Have Broken Off Herald Staff Writer Bulkley System to Produce Power for New L I L I I HAZELTON- Talks Between the Aluminum Smelters
i i J I I II LEGISLATIVE LIBHARY : . :.: . ; ,' ; : , !!:, ~ ;~? : ,~.~.' ,! . ~,~, . i PARLINE~T BUILDINGS i' '"/ .., " "!"' ! i' 'i Victoria, B.C.. • vsv ,,/ i ii ¸¸ ii "~i~'F, ;: ' ~i ................ Ilit ..... " "=-- ' = .... 'q Lq .... i d ": ": q ~ " q ; ' , q" = P ' ~ " : " q; ;' # Iq I I q~ U :t = . # ~ + . ;:/~, '=:TERRACE '" j~int action, bY the Distdct,l'pf::. : ':~Ol~ing Off Chl!dren ~ I~sy~tre~is on either s!d e ~ '~,", : :,i '~dl~ bf'~[[:.paved bie~de pdt~c'~)r i-Jdldren'to,ude " : the.pi~blem/i : : " ,. ::. ~i~: .:; :i;: ...'i ?/ •/i Tei~aC~ and:'Scli~0t'Dbtrict ~its, ~Oi~ig part oLthe• :: .the school en~ancei"/• ./:/:~::. ;: i~;' i':/• ~::' * •:/ ,'Co/mefi ~cLded atiti laat meeting to' include the ' '~/~ said the traffic: ~iind •:would;,ha!p~• :' ":,: Par.~t Adyi~ory' C qnmRtee .ltiem~l' ~. ~lk~".: "!: • ..i' ;J.teil~.: fOl" :di~CtlS,.!Onill |is I ne~t, I~dget, Tha t I~.dget " rq"~e ~r~:. ~ ~ ~pping' d~:¢hil~ e~" :i' Way to meet demands by a local ~hoc! parents gredp ,,said .the. group feels: p ,oot, economic ce~ti..ms have :,. : wiLL be discussed in January i!nd' appr@ved i n May, busy Stre~. :, I)y /~1.ow~, 'g'.t~m: t9 be' dToj~l~ left. : ,' toiimprove .the traffic situafionaround.the school,--, • .." .'l'he~Uplande Elementary Sclioul Pa~m~ ~,dvisory ~ " resu!ted in L[itt]e m~ey.balng av#ilable xer. me Wor~ .,. ' • .: For the'next school ~ear thej district a~d the board 'in the. exintlng.scbooJ parking lot, " . ..., '.... :' they wo~d like to see done at the schaol, But Baker *.. : : have gotten t~gethar'and Will be ~mstructing a traffic While the lack of ~n~..rmulting from .
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