 26 Dec. 1894, she married James C. Thomas (b. 15 July 1869), a lawyer of Erie, Pa.1687

Children of James C. and Charlotte (Olds) Thomas

12050. i. Mary Louise Thomas, b. 28 Oct. 1896

6720. Frank Olds, son of Nelson and Sylvia (Phillips) Olds, was born 27 Jan. 1863. On 24 March 1901, he married Rose E. Phillips (b. 11 March 1862), of Dunkirk, NY. "he lives on the old homestead. Address: Waterford, Pa., R. F. D. 3.1688

Children of Frank and Rose E. (Phillips) Olds

1683 Olds, p. 178 1684 Olds, p. 178 1685 Olds, p. 201 1686 Olds, p. 178 1687 Olds, p. 178 1688 Olds, pp. 201-202

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 172 12060. i. Zara Beatrice Olds, b. 14 June 1902 12061. ii. Donald Edison Olds, b. 29 Dec. 1905 iii. Clinton Gifford Olds, b. 20 Aug. 1907, d. 25 Oct. 1907

6725. Elmer Williams Olds, son of Erskine and Ellen (Stancliff) Olds, was born 3 April 1863 at Erie, Pa. On 3 Oct. 1898, married Martha Stancliff (b. 20 Sept. 1867) and "lives at Erie, Pa.". 1689

Children of Elmer Williams and Martha (Stancliff) Olds

12070. i. Severn Olds, b. 2 March 1892

6726. Minnie Emily Olds, daughter of Erskine and Ellen (Stancliff) Olds, was born 26 Nov. 1868. On 12 Feb. 1867, she married Luther Stancliff (b. 20 Sept. 1867, twin brother of Martha Stancliff, wife of Elmer W. Olds). She "lives at Erie, Pa.". 1690

Children of Luther and Minnie Emily (Olds) Stancliff

12080. i. Perry Stancliff, b. 20 Sept. 1890 12081. ii. Pearl Stancliff, b. 12 July 1902

6730. Hamilton A. Olds, son of David and Rosanna H. (Seaman) Olds, was born 21 June 1849 in Seneca Co., NY. He moved to western Kansas.1691

6731. Franklin M. Olds, son of David and Rosanna H. (Seaman) Olds, was born 20 Aug. 1851 and died 27 Feb. 1912. He married (1) Cassie A. Walker on 25 Dec. 1878. She died 20 Feb. 1897 and he mar ried (2) Agnese Aprile on 10 March 1902. He was a graduate of Williams College and practiced law in Newark, NJ.1692 The family is listed in the 1880 census as1693 Census Place: Newark, Essex, New Jersey Source: FHL Film 1254776 National Archives Film T9-0776 Page 21B RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace Franklin M. OLDS Self M M W 28 NY Occ: Lawyer Fa: VT Mo: NY Cassie A. OLDS Wife F M W 28 NY Occ: Keeps House Fa: IRE Mo: NY Jane L. OLDS Dau F S W 8M NJ Fa: NY Mo: NY

Children of Franklin M. and Cassie A. (Walker) Olds

i. Janey L. Olds, b. 29 Sept. 1879, d. 29 Oct. 1884

Children of Franklin M. and Agnese (Aprile) Olds

12090. i. Genoueffa Olds, b. 4 Nov. 1903 12091. ii. Marcellus A. Olds, b. 27 June 1906

6732. Isaac C. Olds, son of David and Rosanna H. (Seaman) Olds, was born in 1855 and apparently died before 1915.1694

6733. Almeda M. Olds, daughter of David and Rosanna H. (Seaman) Olds, was born 22 Sept. 1857 and

1689 Olds, p. 202 1690 Olds, p. 179 1691 Olds, p. 180 1692 Olds, p. 202 1693 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 1694 Olds, p. 180

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 173 "lives in Newark, N. J."1695

6734. Melissa C. Olds, daughter of David and Rosanna H. (Seaman) Olds, was born 28 July 1859 and died in Feb. 1895.1696

6735. David E. Olds, son of David and Rosanna H. (Seaman) Olds, was born 22 March 1861. He married Anna Amelia Renninger on 25 July 1885 and "lives at Newark, N. J."1697

Children of David E. and Anna Amelia (Renninger) Olds

13000. i. Alice Downs Olds, b. 30 Jan. 1887 13001. ii. Franklin McIntire Olds, b. 12 May 1888 iii. William Renninger Olds, b. 27 Jan. 1892, d. Oct. 1912 13002. iv. Martha Kapp Olds, b. 8 Feb. 1894 v. Almeda Olds, b. 28 April 1896, d. in Dec. 1896

6740. Mary V. Harlow, daughter of Augustus N. and Melissa N. (Olds) Harlow, was born 14 Nov. 1850. She married Henry W. Calkins on 5 March 1874.1698

6741. Jennie E. Harlow, daughter of Augustus N. and Melissa N (Olds) Harlow, was born 12 July 1858. She married George A. Lane on 28 June 1883.1699

6742. Arthur L. Harlow, son of Augustus N. and Melissa N. (Olds) Harlow, was born 14 Dec. 1865. He married Carrie E. Lewis on 7 March 1894.1700

7750. Julian Olds, son of Alexander Rising and Araminta E. (Seaman) Olds, was born 14 April 1858 and was a graduate of Princeton College. "unmarried; graduate of Princeton College; is a lawyer and lives in Milwaukee, Wis.". 1701

7760. Burnham G. Olds, son of Ezekiel P. and Ellen M. (Gale) Olds, was born 20 Aug. 1864 and died 7 Sept. 1886.1702

7761. Laura S. Olds, daughter of Ezekiel P. and Ellen M. (Gale) Olds, was born 7 July 1873 and died 23 Apr il 1899. She married ______Tuttle. 1703

7800. Abigail L. Olds, daughter of James Phinehas and Lydia H. (Martin) Olds, was born 15 Aug. 1859 and was apparently dead by 1915. She married Elihue Booth on 25 Sept. 1878.1704

7801. A. Maria Olds, daughter of James Phinehas and Lydia H. (Martin) Olds, was born 3 Jan. 1863 and was apparently dead by 1915. She married Daniel Pierce on 14 March 1886.1705

7802. Jessie Olds, daughter of James Phinehas and Lydia H. (Martin) Olds, was born 21 Nov. 1865. She was apparently dead by 1915. She married Fred G. Clark on 10 Feb. 1886.1706

1695 Olds, p. 180 1696 Olds, p. 180 1697 Olds, p. 203 1698 Olds, p. 156 1699 Olds, p. 156 1700 Olds, p. 156 1701 Olds, p. 180 1702 Olds, p. 181 1703 Olds, p. 181 1704 Olds, p. 181 1705 Olds, p. 181 1706 Olds, p. 181

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 174 7803. Flora Olds, daughter of James Phinehas and Lydia H. (Martin) Olds, was born 12 Aug. 1874 and was apparently dead by 1915. She married Frank L. Biggs on 9 May 1900.1707

7804. Nellie Olds, daughter of James Phinehas and Lydia H. (Martin) Olds, married Waldron Shield.1708

7810. Warren Elisha Olds, son of George and Julia Louisa (Flint) Olds, was born 9 March 1865 and died 19 March 1900. He married Mertie Wheeler (b. 23 Jan. 1876) on 27 Feb. 1895.

7820. Mary Viola Olds, daughter of Oro and Margaret A. (Haybarger) Olds, was born 17 Nov. 1861 and was apparently dead by 1915. On 14 Nov. 1888, she married William Lincoln Trill who was born 25 April 1861.

Children of William Lincoln and Mary Viola (Olds) Trill

13010. i. Mary Pearl Trill, b. 21 Aug. 1892 13011. ii. Margaret Jeannette Trill, b. 14 July 1898

7821. William H. Olds, son of Oro and Margaret A. (Haybarger) Olds, was born 7 Sept. 1867. On 4 May 1892, he married Desdamonia Bertha Shirley (b. 1 March 1873) and "lives at Jamestown, N. Y."1709

Children of William H. and Desdamonia Bertha (Shirley) Olds

13020. i. Margaret Grace Olds, b. 11 Feb. 1893

7822. Gertrude Maud Olds, daughter of Oro and Margaret A. (Haybarger) Olds, was born 10 Feb. 1880. On 3 Dec. 1908, she married Harry Essau Rafferty (b. 18 Feb. 1885).1710

7830. Lewis Wilson Olds, son of Mason Oel and Eliza (Mead) Olds, was born 30 March 1865. In 1884, he married Nellie Gale Raymond (b. 6 April 1867) and "Lives at Corry, Pa., where he is a prominent manufacturer."1711

Children of Lewis Wilson and Nellie Gale (Raymond) Olds

i. Mason O. Olds, b. 14 Oct. 1887, d. 5 May 1894 13030. ii. Murray Raymond Olds, b. 12 Sept. 1890

7840. Edwin Elisha Olds, son of Henry and Mary Jane (Stone) Olds, was born 1 Jan. 1868. On 9 Aug. 1893, he married Julia Alger Pierce.1712

Children of Edwin Elisha and Mary Jane (Stone) Olds

13040. i. Madison Larue Olds, b. 9 Dec. 1895 13041. i. Theodore Henry Olds, b. 21 Oct. 1897

7841. Charles Elmer Olds, son of Henry and Mary Jane (Stone) Olds, was born 9 Dec. 1868. On 26 June 1896, he married Mary Lauer.1713

7842. Harvey Henry Olds, son of Henry and Mary Jane (Stone) Olds, was born 2 April 1875. On 15

1707 Olds, p. 182 1708 Olds, p. 182 1709 Olds, p. 203 1710 Olds, p. 183 1711 Olds, p. 203 1712 Olds, p. 204 1713 Olds, p. 183

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 175 Jan. 1907, he married Carrie Adeline Lynch (b. 6 Jan. 1894).1714

Children of Harvey Henry and Carrie Adeline (Lynch) Olds

13050. i. Mary Elizabeth Olds, b. 24 Aug. 1908

7850. Wallace James Olds, son of Moses and Martha Annis (Filer) Olds, was born 17 June 1870. On 19 June 1895, he married Charlotta Marie Erickson. 1715

7851. Fred A. Olds, son of Moses and Martha Annis (Filer) Olds, was born 7 April 1874. On 2 April 1902, he married Minnie L. Reed.1716

Children of Fred A. and Minnie L. (Reed) Olds

13060. i. Willard Glenn Olds, b. 14 June 1903 13061. ii. Martha Jane Olds, b. 1 Nov. 1906

7852. Moses Olds, son of Moses and Martha Annis (Filer) Olds, was born 20 July 1878. On 30 Aug. 1900, he married Maude Johanna McKinney.1717

Children of Moses and Maude Johanna (McKinney) Olds

13070. i. Vivian Pearl Olds, b. 15 Nov. 1908

7853. Vernon Olds, son of Moses and Martha Annis (Filer) Olds, was born 20 April 1880.1718

7854. Worthing Monreith Olds, son of Moses and Martha Annis (Filer) Olds, was born 23 Jan. 1882.1719

7855. Leroy Olds, son of Moses and Martha Annis (Filer) Olds, was born 12 Nov. 1883.1720

7856. Herbert Filer Olds, son of Moses and Martha Annis (Filer) Olds, was born in Sept. 1885.1721

7857. Frank Olds, son of Moses and Martha Annis (Filer) Olds, was born in Aug. 1888.1722

7858. Ethel May Olds, daughter of Moses and Martha Annis (Filer) Olds, was born 17 Aug. 1890.1723

7859. Arthur Olds, son of Moses and Martha Annis (Filer) Olds, was born 17 Dec. 1892.1724

7870. William Lewis Durham, son of William Mead and Plenty Nellie (Olds) Durham, was born 4 Aug. 1868. On 24 Sept. 1896, he married Harriet H. Higgins (b. 4 Feb. 1876).1725

7871. Minnie Etta Durham, daughter of William Mead and Plenty Nellie (Olds) Durham, was born 19 Oct. 1870. On 27 May 1903 she married W. Albert Johns.1726

1714 Olds, p. 204 1715 Olds, p. 184 1716 Olds, p. 204 1717 Olds, pp. 204-5 1718 Olds, p. 184 1719 Olds, p. 184 1720 Olds, p. 184 1721 Olds, p. 184 1722 Olds, p. 184 1723 Olds, p. 184 1724 Olds, p. 184 1725 Olds, p. 157 1726 Olds, p. 157

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 176 7872. LeGrand Mead Durham, son of William Mead and Plenty Nellie (Olds) Durham, was born 7 Oct. 1879. On 14 Sept. 1898 he married Grace G. McCray (b. 4 Nov. 1879).1727

7880. Inez Edna Olds, daughter of Dana Elisha and Cora Isabella (Edwards) Olds, was born 15 Oct. 1882 at Geneva, NY. She graduated from Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA, in 1901. "teacher of German and French in Sea Cliffe, N. Y., and Haddonfield, N. J., for five years; now with the Sunday School Times Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and living in Haddonfield, N. J.1728

7881. Helena May Olds, daughter of Dana Elisha and Cora Isabella (Edwards) Olds, was born 27 Feb. 1884 at Geneva, NY. She graduated from Bucknell University in 1905. "teacher of Expression and French, New Paltz State Normal School, New Paltz, N. Y.".1729

7890. Willard Olds, son of Walter Reuben and Roseltha (Birch) Olds, was born 20 May 1883. On 29 Aug. 1902 he married May B. Apps (b. 25 Jan. 1886).1730 Children of Willard and Mary B. (Apps) Olds 13080. i. Dewain W. Olds, b. 1 Aug. 1906 13081. ii. Pearle E. Olds, b. 1 April 1909

7891. Dana E. Olds, son of Walter Reuben and Roseltha (Birch) Olds, was born 2 May 1894.1731

8000. Lewis Winter Davis, son of Seneca F. and Independence Louisa (Olds) Davis, was born 5 March 1874. On 17 March 1897, he married Anna Gertrude Cole. 1732

8001. Jesse Fenton Davis, son of Seneca F. and Independence Lousia (Olds) Davis, was born 24 June 1878. On 6 Sept. 1899 he married Mary E. Hall.1733

8002. Anne Scovel Davis, daughter of Seneca F. and Independence (Olds) Davis, was born 15 April 1884.1734

8005. Lewis Winter Olds, son of Winter Jesse and Evangeline (Van Meurs) Olds, was born 18 Nov. 1889.1735

8006. Hugh Wilson Olds, son of Winter Jesse and Evangeline (Van Meurs) Olds, was born 13 April 1895.1736

8007. John Alfred Olds, son of Winter Jesse and Evangeline (Van Meurs) Olds, was born 27 June 1904.1737

8010. Sylvester Olds was a son of Robert Augustus and Elizabeth (Fishback) Olds.1738

8020. Horace Fishback, son of Thomas Lacy and Elizabeth Jackson (Olds) Fishback, was born 21 Aug. 1857, at Carlinville, IL. On 22 Sept. 1880, he married Cornelia Van Dusen at Pardeeville, WI.1739 He

1727 Olds, p. 157 1728 Olds, pp. 184-5 1729 Olds, p. 185 1730 Olds, p. 205 1731 Olds, p. 185 1732 Olds, p. 158 1733 Olds, p. 158 1734 Olds, p. 158 1735 Olds, p. 185 1736 Olds, p. 186 1737 Olds, p. 186 1738 Olds, p. 186 1739 Olds, p. 160

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 177 entered into the banking and mercantile business in company with Augustus Bertrand Olds in Brookings, SD.1740

8021. Herbert O. Fishback, son of Thomas Lacy and Elizabeth Jackson (Olds) Fishback, was born 24 April 1859 at Rochester, MN. On 24 April 1884 he married Sallie Rebecca Hargis at Pierre, SD. He served in the Washington State Senate from 1909 to 1913 and was "elected Insurance Commissioner of Washington, 1912; still serving there"1741

8022. Ora Blanche Fishback, daughter of Thomas Lacy and Elizabeth Jackson (Olds) Fishback, was born 19 June 1863. On 30 June 1887 she married Edward A. Younglove. 1742

8023. Dora Elizabeth Fishback, daughter of Thomas Lacy and Elizabeth Jackson (Olds) Fishback, was born 4 Sept. 1869 and died 26 Jan. 1895.1743

8028. Fred A. Olds, son of Frederick Taft and Angeline G. (Harding) Olds, was born 7 April 1860 at Rochester, Minn. On 18 Sept. 1883, he married Mabel L. Cowdery (b. 22 Aug. 1863). He moved to Tacoma, Wash., in 1883 and engaged in the milling business with his father.1744

Children of Fred A. and Mabel L. (Cowdery) Olds

13100. i. Mave Cowdery Olds, b. 29 March 1885 (dau.) 13101. ii. Helen Edith Olds, b. 27 June 1886

8030. Octavia J. Gray, daughter of Alvin and Sarah Mercy (Olds), was born in 1857 at Waseca, MN. She married Benjamin Sutherland.1745

8031. Oliver Gray, son of Alvin and Sarah Mercy (Olds) Gray, was born in 1858 in Olmsted Co., MN. On 11 Feb. 1885 he married Mary Rickter.1746

8032. Lawrence Gray, son of Alvin and Sarah Mercy (Olds) Gray, was born in 1861 in Olmsted Co., Minn.1747

8033. Thomas A. Gray, son of Alvin and Sarah Mercy (Olds) Gray, was born in 1863. He married Ella Fort at Brookings, South Dakota.1748

8034. Elinor Gray, daughter of Alvin and Sarah Mercy (Olds) Gray, was born in 1866 in Olmsted Co., Minn. On 22 Feb. 1888, she married Walter Bissell at St. Lawrence, South Dakota.1749

8035. Julia Young, daughter of Charles and Sarah Mercy (Olds) Young, was born in 1870 in Olmsted Co., Minn., and died at Newberg, Oregon. She married ______Sims.1750

8036. Laura Young, daughter of Charles and Sarah Mercy (Olds) Young, was born in 1872 in Olmsted Co., Minn.1751

1740 Olds, p. 187 1741 Olds, p. 160 1742 Olds, p. 160 1743 Olds, p. 160 1744 Olds, p. 205 1745 Olds, p. 160 1746 Olds, p. 160 1747 Olds, p. 160 1748 Olds, p. 160 1749 Olds, p. 161 1750 Olds, p. 161 1751 Olds, p. 161

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 178 8040. Ella May Kellogg, daughter of Cyrus H. and Julia Caroline (Olds) Kellogg, was born 7 May 1867 in Rochester, Minn. She assisted her sister in the "Neighborhood House" Settlement Work in St. Paul, Minn.1752

8041. Frederick Lorenzo Kellogg, son of Cyrus H. and Julia Caroline (Olds) Kellogg, was born 13 Nov. 1868 at Rochester, Minn. On 1 June 1896 he married Jeanne L. Wemott (b. 15 Nov. 1868). He moved to Tacoma, Washington, in 1904.1753

8042. Clara N. Kellogg, daughter of Cyrus H. and Julia Caroline (Olds) Kellogg, was born 1 Aug. 1870 at Rochester, Minn. She graduated from the University of Minnesota in the class of 1893. She had charge of "Neighborhood House" Settlement Work in St. Paul, Minn., form 1905 to 1912, assisted by her sister Ella M.1754

8043. Lee Olds Kellogg, son of Cyrus H. and Julia Caroline (Olds) Kellogg, was born 7 March 1881 at Rochester, Minn. On 23 Sept. 1907, he married Alice Lovell (b. in Feb. 1882). He was a graduate of the University of Minnesota, class of 1902, and of Columbia School of Mines, class of 1906.1755

8050. Louis Bertrand Olds, son of Augustus Bernard and Irene J. (Hills) Olds, was born 2 Nov. 1884 at Brookings, SD. On 16 June 1907, he married Ruth Lucile Easterday (b. 20 June 1885) at Tacoma, Wash. 1756

Children of Louis Bertrand and Ruth Lucile (Easterday) Olds

13200. i. Irene Olds, b. 27 April 1910 13201. ii. Edward Bertrand Olds, b. 6 Aug. 1914

8051. Harold Edward Olds, son of Augustus Betrand and Irene J. (Hills) Olds, was born 14 April 1886, at Madison, WI. On 18 Sept. 1913, he married Marion Hardwick (b. 22 Feb. 1886) at Portland, OR.1757

Children of Harold Edward and Marion (Hardwick) Olds

13210. i. Robert Harold Olds, b. 15 April 1915 [End of family of William; begin family of John]

8150. Florence Astley Olds, daughter of Frederick Warner and Selina H. (Carew) Olds, was born 14 Oct. 1880 and died 9 March 1908.1758

8151. Edith Hubbard Olds, daughter of Frederick Warner and Selina H. (Carew) Olds, was born 25 Feb. 1883.1759

8160. Lucy A. Baker, daughter of Thomas and Sally (Olds) Baker, was born 19 Oct. 1832.1760

8180. Charles Lathrop, son of Elijah and Cornelia (Olds) Lathrop, was born 1 Dec. 1851.1761

8185. Ellen Olds, daughter of Riley and Olive (Hastings) Olds, was born in 1850 and married ______

1752 Olds, p. 161 1753 Olds, p. 161 1754 Olds, p. 161 1755 Olds, p. 162 1756 Olds, p. 206 1757 Olds, p. 206 1758 Olds, p. 239 1759 Olds, p. 239 1760 Olds, p. 224 1761 Olds, p. 225

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 179 Leemon.1762 "Ellen M. Lemon, daughter of Riley & Olive Olds, born 1850, died 1925".1763

8186. George W. Olds, son of Riley and Olive (Hastings) Olds, was born 22 Nov. 1863.1764 However, he is buried in the Hastings Hill Cemetery, Suffield, CT as "George W. Olds, son of Riley & Olive Olds, born 1852, died 1912."1765

8187. Alice Josephine Olds, daughter of Riley and Olive (Hastings) Olds, married ______Faust and moved to Philipsburg, Kansas.1766 "Alice J. Faust, daughter of Riley & Olive Olds, born 1863, died 1896."1767

8300. Julia C. Olds, daughter of Valorus C. and Ruth (Cooley) Olds, was born 1 May 1836. She married Elisha Owen, Jr., in 1855.1768

8301. Ruth C. Olds, daughter of Valorus C. and Ruth (Cooley) Olds, was born 21 Sept. 1811 and died 12 Nov. 1840.1769

8310. Elizabeth M. Olds, daughter of Oliver P. and Caroline S. (Morley) Olds, died 20 Nov. 1860. On 7 April 1858, she married Charles G. Rising at Agawam, Mass.1770

8311. Edward C. Olds, son of Oliver P. and Mary C. (Gaylord) Olds, was born 24 April 1869 at Agawam, Mass.1771

8320. Gamaliel Truman Olds, son of Truman Tuttle and Aurecta (Stafford) Olds, was born 13 Sept. 1849. He married Matilda Menhennick on 21 Oct. 1880 and "lives in Seattle, Wash.". 1772

Children of Gamaliel Truman and Matilda (Menhennick) Olds

14000. i. Harry Garfield Olds, b. 26 Sept. 1881 14001. ii. Clara Ellen Olds, b. 9 April 1890

8321. Angie Aurelia Olds, daughter of Truman Tuttle and Aurecta (Stafford) Olds, was born 19 Jan. 1854 and died 22 May 1883.1773

8322. Alfred Stafford Olds, son of Truman Tuttle and Aurecta (Stafford) Olds, was born 3 May 1862. He married (1) Ida Miller, (2) Christina Johnson and (3) Annie McIntyre and "lives at Goldfield, Nev.".1774

Children of Alfred Stafford Olds

1762 Olds, p. 239 1763 I can't be sure how much of this is on the tombstone. Hastings Hill Cemetery, Suffield, CT, copied by C. G. Flanders, 5 Nov. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, 1764 Olds, p. 239 1765 I can't be sure how much of this is on the tombstone. Hastings Hill Cemetery, Suffield, CT, copied by C. G. Flanders, 5 Nov. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, 1766 Olds, p. 239 1767 I can't be sure how much of this is on the tombstone. Hastings Hill Cemetery, Suffield, CT, copied by C. G. Flanders, 5 Nov. 1934, and published on the internet by Kathy Camp, 1768 Olds, p. 240 1769 Olds, p. 240 1770 Olds, p. 240 1771 Olds, p. 240 1772 Olds, p. 259 1773 Olds, p. 241 1774 Olds, p. 259

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 180 14010. i. Mabel Angie Olds, b. 28 Sept. 1884 14020. ii. Truman Stafford Olds, b. 13 Feb. 1891

8330. Alfred Wadleigh Olds, son of Alfred Johnson and Amanda (Wadleigh) Olds, "lives in Wenatchee, Wash.". 1775

Children of Alfred Wadleigh Olds

14030. i. George Olds

8331. Darwin D. Olds, son of Alfred Johnson and Amanda (Wadleigh) Olds, "lives at Wenatchee, Wash.". 1776

Children of Darwin D. Olds

14040. i. Margaret Olds 14041. ii. Louise Olds

8332. Jay T. Olds, son of Alfred Johnson and Amanda (Wadleigh) Olds, "lives at Wenatchee, Wash.". 1777

Children of Jay T. Olds

14050. i. Alfred Olds 14051. ii. Murray Olds 14052. iii. Alice Mary Olds

8335. Walter G. Olds was a son of Benjamin Gamaliel and Sarah (Clark) Olds.1778

8340. Mary J. Olds, daughter of Joseph Smith and Ellen (Aldrich) Olds, married Arthur H. Kendall and "lives at Seattle, Wash.".1779

8345. Alfred Knapp, son of George and Clarinda Elmira (Olds) Knapp, "lives in Boston, Mass.". 1780

8346. Catherine Knapp, daughter of George and Clarinda Elmira (Olds) Knapp, "lives in Boston, Mass."1781

8350. Benjamine E. Olds, daughter of George Edway and Betsey (Hodgkins) Olds, married Norman Diddle and "lives at Granite Falls, Minn."1782

8351. Bell Olds, daughter of George Edway and Betsey (Hodgkins) Olds, "lives in Forest Grove, Oregon.".1783

8352. Lue Olds, daughter of George Edway and Betsey (Hodgkins) Olds, "lives at Granite Falls, Minn.".1784

1775 Olds, p. 259 1776 Olds, p. 260 1777 Olds, p. 260 1778 Olds, p. 241 1779 Olds, p. 242 1780 Olds, p. 226 1781 Olds, p. 226 1782 Olds, p. 242 1783 Olds, p. 242 1784 Olds, p. 242

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 181 8353. Catherine Olds, daughter of George Edway and Betsey (Hodgkins) Olds, "lives at Granite Falls, Minn.",1785

8354. Nina Olds, daughter of George Edway and Betsey (Hodgkins) Olds, married Harry Todd and "lives at Granite Falls, Minn.".1786

8360. Elizabeth Olds, daughter of Edward Fra nklin and Lucia (Whitney) Olds, married Samuel Walter Osgood in 1863. She died in 1886 and he died in 1902.1787

Children of Samuel Walter and Elizabeth (Olds) Osgood 14100. i. Samuel W. Osgood

8361. Rosalthe Olds, daughter of Edward Franklin and Lucia (Whitney) Olds, married Charles Edwin Jenkins in 1868. He died 25 Dec. 1909.1788

Children of Charles Edwin and Rosalthe (Olds) Jenkins i. Lucia Jenkins, b. 1868, d. 1869

8365. Mary Olds, daughter of Alonzo Whitney and Janet (Bingham) Olds, was born in 1843.1789

8366. Ira Mather Olds, son of Alonzo Whitney and Janet (Bingham) Olds, was born 10 Aug. 1840 and ied 21 Sept. 1880. He married Jane ______.1790 The family matches the following entry from the 1880 census1791, indicating that Jane was born in Scotland, as Ir a's mother had been, and that this family moved back east to NJ. Census Place: Boonton, Morris, New Jersey Source: FHL Film 1254792 National Archives Film T9-0792 Page 16C RelationSex Marr Race Age Birthplace Ira OLDS Self M M W 39 MI Occ:Commision Mercht.Fa: V Mo: SCO Jane OLDS Wife F M W 37 SCO Occ:House Keeping Fa: SCOMo: SCO Robert OLDS Son M W 15 MI Occ: At Home Fa: MI Mo: SCO Children of Ira Mather and Jane (______) Olds 14150. i. Robert Olds, b. ca. 1865, in Michigan (per 1880 census)

8367. Robert Olds, son of Alonzo Whitney and Janet (Bingham) Olds, was born 10 Sept. 1846 and died in May 1901. He married ______.1792

Children of Robert Olds

14200. i. Jessie Olds 14201. ii. Mary Roberta Olds

8370. Elizabeth Hubbard Searle was a daughter of Dr. and Ca roline Rosalthe (Olds) Searle.1793

8371. Octavia Hubbard Searle was a daughter of Dr. and Ca roline Rosalthe (Olds) Searle.1794

8380. Mary Electa Olds, daughter of Ariel Young and Sarah (Hubbard) Olds, married ______

1785 Olds, p. 242 1786 Olds, p. 242 1787 Olds, pp. 242-43 1788 Olds, p. 243 1789 Olds, p. 243 1790 Olds, p. 243 1791 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM. 1792 Olds, p. 260 1793 Olds, p. 227 1794 Olds, p. 227

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 182 Huntson. 1795

Children of ______and Mary Electa (Olds) Huntson

14250. i. Sarah Loa Huntson 14251. ii. Calvin Jonah Huntson 14252. iii. Elmer Ellsworth Huntson 14253. iv. Floy Electa Huntson 14254. v. Clara Cady Huntson 14255. vi. Nora Huntson

8381. Celestia Sayre Olds, daughter of Ariel Young and Sarah (Hubbard) Olds, died in Aug. 1871.1796

8382. Jeanette Laodamia Olds, daughter of Ariel Young and Sarah (Hubbard) Olds, was born in 1844. She married _____ Blackwood.1797

Children of ______and Jeanette Laodamia (Olds) Blackwood

14260. i. Blance Everette Blackwood

8390. Charles Bacon was a son of Philo and Elizabeth (Olds) Bacon.1798

8395. Helen Louella Olds, daughter of Lyman Condit and Mary Minerva (Glover) Olds, was born 26 Feb. 1858. "unmarried; is a school teacher, living in Helena, Mont.".1799

8396. Lillian Evelyn Olds, daugter of Lyman Condit and Fannie A. (_____) Olds, was born 4 April 1868. On 9 Feb. 1887, she married Ira L. Fetterhoff, M. D., son of Dr. Hiram R. Fetterhoff. Ira was born 4 Dec. 1864. "she is a graduate of Cambridge Female Seminary, and completed a course in music before marrying Dr. Fetterhoff; he is a homeopathic physician, as was his father before him. They live in Baltimore, Md.".1800

Children of Ira L. and Lillian Evelyn (Olds) Fetterhoff

14270. i. Charles Alfred Fetterhoff, b. 9 Nov. 1887

8520. Annie Curtis Olds, daughter of Benjamin Baldwin and Sarah (Westby) Olds, was born 9 Feb. 1859. On 12 May 1886, she married Rev. Alfred C. Wright (b. 5 June 1858), missionary of the American Board to Mexico. "they are still working there, Chihuahua, Mex.".1801

8521. Otis Calvin Olds, son of Benjamin Baldwin and Diantha Martin (Curtis) Olds, was born 16 Aug. 1863. He mar ried (1) Helen Sue Bush (b. 2 March 1869, d. 2 Dec. 1894) and (2) on 11 Aug. 1897, Helen Cattell (b. 11 Aug. 1867). "graduate of Beloit College, 1886; taught one year in Straight Univer sity, New Orleans; graduate of Chicago Theological Seminary, 1890; May 9, 1890, went to Mexico as missionary of the American Board. After twelve years, on account of failure of health, gave up his post and settled in California; is now in real estate business, Los Angeles, Cal.; residence, Gardena, Cal.". 1802 Wright1803 says he "graduated B. A. at Beloit College, 1889, B.D., Chicago Theological Seminary, 1890; M.A., Beloit

1795 Olds, pp. 243-44 1796 Olds, p. 244 1797 Olds, p. 244 1798 Olds, p. 227 1799 Olds, p. 244 1800 Olds, pp. 244-25 1801 Olds, pp. 245-46 1802 Olds, pp. 260-61 1803 Wright, Curtis, Genealogical and Biographical History of the Descendants of Sir John Wright of Essex, England and America, (Carthage, Mo., 1915), p. 199

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 183 College. In service of Mexican Mission A. B. C. F. M., 1890 to 1902; is a man of scholarly attainment, ability and energy; failing health compelled his return to the United States. Mr. Olds m. at Garner, Ia., Oct. 17, 1891, Helen Sue Bush ..., b. at Galva, Ill., Mch. 2, 1869, d. at Parral, Mex., Dec. 2, 1894, dau. of Capt. Henry H. and Minerva (Wright) Bush, graduated B. A. at Grinnell College, 1891. ... He m., second, at Davenport, Ia., Aug. 11, 1897, Helen Cattell, b. Aug. 11, 1864, dau. of Archibald and Elizabeth (Mill) Cattell; she is a graduate nurse from Chicago Training School, class of 1897."

Children of Otis Calvin and Helen Sue (Bush) Olds

14290. i. Laura Lois Olds, b. 2 March 1894

Children of Otis Calvin and Helen (Cattell) Olds

14291. ii. Robert Cattell Olds, b. 2 July 1898 14292. iii. Gertrude Caryl Olds, b. 1 Jan. 1900 (twin) 14293. iv. Genevieve Margaret Olds, b. 1 Jan. 1900 (twin) 14294. v. Alice Carmen Olds, b. 19 May 1902 14295. vi. Eloise Helen Olds, b. 12 Jan. 1906

8522. Leavitt Lincoln Olds, son of Benjamin Baldwin and Diantha Martin (Curtis) Olds, was born 7 Jan. 1865. In Oct. 1890, he married Minnie Lillian Stone (b. 19 Aug. 1868). "founder in 1887, and now President of, the L. L. Olds Seed Co., Madison, Wis., where he now resides."1804 "b. at Clinto, Wis., Jan. 7, 1865; after years study, his father's death terminated his college course; the care of his mother's large family cancelled his plans for a journa listic career, when he entered the business field, hwere he has been eminently successful; is president of the L. L. Olds Seed Company. He has held the various offices of the church and Sunday school and is a power in all good work. ... He m. at Clinton, Wis., Oct. 2, 1890, Minnie L. Stone, b. at Waukegan, Ill., Aug. 19, 1868, dau. of Cur tis Br uce and Fra nces Augusta (Stone) Stone."1805

Children of Leavitt Lincoln and Minnie Lillian (Stone) Olds

14300. i. Helen Diantha Olds, b. 2 Aug. 1891

8523. Caryl Emily Olds, daughter of Benjamin Baldwin and Diantha Martin (Curtis) Olds, was born 26 April 1867 at Clinton, Wisc. She studiend at Milwaukee Downer College and is engaged in a Sucessful business in Chicago. She lived in Oak Park, IL.1806

8524. Joseph Irving Olds, son of Benjamin Baldwin and Diantha Martin (Curtis) Olds, was born at Clinton, Wisc.,1807 20 April, 1870, attended Beloit College and drowned there while skating 19 Jan. 1889.1808

8525. Charles Burnell Olds, son of Benjamin Baldwin and Diantha Martin (Curtis) Olds, was born 13 March 1872, at Clinton, Wisc. On 3 April 1902, he married Genevieve W. Davis (b. 30 April 1874), daughter of Rev. J. D. Davis. He was a graduate of Beloit College and a seminary course at Hartford, Conn. He was ordained minister on 19 Dec. 1901 and preached a year or more at Buffalo Center, Iowa. In 1903, he went to Japan as missionary of the American Board.1809 "He won the prize for the best entrance to college and the prize in Freshman's speaking contest; also the Rogers scholarship for greatest proficiency in all branches in a class of twenty-one, also the Emerson prize for greatest proficiency in Greek. He graduated B. A., Beloit College, 1896; B. D., Hartford Theological Seminary, 1901; Japan Mission A. B.

1804 Olds, p. 261 1805 Wright, p. 199 1806 Wright, p. 198 1807 Wright, p. 198 gives birth place 1808 Olds, p. 246; Wright says he d. at Beloit on 30 Jan. 1889 1809 Olds, p. 262

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 184 C. F. M. from 1903 to the present time; m. at Elgin, Ill., Apl. 3, 1902, Genevieve Woodbury Davis, b. at Kioto, Japan, Apl. 30, 1875, daughter of Rev. Dr. Jerome and Sophia (Strong) Davis. She graduated from Oberlin, B. A., 1897."1810

Children of Charles Burnell and Genevieve Woodbury (Davis) Olds

14310. i. Horace Irving Olds, b. 14 May 1905 14311. ii. Edward Bosworth Olds, b. 19 July 1908 14312. iii. Charles Burnell Olds, b. 11 Aug. 1913 (twin) 14313. iv. Alice Genevieve Olds1811, b. 11 Aug. 1913

8526. William Benjamin Olds, son of Benjamin Baldwin and Diantha Martin (Curtis) Olds, was born 3 June 1874 at Clinton, Wisc. "graduate of Beloit College, 1898; studied music afterwards at Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Oberlin, Ohio, and American Conservatory, Chicago; was Professor of Art of Singing at Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, for four year s, afterwards Directory of Music, Jacksonville, Ill., for two years; is now (1915) Professor of Art of Singng at the James Millikin University, Decatur, Ill.; married December 20, 1900, Alice Dole Hannahs (born Beloit, Wis.). He is well known throughout the Central West as a singer of distinctive ability, and has composed a number of part songs for various voices and children's songs, particulary a colection of bird songs for children in which he has utilized as thematic material actual songs of birds."1812 Wright1813 gives his position as professor of singing, Milliken Conservatory of Music, Decatur, Ill., and says he married at Beloit, Wis., Alice Dole Hannahs, a daughter of Charles and Sarah E. (Dole) Hannahs who was b. 21 Sept. 1873 and graduated from Carleton College in 1898 and states they have no children. Prof. W. B. Olds of the Millikin conservatory was instrumental in starting the Decatur Bird and Tree Club.1814

8527. Alice Louise Olds, daughter of Benjamin Baldwin and Diantha Martin (Curtis) Olds, was born 17 Aug. 1876. She graduated from Beloit College in 1900. She married Robert Teall on 20 April 1902 and they went to Manila, Phillipine Islands as government teachers. In 1905, they returned to America and lived at Moline, IL, for two years and moved to Gardena, CA, "where they are now living".1815 Wright1816 says "She m. at Manila, Phillipine Islands, Apl. 2, 1902, Robert James Teall, b. at Geneva, N. Y., Apl. 20, 1880, son of Frederick and Fannie (Cromwell) Teall".

Children of Robert James and Alice Louise (Olds) Teall

14320. i. Alice Elizabeth Teall, b. 12 Jan. 1906 14321. ii. Ralph Cromwell Teall, b. 26 Oct. 1907 14322. iii. Ruth Nina Teall, b. 29 March 1910 14323. iv. Margaret Winifred Teall, b. 31 Jan. 1912

8528. Bessie Marilla Olds, daughter of Benjamin Baldwin and Diantha Martin (Curtis) Olds, was born 2 Nov. 1881. She graduated from Beloit College in 1904. On 4 Aug. 1914, she married Robert W. Ellis (b. 16 July 1867), Instructor in Geology, University of Nebraska. They lived at Lincoln, Neb.1817 Wright1818 adds that she was valedictorian of her class, that she taught one year in Mexico, and "m. at Madison, Wis., Aug. 4, 1914, Robert Walpole Ellis, b. July 16, 1868, at Nevin, Ia., son of Joseph Loren and Theresa Margaret (Trask) Ellis".

1810 Wright, pp. 199-200 1811 Wright, p. 200, gives name as Genevieve Alice 1812 Olds, pp. 246-47 1813 Wright, p. 198 1814 an uni dentified newpaper clipping giving the histor y of Decatur Audubon Society, possibly from a Decat ur newspap er of the 1970's. I have the clipping. 1815 Olds, p. 247 1816 Wright, p. 200 1817 Olds, p. 247 1818 Wright, p. 198

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 185 8529. Nina Delia Olds, daughter of Benjamin Baldwin and Diantha Martin (Curtis) Olds, was born 29 Aug. 1883 and graduated from Beloit College in 1904. On 28 Dec. 1904, she married Peter Hanson [so spelled] (b. 17 Aug. 1875) and "lives at Gardena, Cal.". 1819 Wright1820 adds that she was born at Clinton, WI, that she married at Chicago, IL, that Peter Hansen was born at "Sleeply Eye", MN, on 17 Aug. 1875, son of James and Hansine (Jorgenson) Hansen and was for ten years general secretary of the Y.M.C.A.

Children of Peter and Nina Delia (Olds) Hansen

14340. i. Clarice Louise Hansen 1821, b. 31 July 1906

8540. Herbert Clisbee, son of Charles and Emmeline Elvira (Olds) was born in 1844.1822

8550. Rosetta Emmeline Olds, daughter of Ira Leavitt and Rhoda A. (Randall) Olds, was born in Oct. 1850 and married William Briston (1839 - 1910), a teacher.1823

8551. Arthur Alden Olds, son of Ira Leavitt and Rhoda A. (Randall) Olds, was born 8 Dec. 1870 and died 30 Sept. 1900 in Los Angeles, CA. 1824

8570. Emerson Upham was a son of Wm. H. and Philena Morgan (Olds) Upham. 1825

8580. Albert Sibley was a son of David and Sophronia Pratt (Olds) Sibley.1826

8581. Charles Sibley was a son of David and Soprhonia Pratt (Olds) Sibley. 1827

8590. Mary Alice Olds, daughter of William Emerson and Margaret M. (Morgan) Olds, was born 6 Jan. 1875. She married William Smith Hutchings and "lives at Moosie, Pa.".1828

Children of William Smith and Mary Alice (Olds) Hutchings

14400. i. Alice Mabe Hutchings, b. 5 Oct. 1875 14401. ii. Lilla Louise Hutchngs, b. 27 Feb. 1876 14402. iii. Carrie Margaret Hutchings, b. 31 July 1880 14403. iv. Ethel Maud Hutchings, b. 3 Oct. 1882 14404. v. William Nathaniel Hutchings, b. 18 Dec. 1890

8591. Jessie Fremont Olds, son of William Emerson and Margaret M. (Morgan) Olds, was born 16 Nov. 1861. He married ____ Houser and "lives at Dallas, Pa.".1829

8592. Mabel Morgan Olds, daughter of William Emerson and Margaret M. (Morgan) Olds, was born 14 Jan. 1864. She married C. L. McMillan.1830

9000. Alice Betts was a daughter of John B. and Barbaraan (Olds) Betts.1831

1819 Olds, p. 247 1820 Wright, p. 200 1821 Wright, p. 200, gives the name as Clarence Hansen 1822 Olds, p. 228 1823 Olds, p. 248 1824 Olds, p. 138 1825 Olds, p. 229 1826 Olds, p. 229 1827 Olds, p. 229 1828 Olds, p. 249 1829 Olds, p. 249 1830 Olds, p. 249 1831 Olds, p. 230

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 186 9001. Edward Betts, son of John B. and Barbaraan (Olds) Betts, married Rita Stuart.1832

9002. William Betts, son of John B. and Barbaraan (Olds) Betts, married Emma Reynolds.1833

9010. Mary E. Olds, daughter of Joseph Chauncey and Sarah M. (Morgan) Olds, was born 2 May 1861. She married Thomas C. Church on 24 Sept. 1886 and "lives in Valley Falls, N. Y.". 1834

Children of Thomas C. and Mary E. (Olds) Church

14420. i. Anna Olds Church, b. 12 Nov. 1890

9011. Anna M. Olds, daughter of Joseph Chauncey and Sarah M. (Morgan) Olds, was born 19 March 1864 and died 6 Sept. 1888. She married George B. Jermyn on 5 Oct. 1887.1835

Children of George B. and Anna M. (Olds) Jermyn

14430. i. John Chauncey Jermyn, b. 9 Aug. 1888

9015. George Olds, son of Jonas Whitney and Lydia (Dennison) Olds 1836, was born about 1857.1837

9016. Charles Olds, son of Jonas Whitney and Lydia (Dennison) Olds1838, was born about 1861.1839

9030. Cara Olds was a daughter of Joseph Holland and Sarah Jane (Olds) Olds.1840

9031. Fred L. Olds, son of Joseph Holland and Sarah Jane (Olds) Olds, was born 17 Oct. 1851 and died 10 Jan. 1912.1841

9032. Rose Olds, daughter of Joseph Holland and Sarah Jane (Olds), married William Little. 1842

Children of William and Rose (Olds) Little

14440. i. Bessie Little 14441. ii. William Little

9040. Emma Olds, daughter of Lyman Whitney and Sarah M. (Curry) Olds, was born 6 June 1849 and died 8 Oct. 1900. She married Fred Reppert (1848 - Aug. 1902).1843

Children of Fred and Emma (Olds) Reppert

14450. i. Lyell Reppert, b. 16 Oct. 1877 14451. ii. Ella Reppert, b. 26 Oct. 1886

9041. Ella Olds, daughter of Lyman Whitney and Sarah M. (Curry) Olds, was born 13 Feb. 1863. She

1832 Olds, p. 230 1833 Olds, p. 230 1834 Olds, p. 250 1835 Olds, p. 250 1836 Olds, p. 250 1837 Family Search 1880 United States Census 1838 Olds, p. 250 1839 Family Search 1880 United States Census 1840 Olds, p. 250 1841 Olds, p. 251 1842 Olds, p. 251 1843 Olds, p. 252

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 187 married Robert Payne (b. 9 Dec. 1852) and "lives in Warsaw, Ky.".1844

Children of Robert and Ella (Olds) Payne

14460. i. Betty Payne, b. 18 May 1883 14461. ii. Lyman Whitney Olds Payne, b. 1889 iii. Leonard Payne, b. 1900, d. 1902

9050. Mary Rice Olds, daughter of Chester Adams and Elizabeth (Rice) Olds, was born 25 June 1860. On 20 Oct. 1892, she married William L. Foster (b. 4 July 1854) and "Lives at State College, Pa.", 1845

Children of William L. and Mary Rice (Olds) Foster

14470. i. Elizabeth Olds Foster, b. 12 Dec. 1893 14471. ii. Russell Lefevre Foster, b. 3 April 1895

9051. Charles Adams Olds, son of Chester Adams and Elizabeth (Rice) Olds, was born 7 Aug. 1862 and died 30 Nov. 1882.1846

9200. Edson Baldwin Olds, son of Mark L. and Katherine (Sargent) Olds, was born 8 Feb. 1857, at Minneapolis, Minn. He moved to Washington, DC in 1865 where he "is now (1915) Treasurer of the Union Trust Co." On 3 Oct. 1895, he married Mabel Bradford (b. 18 Sept. 1870), a descendant of Gov. William Bradford and six others who came over on the "Mayflower". He lived in Silver Spring, MD.1847 His memorial1848 says he was born 8 Feb. 1857, the son of Rev. Mark Lafayatte and Katherine (Sargent) (Dustin) Olds and died at his home in Silver Springs [sic], MD, 9 Sept. 1934. He had been assistant cashier of the Citizens National Bank, then cashier of the American National Bank. In 1905 he was elected treasurer of the Union Trust Company, and later became vice president, a position he held at the time of his death. He was an active member and treasurer of the Washington Society of Fine Arts and was interested in genealogy and music. Mabel (Bradford) Olds, born 3 Oct. 1895, who was the only child of Joseph E. and Harriet Helen (Knight) Bradford, died 17 July 1932. Three children, Mrs. Oscar F. Schmidt (Marian Bradford), of New York City, Mrs. Halleck D. Fry (Evelyn Bradford), of West Virginia, and Edson Baldwin Olds, A. B. (University of Maryland, 1928), of Washington, D. C., survived him.

Children of Edson Baldwin and Mabel (Bradford) Olds

14480. i. Evelyn Bradford Olds, b. 28 Jan. 1897 14481. ii. Marian Bradford Olds, b. 9 Nov. 1898 14482. iii. Edson Baldwin Olds, b. 10 Nov. 1904 14483. iv. Bradford Sargent Olds, b. 9 Jan. 1911

9201. Henry Worthington Olds (Henry Oldys), son of Mark L. and Katherine (Sargent) Olds, was born 26 March 1859 at Washington, DC. On 2 April 1891, he married May C. Meigs (b. 15 May 1869). He "adopted the name of Henry Oldys; was for many years connected with the Biological Survey at Washington, D. C.; is now a well-known lecturer on birds and bird music and prominent in the movement for the protection of birds. Lives at Silver Spring, Md.".1849

Children of Henry Worthington and May C. (Meigs) Olds

14490. i. Robert Oldys, b. 15 June 1896

1844 Olds, p. 252 1845 Olds, p. 252 1846 Olds, p. 253 1847 Olds, p. 263 1848 NEHG Register, Vol. 89, April 1935, p. 182 1849 Olds, p. 264

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 188 14491. ii. Margaret Oldys, b. 10 Oct. 1898 14492. iii. Katherine Sargent Oldys, b. 12 Aug. 1900 14493. iv. Mary Meigs Oldys, b. 14 Nov. 1903

9202. Katharine Mary Olds, daughter of Mark L. and Katherine (Sargent) Olds, was born 8 Jan. 1861. On 29 Sept. 1880, she married Stanislaus M. Hamilton (15 May 1856 - 5 May 1909).1850

Children of Stanislaus M. and Katharine Mary (Olds) Hamilton

14500. i. Mary M. Hamilton, b. 12 July 1881 14501. ii. Nathan Sargent Hamilton, b. 12 Sept. 1882 14502. iii. Edward Millard Hamilton, b. 20 Dec. 1883 14503. iv. Gertrude Brooke Hamilton, b. 14 Aug. 1886 14504. v. Mark Hamilton, b. 9 Dec. 1889 14505. vi. George Bright Hamilton, b. 12 Aug. 1891 14506. vii. Stanislaus Murray Hamilton, b. 29 Sept. 1892 14507. viii. Joseph Hamilton, b. 1 Jan. 1899

9203. Ellen Louisa Olds, daughter of Mark L. and Katherine (Sargent) Olds, was born 2 Nov. 1863 and died 28 Jan. 1889.1851

9204. Mark Sargent Olds, son of Mark L. and Katherine (Sargent) Olds, was born 7 Nov. 1867.1852

9210. George Edson Baker, son of Wilson and Rosalthe (Olds) Baker, was born 2 Nov. 1849. In 1878, he married Emma Stein.1853

9211. Wilson Baker, son of Wilson and Rosa lthe (Olds) Baker, was born 24 Sept. 1851. He married Lida Lawson in 188_.1854

9212. Charles Abraham Baker, son of Wilson and Rosalthe (Olds) Baker, was born 4 July 1854. He married ______.1855

9213. Denny Olds Baker, son of Wilson and Rosalthe (Olds) Baker, was born 10 Aug. 1856 and died 21 Oct. 1879.1856

9220. William Marshall Anderson Olds, son of Joseph and Mary (Anderson) Olds, was born 13 Sept. 1867 at Circleville, Ohio. ON 4 Dec. 1908 he married Mabel L. Claar and "lives in Columbus, Ohio". 1857

9221. Mary Anderson Olds, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Anderson) Olds, was born 6 July 1869 at Circleville, Ohio.

9222. Joseph Olds, son of Joseph and Mary (Anderson) Olds, was born 12 Jan. 1871 at Circleville, Ohio. He married Jessie B. Gaunt on 18 Feb. 1914.1858

Children of Joseph and Jessie B. (Gaunt) Olds

14600. i. Joseph Olds, b. 24 Jan. 1915

1850 Olds, p. 253 1851 Olds, p. 254 1852 Olds, p. 254 1853 Olds, p. 233 1854 Olds, p. 233 1855 Olds, p. 233 1856 Olds, p. 232 1857 Olds, p. 234 1858 Olds, p. 264

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 189 9223. Eliza Olds, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Anderson) Olds, was born 18 Feb. 1873 at Circleville, Ohio.1859

9224. Effie Olds, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Anderson) Olds, was born 7 Nov. 1875 at Columbus, Ohio.1860

9225. Eleanor Olds, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Anderson) Olds, was born 12 Jan. 1882 at Columbus, Ohio. On 10 Nov. 1903, she married Meldrum Gray (b. 7 Dec. 1874) and "Lives in Roswell, N. M.". 1861

Children of Meldrum and Eleanor (Olds) Gray

14620. i. Joseph Olds Gray, b. 30 July 1908 14621. ii. Meldrum Gray, b. 9 Aug. 1910 14622. iii. William Anderson Gray, b. 11 Sept. 1911 14623. iv. Mary Anderson Gray, b. 8 May 1913

9230. Rosalthe Olds Smith, daughter of George Hunter and Mary (Olds) Smith, was born 1 April 1861.1862

9231. Henry Charles Smith, son of George Hunter and Mary (Olds) Smith, was born 2 Mary 1864. He married Jennie Morehead.1863

9232. Edson Bernard Olds Smith, son of George Hunter and Mary (Olds) Smith, was born 14 Sept. 1868. He married Alice Stover.1864

9233. Lucy Olds Smith, daughter of George Hunter and Mary (Olds) Smith, was born 22 Feb. 1873. She married Clay H. Clarke on 24 Oct. 1901.1865

9234. Joseph Matlock Smith, son of George Hunter and Mary (Olds) Smith, was born 8 March 1871.1866

9240. Georgia Olds, daughter of Gamaliel Whitney and Hannah Leffingwell (Tracy) Olds, was born 9 Dec. 1859. On 1 Jan. 1891, she married Henry Duwane Hinkley (b. 14 May 1858) and "lives at Sterling, Colo.".1867

Children of Henry Duwane and Geor gia (Olds) Hinkley

14650. i. Lelia Mae Hinkley, b. 11 Feb. 1892 14651. ii. Tracy Luther Hinkley, b. 8 Nov. 1894 14652. iii. Henry Lawrence Hinkley, b. 16 May 1896

9241. Nina Olds, daughter of Gamaliel Whitney and Hannah Leffingwell (Tracy) Olds, was born 4 Dec. 1861 at Muscatine, Iowa. On 24 Feb. 1885, she married Robert Enegren and "lives in Seattle, Wash.". 1868

Children of Robert and Nina (Olds) Enegren

1859 Olds, p. 255 1860 Olds, p. 255 1861 Olds, p. 255 1862 Olds, p. 234 1863 Olds, p. 234 1864 Olds, p. 234 1865 Olds, p. 234 1866 Olds, p. 234 1867 Olds, p. 254 1868 Olds, p. 256

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 190 14660. i. Cecile Leffingwell Enegren, b. 12 April 1886 ii. Pearl Enegren, b. 13 Jan. 1889 at Moorhead, MN. She d. 21 April 1895 at Minneapolis, MN. 14361. iii. Helen Marjery Enegren, b. 15 Dec. 1890

9242. Verna Tracy Olds, daughter of Gamaliel Whitney and Hannah Leffingwell (Tracy) Olds, was born 28 Aug. 1867. On 31 March 1896, she married Robert G. Young who died 19 June 1912. They had no children.1869

9243. Floy Leffingwell Olds, daughter of Gamaliel Whitney and Hannah Leffingwell (Tracy) Olds, was born 16 July 1884. On 20 June 1912 she married Scott Winter Fries and "lives at Missoula, Mont.". 1870

9440. William Herron Reeder, son of George and Almira Louise (Olds) Reeder, married (1) Ella Wells in 1889 and (2) Mrs. Sarah Ganz. He was an Admiral in the U.S. Navy and died in Paris, France, on 26 Jan. 1910.

9441. Nellie Olds Reeder, daughter of George and Almira Louise (Olds) Reeder, married George B. Glessner. She was an accomplished musician. 1871

9442. Esther Butler Reeder, daughter of George and Almira Louise (Olds) Reeder, was born 11 Nov. 1856 and died 3 Feb. 1905. She married Dr. F. H. Little. 1872

9443. George Reeder, son of George and Almira Louise (Olds) Reeder, was born 20 April 1862. He married Laura Margaret Phillips.1873

9444. John H. Dayton, son of F. L. and Almira (Olds) Dayton, was born 22 Feb. 1869. He mar ried Nancy Reed and is a Commander in the U.S. Navy.1874

9450. Ellen Reeder Olds, daughter of Benjamin Franklin and Esther (Felkins) Olds, was born 1 Jan. 1879. On 21 June 1902 she married Milo Curtiss Hayes and "lives in Chicago, Ill.". 1875

Children of Milo Curtiss and Ellen Reeder (Olds) Hayes

14700. i. Philip Whitney Hayes, b. 18 May 1911

9451. Almira Louise Olds, daughter of Benjamin Franklin and Esther (Felkins) Olds, was born 19 March 1881. On 10 Jan. 1906 she married Rev. Frank W. Bickerman. "He is an Episcopal clergyman; they live in Salida, Colo.".1876

Children of Frank W. and Almira Louise (Olds) Bickerman

14710. i. Luke Frederick Beckerman, b. 19 Oct. 1906 (twin) 14711. ii. Lucia Louise Beckerman, b. 19 Oct. 1906 (twin) 14712. iii. John Henry Beckerman, b. 17 July 1908

9460. Mary Elizabeth Olds, daughter of Edwin Whitney and Sallie Therese (Sasseen) Olds, was born 6 June 1890.1877

1869 Olds, p. 256 1870 Olds, p. 256 1871 Olds, p. 235 1872 Olds, p. 236 1873 Olds, p. 236 1874 Olds, p. 236 1875 Olds, pp. 256-7 1876 Olds, p. 257 1877 Olds, p. 257

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 191 9461. Anna Nuth Olds, daughter of Edwin Whitney and Sallie Therese (Sasseen) Olds, was born 10 July 1893.1878

9462. Edwin Phelps Olds, son of Edwin Whitney and Sallie Therese (Sasseen) Olds, was born 10 Sept. 1894.1879

9463. Margaret Sasseen Olds, daughter of Edwin Whitney and Sallie Therese (Sasseen) Olds, was born 5 July 1896.1880

9464. Sara Whitney Olds, daughter of Edwin Whitney and Sallie Therese (Sasseen) Olds, was born 16 Jan. 1899.1881

9490. Minerva Olds, daughter of Edward Mather and Emma (Gilbert) Olds, was born 12 April 1870. In 1891 she married Dr. James L. Watson (b. 1857) and "Lives in Toledo, Ohio.".1882

Children of James L. and Minerva (Olds) Watson

i. James Watson, b. 1893, d. 1900 14750. ii. Margaret Watson, b. 1895 14751. iii. Della Marie Watson, b. 1897 14752. iv. William Watson, b. 1899 14753. v. Elizabeth Watson, b. 1902

9491. Frank Olds, son of Edward Mather and Emma (Gilbert) Olds, was born in 1874. In 1897, he married Cora Dowd (b. 1878).1883

Children of Frank and Cora (Dowd) Olds

14760. i. Dorothy Olds, b. 1898 14761. ii. Margaret Olds, b. 1900 14762. iii. Emma Olds

9492. Edward Olds, son of Edward Mather and Emma (Gilbert) Olds, was born in 1878.1884

9493. Marie Olds, daughter of Edward Mather and Emma (Gilbert) Olds, was born in 1880.1885

9700. Nell Olds, daughter of Charles Whitney and Emma Stein (Hartz) Olds, was born 17 March 1875. On 10 June 1874 she married Prof. Francis Jones Pond and "lives at Upper Montclair, N. J.". 1886

Children of Francis Jones and Nell (Olds) Pond

i. Katherine Pond, b. 3 April 1904, d. 24 June 1905 14770. ii. Elizabeth Olds Pond, b. 29 April 1906 14771. iii. Nathan Jones Pond, b. 2 Nov. 1909

9701. Louis Newton Olds, son of Charles Whitney and Emma Stein (Hartz) Olds, was born 1 July 1876.

1878 Olds, p. 257 1879 Olds, p. 257 1880 Olds, p. 257 1881 Olds, p. 257 1882 Olds, p. 258 1883 Olds, p. 264 1884 Olds, p. 258 1885 Olds, p. 258 1886 Olds, p. 258

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 192 On 16 Oct. 1907 he married Mary Henrietta Lockwood and "lives at Montclair, N. J.". 1887

Children of Louis Newton and Mary Henrietta (Lockwood) Olds

14780. i. John Whitney Olds, b. 30 July 1908

9702. Carry Louise Olds, daughter of Charles Whitney and Emma Stein (Hartz) Olds, was born 14 Feb. 1878 and "Lives at Charleston, W. Va.".1888

Eighth Generation (5th great GRANDCHILDREN)

10000. Sarah Snell Olds, daughter of Justin Hixon and Charity Louisa (Bryant) Olds, was born 1 April 1839 at Lamoille, IL, and died 16 March 1908 at Los Angeles, CA. She married Newell Mathews on 4 July 1868 at Peoria, IL.1889 He was born 4 July 1868 in IL and died 16 March 1908 in Los Angeles, CA. I have a letter Sarah wrote to her brother, Hixon Olds:

" Avalon, Catalina Is. California Sept. 3rd 1895

"My dear brother Hixon "I have had several letters & pictures from you since I have written for which I am very grateful. The maple sugar came to hand in due time, also the account of the Bryant Reunion. What a good time you all had on that occasion! & all the speeches were well worthy the occasion. I wish there might be a fuller report that would include some of those so flatteringly mentioned in the paper. We enjoyed that maple sugar very much & concluded it to be the genuine article now so rare before we knew where it came from. That fact however gave it an added zest.

"We are spending a month on Catalina Island about 2.5 miles from the mainland south west of Los Angeles -- It is twenty two miles long and at its greatest width 8 miles wide. The little bay of Avalon is a favorite summer resort. There is a pebbly beach no breakers & clear still water a perfect place for bathing and boating. The bay is alive with little boats of all kinds yachts sail boats row boats and canoes. The island is mountainous. This I think is the largest canyon. There are only a few houses two or three big hotels. There are only I believe 300 inhabitants but thousands have been this summer. "The children have learned to swim and use the oar. Today they all off in their boat with other boats up the coast a few miles to "Arch beach" on a picnic. They expect to catch abalone and make soup over a camp fire. Fishing too is a daily amusement & we are having our fill of fresh fish cheifly [sic] mackaral though the yellow tail is ??? ???? and sea bass affords us an occasional change. I am left all alone in our cottage and after the work is done up for the day I am at leisure All work except that of providing the meals and keeping our house in order we have left at home. Our little house commands a view of Ocean Boulevard (the principal street) and the bay & I spend a great deal of time on the front porch watching the life of the place with my field glass I can see the children in their boat when ??? ??? But I shall be quite ready to go home next Saturday though it will be quite a forlorn homegoing for Newell was started on his usual trip east and will not be there He left on the 30th of Aug. and expected to be in Wyanet about the 10th of Sept. to make you a call Please tell him I want him to be sure and call at Uncle John's [John Howard Bryant] while in Princeton. I hope this will find you all well and prosperous as when you last wrote. This letter is for Bell too. My best love to you all.

Your aff. sister

1887 Olds, p. 265 1888 Olds, p. 258 1889 Olds, p. 72

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 193 Sarah S.Mathews 1301 Altura St. L.A. "The name of our street is changed to Altura"

Children of Newell and Sarah Snell (Olds) Mathews

20000. i. Julia Mathews, b. 20 Oct. 1874 20001. ii. Ellen Mathews, b. 1877 20002. iii. Bryant Mathews, b. 1880

10001. Julia Louisa Olds, daughter of Justin Hixon and Charity Louisa (Bryant) Olds, was born 7 July 1840 at Lamoille, IL, and died 18 Feb. 1892 at Peoria, IL. She married James Barkman on 10 Feb. 1886 and had no children. 1890

10002. John Hixon Olds, son of Justin Hixon and Charity Louisa (Bryant) Olds, was born 21 March 1847 at Princeton, IL, and died 8 July 1901 at Wyanet. On 15 April 1869, he married Anna Belle Krimmel at Wyanet, IL. She was born 2 Oct. 1849.1891 Anna Belle Olds died 21 May 1937. The family is listed in the 1870 census of Waynet twp., P. O. Wyanet, Bureau County, IL, 15 Aug. 1870, p. 556 as: 313 John Olds 23 w m farmer $1600 $3380 b. Ill Anna 20 f w keeps house, b. Penn. Bryant 5/12 m w home, b. Feb. Jas. Crimmel 17 m w farm hand, b. Penn. Alf Andersen 22 m w farm hand, b. Penn. The 1880 census listing1892 is: Census Place: Wyanet, Bureau, Illinois Source: FHL Film 1254177 National Archives Film T9-0177 Page 369C Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace John H. OLDS Self M M W 32 IL Occ:Retired Farmer Fa: MA Mo: MA Anna B. OLDS Wife F M W 30 PA Occ:Keeping House Fa: PA Mo: PA Bryant OLDS Son M S W 10 IL Fa: IL Mo: PA Howard OLDS Son M S W 8 IL Fa: IL Mo: PA Edna OLDS Dau F S W 6 IL Fa: IL Mo: PA Blanche OLDS Dau F S W 4 IL Fa: IL Mo: PA Guy OLDS Son M S W 2 IL Fa: IL Mo: PA OLDS Dau F S W 7M IL Fa: IL Mo: PA

Children of John Hixon and Anna Belle (Krimmel) Olds

20010. i. Bryant Olds, b. 17 Feb. 1870 20011. ii. Howard Olds, b. 26 Aug. 1873 20012. iii. Edna Olds, b. 14 Feb. 1874 20013. iv. Blanche Olds, b. 5 Nov. 1875 20014. v. Guy M. Olds, b. 7 Sept. 1877 20015. vi. Lucy Wood Olds, b. 23 Oct. 1879 20016. vii. John Olds, b. 6 July 1882.1893 20017. viii. Myra Darline Olds, b. 1 Aug. 18841894

10003. Lucy Wood Olds, daughter of Justin Hixon and Charity Louisa (Bryant) Olds, was born 7 July

1890 Olds, p. 73 1891 Olds, p. 78, which gives his death date as 8 Jan. 1901 and her name as Anabel Crammel. 1892 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1893 correct date from family Bible of John Hixon Olds, in my possession. 1894 Olds shows 1885; corrected from family Bible

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 194 1849 and died 28 Feb. 1867 at Princeton, IL.1895

10010. Julia Olds, daughter of Curtis Lyon and Emily (Wright) Olds, was born in Oct. 1840 at Belchertown, Mass. and died in 1880(?) at Ft. Dodge, Iowa. She married Henry Covil in 1866(?).1896

Children of Henry and Julia (Olds) Covil

20020. i. Hattie Covil, b. 1 Jan. 1878

10011. John Olds, son of Curtis Lyon and Emily (Wright) Olds, was born in 1842. In 1873, he married Aggie McCline and lived at Fairbury, Nebraska.1897

Children of John and Aggie (McCline) Olds

20030. i. Lewis Olds, b. 1874

10012. Charles Emery Olds, son of Curtis Lyon and Emily (Wright) Olds, was born at 5 Dec. 1855 at Lamoille, IL. He married (1), at Steel city, Elmira M. Ellsworth who died 20 June 1890 and (2), at Decorah, Iowa, on 28 Oct. 1891, Bertha Jacobs (b. 28 July 1872).1898

Children of Charles Emery and Elmira M. (Ellsworth) Olds

20040. i. Winifred Lela Olds, b. 1885 ii. Trina Olds, b. 17 June 1890, d. 1890

Children of Charles Emery and Bertha (Jacobs) Olds

iii. Fernie Violet Olds, b.5 Nov. 1893, d. 18 July 1894 20041. iv. Grace Violet Olds, b. 28 July 1895 20042. v. Edna Eulala Olds, b. 19 Sept. 1897 20043. vi. Robert Clyde Olds, b. 15 June 1901

10020. Clarissa Olds, daughter of William Riley and Susan (Sanborn) Olds, was born 2 Feb. 1843 at Belchertown, MA, and died 4 March 1866 at Boyds Grove, IL.

10021. Joanna Olds, daughter of William Riley and Susan (Sanborn) Olds, was born 3 May 1845 at Belchertown, MA. She married Isaac Doty.1899

Children of Isaac and Joanna (Olds) Doty

20050. i. Frank Doty

10022. Henry Olds, son of William Riley and Susan (Sanborn) Olds, was born in 1847 at Belchertown, MA, and died in July 1899 at Boyds Gr ove, IL. He mar ried Lizzie Whipple. 1900 The family is listed in the 1870 census of Milo twp., P. O. Boyd's Grove, Bureau County, IL, 2 July 1870, p. 387.5 as: 127/127 Henry Olds 22 m w farmer $1600 $300 b. Mass Elizabeth 19 f w keeps house, b. Ill Sarah 7/12 f w at home, b. Ill

1895 Olds, p. 73 1896 Olds, p. 73 1897 Olds, p. 79 1898 Olds, p. 80 1899 Olds, p. 74 1900 Olds, p. 80

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 195 This certainly suggests they had a daughter Sarah not mentioned in E. B. Olds.

Children of Henry and Lizzie (Whipple) Olds

20060. i. William H. Olds 20061. ii. Lewis H. Olds 20062. iii. Anna L. Olds 20063. iv. Nora Olds

10023. Frank Olds, son of William Riley and Susan (Sanborn) Olds, was born 12 Dec. 1853 at Lamoille, IL. He married Susan Sapp on 5 Jan. 1873 and "lives at Wyanet, Ill.". Susan Sapp was born 30 Aug. 1854.1901 The family is listed in the 18801902 census as Census Place: Wyanet, Bureau, Illinois Source: FHL Film 1254177 National Archives Film T9-0177 Page 363D Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Frank E. OLDS Self M M W 25 IL Occ: Farmer Fa: MA Mo: VT Susan M. OLDS Wife F M W 24 IL Occ: Keeping House Fa: DE Mo:DE Frank A. OLDS Son M S W 2M IL Fa: IL Mo: IL William SIMPSON Other M S W 18 IL Occ: Works On Farm Fa: ENG Mo: ENG Children of Frank and Susan (Sapp) Olds

i. Effie Bell Olds, b. 26 Oct. 1873, d. 28 Jan. 1874 ii. Leroy Olds, b. 14 Oct. 1875, d. 4 Jan. 1879 iii. Elwood Olds, b. 26 March 1878, d. 5 Jan. 1879 20071. iv. Frank Elwin Olds, b. 1 April 1880 20072. v. Luella Olds, b. 7 Sept. 1882 vi. Idella Olds, b. 29 March 1885, d. 9 Oct. 1886 20073. vii. Harry Lee Olds, b. 21 Dec. 1887 20074. viii. Eugene Olds, b. 1 Sept. 1890 20075. ix. Lydia Pearl, b. 6 Dec. 18941903

10030. Jeremiah E. Olds, son of Marshall Keith and Susan (Jenks) Olds, was born 4 Sept. 1843 at Belchertown, MA, and died in 1908 at Grand Junction, Colorado. He married Sarah Jane Zimmerman on 26 Dec. 1867 at Clarion, IL. She was born 9 Dec. 1847. He "was Mechanical Superintendent of the Western Cottage Organ Factory at Mendota, Ill., from 1880 to 1905; was in Co. B., 52d Reg't., Illinois Vol., during the Civil War."1904 The family is listed in the 18801905 census as: Census Place: Mendota, La Salle, Illinois Source: FHL Film 1254223 National Archives Film T9-0223 Page 427A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Jerry OLDS Self M M W 36 MA Occ: Works In Organ Factory Fa: MA Mo: MA Sarah OLDS Wife F M W 33 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: OH Mo: OH Lusia OLDS Dau F S W 10 IL Occ: School Fa: OH Mo: OH Alice OLDS Dau F S W 9 IL Occ: School Fa: OH Mo: OH Mary FLIER Other F S W 16 KY Occ: Servant Fa: GER Mo: OH

Children of Jeremiah E. and Sarah Jane (Zimmerman) Olds

20080. i. Lucy Mabel Olds, b. 4 Feb. 1870

1901 Olds, p. 80 1902 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1903 in my copy of the Olds genealogy, p. 81, someone has corrected this from "Lydia Bess, born September 6, 1894." 1904 Olds, pp. 81-82 1905 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 196 20081. ii. Alice May Olds, b. 7 May 1871 iii. Erick Olds, b. 14 Oct. 1876, d. same day

10031. Rinaldo Lawson Olds, son of Marshall Keith and Susan (Jenks) Olds, was born 30 July 1848 at Lamoille, IL. He married Martha Jane Erskine on 17 Aug. 1873 at Mendota, IL. "He is a Baptist minister; graduate of the old University of Chicago (Class of '76), and of the Union Baptist Theo. Seminary at Morgan Park, Ill., now a department of the present University of Chicago has held pastorates in Marseilles and Griggsville, Ill., Ludlow, Newport and West Pawlet, Vt., Bluehill and Dexter, Me.; is now, 1915, pastor of the latter place."1906

Children of Rinaldo Lawson and Martha Jane (Erskine) Olds

20090. i. Raymond Lawson Olds, born 27 Sept. 1875 20091. ii. Edith May Olds, b. 17 Nov. 1877 iii. Lawrence Erskine Olds, b. 6 Sept. 1879, Marseilles, d. 16 Sept. 1880, Mendota 20092. iv. Marshall Keith Olds, b. 28 March 1887

10032. Claribel Viola Olds, daughter of Marshall Keith and Susan (Jenks) Olds, was born on 6 Dec. 1850 at Lamoille, IL. She married Charles Julian Johnson on 24 Nov. 188- at Mendota, IL. He was born in 1855.1907

Children of Charles Julian and Claribel Viola (Olds) Johnson

20100. i. Marshall Johnson Olds, b. 22 Feb. 1883 20101. ii. Claribel Grace Johnson, b. 1 April 1884 20102. iii. Harold Verannus Johnson, b. 2 Feb. 1886

10033. Milroy Frank Olds, son of Marshall Keith and Susan (Jenks) Olds, was born 25 Sept. 1856 at Lamoille, IL. On 1 Sept. 1887, he married Bertha May Taylor at Colorado Springs, CO, and "lives at Los Angeles, Cal.".1908

Children of Milroy Frank and Bertha May (Taylor) Olds

20120. i. Gerry Milroy Olds, b. 1 July 1889 20121. ii. Lewis Rinaldo Olds, b. 21 Feb. 1892 20122. iii. Ardis Blanche Olds, b. 24 Feb. 1897

10040. Ella Mariah Olds, daughter of Jonathan Lathrop and Hannah Mariah (Cleveland) Olds, was born 12 Aug. 1855 at Berlin, IL, and died 12 Feb. 1886 at Aurora, IL. She married Dr. Henry Gable on 8 Aug. 1876 at Aurora, IL.1909

Children of Henry and Ella Mariah (Olds) Gable

i. Frank Lathrop Gable,b. 13 Aug. 1877, d. 10 Jan. 1894 ii.Alice Gable, b. 21 July 1880, d. 17 April 1885

10050. Claude Verannus Olds, son of Verannus Wyatt and Mary Louisa (Givens) Olds, was born 29 Jan. 1879 at Clearwater, FL. On 6 June 1901, he married Nettie Orna McMullen at Clearwater, FL. She was born 21 June 1881.1910

1906 Olds, pp. 82-83 1907 Olds, pp. 74-75 1908 Olds, p. 83 1909 Olds, p. 75 1910 Olds, p. 83

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 197 Childen of Claude Verannus and Nettie Orna (McMullen) Olds

20200. i. Roy Fane Olds, b. 29 Jan. 1902

10051. Claribel Allene Olds, daughter of Verannus Wyatt and Mary Louisa (Givens) Olds, was born 24 Jan. 1881. He married Edmund August Krohn on 30 June 1904 at Grand Junction, CO.1911

Children of Edmund August and Claribel Allene (Olds) Krohn

20220. i. Aileen Lorena Krohn, b. 2 April 1910

10100. Eveline J. Fuller, daughter of Purchase D. and Caroline Phoebe (Olds) Fuller, was born 22 March 1846. She married Marshall Wright.1912

10101. Ellen T. Fuller, daughter of Purchase D. and Caroline Phoebe (Olds) Fuller, was born 12 April 1848. She married Hiram Danks.1913

10102. Austin D. Fuller, son of Purchase D. and Caroline Phoebe (Olds) Fuller, was born 28 March 1852 and died 30 July 1884. He married (1) Emma Keith and (2) Della Dodge. 1914

10103. Charles F. Fuller, son of Purchase D. and Caroline Phoebe (Olds) Fuller, was born 25 July 1854. He married Anna Bennett.1915

10104. Frank A. Fuller, son of Purchase D. and Caroline Phoebe (Olds) Fuller, was born 4 March 1863.1916

10110. Frank Everett Olds, son of John B. and Marcia A. (Braman) Olds, was born 10 Jan. 1866. He married (1) Mary Fanning on 5 Oct. 1895. She died 27 March 1901. He married (2) Eliza W. Tiffany and "Lives at Providence, R.I.".1917

Children of Frank Everett and Mary (Fanning) Olds

20300. i. Faye Olds, b. 27 Nov. 1897

10115. Robert W. Beebe, son of William Hubbard and Rebecca (Olds) Beebe, lived in "Minnesota and Dakota". 1918

10016. Edwin H. Beebe, son of William Hubbard and Rebecca (Olds) Beebe, was born 3 July 1841 and died in Nov. 1871.1919

10017. Andrew H. Beebe, son of William Hubbard and Rebecca (Olds) Beebe, was born 5 Feb. 1852 and "lived in Dakota".1920

10018. Evanore Olds Beebe, daughter of William and Rebecca (Olds) Beebe, "lives at North Wilbraham, Mass.". 1921

1911 Olds, p. 76 1912 Olds, p. 69 1913 Olds, p. 69 1914 Olds, p. 69 1915 Olds, p. 69 1916 Olds, p. 69 1917 Olds, p. 84 1918 Olds, p. 70 1919 Olds, p. 70 1920 Olds, p. 70 1921 Olds, p. 70

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 198 10131. Charles S. Olds, son of Enoch and Rachel (Barnes) Olds, was born 22 April 1857. On 26 Nov. 1879, he married Carrie White (b. 2 April 1856) and "Lives at Holyoke, Mass.". 1922 They are listed with his parents in the 1880 census (see above).

Children of Charles S. and Carrie (White) Olds

i. Hattie F. Olds, b. 20 Sept. 1881, d. 28 Feb. 1882 20400. ii. Edson E. Olds, b. 30 Jan. 1883 iii. Frank C. Olds, b. 1 June 1886, d. 24 Feb. 1887 20401. iv. Ida A. Olds, b. 1 April 1888

10140. Hiram Eugene Olds, son of Jonathan and Sarah A. (Wyman) Olds, was born 4 Nov. 1855 and died in 1909. He married Hattie Furrow. 1923

10141. Anson Jonathan Olds, son of Jonathan and Sarah A. (Wyman) Olds, was born 31 Oct. 1863. In August, 1896, he married Sarah Fenton and "lives in Willimantic, Conn.".1924

10142. Lena Maria Olds, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah A. (Wyman) Olds, was born 12 April 1875. On 8 Oct. 1895, she married C. H. Calkins and "lives at Ludlow Centre, Mass."1925

Children of C. H. and Lena Maria (Olds) Calkins

20500. i. Thyra Vivian Calkins, b. 15 July 1906

10170. Albert J. Wilder was a son of Joseph and Eunice (Olds) Wilder.1926

10171. Alonzo W. Wilder was a son of Joseph and Eunice (Olds) Wilder.1927

10172. Franklin Wilder was a son of Joseph and Eunice (Olds) Wilder.1928

10173. Sarah A. Wilder was a daughter of Joseph and Eunice (Olds) Wilder.1929

10174. Mary Wilder was a daughter of Joseph and Eunice (Olds) Wilder.1930

10175. Annie M. Towne, daughter of John and Eunice (Olds) Towne, was born 7 April 1863.1931

10176. William C. Towne was a son of John and Eunice (Olds) Towne.1932

10177. Viola Towne was a daughter of John and Eunice (Olds) Towne. 1933

10180. Martha H. Nichols was a daughter of Byron W. and Mary (Olds) Nichols.1934

10181. Fred Nichols was a son of Byron W. and Mary (Olds) Nichols.1935

1922 Olds, p. 84 1923 Olds, p. 77 1924 Olds, p. 77 1925 Olds, p. 77 1926 Olds, p. 71 1927 Olds, p. 71 1928 Olds, p. 71 1929 Olds, p. 71 1930 Olds, p. 71 1931 Olds, p. 71 1932 Olds, p. 71 1933 Olds, p. 71 1934 Olds, p. 71 1935 Olds, p. 71

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 199 10182. James Nichols was a son of Byron W. and Mary (Olds) Nichols.1936

10190. Martha L. Olds, daughter of Amos and S. Minerva (Rice) Olds, was born 28 Jan. 1852. On 23 June 1845 [sic] she married Wm. H. Mason who was born 28 Aug. 1840.1937

Children of Wm. H. and Martha L. (Olds) Mason

20700. i. Annie Gertrude Mason, b. 22 Aug. 1880 20701. ii. Jennie M. Mason, b. 19 Sept. 1882 20702. iii. Clinton W. Mason, b. 16 Jan. 1885

10191. Minetta L. Olds, daughter of Amos and S. Minerva (Rice) Olds, was born 3 Jan. 1854. On 25 June 1885, she married Charles H. Davis, b. 10 April 1855.1938

Children of Charles H. and Minetta L. (Olds) Davis

20710. i. Walter Olds Davis, b. 27 Sept. 1886 20711. ii. George Rice Davis, b. 23 Sept. 1887 20712. iii. Gertrude Frances Davis, b. 5 April 1889

10195. Minnie Etta Olds, daughter of David M. and Mary M. (Underwood) Olds, was born 12 April 1864. On 21 Sept. 1886, she married Alfred Kingsley Paine, b. 14 Oct. 1855.1939

10196. Merton David Olds, son of David M. and Mary M. (Underwood) Olds was born in Pelham, MA, in 1867. "Lillie Lazelle Olds was a native of Enfield, born September 17, 1864, the daughter of Reuben and Ellen Smith Lazelle. She was the wife of Merton David Olds, who died in Ware in 1921. Mrs. Olds was active in the affairs of Enfield Grange, Swift River Pomona Grange, and the Women's Relief Corps until those organiza tions went out of existence. She moved to West Brookfield in 1938, and ten years later to Belchertown, where she died, November 23, 1949. The couple left a son, Leland R., of Springfield; two daughters; Mrs. Myrtle Williams of Belchertown; Mrs. Gladys O. Reed of West Pelham; seven grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. ... Lilla married Merton Olds in 1890 and lived in Enfield. Later the couple bought a farm in District Five in Wa re to which place they moved. Mr. Olds was engaged in farming, in the lumber business, and was also highway surveyor. Their family included the son and two daughters mentioned above, as well as another daughter, Ethel, who was born in 1893 and died in 1913." "Mr. Olds was born in Pelham in 1867, the son of David and Minerva Underwood Olds. He was one of seven children of whom a sister, Mrs. Myra Roach of Castleton, Vermont, and a brother Marshall E., of Granbury are now living. The grandchildren are: Forrest O., Warren A., and Barbara Reed of West Pelham; Kenneth L. and Jean Olds of Thompsonville; Bernard G. and Shirley A. Williams of Belchertown. Forrest O. Reed married Ruby Ryland of Springfield; Warren A. Reed wed Virginia Steere, and they are living in Indian Orchard. Barbara Reed is the wife of Walter Klemyk. Jean Olds married William Moulton of Thompsonville. They have a son, Leland D. Moulton and make their home in the Connecticut town. Shirley A. Williams is the wife of Homer W. Cowles of South Amherst and lives in that community. Mrs. Williams, the daughter of Mrs. Olds, states that her father moved from Pelham to a farm on Turkey Hill in Belcher town. She tells of hearing him say that he ran away from home when a youth and joined the army as a drummer boy."1940 Children of Merton David and Lilla (Lazelle) Olds

20750. i. Leland R. Olds

1936 Olds, p. 71 1937 Olds, p. 77 1938 Olds, p. 78 1939 Olds, p. 78 1940 The quotation i s fr om a biograph y of Li lla La zel le Old s in "Q uab bin -- The Lost Val ley, To wn of En fie ld -- Bi ograph y" on Early Vit al Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 200 20751. ii. Ethel Olds, b. 1893, d. 1913 20752. iii. Myrtle Olds 20753. iv. Gladys Olds

10197. Marshall E. Olds, son of David M. and Mar y M. (Underwood) Olds, was born ca. 1871. See mention under Merton David Olds.

10198. Luella M.Olds, daughter of David M. and Mary M. (Underwood) Olds, was born ca. 1874

10199. Rosabelle M. Olds, daughter of David M. and Mary M. (Underwood) Olds, was born ca. 1877 [Here ends the family of Robert and begins of family of Hanford]

10200. Ira Olds was a son of Ira and Sarah (Lewis) Olds.1941

10201. Ferdino Olds was a son of Ira and Sarah (Lewis) Olds.1942

10202. Clara Olds was a daughter of Ira and Sarah (Lewis) Olds.1943

10203. Susan Olds was a daughter of Ira and Sarah (Lewis) Olds.1944

10210. Elizabeth Olds was a daughter of Hiram and Marion (Stratton) Olds.1945

10211. Ira V. Olds was a daughter of Hiram and Marion (Stratton) Olds.1946

10212. Maryetta Olds, daughter of Hiram and Marion (Stratton) Olds, married David Conklin.1947

10213. Stephen Olds, son of Hiram and Marion (Stratton) Oldss, was born 18 Jan. 1861 and died 19 July 1948 at Keeler, MI.1948

10220. Arthur E. Olds was a son of Almon A. and Harriett Alice (Lewis) Olds.1949

10221. Charles L. Olds was a son of Almon A. and Harriett Alice (Lewis) Olds.1950

10222. Alice M. Olds was a daughter of Almon A. and Harriett Alice (Lewis) Olds.1951

10230. Will Keeler Manley was a son of James and Jane Anne (Olds) Manley.1952

10231. Clement Keeler Manley was a son of James and Jane Anne (Olds) Manley.1953

10232. Clara Keeler Manley was a son of James and Jane Anne (Olds) Manley.1954

10250. Volney M. Manley, son of George and Elizabeth Jane (Olds) Manley, married Allie Cook and is

1941 Olds, p. 288 1942 Olds, p. 288 1943 Olds, p. 288 1944 Olds, p. 288 1945 Olds, p. 288 1946 Olds, p. 288 ; init ial added b y Yerington 1947 added by Yerington to Olds, p. 288 1948 added to Olds , p. 288, by Yerington 1949 Olds, p. 288 , with middle initia l added by Yer ington 1950 Olds, p. 288 , with middle initia l added by Yer ington 1951 Olds, p. 288 1952 Olds, p. 286 1953 Olds, p. 286 1954 Olds, p. 286

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 201 buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, Hartford, MI.1955

10251. Mary Jane Manley, daughter of George and Elizabeth Jane (Olds) Manley, married Alexander P. Shaw and is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, Hartford, MI.1956

10252. Renew Olds, daughter of George and Elizabeth Jane (Olds) Manley, married Charlie Fork and is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, Hartford, MI.1957

10253. Oscar Manley, son of George and Elizabeth Jane (Olds) Manley, married Ida Tyler and is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, Hartford, MI.1958

10254. Josephine Manley, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Olds) Manley, is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, Hartford, MI.1959

10260. Rene M. Olds was a child of James Van Ransler and Huldah (Johnson) Olds.1960

10261. Nellie Olds, daughter of James Van Ransler and Huldah (Johnson) Olds, married a Britton.1961

10262. Edith Olds was a daughter of James Van Ransler and Huldah (Johnson) Olds.1962

10263. Clyde Olds was a son of James Van Ransler and Huldah (Johnson) Olds.1963

10270. Nettie Olds was a daughter of Edwin Ruthven and Harriet (Olds) Olds.1964

10271. Grover Olds, son of Edwin Ruthven and Harriet (Olds) Olds, "lives in Chicago, Ill.". 1965

10272. Edwin Olds, was a son of Edwin Ruthven Olds by a second marriage. 1966

10300. Iva Blanch Olds, daughter of Marcius Arilus and Olive (Havens) Olds, was born 19 April 1876 and d. 11 Jan. 1848 [sic -- 1948?] at Benton Harbor, MI. She married Luther Ellsworth Stratton on 26 Dec. 1893. He was a son of Hiram Ezra and Catherine (Hammond) Stratton. They lived in Hartford, MI.1967

Children of Luther Ellsworth and Iva Blanch (Olds) Stratton

21000. i. Vera Stratton 21001. ii. Edwin Robert Stratton

10301. Chester Oman Olds, son of Marcius Arilus and Olive (Havens) Olds, was born 2 July 1879.1968

10302. Grace Hortance Olds, daughter of Marcius Arilus and Olive (Havens) Olds, was born 30 April 1881.1969

1955 marri age and buri al added to Olds, p. 286 , by Yeri ngton 1956 marri age and buri al added to Olds, p. 286 , by Yeri ngton 1957 added to Olds , p. 286, by Yerington 1958 added to Olds , p. 286, by Yerington 1959 added to Olds , p. 286, by Yerington 1960 Olds, p. 289 1961 added to Olds , p. 289, by Yerington 1962 added to Olds , p. 289, by Yerington 1963 added to Olds , p. 289, by Yerington 1964 Olds, p. 289 1965 Olds, p. 289 1966 added to Olds , p. 289, by Yerington 1967 Yerington, inserted in Olds 1968 Yerington 1969 Yerington

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 202 10303. Ellsworth William Olds, son of Marcius Arilus and Olive (Havens) Olds, was born 7 June 1883.1970

10304. Lillian Nora Olds, daughter of Marcius Arilus and Olive (Havens) Olds, was born 16 Nov. 1885.1971

10305. Jesse Wallace Olds, son of Marcius Arilus and Olive (Havens) Olds, was born 10 April 1889.1972

10306. Wade Manley Olds, son of Marcius Arilus and Olive (Havens) Olds, was born 28 Oct. 1891.1973

10307. Olive Elmanew Olds, daughter of Marcius Arilus and Olive (Havens) Olds, was born 10 March 1895.1974

10320. Ottie Reynolds was a child of Ansel and Julia (Olds) Reynolds.1975

10321. Emmer Reynolds was a child of Ansel and Julia (Olds) Reynolds.1976

10322. Manny Reynolds was a son of Ansel and Julia (Olds) Reynolds.1977

10323. Kittie Reynolds was a daughter of Ansel and Julia (Olds) Reynolds.1978

10324. Nina Reynolds was a daughter of Ansel and Julia (Olds) Reynolds.1979

10330. Lula Belle Olds, daughter of Alonzo Ferdino and Carrie (Cary) Olds, was born 1 Sept. 1875.1980

10331. Carrie Mae Olds, daughter of Alonzo Ferdino and Carrie (Cary) Olds, was born 4 March 1877.1981

10332. Henry Alonzo Olds, son of Alonzo Ferdino and Carrie (Cary) Olds, was born 28 Oct. 1883.1982

10340. Hattie Robinson was a daughter of James and Sarah (Olds) Robinson. 1983

10345. Sarah Disbroe was a daughter of John and Rosa line (Olds) Disbroe. 1984

10355. Cora Poltz was a daughter of Christian and Rosetta (Olds) Poltz.1985

10364. Howard Levi Olds, son of Levi Fayette and Sarah (Cole) Olds 1986, was born about 1869 in MA according to the 1880 census listing of her father's family.1987

1970 Yerington 1971 Yerington 1972 Yerington 1973 Yerington 1974 Yerington 1975 Olds, p. 287 1976 Olds, p.. 287 1977 Olds, p. 287 1978 Olds, p. 287 1979 Olds, p. 287 1980 Olds, p. 289 1981 Olds, p. 289 1982 Olds, p. 289 1983 Olds, p. 287 1984 Olds, p. 288 1985 Olds, p. 288 1986 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1987 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 203 10365. Mabel Olds, daughter of Levi Fayette and Sarah (Cole) Olds1988, was born about 1879 in OH according to the 1880 census listing of her father's family.1989

10377. Herbert Olds, son of Edwin W. and Emma (Develbliss) Olds1990

10378. Helen Olds, daughter of Edwin W. and Emma (Develbliss) Olds 1991

10379. Edna Olds, daughter of Edwin W. and Emma (Develbliss) Olds1992

10380. Harry Olds, son of Edwin W. and Emma (Develbliss) Olds1993

10381. Edwin Levi Olds, son of Edwin W. and Emma (Develbliss) Olds1994

10382. Louie Olds, child of William Clifford and Ida (Longley) Olds1995

10383. Minnie Sarah Olds, daughter of Olin C. and Helen M. (Prentice) )Olds, was born 12 Oct. 1870. She married Nelson Otis.1996 Children of Nelson and Minnie Sarah (Olds) Otis i. Loren Edward Otis, b. 16 Oct. 1901 ii. Helen Harriet Otis, b. Apr. 1906, d. Jan. 1907

10384. Wesley A. Olds, son of Olin C. and Helen M. (Prentice) )Olds, was born 4 Feb. 1873 in Middlefield, MA. He married Mary Adelaide Cottrell, daughter of George W. and Else (Wright) Cottrell, on 7 Nov. 1900. "He is a prominent farmer in Mid. [Middleton] carrying on his father's farm at the foot of Glendale Falls. He is prominent in the Mid. church and in local affairs. He was selectman in 1906 and 1922-24."1997 Children of Wesley A. and Mary Adelaide (Cotrell) Olds 21500. i. George Wesley Olds, b. 18 Dec. 1901 21501. ii. Elmer Olin Olds, b. 14 Nov. 1903 21502. iii. Helen Prentice Olds, b. 18 Sept. 1907 21503. iv. Howard Ernest Olds, b. 6 July 1913

10385. Cora W. Olds, daughter of Olin C. and Helen M. (Prentice) )Olds, was born 19 Sept 1874 and died 16 Dec. 1906. In Feb. 1895, she married Arthur Pierce. 1998

10387. Silas Olds, son of Granville Olds, was living in Dalton, MA, in 1918.1999

10388. Myra Olds, daughter of Granville Olds, married John Alstine of Dalton, MA, and was living in Holyoke, MA, in 1923.2000

10390. Elsie Olds, daughter of Edward Allen and Ella (Knapp) Olds, was born 10 July 1876 in Brooklyn, NY.2001

1988 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1989 Family Search 1880 United States Census, CD-ROM 1990 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1991 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1992 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1993 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1994 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1995 Smith and Smith, p. 561 1996 Smith and Smith, p. 562 1997 Smith and Smith, p. 562 1998 Smith and Smith, p. 562 1999 Smith and Smith, p. 563 2000 Smith and Smith, p. 563 2001 Olds, p. 114

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 204 10391. Edith Olds, daughter of Edward Allen and Ella (Knapp) Olds, was born 12 Feb. 1878 in Brooklyn, NY.2002

10392. Edward Allen Olds, son of Edward Allen and Ella (Knapp) Olds, was born 10 May 1879 in Brooklyn, NY.2003

10393. George Stoughton Olds, son of Edward Allen and Ella (Knapp) Olds, was born in Aug. 1887, in Sudbury, VT.2004

10400. Raymond Shaw Olds was a son of Willis Jerome and Lauretta (Shaw) Olds.2005

10401. Alice Nichols Olds was a daughter of Willis Jerome and Lauretta (Shaw) Olds.2006

10402. Margaret Frances Olds was a daughter of Willis Jerome and Lauretta (Shaw) Olds.2007

10403. Willis James Olds was a son of Willis Jerome and Lauretta (Shaw) Olds.2008

10404. Charles Howard Olds was a son of Willis Jerome and Lauretta (Shaw) Olds.2009

10410. Edwin Glenn Olds, son of Edwin Nelson and Effie Ruth (Wells) Olds, was born 20 April 1898 in Buffalo, NY. 2010

10411. Ada Ruth Olds, daughter of Edwin Nelson and Effie Ruth (Wells) Olds, was born 29 May 1908 in Mapleton, NY. 2011

10412. Davis Arline Olds, child of Edwin Nelson and Effie Ruth (Wells) was born 17 June 1912 at Mapleton, NY. 2012

10420. Mildred Louise Olds was a daughter of Jesse Sterling and Edith May (Parrott) Olds.2013

10421. Charles Belgrove Olds was a son of Jesse Sterling and Edith May (Parrott) Olds.2014

10422. Winifred Genevieve Olds was a daughter of Jesse Sterling and Edith May (Parrott) Olds.2015

10423. Mary Frances Olds was a daughter of Jesse Sterling and Edith May (Parrott) Olds.2016

10424. Agnes Elizabeth Olds was a daughter of Jesse Sterling and Edith May (Parrott) Olds.2017

10430. William Henry Olds, son of Henry G. and Caroline M. (Brooks) Olds, was born 3 June 1867. He married Marguerite E. Simonson on 22 April 1892 and "Lives at Uhrichsville, Ohio, where he is

2002 Olds, p. 114 2003 Olds, p. 114 2004 Olds, p. 114 2005 Olds, p. 114 2006 Olds, p. 114 2007 Olds, p. 114 2008 Olds, p. 114 2009 Olds, p. 114 2010 Olds, p. 115 2011 Olds, p. 115 2012 Olds, p. 115 2013 Olds, p. 115 2014 Olds, p. 115 2015 Olds, p. 115 2016 Olds, p. 115 2017 Olds, p. 115

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 205 engaged in the manufacture of gloves."2018

Children of William Henry and Marguerite E. (Simonson) Olds

22000. i. Virginia S. Olds, b. 21 Feb. 1893 22001. ii. James H. S. Olds, b. 17 Oct. 1895

10431. Noble Granger Olds, son of Henry G. and Caroline M. (Brooks) Olds, was born 13 Dec. 1869.2019

Children of Noble Granger Olds

22010. i. Marald Olds

10432. Eugene Henry Olds, son of Henry G. and Caroline M. (Brooks) Olds, was born 14 Jan. 1873.2020

10433. Caroline Elizabeth Olds, daughter of Henry G. and Caroline M. (Brooks) Olds, was born 12 April 1879.2021

10440. Egbert C. Olds, son of Johston D. and Almirah (McLean) Olds, was born 5 Sept. 1868 at Fort Wayne, IN. He married Johanna Pauley there. She was born 12 June 1875.2022

Children of Egbert C. and Johanna (Pauley) Olds

22020. i. Almirah Olds, b. 10 March 1895 22021. ii. Charlotte Olds, b. 9 June 1897

10441. Charles M. Olds was a son of Johnston D. and Almirah (McLean) Olds.2023

10442. Hugh B. Olds was a son of Johnston D. and Almirah (McLean) Olds.2024

10445. Samuel Buskirk Olds, son of Jay V. and Emma (Buskirk) Olds, was born in Bridgeport, CT. He died 13 Feb. 1914 at New Salem, IN.2025

10450. Charles L. Olds, son of Charles Luther and Eliza (McLachlan) Olds, was born 13 Jan. 1877 at Fort Wayne, IN. He "lives at Newport, R. I.".2026

10451. Percy Granger Olds, son of Charles Luther and Eliza (McLachlan) Olds, was born 8 March 1879 at Fort Wayne, IN. He married Gertrude Morris, b. 5 Oct. 1878.2027

Children of Percy Granger and Gertrude (Morris) Olds

22050. i. Morris Olds, b. 1 Jan. 1905 22051. ii. Robert E. Olds, b. 24 March 1906

10452. Norman E. Olds, son of Charles Luther and Eliza (McLachlan) Olds, was born 17 Feb. 1881 at

2018 Olds, p. 123 2019 Olds, p. 123 2020 Olds, p. 116 2021 Olds, p. 116 2022 Olds, p. 123-24 2023 Olds, p. 116 2024 Olds, p. 116 2025 Olds, p. 117 2026 Olds, p. 117 2027 Olds, p. 124

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 206 Fort Wayne, IN. He married Clara Hull, b. 10 Nov. 1882. The first three children were born at Fort Wayne. 2028

Children of Norman E. and Clara (Hull) Olds

22060. i. Jane Olds, b. 2 Sept. 1907 22061. ii. Virginia Olds, b. 18 July 1910 22062. iii. Nancy Olds, b. 7 Dec. 1914

10453. Marjorie Noble Olds, daughter of Charles Luther and Eliza (McLachlan) Olds, was born 27 Feb. 1883 at Fort Wayne, IN. She married Walter R. Spencer.2029

Children of Walter R. and Marjorie Noble (Olds) Spencer

22070. i. Walter R. Spencer, b. 26 June 1910 22071. ii. Elizabeth Spencer, b. 5 Feb. 1913

10454. Alexander McLachlan Olds, son of Charles Luther and Eliza (McLachlan) Olds, was born 25 Nov. 1884 at Fort Wayne, IN. He mar ried Barbara Rawie, b. 4 Oct. 1891, and "lives in Fort Wayne, Ind.".2030

Children of Alexander McLachlan and Barbara (Rawie) Olds

22080. i. John Rawie Olds, b. 29 June 1912 22081. ii. David Alexander Olds, b. 12 Sept. 1914

10455. Edward C. Olds, son of Charles Luther and Eliza (McLachlan) Olds, was born 26 Feb. 1887 at Fort Wayne, IN. "lives in New Haven, Conn.; is in bond brokerage business in New York City."2031

10460. Edna May Olds, daughter of Eugene H. and Ida E. (Morris) Olds, was born 4 Aug. 1889. She married Edwin B. Chapman. 2032

10461. Walter E. Olds, son of Eugene H. and Ida E. (Morris) Olds, was born 14 Sept. 1891. He married Emilie Konas on 10 June 1914 and "lives in Cleveland, Ohio".2033

10465. Ernest Albert Olds, son of Albert Felton and Rhoda B. (Searl) Olds, was born 16 May 1867 at St. Albans, VT. He married Myrtle L. Elrod at Denver, CO, on 15 Dec. 1894. In 1897, he was living in Denver, CO.2034

Children of Ernest Albert and Myrtle L. (Elrod) Olds

22100. i. Edalyn Olds, b. 9 March 1896

10470. Frederick Lee Olds, son of Edwin William and Jennie L. (Potter) Olds, was born 25 Feb. 1873. He married ______.2035

Children of Frederick Lee Olds

2028 Olds, p. 124 2029 Olds, p. 117 2030 Olds, p. 125 2031 Olds, p. 117 2032 Olds, p. 118 2033 Olds, p. 118 2034 Olds, p. 125 2035 Olds, p. 125

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 207 22200. i. Josephine Olds, b. 24 March 1898

10471. Albert Roy Olds, son of Edwin William and Jennie L. (Potter) Olds, was born 30 Oct. 1881 at St. Albans, VT. He married Edna Crane on 18 Dec. 1906 in Kingston, Jamaica, and "lives in Havana, Cuba". 2036

10472. Howard Arthur Olds, son of Edwin William and Jennie L. (Porter) Olds, was born 22 April 1887, in Edgar, NE. He married Edena M. Barrett on 26 Feb. 1914 at Los Angeles, CA.2037

10475. Daisy A. Olds, daughter of Barnard Lorenzo and Lizzie A. (Cross) Olds, was born 18 Aug. 1875 at Highgate, VT.2038

10476. Percy Olds, son of Barnard Lorenzo and Lizzie A. (Cross) Olds, was born 12 April 1893 in Denver, CO.2039

10480. Helen Louise Olds, daughter of Harmon Douglas and Sarah W. (Sturgis) Olds, was born 16 April 1858. She married Elmer A. Higley on 27 Dec. 1880 and "lives in Cedar Rapids, Iowa".2040

Children of Elmer A. and Helen Louise (Olds) Higley

22300. i. Harvey Douglas Higley, b. 16 July 1882 ii. Donald Sturges Higley, b. Oct. 1885, d. 1888 22301. iii. Fred Mitchell Higley, b. 16 April 1888 22302. iv. Helen Ernestine Higley, b. 31 March 1894

10481. Fred Allen Olds, son of Harmon Douglas and Sarah W. (Sturgis) Olds, was born 7 Aug. 1865 at Burlington, VT. He married Harriet Trussell on 7 June 1893 at Minneapolis, MN, and "Lives (1915) 2415 Irving Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. He is a real estate dealer."2041

10485. Elizabeth Olds, daughter of Aaron Burr and Salina (Temple) Olds, was born 25 Oct. 1857 at Franklin, VT. She married George Anderson on 30 July 1885 and "lives (1915) at Franklin, Vt."2042

10490. Mary Elizabeth Kennedy, daughter of Caroline Rachel (Olds) Kennedy, was born 9 June 1861.2043

10491. Katherine Louise Kennedy, daughter of Caroline Rachel (Olds) Kennedy, was born 30 Jan. 1863. She married John Henry Barr on 4 June 1894.2044

10492. James Ernest Kennedy, son of Caroline Rachel (Olds) Kennedy, was born 12 Feb. 1865.2045

10495. Cora Bell Dimon, daughter of Lewis J. and Lucia Preston (Olds) Dimon, was born 22 July 1864. She married Elmer R. Slocum on 22 July 1886.2046

10496. Molly Burr Dimon, daughter of Lewis J. and Lucia Preston (Olds) Dimon, was born 1 Dec.

2036 Olds, p. 126 2037 Olds, p. 119 2038 Olds, p. 119 2039 Olds, p. 119 2040 Olds, p. 120 2041 Olds, p. 126 2042 Olds, p. 120 2043 Olds, p. 109 2044 Olds, p. 109 2045 Olds, p. 109 2046 Olds, p. 110

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 208 1868. She married Benjamin W. Higgins.2047

10500. Josephine Soule was a daughter of Buren M. and Arabella Cook (Olds) Soule. 2048

10501. Floyd Soule was a son of Buren M. and Arabella Cook (Olds) Soule.2049

10502. La ura Soule was a daughter of Buren M. and Arabella Cook (Olds) Soule. 2050

10505. Everetta A. Reynolds, daugher of Orrin M. and Martha Ann (Olds) Reynolds, was born 18 Aug. 1871 in Bloomfield, CA. On 26 Aug. 1886, she married Clinton O. White.2051

10510. Helen Olds, adopted daughter of Marshall John and Josephine (Marshall) Olds, was born in 1893. She married _____ Stearns.2052

10515. Ethel Alta Olds, daughter of Edward Everett and Mary (Smith) Olds, was born 21 March 1875.2053

10520. Esther Olds, daughter of Howard Caleb and Cora (Mitchell) Olds, was born at Lowell, Mass.2054

10521. John Olds, son of Howard Caleb and Cora (Mitchell) Ods, was born at Lowell, Mass.2055

10522. Dorothy Olds, daughter of Howard Caleb and Cora (Mitchell) Olds, was born at Lowell, Mass.2056

10523. Another son of Howard Caleb and Cora (Mitchell) Olds was born at Lowell, Mass.2057

10525. Alton Roy Allen, son of Arthur C. and Harriet Susannah (Olds) Allen, was born 30 Nov. 1884 at Wilton, ME.2058

10526. Ruby Cora Allen, daughter of Arthur C. and Harriet Susannah (Olds) Allen, was born 22 July 1888 at Wilton, ME.2059

10527. Bernard Llewellyn Allen, son of Arthur C. and Harriet Susannah (Olds) Allen, was born 28 Feb. 1891 at Wilton, ME.2060

10528. Ella Annie Allen, son of Arthur C. and Harriet Susannah (Olds) Allen, was born 12 Dec. 1893.2061

10530. Vera Mildred Olds, daughter of Herbert William and Goldie (Perkins) Olds, was born 25 March 1882 at Jay, ME.2062

2047 Olds, p. 110 2048 Olds, p. 110 2049 Olds, p. 110 2050 Olds, p. 110 2051 Olds, p. 110 2052 Olds, p. 110 2053 Olds, p. 121 2054 Olds, p. 121 2055 Olds, p. 121 2056 Olds, p. 121 2057 Olds, p. 121 2058 Olds, p. 111 2059 Olds, p. 111 2060 Olds, p. 111 2061 Olds, p. 111 2062 Olds, p. 121

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 209 10531. Victor Herbert Olds, son of Herbert William and Goldie (Perkins) Olds, was born 17 June 1896 at Jay, ME.2063

10540. William W. Keeran was a son of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran.2064

10541. Henry L. Keeran was a son of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran.2065

10542. Mary E. Keeran was a daughter of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran.2066

10543. Eva C. Keeran was a daughter of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran.2067

10544. Albert C. Keeran was a son of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran. 2068

10545. George D. Keeran was a son of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran.2069

10546. Eli M. Keeran was a son of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran.2070

10547. Walter M. Keeran was a son of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran. 2071

10548. Arthur Keeran was a son of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran. 2072

10549. Robert O. Keeran was a son of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran. 2073

10550. Lewis M. Keeran was a son of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran.2074

10551. Lucy P. Keeran was a daughter of Levi and Nancy Caroline (Olds) Keeran.2075

10555. William L. Olds was a son of Alfred H. and Diana (Ford) Olds.2076

10556. Charles C. Olds was a son of Alfred H. and Diana (Ford) Olds.2077

10557. Benjamin R. Olds was a son of Alfred H. and Diana (Ford) Olds.2078

10558. Alva E. Olds was a son of Alfred H. and Diana (Ford) Olds.2079

10559. B. Eugene Olds was a son of Alfred H. and Diana (Ford) Olds.2080

10560. Caroline M. Olds was a daughter of Alfred H. and Diana (Ford) Olds.2081

2063 Olds, p. 121 2064 Olds, p. 132 2065 Olds, p. 132 2066 Olds, p. 132 2067 Olds, p. 132 2068 Olds, p. 132 2069 Olds, p. 132 2070 Olds, p. 132 2071 Olds, p. 132 2072 Olds, p. 132 2073 Olds, p. 132 2074 Olds, p. 132 2075 Olds, p. 132 2076 Olds, p. 122 2077 Olds, p. 122 2078 Olds, p. 122 2079 Olds, p. 122 2080 Olds, p. 122 2081 Olds, p. 122

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 210 10561. Violet Daisy Olds was a daughter of Alfred H. and Diana (Ford) Olds.2082

10565. Elva M. Sweet was a daughter of Charles F. and Lucy S. (Olds) Sweet.2083 She was born about 1874.

10566. Emmma L. Sweet was a daughter of Charles F. and Lucy S. (Olds) Sweet.2084

10570. Ray Howard Olds, son of Walter Howard and Carrie E. (Howard) Olds, was born 22 Feb. 1889. He married Adah B. Parker.2085

10571. Mildred Florence Olds, daughter of Walter Howard and Carrie E. (Howard) Olds, was born 23 June 1891.2086

10580. Mary Jane Olds, daughter of Warren W. Olds, was born in 1849.2087

10581. Ellen Amma Olds, daughter of Warren W. and Phebe (Golden) Olds, was born 6 April 1852 and died 6 Aug. 1880. She married Samuel Ellingham (23 Aug 1838 - 13 July 1901) on 11 June 1878.2088

Children of Samuel and Ellen Amma (Olds) Ellingham 23000. i. Ellen Amma Ellingham, b. 29 July 1880

10582. George W. Olds, son of Warren W. and Phebe (Golden) Olds, was born in 1856 and "lives at Belle Plaine, Iowa."2089

10585. Lois Olds, daughter of Chester and Lovicia (Pettigrove) Olds, was born 29 Jan. 1850. She married Roscoe Green Hatch (8 Aug. 1841 - ) and "lives at Woodland, Cal."2090

Children of Roscoe Green and Lois (Olds) Hatch 23010. i. Chester Lewis Hatch, b. Sept. 28, 1873 23011. ii. Howard Mark Hatch, b. 5 Dec. 1876 23012. iii.Elmer Roscoe Hatch, b. 27 Aug. 1886

10586. Chester Etta Olds, daughter of Chester and Lovicia (Pettigrove) Olds, was born 14 Nov. 1852. She married Robert Samuel Spaulding(10 March 1855 - ) on 15 May 1900 and "lives at Woodland, Cal."2091

10590. Mary Elizabeth Olds, daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah Pitkin (Pease) Olds, was born 25 May 1854 at Albany, IL. She married George Van Bibber (d. April 22, 1910) on 3 June 1880 and "lives at Savanna, IL."2092

Children of George and Mary Elizabeth (Olds) Van Bibber i. Henry Pease Van Bibber, b. 30 Nov. 1881, d. 31 July 1888 ii. George Earl Van Bibber, b. 20 Nov. 1884, d. 8 May 1888 23020. iii. Fanny Olds Van Bibber, b. 16 July 1891

2082 Olds, p. 122; middle name Daisy added from 1880 census 2083 Olds, p. 113 2084 Olds, p. 113 2085 Olds, p. 123 2086 Olds, p. 123 2087 Olds, p. 188 2088 Olds, p. 188 2089 Olds, p. 188 2090 Olds, pp. 188-189 2091 Olds, p. 189 2092 Olds, p. 189

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 211 23021. iv. Arling Chester Van Bibber, b. 7 July 1892 23022. v. Herbert Hiram Van Bibber, b. 3 Sept. 1899

10591. Fanny Pitkin Olds, daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah Pitkin (Pease) Olds, was born 14 April 1858 at Albany, IL. She was a teacher of Instrumental Music and "lives at Oelwein, Iowa."2093

10592. Edwin Lewis Olds, son of Ezekiel and Sarah Pitkin (Pease) Olds, was born 23 Dec. 1860 at Albany, IL. He married Hulda Marie Larson (b. 29 March 1874) on 21 Jan. 1901 and "lives at Minneapolis, Minn."2094

Children of Edwin Lewin and Hulda Marie (Larson) Olds 23030. i. Alden Lewis Olds, b. 31 Dec. 1903 23031. ii. Virginia Olds, b. 2 May 1909 23032. iii. Robert Edwin Olds, b. 27 July 1912

10593. Henrietta Edith Olds, daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah Pitkin (Pease) Olds, was born 22 May 1863 at Albany, IL. She married Dr. Stacy Bancroft Dimond (5 Jan. 1864 - ) on 23 Dec. 1890. Their children were born at Albany, IL.2095

Children of Stacy Bancroft and Henrietta Edith (Olds) Dimond i. Mary Louise Dimond, b. 28 June 1893, d. 27 June 1894 23040. ii. Dorothy Sara Dimond, b. 16 July 1896 iii.Ralph Olds Dimond, b. 15 March 1899, d. 1 June 1899

10594. Louise Warburton Olds, daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah Pitkin (Pease) Olds, was born in 1866 at Albany, IL, and "lives in Albany, Ill."2096

10595. Albert Henry Olds, son of Ezekiel and Sarah Pitkin (Pease) Olds, was born 18 Nov. 1869 at Albany, IL. He married Elsie Eddy (b. 22 Feb. 1882) at Albany on 27 June 1908 and "lives at Albany, Ill."2097

Children of Albert Henry and Elsie (Eddy) Olds 23050. i. Everett H. Olds, b. 8 May 1911 23051. ii. Lawrence E. Olds, b. 17 Dec. 1914

10600. Charles A. Olds, son of Walker and Susan M. (Park) Olds, was born 18 Feb. 1856 at Albany, IL. He married Brunette Williams (17 Nov. 1856 - 30 Jan. 1893) at Albany on 27 July 1882. He married (2) Mary L. Williams on 29 May 1895. He taught school at Albany, Ill., 1874/5, and in 1876 moved to Wyoming Territory; in 1881/2 was with the Chicago Dry Goods Co., at Omaha, Neb., and in 1883 moved back to Albany, Ill., where he opened up a general store as C. A. Olds & Co., which is still in existence; he is Cashier of the Albany State Bank, organized 1889, and was for ten years Chairman of the Whiteside County Board of Supervisors."2098

Children of Charles A. and Brunette (Williams) Olds 23055. i. Charles E. Olds, b. 11 May 1883 23056. ii. Arthur Bruce Olds, b. 9 Aug. 1885 23057. ii. Earl Walker Olds, b. 4 July 1887 23058. iii. Minnie M. Olds, b. 7 Oct. 1890 Children of Charles A. and Mary L. (Williams) Olds

2093 Olds, p. 190 2094 Olds, pp. 206-207 2095 Olds, p. 190 2096 Olds, p. 190 2097 Olds, p. 207 2098 Olds, pp. 207-8

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 212 23059. iv. Helen Brunette Olds, b. 17 Sept. 1898 23060. v. Marion Ruth Olds, b. 31 Jan. 1904

10601. Edgar H. Olds, son of Walker and Susan M. (Park) Olds, was born 1 Nov. 1860. He married Lucy Booth and "lives in Chicago, Ill."2099

10602. Mary A. Olds, daughter of Walker and Susan M. (Park) Olds, was born 22 Jan. 1866. She married ______Fay and "lives in Clinton, Iowa."2100

10603. William L. Olds, son of Walker and Susan M. (Park) Olds, was born 9 Dec. 1868 and "lives at Madison, Wis."2101

10610. George Louis Faxon, son of John Wilde and Asenath Hamant (Olds) Faxon, was born 20 Nov. 1853 in Genesse, IL. He married Sarah Francis Burket and died 14 April 1913.2102

10611. Henrietta Amma Faxon, daugher of John Wilde and Asenath Hamant (Olds) Faxon, was born 30 April 1857 and died 29 May 1887. She married Dr. G. B. Kimball on 18 Oct. 1876.2103

10612. Nellie Amanda Faxon, daughter of John Wilde and Asenath Hamant (Olds) Faxon, was born 21 Feb. 1859. She married Henry Williamson on 7 April 1881.2104

10613. Kate Asenath Faxon, daughter of John Wilde and Asenath Hamant (Olds) Faxon, was born 16 Dec. 1866. She married Henry J. Wing (b. 19 June 1865) on 29 July 1889 and "lives in Beatrice, Neb."2105

10650. William H. Olds, son of George W. and Eunice D. (Cole) Olds, "lives in Napa, Cal."2106

10660. Ida Cook, daughter of Augustus and Fanny Susan (Olds) Cook, married Charles Monroe and "lives in Springfield, Mass."2107

10661. Joseph Cook, son of Augustus and Fanny Susan (Olds) Cook, "deceased."2108

10662. Marion Cook, daugher of Augustus and Fanny Susan (Olds) Cook, married Wardwell Edwards and "lives in Southbridge, Mass."2109

10663. Harry Cook, son of Augustus and Fanny Susan (Olds) Cook, "lives in Springfield, Mass."2110

10670. Neil Albert Olds, son of John Thurston and Blance Alberta (Westbrook) Olds, was born 11 June 1891.2111

10680. Hazel Dell Olds, daughter[?] of Barton and Hattie May (Cutter) Olds, was born in November, 1886.2112

2099 Olds, p. 190 2100 Olds, p. 190 2101 Olds, p. 190 2102 Olds, p. 164 2103 Olds, p. 164 2104 Olds, p. 164 2105 Olds, p. 164 2106 Olds, p. 191 2107 Olds, p. 167 2108 Olds,p. 167 2109 Olds, p. 167 2110 Olds, p. 167 2111 Olds, p. 191 2112 Olds, p. 192

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 213 10681. Fred Cutter Olds, son of Barton and Hattie May (Cutter) Olds, was born in November, 1890.2113

10700. Iras Irwin Olds, son of Benjamin and Anna Barton (Irwin) Olds, was born 11 Jan. 1896.2114

10701. James Olds, son of Benjamin and Anna Barton (Irwin) Olds, was born 10 June 1899.2115

10702. Anna Barbara Olds, daughter of Benjamin and Anna Barton (Irwin) Olds, was born 6 Oct. 1910.2116

10720. Ted Boyd, son of J. S. and Ophelia (Olds) Boyd was born in 1878. He married Rachel Werley (1878 - ) in 1909.2117

10721. Kate Boyd, daughter of J. S. and Ophelia (Olds) Boyd was born in 1878[?].2118

10722. Oscar H. Boyd, son of J. S. Boyd and Ophelia (Olds) Boyd, was born in 1881. He married Alice Ackerman(1884 - ) in 1912.2119

10730. Clinton Byrd Olds, son of Oscar H. and Sarah E. (Byrd) Olds, was born in 1876. In 1908, he married Gertrude Ott.2120

10731. Hoyt Olds, son of Oscar H. and Sarah E. (Byrd) Olds, was born in 1878. He married Nellie Beckley.2121

10732. Charles B. Olds, son of Oscar H. and Sarah E. (Byrd) Olds, was born in 1886.2122

10740. Mabel Vaughn, daughter of J. H. and Viola (Olds) Vaughn, was born in 1879. In 1909, she married Elmer J. Schoenlaub.2123

10741. Jay H. Vaughn, son of J. H. and Viola (Olds) Vaughn, was born in 1884. In 1908, he married Nellie May Titus.2124

10750. Jessie S. Coe, daughter of John R. and Addie A. (Olds) Coe, was born 3 Oct. 1891. She married Bert M. Cook on 1 Feb. 1909.2125

10770. Vera L. Olds, daughter of Emil L. and Ida E. (Schoonover) Olds, was born 2 July 1886. She married Roy B. Botkin on 21 April 1910.2126

Children of Roy B. and Vera L. (Olds) Botkin i. Lorena Botkin, b. 3 April 1911

10771. Lloyd A. Olds, son of Emil L. and Ida E. (Schoonover) Olds, was born 10 Feb. 1890 and died 18 Nov. 1913.

2113 Olds, p. 192 2114 Olds, p. 192 2115 Olds, p. 192 2116 Olds, p. 192 2117 Olds, p. 168 2118 Olds, p. 169 2119 Olds, p. 169 2120 Olds, p. 192 2121 Olds, p. 192 2122 Olds, p. 192 2123 Olds, p. 169 2124 Olds, p. 169 2125 Olds, p. 169 2126 Olds, p. 193

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 214 10780. Frank Van Olds, son of Owen Walter and Lillian A. (Balliett) Olds, was born 26 July 1888. On 21 Sept. 1908, he married Matilda Bertha Lauer (9 June 1887 - ).2127

10790. Robert Balliett Olds, son of Elmer Seneca and Margaret M. (Balliett) Olds, was born 2 August 1897.2128

10791. Margaret A. Olds, daughter of Elmer Seneca and Margaret M. (Balliett) Olds, was born 8 Nov. 1902.2129

10900. Walter Keogh Olds, son of Lee M. and Winifred (Keogh) Olds, was born 10 May 1904.2130

10901. Merritt Robinson Olds, son of Lee M. and Winifred (Keogh) Olds, was born 27 Sept. 1905.2131

10902. Winfield Lee Olds, son of Lee M. and Winifred (Keogh) Olds, was born 28 Dec. 1906.2132

10920. Edna Gertrude Olds, daughter of Frank Walter and Annie Curry (Tea) Olds, was born 18 June 1887.2133

10921. Florence Winifred Olds, daughter of Frank Walter and Annie Curry (Tea) Olds, was born 1 June 1890.2134

10922. Frank Walter Olds, son of Frank Walter and Annie Curry (Tea) Olds, was born 17 Oct. 1894.2135

10930. Katherine Marie Olds, daughter of Clarence Henry and Minnie (Fairfield) Olds, was born in 1889.2136

10931. Clarence Fairfield Olds, son of Clarence Henry and Minnie (Fairfield) Olds, was born in 1891.2137

10950. Ralph W. Olds, son of Alfred W. Olds, was born 6 Dec. 1877.2138

10951. Grace Pauline Olds, daughter of Alfred W. Olds, was born 28 July 1894.2139

10952. Clara Halstead Olds, daughter of Alfred W. Olds, was born in 1908.2140

10980. Benjamin Olds, son of Wallace Samuel and Hattie (Hoag) Olds, was born 17 March 1884 and died 10 Oct. 1905.2141

10981. Eddiess Olds, daughter of Wallace Samuel and Hattie (Hoag) Olds, was born 10 Jan. 1890. She married Phil. Walters in June, 1911.2142

2127 Olds, p. 193 2128 Olds, p. 194 2129 Olds, p. 194 2130 Olds,p. 194 2131 Olds, p. 194 2132 Olds, p. 194 2133 Olds, p. 194 2134 Olds, p. 194 2135 Olds, p. 194 2136 Olds, p. 195 2137 Olds, p. 195 2138 Olds, p. 195 2139 Olds, p. 195 2140 Olds, p. 195 2141 Olds, p. 195 2142 Olds, p. 195

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 215 11000. Gladys Marguerite Olds, daughter of Ransom Eli and Metta Ursula (Woodward) Olds, was born 15 July 1892. She married Bruce E. Anderson on 17 Oct. 1914. Bruce was of Pueblo, CO. They were divorced in 1931. Mrs. Anderson succeeded to the Colonial Membership in the New England Historic Genealogical Society held by her father.2143 2144 Children of Bruce E. and Gladys Marguerite (Olds) Anderson i. R. E. Olds Anderson, b. 23 Aug. 1916 ii. Peggy Dunn Anderson, b. 7 July 1918

11001. Bernice Estelle Olds, daughter of Ransom Eli and Metta Ursula (Woodward) Olds, was born 16 April 1894. She married Clarence Sage Roe of Lansing, MI, on 19 Dec. 1917.2145 2146 Children of Clarence Sage and Bernice Estell (Olds) Roe i. Edward Olds Roe, b. 20 Aug. 1918 ii. John Woodward Roe, b. 20 Dec. 1921 iii. Bernice Rosan Roe, b. 2 Dec. 1927 iv. Arnim Sage Roe, b. 18 Sept. 1930

11020. Edith Willard Olds, daughter of Alfred Allen and Lizze Maria (Whipple) Olds, was born 2 Feb. 1876.2147

11021. Alfred Whipple Olds, son of Alfred Allen and Lizzie Marie (Whipple) Olds, was born 3 March 1877. He married Mary McKee on 18 Nov. 1903.2148 Children of Alfred Whipple and Mary (McKee) Olds 23500. i. John McKee Olds, b. 28 March 1906 23501. ii. Lois Allen Olds, b. 10 Oct. 1907 23502. iii. Mary Alfreda Olds, b. 4 Jan. 1914

11022. Frank Albert Olds, son of Alfred Allen and Lizzie Marie (Whipple) Olds, was born 28 Oct. 1879. He married Mabel Hills on 5 Jan. 1909.2149

11023. Edna Allen Olds, daughter of Alfred Allen and Lizzie Marie (Whipple) Olds, was born 1 Nov. 1881. She married Franklin B. Pease on 20 June 1906.2150

11024. Herbert Vincent Olds, son of Alfred Allen and Lizzie Marie (Whipple) Olds, was born 23 May 1883 and died 2 Dec. 1913. He married Mary Emerson Lovejoy on 8 Jan. 1913. Children of Herbert Vincent and Mary Emerson (Lovejoy) Olds 23520. i. Herbert Vincent Olds, b. 19 Dec. 1913

11030. Edgar Orville Olds, son of Milton Hall and Mattie Edna (McLean) Olds, was born 25 Aug. 1876 at Dallas, Polk Co., Ark. He mar ried Lillian Gaither(14 March 1878 - ) on 25 Dec. 1900. He "is a dealer in live stock and lives at Angeles, Texas."2151 Children of Edgar Orville and Lillian (Gaither) Olds 23540. i. William Hall Olds, b. 3 Nov. 1901 23541. ii. Victor Orville Olds, b. 22 Jan. 1903 23542. iii. Robert Mason Olds, b. 8 May 1906 23543. iv. Clyde Wilson Olds, b. 7 Nov. 1907 23544. v. James Eugene Olds, b. 10 Sept. 1909 23545. vi. Mary Lillian Olds, b. 18 Oct. 1911

2143 Olds, p. 197 2144 In the memorial for Ransom Eli Olds, NEHG Register, Vol. 105, Jan. 1951, p. 66 2145 Olds, p. 197 2146 In the memorial for Ransom Eli Olds, NEHG Register, Vol. 105, Jan. 1951, p. 66 2147 Olds, p. 197 2148 Olds, p. 208 2149 Olds, p. 197 2150 Olds, p. 197 2151 Olds, p. 209

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 216 23546. vii. Edna Olds, b. 13 March 1913 23547. viii. John Lee Olds, b. 27 Sept. 1914

11031. William Hibbard Olds, son of Milton Hall and Mattie Edna (McLean) Olds, was born 13 July 1878, at Hot Springs, Ark. He married Willia Etta Hays (6 Oct. 1879- ) on 28 Dec. 1904. She was the daughter of William C. Hays, President of the Bank of Amity, Ark. William Hibbard Olds "is Cashier of the same bank."2152 Children of William Hibbard and Willia Etta (Hays) Olds 23600. i. Willia Cleda Olds, b. 2 Dec. 1905 23601. ii. Hazel Olds, b. 21 Dec. 1908 23602. iii. Eutha Texana Olds, b. 10 Nov. 1911

11032. Mary Carlotta Olds, daughter of Milton Hall and Mattie Edna (McLean) Olds, was born 2 Oct. 1880. She married John W. Fulton (13 Aug. 1882 -- ) on 1 March 1905. She "lives at DeWitt, Ark., where her husband is Cashier of the First National Bank."2153 Children of John W. and Mary Carlotta (Olds) Fulton 23610 i. Fred Mason Fulton, b. 13 Aug. 1906 23611. ii. Florence Helen Fulton, b. 31 May 1908 23612. iii. John Franklin Fulton, b. 5 May 1910 iv. Roy Fulton, b. 13 March 1913, d. 17 Feb. 1914 (twins) v. Ray Fulton, b. 13 March 1913, d. 15 Nov. 1913

11050. Flora H. Olds, daughter of Alfred Henry and Mary (Miller) Olds, married ______Singletary.2154

11051. Ida Olds, daughter of Alfred Henry and Mary (Miller) Olds, married ______Duffy and "Lives in Globe, Ariz."2155

11052. Walter Olds, son of Alfred Henry and Mary (Miller) Olds, "lives in Gallop, N.M."2156

11053. William Olds, son of Alfred Henry and Mary (Miller) Olds, "lives near Bakersfield, Cal."2157

11054. Jay Olds, son of Alfred Henry and Mary (Miller) Olds, "lives in Bakersfield, Cal."2158

11055. James Olds, son of Alfred Henry and Mary (Miller) Olds, "lives in Imperial Valley, Cal."2159

11060. Minnie Queen Olds, daughter of John Newell and Sarah Ann (McMillion) Olds, was born 16 March 1884. In 1902, she married A. H. Williams and "lives in Cordell, Okla."2160

11061. John Wesley Olds, son of John Newell and Sarah Ann (McMillion) Olds, was born 3 Aug 1887. He married Dessie Briggs in 1913 and "lives in Granite, Okla."2161

11062. Mary Ethel Olds, daughter of John Newell and Sarah Ann (McMillion) Olds, was born 13 Feb. 1902.2162

2152 Olds, p. 209-210 2153 Olds, p. 198 2154 Olds, p. 198 2155 Olds, p. 198 2156 Olds, p. 199 2157 Olds, p. 199 2158 Olds, p. 199 2159 Olds, p. 199 2160 Olds, p. 199 2161 Olds, p. 199 2162 Olds, p. 199

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 217 11070. Rowena Hedley, daughter of J. E. M. and Flora Loretta (Olds) Hedley, was born 29 Dec. 1895. She married Jasper Messmore on 29 June 1904 and "lives in Kansas City, Mo."2163

11071. Wyatt Olds Hedley, son of J. E. M. and Flora Loretta (Olds) Hedley, was born 24 June 1888 and "lives at Ringling, Okla."2164

11072. Thomas Gregg Hedley, son of J. E. M. and Flora Loretta (Olds) Hedley, was born 18 July 1890 and "lives in Ringling, Okla."2165

11073. Lula Hedley, daughter of J. E. M. and Flora Loretta (Olds) Hedley, was born 18 July 1882 and "[is a] teacher at Hobart, Okla."2166

11074. Hazel Hadley, daughter of J. E. M. and Flora Loretta (Olds) Hedley, was born 26 Oct. 1894. She married G. C. Gray on 1 Nov. 1914.2167

11075. Blanche Hedley, daughter of J. E. M. and Flora Loretta (Olds) Hedley, was born 3 July 1897 and "lives in Granite, Okla."2168

11076. John David Hedley, son of J. E. M. and Flora Loretta (Olds) Hedley, was born 12 Dec. 1899.2169

11077. Weldon Eli Hedley, son of J. E. M. and Flora Loretta (Olds) Hedley, was born 1 Nov. 1902.2170

11080. Harriet C. Colby, daughter of Fernando C. and Nettie C (Olds) Colby, was born 10 June 1869 and died 19 June 1898.2171

11085. Sara L. Olds, daughter of John Wilson and Dora E. (Durkee) Olds, was born 19 June 1881. In 1901, she married Ray C. Hoyle.2172 Children of Ray C. and Sara L. (Olds) Hoyle i. Harriet Hoyle, b. 22 Oct. 1902 ii. Helen Hoyle, b. 2 April 1905 iii Neil Hoyle, b. 6 May 1909

11086. Benjamin H. Olds, son of John Wilson and Dora E. (Durkee) Olds, was born 2 June 1884 at Conneaut, OH. In 1912 he married Sada Randabaugh. "He is the Field Veterinarian of the Ohio Agricultural Commission. Lives at Columbus, Ohio."2173

11087. Isadora M. Olds, daughter of John Wilson and Dora E. (Durkee) Olds, was born 17 Jan. 1891. She married Glenn R. Logue in 1915.2174

12000. Irving Sands Olds, son of Clark and Livia Elizabeth (Keator) Olds, was born 23 Jan. 1887. He attended Yale College in 1907 and Harvard Law School in 1910. He "is practicing law in New York City."2175

2163 Olds, p. 174 2164 Olds, p. 174 2165 Olds, p. 174 2166 Olds, p. 174 2167 Olds, p. 174 2168 Olds, p. 174 2169 Olds, p. 174 2170 Olds, p. 174 2171 Olds, p. 175 2172 Olds, p. 199 2173 Olds, p. 210 2174 Olds, p. 200 2175 Olds, p. 201

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 218 12010. Clark Victor Lamb, son of Frank M. and Nettie Louisa (Olds) Lamb, was born 2 May 1877. He married Jessie M. Whatley ( 23 Feb. 1887 -- ) and "lives in Montgomery, Ala."2176

12020. Catherine Louise Lamb, daughter of Frank M. and Nettie Louisa (Olds) Lamb, was born 17 June 1891. She married James Douglas Murphy (16 July 1886 - ) of Bellefontaine, Ohio, and "lives in Girard, Pa."2177

12030. James Gilbert Cole, son of James W. and Phila (Olds) Cole, was born 20 Sept. 1894.2178

12040. Harry Ingram Olds, son of William C. and Mary Porter (Brown) Olds, was born 22 Dec. 1884.2179

12041. Louise Olds, daughter of William C. and Mary Porter (Brown) Olds, was born 1 Jan. 1887. She married Daniel F. McMahon (b. Oct. 1886) on 10 Jan. 1910. "[He] is a travelling agent for the Southern Supply Co., Norfolk, Va."2180

12050. Mary Louise Thomas, daughter of James C. and Charlotte (Olds) Thomas, was born 28 Oct. 1896.2181

12060. Zara Beatrice Olds, daughter of Frank and Rosa E. (Phillips) Olds, was born 14 June 1902.2182

12061. Donald Edison Olds, son of Frank and Rosa E. (Phillips) Olds, was born 29 Dec. 19052183

12070. Severn Olds, son of Elmer Williams and Martha (Stancliff) Olds, was born 2 March 1892.2184

12080. Perry Stancliff, son of Luther and Minnie Emily (Olds) Stancliff, was born 20 Sept. 1890.2185

12081. Pearl Stancliff, daughter[?] of Luther and Minnie Emily (Olds) Stancliff, was born 12 July 1892.2186

12090. Genoueffa Olds, daughter[?] of Franklin M. and Agnese (Aprile) Olds, was born 4 Nov. 1903.2187

12091. Marcellus A. Olds, son of Franklin M. and Agnese (Aprile) Olds, was born 27 June 1906.2188

13000. Alice Downs Olds, daughter of David E. and Anna Amelia (Renninger) Olds, was born 30 Jan. 1887.2189

13001. Franklin McIntyre Olds, son of David E. and Anna Amelia (Renninger) Olds, was born 12 May 1888.2190

13002. Martha Kapp Olds, daughter of David E. and Anna Amelia (Renninger) Olds, was born 8 Feb.

2176 Olds, p. 178 2177 Olds, p. 178 2178 Olds, p. 178 2179 Olds, p. 201 2180 Olds, p. 201 2181 Olds, p. 178 2182 Olds, p. 203 2183 Olds, p. 202 2184 Olds, p. 202 2185 Olds, p. 179 2186 Olds, p. 179 2187 Olds, p. 202 2188 Olds, p. 202 2189 Olds, p. 203 2190 Olds, p. 203

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 219 1894.2191

13010. Mary Pearl Trill, daughter of William Lincoln and Mary Viola (Olds) Trill, was born 21 Aug. 1892.2192

13011. Margaret Jeannette Trill, daughter of William Lincoln and Mary Viola (Olds) Trill, was born 14 July 1898.2193

13020. Margaret Grace Olds, daughter of William H. and Desdamonia Bertha (Shirley) Olds, was born 11 Feb. 1893.2194q

13030. Murray Raymond Olds, son of Lewis Wilson and Nellie Gale (Raymond) Olds, was born 12 Sept. 1890 at Corry, Pa. He married Bernice Edwards (b. 19 April 1889) on 21 Sept. 1910.2195 Children of Murray Raymond and Bernice (Edwards) Olds 24000. i. Berenice Olds, b. 22 Feb. 1915

13040. Madison Larue Olds, son of Edwin Elisha and Julia Alger (Pierce) Olds, was born 9 Dec. 1895.2196

13041. Theodore Henry Olds, son of Edwin Elisha and Julia Alger (Pierce) Olds, was born 21 Oct. 1897.2197

13050. Mary Elizabeth Olds, daughter of Harvey Henry and Carrie Adeline (Lynch) Olds, was born 24 Aug. 1908.2198

13060. Willard Glenn Olds, son of Fred A. and Minnie L. (Reed) Olds, was born 14 June 1903.2199

13061. Martha Jane Olds, daughter of Fred A. and Minnie L. (Reed) Olds, was born 1 Nov. 1906.2200

13070. Vivian Pearl Olds, daughter of Moses and Maude Johanna (McKinney) Olds, was born 15 Nov. 1908.2201

13080. Dewain W. Olds, son of Willard and May B. (Apps) Olds, was born 1 Aug. 1906.2202

13081. Pearl E. Olds, daughter[?] of Willard and May B. (Apps) Olds, was born 1 April 1909.2203

13100. Mave Cowdery Olds, daughter of Fred A. and Mabel L. (Cowdery) Olds, was born 29 March 1885 in Tacoma, WA. She was a graduate of Wellesley, class of 1908.2204

13101. Helen Edith Olds, daughter of Fred A. and Mabel L. (Cowdery) Olds, was born 27 June 1886 in Tacoma, WA. On 19 Nov. 1910, she married Benjamin J. Hartsuck. 2205 Children of Benjamin J. and Helen Edith (Olds) Hartsuck

2191 Olds, p. 203 2192 Olds, p. 182 2193 Olds, p. 182 2194 Olds, p. 203 2195 Olds, p. 210 2196 Olds, p. 204 2197 Olds, p. 204 2198 Olds, p. 204 2199 Olds, p. 204 2200 Olds, p. 204 2201 Olds,p. 205 2202 Olds, p. 205 2203 Olds, p. 205 2204 Olds, p. 205 2205 Olds, p. 205

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 220 i. Mildred Mary Hartsuck, b. 10 Dec. 1912 ii. Helen Elizabeth Hartsuck, b. 8 Sept. 1914

13200. Virginia Irene Olds, daughter of Louis Bertrand and Ruth Lucile (Easterday) Olds, was born 27 April 1910 at Puyallup, WA.2206

13201. Edward Bertrand Olds, son of Louis Bertrand and Ruth Lucile (Easterday) Olds, was born 6 Aug. 1914 in Lyon Co., Nevada.2207

13210. Robert Harold Olds, son of Harold Edward and Marion (Hardwick) Olds, was born 15 April 1915.2208 [End of family of William. Start family of John]

14000. Harry Garfield Olds, son of Gamaliel Truman and Matilda (Menhennick) Olds, was born 26 Sept. 1881. He married Dollie Phillips and "lives in Seattle, Wash."2209 Children of Harry Garfield and Dollie (Phillips) Olds 24600. i. John Whitney Olds, b. 30 July 1908

14001. Clara Ellen Olds, daughter of Gamaliel Truman and Matilda (Menhennick) Olds, was born 9 April 1890. "[She] lives in Seattle, Wash."2210

14010. Mabel Angie Olds, daughter of Alfred Stafford Olds, was born 28 Sept. 1884. She married Fred Stinson and "lives at Grand Forks, Minn."2211

14020. Truman Stafford Olds, son of Alfred Stafford Olds, was born 13 Feb. 1891 and "lives at Goldfield, Nev."2212

14030. George Olds, son of Alfred Wadleigh Olds, "lives in Wenatchee, Wash."2213

14040. Margaret Olds, daughter of Darwin D. Olds, "lives at Wenatchee, Wash."2214

14041. Louise Olds, daughter of Darwin D. Olds, "lives at Wenatchee, Wash."2215

14050. Alfred Olds, son of Jay T. Olds, "lives at Wenatchee, Wash."2216

14051. Murray Olds, son of Jay T. Olds, "lives at Wenatchee, Wash."2217

14052. Alice Mary Olds, daughter of Jay T. Olds, "lives at Wenatchee, Wash."2218

14100. Samuel W. Osgood, son of Samuel Walter and Elizabeth (Olds) Osgood, married Mary Keener in 1908.2219

14150. Robert Olds, son of Ir a Mather and Jane (_____) Olds, was born about 1865, in Michigan (per

2206 Olds, p. 206 2207 Olds, p. 206 2208 Olds, p. 206 2209 Olds, p. 265 2210 Olds, p. 259 2211 Olds, p. 259 2212 Olds, p. 259 2213 Olds, p. 259 2214 Olds, p. 260 2215 Olds, p. 260 2216 Olds, p. 260 2217 Olds, p. 260 2218 Olds, p. 260 2219 Olds, p. 243

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 221 1880 census)

14200. Jessie Olds, daughter of Robert Olds, married ______Washburn. 2220

14201. Mary Roberta Olds, daughter of Robert Olds, married ______Nugent.2221

14250. Sarah Loa Huntson, daughter of Mary Electa (Olds) Huntson, married ______Stratton of Harbor Springs, Michigan.2222

14251. Calvin Jonah Huntson was a son of Mary Electa (Olds) Huntson.2223

14252. Elmer Elsworth Huntson was a son of Mary Electa (Olds) Huntson.2224

14253. Floy Electa Huntson was a daughter of Mary Electa (Olds) Huntson. She married ______Pilsmore of Lansing, Michigan.2225

14254. Clara Cady Huntson, daughter of Mary Electa (Olds) Huntson, married ______Rossmore of Harbor Springs, Mich. 2226

14255. Nora Huntson, of Lansing, Michigan, was a daughter of Mary Electa (Olds) Huntson. 2227

14260. Blanche Everette Blackwood, daugher of Jeanette Laodamia (Olds) Blackwood, was born in 1864 and married Fred Gay.2228

14270. Charles Alfred Fetterhoff, son of Ira L. and Lillian Evelyn (Olds) Fetterhoff, was born 9 Nov. 1887, in Baltimore, Maryland. He married Ellen Susan Singleton at San Francisco, CA, on 28 July 1910. "[He] is a graduate of Hahnemann Medical College, 1910, and is also a physician, living in Baltimore, making the third generation of homeopathic physicians in his family."2229

14290. Laura Lois Olds, daughter of Otis Calvin and Helen Sue (Bush) Olds, was born 2 March 1894 in Parral, Mexico.2230

14291. Robert Cattell Olds, son of Otis Calvin and Helen (Cattell) Olds, was born 2 July 1898.2231

14292. Gertrude Caryl Olds, daughter of Otis Calvin and Helen (Catell) Olds, was born 1 Jan. 1900.2232

14293. Genevieve Margaret Olds, daughter of Otis Calvin and Helen (Catell) Olds, was born 1 Jan. 1900.2233

14294. Alice Carmen Olds, daughter of Otis Calvin and Helen (Catell) Olds, was born 19 May 1902.2234

2220 Olds, p. 260 2221 Olds, p. 260 2222 Olds, p. 243 2223 Olds, p. 243 2224 Olds, p. 244 2225 Olds, p. 244 2226 Olds, p. 244 2227 Olds, p. 244 2228 Olds, p. 244 2229 Olds, p. 245 2230 Olds, p. 261 2231 Olds, p. 261 2232 Olds, p. 261 2233 Olds, p. 261 2234 Olds, p. 261

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 222 14295. Eloise Helen Olds, daughter of Otil Calvin and Helen (Catell) Olds, was born 12 Jan. 1906.2235

14300. Helen Diantha Olds, daugher of Leavitt Lincoln and Minnie Lillian (Stone), was born 2 Aug. 1891 at Clinton, WI. On 21 June 1921 at Batavia, IL, she marrried Edmond Frederick Arlington, son of Charles Peterson and Hannah (Johnson) Arlington, who was born at Clinton, WI, on 10 Oct. 1899.2236 Children of Edmond Frederick and Helen Diantha (Olds) Arlington 26000. i. Leavitt Olds Arlington, b. 9 May 1913.

14310. Horace Irving Olds, son of Charles Burnell and Genevieve Woodbury (Davis) Olds, was born 14 May 1905 at Osaka, Japan. 2237

14311. Edward Bosworth Olds, son of Charles Burnell and Genevieve Woodbury (Davis) Olds, was born 19 July 1908 at Osaka, Japan.2238

14312. Charles Burnell Olds, son of Charles Burnell and Genevieve Woodbury (Davis) Olds, was born 11 Aug. 1913 (twin) in Japan. 2239

14313. Genevieve Alice Olds, daughter of Charles Burnell and Genevieve Woodbury (Davis) Olds, was born 11 Aug. 1913 (twin) in Japan.2240

14320. Alice Elizabeth Teall, daughter of Robert James and Alice Louisa (Olds) Teall, was born 12 Jan. 1906 at Moline, IL.2241

14321. Ralph Cromwell Teall, son of Robert James and Alice Louisa (Olds) Teall, was born 26 Oct. 1907 at Gardena, CA.2242

14322. Ruth Nina Teall, daughter of Robert James and Alice Louisa (Olds) Teall, was born 29 March 1910 at Gardena, CA.2243

14323. Margaret Winigred Teall, daughter of Robert James and Alice Louisa (Olds) Teall, was born 31 Jan. 1912 at Gardena, CA.2244

14340. Clarice Louise Hanson 2245 (or Clarence2246), was born 31 July 1906 at Beloit, WI.2247

14400. Alice Mabe Hutchings, daughter of William Smith and Mary Alice (Olds) Hutchings, was born 5 Oct. 1875. On 5 Oct. 1905, she married Maxwell D. Lathrop.2248

14401. Lilla Louise Hutchings, daughter of William Smith and Mary Alice (Olds) Hutchings, was born 27 Feb. 1886. On 26 Dec. 1901, she married Dr. Aubrey H. Williams.2249

14402. Carrie Margaret Hutchings, daughter of William Smith and Mary Alice (Olds) Hutchings, was

2235 Olds, p. 261, and Wright, Curtis, p. 199. 2236 Wright, p. 199 2237 Wright, p. 200 2238 Wright, p. 200 2239 Wright, p. 200 2240 Wright, p. 200 2241 Wright, p. 200 2242 Wright, p. 200 2243 Wright, p. 200 2244 Wright, p. 200 2245 Olds, p. 247 2246 Wright, p. 200 2247 Wright, p. 200 2248 Olds, p. 249 2249 Olds, p. 249

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 223 born 31 July 1880. She married Henry J. Bradford on 20 June 1907.2250

14403. Ethel Maud Hutchings, daughter of William Smith and Mary Alice (Olds) Hutchings, was born 3 Oct. 1882. On 12 Oct. 1904, she married Henry Foster Atherton.2251

14404. William Nathaniel Hutchings, son of William Smith and Mary Alice (Olds) Hutchings, was born 18 Dec. 1890.2252

14420. Anna Olds Church, daughter of Thomas C. and Mary E. (Olds) Church, was born 12 Nov. 1890.2253

14430. John Chauncey Jermyn, son of George B. and Anna M. (Olds) Jermyn, was born 9 Aug. 1888.2254

14440. Bessie Little was a daughter of Wm. and Rose (Olds) Little.2255

14441. William Little wa s a son of Wm. and Rose (Olds) Little. 2256

14450. Lyell Reppert, son of Fred and Emma (Olds) Reppert, was born 16 Oct. 1877 and died 30 May 1913. He was a physician.2257

14451. Ella Reppert, daughter of Fred and Emma (Olds) Reppert, was born 26 Oct. 1886 and died 23 Dec. 1906. She married Pryor Perry in March, 1905.2258

14460. Betty Payne, daughter of Robert and Ella (Olds) Payne, was born 18 May 1883 and died 17 April 1912.2259

14461. Lyman Whitney Olds Payne, son of Robert and Ella (Olds) Payne, was born in 1889.2260

14470. Elizabeth Olds Foster, daughter of William L. and Mary Rice (Olds) Foster, was born 12 Dec. 1893.2261

14471. Russell Lefevre Foster, son of William L. and Mary Rice (Olds) Foster, was born 3 April 1895.2262

14480. Evelyn Bradford Olds, daughter of Edson Baldwin and Mabel (Bradford) Olds, was born 26 Jan. 1897.2263

14481. Marian Bradford Olds, daughter[?] of Edson Baldwin and Mabel (Bradford) Olds, was born 9 Nov. 1898.2264

2250 Olds, p. 249 2251 Olds, p. 249 2252 Olds, p. 249 2253 Olds, p. 250 2254 Olds, p. 250 2255 Olds, p. 251 2256 Olds, p. 251 2257 Olds, p. 252 2258 Olds, p. 252 2259 Olds, p. 252 2260 Olds, p. 252 2261 Olds, p. 253 2262 Olds, p. 253 2263 Olds, p. 263 2264 Olds, p. 263

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 224 14482. Edson Baldwin Olds, son of Edson Baldwin and Mabel (Bradford) Olds, was born 10 Nov. 1904.2265

14483. Bradford Sargent Olds, son of Edson Baldwin and Mabel (Bradford) Olds, was born 9 Jan. 1911.2266

14490. Robert Oldys, son of Henry Worthington and May C. (Meigs) Oldys, was born 15 June 1896.2267

14491. Margaret Oldys, daughter of Henry Worthington and May C. (Meigs) Oldys, was born 10 Oct. 1898.2268

14492. Katharine Sargent Olds, daughter of Henry Worthington and May C. (Meigs) Oldys, was born 12 Aug. 1900.2269

14493. Mary Meigs Oldys, daughter of Henry Worthington and May C. (Meigs) Oldys, was born 14 Nov. 1903.2270

14500. Mary M. Hamilton, daughter of Stanislaus and Katharine Mary (Olds) Hamilton, was born 12 July 1881 and married Berry E. Clark. 2271

14501. Nathan Sargent Hamilton, son of Stanislaus and Katharine Mary (Olds) Hamilton, was born 12 Sept. 1882.2272

14502. Edward Millard Hamilton, son of Stanislaus and Katharine Mary (Olds) Hamilton, was born 20 Dec. 1883.2273

14503. Gertrude Brooke Hamilton, daughter of Stanislaus and Katherine Mary (Olds) Hamilton, was born 14 Aug. 1886.2274

14504. Mark Hamilton, son of Stanislaus and Katherine Mary (Olds) Hamilton, was born 9 Dec. 1899.2275

14505. George Bright Hamilton, son of Stanislaus and Katherine Mary (Olds) Hamilton, was born 12 Aug. 1891.2276

14506. Stanislaus Murray Hamilton, son of Stanislaus and Katherine Mary (Olds) Hamilton, was born 29 Sep. 1892.2277

14507. Joseph Hamilton, son of Stanislaus and Katherine Mary (Olds) Hamilton, was born 1 Jan. 1899.2278

14600. Joseph Olds, son of Joseph and Jessie B. (Gaunt) Olds, was born 24 Jan. 1915.2279 Joseph Olds,

2265 Olds, p. 263 2266 Olds, p. 263 2267 Olds, p. 264 2268 Olds, p. 264 2269 Olds, p. 264 2270 Olds, p. 264 2271 Olds, p. 253 2272 Olds, p. 254 2273 Olds, p. 254 2274 Olds, p. 254 2275 Olds, p. 254 2276 Olds, p. 254 2277 Olds, p. 254 2278 Olds, p. 254 2279 Olds, p. 264

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 225 born 15 Jan 1915 in OH died 08/00/1979 in OH.2280

14620. Joseph Olds Gray, son of Meldrum and Eleanor (Olds) Gray, was born 30 July 1908.2281

14621. Meldrum Gray, son of Meldrum and Eleanor (Olds) Gray, was born 9 Aug. 1910.2282

14622. William Anderson Gray, son of Meldrum and Eleanor (Olds) Gray, was born 11 Sept. 1911.2283

14623. Mary Anderson Gray, daughter of Meldrum and Eleanor (Olds) Gray, was born 8 May 1913.2284

14650. Lelia Mae Hinkley, daughter of Henry Duwane and Georgia (Olds) Hinkley, was born 11 Feb. 1892.2285]

14651. Tracy Luther Hinkley, son of Henry Duwane and Georgia (Olds) Hinkley, was born 8 Nov. 1894.2286

14652. Henry Lawrence Hinkley, son of Henry Duwane and Georgia (Olds) Hinkley, was born 16 May 1896.2287

14660. Cecile Leffingwell Enegren, daughter of Robert and Nina (Olds) Enegren, was born 12 April 1886 at Moorhead, Minn. She married W. D. Garland on 28 June 1911 and "lives at Carlisle, Wash."2288

14661. Helen Marjory Enegren, daughter of Robert and Nina (Olds) Enegren, was born 15 Dec. 1890 at Moorhead, MN.2289

14700. Philip Whitney Hayes, son of Milo Curtiss and Ellen Reeder (Olds) Hayes, was born 18 May 1911.2290

14710. Luke Frederick Beckerman (twin), son of Frank W. and Almira Louise (Olds), was born 19 Oct. 1906.2291

14711. Lucia Louise Beckerman (twin), son of Frank W. and Almira Louise (Olds) Beckerman, was born 19 Oct. 19062292

14712. John Henry Beckerman, son of Frank W. and Almira Louise (Olds) Beckerman, was born 17 July 1908.2293

14750. Margaret Watson, daughter of James L. and Minerva (Olds) Watson, was born in 1895.2294

14751. Della Marie Watson, daughter of James L. and Minerva (Olds) Watson, was born in 1897.2295

2280 SS Death Index for 290-03-7423 2281 Olds, p. 255 2282 Olds, p. 255 2283 Olds, p. 255 2284 Olds, p. 255 2285 Olds, p. 255 2286 Olds, p. 255 2287 Olds, p. 255 2288 Olds, p. 256 2289 Olds, p. 256 2290 Olds, p. 257 2291 Olds, p. 257 2292 Olds, p. 257 2293 Olds, p. 257 2294 Olds, p. 258 2295 Olds, p. 258

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 226 14752. William Watson, son of James L. and Minerva (Olds) Watson, was born in 1899.2296

14753. Elizabeth Watson, son of James L. and Minerva (Olds) Watson, was born in 1902.2297

14760. Dorothy Olds, daughter of Frank and Cora (Dowd) Olds, was born in 1898.2298

14761. Margaret Olds, daughter of Frank and Cora (Dowd) Olds, was born in 1900.2299

14762. Emma Olds, daughter of Frank and Cora (Dowd) Olds, was born ______2300

14770. Elizabeth Olds Pond, daughter of Francis Jones and Nell (Olds) Pond, was born 29 April 1906.2301

14771. Nathan Jones Pond, son of Francis Jones and Nell (Olds) Pond, was born 2 Nov. 1909.2302

14780. John Whitney Olds, son of Louis Newton and Mary Henrietta (Lockwood) Olds, was born 30 July 1908.2303

Ninth generation (6th great grandchildren)

20000. Julia Mathews, daughter of Newell and Sarah Snell (Olds) Mathews, was born 20 Oct. 1874.2304 Julia may have been born in 1875. She moved to Los Angeles, CA, and died there 3 Dec. 1951, single.

20001. Ellen Mathews, daughter of Newell and Sarah Snell (Olds) Mathews, was born in 1877.2305 Ellen moved to CA and died there 15 Jan. 1933, single.

20002. Bryant Mathews, son of Newell and Sarah Snell (Olds) Mathews, was born in 1880.2306 Bryant Mathews married Jessie Gilmore (b. 1883) and died 27 Oct. 1931. He apparently had no children.

20010. Bryant Olds, son of John Hixon and Anna Belle (Krimmel) Olds, was born 17 Feb. 1870 at Wyanet, IL. He married Anna Schmidt (b. 18 Nov. 1874) on 1 Nov. 18932307 Bryant died 14 Dec. 1929. Children of Bryant and Anna (Schmidt) Olds 30000. i. Milford Hixon Olds, b. 21 Dec. 1894 30001. ii. Austin Bryant Olds, b. 17 Aug. 1904 30002. iii. Robert Lee Olds, b. 7 March 19132308

20011. Howard Olds, son of John Hixon and Anna Belle (Krimmel) Olds, was born 26 Aug. 1873 at Wyanet, IL. He married Eva Kennelly.2309 Children of Howard and Eva (Kennelly) Olds 30003. i. Justin Kennelly Olds, b. 10 June 1902 30004. ii. Bernadine Olds, b. 17 June 1907

2296 Olds, p. 258 2297 Olds, p. 258 2298 Olds, p. 264 2299 Olds, p. 264 2300 Olds, p. 264 2301 Olds, p. 258 2302 Olds, p. 258 2303 Olds, p. 265 2304 Olds, p. 72 2305 Olds, p. 72 2306 Olds, p. 72 2307 Olds, p. 84-85 2308 Dad did not make it into the Olds book although a few people born as late as 1915 are included. 2309 Olds, p. 85, to which I have added Aunt Ev's maiden name.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 227 20012. Edna Olds, daughter of John Hixon and Anna Belle (Krimmel) Olds, was born 14 Feb. 1874 at Wyanet, IL. She married Elmer Sapp (b. 15 June 1866) on 15 Oct. 1891 and "lives at Princeton, Ill."2310 Edna died 29 Jan. 1923. Children of Elmer and Edna (Olds) Sapp 30005. i. Gladys Marguerite Sapp, b. 15 June 1894

20013. Bla nche Olds, daughter of John Hixon and Anna Belle (Krimmel) Olds, was born 5 November 1875 at Wyanet, IL. She married Monroe G. Whitney at Wyanet on 3 Dec. 1899.2311 Blanche died 24 Dec. 1942. Children of Monroe G. and Blanche (Olds) Whitney 30006. i. Dorothy Maxine Whitney, b. 7 Nov. 1900 30007. ii. Merrill Roderick Whitney, b. 19 Oct. 1903

20014. Guy M. Olds, son of John Hixon and Anna Belle (Krimmel) Olds, was born 7 Sept. 1877. He married Thirza Kinder (b. 22 May 1877) on 16 Feb. 1910 and "lives at Peoria, Ill."2312 Guy Olds died 14 Feb. 1916.

20015. Lucy Wood Olds, daughter of John Hixon and Anna Belle (Krimmel) Olds, was born 23 Oct. 1879. She married Charles J. Webster on 24 Nov. 1904.2313 Lucy died in Jan., 1943.

20016. John C. Olds, son of John Hixon and Anna Belle (Krimmel) Olds, was born 6 July 1882.2314 He married Dorothy Guthrie. John died 20 Oct. 1936. 30010. i. Ardith Olds 30011. ii. Elizabeth Olds

20017. Myra Darline Olds, daughter of John Hixon and Anna Belle (Krimmel) Olds, was born 1 Aug. 1884.2315 She married George C. Dahl. They had no children. Aunt Myra died 10 May 1960.

20020. Hattie Covil, daughter of Henry and Julia (Olds) Covil, was born 1 Jan. 1878. She married Ed. Malley.2316

20030. Lewis Olds, son of John and Angie (McCline) Olds, was born in 1874.2317

20040. Winifred Lela Olds, daughter of Charles Emery and Elmira M. (Ellsworth) Olds, was born in 1885.2318

20041. Grace Violet Olds, daughter of Charles Emery and Bertha (Jacobs) Olds, was born 28 July 1895.2319

20042. Edna Eulala Olds, daughter of Charles Emery and Bertha (Jacobs) Olds, was born 19 Sept. 1897.2320

20043. Robert Clyde Olds, son of Charles Emery and Bertha (Jacobs) Olds, was born 15 June 1901.

2310 Olds, p. 78-79 2311 Olds, p. 79 2312 Olds, p. 79 2313 Olds, p. 79 2314 Olds, p. 69, with birth date corrected from the John Hixon Olds Bible which I have. 2315 Olds, p. 79, with birth date corrected from her father's Bible. 2316 Olds, p. 73 2317 Olds, p. 79 2318 Olds, p. 80 2319 Olds, p. 80 2320 Olds, p. 80

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 228 20060. William H. Olds was a son of Henry and Lizzie (Whipple) Olds.2321

20061. Lewis H. Olds was a son of Henry and Lizzie (Whipple) Olds.2322

20062. Anna L. Olds was a daughter of Henry and Lizzie (Whipple) Olds.2323

20063. Nora Olds was a daugher of Henry and Lizzie (Whipple) Olds.2324

20071. Frank Elwin Olds, son of Frank and Susan (Sapp) Olds, was born 1 April 1880. On 16 March 1901, he married Mattie J. Mears (b. 23 July 1881).

20072. Luella Olds, daughter of Frank and Susan (Sapp) Olds, was born 7 Sept. 1882.2325

20073. Harry Lee Olds, daugter of Frank and Susan (Sapp) Olds, was born 21 Dec. 1887.2326 Harry Olds was born 12/21/1887 in IL and died 05/00/1971 in IL.

20074. Eugene Olds, son of Frank and Susan (Sapp) Olds, was born 1 Sept. 1890.2327

20075. Lydia Pearl Olds, daughter of Frank and Susan (Sapp) Olds, was born 6 Dec. 1894.2328

20080. Lucy Mabel Olds, daughter of Jeremiah E. and Sarah Jane (Zimmerman) Olds, was born 4 Feb. 1870. On 3 March 1898, she married James Arthur Green (b. 20 Oct. 1861) at Ottawa, IL.2329 Children of James Arthur and Lucy Mabel (Olds) Green

30100. i. Raymond Olds Green, b. 19 May 1900 30101. ii. Arthur Olds Green, b. 29 April 1902 30102. iii. Kathrine Olds Green, b. 15 Oct. 1905 30103. iv. Alice Olds Green, b. 30 Nov. 1907 30104. v. ______b. Feb. 1910

20081. Alice May Olds, daughter of Jeremiah E. and Sarah Jane (Zimmerman) Olds, was born 7 May 1871 at Mendota, IL. On 6 Nov. 1895, she married James Arthur Green (b. 20 Oct. 1861) at Ottawa, IL. Alice May died 16 Sept. 1896 at Ottawa, IL.2330 Children of James Arthur and Alice Ma y (Olds) Green i. Rollin Olds Green, b. 2 Sept. 1896, d. 18 Aug. 1907

20090. Raymond Lawson Olds, son of Rinaldo Lawson and Martha Jane (Erskine) Olds, was born 27 Sept. 1875 at Mendota, IL, and died 24 March 1900 at Wells River, VT. He married May J. McDonald (b. 3 Aug. 1877) on 21 Oct. 1896 at Burke Center, VT.2331 Children of Raymond Lawson and May J. (McDonald) Olds 30150. i. Marion Geogianna Olds, b. 3 Jan. 1897, Burke, VT 30151. ii. Maude Rebecca Olds, b. 4 Nov. 1898, Burke, VT 30152. iii. Edith Raymond Olds, b. 17 April 1900, Wells River

20091. Edith May Olds, daughter of Rinaldo Lawson and Martha Jane (Erskine) Olds, was born 17

2321 Olds, p. 80 2322 Olds, p. 80 2323 Olds, p. 80 2324 Olds, p. 80 2325 Olds, p. 81 2326 Olds, p. 81 2327 Olds, p. 81 2328 Old s, p. 81, as c orr ect ed b y an u nko wn p erson in my cop y. 2329 Olds, p. 81-82 2330 Olds, p. 82 2331 Olds, p. 85

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 229 Nov. 1877 at Mendota, IL.2332

20092. Marshall Keith Olds, son of Rinaldo Lawson and Martha Jane (Erskine) Olds, was born 28 March 1887 at Ludlow, VT. On 24 Nov. 1910 at Dexter, ME, he married Carol Alicia Hooper (b. 8 Aug. 1884). The children were born at Bluehill, ME.2333 Children of Marshall Keith and Carol Alicia (Hooper) Olds 30160. i. Margaret Erskine Olds, b. 6 Sept. 1911 30161. ii. Malcolm McFarland Olds, b. 22 Dec. 1913

20100. Marshall Johnson Olds, born Marshall Olds Johnson, son of Charles Julian and Claribel Viola (Olds) Johnson, was born 22 Feb. 1883 at Mendota, IL. He married Mary Butler at Kenosha, WI, on 5 Sept. 1908.2334 Children of Marshall Johnson and Mary (Butler) Olds 30200. i. Nancy Olds, b. 16 June 1909, Chicago, IL 30201. ii. Patricia Olds, b. 27 June 1911, Chicago, IL 30202. iii. Marshall Olds, b. 11 June 1912

20101. Claribel Grace Johnson, daughter of Charles Julian and Claribel Viola (Olds) Johnson, was born 1 April 1884, in Chicago, IL. She married Samuel Thomas Clark on 15 Sept. 1904.2335

20102. Harold Verannus Johnson, son of Charles Julian and Claribel Viola (Olds) Johnson, was born 2 Feb. 1886 at Chicago, IL.2336

20120. Gerry Milroy Olds, son of Milroy Frank and Bertha May (Taylor) Olds, was born 1 July 1889 at Table Rock, CO. He married Mabel Quinn (b. 3 Oct. 1887) on 16 Dec. 1908 at Los Angeles, CA.2337

20121. Lewis Rinaldo Olds, son of Milroy Frank and Bertha May (Taylor) Olds, was born 21 Feb. 1892 at Palmer Lake, CO. He married Mabel M. Symmes in Cleveland, OH, on 1 June 1911.2338 Lewis Olds was bonr 02/21/1892 in OH and died ??/00/1978 in CA.2339

20122. Ardis Blance Olds, daughter of Milroy Frank and Bertha May (Taylor) Olds, was born 24 Feb. 1897 at Denver, CO.2340

20200. Roy Fane Olds, son of Claude Verannus and Netta Orna (McMullen) Olds, was born 29 Jan. 1902.2341 Roy Ods was born 01/27/1902 in FL and died 09/00/1984 in FL.2342

20220. Aileen Lorena Krohn, daughter of Edmund Augustus and Claribel Allene (Olds) Krohn, was born 2 April 1910 at Grand Junction, CO.2343

20300. Faye Olds, daughter of Frank Everett and Mary (Fanning) Olds, was born 27 Nov. 1897.2344

20400. Edson E. Olds, son of Charles S. and Carrie (White) Olds, was born 30 Jan. 1883.2345

2332 Olds, p. 83 2333 Olds, p. 86 2334 Olds, p. 86 2335 Olds, p. 75 2336 Olds, p. 75 2337 Olds, p. 83 2338 Olds, p. 83 2339 SS Death Index for 285-05-9675 2340 Olds, p. 83 2341 Olds, p. 83 2342 SS Death Index for 263-50-3812 2343 Olds, p. 76 2344 Olds, p. 84 2345 Olds, p. 84

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 230 20401. Ida A. Olds, daughter of Charles S. and Carrie (White) Olds, was born 1 April 1888.2346

20500. Thyra Vivian Calkins, daugher of C. H. and Lena Maria (Olds) Calkins, was born 15 July 1906.2347

20700. Annie Gertrude Mason, daughter of Wm. H. and Martha L. (Olds) Mason, was born 22 Aug. 1880 at Three Rivers, MA. 2348

20701. Jennie M. Mason, daughter of Wm. H. and Martha L. (Olds) Mason, was born 19 Sept. 1882 at Three Rivers, MA.2349

20702. Clinton W. Mason, son of Wm. H. and Martha L. (Olds) Mason, was born 16 Jan. 1885 at Three Rivers, MA.2350

20710. Walter Olds Davis, son of Charles H. and Minetta L. (Olds) Davis, was born 27 Sept. 1886 at Three Rivers, MA.2351

20711. George Rice Davis, son of Charles H. and Minetta L. (Olds) Davis, was born 23 Sept. 1887 at Wilmington, CN.2352

20712. Gertrude Frances Davis, daughter of Charles H. and Minneta L. (Olds) Davis, was born 5 April 1889 at Wilmington, CN.2353

20750. Leland R. Olds, son of Merton David and Lilla (Lazelle) Olds. See mention under Merton David Olds. Children of Leland R. Olds 35000. i. Kenneth L. Olds 35001. ii. Jean Olds

20751. Ethel Olds, daughter of Merton David and Lilla (Lazelle) Olds, was born in 1893 and died in 1913. See mention under Merton David Olds.

20752. Myrtle Olds, daughter of Merton David and Lilla (Lazelle) Olds, married a Mr . Williams. See mention under Merton David Olds. Children of ______and Myrtle (Olds) Williams

35025. i. Berna rd G. Williams 35026. ii. Shirley A. Williams

20753. Gladys Olds, daughter of Merton David and Lilla (Lazelle) Olds, married a Mr . Reed. See mention under Merton David Olds. Children of ______and Gladys (Olds) Reed 35030. i. Forrest O. Reed 35031. ii. Warren A. Reed 35032. iii. Barbara A. Reed

[End of family of Robert] [Begin family of Hanford]

2346 Olds, p. 84 2347 Olds, p. 77 2348 Olds, p. 77 2349 Olds, p. 88 2350 Olds, p. 77 2351 Olds, p. 78 2352 Olds, p. 78 2353 Olds, p. 78

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 231 21000. Vera Stratton was a daughter of Luther Ellsworth and Iva Blanche (Olds) Stratton.

21001. Edwin Robert Stratton was a son of Luther Ellsworth and Iva Blance (Olds) Stratton.

21500. George Wesley Olds, son of Wesley A. and Mary Adelaide (Cotrell) Olds, was born 18 Dec. 1901.2354

21501. Elmer Olin Olds, son of Wesley A. and Mary Adelaide (Cotrell) Olds, was born 14 Nov. 1903.2355

21502. Helen Prentice Olds, daughter of Wesley A. and Mary Adelaide (Cotrell) Olds, was born 18 Sept. 1907.2356

21503. Howard Ernest Olds, son of Wesley A. and Mary Adelaide (Cotrell) Olds, was born 6 July 1913.2357

22000. Virginia S. Olds, daughter of William Henry and Marguerite E. (Simonson) Olds, was born 21 Feb. 1893.2358

22001. James H. Olds, son of William Henry and Marguerite E. (Simonson) Olds, was born 17 Oct. 1895.2359

22010. Marald Olds was a son of Noble Granger Olds.2360

22020. Almirah Olds, daughter of Egbert C. and Joanna (Pauley) Olds, was born 10 March 1895 at Ft. Wayne, IN.2361

22021. Charlotte Olds, daughter of Egbert C. and Joanna (Pauley) Olds, was born 9 June 1897, Ft. Wayne, IN.

22050. Morris Olds, son of Percy Granger and Gertrude (Morris) Olds, was born 1 Jan. 1905 in Ft. Wayne, IN.2362

22051. Robert E. Olds, son of Percy Granger and Gertrude (Morris) Olds, was born 24 March 1906 in Ft. Wayne, IN.2363

22060. Jane Olds, daughter of Norman E. and Clara (Hull) Olds, was born 2 Sept. 1907 at Ft. Wayne, IN.2364

22061. Virginia Olds, daughter of Norman E. and Clara (Hull) Olds, was born 18 July 1910 at Ft. Wayne, IN.2365

22062. Na ncy Olds, daughter of Norman E. and Clara (Hull) Olds, was born 7 Dec. 1914 at Ft. Wayne,

2354 Smith and Smith, p. 562 2355 Smith and Smith, p. 562 2356 Smith and Smith, p. 562 2357 Smith and Smith, p. 562 2358 Olds, p. 123 2359 Olds, p. 123 2360 Olds, p. 123 2361 Olds, p. 124 2362 Olds, p. 12 2363 Olds, p. 124 2364 Olds, p. 124 2365 Olds, p. 124

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 232 IN.2366

22070. Walter R. Spencer, son of Walter R. and Marjorie Noble (Olds) Spencer, was born 26 June 1910 in , IN.2367

22071. Elizabeth Spencer, son of Walter R. and Marjorie Noble (Olds) Spencer, was born 5 Feb. 1913 in Indianapolis, IN.2368

22080. John Rawie Olds, son of Alexander and Barbara (Rawie) Olds, was born 29 June 1912 in Portland, OR.2369 John Olds, b 6/29/1912 in PA died 29 Jan. 1989.2370

22081. David Alexander Olds, son of Alexander and Barbara (Rawie) Olds, was born 12 Sept. 1914 at Long Beach, CA.2371

22100. Edalyn Olds, daughter[?] of Ernest Albert and Myrtle L. (Elrod) Olds, was born 9 March 1896.2372

22200. Josephine Olds, daughter of Frederick Lee Olds, was born 24 March 1898 in Denver, CO.2373

22300. Harvey Douglas Higley, son of Elmer A. and Helen Louise (Olds) Higley, was born 16 July 1882 married Margaret DeRussy Hoyle on 7 Sept. 1910. He was a Lieutenant in the US Army.2374

22301. Fred Mitchell Higley, son of Elmer A. and Helen Louise (Olds) Higley, was born 16 April 1888. He married Freda Chandler on 2 Oct. 1912.2375

22302. Helen Ernestine Higley, daughter of Elmer A. and Helen Louise (Olds) Higley, was born 31 March 1894.2376

[End family of Hanford] [Start family of William]

23000. Ellen Amma Ellingham, daughter of Samuel and Ellen Amma (Olds) Ellingham, was born 29 July 1880 at Caribou, CO. On 15 Jan. 1902, she married Thomas A. Dean (b. 17 Aug. 1872) and "lives at Newark, NJ"2377

23010. Chester Lewis Hatch, son of Roscoe Green and Lois (Olds) Hatch, was born 28 Sept. 1873. He married Mary Amanda Troop on 13 May 1898.2378

23011. Howard Mark Hatch, son of Roscoe Green and Lois (Olds) Hatch, was born 5 Dec. 1876 and died 31 Dec. 1913. He married Emma Martha Grubbs on 25 June 1900.2379

23012. Elmer Roscoe Hatch, son of Roscoe Green and Lois (Olds) Hatch, was born 17 Aug. 1886.2380

2366 Olds, p. 124 2367 Olds, p. 117 2368 Olds, p. 117 2369 Olds, p. 125 2370 SS Death Index. 2371 Olds, p. 125 2372 Olds, p. 125 2373 Olds, p. 125 2374 Olds, p. 120 2375 Olds, p. 120 2376 Olds, p. 120 2377 Olds, p. 188 2378 Olds, p. 189 2379 Olds, p. 189 2380 Olds, p. 189

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 233 23020. Fanny Olds Van Bibber, daughter of George and Mary Elizabeth (Olds) Van Bibber, was born 16 July 1891. She married Dallis Davis in May 1915.2381

23021. Arling Chester Van Bibber, son of George and Mary Elizabeth (Olds) Van Bibber, was born 7 July 1892.2382

23022. Herbert Hiram Van Bibber, son of George and Mary Elizabeth (Olds) Van Bibber, was born 3 Sept. 1899.2383

23030. Alden Lewis Olds, son of Edwin Lewis and Hulda Marie (Larson) Olds, was born 31 Dec. 1903.2384 He was born 12/31/1903 in CA and died 08/00/1976 in CA. 2385

23031. Virginia Olds, daughter of Edwin Lewis and Hulda Marie (Larson) Olds, was born 2 May 1909.2386

23032. Robert Edwin Olds, son of Edwin Lewis and Hulda Marie (Larson) Olds, was born 27 July 1912.2387

23040. Dorothy Sara Dimond, daughter of Stacy Bancroft and Henrietta Edith (Olds) Dimond, was born 16 July 1896.2388

23050. Everett H. Olds, son of Albert Henry and Elsie (Eddy) Olds, was born 8 May 1911.2389

23051. Lawrence E. Olds, son of Albert Henry and Elsie (Eddy) Olds, was born 17 Dec. 1914.2390

23055. Charles E. Olds, son of Charles A. and Brunette (Williams) Olds, was born 11 May 1883 at Albany, IL, and "is Postmaster at Albany, Ill."2391

23056. Arthur Bruce Olds, son of Charles A. and Brunette (Williams) Olds, was born 9 Aug. 1885 at Albany, IL.2392

23057. Earl Walker Olds, son of Charles A. and Brunett (Williams) Olds, was born 4 July 1887 at Albany, IL.2393

23058. Minnie M. Olds, daughter of Charles A. and Brunette (Williams) Olds, was born 31 Jan. 1904 at Albany, IL.2394

23059. Helen Brunette Olds, daughter of Charles A. and Mary L. (Williams) Olds, was born 17 Sept. 1898.2395

23060. Marion Ruth Olds, daughter of Charles A. and Mary L. (Williams) Olds, was born 31 Jan.

2381 Olds, p. 189 2382 Olds, p. 189 2383 Olds, p. 189 2384 Olds, p. 207 2385 SS Death index for 551-09-9494. 2386 Olds, p. 207 2387 Olds, p. 207 2388 Olds, p. 190 2389 Olds, p. 207 2390 Olds, p. 207 2391 Olds, p. 208 2392 Olds, P. 208 2393 Olds, p. 208 2394 Olds, p. 208 2395 Olds, p. 208

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 234 1904.2396

23500. John McKee Olds, son of Alfred Whipple and Mary (McKee) Olds, was born 28 March 1908.2397

23501. Lois Allen Olds, daughter of Alfred Whipple and Mary (McKee) Olds, was born 10 Oct. 1907.2398

23502. Mary Alfreda Olds, daughter of Alfred Whipple and Mary (McKee) Olds, was born 4 Jan. 1914.2399

23540. William Hall Olds, son of Edgar Orville and Lillian (Gaither) Olds, was born 3 Nov. 1901 in Hickory, OK.2400

23541. Victory Orville Olds, son of Edgar Orville and Lillian (Gaither) Olds, was born 22 Jan. 1903 at Hickory, OK.2401

23542. Robert Mason Olds, son of Edgar Orville and Lillian (Gaither) Olds, was born 8 May 1906 at Hickory, OK.2402

23543. Clyde Wilson Olds, son of Edgar Orville and Lillian (Gaither) Olds, was born 7 Nov. 1907 at Hickory, OK.2403

23544. James Eugene Olds, son of Edgar Orville and Lillian (Gaither) Olds, was born 10 Sept. 1909 at Seymour, TX.2404

23545. Mary Lillian Olds, daughter of Edgar Orville and Lillian (Gaither) Olds, was born 18 Oct. 1911 at Pecos, TX.2405

23546. Edna Olds, daughter of Edgar Orville and Lillian (Gaither) Olds, was born 1 March 1913 in Angeles, TX.2406

23547. John Lee Olds, son of Edgar Orville and Lillian (Gaither) Olds, was born 27 Sept. 1914 at Angeles, TX.2407

23600. Willia Cleda Olds, daughter of William Hibbard and Willia Etta (Hays) Olds, was born 2 Dec. 1905 at Hickory, OK.2408

23601. Hazel Olds, daughter of William Hibbard and Willia Etta (Hays) Olds, was born 21 Dec. 1908 at Texhoma, OK.2409

23602. Eutha Texana Olds, daughter of William Hibbard and Wilia Etta (Hays) Olds, was born 10 Nov.

2396 Olds, p. 208 2397 Olds, p. 208 2398 Olds, p. 208 2399 Olds, p. 208 2400 Olds, p. 209 2401 Olds, p. 208 2402 Olds, p. 209 2403 Olds, p. 209 2404 Olds, p. 209 2405 Olds, p. 209 2406 Olds, p. 209 2407 Olds, p. 209 2408 Olds, p. 210 2409 Olds, p. 210

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 235 1911 at Amity, Ark. 2410

23610. Fred Mason Fulton, son of John W. and Mary Carlotta (Olds) Fulton, was born 13 Aug. 1906 at Hickory, OK.2411

23611. Florence Helen Fulton, daughter of John W. and Mary Carlotta (Olds) Fulton, was born 31 May 1908 at Texhoma, OK.2412

23612. John Franklin Fulton, son of John W. and Mary Carlotta (Olds) Fulton, was born 5 May 1910 at Goodwell, OK.2413

24000. Berenice Olds, daughter of Murray Raymond and Bernice (Edwards) Olds, was born 22 Feb. 1915.2414

[End of family of William] [Begin family of John]

26000. Leavitt Olds Arlington, son of Edmond Frederick and Helen Diantha (Olds) Arlington, was born 9 May 1913.2415


2410 Olds, p. 210 2411 Olds, p. 198 2412 Olds, p. 198 2413 Olds, p. 198 2414 Olds, p. 210 2415 Wright, p. 199

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 236 Appendix A. 1900 Bryant Reunion.

Bureau County Republican, Princeton, Ill., Thursday, July 5, 1900

ceremonies, and performed his duties creditably and added to the interest of the occasion by his apt and SEVENTY BANQUET. pointed introductions, the following program was carried ------out: Bryant Reunion Recalls Deeds of the Solo, The Pilgrim Fathers ...... Elizabeth K. Bryant Past. Mr. and Mrs. Justin H. Olds ...... Zelotes S. Hills ------Quartet, Go, Sleep My Honey ...... Lydia Bryant J. H. Bryant as Toastmaster. Sue B. Ferris ------Wm. C. Bryant J. H. Bryant, Jr. Reviews Life of Charity Louisa Bryant Looking Backward ...... Mary Bryant Smith and Her Husband Justin H. Olds, Solo, Voices of the Woods ...... M. N. Baldwin the For mer Daught er of Dr. Recollections of My Father ..... Sarah Olds Matthews Peter Bryant. Old Farmer John ...... Bryant Quartet Some Old Time Friends ...... Mary Everett "What so rare as a day in June," and what occasion, in Recitation ...... Lucy W. Olds the opinion of the clan, so befitting a perfect day as the Letters and Messages from Friends .. Guy N.[sic] Olds annual reunion of the Bryant Association. It has become Closing Hymn ...... All almost tradition that the Bryants never have an unpleasant day for their annual gatherings, and the sixth Tune--Ward. reunion, held at the Austin Bryant homestead, now the Kindle afresh the holy flame! residence of Mrs. E. F. Bryant, was no exception. The From highest heaven its radiance came, morning was bright and warm, but later in the day a faint The love of kindred pure and sweet, haze tempered the sun's rays and fresh breezes made it Making of earth a heaven complete. delightfully cool and enjoyable. The spacious residence and groun ds were thrown open to, and taken possession Here in its glow each one shall break of, by the Bryants and their friends. From early morn His bread of life for all to take; various committees had been busy adorning the rooms, For all shall flow the heart's best wine arranging tables, covering them with flowers and loading With never thought of mine or thine. them with viands that the Bryants so well know how to appreciate. At 12 o'clock the company to the number of The wisdom of the hoary hair, seventy sat down to the banquet, and after a cordial and The innocence of childhood fair felicitous address of welcome by Mrs. Eleanor F. Bryant, The strength and beauty of life's prime, an invocation by the Rev. Jas. H. McLaren and the Mingling shall make one full sweet chime. singing of a reunion song, written especially for the occasion by Blanche Olds Whitney, did justice to the And haply there will come an hour good things set before them. When all earth's children feel its power When every name of every race [The article includes a picture of Justin H. Olds with In one great family find a place. full beard, of Mrs. Louisa Bryant Olds like the one I now Sarah 0. Matthews have, and of the residen ce of Mr. and Mrs. Justin H. Olds, in Princeton, "now" the property of Mr. and Mrs. The rest of the day was spent by the little ones in the A. B. Reeve.] swings and hammocks and the older people in visiting and renewing the acquaintance of cousins and friends, The company ranged in age from the patriarch of 93 to some of whom had not met since the last reunion. the wee tot attending his first reunion, and all seemed Variety and spice were given to the proceedings by infused with the spirit of the occasion and many a joke, Misses Rice and Bristol in character sketches and jest and sally was passed around to enliven the feast. recitations.

After the banquet, all assembled in the spacious Some Old-Time Friends parlors to partake of the literary portion of the feast. by Mary Everett. Following the plan of devoting the exercises of one reunion to each of the members of the family of Dr. Peter I have a vague remembrance of making, long, long Bryant, this one had for its special subject, Charity ago, occasional visits at a little low house upon Main Louisa Bryant and her husband, Justin H. Olds. After a Street, which was the home of the Olds family. Of this few remarks by Joseph P. Br yant, who acted as master of house I have but one distinct recollection, and that is that

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 245 it contained an old-fashioned musical in strument, called usually suggest that we make a call at Uncle John's. To a seraphine, which I listened to with wonder and delight. this proposition I never objected, for the pleasant sitting The inmates of the house were all most kind to me, but room of the house was a most inviting place to me, with with only one, a curly-headed little girl called Lucy, did I its all pervading air of neatness and comfort and its large at this time feel that I had anything in common. We had fire place, which held great blazing logs in winter and green silk pelisses, and pink calico dresses alike, and our green boughs in summer. Upon a shelf above was kept a names were always coupled together. After a time Lucy well-filled apple basket, and we invariably prolonged our went to live in a new house which had been built far out stay until it was passed around. The call would usually in the country, as it seemed to me. To my childish end with a lively frolic with Lige, as Lucy called her imagination it was palatial in size, and everything in it cousin. I can still seem to hear him singing "Lucy locket and about it was beautiful, and much finer than I had lost her pocket", or some other gay song. seen elsewhere. I was old enough to go about alone n ow, and my visits to the Olds h ome were the great events of There was never any question with either of us as to my life. Julia would meet me at the door, and after who should be our seatmate in school. It was carefully scra ping my shoes with a knife I would be foreordained from the foundation of the world that we admitted into the dining room, where the family were should sit together. We scarcely ever walked otherwise usually sitting. What a bright and pleasant place it than arm in arm. Lucy had become my idol. She was the seemed to me. Upon the east side of the room was a beautiful girl with whom I always felt at ease, the girl sideboard, which I thought a most quaint and interesting who never wounded me, the girl who never left me for piece of furniture. On the west side was a stove with a other girls, the girl who never told lies, the girl who removable front, which gave the appearance of a always seemed to know how to do the proper thing, while fireplace. Near the stove almost always sat I was forever blundering into the wrong thing. Lucy was comfort-loving Mrs. Olds, mending flannels or stockings. possessed of great personal attractiveness. She was when Her chair was a large, black wooden rocker, cushioned fully grown, somewhat under medium height and slight all around. All the rooms had some fascination for me. In of figure. She had loose brown curls which fell to her the library I shuddered before the picture of the man who shoulders, laughing blue eyes, rich red cheeks, and the must die by the knife of an Indian, or by a fall down the sweetest mouth I ever saw. She was a jolly companion, precipice. The sitting room held the piano, which I might and laughed easily and joyously. A keen sense of the drum upon occasionally, and three oil paintings which I humor ous res trained her from any fooli sh sen timen tality, could gaze upon unwearidly. In the kitchen was a queer and her mind was of the sensible and practical sort. She old chair in which somebody had died. All of the bed abounded with admirers from a very early age, and it can linen used was, I think, home made; probably spun by the be said to her credit that they were of all ages and of both tireless mother of Mrs. Olds, who, with all her sexes. multitudinous duties, could for so many years of her life find time to keep a diary. At the table were seen little The attention which she received never made her vain green handled knives with carved blades and curious, or self conscious. I gloried in her successes, and only antique looking dishes, mingled with those of more once do I remember that I ever had a mean feeling of modern date, for Mrs. Olds treasured things, and in h er envy towar ds her . That was upon a memorable occasion home the old and the new were often found together. One when she appeared in school in earrings. of the first questions that Lucy would ask me after my arrival was "How long can you stay?" If the answer was When Mr. Olds received the appointment of inspector, "all day" then we planned largely. There were the woods, the family went to Peoria to live for some years. I spent a where if it was summer we could climb to the top of some part of two winters with them, and the memories of those sapling and swing ourselves over to the ground. There days are very pleasant ones for me. was the barn with its unfailing resources of object of interest to us. Lucy came back to us for a short time, and then the beautiful, joyous life went out forever. With her death my But best of all these was the "play room" of the house world seemed all blotted out, but time brought its where I passed, perhaps, the happiest hours of my life. It healing, and I dried my tears as youth always does, to contained a great collection of toys, which were most find that life was still full of interest. Nothing, however, certainly the gifts of a certain Mr. King, who seemed to like that first, great friendship ever came to me again. It me a veritable "King Bountiful". All went delightfully in seems wonderful to me that I ever felt such an this paradise until it was in vaded by "Hilton" [Hixon?] abandonment of affection for anyone. I have often wished who threw us into apoplectic rages by the disrespect with the poet uncle might have saved Lucy's name from a which he treated our rag babies. Hilton was a quick oblivion, as he did his sister's in the "Death of the white-haired boy who wore long gingham aprons and Flowers". I have a bundle of her letters, now brown with had a rag baby of his own. An old woodboun d copy of time, and these, with our memories are, I think, almost "Mother Goose" would sometimes fall into my hands, all that is left of her in this world. then no other diversion was to be thought of until its quaint and familiar rhymes had been r ead and enjoyed Julia Olds was always my good and valued friend, but with a zest which oft repeated r eadin g had not the difference in our ages was a bar to any such intimacy diminished. At some time during the day Lucy would as existed between myself and Lucy. She was a young

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 246 lady when I was a child, so I know nothing of her earlier third child, married Mihitable Hixon in 1775 at years. There will be, I am assured, no dissenting thought Belchertown. By them were five children. The oldest among you when I say that Julia was a good woman. She Jonathan was the father of the subject of my sketch and was conscientious in all things, and her loyalty and the youngest, Amanda, was my mother. sincerity I have not often seen equalled. Too retiring in nature to greatly enjoy general society, she found her best Jonathan was married first in 1805 at Belchertown, pleasure in the quiet of home. She had resources in Mass., to Lucy Wood, by whom four children were born, herself and did not need outside entertainment. Her tastes and second in 1816 to Joan na Keith by whom were five were of the domestic and literary kind. Sh e enjoyed children. The oldest child of this last named Jonathan [,] reading, painting, embroidering and house work. Altho Justin Hixon, the subject of this sketch, was born in more inclined to listen than to talk, her words, when she Belchertown, Mass., in 1806. did speak, had a meaning. When I was a child Julia was the on e to whom I could go without fear when in need of Of the lives of these representatives of the Olds family assistance. She delighted in giving pleasure to others and from Robert to Justin but little has come down to us never annoyed. Wit h the dea ths of h er mot her and Lucy, either by history or tradition. One of the old histories and the marriages of Sarah and Hixon, Julia was left in relates briefly, "The name is now regarded as rare, but great loneliness, an d to this was added the misery of almost without exception is an honorable one. Doctors, invalidism. For many years she was something of a ministers, lawyers, judges, representatives, congressmen, wanderer. Some time was passed with her uncle in professors, college presidents, tradesmen and soldiers, Roslyn, and she went with the family to Cummington for have born the name with honor and ability." Beyond that one summer. For a long time she made her home with history is silent. Tradition has done but little more. One Mrs. Smith, of Galva, who had been her friend and brief story comes to me in childhood thru a maiden aunt, neighbor when she lived in Peoria. The partial Susana Olds, more commonly known as Aunt Susie, my restoration of health in time made possible a trip to the mother's sister, who lived in our family from my early Pacific coast, and then followed the happy marriage. All childhood until her death. Her grandfather, Justin Olds, the words that came from her after this event were in was a soldier of the Revolution. At the battle of Saratoga, such a cheer y ton e th at I th ink we can say h er last d ays the story recites, when the conflict was raging fiercest, a were her best days, altho she was favored in her early man leading a horse which drew a cannon near by, was surroundings. When Julia died she left no enemies. The shot and instantly killed. Washington, who was just at feelings we all had for her were those of affection and that time riding in front of the line, saw the occurrence, respect. turned quickly and ordered Olds to lead the horse. "What shall I do with my gun?" said he. "Let me take it" was the In conclusion I will say that I am indebted to the Olds answer. He handed the musket to his general, who family for much of the pleasantness which my life has seizing it, threw it with all his force in the direction of known, and I am pleased to join you in your efforts to the enemy. Of Jonathan,, father of Justin H. and my keep green the memories of its lost members. mother's brother, and whom I faintly remember, there is but little more to relate. He was a member of the Mr. and Mrs. Justin H. Olds legislature for many years, and consequently spent much by Z. S. Hills of his time in Boston, and Justice of the Peace for most of his life I think. I was too young to remember much about The first to bear the name of Olds in America, so far as him, but I have often heard him spoken of as a ma n of the writer hereof can discover, was Robert Ould or Old sound practical common sense and a dry grim humor, (spelled 0 u l d or 0 1 d, with out the "s") who was known characteristics which I fancy often went together with to be living in Winsor, Conn., in 1667. And the brief those hardy serious ancestors of ours. One incident I history says "From whence he came to Winsor or who his remember, which occurred during his lifetime, I will ancestors are, are unknow." [sic] There is a tradition that relate. They were building a new house on his farm and in Chesire, England, there are families of this name, who there was to be a raising at Uncle Jonathan's. These were have lived so long upon the same estates that they came affairs of some note in those days, for a raising was a to be called "the Old family" and from this may have matter that required both brain and brawn and the originated the name. However that may be, Robert Olds neighbors for miles around were expected to be out in is discovered in Winsor, Conn. where he died in 1685. force. And they were. But what I especially remember He was twice married First to Susana Hanford, by whom about it is that I was present, that there was great he had nine ch ildren, second to Doroth y Granger, by excitement with much fuss and feathers, accompied [sic] whom he had seven children. His oldest son Robert Jr., by an incoherent shouting of many orders, during the act born 1670, married Elizabeth Lamb in 1697, by whom of raising. That when the work was done, and all the eight children were born. Jonathan, the oldest son of timbers in place and pinned together, Marshall, a Robert, Jr., born in 1697 at Springfield, Mass., was half-broth er of Justin H., clim bed to th e highest point of married in 1720 to Martha Wright and to them were the building and stood on his head on the ridge-pole, to born, male and female, seven children, of whom the great admiration of his auditors and to my own Jonathan the son of Jonathan, married Hannah Jones at particular delectation. (Interlude) (For I always admired Springfield, Mass., in 1749. Nine children were the in others those daring feats which I was unable to do result of this union, of whom Justin, the oldest son and myself and with all my later experience I doubt if I could

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 247 do it now.) After the raising was over and the write of him, but as I only knew them together, I find it performance ended, we were congregated in the large difficult to speak of them separately. For two school years kitchen of the old house, where a banquet was prepared, my home was with them, a quiet orderly home, where which--if my youthful memory serves me righ tly--was of reading and study prevailed, where books were discussed, doughnuts and cider. But my pleasure in the feast was and all the leading topics of the day entered into the greatly alloyed by the presence of one drunken man, who conversation. In all this the wife and children took a part, muttered incoherent imprecations at those present, at the and I have yet to learn whether I received more benefit same time pointing the finger of scorn at them. I from the training I received in school during that period, shuddered with fear at the thought, what if he should do or the inspirations I received in the home circle of the that to me, and would the earth open and swallow me up. Olds family. Of the children of this family, I speak but But nothing serious h appened and the house we builded briefly as that is the topic of another. Sarah and Julia that day, washed by th e rain and beaten by the winds of were in school and John Hixon was probably in the sixty years, still stands and the sweet flag grows by the primary where I seldom saw him, but at home he was brook near by, and the birds still sing in the old maples very much in evidence, and Lucy was a mere child, but a by the roadside, whose branches yet wave in the winds as very sweet and loving child. I saw her but seldom in after if beckoning to the spirits of loved ones departed from years when she had grown to womanhood, but enough to that happy home, long, lon g ago. know that she fully kept the promise of her childhood. What her sad and untimely death was to her loving My first knowledge of Justin H. came to me when I was parents and others near of kin, we may not know. I only very young -- not more than four or five years old and know th at whenever she comes into my mind I think of came through letter from him from the far west Illinois, her in those sweet words of Holmes: supposed at that time to be a howling wilderness, infested "Her hands are cold her face is white, with wolves, rattle-snakes and prowling, murderous No more her pulses come and go. Indians. He had come to this country in 1834 or 5 and in Her eyes are closed to life and light. 1836 [sic] was married to Charity Louisa Bryant. This I Fold th e white vesture snow on snow have on the authority of the Justice of the Peace who And lay her where the violets grow. married them, a gentlemen who is fortunately still living, and more fortunately is with us today, John H. Bryant But not beneath a graven stone Esq., now known and honored of all men as Uncle John. To plead for tears with alien eyes. And the marriage took place --your orator continues-- at A slender cross of wood alone the residen ce of the said Justice, a picture of which you shall say, that here a maiden lies have seen in the frontise-piece to a volume of poems by In peace beneath the peaceful skies. one John Howard Bryant, wherein the author stands as the central figure with his castle for a background. Well If any born of kindlier blood they were married, so the record says and so says Uncle Should ask what maiden lies below, John, so there is no manner of doubt about that. Of the Say only this, 'A slender bud life of our subject from his settlement in Princeton until That tried to blossom in the sn ow his death, I can speak but briefly. He came from his home Lies buried where the violets blow.'" in Belchertown, Mass., with one Daniel King, and in partner- ship with him started a store under the firm And now, except Sarah, Mr s. Matthews, livin g at Los name of King and Olds on the site now occupied by Angeles, Cal., and Joh n Hixon , whom happily we have Cushing's drug store in a building owned by McCayga with us today, all are gone. And how many others bound Triplett. This continued but a short time when he formed by kindred ties to this circle, ah who can number them. a new partnership with John M. Gay, at that time Postmaster of the town of Princeton. Later we find him If I so far digress from my topic as to mention one I continuing the same business in partnership with his know you will pardon me, Julien Bryant was my earliest, brother-in-law, John H. Bryant, an account of which the truest friend. Of his promise as an artist, of his going into latter sums up briefly by saying, "It didn't last long", and the war of the rebellion, and of his death by drowning in then adding, "I didn't take to the business". After this we the Gulf of Mexico, you all know and I will not rehearse find him holding the office of circuit clerk, and the it here. But when I think of him and that brother of mine records of that time are still to be seen in his clear bold who went out in the same company with him and distinct hand. Again we find him in the mercantile afterwards fell in battle on the field of Vicksberg, and all business, the firm being known as "Olds and Bubaugh", those others gone before, there come to my memory those and the place being on the west side of Main street about sad words of Whittier: where the Citizens National Bank now stands. For a time "How strange it seems with so much gone of life and he run [sic] a Newspaper -- the "Princeton Post". At one love to still live on." time he was engaged with J. H. Bryant in making brick, at an other in farming in the vicinity of LaMoille. In all of But while we are still living on let us be thankful for, these employments it goes with [sic] saying, he was and make the most of what we have. And what we have industrious, persevering and successful. During all this still with us is our own and everybody's Uncle John. And period, the Charity Louisa spoken of was his constant while it is n ot my place at this time and in this presence and faithful companion. The task allotted to me was to to pronounce a eulogy on his life, yet I think I voice the

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 248 sentiment of every one present when I say that we are a child's questions were so thoroly sat upon in Puritan glad, very glad, mighty glad to have him here. times. Their curiosity must have been hydra-headed, for how can there be any advancement without But I was to write of Mr. and Mrs. Olds, and while inquisitiveness? there is much more that I could add, I feel that I am trespassing on your time and patience. I have tried to Tradition hath it that Aunt Louisa had some rather present them to you as I knew them and as they come to eccentric neighbors, a casual observer would h ave called my mind in these latter days. And what I say of one I say them odd or ordinary and avoided them; not so with this of both, they were true to themselves and true to each aunt of mine, she would sort them over as a thrifty oth er. Wi th fixed opinions on a ll great topics of th e da y, housewife would a box of damaged fruit, retaining the to which they stood firm and loyal always, yet gentle and good and discarding the worthless, discovering loving spirits they were, whom it was good to know. But brightness of intellect and goodness of character, her they are gone and are to the world they have left but a neighbor would then stand forth shorn of all memory. And with many of us who are left comes the imperfections; as one cannot always choose one's feeling that the sun is in the west, the shadows lengthen, neighbors, I admire my worthy relative's good sense in the dews are falling, and the night comes on. So let us not making herself miserable over their shortcomings, take to our hearts these words of nature's sweetest poet: like many people that I have known. Her friendships "So live that when thy summons comes to join were as firm as the everlasting hills; she did [not?] aspire The innumerable caravan which moves to be a ruler among her kind, but simply to be one among To that mysterious caravan [sic] where each shall take them; she was intensely loyal to her church, her pastor His chamber in the silent halls of death. and to the people in the church, and took much pleasure Thou go not like the quarry slave at night in the social amenities connected with such bodies. She Scourged to his dungeon, but sustained and soothed displayed the finest altruism toward her relatives; By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave nothing was so pleasing to her as to have one speak in Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch praise of them, pr aise of anyone related to her by blood or About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." marriage was praise of herself; not a particle of jealousy was in her disposition. How she used to enjoy coming to LOOKING BACKWARD. (Austin's) my father's, to spend the day. When offered By Mary Bryant Smith her favorite apple, she would remark that it was perfect happiness to eat such delicious fruit, and her face would "The evil that men do lives after them. beam with satisfaction; sh e thoroly enjoyed all the rich The good is oft interred with their bones." abundance of a western farm; it was a delight to receive a visit from her, as what household does not like to have its This would seem a poor incentive to do right. I beg food and home surroundings appreciated. Dear Aunt everybodys pardon, but it is my firm belief that Mr. Louisa, I can see her just as she sat in the rocking chair, Shakespeare is mistaken; for I think with a parent or near talking to my mother and holding some delicate sewing relative or a friend, one is more apt to remember his good in her hand, a hand that a princess might envy; her qualities than his faults. Time and time again we hear plump little body, her black curly hair and her dainty people say, with much pride, my father said or did this or little feet encased in the old fashioned low shoe; what that my mother was superior to anyone now living, my good times they had. When [I?] think that all that brother, my sister or my friend was the possessor of some generation has passed away, but one, also many of the characteristic unequalled [sic] by few, surpassed by none. second, that I am the only living member of my family, a As we meet yearly and write of those who have passed great wave of desolation comes over me, and away, I think that their good deeds make a deeper "I feel like one impression upon us than their misdeeds, which are who treads alone seldom thought of. I would not have our young people Some banquet hall deserted, think for a moment that the good tha t they do will be Whose lights are fled, forgotten; I would have them far better and wiser than Whose garlands dead, their predecessors. And all but he departed."

Char ity Louisa Bryan t Olds was the second daughter of She seemed never to have forgotten that she was once Dr. Peter and Sarah Snell Bryant; she was in her teens young, and when young people wanted to do anything, when h er sister Sarah died, consequently by the loss of she realized how intense was their desire to do that very the oldest daughter, Louisa being the only daughter left, thing and nothing else, and how empty young people's was the object of much affection and solicitude. lives would be without a spice of romance, and heartily According to family government in those days she was sympathized with all the heart troubles that beset the thought to be somewhat spoiled. Children were seldom paths of youth; she found no amusement in their woes, pampered or petted, any slight ailment was ignored, and but freely gave her loving counsel. She loved the flowers they were taught to hold themselves in readiness for any that grew, and all bright and beautiful inanimate things. emergency, to ask no questions as to the whys and wherefores they were required to do thus and so. The My aunt and her family lived for a number of years on only wonder is that the Yankees ever invented anything, Main street in a white cottage with green blinds, with a

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 249 store on one side, and you stepped from the front door homestead, particulary [sic] in the summer months. He directly upon the sidewalk. We made our stopping place came home one Sunday after th e minister had preached here when we went to town to do the various errands that what was then called a very orthodox sermon, and asked were essential to keep the domestic machinery running. I his sister Louisa to smell of his clothing; she replied that was just the age to find the backyard a very interesting she could not perceive any odor to them. So severe was place. There were a number of large shade trees, and a the parson's denunciation of the world's people, as he swing and a jumping rope and numerous other juvenile termed them, that he thought his clothing must smell of paraphanalia; not the least interesting object that this brimstone; it is said that the pantomime enacted was place contained was a large sand hill crane that was something inimitable. No one can take exception to this brought from a neighboring yard, harnessed and lines to story since the Presbyterians and the Methodists have let drive it with; one can imagine our delight as we each their young people play cards and dance, and have talked took our turn at driving. The owner, a red-cheeked, of altering their most sulphurous articles of faith. When sunny faced boy, grew to manhood and has long ago my people came west, Grandma Bryant and aunt Louisa passed to the unknown. An incident connected with a came with them. Aunt Louisa had her weekly letters to large tree that stood nearest the rear door is indelibly write to a certain young minister wh om she had left impr essed upon my mind. The h asty clambering up of behind; letter postage was 25 cents for each letter then, that tree by the only son, after thrusting a kitchen broom and no one paid his own postage, but paid for the letter in my mother's face because, by request of his eldest that he received. It is related of Uncle Smith Everett that sister, Sarah, my mother had vainly tried to suppress his he was very full of his jokes when a young man, and once mischievousness in the absence of his mother, another paid postage on my aunt's letter to her eastern young spoiled child caused by the death of an older brother. I man, which caused something of a r upture. I would not will remark right here that great beauty seems to be fatal attribute the breaking of the engagement to so slight a to the Bryant family. I will not speak of the beauty of my matter, but I do kn ow that she chose a western man for Aunt Sarah Shaw, there has been so much said and her life partner. I think I have proven how good a woman written about it, many of you will not remember or may can grow out of a spoiled child, add the son, fat, fair and never have heard of the wonderful beauty of Bryant Olds, prosperous, and his numerous well regulated family, and who died at the age of seven years, and of Austin Bryant I think with these two examples we can safely go on Moseley, whose exquisite lovelin ess was so remarkable, spoiling our children with kindness. and whose life was only eight months lon g. We still h ave one among us of the same given name endowed with RECOLLECTIONS OF MY FATHER, much beauty an d loveliness. God grant that he may prove JUSTIN HIXON OLDS an exception . There is however one consolation, if this be By Sarah Olds Matthews, the rule, many of us will remain long upon this earth. Of Los Angeles, Cal., June 28, 1900. my aunt's home life, all peace and order, no noise, no bustle, everything that was needful was done without Justin Hixon Olds was born Sept. 4, 1806, in servants and apparently without overwork. That she was Belchertown Mass. He was the eldest child of Jonathan a good and judicious mother you know, or she never Olds and Lucy Wood. Two brothers and a sister --Curtis, would have raised so fine a family. Talk of your Mrs. Lewis and Lucy Ann --came later and then their mother Rorer, with her stalk of celery, on e cold boiled potato, died. This little helpless family was soon put into the care ditto of egg and an onion, and what can be concocted of a stepmother and in due time four brothers and a sister therefrom; compare her dishes with the old time Yankee cam e to swel l their number. Their names were Riley, cooking, such coffee as aunt Louisa used to brew, always Marshall, Lathrop, Varannus and Julia Ann. The two the same, such custard pies, such doughnuts and such sisters died early in life. My father always spoke very finely cooked vegetables; the taste of these things still affectionately of his stepmother. I have heard him say lingers as a sweet remembrance to my palate, tho long that in her care and affection he never felt that she made years have passed. Of her New England life I have a few any distinction between her own children and those that anecdotes to relate that have been handed down to me. came to her by the earlier marriage. She was always very fond of babies; this fondness seems to have developed very early in life. It is related of her His father was a man of deep religious nature, that she had twenty four dolls seated in a row on a bench God-fearing and prayerful, who loved righteousness, out of doors to sun, when a large pig of the gentler sex main tain ed the family altar and enforced the keepin g of came along and devoured them all; it goes without saying the Sabbath in accordance with the custom of that early that my aunt was inconsolable. As my parents went to time; but he was infected with the taint of liberalism and live at the Bryant homestead after grandfather Bryant's could join no church in his neighborhood. I learned all death, my aunt Louisa lived with them until their this by the pained and vigorous protest my father once removal to Illinois. Every baby that came into my father's made to a brother whose faith was fixed in his own family had its share of embroidered robes made by my narrower creed when he expressed a fear as to the aunt's deft fingers; nothing pleased her more than to tend condition of their father in the world beyond the veil, a babe and watch its development, what is lovelier than a which he had entered many years before. well kept child? It must have been by hard work and careful thrift that Uncle William was a frequent visitor at the old

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 250 such a family was supported on a little New England hill King as partner he went into the mercantile business. farm. I have never heard of any lack of the necessary comforts of life. Food, clothing and shelter were When Putnam coun ty was divided he was the surveyor sufficient for all physical needs--though I have thought who fixed the boundary of Bureau county. He was the that it might be the pork barrel furnished too large a first one to be married in the new county. That event took share of their dietary to ensure the best vigor. The tales place June 14th, 1837, and Uncle John, by virtue of his our father told of the abundance and variety of the viands office as Justice of the Peace, performed the ceremony. that set forth the an nual Thanksg ivi ng feast were al ways a marvel to our childish ears. Sometime during the next two years he sold out his business and bought a farm in Lamoille, built a log cabin According to their strength the children shared in the and took his wife and her mother there. Her e his two labors of the farm and th e househ old, for the promotion eldest daughters were born. In the early fall of 1843 he of the common welfare. removed again to Princeton, living in what was known as the Wiswall house on the corner of Main Street and the Perhaps it was this early training th at was the root of street that passes by the side of the congregational that kindly interest and helpfulness which characterized church. His store was on the west side of Main street. It this band of brothers. The hurt of one was the hurt of all; was in this house that Bryan t was born on the 22nd of the gain of one awakened no feeling of envy or jealousy October, 1843. After, I should think, about a year we among the others. moved in to the same building with the store, where we remained until the house now occupied by Austin Reeves In the fact that my father was the eldest brother in this was built, in 1855. Hixon and Lucy were born in the large family, I thin k I see the condition which fostered Main street house, and here Grandmother and Bryant that spirit of self denial not only cheerful but glad that died. While living here, father served two terms as Clerk was so marked in his character toward all in any way of the Circuit and Recorder. As agent for Henry King he dependent upon him. It must have been inborn for it surveyed and laid out the town of Wyanet and transacted never failed him, but it found abundant nurture in those all business connected with the sale of lots. early hard conditions. Somewhere about 1855 he entered the banking business In education I do not know that my father had other with Mr. Carey and several others--an unfortunate opportunities than those offered by the district school in venture by reason of the unsettled state of the currency at the town where he was born. But he had a vigorous mind that time. His health failing, to repair it he spent of a mathematical bent and he mastered several branches sometime in Cleveland and New York, with great of that science, whether with other aid than he found in benefit. books I do not know. He took great delight in solving knotty problems and he did it with great insight and ease. After the Internal Revenue System was established he He was an omnivorous reader and read many books for was appointed, under Uncle John, as Collector to the one whose life was so crowded with business. His office of Gauger, which position he held, with one year's greatest delight was in books of science, especially those interval, during the rest of his life. on geology. He enjoyed a good stor y --particularly one of adventure--and could repeat it for the benefit of one who That year was spent in Princeton. It was an eventful one had not read it. in our family history. Dec. 13, 1867, our mother died. Lucy followed her on Feb. 27, 1868. Hixon removed to My father had no singing voice, but h e was very fond of his own farm in Wyanet. Sarah, the eldest daughter, music, and among my earliest recollections is that of my married in July, 1868, and Julia went to New York, mother's singing to the accompaniment of his flute. where she spent a year. ln the fall of 1868, the old home was sold to Tracy Reeves, and the first family organized He had great skill in the use of the pen. One of the in Bureau county no longer had a place in it. wonderful things he could do with it being to write the Lord's prayer within a circle the size of a quarter so as to Early in the year 1872, he married Mrs. Myra K. be easily read. Fletcher, an estimable lady originally from Vermont, who made for him a pleasant home. When quite a young man he became a clerk in a store at Palmer, kept by one of the King brothers. It was here, I After those basive principles of justice and right doing think, he was made Captain of the militia. His uniform that formed the foundation of our father's character it with its silver lace, cocked hat and sword, was the seems to me the shaping quality of his nature lay in his cherished treasurer [sic] of our childhood. hopeful temperament. This carried him buoyantly through the most depressing circumstances. He saw the In 1836, when his savings amounted to $2000, a goodly best in everything and in everybody. His plans and his sum for those days, with Capt. King he came to action s were largely inspired by it, often to his own Princeton, Ill. There was but one frame building in the undoing, but it was a well-spring of happiness within town at that time, already crowded with guests. They him and made him the cheerful, helpful friend he was. could get a bed but no room to themselves. With Capt.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 251 He was a very sympathetic man. The distressed and needy found always a friend in him. He took great interest in the large affairs of the world. He was among the first of those who espoused the cause of the slave. His house was a station in the underground railroad of those days. Often to more effectually conceal those who traveled on it, he and mother gave up their own room to their fugitive guests.

He was exceptionally rich in "That best portion of a good man's life-- His little, nameless, unremembered acts Of kindness and of love."

In society he was diffident in manner and not brilliant in speech, but there was an aroma of kindliness and gentle breeding that made one feel he was in the presence of one of nature's noblemen.

My father possessed one quality which greatly impressed me--the Spartanlike fortitude with which he endured continual discomfort or severe pain. Twice under the operator's knife, with no kindly anaesthetics to dull its edge, his lip was cut out and stitched, while with folded arms and shut eyes he lay unflinching and without a moan. The death of his first born son wrenched his very heart strings, but no rebellious murmur escaped his lips. He saw the savings of a life time swept away and faced poverty and old age with a patient courage. Within one short year death and change broke up his family and made him homeless.

We who were nearest to him could but see how keenly he suffered and how his heroic spine bent before the storm only to brave it. It was the work of his remaining years to make good any loss that oth ers might have suffered through h im an d to make happy, regardless of his own comfort, those dependent upon him.

I have reason, too, to think that those last years were spent in the shadow of the valley of death, that he knew that any moment, sudden an d swift might fall the doom that came with such a shock to those who mourned him. He allowed no hint of th is shadow to da rken the days of friends, but out of his large hopefulness and abounding faith made sunshine and sweetness for all around him.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 252 Appendix B. Olds Miscellany.

_____ Olds, widow, d. 25 Feb. 1823, age 63 (this b. ca. 1760). Warren Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Aaron Olds. "Private, Capt. Elijah Deming's detachment from Col. Ashley's regt.; enlisted June 4, 1778; discharged July 15, 1778; service 41 days; detachment ordered to Albany by Ge. John Fellows; also Capt. Roswell Downing's co., Lieut. Col. Miles Powel's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; entered service July 19, 1779; discharged Aug. 27, 1779; service, 1 mo. 9 days; company marched to New Haven, Conn., to serve for 1 month." Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.

Achsah Olds, d. 1823. G. R. 9. Deerfield Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Achsah Olds (Miss), d. 16 Oct. 1839, age 72. Warren Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD- ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). Thus she was born about 1767.

Adonijah, a son of Ephraim and Roxa Oles (Olds), b. 9 July 1825. Otis Births. Otis Deaths. Vital Records of Mass. to 1850.

Albert Olds is listed in the index to Southbridge, Massachusetts, Vital Records to 1850 (published by Jay Mack Holbrook, c. 1981) as referenced in Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (C. 2000)

Ashley Olds of Otis and Polly Markham filed intentions of marriage at Otis, MA, 28 Mar. 1820. Their children (of Ashley and Mary Oles), born there were: Julia, b. 16 June 1822; Edward, b. 15 Oct.1823; Lucinda, b. 31 Aug. 1825. Their son, William L., d. 4 Sept. 1822, age 17 mo. Otis Births. Otis Marriages. Otis Deaths. Mass. VR to 1850. Possibly Ashley was dead by 1836 (see marriage of Mrs. Polly Olds and Silas C. Spencer)

Barnius Olds and Abigail Bond (of Brimfield) filed intentions of marriage at Wa rren, MA, on 20 Nov. 1828. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) Barnus and Abigail Olds had two children born at Warren, Mass. Sarah Mariah in 1833 and Charlotte Mariva in 1837. Warren Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., CO. (c. 2000)

Betsey Olds married Francis Otis Clark, 28 Sept. 1794. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Betsey Olds and John Hill, Jr., were married at Palmer, MA, 6 March 1794. Palmer Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Betsy Olds m. Samuel Emery (b. 27 Feb. 1806) on 5 Oct. 1828 in Cuyahoga County, OH. They lived in Euclid. In 1837, she signed as Sharleftia Smith", also as Betsey S. Smith. Apparently moved away after 1837. (Cuyahoga County Marriages; Cuyahoga County Deeds). The Family of Samuel Smith of Middle Haddam, Connecticut, and Euclid, Ohio, The American Genealogist, Vol. 29 (1953), p. 230ff.

C. P. Olds, d. 1820. G. R. 9. Deerfield Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Caroline E. Olds of Middlefield and Lyman Johnson filed intentions of marriage at Chester, MA, 10 Nov. 1838. Chester Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) They were married at Middlefield, MA, on 6 Dec.1838. He was of Chester. Middlefield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 253 Caroline E. Olds of Suffield, CT, married William Lighthall of Schenectady, NY, at Suffield on 24 Nov. 1847 (Schott, Suffield VR

Char les R. Olds was born 7 Sept. 1840. G. R. 8. West Springfield Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Charlotte Mariva Olds, daughter of Barnus and Abigail Olds, was born 14 March 1837. Warren Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Chloe Olds, b. Wendell, MA, d. Wendell, MA, 3 Sept. 1849, age 9 y. New Salem Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Clarissa Williams Olds, daughter of David and Persis, was born 23 June 1805. Groton Births. Groton Early Vital Records of Middlesex County, Massachusetts to about 1850. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 1998) Clarrissa W. Olds and Aldrich Howard were married at Mendon, MA, 4 April 1844. Mendon Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Clarissa Elizabeth Olds, b. 30 Oct. 1849, daughter of George Olds, painter, b. Hillsdale, NY, and wife Mary Ann, b. Hudson, NY, West Stockbridge Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Comfort Olds and widow Anna Gilbert, married 8 May 1781, Brookfield, MA. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) (Perhaps the same Comfort who married Prudence Gilbert in 1788?)

Cynthia Olds, b. ca. 1782, m. Asa Jenney of Grantham, NH. (See the John Jenney genealogy)

Daniel Olds and Lois Olds had eight children born at Peru, MA, from 1782 - 1805. He is called Capt. Daniel on the birth records for Dexter, Martin and Matilda. See Daniel, Jr., Dexter, James, Jeremiah, Kingsley, Lois, Martin and Matilda Olds. Peru Births. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) Daniel Olds, b. 5 Apr 1759, Ashford, CT, lived there at enlistment, m. Lois Stanley there 15 June 1780. In 1780 he moved to Berkshire Co., MA, and in 1812 to Painesville in Geauga Co., OH, in 1831 to Jonesville in Lenawee Co., MI, where he applied for pension 27 Sep 1832. He d. 16 Sep 1836 in Hillsdale Co., MI, and his widow applied there 8 Sep 1845, still living there in 1849, d. 7 Sep. 1854. She left children: Daniel, Dexter, Kingsley and Jeremy Olds and Lois Jones. A Bible record for this family was printed in NEHGR v. 90, Oct. 1936, pp. 384-85. Daniel is supposed to have been a son of James and Sarah (Kingsley) Olds [who had first married Elizabeth Fuller] and this James is said by E. B. Olds to have possibly been a son of Ebenezer, son of Robert.

Daniel Olds, Jr., child of Daniel and Lois, was born at Peru, MA, 5 June 1785. Peru Births. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

David Olds, resident of Groton, married Persis Williams, 2 April 1805. They had three children born there from 1805 -1808 (see Clarissa Williams Olds, John Williams Olds, and Rhoda Ann Olds). Persis, wife of David,died there 21 June 1827. Groton Marriages. Groton Births. Groton Deaths. Early Vital Records of Middlesex County, Massachusetts to about 1850. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 1998)

Deborah Olds, wife or widow of Joseph W. Olds, was born 2 Oct. 1813 (G. S. 1., Brookfield Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Dexter Olds, son of Capt. Daniel and Lois, was born at Peru, MA, 1 Nov. 1805. Peru Births. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 254 Dolly Olds (Widow) m. David Barnes of Spencer, 16 Nov. 1803. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Dorothy Olds, daughter of Timothy and Polly, was born 13 March 1795 at Dalton, MA. Dalton Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Ebenezer Old was a private in Capt. Ephraim Fitch's Co., Col. Ashley's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; enlisted 8 July 1777; discharged 28 July 1777; service 19 days; mileage home (110 miles) allowed. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.

Eliza Oles (Olds), Miss, of Otis, and Eli Peck of New Milford, Conn., filed intentions of marriage at Otis, 17 July 1847. (See also Lucy Olds). Otis Marriages. Mass. VR to 1850.

Edward, b. 15 Oct.1823, son of Ashley and Mary Oles. Lucinda. Otis Births. Mass. VR to 1850.

Elizabeth Old married Oliver Walker in Brookfield, MA, on 27 April 1732. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Elizabeth Olds married Nathan Hathaway of Western, int. Oct. 15, 1815. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) Elizabeth Olds of Brookfield and Nathan Hathawa y were married at Warren, MA, 31 Oct. 1815. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Elizabeth S. Olds and John Cummings, both of Darthouth, MA, filed marriage intentions there, 19 March 1826.1813. Dartmouth Marriages. Early Vital Records of Bristol Co., MA, CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO.

Emelina A. Olds and Sa muel Hill, both unmarried and of Lowell, MA, were married there 15 March 1849. Lowell Marriages. Early Records of Middlesex County, Massachusetts to about 1850 CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, Co. (c. 1998)

Ephraim and Roxa Oles (Olds) had three children born at Otis, MA. Laury, a daughter, b. 16 May 1819; Lorrin, a son, b. 21 April 1821; Adonijah, a son, b. 9 July 1825. Adonijah died there 30 Sept. 1825. Two children of Mr. Olds died there in Sept. 1824. Otis Births. Otis Deaths. Vital Records of Mass. to 1850.

Experience Olds and Andrew H. Badger were married at Warren, MA, in 18__. The intentions were filed 13 June 1819. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Fanny Olds m. Preston Haws, 12 Dec. 1812. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

George Olds, painter, b. Hillsdale, NY, and wife Mary Ann, b. Hudson, NY, had Clarissa Elizabeth Olds, b. 30 Oct. 1849. West Stockbridge Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

George F. Olds, son of Seth B. and Susanna Olds, b. 3 Aug. 1844 at Warren. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Gideon Olds had two daughters married at Lowell, MA, 1846 and 1849. See Lucretia Olds and Olive A. Olds. Lowell Marriages. Early Records of Middlesex County, Massachusetts to about 1850 CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, Co. (c. 1998)

Hannah Olds of Suffield married Samuel Barker on 8 Sept. 1760. Stiles, Henry, History of Ancient Windsor, Vol. II,

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 255 p. 36 (q.v. for more information). Checking for tombstone records might help.

Hannah Olds and John Marble were married at Brookfield, 30 Nov. 1768. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Hannah Shumway Olds, daughter of David and Sally Olds, was born at Brookfield on 19 Aug. 1820. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Harriett Olds was admitted to the Evangelical Congregational Church of Lancaster, MA, in 1841. The church was formed in 1839 and she is the only Olds only the list through 1849. Lancaster Records. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Henry Olds and Polly Ramsell were married at Suffield, Ct, on 24 Nov. 1825 by Asahel Morse. Schott, Suffield VR

Ida Olds ran a cider mill at Southampton, MA, with her brother. The mill burned 50-60 years ago and the mother of Mrs. Olds burned with it. The mill is near a cemetery where they are probably buried. [James Haller, Spartanburg, 8 Aug. 1990]

James Owls signed the petition of incorporation for Middlefield, MA, in 1781. [Smith & Smith, p. 563]

James Olds, said by E. B. Olds to have possibly been a son of Ebenezer, son of Robert. James m. (1) Elizabeth Fuller and (2) Sarah Kingsley. He lived at North Ashford, Windham Co., CT, in 1750 and perhaps at Ashford as well where the births of his children by both wives are recorded from 1752-1769. I have good records on Janes and son Daniel of this family and perhaps should locate them in the main portion of this document (with caveat) to keep them organized.

James Olds, child of Daniel and Lois, was born at Peru, MA, 14 Sept.1787. Peru Births. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

James Newell Olds b. 11 Jan. 1790, m. Eunice Griswold, 4 Sept 1816, m. Tirzah Hartshorn, 8 Sept. 1845. Had Almeda, Maria Gilbert, Daniel, George Wesley, Betsy Gale, Laura Ann and Caroline Matilda, b. 1817 - 1834. (Bible record transcript, via e-mail, in my file.)

James Andrew Olds, son of Newbury Olds, farmer, and Abigail, b. 2 Feb.1845. West Stockbridge Births. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

James Olds, biologist, sometimes at Marine Biological Lab, Woods Hole, MA, sometimes in Washington (DC?), says his Dad moved to IL to marry, then back east in the late 1920s to live in Upstate NY and in DC. Jim's ancestors were "James, Leland, George, Gamaliel, John ... names like that. George D. was President of Amherst College in the 20's. Leland was Chairman of the Federal Power Commission under FDR ... my aunt Zara lives in Durham, N. H. and is the repository of all the info. (email to Dan W. Olds, 4 July 1992, [email protected])

Jasper Olds (Oles), b. 14 Apr. 1757 at Sheffield, Berkshire County, MA. He died 16 Dec. 1837, Almond, NY. He married Lydia Moore in Nov. 1789 at Clarendon, VT. He lived at Pownal in Bennington Co., VT, at enlistment and lived there for three years after the RW, then moved to Clarendon in Rutland Co., VT, for 1 year, then moved to Mount Holly, VT for several years then Bloomfield in Co., NY, then to Canandaigua NY for a few years then to Andover in Allegany Co., NY. He applied for pension 20 Aug. 1832, Allegany Co., NY, age 75. His widow applied for pension 4 Feb. 1840 in Allegany Co., NY, at age 71. (Virgil D. White, Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files)

Jeremiah Olds, child of Daniel and Lois, was born at Peru, MA, 4 July 1782. Peru Births. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

John Owls signed the petition of incorporation for Middlefield, MA, in 1781 [Smith & Smith, p. 563]

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 256 John Olds married Mary Stanleff (Stancliff) at Suffield, CT, on 20 July 1792. They had a son John born there 4 Dec. 1792. Schott, Suffield VR. Reference is made to Vol. NB1, p. 271 of the original record.

John Oles (Olds) amd Miss Jane Webb, both of Otis, filed marriage intentions at Otis, MA, 23 Oct. 1843. Otis Marriages. Mass VR to 1850.

John Ould m. Susan Marie Shepard (b. 28 Feb. 1835 at Sauquoit, d. 12 Sept. 1881 at Oswego, NY. (The Groton Avery Clan by Elroy M.Avery and Catharine H. Avery, Vol. I, Cleveland, 1912.)

John Williams Olds, son of David and Persis, was born 1 Dec. 1806. Groton Births. Groton Early Vital Records of Middlesex County, Massachusetts to about 1850. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 1998) John W. Olds and Louisa Wormwell of Milford were married in Milford, 6 Sept. 1836. Mendon Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) John W. Olds of Mendon and Louisa Wormwell, were married 6 Sept. 1836. Milford Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Joseph Old(s): Intentions of marriage for Joseph Old and Hannah Billings were file at Brookfield, Aug. 1758. Reuben, a son of Joseph and Hannah Old was born there 20 Oct. 1759. Joseph Old died there 10 Oct. 1760. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) Joseph Olds of Brookfield and Hannah Billings filed intentions 18 Aug. 1758 at Westborough. Westborough Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO.

Joseph Old was a private in Capt. John Morgan's Co.; enlisted 9 Jan. 1778; discharged July 1, 1778; service 5 mos 22 days. company detached from militia of Hampshire and Worcester counties to guard stores and magazines at Brookfield and Springfield. Massaschusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.

Joseph W. Olds and Deborah Harwood of Holland, MA, filed intentions of marriage at Brookfield, MA, 20 Aug. 1833. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Julia, b. 16 June 1822, dau. of Ashley and Mary Oles. Otis Births. Mass. VR to 1850.

Katy Olds and Otis Allen, of Bakersfield, VT, were married at Brookfield, MA, 17 Jan. 1805. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Kingsley Olds, son of Timothy and Polly, was born at Dalton, MA, 16 Oct. 1793. Dalton Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Kingsley Olds, child of Daniel and Lois, was born at Peru, MA, 21 Jan. 1794. Peru Births. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Laura Oles (Olds) of Otis and John J. Hbbard of Sandisfield filed intentions of marriage at Otis, MA, 17 Nov. 1842. Otis Marriages. Mass. VR to 1850.

Laury Oles (Olds), a daughter of Ephraim and Roxa (Oles) Olds, b. 16 May 1819. Otis Births. Otis Deaths. Vital Records of Mass. to 1850.

Lorrin Oles (Olds), a son of Ephraim and Roxa, b. 21 April 1821. Otis Births. Otis Deaths. Vital Records of Mass. to 1850.

Levi Olds, a married man, died 14 July 1846, age 54, of canker rash. Charlton Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 257 Lois Olds married Josiah Rockwood at Suffield, CT, on 8 June 1769. He is indexed under Rockford. Their children recorded at Suffield were Josiah Rockford, b. 30 Aug. 1770 and Samuel, b. 6 July 1773. Schott, Suffield VR

Lois Olds, child of Daniel and Lois, was born at Peru, MA, 28 Oct. 1790. Peru Births. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Lovisa Olds and Josiah Burroughs filed intentions of marriage, 15 June 1823. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Lucinda, b. 31 Aug. 1825, dau. of Ashley and Mary Oles. Otis Births. Mass. VR to 1850.

Lucretia Olds, single, of Lowell, MA, age 22, tailoress, daughter of Gideon, m. Benjamin P. Battles, single, age 25, of Lowell, manufacturer, son of Benjamin, on 16 Dec. 1846. Lowell Marriages. Early Records of Middlesex County, Massachusetts to about 1850 CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, Co.

Lucy Olds and Eli Peck (of Lenox) were married 27 Aug. 1848. (See also Eliza Olds) West Stockbridge Marriages. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Luke Olds and Nancy P. Miller were married at Palmer, MA, 19 Oct. 1832. Palmer Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Luke Olds, age 25, died 16 Dec. 1835. Warren Deaths. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Lyman Olds and wife had an infant son who died in Sept., 1809, at Richmond, MA. Richmond Deaths. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Lyman Oles was born 10 Dec. 1830 at Chester, MA, and is apparently buried there. [The ref. used is G. R. 3] Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Margaret Old was wife of Samuel Jacobs (1671-1741/2) of New Haven, CT. Ancestral Chart, The American Genealogist, Vol. 33 (1957), p. 174.

Martha Olds, daughter of Reuben and Elizabeth was born at Brookfield, MA, 13 Dec. 1781. Early Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO (c. 2000)

Martin Olds, son of Timothy and Polly Olds, was born at Dalton, MA, on 14 March 1798. Dalton Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Martin Olds, son of Capt. Daniel and Lois, was born at Peru, MA, 30 March 1798. Peru Births. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Mary Old married Benjamin Denslow at Suffield, CT, Nov. [ ], 1748. Schott, Suffield VR

Mary Olds, widow, married John Bacon, Jr., at Brookfield on 25 March 1763. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Mary Olds m. Peter Rice, Jr., at Brookfield on 21 March 1824. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Mary Ann Olds, daughter of Newbury and Abigail, d. 7 April 1847, of fever, age 4 y 9 d. West Stockbridge Deaths. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Matilda Olds, daughter of Daniel and Lois, was born at Peru, MA, 25 Sept. 1803. Peru Births. Early Records of

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 258 Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Matilda Olds m. Daniel Upham, 10 June 1824, at Brookfield, MA. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Meriam Olds married Oliver Walker, Jr., 14 March 1797. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Moses Old appears on a muster roll dated 1756, apparently from Ware, MA, as having served within the last two years. He was in Capt. Ingersoll's Company and taken from a list of the persons in the South Regiment of Hamshire County under the command of Co. Wm. Worthington. He would have to have been older than any Moses Olds in my document.

Moses Olds married Keziah Shaw 30 Oct. 1780 at Brookfield, MA. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Myrta Olds. Columbian Register, 7 Feb. 1818: "Branford, married the 17th, Nathaniel Frisbie and Myrta Olds, had a daughter born the 18th, put in the stocks the 19th, and c ommitted to jail in this city [New Haven] the 20th." "Clippings. The American Genealogist, Vol. 11 P. 192 (Jan. 1935).

Nabby (Nabbey) Olds and Nathaniel were married at Palmer, MA, 28 March 1790. Palmer Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Nathaniel Olds m. Anne Thomas in Boston, 4 June 1747. Boston Marriages 1700 -1751. Suffolk Co. Vital Records of MA CD-ROM. The Duxbury Marriages referende lists him as Nathaniel Oals or Oats of Boston and her as Anna Thomas of Marshfield with a date of 26 Dec. 1747. Early Vital Records of Plymouth Co., MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (second ed., c. 1996 - 2002)

Nathaniel and Sophia Olds had several children born at Cummington, Mass.: Nathan Minot, b. 31 July 1815; Sophia Adaline, b. 23 Nov. 1817; Laura Emeline, b. 27 Dec. 1819; Asenath Caroline, b. 4 Jan. 1822; Benjamin Franklin, b. 10 May 1824; James Snow, b. 25 June 1826. He first appears in a Cummington Deed of 1815, with no mention of his previous town. The family appears in the 1820 census with 1 male under 10, 1 male 16-18, 1 male 16-26, 1 male over 45, 2 females under 10 and 1 female 26-44 (with a total of 7 persons, which is inconsistent with the way I usually read the 1820 census). In 1830, the family had 1 male under 5, 1 male 5-10, 1 male 10-15, 1 male 40-50, 1 female 5-10, 2 females 10-15, and 1 female 30-40. By 1840, the family was no longer in Cummington. The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD- ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000).

Nathaniel Olds marreid Sally Avery, daughter of Stephen Avery (of Groton, MA). She was b. 12 March 1792, married (2) William Roberts and died 2 Nov. 1874 at Madison, WI. Children of Nathaniel and Sally (Avery) Olds were: Caroline Olds m. Daniel Stafford Clara Olds m. (1) Charles Sherman; (2) Jacob Smith Elizabeth Olds m. George Hopkins Adeline Electa Olds, b. 16 Oct. 1827; m. George Youngs Foote; d. 2 March 1893 at Batavia, NY Jane Olds m. Anthony Needham there were several other who d. young (The Groton Avery Clan by Elroy M.Avery and Catharine H. Avery, Vol. I, Cleveland, 1912.)

Nathaniel Olds, probably formerly of Cummington, Mass., was in (Welchfield?), OH, by October, 1837. See p. xix, Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Newbury Olds of Egremont and Abigail Andrews filed marriages intentions 10 Jan. 1838. West Stockbridge Marriages. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) Newbury Olds, farmer, and wife Abigail had son James Andrew Olds, b. 2 Feb.1845. West

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 259 Stockbridge Births. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) Mary Ann Olds, daughter of Newbury and Abigail, d. 7 April 1847, of fever, age 4 y 9 d. West Stockbridge Deaths. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Olive Olds Noyes, wife of Stephen Noyes, d. 4 Jan. 1837, age 61 (thus b. ca. 1776). They were both of Cummington when married on March 5 (or Jan 25), 1807. Among their children were: Sabra, b. 6 Dec. 1807; Orpha, b. 24 Feb. 1810; Lucy, b. 11 Nov. 1814; Cynthia, b. 12 Sept. 1812; Roxana, b. Feb. 1816; Amanda, b. 15 May 1818; Olive, b. 20 Apr.1821. VR of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Olive A. Olds, single, of Lowell, MA, daughter of Gideon and Elizabeth, of Vermont, and Laurens William Dennett Shackford, single, of Lowell, machinist, son of Josiah R. and Mary, on N. H., marriage intentions filed 3 July 1849. Lowell Marriages. Early Records of Middlesex County, Massachusetts to about 1850 CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, Co. (c. 1998)

Orrin W. Olds of Sandisfield and Jerusha A. Carier of Norfolk, Conn., were married 1 Mar. 1849. West Stockbridge Marriages. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Ozias Olds (Oles) and Cordelia Andrews filed marriage intentions 4 Oct.1837. West Stockbridge Marriages. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Perry Olds and Frances A. Whiting filed marriage intentions 26 May 1849. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Persis Olds, dau. of Ruben (Reuben) and Mary, was born at Brookfield, MA, 9 Feb. 1758. Persis Olds married Ephraim Walker at Brookfield, 26 July 1781. Brookfield Births and Marriages. Early Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO (c. 2000)

Persis Olds, dau. of Chester Olds, d. July 31, 1837, age 20 at E. Packard's . VR of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Polly Olds m. George Martin, int. at Brookfield dated 13 Oct. 1799. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Polly Oles (Olds), Mrs., and Silas C. Spencer, both of Otis, were married at Otis, MA, 4 Aug. 1836. Otis Marriages. VR of Mass. to 1850.

Rebecca Olds, daughter of Ruben (Reuben) and Mary Olds, was born 16 Sept. 1756 at Brookfield, MA. Rebecca Olds married Moses Hastings at Brookfield, 27 Aug. 1781. Brookfield Births and Marriages. Early Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO (c. 2000)

Reuben (Ruben) Old and Mary Rice filed their intentions of marriage on Oct. ___ 1754 in Brookfield, MA. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000). Their children were Persis and Rebecca, elsewhere in this list.

Reuben Olds and Elisabeth Haywoood were married at Brookfield, MA, 23 Jan. 1781. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Reuben Olds and Azubah Walker were married 17 March 1785 at Brookfield. Experience, dau. of Reuben and Azubah was born there 15 Oct. 1785. Azubah, wife of Reuben Olds died there Jan. 1832. Reuben Olds, widower of Azubah, died there 9 Aug. 1840. Early Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO (c. 2000)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 260 Reuben Old had a child who died at Sturbridge, MA, in June 1790. [G. S. 3] Sturbridge Vital Records. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Rhoda Ann Olds, daughter of David and Persis, was born 11 Aug. 1808. Groton Births. Groton Early Vital Records of Middlesex County, Massachusetts to about 1850. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 1998)

Rhoda Ann Olds and Jonas Melven, both of Concord, were married there by Abiel Haywood, Justice of the peace, 7 Feb. 1833. Concord Registers --- Book III. Concord Births, Marriages and Deaths. Early Vital Records of Middlesex County, Massachusetts to about 1850. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 1998)

Robert Oldis (maybe he was an Olds?) was a private in Capt. John Dennis's co., in a regiment commanded by Lieut. Col. John Parke, pay roll for Aug., 1778; service, 1 mo. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolunion.

Roxcey Olds, daughter of Timothy and Polly, was born at Dalton, MA, on 25 Nov. 1787. Dalton Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Ruth Olds m. Simeon Blair, 30 Nov. 1817, Brookfield, MA. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Sabrina Olds was born about 1784 at Sheffield, MA. She married William Owen, 9 Nov. 1784 in Sheffield, MA and she died after 10 Oct. 1790 and before 25 May 1792. Art Wilson, Sr. ([email protected], query on the OLDS genforum, 31 March 2000)

Sally Olds of Ashford, CT, and Eli Woolworth filed intentions of marriage at Chester, MA, 26 April 1784. Chester Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Sarah Olds and Jonathan Brigham filed intentions of marriage at Brookfield, MA, 14 May 1774. Brookfield Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Sarah Oles (Olds) m. Agur Hyde, 4 Sept. 1812. Otis Marriages. VR of Mass. to 1850.

Sarah A. Olds was born ______1834. G. R. 15. West Springfield Births.Early Vital Records of Western MA CD- ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Sarah Mariah Olds, daughter of Barnus and Abigail Olds, was born 23 Aug. 1833. Warren Births. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., CO. (c. 2000)

Seth B. Olds and Susanna Ball filed intentions of marriage at Palmer on 29 Sept. 1841. Apparently he cannot be equated with the Seth Banister Olds of the main text. Palmer Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000) Seth B. and Susanna Olds had a son, George F., b. 3 Aug. 1844 at Warren. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Sibbel Olds, daughter of Timothy and Polly, was born at Dalton, MA, 15 Aug. 1790. Dalton Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Silas Olds [Dr.] and Miss Nancy Slocum, both of Dartmouth, filed marriage intentions at Dartmouth, MA, 2 Nov. 1806. Nancy S. Olds, of Dartmouth, widow of Dr. ____ , and Benjamin R. Tucker, merchant, of Dartmouth, filed marriage intentions there, 28 Oct. 1813. Dartmouth Marriages. Early Vital Records of Bristol Co., MA, CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 261 Silas Olds of Goshen and Sally Prentice of Cummington were married 28 Jan. 1820. The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000).

Silence Olds, dau. of Widow Lamb, d. 14 Oct. 1755, age 44. (Record of First Congregational Church, West Springfield). West Springfield Deaths. Vital Records of West Springfield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. The other widow Lamb mentioned in these records is Mary, d. 18 April 1782, age 80 (widow of Samuel Lamb, d. 17 July 1769, age 76). She was therefore too young to be the mother of Silence. Silence may have been single.

Silence Olds had a child who died 1 June 1762. West Springfield Deaths. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000).

Sophronia Olds and James Hanks 2nd filed intentions of marriage at Greenwich, MA, on 10 April 1842 and were married there 4 May 1842. She was of Greenwich and she was of Pelham. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp,, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Stephen Olds married Clarinda Howd (b.4 Aug. 1749), dau. of Daniel, on 31July 1774 at Northford, CT. Jacobus, Donald L., "The Howd Family of Branford", The American Genealogist, Vol 38. p. 144.

Stephen Olds and Rachel Church, both of West Springfield, filed marriage intentions there on 30 June 1787 and these were published 1 July 1 1787. Marriages in West Springfield. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000).

Submit Olds, m. Gen. John Ellis, of Onondaga County, NY, c1810. Query in NEXUS XIV:6, p. 209

Susan Olds and Almon Swytcher filed intentions of marriage 13 May 1820. Warren Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

Thomas Olds and Mar y Weatherbee, both of Southwick, Mass., were married at Suffield, CT, on 4 Nov. 1851, by A. A. Washburn. Schott, Suffield VR

Timothy and Polly Olds were the parents of five children listed in Dalton Births from 1787 - 1795. They were Deborah, Kingsley, Martin, Roxcey, and Sibbel. E. B. Olds lists Timothy Olds of Dalton, MA, b. 6 March 1763, as a son of James Ould of North Ashford, CT, and suggests that possibly James was a son of the Ebenezer Olds who was a son of the immigrant Robert. Dalton Births. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

William Olds of Whitestown, NY, and Abigail Newton were married 22 Aug. 1798. Worcester Marriages. Early Vital Records of Worcester County, MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

William Olds and Anna McElwain filed intentions of marriage at Palmer, MA, on 26 Sept. 1807. Palmer Marriages. Early Vital Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge CO., (c. 2000)

William Olds of Springfield and Mary Reed of Cummington were married Nov. 6, 1839. The Vital Records of Cummington, Mass. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM, Search and Research Publishing Company, Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000).

William G. Olds d. 1 Nov. 1837, age 24. His widow, Phebe Jane, housekeeper (b. Hillsdale, NY, dau. of Oliver Andrews and Phebe), died of consumption 6 Aug. 1848, age 37 y. 8 m. 24 d. West Stockbridge Deaths. Early Records of Western MA CD-ROM. Search and Research Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO. (c. 2000)

William L. Oles (Olds), d. 4 Sept. 1822, age 17 mo., son of Ashley and Mary Oles. Otis Deaths. Mass. VR to 1850.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 262 Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 263 Appendix C. Olds Line in England

Extracted from Edson B. Olds. The Olds (Old, Ould) Family in England and America, American Genealogy by Edson B. Olds, English Pedigree by Miss Susan S. Gascoyne Old, of London, England, Washington, DC, 1915.

Much of Miss Old's material was collected by her uncle, William Watkins Old, an antiquarian.

Mention is made of the original name "Wold" pr onounced Old. The family were thanes in Yorkshire and mentioned in Domesday Book. The village of Wold or Old in Huntingdonshire belonged to the Wolds of Derby. Village is mentioned as between Brixworth Station and Lamport in Northamptonshire, having a Church of St. Andrew.

The main branch of the family moved from Yorkshire to Rowton Hall in Shropshir e where they lived from 1257 to 1815.

1. Roger Wold lived at Flixtune in Yorkshire. Also called of Yolthorpe, Co. York, between 1189 and 1199, Richard I. i. Agnes m. Godfrey, son of William Erneburg of Flixtune, Co. York. 2. ii. William iii. Roger a chaunting monk of Whitby iv. John a minstrel to the King. Composed a miracle play called "St. Cuthbert" performed at York on March 20th, 1223.

2. William Wold m. Alice, dau. of William Erneburg of Flixtune. He lived in the reign of King John and Henry III and his seal is on a charter in the British Museum (Campbell I, 25, Hy III, 1239)

3. i. John Le Olde ii. Roger Wold iii.Thomas m. Christiana, went south with Robert to Colchester, Co. Essex, 1296 - 1301. His name appears on a taxa tion list for that town from 24 to 29 Edw. I (Parliamentar y Rollls, Vol I, British Museum) iv. Robert, went south with Thomas; for want of means stopped at Cambridge, where he entered the service of the Lord of Granteste "for Velleinage Socage" (List Vavasouri for Lordship of Tranteste. Roberti Hundridorum Temp. Edw. I)

3. John Le Olde, lived at Liddington, near Cirencester, and was manucaptor for Sir John de Langleye, knight of the shire for Gloucester. (Parliamentary wills, Edw. I, 1297, and Edw. II, 1311). The office of manucaptor was always held by a person of position and consideration. He lived to a great age. 4. i. Richarde, born 1250. ii. Christian iii.Agnes, a nun

4. Richarde Wold, b. 1250. His name was the first on the pedigree of Old of Rowton (first of the Shropshire Olds) and he is stated to be "fourth in descent". i. William of Momersfield, Co. Salop, living in 1331 ii. Agnes Wold, m. Henry de Rowton a. Agnes m. Richard Hawliss b. William de Rowton of Rowton Castle, Co. Salop, d. there without issue. c. Alice de Rowton, m. Galfridus Wold (below) 5. iii. Roger Wold

5. Roger Wold, purchased the estate of Sheriff Hales, Co. Salop, the 25th of Edw. III, of "ye lord of ye manor" (1350) 6. i. Galfridus ii. Walter Holde of Stokestown, Co. Salop. (Eschequer Subsidies, 1325)

6. Galfridus Wold, son of Roger, m. his cousin Alice de Rowton, and thus came into possession of Sheriff Hales and Rowton Hall.

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 264 7. i. William ii. John (Campbell Charters, British Museum, 8 Hy III, 1408) First Old of Yeavely, Co. Derby iii. Robert, sub-prior of Cern Abbey at the election of Abbot Godmanston.

7. William Wold, living at Rowton in 1406. 8. i. Roger ii. Agnes, married a Benthall.

8. Roger Wold, 8th in descent, son of William, m. Mary a relation of the celebrated Sir John Talbot; in 1436 he went to France on some military service. In 1451, he was bailiff and receiver of rents for the manors of Cowley, Coton, and Burghall. 9. i. John

9. John Olde, son of Roger, m. Jane Eyton i. John, a priest, became a reformer and was disinherited; was a friend of Latimer and Cramer. Full particulars of him will be found in the Royal Historical Societies' Transactions Vol. II, p. 198 (1572). He was ordained priest in 1540, was Prebend of Hereford and was presented to the vicarage of Cubbington, Co. Warwick, by the Duchess of Somerset. He wrote as "John Bayle" and published many books, among them "Acquittal of King Edward VI" (Nov. 7, 1555). (Strype's 'Cranmer', Vol. I, pt. II, p. 47, and Vol. II, pt.II, p. 273; Haigh's list of books published in England prior to 1600 in the library of King's Inn, Dublin, 1858, p. 14). He was exiled in the reign of Queen Mary. ii. Agnes, became a reformer; disinherited. 10. iii. William.

10. William Olde, son of John, lived at Staunton; married his cousin, Elizabeth, daughter of Hezekiah Eyton, Esq. His name appears in the Salopian Exchequer Subsidies, 1522 - 1545. He succeded to the estates on the death of his father, because John, the eldest son, became a reformer. (Wm. Watkins Old, of Hereford, uncle of Miss Susie Gascoyne Old, was at Broseley in 1861, and in Quartrich's shop found a deed relating to some land at Staunton, dated 1584, and signed by Wm. Olde) i. Thomas, d. 1599 11. ii. Richard, d. 1599. From him are descended the OLDS OF DORSET, OULDS OF IRELAND, OLDS OF SHROPSHIRE, OLDS OF SHERBOURNE, and OLDS OF AMERICA. FOR CONTINUATION OF THESE LINES SEE OLD OF DORSET. iii. John, married Margaret; afterwards Elizabeth. Founder of the OLD OF RAMSEY, Co. Huntingdon.

11. Richard Olde, son of William, died at Broseley, 1599, m. Agnes Courtenay. He is mentioned in the list of bailiffs of the Wenlock Corporation, 26 Eliz., also 1610 and 1617. He died upwards of 90 years old. From him are descended the Olds of Dorset, Devon and Cornwall. Administration granted to his widow, May 9, 1599, at H.M.C. of Probate, London. Agnes Courtenay, his wife was a kinswoman of Lord Courtenay; through this marriage the estate of Oldsoke, Co. Somerset, came into the Olds family about half a century later. 12. i. William, d. Dec. 18, 1566 ii. Richard, of St. Veryan, Co. Cornwall, near Tregory; m.Charity Penrose. (OLDE OF CORNWALL) iii.Edward Ould, living 1544. (Decree Books in the Record Office, Vol. II, p. 338, Hilary I, Phil. and Mary, 1554.)

12. William Olde, son of Richard, married Anne (Eleanor Courtenay) and then travelled to Sherborne, Co. Dorset, where he got in trouble for harboring a Jesuit priest. His house appears to have been ransacked, and the priest, Father Edward, found hidden in a large oak chest under a curtain. This Wm. Olde was not a rich man, and considerable pressure was put upon him by the Protestant party. In 1566, October 20, he was baptized at Sherborne Church, according to the rites of the Church of England, but after this date we find him paying fines for not attending the Anglican Church, and his wife was fined heavily for "continually and persistently going to sleep during the learned discourses of the worthy vicar." About this period the persecution of the Roman Catholics became so strong that, whatever their private lives, they were compelled to outwardly conform to the forms and ceremonies of the Church of England. He died Dec. 18, 1566, before his father, and was buried in Sherborne Churchyard. (Parish Register). i. Thomas, d. 1593 13. ii.Bartholomew

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 265 iii.John, went to Lackingdon, Co. Essex; married Anne Osbourne.

13. Bartholomew, son of William, was living at Sherborne, January 10, 1594. He married, June 21, 1574, Margaret Churchill, great aunt of the Duke of Marlborough (Parish Register). He "aided and abetted his brother Thomas in hiding Father Eustace, a priest of the Order of Jesus". 14. i. William, b. Jan. 18, 1575. ii. Sibell, b. at Sherborne, Dec. 16, 1576; m. 3 July 1592, Hugh Exall, of Yeovill. iii. Margaret, b. at Sherborne, 24 Feb. 1581; d. young iv. John, of Queen's Camel; born July 6, 1583, d. June 8, 1641; m. Dorothy; from him the line of OLD OF YEOVIL descends. The estate of Chilton Cantelo, near Yeovil, is still in possession of the Goodfords, descendants of this branch. (Burke's Landed Gentry of England). v. Tristram, born at Clawton, Co. Devon, 1579 (?) vi.John Francis, born at Clawton, Co. Devon.

14. William, son of Bartholomew, b. at Sherborne, Jan. 18, 1575; m. Elizabeth Greensmith, at St. Stephens, Coleman St., London. i. Bartholomew, b. at Sherbourne, May 19, 1603 15. ii. John, b. 1615; d. 1682 iii.Avis, born at Sherborne, Jan. 14, 1623

15. John Olde, son of William, born at Sherborne, 1615; buried at Hillfield, Jan. 15, 1682. Married ______Gatherest2416, who was buried at Chard, May 29, 1660. i. Andrew, b. 1642, d. 1704; see OULDS OF IRELAND. 16. ii. Robert, b. 1645; d. 1728; see OLDS OF AMERICA iii.John, b. 1647; d. 1697; ancestor of Olds of SHERBORNE iv. Hanibal, m. Gilion. ancestor of OLDS OF GLANVIILLE-WOOTTEN. v. Francis, bur. at Mintern, Feb. 17, 1730. m. Anne. who was buried at Piddle Trenthide, June 4, 1733. Ancestor of OLDS of PIDDLE TRENTHIDE.

16. Robert Ould (Old), son of John Olde and ______Gatherest, of Sherborne, Co. Dorset, England, was born at Sherborne in 1645; emigrated to America, date unknown; first discovered at Windsor, Conn., in 1667, apprenticed to Jacob Drake; married there Dec. 31, 1669 to Susannah Hanford (d. 6 Jan. 1688); moved to Suffield, Conn., 1673; m. there Dorothy Granger, 1 April 1689.

2416 "Gartherett. This is one of the many curious forms of Ge rtrude to be found in Dors et Regi sters, others noticed being, Garthred 1612, Garthared 1630, Gartrey 1630, Garthra 1656, and Garter 1662. Gartherett d. Mr. Sidnym bp. Sturminster Marshall 1607." Dawe, Phillip N., Girls' Names in Dorset c. 1300 - 1850 ( printed by C. J. Creed, Broadoak, n. d. Copy at Family History Library, Salt Lake City, British 942.33 D4d)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 266 Bibliography

Chase, Alfred, History of Ware, Massachusetts (The University Press, Cambridge, 1911)

Noon, Alfred, The History of Ludlow, Massachusetts, with Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens, Reminisces, Genealogies, Farm Histories, and an Account of the Centennial Celebration, June 17, 1814, 2nd Edition (Springfield, Mass, 1912, repr. by Heritage Books, Bowie, MD, 1999)

Olds, Edson B., The Olds (Old, Ould) Family in England and America, (Washington, DC, 1915)

Smith, Edward Church and Smith, Philip Mack, with the assistance of Theodore Clarke Smith, A History of the Town of Middlefield, Massachusetts (Privately Printed, 1924)

Schott, Nancy E., comp., The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records, Suffield, 1674 - 1850 (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 2002).

Wright, Curtis, Genealogical and Biographical History of the Descendants of Sir John Wright of Essex, England, in England and America, (Carthage, MO, 1915)

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 267 INDEX This index was partially created from a WordPerfect concordance file. The advantage is the ease with which an index can be prepared. Disadvantages include the facts that it does not show given names and that it indexes words, not just surnames. Thus Warren may appear in the index from a given name as well as a surname and the word snow is indexed whether it is a surname or not.

King Jemimah 18, 41 Elizabeth (Archer) 40 Lovina 40 Pelatiah 40 Lovina 18 Abbott 56, 57 Lucy 18, 40 Betsy 56 Mary 18, 40 Ackerly 111, 113, 171, 172 Ralph 41 Ackerman 214 Roxellana (Hancock) 40 Adams 2, 13, 74, 76, 100, 124, 130, 131, 134, 171, Sabra 18, 29, 40 188 Thomas 17, 18, 29, 40, 41 Joanna 2 Arlington 223, 236 Lucy Barnard 13 Arnold 89, 112 Maria Louise (Dresbach) 76 Arthur Minerva 76 Elizabeth 41 Phila 74 Ashley Albee 101, 102, 163, 164 John 33 Alden 127, 138, 186, 212, 234 Aspinwall 238, 241 Aldrich 124, 181, 254 Atchinson Allen 67, 70, 82, 87, 107, 108, 116, 121, 145, 150, John 3 155, 157, 168, 169, 204, 205, 208, Atchison 4, 7-9 209, 216, 235, 243, 257 Elizabeth 4 Tabitha 70 Atherton 224 Anderson 132, 149, 189, 190, 208, 216, 226 Averill 88 Andrus 49, 50, 52, 89, 92, 93, 157 Avery 115, 257, 259 Byron E. 50 Bacon 125, 183, 258 Celestine 50 Bailey 68 Chester 49, 50 Frances Olds 68 Cynthia 50 William 68 Fanny M. 50 Baker 66, 111, 121, 131, 171, 179, 189 Fanny Olds 49, 50 Juliet 66 Jerome 50 Baldwin 36, 37, 71, 72, 74, 126, 127, 131, 132, Lydia Elizabeth 50 183-186, 188, 224, 225, 245 Martha J. 50 Baldwin 36 Apps 177, 220 Elnathan 36 Aprile 173, 219 Esther 36 Apthorp 91 Esther Bissel 36 Arbogast 242 Lois 36, 71 Archer 17, 18, 29, 30, 40, 41, 63, 64 Ball 8, 20, 21, 76, 132, 134, 261 Azubah 18, 40 Elizabeth 21 Azubah (Old) 18, 40, 41 Elizabeth Olds 20 Azubah Old 17, 18, 40, 41 Jonathan 8, 20 Diantha 41 Lebbeus 8, 20 Elizabeth 18, 40 Thankful Stow 20 Eusebius 18, 40 Balliett 166, 215 Gurdon 41 Ballou 128 Hannah (Coy) 40 Baltzy 75 Harriet 40 Jacob 75

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 268 Banister 27, 56, 57, 100, 261 Aaron 62 Elizabeth 27, 56, 57 Biggs 175 Banta 236 Bingham 28, 95, 125, 160, 182 Barbour 1-4, 6, 7, 13, 15, 17, 35, 267 Jonathan 28 Bardwell Sarah Olds 28 Jonathan 42 Birch 118, 177 Barker 35, 70, 71, 255 Bissel Barker 255 Esther 36 Hannah Olds 255 Bissell 1, 36, 46, 81, 85, 143, 144, 178 Ruth 35, 70, 71 Hannah 46 Barkman 194 Thomas 1 Barnard 13, 34, 40, 92, 154, 155, 208 Blackwood 183, 222 Jacob 40 Blair 58, 59, 261 Lovina (Archer) 40 Miriam Olds 58 Lucy 34 William, Jr. 58 Thomas 40 Blis Barnes 11, 12, 28-31, 40, 140, 160, 199, 255 Loisa 42 Abigail 12, 40 Bliss 42, 76, 147 Hannah Old 11 Louisa 42 Moses 11 Blush 84 Barns Boardman Aaron 5 Rebecca 51 Deborah Old 5 Bolds 98 Hannah Old 5 Booth 174, 213 Moses 5 Botkin 214 Barnum 93, 157, 158 Bowers 237 Barr 208 Boyd 165, 169, 214 Barrett 42, 75, 102, 208 Bradford 96, 162, 171, 188, 224, 225 John 75 Branch 1, 96, 264, 266 Smith 42 Brewer Bartlet 31, 65 David 42 Luther 65 Briggs 217 Mercy Olds 31 Bristol 98, 240, 245, 255, 261 Olive Olds 65 Britton 168, 202 Solomon 31 Brooks 99, 100, 153, 163, 205, 206 Bates 81, 143 Brown 43, 77-79, 81, 92, 93, 138, 139, 143, 144, Batey 87, 150 149, 157, 172, 219, 246 Baxter 32, 65, 164 Polly 78 Beckley 214 Bryant 2, 135, 136, 193, 194, 227, 236, 237, Beebe 139, 140, 198 239-241, 243, 245, 248-251 Bemis Buckland 50 Rejoice Olds 59 Sarah 50 Stephen 59 Bunker 12, 51, 90, 91 Bene 144 Mary 51 Bennett 42, 48, 63, 77, 81, 86, 168, 198 Burke 229, 238, 242 Abram 48 Burket 213 Amelia Mather 48 Burnham 67, 115, 174 Catherine (Olds) 77 Betsey Olds 67 Charles, Jr. 42 David 67 Clarissa Olds 63 Elisha K. 67 Samuel 77 Emma 67 Benson 5, 115 Henry B. 67 Betts 129, 186, 187 Lora 67 Bickerman 191 Luthera 67 Biderman 238, 241 Marcus 67 Bigelow 62 Martha E. 67

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 269 Martin 67 Cole 75, 147, 148, 163, 172, 177, 203, 204, 213, Rosette 67 219 Burr 92, 155, 156, 208 Clara 75 Burrell 241 Coleman 36, 85, 86, 266 Burt 110, 171 Comstock 42, 43, 77, 138 Bush 97, 162, 163, 183, 184, 222 Catherine 42, 43, 77 Buskirk 153, 206 Cromwell 42 Butler 34, 69, 133, 191, 230, 239 Cromwell Brown 43, 77 Button 79, 110 Jacob 43 Bluett 79 Jacob, Jr. 77 Sally (Olds) 79 Mehitable (Olds) 77 Byrd 165, 214 Mehitable Olds 43 Cady 122, 183, 222 Cone 82, 133, 146, 147 Cahoon 50 Conklin 201 Calkins 174, 199, 231 Converse 134, 139 Call 20, 167, 193, 246 Cook 79, 92, 129, 141, 145, 156, 163, 201, 209, Campbell 238, 264, 265 213, 214 Carew 120, 121, 179 Almerine 79 Carey 251 Alonzo 79 Carolus 74, 131, 132 Chester 79 Anna Maria 74 Dwight 79 Carpenter 63, 100, 110, 114, 155, 160, 161 Erastus 79 Sally M. 63 Leonard 79 Carter 22, 48 Maria 79 Lucinda Olds 22, 48 Mary Ann 79 Cary 146, 203 Melissa 79 Catchapaw 157 Polly (Olds) 79 Cattell 183, 184, 222 Ransom 79 Chandler 96, 106, 107, 162, 233 Cooley 122, 180 Chapman 110, 171, 207 Wiliam 14 Chase 5, 19, 42, 67, 267 William 14 Church 2, 4, 6-9, 14, 17-19, 29, 30, 46, 47, 52, 61, Corbin 42, 44, 46, 77, 78, 80, 81 62, 64, 66, 72, 84, 85, 91, 93, 100, Cottrell 204 108, 111-113, 126, 130, 131, 160, Covil 195, 228 169, 184, 187, 204, 224, 237, Cowdery 178, 220 240-243, 249-251, 256, 262, 264, Cowles 42, 81, 200, 239 265, 267 Joshua 42 Lucy 66 Coy Churchill 4, 8, 21, 266 Hannah 40 Winston 4, 21 Crampton 53, 95 Claar 189 Mary 53 Clark 17, 18, 36, 71, 86, 111, 113, 124, 134, 160, Crane 208, 250 171, 172, 174, 181, 218, 219, 225, Cromwell 42, 43, 77, 138, 185, 223 230, 253 Crosby 52, 91, 163 Azubah Old 17 Abijah 52 Daniel 17, 18, 36, 71 Catherine 52 Tryphena (Olds) 36, 71 Catherine Olds 52 Tryphena Olds 36 Thomas Daniel 52 Zardus 71 Cross 61, 154, 155, 208, 248 Clarke 75, 115, 147, 190, 267 Cummings 19, 163, 255 Cleveland 37, 52, 91, 106, 137, 154, 159, 197, 207, Jonathan 19 230, 251, 257, 259 Curry 130, 166, 187, 215 Clisbee 127, 186 Curtis 77, 120, 126, 127, 136, 183-186, 195, 223, Cloud 129 250, 267 Coe 165, 214 Curtiss 63, 89, 191, 226 Colby 170, 218 Abigail 63

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 270 Cutter 75, 164, 213, 214 Douglass 159 Cutting 149 Dowd 192, 227 Daniels 43-46, 78, 79, 81, 140 Drake 1, 89, 266 Anna 43 Jacob 1 Anny 78, 79 Noah 1 Asa 44, 46 Draper 58-60, 102 David 44, 79 Amanda 59, 60 Hannah (Olds) 79 Elizabeth 58 Hannah Olds 44 Dresbach 76, 135 Justin 45 Dreshbach Lurana Olds 46 Maria Louise 76 Lurane Olds 44 Drury Lydia 44 Relief 57 Nicholas 45 Duffy 217 Roxana 44 Dunlap 152 Danielson Durham 117, 176, 177, 240, 241, 256 , Colonel 22 Durkee 25, 26, 52, 53, 170, 218 Timothy 21 Eunice 25, 26, 52, 53 Danks 140, 198 Dusen 177 Darte 33 Dustin 131, 188, 244 Roxcellano 33 Earle 150 Davis 51, 89, 90, 118, 152, 177, 184, 185, 200, 205, Easterday 179, 221 223, 231, 234 Eaton 78 Rachel 51 Betsy 78 Dayton 133, 191 Eddy 123, 212, 234 De Voght 151 Edwards 117, 177, 213, 220, 236 Dean 5, 233 Eggers 242 Elizabeth 5 Ehret 237, 240, 242, 243 Delaney 121 Elder 163 Deming 67, 117 Eldridge 24 Mary Ann 67 , Mr. 24 Dennison 129, 187 Silence Loomis 24 Denslow 6, 13-15, 258 Ellingham 211, 233 Elizabeth 6 Ellis 17, 19, 60, 102, 185, 262 Develbliss 148, 204 Ellsworth 146, 183, 195, 202, 203, 228, 232 Dewey Elrod 207, 233 Elizabeth 38 Enegren 190, 191, 226 Silas 38 Erickson 176 Dewitt 72, 126, 217, 242 Erskine 66, 113, 173, 197, 229, 230, 239 Diddle 181 Evans 75 Dike S. D. 75 Nicholas 14 Everett 92, 139, 156, 157, 198, 209, 212, 230, 234, Dimon 156, 208 245, 250 Dimond 212, 234 Fairfield 1, 25, 26, 52, 90-93, 132, 155, 157, 167, Dingman 155 215 Disbroe 146, 203 Faust 122, 180 Dobbyn 151 Faxon 162, 213 Dodge 28, 59, 60, 101, 195, 198 Faye 198, 230 Hannah 28, 59, 60 Felkins 133, 191 Dole 185 Fellows 33, 68, 118, 253 Dolman 93 Charles Lewis 68 Doty 75, 195 George D. 68 Edward M. 75 Harrison 68 Elizabeth B. 75 John 33 Dougherty 28 Louisa Olds 68 Sarah 28 William 68

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 271 Felton 92, 154, 207 Gatherest 1, 266 Fenton 118, 177, 199 Gaunt 189, 225 Ferguson 84, 149 Gay 222, 246, 248 Ferry 108 Gaylord 83, 122, 123, 180 Fetterhoff 183, 222 Gibbs Filer 117, 176 Samuel 40 Fishback 118-120, 177, 178 Gilbert 5, 11, 13, 26-28, 30, 32, 33, 52, 54, 55, 59, Fletcher 94, 158, 236, 251 60, 66, 91, 93, 95, 97, 102, 111, Flint 67, 115-117, 175 113, 134, 135, 172, 192, 219, 254, Abigail W. 67 256 Folsom 48, 87, 115 Abigail Old 5, 11 Mary H. 48 Damaris 11 Foote 22, 259 Elizabeth Old 5, 11 Thaddeus 22 Jonathan 5 Ford 61-63, 105-107, 158, 210, 211 Josiah 11 Abigail Olds 61 Prudence 30 Daniel 61 Uriah 5, 11 Hannah 62 Gill 165 Levi 62 Gilmore 227 Lucretia 61 Givens 138, 197, 198 Matilda 61 Glessner 191 Susanna 63 Glover 8, 126, 183 Fork 202 Pelatiah 8 Fort 19, 41, 53, 90, 94, 105, 153, 178, 206, 207 Golden 45, 160, 211 Diantha (Archer) 41 Golding 116, 236 Ralph 41 Goldsworthy 119 Foster 111, 188, 224, 238 Goodrich Foust 61 Agnes 51 Henry 61 Goodridge 65, 110, 111 Mary Olds 61 Ann A. 65 Fowler 10, 23, 85, 86, 241 Goodwin 123 Hannah 10 Gouldsbury Samuel 23 Hulda 55 Silas 22 Gowen 1 Fox 23, 110 Bela E. 1 Stiles 23 Grandville 144 Fries 191 Granger 1-3, 6-8, 10, 13, 24, 25, 33, 50-52, 85, 90, Fry 188 91, 95, 104, 105, 153, 154, 166, Fuller 66, 67, 81, 113, 114, 139, 193, 198, 256 206, 232, 247, 266 Polly 66, 67 Abigail 25, 51, 52 Fulton 84, 217, 236 Abraham 13, 33 Furrow 199 Alexander 33 Gable 34, 197 Anna 33 Charles 34 Belinda Loomis 33 Elisha 34 Betsey 33 Etta 34 Daniel 10, 24, 25 Lizzie 34 Dorothy 1-3 Gaither 216, 235 Elizabeth 10, 13, 24, 33, 50 Gale 32, 66, 111, 114, 115, 174, 175, 220, 256 Elizabeth Old 10, 24, 25 Polly 32, 66 Elizabeth Olds 13, 24, 33 Ganz 191 Eunice 10, 25 Gardner 33 George Washington 33 Phoebe 33 Hannah 13, 33 Garfield 180, 221 Harriet 33 Gates Jennie Watson 24 , Maj. Gen. 42 Launcelot 1, 33

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 272 Lydia 10, 24 Abigail 9 Mary 10, 25 Mary 5 Mary Watson 24 Hanford 1-6, 9-11, 24, 95, 247, 266 Phoebe Gardner 33 Susannah 1, 3 Rhoda 10, 24 Hannaford 114 Silas 10, 25 Hannahs 185 William 13, 33 Hansen 186 Zaccheus 10, 24 Hanson 58, 100, 186, 223 Grant 2, 3, 237, 250 Harding 119, 178 Gray 119, 178, 190, 218, 226 Hardwick 29, 179, 221 Greeley 52, 53, 93-95 Hargis 178 Nancy J. 52, 53 Harkins 126 Green 45, 112, 113, 125, 211, 229, 233, 238, 246, Harlow 114, 174 247, 249 Harris 95, 111 Gregg 75, 76, 130, 134, 170, 218 Harrison 52, 68, 75, 82, 88, 91, 118, 144, 151 Chauncey Newell 76 W. James 75 Clara 76 Hartsuck 220, 221 Emma 76 Hartz 135, 192, 193 Israel 75 Harwood 148, 257 John Ball 76 Hastings 33, 58, 70, 100, 121, 122, 131, 179, 180, Joseph Olds 76 260 Margaret 76 Charles Hanson 58 Roxey (Olds) 75 Damaris Olds 58 Sallie Whitney 76 Elizabeth Granger 33 Samuel 76 Hiram 58 Griffith 63, 165 Hiram Hastings 58 Susan Olds 63 Joseph 33 Griswold 51, 256 Lucy 58 Constant 51 Thomas Herring 58 Deborah 51 William 58 Rebecca Boardman 51 Hatch 44, 80, 81, 211, 233 Grofs Eunice 44 Joshia L. 22 Hathaway Gross Charles, Jr. 14, 35 Jonah L. 49 Franklin 35 Roxanna Olds 49 Harriet 35 Grubbs 233 Hervey 35 Gunn Paulina 35 Reuben 10 Paulina (Spencer) 35 Guthrie 228, 238 Paulina Spencer 14, 35 Guzette 241, 243, 244 HAUGHTON Haden 78 Ken 1 Hadley 142, 218 Havens 46, 145, 202, 203 Hale 16, 55, 86, 97-99, 101 Benny 46 Anna 55 Haybarger 116, 175 Elizabeth 16 Hayden 1, 36, 71, 78, 139 Hall 108, 169, 177, 216, 217, 235, 249, 264 Polly 78 Hamilton 59, 62, 85, 101, 102, 113, 148, 164, 173, Hayes 24, 191, 226 189, 225 Silence 24 Clarissa 59 Hays 217, 235 Hammond 202 Hedley 170, 218 Hancock 8, 40 Hefner 164 John 8 Hendrick 140 Martha Omstead 8 Herring 58, 59, 100 Roxellana 40 Lucy Olds 58 Handchit 5, 9, 22-24 Otis 59

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 273 Polly Olds 59 Hutchings 186, 223, 224 Thomas 58 Hyatt 120 Herron 75, 133, 191 Hyde 147, 261 Theresa Louise 75 Irwin 164, 214 Hewes 27, 28, 58 Jackson 11, 65, 68, 81, 111, 119, 144, 177, 178 Abigail 27, 58 Elizabeth (Eliza) Olds 68 Higgins 176, 209 William 68 Higley 208, 233 Jacobs 195, 228, 258 Hillman 144 Jeffers 87, 149 Hills 2, 78, 120, 179, 216, 245, 247, 249 Jellison 128 Amanda (Olds) 78 Jenkins 182 Cyrus 78 Jenks 91, 128, 137, 154, 196, 197 Z. S. 2 Jennings 84, 111, 171 Hinkley 190, 226 Jermyn 187, 224 Hitchcock 29, 30 Johns 176 Abigail Olds 30 Johnson 24, 71, 84-86, 88, 111, 123, 145, 148, 149, Eli 30 151, 152, 180, 181, 197, 202, 223, Eunice Olds 29 230, 237, 239, 253 Reuben 29 Paul 24 Hixon ii, 42, 43, 77, 78, 135, 136, 193, 194, 227, Jones 19, 20, 41-46, 192, 227, 247, 254 228, 236, 239, 247, 248, 250, 251 Hannah 19, 41-46 Mehitable 42, 43, 77, 78 Juarez 132 Hoag 168, 215 Judd 91 Hodgkins 124, 181, 182 Judson 109 Hodgkinson 131 Karp 242 Hogerney 80 Kauffman 166 Holbrook 1, 80, 136, 171, 253 Keator 171, 172, 218 Jay Mack 1 Keeler 113, 143, 144, 201 Holcomb 22, 48 Keen 242, 246 Julia Olds 22, 48 Keener 221 Holmes 248 Keeran 158, 210 Hooker Keith ii, 77, 110, 136-138, 150, 196-198, 230, 239, Joseph 42 247 Hooper 230, 239 Joanna ii, 77 Hopkins 5, 109, 157, 259 Kellogg 22, 120, 179 Horton 46, 82 Enoch 22 Phillip 46 Kendall 181 Hosek 240, 243 Kennedy 156, 208 Houser 186 Kennelly 227, 237, 240 Howard 83, 93, 94, 112, 115, 147, 148, 152, 154, Kent 14, 30, 35, 36, 49, 64, 87-89, 169 157, 159, 193, 194, 203-205, 208, Abel 36 209, 211, 227, 232, 233, 237, 240, Apphia 14, 35, 36 248, 254 Lorinda Old 36 Howe 74, 132, 133 Mary Ann 49 Minerva 74 Keogh 166, 215 Hoyle 218, 233 Kidder 32, 66-68 Hubbard 73, 121, 125, 129, 139, 179, 182, 183, 198 Deliverance 32, 66-68 Huie Kiernan 241 Electa Chase Jenner 67 Kimball 213 Hull 70, 103, 104, 165, 207, 232 Kinder 228 John 70 King 3, 18, 40, 41, 246, 248, 251, 264, 265 Ruth Olds 70 Joseph 18 Hunter 65, 132, 190 Abiah 18, 41 George 65 Abiah (Old) 18, 41 Sally Olds 65 Agnes 18, 41 Hurd 145 Eli 18, 41

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 274 Elizabeth (Archer) 41 Lindsay 107 Eunice Seymour 18 Littebrant 11 Ezekiel 18, 41 Little ii, 45, 112, 187, 191, 193, 224, 245-247, Joseph 18, 41 249-252 Lucy 18, 41 Lobdell 5 Nathaniel 18, 41 Lockwood 1, 193, 227 Oliver 18, 41 Loehr 150 Pelatiah 41 Logue 218 Peletiah 18, 41 Lombard 45, 46, 81 Sabra 18, 41 Asenath 45, 46 Tryphena Bowker 18 Asenath Olds 45 Kinsman 115 Cynthia 45 Kinyon 83 Jonathan 45 Knapp 124, 150, 181, 204, 205 Jonathan, Jr. 46 Knight 151, 188, 264 Justin 45 Konas 207 Longley 148, 204 Krohn 198, 230 Loomis 24, 33, 47-50, 85, 86 Lamb 3, 4, 143, 172, 219, 247, 262 Belinda 33 Daniel 4 Elizabeth Morley 47 Elizabeth 3 John 24 Lamport 264 Mary 47, 48 Lamson 30, 64 Nehemiah 47 Ruth 30 Silence 24, 49, 50 Lanahan 241 Silence Hayes 24 Lane 53, 174 Lovejoy 216 Larned 51, 90 Lovell 179 Harriet R. 51 Lowell 154, 157, 209, 255, 258, 260 Larrabee Ludwig 242 Chipman 73 Lundgren 240, 242, 243 Clarissa 73 Lusk 87, 88, 151 Cynthia Olds 73 Lyman 19, 36, 37, 63, 71, 72, 74-76, 107, 126, 130, Fannie 73 133-135, 183, 187, 188, 224, 253, Harriet 73 258 Ira 73 Apphia (Olds) 36, 71 Lucy 73 Apphia Olds 36 Martha M. 73 Experience 36, 71 Timothy 73 Phinehas 36 Larson 212, 234 Thaddeus 36, 71 Lathrop 77, 121, 137, 179, 197, 223, 250 Lynch 176, 220 Lauer 175, 215 Maddocks 236 Laughlin 109, 170, 171 Magee 75 Lawson 137, 155, 189, 197, 229, 230, 238 Kittie 75 Leach 85 Mahan 75 Leland 122, 200, 231, 239, 256 Maggie 75 Leonard 79, 80, 86, 141, 142, 149, 188 Malley 228 Lewis 7, 9, 17, 19, 32, 56, 57, 66-68, 72, 77, 80, 96, Manion 240, 242 100, 110, 111, 113, 116-118, 126, Manley 72, 126, 144, 146, 201-203 127, 131, 134, 136, 143-145, 156, Maranville 109 158, 160, 161, 163, 171, 172, Margenie 174-177, 195-197, 201, 208, Dennie 48 210-212, 220, 228-230, 233, 234, Rhoda Mather 48 250 Marsh 31, 65, 66 Lightfoot 159 Bethia 65, 66 Lincoln 68, 69, 119, 120, 127, 175, 184, 185, 220, Bethiah 31 223, 242 Marshall 77, 92, 94, 132, 137, 143, 156, 159, 189, Elizabeth A. 68, 69 196-198, 200, 201, 209, 230, 239,

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 275 247, 250, 266 Meigs 188, 189, 225 Martin 49, 67, 83, 87, 115, 126, 127, 150, 151, 174, Menhennick 180, 221 175, 183-186, 254, 258, 260, 262 Merritt 105, 166, 215 Marvin Messmore 218 Rhoda 48 Meurs 118, 177 Mason 67, 116, 175, 200, 216, 217, 231, 235, 236, Mill 68, 117, 119, 184, 241, 256 240 Miller 169, 180, 217, 258 Mather 22, 37, 48, 71-74, 76, 86, 87, 124-127, 130, Mills 75, 128, 132, 239, 240 134, 135, 182, 192, 221 Minott 6, 7 Amelia 48 Mitchell 118, 155, 157, 208, 209, 233 Betsey 48 Moore 241, 243, 256 Cotton 37 Moors 78, 138, 139 Elisabeth Olds 22 Asenath 78 Elizabeth Olds 48, 86, 87 Electa 78 Ezra 48, 86, 87 George 78 Helena 37, 71-73 James G. 78 Heman 48 Julia A. 78 Horace 48 Juliaett 78 Julia 48 Lydia 78 Mary 48 Mehitable 78 Mary H. Folsom 48 Orlando 78 Rhoda 48 Orpha Katherine 78 Rhoda Marvin 48 Phoebe 78 William 48 Ruth (Olds) 78 Mathews 136, 193, 194, 227 Ruth Elizabeth 78 Matthews 243, 245, 248, 250 Morehead 190 Maynard 118 Morgan 73, 81, 128, 129, 186, 187, 197 McAfee 68, 69, 118, 119 Morley 47, 122, 123, 180 , General 68 Elizabeth 47 Sally Curran 68 Morris 38, 77, 102, 124, 154, 164, 182, 206, 207, McCarty 2 232, 241 Dorothy K. 2 Morrison 240 McChesney 19, 45 Morrow 60, 103, 105, 128 McClane 19 Morse 93, 94, 158, 256 John 19 Moseley 63, 250 McCline 195, 228 John 22 McCray 177 Noah 63 McDonald 229, 238 Mosely McIntyre 180, 219 John 14 McKallor 22, 47-49 Mount 103, 121, 122, 256 McKee 216, 235 Munn McKinney 176, 220 Reuben 14 McLachlan 153, 154, 206, 207 Murdock 105, 166, 167 McLaren 245 Murphy 125, 219 McLean 10, 25, 45, 52, 91, 153, 169, 206, 216, 217 Myres 160 Clara C. 10 Nash 134 McMahon 219 Neal 5, 9-11, 24, 76 McMillan 186 Elizabeth 5 McMillion 170, 217 Newton 37, 65, 76, 88, 121, 134, 135, 151, 192, McMullen 197, 198, 230 193, 227, 262 McSweeney 114 Emily Olds 65 Meacham 83, 147-149 Tilly 65 Mead 70, 116, 117, 120, 175-177 Welcome 65 Emily A. 70 Nichols 74, 89, 130, 142, 152, 153, 199, 200, 205 Mears 229 Nicolas 116 Mehler 171 Nisbet 11

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 276 Nix 151 Amasa Hubbard 73 Nobel 126 Amasa Minley 37, 73 Noble 34, 51, 69, 90, 111, 153, 154, 206, 207, 232, Amos 9, 23, 44, 49 233 Ann 9, 21, 44, 78 Lavinia 51 Ann A. Goodridge 65 Noon 3, 19, 20, 42-46, 78-80, 138, 139, 267 Ann E. 53 Norton 63 Ann M. 66 Cordelia Olds 63 Anna 79 Nugent 222 Anna Daniels 43 O'Neal 134 Anna Hale 55 Ogden 34 Anna Maria 74 Rachel Pierson 34 Anna Maria (Carolus) 74 Old(s) Anna N. 75 Aaron 9, 10, 24-26, 29, 44, 52, 53 Anna Saxton 13, 33, 34 Abel 5, 10-12, 26, 31 Anna W. (Rabbitts) 75 Abiah 8, 18 Anne 9, 21 Abigail 5-7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 21, 23, 25, 26, Annie Marilla 72 28-30, 46, 52, 53, 58, 61 Anny 45 Abigail Barnes 12, 28-31, 40 Anny (Daniels) 78, 79 Abigail Granger 25, 51, 52 Ansil 30, 64 Abigail Hanchit 23, 24 Apphia 35, 36, 71 Abigail Handchit 9, 22 Apphia (Kent) 14 Abigail Hewes 27, 28, 58 Apphia Kent 35, 36 Abigail Rice 10, 25 Aratis 70 Abigail W. Flint 67 Archer 30, 63 Abigail Washburn 60 Archibald 30 Abileneh 33 Ariel 37, 72 Abilineh 13 Ariel Young 72 Abner 9, 12, 21, 46, 47, 60 Asa Gilbert 32, 66 Abram M. 53 Asaph 27 Achsa Rice 44 Asenath 20, 45 Adaline 51 Aseph 55 Albert 60 Augusta 63 Albert Manley 72 Augustus Bertrand 69 Alexander 37, 57, 72 Azuba 29 Alexander Rising 67 Azubah 8, 10, 17, 25, 44 Alfred 36, 71, 72 Barbara (Pratt) 73 Alfred Johnson 71 Barbaraann Olds 73 Alice Neal 76 Bathsheba 28 Allen 67 Baxter 32, 65 Allyn 2 Benjamin 6, 13-15, 29, 34, 36, 37, 60, 69-71 Almira 32, 48, 74 Benjamin Baldwin 72 Almira A. 73 Benjamin Franklin 34, 69, 75 Almira Louise 75 Benjamin Gamaliel 71 Almira Lucy 52 Benjamin Strong 37, 75 Almira Maria 72 Benoni 4 Almon 63 Bethia Marsh 65, 66 Alonzo 46 Bethiah Marsh 31 Alonzo Warren 59 Betsey 64, 65, 67 Alonzo Whitney 72 Betsey C. 67 Alva 26, 53 Betsey Pitney 64, 65 Amanda 43, 48, 78 Betsy 27, 32, 56 Amanda Draper 59, 60 Betsy Abbott 56 Amanda M. 53 Betsy Eaton 78 Amandrin Mather 72 Betty 10, 25, 50, 51 Amasa 73 Betty Richmond 55

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 277 Caleb 5, 10, 25, 26, 51, 52 Deborah 5, 6, 11, 12, 31 Calvin 37 Deborah Griswold 51 Carolina Rosalthe 72 Deborah L. 67 Caroline 23, 47, 49, 51, 66, 72 Delight 67 Caroline K. 49 Deliverance Kidder 32, 66-68 Caroline Phoebe 79 Desire 13, 24, 34, 50 Caroline Woodruff 76 Dewitt Clinton 72 Cate 27, 56 Diana 55 Catherine 25, 43, 47, 52, 72, 77 Dorinda 36 Cecilia 70 Dorothy 7, 15 Chancy 47 Dorothy Granger 1-3, 6-8 Charles 49, 57 Dorothy Smith 26, 54-56 Charles H. 34, 70 Ebenezer 2, 3, 6, 7, 15, 16 Charles L. 75 Edson 37, 74 Charles Lyman 75 Edson B. ii Charles Ver Planck 51 Edson Baldwin 37, 45, 74 Charles Whitney 76 Edson Denny 74 Charlotte 28, 49, 59, 78 Edward Franklin 72 Charlotte Corde 55 Edward Mather 76 Charlotte L. 64 Edwin 49 Charlotte Parsons 78 Edwin Adams 74 Chauncey 59, 61 Edwin W. 75 Chauncey Newell 37, 76 Edwin Whitney 75 Cheney 55 Electa Chase Jenner Huie 67 Chester 30, 37, 56, 64, 74 Eli 62 Chester Adams 74 Elias 29, 61 Chloe 17, 39 Elijah C. 79 Clarinda Elmira 71 Elisha 5, 9, 24, 32, 50, 67 Clarissa 32, 63, 66, 68 Eliza 32, 49 Clarissa (Clara) Frances 69 Elizabeth 4-6, 8, 9, 11-13, 16, 21-23, 26, 28, Clarissa G. 61, 62 31-33, 38, 47-49, 60, 72, 86, 87 Clarissa Hamilton 59 Elizabeth (Eliza) 68 Colesworth Pinkney 55 Elizabeth (Hale) 16 Comfort 5, 6, 8, 12, 20, 28-31, 40, 61 Elizabeth (Rockwood) 16, 38, 39 Cordelia 63 Elizabeth A. Lincoln 68, 69 Cornelia 70 Elizabeth Ann 75 Cornelius 53 Elizabeth Atchison 4, 7-9 Cotesworth Pinkney 55 Elizabeth Ball 8 Curtis Lyon Olds 77 Elizabeth Banister 27, 56, 57 Cynthia 24, 29, 31, 37, 47, 49, 55, 57, 61, Elizabeth Denslow 6, 13-15 64, 65, 73 Elizabeth Draper 58 Cynthia Lucinda 72 Elizabeth Granger 7, 24, 50 Cyrus 44 Elizabeth Jackson 68 Damaras Gilbert 11 Elizabeth Lamb 3 Damaris 11, 28, 58 Elizabeth N. 75 Damaris Gilbert 11, 26-28 Elizabeth Neal 5, 9-11, 24 Dan W. ii Elizabeth Walker 5, 11, 12 Dana Elisha 67 Elizabeth Winchell 10 Daniel 4, 5, 9, 10, 21, 25, 31, 44, 51, 52, 65, Ellen 75 80 Ellis Henry 60 Daniel Granger 25, 51, 52 Emaline 48 Darius 44 Emeline 49 David 5, 10, 20, 26, 42, 44, 46, 52, 58, 67, Emeline Augusta 55 79, 80 Emily 32, 47, 52, 62, 65, 66 David A. 64 Emily A. Mead 70 Davis 51 Emily J. 66

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 278 Emmeline Elvira 72 Harriet 48, 66 Enoch 20, 44, 46, 79, 80 Harriet M. 53 Ephraim 23, 49 Harriet Maranda 73 Erskine 66 Harriet Newell 72 Esther 26, 53 Harriet R. 51 Esther Baldwin 36 Harriot 56 Esther Bissel Baldwin 36 Harriot Newell 59 Eunice 5, 11, 12, 26, 29, 47, 53, 62 Harvey S. 56 Eunice (Hatch) 80 Helen Baker 66 Eunice Corinth 63 Helena 72 Eunice Durkee 25, 26, 52, 53 Helena Mather 37, 71-73 Eunice Hatch 44 Heman 22, 23, 48 Eunice Sprague 62, 63 Heman Alson 48 Eunice Velina Scovel 68 Henrietta Malvina 34, 69 Exper ience 6 Henry 46, 51, 60, 63, 65, 67, 70 Ezekiel 5, 6, 12, 26, 31-33, 54, 64, 65 Henry Albert 55 Ezekiel P. 67 Henry C. 51 Ezra 12, 28-30, 60, 61, 64 Henry Clinton 74 Ezra J. 64 Henry Elias 61 Ezra Richmond 55 Henry Gilbert 55 Fanny 24, 49, 50, 70 Henry Harrison 52 Ferdino 46 Henry Horatio 63 Florence Celeste 69 Henry Laurens 69 Frances 32, 66, 68 Hepzibah Pratt 72 Francis 57 Hezekiah 46 Francis Draper 60 Hiram Ellis 60 Frank 49, 76 Horace D. 66 Frank Williams 76 Horace Hinsdale 34, 69 Frederick Augustus 32, 68, 69 Horatio Henry 63 Frederick H. 74 Hosea 70 Frederick Taft 69 Hulda Gouldsbury 55 Frederick Warner 70 Ida Eugenia 69 Gamaliel 37, 74, 77 Independence Louisa 68 Gamaliel Smith 37 Ira 46 Gamaliel Whitney 74 Ira Leavitt 72 Gamiliel Smith 15 Ira Mather 37, 71, 72 George 23, 49, 56, 67 Isaac 5, 7, 10, 16, 17, 25, 39 George Anson 76 Jacob 5, 10, 25 George Edway 71 Jacob Willard 58 George Rawson 60 James 27, 49, 57, 60 George Wilson 55 James Abbott 56, 57 Gideon Lyman 63 James C. 34, 70 Gilbert 13, 28, 33, 34, 59, 60 James Phinehas 67 Handford 2, 3, 5 Jane 60 Hanford 5, 9-11, 24 Jane A. 64 Hannah 5-7, 9, 11, 12, 16, 20, 24, 25, 28, Jarvis 56 41-44, 46, 52, 62, 64, 79, 80 Jason 29, 61, 62 Hannah (Wright) 79 Jerusha 24, 50 Hannah Bissell 46 Jerusha Taylor 9, 24 Hannah Dodge 28, 59, 60 Jesse 12, 32, 68 Hannah Ford 62 Joanna (Keith) 77 Hannah Fowler 10 Joel 28, 32, 59, 66 Hannah Jones 19, 20, 41-46 Joel Warren 58 Hannah Rice 25 John 1-3, 6, 12-15, 30, 33, 34, 64, 65 Hannah Shumway 58, 59 John B. 79 Hannah Winter 56 John Bissell 46

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 279 John Hixon ii Louise Newton 76 John Preston 52 Lovice 23 John Spencer 34, 69 Lovicy Prouty 72 Jonas Whitney 37, 73, 74 Luci 8 Jonathan ii, 2-4, 7, 8, 16, 17, 19, 20, 27, Lucia 57 41-46, 55, 77, 79, 80 Lucinda 23, 29, 48, 61 Jonathan 77 Lucintha 47 Jonathan Lathrop 77 Lucy 8, 12, 18, 20, 28, 31, 48, 56, 58, 70, Joseph 2, 3, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 21, 30, 31, 37, 74 46, 64-66, 73-76 Lucy (Wood) 77 Joseph Chauncey 73 Lucy Ann 55 Joseph Holland 73 Lucy Ann 77 Joseph Sidney 65 Lucy Barnard 13, 34 Joseph Smith 71 Lucy Church 66 Joseph Winchester 73 Lucy Mather 74 Joshua 4, 9, 27, 56 Lucy Parsons 70 Joshua Warren 58 Lucy S. 53 Josiah 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 14, 26, 27, 35, 36, Lucy Wood ii 54-56, 70, 71 Lue 71 Julia 23, 48, 70 Luke 27, 55 Julia (Whitney) 77 Luke Orrison 55 Julia Ann Olds 77 Lurana 8, 46 Julia Augusta 69 Lurane 8, 19, 20, 44 Julia Caroline 69 Luther 60 Julia Maria 38 Lydia 11, 26, 27, 56 Julia Whitney 37 Lydia Stevens 54 Juliet Amanda 60 Lyman Condit 72 Juliet Baker 66 Lyman Newton 37, 76 Justin 9, 20, 23, 42, 43, 46, 77, 78 Lyman Whitney 74 Justin Hixon 2, 77 Marcus 73 Justus 22, 23, 47, 48 Margaret Pease 14 Kate Fairchild 75 Margaret Tousley 9 Katherine 51 Maria 48, 49, 79 Katherine Gilbert 54 Maria A. 63 Laura 56 Mariah 4, 9, 46 Lavinia 51 Mark 74 Lavinia Noble 51 Marshall Keith 77 Leander 51 Martha 8, 19, 67 Lephe Winchester 73 Martha (Wright) 80 Lester 61 Martha Wright 8, 19, 20, 44 Levi 12, 23, 29, 30, 40, 47, 49, 62, 63 Martin 49 Levina 24, 50 Mary 4, 7, 9, 16, 21, 29, 32, 36, 48, 53, Lewis 32, 56, 57, 68 55-57, 61, 66, 67, 71, 72, 74, 76 Lewis Franklin 72 Mary Abigail 52 Lewis J. 67 Mary Angeline 71 Lewis Kingsbury 77 Mary Ann 49, 61, 78 Lewis Wilson 66 Mary Ann Deming 67 Liberty 32, 65 Mary Ann Kent 49 Lois 12, 31 Mary Ann Walker 75 Lois Baldwin 36, 71 Mary Bliss Williams 76 Lorenzo 52 Mary Bunker 51 Lorenzo Houghton 37, 75 Mary Crampton 53 Lorinda 36 Mary Eliza 59 Louisa 32, 42, 43, 68 Mary Elizabeth 68 Louisa K. 53 Mary Gore 76 Louise 65 Mary H. 59

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 280 Mary Handchit 5 Orra 79 Mary Jane 74 Orson 46 Mary Loomis 47, 48 Pamela 23, 49 Mary McAfee 69 Patience 6, 15 Mary P. 64 Persis Rice 29, 61 Mary Snow 21, 46, 47 Pettibone 16 Mary Streen 10, 25 Phebe 23, 49, 65 Mary Thompson 28 Phila (Adams) 74 Mary Webb 10 Phila Parker 66 Mason Oel 67 Philander P. 64 Matilda Anne 70 Philena Morgan 73 Matilda Ford 61, 62 Philena Webb 63 Mehitabel 77 Phinehas 12, 32, 66-68 Mehitable 32, 43, 68, 77 Phoebe Young 71, 72 Mehitable (Hixon) 77, 78 Phydema 54 Mehitable Hixon 42, 43 Plenty Nellie 67 Mehitable Pike 31, 64, 65 Pliny Fisk 62 Melinda S. 56 Polly 23, 28, 32, 49, 59, 79 Melissa 64 Polly (Brown) 78, 79 Melissa Dodge 59 Polly (Hayden) 78 Melissa N. 67 Polly Fuller 67 Melissa Warren 59 Polly Gale 32, 66 Melvin Joel 66 Polly Remington 70 Mercia Purdy 64 Polly W. 44 Mercy 4, 8, 9, 12, 17, 24, 31, 50 Prudence 7, 15 Mercy Steel 8, 17-19 Prudence Gilbert 30 Mercy Stiles 10, 11, 26 Rachel 12, 69, 70 Mercy Stool 17 Rachel Amine 52 Mercy Taft 32, 68 Rachel Davis 51 Miles 61 Rachel Pierson Odgen 34 Mindwell 2-4, 9 Rachel Pierson Ogden 34 Mindwell Wright 9, 21, 22 Rebecca 15, 79 Minerva 70, 74 Rebecca Temple 6, 7, 15, 16 Minerva (Adams) 76 Rebeckah 7 Minerva (Howe) 74 Rebeka Temple 6 Miriam 11, 27, 28, 58 Rejoice 59 Morris Farnum 38, 77 Rejoice Weatherbee 59 Moses 9, 24, 29, 49, 50, 55, 67 Relief 57 Nancy 56 Relief Drury 57 Nancy J. Greeley 52, 53 Reuben 5, 12, 44, 47, 78 Nancy Warren 60 Reuben 79 Nathan 26, 44, 46, 54, 63, 64, 79 Reudo Strong 71 Nathaniel 2, 3, 7, 8, 17-19, 30, 62 Rhoda 5, 7, 11, 13, 16, 34, 46 Nelson 63, 66 Rhoda Parker 66 Newell 64 Riley 70 Noble Granger 51 Robert ii, 1-9, 21, 22, 26, 46, 52 Obediah 35, 71 Robert Augustus 68 Oby 67 Rosalthe 74 Octavia 23, 49 Roxana 24 Octavia Adeline 69 Roxanna 49, 72 Octavia Irene 69 Roxanna Whitney 71, 72 Olive 31, 65 Roxey 37, 62, 75 Oliver 10, 25, 35, 70 Ruby 79 Oliver P. 70 Rufus 17, 30, 39, 62, 63 Oro 67 Ruth 31, 35, 43, 54, 64, 65, 70, 78 Orra 79 Ruth Barker 35, 70, 71

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 281 Ruth E. 53 Susanna Hanford 1 Ruth Hardy 55 Susanna Temple 7, 16, 17 Ruth L. 64 Susannah 2, 3, 6, 43 Ruth Lamson 30, 64 Susannah Hanford 2-5 Ruth Richmond 55 Susannah Hannah 6 Sabia 8, 19 Susannah Preston 52 Sabra 29, 30, 62, 63 Sylvester 22, 23, 49 Sabra Archer 63 Tabitha Allen 70 Sabre 19 Tarzy 45 Sally 25, 32, 37, 44, 52, 58, 65, 70, 79, 80 Tenty Sweet 51, 52 Sally (Thornton) 80 Thaddeus 15, 37, 71-73 Sally Curran McAfee 68 Thamar 9, 22 Sally Houghton 37 Thankful Rice 57 Sally M. 63 Theda Washburn 60 Sally M. Carpenter 63 Theresa Louise (Herron) 75 Sally Sophronia 58 Thomas 12, 31, 64, 65 Sally Thornton 46 Thomas Benton 69 Sally Upham 58 Thomas J. 53 Sally Whitney 37, 73-76 Tilly 28, 58 Sally Wright 27, 56 Tirza 20, 45, 46 Samuel 5, 9, 12, 20, 22-24, 29, 32, 43, 44, Tirzah 46 46-49, 61, 62, 66, 78, 79 Truman Tuttle 71 Samuel Rockwood 17, 38 Tryphena 17, 36 Sanford 60 Valorus C. 70 Sarah 7, 16, 23, 28, 47, 48 Vashti 55 Sarah Ann 65 Verannus Wyatt 77 Sarah Delight 48 Via Smith 14, 15, 36, 37 Sarah Dougherty 28 Walter 61 Sarah Jane 74 Walter Ruben 68 Sarah Maria 74 Wareham 22, 23, 48 Sarah Mercy 69 Warren 28, 56, 59 Sarah Sanford 10, 25 Welcome 32, 65, 67 Sarah Vienna 73 William 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 21, 22, 25-28, 35, Serviah 24, 50 46, 49, 51-53, 58, 70 Seth 7, 17, 57 William Andrus 52 Seth Banister 27, 57 William Bemis 58 Sheldon 63 William Butler 34, 69 Sheldon H. 63 William C. 53 Silas 11, 28, 59, 60 William Emerson 73 Silas B. 64 William F. 64 Silence Loomis 24, 49, 50 William Henry 63 Simeon 11, 27, 56, 57 William Riley 77 Solomon F. 57 William Ross 37, 73 Solomon Francis 27, 57 William W. 53 Sophronia 56 William Woodruff 76 Sophronia M. 66 Winter Jesse 68 Sophronia Pratt 73 Zardus 35, 70 Stephen 7, 16, 17, 38, 39, 46 Zebulon 8, 9, 22 Stillman 32, 47, 65 Zenas 30, 63 Susan 32, 47, 63, 66, 72 Olds Susan Blair 59 Amanda 247 Susan G. 53 Anny 45 Susana 43 Ardith 238 Susanna 7, 16, 43, 77 Austin Bryant 236 Susanna Blair 58 Bernadine 237 Susanna Ford 63 Bryant 236, 251

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 282 Charity Louisa 245, 246, 248, 249 129-132, 135-138, 140-143, 147, Charles Bryant 236 154, 155, 157-161, 163, 169, 173, Curtis 250 182, 194, 196 Daniel Wayne 237 Paine 43, 200 Elizabeth 238 Jedediah 43 Guy N. 245 Palmer 21, 33, 42, 44, 77, 78, 80, 81, 136, 142, 230, Howard 237 251, 253, 258, 259, 261, 262 John Hixon 247, 248, 251 Elizabeth Olds 33 John Robert 237, 240, 242 Joshua 33 John Robert II 240, 242 Palmeter Jonathan 247, 250 Asahel 33, 69 Julia 246-248, 251 Eli 34, 69 Julia Ann 250 Elizabeth 33, 69 Justin 247 Elizabeth (Olds) 33, 69 Justin Hixon 245-247, 250 Enos 34, 69 Justin Kennelly 237 Ezra 34, 69 Lathrop 250 John 33, 34, 69 Lewis 250 Joshua 33, 69 Lucy 246, 251 Noble 34, 69 Lucy Ann 250 Park 161, 184, 197, 212, 213, 242 Lucy W. 245 Parker 66, 111, 142, 144, 211 Lucy Wood 250 Rhoda 66 Marshall 247, 250 Parks 82 Milford Hixon 236 Parrott 152, 205 Moses 259 Parsons 70, 78, 122, 123 Richard J. 237 Charlotte, Mrs. 78 Riley 250 Lucy 70 Robert 82, 125, 143, 144, 182, 222, 247 Patten 94, 158, 159 Robert Lee 237 Patterson 131 Sabrina 261 Pauley 206, 232 Sarah 247, 248, 251 Payne 188, 224 Submit 262 Pease 14, 15, 161, 211, 212, 216 Susana 247 Joseph 15 Varannus 250 Margaret 14 Oldys 188, 189, 225 Prudence Old 15 Olmstead 8, 27 Peck 129, 255, 258 Jabez 8 Perkins 157, 209, 210 Martha 8 Pettibone 14-16 Omstead 8 Dorothy Old Pettibone 15 Jabez 8 Jonathan 14 Martha 8 Noah 15 Ormsby 85 Petty 110 Osborn 134 Pettygrove 160 Osgood 182, 221 Phillip Otis 59, 99, 127, 183, 184, 204, 222, 253, 255, 257, , King 3 258, 260-262 Phillips 113, 172, 191, 219, 221 Ott 214 Pierce 174, 175, 204, 220 Otto 17, 18, 29, 40 Pike 31, 64, 65 Julie Helen 17, 29 Mehitable 31, 64, 65 Owen 104, 166, 180, 215, 261 Pilsmore 222 Packard Pitney 64, 65, 109, 110 Amanda 30 Betsey 64, 65 Eliphalet 30 Poltz 147, 203 Page ii, 2, 3, 14, 18, 29, 33-35, 46, 51, 75, 76, Pomeroy 15, 38 90-94, 99, 102, 103, 105, 106, 109, Manassah 15, 38 110, 114, 120, 122-124, 126, Phebe 15, 38

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 283 Rebeckah (Old) 15, 38 Richmond Pomery Ruth 55 Manassah 15 Rickter 178 Rebecca Old 15 Ridgely 237, 240 Pomroy Rising 23, 67, 83, 114, 174, 180 Hannah 14, 35 Abraham 23 Pond 192, 227 Robinson 22, 146, 166, 168, 203, 215 Pont 26 Timothy 22 Eunice Old 26 Rockwood 16, 17, 28, 38, 39, 258 John 26 Damaris Olds 28 Poole 139, 140 Elizabeth 16, 38, 39 Porter 77, 92, 104, 155, 156, 172, 208, 219 Simeon 28 Experience 77 Roe 216 Poteat 240-242 Rogers 95, 101, 160, 184 Potter 154, 207, 208 Rorer 250 Pratt 72, 73, 126-129, 186 Rose 89, 91, 95, 130, 132, 154, 172, 187, 224, 236, Barbara 73 239-241 Hepzibah 72 Rossmore 222 Prentice 149, 204, 232, 262 Rowley 94, 95, 159, 160 Prentiss 115 Rumrill 121 Press 1, 19, 61, 109, 112, 238, 267 Ryan 142, 240, 243 Preston 52, 91-93, 102, 155, 156, 164, 208, 255 Sanborn 136, 137, 151, 152, 195, 196 Susannah 52 Sanford 10, 25, 60, 104, 165, 166 Prouty Sarah 10 Lovicy 72 Sapp 196, 228, 229, 237, 240 Pt 265 Sargent 131, 188, 189, 225 Purdy 64, 108, 109 Sasseen 134, 191, 192 Mercia 64 Saunders 85 Pynchon Saxton 13, 33, 34 John 3 Anna 13, 33, 34 Quinn 230 Roxcellano Darte 33 Rabbitts 75, 133 Scharf 241 Anna W. 75 Schell 236, 239 Rafferty 175 Schmidt 188, 227, 236, 237 Ramage 148 Schoonover 166, 214 Randall 127, 186 Scott 4, 8, 21, 127, 132, 138, 159, 191, 240-243 Rawie 207, 233 Scovel 68, 118, 177 Ray 94, 103, 159, 164, 211, 217, 218 Daniel 68 Raymond 152, 175, 197, 205, 220, 229, 236, 238 Eunice Velina 68 Reed 106, 176, 191, 200, 220, 231, 239, 262 Scoville 82, 144, 145 Reeder 133, 191, 226 Seaman 113, 114, 173, 174 Reeve 245 Searl 154, 207 Reeves 251 Searle 125, 182 Remington 70, 156 Settle 20, 242 Polly 70 Shakespeare Renninger 174, 219 William 249 Reppert 187, 224 Shaw 81, 142, 152, 202, 205, 250, 259 Reynolds 146, 156, 187, 203, 209 Sheldon 1-3, 63, 107 Rhodes 110, 147 Hezekiah S. 1-3 Rice 10, 11, 25, 26, 29, 44, 53, 54, 57, 61, 130, 142, Shield 175 188, 200, 224, 231, 245, 258, 260 Shirley 175, 200, 220, 231, 239 Abigail 10 Shoemaker 110, 164 Achsa 44 Sholes 101 Hannah 25 Shulze 134 Persis 29 Simonds 98 Thankful 57 Simonson 205, 206, 232

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 284 Sims 178 Stacy 128, 212, 234 Singletary 217 Stafford 123, 180, 181, 221, 259 Singleton 222 Stancliff 113, 173, 219, 257 Skinner 64, 80 Stearns 52, 209 Slater 33 Abigail Olds 52 George B. 33 John 52 Slocum 33, 208, 261 Stebbins 68 Ebenezer 33 Mehitable Olds 68 Hannah Granger 33 Miles J. 68 Smith 4, 9, 14, 15, 22, 26, 36, 37, 42, 47, 48, 54-56, Steel 7, 8, 17-19, 195 71, 83-86, 104, 107, 124, 132, Mercy 7, 8, 18 147-149, 156, 157, 162, 165, 166, Stein 135, 189, 192, 193 181, 186, 190, 200, 203, 204, 209, Steindorf 241 223, 224, 232, 237, 245, 247, 249, Stephen 7, 16, 17, 21, 38, 39, 46, 59, 143, 144, 171, 250, 253, 256, 259, 267 201, 237, 240, 259, 260, 262 Dorothy 26, 54-56 Stevens 22, 54, 95, 96, 237 Edward, Jr. 4, 9 Jesse 22 Joseph 47 Josiah 22 Lucintha 47 Lydia 54 Sarah Olds 22, 48 Steward 4, 8, 21 Via 14, 36, 37 Stiles 1-4, 10, 11, 23, 25, 26, 36, 50, 51, 255 Snell 136, 193, 194, 227, 249 Aaron 25, 50 Snow 21, 46, 47, 62, 248, 259, 268 Andrew 25, 51 Mary 21, 46, 47 Asa 25, 50 Sokalski 243 Betty Olds 25, 50, 51 Soule 156, 209 Daniel Olds 25, 50 Spaulding 211 Hannah 25, 50 Spear 156 Henry R. 1 Spencer 13-16, 30, 34, 35, 38, 59, 60, 69, 159, 207, John 25, 50, 51 233, 253, 255, 260 Mercy 10, 11 Asahel 15, 38 Philo 25, 51 Augustus 15, 38 Reuben 10 Calvin 14, 34 Sarah Buckland 50 Daniel 15, 38 Stockwell 4 Edward 35 John 4 Elizabeth 15, 38 Mindwell 4 Elizabeth (Olds) 13 Stoddard 102, 159 Experience 14, 34 Stone 2, 19, 20, 43, 45, 75, 116, 117, 175, 184, 223, Experience (Olds) 13, 34, 35 248 Hannah (Pomroy) 35 Stool 7 Hannah Pomroy 14, 35 Mercy 7 Jehiel 15, 38 Stow Jerusha 34 Thankful 20 Julia 35 Streen 10, 25 Luther 14, 34 Mary 10 Martha 14, 35 Strickler 90 Patience 15, 38 Strong 37, 71, 75, 124, 133, 185, 265 Patience (Olds) 38 Almira 71 Patience Olds 15 Benjamin Olds 71 Paulina 14, 35 Emory 71 Samuel 13, 14, 34, 35 Mary 71 Sherman 35 Mary Olds 71 Sperry 166 Reudo 71 Sprague 62, 63, 107 Stuart 187 Eunice 62, 63 Sturgis 155, 208 Squires 100, 163 Sunderland 154

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 285 Swan 50 Trussell 208 Josiah 50 Tucker 128, 261 Serviah 50 Tupper 139 Sweet 43, 51, 52, 157, 159, 211, 245, 248, 250 Tuttle 71, 123, 133, 174, 180 Tenty 51, 52 Tyler 202 Swift 151, 200, 252 Underwood 143, 200, 201 Taday 157 Upham 58, 100, 101, 128, 163, 186, 259 Taft 32, 68, 69, 119, 178 Sally 58 Mercy 32, 68 Van Aken 237 Seymour 32 Van Alstine 91 Talmage 103, 164, 165 Van Nest 161 Tarver 243 VanAken 237, 240, 243 Taylor 9, 20, 24, 80, 108, 197, 230 Vaughn 165, 214 Aaron 20 Wade 138, 146, 203 Comfort (Olds) 20 Wadleigh 123, 181, 221 Jerusha 9 Walker 5, 11, 12, 26, 31, 53, 54, 56, 75, 95, 96, 105, Tayntor 171 106, 160-162, 167, 173, 212, 213, Tea 45, 166, 215 234, 255, 259, 260 Teall 185, 223 Caleb 54 Temple 6, 7, 15-17, 21, 44, 155, 208 Deborah Old 31 Rebecca 6 Edward 5 Susanna 7, 16 Elizabeth 5 Terrell 147 Elizabeth Dean 5 Thayer 88, 151 Ezra 31 Thomas 3, 12, 16-19, 29, 31, 38, 40, 41, 52, 53, 58, Joseph 26, 53, 54 64, 65, 69, 89, 91, 94, 95, 100, 119, Joseph, Jr. 54 121, 131, 132, 147, 150, 170, 172, Lydia 53 177-179, 187, 218, 219, 224, 230, Lydia Olds 26, 53, 54 233, 236, 242, 259, 262, 264-266 Mary 54 Thompson 28, 63, 89, 98, 125, 169 Mary Ann 75 Mary 28 Mettelda 54 Thornton 46, 80 Miriam 54 Sally 46, 80 Moses 56 Thurston 95, 102, 103, 160, 164, 213 Nathan 54 Tiffany 198 Patience 53 Titus 214 Premalia 54 Todd 182 Rachel 53 Tooley 97 Sally Wright Olds 56 Tousey 89 Simeon 54 Tousley 9 Sylvanus 21 Margaret 9 Walters 215 Towne 141, 142, 199 Walton 90 Towsley 6, 18, 19, 41 Wandell Gideon 18, 19, 41 Mary 5 John 6 Ward 91, 103, 111, 130, 135, 138, 245 Lucy (Old) 19, 41 Wareham 22, 23, 48 Lucy Old 18 Warham Nathaniel 19, 41 Reuben 11 Rebecca Temple Olds 6 Warren 3-5, 7, 8, 19-22, 28-30, 55-60, 80, 96, Tracy 133, 190, 191, 226, 240, 242, 251 98-102, 116, 149, 160, 163, 164, Trask 185 175, 200, 211, 231, 239, 253-255, Trill 175, 220 258, 260-262, 268 Triplett 248 Thomas B. 3 Tripp 88 Washburn 60, 102-105, 222, 262 Troop 233 Abigail 60 Troxell 151 Theda 60

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 286 Watson 24, 192, 226, 227 Mary Bliss 76 Jennie 24 Mary Old 16 Mary 24 Thomas 16, 38 Weatherbee Williamson 213 Rejoice 59 Wilson 55, 66, 75, 82, 98, 109, 111, 113, 116, 118, Webb 10, 27, 63, 64, 257 131, 146, 170-172, 175, 177, 189, Abigail Curtiss 63 216, 218, 220, 235, 261 Jonathan 63 George 75 Mary 10 Winchell 10 Philena 63 Elizabeth 10 Webster 111, 154, 171, 228 Winchester 73, 112, 129 Weed 113 Lephe 73 Weller 4 Wing 4, 150, 213 Elizabeth 4 Winslow 42, 46, 115 Welles 1 Hannah 42 Edwin Stanley 1 Hannah Olds 42, 46 Wells 152, 191, 205, 229 Winter 56, 68, 98, 99, 112, 118, 168, 177, 191, 246 Welton 151 Wiswall 251 Wemott 179 Wood ii, 31, 77, 98, 135, 136, 194, 228, 247, 248, Werley 214 250 West 4, 16, 19, 36, 47, 48, 51, 70, 71, 79, 84, 86, Benjamin 31 104, 112, 113, 121-123, 136, 140, John 31 166, 185, 188, 193, 197, 200, 242, Lois Old 31 246, 248-251, 254-256, 258-262 Lucy ii, 77 Westbrook 164, 213 Lucy Old 31 Westby 126, 127, 183 Woodbridge Whatley 219 Ruggles 42 Wheeler 175 Woodruff 76, 134 Whipple 106, 167-169, 195, 196, 216, 229, 235 Caroline 76 White 3, 32, 106, 199, 209, 230, 231, 237, 246, 248, Woodward 168, 216 249, 256 Woodworth 154, 155 Whitlock 240 Woolsey 90, 153 Whitney 24, 37, 71-77, 124, 125, 129, 130, 133-135, Woolworth 17, 39, 40, 261 139, 182, 187, 188, 190-193, 221, Alexander 17, 40 224, 226-228, 237, 238, 241, Azubah 17 243-245 Ebenezer 17, 39 Blanche (Olds) 237, 238 Elijah 17, 39 Dorothy Maxine 237 Justus 17, 39 Jonas 37, 71 Levi 17, 39 Jonathan 24 Lucy 17, 39 Julia 37 Mary (Old) 17, 39, 40 Merrill Roderick 238 Mercy 17, 39 Monroe Gesner 237, 238 Mercy Old 17 Rhoda Granger 24 Phinehas 17, 39 Roxanna 72 Reuben 17, 39 Sally 37, 73-76 Seth 17, 39 Whittemore 84 Silvanus 17, 39 Whittier 248 Timothy 17, 39, 40 Wilcox 63, 109, 170 Zadock 17, 40 Augusta Olds 63 Worden 111 Wilder 141, 199 Worthington 84, 131, 147, 149, 163, 188, 225, 259 Williams 16, 37, 38, 72, 76, 94, 101, 102, 113, 134, Wright 8, 9, 19-22, 27, 43, 44, 56, 57, 78-80, 115, 163, 164, 173, 200, 212, 217, 219, 134, 136, 139, 140, 151, 183-186, 223, 231, 234, 239, 254, 257 195, 198, 204, 223, 236, 247, 267 John 16, 38 Aaron 78 Mary (Old) 38 Ann (Olds) 78

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 287 Hannah 79 Martha 8, 44, 80 Mindwell 9 Sally 27, 56 Solomon 43 Wyatt 77, 108, 138, 169, 170, 197, 198, 218 Wyman 140, 141, 199 Yates 118 Yerington 12, 21, 29, 46, 81, 82, 143-145, 201-203 Young 6, 13, 34, 43, 44, 71, 72, 76, 90, 101, 109, 115, 119, 124-126, 130, 155, 159, 178, 182, 183, 191, 246-251, 259, 262, 266 Phoebe 71, 72 Younglove 178 Zimmerman 196, 229 Zook 134

Descendants of Robert Olds by Dan W. Olds, 313 Pinelake Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301 June 18, 2002 page 288