ITU A|Z • Vol 12 No 2 • July 2015 • 3-17 Spolia usage in Anatolian rulers: A comparison of ideas for Byzantines, Anatolian Seljuqs and Ottomans Bilge AR
[email protected] • Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Received: February 2015 Final Acceptance: April 2015 Abstract Te re-evaluation and re use of antique construction material as spolia may have much deeper meanings than sole economic purposes. It may be because of aesthetic taste or the wish to give a political or religious message. Te origins and choice of spolia, the motives for the use of it, possible political, ideological, litur- gical and perhaps legal reasons behind it must all be evaluated. Spolia materials are subject to many diferent felds by nature of their given and original lives. Tis work covers some ideas between approaches to spolia material and meanings attibuted to them in mainly monumental buildings of Byzantine Empire, Anato- lian Seljuq Sultanate and Ottoman Empire. Te evaluation starts with the reign of Constantine, on vast lands covering the East and the West, Rome and Constan- tinople where extensive use of spolia was deliberately applied. Trough Middle Ages diferent approaches were encountered in Europe, Byzantine territories and in the lands dominated by Anatolian Seljuqs. Later on while Early Ottoman era applications get integrated to the applications of the Byzantine era, a completely diferent attitude and usage is developed during Classical Ottoman era. Tis work tries to give an overview of these usages and the ideas behind them through some comparative ideas. Keywords Ottoman Architecture, Anatolian Seljuq Architecture, Reuse, Roman-Byzantine Architecture, Spolia material.