Till Every on July 1
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! THE NEW PURE FOOD LAW. PASSENGER TRAINS COLLIDE. THE TUPELO mm TOPICS OF THE DAI IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE. Stringent Provisions of the Act of March 8 One Man Killed Onlrlaht and Seren l’DHMSUKU WKEKI.Y. »«03, Which Goes Into Kffect • People NEWS FROM EVERYWHERE Injured In Railway Accident Ini wal Till every on July 1. at Bt. Louie. TUPELO, i t MISSISSIPPI. life have PERSONAL AND GENERAL. One — ■—gMMUf———■*mww————————1 Washington, June 20.— Assistan Man, Determined to Acquit, “Prof.” A. A. Arthur, Badly Want backs 1 St. June 10.—In a collision s One of the Louis, n e y hundred and fifty’ union linker* Nelson Innos. one of the best-know] , Secretary Armstrong, treasury Hung the and Rendered a ed the a Dozen Cit- Jury, between an Illinois Centrul and by Police of wrong on the writers in the | department, issued a circular letter Big etruck, 16th, in Pittsburg, Pa., ■porting country, diet New Trial hack into Necessary. Four train near the east tc ies, at 111. the to compel owners to place the union at Denver, Col., on the 16th, of con Friday, carrying effect, begin approach Caught Monmouth, the Eads gins to a label on all bread and biscuits. Mr. lnnes‘ illness was ning July 1, the pure food act ap bridge at 10:30 o’clock sumption. tn Cure sick result of a £old contracted at proved March 3, 1903. John a horse while Thursday night, Dodge, n e s a The Chilian on the THE NEXT y government, the j Under this act the of th< TRIAL TO BE AT CYNTHIANA. trainer tending Corbett-Fitzsimmon secretary from Dallas, Tex., was killed HE OPERATED UNDER VARIOUS NAMES b a c k a 18th. decided to take part in the. St. has fight at Carson City, Nev. treasury authority, upon reques and several others were « Louis injured quickly ex}Kisition. The sum of $”">,000 Pat Donovan, a rancher and from the secretary of agriculture, t< poli Gov. Heckhnm May Take a Hand in Many valuable horses in n ear at a.p pea has been for that of cus All of HI* Scheme* Had for Tbeli appropriated pur- tician at Clinton, Mont., was shot am | direct drawing by officers the Read t the Matter When All the Pacta tached to the rear of the Illinois Cen- wounded toms of at custom housi Object the Acquisition of Othei pose. fatally by three highway samples any Are Laid Before Him by State tral train were testimo-j on from either killed Coin Without Henderin* men the 16th. Donovan returnee I original packages of imported out-righl People's and learn how it can be done. !)r. Hiram K. Jones died in Jackson- Inspector Hynea, Who Haa Been or the food and maimed. a Fair and Jnst Equivalent fire, killing one robber and severe products, drugs and liquors, A. A. Koyee, a farmer living three ville, 111., on the 16th, aged 82 years. Studying the Caae. The ly wounding another. to refuse to deliver t-o the consignee: injured passengers are: Therefor. and a half miles from Trenton, He was a well-known and Mo,, platonist, J. ■ W • J. Frey, of Sedalia, Mo., for sev any such commodities as the secre illis O. Foote, horse owner, Dal- •ays: “A severe cold settled in my had devoted the best of his life for one years eral • Jackson, Ky., June 20.—But years general manager of thi tary of agriculture may report to hin las, Tex.; compound fracture of the Chicago, June 20.—“Prof.” A. A. Ar kidneys and developed so quickly that to the study of the philosophy. Curtis have been Santa Fe and to tha as found, to be juror Jett would I was obliged to off work on account railway, prior upon analysis, danger left foot anA abrasions on head. thur, a septuagenarian who has beei lay te general superintendent of the Missou ■ ous to health, or which ureyforbiddei convicted here, Friday, of the .assas- of the aching in my back and sides. King Peter attended a solemn Henry James, N. J.; Bought by the police of a dozen citiei Kansas & Texas was to be or Jersey City, a time 1 was unable to walk at Pussinn in Ge- ri, railroad, pro sold, which are restricted ii sination of Attorney J. B. Marcum, For all, deum at the chapel briused about head and for a score of years, lias beer nounced a critical 01 i neck. nearly and makeshift I tried and all the 18th. The re- in condition, sale, in the countries in which t.hej and a of the favored the every neva on the archpriest majority jury Elizabeth at ill., Chieagr the 16th, with uraemic are or ex Harris, Krebs, I. T.; Cut caught Monmouth, by medicine I took had not the. slightest ceived the at the entrance to the poisoning. made, from which they are conviction of Thomas White also. king on heud detectives. back continued to Woodmen in convention at Indian ported, or which shall be falsely la and face and bruised uboul effect. My grow church and sprinkled him with holy Both are to-night in jail at Lexing- apolis, Ind., on the 17th, elected a i bled in in to the body. Arthur lias operated under man; weaker until I was unfit for anything. water. any respect regard and be at ■ ton, their next trial will head A. K. was ar Mrs. noticed Doan's Pills consul, Talbot, of Nebras place of manufacture or the content: Geo. Henry Rausch, 102 South different mimes, and when he Boyce Kidney Cynthiana, more than one hundred advertised as a sure-cure for 6uch J. A. of Col., sec- ka; head adviser, II. 11. Ilorne. Iowa of the ‘The circular rested were found in his just Edgerton, Denver, package. say: street, Boston, severe wound. papers pos of head C. W. Hawes. Illinois miles from from the sealp conditions and one day when in Tren- retary of the national committee clerk, that on receipt of requests from the Jackson, away session that he was trav August Knub.3201 Haekberry street indicating ton she a box home from on the called head banker, P. R. Smith, Missouri. of mountains and in the Blue Grass re- brought the 17th, department agriculture, as of a bank 1 people's party, tlirougl over eling the vice-president James W. a who dis Cincinnati, ().; cut right eye and Chas. A. Foster's drug store. I followed for a conference of reform- Wilson, forger the for under conditions political treasury department, sample: gion, very different a in an eastern i at the Joliet internal injuries. professor college, the directions carefully when taking ers to be held in Denver on Monday, appeared penitentiary of such sum- from coun- imported commodities, those in Breathitt a minister. was found concealed existing A. 813 tourist, a lecturer and them and I must say I was more than 27. inside the wall of solid food of not les: Goldstein, South Fifth street July pies products more on 17th. He ty. in bis satchel was found a full bank surprised and much gratified to the was without food foi than two each and oi Philadelphia, Pa.; cut over right eye pounds samples The of venue notice the backache of the a week. interest in the change and >00 imitatioi disappearing The English Lutheran synod of not other bruises. ing outfit, including liquids less than one quarl ■ was second to the verdict. When oi until it finally stopped.” northwest, at La Crosse, Wis.. on the President Roosevelt wound up hii only Miss A. O’Marn, III.; se drafts on the National Park bank gradually each, and samples of drugs in quan Chicago, A FREE TRIAL of this 1 Red wine refused to hear great kidney 151th, a measure which pro- tour of the continent, on the 16th, it Judge argu- verely cut about face, shouldei New York. The police of C'hicagc adopted tities to be designated at the time right medicine which cured Mr. will a case, foi Boyce aid for stu- visit to the of 1 ments on the of the location bruised. have been on the vides poor theological University Virginia will be drawn and ex change working forwarded by be mailed on application to any part dents who intend to become Lutherm at Charlottesville. it was stated the court- C. W. more than a or ever since it was press or mail to the department oi by many in Kavser, Chicago, 111.; scalp year, of the United States. Address Foster- ministers. Chauneey Dewey, Clyde W'ilson anc wound and bruised about head and discovered that the drafts were print agriculture, Washington, I). C.,market house that the presiding judge had Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by W. J. McBride, with the mur arms. d in this where the charged “chief of bureau of heard from who is city, “professor' cents on 16th of the chemistry.” Gov. Beckham, gen- all dpuggists, price 50 per box. Estimates made the der of the at St. Fran had Berry family, The cost of Edgar Knee, mail clerk on Big Foui apparently headquarters. loss of life cloudburst at the samples will be re- erally believed to have had something by the Hepp- cis, Kas., were, on the 17th, bonne The “Prof. Arthur,” was tin imbursed to ex train, Indianapolis, lnd.; bruised alias, differ but the num- the and the to do with the of venue to ner. Ore., widely, over to the next session of the dis importer, change about head.