APPOINTMENTS TO TEMPORARY RANK IN THE AIR CORPS IN Tim Capt. Alfred Henry Johnson, Air Corps. REGULAR ARMY . Capt. James Roy Andersen, Air Corps. TO BE WITH RANK FROM OCTOBER 16, 1940 Capt. Samuel Russ Harris, Jr., Air Corps. Lt. Col. William Elmer Lynd, Air Corps. Capt. Shelton Ezra Prudhomme, Air Corps. Lt. Col. Rosenham Beam, Air Corps. Capt. John Paul Doyle, Jr., Air Corps. Lt. Col. Harry Herman Young, Air Corps. Capt. Leon William Johnson, Air Corps. Lt. Col. , Air Corps. Capt. Guy Beasley Henderson, Air Corps. Lt. Col. William Orman Butler, Air Corps. Capt. Henry Raymond Baxter, Air Corps. Lt. Col. Vernon Lee Burge, Air Corps. Capt. Morris Nelson, Air Corps. Lt. Col. W"illiam Benjamin Wright, Jr., Air Corps. (NOTE.-Dates of rank not specified for officers nominated Lt. Col. Raymond Edward O'Neill, Air Corps. to the grades of lieutenant and , as such dates Lt. Col. Duqley Blanchard Howard, Air Corps. will be determined from the dates on which lieutenant colonelS Lt. Col. Floyd Emerson Galloway, Air Corps. and herein nominated accept their higher grades.) Lt. Col. Calvin Earl Giffin, Air Corps. Lt. Col. Carf William Connell, Air Corps. Lt. Col. Thomas Settle Voss, Air Corps. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lt. Col. Thomas Watson Hastey, Air Corps. MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1940 Lt. Col. Morris Berman, Air Corps. Lt. Col. Walter Bender, Air Corps. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Lt. Col. Albert Michael Guidera, Air Corps. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., Lt. Col. James Francis Doherty, Air Corps. offered the following prayer: Lt. Col. Lynwood Benjamin Jacobs, Air Corps. Almighty God, in the spiritual anguish and moral struggle Lt. Col. Frank Wilbur Wright, Air Corps. of this world, enable us to listen to Thy teaching: Whosoever Lt. Col. Edgar Peter Sorensen, Air Corps. shall seek to save his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose Lt. Col. Robert Olds, Air Corps. it shall preserve it. Heavenly Father, we pray that the words Lt. Col. Ross Gordon Hoyt, Air Corps. of our Master shall root deep in the deepest places of our Lt. Col. William Bentley Mayer, Air Corps. thought. Upon this rock rests the superstructure of a life Lt. Col. Richard Henry Ballard, Air Corps. that is truly Christian. Do Thou rest our souls upon this Lt. Col. Ralph Hudson Wooten, Air Corps. sublime utterance that there is no finding except by losing; TO BE LIEUTENANT COLONELS no getting but by giving, and no living save through dying; Maj. Harvey William Prosser, Air Corps. in the footprints of our Redeemer lies the shadow of the Maj. Clayton Lawrence Bissell, Air Corps. cross. Gracious God, lead us in His pathway of life. In Maj. Horace Simpson Kenyon, Jr., Air Corps. His holy name. Amen. Maj. Leland Charles Hurd, Air Corps. The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, October 24, Maj. Robert Victor Ignico, Air Corps. 1940, was read and approved. Maj. Leland Ross Hewitt, Air Corps. ADJOUR~ENT OVER Maj. Clifford Cameron Nutt, Air Corps. Mr. HENDRICKS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con­ Maj. Isaiah Davies, Air Corps. sent that when the House adjourns today it stand adjourned Maj. Arthur William Vanaman, Air Corps. until Thursday next, and when it adjourns on Thursday it Maj. Franklin Otis Carroll, Air Corps·. stand adjourned until the following Monday. Maj. Frede11ick William Evans, Air Corps. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Maj. Harry Gage Montgomery, Air Corps. gentleman from Florida? Maj. Fred Cyrus Nelson, Air Corps. There was no objection. Maj. Edward Moses Morris, Air Corps. Maj. Burton Frederick Lewis, Air Corps. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Maj. Elmer John Bowling, Air Corps. The SPEAKER. Without objection, the Chair designates Maj. Orin Jay Bushey, Air Corps. the gentleman from Maryland [Mr. CoLE] to preside at the Maj. Fred Sidney Borum, Air Corps. sessioa of the House on Thursday next. Maj. George Washington Polk, Jr., Air Corps. There was no objection. Maj. Christopher William Ford, Air Corps. FIRST NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO., THE SECOND NATIONAL STEAMSHIP Maj. Alfred Warrington Marriner, Air Corps. CO., AND THE THIRD NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. Maj. Guy Harrison Gale, Air Corps. The SPEAKER laid before the House the following com­ Maj. Muir Stephen Fairchild, Air Corps. munication from the Clerk of the House: Maj. James Graden Taylor, Air Corps. OCTOBER 25, 1940. Maj. Leland Wilbur Miller, Air Corps. The SPEAKER, The House of Representatives. Maj. Raphael Baez, Jr., Air Corps. SIR: There is transmitted herewith a sealed envelope indicating TO BE MAJORS on its face that it contains a message from the President of the , returning the bill, H. R. 10440, entitled "An act for Capt. Joseph Cyril Augustin Denniston, Air Corps. the relief of the First National Steamship Co., the Second National Capt. John Halliday McCormick, Air Corps. Steamship Co., and the Third National Steamship Co." Capt. Earl Walter Barnes, Air Corps. This message was received by this office at 11:35 a. m., October 25, 1940. Capt. Charles Henry Caldwell, Air Corps. Respectfully yours, Capt. Edgar Turner Noyes, Air Corps. SOUTH TRIMBLE, Capt. James Keller De Armond, Air Corps. Clerk of the House of Representative3. Capt. Walter Llewellyn Wheeler, Air Corps. By H. NEWLIN MEGILL. Capt. Norme D. Frost, Air Corps. The SPEAKER laid before the House the following veto Capt. Linus Dodge Frederick, Air Corps. message from the President of the United States: Capt. James Gordon Pratt, Air Corps. Ca.Pt. Milton Miles Murphy, Air Corps. To the House of Representatives: Capt. Lee Quintus Wasser, Air Corps. I return herewith, without my approval, a bill