United States Patent Office Patented Sept
3,274,105 United States Patent Office Patented Sept. 20, 1966 2 Such as carbon disulfide and percaptains). Nevertheless, 3,274,05 Within the above-mentioned limits, it is advisable to FIRE EXTENGUISHENG COMPOSITION choose the concentration of the solution according to the Norbert Mevel, Antony, France, assignor to Societe d’Etudes Chimiques poeir distrie et l'Agriculare nature of the fires to be dealt with: for fires of high boil S.E.C.P.I.A., Paris, France ing hydrocarbons and those of a large number of chem No Drawing. Filed July 5, 1963, Ser. No. 295,213 icals Such as alcohol, aldehydes, amines, petroleum ether, Claims priority, application France, Aag. 3, 1962, ethyl ether, etc., solutions containing from 300 to 400 905,979, Patent 1,338,454 g./l. of potassium acetate give the best results. But for 10 Clains. (C. 252-2) fires of low boiling hydrocarbons such as gasoline, solu O tions containing from about 500 to 600 g./l. are more This invention relates to fire extinguishing Solutions for effective to obtain complete extinction. use against dry fires and fires particularly difficult to ex It has also been found that by adding tetrapotassium tinguish such as those of hydrocarbons or inflammable pyrophosphate to acqueous solutions of potassium acetate, chemicals and mixed fires, that is to say, fires of con the extinguishing effect is considerably increased and that bustible solid substances (wood, paper, rags, etc.) soaked 5 the same results are obtained with a lower acetate con for example with hydrocarbons or chemicals. Centration. For example, a solution containing 300 g./I.
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