Building back better against climate shocks through the restoration of ecosystems and livelihoods of communities in the Dallol Fogah (Dosso) and Badaguichiri (Tahoua) watersheds | Niger United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 18 September 2018 Building back better against climate shocks through the restoration of ecosystems and livelihoods of communities in the Dallol Fogah Project/Programme Title: (Dosso) and Badaguichiri ( Tahoua ) watersheds Country(ies): Niger National Designated National Council of Environment for Sustainable Development - Authority(ies) (NDA): CNEDD Directorate of Sustainable Land Management, National Council of Environment for Sustainable Development, Africa Sustainability Executing Entities: Center Accredited Entity(ies) (AE): UN Environment Date of first submission/ [2018-09-13] [V.0] version number: Date of current submission/ [2018-09-13] [V.0] version number Please submit the completed form to
[email protected], using the following name convention in the subject line and file name: “CN-[Accredited Entity or Country]-YYYYMMDD” Simplified Approval Process CONCEPT NOTE Template V.1.1 GREEN CLIMATE FUND | PAGE 1 OF 4 A. Project / Programme Information (max. 1 page) ☒ Project A.2. Public or private ☒ Public sector A.1. Project or programme ☐ sector ☐ Programme Private sector Mitigation: Reduced emissions from: ☐ Energy access and power generation ☐ Low emission transport ☐ Buildings, cities and industries and appliances A.3. Indicate the result ☒ Forestry and land use areas for the Adaptation: Increased resilience of: project/programme ☒ Most vulnerable people and communities ☒ Health and well-being, and food and water security ☐ Infrastructure and built environment ☒ Ecosystem and ecosystem services A.5. Estimated A.4. Estimated mitigation adaptation impact 50,000, with 30 % of impact (tCO2eq over TBD (number of direct women lifespan) beneficiaries and % of population) A.7.