Los Angeles Community College District California Career Pathways Trust Application Overview (
Los Angeles Community College District California Career Pathways Trust Application Overview (www.LARegionalCareerPathways.com) The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) has created the Los Angeles Regional Career Pathways project, which is one of the largest collaborative models in the region. It unites community colleges, high schools, Unified School Districts, labor unions, Workforce Investment Boards, and industry-specific employers so that multiple educational, economic, community-based, and workforce development resources can be leveraged and braided to meet the educational needs of local high school and community college students. The project focuses on high-demand industry sectors that are projected to grow and offer job opportunities in the future. It includes over $1,700,000 of in-kind/matched resources and will expand the Career Pathways Trust funding to serve over 6,000 participants. LACCD’s nine (9) community colleges and 20 local high schools will work with other project stakeholders to update articulation agreements and develop multiple career pathway options that will prepare high school and college students for good- paying jobs and careers. This regional consortium project will work with over 95 employers to offer over 1,800 internship opportunities that allow students to get first- hand exposure to the world of work. The Los Angeles Regional Career Pathways project complements the AB 86 Adult Education reform and planning grant, which LACCD leads a regional collaboration that includes local Unified School Districts. Targeted Sectors and Numbers Served: Business and Finance 640 Health Science, Dental Hygiene, Pharmacy Tech, Medical Technology 1979 Information and Communication Technologies, Multi-Media, Web 1613 Development Manufacturing, Graphics, Product Design 1000 Marketing Sales, International Trade, Service 1061 Major Partnerships: LACCD will work with an array of added-value partners that represent the region's community colleges, high schools, workforce development systems, and industry-related businesses.
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