The Militia of Northumberland County During the Revolution

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The Militia of Northumberland County During the Revolution The Militia of Northumberland County During the Revolution BY CHARLES FISHER SNYDER Presented before the Society March 12, 1948 The militia system has been traditional with our people from the earliest times. Almost all ancient armies, especially those of the Germanic tribes, were militia or national levies, remaining under arms during the war or campaign and returning to their ordinary oc- cupations at the close of each military episode. The tribal militia system gradually developed into Feudalism. The noble and the knight spent most of their lives in the field, and from youth were trained in the cult of arms, but the feudal tenantry were bound to give forty days war service each year, and no more. Prior to the Norman Conquest, the armed force of England was essentially a national militia,' the English army at Hastings consisted mainly of such levies. Down through the fifteenth century, and throughout the Hun- dred Years War with France, the English yeomanry ruled the battlefield. The otherwise drab succession of seemingly endless fighting is singularly embellished by the startling victories at Crecy, Poitiers, and Agincourt, usually against overwhelming forces of mounted knight- hood, by the massing of common soldiery, the longbow- men of England. It should be noted, however, that these yeomen while in foreign service were paid volun- teers. 1 Encyc. Brittanica, 14th edit., Vol. 10, p. 677. 48 The Northumberland County Historical Society The introduction of firearms turned the balance in favor of the professional soldier, nevertheless the tra- dition persisted and was accepted as a matter of fact by our Continental forefathers. In 1774, the Massachusetts Assembly appointed a Committee of Safety, and their example was quickly followed by the other Colonies including Pennsylvania in 1775. On April 24, 1775, an express rider galloped into Philadelphia with news of the Battle of Lexington. The next day, the Committee of Correspondence took charge and its authority was duly recognized and accepted. A town meeting was called, when thousands of citizens assembled. Only one resolution was proposed and adopted, to "associate together, to defend with arms their property, liberty, and lives against all attempts to deprive them of it." The Associators immediately turned their organizations into military companies. The officers chosen for the Battalions formed in the newer counties near the frontier were, for the most part, men of military skill who were veterans of the French and Indian War and other Indian incursions. However, this was not generally true in the older coun- ties where many chosen were without military experience and owed their position to political activity or social prominence. About sixty-five or seventy Battalions were organ- ized in the eleven counties then comprising Pennsyl- vania; four of them in Northumberland County, which at that date was less than four years old, of vast extent, but relatively sparsely populated. The assessors were required to make returns of all males between eighteen and fifty years of age, and the captains of the various companies of Associators were directed to furnish to their colonels, and the colonels to -I Northumberland County Militia 49 the County Commissioners, lists of such persons as had joined the Associators. The Commissioners were empowered to assess or fine those not associated 2 pounds 10 shillings annually in addition to their ordinary tax. Fines were also levied for failure to report for duty. A case of this type was the sale of a lot owned by John Bullion in 1779 by the "High Sheriff of the county of Northumberland for delinquency in Northumberland Militia." 2 While these military organizations differed greatly in their makeup, the average Battalion was composed of eight companies, and these in turn of eight classes. A class might vary from six to as many as twenty men. It is supposed the men were classified by age, the youth being in the First Class and the elders in the Eighth Class. On a tour of duty, two, three, or four classes were called out, the older men being called when the action lulled or came closer home. From this outline we can see that the average company was composed of perhaps sixty men, and the battalion of five hundred, serving at one time. On this basis, it can be seen that the Associators furnished over 35,000 men throughout Pennsylvania, and in Northumberland County over two thousand. At the outset of the war, the only Battalion of our county which has a recorded number of men is the Second, which by the return dated January 24, 17763 reported 47 officers and 713 private soldiers, which read- ily confirms the above estimate; while in the report of May 1, 1778 after many had enlisted in the various com- panies sent to the Continental Line, the total for the four battalions is 1582 men. While in service on the frontier these men seem to have clothed and provisioned themselves. Blankets are issued to them when they are sent on long or distant 2 Northumberland County Deed Book, B, p. 304 3 Penna. Archives, 5thSeries, VIII, p. 667. 50 The Northumberland County Historical Society tours of duty. According to the records4 "each man that found himself a good Riffle & Accoutrements was to be allowed Eighty Dollars", although muskets are occasionally issued. On the frontier they fed them- selves, living off the land by hunting and snaring game. The most important items which they could not provide themselves, and which were always scarce on the fron- tier, were gunpowder and lead. Early in the war the Committee of Safety made an urgent plea for such sup- plies. To the Hon'ble the Council of Safety of the State of Pennsylvania.5 The Inhabitants of the County of Northumberland, have just grounds to believe that they will be disturb'd by the Indians, and as they are the people that will greatly suffer if they are not immediately supplyed with a sufficient quantity of Amun- ition to defend themselves, we the subscribers, in behalf of said county, request that your Hon'ble board will immediately grant a sufficient quantity of Amunition; as there is four Batal- lions in the County we think not less than Seven hundred & Fifty wt of Powder & Lead in proportion would be necessary for to supply them. ROB'T MARTIN, MATTHEW BROWN, WALTER CLARK, JNO. KELLY, JAMES CRAWFORD. July 29th, 1776 Our local militia was first engaged in active duty during the winter of 1776-77. On the 5th of December, the Supreme Executive Council appointed Robert Martin of Northumberland "paymaster to the Northumberland county militia, now going into service." On the 8th of January he was superseded by Alexander Hunter, "pay- master to the militia of Northumberland county, enrolled to serve to the 10th of March next." One detachment marched to Reading under Colonel Cole of the Fourth Battalion, and another to Philadelphia under Lieut. Col. Murray of the Third Battalion. Among the companies under Col. Murray's command were Captain Benjamin 4 Penna. Archives, 1st series, Vol. VI, pp. 711, 774 5 Penna. Archives, Ist series, Vol. IV, p. 788. Northumberland County Militia 51 Weiser's and John Lee's; the latter being composed of volunteers from the First Battalion, and organized with the following officers:6 Capt. John Lee, 1st Lieut. Hugh White, 2nd Lieut. Thomas Gaskins, Ensign, Gustavus Ross, They marched on the 24th of December 1776 and arrived at Philadelphia prior to the 11th of January. The entire roster of Capt. Weiser's company is published as of Philadelphia, Jan. the 30th 1777.7 4 Comit'd officers 4 Serjant 1 Drummer 31 Privates Other than these several volunteer groups who marched to the eastern parts of the state, our militia does not seem to have had more than routine duty, patrol- ing our frontier along both branches of the Susquehanna and the like, until the summer of 1777. The war which had started around Boston in 1775, moved to New York in 1776, then to Trenton and back and forth across New Jersey in the early part of 1777. During the summer of that year, reliable informa- tion pointed to a British attack on Philadelphia, which was expected by sea since land efforts across New Jersey had failed, and Lord Howe believed that the war could be ended by the capture of the city which was the seat of the Continental Congress. The war, which until that time had come no closer than Washington's retreat to the west shore of the Delaware, was coming to Pennsylvania. The militia was called out. On June 16th, the Council addressed "Samuel Hunter, Esqr, Lieut of the County of Northumberland," as follows:8 6 ibid, V, p. 133. 7 Penna. Archives, 5th series, VIII, pp. 662, 670. 8 Penna. Archives, 1st series, Vol. V, p. 370. 52 The Northumberland County Historical Society The situation and circumstances of your county induce the Council to order but one class of your Militia into the Field. I do therefore hereby order you to array and bring out the first class of the Militia of your county, and to march them as soon as possible to Bristol, on the Delaware. And further, you are to use your utmost diligence in getting ready the second class, which, it is but too probable will be called upon in a short time. You are to obtain as many Blankets and Arms fit for service as can be procured in the county; and you may depend on it, that whatever may be deficient, shall be supplyed to them, on their arrival at Bristol. To this order he replied as follows:9 Fort Augusta, 19th June, 1777.
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