Brazilian Embassy in Trade Sector June 2010 NEWSLETTER Year 4 No. 3


Brazilian Exports to the Nordic Countries (Million US$ FOB) Year Norway Sweden Finland Denmark Iceland 2007 650,6 634,4 525,0 279,5 1,7 2008 865,0 624,6 441,4 320,3 12,8 2009 611,6 312,8 299,7 257,8 132,4

Jan-May 2010 296,1 122,5 152,1 104,1 90,3

NORWEGIAN GOVERNMENT’S STRATEGY FOR BRAZIL. On June 21st, at the Litteraturhuset in Oslo, Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre, Minister of Trade and Industry , Minister of the Environment and International Development and Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Riis-Johansen participated in a public information meeting to launch the process for developing an official Norwegian Strategy for Brazil. The Ambassador of Brazil, Sergio Eduardo Moreira Lima, was invited and joined the ministerial panel.

According to Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre , the presence of four Ministers of State gave the measure of the interest that the Norwegian Government attaches to the relationship with Brazil. In his words, we live in times of change in the international system, with the emergence of new regional and global players such as Brazil, India and China. Brazil is a key global player in international negotiations, like in the WTO, human rights, and intends to continue to play its role in the promotion of peace and reconciliation, for example in Haiti, the Middle East and regional conflicts in Latin America. The country is a leader of the group of developing countries G-77 and at the same time it is a driving force in the group of the main world economies, the G-20. He added that in the bilateral sphere, Brazil is Norway’s main partner in Latin America, and that the Strategy for Brazil is part of the Government’s Soria Moria II political platform which entails closer ties with the most influential emerging countries. He underlined that, although the relations between Brazil and Norway are good, the Government wants to strengthen this relationship even more, with the objective of turning Norway, in the long run, into a preferential and natural partner of Brazil in specific areas. In the end, Minister Støre mentioned that a working group, made up of representatives of the relevant ministries has been established to conducted the process, and invited representatives from the civil society and the business community to contribute to the process through suggestions that will promote a broader view about Norway’s interests and the opportunities derived from a closer cooperation with Brazil.

Minister of Trade and Industry Trond Giske stressed that Brazil is the main destination of Norwegian investments after the and the and that the huge discoveries of oil and gas in its coast may turn the country into one of the main world producers. He mentioned that he has been receiving information from many Norwegian companies with activities in Brazil pointing that it is a very interesting and demanding market. He added that his Ministry expects to receive suggestions and proposals from the Norwegian business sector.

1 Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Riis-Johansen emphasized the successful cooperation that has existed for years between Brazil and Norway in the oil & gas sector, and that the two countries have many similarities as large energy producers. In his view, it is natural that energy be a central theme of the Government’s Strategy for Brazil. He added that he will endeavour to strengthen the partnership with Brazil when he visits the country in September.

Minister of the Environment and International Development Erik Solheim signaled that Brazil has become one of the most influential countries in the world: it is the largest country for Norwegian investments beyond Europe and the United States. Norway and Brazil have common viewpoints and cooperation between the two countries is increasing in areas related to climate, tropical forests and social dialogue.

Ambassador Sergio Eduardo Moreira Lima emphasized Brazil’s satisfaction with the initiative of the Norwegian Government, which coincides with the common purpose of promoting the bilateral relationship and has been marked by dynamic business contacts in areas of growing importance for both countries. He quoted the words of President Lula’s speech during his State Visit to Norway in 2007, which highlighted the long friendship and common values that underpins Brazil-Norway relations and encourages its development.

AGREEMENT BETWEEN GIEK AND PETROBRAS. Coinciding with the launching of the process of the Strategy for Brazil, Minister of Trade and Industry Trond Giske hosted, at the government’s representation house, the signing ceremony of the agreement between the Norwegian Guarantee Institute for Export Credits (GIEK) and Petrobras. The ceremony was co-presided by Brazil's Ambassador to Norway, Sergio Eduardo Moreira Lima. The frame agreement totals one billion U.S. dollars, allowing GIEK to provide guarantees to cover loans financing Norwegian deliveries to Petrobras. The agreement was signed by Wenche Nistad, Director of GIEK, and Samir Awad, Director of Petrobras Netherlands B.V. The signing ceremony was followed by a luncheon attended by executives of the main companies of the Norwegian offshore and financial sectors.

The decision of the Norwegian Government to formulate a Strategy for Brazil and the signing of the GIEK-Petrobras agreement received wide coverage in Dagens Næringsliv, the main economic newspaper in Norway.

Information from the Norwegian Government and GIEK about both issues can be found in the following links:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Norwegian) sil_strategi.html?id=609184 and ml?id=609065 Ministry of Trade and Industry (in Norwegian) for-Norges-samarbeid-med-Brasil.html?id=609162

GIEK (in English):