i i J I I II LEGISLATIVE LIBHARY : . :.: . ; ,' ; : , !!:, ~ ;~? : ,~.~.' ,! . ~,~, . . i PARLINE~T BUILDINGS i' '"/ .., " "!"' ! i' 'i Victoria, B.C..

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;:/~, '=:TERRACE '" j~int action, bY the Distdct,l'pf::. : ':~Ol~ing Off Chl!dren ~ I~sy~tre~is on either s!d e ~ '~,", : :,i '~dl~ bf'~[[:.paved bie~de pdt~c'~)r i-Jdldren'to,ude " : the.pi~blem/i : : " ,. ::. ~i~: .:; :i;: ...'i ?/ •/i Tei~aC~ and:'Scli~0t'Dbtrict ~its, ~Oi~ig part oLthe• :: .the school en~ancei"/• ./:/:~::. ;: i~;' i':/• ~::' * •:/ ,'Co/mefi ~cLded atiti laat meeting to' include the ' '~/~ said the traffic: ~iind •:would;,ha!p~• :' ":,: Par.~t Adyi~ory' C qnmRtee .ltiem~l' ~. ~lk~".: "!: • ..i' ;J.teil~.: fOl" :di~CtlS,.!Onill |is I ne~t, I~dget, Tha t I~.dget " rq"~e ~r~:. ~ ~ ~pping' d~:¢hil~ e~" :i' Way to meet demands by a local ~hoc! parents gredp ,,said .the. group feels: p ,oot, economic ce~ti..ms have :,. : wiLL be discussed in January i!nd' appr@ved i n May, busy Stre~. :, I)y /~1.ow~, 'g'.t~m: t9 be' dToj~l~ left. : ,' toiimprove .the traffic situafionaround.the school,--, • .." .'l'he~Uplande Elementary Sclioul Pa~m~ ~,dvisory ~ " resu!ted in L[itt]e m~ey.balng av#ilable xer. me Wor~ .,. ' • .: For the'next school ~ear thej district a~d the board 'in the. exintlng.scbooJ parking lot, " . ..., '.... :' they wo~d like to see done at the schaol, But Baker *.. : : have gotten t~gethar'and Will be ~mstructing a traffic While the lack of ~n~..rmulting from . budget :} .Com/nlitee .has.complalned the~two grodps'.w,e~ : asysthegmupalsobinmesdistrietandschoulboard " " turnaroimd f~ the'school parking lot, aM will be' cuthacks.~dm, e~~e'evmnletiouo(anymnJor " - "passing the buck" and'avoidlng responsibility for. i ...... officials for ""not ....wanting "tO accept...... full rmpm- ' .~ 'moving " • bus' " s(ops to. less' ' frequented' areas,...... work Rcf.es said~ ...... the.turnaround coupled - with"- a . cm'res.ti~, a potentially dangerotm traffic situation at sibffity" for cOrrecting the problem. " : . , .". ' . t~emf~r of bli st~lrem H~lwelLi to Thomas would -- the school ' ...... " -" - ...... -: = ---:-, '- ': " :~ ...... : ~.- - . ; ~i~0ol board asedstant secretary treaslmer Verue-- go along way towards clearing up the problem, AI~ no accidents have occurred at' the s.cl~o|, The group submitted a 90 name petition to ,~uncil Rozee denied there has been "buck.pasoing" between Both.the changes Would be accomplished by the the local RCMP Identified . a potential hazard to and the sehool board demanding immediate actton to the board and the district, saying the two groups had beginning of the new school year in September, Rosee chtldren walking to the scboollcansed by parents remove and fill ditches in the area and asldng for the been meeting slnce.May to e0me up with a solution to said..

, I I Kemano II talks / have broken off Herald Staff Writer Bulkley system to produce power for new l I L I I HAZELTON- Talks between the aluminum smelters. The rivers fie within Fridey, July 16, 1982 25 cents Established 1908 Volume 76 No.136 Gitk'ean-Carrier Tribal Co~cff and the the Gitk'san-Carrier land claims area Aluminum Company of Canada con, while a pmpased smelter site in Van. ceding the Kemano II project have derhoof falls with the Carrier-Sekaiud land broken off. claims area. Spokesmen for the tribal council say the Alcan-offieiais say they want the talks broke off June 30 because the com- dialogue with the hands to continue and pany failed_ to take the talks seriously, say the company is concerned with Tribal Council chairman Neff. Sterritt learning the outlines ~f the councils land said the council had been e~gaged in talks claims position. with the company since November, but "Like other 8roups, they Want-to have "had now come to the cunelusiun that the some say in the development of theh" company regarded the talks as a "public area," Alean informatlen" officer ~Bruce I relations" gesture, Reseahurt said. "We will be in touch with Sterritt said the discunMous were aimed them and b0pe the dialogue will centlnue." at providing a. dialogue between the Resenhart said the talks theniselves are council and the company about the im- part of the co

s[.... . whatever iheads are at thei/, disposal to tie J Alcan plans to reverse the flow oftbe up development until the eisims are sot- Nanika River at the headwaters of the tled. " ....

...... 2 " ":: ;:~i""*/:. • ~ Politicians lobby for

TERRACE -- Dome financing was one of the said Dome~ had the best! Petroleum Ltd. has the factors that favored the technical expertise=, and : contract for a liquefied Dome proposa_]. Other deserved to win. He said the: Alan Brodle won $200 and 'a m~dal for his per- Northwest Real Estate.Board Bud McColl Memorial i natural gas;export terminal reasons for the govern- company's money problems. formence in winning lthe.~dt, Promising Senior . but the site is to be chosen ment's decision were that should not hu~ since the awards by Mrs. McColl and rea I estate representative ~_ after further d|seussions • Sl~ech Arts Student, awa rd at the Northwest Music the Dome plan provides~ the project can stand on its own: Tracy Ritter at a ceremony inTerrace Wednesday,: with the provincial greatest economic return to merits. Festival this spring. Brodle waS/presented with the government and that has B.C., that Dome had . ' " I " "" I Skeena MLA" Frank already signed-delivery Gallagher noted Dome's L.J Howard's hopes up for contracts with five proposal for the terminal Kitimat. Japanese firms and that it was the first one made. The Howard has sent a letter has a supply contract for consortium includes Nova to the B.C. Energy Minister Alberta gas. Of Calgary; NIC Resources Iraq holds its own against Iran Jack MoClelland sugsesting Despite the company's lnc,, a wholly-owned sub- five reasons for ehoasing financial troubles, neither sidiary of the Japanese" Tehran radio said ai'eentrenched near Basra, front. In Washington, a U.S. kllometre thrust, which it Khuzistan in September, Kitimat over Dome's Dome chairman Jack trading company Nisaho ._!ranian-lraqi . fighting ~ but Iraq says the area was official'who asked not to be says was subsequently 1980, after months of favoredsite at Grassy Point Gallagher nor Calgary Iwai Corp:~, and Tran- continued in southern Iraq "purged" • of Iranian in- .identified said: "The Iraqis reversed. IL was not clear growing friction between near Port Simpson. The 50 investment analysts were sCanada PipeLines Ltd., today' for the third day vaders ino heavy::fighting are not'dolng t6~ badly. The how many Iranian troops the two ancient enemies extra miles to Port Simpson, surprised by Thursday's 49.6-per-cent owned by running;~,~nd that. *Iraqi Wednesday ' and Thursday. :" Iranians are not making the had invaded Iraq. War over disputed territory is over very rugged terrain announcement. Dome Petroleum and Dome aircraft.inflicted heavy Iraq says two Iranian progress some had communiques on[~ed, along the Shatt-al-Arab near the mouth of the "I think it shows the Canada• .civilian Casualties in at- divisions were. destroyed predicted." ncsday indica te~,~,,,~ %._ waterway, Iraq's only sea, Skeena, _ and site (B.C.) government, the tacks on two Iraniai~ cities; and 4,733.Iranians-killed~iri ~...... |i:aii!s-~re~;oi-ut-i-onary 5fighting, "We wanted to create a outletto the Persian Gulf. preparation costa will be Japanese leaders and the The Iranian broadcast-- the defence nf Basra and patriarch Ayatollah: TI~ intensified fighting second 'market- for gas PersianMoslem Iran and significantly higher. There Japanese illdustrial com- said Iraqi jets struck deep " said Iraqi troops forced the Ruhollah Khomeini in~i'Sted raised new concern abottt exports in Canada," he said. Arab Moslem Iraqalso have is no organized community plex have faith in Dome inside Iran today, killing .at Iranians. to flee across their his fighters would topple the oil supplies., because both "longstanding religious and '?Currently, we're com- remaining viable ," least 30 people .a~d woun- border. But .Ira~nian cam- Iraqi regime and "liberate countries are Imi~ortah~ political differences, and no ducking and wharf pletely dependent on the Gallagher said in an in- ding 200 others at a• M0s!em . munlques carried tOday by.: Jerusalem." Sources in the petroleum, producers.. But':'-- -The Iraois occimied much - fatal.ties-at..t~-~,. P~'t S.-i~np- =U.S. market- for exports." ...... terview. " ...... ~ •' prayer. L meeting ' • in Radio Tehran, monitored in Iranian ca-ital'reached b,, -" ---'~.~...... :-,~ ';'--- " .... " ? - . -...... son site, euc ~iumac oners ...... ~ ...... : ...... I" .' ~ '. Ull'~ll~lly~t~ II~lV~ "l~llU' U[IU["-" OI *~''I~uzlscnn " Un[ll • mls - i~it,:~ ,~A" ....' H^.,.rd ' ~.amaaun' R' also said. the .. London, ..said 600 Iraqi : telephonee~fro~ ~:Nicosla, 'becauseof the werldwide0il • Saris,, when Iran scored .-,, ~,, ,~T~,.~ojo•. u,,~ , • Paul Ziff, an.~dependent Dome-wilt. secure its ,:~ .oil and.--gas analyst,, said •financing for the terminal ~.~,~ Dome's experience in the by borrowing against the Japanese market gave the .export contracts to raise. /:* :'~ Hamadan is some 240 defeafi/tg ~.the Iraqi c0un: ign6rlng the wail of air-raid lullin the war Tuesday by most Iraqi forces back tt~ ' - company .an important money for construction; kffometres from the Iraqi teroffensxve to Tuesdn's rare t Kitimat remains the edge. Gallagher said no Dome .... ". _ " Y " " ns warning Of possible sending soldiers into IraqltY~acroas the border. .... o_. border. Iranian invasion. :. Ir.aqi.bombings. territory, in what Iran's ~"For. weeks lran preferred site and that And Victor Skurag, equity will be used to location in tbe~big string analyst for BumsFry Ltd,, • The marchers burned an .revolutionary Islamic threatened to counter- finance the project.. The-radio broadcast a An ~.Iraqi tank battalion effigy of Israeli Prime -atriar ^'- ...... attached to the deal. ..-. ' " ...... ~ ...... v ~- ~yuLonan Invaae oespite ttussein s Dotne's -r,n~l has its site mintary communique ano an mmntry :narration Minister Menachem Be~in Ruhollah Khomelnican~n nf,n~,~ ,,,~,~h,~oo T~, h~. ~" "~ '" sayin.g Iranian. forces had w e r e. : . : c o m p I e t e I y and chanted pro-Palestmian sacred mission to obliterate re/used to make peace until at P.ort S[ml~n, and.if ~at repro Sad an Iraqi court- smaslied, the Tehran. slogans: • the r~uim~ nf p,~la;-,t t~,,~:.~, ~ ,~,~:,I~.i T.~. is me tavorea site oy me far,. track in the ..main . battle . broadcast..~ ., .. :..sald , ..... :. ~ Iran :~elaims • its .troo-s ~ "~do~u um..... nu~em--~--'- . "and: • _, . ammos_-~_ _ ]t.:., was me aggressor• ~.._.,,provincial ,. government ...... ,~.~ why , area of -Basra, Iraq's Tllerlval Claims _COUldnot--advanced some--" 20 "liberate" Mos'-'= ':-'-• __.~_~_._ ...~ ..... • ,row, t m©y =,.~p,~-u ~ . " "~ ,':--~; "~...... '- ~--'- -- ll~lll uul3 auu puys ~lm~ nlln0n in war .t^.....-,~ ~.--. t~v .~k second... -largest city', and *be.independently.,.-, confirmed...... kilometres into ira. q in landsall the way to lsraeh-." ~a,m~a.'~...... ~ . " *. a~u,~ vim u•...... ~ .... Persian Gulf" port, The because ...~(he warring Operation: Ramadan held.Jerusalem:.- .. • " .In Thursday's fighting, • Dome heads a four- "Iranians, who invadedlraq countries ~r ban 'toreign launchedlateTuesday, but The invasion heightened ~ iraq aise said ~ria's air ' company consortium that onTue~ay,:.• . ..,saYtheir'tr°°ps. :.. , . . .. Correspondents....-. : from~., . rthe. " lraq' conceded:.. . only. a 10- .fears of conse~ative:Arab i force "'intensified bcfivity" beat proposals by Carter . '..":.:.. , ' " ;"' .-". ~.!-~"- ':. *~. '".:i~,,' '. ~* ;'.- - . i . " . regin~:esaroun¢l_~he Persian ; .along ~aq's western'. bur- ' "Energy Ltd of' Vancouver -." .. i,..:. ;/.:.'m.. i :," " .:' '. : ~: . .- " ; .." ... - .." : ."" :...-~ :' - " :... Gulf ihat have supported.., der,. but did not elnborat~. " and.a(:onso-rti~-headddti~, ~A'I "ir~Mid="* ::,A :A'*A~n--':'A A',A|~.,~ ~" * .~ --" -- '-- Iraq ;in-tim..war, .afraid-. Syrla, a':'longtimeif~:-bi=:federally.owned .. Petro- u"~iT~ll :I[II~ l,,tl ~II[ II~,'I-_"~b.li_l[.,.t_K_q~, l'~llill~llil~_i[~ Khomeini w0uldexport his "Iraq;.haS supported Iran in Canada Ltd to build the ~ " v,q~.M.MI. -'. ,\,., .... , !-:M',~d~lt~W-~l~.VVVl~k%~.,lt~V~,A~,%~V:. , , .'. " ...... ,. s :-" .- -. violent *fundamentalist the war and ~ira q, has ,-terminal" ' • on"-~ n.~.s norm•" ' .... "~i; -'• " ". - ' ; , ' ,.. ". - ' . • :.- - . -. Moslem re~volution to:their previoualy accused the ..cQast, lfcompleted, the$1.7- WHY BUY NEW? SeU~ Arab!a Was reported today to.bays, the Soviet Unionlmd joined the U.S; effort, lands~ ...... ' " . • --Syrians, of attacking Iraqi mill!on terminal Will.•help WHEN USEDWILL DOI joined the United States in ti'ying ~to end The U,S, .had earlier urged the Arab • Despite Khomelnl's • border guards~ • " Alberta~.'and " BIC, gad the ~-r-israel-Palestine Liberation world t0 help end the/crisis ~in Lebanon,/- rhetoric,, other Iranian At the United Nations on producers by opening Do you want parts to~fix up your car but your budget 0i'ganization crisisinLebanon," _ ... : . Israel. ~ warned its Palestinian__ guerrilla ,officials have uid the in- Thursday, the. ~ Security markets for liquefied.gasin won't allow It?Beat thehigh cost of. new parts with Lebanon radio said seudi. Arabia is enemies on Thm'sdayi=that it~--h-~ "not vaston's objective is to C.otmeil t0ok :the weakest Pacific Rim countries. quality~,ed parts from trying to parsunde Soviet-b'acke~'Syria to ], :' returned the sword to its.sheath•," and a create a security belt along form ~ of action when it Amid rumors -that Dome receive.temporarily-the PLOl~uerrillas i', igee * , . *: " -- the'border to prevent Iraqi ~dopted~ a statement may get federal govem- trappedin west.Beirut by an Isrdeli siege, -" * " " " " ~ artillery froth shelling auth0r'izing the council meat help in reducing its S,K.6.-AUTOSALVAGE pending arrangementsl to disperse the " ' . , LpL O s -~ - - " Iranian targets, president to meet both sides-- estimated $8-bfllion debt,~ 635-2333-dr 635-9095 fighters among several Arab countries.. . Iraqi. forces invaded in an attempt to end the B.C. Energy Minister Jack It was erroneeusl), reported earlier that. • " pa'~e 3 *Iran's southwest province of fighting. McCleiinnd said assured 3590 Duhan ([ustOlf Hwy. li El ii i

.t ~t ..... " I s

I~ill L The Herald, Friday, July 16, !982 ' -... ~,...... = ......

IlT.'ltlRA('EKITIMA'r" '' ~N~y. in[emauonal nas .SIS t ,.,. , .. . ., • "i .... .• ,, • • ' , ' " , , " , ..... ',' ?-7t. "...... '.1:/ • , Lettefsto .: ' @ldll&llll B#adlkldlll LO,NDON((~P)i-,Some"lettrQswereforcedt0e!tlive~ ;The lawyers'one:year Campaign blossomed/into an'.,: !.t ":." :ILL,_ E!JI,~A', " . / . /Ill/• ll ~ll l!ll...:bi.. frogs,..... olller! ,,! had,., :lhi~Ir-heads,, • . dtiilfed ,, ..... k~to ..... tubs ~' .wlth!:..or. g. anizati0n now boast". ,~ "le~0 .... 0oomembera and~'" u'ppat r els,..•., .: . •I .... " 11.1]..~ : gQIllQ[ '~ :. • ' • '., ' . :, ', " , i".." ' '"- '.:...'' '- : :.', ';'...O00fVO!~llit ancl.e~Rrement, Still'others.were hung upslde--.!,~lSl-.cmmtrl .~and terrttoriea. Many. mem,be~.` ,be!~:tO",:' •

:!:<....:.:..,;. ..-.. ...'..... i...:.L.... !.-i,.,./.. '/. ; : ' . ./{I " : ...... '!.! .}.i !..".' ,i i .{ !" i". IIII...... " . in ' _) ...... - .•.. ' • 'rl,;,~,.,..,'.:,..::....:;.,: 7..,,: ;...... , ./..:.. : ..... ;. ;. ¢ir,:,,,i,/il,.<. hnge.rs and'tees..' .;. :. ....' ,. .,, ~ : ~ : •." =. : ;.,' . .L. :," ,That reprits a :major-¢hanile from ;IO yeai's.ago; he "'Ochoui'District88and published in the Jiily 6. edition of the "," 7,":,'": :, .L;;.: ;., :: .:..,.::~' ~ :'-,. ~'~;,'~,~'" :. '~bi:.some eountr,~'metlmda,; sUCh aano~ and'am-. /said~-~:.l~.f0re:,retugeeO b~an" mrrivlag. In"canadawith:' "News Advertiser ': " . ' '"-. ' ' ~~ " ,. oaa-~a=j...... :: .....',< -' .; :'i ".'~ .'" ,,~-.,wv .:. putation,, were carried .out~ public,." added Amnesty. .,'horror stories of their tria'tm~t baei~ home ..... '" :. The board was'advised by'Ann Clarkson, BCSTA Coin-. ' report,. ' " . " pubiisher.@arry., ' , ; .,!,,i,i"~i, Husak~,/- . ." •.- - • 7.., Internati0nal" e doe" s 428-page annual. . : ,.." ,, ...... Rooch said '?things Rallytook Off" for his groul~ When munleattousOtficor, to treat all news medla fairly.' Yetthe '-"~,". - " ' : "',:i • - -Th : ument lists dozfns of Co,retries; both pro-. Church. leaders, rep;'eaenting • eatabltshedl, and: c;'edible board failed to supply the Terrace Daffy. Herald and the : : ': -" . ~ ~ '.~ - ' communist and pro-capitalist, in whieh acts of torture and : voices in Canadian society, took up, Amnesty Inter- CBC in Prince Ru~rt with a copy of this news;relelise, •,-:::::;--.~!:~:~.:;~,:--;-Edilori.: '::..'.. .-. ~;: .:'...... :--:reprelmloil .look "platedurlng; INi, : ' ...... natlonai's "cause. :Support' wlls Soon Comiiiii "frOmevery :~ Both medla outlets had extellillVely reported this..Hart, '~ Brlan Gregg ...... ::: ...... cilnadawas not mentioned, sector of society, . .:. : Farm Issue. . . -[ .- But David Laulicht~ press officer at Amn~ty Inter- Amnestyhas personal files on more than 4,500 "prisoners H the instant repafrs to .the Hart Farm were the direct " Advorflsing ~_ies: •national's modest London headquarters; noted-several of conscience" "men. and women the group feels have been result.of the "egotistical son~ationaham" of my Herald ' ~Terrace-- David Hamilton Canadian lawyers have asked for-an independen(:~- jailed not for criminal acts ih the ordinary sense, but rather column, fine,- Inseven months battling with the boai'd '1!. vestigatlon into reports of brutality and torture by Toronto- for their beliefs;religion, race, color, sex or ethnic origin. through proper channels they've resisted putting into $tMfwritors.Photogra ~ers: Sports: area police. " Yet all the numbers represent little more than the "tip of practice the recommendations of theReview Board. Had I Mike Howleff Don Schaffer ' If'an inquiry is initiated, Laulieht said it will probably the iceberg," Laulieht said. "There may in tact be 50 or 100 dealt with the Hart farm Woblem through proper channels follow standard Amnesty procedures, Including "stringent prisoners of consolenee for every one we've been able to open to m~e as a trnstee, no doubt the fire hazards would itlll document." exist, ...... ~...... •.... Reception.Classified: criteria as to what .are the facts." .+ .--~~:~...:- All of the ~roup's 150 odd staff members are well aware Of During the 12-month period ending May 1 last year, The word "firetrap" wa~a direct quote. The ~princlpal's Carolyn Gibson Amnesty added '1,475 new CaSes while 894 prisoners .were choice of the word "ftrulrap', si.gnaHed to methat eon- the possible damage if'any government were falsely ac- freed, .: cused of torture Orillegal imprisonment. ditious at the Hart Farm .were beyomd toleration',: The _ Circulation: Laulicht said there Is no way of knowing how large a role flreman'n report bore this out:. ;'I noted the large nUdll~r .. Maria Taylor "We live and die by our credibility," he said. Amnesty international, using a budget Of $4,9 nllllion last of tanks containing flammable and combustible ilquidd~nd Amnesty'Internationai began In 1061 When British lawyer year (almost all raised, bycharitable doniitions), pltiyed.in the mannerin which they are belag stored;" he repai!ed, NOTICE OF COPYMIOHT Peter Benenson read ~news reports of two Portuguese anyone's t:elease. ' . .. " • Here exists a very real serious potential fire hazard'tiult The Herald retains full, complete and sole copyrlghl students, who received seven-year jail sentences:after But he said Amnesty members' constant barrage of not only involves the existing buildings and forest, but als0 ..... in any advertisemerff produced and-or any editorial raising a toast in a restaurant to freedom. letters, news releases_and requests for official inquiries " every school child-andadult that visits this facility." or photographic content published In the Herald. Following further research, Benenson "published a list of certainly must have had-an ~ffect, For Orr to say "the operation of this facility has been Reproduction Is not permifled without the written "forgotten prisoners" -- men and women held (often Angry leaders,of both pro-cqmmunist and pro-eapitallst watched over by a dedicated staff committee" is an permission of the Publisher. sccretly i in violation of the United Nations' Universal reglmeshave lashed but at the group, accusing it of being a exaggeration, lnyestlgation_proves_the~'dedicatnd-stafL-]- Declaration of Human Rights and Similar international front for everything from the Soviet politburo to the United committee" e0mista of one parson, an elementary sehn~l. , - " <~~. • Statutes, States' Central Intelligence Agency. principal..I'll not deny he may he dedicated; but to refer to _ , .- him as a committee gives an impression of consultation ::' that does not exist. No one .knows of any committee meetings ever being held or any minutes of any such meetings. College students That the operation is lnspect~l and reViewed annually is a consummation devoutly to be wished, perhaps, but is Renting homes cheaper? deniedb_y the maintenance superintendent. He told ml~',i!n ban Playboy 'an interview with him June 25, they repair thingswhen they EI)MONTON (CP) It Is cheaper to •rent than to downpayment on the home and found it would have are reported to him as in need of ~pair, but he conducts no BURNABY, B.C. (CP) ",Playboy Magazine ha~ Simon buy a home in today's housing market, says made $1,692 per year interest had it been invested at planned annual inspection, and was not now doing an an- ?raser University students hot under the collar --and they Edmonton appraiser David Sanna. -12 per. cent. He subtracted that from the cost of 'anal inspection, one Of tlie reasons being he has not budget rant it taken out of their library and bookstore. Sanna, who has appraised ~houses here for eight, renting to get $7,508 for the total cost of renting. When for upgrading the faeility~ Student representatives Say the magazine is per- years, uses an exainple that shows unless homes rent cost was subtracted from thecost of buying, he Orr says personnel interviews are held in confidence to hogral~hic and is on Order even though academic journals increase in value by 10.7 per cent each year, renting arrived at $10,062, the amount the home wouldhave to prevent remarks being taken "out-of-context", Perhaps. rove had to be Cancelled becausc of general cutbacks. They is a better decision. Edmonton homes.have increased . increase in value each year to break even. However, I feel the reason the principal asked to have his my they don't, like the administration's priorites. • - - in value by about two per cent in the last yeiir. "You're looking at paying $10,000 a year for pride of remarks kept eoofidential is quite different, Because the "It didn't seem appropriate that when newspaper and A $79,000 mortgage on a $94,000 home, at 19-por- ownership," he said. "And if we're oni)t going to live '.'dedicatedstaff committee" is one parson, and~not only he nagazine and periodical subscril)tions -- which might he cent interest over a 25-year"'amortization period in a home for two or three years, as the national 10Utalso the maintenance superintendent and the caretiiker, leeded for research -- might be cut, we maintain a sub- • would cost $14,770 per year, says Sanna. 'He adds average shows, it doesn't make sense to buy a home all take a Very perso~l proprietary interest in the Hart ~cription to Playboy," said Laurie White, a student Forum another $3,200 for taxes, maintenance and utilities for because you end iii~ with no equity." Farm~ any suggestions for improvement of the facility "eprescntative. a total of $17,970 per yelir to buy a home. But Sanna said there were ways homebuyers could might be interpreted by these individuals as a criticism, of ;~ White said StUdents also asked the ~anadian National Rental of a similar home, he'says, would Cost about" improve their4ot. Reducing theamortization period • what they are presently doing. The principal might have i|nstitute for the Blind to remove seven tyl~eS of magazines $700 a month, plus $100 for utilities,for a total annual and paying off the mortgage more quickly isone way feared his remarks would reach their ears and cause i.L- including Playboy, Out, Hustler, and Penthouse -- from cost of $9,600, ~ to reduce debt. repercussions. Which seems to have been the case. its concession stand, earlier this month. Sa/lna presented the figures Wednesday at tile Homebuyers .should als0 be looking at .making-a Had I chosen to attack the problem by proper a~nues, as - :~ "The student, society contacted the main office of the monthly meeting of the .Edmonton branch o! the, maximani down payment and paying over a Orr suggests" I should have, I woMdhave bllep, ted 'a~,id~ .~IB and they quite willingly removed them," she said. t t ,~,.,,:r,Housih~:,:~,~.d,/U/b-~a~fl.,,De~el(i~ifib~,,,,~,S~C~b.ti~h,.,~|' ~i~ii~t~.'o[~ar s rather than a minimum • dl!Mlttltd ib'lmt my f~:liiis~{orest ~kild~lothlni would hay,l,, ~But the library and ~e, which falls under the~ Canada. It wasn t'~actl~what "~ ar'tidi~nCe, m~de down an~ maximum repays/ant oeriod as IS nff~rmt'"' in' done.. As it was, a relial~.~l~~e t~ti~l~e~on was cQn`- library's jurisdiction, vvere n()t a~ :c~-operative, she said. upof uliderstidd member~sofrelated irade~, @anted in the market place today, ile sUggeSted.' - " ;clotted li~mndlately 6y,a trllnE,ll~e~tlg~Ye~. ~ill wr~'h ;~ University librarian Ted Dobb was asked to pull Playboy to hear. - • " But TerryMyers, general manager of single family" report dated May 28 was stamped officially received bythe off the ,shelves and microfilms in ,favor of other Home purchases have dropped dramatically., in residential sales with Nu-West Development Corp. " maintenance department of District 88 June 3. Yet atthe publications. Edmontori in recent months. .- and vice-present of HUDAC,- questioned Sanna's June8 ~ard meeting in Hazelten Mrs. Orr stated the report "He told us librarians don't get involved in what he called Purchases are also.down in R.egina, partly due to statements. was ~ot yet available because it was still.being compiled. censorship," white said.' ': " - the slowdown in residential ~.¢onstrUetion, said "There's a difference that goes beyond dollars" in WhenI quizzed the maintenance superintendent June25 "I think it's ridiculous," said.White. "I don't think tax- HUDAC spokesman Doug Rogers. buying a homt~, Myerssaid in an interview. about the Hart Farm, many of his answers did not coincide payers who subsidize universities would like to know we're He said tenants who woulcl normally he buying new "We've got to get back to the basics. I don't know with what I had been told by trustees during my getting Playboy." homes" are' opting instead-, to remain in rental ac- how most people look at it. but l-think there's a hell of disciplinary hearing June'22.- University president George Pedersen "has sail~ he _will/ commodation, Regina's rental vacancy rate now is a difference between raising your family in an So on Sunday, July 4, with the president of the Terrace look inta the matter• in August when when he retu.rns from I.l per cent, or 72 units of 6,212, apartment or in a home. if I'm old-fashioned, then District Teaellers-Assooiationas an accompanying witness, holiday. To complete his example, Sunna took the $14,100 . l'm old-fashioned." I inspected the Hart Farm to see for myself what was really What. We found that although the maintenance superintendent's follow-up report stated all window Screens had been . ,WA fights repaired, in fact one window screen was still in the process of being rebuilt.. . Irish struggle with ;language .The woodburning stove may be installed according to regulations but the horizontal portion Of the stovepipe is no DUBOIN (CP) -- SeanO Cleirlgh, chief executive of Bord Gaeltachts~ Most ofthem are on'the West Coast,. although a sale of logs • more than four inches below the ceiling, and one can look na Gaeltacht, a body.set up by the Irish goverqment to there are pockets of Irish.speakers in Dublin and a tiny into the stove and see the tiled floor beneath. NELSON, B.C. (CP} -- An explosive situation is promote the use of the Irish language, keeps a New Gaeltacht in Belfast. The report says Diesel fuel storage has been cleaned up developing because of a sale of pulp and sawmill logs by Brunswick flag in his office as a souvenir of a receut trip to Albert Fry, the son of a British soldier, is a singer of Irish and reduced to one tank. Infact seven or eight 45 gallon Loulsianna Pacific Canada Ltd. to B.C. Timber Co.'s Canada; songs with several records to his credit. About 15 years ago drums ~, some of them full, some partly full, are ~w Castlegar mill, said Kiaus Offermann, business agent for Aside from the mutual affinity for potatoes, Ireland and he got together with some friends in Belfast and they corralled beneath the steel framework supporting "aloft the the International Woodworkers of America in Nelson~ New Brunfwlck.have in commo~ a desire to breathe life decided to build houses together to form a community 500 gallon diesel tank, This tank and drums are closer, into an endangered language. %,here Irish was spoken. The Labor Rclations Beard decided Thursday not to act much closer, to thetrees than the 40 feet the fire inspector "They are much more seriousabout it," 0 Cleirigh said in There'now are II families in the Belfast Gaeltacht on on a request by the union to halt the, sale. gave as a minimum safe distance. an interview, praising efforts by New Brunswick to provide Shaws Boad in the Roman Catholic district of Anderstown. Offdrinann~sald- the..saie-of~lh~timber "rais~-~ues-ti-on The follow-up report s~tes the area over the wood. • services in French and toencourage bilingualism,. ' None of the parents were Irish-speaking, but now the about one .forest firm selling Its allocation. Of timber to working shop is not to he used for a sleeping area. Yet the another forest company.- Like many French-speaking people in New BrunswiCk, children speak the language. Irish-speakers in Ireland are concentrated in economically Fry said they are given an Irish identity at a school area over .the woodworking shop sports a newly installed The sale of 21,000 cunits of timber has enabled the battery-operated smoke detector and exactly 10 beds, the depressed rural areas. Most also speak English and in both behind Shaws Road where children from other parts of the- .maximum number of beds permitted before a fire alarm Casllegar sawmill, which was slated to shut by the end of cases there is great pressure to forget the other language city a!~.cpme to learn the language.He is proud when he detection system and fire separation walls must he in- this week, to continue production until mid-August, because English is the !anguage Of advancement. sees them "fighting, pulling one another's hair in Irish, all.. stalled Also, a trustee had told me the building had been Offermann said union W6rkersheve are angry'about the o Cieirigh rejected the notion that the English forced the the things that chiidi'en do." •Padtoeksd for .five years to prevent use as a sleeping area. • ' sale.~ " .. " "' " : Irish to give up their language. "We gave our language • Fry.is outgoing president of .the Gaelic League, ~a -way." he said, •explaining that Irish parents in the lgth However, the area is easily aCCessible by means of an Angry union members include workers at U.S,-owned nationalist organization roughly equivalent to Quebec's outside stairway, and the door at the top of the stairs has Louisiana Pacific's Salmo m!ll, who haven't worked since century taught their children English so .they could Societe St. Jean-Baptiste. emigrate. " " neither a keyheld to lock it nor the telltale signs of ever last summer's province.wide strike began July 13, 1981. "We're not British but we'retold every day thatwe are," having had the hardWare essential to apply a padlock, When Southern Ireland b~.ame independent, of Britain Unemployment benefits for many of~the 8Olaid-off he said explaining the relative success of the Belfast Th~ report also says sleeping bunks have been workers have run out and famili~-g'~t~i'enow on welfare, he earlier this centurY, one of its stated goals was restoration . Gaeltacht. "When you'ri~ under a threat it is a lot easier." rearranged to facilitate egress -~ in fact one bed still wedges of the Irish lahgdaige. The republic's constitution designates said. Of the lhree million people living in Ireiancl,-O-Cieirigh shut the rear door to the area over the woodworking shop, Irish as the official language Of the country but in practice "They'can see. !heir .jobs leaving through* the millyard estimates that a million are b!iingual, another million have In addition, I was inhimed the septic tank had been En~hsh remains the everyday,language, gate along with the logs." - some knowledge of the language but only 50,000 use Irish as pumped four weeks Previously to June 25,. A plione call to o Cleirigh said there has been an improvement since Louisiana Pacific has' admitted they are looking for a their primary .language. the septic sorvicep.~ved this to he not so. In fact, the septic, • m., i~e'ndence, noting thatin 1923 only 18 per Cent of Irish" buyer for their mili.- Dublin "now has more Irish-speakers since new Irish tank was pumped as late as Wednesday, July 7. men.and women could understand Irish. Now 27 per cent ~ ~'Thequestion we're asking is, why should illeprovince 'schools were established in recent yeai's, he said, but in the The fact the Hart Farm has operated as an Outdoor give a timber quota to a'specific operdtoi', with the intent • Say.they understand it. " " . traditional Gaeltacht areas of Donegal, Galway and Kerry l~ducation center for 16 years without a serious accident is This is a poor record considering that Irish was a com- that it be processed in a particular mill to employ workers the language is in danger. ..- due no doubt to the care and vigilance of the teachers and puisory school subueet until recently. Now that it is no "There is no domain where Irishis needed in day-to-day in a.particular community ~ a~d th~n altow the. tidi~er tO • ,, . , • . , .... , , . caretaker responsiblefof the safety of the stu~ients, using longer obligatory, O Clelrigh pel'eelves a change i n attitude. -be transferred toanother co~10ua~ty.:within adifferent life," he ss--id drawing a .contrast with Quebec "where a ,the facilitY..-The principal iwhe ciilled the Hart Farm a People want to lehr.n Irish. reservoir of skilled people who speak French has madeit tenure?" ~. '. " . / ~''~:. , ..... I . . , firetrap dealt With the risk by curtailing his ~e of the Hart • But,teaching methods..mdst" ci~ange,he said. ".Children - :possible to rePlaceEnglisll as the language of Work. • A tenure refersto a mills timber allocation from .a" "Flii-mto warm weiither When no heliting was required. : are lielng ta~ht,literilrY irish~whiehl is~ not practical:'~ "unlike the Freuch mih0rltic's in-Canada who can'turn to specific at*Ca.. " ." - ; - ' " - . ," : .- . .:.7 How~much more mid'better use could be made of the • " Anois iS:,~ris,i:a ~televislan series on the Irish language, ': B..C Timber's: 150 Union ioggers/in Nakusp,: about 72. Quehee a~d beyond to Fi'anee, irish-speakers can't look to a • facility:if the, board, eapahded~|its; ,dedlcated'staff~ com- has enjoyed Wide popularity, O Cleirigh said, anli shows the kilometres northwest of Nelson, Who have worked less than -. iargerbody of people who sl~ak their langlmge. The'Irishl mittee'.,:into'an ~nest~to goOdness' ~e~ilmhtee"that would. potential '. television" has for teaching the language. can converse With Gaelic speakers.oncaps Breton and in six months during the last-18 months are also angry about" dare to-eoi~tl'i~tli/ely:cri.tleiz¢thepresent'Oiierstlen with a.- However, there are no television Pr0grams,in Irish for Scotland but ean'tunderstand the Celtic languages of~Wales thetransfer, Offermann said, becausethey would normally Viewto improving it. Add to thiit it ~e.~tird~i~oull!listen to children. ' ~ - ~a~d 'Britanny.- :. . " " "-- I supply the Casllegar saw and pulp.mills w.ith 10gs. . the cqmmlttetl'a.suggee.sflonS and provide the:tblidget :sup- . The gove~ment has tried to encourage lrizsspeakers to' -"The problem in Ireland.is money. In Ireland we have •..pert to ilermit' upgrading of .the 'facility. Thfs"could he Meanwhile, John Montgomery, P~si~nt of log~ 'stay iinGae!taeht,areas or return there through housing lots of policies but no resoi]rees.' ..... :. - especially effectite if repi'eaentativea,from the various purchaser B.C. Timber, said; in an interview that Louisiana subsidies and by establishing industries "under the publicly While in Canada 0 Cleirigh also Visited Quebec and met groupusers were invited to participate both in the brain. Pacific is selling the timher~because it is deteriorating -withfederai officials. He was Impressed at the extent tO owned Udaras na Gaeltaeht,.Gaeltacht Authority.. storming and in the actual finun¢ing and construction, just while the mill is closed. . which Ottawahas become a bilingual city and interested in ' Unfortunately the factory managers-who come-from Montgomery would not say how much B.C. Timber paid effortsby Quebec to make French thedominant language ol outside speak InEng!ish, O Cleirigh said; - as sports groups are now Contributing.to'thebetterment of for the logs, " • ...... " - sch~l'sporis fields, :.... . - " ' the province. Dne success Story in the Gaeltachts is Raidio' na Confidentiality has its place, but hot'where the safety of As a result of the purchase,"225 workers at ~tht, Ca~tlegar .... I Could understancl~lis an Irishman, how the Quehecois Gaeltaeht, which marked. 10_ years of ~irish-language children is concerned, " ~wmill will have an addiUonal month of'~,ork: The -~/(*rt, feel " ke said '*But in Ireland language is not a political broadcasting in Apri!. Started by local r~idents, an' a • Y * * ...... • ...' " -8mcer"~"-" ' e ly yourS,' - to haw, been laid off beginning this week for an. indefinte i~,;ue." :_ community atatin Raidi0na Gaellachi now is run by pad o. • " " .... ~ Mrs. CiandeiteSandscki: - -":period, Montgomery said, "' Areas of Ireland where people, speak Irish arecalled Telefia Eireann. the state hr0adeasling aulhority. / •. .... : ' : Trustee I

...... : ...... ~.':~-:. ~'- .... L.. L. m~,. ~ ~.'..,.~ : :. second antru cler spotte d • /, LONI~..N (L--?):--A ~tried~o scale. ' ~uty ~herel..i'~' ~ ' ,' . /:'. :. PEO, : itent:Oi SVria,:: : '"," " '~I ~.',, , ', ~ ":'i,'~::', , 0 "~ ~" .'". ',',' ','," " , : • • " ' : ' '.',: .;~'.~',;"i ~ ",.~,:~'~,~" ';."": ''~ ." :'" , .,"' ":..','.~=~': ';~=..'; :" ~:'"":;"".' ~' • .:W,~l~:.: n~ht; .but"~,ei~. Whea :he:. :." Sgt.'.:C~!l Hun[i M. ~9n duty: !~ Friday,. ,/,Was lq~0tt~l..~.~d ".el~: S¢o .tbmd Yard'~ .,, hu ~ m=pended\from:his dufins: Hm~'t" ~.:,sa~d...~.~y nlght..- ',-., .. :. : '~ :.~'.i ,"I. ~ sa~he:'.0ffered hlsree!gnati0B, but It wasi " , :.• the Lobanese. chplta~;' ~::• "'-".., .:..:: : •.://: :' ':"';~ mgm~n,! '~d~/¢ol~.el; ,'~e~itho~c ~ik~i •~:. :::~."~eld~" t occurred :after: i~,0~ ..:: : rei~U~cl.Hewfll,, ,contLnt~ ~ r~eive his pay :~.:-M~eY from/be ~n~bu. ~ fund, W!deh~ ,eV~: : m=, ,L~ehael Fagan, • turned UP:'~:,the~: .::W~ue,, wait~g:. 'for ~. t~e' ;, resul~".0f a, ,. werei•~l~• :st~~i~b!,'•,i•~wn •io~•;~i•-i':.. ~,n~. : ~ ~-~,:i•!;,-:.:~i~ :,•i i: :•, i-:•;;: ;:.•, .:, •: (' i~rls'~ m ~ the pain~$~~] ~ .}I~, ::,i~]~4~|p!i~l ,~.~.. ,;'.I, /i...'. ;,!.~c,iii,i", i-i '~ : ~ !. i i ,.~vhere eie. PLO" fl~hters",~til.go; lf~ the~.i "-!.:A u; medlated :fieasef~e~,.ha~.. ~ ~'.~ paidout~o asmany as 2,!00 emplo~e~ ~ were't~d • ~and sat on./t~" bed. chattini;wlth he~mi~t:•~,, :•• He~re,~. tocomment onPrmsreports" "L ~ jesse Wes(B~ut; ~~-~ra~0~idU~S.:.:i ..:~ h,0i~g !th:onlY scattered. ~/J.olatjoitalfor :; ,. :Tll~sd~iy they. ~ay.i!.be,';|aic["off.. Inde~Jal{~y; "~i , ,he summoned'help.,-' ...... : ,.., ':i :i : ':~" i'" }h~t ke:wa~ the polieemmi'~ to iwb0m: the • ~. ' pr.esidentfal negntiator I Philip!.Habib " " ~e*.:|a.s ,five .d~ys,";b~tt:. Israel. still is',! N0veml~r. ' ~'.,' ', ::: :.;.':*.",.. !: " ~ ' : p~nned another round 0f talks, today,'I '~ "'~ threatening to .stbrn~: West' !~lru~ if the :~ ,,' i,]n ~he Wednesday incident,, the~msa ,.:". qUe~"SPoke by teleph=ne whUe~th~ 'in- ....'But: Dofsaco vlce-¢halrman ~ Craig' said th~ > ' tried to get over the w£1eear:the soulh • t~der was betide her',in her"bedro0m, :.. Syriasald last week it wo~d=~iof ac~pt :. " PLO~ .c~oe-si ' . not get Out 0f. Leba~oi~iv,olnn- extend'of benefits from the fundhasn't been deter- ' P..,LO. fighters because ,,under-• the .tarUy; The Isrselis have kefusedto with.. wing of th lalaee, sad about 50 policemen . Police have ' beeu criticized...fOr SC~: mined, Each worker's ease"Wi".be treated i~- .and some police dogs tried vaisdy tocatch p~valling circumstance, their natural draw their Siege force until the slowly after the call was received. . dlvidually, he said; ; . him, S~mtland Yardsald. • plaee.inwhere they are now." Palesflnisas .leave: ' - • Theimpendlng layoffs, the biggest in the non.~mlnn The yard ais~ said a'second policeman BBC. television', said. a. repert belng • J,"Fhisis(Syrin's).finaldecinion; under The PLO says it lwon't cnnsider company's his~y, would affect office and plant./ on duty at Buckingham palace last Friday prepared following the Friday incident nq:.'circumstances wi!l: it be changed/' ..... evaeuaUng until a multinationaLforce, is. • workers with less than three years' ~erviee. about Ig has been"transferred to a London police will recommend strengthening the poUce Syrian Foreign Minister Abdul Halim deployed to stand between the guerrillas per cent of the work force, The company said the cuts station. It said on Tuesday a p]ainelothes detachment at the palace and moder- and the Israelis. l~alaf, reiterated this' Kl~ddam said on his arri~,al Thursday at are an inevitable result of the worst business period'.. 'Officer has been transferred to uniformed nization of its detection equipment. ~eeting of foreign ministers Of the non- demand in his speech Thursday. s .inee the lg.~s Degreeston. ~igned movement in Niconia. Cyprus. Fur weeks, Hablb has been trying to find Before doclding on.the layoffs, Dofasco co~ldered ,Beirut radio stations .said Syria's a home for Ararat and the 8,000 PLO participating in Ottawa's work-sharing program in statements were aimed at wringing a fighters trspped in West Beirut by Israeli which employees worka "1four-day week and get I~iitieai sad financial price for an even- forces that invaded Lehanon June 6 to unemployment insuranee for the fifth day, a Rail replacements planned ! agreement to accept the guerrillas, crush the guerrillas. !~ spokesman said. LONDON (Ag) -- British declining to ..confirm the Senior leaders of the InTe=IA_'v_iv.them_ilD~ry_comm~d~L~_ Sy_~a, the nearest ab' staie . ] .... But it couldn't find away-to make this It~aeUeal~he Israeli troops killed two PLO guerriUas in refused to give the armed ~uerrlUas a nil has iast-reeurtplans to- report, Said . the railway Trades Union Congress added. Dofasco's peHcy has been to eonaldor would be prepared to go to eastern Lebanon in sporadle fire fights . refuge, and no other Arab state so far has recruit trsin conductors and were scheduled to hold an production and office staff on equal footings based on unemployed people., to the "marketplace" if the emergency meeting later d~;ing the night. Israel radio reported that offered to do so. seniority, which might not be possible under work- the:.ceasefire, around Beirut. iS holding, "Now is the appropriate Lime for the replace ~more then ~0,000 strike were not resolved. today on the strike. Concern sharing. striking engineers, The The official declined to be Is growing among other except for oceai~saal bursts of light-arms Arab community to assist in the.resolution Some operations, such as those in the hot strip m~. flr~. .~ , ~ .. of' this partieular issue," said State Daily Telegraph reported identified and would .not labor unions about the are. needed on a five-day basis, he' asid~ However, today, elaborate, overall effect of the Wh~e the United States urged ihe Arab Department spokesman Dean Fiseher in Dofasco will look. into. work-sharing again before wo'rld to help end the crisis in Lebanon, Washington. The financially crippled The Daily Telegraph said threatened rail shutdown on November. state-ran railway has the scheme was like other industries. Is/'ael warned its Palsstinian gnerrilia "It in the major stumbling block," said .Dofaseo's predicament will ~ affect employees ene~nius that it has-~"notreturned the another U.S. official, who asked not to be threatened to shut down the President Reagan's hen- who remain on the job because of reduced returns 17,000-kilometre network by cliing of Hie strike by U.S. The engineerslmve been sword to its sheath." A top PLO offielal idenWied. from the Company's profit-sharing plans. sa'Id he still expects a street battle with next Tuesday and fire 'the air traffic controllers last on strike since July 4 in a - Unconfirmed-reports-from-the-Syrian Thecompany contributes 11 per cent of pre-tax ~-~Ii forces besieging the Lebanese strikers if they don't end summer, when the strikers bid to stop British Rail from' capital of Damascus said President profits from its stoelmaking operations to the two capital; their protest over work were disn~iused and t~rults introducing flexible Reagan wrote Syrian President Hafez plans, open to all workers with three years continuous schedules, The strike has were trained .to take over. workshif~ of betwe~ eevan~ .Negotiations to end the Beirut stalemate" Asaad to ask him to take the PLO, but employment. are reported still bogged, down over where' plagued commuters and Sir Peter Parker, sad nine hours. The rsilway' Asaad replied that the Palestinians have The basic $500 the company pays into the profit- the Palestine Liberation Organization wreaked havoc on Britain's chairman .of British Rail, says it needs the schedules not asked to go ~o Syria. sharing fund for each member will be maintained, vacation and tourism trade said he expects the striking to save money and increase fighters wlil go if they leave Beii'ut, but There also were press reports that _ the spokesman said, but the income earned on fund' Lebanon radio said U.S. presidential. since it started 13 days ago. members of the~ 24,000- productivity. Reagan wrote to King Fshd of Saudi investment will be lower than last year because of The Daily Telegraph said strong Associated Society of " The union says the change envoy Philip Habib planned another round Arabia, asking him for help in finding a weak fina~icisl markets. of peace talks today. British Rail officials believe Locomotive Engineers and will lead to layoffs. The haven for the guerrillas. Dofasco, one ef the area's largest employers, had in a speech broadcast Thursday by the. eonduetors who already Firemen to defy the return- engineers have worked been considered as "solid as a rock," said Mayor BW know routes and rules could to-wnrk deadline. eight-hour shifts since 1919~ PL0 radio staUon, Yasser Arafat's top Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Powell, nnt~ng that the layoff news came as an be driving within three security officer,-Salah Khalaf, said the. appealed Thursday for Arab leaders to • especially tough blow to Hamilton, still recovering m0nths of the start of the - . I I guerrillas refuse to "capitulate" to/sraeli forge a unified stand on the crisis in from a bitter, 4'/~-m0nth,strlke at Stelco Inc. last o military threats. Lebanon and urged•the United States to plan and that other trainees -I I " "-" " year. " could be clrlvingwithin six II NOW RENTING - "We are prepared to fight and shall do it "start a dialogue with thePalestinians." "The company is following the right procedure by months. II ' ' " " " with everything we have, even with our "I am ready to go anywhere in the Arab • " ~ laying off those with the leakt seniority. But they are The respected British B/rchwood Apartments nails," said Khalaf, also known by the nation provided that we can set aside our II the ones, who have young families and are just newspaper,, said the plan II Adult oriented' -- Quiet= 15 unit building code-name Abu Iysd. "We are engaged in differenees and be realisUc so that we can starting-'out, who need the jobs most," said Poweil. political negotiations, but a fightromalns would be a last resort, but I | " Each Suite complete with: • agree onone line," said Mubarak, whose Dofaseo, Canada's second largest steel company th~ foremost possibility." it is being consider~ed || . Refrigerator country has been cut off diplomatically by and the only major one which could boast full em- seriously." sin.re ... drapes, .-' israeli Defenco Minister Ariel Sharon , other Arab leaders because of its peace ployment, had struggled since May to keep its non- wall to wall carpatlng ea~d during a military ceremony in A British Rail board II treaty with Israel. unionized workforce on~ the job. ~,,,,~,o=,,,o, ,ou-~ ,... ,, II Llundr~)(focllltlss southern Israel that his government in Faeed with the Arab world's division, Demand for the eompany's steel products is down, sh0W/ug "great patience" with the u.s.- i I • Arafot appealed to the 94-member nnn- said'Craig, and if eonditinns do not improve, plants rer~rtina " ' I I ~ premllel mana0,rl led j~eece effort, • -- o. I aligned, movement Thursday for "ef- and mills may have to operate at Still lower levels for "We-'venoe .... II . C osatodown~n But he added: "It is be~ter that everyone fec.tive action to savenot only Lebanon and the final three months of the year and into the first . . II ~/~blockfroma¢lna&lwlmmingponl connected with the matter remember that at all, lm said. we do not II • F~h~rlngt the Palestine Liberation Organization hut quarter of 19~3¢ have not returned the sword tc its also in order that the law Of the j uLngle ~hall confl~ a Story .which is" II Ib~lreamsults.S3SS , , w~' • Reg Whynott, executive director, of the Hamilton i ~eA1h an~l ~n-~ ~t~n'~1"i~tll 'tl/~'lh~'6~...... ~ ..... :",, ~ " , ~,.~. on,-nothing we have '~ II ' " , " ;" ", ,, :,i , ~' !,..said.,, ...... ,:; 1, • ', . ~ ...... ,. ~:,.::.. PHONE?:: h~: r~t;".(~:~ ,Jrft JU8 ,Tu ,~s ;.~ ~c[~;~ru~ ..... The.PLO: chMf did~not;,,spell out what have served as yet another reminder that I-lamilton is .~naron's,warnii~g ..echoed in the hills - action the n'on-~ligned movement Should ..o, B.. |! 635-4422 too dependent on the steel industry. Rally official, while ' I ou~.ide Beirut, where" 35~000 to 40,000 take. "We've long had a saying here: 'As goes the steel Israeli soldiers sewed in for a long wait : The group's foreign ministers, meeting industry, so goes Hamilton,' and in the past six to d~ and their' officers worried aloud that: in Nicosia, Cyprus, at Arafat's request, eight months (with the Stelco stike) that's been r Israel's advantage'might be dwindling as issued a statement saying they "view with brought home tous," he said, world opinion turns against the Jewish profound indignaUon the aggression of Citing the loss of 350 outside contractor jobs when atste. the Owr h Israel." Dofnsco decided in May to delay •compleUon of a million mill until next summer and a another 350-job. reduction from its long-standing student summer Job of Your Choice program, Whynott is worried about the layoff's effect . Don'ttry diets for high as dollars pour out of the region. Chadie Bear pink blood pressure or other .... .The first-quarter of- 1-982• showed small-busineus TERRACE •~D" THE 7th DAY BRANDON, Man. (CP) -- Princess Anne ~v,stched a treatment you bear about bankruptcies in Hamilton had increased by about 2'/ PENTECOSTAL •SALVATION ADVENTIST rodeo, chatted with cowboys and donned a western hat withoutasking-your doctor per cent over the same period last year, said ASSEMBLY J~. ARMY 3306 Grlfflfhs Thursday evening at the close of a one-day trip to western f'mK. Whynott. Pastor John COplIn I~#~37Walsh Ave. Pastor Henry Bartsch .. Manitoba. Much of the blame.ean be attributed to the poor 3S~ Eby St., • 535-2525 or 635.3232 635.7642 " -~"~Mter a special rodeo performance of bull riding, barrel Did you know in one-year condition of the economy, but undoubtedly last year's Terrace, B.C. 63S-S4~ Services -- Sat. 9:30 rseing and bronco rlding in Brandnn , the prineess awarded the "Salvation Army in Steleo strike had some effect, he said. 635-2,134 SUNDAY SERVICES a.m. -- Sabbeth School SUNDAY SERVICES 9:30 a.m, -- Sunday trophies to the winners. Canada provided 700 The strike at Steleo, whose giant steeiworks are (Sunday School). 9:45 Sunday School School for all ages ,,,./ I1:00 e.m. -- Worship Charlie Bear, 15, of Breadview, Sask., who won the bull. dospa~ing men with care across the street from Dofasco's, ended in December riding competition, said he was honored and surprised:to and guidance in 11:00 Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. --. Family but about 1,200 of the company's 12,300 production 7:00 Evening Service Worship epeak to Princess Anne, who is an accomplished horse rehal~"itstion contres. TERRACE workers are still laid off. 7:30 p.m. -- CHRISTIAN rider. HOUSE Evangelistic Salvation REFORMED "It made me all pink in the face," he said later. OF_ Meeting. CHURCH Another competitor, Trevor Nicholausun, said he was--- PRAISE WEDNESDAY ReveNnd S. VenDealen Pastor Arnold Peters _ impressed with her knowledge of rodeo. 7:30 p.m. -- Ladles' Sparks Street & 3406 Eby St." - - "Slle's a real good sport," he said. "She knows a lot about 'Hbme League Straume Avenue 635-3015 635,3657 it: .... Feltowlhlp. Sunday School -- 10 Sunday Services After the rodeo, the princess bearded her train for the. j a.m. 10:30o.m. ZION return trip from Brandon to Winnipeg. Just before the train Worship Services -- I1 7:30p.m. BAPTIST - pulledout, the princess was presented with a Cowboy hat. CHURCH a.m. and 5 p.m. "It fits," Prineess Anne said after plaeing it on her head. SACRED Pastor Paul Mohnlnger Listen to the Back to On her arrival in Brandnn, the princess was greeted by HEART Home d3S.S309 Gad Hour every Sunday ie and took a ride in a horse-dra.wn carriage. Looking c PARISH Corner of Sparks & at 8:30 a.m. on CFTK. ~di and relaxed in a simple light blue summer dress, with a 63S-2313 Keith 4836 Stroume white hat a~ndglove s, the princess stePi~ed from a railway CHURCH ...... Terrace 9:,lS::a.m..:- .Sunday..: ...... OF "'...... ?.... ~"=" car and was:welc0ined by enthusiastlc:fans. : i School Western music was provided by a band featuring country Sat.Even.--7:30p.m. GOD -, Sunday Masses • 11:00 a,m. -- Morning singers Bill and Sue=On Hillman. The prineeas was greeted Reverend R.L. White 8:30a,m. Worship by Mayor Ken Burgess and::~spoke to bystanders before 3,141 River Drive " :.! 10:00a.m, Terrace, B;C. ": elimblng into the four-wheel earrage, drawn by six horses. ST. MATTHEW'S 11:30a.m. ), The Princess, in Manitoba for a four-day visit ending ANGLICAN 10:00 a.m. .~. Saturday, made the one-day trip 210 kilometres west from CHRIST CHURCH Sunday School - • W8unipeg to help Brandun celebrate its 100th birthday. LUTHERAN 4726 Lazelle Avenue Reverend R.L; White , ;~ 635.9019 Along the way, her train made a brief stop in Portage la CHURCH ° -- 1 :!1:00 a.m. Prairie, Man., where" she~._was~welcomed by about 1,000 Cleaningyour carpets is easywith Rev. Herman Hagen SUNDAY SERVICES Morning Worship EASY-OFF? The EASY-OFF Steam B.A., M.DIv. . 9:15 e,m. -- Holy 7:30 p.m. -'; people. ~" " Cleaner is light and portable, and fits ~35.S520 635-3~ Communion Evening. Worship in Brandon, the princess, Who changed into a pant suit for nicely_ Into the trunk of most cars: 10:00 e.m. - Sunda~t the evening, visited a farm research station and seed plant And =t's a lot more mobile than the Sparks Street Wednesday-7:30 p.m. ~ Rug. Doctor and Steamex machines, !~]i~ (Corner of Sparks School .... Prover Service e and dined at a beef barbecue with about 100, invited guests, so ,t glides easily from room to room. . & Park)• 10 a.m. - Sunday .... At the barbecue. Alex Matheson of Brandon, an organizer.--,---7 --~=:~EASY-OFF's*exclusive"Vibra- ~: School Sonic" a~tlon gently spreads and NOTE: During July and of the western tour, played a tupe on..thebagptpes he Called vibrates carpel fibres to loosen dirt, 11:50 a.m. -- Family • URLANDS :: August, morn.lng ,. the Princess Anne Stomp...... ~ ,'', r '-" • ~ 1 1 . ' ' , " ahd.the powerful ~vacuumremoves' Service--' Holy Com-. BAPTIST :~. 33°/(/more dirt than ever before. So worship will begin at Earlierl the princess was presented with flowers by a Izdr* ::: . reunion except., third CHURCH cleaning carpels Is a lot easier with ,~.~: 10:00. " - EA~JY.OFF? Sunday~ Pestor Bob Lesyk ~ "•: of handicapped younstersand~four'buffal0 wool~sweaters - .;!! - EASY-OFF*CarI~! Cleaners. 9:~ a.m. -= SUnday 7:30 p.m. -- Informal • 63,~2!07 ; ,, • for herself and her farn~ily made by:=a Brand0n~rcsidedL i~ ' At you[supermarket ' " ' I " ...... Church Sch001 {Kin. Service-" . . -.. -. Corner o} Hslllwell .~ ]: ~:~ Mayor Burges~ suggested thesweaters mfght ¢0me In :'. • " .Rel~shlt~d ~ Mark ; ' •:' " •handy on days cooler than Thursday, :when the weather was dergarten through andN.Thomas , ~ t: sdult). "~ KNOXUNITED 9:45a.m .... ' ;;~ ~ _~ :"i ~. exeeptionally,~,umid, with temperaturesclose to 30 Pick up this Free deg!'ees. But~thaLdidn't dim the princeus's reception. 11:00 a.m. ~ Regular CHURCH Bible TeKhlng .. :~-'-.}~ ~. ::" '"i; brochure at your world~lp service; 7:30 "I've always wlshed to speak to a member of the royal Sunday $¢h9~1 ' .- j EASY-OFF*display ~+~.-.:; p.m. evening wor|hlp 4907 Lazells AVe: 11:00 e.m. - ~ . .I : family," said• Armand Polrier, Wh~spoke to the princess in your supemarket. service 3rd Sunday each d3Y41014 briefly as she mingled with a crowd. ~v month. Rw. David Mertyn, Service - t: During the train ride to Brandon, the prineess talked with f (Holy Communion first B.A., M. DIv. 7:30 p,m. ~: ::D Manitoba Community Serviees Minister Lea Evans, who Sunday morning each Worship- 11 a.m .... represents a Brandnn rlding, and showed a keen interest in "i:r month, and the 3rd Singing and Bible Study ~: the Prairie eropa vi'slble through the"railway ear windows. t SundiyevenlngofeKh I NurusfytoGrada6--11 I Wedneldayl:00 .] The Princess's schedule today calls for a trip to Salklrk, £4M 'ORF" mon ;) " I ~ l ll ' 1 I Horn Bible Sludlse { >:. Man., 35 Idlometres northeast of Winnipeg, returning later Saves your Car~eL.. ~ Confirmation I Grade 7 to Adults -- 10 I Y~ Are Welcome Saves you Money. -'...., for, a concert at Winnipeg Centennial. Concert Hall and-a Youth&~dUlt Closees. a.m. . ' -'-". ; " - 'el Uplands" '¢ dinner at Government House in Winnipeg. . • . i •. d ] {, , [

"' i Polle 4, TIM Herald, Friday, July 16; 1982 ! / ~ L ,

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~'::d ~il~ TOPSOIl. PATIOBLOCKS, ET?: ~:;! i

SKEENA CEMENT PRODUCTSLTD. OPEN HOUSE 10 a.m,.4 p.m. Official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 11:00 a.m, Coffee.& Donuts • , ",•., ~ " with Senator Ray Perrault JOHN'S EXCAVATING done the industrial' I~Located,on: ...... ,- , -...... - '.i.. ' .:?::: :~::~~./."i.;i-. :"!i:. ::.i':~ '::~::':~'?~/::?:/i".:~~::":. ' :i :i~.: .plumbing for . . Landscapers for the SKEENA CEMEN~ construction of OLD LAKELSEC-AKERD. skeena cement ' offer, THORNHILL Congratulations [ AQUA PLUMBING & " HEATINGLTD. John's ExcavatingLtd. 3115 River 635-7601 ::, 638. 84-7.,7:.. 5025-Graham Ave. 635.6804 TWlNRIVER ELECTRIC & HEATING LTD. was proud to have ...... CONCRETE .t,_ .- ...... offers i.-.. been a supplier-:; ~ - suppliers:0f - of materials the concrete for -* EENA CEMENT during the thiSproject to construction of - extend SKEENA CEMENT SKEENA CEMENT Wewere please d , and was proud i ~ . BEST wISHES . to.have. been tohave done •the SKEENA CEMENT " involvellin the i: I.~ ~ I | B • ,. :.. :,:,, . .:.~:-~.,~.~ .. .t., '..-. ,. • . intheir .. :.:,.construcbOn Of this ~¢:i~t business• ventUre, fine project, - .. - " . .. ? . , • •-:" & Heating:::Ltd:::;: ":: P / WESTsTEEL 1 TERRACE CO-OP ASSN. 635-5054 1

|11 Greig , 635.6347 635,3936 ROSCO .... .3992-C Old-Lakelse Lk. Rd.. I I II • I I

' .... I

aD~ ,/

/ ~ i 1 ', : ITII~ i~rakL Frldav. July 16,, 1~ P~le S




Bottom Round Steaks Stending Rib Rocxst

Canada 'is Grade 'A' I,==",=.'.',. k,, 6'S .2 98

I OLD DUTCH PERFEX Pot cxto Chips-. Liquid BI.eo ch


( 200 9 box 36 Iitte Jug '+2 19 WHOLE -"B.C. GROWN We tetmelon Hec d Lettuce

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mINUTE mRID KRRFT Orang JUice m c ro ,n,i_-- & Cheese - i Frozen Concentrate 355 ml 02,5 oz.) tin 2 ,,,,,,, 7¢7 +

i i ,teen Cc~bb~age Five Roses Flour tTl~zole~ 011 Tide ; ! | '6.99l e 4.8 kg. box '10.98 k, 11~.3b ~ I,o., ' ! i Tom~toes Luncheon meat ~lSick= Reli=h :rfex

• • . • .0=1.30.~ 59+ I,~ 0...o 'i76 375 m,. ~oorc,o.c~1;I 36 Iitre '2. motts Cl~mc~tO" Juice Kell0g 9 R=isin Br~n- Sunlight Llquid So~p

•U:S. Nb.'| ~!ii*~ kg.'I.5N69~ . ,.,. '2.281=o : 2,76 ~ii!~, =2.52 L°n9 English . Ho mo milk ... . =,. -- 2 % milk -~ ' - Kleenex F=cied _.... . - " Cucu®be.~ ' AA* 2 titre ~ : I.~3 2itlt,e-: 1.79 Tissue ,~." i 'i J9 ii / i ...... : ...... °"=" SunkistiOtan9e'k~10. 8~49 i .+ Homo milk~! 2xim.lk :~~~i, " n ;~'RPl~le O.~1-11~'~~41life : " ~- 4 Ilt(e ; " .:i O.O~1 iltre " 'I.33 • ' Premium Sod~ I Nc~ture Tre~t Onions Ritz Cr°ckem ~i.22 Crocker= =1 22 74* ii --~ Purin~ Dog Chow ..- Pc~mper C~t Food 9 Lives CatFood i B,C.io.o: Sug=r =6.99 .,o '9,69 ,-, 43* 154'g . ea. 42 + • : .~ • . __



a" v, u~t~. ONL'"

• .V i :/,f/' WE R~.~=,,, ,. :.. 82

:~: i~i~r:!,~i: " • i ,,~ ,

~0 • • i ¸: :i:, i The Herald, Friday, Juky 16, 1~2

, " ..L i ~'1" i"'',:- ", , ~• dallu ,'oc on schaffer SPORTS

H om. r-h ann nl ,:: It look:s>"dS'."if Atlantg.. Brav#s,,----1.1.4 "~Naiionai".:('.~e.hoders"i~..M: .... ' el :' ' ' " " :', ..... ' '; : :"' . " '"."" - "' ,...... :.... • .... • : . . . , : ...... : y. urphy . hi uding l]~aedie{t s.. two, .. Padres 2; NewYork Mets S F ...... ; ...... BFa, vcs.:.' have ...fo.un .d, .;a .L. League . !, yictory ' aver: ,:and Wiiisenton.' came, off 'rtm ~flibt ..... ', .: ...... ~...' '-..:, a.: :~a.;;;.,_~ ,,_./_=. _ _' ran~!s¢o'.Oian.t/f 1. ." ,,. ,..:. Swuepl!g,;a-..doublehe~ider". Foster s fly. "'" :. " !,.-"":" ,. : °ase°an.at, park~they"ffgeeven '" Chicago. Chi~s :wrfleg y ' Fera~on".le,,, nldM,'6,10.... "''- ": Phil," Nlek''~" . ,...... , , .-~... m,s©;,~ ~.,v~..ers. z;-,..... m rue. ,=uuertean League., . . fror~ ClflC. ag o Wltlte S"~x 84" "TheDodg era se ored": m,'the < ' ~, '. i...... :..:., .... o..:...... ,v, 7.3,went the.::.Plttsburgn., t,irat?a. 5¢ Thm~y,it.w=: Detroit. and F~4 BOston Red Sox 5-- ~'ond onsinglesby P~n ' better than• thelr,.ow, n,: ~ILI~.I ...... , . CUb reliever Bill Camp distance for the Braves for Houst ' " " Z " .... " I ...... homer-happy,stadium.....:/.:.iMqrphy,.Bruce Benedicl. bell had two. more runs In the second time thik M.=. " ~.,..=~°nnAstr~ s.,.l'%qm.' ~_e~. IS Mianosota: Twins . Kansa,s City Royuis .'s; Cey and Scloscla.:~teve'~aX . uate ~urpny- nit a two " add ' Larry Whisenton the ~r~rd and the Braves ='`. =".... - . --'..---- ~.-'y'." =,'"%- : ...... ' ~E horns. =; Terrain Blue Jays' §' • California=/ 'An eld' 8 eventually cam~ hon{e bna " , • , .. " .,. ,'-', - . ' . . . . ,m ,'-~wnere,.a. was MOrt, uara,na,s ,~ .. and Texas ' Rangers 1; Cleveland ' Ind~;ne ~; single byCey', " . " run homer 'lhmsday .,n the..walloped .homers .. • . Dmk.Tidrow for four morel treal Expos 6, San Diego Philadelphia Philllos 2/~an '" Mii~atlkee Brewera Baltimore Orinlm ~' ~euttle Piratos ~ Astrm I " -;

i . , ... . ' ...... • .- " ,ll'Hl~l~.~,,,,..tt ...... ~..~::gl;i~!(:/ ...,~::~:~] C;'() ncordes count onsurprise YankeosMariners-,,andNewY0rk =Oakland A's 1. Scurry.John combinedCandelar|a to and =pitCh Rod a Expos e' Padros = .... five-hitter and Dave Pai'ker ~,~ ~"~,='~ . .-~:i~'~/~/~:>=~'zf ~!ii~yi]:: /:~:=.!. Gary carter singled two drove in four runs, 'three I~v MF /-.':g:::: :: / :..":":J-~;~:~: . " " . i • " " :' " ' " '? runs:=and Chrls Speier with a homer, aePittsbui'gh '~ ...... ~ "~:: .... " " MONTREAL (CP) -- were in a state of disarray, "There's a lot of ' un- former Alouettes star. doubled a pai'r to key a five- defeated Houston. - ; |K'I' /:~'~~~~ When M°ntreal .~on~'des and no •nlmttor what. we certalntythere and we don,t ,Tin not happy. ¥ou,d run fourth inning and Candelada, _r~4, struek0ut play their first-ever tried, it worked. ,+ ".. , know how those pla~,ers are w,~mt a better guy than a Charlie Lea pitched a three- six and wulked' one, Canadian Football League . Tonight, the Blue Born- going to play in those defensive lineman in there, game tonight against " bo~ catch.the Coneordes at p~itions,. " • ,, but that s what we have," Diego, giving way to Scurry in the t

" . Winnipeg Blue Bombers,' ,a time when they are They have nothing to Trying Judges as an-ofL Lea, 7-5, hurled his third seventh. Scurry finished they coutdhavetheelemant rebuilding almost from' lose in this situation and fensiv.e linemun is one of complete game of the with 2 2-3 innings of hitless • t ~li:l~ ~;~i~:: of surprise, if little else, scratch in the wake of the they can do a lot of crazy several changes the team season,, giving up just one relief. " working in their favor, disintegration of the debt. things that can get a team has made since training hit through the first six Reds 7,Cardinals 3 Winnipeg, coach Ray Hdden Alouettes under the off balance if it doesn't held camp opened May 29. innings. " 'Dan Driessen, Cesar Jauch, for one, says he ownership .. Of Nelson its poise." "I don't like to make a lot Mets5 Dodgers 2 Cedenoand Ron Oester had Take the initieltiwe knows little about the new Skalbanta. Balance is something Guts. Determin,~tion. Pride. If you've qot CFL club, which replaced of moves, but we were Dave Klngman and..,run'scoringhits in the third: Rookie quarterback Steve Concordes coach Joe Galat what it takes to become a soldier, then werve the defunct Montreal backed into a corner," said Mookie Wilson hit two-r0n inning, carrying Cincinnati-. Alatorre, one of 18 new hopes to maintain on of- got a challenge for you in Combat Arms. AlOuettes. Galat; adding no recruiting homers to pace New York over St. Louis. Discover what makes military'life so unique. faces on the Concordes' fence or the team could lose "It's difficult to prepare was done during the winter Over Los Angeles. Charlie Eddie Milner scored; a Travel. Adventure. Comradeship. Good roster, leads the team into more than its poise. for a game like this because of" uncertainty under Puieo, 7-6,and TerryLeach single againSt rookie-John wages and benefits. And a whole new world their soason-ol~,~ner, "A good balance would be Skalbanta; we haven't seen a set combined to scatter eight Stuper, 4-2. of possibilities, . : , The 22-year-old to have half of our yards roster," said Janch, "We'll hits for the Mets. Driessen singled home Challenge yourself.to-a career in Combat University of .Tennessee gained by running/' said One member who won't have to play it alm0stlike Loser Jerry Rcuss, 9-7, Milner after Dave Con- Arms• Take the initiative and talk to your product, acquired two Galat, adding, his prime be ow-the field will be 19- an exhibition game, feel retired the first 11 New cepclon walked and Cedeno Canadian Forces counsellor to~layl See the weeks ago from Saskat- worry is the offensive line. year-old Canadian running them out and do some ex- York hatters "until George doubled home Concepcion Yellow Pages under Recruiting. chewan .Roughriders, has "If we get into second-and- perimenting." back Denny Ferdinand, who Fostei" singled with two out for a 3-3 lie. Driessen came been thrown Into the breech long situations, we're not told the club Thursday Last_ Aug.'. 8. the ' Blue in the fourth. Kingman home on a wild pi!ch by Jeff • created when first-string going to. win the battles. morning he wouldn't sign Bombers spent most of their quarterback Ken Johnson followed with his 22nd.home Lahti, who relieved Stuper, •'If they just rush us, unless he received more run, time scoring as they • suffered an injury to his nester singled home a run we're going to be in , money. The Concordes have Puleo singled and Wilson and another scored on Alex whacked the Alouettes 58-2. right shoulder in the club's trouble:" balked atpaying the money "I think we caught final exhibition game. hit his third homer. John Trevlno's double:play ball. The Concordes' offensive and Ferdinand;who played Stearns doubled, took third Bruce Berenyi, 6-9, and Canad~ . w~z4~ Montreal'at an unfortunate "It's tough to know what line includes defensive for the junior Alouettes last time," saidJauch..."Thcy ~to egpect," said Jauoh. on a passed ball by catcher Jim Kern combined on a tackle Gordon Judges, a season, is in limbo, Mike Scioseia'and scored on/ seven-hitter for the Reds.

'• L

.!::i:i ~ :4ii:i :ii: Exc ting Senior ,4 FastbaH.t

"i qli!

ell .ft, ,. , ~ ...... ,f~ ...,:;~ ~ y" i:.,~.'~ .i i ..'~ Saturdayv July,, 17 & Sun y,: ] ly" ]8 _;% at "i 2

- [

y! "',~..... ~.. _ 7.. - RIVERSIDE PARK

. - . j : • . • • . • ." • .. • - J

"2 . . . . , " '. asthe Skeena Cedar Kings - - ,XDefending Western Canadian Champions) host ......

/ : Seat tle' We s t ': S i d e -.,., ..,,

• . . . .: :-.:.:~....-_;;:..-..r-. ~..->...... ;...... ~......

., <._- ,,. ••, • -. : • ...~ ...... Game '"":- " ...... " "

"" " " " " I;i'::(#7:"" '" ' ' " • Saturday;:d ily 17 '' • ' " - -!-~ .-v~ ..... ~ " " L .... Y'-:• i " " " .... ' !: :L/ i,:/.'.." ..-:.'~ '... , ...... ,. :.. ~5 :l " ' .... " : ': ", " '"": ' " "" '• ' . "' " .:-.C .,:::~::. . . . . - .

Children under 12r,:accompanied - ...... 10:00 a,m i :& 12'ndOn .... : ibyan adu!t,:FREE, ::: i :i! i i!/. '-:.." ~5 ~? .... . ,~.. ~,- ...... -.-.._11

D + " > ,: ! • . . , j. ' ~ :,

• Kings to + doubleheaders :..i~: " r ".gkeena Cedar Kmga will be Sinc~tepl~ngupl eniorBto \ year. SInce Inmt te~, ~ make .:i ,' ...... "_ o": s sn--o t ~ " " " " q l '' " " ' .l'.... . q :'+:'~P'''l ~'the" ]~'"'"'ed F 1'" P " "+'L~''" " K+ "+ il~ "++ " " ''+m'' ~'0" :

= :+'~''h " L '"'~ "' I' ' ~-- : ' '''''. ql q ~" "q "I'' J : ' L' ' : 'r ' r'' : : : ' ' ' : L ' " . ' q' q " ' ~L " : ' : " I ' ' II ~I : ": ' : , •,,open tw.o:.days..o!,faa~aU action at, .. LBamm~==ua|,wJmWestmde~M~+. ~ se~.e~,8 ,WbO,',h~d +u ,o~.., (..~, '"::: a talks ' ws ....on: ...... Saturday ,:+..+:".... ' :PdveraldePark:agafutmfSe+ttleWeSt: .., •.. first' really'high-qhallty team" !:~ .,we~.end at' t~ aam • time"as the::i." :. ;;~: ', + :m~ :w~mdemd ~boW you '¢omd.i,. ~at ~i~ety wm be the topte.ofa', dangermmwater t0Ys,atn:so,a:m+., : :" Side,' . :, , + +, : L.." they've faced mmr,'accerdiagt0a ':. "Kli~.: .: "' ! '.:,.., ," : : L :. ::' .:make a boating, trip safer for you mm r a~ demunstratlun by/Deniso ' i2:3Onoon; 1,:30 p,m. aod2:30 p~m.', •' '+ ' 'iXv0dm,hlt~hmi~wtli: :.... ' +k ' P p ' ...... I~nf=m~l I: I ' q'l' ' ' ." • tcemspokeaman..... "...... The spokesman.i " " ' " +-..."'" +'t" Amther' kq 'I.... +rv~..n,.~ + "I " ~..~d, ' waa.... ""!Ira -. k ' q" :: : ..,' : ' " , '..and your children? . ,, :.,:: ... • ?.P~mi~ and Sharon :J~fem el me:., Thompson ,s. +ther ~ese~aflm • .'::.,a[m'"v.i~i-'~a+,., I+U ++,4~h~q+~++ J.+ +~m~.+..4~"~'~i~+~ ~+~ +"1{~ "14+'~+ ~d$~+r . me.') , ~]e+ k *L,.am dlI & dwere. ~e ,:'....: ,:"~:f,aC~r'~mt+':,r FI ' " ' FF 4 1 ++'t.' k' W ' .+~+. I "q 'II++'II; a'~ "',,'I ' " I dq:t:ll. ' ~' :' 'Or about baal©first-ald treatmm.t ;7Terrace ~ :L, The +di~,,u~ion :imRl, "wfll'beon ,watching out forbear/~a.' ::n m Sam/clay.a,a the"mmmmd 'i0 ,:',Wa~.tngton state A champinna lUt /+, teams mthe:PP0+v~n~: ~ i0~,~ 19, :+,.+,:~..:r : ~:im'.n~n~,. ~'- i~,-m-.~+~'~7~..~,~, 'L ' " year;andplay in 'the same fastball ::. pla+c'~ :!!ke V+anCOUV.~._W~ ~erei:. .: ".,..' ' for ln,~ea tha t might happon:m.!: cqvernmktmlasurv!valldtforymir . Sub~et 0f.c,,ruem:impm'tamefer. ' F::"'+,- "++,-- "+:--. ,'~ ~:--TZ: .:.:ieagueasVictociaBudgets+aicegue,: ..... aremuit+a f~teknm wldchmea~m( ~i. •• :: any summer"exeuraion? . About..6oat,.+choeaing between .~ejackets anyonowh0venturesinlothe+oods__: nome-lownlana,a tmzt lunaa+ me~ • ' ...... " ' ' " ' ' V' 1 " .. ts + ' ',:.i dmfendina'1~+m~rZ "PJrmdi•. +mime' ' "of ealilZ'e high enough to send team . ,.* that they can Ira • .to tatmm!~m ..... - + artificial reaplratlm +. (or: 'rescue and.Personal' flotation devicea :.-Insommerttme,.Protoetlngyour~ ...... ----. : .totheWerldFasthnilc)mmpinnships / . offartsg,theume amount, of mon~,:,' - ',+~.: breathing), or what plants mittbe • (PFD's),av0~ding hypothermiaand from bears; and .protecting bmrs B fustlmH ehampitma. the Kings could and net have to Incur edible when un a trip in +the survivel swimmingskfllk. Thtatalk on eecaslun. • from people, will occupy the. half... Cedar Kings got off to a fast start . travelling expenses un,:unywbem wilderness in the NorthweetT ... . will ~m at II a.m., 12 nmm, ! p.m.. heur period from 11:30 a.m.to seep, this season, wlnning their ~ three The spokesman, said that th~ near the scale required to m~e the: How, about avoiding bears? while, and ~ p.m. - ..... At, 1 p.m,, Maggie Kecter of the tournaments and nmn~g up a 15,1 would a real t~st of the team's /:triptoTerrare..- ..- . .- ...... you're, camping? Or supervising .be The edible plants pr~entation will ' departnientof Highways will cover win-loea record before hitting a slow chances at the B.C. fastball"" Awsekendpanforthelunrgam¢~ children at the beach? what you should do at thebeach -be ma~e by Pat Thomimm of the stretch that saw them drop two championships later In the summer, in $,~, while a aingle-pa~ .adm~ud~e ~ i Injuries Starting at 11 a.m. Saturday at the provincial parks and.., recreation incase of mInor and how to cunsecutive tournaments, one In because of the Idgh calibre of bell. will cost $2. Children under 12 years Furlong Bay Campsite beach on I~anch. Learning how to idunWy make up a good first-did kit to take Barriere and one in Mannville, He also explained the late start to -of age wig be admitted free with II Lakelae Lake, the TerraceParka and prepare the edible plants of the along. Alberta. the home season fort he telim thla par~t, • : and Recreation Department will be Pacific Northwest may be enjoyable dfarlag a sedes 0~ talks and and useful, and the show runs at 11 Artificial respiration and the -! demonalration~ on topics that mlsht' a.m. treatment of choking .is the subject help make your summer vacatiun a Safe supervision of chlldrenat the of a talk by Art Pource fo the Work- bit more enjoyable by eliminating beach is .something. that every man's CompemaUou Board, star- NFL contract lapse not a concern -!i-, worries about safety. Veluateers parent who lives around the water ring at-2 p.m. A lecture and (AP) salary last year or by ac- Donlan has already sent a No new contract . from Terrace. and the surrounding should be aquninted with, and "demonstration will cover basic NEW YORK -- The cepting a.team's beat offer letter to teams telling them proposals were' presented. area Will share their ~pertbe on Rainier and Jeffers will he showing rescue breathing techniques and the five-year contract .between made before-+July 15. No they, could conduct spot The only'solid offer of the thoee topl~ free of charge to anyune people how to supervise their treatment of choking, and for those the National Football - League Players' • further negotiations bet 2- cheeks -- " including • three days, presented wishing to drop out to the campsite chfldrsn on the shore and in the Inters~ted In applying the theory, Association and team ween the players and the urinalysis.-- to indicate Tuesday by n~anngement, and spend an hour listening in, water, and will disousa safe and mannilalus wW be available. .owners expired at midnight teams can take place, drug use. was rejected Wednesday ~'. .~ Thursday night, but n¢Ithei" More talks are planned The players union has the players, who called it side seems overly con- for next week in " strongly opposed urinalysis.: ':insulting." eemed. " Washington, D.C., but ' Three • days of despite the apparent lack of First-half youth soccer standings negotiations ended without • progress, and the expiration much progress and without"b of a no-strike pledge in the FOR SALE BY TENDER Standings from all seven divisions of Terrace Youfli second half after, the season's end to determine chem- a settlement Thursday, but contract, there was little neither the union nor the • talk of players walking out Sealed Tenders are now being accepted Soccer Association's first hslf-season were" released early piunships, if a dtfferenf team wins the seeund hag.. If a by School District 92 (Nlsgha) for the this week, with unly two games missing from the first half team wins both halves, they will not have to play eft. NFL Management Council soon. of play. Second.half play begins next weckenct is threatening ~ any ira, "There will be f~otbail," purchase of the following Items. Only one of those two games might make a difference to mediate job action. said Gene Upshaw, first.haft standings In the TYSA; with Twin River Falcons But the contract ex- president of the Players having a chance to tie Pizza Hut United for tile lead in the GP W L" T +GF GA PT& piration throws .'about un- association, adding, under-IS divinlou by "wiuning the make-up game. UNDER 8 Signed 90 rookies into limbo; however, a strike is "a real Pizza Hut has II poinis from their first seven games, Ken'sPbetoMIghtyMites 9 8 0 1 31 6 17 The union contends none possibility:...... while Twin River has nine. All ether divisions have been Tilden Tigers 0 7 0 2 31 5 16 of those rocklns -- including Danish said hebelieved decided Withoutdraws in the firsl half, with the missing TotemFordMustsngs 9 5 3 1 15 14 It Heisman Trophy winner there will not be a strike: game in the uoder-ll division betw~,n champions Nor- ~:contennlalLions .+. 9:.4 4 1 17 13 9 Mai'cus Allen of Southern Much of the discussion thwest Sportsman and last-place Mr. Mike's Sharks having KinsmenJets 9 3 4 2 17 13 8 Cai --can sign contracts Thursday focused on a drug no bsarin.,g on the final first-half Stats. Froese Trucking Hotrodders 9 1 5 3:-4II 5 until an agreement is ' and personal.problem The doaost race lathe nine-game first half was In the Dec's United. 9 2 6 1 12 24 5 reached with the council. counselling program : F. under-8 division, where Kes's Photo Mighty Mites finished Terrace Chrysler Aspens 908.1 243 l No unsigned players can proposed hy the players and 29" Heavy Aluminum Jet Boat . ., :: attend training camps, rejected by the council, • in top spot with X7 points, only one point ahead of second- UNDER ~e Built by Northwest Jet, 1973..Powered by two Ford 9 .9 0 0 39 10 18 began with the opening place Tilden Tigers. Sundance Sonics placed first In the ' Sundance Sonics 460's (1979 &.]'~0), 320 H.P. each, 100 gallons fuel today of workouts by under-1Odivlslun, while'All Seasons Blazers won the under- Skeena Foresters 9 7 2 0 36 16 14 capacity, full cabin, seats 12, plus many other ac- 12 division. West End Eagles 953131 Baltimore Colts: cessories. Can be viewed at Ken's Marioa, New Manuel's Pumas took the first-half title in the under-IS FinningFlyers 945022 8 Jack Donlan, the owners' Stabler Remo; ...... Mart 93602435 6 divislm, while in the under-lS division, It .was Dave's •Shoppers Drug chief negotiator, mean-waived 19'6" Heavy Fibreglass Runabout Plumbing finishing two points.qhsad M Philp0t's Cheetahs Co,op Kickers 9261244O 5 while, has told all 28 NFL 80 H.P. Mercury outboard, cabin, SO gallon fuel for the flrst.halLwin. Surveyor's 9 2 6 1 16 32 5 teams they can still sign HOUSTON tAP) -- Va rapacity, cornea with trailer, plus maw othor ac- Winners of the first hall automatically qualify for year- Potde Coyotes 92612232 5 rookies, provided those Houston Oilers .coach Ed cessories. Can be viewed at the School Board office ..... end playoffs to determine league div~on champions. The UNDER 11 players accept offers made BiKes placed quarterback ~2" ~ mao,t%[~ t,~w U ~,~. s~IL~o~ '.no~.+~!~,,., , In New Alyansh. Both boats have had evaulatlon s~,veya by Ruperl +i CedarRmd Olanis 9 4 19 I0 +'" derstoo~ severat fftistgneg than a week after ~eiling the Marine Surveyocs Ltd. and'ceples are available for 19 8 rookies would file suit 13-yeaP veteran he would viewing at the School District 92 Board Office, Lakelse Ave., &15-9101 or the School Board Office Clampett I sv 67 good Mr.Mike'sSharks .... _ ""="8 1 8 1 8 33 3 againsttheuaion,.elalming not be ,invited to the itwas blocking them from National Football League New AIyansh, &13-222e. 15 13 signing and working out. Terms of Sale: Cash only, as is where is basis. Sale _ team's training camp; for British lead Bud's'lYuckers .9.,0,,. 3 4 2 17 32 8 Union chief Ed Garvey is final. -- -<7 TROON, Seotland(AP)-- Watson saidhe was Northern Drag Rovers 9 36 0 29 43 6 contends,, rookie contracts Biles, at odds with the .Sealed Tenders' most be received no later than the "-9" 1"7 1 13.38 3 While crowds at British pleased with hiseffort in the Bavarian Inn Oxen signed: after Ju~y 15 would controversial Stabler since Friday, July 30 at 5:00 p.m. Open golf championship dismal conditions. +2 UNDER 13 .... "be voided-by the courts." he took over as head coach The lowest or any bid not necessarily accepthd. Shivered "and players Manuel's Pumas 9 6 0 3 40 14 15 Several top draft picks -- last season, said his ,~ 3,.

...... Send tenders to: struggled with headwinds "Sixty-nine -at Troon Irly Bird -' 9 4-2 3 26 17 II such as Walter:Aber- decision was based on School District 92 (Nh;glm) on the hack nine, *paee- todaywas a terrific score. Northern Motor Inn '9 3 3 3 31 25 9 $/'o'n~bie (PittsburghY, Stabler's ability at this Larry Hoback setter Bobby Clampett was Clampett's 67 was a perfect Tel'race Retry Wheels 9 3 5 I 20 24 7 Butch Woolfnik (New York stage of his career and the his usual sunny Californian. ~score." " UNDER. 15 Giants) and Roy Foster Oilers plans for offensive Secretary.Trcasurer self Thureday._~ 9 7 2 0 52 13 14 New Aiyaneh, B.C. Dave's Plumbing ( Miami)-- signed contracts changes, -- "I 'get plenty of.ex - Arnold Palmer, 52, made Philpott'a Cheetahs 9522332412 in the two days before the perience of this kind of a great start and led at one Sight & Sound United 9 2 3 4 29'46 8 deadline, perhaps worried weather in California," stage, four 0rider par, on the Dalr~ Queen Busters abeu( the indefinite status Clampett said eheerfuily course where .he-won the Dairy Queen Buster's "- 9 O :T'"2-14 45 2 past July 15. aRer shooting a five-under- title 20 years ago. But he UNDER 18 Unsigned" veterans, about par 67 at the Royal Troon failed to master the Pizza Htit United 7 5 1 1 24 l0 It 71 of them, can sign a links to-take a two-stroke headwinds and finished with Twin River Falcons 74212215 9 contract at anytime for lead on the first day. "We a 71. Braid's Ins. Rovers 80621334 2 either II0 per cent ef their get fog and drizzling rain at home. "And sometimes the wind blows and it turns quite cold, so this weather doesn't bother me. I'!1 just play in any weather the good Lord sends us." .... The Open got off. to its " coldest start in years. Spectators lining" the fiat and narrow fairways of the 7,067-yard, par-72 course beside the Firth of Clyde were Wrapped in top coats •and woollen scarves. Only a handful of players tamed the chilling winds -: that blew into their faces The key to 7 along the back nine. Clampett, 22, who lives at your fumreis a +•' . Carmel Valley Ranch, Calif., led the waywith his 67. Tom Watson, three-time . winner of this title and the A reward of One Hundredand Twenty-Five current U;S. Open sham- Financial management is an excit- The C..G.A] program-was develop.. +:: '. : : :, .. . ? -. 'plan,' and the unheralded Thousand Dollars (8125,000) is hereby offered ( - ing and Challenging'field, attuned to ed in cooperati0n.with the Faculty '.:+ .L~., ~.. ,.~::~.+:.:" ' . Nick Price. of Zimbabwe ' • the ne~ls of the 1980's..: and beyond, of C.0mmerce at the Univimity of "L, "" -i'~...... '" by B.C.Hydro for information leading to the " : Financial decision-making is bOcoming , Students may ' ' ~: ...... ,each•LangerSh0tofWest99" BernhardGermany/ " . apprehension, arre d nviction of the person.o.r : .+ increasinglycomplexand the demand attend lecturesat either U. B;C, or ~ '. ~;:i " for professionalaccount ng skills has , the uni~'ersityof Victoria or c6unes , . : ~ . runner-up last •year,:and persons responsiJ91"efo the violent des .truction of /::,:" never been greater, t may. becompletedby correslxmdencg " / ~::.: : ' ' BrRons KenBrown und Des. ._ damag; t0 l rg.perry at_its:Dunsmuir sub station'.;:,.-:. •' +. Through theC.G.A, program of Applications for Fall 1982 entry. : +... ' ," i.{ )'::: mym made,0. :+____ ------• ." ":: ",studies, yoti can acquire the Si3ecial- into theC.G,A, prt~m are being " . ' . ;~. _ Of the 1~0 players who l~t~ d n Q Beach on Vancou~,er Island !:: . . ' lzedfifiancialexpertisewhichwil! : accepted until August-16th. . : .ii- ",i -' teed off during.the day,only : * " . ',, :7.:" ' .... " . opefi n¢~vdoors along yore"cares r ' R~r further information contact: ..- ~. ' !.~ /'Y ahalf-dozenmade par over OnMay 31i1982.II th informationisprovidedbY " -- ::: : • path. And when you have completed :The DirectorofSmdeniServicos,. ' " '. :.+~ ' -:~ the required coa .r~ and earned the The Certifi~l-GeneralAccountants ..! :r "": ~ ~. : --=.:~.~:~ thanthebaCkhalf brokenine' '40.and fewer • . more,than one Person, me reward willbe Shared.: " ' right to call you'rsdf a C,G.A-, you'll Asm)clatlon of B,C., r ¢. "&a : :~ : "' " Defending cha+mpion Bill .. -./ .- ' ha're achieved a professiqnal.standing 1555 West 8th Avenue, ' • .:.: :/ !~. Rogers. battled the back Tocall: - .,: ::: i.,: ::':.": .:i:: which is second m none, Vancouver, B.C. VOJ IT5 "' : :/•'i:,~+" : " : nine in the aRemoon, when You can-c0minue to eama steady Telephone : (604) 732-1211-"-' [.. ,.. ' .." :.i-ii:. :';: the wind was at its worst, :>4--"----'~ " : " " income, on a full-tim¢.basis, while and finished with a 73. He Dial'O" (Operator) and ask -:, + studying for your C.G.A. The prog- _ • . • :.• j + General said he could not believe : ram is especially set up to late'grate ir "Accounumts ...... some of the other scores. this toll-free course material'with relevant working Zeniih2'7 f°r numbs,. , ® experience. q "In these, conditions, n • of British Columbia :~:+: :-" 7"i~~i: Bobby claml)ett's ~- Was ' unbelievable,'.'.Rogers said Ili[ I i ii i <


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. '.::.-~-.-~", :'.. i,.; !.'.]iXu.tOP, .1.1.1~,Premii~s, .,are ,12argely based on three : you will move up nine steps and pay a very high . the existingSafe Driving Vehicle Discount ." ."../. ' " '" • " . .. . -..-lact0rs:-vehic[epse ann me frequency anu premium. ,n.ere is noupper limit to the ' ' • rules apply .. , "....' .. - " . ' . •. . ..severi.ty.~f:accidents. In 1983, the Safe Driving. amount ol the premiums those who frequently • __ . " . • • . . ' . " " " -

,, ' .. :Vehicle Dis~unt program will be replaced bya .cause accidents willpay... , " Howwill you-rate? .... - . • "'7 -:.. Claim.Rated Scale that is more rewarding to c,_cw~n ~r:'tx~ un R "ruaia~ u~uc~ ~r~6 • o : • . • " " • • • thus_ew 'hoarec la i m-free and p r oz~tdes.htgher" " ,.~v,.,~.a,~M ...... NEW a ~,~v~ ,.,,~,,,,_,r~ For the malonty..... of vehmle owners, the . - - . - . . . C .... -FREE.A .4TH ...... r -- ' " - • " o ~ . .... •...... penaltieslorthose,Thesealed WhOnca useacct&.n~lrequentljt DISCOUNT WILL BE APPL.I~D. -- .Ciatm-P,a. ted Scale.~ll be good news...: 85..V0 of • , ...... _ . : ~ oes otapplytofleet-ratedrenewals.. _ . . . , o . . owners have earned the 3-year Safe ,Dd.'~ng ...... - " .: " .-=. .. ~ • " • . _ . ,_ ' , for everyyear olcmim-rree driving, you _ Vehicle Discount and, if they.maintain thei~ . " • ': : The sten-bv-steudifference move one step down the mtingscale toward the claim.free records~will enter the scaleat the' . , " r :' r:~ ".= --:::" ~ [ : 7~ , " . 4 . . ~ ~ . ~ ' , ' ]oweststep.Atfl3islevelyour premium will -. lowest premium level.- ' . " . " " I " " " ' "- • - • - .... :.-:i" : .-:.;. :.-. :Formerlgthoserespomiblef0raccidents-.. ~e 65O/oo~the 15~tse rater. ' Newl,,'i;~,~"-~,,oh;~t-- A..~,o~"m.,,**,-.,. " . " : . . :... , ,,_,~_ ,-,-_~P~, ~.W"&u.~ m~Ul~';~a"ln~u~t m~, i . Good drivers who have only an occasional . the base rate_For e~,,ery year of claim-free driving ' . o~o ~nwn vemc~etmcoum, unaerme the • " ' :: ' " ' Claim Rat n-e~'--' .... ,. . ~., . • accident-willpay/ess:under the Claim-Rated .. y~ earnamove one step down the?scale~ " .... '~ - i i . - : :.: ...... ~:. " ...... ~lt i~-~lle, u'le more ,.Clallrls ...... a vefllCle Scale than under the former discount s~tem.. .. ' ..To encourage motorists who are high on • • ' ' ' owner ts responsmie mr, me mgner ms or , . . ~: 'ii. ° .-. .:t..r...k.~. .... ~-,,,L_ ' . . .~ Mostdfivei-swho have earned a 3-yea/ Safe thescaleto improvetheirrecords, three . . . • .". : ._ . . ~ 11+ pl+lllltnll Will L~ . .,..~-.- ' + :" + . • ... +, .. • . " + Drivin g Vehicle Discount. and have. one accident consecutive. claim-free Y ears will. be reco g nized . , •.: .:: ...... "...... -::. .... AsmththeSafeDn,angVeh~cJeDlscoun 3 ...... afterltilyl, 1982,w111 moveupthescale,to the ...... : .r~ttharetu~ to the.basepremmm. " ... , ...... :4-~:~:~:? ;.?~::i~-program, only "at fault" claims (Third Party and . 90%level/ratherthan thel00%leVel, asbefore. ,,.. " " . ,,. - : : . :. ' .

: :-:+,.;~:i:4i~:ii.~:,:-:ii':i0.01~sion)affectyourmtihg:Comprehensive ' "...., : .... , ' Fr0mnowon.cai lm : ":':r :~:J "; :' + . " "T ' ' " q . r " .`+ ... _:::: /:~:-!--~.-yai~.. s, includkig~vindshidd, vandaiismand • " •: "•:"• • • •; ::••; :• • , ' ' .. : ~;./i:.; tlaett, aonot" " . ' . : • liming OI menrotrram Will ~,~.JalL illUll~. .... " r :" "." r 4 " 4 =' " ' ; ' " " . ~-. 7;':.:'- ":. " ' "~- . " -- " - ' " ' ~ It- l~-~-- l~I," ,,~l~,,~,,,A,,,,~ " .... =' " • :" • ' " :-: ::.:-- : :.: '-~- BAD NEWSFORTHOSEWHO CAUSEACCI- Effective'~hUa 1 """ " ' " ~ - "" I¥1UUll IIlUI~I;~o - .. • , " - . " .i : " • ' ,: ...... - j ary ,,~o=,, your renewal Will . . • • . : , . " • • • , - " " ::i" ;" :DENTSFRE UENTLY. THE MORE OFTEN b ...... " .... : ':"+ " ' ~: ' ' "' ' " . . :~i:~.,.:'.>-:~ ' ,,,~,,,,,,-,,, ,',~ ...... ,,,-,,,,1,,,,,,,,-, ..... ~ . e rated according to the-Claim-Rated Scale. For more reformation, contact your...... : . -c:. :.... ~ .-.-:-~:~ ~, _ " : ' ':~:i~:-!~:: .::. :. . •,It ....lib • . ~,Ld'Mtyl,_ ..... 11"115 I'llurl r.lx lrl~, I t.,l~llVlD ' " Your 1982 Safe Drivin~ Vehicle Discount and independent Auto#an agent or nearest Motor.. ' ;. ::---:-:-:-.i. :%: : ,:.. .. • •,~: "'-"" ;'.': ....: ' '. 'ITt~tl~t.*h~f'~lo|m Oo,oa.e.,.ol,. o,,o,.," f c l a~m" an.~._'an elamas " " " " d fgllowmg your1982 renewal•" ..... L~cence Office .... ' . " " 4 -," " " ~: "--J''"~>~ :~'r"~';"''" ,~,~; >.: "~: " -" -- '; : ~: lou a .. ,wdlaeternim.e whereyou stand on thestep- ~ .. *Thebase rateis the~remium before no-claimdis¢oun~ ..... ,~:~~,.=. :iii~i~i,ii~:.~,!.~, ;:/i .., ~ • • . for • . W-step sca~e m ~3, However, wnere muse **The average gross premium for private pas~ngi~r :: i::; -.;:i!-ii:.:'.i:.:~5!!~!~.~?..i (:-. ~ ' -... ; year, . " new claims were paid before July 1,1982; ,' . vehicles in British ~.olumbia. : ' :"' ,: ":. *,; : ~-4~':"..:~:~5~i;~>~.?:,V:~/:.~:! : V :::;. i "

: i _ - : • -, .? . --'!-~'~-'~.::'::-.::.: ~i:;::;'-/i?:%,~:::~i~/;:~:,:!-:~:~:%:;.!?i:.i:"

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-, ' .... " " " ih" "' i"]:" I ' " ~ ~''"" '" , ...... :; : : ~-"'. : ,-:- ...... ang . ~ "] '~ .... live : f er ~i~: O'ldlndustri":h~;:i~~-'!~'~i~:":' ~':' ':' JO"-finL~liy.... end e~d~:iiian~': : ' °-¢ ,,:,.::.•p~n~ ' U:~,~el~;h~?~ln~Tm:dL:7~!~ ~c~ "~ ,.in d::~a is,be~' [ d0n! ;~t:,:~ i those needs ~•',7:~ :!.:•.. :: ...... " ~ " " qu.u0n' " ,. '::" ou,: ...... '/:'~'":~:~!'~"f~';';3::":'~'/:

: .di.~-ar~l .... ~..... to,.... ever; .... ' '"; ' " :,'ecHed, the..... shortage Of'Infermafloa on ,dture. labor needo.'.... 't,s apparen t ;"the~ouncH.id'...... ~ 'tt~ ~,lin~,: 10 S '1:ca 1I[~''h nge ::i':"f " : :'. •:-': ' "::¢."; ,', ,'" ""],,': :. : :.: ...."":.' ,,, ...... i"' ' " : .':,Tlie' reeesalon "hnS sped, uP the Shakeout in .the' world . : .... " " ' ' ..' " ' • . . : . ' in Canada.will Cad~ fa~r~ehlngklteraflon~in the:laboi~ L. ,.: ...... :, -,~

i enter .a new cconomie eycle--.in ,which • technoi0g[cal 1 i' :Wla I1~ 3LM' :

I' ...... Canada is not prepariqg for.this new world and won't be : ~ ~~ '.:: ,: ~ ~ able to compete, ...... - ...... -: " " " L" " I : ~ "" ": .... : ...... [ • In a recent speech ~on' the future of the industrialized ' - ' " ' " I West; France's industry minister said predicting where jbbs and economic growth will come from in the future is a

major problem facing plannei's today., :~ ,~ , NOW RENTING! ~- , In urging French businessmen to be, more inventive and • dependent on research and development, Jean-Pierre .SUMMIT- APARTMENTS Cheveoement shid: ""Remember thatone-third of all ~7~ji TERRACE ' " products that will be on the market in five years do not even . - ),.~. . i exist today." One & Two bedrooms featuring: t i Identifying wliere the jobs of the future wilt be. is especially ..l.mpertant for Canadian planners because this country has one of the highest unemployment rates in the . eFrldge,, sh)ve & drapes ) / ; sWall to wall carpeting ) industrialized @orld -- 10;9 per cent. - • , eRAOUETBALL COURTS -: I Part of the reason for our.hi~h unemployment is simply eGymnasl .ore facilities that the recession has cut. demand for primary metals, . - eOr~slte management forest products and ears'-- leading to layoffs in those in- dustries, Colleen Lynn Froese has graduated from ' Part of it is also that many firms have gone bankrupt UBC with her doctors degree in medicine. because they couldn't survive high interest rates and She is the daughter of ~r. and ~rs. Emil For yourpersonal viewing visit .... others, facing crushing debt burdens, are laying off staff. Froese of Terrace. She'graduated from • our apartments daily at: ...... ~- --~ .... : ; :": ' " ..... i Dairymaid is regular, .,:, . As well, many firms are ratienulizing operations to m~t Caledonia Senior Secondary Sc:hool in 1971, . 2~07 PEARST, 2o7opartly skimmed •the challenge of Japanese companies, which traditioimlly receiving her B.Sc. at UBC in 1975. She . ' duriz~g recessions have sought to maintain their market worked for'three years for Workers Com. orcall ( milk thatstoresneady , shares hy lowering prices anEI profit margins, while North on yourpantry - - pensatlon Board as an Industrial hygienist , 635-5968 , shelf, and stays fresh American and European companies bave~tended to in- before deciding she wanted to study I crease margins as sales fall, medicine, In 1981 she worked:, for two ! i for months without In the mids~ of the recession, companies around the world months in a Scottish Livingstone'hospital in ~ - MAJESTICMANAGEMENTLTD. ~ refrigeration. also are~busy developing new corporate stl'ategies, trim- ming waste, reviewing management, automating, in- BOtswa..o . ~ f r i Ca 0 • . . , - . - - . _ ,;!ti mmmsmm vesting in research and developmept and geaerallj seeking • I ways to become more competitive. . . While there are some 'notable exceptions,--.there is evidence that Cive. While there are some notable exceptions,, there is. evidence that Canadian corporations are not purSu]iig these goals and making necessary changeswith the same determination as their foreign coml~titors, Unless they do, Canadawill lose out on jobs and. prosperity. We already Import more manufactured goods per capita than any other industrial country in the world. " ~- Our complacency -- based.perhaps on.the false assump- tion that renewed demand for resources will pull us out of recession and sustain future growth :- will mean in- tolerably high m~employment for some time, e~ea when DO/T - there is an economic upturn in the Western indus_trialized world, critics say ,tern industrialized world, critics say. Don Daly, a professor at York University In Toronto, says • :that although ther expected economic' upturn will improv,e :. ~' employment picture,, espechdly...!n..:l~:;.haz~izlt,

• automdbile(~mlning -and.~ Ibrest-~?.,'101e, ..... /,; ',~"¢'~m~...,~l~.f : tremend()ds c~at.Cutting done by firms during t~e rbc~sion. - i. means they won't be hiring back all the woi'kersthey laid ,~ ~ : ', ,~ _ : . ~ff'; Many workers will be pez;mnnen~ly'nnemployedor will have to be retrained, for new industries. • -. -- . • . " ,, . - ' , For example, Chrysler Corp, slashed itsorganization in .the U.S, so it now can make a profit by selling 1.2 million

vehicles. Three years ago it had to sell two million to break ,~,. .~ . •, . • • even. To avoid bankruptcy,_ the company has closed, inef- ~i~1~i~.;.~.i~':i:i:i!i !~ ~;g~;~!;:~.i~'~:';~:~~,~:~Y:~,~.~v : , •" ...... c-. ~:3,.~:~.~.~:.~;-',:~::;.'~:.~-"~;.~ " ficient plants, brought in new technology, shaken up head office-employees and improved quality control. ~, While the company may survive, there's no doubt that thousands- of Chrysler's U.S, workers will never get their ~bs back. Th~ Chrysler example is being repeated elsewhere In

...... North/unerica and Europe to meet the Japanese industrial P challenge. Japanese firms also are developing their "own plans (emphasizing technology) to compete with trireme-

down and more aggressive Western corporations. -. .. '~ . ." In Ca,nada, high unemployment makes transition to , .... " i' ,~ ~:c~,:.~ o . .,. . .::;,.;~::';~:~:,~ advanced technology more difficult. ~iili~::;!::i:7 i':'~ .:,;~.~;,..~, " " :'":;'~":~.. ""~'"*"..... ~"~? "There is nothing quite like imminent job loss dr massive i dedskflling to turn a worker into an implacable oppenent of ,,, ! new technology," says R. A:: HainSworth, education director of the Ontario Federation of Labor. -He acknowledges how.ever, that many industries have

some types of jobs have actually ci'eated jobs. ! :r. ~Jll'~ ~::.£:.i;. , ..!:"- " .., Daly says a worldwide economic recovery will help get ~-~~~ ....~.../~ ~,~../.~ -.=;j..~, , our uneinployment down to seven or eight per cent, but we i ..... ,*~,",3"~',", ~'~": won't be able to improve on.that unless we develop high- .- I~ ~'~. / : '~..... ~i .. " technology industries and improve productivity. ~._'9 p~ ' I 18'~ ' !iI'~ 80~" " ii, i-..... ~":! - ° "" We risk.beooming a second-class industrial oonntry - ~ " ~ B " i ~(~et~ ~~. ~'~k..: " unless We increase •competitiveness by ,0wering labor costs ~Y B ' i ~i~:~: ' -- eiUler'thrnugh lower wages or impro.ving labor efficiency . . 0X I I ~ke~l i with new technology, he ,ys.. -" ~ ! (~el;& 18"Z"0 8a~-d OP Gel; I~ 18.rge 8~a.4:~ ~ . 8,Z',0l~lJtt~t~. "' ~'' ~''';3~3~ : --Canada's. lack • of research and development is not a ~81F_,e ~',.~j"~ OP " [ ' ' . . or ~.:t-az.z.~ mz.,e ~. "~, : ~ ~' "~' . .. - major prob]embecausewecm) alwa~'s bu~/new technology " " - :..,J~epsl(7~0 z~l) W~z I or~[~ slze 7-rrp '. "J ' I . or Po~s!~i~ (750 zal),, elsewhere He is conce'rned, however; that we lag far :. • t~hepUpcLaS$ofea c "[~."- ! behind other countries in adopting new technology.. " .... 9 PleBe '!~-~ .. h" I wl~v'repslthe (780 rRl ~; :--. .. m .. m "~tji t,11,sPtwcha~e.Of" ~ ~) ..... " ": " " " • The proportion of Canadian firms using Computers is only " ,:~-- "'" ~'" ~ox ~)U~ I.-. .... ~i~" half of ~hat in the U.S. andJapan, an indication thnt slow ..I ~01~A,a, ...... I...ii.! each lB~a~e:o£~ -I " I" eaah;~( plee.ep ~ i1.~ " .....r adoption of technology is the major problem facing this ~Bth 198~, |~i:: ~:;~i!ii~!i;!i,~;~::',: : ~,,~;~.~. :::-: . While the fully computerized-integrated factory is still ~e. ,,~:,.,,%.=... " some years away, he says, many U.S: and European ~._._ | ~'-~"-. .'" " : : --.-

' ~ "-'~.:.;::-~.:i!.~.>.;~;Si['~!,];~:k~!;k~3.:i~ : ~ .... . __ .~,~,~~.~ ~;, .~ -

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~' ...... ~ or 7-UI mor Pepai at ]so e~n'a oh ~l~Mmnnmelllf -- - .,,.~ .... |4 :~t..,, ...... " ...... ' " " 011I~" em~ ~ IM~lZ, i988. "Areyo u sure your kid didn't mind giving up his room?:,...... , : . 2"

,e:i ~t # t .': r ~ i i •, ".'k Pille ill, Ti litlrllo qrld~y, July 16, i'tlil t !:._. •

: / / . ,,:,

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: :. ;,,.;': ;'" :,':.,: mllt~To/!M tat Mi ll!e ' Ilvm!,iorylwMrlils!! ~/:: ..... i'. •, . :. ~, {7-~, ::!'-i:~(~

'. "!. "" i. ":":."./" ,'.:"./':,. !".i'i'i' :i ,.".'.:...FOR TU~ Y, JU~ '17,~1962.1 '. ::'".,:.. :~,.:', .,:. i~:~ ;" :k; ",

• 7 .'7 (Mar;.21'i6~m,~ i9)'. ~[~: :..': 7(Jiily ~ ~ ~ug:.l). :~!.: :L ; (N_ov:I2 ! Dee; 21)~ ;' !¢].i]l~l ;'.,:'.;7" (,, !'; 't : 7.: c0mmmi!i~at!ons":: wtth:.-' ' "-X !neno s'.moughUe.ssness..i ~:' .Too'mueh.'!oge~e~ ~ e ".17'.,"{---~ " o~era .are S~. un~!. the; ", .: .m~m..i~u. i~Ser...0n~:'aga~, .. ilead.. ~tensi0n, iyet'a.~ar . -...:.v..-.;~: '"< . '. eVe~,w~n you're able .to , T~in~ !~me, ; m ,o~.h, you if.,,, seemsto~hrkng out the~lg~t .:.,.':-!/:;:..;.: ' ";;, set':' matters.' straight, Little speag up sou wm ue very el- '.. both of youbl the into eveni, .....-,.. .'...... ~_ ~youathonle,_- feci~ve in the process. ""'. ReLax, '- ': - - TAUIUS ~. VIRGO " (Apr. ~0toMny20) (Ang.~tosept.~.) I~1~ ' CAPRICORN(i~'c. ~- to Jem. 19) . ANIMAL •CRACKleS " • Though you feel your Imnds Money could be an ia.~ue A nagging career wo_rr~ ~ ~,~i~ -i.~ ',are tied by morning events, with a friend, though by day's besets you most of tha day. but ...... i/.:.; ..:~,~ '- you'll find a way out of dlf- end you'll meet with a new ' your determination to find an • fleullles later. Self~lscipline financial opportunity. Be pa- answer proves successful by ' r. ~ TO ~T ~ ~ ) ' " " k "': 4~~"~ " ~ I~ ~ ~ / F~ "helps. tient. " day,send. " ' I LC~~ TI'Y/ L/!. -: '~;-~ ~ " ~ "1 : (May21 to June20) : You may resent a loved ' one's cdticL~n, but after some have a good time, but there ther career prospects. In- pouting, you,ll see wisdom in could he travel complications stead, give time to hobbies ~ i some of the sugg~ttons. Be along the way. Career pro- and relaxing pursuits. ~! ~ • loyaL. posals are unfeasibie. Familiar haunts are best. .., scom!,IO " I1~#~.. PISCES )~(~. t ... " c (June 21cul to July. 22) li :i There's plenty to upset you Unexpected expenses could Weekend celebrators and . . .. • now, but with some peace and crop up now. .You'll have to crowded restaurants may lle ~ •quiet, you'll gain insights .thaL senltlnize your spending too much for you tii~pe with •will be extremely valuable tO habits to find ways to avoid now. Enjoy relaxingdomesUc -- .you. ~ry expenditures, pursuits. • SHOE


(Mar. 21to Apr. 19) (July~3t0Aug. ~) J~ SAGrrrARIUS " Weather permitting, a day , ...... __..,.,;.:,,., in the sun is in order or some • • Though y0u'l, have a You'll receive affection i ! ~" . r. 0~ .~ ...... " l~,,, , :. ~ ~ ~ ~ other relaxing pursuit. Luck is wenderlul tin~ sociaUzing, from others and n~y decide to ' " -,II~~...... llII!i ~ with you in home find financial you're in the mood for privacy n~, The late evening finds ..... afterward, Lucktswith you in. you happily engaged In i~/~,~ ~ ~.__~ ~t~'!:'' ~~ ~~t~ matters. realestate matte,, private pursuits. ~J " ' " " ' TAURUS U~" VIRGO lip% CAPRICORN ~ "I .(Apr. 20toMay 20) It's the perfect time for A social occasion leads to You'll be pleased ~th some i shopping.! Yon should f~d career opportunity. Some are news that affects work. Your ~ /. ~:,~ something you espedally llke. honored for their work in the social life leaves nothing to be ~ ~i Good news and favorable comniunity. Friends extend desired. Accept invitalions. ~. ill \~ ~/i'/. ,lilr~.~/ ' work developments come too. invitatiom. AQUARIUS ~ GEMINI Llm~ dN.~'~ (Jun. ~0to Feb. 18) - ... 20) ...... (May 21 to June (Sept; 13 to Oct. 22) is a special time for You're popular now and will Travel will be more fan than ..you, with an accent on both . - BROOM-HILDR receive admiratlon from anticipated or good news romance and improved eareer r T" ~|'~l~_~U~Clr 'others. The evening hours comes from afar. A career op- prospects. Capitalize on op- AND WHATARE may bring a job change that is portonity is worth your time portunJUes. to your liking, andeffort, " :. °-"" SCORPIO I~/e~ PISCES ~ ~' (OCt. 23 to Nov. 21) (Feb. 19 to Mar. 20) . : (June 21 to July 22) O¢ i Youmay r~eivea gift from You'll be pleased about You're in the mood tO help a loved one.'~mantic feelings some domestic developments others out. A visit tO a shut-in grow stronger. A spirit of op- and will want to go out to !or some otber kindness begins timism and good fellowship celebrate. Expect some even- the day. Later, you celebrate! marks the late evening, ing good news.

FOR MONDAY, JULY 19,1982 AQUARIU8~ ...... 1 . . i (Jan,.20 toP'eb.,18) ""T~ - (Feb'. 19 to Mar; 20) ::i ~;~ .... Some domestic matters .Employers may be Watch out for needless may not go as planned, but dissatisfied with an careerrtsks. Loved onesmay o you- shouldn't dwell od them. employee'sw0rkperformance face problems about an in- the limllzlNG SPIDERmAN Rise above• self,imposed or absenteebm. Higher-ups llmate matter or a.financJal ' I#MR.IA,ME6ON, WAgTNAT yNO,FeAI"HER - ~ [IFY~.J'REi~NEWITH ~ i ~'Tt,~f~IP$OF'-,.TOHM.PlV~i:FY .!~ depression, are erratie In their thinking., r question. ~ • [MUFFY. AINgWORTHWHOJ BRAIN/ I'I'WA.~BB I~o~eH~oaues'noN¢,/ II~d~OPI~ER'~MAN/ ~/L~ARM.WHOHEIO/~ TAURUS' I'ItA"~-'~ • ' . " " -" I ~ l.~e~ HeRe ~ ~lk THe TOOTH I ~~',..,;~l|II"I I, ve:,~'A~JJ..~.~ IE011~-..--~ I I~~-"- ."~_ . -- (Apr"You ~ re to inclined May 20) to v'~"worry tou . ~~~[ ~!I~/~~'~[ I much now over a career con- ... " . =, . eem. You may feel unap CROSSWORD muchPreeiated'.GEMiNi..abouttoo,but arelit~e., rusk/rig.toow.,~/-" "i. b~ [u9ene Sheffef. "- ;'~ ~il~~

(May21toJune20) ~ ACROSS ,, 40 Seine 58 Patron saint 9 Electrical

.to an unnecessary extra ex- excuUoner 43 Likenesses" 59 Relatives' 10 Heard at peuse. What's more, a loved 4 Wild goose 45 Pendent Scala one may have misgivi.gs . 'DOWN La about what you buy. 9 Spanbh ornament. I The, whole II Portent •article 47 Disease of amount. , IS Possessed .CANCER ~t,~ U new Guinea sheep ~ Cebine mOoze .-- (June 21 to Juiy ~.) ~ ~ ~C ~ If you were an employee port 48 Residue monkey 21 Leveret you'd p~.oba.bly ask for extra 13Teutom'c 49 Sign/fled by 3G/rl of 22 Leave. out ~TI~I~)ID'(OO:-~.~,|NT'O~Tl.i~f~...i~Ai~J~/~/A~l °-.AhlA,i,, ilA ..... ~ P'r'lh"~-IJl~i..l,~ li i,.i..s ...... wagee, nulsmcelt's your own scagou lapS., ' song Z31ts beam . "I~I_~.~CA/A AIdY'~/AV' P I '::..-.."~-~_.~-n',i: ? I v,n~t_rvsrr'c~d~ , rL~ m.~i~)~ rl./~ _I~I~ ho.n:!e~don'tgrulnbleaboutad- 14 son of Bela incamp 4 Pancake aids " " ~'~ ...... i~.i .... :"'- ' ~ WI~'[QA~ I:~ ~ ,[ Ii~IM .P • • ~K;I~'A'.l~ill%io~li~'t~ID • ] ' dl.Uonulduties. . 15Typadesig- 51I.,uau., mix navigaters , . Dt~?,:~ /. • ,~L'[~l ll~ll~JAl%l~[~;: • J ~--.--.---.~t--~ C.tOl'l'l~~'~l~.i#iTii ' J ...... nation. " necklace 5 Purified 2"/Amrncen, I~:~. " .~ ,~- --~ a ~ :~.,,'~ ~ -,, ,, ~.,~,^.... ~, J~ liFisbspear 55Nove~st 6Turkish party ...... ~- ' : .~'~' . ' • I " ' [~.Y/~> • ~.(~_~/ '°A~a~%~ck of con- 18Philippine Wharton officer ,29Dalger .' .. ~/~'I : ~.,~JP.. ~ ~ 1 " " ~ " ~%'~ . . fidence could beset you,. Negrito. 56 Exiat. 7 Notches 30 Corrodes i ~ ILl. ~------~'I~ ~ ill [ k I ~i---~'l>'~_ " • especlally- about: .creative ...... 19Persian...... 5?Surpa~h- 8Handles 31BL~hoprics -- ' - "~l,/i~ i'~ - .... -/_;-.-'-~.-~.~ ..:-//-,m ...... [ ..... /_.._~..~_~ll _.. _../~.-:.-;. .-- ~/~,, - work or a job .,ms.l~er. TW to . carpet Avg solulion time, 27 mln -ll Ponderous -1 I I k-I --: l I: t...... more pesiuveiy.. ' 21Actor William. .:" " ' 37 Staggered • ~l~----==~~ :'~ ~ : ' .... ,,. ".:~:'?:~'" :. yiR£,O ' ,'" - 24Prating !~!H.!SII.!H!A!DIvIOIIIDI ~Metsl- ' - ~k:..~~ .,.:~.~ . __ • .-...',~.J,,,....,/~ ,~.I~. , insrut eUo'n ' ~Dtt~i,t~-~~Y~ N,aVE ~BE ...... workers • ...... " .. '...... -":w . ....• • - ~ Youmay have extra work to --" - 25 Pierre s • ; " ~-~/lE-~bI~ 42 Fall of rocks i. ' • .~ ..L__ " " . " " ' • , " "... '. . • ' " - " " . " doOciat~atli~:UldA~ ~O~y, ,-: ~:TsSfl;X~" ',:~d~°nll:'e~~: ...... -DOONESeURY. ' "~ "" : " " " ' ...... " ' . . j ' " ":~" -~'['' ~ i I " " " : " ' "~'[' ]: .... ' ~0uti0g .ru~ling. Safeguard , l~lntelllgence ~iI~-~] 46 On the briny " ' ' ..... '.-- " " I " • ." ~ .... " .... " '- 50Cardgame . . Ig0Yii~/g~,O#= _.)~._~.._./~.__~...,~..~,.--.l ~I~/Z~E #d01",#T/i~ " I ....,..-- .... "

(Sept.13tooct.22) J'li..~i. moisture IMENOIE source .~ . ", Z~/~. /~ff/',C4~/R~,~,~. AC~O/,~.. YO._~__~II~._ )O//.~IY ,5~:~/../~..,~ Youmay be reluctant about 25 Pineapple 'OAKS]~]~~OT!~T~~O~NAT 5~-Swi~._. . , 7~ MF/~,, ~l~t ,~ #~..OO. / I ~, ." "- I' . ~ ~fJA~,. iaklngonanewassignment liAnesthetlc _ canton. .- ~ ...~/F#;,~. ~- ((~ ~ ~ ~l _ / _-~r~x " It'sapoorthUe0though,~ . 38Human 3-Z9 , ,#, v, ,.- l /{l seek f~dhack about career :~onze . Answer to Sahlrday's puzzle..._,, /I/ ,'~, ~.~llp~/,~_ >/i~ ~~ ~k>~T-] ~J~,.~.~..-~ [.II~. ~ ] ~i~"/~i~ .... ' • , / I. 2 ~ : !~814 ~ I~ 7 ~ rrr~ ~o ill WP~ ",15 ~l~'~l,-r "//~"~.'Y---~'~ ~1"~"~,,,= Ili~/~."Y',-'~II'Y'./,,~ I #~ ? W',~, "MI~'/~ -

• .aga~t=) negatlve , ~ . fluII , I I • '~,7ml . i,.I , thinking or suspidou~e~ and ..... / " . I ..._.~._." "i " ~ .~.~f/'~N ~ ;f,~:~:~ ~~',/~--~ :[~ ~~ -'watch erratic• flnaneial., lli~m I. . l~li9 i;,h-, " . .. ', ~.,~.-~f ~ ~:~..~(o~.)# <.:tw:~,--7~.,".:;~i'~ .'7~.t~_)-~J ~J[J~:' ~F-~i~ !~, " ~i'~'~ - mov~,.Be::more.tolerant el . ~~ 'l : ,- ~i 'r .~. I. -" ..-. .--~ .-:~,.,-,~.~--.~ - ~---. -:...:..,-.: .~....: .,.~,,-.~,:-L.~-.c~.o,-::. :[~/: ->. -/,~-x--,~T,>~.~ otii~'viewi~lnts.. : ' " ""- ...... " • - .., . • . --

(Nov.l~teDee. 2t)' .. i~: ~ " | " " "- '" i Some old bills may. colne ~i'- ' ' due now. or a frlend may ask . 132 ~ 33 l "I 34' "- .•!

to begin anew romanUe ' W N ° "

"i •i

(Dee. ~. to Jan.concerns can In- - l~° .- L: :~-__'_]~! re " q I terfere with thne for Soelll-

: . una~ted.. ' • i , 1 J

: . . ~ . .. " . " " _ . . ~r'. Id, v, Jmv 16, ~m, e~w 1.1

::I " ' : : : "I " , " ~'~ bu Olk llrowne:-- ...... ~-~±

rr/.~.+ ~.:..: t,~'~ ~.:'~+L~,./..~::,]I.' ~ ..:. ". ~i+;~:;c;:;.~ , a= corn ~I ' '""' : rat olice.,-;~ ASomettmes " ' • , ',, !'~ '' ~ 'f; ,'~tRPl[#lgl'"W~al, O IS U & t~-- . " • , • , ' " ' ,' , ~,~+'~lJ~J~.,~ -:/~l . :",:•::: : /.: ".ve!~'lome'~ sores ..RUn; don'+twalk to aco mPe?-. , ~r]a .TI~.,~ : ,, ~,:. ~'f:~Z..:::,:~/d~ll~lll#~ ~:~,II:,.:" ', :":.:,' i ,-~~!_ nl+ ~ s,+mto *'tl+nt=psyclmz°Slst,:PsY (~hl~trzzt ..... ,,,:,.,,De~' ~io~es~;] anm..no4 .: ~~ ~II]I~ ~------~llIl~./) +, i.! ,,.";'. :,t~:~r ',.abe:,tok| me i... :: or eo~to, r.. You need .to :: ' a hautah,Set rkl. o, .anym~,: . : +Ollllllllllll~~II~ ~" I I : :".:o :'" ,: :' .~ hadL,lmt~d herpes, ][L Wan' ' " W or If" t~ ..problem mrougl~ , ' ".z~.,."al~l:. was done by ln~ J., (~.,,: ~lllllll#nlJ~+fllllUli~ll)~ ,il: ";: ,, ,: >~stm.t: ] h.d +.m..m., ann:soon. Your, Inek Is'hOan¢! . Io0~..!1:!III~. my'memory, ' ~P~'~m "/': ' .. ' , I/]IPlflM/IIII ~;IIJ~/[||[WI .. :" " '" --:: '"with thls man for several ,' to run out- .... ,. ,. : . ~,~~asitlaUr~ ~. II :/:-'...". . :: " ?:.. " aura-and was' lately , Bx emadnam' , . ,..ma~_:l, aover • . ' "" " .,...... : ...... "'. .., "-,... ~ . ,:" ., ':,, " .. , ' • '. ' ". " • . " - eov~rtlhitliehadcheatedoa . My !ister,.hl-hlw,isa4dce s trailotte=dngmesoL " :.. " " . .... ' ~ " . .. " " " . " • ' ~ . " - : .... . : ":' " ...... ". ~e and moved out the very ' _i~.reoabutslteisvery.hudto". thl)em'AnmAnn: I started seeing :. " ...... '. " ' . . • . . . . . ? . • .. " " - . ." nextday, • . _ pk~ule. The woman ~s o!d is man while both Of us were " • . ,' ...... : :., ' -: " ' , '. ": ' hu ,lls+.,,r noll,,,~ .. • ' ° - I.wil] never be ableto for- :enol~h.tobemy.motheramllto be my mot~ . .married. .l have two smal],chll- ' • ...... • ...... ' ...... ,. ' • .; ~ .---.. ~ ------.--..- . ' " ve Mm for " " • ~ wy ~o ~e Iful, bet she . ,, are n, His three are grown... --- -~ll~l~e ~e,v,~ ~ abe hal a hae-~t~t..d]dvm me Aw~t.er he.promi.sed to leave hf~, .... " ...... ilJcedll~e~ Ititso so l',con1" can never have • eruy. Wmmev~ J mO,.ner a ~(e. ann marry me, z asked anotber In'to relatiozuddp g~. ~ ~ks ~ to retrain. It. my:ausoand for a divorce. for l~tr of ]prosing It on. mm get something eke. ~ ex- told him I was In love with , • • DO the sores keep recu~ " ~ .her~ /~f.t som~.ne else .and he had to let • ,,,..~ ~ .h~ --r -,,,~ t,~ unrue ~ it-lease ~eU meul me lOllOW ITly heart. " : , ._~a.wt, ,,~ o~af ~ ~"~HM ,shOUM refuse from now ou,.~ For 19 'months my lover • ' be~peS? Can a w01~m with t~.r~u.,,maSmunl~. ,.. peuem..:rnen zus wue !on:no 41,1i~ m anon nnmel .~kIL HOW' come on haven't ' out anon: Its ann KleKea mm . ~a?""Pk~--~sw=e"r m"~ q~/e~ t~.,ou~,ht of a .gi~ ..certificate? out of ~e.bouse:He said, 'Tin • tlomouon.lam--RuinedAnd" z~smeperfectaoiuuon, " reJteveo, mat sne zOlmU out. • 'l~rrlfled Dear Ann Lander= Heln~ ~ow we can be together at " , " ~ , " lasL" A week later Ms wife .._ Herpes SimpleJf II has reach- Please. My husband s dearest ,nov h~,, h=,,~ z~= ,~,~,, ,,= ~, ' , -" ed epidemic prOportions, friae;d/a ~ g~es~otbg.uy,b.ut.l~e is ~n~'~'h~s~in¢]"an~'l~'~l~c~ While it can be extremely .m _. _o.- ..zne.tr house clded-to go to work on his mar- painful and a psychological is so mrty .~ areaa going over . rlage and that I had better • nightmare, it is not considered there. I find it impossible to build a life with'out him...... -- _., ' . a fatal disease. The sores do relax tn all that filth. I keep •He keeps phoning every few , ' _ . ' ' " not spread to other parts of the ' making excuses f.or not bring- dusts to say he misses me like , , , ' . ' body. A woman .with genital [ngour children I'm afraid crazy and asks how I am , • ' --• I..s 1,-¢4 fn~ekl-Ila, he.rj)es..ca.n have a healthy theymlghtcatchsomethln~, dolng, lstillcareforhim, Ann. .... , -~. . --~F "--" ...... ,~ .c~'ma u..sne works wi.th, her ' . ~*~tweekI~,r~'*~m~no " W~a.t dhould I say when he . ..~ . . . ~ o~eu'~etan ann zouows ms m- ..7... ~ . .:~. ~': "- 6-_'7" ' cram? -- St/If Hurt/~ In Me. • . . ~.-~_~_ . struc tin as. cookout. at tnesr. psace • "rnq Dear Hurting. u-be W" f~l~--!l A ~- 1~-" "~ " ~~" I ~ -~-- ' ~' That's the good news, The yard looked .like the city.dump., wanted you to do well,Z~ __~.:'7_...... ~,+-wj ~_.. : .~-- I ~~.~,~/~.~," ~ ~.r. t~-"~ , bad news is that vou may have " "t-he guests nan tone carezm wmdd leave you alone. Lover " ]~ ~)J~[~l .TJJ~TW]~T |. • -""~-~.~. ~ -" ~ ])I]/N/E~. I~l/ I I blamed 'your'sv~thea~t un- ' not to step wh'ere the dogs had ' Bey .~ang!~togethackln ,~,="iv~-,:-r.T- |~,*., ,~,,.,.~,,~-~w~,,*VW~'I t~,q'~*~wlw-i '1' • ' ¢1 "",)-~'~ .... :" - " ~/-" ~1 Justly. My.consultants tell me been ....." • " 3rOUr bedl;:t_l' you 10ve in;' there ' I | !1~..~'1" {~l]~q['~K ~[~,,,: |/ff~,~ . ~~' ..~- ~i thatin rare cases lt ls possible q'heir chlld~'enare beautiful, will be. more !~ and [ ~ , .... '...... -" / i| [ .:'.~..~ ~ " "" ~ ~.'~ ~, ~" ~ ~1 to get genital herpes without but nobody com~s ,their hair' ..more.lime wuszzzzzzzz~_:_. The next I, " ' - : ' ':L~J f/) - ~~~I - ha v].ng se..xualintereourso:.So or washes their faces, even' u~ne ~ cans, teu him to get I,. ~ _¢~v I ~;:"~,/:'--~ ' ./'~ :.~, ": ~- .~- ~.~I mayoe you o nearer reconmoer when c6mnany comes ~ ve -~ ." I'.- ~ _L~ ~P-- I ~.,t~T,'%'~W "~1 . . (~ ~"~,. ~'~,,. ~[ andglve him a call. I should never seen'them with' clean " • I' ~ ~ I "'~1~3.~'~ )"..~,~= • I[ | | | ' ' ~~][' " J~,l also tell.you that sexual reia- clothes. ' ...... ~ ..... I ~ /( IIP..JR:'~-_ ~• I _::)"~[--~::~ ~| | | [,..:.~" ~?1 tlous can be safely resumed Iwnuldhnh=,nm~=bpt,n.hl== ,~m~muumumu • J ~~"-"*"-~ ~ ~'~ ~'Z~.,,~iP~.*~Iw ~ ~"-'~'] .~'~ ~ ' j~| when both partl~ are free of between my husband and his" I would like to colmment O.m :~["~' ~ '-~t~/-"~ Jf '~L~'~li~JJ ~~' ~I mesores, buddy. HOW should I.handle ' },eer =~tatement, "To err m I~/]~ ~k~'?.~l~,~" ~~. ~T,~]~JU §~ J ' Sndappy reply this situation ~ ~ Running Out n~ N~ omy a com pu.~er ". IEL~zlJII ~g~Im~ F:~-~r-~. ~J I ~-m~]l~."~ ~. ~ ~/~,.~\ ~ --=~=1 ...... "...... Of Excusos~Louisinna can an a thorou~ Job as mus- • . Y,~ .am euma nymcum. . in thin U " ' ~N'~'("" ~ "~I~ ~O~/,Z.,'~------~_~ ~~J-~ soel.m..~at/termg,.meoue(In- ~iP~ns.m, ris~e~ ' " rea;Jthatletterl~'~'T~oi- - ~ - . - - .-. ,---~----~ .v~-~_y~.~ w?m~j~om~,,up ;~,. ,, ...~+ ,...... ,,_ o~ Is ~mp~ but =t ~n't . . ,~ .,,~. ,-,- ~,~o ~,.~,,uus .,,~ -~ .w -- ,.~ ="'"=6 "~ yet reached the point where a " thls: I hear you have a beaut/- .~, bu.d~'y and his slob to your .,,o.h,...... , ,,"...... • . ful home• I probably- pu/d for a ~,. pmce wnen you are asked to handwriting...... " "~"" "~: ..... • R ~1 Of 8 wing.ef it from all my vtsiis to thelrS.rk.. It may mean more ~ Z) A human being had • to " ' b'~ u.ell" *~ n ' " war but It would be well ...... I ~ -- I r , r .._.I your us lUmldsoffice. _ . worth the:effort+ And who p c,+..outhe.+~_~ctio__llsl~..o_l~_ it was placed in the cam.tot i TIMBER.I AM ANCEI, . e~_,_.,..==,.+ response for the next clod ,~,~ ,.,,~.,..,= ..... ' ,.. In fact, every bit of informa. REVENGE; 5TKALIA! you nd~bt even el~o,' • who h/ts me with this line. ~lt~r/m"~==~ra~'m"~n~"~ ~ == " tlon that Is fed into a eemput- Please come up with some- ...... - .... . er.m prepared bY a human thing. -- Seathl~ ,, OBEYHOUSE RULES oe~. ' , The problems • deacrlbed by You-could-say, How won- - Dear Ann Lander= 'What is ,, - • . . . , . . hate. In his letter were derful that you are alive and your opmmn oz peop;e WhO m- created b the same old brand well enough to. enjoy t/oar • Y .' beautiful home -- or would rite you to their home. and of bureaucratic, inefficiency you rather have themoney?" . right by. the uoorbel] is a sign , ~ Ineptness, In other word& that says, "Thank you for tak- n mnan error, A machine is UnlF,ed gifts . ing off your shoes"? They are O~.ly _as good_ as the individual Many nice gifts were sent to not Japanese. -- Sayonara In wan feedo It the .~_ .ons. my ~rminally Ill.sister. She Modesto -- A ~rogrammer m ~mng- dim without using them. What , Dear Me: Too bad the" house-" ' - ,ton v , t.~.~_ ,-,,._ .,._.., ...... EEverything erything you have •writ- ,is the proper thing to do: Keep =~. .. m mc. .u~vc .e.¢r mm. tent en is true -- but I stand by 'them or return then/to the yo._~,r m e~s. with.the,.~jn. .mY. position, which l W~w+~l,~Tq- E ~' .sen.ders~maepromag, p, lease so advise..see,memme"]~ton..' 'ea~..,t cut.4t aown me =dldme/, ~t~t.~,~'~~t ~t.~, ~'~ computers,' f~ bUt'thaPs'peOl~ fo~,yo/~'. ~.m, , ~"~'~ i~ ~oW :~fopnJ~t~d~odP my erosot ~elL -;-Ud~ortain ': H you're ~ me what to only pieces; of machinery, No • ' It would sodden your sister's do, I say obey the house 'roles one can guarantee that apiece i • friends to see their ~ifts re- or quit going over there and of machinery will perform turned, unused. G~ve the. tel! them why. ' . perfectly I00 percent of the .presents (in your sister's • name) to individuals ybu feel Dea~ .Ann Landers; Please time. Wheels fall off cars, TV Would appreciate them. . be aware that the-quote in a sets go dark in the middle of a recent column, "Neither cast favorite program, garbage dis- I 'am writing about a prob-' ye your pearls before swine" is posaIs grind to a halt without lem with my brother-in-law, from Matthew, not James. .warning, typewriters konk out ~~--~II~~I He has---II to my James, In any case, wrote an.F at. the' w°rsL p°ssibie m:.ien:',• times and In differentways. .It appears that someone in I've been there. :, only embarrassing,.. of but fright-not " Hi:ATHCL F- . +.+..i. _+..+~ ~m.. . . ~ " l~r]y ~ He ~l~ins.ol~d McNlulhtSynd..In~. ~ • • sidered' entertainment for men and movies of a shnilur nature. I need to know how'to tell my ~ter. rm sure ~e Is unaware of her husband's strange, behavior. My mother .,_ and I believe she should be I told,told. but we don'fdon't' want teto hurt by.Johnny Heart her. We are. also concerned NHH~ about thelr ' S/;i-mon.ld I ? ~~,. ~R~~ da,ter. Is the, any danger " of Incest now or in the future? Please answer as soon as possi- ble-- Seen Too Much. ", (~., :~.~, .... ".. //~~.~f~,~, ~ (~~ likeYOUrbrothef-in-lawsoundSan.exhlbltionlst, Thislsa . . " . .: "-psychological.problem thatln- volves mostly displaying one's self. According to iny consult- ~i.~~~~:.~.-- ~ ., ~ -. -- . --' ' -- ants, they seldom go beyond that -- but there is.no way to bemire they won't..- - Your sister .should be told Immediately. If.her husband has exposed hlni~elf to men~- bers of the family, he has prob- --t'-e " - " ~'--" ~ ably done it elsewhere. If he Is " = .. --- . ' . ' ' arrested, it could get Into the . - " ..._ -. . papers and create a greatdeal - ...... ~ " " ...... b" - G~'flr-' m ...... ,- :--- - of. anxlety for youa]l. Simply - ,', .. . .~ .~/moe~u ' tell youryolJ sister her husbandis mentally ill, describe 'the symptoms and suggest profes- •xro~× I sional help. I I c~TrA • eOT.~OT. ' Bad buyer

• " 7~40.-.I: " I don't care for people who II use Z,000 words to tell some. thing that:couldbe expressed in 40so I will.come sb'a/ght to i I. . . ' , ',,. the point. I have gotten Into the, habit of wrlting hot cbocks. I can't seem tobreak J! out of this'pattern..' • Wlien I look at my hank bal- ance and see that I am down to' my last $5.1 whip out my cliequsboox ann write a + • cheque for something well • , nver that amotmL I date It a week ahead. Then I embark on ' a mad. scramble to get. the . .money to cover It. .~ . Why- do I +do. rids? Am I ~.. ~c?,Aml crazy?. 'I .. • • am a compulsive buyer and . ..-bgBrant Parker and Johnng Hart have been for .z 10rig tL'ne. • • When I see something I take a . . fancy, to I think I have to have . . it right away or I will die.. . So far I imven~t gotten Into • • any trouble but rm sure .to one.. day ff I d.on't get hold ol-,my. ." . serf•' My husband has oeen very patient but, lie can only ..... take so much. Please, Ann, • help me. I can t talk about:lids-.--. to anyone and I am. Scared In cocquitLw• • You have more than one ~roblem. The first, compulsive uying, you already recognize. The second Is the compulsion "He's oat my tuna fish i 'to write, cheques, .then scram- bling to cover them. Thls has sandQviches again l" : - : .... :':

+L : .,,I --- ...... , .~ ......


Pa~ 12, The Herald, Frlday', July 16, 1982 //

LADIES WEI()HT Do youever need help In a KSAN TERRACE PREPARED SPONSOR: Terrace Parks ~FANTASTIC FRiDAYSat SLIM LINE WATCHERS hurry? Need a lob done or HOUSE HOMEMAKER CHILDBIRTH and Recreation Dept• the Terrace Public Library. CLUB me.tin9 held every Tuesday need • lob? Phone SOCIETY SERVICES CLASSES E V E N T : S u m m e r Something new each week: meets Moncby evening at a.t7 p.m• In the Knox United • - GOLDEN RULE wishes to announce the provides*assistance with . Sponsored by the Terrace Playgrounds - Join ,ue for Stories and ..--Puppet " 6:30 p.m.- Unlted Church Church Hall, 4907 Lazelle Employment Agency avallablllt/of Ksan House household management and Woman's Resource Centre. sports, games, crafts, Showsl--Craftsl. ., "Skiff -- beseme~, Kltlmet. Ave. of Terrace. for women end children who dally living activities to Instructor: Marianne music, fieldtrlps andmuch Gamesl '--Movlesl -- 635-4&lSor drop In at.No• 2. need a temporary home aged, handicapped, con- Weston. Call 638-0228 bet- more Pl~nlcal. For ages 6 endup. INCHESAWAY CLUB 3238 Kalum Street next to during a time of mental or valescents, chronically IIh wean noon and 4 p.m. week. "'DATE: July 5' to 9th -Fridays 10:30.13:00 meets ~very Tuesl.~.aynlght TERRACE B.C. Tel Cffflce. physical cruelty. If. you or etc. days, ~ 635.2942 anytime. Clarence Michael Elem.; beginning July 16. Come to at 7:30 p.m. In the Skaene ' LOAN your children have been . 4603DPark Ave. July 12 fo 16 Parkslde. onel Come to all slxl Free- Elementary; July 19 - 23 ' no roglstratlon.- For more Health unlt; For in. : .... CUPBOARD AI.~ANON & baflered and need a safe. 635413S WOMEN OF Thornhlll Elementary; July Information phone 6384177 formation phone 635-3747or Hosp-ltal equipment ALATEEN refuge call the local RCMP TERRACE at 635.4911, the Crisis Line KERMODE 26-29 Furlong Bay Camp , (nc-16il) 635-4565. available for use In the MEETINGS The Women's Health home. For more In- Monday at Mills Memorial at 638.9388, or during nor- FRIENDSHIP Coalition has set up a Site. ' formation please call: H(~pltal at e p.m.. real business hours, the CENTRE .Women's Health Care TIME: .10i00 a.m. to 3:30 WANTED.FOR DISFLAY DEBT 8:30to4:30 Phone Marllyn "Ministry of Human 6354t0~ Directory. The purpose of p.m. • PURPOSES •during Old. cOUNSELLOR 638-0311 IklS.3S4S Resources. Tell them you Sarvlces: Counselling end this directory Is to aid For more Informatl~i" call Timers Weak - July 23rd:to and CONSUMER Evenings~ want to come •to Ksan, referral on U.I.C., housing, women in choosing • the ,Te'rrace Parks and ~th. Old spectacle frames COMPLAINTS OFFICER • LtS-4S74 House. They will make Alcohol 8, Drug Counsolllng, physician, according to Recreation Dept. at ~ and lenses, monocles, 1603D Park Ave., Terrace, The Immediate arrangements Education problems, Social, their needs as .women. If 1174. ~magnfflers, stereoscopes, b.C. VBG 1V5. Free aid to - THREE fo~ you to come to us. We cultural & recreatlonel you would like to share your elidesand holders; Any item ~nyone having, debt - MILLS MEMORIAL : RIVERS - - would like to help you.. programs. Native culture Is experience with other SPONSOR: Terrace Parks of Interest will be displayed problems through THRIFTSHOP the main focus. L.ay" women In health care call and Recreation Dept. and tagged. Pteasa phoete 0verextendlng credit. Mills Mem0rlal Hospital WORKSHOP Is open fo public. We have coUnselling. 638-&~ anytime or 638-0"~0 EVENT: Ladles Keep Fit, &lS...2620during the day or Budget advice avalloble. Auxlll,ary would appreclote Need Aseltence? be~ean 12-4p.m. or drop by Body Shaping and our 63S.21~7~fler6p.m., or drop (:onsumer complaints eny donetlone of goocl,clean macrame, quilts and MEALS. • various wood products. ' " " onWHEELS If you are new to the city, the Wo~n's C~ntre at ~2 morning Aerobic Dancing .In at 3212 EmersonSt. and 5andled..Area covered 7. clothing,, any household have no friends, are lost, oar.k Ave. still have room for. more. see M. Seldor. ~nlle radius of. Terrace. Call Items, toys etc. for their Hours: 9 o.m. to 3 p.m. ~ Available to elderly, hen- Monday to Friday. dlceppad,:chronlcally III lonely or looking for a place Twice weekly during July (n(;'-231li Terrace ~18-12.~, 9.4.p.m. Thrift Shop. For pickup to live ~- Terrace's IMMn ABUSEDWOMEN'S ,, and August. (or appointments. Office service phone 635-5320 or convalescents -- hot full SUPPORT GROUR course meals delivered Friendship Centre wllr' LOCATION: Terrace Arena BIRTHRIGHT is pleesed t0 .hours 1-4 p.m. only. Kltlmat 635-5233 or leave donaflons Every Thursday 8:00 p.m., Monday, Wednesday-and -supp°rt' understand and. Banquet Room .... announce that its hours call 632.3139 for ap- at the Thrift Shop on Lezelle Conference Room . Mills RAPE RELIEF Thursday. Cost:• Minimal. ' assist you. Call Us: 6354906 For more Information call have been extended Monday i)olntments. Office hours Ave. on saturdays between Abortion Counaelllng Memorial Hospital "to Saturday from 9 a.m. to Phone Terrace Community -- or come for coffee• We're the Terrace Parks ,and ~:ond Tuesday of every 11 a.m. ,and •3 p.m. Thank and Crlsls Llne Psychiatric Wing. Tran. Recrreatlon Dept. at 638- I1 a•m• and Thursdays all Services et 635-3178. open dally 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. .~onth. you. aport.lion provided, Phone: 1174. day, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Programme Cadre 63~9o63 or ~s.2o54 after (nc-~ll) Call Birthright anytime at - LE JARDIN 6,:0Ore. de FRANCAIS ONE PARENT FAMILIES 635.39o7., No.3-4621 Lakelse d'ENFANCE (nc) Ave. Free confidential (Terrace French Pre, • EH DUll II exlsfe a of Confide/ are holding a Terrace, L'educatlon en WOMEN. ADDICTS - Special Meeting and social pregnency tests available, School) has vacancies for (nc-161 I) English or French speaking Francois pour lee enfants de will not be m~etlng until and a Tour of Alcen with a INDEX children, three al~l *four maternelle a la 7e anne.. 'September. Call. the supper after the Celebrate ~a Services I Comrnunlty SorvKeS" yeers 0f.. age. Centrally Blenvenue a tous. Pour plus Women's Centre at 638-0228 the, receiving of ..their 2 Comlng Events 24 Situations Wanted 49 Wenied to Rent • mple_s .Informatlons 3 Notices 28 TV & Stereo 50 Homes'for'Sole ~ -': located af the corner, of between 12 - 4 p.m.. week- Charter July,20 and 21st. 4 Informsllon Wanted 29. Mullcal Inst~msnts $: Homes Wanted Sparks an~ Park. For more telephon~z au. 635-4400, days. They wlli also be havlng the S Births 30 Furnlturo & APplianceS $2. Property for Sale Inscription 635.311S. 6 Enbeg4ments 31 Pets 53 Property Wanted Information telephone 635- PREGNANT? In need of blrthday party for chlldren 32 LIVE.fork 7 Msrrlages ,~ Business PrOperty 5688. WOMI~N ADDICTS support? Call Birthright July 18 at 2:30. I Obltuarles 33 For Sale Miscellaneous 55 B0slneSs opportunity . For Informetlon l~hone 9 CarU of Thlnkl 3S Swap & Trade Motorcycles A support groui) for women. anytime at 635.3907. Office MRS. MARGARET JEAN tO, In Memorlum 3g Mllcllleneoul Wanted. 57 . Automobiles • with alcohol or drug ad- now open more hours: ~ 635-3238 Bae. or 635.9649. 11 Auctions 39 Marine, 58 Trucks 8, Vans TERRACE CHILDBI RTH MAHDY passed away on 12 Oorsoe Sill 40 EquIpmonr 59 Mobile Homes dictions, themselves or in MondaY to Saturday from 9 (nc-2011) E DUC. ASSOC, July 14, 1982aged 38 In Mills 13 Persenel 41 Machinery 60 Recreational vahlcles their temilles. Meets 'every a.m. to 11 a.m._Thursdays 14 "Bualnees Personal 43 For Rent MiScEllaneous 63 Atrcrafl For more information call REGISTER FOR GYM._ Memorlal Hospital. She.IS 15 Found 44' Property for Rent M Financial second Wed. on the second all day, 9 a.m, to. 9 p.m. survlve(J by her Mother, 16 LOSt 45 Room & Board 61 Legal Margaret 635-4873. For and fourth Wed. of each No.3-4621 Lakelse Ave. Free NASTICS Summer Fun 19 Hill: wanted 47 Suites for Rent 69 Tenders "camp" July 19.23 and ~. Mrs. Margaret Jean For Hire 411 Homes for Rent breastfeadlng support call month at the Terrace confidential pregnancy 30. 9:30.11:30 a.m, Man.. Emery, Husband, ~r. Blrgitte pt 635.4616. In ...Womens Resource Cel~tre, tests available. William Mandy, her two Kltlmat call 632~,1602or visit ,1542Park Ave. Call 638.0228 • Frl. Clarence Mlchlel (no-fin) 5~heol gymr,.Kkl~pge 4.14 ~ children, Deborah end the offJce.at. 233.,Nocbako for~ '~Otb'~ lhfdPYWbllbfl;~: Centre. Michael, 3 Brothers, AIl'er{',~' CLAUiPIIO RA?eS ¢LASSI PI la ANNQUNCSMaNTS",r,. ' ~¢;;! - :,:.: *.~-:,..~.. ~ " ~,.~,~.4+ I;.m.~.e~: +i, y~ar~l.~l.~rne; Phone Eve | Wfl~hr~t Marathon, 0~. LOGAL ONLY Noflcez 6.00 days• ,- - . - Koml(l~.43~.Tg~8 ...... 20 words or rlese g2.00 per InSerllon. Over 20 Births .... 6.00 - ARE YOU AFRAID (nc-19]1) tario, Pat McCarfney-of-- wor~ 5 cents per worU. 3 or more ¢o~secutlvs Engsgtmonti 6.00 TO LEAVE THE Thurnder Bay, TOm Emery Inserllous Sl.~0 per Insertion. • Morrlagl~ ...... * , 6.00 The Terrace NORTHERN DELIGHTS of 'Abbortsford, aunts, • ~.... Obituaries 6.00 SAFETY OF HOME? CHILDBIRTH • R IFUNOI " Cdrd of Thanks 6.~0 Or do you fear: walking CO-OP is organizing the uncles,nieces and nephews. Firlt fnslrtloa charged for whMhsr run or not. In Memerlum 6.00 EDUCATION GROUP second, annual Northwesf Funeral services will be Ablol~aly rio refurtdl after od hll l~itn set. Over dO wordl, 5 Cents alch addlnonl'l--w~d." alone; driving alone; has a loan program of Infant PHONE 635-6357- Cls~,ified Adverllslng Folk Music Festival to be held on Saturday, July 17, crowded places; depart. and toddler car seats. !10 BOTTLE DEPO Three OOeRICTIONI '~ ...... Oeperlmant. held .August 15, 1982 In the 1982 at ~2:~) p.m. from the MUI~ be made before es¢ond.: Insertion, -" ment stores; super- depeslt, $5 returned). Call Rivers Workshop, 5010Agar AIIoworKi.can be made for only o~1 IN:orrKt " " " suas¢RIPTIONRATeS markets; restaurants. You 635-4873.We are also .looking Ave., 635-2238. Open Ilbraryry, park with a main Catholic. Church. Father ed. alfoCtlve O~Of~W l, I~g stage show scheduler later J°rdan'wlll he dfflclaflng, Single Copy are not alone. Take that . for donations of car seals to Monday to FridaY (9:00. lax NUMilRI By Carrier mth. I;3.50. first step, and contact the odd'to our loan program. 3:00) Saturday, 12:00:3:00. that evenlng at the R*.E aM. _Cremation. will .take place In 11.00 pickup BY Carrier year ~.00 Mental Health Centre for _ • '. (no) . Lea Theatre. Thessarch for Prince George. Donations 12.00 mailed By Mail 3 mth~. 2S.00 to the-Cancer Soclety,,c.o "ey Mail ~ 6 mlhe. 3S.00 further Information at 3412 A.A. .talent is on. Ifyou or your CLAIlIPIID DIIPLAY BY Mill ' I yr. 58.00 4611 Lakelse Ave. would be Kalum St, 635.6163. Kermnde Friendship group" I~; Interested In Rates IVi|lil~e ~ request. Senior Citizen I yr. 30.00 appreciated In lieu of" Group" BUSINESS WATCH performing please contact flowers, NATIONAL CLASlIPIID RATI 6rltis~ Commonwealth and United States of ..... KITIMAT A.A. Meets every Tuesday Four local summer Alan Weston at 635.2942 or 32 claSS per agate linD. Minimum charge $5.00 Amerlc0 I yr. 6S.00 students on the Summer Mackay's Funeral Per Inesrtlon. Construction Group evening at 8:30 p.m. Northern Del!ghts at ~.S. Se,rvlcesare In charge of the. The Hereld reserves the right to ¢lleslfy ode in Kltimat Everyone Is welcome to Youth Employment 941S. LEOAL * POLITICAL end TRANli|NT AD- under eppmprlafo heldlnp and tO get rates • arrangements. telephone 632.3712 attond. Progr.am sponsored by the (nc-2311) VeRTIilNO lhlroforo and to dltlrmlnl pSgl IO(ltlO¢l; Terrqce .Detachment of the (-1611) ¢onts Per line. MEETINGS 3313 KalumSt. • THE TERRACE CHILD- The Hlrl|d.rBrvse the" right tO revll4, edit, Monday- Step._Mae' js Terrace, B.C. R;C.M.P. wlll/be maklng " iUlIHIII PIRSONALi claselfy or relKt any.advertlsement mad :to door'-to.door contact wlthln BIRTH Educatlon S.S.~ per line per month, On a minimum four retalw any answers dlrKtsd to the-Herald Box 8:30 p.m. Catholic CI" "ch --635-4906 Asselcaflon Is I)lannlng a moflth basis. Reply.Servl¢4 and to repay the Cdltomer the sum Hall. the Business Sector. INIId for the advorllesmant and box rental. DOROTHY LiVESAY, a SERVICES: Coffee" Party and Sale In 'COMINO IVeH?I Wednesday -- Closed feminist poet, will be doing September. The proceed, to For Non-Pront Orgenlzetlur~, Moxlmum S dayl BOX reglles un "H01d" inetructlens not pl¢ked up Meetings 8:30 p.m. Cathollc By providing Individual Insertion prl0r to aveht for no cherga. MUM he 25 withln 10 doya of evplry of on iKlvortlseme~t wlll a poetry reading at the premises In the Terrace go towards the Birthing Bed words or les~, typed, and lubmitled to our office. Church Hall. he destroyed unl|~ milling InltrUctlmll are Northwest Women's area with Information as to Fund Raising. we are recalved. Those enswerlng Box Numbers are Fridays--• Open _Meetings Festival and speaking on looking for donations of ~GARAGE SALE--July 17 10. -requested not to send urlglnall of do¢umenfo to 8:30 p•m. Catholic Church how they could reduce the DJADLINII avoid lots. All claims of sn'orl In advarnsements women's Issues. Public possibilities Of a crime Sewing Patterns for a a.m. • l p.m. 5021 Halllwell. DISPLAY must be received by the Publllhor within 30 days .Hall. pattern exchange and B~;by Noun two days prior to I~Jbll¢atlon day. after the first publlcMIon. welcome, free of charge, occurlng•. This will be ac- (p4.16il) AI-Anon Mietings -- Saturdey, July,19, 9 p.m., and Toddler clothes. We are CLASIIFleD complished by. providing GARAGE SALE: July16, 17 It is agreEd by th4 IdvOrllesr requeltlng q~ace Tuesday, 8 p.m. United Kleplox Festival site. willing to.mend and sew. I1:00 I.m. on dly prevJous to dly Of I:~bllcItlen • that the lI0blllty of the-Herald In the iv.at Of Church Hail 632.5934. recommendations such as "& 18. 3959 Klrby.St. Copper N~iy to Friday. ' failure, to Publish In advlrnesmafl? or in the alternative locking devices, Phone 635.4873 or 635-3597 event of in orror apl~arlng in fne advorlls~mal! TERRACE and we wlll plck them up. Mountaln Subd. 10 a.m.. 4 ,is Publilhed shall be limited to lha amounl Plld screening windows most' p.m. Phone 638,1586 for by the a~vertts4r for only on4 In~O~Tent Inurtfon ALCOHOLICS (nc-2311) ALL CLASSIPleO CASH WITH OROla Miser TERRACE WOMEN'S vulnerable,~ lighting_ their for the portion of the eclvortls~ne specs occupied more Information. ~e iUlINISIII WITH AN ISTAeLISHID ANONYMOUS by the inc~'rect or omllted item only, and ~llt RESOURCE CENTRE areas, -and " marking CALEDONIA SENIOI~ ACCOUNT. 635-4646 635-~1 (p3.1611.) there sholt be no Illbillly to any axtsnt greater A Sul0port service for regularily stolen _mer. SECONDARY School offlc~ than the amount peld for such edvorflslnO, women; Information Meetings - Monday Knox chandlse In obvious places. will be open Wed. mornings Sefvkl Cher|a of Sg.N on ill N.S.P. ChHUfl. Adverflsemlofl mutt c~mply wlth the Brltlll~ ' referral; newsletter• United.Church 8:30p./n. This service Is available In Jbly 14, 21, 28 8:30a.m. - Columbhl Human Rights Act which prohlbltl any. collective; Status of Women- ThursdaY-" Mills Memorial to all businesses in. the :: 12 nOon. :for students to WaDelNO DescelPTIONS IKIverttslng that dlKrlmlnlde~ aRiInlt any action group; lending HospitalS:30 p.m• Na chlrgs provldld.nawl IQbmltted wlthln una perl~1 bKlUSe of hll rKe, rvllglOn, esx, color, Terrace.Thornhlll ,. area return books, pay fees, and moflth. Saturday Open Meeting nsticmality, enceSp'y or" pike M urlgln, or library; bookstore; coun. from Juno until tho end of pickup transcripts and because hil 0ge II between 44 end L5 ylmra, Mills Memorial Hospital selling; Support groups. August/rea of cherge. Find lOS 11~, Tiff'lOS, B.C. Home Delivery -. unlmm the CO41ditfonr Is {ulflfled by I l~ni fide 8:30p•m. - - report cards. ,:.. FILTER QU EEN PheneLlS4Ne requirement for the work Involv~l. Drop-in Centre, 4542 Park V0G 414 out how to help yourself this (flc-2711) . Sales& Service Ave. (formerly the District summer.~-Contoct ArNme TERRACE PARENTS OLDTIMERS. REUNION to Phone House) Open 12-4 p.m. 'Christie af~m3 9.5. I I FOR FRENCH. 43S.70t6 Monday to Friday. (nc~aug) be held. In Terra,ca, B.C. Telephene'63e.022.8. ~would Uke to advise, the • July 23,:24 & 25, 1982. For (am.31A) public that rnglstrotlons are residents having lived In*. TERRACE d I II currently being accepted at THIE MILLS MEMORIAL' Terrace up. to the~ 1940% Relldlmtlal Lot Clearing The Kltl K'Shan School for H O S P I T A L L a d i • s For more information write Crush for driveways KITIMAT Cl TERRACE FOSTER French Immersion Kin. Auxllllary Is-planning now ,to ,P,O. Box 1042, Terrace, FREE estimates PARENTS ASSOC. derge~ten and ~rade I for for the Bazaar In October. B.C; VIIG 4V1 Call 635-5|69 ' offers education resources 1982.83.- (Phm--I~":nbfe that Any volunteers wishing to . '' .~ (nc.~3Jl) (acc.3811) and support for local .foster Grade 1 Is available without assist In knitting, :.awing ...... " '; '. CONCRETE FORM pal'onto. If you are a foster having had. French Kin. and-asking Items for the OLD TIMERS .REUNION parent or would like more- RENTALS : " dergerten). " For In. bazaar are..asked, to call 19112 |¢H|DULE,~ .OF, FOUNDATIONS Information call us formation call Kltl. K'Shan :Mr,. R, Doyle at 635.4318for EVENTS.... : E, llamer & Sons anytlme.Jecqule • 635.6727, • .School 635.3115 or Terrace more Information. Where At the Ar!nll;:,':--: i:.~-~/;"~!."~.~:i Trean. 63S.286S, Bev. 635: Parents for French 635.21S1 necessary;materials r.~ 5e. •July 23 Frldlly 7:00 ~a~,.~-.~':" ~::;' - (p20 23il)~ 3248 eve. only. or 638.8358or 6,15.S4S1; supplied on request • . Reglii~tl0~'~ ,~:~ ";~~i *" .r.-. ;.:/ ...... •, " Classified Mail.in Form PARENT EDUCATION '.. : ' " " " ' : " " required In order to make : Luncheon " .: .... .,,mineral CoMrut0rl GROUP Your Ad ...... ONE.PARENT FAMILIES this" Hospital Bazaar s ,.July~:'2a:*Sat, 7:00 p,m.--.Sewer: and/water con. Wednesdays 7:30, Skeana Alsoclaflon of Canada a. ,success. - Cocktails 8:00ptnl, B~.ngult~ nect!,9.n)t ~10~J.~,g.';.. back: Health unlt, 3412 Kalum St. • ~....e I. , It e eeoe41eeee ~e~eo| I i|elee e e~el i~'~1 elsie .roDeo eel. local ~lroup of concerned Alia anyone, wishing to anddance~ ,:: i' "" ~ ;!".:~ flllln0;:tePtti~ir~:l%ms and Films, guest speakers, parentswho arelnterelhid {Din,'the' iLadles Hospital July~,26 Sun. 8:00 a;m,'.~o":snowpIowlng,'AI Thomson. Name Address group discussion. Inhelping out other moth~ AUx!IllaW may call., us '.11:00"a,m, breakfast. * '. " • 635.7517 Town ...... Phone No. of Days ...... : or fathers who may ba~nly, anytlme..~ "~ ;' ~ At Lower Little Park: (am-31Au) _- i tw, q Classification ...... : ...... Send ad along with NURSINGMUMSI weekend Parents, We are. -. • ~:~. (nc-1611~.".Juli/.2s. Sun. 1:00 I~,m~ -: " Breastfeedlng support IWovldlng. Pot Luck Sup:; / r'" . ' ~ .'"' i' .... ; ~'Pldnlcand bus tours. " . / cheque or money order to'~ ELL: IHrAL group.. For .Information, . pars, Birthday Parties for :TERRACE HIKING~CLUII' Ju!y 20 words or less: S2 per day ~ DAI L~l' HE RA L D .26.Mon.;9:OO:a,m,,.~o',. support, Concerns; call .Children and Group~Ac. HIKESundayJuli/i0,;!gs2.. !ii00a;m;-Coffeslat~the.~* .'. $4.50 for three consecu-fl~,e days - " 3010 Kalum St. 'Slrgltte6354616orPqm63,~. flvltles; which involve ;Bornlte Mtn. iAppr0i(~, 4 :/:'op ColDs.rio. Happy.Ga~g: ~' $6 for four consecutive dc~ys -: Terrace, B.C. '5271. Every~onewelcome to. paronts,and thair children.. 'miles on~. way,. ~ eli -~4Ol ..=Qg....Ju.ly.2~: F~!day -~ ,. $7.50 for five cons(~cutive clays V8G 2~7 our meeting .held 2nd -: Custodyof your, child Is not. Ilbraryaf9:00a.m.Ca!l~t,15~i ;l:0O:.p.m;!cof.fee'/en(d;.;tl~! .i " I " I I i i i i i l Thu'rsday of the month at :--:n~Mry, phone Bee; 6.~- . ~r3S fo# further-info.;:,:~:~,:/;,-av~!~le. : : . ."!:!~;,: ;;~:, ;"; i,:~:

.i r. I

Hi'ski, Friday, July 18, 1982, Page 13

E . l r . .,. .. 111111 LOST-- Go.ld watch In FOR SALE,' 24" hand oplit FOR SALE BY TENDER 2 BEDROOM home wlth LOT NO.N In Thornhallhte • FOR IALE-- I#X~' Manca FOR SALE,1975 Mablle Saf~wayr ~ Monday, July reMwnq~lar shakes M0 sq. 1975: DROTT SE LLER basement, garage and subdivision; Priced at, only '*'' BANKRUPTCY trailer, with fireplace.Fully home 12x60. Four ap.! 12~: BIG: REWAR~I" Grad Phone 638-1912. BUNCHER. Recent engine • yards. Av}llable Im-; $16,400.Phone Dave st ~ L"' FORSALEBY lkirtod: and :INflated. ;2 pllancas. Good Condltlon.~ pr~[.'plea~ return. Call ' (PF191i) ~LG~xl tracks: Elcb medlidely, Phone' 635-5760; ', ~76. " " : " " I . • # :" '4" ~$EALE,DT'ENOER yem's old. Cell' Ik~1-I~7, : $19,800to be moVed Phone~ 635.4904aiid ask for Chris. */ ~. (ps-2011)'63161074. '' !.. ; r' "''~ ; " I :* "I"' F I " ~ until July 20, 19112. ,"' 1~77Honda CIvic, .. (nc.~2i)) FOR SALE --.40 .chann~l:,Hig~lt or' any 0ff~" not ~rpnk J~dol. Ye!!ow ~an~,.Ver, wl~:i antmne, ~rl!y/, accopl~d. .'For ".trailer, slfuatod.Tlmb~!an¢! , suit.large buildlnll:Iot'on ..: ,S.N SBAS0~I0~ I:I :';rall'~r~inw~"'~;~le~l'HIIght! " "':' ~'~ "" ' " I r~ ValUeaet $400. Eestolfer.n~ more Information, I~ne: trailer :Pa_r.k. ,I.F~: InyL the::t~. Sacriflce.i)rice ' Tmdarl close at 3:00 trailer comiff." sTsoo ~ .POR'...... SALe--' 1976..... ~2X~0 ' ; Im&lr .than $200, Phone 635. ~Adrlane Enrlght,. FBDB, p,,m. In ~e afternoon on .63,r~. ' ... ' ...... "Be.ndlx, 1O.X~'ioey."lnciudesE " ?427. tormMIon ~none :o,3,r~m.Y~ " $49,900,.Fh0ne'635./989-.. " Terroca, B.C. 635-4,951. '. " i',.. ,:(ps-2ql) '" -, .... ;", (PS-~II) 'the Sth d~y of August;. ' "" .... (i~-tfnl ,n~alot aPl~tlances and" 1 L ( ~ Ciffn ) J ' . (aCcl0~,291 'Tr.s~; No.~ ;'~ ~m!~'x~...Wt. !y. tu~| ..~...~. d,l~: Ca"~-.~=~ ate.. 7 FOR SALE: 19x25' building 2,S,6,9,12,13,16,1911): FO• R RENTiNKEi*H T ...... MUSTSELLI 5mallerh(~e AVON 1 ESTATE 3 bedroom house', an ;10 acres, New Ha'mltun Victoria Skeat, .Prince I .: Wlndlbr Mobile home with p.m; ~ sUiteble for a ..ceflaga or Want to beat Inttetion? We full beimmeht, lV~ bath, Wall area. 10 cleared. Perfect far George, B.C. V2L SElL 13'x30' finished addition. (p10,2011) workshop. Mmf be rewirod. Asking $~,0~0 or best offer. have very competitive and plumbed, Must be to wall carpet.2 car garage, garden.or hay. t34,000 prl¢ingl We have hlgh large garden, fruit trees.• 7400. For arrangements to Phone &l.r~90S4. FOR SALE, Mobile home moved~ IlS00OBO. Phone • (nc.stf) quall~ pruductsl We have s 635-2515 after S p.m. SGS0 month. "references (p20-Sau) View, complete tender 14)~68.1 Drive by "No.16 I~ per cent money ba~ck .conditions and bid FOR SALE-- 1976 Manco Terrace Trailer Court on " " (sff) I!quJrod, Socuri~f Ck~l~. It. ,,WHY BUY A SKI CABIN IN' guaranh~. TO buy or soft Phone 635.2971eves, ask for IJULY? Now is the time to forms, please contact. Meadowbrook 12x~1 . 2 .Graham and m this out-~ call Mary, 638-1850. FOR RENT--Two bedroom 635-9650after S:00 p.m. standing mablle heine, nil ~ MOTOR AND TRAN. Waller, also two bedroom Jim. fix up and paint. A-Frame 'hedtoom, frtdga and stove, (cffn.6-4202) SMISSION for sale: 327 (PF2311) ski cabin on the Hudson Bay Ih case of dispute, •dte~washor, natural gas. appliances, drapes, natural sulto, Phone ~15-4894. tender conditions will gas for saving of $500 per- Chev motor. Parts from '69 Mountain, Smlthers. THE propane furnace. Well in, KITCHEN CABINET IN- (pS-1911) prevail. " year. We challenge you to. STALLERS Chev BelAire,~ includes FOR RENT--Attractive 3 PRICE IS RIGHTI Phone: oulahKi skirting. 6xl0 porch. FOR RENT-- One bedroom compare this one with; WANTEDTO EARN LS0,000 tlrea. Automatic tran. bedroom houea; Carpeted.' *GsorgeWall 847.2833or $47- All. very good condition.' fumlshed duplex In Thor. - Partly furnished. Flrop!~ca. 4485 Note. Deposit 'required - •WM" ~,~0, now 132,200. others on market for honeet~- PER ..YEAR emission. Will sell nhlll. Avallable Aug. I. lS per cent. :No.69-Plne Park-Muller value of 125,000. For ap-,, Must be: Capable of seporate!y. Phone 635;2713, Garage..Fenced yard. (aco301u) (p5.2111) Reference required. $190 Downtown location near order, bank-draft,or Street..Phone 438-1897. polntment to view 63S-75S9." reading Modular Layouts & a,'tlflud cheque. -~ • (p20-6a) (p5-21ll) Plans, Bondable, Neat In monm. Phone 6,~ml. schools. $700. month,.deys LOT FOR SALE~ In town. .635-7173 evenings 635-9367. City sewer ond'wet~;-~15. Appearance 30" COPPERTONE (I)3-1611) (p20.13au) 6704. 61dck~s are Invited to Must have own tools and STOVE, good working HALL FOR RENT -- ettend the opening of Delivery vehlcle. To Inetall condition $125. 4 - Michelin ..... (p2-16Jl) Ukrainian Catholic Hall. FOR RENT-- 3 bedroom tenders at, 2:30 p.m. In. Quslity Line of Cabinets steel belted radials, sum- Located at 4634 WElsh Ave., house in north Usk. Call I~ecreFORSALE--onthe the afternoon on the Sth Send comp_!ete resume mar fires, 185-70SR13, $100. Kltchm. faqllltles MterGp.m. Availabte.*Aug corner of Kenney and day of August, )982, at with a personal and vehicle 2 - P175.80R13 steat belted Terrace.. available. No.catarlng~ For 1 Phone 635-2155. McDeak St. Can be sub- fheofflca of the Trustee. photograph. Newspaper radial snowflras $75. Phone 635.7923. bookings or more In- (pS-22ii) divided Into 6 lots, Asking. • Unsuccassfui bidders Box No.1425. formation phone 63~2066. will receive their MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY (O12-16,2311) (p3.19iI) MOBILE HOME for rent. $45,000 only Interested --We are offering a challenging and Creative (ac-Tu) 12)(60 with four appliances " parties call 635-4600. deposit promptly be 12 FOOTFJBREGLASS car registered mail. caroer. In Woodland Heights. (I)5-2111) --Opporlunlty for advancement In a growing and top boat. $400. Farts from Excellent condition. Fenced '73 Bla;mr 4x4 and "76 GMC Bids forms may also be exciting company. yard. 0400 month. Phone L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --Excellent benefit package. ton pickup. 4 . Toyota 635-5407, 638-1280. obtained from the office white spoke wheels for land of the Trustee. We roquIre an above average person Wlt~ ability (p3-19Jl) . '~ crulear $100. Al0mlnum to organize and motivate staff,; build a well balanced sales team and have an enthusiasm for the WILL FIX HOUSES, do runnlng boards, 68 Inch. ROOM & BOARD available The highest or any additions, renovations, $100. 4 • 17 In. wheels and tender will not fashion buslness. ~If-star~r who would Work wlth for male. 15 mln. from town. FOR SALE-- Sweel)ing' minimum guidance, management experience cupboards, bathrooms, fires for =A ton Chev $100. $400. Phone 635-4704. necessarily b'e Phone 635-2516. Company. Take over cepted, ac- plumbing, etc. Phone 638- (p10-2911) I --,.,. i (nc-tfn payments. Sweeping),~ng TOUCHE ROSS = I For further Information contact Donna Morris at I 8733. parking lots. 635-6772~.... •2;t") LIMITED " (p4.1611) FOR SALE-- Mobile home (ps-2111)- BARBIE DOLL WILL DO HOUSE 12x68 1973 Woodland HOUSE Heights Call 638-8365. REPAIRS, paint, car. Barble dolls can stand . Prince Genrge'#B.C.. (p5.22ll) ~2LSB8 " ' " " ' nt' S.e" " " pantry, plumbing and ap. up In this large wood •Phone: 564.11il...... pllance repalro; ~ frldge, two storeydoil house. 3 EEDROOM house, full Ultl a I stoves and dryers. Phone Worth S3)O nsw~ Asking ONE BEDROOM apart- basement.. Best offer to 635.3242 ask for Larry. ment for. rent.' Close to $79~500. ~810 Scott Street; Sl00. Phone 635.2744 I (p15.19il) after 5 ; downtown '635.6155. Phone 635-7937and 635.2020. FOR SALE-- 1970 Yamaha ,.,c.,,,,,,,, :,,:,Commercaleu id,np i | (sac.fin) (p20-3011) (acc5.1611) DT1 250. Good running.being MOVING-MUST SELLI condition $425 OBO. Phone BACHELOR SUITE for 638.1168 ask for Monte. 635. II I I 11S0sq. ft. 3 bedroom family .635. " • . rent-- Utilities Included. 3200 after 6 p.m. except(ceptha. I FOR LEASE I! Phone 635-45.~. home. Large kitchen, SPOT ¢A$ H natural gas heat. On i/= Saturday. for your. good used (ps.21il) (p5.2111) i~---~ I 1,737squarefeatunitswith~torefr:ontandoverhead I_.~ acre. Assumable mortgage. I doors In back. New building, well located at corner I~ PIANO LESSONS furniture, beds, T.V.'s Asking S64,S00. ~.13S9. condition. Asking S8500. ~ ondg0m; .WOOOOREEN APTS. 1, 2 i of Kelth & Kenney. I~ .Sept. 1982 by qualified and 3 bedroom suites for (pS-201I) Open to offers. Phone ~ I ALSO ' I~ teacher (ARCT) new to OUEENSWAY TRADING rent. Partly furnished. PICTURESQUE 2 STOREY 2160. " i (p5.301) ' I Two units, 951 square feet, comes with 14x14 I~ 1 Terrace area. After Aug. 3 Phone 635~772. HOUSE, revenue from 2 I overhead doors, Iocsted atcorner-of Kenney & i~. Ph~e ~63~-~701 Mrs. 321S Kalum (p12"3011) re,qtj)~~F~.lt,l,s~!,y~ a~% p.prk~. VAN;6LCy lieder;- F6i-d I ,;'+ .3 cno~lq .or~(l~Lh~,fr)~ ...... Ilke~ad~ove~rivec.. ~one,third~ E(~nbline 100.'Gou~"~'.- I ...... p~ (p1.t61t)~,, WOODGREEN APART. down, bergaln price. Owner 4 i ditlon. Price $2200. Phone MENTS I, 2, and 3 bedroom 'wlll finance balance. ~4344 Phone 635-7459 1974 PONTIAC LEMANs 635-4448. MARIES suites for rent. Partly Queensway. Phone 635-2435, (pS-201) TRI.PAR furnished. Phone' 635;6772. 635.2037. SPORT 350, 2 door hardtop, ENTERPRISES Spaclaltsts In cracked (p13-16il) (p20-3011) PS, PB, tilt steering, 2,000 AN)halt shingles, vinyl 19111 FORD 12 Passenger TRAILER& LOT FOR SALE cyllnder heads and or best offer. View at 3601 and aluminum siding Window Va~1 for sale. Ex- Bt ~,IS7 Dobble Street casting repalrs. 2 BEDROOM basement NEW 1320 sq. ft. FULL., Kalum or phone 635-4189 sold, aluminum after 6 p.m. 6354819 cellent shape. Full set --Exchange 4.53 or 4.71 suite, ~stove and frldge BASEMENT, large lot. Will awnlng;~, aluminum wlnter and summer radials cylinder heads; 53t0.21. incluc~ecl. Working persons consider low downpayment . (sff-tfn) routing, "metal roofing on rims. • Phone 635.4880 or --Exchange 335.400 only. Available im. and w!lllng to carry mot- and sldlng.. Ornamental mediately. Phone 638.1069. tgage on balance or will 635-3476 after 6:30 pm . : Cummins heads c-w FOR SALE-- 1980 Triumph windmllls. - (sff.nc) valves, S118.~. Cat (p4.1611) trade for good used front TR7 convertible S speed. Above metm'lal sold and end loader or dpmp truck. heads also available. S8500 Phone 63S-9276 635- FOR SALE-- 1978 Ford Installed .after 4 p,m. 562.7811 ONE & TWO BEDROOM Phone Fred at 635-3936. - 5360. L.arlaf. F-150 PS., PB., air, 63S.3S,~. TRI.PAR suites for rent. Phone 63S. - (p20-20ll) (p5;2011) 400 auto. 20 MPG. Clean and " (p3011) Prince George 7971. FOR SALE BY OWNER-- 3 !n good: shape. 13500. I (ac¢.Fr) (acomonfhly) bedroom home, wood stove, 1979 CHEV CAPRICE, PS, Leveringtown and must soil. I 635.7559 2 BEDROOM basement • fully landscaped, c.w cedar PB, power windows, best (p5.2111) :/2 block trom Copper Mountain School. 1971 CRACKED~ suite, unto~rnished, with dock, carport; dlShweaher. offer. For more Information Detrolter 12'x52' on approximately one-third acre. Cylinder heads, frldge end-6~ove. Low rent Assumable mortgage. call 635.7107, ask for Harley 19/6 FORD SUPERCAB250 Thornhlll water system, septic system, recent or 635.3732after 6 p.m. castings or block for. quiet, steady couple. $37,000at 15~/~ per cent till Camper• Special. 25,SOG landscape upgrading. 3 bedroom, white picket fence repairs. Contact us first Available Immediately. No March 85. Asking .$6,1,000. (acc10.21il) miles. Fitted with 6.354- surrounding property, 4 major al)pllances Included. for the best quality and pete. Call 635.5738. Open to offers 635.7609. Perkins dtesel engine and 4 Appralsod at i33,000; asking 131,500. 1975 TRANS AM, PS, PB, least price. Exchange i i (p5.16il) (p20*~U) 1 speed. W.flbraglasa canopy. Phone 638.1414even ings auto., Best offer. Call Excellant order. Phone stock avalteble. TRI. WANTED: trailer for 14 ft. 2" BEDROOM suite for rent. PAR, Prince George, Harley at 635.7107. 9382. boat. Phone 635.5830. No pets. Fr!dge and stove, FOR SALE BY •B.C. 562*71111. (acc10-21 il) (pS-20II): (p5-16il) wall to wall: carpet. OWNER--$82,500. If (acoTu) Available Aug. 1, 1982. Call every penny counts, .... UNRESERVED WANTED TO BUY'-- i 635-4357 anytime. 3ou'll appreciate the PUBLIC AUCTION Snowmobile In good con- (pS-)Bil) value In.,thls well- dlflon. Phone 63~ after maintained 4 bedroom of 6 p;m. KEYSTONE APART. home with a touch of MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT & (p5-2011) MENTS now taking country living, on the VEHICLES YAMAHA ELECTRIC applications. Spacious, bench. Excellent We hove been Instructed by RAGNEBORG organ, cement mixer, girls clMn sports., 1, 2,and 3 financing " cab be EQUIPMENT LTD., of Abboteford, B.C. to sell: boot roller skates size 1or 2, bedroom suites. Extras arranged. Call 635.5226 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR InClude heat, het water, after S p.m. SS00,000.00.PLUS PAINTING, and home girls dresser with mirror. Phone 635-67~. laundry facllltles, , (p12-1611) FEATURING' 3 CRAWLER TRACTORS Including repair lobs are wanted. No . storage. :l.oCker, Arthritis TD25 IHC Series B, p~Ner shift hydraulic angle ... (p3-1611) Job Is too .small. Free playground. Please ' dozer cargo 120 winch, 3 CRANES Including Drott estimates. Phone 635.5860. - -_--. - : .... ;-.---:__-~ phone 635.5224. - FORSALE Go-devil Model 160 - 18,000 ib, 7 FRONT END " ' ' 1 " (p20-3011) can be c0ntrolled. (accg-I fin) BY OWN E R I I II I LOADERS Including CASE W18 articulated 21/4 yd. WANTED House on the bench in G.P. Bucket • JD 410' wlth--I~ce and bucket, 2 TOBUY Terrace with multiple CRAWLER LOADERS Including FIAT ALLIS 7G 2 drawer filing cabinet; potential uses. Total Series B power shift 21/= yd. POPS, 6 FORKLIFTS Inctudlr~l new 19110 Toyota Diesel 4000 lb. 4 drawer filing cabinet; property consists of six ' pmmmatlc, 4 LOWBEDS Incl. WlLLOCK Double • adding mschlna; bedrooms, three and Photo copy ml¢hine. two half bathrooms, two Drop 40 Ton 9W, KING Double Drop off highway 60T TO GIVE AWAY-- 3 male CAll 63~44 ifter 6. kitcl~ms, two lounge- 9W with outriggers, 3 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS (orange & white) and 2 (sn~tfn) $ BEDROOM basement dining rooms, a sauna Incl. ~ yd. Hyhoo Model 520, 7 GENERATOR sets female (tiger striped); suite on Graham. Frlclge and lacu~zl room,' utility Incl. CA1;311 30 KVA,.2 GRADERS incl. CAT MOdel Lifter trained and eat!ng on and stove included. 1350 room, rumpus room FORMORE INFORMATION 128T, 41 DUMP TRUCKS Incl. '72 Macks. axle, own. Phone 635.2021. month, Phone 635.3292. which could be con. WELDERS Incl. HOEART 300 amp portable, 7 (nc.2111), • (p3-1911) verted to two more CONTACT YOUR " " HIGHBOYS & VANS incl. 2 • 40" FRUEHAUFS bedrooms or' offices; ARTHRITISSOCIETY. FLUS: Flat Decks, Water Trucks, Tractors, •.- . FORSALE ~,- 4 BEDROOM HOUSE for, Carpet~l throughont. Pickups, Crummlea, 3 Hopper Fertilizer Trslter,

Dobermans $250.00 . each. rent. 635-5893. Also Includes Insulated E Shop Tools, Winches, Pumps," Grinders, Com.

Raglstofnd.. Black and tan " ' q " " 1 (p2-1611) garage & large garden I~eseors and MUCH, MUCH MORE .... shed plus ample ether female. ....Two red males _:le :.IT. :~,'-~-~:~-~BOA](, ZQ ;.n,p. mOTOr• - " DATEOF SALE:. Wednesday, July 21, 1982 cell Malcla ~17.~656at work .. :. _ _.~.., .._ 3 BEDROOM house with 'storage Insldo: & out, - TIMEI 10100A.M. • ~ ...... ,,. and trailer. $15ooI'~hOns ~ "¢ar.ort, "oDd location, Designed for u~ as fW~ • 847-4146eve; '-,'- " " ~ ' ' 3478 * , ...... " '*' r" '"''" V • ~' ' " . PLACE: 3442t Vye Ro~, Abla~tsford, B.C. (Take , .. , ~ : " (p5-2111) ' ' ' ' . .~;;,,:. lunfurnlshed,::-'i S550. per or more separate • ~ ~ ~p~:Oll~l Sumas Exit off Highway 1 . ~OM from Vancouver) ~'~1~ "' " : ' ' " ' ' ' ' " * ' ~ I ...... ' month; -iPlu4 .utilities. residences. Suitable for ' : ' • • . ":- -". " Available immedl~lfeiY. PRL~I/IEW: Monday.& Tuesday, 3uly 19& 20 - 0:00 12ft.~ALUMiNiUMl~rlnca - _. , .... ~ ..., o.~ i~ !) three to five bedroom home With two tor four o.m. - S:00 p.m. Croft car.top• rated f or 15 . ph~rmR--=- ooa-,~v a,,, a,,~ , .~, TERMS: 25 per cant dopusll*on day of Sale "h p Near new Deep wide bedroom basement • • ' ' (acc July14.tfn) suite with, separat~- EVERY BIDDER ELIGIBLE FOR PRIZES beam. 8700. Phone 63041659; en~i"anca. 2) rental FREE COFFEE • DONUTS "~ " 1 (pS-~011) 3 BEDROOM FOR RENT-- Investment property. 3) PURCHASES TOTALLING limA00 OR MORE avallabl.e immediately. Instlfutlenal or PrlvMe RECEIVE 1(10 GALLONS FREE GAS i 11175 7~ ft. VANGUARD / . Near I~pltal. Phone 638- :group -living : home. SALE CONDUCTED BY: camper. Photographic 03719.5p.m; enyflmeaftor S $74,000 ~assumable 1st IW.E.'HENKE & ASSOCIATES INC. : enlarger and easel; ..Ken- : p,m. 63S-3510. : " mortgage.~ Owner will Aucti~| & Appralears '- '~: more t0p load!eli Wsh- .... (p3-1611) carry 2nd mortgage, to 1001.G Austin Ave., Cocluitlam, B.C. l wasihm"$100, WIll take offero Iowor no downpayment. For InMrmatlon & flyer Phone: 144.931.14/? : on all the above, Phone 6.35. BEDROOM housefor r.t. Phone.,~8.~"~0.. SOCIETY on Site.Phone: * IO4 - 153-0404 .~sm,. :s,.~-:s.~ :-: ,. - -m~, per manta, m.s,~rt. (p9-tu,fr-3011) - (1~101i,9,1S,16,2~2311) (ac.c~2011)~ I l I • ~%.':*~ ,~,,~:,~ i , ~.~.~.~...... • ~OR SALE: Excellent FOR SALE-- 1977, Kit ' ~ldltlon,: 1978 14x70*-fl' CompanlonTreller. 26 fully. ' ' |hree bedroom Sierra" self-contained; ~ Excellent :' ~obli, home: •includes 8X~" :. ~ditlun: &1.~4/~, : i fl. lcey~ack, lnsulatedand...... : '~ :' ~Fm'~.at,~(~II) :' Cerpeted. Ix9 .ft.: :utlllty ': "L-~.~ =~;=~,~....= .:/,.., : : :~hed, Stove-dI=hwalher ";~"'~"~ ::':'.~i'"'~, ~'" : ...... ::r...~l~nlonr, fravlhl ~trell~,: : : ¢°mblnatlon;'L°cafodatSl' . 'a~le, 4'place::: ~!~ ~ ~~:~" , PinePark. Asking ~l)rlce Tandem'. : ' •, ' S~,SOOflrm.Mustbelean#o. foroethroom, " I '¢ :~fridge, ...... oven, " '~ ..#~ "k:~. I'~'~ ...... ~,,~ beel)preclated.Tovlewcall...• ,:,. =L',ace. .,,__~~ra,,or ~ : ' ~ ; : " • ,,,_.,...,.... ,.,:, ...... n=._ ....

:: : "~:: '" weekdays. :

~1 ft. CAMPION BOAT, 10 hours, Inboard $21,000. 20 ft. Triple E motor home. S!8,000. " henceforth - phone d35.7937 or 635-28"20, 'I Shells Alice McKenzle will not be req)onslble (accS-161l) ~fer any debts, bills or It's the count down for the Skeena HIgh Reunlon July 30 please go to the llbrary and do so. Next week's paper we. FOR SALE-- 1971 Security tam Incurred by Allen ~O Aug. 1. All plans have been finalized andlt will be the will give you the details of events. This is the 1960 $' Camper. Furnace, Ice Dale McKenzle es of last chance for local students to register for ticke|s for graduation class. box, lack|,sl~epa3-4-S1800. July2, m~. the big weekend. If you haven't already registered Will consider truck canopy ShelleAIIcaMcKenzle or troller trade. Phone 635- (p10.3ol!) , 3847. '='"' Musk-oxen: are adapting well

• .,,,..,..""" CONTRACTOR N O T I C E calves that make up Musk-oxenlived in ArcUc lhe North." 1~8. reNarebe~s'" "'"'""" hope to REPAIRER'S LIEN ACT Canada's first reeesrcb Canada long before man Flood ]earned quickly "H the populatl(~, coo- a n.mbM.ofaspects of blulio PROGRESSIVEVENTURES LTD. TA~E NOTICE that herd of musk-oxen are antved, b~litt]ehllmown hqwUl~tedtbein~onnation.. t~ues to rise, aoooer or lnul~-oxl~flolD'l.o~iet'to whereas- Mark James adapt/~ well to llfe at a of these sturdy, woolly was. 'J['~e:team l-IUmlIyfed later there will be a. u~derstMd the hlMtats in Box3F3 Robinson Is Indebted to university, says Peter Ix~ts. the anlmab malaly from a l~pelatiun ~'~h," ~ whkhtheanlmabsremost Terrace, B.C. Terrace Motors Ltd. In the I;'Ioo(I, a member of the Rood and other members bottle, I~ soon found that said. likely to thrive and the sum of $10,158.37 for work COMMERCIAL--RESIDENTIAL done by, Terrace Motors mt~k-oxreuL.'ehteam. ~tbev~tma~lle~eat the ~nli.:a~u~ could Disease or stervaUea Nuomof*heyeerb~d~d.ob Ltd. on a 1981 Toyota l;~xxllmdbeeneoneemed Uniw~dtyofSmkatebewan e~ handle scud food. could sharply reduce the they requl#e special Phone 635-7459 ,,cku~. at Terrace, Br, fish about how heat strem would are trying to do Iome-th~ size Of the herd, but that safeguards. Columbia, Terrace Motors affect the aobnab whle.h about that after nm(~ an Toe Inuit are Iookin~ Into could be prevented by Tee he~dat ~e uMvaqdty ...... Ltd. lntends to seli the said had been Uving in a snowy, e~meot with the lnuit to ways of managing, the idlUnS-some animals for is the first in Canada motor vehicle on July 31st, 20<]elpree-Cebiu~setting in establish • re~ herd. musk-ox as • natural food, he said. devoted to research. To 1982 at 10:00 a.m. at 4916 the Aretle: But they are "There's not a lot of real resource. Under ap- But he noted that musk- establbhlt,13ealves, whieh NOTICE OF VACANT .,0hw. 16 West, Terrace, dOing we]] in an air- so,d, basle data," 1;'100(I propHate cued[Ugly, they ox(marere]aUve~Yrmreaml resemble sinai], woolly RURAL RESIDENTIAL ,.c. conditioned room where the said in an L.tentew. ~ou]d be barvesled for then- "could disappear -.der.the huffalo, wore captured o- • (acc1-1611) meat, a sum'ca ot hlllh- stress of :.resource Banks Island and flown to ~ ~ .h= ,. ~..=-. CROWN LAND known about domestic valuable~.,~,o~.,an~.®|,. nat,wsl fibre. ~,~opm.,," Whe~ Dome Petroleum FOR SALE NOTICE OF VACANT RESIDENTIK e=mal.,the store of A re.k-oR' population "It is, therefore, Ira- Ltd. hod all) l)lrcraft knowledge on the musk-ox explosion on Banks Island peratlve to understand avallable, they were flown QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, B.C. CROWN LAND ~ lo.y., provided the opporttmity for more about them so that to ,Y,dmoaton and them by SALE -'."l'nemslninterostinthe rosea..~. The herd there th. can be protected hefore Athabuea Airway, to The Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing has FOR ---~h. is to Rather data has grown to more than it is too late," - Saskat~ol);. .. vacant rural rosldentlal Crown iota for sale fo the I general public within Queen Charlotte City, B.C. PORT CLEMENTS, B.C. ,L~ts'wlllbeoffer. by publlc lot draw on Tu.., The Mlnlstry of Lands, Park,~andHouslnghes August 10, 1982, at 7:3O p.m. at the Royal Canadian vacant rural residential Crown Iot~ for sale to the business directory ] Legion Hall. Participants are required to oMain general public 'located at Jasper Street. and Infermetlon and registration forms f~r the draw Bayvlew Drive, Port Clemante, B.C. I from: B~t'309 ...... OR " ' ' dnd'H(k~l~ Augustw,,, 9,. 1982; at 7:30.. p,m.~.attho..,. ,. .. ~POrl"Cl~monlt ..... ABVANBUILDERS LTD THIS SPACE ,,..,,r.,,v.,u. mmun,,, ..,, "., ,,c,.,.. .r. r.,u,r., ,o " ^,,.,..,..,_ v0"r~ISO BagS000 obtain information and registration fermi for.the ~ .Residential "Commercial /AV/'~I L/-~ULI" - smithors, B.C. draw from: ...... -- V0J 2N0 CedarVlllageOfflCeAvenuet' Mlnistryof Lends,ParklandHo~.,.. "Custom HomeSyour lot FOR YOUR AD. " Prospective Purchasers must submit e depos/t of PortClements,,.C. O. ,,,..,,,..v.u, ______635.5628 #HONE ~;registration and be to registeredbe Included priorIn'the to. lot thedraw. close of : Smlthers,Bag.B.C. • Remodelliq or• Rengvati0J~Sours 6356357...... : VOJ 2NO Abe VanderKwaak 3671 Walnut. Dr, I Registration closes at 12:00 noon On S750Pr°spectIVeandbePurchaserSreglsteredmUStprlorS~d)mltto theedepoMt Ofclose of Terrace, B.C. R.R.No. 4 Tuesday,' ;~ustl~h, 1982. I registration to be Included In the lot draw. - . _ I Prospective Purchasers or their pr_oxT_are . - -.

Provll~e Of PrespectlvePurchasers or their proxy Ore IENARD ENTERPRISES Terrace • BdtlshColumbla required ~ ~ ,n ...=a=. at,,.,of _res_ Ministry of Lands, i k draw. " :. - HEATING* PLUMBING * SHEET METAi" i Fndt & Vegetables Parks and Housing CONTRACT i~_e,l l~.e, IRO7 OILTO GAS ,, case lot CONVERSIONS amesR. Chabot,MInlmr Pro~lrllG@ of : " PLUMBING 3931 P~luelte, Terrace r i ' Bdt*h CohJnlb~a " I RESIDENTIAL-- COMMERCIAL--INDUSTRIAL ~ -2020 li' Ministry of Lands, |I ~REZNOR --~'O ~ LA"~S ®! 'Free cbllvery Terrsce & Thernhlll : Parks and Housing ,,,c,, u /WONDAY" WEDN E'SDAY--F R IDAY "~'~'"" - - I VACANT CROWN LAND ~,..+=...~=o,.... ,Es,oE.,,.." ,NDUSTRIAL'.'SPECIAI:IZINGIN(~L#URNAGE~ v OWNEDBY BOB GUYETIr FOR SALE BY TENDER F. McKENDRY offersTheMinistryandby Sealed of Lands.TenderParks for the purchaseH°oslngInviteSof the NOTICEOF VACANTRESIDENTIAL CONST. LTD. Hoe;gloss ,.,owi~ ~o~.~,.~,,~.,~,,~ .: ,lockA. CROWN LAND Foundations, Framing, ,Plar~bir~ & He(]~:ir~g r Section 8, Township 4, Plan 3293, Range 5, Coast General Contracting 24 HOUR SERVICE " . District; containing 2 acreS. FOR SALE Commercial & Residential rhone - located an Highway 16, approximately S kllomatreS ...... east of Smlthers .... MASSET, B.C,:: Phone 635,351.1

...... : • 635'4613 ...... All Tenders must be ruled andclearly marked The Mlnlstry of Lands, Perks and Housing has BOXS4, R.R.2 TERRACE, 6.C.,VeG3ZD. "Offer to Purchase -- Rural Property, Smithers" vacant residential Crown Iotl for ule to the geMral " I . ..___,_._.__ l and must be delivered before 12:OOnoon on July 23, public located on the north side of Wlll0n Street, 1~, to: /v~set, B.C. -- Custom car stereo Installation J.T. Hall ..... ~ Service on most brands Regional Director Lots will be offered by public lot, drew on Wed. tv's and stereos Lends & Housing, Regional Op~'atlons nesdey August 11, 1982,at 7:3O p.m. at the Masset ~ Service on Sony, RCA and I"IU~ ~ Bag5000 Community Hall. Partlclpard$ are required to Smlthers, B.C. ~abtaln Informatlonand registration fornll for the Sanyo video recorders ~*P'" ns ore 0MINECAavailable. We also Custom Build TendersV0J 2N0must be accompanied by a certified cheque drawVillagefrom: of N~ssat Ministry of Lands, Parks TERRACE ELECTRONICS DUIU)ING or bank dra, In the amount of $1,0~0,00 made . Box. OR -andHoaslng 6354543 ...... Supplies& lnd.rlat DIIfrih'~m .payable to the Minister of Flnan=e. Masset, B.C. ~ - 3793AIfredAvenue .... .-'.." The Hlgllost or any Tender will not neceuarily be V0T 1MO BagS000. WehaDe building IotsavallablelnTerrace& PrlnceRuper! ' Smltbers, B.C. No. 4- 2903 KenneY St. .635-6381 accepted. - ' -~ " - "~- VOJ 2N0 I ,Offer to *Purchase forms and terms and conditions 'may be obtained from.the.officeof the Regional Prospective Purchasers must lubml, e dq)mlt of -- PAVING DirectOr ef the above addr~. S750 and be reglslered prl~" to the close of ,,trat,onto-be ,n¢,~,¢, ,..,be ~ draw. • .OMr.S WiEBE CONTRACTING LTD: .~' ~l ProspectiVe purchaseri-are"; . . required, to obtain : ':"'" • . '. . , ~ . m.~-~ ...... : a copyof same before mJbmlttlng bids. t _ReglsWat!oa clots at 12-00 no~n m Foundation to Completion -- - Paving Driveways and Parking Lots -- Wednesday,A~ust .~ ~m. --- or --Grade Work-- All tenders mus;t be submitted on farms provld~l j ..... Logwork oniy SLJPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS i)y the Ministry of Lands; Pari~ and Housing: Proooooooos[~ctlvePurchal~'e or.their proxy are~ . - " " - " ' " • : !~ ~: ~ ~llrequlr'" belneflli'~eal'il~ 'i~dl;aw, 635"7400 i'S ~=" §35''934.... Provln~of Ii Rrovln~of ...... Prince George (112)971-,2384 .Terrace, B.C. Los Wiebe • British Colu~nbla ~ Columbia - - • Ministry of Lands. Minisby of Lands, For information on runnin: ad:in {he l iusiness ~ Parks and Housing ~ Parks and Housing directory call 63.5-6357 ?. :': L: .°

.- - ~ . ,


d~lly herald . _. .... " ---- - . - - ' en4t ect ' nm'en 9

•~ . & !:iecd estc~te ::inform~tion- - •

. ,,....- ...... • ..

• . I

• • , ..: .

. i"~ ' ~ ,... ,. -. . 'i

..... t_L

L _

. ,, .-: .

} Chris Poole, reperter for the North~

"I Sentinel and i~resldent of the Terrace Chamber of Commerce Is wearing all

,::°£ community hats because he hsppe~ to be the leading blood donor In Terrace, having given 70 pints of blood In his lifetime. Poole credits Australllan law which allows One • ,- . -,.. donation every three months when helping achieve the figure In 22 years. He says the free beer given out In the clinics"down under didn't hurt either. Poole, who says • -'i); he never looks st the needle, will be adding to his total on Tuesday, July 20 when Terrace again takes, on Klflmat In the anfiual blood donor competition. TePrace's is at the arena banquet room while Klflmat, one Wednesday; July 21 Is at Mount Elizabeth Secondary., after 2 p.m. In

both-places. D~s. musf be over 17 years --. ,. of age. For more Information contact Llnda Young at 638-1037. './'0


- ...."~:'- '-~~"~" ~ .... ~iii iTV Listings", Around To W n--Terrace,and" : :!~!i~i~}i--~;~~~';'~~ I',,L

"~' ...... :):iKitimat upcoming TV.-movies Real Estate ~ : '"~""~'~:"~":

.... ' ~ 4"-'.-:j':;~ut ":~' ~_ "' ' i • ' ' ...... ~...... i!!:2 ~Listings Entertainment Ideas Revi ...... -~""-~"~'~':'--':~""

. . , " . .." 1,...... :...~ ...... :.

Frida~:i;i:July!: -.16; :: 1 982 - . Supplement' to the T errace-Kitimat Da iy'H erald -... , .' "::_ , V oume.2~i No . 2 8;

• . - • . • . . Pag~ 2 /~ • , _ . • , . . ,!.. I II II I . .

__ Rround Terrace

lubricate, by .water. Felt Northwest - Community Community College last soles withckets or spikes College receotly .presented August. He graduatgl last. month with an overall are best. for larger rocks, prestigious awards to two expedally,sllmyones. outstanding students. average of 90 per cent. Throughout the program Once you are i correctly The Governor ~nerM's equippedLyou m~t choose Silver M~M is annually Cook was an inspiration to his classmatdS, and an asset wisely where tO wade. It is presented to the most very Iml~tant to know outstanding student to the training program and" y0~jen~.lre~.~mint.. To do graduating from a two year to the College. t~' you:m~t.istudy the program at Northwest Cook is preceeding to water carefully... Water . . Community College. employment with another appears shalIowei" than it Peter Michael Pmle has college, North ~island been awarded the Governor College. He will be cooking reellyIs ee oae Sunglassesto ,'ServlngFlneFoodsTdaysaweek~, General's Silver Medal for aboard their training • cut.down on the distortldii. -.IMBER LODGE Breakfast, lunch end dinner vessel, the C.F.V, Green water indicates deep 635.6302 - 1982. He achieved a straight 'A' average during.his final Samartnda. water; a sandy bottom year of study and a 3.81 The college is pleaeed te i x~llcatos slowwater; and a rocky bottom tells of swift I cumulative grade point be able to make these 9 12 13 average on a ,4.00 scale. awards to these.outstanding •water. =:2. 3 4 5 Besides being busy with students. Students and staff. There are many common maintaining a high wish them well in their sense rules which should be SNURDM scholastic average, posle continued pursuits. respected/brae of the meet was active b a number of obvious being fish with "a 'o'• . • "-~Tho Terrace aquatie staff partner;, clinch.the tops of Smurfs P~alSe Rlchlechle Red Poppye ~ ' college and community a .is . smurfs the Lord RIchch F Mwr Olive Oyl ' activities. would like to increase your your waders; and wear a dl~ :30 Kid . Worlo Fonz'mz ' ' Untamed Tar=an 1 ' " " • lifejaeket or P.F.D. When V :4S ISuper ~ Tomorro.w I HaPpy~PPY I world " I I'°ne' I " I Ouvo~ur° The Lieutenant "Gover-'- fun and safety while fishing nor's Medal is presented by taking the time to share wading have a buddy or a • Power sports Britishritieh Lot's ~" 1~1 Ranger Pa[Iox-Mol Un EIS a ~I~. t S Hour w~kend openper1 GO ~ Zorfo $ilM' , L'!leMIro. -annually to a .student ~eir knowledge on the use• wading staff nearby to lean ql~ :30 SpKlerman Sporls _ Golf of waders keepyourself safe m. Map your creasing In :4S Splderman weeseno British registered in a vocational or I ' . I I I I a career program.of, less in the water by reading and advance tO ' avoid .. a~ space Spo.rts openpen ' Creative . Matinee. 6~111" . La.C.orde than two years ~duration. remem1~ring the following. dangerous situations. Stay 1 fl:i5 Stars" weexe~ Golf,oil " ~ Heads " at Tgg ' " RaiSe I I • :30 sppce ~s Britishr fish All In the ' Uad~'atan~ Dooteur The student to be chosen • There are three different below sweepers and rapids IV;45 lasers l weeg0nd I GOlf;o f .. The Tube Bijou S~Svleur Dollltie and completely clear of i I I ' I m~t not onlyexcel in his or types of equipment: boots, • S--riB , Fensonz ",, LI Io ' " ~ ¢nema Miler ~.v .... .,g tt • , ":o~en her studies, but also con..present no real safety snags and, debris. When 11,, League wesk.~ l,...v;'~:. zig . T ghou, T. tribute to the life of the. hazard, but are onl~/good in crossing brace ;yourself I Ii~0 eu.hall . S~':-- ,' ~.a,HMalTRCIITI ct,' ~.~.-we==;; nfiig,c"" = Math I 1:45 Daleball weekend ~armeoMormaduka Bll' " of Pant no Midis Galantine college, wet bush or river edges;:h!p upstream. Make your steps I I " I '.. I I !' . I waders are only slightly sinall.and sliding, testing m i' Major Sports. GoldlaGotdle . Kreskln ",.. Kathy's Home C!nama, Roger William Cook has 1 ,W~ :15" LeagUe weekend' Gold Kreskln Kitchen ' Gardener ~tma been chosen to receive the drier 'than boots and limit each -one.. Don't change I 1:30 Baseball sports Act, "• Fam. Victory Qctenua enfanto the. risk by restricting the directions,: rapidly, take 3-4 I I ',45 IMalor " I w~kend I Jack Brown Garden • O¢laflua - Lieutenant Governor's I , I " I " I I Medal for 1982; ~ Cook fisherman to shallower small, sliding steps, Loaaue • SPorts UP._r ' Barlee MOVIe Project ,, Ln, ! .1 .l~ SlUhaIl weekend Front ~ Brae ' Who untvIrie Enfanto. graduated from Caledonia water; chest waders will •If you happen to lose your • ";~, ~;~o;"" r SpOrtS " Fa'mlly ~ Ready Sank .P.ro.ject , Par keep you extreS~ely dry, but footing, or an .accident Spo¢lal• Sat Grow the universe . 27 Senior Secondary School ail .4S iLeagve I weekend I Spoc al I I ' ' I I " " t ' last year with a high the risk is increased along occurs keep your. head Blind ' All,Star Lulsltin a? Int~'o. Bagatelle • This Week 100 Blind academic standing.• He wi~ ._the expanded range above water. To get to w~ 15 Basebe I HuntieY Sunday , Wrestling Movie , Biology eegaisllo ! :30 The Street • SaturdalSaturday All-Star • [ TO LIve Project .' BnoMolis proceeded to the twelve and depth. Rubber soles are safety, float on your I~ack, Im lab i Sa'turdaY can't MatineeMat nee WreStling. or Let Die UniVerSe "-:, Biptolle month Cook Training only-good for sand and feet - .farst, ~ and head I I I I I ill s diagnomlly towards shore. Movie Reach for • .Where All'Star Great Eskimo ~ . Program at Northwest small pebbles, as rubber is .15 Zandy's the TOp Have all " Wrestling Roallway :~_ummor ~=r..= .Get dry anti warm as fast as ,~ :30 8ride Saturday the Poe;People All-Star Journeys ~,I~in~.O , ;named I " . v 45 I ~ne i Report i C~C~se "- 1 " Wrestling ' ..,World ...... - possible, :Aren't you glad i I" I I I. "ball . yonremembered to bring m Saturday CFL BeStBest • . __.. 6it ee " Evening ' ntroductlon ~om~aOJOlefl -- :15 Movie Footbifll ofOf "'- ' Brae at PO~I to (;omPuters c~,h= extra food and clothing? i-3o ~ The CFL , PM" I RSedY'. evening Foufoul, " C~"d'~ Enjoy the fishing season, I :45 " "i ROCk.:. s Football iNorthweNorthweet " [Sat GrOw" It Pugs . . Foufoull , I I n i , . -" ,i. ' but '.keep in mind what _ _IK rigor 'CFL WideWld. =,ca; GO'd. ,. you've ~ read, Ple~e. don't I~ :15 Company Football 'World World 1 S°CCerca "' song Newcomers Football .:I :30.• KING 5". CFL of Sac " 'Ireland The. _ take chances with cold, fast :aS i News ' u Football iSPof~aSports . Soccer . " re and Newcomers. ~.afladlerl I 'I " " I I I .... _w_ater:.Remember: ..... ' Worse'- '_. Sa¢cer Iretand Inside Football -Enjoy the fishing season, NB~(~--''~ CFI. ' World ~.~,.,,,.~,.-,;.,~ ~' 15 News Football of~f SportsSnn~ s Soccer - Ireland Voice • Canadian m~o"" • Soccer • reland Paul Festival but keep ,in mind what rI :3o Kings ,CFL •. ~oKorea " d V .45 . MepoS na " Football " News 4,4 " Soccer , Ireland " • Kane e Jazz Tl~ :?H D::: ~L::~ILY ' you've read, Please don't I " I I ' i ' I " ' I n take chances with cold• ?ast I Entertain. CFL' ''' The • The • Sound' " " Canadian Blzll'~'o • :15 This Week Football "• LawrenoLawrence Jofforloos stage Government Bizarre Water. • • ' . . :30 Enterta n " C F L 1 Welk'We k' Alice• So0nd" " Cree Lo •. '4S... Th ,t Week' F~lball...,... ShoW-ShoW ...... Alice ,. :.. Stage..r..L. : .Hunis~i Samalne,. • I I ' I I I I '" •Iof. ' I ...... 5p:m:-iOp:m: '~•: .... Todly~s " Taxi . Survlvnl .,.....=. Parle. A ' Haiti'S CFL - Todly~s ' annuai:Kermode Canoe V :IS • Boomer Football FBI r . Taxi SI~ICIII "Y="~'" a Ottawa Tod~v,s ' C rout " ' Surv'--' Canada D'H or Soup or Salad ~l~ • 30 HarPer CFL Today's' Regattais now underway. V :45 i Valley U Football .IFBI• FeI'" 'i Circus SI~¢;;~'- , at War a Demaln I I I ' I " • : " . PRIMERIB ' Only three people are in- • ' Aced. National *'--:- D Hler "wived in the organization A NOMIVIIIo CFL " ~V t '1 ~v~ 1 Per! Gee ~I~V~, - a Demaln with Yorksh!re Pudding U IS Pelaci L FOOtball " 6o4.BuM The, ' " - Baked or Mashed Potatoes and operation of the :30 Nashville "'CBC ' LOVeLoVe "'her Spaniel ; Nova . . . _.~e de '. Boot • 'y,. - - ; can't " Nova . o[sr~y,.. v ,aS iPatac e "1' Suture-st:-. '.lBoot 'Green Beans regatta, They are looldng I I " i ' I ' ; Victim- " Monde de Creamed Carrots for as mm~y: on.ants as eI ~, NBC - Movie , Fantasy , . . AUStin. : Satanic ' Disney | I|.ls Magagllt CBC Island '" Aces. " C I'/ Lira Is Man 1 T " O~sert • peuible, especially from • I at IIl:m NBC- • "Summer FantasyFoMIIy Perf. . Austin. Making Sport Tea or Coffee ~t-of.tOWn cam~. They IV;45 iMagaslne . . i ~k~vie '" .iJllef~1 IIIII1¢1 ', , con't - • City Limits Seflle . . I I.' ; "; " -are hoping to draw not only ~' i KING Tile KOMO " CTV Up' ' -_ " Sign-' Cinema 1 1 :is s,~, " Netlonal NewsNewa4 4' • " Ne~ . Pompeii Off ' DetKtlve indivldIl canoes, but also I 1:3o Saturday Night. FoormotFoormoof HOUr " . Video. $ on - ~' " teams (~.vaa~es involving Final .. We~ " - . Off . h~lune s7.95 I I :45 NiOht Finis Mc~Io 1 1 I , I g . • .i---, three mon, three women 1~ Live . Charllee Killer " [~0,' " 'NS~Ig~;dayt l' ~al.¢. - • = asd three eaneu te oompete wJ :15 Saturday Angels _~orco 1 : /.:)0 Nlght -- ~.harileS ~ourmost Show /' N,ovie I Nul " I1:45 Llve Angels Movle l" "' .... MMtllght ! : cl~lfl~.tNult - i i I i ' i. i I I I n Killer Th ! COwboy . " " Cinema NN t:,,I.~ An. : /Sr~Ig Force ' Devil's Saturday ClNlm! . 'Terrace' Evening. .t:/:n . KOMO . Nalrpln Night Cinema Movie Movie, ...... Cinema ..- • _jm~v .... ~, ...... • :.} .,page ,3 " -- P~e3 Rmund Termce, nd Kitim t ,I I , i I li i " I i I I I I

,d, ~.mWe ',~I 2:30p.m. attbe Happy. Gang'- Thrrace arena'at 8 p;m. for ~A6. " the Colunmeetza Gym. ,.. from page 2 ~ ,I.~. Centre on, Kalum St. On one show only. Advance . Begbtratien forms may be for .the @~le~e-1"r~ : Sunday from 8 a.m. to.'ll tickets .are available at Friday, 8el~... lO obtained from Sharon Ibis tr~l~ l~ to lbe t,in a.m..there is a pancake Shelield's & Sons in the -" The Williams Lake Dodenn, 212 Rowat Pond, ~y, JMy ~?.... " of ean~s ~h,t 'have breakfast and at I p.m.a .Skeena.Mall. Commtmlt~y.Arts Council is ~een~ ~t family p|enic at Lower holding its Sth annual has its ~flela] open~ at 11 See in ~n~,~a~ ~. Little. Park ff the weather 'l~unday, A'ulPm 1i-12 , festival ofarts and crabs in a.m. at the new plant on Old w!rms, to the occasion, Last call for re~strstlsn that community,,-. Artists 'Terrace' Lakelse Lake Road in otherwine the p/cnie is.in the' isissned by the Vancouver and crafts - people are 11mrnhlll, .For.mare details Womm'n Rnynl Canadian welcome, to participate at page 4 be ~ ,~ m~i can m~0r~.... arena. There will be free bltneues, I~'0ul~', or bestours0~thearoa. There Naval Service 'Association wllLbe fond concena/on at for the.-40th anniversary .~-.,6~,4IV'~.-'b:et'-.~"~,~e-',~,'vv¢~,)~~,%, Starting at 11 a.m. these regatta -committee is thelIrkbutbringyourown reunion to be held in Van- will be a Summe~ Safety luecha~IIawncheirsifyou couvor. A gaS[sand busy s. Ipemodnl itI own team, weekend is planned by the- .. which challenges' all Day at the Furlong Bay want. On Monday,.July 26, caners. Tbe/r. aim is to. campsite"at Lak~el~ Lake, fr~n-9 a.m. to II a.m. there Vuncauv~ WRENS for all ! ~. , keep the Ch~en~e ~ hosted by ehe Distri~ 0~ will be Coffee and'dmuta it those-who Nrved in the' - ~ in Terrace and ehMlsqe Terrace Recreation' ihe Co~p ceftoria.~Pleane ' Canadian. Navy during i.~i and- , nny te~n to take it hum Department. Northwest note the Happy Gang Cenlre" World .W~dl~and the 3" " CommuoIty Collegc. will be Open all Weekend Korean ~Cbnflict. " Tbe race st&te from tbe Volunteers ::from • the cm'nmunlty.will be ou.lhand starting rriday"fromm 1- Registratinn'~deadline is J~ Remo Rat Ranch- alp p.m: when tea"and Coffee ~. pros/rarely four miles to. ~i.ve talks, and demon- will be served andour June 30 so pleHe hmTy' by . .: i strations on topics that can ' of Tm'rsee. at the mouth d heritage history, will be On writla~ to WRENs Reunion help -make -your .summer •the Zymagotitz (Zyma~l) display .for everyone who - 19821 PIO. Box 1420, Station safe and more .enJoyable. l LAGONOOLa Rivor. It finishes st the would.like to drop ".m. There ~: vu=o.ver, B.C. Ve~ o,,,~o.oo~ 624-2621or 624-3359 topicsare ~n to he 1R3, or call Mrs; .Phylis }- &DRIVEIN l$1Ave. W. Ot,lhSf. Exchamsiks River Boat ispermission for recreaUon special interest to those who vehicles tO park overnight, Hepplewhite at (604) 321- . ."4~,.~,~4k%~e..,P4t4,,~e.J1k%~Ht,%~e.,,,~k%~e.,~ Launch - approximately 84 spend a lot of time either ont miles west M Terra'on - on on the north side of. the o(doors, at the beach, or on arena. the west side _of. the the water durin~ the Esehamslla River. '11~, • summer months. Topics • 8aturday, Aug. 7 Terrace Centennial Lions t ERRACEREALTY include boating safety -- .win. ~ potun~ on a-ber- The third ar~ual Ker- how to make a survival kit mode Canoe.Regatta vdll be e ' . LTD. .... " , 'heque race~ and 'f~ all for .your boat, .llfejackels held from Remo Bar Beach. spectators at the finish dtg. versus PFDs, hypcethermia to Exchamsiks RiverBoat ' ". Nc tionwide Relocation • ResCue boats are and survival swimming Launch. This 30 mile Skoona provided mainly '.by the skills; edible plants-- learn Terrace Search and Rmcue River Marathon in for 463S Lazelie Ave. Service - 638-0371 how to identify the edible men's, women's and mixed .~. ~- ffroup,.with able asebtenee plants of this region and a few others as well. events using recreational • : ". , - . what you can do with them; canoes only. Entries must They are .on hand to help safe supervision of children be received by July 31 nt a • ,, , ~)' any. canoeists who .should in. the water and s happen to dump orwho find cost of_;10. All other entries* diseussion of safe and un- are" ;15. Contact Kathy • they are unable to complete safe toys; how to protect the raes. Organizers Crack at Box 1, Skaarland yourself from the bears and Road, Terrace, B.C., V8G to have one rescue boat per how we protect the bears Exquisite home 'in Great assumable Established home with thvee or fotw canoes,. 'To. 4V2 or phone_6~5-4757. See many exlras on Mc Desk from people';-many-of the details elsewhere in Around ixime residential area mortgage; ,great lot, ensure this/it is very ira- above items are repeated in Terrace. - on Westvlew Avenue. .great shop, and a nice Street, Ideal for the pomnt to them to have the afternoon plus basic.> Asking-SiSe,SQO. MLS. home • with .. nn- gardener nt heart. received as many entries an . first aid~.at the- beach -- tertsinment centre. All Asking $67,000./ possible by the July Sl .what you should d o in case 'Sunday, Aug; 15 " Llrge family home. for S~I,000. deadline. It ts just t00 hard . Of accidents or 'injuries at : Those who remember the. Cioea to all schools. Well .. I mmaculqte "mobile to find ex~a revue boats on thebcach, such- as sun- s?ccess'oftheSummerFMk kept. Own!r will clrry Family home with self. home on a landscaped race day. stroke, cuts; .bee-stings, Festival in Terrace last • financing at .to~ per pad in Terraon.Prioed The aim in holding the :cent. Ask!pg. sgt,500 cbntained suite, • " etc.; ~ artificial respiration yenrwillbepl.easedtolmow fireplace, nat..gas hout, at $11,500. " " . regatta is to promote, and :: choking .will -that. the festiva! . is_ to. cover.! • heoome and more..Assumnb!e' '~:in me e~c.nc mouth to mouth AR and ' an annual event._ mortgage at 13 percent omt lime house Wlm~:. ' Northwest and to make what to do .for choking Northern Delights Co-op l. . ~d0bile ihome, addition until 1~." Low asking !lrgl area ,for glrdlfl. -...... ~ Kes'm~ ~oe .~tla through the" use.~ of ~ membbrs are.' busily , and more 'on lot in - • price of ~6,00e;' Cill tO view !hll 2 dr., ~est. oa~ ~ont manikans. 'Call *'the ~,~.ni.zin~ the sec0nd, folk ~ :ThOmhilL ,Clurk ~ive. ~ home ~. ,Asking $2So000. • . the year, for lldI area. All department of .recreation ' music festival under the • ..... - . ~. quiet street. Asking...... fOr further details-Enlov '" rifle; theAnnual Nortl~west-. : Three bedr. :honls~ on and education~,l day "at-th-e:~ Folk :l~mic, F'esflval. nnd' :" m, xlWb.iidl"g got or_ -- scott Street : within . . I T ...... • regatta to. help. make It _. beach; ...... !! . plan to have the show ready • suitabla , for . mobile walking" distance ' to Well.kept family. ~ " " • bigger and be~ter, says to dell~t the publie at the i.home ~n :Crea¢entvlew schools and to down. on Scott Avenue: with' Kathy Cr-ck. FrMay, July 23. lil)rary,park which was the , Drive ,ill ,Thornhill:: • town. Asking price fully finished basement,-

... And Now: Welcome.home venue for:the original .hit Asking• . ,,SI0,S00. S62&00. '.... • asking.. S~,S00. MLS. ~: all YOU Old Timersl People show. Thece will be music ~ • who lived.here before 1949. andS:dance from India and ,,~,~~:..~.;~~...... *~ ...... aMIIa~,i .: ~,.~*...... k,, ~'~(~,'~~ . FI'klay, July II . ""..Thei:rmnion starts, tonight Portugal:' as well as the ~: '~::. '", ~...~.~ Tbere.are s~.fanla~e " at 7.;m with regJsb~afion, famo'm~'race Pipes and.. i!i;~!,i:. :il l Fridays'.at. she"Terrace,e.. .. be~r~andch~atth, - Drums:local,.. . . Indiad-d~nce, ", ii~ ~~ :~1/ I Publie ' Library ' 'with" are~a"On July ~ there is a " and s°r~ and' the u~ual / ~,'~I[ somefl~g new eaeh~w~mk "buffet ' '|uneheori-//add . 'blues,foldanda smidgen of . ~~" : !!~ ' ~; ~" ' includi~storislandpuppet . beri~age slides at *12nen~~ rock, (:all the -Northern .~ shows, crafls,'shi.t!!..,.~mon, "tlien~hanquetanddaneeat* De.~llghts'lfY0U.canhelpput. ~H~Godllns~ TrscyRItter George Vogel Be~Hyde ~Oo~n~ .::. ..~ • movi~ and p/e~l~_./' For', 7: p.m, ;('~I~iis);:/~:-. 8 .. ~e ~sh~w.~gether A.~.114.

am...... to 13 noon÷...: ltstme .•..' the i':; reu. n|on::.•for : Kit~. Ch.rsdky;Au~at4g,/:; .. i, " '~ : :e - "' ' ;' "" ' "- :" " --dU=.. is.o~r,a~..'~ s.r~..... :.~h. s~ooi .'The ~•ro~a~"::;~ipiz;a,~' ~:.,,, Th names j~"ends,re¢ommen~ ~, ; ~ ~ ......

• { ...... f. ft I%V

Pit~e~W4 . . • . . Around Telmce::, nd::ond Kltinmt

• '. from page3 'to orsa'~ their own r~. Monday, July 24 sehook and communities certificate and an iron.an -.. , ..... throughout B.C. am invited decal (limited edition) at Entr~ into this year's run e •, and RImnin8 until Friday this Williams Lake, ViG 2X2.-- will be by donation only. week is Tennis Seh0ol Set II will be by donation only. the end 01 the race. All Sept; 10 ld the deadline for There Is a suggested entry from 9:~0 a.m. to 11 a.m. There is a au~pmted ~try do°aXle°sWill be directed registration. The main fee of $5 but no one will be in Kitimot These sets are deai~d for fee of is but no eee" will he toward new and Innovative event is to be held on Sun- turned: away. All par- children ages 8-15 but there t.m~ iiway. ~ par. research vie. the TerW Fox day, Oct. 3. flclpantx will receive a Monday/July 19 have been interacted a~ulte tieipants -.will receive a l~rat!~on of Hope Fund. . cm'tWcato and an iron~n Den~t fro'get the Summer signed up.. decal (limited edition) at Soccer School for'ages 12-16 which rims unW Friday. I 8~nday, gape, l.i Ahe and of the race. All J ii Thi]nldey, Augult, 15-I~ . The Second annual,Terry donations will be directed Also this week is the Tennis School Set I from 9:30 a.m. Last call for re~stratim Fox:'Rtmwlll be held." All toward ~ and innovative is issued by the Vancouver schools and communities rmearc~ via the Ten'# Fox toU a.m. Gossip Column Women's Royal Canadlun throughout B.C. are invited Marathon of Hope Fund. Naval Service Amociation for the 40th aunlveri!ry I • .. reunion to be held in. Van- isAgalaandbusyplannedby the tack, protesting that she : 3 4: 5:9 312 +1 e°nver'w-.: won't pose for any more I Vancouver WRENS for all cheesecake because she those who served in the wants to be regarded as a Canadian ' Navy during serious actress? - N.T. : ' SUN:DA" Y : : " i '" World War el and the SerOomlt Sports ~, British Outdoors Sunday Korean conflict. A. That familiar ' ;15 Preston weshend OPen Unlimited Morning ;30 Everybody's SporEs " Br I sh Oral Sunday .. Registration deadline is publicity stance does not ;45 • Winner we~ond Open ~oberie Morning June 30so please hurry by appear to be do~,n the Big Blue Spoils British Rex. Six-Gun Pll.lllZ-MOI . fo writing to WRENs Retmion road for Pie, who really 9i~ Marble weekend Opes Humbard Herolil Salut Jour 1982, P.O. Box1420, Station was the toast of Cannes Gardening SOothe . British Day of " Six-Gun ' FriNdlarid du :45 with Ed weekend - Open Discovery Heroes Sketching Seigneur A, Vnncanver, B,C; V6A Q. Those revealing (pardon" the. latin) and is II~, or call Mrs, Phylis rear view bathing suit' • far too wise to relinquish ' Weldam . OIdTlme leaablll • R,M, ' ' Tales . O~ngn ° Clne; ' :15 Outdooremon Bunch . r photos'taken of Pia .her successfully sexy 1O Gi~l~1 ~ UnexpKted T.g pop- Hepplewhite at (#04.) 321- • :30 Wildlife Old Time Boomerang FIWIIy • Underltlnd Clne" ~46. .Zadora at the Cannes. :mage just .yet; She is :45 Adventure, " 6ollmerenn Bit. Towers Itehovlollr Pop Film Festival certainly currently, filming made a splash. As is "Lonely Lady" in Jimmy Kids are " His: Ireland--" eul. Tag Cimr 111',=: world"' Swagglrt /eg01e . . Wlrltln ' . A . WII Gehte' Rome. It is based on a , SpOrts Jimmy David CTV . Telovllles Human Clne- Sunday, 8epL 19' customary for screen 'sensual Harold~Robbins world Swnggart " Brln!(ley Sporte" ' Hlliory Bshevlmlr . Pop sexpots, will she now The second annual Terry pursue a different career novel even steamier than Fox Run will be held. All James Cain's "But- 12' :15 world Written" o_erlnkley ' - ireland,,_ _.oardlmlr deson-- terfly," the source for . :30 Sports " ' CFL , Viii# ' Jimmy Tony . ~:eanus .~llorhi :45 world Football mini'. Swaggarl " Brawn - I~:elnul Univlre her recent-film. Pia is out • f , to-please her fanS, and 1 ila~: ~;pot'te CFL Big, Terry,.- waslllngton Prelect des • World Fooibell Valley Winter waek- . UnlVlrie ,~liOl'ti • " they still seem to favor SIx)lrte CFL Big - Players Wall St. Introd,: Unlvers the sex kitten image, at WOrld :OOthall Valley " Intern, Week Biology Sports least for now. Sporla CFI. Deyln'l "l:ailnll . Grit IMm, . - LOS 2:15 world , 10Otblll • 11"141 can't Parr...... BIology , VOYl~ll 43~5 " Thunder In CFL Oeyln'a ' The ' ' Grim - Oceino- de i the I~rk Foolball lerNI Greatest I~wf. ' geaphy " Tortlllerd Q. l've heard rumors Ou~r CFL' • DeyIm'l Amerlclm GraM' Ago of " Unlvlrs of a major .novel- which :i5 " Lifo Foofblll " llresl,, HImi PqWL . Unceflllniy Inconnus ~ ~'" " @~" "J[k "• " '.... could• reveal the inside " :30 Spol~l Elrfh Deylll'l Calglr~ GriM ' . Age Of • Unlverl 145' Afield bound llretl ' Stamplde I~n'~. " UilcerlllnlY Inconnus story of the late Nelson Rockefeller's life and Living ella Hymn ' Ooylm'l ¢',Jl~gery " Grill ComPutirs Simalne mysterious death. __Any :IS Good kite Sin9 larNI Sfemp~le - I~. Computers Vertl :30 For tho Terry, OlyMl'l - ' ~llgBry " Lilt Music " Semalrm details? ~ S.A. :aS" RIcord Winter Isresl Stemp4dl Chance : I1... " Verte

__-_ .-- 10.0~0 Sl~rth calgary See'car SprHd Second A. You_are referring the Pr~ iDly War Nat • Stamp4do " Mlde Wings. Regard '. '< ~|NO S TBA &BC'i ~lestlon . in . ' Animal Second to "The Dark Side of 145 News TBA - .. HIwl ' Period (~rmlny 6ehavloQr Regard " The Dream," written by the late JohnStarr, to be ' NBC " Walt- - " ro~ . NIr~l , Numtro • ~avqln~re HIbdo. :15 News ' - Dlsmey" Minting . Hour Uno Travel Olmanche RESTAURANT " published-this month-by :30 How Walt TOWn " For the .. NltlOnll FicIl..of Debdo. Warner ;Books. Though 6 Come Disney IIAestirllg Record 040. 'lhe Piano Dime°the the. ~extremely • sensual I I I • story::-i!~< pure..fiction, Ml~Ic . . i Beech ~ • DUKes Of Nafloflal ~Klyth " ~.lili" :15 HIt combers REd " Helllird Gig. ~lllililon l)onlll • :3U- -~ : there do seem to be some .:13 , Circus He°gin , Coda Dukes Of Smlak . " 8ody In I.es . -FULL FAOILITIES- in " , Rid " Haxlard Previews ~UesIIOn ~eaux parallels to. Ro~ky's life . Can't .: (the=:;¢haracter - -of the Natiorml "- ABC " • CMpl.." " N0vI., . ,~in's "Dlm~mct~l ...jv(althy "-and". powerful A "•.::'~ ' ChIlliChll~Ollpl Dream Sunday " ClllPl "" Nova " Religious Lea ' ,. National , : Night O111~ . . NOva . .... Clearing B4iux - "' .governor is named • .~lr' :45 allFa . . Dream ~vle' Cltl~ Nova. Ju~ul ' Olmdrl¢lWl OAUADIAN FOOD- Stewart Gansvoort). In NeC Sons and Marllyn • A.. . " A~m*wpltCe Intern, . ~ • - thi~iltellingl he.is shot to :15'. • S~ay Lovers-- ABC CTV '. •. Thalfrl .~. Oivelopmlnt IIHux . -~AIR/OOUDITIONED-~ death by two girl friends :30 Nlgll! . Sons end Sunday Sl~lll. Mlll!rplecl. Monlrch Dlmenclles :iS @ ~e . LoYal... MOVie " - Carl, M~llc Theitre " ~41 .nngn~ 'Llt i, a:reflecting pool.. Of •-.DINING LOUNGE- : . ..course, the. publishers VI,;ilc-D:- • "~ItC . Tt~ ~ri~' Sm¢lil : beux t, aria, {is T~m. ies- ~' ." are.: disclaiming any In ,' • $uldaY, • llesi . :. AmeriCa • SpKlals Dlmanchei :-. similarity to~ real life &U:~ I.opacy..o., .. : ~l,ht .'. '.-/ ". A. ca .Is, hi Teloloume, -BUSINESS LUNOHES:-=~ ~vln..~ Air. ' " ~ "". ".W'l. Amq~rlc]l. ,f~lcllilll • charactersi ~ so readers ' Non. to Fri. llam, 2 pm Will haveiodecide for • ' #'lewl" ~ Nltlonllt - ' I~llC Nawl . NtWl', .... ~iOff,', • ' Cll#.l!.; '~ themielves.The book is Flvl ' - Nlglii " Fl~rm~lt . Hour . SUnny , I Sign,- • - I.es', " already.a: Literary Guild Star ' ' .Final .... , ItAltlo ' . , i Flnell ., iNIwl : : " I Off' . : i#. " ;.. ISUN;,TII LI¢S.. I I ;I.m.-..... ! 2. p.m.'• /: and,.. =Doubleday Book [-Club Selection and is Off " ' , Night' I " - ~ '-. ' ' IFRI.I & SAT.-I-L..'l.nn.. - 2 a,nit. " """: .... [ . "expeci~l io: climb the ,,: j , , i i iii 1 " • t~;~ ., o. .. A . - i • . v--an~ [ " 'bemeller :charts, due. in • "" , ":/': : '~ :' " : ~i' " :., • . . , , . i :• ,:plirt: 'to its "inside " • ' . F~fmmt Tho" '. ~ $. . dis '. ..:narrative ind a: suc- I :1~" /, ' " MOVIe :. '- Termlnll : ferAL, - " O '." 4043 PARK.AVENUE PNONE OII,OITII -' . " -.. KOMO . Maln :. !" Slaliml- " - " ~ Ronlnl : cession" .Of.: unusually •:'~ .... '"~ /",' ";i No''.. M.~ ,.. : ...... • ~ ' "'" . ':,.i,; "': :,::-~ :'~'." ~:! _ ...... -

...... " . Page 5

I Robin, Rdem SlOem's Gossip Column

i, i FASHION PLATE: like a bag lady all the reports that Maxwell co-operative with the of Erica Jong; author of Erica plans to divide her Bette Davis is telling time" - in her films., of Caulfield; the good media and warmer "Fear of Flying" and time betwee Weston, friends that she is course. looking heart throb of towards strangers. At a "Fanny," and novelist Conn., and Manhattan delighted with her part in the movie musical recent party given for the ("The Beast") Jonathan and has a new novel in TV's adaptation of Bar- "Grease 2," was distant east of "Grease,~2,," he Fast. \What'.s the the works, although bara Goldsmith's best- to co.workers and finally addressed his Situation now? - M.F. she's not talking about seller "Little Gloria: .deliberately rude to the . fellow actors by name (a it. Jong, who'd be~ Happy At Last." The press. Why. doesn't he feat he hadn't quite divorced before she reason? In her role as the smarten up?- C.D. mastered during • A.: As of now, Erica" and Jonathan are marri~l Fast, says she grandmother, Alice Van- filming),' Obviously, hds does not plan. to ' get. derbilt, in the life story A. We suspect some " amore relaxed Maxwell. separated and she has of Gloria Vanderbilt, avuncular executive has just bought an eight- married again for a long i~tte gets to wear taken Maxwellaside and .... room co-operative apart- time. As she remarked beautifut furs, jewellery advised him to do just Q. Some time ago you meat in New York City ruefully ~ to -a friend and designer clothes. As that because i've heard mentioned that near Mayor Koch's recently, "! just keep she explains; "i'm damn Q. I'm intrigued and that Caufield has professional rivalry was Gracie Mansion for her, picking, the wrong tired of being dressed somewhat dismayed at become noticeably more threatening the marriage self and daughter Molly. guys."

EVENINGS 1L3227KGlum St. :i Laurie Forbes Jim Duffy

635-5382 .635-6688 TERRRCE., ._ Rod Cousins Gordon Olson " ' 635-5407 Stan Parker 635,6361 " 638-1945 635-4031


Reduced to $8J ~ A, umaMo Mortgages Acreages Under SS0,000 Reduced by S13,0N WHY RENTI COME IN AND CHECK" OUT •--Scoff_Ave.,-very at. ---W~rkloy Rd. 4 un. --Walker St. 1098SCl. ft. This 3 year old home is If you ore tirol with." non.-b,asement home. 3 situated on half ocre THESE GREAT rental payments you tractive 2 bedroom developed acreages :~ER PRICED home located close to ranging from 10 to 15 bedrooms, •franklin near the golf Course. can't miss by buylng~ schools. :1098 sq. ft. acres. Level, pertlatly fireplace, carport, Home provides many this 12x55 Glendale.• Natural ~,~gas heat. treed. Vendcr,wl I carry fenced yard. Priced to: attractive feotures Cute as a Doll's House moblie~home which has ~ Mortgagcf~f $30,000.at 10 financing'at 15 per cent sell at $49,500. which include, large Just listed .is this ius!~ L~pn redecorated complete with new per cent~rlced to solo to qualified buyers. - --~opper River Rd. sPaCious rooms end all recently renovated 2 carpeting throughout~ at L~,~i" " Priced from S46,000. 12x60 mobile home wHh ath'•offvely finished; bedroom home situated Furniture .and ap. •-N~De~.'i~Ave., 960 sq. two large addltl0ns~ 4 Uniquely designed on a large corner lot. pliences. ft.; bas~ent home. '3 --Sockeye Creek Rd. 15 bedrooms-. Well fireplace, formal dining Interior Is tastefully. bedrooms, fireploce, . acre level and treed maintained, garage and room, with patio doors, flnlshed In •cedar. covered sundeck, acreage, Williams workshop, fenced L~/4 to sundock. Now,asking features. Fireplace, carport, 69x196 lot. Creek are•. Lots of acre lot. Priced to sell aft $69,500; appllances.Thlslsan~.t S40,000Assumable " I Excellentauumable0f privacy. Priced at S36,000...... ~ home-ideal for young Medg|ge $42,900 at 10~ per cent $39,500. --AgarAve.,*~0Stl.-ft., For the man'whose couple starting*out. Located on • qulat:i until Aug. H1984. • Well " * 2 bedroom home. ' hobby requires a , As,king price of.S37,000, streetlsthisaffraotive3 priced at s~,s0o. --J o h n s o n R d. Recently re-decorated ;working .area. This Is ' bedroom family horne.~, --Halllwell. Ave., 1226 Oevelq)ed S acre hobby 60'3(200' lot. Assumable providing a 22x32 ft. .On this assumable Cedar. features, large sq, ft., 4bedroum home, " farm'.. 1140: sq. ft. full mortgageofS32,000•tJ0 shop. Concrete floor, mortgegewith monthly kitchen, living room' basement home. S per cent~ If you qualify .i.lnsulated, ~Nlred and payments of 1;310.89will large attached garage, Finished basement, two bedrooms', 2 baths, for the B.C. Second heated' also • 12x68 pot you Int0 this 3 set back on • nlcell¢ fireplaces, hvo baths, rec room with wet bar. large barn "with loft Mortgage you can get mobile with 12x46 ed. bedroom, 2 bathroom freed lot. Good value at Sundeck, .carport. area. Chicken coop, Into Jhls for as little as. . dltlon. Very well set up, condo which has been • $54,000...... , Assumabie.ot$30,000at . large" garden 'area: " SZ200 and still keep -attractively finished" ~0mpletely redecor- Home on acreage with 13 per cent until June Properly Is mostly _your. payments Under ,inside and out. Fenced /venlenta t • d location . C onlyo n a- country atmosphere yet cleared 'and fenced. •.- $500• month.. Prlced at; large corner Iof. Asklng dose~ to ~town..Thls 1985. Make your offer to Asking prlceotSi20,0oo. S44,500~ ~.$57,0G0. ' few blocks.from schools the price of S79,000...... end downtown/Very properly provides lots ot --Scucle Ave., 1120 sq. --Rosswood.* 9S acres --Simpson eras. 880 sq. " attractive buy at privacy. 1.2&acras of ft., full basementhome, with 15" ecres cleared. ft., 2 bedroom home. $43,500. nicely treed, land, 4 bedrooms, fireplace; Good farm land/Three Appliances Included. ' "*l~turas Chaise ecaped, garden area, 51 !~ rec room, carport, bedroom 'A' frame. 2 24x36 shop. Large lot. : S35,000wi!l not only put Listed at $19,000 Is •ls bedroom s, ful outdoor barbecque, barns; small, creek Priced at $45,000. ~.you Into • cozy, rustic attractive 3 bedroom --basement, sundeck Vendor isofferlng a first through property, : --cepi~" Rigor Rd. 960 • deslgrl 3 bedroom home mobile home which .has glassed In su.nporch~ mortgage 3 per cent Vendor will consider sq. fL double wide with loft but well also hasalutofcustemwerk _carport. Will consider' • below market rates and carrying some flnan-' mobile home set. up on provide you with done to the interior eel offers to asking price of r.i says no reasonableoffer ~lng. Make your offer to 80x120 lot.3 bedrooms, ~¢omplete natural well as the exterior' S81,200, : will be refused r Pr!ced the price of $95,000. Franklin fireplace, surroundings, woods, which provldes'o very . .. at S72,~0." " ' * bellt.in china cabinet,~ water, peace ahd quiet, well built detachable '!4 --Hsugland Ave., 10e2 "--~kley Rd; 10 acres Asking price of $44,000. ~Truly a lovely setting. " eddltlen which consists ...... - ~ - !; sq. ft., full' basement with smaller two storey* • ,~ of large storage, on- Henm'on Pine . home. 3 ysers old. 3 home. Home has .two fiance area as w~ellas a Attractive 3 MKIroum ; bedrooms, flrepl•ca, .hodreems, ttsher wood Udmloo Lake' Acreage large covered ond railed ~on~..on an 80"x20e' I0~,.~: carport, ~atural gas heater and • lot of Attractive cottage on ~.Apwox. 4 acres well sundeck. Paved fireplace. Would mike an_ Ideal first home.: heah, fenced yard. charm. Needs •some the-Joke with road ac- :lucated on the bench, driveway, with fenced Assumable of S58,000 at finishing. Large chicken ces~*~ :~" $,13;000 i ~ln ' Would make a lovely yard.AIItemofch.Very Some assumable 13Y= per cent until .Sept. : C¢~Op, :Che'ck : this I out ~maMe~ debt', at 15 .. ~homeslte. ' Asking appealing unit. ShoUld financing. Asking; 198S. Priced .at"• $79,S00.. ,~twlcedM .... , .... $72,SOe. ,.... ~...... , : , ' , i __| Pag'e 6

! " - " i ] SummerTheotm Review i i TOTHE ..... I the production of Canadian BLYTH, Ont. (CP) -- and last winter gave up and I told her to go ahead ploys.. " ...... ~.. When you're No. 2 in the acting tO devote all her time and write It big~ as if She l~usiness of home-grown t~Lplanning, writing, and " Blyth riot only develops were dolng it for the Canadian summer thea'tre, administering the festival. and produces new Canadian Stratf~)rd Festival. Hidden somewhere In ~e paper are two Terrace you must not only try Her first play, Down plays but is reaching out "She " did, and we - phone numbers. I f you find them and one Is yours harder but reach farther. North, opens the festival's with fresh writing and squashed 13 people onto our you win two FREE passes. :-. ,.. season July I. Her husband, The 'eight-year-old B]~th dir~ting talent intO other little stage, but it was so Tickets must be picked up at .Ted Johns, also has written Summerl Festival is second theatres across the country. successful we are doing it a plaY, Country Hearts, a The Daily Herald to Quebec's Festival Len- Some of its talent has gone again this year." .3010 Kalum St: noxville, apparently the to the Stratford comedy set in a storm- Quiet In The Land is about boun~l small town hotel. only other theatre in the Shakespearian FestiVal this` two Amish Mennonite country devoted entirely to year. ~'The festivni'sbudget for families' whose paclfieist this summer's 12-week beliers come in conflict with "We may not be widely season of five plays is the turmoils of the First known, but there's certainly. $270,000. Amos has a happy World War. Amos will again no more famous theatre relationship . with the pJay one of.the leads in the hereabouts," says Blyth's festival board, composed of revivalrunning Aug. ~'/to at • 2 3 4 5 9 12 13 administratur~ Janet Amos. Blyth and district volun- least'-.Sept. 11. It will later teers who "@orR like. dogs, ' In this little farm m~rket transfer to Waterloo, Ont,, all year round -- they never the third time Blyth has sent village, 65 kilometres north. ~stop" .to raise money, run •west of Stratford near the a produ¢ilon on tour. fund-raising bazaars, and "We did the first tour on- Lake Huron city of even wash dishes, at the " Today Seethe. Canada Morning - . Godertch, ~the Blyth Sum- our own, withOut help from 15 Show - Jimmy " n0 A,M, Morning - country suppers held prior the funding councils, and we 30 News Sweggert ice Canada Mister . . .. ' " , mer Festival has also to Friday and Saturday 45 News 100 •m•"America A,M, . Rogers " ' • blossomed physically. It has made $I,ooo," Amoa said -" I night performances. :. proudly in an interview over Seattle HuntleY -- .AM . " Kareon's Sesame. Polka -" . ~, built -- and paid for -- an DownNorth by Amos is 15 Today Street Northwest Yogl Street '. Dot door a hamburg~ lunch. "It was 30 " Seattle .100 AM It's Sk~ome • Read" . office-workshop-storage about a lonely, self.centred Northwest' Your Move Streel ' AbOUt It .. worth it for the experlenee 45 Today, Polofl oddition to the old Canadian • IS-year-old boy from a big Legion Memorial Hall, and and the publicity." 0 Seattle Well Love Joyce EleCtric Home ' Ouverturo- city sent to his grand- 15 Today Fr. Glint Boat . Oavlda~'1 Company GaYdener Mouvement She. hopes Quiet In The has installed air con- father's farm .in Cape 30 Simmons . Mister Love What's ~.over . " '~ Horn@ " D~ ~letl Land can go on a major 45 Show . * Dressup Boat Cooking Inllde'Out Interiors " ~ Aml ditioning b/the auditorium. Breton while his parents national.tour in 1984 to mark It rebuilt its forestage area fight through a divorce Family Definition Travel : Freehlnd . AP4~gasine for this ~eason and next the theatre's 10th, an, 15 )octors Street Feud • Definition Eat Will " Sketching |xprst~ • action. 30 Search foP" Sesame. The Edge Pay Cards OVer" Human Wlckla nivursary. plans to get a-new eom- The season also brinks. 45 Tomorrow Slreet _ , .. of Night ' Pay Cards Easy Behlvlo~r.. Wlckle "Weql need financial help puter-eontrollod : lighting • aetreas ViolaLeger to Blyth All my Noon • ' "" Lost Your : 1.41 VII system. for that because, it's a big 2 Days • CBC . in La Sagouine, Antonine 1£ [of • . , News " " " Cfiildren News Chance Sullnm - Total, 'show andwewant to start in 30 ;oto~r, Summer" . '.. •All my Moude Slgraphy GO to AVIS Amos, an actress who Maillet's now wide!y-known s~ Magazine Children Maude Slogrophy Sell. de RecMrcl Vancouver and goright began with the original story of an old'Acadian" aeroes the country, But we 1 ;' Another • Summor One • Another Movie " Tpklo. I.es . community theatre serubwoman. ' World Magazine Life ' World" The TuktU Trouvaiitm think it's healthy in these Another Cmnedlan TO , ~nolher Wacldest Voyage Refl~t produetion .of The Farm " Last year, the Blyth ~.., World• Reflecnons Live World Ship " Voyage d:~! Pays times to depend on our. Show i~t nearbf Clinton,- • Festival worked up Country selves a lot. We get about 70 Generol Texas In , ApPlied . D~l/m~mi Corall, a play later Chips Canadian ,_. Ont., in 1972, performed at l~r cent of our income from , "$ Chips • Reflections • Hospital Texas the Skefchlng Ca~tedle~ the Niagara-on-the-Lake ..~predueed sueeessfully by 15 Chips - Coronation Genital - Texas 1 Army Ad ' ._ D~-~m.. our box office and our own ,t5 Chips arrest , Hospital Texas MOVIe World Canadlenl Shaw Festival and a lot of Theatre Network in fund-raisinK fforts." regional theatres until last • Edmonton. Two years ago it MOVII The Edge Ryon's .... "The Vlc Broden's Moth Docum. BlYth now is well enough ~5 _~- Somebody of Night HOI~ . ! /Alan . '. Tennis Moth Corlldlons year. it gave the world premiere known among playwrights 3G--. Loves: I Take . Happy ." Thlcke Kathy's Im:redlble Trolt~ de of Peter Co]ley's I'II B.e 4; Me , , Thirty Days " Show " ' Klhdlen Forest "I Memoirs that they submit ideas and I She took "over the Biyth Back For .You Before drafts to Amos,. But she " ~-~e WOk with The Little : Sesame " " Growing . A Festival. in 1980 fr0m .its Midnight, a chiller that was ~" Somebody.' Yon "' Merv House Street Years Tire. finds few ready-made plays •~r~. Loves " MupPet Griffin ' on the Sesame ecology Farlfrilucng -first.mentor, James Roy, immediately picked up by ShoW -. ,, Prairie Street Ecology., . Fanfreluche suitable for her audience, ~; Me " . Sh0w. -" other theatres• which comes fromwithin' an , King 5 Happy Komo" ': . Hawaii MIsSal' : - : Schooling "It's extremely difficult evening's driving distance 15 News. Days News 4 FiVl.O ROgers Horl~ Care ado Komo , Hawaii . Dick Renewable dec . to find four or five good new 30,-.. King 5 TK I of the theat~ and wants 45 News News. News 4 Flvo-O - Caveff .. Society • ~hevallers plays a year for the festival plays dealing seriously with NBC Barney ABC - N~,ws Doctor In Take Lt here," said ~e attractive their major concerns. They 15 News ~ Miller News Hour the House Time Vagabond. blonde Amos. 30. King S • Real -- ' KOMO News SuIIness 'Native Ang le are far-ranging concerns, 4S News People .... News " Hour ' " Report, Trodlt!ons Angle --Gossip "Writing for the theatre is tho~]gh, rannlng the gamut i a tremendously difficult from farm and •small-town . Erltertolnment Real: : . PM • • "" Ltwla 1 MacNIII Re g OUS, Telaiournet Northwest and r,..k.._. :. Lehrer ' " .... Divers. ty Tale ournll •thing, but thei'e is going to~/ : IS Tonight " ". Pa~pla- :" life to [he big issues of l)eace • 30 " Tic Toc For • "" • Muppet Bizarre '- Outdoor Animal . retie, be -a ' gr.owing hill for 4S Dough', Teachers :, She~ • Blzar/e' Series . Sohavlour.,. ~atlonol and war. Q.. I understand that playwrights : as more and "What!l do with'plays or aa~ Little .... Private ...... ABC's ": HOUSe ~- .... Numaro " : Yeeraof • Du Toe. Lena Home is afraid of more theatres want to do ideas that are.submitted 'M t5 House Benlomln " Monday Calls " " " UI~ " Struggle'.r AU TIC t,p 30 on the " " WKRP In Night Thrill of' Tales Cltoring . SelKtlon flying, yet now I red;-]- Canadian plays~l" - . and show promise, is try to 45 Prairie ' Cincinnati " ". Bosebakk a Lifetime Unix ,INctod Angus -. roll. that she's embarking on -Through her wide ex- .devel~por.use.the'writers -

NBC MASH :. ABC's cTv " Great Intro.' Selection • a long ~70~Id tour in- patience in regional' for s0mething else. I'II 15 Monday • MASH Monday ! Monday Railway , " Bl()logy " roll- _ •July.How does she plan theatres a~rossthe country, "workbhop splay here, not )o Night Front 1 Night ' Night . Journeys Prolect Sel~tlon 45 at the Page ' Baseball Movie .,.World Universe . Tile. on getting around? - E.S. - Amos has built up many for production but to contacts. She uses themto Movlos " The' ' So~tboll ' " ON Grill' " " Un~rdand. Tale.. develop the writer and get 0 15 The National. Baseball on " Perf.. - the Earth SeJlctlorl A. Lena does:' dislike -send Out scripts or make him to: do something else, ,30 Flame Medicine Best of Ono , Great . -. Understorw/ Propos of flying inte-fisely and,she. appointments for "I'm also anxious to 45 Is Love ' Show the West. MoVIe. Perf. theEarth / Confld. usually .' avoids plane playwrights she thinksmby develop directors. One of King 5 " Night .. Kotno CTV . Miteuya " Slgn• P~rtralt do trave!'..That's th'e reason expand their work beYonci .' iS News ' Flnol News 4 News " and " Off. Femme she stayed put ,in New our,directors mis summer 30 Tonight TK Evening ASC Hour Nellie Sign Portralt'do Birth. " : " did a Workshop for me here 45 5how " New~ " Nightlloo FlnoL con't "" Off ':, " : Flame '" York during the entire tl hit run. of "The Lady "A lot of writers/have last year, Another is a stage .... ' ht Pol'ry Movie The ' Quln(y, ' ~ ' " ' " ' Cinema • and Her MuSic," "Now reached aeertain stage and: -manager who Is directing I~ " NqllOn of .. . Late "- Quincy ,., " F.B.I. 30 .Late " Perry the ' ?how " QuirKy ?' .... ." . contrt. ": :i .that Lena is embarking now:need to write furs herflrstpiayinaworkshop 45 Night : MelOn Wesk" - QUlm;y ' [. .~!a , " 12 • | / .O6 a major~tbur of the bigger :thea.tr~e or 'exp~d here this smnmer,'and then U.S:, .Europe .. ~nd. : their:work beyond a certain goes to Winnll~gin the fall,". " ' Letterman I~ Ame~rl¢~n . Col~mbo ,' ' • Australia; she will, Of persbnalvision~0ftheWorld.: She's someone who could With D.. Slgn. Beauty . , Colombo , • c ' • L~term~n,.; I J~l O .... • [,~nt~/~' ',,'• ,~,!~ml~. ~ ~;, pJ .]~,i ~,,',~:illl.!~* se • - ...... - '" " :; ,,, ,, , i Q~fllr'li ';;;''~' * ..... 7 I" I ...... iI• i , i i , , "1 i II I • •

.... +L ...... p+se9 Pltc h

"'.r(IL~ "l. ~ : i(" " ....

I I I ...... I "7 I °

WINNIPEG (CP) -- Tel founder and president major record labels ,for • Dan Kliman, the com- who K-Tel has revl;~i. She under the careful guidanCe Sometime in mid-Aagmt, Phil Kives first began pennies l~r unit sold and pany's marketing l super- had two 'hits --i]orn a of K-Tel. televisions across Canada selling from a Winnipeg sales figures are usually visor, said while K-Tel's Woman an~lSimple Girl - in On Posoy's album, such will be saturated with rapid- basemen| • are: still strong. marketing, techniques have 1966, but then fell into ob- songs as Be M~ Baby, Put fire commercials selling the marketed, but they are sold Based on test~miirketlng gradually developed to the scurity. , Your Hand In The Hand and country music of. Sandy by other companies. done this past spring in point where they can sell A'-K-Tel a/'~t had used All I Have To Do Is Dream Poaey. .- Jerry Woodbern, general Alberta, Posey should pass anything, if the subject one of her songs for an have all been revived. And a The fact ~th-at very few+ manager of the company, the platinum mark and doesn't have talent "you're album and kept her name in second album has already people have heard of Posey said in an interview the • possibly approach the lofty not going to fool anybody/'. mind for_.a posothle ~1o been finished, with such is of little consequence. The money and Opportunity is sales .achieved with the Posey, ~like Whitman, is a album. She was eventually songs as Then He Kissed Me Alabama-bern singer has better in the music industry, Elvls and Whil~an albums forgotten singer of the past asked to make an ~|bum and Baby, I Love You. been brought: under the although-. K-Tel is not in computerized wingof K-Tel direct competition with the International Ltd,,: which major record labels. has decided to- make her a While' most recording star. company executives might +BIB + Based on experience and throw a party when one of market..'research, their records goes gold.- thousands, or perhaps selling • 50,000 copies -- htmdreds ' 0r"thousands of Woodburn said K-Tel does consumers will buy-Posey's ' not release an album unless album, Bern a Woman. it is certain sales will • eclipse the platinum OV E R 10,000 UNDER 70,000 COMMERCIAL CHOICE HOMES +New listing at 4502 K-Tel uses 30 to 35 per (I~,000) mark. POOL & ACREAGE -- GOOD FINANCING- --Ladies boutique and A unique properly: Just make up shop. Cedar Crescent, nicely cent of " its •record sale K-Tel albums do, on the Good location, close to under 1 acre on..the • schools, 3 bedroo~n finished, attractive revenuein non-stop, six- average, reach that mark i, --~USIC record sales bench minutes from home with. fireplace. landscaping and = WeekTV'advertialng blitzes Canada, with a set of love outlet Including fran- assumable mortgage. downtown yet qulethsss Asking 67,500. chise. that almost ensure the songs by Elvis Presley~and of the country. 3 MLS. success of records made by hits from Slim Whitman the bedroom home, In STARTER HOME.~ 3 --THREE LOTS ON " -I-4014 NOrth Eby such singere as Posey. + mosipopular. Each has sold ground pool, garden and bedrooms, fireplace, Lazelle Ave. under restrictive convenant. finished on 2 floors with ]f K-Tel'i moat recent more than 250,000. fruit trees. Asking wood heater, hardwood floors. Asking 64,500. 3 baths & '2 brick financial statements are In about 16 countries that 107;000. --Rental units on .Lezelle Avenue on 4 fireplaces, ensulte, any indication, the formula sell K-Tel records, the all- ROSSWOOD -- • Rural lots. •large sundeck, double time. great Is 25 Polka LARGE HOME -- 1year acreage, appx. 10 acre carport. +works. Profits were up 131 For Information call per'cent at the end of i981. Greats. Other heavy sellers old, family room off • parcels. 20,000to 30,000. Rusty or Bert Liungh +4716 Scott Ave.,. nice K-Tel is a multinational have been Hooked on kitchen, ensulte 3b.r CONDO -- Good i Classics and Switched-on- f.lreplace. Over WOO sq. ACREAGES -- OPEN modest home with 3 corporation built on the assumable to vendor bedrooms, ensulte, sales of lint brushes, dicer- Swing albums. ft. Now asking 911,500. :will consider carrying a TO OFFERS Ten acre parcels carport and full slicers and other specialty However, Woodburn said 2nd mtg. top condition. basement. - , . GOOD ASSUMABLE -- Asking 47,500. located on the Old Remo items: However, it now is the company's real money- Road before the Kitlmat " For prices call makers are its top 40 57,000 at 13 per cent to primarily involved in Sept. ms. 3 bedroom For further Information Railway just. Off Rusty or Bert Llungh making and selling records. compilation albums. Hit home. Corner lot on the Call Dl¢kEvans Queensway, 10 The types of gadgets K- songs are leased from bench. Asking $82,900. minutes from downtown CABIN AT LAKELSE $29,000 listed at SJ3,000.00 each LAKE For one of the beffer lots • parcel. Located south of Ole's in Terrace. Located on Phone Rusty or. on First Avenue with 53 For Information on Johnstone St. in new Bert Llungh ft. of 'M'~dy beach; 2 the above subdv. bedrooms, screened :NEW HOUSE IN call Dick Evans Contact Danny Sheridan porch and has elec. i THORNHEIGHTS for details. trlclty and telephone. Gossip Column PHASE I I I 1120 sq. ft. 3 bed. nat gas To vle~v phone UNIQUE HOME ON BUILDING LOTS located on a corner 10t. Rustym; Bert Liungh ACREAGE. --Choice serviced lots Priced to sell at $81,500. Located in the Gossan on bench off Birch Ave.. Q. What's this abo.'.t called •"Curtain .Call" Creek subdivision with Contact Danny Sheridan which concerns a young --TEN Acre parcels that adorable actress cathedral style windows for details. ML5. dancer-about to launch near Beam Station JUST LISTED Leslie Caron writing a this.3 storey home Fine home in scandalous book? - B.V. her career. Road. Reduced to +J+030 SKOGLUND features 4 bedrooms, S4S,O00.O0. Caledonia Subdv. at fireplace, 2 baths, built TRY AN OFFER This h0mehas to sell. 3 an affordable price. TRYING TO KEEP In vacuum and many ,LARGE level bul'ldlng bed. large dining room, Four bedrooms+ Ex- THEIR COOL: Many. more extras including_ lots starting at two.bedrooms, laundry tensive finishing stars who: appear" the large garden, chicken $28,000.00.. room, rec +room, ex- ~ downstairs. Great epitome of controlled house and double garden. Assumable professional behavior on ~+TWO VIEW LOTS on elusive lot on lovely garage. the bench fully serviced. mortgage. Price $85,500.. screen are, in private life, street. Plus' an a~umable mortgage. as jittery as Jelio'. At a Call Rusty or Contact Rusty or ~Contact Danny Sheridan Contact Danny Sheridan recent bash for a big new Bert Liungh Bert L|ungh ~.. for details movie, at least two of the for d'etalls. stars exhibited pressure " A. Leslie Caron is cooker" symptoms.: that adorable, .yes, +and 'she surprised onlookers. One 635.6142 has written a book, but. famed actor became so PRUDEN & CURRIE (1976 LTD.) Scandalous, no The 51 intense and nervous year old •French actress while • Sl~eaking with the has done a series of .12 press !hat he ~. literally short stories under the broke:0ut"-in- a heavy general "title - of. Sweat, although the

.. "'.Vengeance"-which will •room, ~, , was very| well" *," air be, published by condmoned..And, just a .Doubl~lay...in 'Angus(. few-f~[ away/, a well •Most.'of them are about known, actress' hands the •traumas • of .shook so visibly•as she BERT LJUNGH RUSTY LJUNGH DICK EVANS DANNY SHERIDAN

. childhood. Probably .the. was~being, introduced to 63$-5754 ¢15-$754 &lS-7014,j . . . .:, • +&~S~.~ ut~ - tu m +OSt ~ ul bi ra a+ + ~Vlr+ : uets mat. tte+- ice ...... JIII

Page 8 D Ve: mulholl nd's Countq/Sounds

/' Carroll Baker has Ame~a~:.,, label that "H I don't getwhat I want, "Maybe I needed this, personal appearances• She YrizzeH-- His Last Sessions received numereum music pi'on~i~d todo everything then I'!1 start my own label maybe things were going can't play those shows tied (MCA Records) awards;:, sold more than in Son'power to.. break her and I'll spend the money . too well for me," she says, up in a TV studio .... Three This two-album .set,- 375,000 singles and IS0,000 .into the~U~S, market. Its needed for promotion, "because I've had a corn- years ago this week Waylon recorded a year before albums. She also has been power, however, petered which is essential to have plete tm*naroundinattitude. Jennlnge's rec~rdlng of Friz~ll's .death. in 1975, without a reeurding con- out whmtheJabel's parrot hit records." I'm more s~mg-be about my Amanda re~ched the No. 1 contains 20 claasic and tract for.the last five co~mpany, curtailed In the fall of 1960, the career now than l've ever spot on North American contemporary Country months. Her entreat single, operations.because of the country singer was so been.'" country charts .... Twenty- songs. Unlike.. -many The Second Time Around, economic squeeze. discouraged at. trying to The/33-year-old native of eight years ago this week a reissaes of traditional ar- ...... WaS ~*t~ken from her Baker ban been looking land an American record Port Medway, N.S., feels truck driver, named Evis tints, the production Is Hollywood Love album, for a new record deal since desfthat she almost gave up that " h.er current Presley walked into the Sun tasteful. Frizzell's bluesy released three years agoon Janu/u'y, but hasn't found entertaining to be a full- songwriting in better.than studiosin Mumphis and said baritone and thoughtful RCA. one that's satb~actery.. .t/me wife and mother..But ever. "It's more inthe.pop he wanted to make a record phrasing demonstrate an Sheleft that company in "l~nn0tSoin~toJumpat her cue;eat situation has vein, really polished, with for his mother, a_rt~stry drawn from years April, 1981, to sign with an just any offer," she. says. siven her a new challengu. more of an edge. l'm ready 0f-experience. This is class for. a change, and I feel I'd The Legendary ' Lefty country. be restricting myself-if I didn't trya new direction." I e21 .,3:4 5 9 12 13 = She and her band, Biker Street. are culTentlYon a

f crosa-Caanda tour that ends • • .... .• ...... - TUESDAY . I in the Maritimes July 24. Mornln0 She flies to Vancouver in Crosby f11urdem Show Jimmy Morning A.M, Morning News Swlgpart America Clnodi Mister .... August to co-star-~ith The i,/5' News 100 Morning A.M, Rogers Rovers in a CBC-TV I Superspeclal to be shown in Seattle Huntley AM KinmYs M~me PO|ka " :t5 Today Strut Northwest Yogi Stint Dotd~or October. LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) founded this town; but they :30 Seattle 100 . AM II's Sesame Read :45 Today IJndlnd Northwest Your ,Move _ Streef. Alan0 • .Whiskey - Jack; the -- Norm Crosby, the man were brilliant," Crosby I.bluegrass group that picks Who murders metaphors for says• "They knew 10 30 seatlie 'SII " ': L°va ,loyal EIs~rlc Home Ou~rtml :1S Today Fr. Giant Boat Davidlo(1 ComPany Garoon~ Mouvemeflt weekly on the Tommy a meal ticket, says LOS everything to do and they • ramona Mr. Love What,s Cover . Home Vlrglnle Hunter. Show, has added a Vegas could benefit from an did it." 145 Show Drel~p 8oat Cooking. iMi~IMI~' intw~mInterlorl . , Lm- VoomN_ I new dimension to its per- old axiom -- if it .works, :'The secret was to give £11II ;:~ The --me Family Definition Travel Frseflll~l ~,~lglllml sonal .appearances, At don't fix it. the customer as mu~ as :IS Doctors Street Feud. Oeflnltlon Eat Well' Sketching Express Sker~;h foe Sesame The, Edge Pay Ovm" Ad, Ad Haldl festivals across Canada this Having..started in the you could as cheaply as you Tomorrow Street Ofof Night CordsCmrda . easy ' . _.World_. World " . HltdI '. summer, the. four-piece city's lounges, tn 1964, could because whatever he ! ban d will perform songs and Crosby has Watched LOs All my NO~I America Many ~. La Vie bad left, he spent in the 12, o.,. c.c Children News Amlfico . FO~ stories written especially Vegasgrow while he evolv casinos. Today, the. cor- 14$ our Summer All my Maudo ° Alnlrlcl " Go to AVIS de Lives Mogaslne _ Hdren. .MaIJde '. for children. Leader ;John one of its premier en- porations figure if a steak _ Amm'lCl- ...... ~",,v_ll- . , Rncberche "Hoffmeo says he spent tertainers. Summer sandwich costs $7, they'll i.3~ Another One AnOther " /V~vla NO Place World N~'ga/Ine Ilte World MOO Lika Home Tro4Jvailkll seven years singing with But now, he says, cor- charge $15. In the old town, Another Prolectlons to Another West voyage al/llte kids at summer camps, "so porate chiefs with com- if it cost ;7, they'd settle for l World LIVe World ". vmivai voylgevoy,ge. : it seems pretty natural for puterized minds are Chips" C~'~tion General 'Texas Movlo' . AI~IhKI Reflltl the band to move into this :~ Chips Strcet h. changing the city. Hospital Texas Movie 1 • Sl~fcfllng • C..~Ips d'un Pays The builders of Lan Vegas Co.orion G~noral Texas Garden ~pw : area."... RecOrding artist "When I started playing : ~s Chips --- Cinema Strl~ ,, • • Holpitel TeXaS :. ~.Song """'" Marketing .~ Le Bonnie Prophet believes Vegas it was a lot more fun, -~ had a reason for the bargain J prices, he says. MAVIS The EC~I Ryan'l The Vic eradon'| Cognitlvo Fou that if at first you don't less regimented. I don't i~ Vi~10nS nt NIWII Hope Alan Tennis...--:~ Psychology Clnoma Take - succeed, go to the West understand these peopl e Happy " 1 Thieke" ,. This Old .... MClsl I;.a "They. weren't Crazy. Nor night rays ' s~ Homo..Holm. , .,'. PsydlologyPly~ology Fou j Coast and try again. who same in and thought were they philanthropists. -Prophet was unsacesosful they could make the city YSe YOU Mary Little They knew ff they gave you 4.~ ~vi. : Sessme ~ GsnMIcl~lnotlcl A ' • o~IMons Griffin " House Street OerlllcIGerletlC~ : Tire ' at operating the Fort Scenic better. It was._ already a the best of everything, .you'd "MOrV 0n Itle ' Sesame... Arts., Ante, club in Halifax and, having winner. They came in with be hack, You could lose ;,s n~hi Griffin Prairie ' JL, Str~ . . Po~Idat~Fo~at~ _ Le Peflt ~ j dropped that, vonture, be's. their computers and $I00,000 andeauldn't wait to .=. I King.5 HaPOy KOMO "'.:- Hawaii IV~tm" 111111 Tales . taken over Winniger's Post • comptrollers end .said this get beek. 'N0wadays,.a guy. Dk :II .INewi Days NeWS 4 FIvI-O Ro~rs Forward II Tales .1:30 . IKingS Tk Evening KOMO - Hawaii -. Dick Vision Tile5 House in Kelowna/ B.C, lounge is Xnumber offeet= who comes here and loses News Nws 4 Flv¢.o 4 C~wwr,C~v,m'. • onOn . Tiles I He's renamed it Bonnie and it's never gonna make $100,O00goes bananas when Barney ABC Nm Docforln ,Al~llld Quincy Prophet's Rd'nch House, this amount of money, so be has to pay 75 cents for a I~' :11 INews Miller News Hour 111t HOU u SkM¢hI~9 Quincy featuring smorgasl~.rd and takeit out and put in a Keno Coke. That's.what's driving n :3o ]Kings Lou KOMO N~ Busine~ GroWing Quincy V :~ INews Grant . Nlwl 4 Hour Report Yeorl Quincy entertainment six nights a parlor." them away." - 4 week. Crosby says the lounges :' : Entor~alh. PM The Mll:Nllll Iqtvol~lo~l. LO TofllghT Gr~t Northwest Jeffersens I.~rer of 1141 Telalournll '" Perhaps the real reason and other things that have Crosby says .. stars TIc Tac Sk~ll~ MoPI~It Stilt, O~t{IO~" I nstru, rile|. Barbara Man'drell dropped been eliminated, made the demanding six-figure OOt~h . Journal Show on Ice Series ..,Music MltlOnli her w_ee~Y:televisl.on sb)w . city what it.is and served, a ..weekly salaries.have driven Fadher The N0US is that her booking agency purpose. MurPhy . N~ure Days ~1[' . UXB •". Hutterltn Its estimates she can- make $I "They were not Rhodes hotels toproduct!an M~ws, Father M l..IVOfna FaI~I , DangerDil~eM" •i ' Oceanus Comiqmls eredlng what was once a Mur121y TIMngS S~llrtey - C In'' UXll , O~amn Xo~ i million a month from scholars, these people who prime~b market for en- Bret Throl'l Three's H~I Mystery Home Iii tertainers.' Maverick Company Company 1son Malice Intwl0rS Comlqtws gret ToO (:ION To Ckma kY More- People's Premiere Mlverlck foe Comfort Comfort Tank thought Page When stars began

McClaln'a ,'he Hart to Hart t0 NOVa Nova. " I~ramlrl drawing as much as $350,000 Law Natlonat Hart Hart Nays a week, the S2-million cost McClaln's This Hart to Hart to N0Vl. Nova Pl'o~os et • Law IJn4 Hart : Hart Nova N0vo Co~|d. to stage a production show = no longer seemed~ out of King S " Night Korea CTV U.$• Sign Alnsl News Fiml " NlWl 4 News coronlcle off va .sight for hotel munqement. TOnight NeWS - ABC Ham" ,~mk " Sign Io Nigh! News Final PriNlews off VIa COME STAY WITH US Crosby, who reed to work Tonlght Gallery Fantasy at Eng!ish Bay near Stanley Park the town ,24 weeks-a year Show I SPy i|lond ,Lahe AllceAlI~ i~i..~ I~CI~I and now daes eight to 10 tote" iSw Fantasy S~ow WKMP I~flniwa in"fieautiful downtown• Vancouver

Night I, SOV llda~l i ¢hl¢ilMl~i Ssan¢l M weeks, says he can weather the storm because of his wire o. S~n KOMO Mcq McCl0ud • .TOLL - FREE 800-268:8993 •. Lntterman , oH News 4 The MCCloQd ,1755 OAVIE STREET VANCOUVEfloB C. V6G lW5 lucrative beer commercials ...... KOMO LMe McClowl •~d club dates: round the M~juus---~-L ...... :.-.-.. - ::.. /TELEPHONE (604) 682-1831 ~ '. * I country.~ - 011 S Whynot]oinvp? - SOl t, ... . Take ......

p . -

Come winter, Canada's showing simply cost too comedy, The. Desert Song, '~d parks, has not been able TraVelli An the I regional theatres, will be much. has been booked for a fall to a with the museums Call ahead for reservations at any of these showcasing' more touring American to.u~ng com. tour of smaller Ontario corporation and public fine Slumb~er Lodge Motelsl • ".-~ ~., .;)..~.:~'...i'~.,,~-,~! .,~.. musical shows and plays ponies have always wanted cities with the help of the works On how to proceed. from other' Canadian cities. to bo paid in U.S. doUaro ~ O~tsrio ATts COmefl. The Now these four agencies Prnnco R rt Smnthers Terrace By the same token, there the Canadian e,~v~mt, show has become such a hit will be directly represented 627"iZiIII,L'I /147'22011 635-6302 will be fewer American They were hit a few years early in ~e season that ~on ,the board of .the new imports. ago by the federal g0vern. larger theatres, some of 4~#nada M/nseums Con- For rese~ati~s:'~C~t any Other Slumber It's not that impresarios m .ent'simposition of income them outside Ontario, are. election .COrp. Bog~ and Lodde Motel i'~ B~., call Slumber Lodge or and theatre proirammers •tax deductions on their considering it for their the two non-government ! 12 -682-6171."' ~'~ "" .....,. , have a sudde~ surge of earnings in Canada, wimter programs, members of the. board . " " '*":" ~'f~|~x 045;5209". :_ "1" ' r~ . interest in the high quality Ed (HonestEd) Mh'vish pmhably will have busy and of Canadian ah0wp.- It's just The arts centre is of the Royal Alex, who j~st. troublesom~ days ahead of that the shows cost |ess than reported to be dickering' bought the bla~r]e Old Vie " them tr~n.g to sort out'the ER L0DGE "ones from the U.S. with the Stratford Festival in London,. England, is .conflicting interests. ' - . _ . -; The drop in the dollar's- to get Brian Macdonald's dickering with the --- ~ . . ~.- • .-...-,. • exchange ~'alue has added- 'steilar~ production of The Chadottetown; Festival :for 20 to 35 per ce~t" to the coat Mikado for the mus!cal Singln' and Danein' of American import~ of all comedy series next winter. Tonight, another Show "kinds, including touring The Stratford. Festival which hasn't yet" opmi~. theatrical, music'and dance has already let it be known It's a new musical.review of companies. that the production of Noel Ca.nadS's --, many con- The National Arts Centre Coward's Blithe Spirit. tributions to Broadway -- in Ottawa, which 'regularly which .doesn't open until such things as Galt Mac- runs a winter screen of mid-September, will go to dermot's music for Hair and musicals,is not only finding the Royal Alexandra some old Carmen Lom- there are fewer good shows- Theatre in Toronto this fall;" hardo ballads. from Broadway available, The Shaw Festival's A second Charlottetown but these, that are being "pocket-sized version of the , Festival show, My Many offered for Canadian old Broadway~ musical Husbands; stars Juno award-winner .Catherine M~.K~on and her husband, Don Herren, the. man* of many parts includlng Charlle Farquharson. It is almost certain to go into ~e Gossip Column coming Winter's cabaret- show circuit. The new Crown. cor- their daughter's romance Poration that is to select. with' body builder and sites, design and build a new actor .Arnold Sch- National Gallery and a new warzenegger? - W.O. National~Musoum of Man in Ottawa is beginning to take sh~ape. It looks like an en- tirely new breed Of federal agency. It was announced some time ago that Jean Sutherland Boggs, the I)YING TO TELL: fo/'mer director at the The old election time National Gailery, would debate as to whether • ~ . ,,,. w return to Ottawa from the President Reagan dyes. ~" Philadelphia Museum of Art A. The Shrivers have his hair or. not has sur- to head the new corporaUon. faced again among said nary a word to She will be chairman of the , • ' Washington gossips. The- anyone about 2~ year old ~orporatlon'e board of ~ ~sc ~.rr~ ~sc ~ ooc~. In T,~, e;ooo~ ,v • latest story goes like this: daughter Maria's in- , :1.5 , NlwS MlllI~r . ~ 1 ~ ~ HOUSe Tirol Confld. directors with six members •0 :30 aINU'S A~u, g0,no s.m• 8usin~.-~ ~mu,o, Telei. ," ' It seems that, while the volvement with Sch- , News Stmkm" New~ 4 Hour Rq~rl Futwa Regional .~ " president . was warzenegger. But Friends four top civil .servants :~" ' . " , ' hospitalized after the remember that years ago and two ,from oatside the i, Entertain. TI~ Tw~ PM." The Fall., MKNelI. Eskimo Tell.' ; government. 1 i~ "ro~l~ Rmntn I~t .. Guy . I I.Mw0f Winter National assassination attempt in the Shrivers were openly TIc Tec ~k, ior Mapper TI~ Fill Outdoor " ~lklmo Billet,ill March 1981, some gray aghast when actor Peter The four government- ;~' ~ ~ show ~. swim Wlm,r din- • roots started to show. ~ Lawford,: ex-husba'nd of . . . -. Nancy /report'ed!y • Eunice's sister Patricla, the board- are'.the, cld~". :is -'0o.~ I._:.. ~0c~°mm~"~. .: --..Krm~".-... lnh'o.C'Ul"'"" s,m,.-.. . brought some liquid hair :~ -introduced :Jack ..and 8 - exeoutiVe officer" of the, el, ' ~ Film Io Camp; i exPOS . dye' to the hospital for Bobby Kennedy to National Museums., the 1 him As he was using it,,. Marilyn Monroe, Angle .... A~it~" : Tl~ Fall .'Megemm ~ . I'nh'o, Oe~l~ll' chairman of the. National :15 • oe Llfs , I.mKl~' GUY " e.I. ~ ' .Dlolo~ff - ides - the bottlefell to the floor • Dickinson' and .otber Capital Commission, the. ::~ ~y e~q|tmll :"/ ThO Feel ~ ~ Proim EXP,' Hollywood lovlies. Not and splattered. A nurse: deputy minister.. of .public ~oo c.~ "_" e.u. • ~ ~un, Unlv.r,. e.,,~ir rushed in to help', clean that their; concern ap- ~.~ ~' ".~..~ "' ~..~ u,,a.~i~. ~',.o.wi~. up and shortly after~she parently: i~ibited the works .and .the deputy- :i.5 ~lOCy NntXml ~.' , ~ e~lrfh Hulk , told a few people of the .playful broth~s, minister..; of cam- incident. But then she was convinced it .was bet- Q..Has. Christopher ter to keep quiet. ,Since --Walken ever talkedto -tJlat the~are the depart- 11" ':i~ 1.5 ro~l~,.N~,I . ~Fire| ...... • *A~,Aac • - :" ~ 2. MovieU.S. **- ~amOff ' . Ho~,S~rle * • the nurse supposedly had :the press 'about Natalie me~ts and agencies which '. s~ow I Lm~ . .: News . Fk~i , Owlmk'fe Off ' Ikwlo. refused to confirm the- ~Wood's ~death? i; can't were not able in the pa~tto s t o i" y, :, 6~n e. n e w s recall having ever read .ma'gazine..~vhich~liad this anything : .quoting.',him agree on a National Gallery I.~/ ' " t.om . i~. , . Movie dn' '" -- item dec/fied .q0r. Io run about the tragedyon the • plan, acceptable, to the m.I:~. ~ -Ll~do!'*-.'ilJ~, ..... 1~.. " I ~ ' it : . " Wd8~.rs t boat'- J F - government. TheNat/ansi " l', Have' Eunlce'" and' : A. "W alken.... ,has:Co' '" n -.; CapltalCommlJon,.whlch.. ,~: :.. r .... awa:are Sar~ nt : Shriver'. said: isist~ntly duck'ed the news loons ale. tm - a . anyth !ng;;puhliely,=abouti .:.:]~.m.~.,, i::,:.(:.. :,~;::i'.::]:.:.~; i~.-.~~ d .~.. ~Ysl=: • • , . .ol~.~d,~ tn,,,.,.~ .....~..../.~..:..'~.~Z..-: ...... :-.---:-... ,-..~. -. - -., : - -. o ..... g Page .10 Kertes Z l Photo Feoture


.:- But the Mlght/y Stooped, The eshibltian will travel to art history at Queen's of art no~ anunderstandlng the camera." TORONTO (CP) His . whiie.ha~.~,iakes ach-nirers watch over 'him the many galleries across University in Kingstun, Ont. of photography to be ap- : "Age is age, I am not in with nervous benevolence fuss~in~tride.:~. .... Canada and later to several When she went to work for preeiated, bad condition -- no tom- and hang on his every word. After all,.~t~age; 68 Andre America! citien. Toronto .art dealer .David "Most of what he's doing plain." The arty, the chic and the Kertesz isr..::aln0ng the Behind rite show-- but not MirvJsh, the first show sh(~ .is dealing with the human He adds fltat his one veryrichgushoverhiswork greatest.~p~ot0graphers to behind the scenes ~ Is Jane handled wns a Kertesz condition," says 'Corkln. sorrow is that he Can no and • snap up prints, ' have ever lived ~and he is Catkin, an ene~etic 33-. exhibition: ,' "H.e's d~mg with Ordinary longer '~ drive. ::,Hid In- autographed.` posters and familiai::with'~ su~ch at-. year-old: former. BustonlLd' Since then the two have people."- dependence suffers dearly books: with chequebook tenf.lbii.~''' " "' .who'opened Toronto's first, become dose. 'Such is ---Ono .enr!Y image, Tender. -- "I miss, vet:y I m~." abandon. Tile" oc~asi0n this' time serious photography gallery Kerteaz's trust in Corkin T0uch~ in 1915, shows a That ': ,this major Art students knees turn to was a' 70-Year ~etr0spective three:yeare ago. that she was not only glv~ man ~ fm'tlvelywith a retrospective" ...~of : the .": jelly and these who should of his work Shown at the Corkln fell-under the spell. responsibility for the woman in a field. Before Hungarian-born "New _ know : better ingratiate canadian" Cent~'e of of Ke~sz's manic'images current retrospective but thed, photography had Yorkerhusbeer/mou~todi~i "shamelessly. ' ' ' ' Photography:in Toronto. when she was a 'student of she also edi.'ted ~he photos consisted of p!ctorialism-- Toronto isa iml~PYStOry. for for a new book fittingly surf ,illustrations. Kertesz the.Canadl~nart world; but tlUed Andre Kertesz/. A was the IL,st to practisethat..., a. bittersweet on6. for Lifetime Of Perception: now-common ..photographic ". Kertesz. Pre-eminence in "=: 5:34:9:: 12-.:::..i3 For the exhibition, C0rk,in Creed -~ "catch the his. field hadn't co'me end Kertesz selected 200 movement." without heartbty.ak. • .images from among A key figure in the THURSDAY thousands taken since 1912. AnOther exquisite shot, burgeoning at~ seeneof~ They have done an excellent On The ~uals, shows "the Pa~ .m..the,-'~os,. Kertesz job of juxtaposing flash of aeoin in the.gloved . moved to'New York in l&~ Today I S&ch~, Good ,~-d0 ,~,,, Ing hand of a gentl~nan/po!sed. "'iS Show . i Jimmy Morning photographs taken :years only to find himself lie- • ,30 NeWS ,I Swnggart America ~ada Mister to give it to some ap- ;4~ News 1100 .-,, I Morning . i Rngera apart but based on similar suited to .the sometimes I, _ I themes, such as chfldrefl, proachin~ paupers. superficial values Of Seottle I ttunflel; AM ' Kareen'$ Sesame I Polka "It's clicking the shutter .15 Yogs . Sfreqt Dot door chairs, shadows and city commercial . photography. Today Street Northwest tho second you see the 30 5#stele 100 AM It's YOUr Sesame Read streets ~fter. a rainfall. A contract with H0use and •45 - Today ' Inllde . Northwest~0rmwesi, i ~va- " I Stt:net Along - , • shot," Corkin enthuses, i , . . • .I I . More striking in this body Garden'magazine did not Seattle Outllda " Love JoYce EIectrlc Home Ouvarture of work Is the immensity of "not thinking about it" af- t5 Today F~r, Gqant' Boat Davldlon . Company Gardener'. Mouvem~nt terwards iike the rest of us work out, so he freelanced. 30 Simmons Mister Love What's Cover.- Home PuhKlue Kertesz's' scope i - Parisian But even that was un- 45 Sfiow Dreesup Boat Cooking I flaide - IntMior~ Riconte i I I I cafes; hobos along the do." .... .: • .Successful- his work was Sesame Family Definition . Magic:of Freehand Magazine. Seine; winter in Washington c~nsidered " either 'too 1. I S TheDoctors Street Feud Definition Fainting Sketching Expres~ Square; distorted nudes; But"d,~spite such casual .30 Search for sesame The Edge Pay Over Ad, JOe le • subject matter,. Kertesz:s eloquent or too modern for 45 Tomorrow Street of Night Cords Easy WOrld " Fugltlf still -lifes; portraits and . commercial purposes, says I I " " I - ~" I I photography is disciplined abstracts. Ben Lifeon in his in- CBC All My. Noon • Danger SUper - LI Vie and sophisticated. Every :15 of News Children No'we UXB Markatlng S~rete "~ tile-past 40 years there " troduction • to Kertesz's L2.~ ouro.y, Summer - AH My Maude Danger Find Avis de" is no great photographer image, right down to the Lives Mngazlne Chffdren . " Mauda UXB - Ye~ra Resherdlle recent series of views taken" l~test book. And he didn't -- who hasn't looked at Ker- and still doesn't -- believe in Another Summer One Another Matinee Science Les . tesz,"• says.Corkin: Because from his ~reenwich Village I'/ World Magazine Life World It " Fo~detlen'. Tf'oovilllel apartment, is beautifully shboting numerous rolls,of 30 Another:": Human To Another Ihe " voyage Reflet~ J~e was among the first, for film•toobtain the ideal shbt. 45, Wo/'ld t Race i Live " i World i Bllou ,V°Yage d on Payt composed. example, to. experiine-dt "Is good only for:Kod~k-',~.-_' • 1R.tim Chips Human General - Texas Tough Allied d'un Plya "with night photography and the photographer:mutters. I`/ Chips Race Hospital Texas G~..y Sketching "I born for photography,'.' 30 ChipS Coronation General Texas " ~Ith Ossle' GO ta Cinema distorted nudes;, using Because EuroPe was on - 4'/ ChiPS - • , Street. , Hospital , Texas , Ruby, , sell . Le. ~.rt' Kertesz says in a heavy; mirror, KertesZ's influence the .verge .of ,w~IPv',-he-." on the medium is in- • French-tinged accent. "I Movle The Edge Ryart'a The Country Math' Trou photograph the.way I feel, registered, in, the United I~ Paradlsm of Night Hope Alan Gentlameh Math nermand • calculable. States as an enemy alien 30 Allay Take Happy Thicke Ir~Ide Cognitive Cinema not the ivay I see. The 4'/ " Movle - 30 Days Show- Buldnesa D~velopment Cinema What's best about" Ker- camera 0nly .hel~ me. It. and :as.. such ,'v~as ~barred , l I l I I Growl ' -- tesz's work, however, is its from photographingo n the ParadiSe - summer The Little sesame - ng ~k Tire has no soul, ,at heart. : I'/ Alley Network Merv - House Street Years d'Alle .accessibility.- It requires streets.. Finally, after "Analysing . is your 30 Movie MuFFet . Griffin " On the Sesame Arll L'tmag. neither a formal knowledge becoming an Ameiqcan 4'/ Movie Show Show. Prairie Strnet,,~ " Found~lon • ao Gated business. I have nothing . to citizen he went back to' do (with.lt)." King "~ HaPPy Korea. Hawaii MIMer .... Fast Lee House and Garden in 1947 Hard of heeling, with News Days Ne~is 4 Flve-O Rogers Forward I Grandee for44 years.. .. " King 5 TK Eve. ABC Hawaii Dick " Self " Oatallle~ failing vision"and sltghtiy News - Hews NeW~, Flve-O " C~vAff !n¢orpscatad du Pa~e Although he had his first -.v~/s-7: . trembling hands, Kerte~z N BC . Barney Komo " NewS`+ I~'tor In canadian Lautren: :~.----,~, 'solo show in Paris in. 1927, /-./~x. /'- ~tinuestopractisehis art. two.yearsafter'his arrival King S Love . Korea ''- News BuMness "'. Multi, . Vlvra "I do--'what I like to do, there, he wusn'tu(~corded a O NewS 8oat News 4 -1." Hour . ._. Roger1 " Cul.twa a Troll --2/. t I. • .....I I .I I I - -- always. But sometimes I n0t- solo exhibit in New York -- ...... Tonight Love " . Pm .".' 14at'her' " MacNell ' Ir~ . Te[al. • touch for long time: If.no at the M~eum of.Modern :15 Tonight 8oat NorthweSt . Volley ' Lehrer Education Reg. - ~0 Tic Tic " I~ /~uppet .... LittleSt Outdoor " Multi. " TIIII.. reason todo I don't touch Ai-t -- until 1964, ' =:: f 145 Dough . iS,how iHobo Serlne, CultUre : NMionel , ' ! - I , I I _ ...... ' ...... So.it.was .withbiiterness '-::-=:. Fame : Fent,ay' Dark, . Mngnunl " Snel'l~. . Fir,~_:of ~ . LOs ,that 'he" recently :turned: • _. '%S Fame _ ; siand - . room : I~ . ' Provl~v~ ' me.menu . urande ;30 Ferns " ~"~ FantasY* ' : Dark' • " Magnum' " ThI-Od 0cHhul "' Films -: '; " '-" '::-: : down an .offer fr0mNew' .aS Fame ' Mind room ' P.I. ' ' ,: Hool~ : '. Ocaanus ; Lee .. '. : , 'I I ' i • "l " NEWIN TOWN?: Send York's -'Mptropolita~ Different Kn~l ' • Barney . Dlff'rent Evening , Home Grands • " Museum of ~ tomotm-tihe ~:I$ Strokes Lending M ler StrokeS " It ~ "' ntwor* Films [.~ US PUT . .-~ " /.. : .. .current: retrospee.tl~,e. " :3.0 Ttm High ~ Knots " Police 'LIve It ' Erecting . .. notable " Lea .45 Fl~;a iLandlng ::lSqgldl ' " * IUP . " latP~gt " " i Man. " " i Grands •cards ae,t accept - 0UfTH[ MAT' . , ' ' . ~. |",~ • me.:Now Amertcd wants to :--- Hiil The ~m ~ ": H'~m ~;'L ' " ~'. ~'* Films • I1 ,, Street Nat ona. ' 20.~0". -Street. Mae S~¢lala " Films FORYOU! , . . i , '"-' ~;i~ ',: do ever~jthing.~but'I don't. I1" "l I 30 BI,u~ YM -~ '. Sluee- - West ' " " .e4)a¢lela. Pro~o~, It :accept."- ,:-. • • V' 45 Hill Mlntsf~' " ~ " r . " " " H II , " F.eStlvaI • * SF~lala Co~ld.. . ! , t I ' " I , t ' I I " ...~ . ,'l :~ I ,['I: -- , :Ac~rdingly,.h~l'wish"Is .., ~- 'K nO S Nigh/" " Komo - " C'T~/' • . • IM~vl~ •. Sig n • - Qudre" • _ ~PlII~IMM'~ ~:/...... [ ~'1 that the collection remain. In 1 I is N,ws Feet " NeWS4 ' NeWs . ; ~kl .... Off t FetuseS,./" g. i 30 Tonight " ' News AS(; .' ' Hour ' ,. ; Ull|i~dh ": Sign Q~.~tra i i 45 ShoW My.Three News . FI~I. ,: .EIU~bl~h.~ " Off. " ,VieS : ' ,' _,,~,L~ll:i]~..~ treasure: and"C0rkfn'.says , " ..... i . " I. I . • I -:.'. '..l , . ~ •

• ~ " Ton0ht' Soni" * " t'V~S.. : Till , iQuln~':"" ...;7" ... De,, .... ,. , " " i i':.. D~,Lf.:,J. - • • the.wice ~is'rea~abie ~.But, " I wj .15 Show ' .A,, Or. Klldari : ~/t~d . " Lilt .- ' QUIll ' ~/, - " ," • Chindolls" ." Fors l~:bmc'h~,ro..,t0, f~ : she also ~ys thiit eorpome 1-£ :I. , ,, :: . '

DIvld " ' Sign. laMa.-" " The '' .' ,, - , Nancy Oourlle ' In fl C :~fl toll fro a~flms" : wecfuhy dlfflcult:te find for: . t**tlermon Off. • " N~rv~ 4 .: KIII~" . - ~ - " HBC, . . Sign.... supermen ' Bees : ~III~';" -- H~ + ~# "~ "r N~V$,4 ':-" ' 7,. i oon't i Wlf#. ... ~: ! . ., '. • -" ". " .... ,. ,:; .".:..., P... • - '.nee~5;If,:it'Is b r~in .:--.. i i : ...... ', ,:7. .',::.:.-.-.:: ~ i~;~",:':':.... Robin Adam 51oan's Gossip Column

Q. Whatever hap- Palm Springs, Calif.. A. Rest assured. A. I can remember dora. 0nce-~did' ai TV described as being pened between society were in a cold sweat not Zmed's head is screwed that Susan. before commercialt'garb~d"0nl~...... erotic and sensual." band leader Peter too long ago, It seems on rightly and tightly; Of achieving movie star- in a bath towel.':l~ waS~all.... The catch is that Susan's Duchin and his wife that Eddie Fisher and his all the young "Grease 2". pretty :harmles~r; -~'by co-star in these scenes Cheray? Did they finally, ex, Debbie -Reynolds, cast members engaged in today's.,,X~rated film;.,.- was not some g0rgeot/s divorce?, M.T. had both booked r.oo_ms,, press interviews, 1 hear although~:sh~s~,had~her male - but none other at the Inn for the same he is not only the most shar~ of spicy part~t~ttch ~ t h a n C a t h e r i n e period; As you I~now, ~ co-o~rativ.e but the also as' m Lou,is, M~|f'A~: Deneueve. , those two have been bit- the least demanding, by "Pretty Baby." Per h~p " " tar enemies, and even far. Adrian has im- therawestwill~bsU]~0~e~ /I Ilallld | m o r • so s i n c e pressed everyone with his she just" compi~rfd_,jn:. ¥ ' Pitl~=l I publication of Eddie's easy participation and movie called ~ ~"Th~ ] Keep ' ,. |~- autobiography, which apparent lack of ego. Hunger." Wd~-~h,lar | Canada .: | was not especially kind This only sootilY'to prove Sarandon has s,.~eral [ _ Beautiful . [~, to Dabble. The dilemma the show business axiom: 'intimate: scenes tl~'t ~tre~ was solved.-when Eddie "The bigger they are. the ~ agreed to leave early and bigger they are."' ..... ~ ~"......

A..Yes. Peter ~and herDebbiedeciOedtodelay 50th birthday party ford'sQ. Huntington.reputation Hart-as a • N2 " 3 :4 ' 5 ' "9 12 13 Cheray are divorced. She; .... at the spa for a day. so has since remarried and the two did not meet. ' perennial Don Juan .... is now Mrs. Luther Q. Shirley MacLaine ~,eems exaggerated. Is he ~ Hedges. Jr., of can't be a spring chicken deservingofit?- L.L. FI"DAY Washington, D.C. Peter anymore. Hbw's she A. A beautiful Du~hin allso has a new holding up in the looks Manhatian model tells love in his_life since'ling" department? - M.T.B. me that he sure is. She A Today Be~h¢. 'C-~ Canada Morning "'" was -s.hopping in. 6 :15 Show Jimmy Morning A;M. . A~'ning Iongtime marriage to A. Quite well, thank Bergdorf's a while back i~ s~,s sw.~, Amer,c, can,~, ~,t,r : Cheray broke up. The you. Shirley, at 48, has when sh~ realized that ' " newladyisactress and magically retained she was b~ing ogled - and A s,m,. ,~n,.v AM xnm's s~.mo Po~A, StrNt ~ " author Brooke beauty of both face and hunted - by the 71 year :~s Today Street ~rthwest Yoga Dot door :30 Seattle 100 It's Your Sesame • Sl~read Hayward, who wrote form. On a recent sum- old Hartford. Trying to :,s Today WormOf . Morlllwe~t Move Strut " Wlrlgl "Haywire," about life mar afternoon, she was shake him, she quietly ..... p,.m ~ve Joyee EIt'Gdrlc * Guttrl O~vertufl with her mother, thelate seen striding pur- " luqll~il ~ see.,. actress Margaret posef~ly along New left and slipped into Van :~s Today Fr. G;ont Boat Davldmn Company . 1"~9 M0evem~nt Sullavan~"and her father. York's Madison Avenue Cleef and Arpels next slmmoos Mister Love ~. What's " Cover BIo~tutm& kll Bolts agent Leland Hayward. on her super legs whert door, Within minutes, show .Dretsup. 8oat Cooking InlleNI Mollcullr Fiibllo .

Peter's side during all of downward and became- course, it was the multi &&i~ S4tir~hD°Ct°rlfor SeSameStreet . TheFeqdEdge StlmrOMInltl°~lPay' ov~Lawmakers, HumanM"Biology Ex~ml~lflOefl. hisorchestra gigs lately, suddenly awarethat her married .- multi tomorrow Street of Night Cardl- . Elly . B4h41vlour bosom was a bit more ex- millionaire, calling from ,11 ~,~ ;. ~,s eec ..... ~,,'~ ,o~ N.,~a, su~,r ,.. v,. ~ a booth across the street. :~s • News Childrm qlws Geo. M~'k,l~lng Secrehl.. posed !han she'd -in- He described the model 1Z~i our cue - A, ~y ~,ed, Sm~;,, S.n,or . ~v,, e. tended] Smilingly, she ,,,, "" Children Recherche began buttoning up her to the manager, who co- uv,, ~e~. co.,, . C~ blouse and rearranging ~ operated, by having her 1 \ ~om,r cec one ~e*~r " Arm, Sca,c. ~ the folds to camouflage pagedt Intrigued by Har- I i~:15 World' Nm LtM Worm :i Adams . Foendefi0n Trouvsllles the startling ~ cleavage, fiord's determination, , . • World~ Cities.Cities toLive AnotherWorld' • . • AdamsAn~l Voyage.Voyage d'ttrlRefletl Pay|

Passersby lucky enough the model began: con- c,,,, General. Texas ' SINInt/ , Matlrllls Rlflltl versing and found him.so i~ c~,mChll~l . Cities Hospital Texas Spring Stress e'en Pays to catch a-peek report charming she accepted a c~,m .. CoronatiOn Genera! Texas of RsClllef Your Claim, that Shirley's curves dinnerinvhation. (Souil- 145 Chilli * Strmt . HON=IIal Texas Cation evilness Ltl '

remain as voluptuous ...... Amants SH&KY JOB: The top and ample as ever. ds- like a scene from a ~ Movie 1"1141Edge Ryan's The VI¢ TO " ~ ' brass at 20th Century Q. Your news dlat Lat~%owromance.) O :15::~ CllyDark ofTake NIgM., H~'HaP~y . NanTh|cke Signereden WithHealth de,.Sllzbourg Fox have been holding Adrian Zmed is stealing Movie. 7him Days Show Sign You Cln4mll ...~. private meetings recently the ~"Grease 2"- movie Q. Susan Sarandon is ~11 O,rk " Nm from, The Little , Sesame , Man Made ~" A ;rlre to discuss the fate of comes as.no surprise as such a talented actress i~ :15: city zoos . Merv House Street World O'Alle' " Sherry Lansing, Fox's we've always fouild him that I was surprised, to :~0 Movie MuRI~t Griffin. on the . sesame Sclmce P~lnot .

first woman president, a dynami!e actor; Is this hear that she once made :~_ Movie show Show .' Prairie 1 [ Street . T~hn. IN~lnot Many of the company new success likely to turnl an X-rated movie. Can q~R :.~. NewsKlng"5 " i DaysHaPPY. . newsKOm°4 eFL-Football .MIsterRo~lr, OffsTr~le , Can|Wlmg°MtNIt!. executives feel that his head?- B.JI. that be true?'. K.V; K,,O 5 TK Komo CFI. Dick Foufoul| FOOtball Sherry-does not have her .... ~ N~,,~ News. News 4 Football -' CawH "Po~foull Caft,d|a,l .

finger on the pulse of the ~ NeC earn.V ABe* - CFI,. • Doctor in " ~i ~ "1 " F~b. ~, younger movie going ...... !i~ .~,~ ~,,I.r N.m ,=oem,, ,i. Hou,, S~,,ch,n~ Can,e,,n " " 1 . King 5 ' Love - • KOMO CFL Business Gr~w|ng Football audience. One insider b . Nm Boat ~ Football Report Years Canadian told me that right now IBROWNIES' .... \ her job depends on how "I sntor,a,n. ~ovo ,.~ c~t.. ~oc~h-:: ~unea... r~b., well the company's latest Fried Chicken Franchise I i:~ rlcr°aluht'rac Thee°etFacts MemnN°rt~vamt' CFl.~F°°tball t.ehreroutdeor' ' A,veHU&an&G*o. Cer~elanL, -- release '.'Author!- Availabie In • - ~oh ~ uf, she. ~ooro., s.ri. w., • T,,,I. •Author!:; .does at .the • - ' " " boxoffice. ::-:::_,- ...... :-Terra,...... : ...... • . .go - ::~:{~~ Clark~,v,,,,..-:sc~v .: ' SCTV .,. • = :-: .:-- Tonk,.mAy ...... WeekW.,~. ~' OfA,~,, Man :"" ',','.Reglonal .' Q. You never hear Dawson Creek c~,,o~ sc'rv " Making • One Day Wall sf. Ascent Hlitolre " ..... StOry ' • $c'rv LIvlNI olo Time Week Of Man ' es Nancy Kissinger's name Excelient oppor_funity for ambitious • brought up in Connection " I~ Chicago ., Oallal ABC . . BCTV BiograPhy . Intro. . Trklns with' Nancy 'Reaganand couple who.would like to operate their ~ :~ story • Dallas Friday . ,~lal BlograPfly 61ology . con't , .. . : Chlc41go 1 -- ' Dallas-- . Night" Movie Good . Prelect Oenlet her pals. Is Mrs. own business. ;,s Story 1DBII&$ MOVIe. Prn4nt. Nelghb. Ufllverf4 imHQrbe" ~rc~o The " Mattlrpllce Internltlmll H, L,etrot~ Kissinger in with the Fir- 0 CHile. The st Lady's California • Good financing available " ':is and co. ' Na,ona, AaC Oem,m T~,a.. O*v,~,t n,cont, : friends?...T.T; , :~ ca:tale Royal . I=rlday P.rll~lple MasterplKe Rile of " Pr~¢ot 14 " • mid Co. Candlin AF movie Merle Theatre M4~lern . . Confld..

A. Notat all. Nothing - 1 -- Contact: is ever said. pub|icly, btjt IL~qlql i;, NewsKings ,NIghtNewsFinal . . NewsKOM04 HourClVNews " .IIceMYst"'Y off,S'gn " ClmmsLe" the California• ladies find Mr. Webb ~ *' ~vght ~ . . moe,~Afore. Sign ,CenDrd Nancy Kissinger's man- / ; (604) 5~..9120 reg. 1 ~ . " "' ~ ~ 1: 1 Cherlle,s Final Off nerrather":n°t~t°their =" "'" :,.._ liking. I~ fact; some of . " ' "Key R.ealty Umlt~l ' * "" ":":~:": 17i :.~ c,,,w, ,,,o,n - c.,L.,, .. c,,.,,.

them refer.t0 Mrs. K: in -. " (~) : 52~ Y" " 1 ": " ": ': ~ | scrv Angels ...... Fridays .-" Merle "" """ " " : cinema .. " " ' * ;:" ' " ' '"~ " '" I mi4s Network The ,' Ftld4yl I ' lldlNls . Cinema somewhat ungracious : 1 . : .~ . ~.... , .~. , ...... ~ • .. terms, - • : : " • 7763Kingsway,-: .,. :1 ' =:-Fridays '" "q In' . " ¢lrl, e. " ,:,- :15- : Notw~rk': ; Ro~ntU " PRICKLY : .TWOSO.. . , . 1:: Bornaby, B'.C, : ,, ... : :':~.I0 " SOl"V:;::,'. $1gn • " Sl~Xklh9 , S~nlem ' .| , Clue-Nult ." , ).M.E:'.rThe managers"or. . : ....." :::"V3NCg:: ...... :-: ...... *:.. :- ' Nk,h~0rk ;~.C ~. ' ~ov~,-. ~[ov'e ' ...... NUtS .*~ _.~..

'the Ingleside.Inn. ..sPa in. : " 1 " ", ...... " f ' ' r ...... * ...... f . . : . f . A . , . • ' ''' ' ' ,. . {- ,. .Page 12 I II II I I I I I I I o- Robin RdeLm SIo n'8 Gossip Column

' I I III _ I L given a key r01e in a new .Q. •Every time [ see Q. Sid Caesar has deserves to be. There is a Been7" The problem: always been our alltime reason for that. Caesar's drug and alcohol abuse, TV series Starring actor Richard Gere's Suzanne Somers? - N.R. picture in the paper, he is favorite-comedian. Why ~. personal life went from which he is now hasn't he been as suc. through rocky times for 4"ully recovered. Sid and A. Gene was all set for escorting a different a while to play the pilot young actress. Hasn't he cessful.in recent years as. '-some two decades co-star~ -lm0gene Coca other, far less talented following his classic were ~eame'd again of a-jetliner in. a TV settled down with one seJ'ies-~i:~/co-starring steady partner yet? comics? - G.D. "Your Show of Shows" reeentl~, in Boston in an TV appearances .in the * opera, of allthings. Suzanne .as a:Iovable, P.W. sexy and somewhat A. It appears Richard late 1950s. Sid has : A. Sid has. enjoyed. written about • that • Q. Gene Barry is still dippy airline, stewardess. has, at long last. Abouta one 'of my favOrite TV 'The show' ' w~ I "titled year or so ago, a some .success ;n the last difficult period in his few years, although he is forthcoming autobiogr- actors. Wasn't he "SuzyMahoney," which Brazilian born woman supposed to have been is Somers' real name. painter by the name of .Q. Has .John still not as big a star as he aphy:."Where Have I Sylvia Martins caught Schneider decided to and kfpt-Gere's eye for drop out of TV's "The quite some:ti~," Then Dukes of Hazzard" to Richard strayed and was get on '~'iih'a movie..:. seen with a bevy of career? - Y.R. actresses ranging from A. Yes and no. John Tuesday Weld ,to may be doing both - Nicaraguan born staying with those Dukes Barbara Carrera, All the and making movies, super socializing seems although at present John to be in low .gear right and co-star Tom Wopat 635-4971 now.. since I spotted the are having a bit of a Pork Ave. FEATURESOF THE WEEK 32 year old Gere.recently hassle with the show's at a swanky Manhattan -~ producers over mer- chandising rights and Price reduced and party back arm ,in arm • Attractive, well. If you area first home •with Sylvia Martins, payments. Schneider's vendor will help. Home first movie, co-starring hasthree bedrooms, two Ground Floor Op. maintained home with buyer, this could be for portunilyl New sub- four ` bedrooms, over you. Condominium Q. I find it strange Kirk Douglas, is "Eddie fireplaces, sliding doors Macon's. Run," being- from dlnlng room to division in Horseshoe 1200 sq. ft. located In. with many extra that in all the interviews area. All services, quiet area of town.' features prided to-sell with Lorna Luft she shot near Laredo, Texas. deck, ensulte and walk. In closet In mitster paved 'roads, and un. Large dining room with assumable mor. rarely mentions the name Then Schneider will bedroom. Owners derground wiring. Drop with patio doors to. tgitge to qualified of her famous mother, make a real career shift by becoming a producer anxious for sale and will In and make your' offer. , sundeck. Greenhouse. purchaser. Owner Judy Garland. Is there a look at all offers.+ PriDed In the 30's. Priced In the 80's. + ,anxious for sale. reason?- S.T. and a director • of "Return ~,To Red LOTS & ACREAGE A. It seems to me that Castle,!' a TV movie. He HOMES UNDER l~,000 4818 Tuck MOBILE HOMES Lorna, who is now then hopes to make a 4827 OlSOn 4723.Hitlliwell+ ON LOTS S228, $230, 530¢ 5240 appearing on screen in Western for the big 5236 Mtn. Vista 50,10 Agar 2711 Thornhlll Mfit. Vista• "Grease 2," very much screen. Note, however, • 4817 Hitmer-I- 3814 Marshall 3643 Cottonwood 5031 McRae wants to stand on her that the last two ventures 3323 Eby 3527 Cottonwood 26 Timberland 4915, ~'4910, 4900, '4906 own talent and does not are planned during 5075 Thornh!ll 2156 Laurel+ _:39Tlmberland Lambly wish to trade on the breaks from the 5024 McConnell+; S310 Mtn. Vista+, No. 35-3889 Muller 3710 Caledonia family reputation,, which "Hazzard" series. ,Mth. Vista Drive+ "4421 Greig+ Kelum & Loan has by now been well HOMES UNDERIM,0~ RURAL established. Lorna's- .4326 Marsh Cres. No. 9&26 Hawthorne HOMES UNDER $110,000 RESIDENTIAL No. 99 Walnut biographical sketch in 5044 Graham+ * Beitm Station Road the "Grease 2" publicity. 3828 Westvlew Drive ,No. 74 & 100 Walnut 4931 Lezelle-F 3969 Doble 38 Kroyer Road 3302 Eby handbook never once 5003 Ager+ .....~ McOeek 1st Avenue, Litkelse mentions JUdy's nam¢._:-- Eby & McConnell 4118 Anderson+ 8136 Agor . - Lake :: .... If a reporter questions • 5244 Hituglitnd 4107 Yeo+ ' 54¢S Hepple Woodland.Park Drlve-F Kroyer Road+ the •fact, Lorna will c.o- Corner of Mist &. 2302 Evergreen Kalum Lake Drlve~:., Mills Avenue operate with an answer Furlong. ~ • Robin Road. but she never initiates Kalum Lake Drive any information. HOMES UNDER rare0 ' :.. * LOTS OF LOTS! Evory 4022 Bonner+ INDUSTRIAL& : description, size, Iwice 4823 Hitmer-F CONDOMINIUMS TASTE In Ad- Q. Did Doris Day's No. 124714 Davis COMMERCIAL and litcatlon~ Call us to vertising: The racy title 4629.31 Davis . " 4813Lakelse+ • per(hitle it lot of your last marriage collapse 5111 Mills+ No. 84714 Davis of the Broadway musical because of her No. 103.4530 Scoff Lloyde Street+ ¢hek~i "The Best Little_ 2105 Pear+ 4431 Grelg fanaticism about her 4817 Davis No. 11-4714 Ditvls Wh0rehouse in Texas" canine pets? - N.G. (-I-) are MLS has never had to be changed for ad~'¢rtising A. No, (hat' old Story r acceptance - with one making the rounds in interesting ~exception. Hollywood is Completely ! .... PARK:AVENUE .When :the. .hit show I " " ~apocryphal, Doris.is an 4¢, " I •-recently-moved to the attimal lover and has O'Neill "Theatre, the~ been for some time. One :- producers innocently. of thepositive aspects of REALTY LTD. erected-, impressive new her former marriage to 9 invites you to view these " Barry Comden - a health marquee signsreading in JUDITH JEPHSON listings on REALSCOPEI BRAD VANZANT large letters simply. food-store owner II 638-1652 638-1490 "WhorehoUse." An years Doris' junior (she's immediate complaint 58) -~was their combined was.-registered by .St.~.... •devotion to the.care and Malachy's~.-the well welfare of stray animals known- actors~, church. via the Doris Day Pet whichlust:happens to be Foundation.. They were situated across the street!, divorced.in February for Out. of : deference, the " .reasons other than .producers willingly.took Doris' passion, for- ~d down ' the signs'. in . protecting pooches.. Day FRANK SKIDMORE JOY DOV E R DWAI N McCOL L PAT QU I N N K~-TH-W IL LIAMS' qu~tion, replacing them recently sold her Beverly .. 635-5691 635-7070 635,2976 638-8741 63S..S439 with newonesgiVing the Hills home and setded show's full-:-titlespeiled ,'permanently., in. ot~t in smallm: ~'letterd... California'd :~Carm'ei ....Nicegesture,..:. -:"-.. " * : Yail.eyi..=.iWithher 18 pets, ! - Ab~ow ~t, Vu,k,rl, oo! ]S.C., ~Isly 24 mMl 2S N ID:ERHOOF AIRSHOW • JULY 24th & 25th


:. ':::i:.:.:!:~:h.B:.RaYBan Reds (fo.rmer/y Canad/.an:Reds)will hlghllghtthe Show atthe Vanderhoof Alrshow ... , z ' AbzZ~w s.~lmut, Y~d~ool, B.C., J.l~:/A e~l Zs

i YOU'RE IN COUNTRY! I It . ',-, ,., 'am ~._,.,~..,,,,,,,..',,:

;,.... --'-'1 sO1

l T , ,°J; k $'(,- • .(~..

"¥~I*M I,*, %

I •._. !+- ,. ~,.~ • . P--4~ LAxt- • ...._.~j....~ I i I i

Sw"nl'l la&l, i ,,p i ) i- ,J' / LEGEND oi 1. PRINCE GEORGE "- ,' \ ",•, I / A) Forest Chain/, Central Husky Service / .999 Central St.; 562-1235 ,p- -.10 ~ :: / - B) Ooug Cherry 509 Carney St.; 563.7888 ..... C) Anup Sengh, RidHighway Hulky c 4450 Hart Hwy.; 962-7818

, lilt,, 3. BURNS LAKE Bob Hanlon, H-,nl~no Husky 8er)lce Hwy. 16 Wast; 692-3413 AY 4. VANDERHOOF l Fred & Wayne Deodcson~Venderfloof Husky \ Hwy. 16 West; 567.4804 5. MCBRIDE -- \ 'j. Frank 8tewart, MoBdde Hulky " -.- Hwy. 16 West; 569-2441 C't'a~,~a..l ] \ e. FORT 81'. JOHN- o \ A) Remple Auto 8endce, 10304 Alaska Rd.; 785-6464 % \ B) HlgllWsy Cerrrruok Wish ° • • I 1ooo4 Tab.an Rd.; 2e~s121 i'i",.,,.,: ._ 7.-D&WSON CREEK Re~lwood Food 8tore, 1700 Alaska Hwy.; 782-1414

8. MCLEOD LAKE ,,-,~ '. Crooked River Clblna, Highway 97.North *. r 0. BEAR LAKE' Don Celllghan, Highway 97 North; 972JI414 ~" " 0 /-:. :~! ''I" '10• QUESNEL E & M London Foods, 498 Front. St.; 992-3942

11. WILLIAMS LAKE ,"~L o, Oymon Sendce, 1335 Hwy: 97 SolJth; 392-7600 , .,~ ::......

12. 100 MILEHOUSE " ...... : " 100 Mile HUIky. 591. Carlboo Hwy. 97 South; 395-4133 I ~:) k= .....

/ t I'. MOOD LUCK FLYERS, OH AIRSHOW ,S21!i ~ pam~- k~, . .

HuskyIL " ...... h ...... THE RAY BAN REDS h,. s . ~,o,, S..,..t, V.'*,~, n.c., ~.~ U --, ~S

r .Canadian twosome dazzles crowds- Watchl~ Rod BlUs.and m 10_nghours of practice. Canadian Armed Forces pilotsu Lycoml~ engines and ~ winp resoM and enthusiasm to ' ~ the ~ alrshow Cowan of the Ray.Ran Reds per- The 39 y~r old Cowu ante: well. have. Ix~ modified to include form an amroballc team flyinl semen, they base thdr alrcraft at form dauwli~ aernimtics in their "The~,, nothinS seat of' the "Aft~ flyi~,m Mriln~, let- the Pitts Specisl S-l, a one seat dlff¢~mt ~ in Vancouver ~r cadomb~ bipinlm, few,people pants about the dual fpmmflon tins behind the controls of our rolrratesin mtceu of 22.5cl~rees biplane, on w~kende and Toronto, a wayof cutting down would Illels what the two pllota manoeuv~ people see in our Pltts2-SA blplanea b a way to per seemed. The team's aircraft " hoHdays~ Rod F..llis became the the fl~ tbm toast in ~ in conakk= the worrisome part of act. Every move has beenpolish-, relax", told Cowan. "It's like c~l~ at IS0 mike per honr pins, t~an'a lead pilot in 19"/$. That easmn or wemm Canada md in their tmul,.,l"hobby". ed md ~e.polbhedover and over ddvinSa Idshpovnnl spore car u~s ,bout tm m~ pno~ y~r, ~ mm ,~:qum~~ twin the United States. "it's I~tlh~ to the shows, hav- spin." Id~ commutin~ in the family of fad i~ bout. Crobinl nmle seat bi-s~u~ ~ nytoday. "The lm~onmm~ m • bob- lag to fly eras connury in nil The Ray,Ran l~Is, spomored sedan." . IS tppt~dmatdy ,100mum. m' involv~m~ in by for ur, not a budness. The mm of weather onndil/om", by Raugh and Lomb Inc., the .. Ellis, • Idler on CP Ak's boe- "Ominl to ~ dam .and • ~-o b~m in ~ .m4~. nyins sponsorship by Banlch and rays the 38 y~r old ~IS. ~ Of ~y'~ ~' 1: ~ 747's. points out that the ot1~ evems at wh~h we porfom wlth the ~ Armed Fm Lomb allows ur- to cover the Cowan, who with Ms t~un. me the coumrfs only dviIIsn "jumbo" Jet wdsh" some across Canada and in theU.S. "O01den ,Centeanalres" corn of the aircraft sad th~ mate will perform at the mrohadc mum, - 778,000 pounds ~ompured to the can take a. lot. Of re~N~ ~aaobaflc team u a "Red like maintenance and hotel V~f A]nhow Jniy 24Sh BothHIIsandCowanbd~a. blpisn~' 1,500 pounds. The stolm", uld BUs, "but tim can Kulgh¢' In a T-~3 jet. . I~h,, said mls. and ~th, ,~Im mat tl~ e~d wealth of fl~ ea~ to DC-10'sthatCowanfllmfurCP be pan of the fu#'. displays of close formation thdr part tbne hobby. Botham, /dr, wdgh some aS0,000pounds. w~ am. ,,~ms with-,the m=ol~k ~ hav~bee. work- whol/veinValgouvqs',aropflots The Pltts S-2A'! hsvo been Canadl,n Arm~ Fro. Cowan ed out to ~pUtsecond pmddon in fur ~ sh';.and th~ m former modified wi~ 260' bonmpowe¢ and a fdlow plint pooled io . - "

WAYNE DEORKSEN * ' /- " ~' The chairman behind Alrshow'82 • . . . - . . . VANDERHOOF -- Deorks~ Is erie of th~ driving 300. 400 houri of flying under War Two.. • .. ' - "Enerlgetic" Is agookl dsserlp- fog~ on the- Board of lMrectors hlsbelt, Deorksmmysheneveg He onlb hlmself an" "avlaflon tion and so is the Word • 'of the Blue Mountain FIy~rs thonsMoflearninStoflytmfllhebuff" and-prldes hlmself on "dynlB~c". "Communitymind.- Club, the parcel 0rsmticat/on travelled to.Europe in the early owning one of the best librarim ed" and."adventurous" are also that puts on the two day ~- 1970'swith his wife, Wmdy. • on the history of flight in the apt dq~tiour, travagamm. . "While there, they visited NechakoValley. Together, : these adjectives' He has held a numl~' of pod- sovarel well known aviation Deorksm recdved his private palnt'averbni portraitof Wayne floes on the executivedace the museums, and Deorksen came -pilot'sllaenae at AltairAviation Deorksen, Chnirmon of the1982 Club c~one into belng and has home with a "bundng urge.to In Pitt Meadows soon afler his Airsh6w-Commlttee; been heavily involved with the "fly". He wm also instilled with a return to Canada.Alh~llving on As well as being in charge of Airshow s/me it first originated, long tenn interest in the history the B.C. coast for the better pan "or~ud~ the nationally known An experienced" private pilot of aviation, particularly the ad. of a year, he returned to extravaganza this summer, with a night endorsement and vancements made during World Vanderhoof, h;s hometown since his ore school days. • couple of years later, in |, Deorksco c~founded the • MountaM Flyers Club with other - dedicated private. tC'Since then, the non.profit sty has grown by leaps and nds and brmghed out into nl fields. ".... he Ainhow il still the major ~ly eveat/ni.though the group been involved in the Omineea ~lers' ,Sports and the Cl dlenge Cup. snowmobile ~L • orksm, the past predda~t the Vandrifters SnowmobDp b; was-the originator an]l [nnan of the Challenge Cup ~cs in 19"/8, '79 and '80. In ~, he was also the co- [nnan of the Lo~ers' Sports. ~at same year, he.established nini Productions, a local con- with a 8rowin8 reputation b~nSin~/'at rate entertnin- ~t to Vanderhonf. Don Gmntham has been the Mayor of Vendedmf for.five the past two or three years, yam, He hi also a Ixivato pilot and a member of the Blue promotion company bas Moumln Flyers Club. ,anted country and rock con- s, a complete rodeo and a ~be~ of Toul~h Guy competi- ,~. One of the amateur.bo~dng ductions .included the fh'st men's Elimination Card in Mayors Message: stem Canada, and drew a )rd crowd of more than !~00 Welcome to Vanderhoof. On behalf of our council clators to Vanderhoof'a and myself, I shicerely hope your stay is a joyous one, Wayne t~mOJNm, Ohalrman .o4 •hl emme#s Alrld~mw,Is one of the odglml founders of_ ~. recreation centre. and that you get an opportmfity to explore and ap- ! -Deorksen's day.. to" day the Blue MonntMnFly~ Club. schedule seems tishtiy packed preciate our beaut/ful Nechako Valley. Thisyenr's air- with the fulltime demands of his show• promises to be even better thunl=efore, - " ") family owned Husky station, his I would like to extend my congratulations, to the orgu~mrs of the airshow,:and to the preMdent and ex-- : - - ~i Chairman's Welcome to area curricular intemts. He says he ecutive of Blue Mountain Flyers. l,wishyou, a safe and still finds time to' relax, however, By Wayne l~orksen --' munilyat home with Iriswife end mccessful alrshow. • ~.- " " ' ' On behalf of the 1982 and more. volved in this' summer's danshtars F.Uzab~th, ~, and :Sincerely, Vanderhoof Airshow This year, a number of Akshow. Without them, : Atmmda,3. Theyhave a 160m=e '.Do- Gnmllmm ...... Committee, I would like sponsors have helped us to the annual event could not farm on stwgeon Point Road, Mllyor tO welcome you to this put on the AJrshow. run~smootMyasittradi- severdmlleseastofVand~hoof. year's.aerial extravaganza Special thanks: go to fionally do~. . . . " July 24 and 25. Pacific Western Air]~nes, I would like to extend Want more PUBLISHER'S NOTE:. Our two day entertain- the VandeJhoof Coop, my personal thanksto the This Alrshow .~ppk~mDn/l Is produced & 2ubllahed by the -Omlnoca AdvertiSer Ltd,, publishers of the F.xl0rmm-BuQle& meat package is chock full the~ Aluminum Company Committee. and all ,the Information? Courier,, Box.1007, Vandarhoof, B.C. of world class acts such as o£, Canada,". Fraser volunteers who have spent .This publication Is .a SUl~lerneflt to the Prince Qeor0o .hundreds of Want more information on the the RaY Ban Reds Beverages: BOttlers of in~for rheAhours irah,,-, prepar-, w,, uponmmsvanc,emoo|,q~,now-~...... Citizen, Terrace Dally Herald, Block News, Frk • (formerly the Canadian Crush, the Village of ?~r:~ , ---- ".X.".... ",., CaUtheS~MounmlnX~ day, July 16, 1982; The Quesnel'Observer, Williams Lake Tribune, "l~urs~lay, July 15,. 1982; The,-$mltlmrs Interior "'. -Reds), the, RoyaJ Easle Vanderhoof and Labatts startenw0rlc!mt~all,.soon Hmger at the V/ndu~ooofAtr- News, HouMon Today, Burns Lake Dintrlct NeWs; Wedm~ ? Squadron, Bob Bishop Breweries. after the 19811show was portduTi~ wodd~ hours at day,..July 14, !982; Omlneca Expres~PBuole& Caledonlw" andhis Acrojet, AI Hanff. The members of the completed. S67-90~. Or call AinhowChair- uourler, ,Wpdcesday, July .14, 1982 & Nechak'o Ch-ronlcle;, : -We h~ you hou,.oo man Wayne Deorkcen at Thurm:lay, July 15, 1982. . • ...... andhis super acrobatic CommjtteeweuldalsoHke ;.."',~'77.",'. "" $67.4804d~h~ the day. l~tts Special, the Brew to thankall the clubs and mu~c~ .t~ y/W~u~ ~;.~, ..,x~rlm,.,~,,2~, can Any relz~luctlo0 In whole or part,without the conmmt of A ngeb:.glider biplane act- organizations-that are. in-, welhi~~:~M~...:'~.~.'~di~; ~ -

• . J Pslle 4- ,4J~ow Sepldematt, Yudarboof, B.C,, Jul~ 24 tnd | L I

.... :' .- ,: ~,- .... ~~ " .::..: : ....

-'-- ' - ': ~1 "~ ~' :-i AIRSHOW HOUSTON l .....:i 0~'? '82 YELLOWHEAD

VANDERHOOF,.... B.C. CO-OPHighway ASSN. 16 HOUSTON, B.C. 845-2303 The spirit's SERVI(~ES: Gas bar, dlesel~ ,,~Ir

-- building Supplies, ~I

MACKENZIE ,rowing on fertilizer,,feed and animal seed, health,~" twine, .. - . lawn and garden,~~_~~ CO-OP hardware

ASSN. , SERVING THE ~ Box 190 --- " "' MACKBNZIE, B.C. 997-3355 " / NORTH-CENTRAL --~ ~ "" SERvIcEs: Groceries, instore bakery, INTERIOR ~--~ produce,meat,hardwareSPOdlng good.,. VA N D ER H O O F /~ CO-OP ASSN. VANDERHOOF, B.C. 567.4761 CENTRAL i ' AIR CONDITIONED MALL & STORE SERVICES:Groceries, meat, produce,, - CARl BOO Instore b,akery, bulldlng supplles, Ii i ~o drygoods,products, housewares,sporting~'0°°~ CO'OP ASSN • ~e cafeteria 1060 Southlake SId;92.2992~ s,~ WILLIAMS LAKE, B.C.

SERVICES: Feed and seed, "l G O O D fertilizer, twine, • animal health, roW' • NORTH LUCK BLUE lawn.andgarden, ~r ..... CARIBOO MOUNTAIN GROWERS FLYERS : CO-OF ASSN. ON A - _- 1218 Carlboo Highway 97 North ' QUESNEL, B.C. 992-7274 SUCCESSFUL SERVICES: Feed, seedl fertilizer, twine, animal health, AIRSHOW ..... ' ~" lawn and garden, ~ .. ::. • .:.._: :..: • .. farm hardware ' ,~ .... ,_:-:.~-. ~::.:.:;_-:

" "''- " . " _ : I o

•...~;: 2;~'..:-: : " ""

. , ,. .

.... :. : :...~,:-.,.,:.;-i~i~:_ -:: ...... :,: " "',t;~h,'~.~.,~tO,~'~,,~. " ' "' ¢~:~:,'.X,:~,>',,>.,,.,a~.' ...... -- ,~ 4., ...... - . ....- - -- ...... " • .,~ ..'~:~. ~.:,~'. ~i.:. ;.~:~, :/),:~i.... '-:-"~~" .,....~. ': " I • . . . " .... ' ...... ~, , ~ 3~, ~'~i. ~,,~ iV~,'J-*,~4,~., , " Flyers Club the result of hard work Formed in 1975 u a non-proft presentation to this ~ar's Chair- society by six dedl.card private man, Wayne Deorksen, then In- pilots, the Blue Mountain Flyers struct0r, Tom Young, and Club now has more than a hun. mginecr, Bill Davies. dred paid membe~rs and upwards "Th~ we~ super, impressed of fifty students, with our fadlities", says Borth, Over the years, the hard work- "sad they liked the whole .st- ing group has spunanr'~ a mosphere surrounding 'the number of commmity events in. Club... They were Intcrcsted in cldding the CI Challes~e Cup Vandcrhoof because there is no Snowmobile races, the Ominecs other! CPC flight centre in the Lo~m' Spore and the enor- Central Interior. The ~Lrcr'ai~t mously successful Vandcrhoof potential in this area is great, and Alnhow. there is a stron~ pouiblllty that As sole organizers of the Air. Cessna could sell quite a few show since 1977, the-'Fl~ers have planes., nursed it from a cenq'allZed, one ',They wcre also impressed dayfly in to a weekend event of with our reputation for the Air- provincially slpiflcant propor- show. They knew the Flyers were tions, an active group." Growth has been rapid dutinS Other advancements Include a the past year with Increases in as- pOpul~r~t e~ndorsement train- tive membership, staff and ink program for private pilots, facllltiet, and the purchase:of thehh-inifofapartfimemanager oolhldtheRoymlr:~ohpBqum.df'on, three new alrpianes. - • and the installation of • lunch Currently,the Club owns two counter In the airport clubhouse. . Ceu-. 172's, ,,.d a 1~12 II O ran ley tops Royal EagleSq uadron the fiying school' has been the Flyers as membership grow~; classified as a Cessna Pilot facllitics expand-and public . , Training Centre, one of four in awareness Increases. Bud Granley, the daring businessman who flies in '.his Oranley's Harvard comes training plane for pilots dinting British Cohnnblu. Because the Borth attributes the rapid suc- showstopper of last year is back spare time and has practised from a respected line of fighter the second World Was. The others are ioentad in Wlllinms cess of the Club snd its ventares spin, but this time he's brinsi~ aerobatlcs since he obtalned his planes, first created Iii-1935. planes are very rare these days as . -~ Lake, Fort St, John and Van- to a variety of fanto~, .saying a team of fellow acrobatic pilot~ '~d0t's llcence in 19"/0. He and Although a well built model, the manufacture ~ dcrin~ the - " COuV~, Vanderhobf is recogni~ that "the geography of Northern to headline• as the Royal Eagle teammate, Kclth McMaun, a line was retired from active set- 1960'S. ~ Squadron. . corporate pilot for • large Cans- vice early on ns lighter, faster jets. I ed as the major training facility'. B.C., its beauty, and its In•c- Oranley, still the' attraction, dinn firm, Join Granley and took_its place. Ornnl'ey's acrobatic model is a -- in the Central Interior. cessibility by roads have made will perform solo in one of the Jones for the exciting f'male, Since then, the Harvard line reconditioned SNJ-3, built in ,_~ . Last year's air•how chairper- many want to learn to fly". best "close in" Warbird acts In the piece of resistance, the has been used successfully us a 1943. sonSusannBorthrecalisthatthe .. "For. somemembcrs, their seen anywhcre. His: powerful four Western warbirds come ! invitation to become a Cenma businmrequirementshavcbe~ I~formaned.in a T.6 Harvard togrther in an impressiVe array t0 " ' " '~" Fll~tTraininsSchoolcamcasa met by the abllity to fly: 'as they- ' wiil be'e|~mnced'.bylpruceful,'psdormthdr, renowned Spec.. The flight of " bitofaenrprise, can cover-greater distances in symphonic music. . tacle,-~e"~y formation", a . ' "I called Wichita one day to' shorter time andsni~l aircraft " A daredevil at heart, Granley collage of seemingly effortless findout where Ce~ma's Can~- are very economicai-to.operate, will perform a henri stopping, cronoverstroIls, turnsandastr- '~[''''~[J~[''8'--0 "one of a kind!' acrobatic com- ink of back- breaking ham- a ~ i clian headquarters wcre", she Many members fly just for the edy act In an acrobeflc Super merSf~b,. -~ . :~ says, ",.. and I received a phone "relaxation and. love of flying. Cub. . - -All in aE, it is an impressive callathomethenextmornlngto Seeing the earth from above Puts - B0b"Jonus, a former Naval show, backedby the.confides t VANDERHOOF - phonedthenewsl~aper'oflice~md " r :~" ] "Aerobatics are an expression of announced that I was going with say•hat theCPC(Ce~.uPilot everything a bit different .will Grunley in expeftiseofBudGranley. Heisa In* pilot, join" joy. They're exuberant and ex- him as an advertising gimmlck. • Centre) he~d for Canada-would perspective." " another Hszverd to perform duai fonncr bush pilot who joined the' hilsrating", saysAlrshowChnir- I went (despite' tidings of be flying into Vanderhoof that , "Flight is mastery, safety aqd T-6 formation aerobatics in a Royal Cunadin~-~dr Force and afternoon with the Cessna rep. -sUccess, A great feeling of an- spectacul~ show of combined wm sent in Germany for three man Wayne Deorksen. doom) because 1 couldn't think • He should know. He went on a of a gra~ful way to renege. -: for B.C. and ~me other ex- complishment is gained through and opposinll stunts that Include years where he performed at promotional flight with daredevil Besides, Deorksen made It sound learning to fl~ " ..... hammerheads, loops, rolls and military ~howsin his Harvard ecutives". " ' " "Allthehour.ofdonatedtime turns with breathtal~ half and P-4Oflghter. Hereturned to pilot 'John Mrazek last summer, llke the opportunity of a lifetime. ~- the day. before the Vanderhoof Once at the airport. I "A IB2 flew in at four o'.clock . .__. _,.~, ~Cubaneightsandjoin.ups, The~r Canada in1960 and pve flying Alrshow. " .... discover~tl~tlwouldbegoin~ an• sara WOrK uy many, many s thatafternoun.ltwasanincred6 mamberssim i fromthelr 10ve grand finale is a pluagin8 270 lesso.ns in Alberta for four year . . upwith perfoi'l~er BudGranley ble promotion." . . p. Y . . . dagreerullinB break to landing. He joined United Airlines as a It was a 81onously sunny day whir,, rb~rkse'n accomnanied Borth says the Cessna orsportavmuonunvemaaeme The other mernb~s of the. pilotin 1964, and now resldes-wlthonlyafewpuffsofwhitein ~'~'~';'-~-'..,,...o,,;.o.~n.,,,, repr~ntstive~ "Inspected .'the Blue Mountsln Flyers What they team 'include Abshow .veteran with his. f~v-.~ Bellevue, a cerulean sky. Half an hour, f'o;m-"~.~on ,~'~v~'~to"~',":-- Clu~'k facilities and gave• aretoday." JohnMrasek, aCzechosloyakinn Washington~" ~- • before flight time, Dcorksen My enthusiasm for the ride ...... • " - began to fade q~eldy i, Otmley ~.:~...~ ...... -:~:?.~,...~:~: i~:~!:~:~:,,:~-::...... strapped me into my ihm- • . " .~::~~: ' .... " ~ bubbled seat-and produced a. ~i!:;~i~;:"l~...... :::.;:i~::::~ :/ii:i:!:'i. " ,rose,,.~capactous Thencomfort the enstn, bq "juatin roared ;~ ~'~ili.:.:..'* ' "~" -': unde-:~hllaratinn took over. • i~i~!~i~iii~ii~i!!:':::!.:.~:~i:..... :i.~iio ~:~..'_='~ ...... "-/"i~/~_ :,!.- " ; /--~--" -. .We 'mounted steadily and ~i!i~:~i~i:i:..' " ' ' ~!!~ !:~.. . . . moved into formation--with .... Mrazek's Harvard, with Grauley !!iiii:~:i!i: ., :i!~ i~,~/~/.~~,~-,:.-~-~, ~.~:~ , :-. , " ...... --- -- ~, the lead, Our w~ps .p- . •~.~i ~ ~i i!~ -~ :'~::;-~ ~-"~" '"" ." ~:~.~ -*" ~ -~ ..... C' ...... - pc•red only inches apart, a fact- .? . .'i .... ~ ~:-" " ' .... :.... /.:~ . ..~.~. that caused Deorksen some con. /

~-~- ~~..~~~~= bottom~ of Gmuley's. plane,---l--~:-~- ......

~/~ . ~i;~ ~--~/: .~ ::.~.~/~~-~.. • :....:..,.:~:~;~..,::,"..~ ...... • . ~ . . : ....,~ i:~:~..~/:~:,: :,:~_:~ , , somewhatuancttllns;" : ~: . ..~ , .,-~:.~-.: ~, :~/~ - ., :.... " Momco. later, Ofmdey mov.

" " i~. ':/~ .... .-" " .... '-i:-~i -i ...... :-/-:~:.~ . edaorobaticintoa lilt•oK series-thatof metamorphosed into a

...... loops and turns. My appt~k~.

-explained the mechan~ of ~ • i~ stunt thin let me take the ~

dt~, if shaky, =salem.

Dcorksen; a pilot hlmself,.look-

•...... • " " " ' " • k - .....- .... . - . . fdtlikeldb¢~tom lg dood9 |m •, "..'. • . . P~O~._ ._klOamkq'~glmt~l an Impr0ml~/"{~wLFocmatlo~wlthh~ hd.lowWlttl~t~d~,l Vaml~ " .and back withoneoft~e world's l - ~ Sq~km~l, Ymmkd~,l, I.C., J~13r 24 ~ml 2S

+ ..'? .. • . __

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: ::~+ - +++.;~" - ...... ++ ~++++;+~:•~?,~ + ~. ; +

+ +•. .. - with the + +BLUE MOUNTAIN FLYERS


and partlcipatetn our club's .... + + ,. - ~. -+ --

. " + + +++~J+~+~l J~+ 1+ + ~+'~ + :+,+ J~.U++,-- +i ,+ ++ . . r . • +,+• ...... +•'~+ + . activities Including the AirShOwl . - + "+. :'++ •+.+~+-•" .+-y ..+++'~'~+ -+~ . .+ . +_+ ++: "+~•: +::/-+:++~5•,+-, + +:+ , i ~+ +.i" -+++-+-+~- +'#+..•'2+:- -+++ :+ + .+ + / ~++~+. + + . •

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~!. •++:'+u~+: + •~ +~++ + + LOLA SYMINOTON " ~ . ' ~ . ...+~+ ~ r + , ...... 1 -+ :+ + _+.+~-.+'+ 1-+. " ,

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+ +. , . . + +. :~, : -•i+ -

• . " . .:~++++:: i+~.i :.- I~llI~I'~PITI iVTll1~r~|ellWl~,lll~ l'~r~'l+llrl 1~llr IiI- l'V|e ITI IV'Ill+ l'rlv +,, • + + + ...... ' . •. +.-+ • . ~+

1~ , .... + + " ~ " ." + - + : ...... ' + • " :.i +~ - + ++' _ - " , •+i+ if+jr .... i .... +. +++_ r:i '++ •+++ + "3 aircraft: ++ , ...... 1 ' + + . ++ :' :11~1 + +

+ • ...... -P~_mcnm_w+...152 Trainer l +2 Cessna 172 +"+'m~" 1_

-- " "11 ='1'11' + + 1 + 1~ .... ' .Excellent Club Facilities 1 ' + ~+1 ~ ....

...... ++~+ +J+~ ~ + :, + . r ..... ~ ~" +++ +r~" + + ' 1 1+ ' 1++1+1'+~ + " +. + ~ lit ++1 + :~+''~m~ + r ~" + +~J" ..... + r 'r ~ + + --+'~ .++ ++ + . + + + I + 1++ +" 1+ ++ +r'++ :/++++ " + ~ + + 1: ' I ' l ~ . ~ . ~ -- + l " ~ " ' I ' ~ . " "


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• ...... -• L "~ ' m VANDERHOOF AIR SHOW!| +.+ + :.-

• +, ++++,i+:++'++ ~ - ~ +i


-*+ • =~ .++~". ~ . -" . I,

.... + _•/' + ++/+~+++- ..... + +

' ..~ + . • . ,. .- ,+ .- . +

• . . ,+ . . AL HAUFF AEROBA TIC CHAMPION Pale 7- Almhow Supplement, Vanderboof, S.C., Jaly 24 m~ ~ '


o •

Fast paced ...... a i* r ' banlet • -?+,~

.. i' : VANDERHOOF - Nobody ties a bow so welll AI Hauff, one of the four renowned headliners in this sum- iner's Airshow, is a former Na- iionni Aerobatic Champion with a:i showcase " of breathtaking maneuvers that have bu/It his .career since he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1962 at ~e n~. • "The Bow Tie Ballet", an that includes a!-olllng 360 degree turn with half "Cuban eights on each end Is a real crowd, pleaser. • Hanff follows it with & "Ribbon Finish", a rousing finale that • consists of a ' tumbling, • breathtaking maneuver called the lomcevak,. performed daringly • by Hanff in hls "P/ttstacular" show. . ,= HoufPs plane, a Supsf Pitts S-1-6 Model biplane, was design- ed by Curtis Pitts in 1948 and in- eludes a symmetrical airfoil with a 17'6- wing span and four ailerons. '" ] Climbing rate is a whopping 3000 feet per minute while travemng speeds can r~mse from a mild cruising rate of 150 mph

. + to a breathtaking 212 mph. Dur- ing HaufYs show, his vefllcal en- try speed IS 180 mph as opposed "7 to his stall speed of 60 mph. The incredible Pitts is radio equipped, painted Cub 'yellow • and has a eruhing r.,.ange Of +4~0 miles. .The 'challenge and reward of aerobatks ori~indlly inspired the performer when he was training +, on an old Harvard at his RCAF station in P~o!d. The Interest Canadian, AJ H•uff, ham' pearfoulod the "lk~ Tie eanh~' w.h him super oha~Dod Pins. A spectator at a recent mlmhow np4rte that the pedonnw ex. ' became serious, and Hauff. became a profe~dunni airshow ~ 42 ~MI~ lllmlll In • h~eh~ ml~mlo p~onuanu .... ,'}. • cntertainer, pcrforming to a crowd, that had totalled one million by 1981, his fourth in the business. Bishop's acrojet no biggerthan a go.cart +- He has 28 bookings this year in • Canada and .the United States What's twelve'feet long with a ~nt, the ~t s~.ed jet can per- sk~l~, tO be seen Hve -;t the de~ee ~.]l~d seath~ whl~ dnige I~ aviation intemtS. • and the promise of more. wingspan of seventeen feet and a form difficult maneuvcrs with Vaad~hoof Airshow.. reduces pilot .fatigue, ¢onm~only He hss performed profes- To Hauff, freedom of flight is red line spead of 300miles per cleancut ease, It .ean flip, c~:ounte~l dudng high stress dunnily in airshows since the age best described through hour? " ' tail~de, lomcevak and roll and The "world's snu~llest jet", maneuveri~. . of 18 in both Canada and the aerobatic~ and its interpretation. It's Bob Bishop'~ "Acrojet",' fly through structur~ no bi~ez ..built-mainly ffom.lfaht puae " Bishop originally halls from "U.S., mwdl asin varloustelevi. + " .... II Outslde Is the bi.word" II , he an amazing little acrobatic thnaahanpr. . -aluminum/ has several-Lubbock, Texas wbere he was don commercials and .other says. "It's easier to see the .machine that can hurtle across BIshbpnctoallydldthatoii~ characteristics usually only bomin1947. Hebelpmflyi~at medinextravalpums. ground, the crowd, and the show the width of thej~y in the blink for, the popular televls/on show found In high technology fighter qe 16. After graduat/on from. ~ . llne when you're upside down in ofaneye. ~ , 'That's Incredible:. Mimous of ah'crafl. These inelude..a wrist hlgh school, he travelled to The "Acrojet" will be on a bl-plane.', Though no bfl~er than a go- fans have been impressed by hls Operated fide stick flight con- Arizona State University. There display at the Vanderhoof Coop :! "~ : - ~ .... •troll~, computer controlled dec- . he majored In Aeronautical Mall on July 21st, 22rid and i tronic fuel metering and 30 Technology and continued to In. 23rd. * . . .

.....~+ iiiiiii~!! ii~ '

/i~ 1 iiih "i~', ¢ r

P~rformor Bob BIshop can -'p through the oky ln the bllnk of an eye ln hb p4nt sksd ~ , ~t. ! t will b@ on display ! n tho Coop Mall for throe days .;ncoodln9 Almhow '82, .

...... - •. • ... ;.., • • ...... -...... o • .., •. • .-...... •,..;. • .-,., o,...... ,....-., • ... • • • • ....,... :. :. :.:.., :.:.:. :.:. "-: .:.: .:. :.:. :.:.:. :. :. :....-.....-...... -...-...... +...... ,.., ...... -.....-...... ,. • • •. • ...... -...... -...... Airshow dance • Camping at the alrportT

SatUrday night Mo~ than 1000 cami~ngtmiu Monday. • .:' '* • are expected to pull into the-Water for self mimined units TheannunlAinbowdancewlll Va~derhoofAi~ortfortheALr. bavnilableinthenembyVlllalle. : bcheldattheVapderBoofArona show Jniy 24 ud 25, Meals can be pu~msed' at ! Saturday, July 24, bnglnming,at 9 There is room for an .nllmltod several ten.Idea standa at the p,m. • i " .. ~' ,' num.ber of campers in the, fleld Alr~n, smnaoftlmnopm24 MorelhanBOOpeo+l~_m~ -+ jw~no~theastoftlmhang~. .hoursaday," " * 7 * petted to attend. "rlcketS are Admlmdon" Is $4. p~unit por On. Sat~day .eve~' .there ' available in advance from CIVIl .ni~t, wlth the fleldopen~ ear. will be a hoOtmanay at the:Air-

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o VanderhoQf Is the administrative centre for the Neohsko Valley • Stuart Lake area, ~produo!ng a service & supply hub for the large trading com. munlty, wlth excellent transportation links. I

Vanderhoof area residents have approved+ a • , . ++ p[ . -° b + restructuring from a Village 193t°8a. Dlltrl°t h P pk Municipality effective January l st, ...., Vanderhoof district. Is experiencing steady q" "'1~ ~ J growth. A flourishing agriculture industry rein. 1

. . - , , I : ...... ~ i .....forced by regional lumbering & mining,provides a .... I i!~/~~-;~dUrnble base from Which .the economy of

..... Yanderhoof continues to expand p

+-- 'Ii!!~!++ i~i~ii; ~!i~ IE-NQuIR 1/ES: WRITE: BOX 97, VANDERHODF , B.C. rd++~ + .+rs...... (004) '~ :~--P" :1 '+9 r "11 ' i+ ; ' " " h " n '~P'I" ' PHONE: 567-4711 +

'++++~+ ~+ ++ +l l+ + ~+++1+~: +~1+ + ; n n ' ' + + MAYOR: DON QRANTHAM

~1~~~ ~ ~11~ "~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... JJ' '* ;~;.YlI!:~:~.~ ~i~ MYERS-BENNETT: PRESIDENT ELECT. ,~ -+ ~ ~" ~ ~+~i:/:~ '~ 7

• +

. ~-:~ ~ - =. +1 ¸

,..+. - :I :. . , - ,,; • ...'.', . . -

. .~ , . ,.

• .,, . Pap le ' AJnd,ow 8upidemmt,Vonds~hoof, ILC., July 24 und 25 WARBIRDS, SKYDIVERS & AN ASSORTMENT OF UL TRALITES/ A smorgasbord ,of Interesting aots at. Alrshow '82."

VAI~ERHI~F - As the ~will be one Of ihe bluest ~n- drone of a single airplane engine tlngontS of hall/tory aircraft to reaches a crescendo far above the ever drumrol[ across heads of the crowd, four small Vanderhonf's sky. fig~es will step lithely through-k Ton harsh-growling, three ton hatch and begin' a freefall Harvards will fly alone and in - towards the earth. formatlo•, ' some of them Their path will be marked by demo•strating surprisingly streamers of ¢oloured smoke that graceful acrobatic maneuV=rs. hang brightly in the a~. The pla•es are advanced Suddenly, a quartet of colour- trainm, popular during World ful" parachutes ~ open in War Two and the decade follow. unison as the fallers track away from each other into, their At. leMt five heavy nletal famous "downward bomb planes will fill out the Warbkd burst*' maneuver. ranks with four P-S1 ft~ms and As they reach the pound, the one i}-25 bomber confirmed. 1982 Vanderboof Airshow will 1~ ~ military ~ may be in. be officiallyopened. eluded in the Show, depondl~ The Prince George S~divers on schedullas, flying conditions have performed the open~ act and, of course, the budget. Thla photo o/pilot Jolm Mrazek and AImhow Chairman, Wayne Deodki~t.~ In m WW= H|nard,w,l taken f r~n..BudG?~lay's at the summertime extravaganza The Cunad]an Armed F0r~s 8NJ4 hall eummer. The photo won tho beet foaturo award in th* Canadian Newlpaper Aesooamtlon e oomoet trill year. may for /he past four y~n, Their have promised to send a fifth consecutiveappearunce in Labrador hniieoptcr from'the •..;...,...... -...... • ...... ,: ...... ;...... -..-.-.-../..;... • ..-.,,..:.-...:.-.:., .:, .:..:-:, •..: ..... : ..... :....:..:., • .:.:, .:..:., ,:::.:." .-.-. ~....,., ..., ...... • .-.., ...... :....:..:-..: ...... -.., • ...... , .'~ ..... -. .- ...... ~ .... • ..... • ...... Vund~hoof k guaranteed to be Search and Revue base in dom. an t.~-~rabber. ox on 0rat has 11~ m~u for this summ~'s natbe~n called out.on active du- FOR OUR MANY VISITORS ...... Akshow will satisfy a aeas sec- ty. The twin-rotored hovercraft don of palates. It Indudas s Jsmsmmoth, app~ the hearty helping of bib.name size of the Buffalo ti~ perform- Vanderhoof TouriSt Directory aerobatlc p=forme~ and several ed at last summer's show. last~ of diffcrant - and alter- A short take off and ' Vand=l~oOfoffmavadetyof theground~all summer. ' l~dm'mon ean~also try thdr hmpltelandumbniancexndees •eats- types of flight. ' (STOL) Twi~ Otter plane s~- Admittan~ is $4.00. Over- .is~'7-2211. Woveo around the headline capable of transporting a dozen essential and-recr~tinl~l luck inthemanylakesandflve~s act= will be a variety of hljh. p!saengess and a two man.crew vices and fadlities to residonts ni~tem 'and fly,in campers can in tbe Vandcrhonf area. Lkonces Vmnierhoof's ~ elMen interest performances by a will be swinld~ in from a CAP and tourim alike. also slay at •/eml~..rlrT. ms." ureavsiinbleP~.... town. is located on Connanght 'Street slider, a Stern'man bII~ane,-a Son-chondRescuebaseucarEd- While ~mitin~ the Village dur- plpmondattbeVa~krkoofAk- Mo~ ea~mtinl services are about half a block It of Bur- • sumnedng of ultralltes,flfteon monton if it is not in active me. the July 24th & 73th porlfur a charge of S4.00 per available in the ~ with the ran Argus. ~'~t~ Is or more Warbleds and one of the The extra.dextrous craft is wesksml,-why not take in the nisht, modan RCMP Station located available d~ot'fi~ hours isrgrsthcllcoptm in the world. -popular with frontier airiines as ai~hts, play • round of golf and The Blue Mountain Ply~.wtll one block west of Burrard Monday to l~dday. " ..... The llld~ and the biplane well as the military becausa of it~ attend theAirshow Dm~e? be manning five onaeem/oa Av~ue on the corn~ of Church The I~ oWee. dtusted in the bsh)ng to a father and .sen team ability to access rmote and Or vlait one oftbe local attrac- • rods at the ~ with a pan- Avonue ~and Columbia Sheet. federal b~l.dl~ on the coma of from Albma who both specislim uncleared areas. tions 'like the Community •' cake, eggs andsans~e bmdd'ast ;Call $67-2222 if yo• need Church -Avonue and Stewart in aembet/cs. Cedl Sor~son will To'complement the airborne amaze the crowd by defying • performances, there will be a ,Museum or the Bkd Sanctuary. •available from 7:00 to 10:00 assistance. Strest, is open from 8:30 a.m. to f~'avity in his ~llder-while son, static ground display at the Demih are ibtcd below, a.m,,andoth~r fast fondasclling The Fire Depmtn~t can be ~:~ p.m. Monday to Fdday. Ted, r~ up his Idgh perfor- Show, monned by repr~n- The Vand~ho~f CommMi~y throughout the weekend. MeaLs reached at ~67-7.345 in ena~gen- Mailboxes and a stamp machine mance Stearman for a tatives of .Pacific Wester• Mmmm on Pine Avenue is hom- wailbe available ,for airport des only. Information can be ob- are located outside, memorable shaw. Airlines. One lucky couple will ed in the villa~'s 0rilp~al Board campers the .Friday evening tained by dialing $67-~16, The village is served by two The saint.modern ul~a//shts win a trip for two to Reno SO be of Trade buildini,. Officially before the show. St. ~olm H~pi 'd, an up to' Imdm and a Credit Uains with look llke machines-from a sure to fill out the appropriate opened July Ist, 1981 by the Enthusiasts may enjoy date, 45 bed facility,is located th~ Conadl~ Impedel COm- ~ence fiction novd. The 160 form on the back of your ticket Nechako Valley HistoricalSocie- .shooting nine holes at the directly nort]i of'the Nechako mace and the Royal ~k-io- pound crafts can cover 90 miles and drop it off in the contest box ty, the museum traces the asea's Omlus~ Golf Coarsa during River Bridle, next door to'the eared on the wm side of Burrani on 3.5 pitons Of fuel at a con-" at the booth. i~ot history back to the turn of their stay in Vanderhoof. Adja- CUale, an outpatient A~/,,nuc and the Nechako Valley • gumption rate of a gallon an A few acts montloned here the hour and a cridsa=speed of 30 may be'included in the Aksh-ow cent the airport', the course service housing doctors. Both Credit Union homed in a brick century. Two'other bolldin~, on to mph. Made from relatively inex- agenda. As organizer Darrell .buildings can be rmched by tmn- bullding on the SOuthisst eomur the site are curruntiy undergoing can be reached from town by tor. pensive kits, the ultralltes are'col- Cursons said at presstlme, "you renovations ~efore oponi~ as a ning fight off the in~ right off the brI~e and ira- of Church Avenue and Columbia lapsible and can be transported can never nail it down predacly. bank and the OK Cafes.There is Bfldge and foilo~n8 Hishway medlatdy swinging left o•to a Street. All are open until 6:00 on rooftop earrters_ A week, a dayor an hour before also a park at the die. e 27 east and north about a half a steopkill. , . p.m. Friday,. and. the Credit At the far end of the aviation the show, someone willcall us up |: Visitorscan check the hours by mile. Turn: left just after the •The emergoncy number for Unlon is open Saturdi~y. scale from" the frngfle ultralites and say 'hey, I'm comingl' ,. " ea~ng ~67.299L Nechako Valley Saddle Club The Ne~dm m~ mrd Sue- sign. mu7 runs along the flverbed in Two paved and. fenced tenis the northern part of town and of- conm are also available on i fm a..wlde expanse of pass, Stewart east of Burrard Avenue. willow trees and, san.dy beach. The Flyers arc sponsoring an Visitors can go for a stroll Or a ± AJksh0W Dance featuring live swim while adair/ha the Canadk ontertelnmant from9 p.m. to l Geese and ducks. a.m. *Saturday, " July 24th. ..:~;::~":~_ " Vehicles can reach the waters Tickets will be available at the edge by turn~ l-l~ht from Bur- alrport-.clubhouse. No minors I .... rard Avonu_e onto a dirt road just pl~sa.- ...... • . .... eouth of the N~:hako River For those who ~Jo~ ~- scenic Bridge. drive with the occasionali~impse Feslond Park, located one of a moose, the famom Konney block east of the main street, Dam is located about sixty miles Bun-ard Avonue, on the corner south of Vanderhoof on of Church Avenue and Columbia IInewstebh Lde, a reservoir Street, Is l half-block of trees, - noted for excellent ff~kl~. The grass,, plcnic tables and colourful CbedM/I F -n. are .~.~ell~yground equipment, located nearby. Picnic tables and os~d by the vulase as a fire pits are "available at both 1967 coniamlal pro]at. sites. "" " '. For people who like to pitch a To reach the dam, turn south tmor.trav~ In a-tnd~, the at the Shell Station on Highway dveraide_~ ~ Cam- 16 and fnilow the road to Mlmud on the-SOuth side .of ~bb. Dur~ the drive,. H~hway 16 a quart~ mile west moU.t~ wm pm thr0~h the

18eswith .~.pitl,aw0odmpp=. llmm~,aoommunityoflbout | ": i.. ...";~:'..~.:',~-/~./:= ,'~'-.,;~-~.~-...... ~..... " ~; ~ ~ .,.'~"."'.i • ~:''" ". :."! : "i' .~". : '-" . " .b/',pl~Ictabla, water pump, a "400 pe0pleon bonutlful Nll~d ~. "... ~ o ,, -../~i.-,....~.• I !; .:. :~.~--.....i, .-...... ".~- ...... /. ~, . ..~-..f. . ~ •...... - . . . ' . ;., # few m~l sheet iron stoves and IAthe, a resort lake also noted fcr t Ins flonl tho Ib; Itralltoma madebum -. "~...... "~UI. ~ _ i~oB,~O.,,"" k~l~.R .... ' - '.'"11}l_lldlli.~': '~I " II;' 100 'U"'" "llt i ' " ildo~.~mll~i~,ryou'~ffkmm~l,;.,nlll . . ~'~ -- .~ ~,~, ~,~, ~c.~ ~ ,~ ~ i ~-'-'-'-"-"-'-'-'-" ~ .I~ ,~ .

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i "L I FROM: __ I, i, ), CRUSH- HI CANADA LTD. I, |~ FRASER BEVERAGES~ " VANDERHOOF, B.C. * ', ..c...o B.C. i # Pale ]12 - AlnChow~lllplemml, ¥ .aa~larhoof,B.C-., Jal~ 24 ml ~" I


. 1

• ,c . ,(Through the auspices Of BlueMountain Flyers) OFFER AT OUR AIRPORT ~HANGAR


". -. ' ':... " : ...... - - . : i; i:~-~'~ - .~/./-" :/' -; GENERAL AIRCRAFT ~: •MAINTENANCE * ENGINE REPAIRS & ...... MAINTENANCE * MINOR REPAIRS *ANNUAL INSPECTIONS 50 hour- 100 hour CCI on all single engine wheels, skis & floats. Most twin engine up to 12,500 gross weight (A_VW). B Category services available. I I • I I FLOAT & SKI CONVERSIONS i • I I l ! ! COME iN& DISCUSS YOUR i I AIRCRAFT'S MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS WITH OUR STAFF. "L,• %

PHONE DICK ALLEN AT 5r67"9095 for quotes &,free estimates



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Alrshow , • " - ' " • . i• ' ' •

the Vandarhoof Alrshow ha progressed from flour bombing and spot landings to a presenta- tion of •world acclaimed per- formers. Until 1978, the airshow opiated on a fly-in format, with pilots coming in to compete and watch a featured performer. ---- The entertainmentbudget was set at between$1,~;00 and $4,000. In-1979, the Blue Mountain Flyers decided to increase the budget to $8,000 and bring in more per formere of international calibre; Joe Hughes and his wing walk- - : ~ ict were featured that year, drawing an estimated 6,000 spec- Oony Jam brln0e his [I-25 bomber to the Vandedmof Nrshew each yur from hie home In Vancouver. Lut year, he had It tators and booating the painted In the ~ favomed by the 418 Squadron o~ the City of Edmonton. in 1N0, It was decorated In nationalist Chlneee Vandahunf Ah'show to. the so- •ma~Inge and embhumned with a "Dealltwateh". ImlgnL cond largm am'onautic event in the province. ••••.••••••••••••`••..•.•••.;•..••;.••;•;.;..•;•;•;•.•;•;•••.•`••••••••••••••.••••;•;••.;•;•;•••;••.••••;•;••••.• .;.:.-... ;. ;~;~;~;~F~*~~.~;~;~;~.~;~;~;~.~ ,.-...-.-.,.;.-.-. ,....,-.....-...-....o-....,.+.,..,,o. ,.,...... -...., ...; .:...... ,,,...... , ,., .....-.,.-...... • ...... ;.'.;.:.:...;,;.-.•... The 1980 spectacular was another successful experiment u VA NDERHOOF OVERVIEW BOB SINGLETON the Fi~'s expinded the show to two da~m and brought ina larser varlet,/of acts with a budget, of about S~O,O00. Ev~ tho~ih Plane shaped valley well disaster in the form of a bridge Professional DJ fire threntmed to cancel the situated for aviation. show,.more than 10,000 people announces Airshow attended. The centuries old action of the Nechako and taxtway and main runway were paved in 1978.79, Stuart Rivets has engraved a plane shaped Valley in and further development is on thb way. Top priori- Pmfesdonai radio announcer, the Alberta '75 Alrshow com. Lut summer, IL000 people Bob Singleton makes his home in mamorath~8 that pr0vince's 7~th from all over B.C. swarmed to the heart of British Columbia. At the centre of the ty has been givan to the installation of lighting and basin lies the thriving village of Vanderhoof, a a non. directional boacon.. Abbotaford,- in the beautiful Anniversary in Confederation. Vandarhoof July ZSth and 26th modern day community with agricoltural roots. The village also boasts a seaplane base, located Valley. - After riding on the topwing of --~ to witne~ some of the finest acta Settled by turn of the century pioneers in search on the Nechako River near the Rivervlew Drive He has been announcing Air- Joe Hughes Super Steurman in in the world of aviation, of fertile land, Vandethoof in the 1980's isa subdivision. shows since 1968, when he began 1976, Singleton determined it The-admltttnce of the Flyers- flourishing farming community well supplemented An active local group, the Nechako Yalley hosting the Canadian National was much more Comfortable to ..to the International Council of by lngging and wood derivative industries. -Historical Society, opened the Vanderhoof Com- Airshow; held in his hometown ride inside an airplane and have each August. Since that time he Alnhovn as a voting member The major emp!oyer~ the area is Plateau Mills, munity Museum last summer after months of in- authority over the controls, so he has announced every Abbotsford embarked on aehievlng his and an expansion of the budget a~lumber processing concern that is part of the tin.re restorative work on tbe orlginsiBoard of BCRIC group of companies. The firm provides Tradebulldiag. ~A~i/ow,becomlng the primary Private PHot's liceace. Since to close to $100,000.has allowed aunouncer in 1978. completing the.requirements in for a larger program, a better jobs for almost 300 people while contracting most The 70 year old structure, in derelict shape when of the logging work out to local independents. the Society moved it to its present location at Singleton has co-hosted the 1978, he fliea regularly, giving .. ground display and an increasein .....Two other .sawmilh, Bond Brothers and L and Highway 16 and Pine Avenue, was officially open; Washington .State International sunrmertime traffic reports for the facilities'available to the M Lumber, operate in the area, employing approx- ed as a museum on Canada Day, 1981. Airfalr at Everett with KOMO- Abbotsford Radio Station CPVR ~,isitors. imately 200 people. Although a slowdown in the Two other bulldin~, the original OK Cafe and •rv's Bail Brubaker sil~ea 1977. In where he is General Mannger~ Th~ year, there will be five forest industry has affected most of the lumber the first Royal Bank, are slated for restoration in 1978, he became pri~cipul an- concession stands, and better producing companies in B.C. this year, amploy- the next few years; As more buildings are moved to noancer at the two day, North Singleton spent three years as a p" water facilitins. Camping sites men~ at VandcrhooPs~"sawmills.-hus remained the site and refurbished, the museum will be Central British Columbia Ah'- dh'cctor in the B.C. Association show in Vanderhoof. of Broadcasters and six years as e will be available at the airport to ..relatively stable, operated as a historic village. A growth spurt in the past five years has increns- Although run on a volunteer basis, the a~'ts are In 1980, he was invited to dlreetoroftheAbbotsford Inter- motorists and fly.ins alike, travel to Edmonton to announce natlonal Alrshow Society. Daily admission, to the Air- ed the population, .~rvices and tax base of flourishing in Vandarhoof with regular features Vandeth.oof, turning the municipality into an ad. orBaulzed by Arts Unlimited (the local gallery), the show will be $6.00for adultsand minhtrative and supply centre for the Nechako Vanderhoof Coffeehouse, the Nechako Comm~l- .$4,00 for students and scnior Plateau. ty Theatre group and a music society." . citlze~:..Chfldran under six years Twemy.five hundred people reside in the.village The environs of the village have definite attrac- of age will be admittedfree of while another 5000 have settled on farms and ran- tion with sever~ sparkling lakes and fish filled chug ches within a 20 mile radius. The trading area ex- rivers within easy driving distunce. Hunting is ~Aneincrease in publicity this tends further, encompassing about 14,000 people. popular in the fall, attracting enthusiasts from far year should attract more people Effeetlve January 1, 1983, Vanderhoof will away. to the Alnhow from various become a District Municipality with an in.town 'Alcun's Kenney Dam is a 100 liilometre (60 mile) parts of the province. Adver- population of 4000 people. The change in political drive from Vanderhoof along a sceniC, forested format will unify the con~nmnity, increase the tax roadway..Once North Americo's largestearth and tisements are runul~ on radio base and give themuniclp~lity a stronger voice in rock filled dam, the massive structure holds water stations between'Wl/liams Lake provincial affairs. in Knewstubb Lake, pan of the ~litte~nl~ Ootsa and Smlthess,.and s full colour Over 50 nc~, businesses have opened their dools chuln, and reroutes flows to the Kemano commercial is being shown on in Vandethoof during the past six years with a cor- Powerhouse, 300 fun west. CKPG, • re~ponding boom occurring in the commercial Nearby, Cheslatta Falls sends rainbow, hued Fifty-two thousand coplei of buli diag'sector. In the last year, a luxury apart- spray highinto the ah'as the entire volume of the this supplement are being iOdud- ment, a new municipal office and a large Nechako River plunges 100 feet Into the channel. .ed in major• newspapers automotive parts store have been built, and a new -~ The rlv~ has been much pubHcheddnce~Alcan- throughout Central Interior •" hotel .is imder eonstnictton, Plans are .also in the first announced plans to implement Kemano Com- the offing'for a new courthouse, two shoppi.ng mails pleti0n, a water re.routing Scheme capable of and brightly coloured posters are and a variety of other projects, depleting the flows in North Central B.C.'s river conspicuously on display. Twanty-three government agencies have head: system, quarters in the Village with the majority offering Further south, in the Kluskus Shield, ~ ex- se/-viceson a regional basis. In addition, the com- ploratiun coml~mles are reportedly drilling for muaity offers locally oriented facilities geared silver, lead and copper; ~V,'hile some small scale :Committee toward recreation, health, history and the arts. gold and jade activitx is taking place to the north The Vanderhoof Airshow The Vanderhoof arena, completed in 1979, of- of Vandethoof, the major ennccmin the district to Commifiee doesn't just coDsist fers .zo~.~ .skating, swimming ilessons and date has been the Placer Development of one person, but a dedicated children's~,QBrams during the summer months molybdenum mine in Endako, located 90 lan from hard worldng group of people. and a vadetyo]'activities in the winter. The indoor the village. They are Bud Cutts, 8ate, Barry cusling rink, .constructed in the same year by an in. Politically, yanderhoof is governed by a four Jones, Dance, Dan lloyd, Ramp, dependent l~al club, complements the roster of member Council headed by Mayor Do.n Ofan- Louise Wlebe, R¢ception~Dene seasonal sporting activities, tham,~corrently in .his .sixth year in office. In

Cutts, office, inn Leslie, Per.. Other recreational facilities include five ball January, the Council will expand to sixaldermanlc .... former Support, Dave Silver . diamonds in town and one in the ncighbouriag. ~laces.. t .... Bavarian Garden, Clark Berth, area, two developed parks, a large riverside bird. -Grantham is ah0a' director of. the Regional Fly-in, Darrell Cursons, M.O.T. umctunr~ attracting tip to 50,000 Canada g(:es~a District of B~Hey - Nechak0,/he adminis~ative ~ , Liaison, Sue Berth, Program year, a.Caml~ground, a beach and •four tennis body for u nlncorporated areas between Snufflers " Co-ordinator, Tom Smith, courts.-Anotherpavedceurlissehedaiedforcom- and-FortSt, James. Campsite, Dan Wicbe,' Grounds pletiun this year..... At the provin~|al levd, the vii~ge is represented . P •,~ ChrlsWB~m, Cunce~lous, Bud .. The VanderhoofAirport, fourmlies nortWof by O~necaMLAJackKempf, aSooredwhohalis i ..Bob 611~lldOn his been the pdm|ry a~ for ~ ,~.~.~mbulI, Souvenirs and Helen. the Villqe;.Is agrowing concern, housing two fly- from Houston. In Ottawa, the men,bar is Lome • VandMHloof AIrsbow since 1978. • - .~

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.What.',s a Lomce vak?. Read on.... I A top rm~ selection of t/on 'of derring.do, expertise, 8's randsplit S's. Most are detail. plusSes Into ,downward.arc and straight down ,ward the earth, tical flsure 8. 'eu~onauflc acrobadcp will split precisionand technique, ed in diagrams and dcscriptions flips into invm4~l flight. " " LoIemml~ Named after the . OIl~le 8pl~: The ai~fl 4 the Vanderhoof skies July 24th Each stunt has detailed dir~- on rids POSe. Loop With Outride 8ISp At Czechoslovakian word for plumges earthward .while spin~- and 2Jth. tinm, and can I~ performed Invert~RIgM:Theplanefli~ Top:~nepilotm~cuteaaloop. "headache", the lomcevak'is an ing laterally In controlled •~pec~ors w~ be tronted to alone or in series, or combined upside down. flying up-and around, rotating but of control stunt requltin8 the fashion. Idsh speed repertoires Involvins wtthanothcrtrick. SaapRo~:Thealrcrafltornsa the plane 360 degrccs at the top pinnetodiveepdOvcrcndbetorc IPoh~tlh~l:Theplm~rota~ spect~cuinr, spins. plunges, Some of the basic maneouvrea full rotation about Its horizontal then completing the opposite .rcoovednS .¢~..trol.. 360 desrecs in octagonal fashion, pirouettes and death d©f~yin~ Include invited flight, snaP a.,ds, side. CibanS:Thelfrciiflinseribcs pausing at reiular intes'val~. feats. rolls, tail slides, loops with out- Tall Slide: The plane pulls up Huamedaead: The aircraft a iiant horizontal flju~ 8 In the Split 8: The ah'a'alt flips ov~ Though some muoouvrcs side .snaps at the top, outside steeply, then .slides sharply flies directly upwai'd, noseaimed sky. and divca in a downward curve am look totally out of control, spins, lomcevaks, hammerhe~Is, backwards and d?~, tail md at thesky, ex~.-utes ag0de~ce Yenti~ I: Starting at mid. if drawing the bottom half of an aerobatics are ii'onreful oomMna. cuban 8's, 8 pointrolis, vertical first, Recovefln8 control, it. turn forward, theu plunges .poInt, the pLane outlines i vcr. "S".

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