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World Bank Document The World Bank Report No: ISR6354 Implementation Status & Results Niger Transport Sector Program Support Project (P101434) Operation Name: Transport Sector Program Support Project (P101434) Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 8 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 19-Nov-2011 Country: Niger Approval FY: 2008 Public Disclosure Authorized Product Line:IBRD/IDA Region: AFRICA Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Cellule de Coordination du PST, General Directorate of Public Works Key Dates Board Approval Date 29-Apr-2008 Original Closing Date 15-Dec-2012 Planned Mid Term Review Date 14-Feb-2011 Last Archived ISR Date 19-Nov-2011 Public Disclosure Copy Effectiveness Date 10-Sep-2008 Revised Closing Date 15-Dec-2012 Actual Mid Term Review Date 28-Jan-2011 Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The project development objectives are to (i) improve the physical access of rural population to markets and services on selected unpaved sections of the national road network, and (ii) strengthen the institutional framework, management and implementation of roadmaintenance in Niger. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project? Yes No Public Disclosure Authorized Component(s) Component Name Component Cost 1. Periodic maintenance and spot rehabilitation of unpaved roads; 24.89 2. Institutional support to main transport sector players 2. Institutional support to the main transport sector players 5.11 Overall Ratings Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Moderate Moderate Public Disclosure Authorized Implementation Status Overview The project implementation status is satisfactory. Physical execution of activities, disbursement, and most of the indicators results are on track to be achieved. Nevertheless, the project will not achieve the proposed number of km initially planned for periodic maintenance (about 1,056 km) due to an unanticipated financing gap and will impact on the PDO as well. Public Disclosure Copy As of May 2012, 81.15 percent of the Grant amount has been disbursed, leaving an undisbursed balance of about US$5.380millions expected to be disbursed by the expected project closing date of December 15th, 2012. Page 1 of 7 Public Disclosure Authorized The World Bank Report No: ISR6354 Locations Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Niger Zinder Zinder Niger Tillaberi Tillaberi Niger Zinder Tessaoua Niger Tahoua Tahoua Niger Zinder Tagiris Niger Tillaberi Tabla Public Disclosure Copy Niger Zinder Sabonkafi Niger Maradi Maradi Niger Maradi Maradi Niger Maradi Madarounfa Niger Dosso Loga Niger Not Entered Korgom Niger Tillaberi Kollo Niger Tillaberi Kirtachi Seybou Niger Zinder Kelle Niger Tahoua Keita Niger Tahoua Kangui Niger Zinder Goure Niger Maradi Gabaouri Niger Dosso Dosso Niger Dosso Dogon Kirya Niger Dosso Dioundiou Niger Maradi Dakoro Public Disclosure Copy Niger Dosso Boureimi Page 2 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR6354 Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Niger Zinder Belbeji Niger Tillaberi Bani Bangou Niger Tillaberi Baleyara Niger Tahoua Bagaroua Niger Tillaberi Tillaberi Results Public Disclosure Copy Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Transport time to operators Hours Value 0.00 0.00 Date 31-Dec-2007 15-Dec-2012 Comments Maradi - Madarounfa Hours Value 3.50 3.50 3.00 Sub Type Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Breakdown Comments 3 hours and 30 minutes with No survey was conducted on 14 stops this road which will not be rehabilitated due to lack of funds. It will be replaced by Kollo-Kirtachi which is under construction. Balleyara - Banibangou Hours Value 9.00 5.00 7.00 Sub Type Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Breakdown Comments with 21 stops Share of rural population with access to an all- Percentage Value 33.00 36.00 36.00 season road Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Comments No survey was conducted. Therefore, The number has not changed Number of rural people with access to an all- Number Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 season road Sub Type Supplemental Public Disclosure Copy Page 3 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR6354 Roads in good and fair condition as a share of Percentage Value 69.00 72.00 85.00 total classified roads Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Comments No new survey was conducted. Size of the total classified network Kilometers Value 6278.00 6278.00 6278.00 Sub Type Supplemental Intermediate Results Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Public Disclosure Copy Annual execution rate of maintenance budget Percentage Value 80.00 67.00 95.00 Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Comments Road maintenance program execution level is low as per end of January 2012. The figure has not taken into account the last bills submitted after end of December and under payment. The complete figure of 2011 budget execution will be known on July during the supervision mission. Revenues mobilized by CAFER from fuel levy, Number Value 3500.00 4668.00 5600.00 tolls and overloading (FCFA) Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Comments The amount awaited was Values are in million of CFA 5400millions FCFA. The total amount of 2011 budget has not yet been transfered to CAFER. There is a gap of 3billion FCFA which is not paid yet to CAFER. Average Daily Traffic from RN1 to Bangui Number Value 0.00 0.00 Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Comments Target value not defined in the PAD. Trucks etc Number Value 2.00 3.00 Public Disclosure Copy Sub Type Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Page 4 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR6354 Breakdown Comments Target value not defined in the PAD. Buses Number Value 28.00 19.00 Sub Type Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Breakdown Comments Target value not defined in the PAD. Light vehicles Number Value 85.00 33.00 Sub Type Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Breakdown Comments Target value not defined in the PAD. Public Disclosure Copy Intermediate Means of Transport, motorized Number Value 21.00 81.00 Sub Type Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Breakdown Comments Target value not defined in the PAD. Intermediate Means of Transport, non Number Value 84.00 15.00 motorized Sub Type Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Breakdown Comments Target value not defined in the PAD. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) from Samia to Number Value 0.00 0.00 Sabonkafi Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Comments The trunk is not rehabilitated yet. So the indicator has not been measured Trucks etc. Number Value 2.00 2.00 Sub Type Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Breakdown Comments Target value not defined in the PAD. Buses Number Value 2.00 2.00 Sub Type Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Breakdown Comments Target value not defined in the PAD. Light vehicles Number Value 65.00 65.00 Sub Type Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Breakdown Comments Target value not defined in the PAD. Public Disclosure Copy Intermediate Means of Transport (motorized_ Number Value 2.00 2.00 Sub Type Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Page 5 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR6354 Breakdown Comments Target value not defined in the PAD. Intermediate Means of Transport (non Number Value 78.00 78.00 motorized) Sub Type Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Breakdown Comments Target value not defined in the PAD. Roads rehabilitated, Rural Kilometers Value 0.00 600.00 736.00 Date 31-Dec-2007 31-Jan-2012 15-Dec-2012 Comments Total length - 1056 km will not be rehabilitated as initially Public Disclosure Copy planned. Data on Financial Performance (as of 24-May-2012) Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date P101434 IDA-H3780 Effective 29-Apr-2008 18-Jun-2008 10-Sep-2008 15-Dec-2012 15-Dec-2012 Disbursements (in Millions) Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P101434 IDA-H3780 Effective XDR 18.80 18.80 0.00 15.26 3.54 81.00 Disbursement Graph Public Disclosure Copy Page 6 of 7 The World Bank Report No: ISR6354 Public Disclosure Copy Key Decisions Regarding Implementation As requested by the Borrower, the disclosure of the aide-memoire is for official use only not public. Restructuring History Level two Approved on 03-May-2012 Related Projects P131107-NE - Transport Sector Program Addit Fin Public Disclosure Copy Page 7 of 7.
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