Rev. Biol. Trop. 49 Supl. 1: 81-88, 2001

A New and New of from the Gulf of Panama (: Sciaenidae)

Ning Labbish Chao1, Philippe Béarez2 and D. Ross Robertson3 1 Universidade do Amazonas, C.P.2310, Manaus, AM 69.061, Brazil. Fax: 55 92 236-6380; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Muséum National d’Historie Naturelle, Paris, France. E-mail: [email protected] 3 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama. E-mail: [email protected]

Received: 10-VIII-2000 Corrected: 23-XI-2000 Accepted: 8-XII-2000

Abstract: Paranebris bauchotae, a new genus and species of sciaenid from the Gulf of Panama is described from three specimens (138-212 mm SL). It is distinguished from all other sciaenids by having granulated tooth plates on the jaws and the premaxillary tooth plates that are exposed laterally of the lower jaw when the mouth is closed. The new genus shares the following characters with the New World genus Nebris: a thick fleshy and cartilage gap present between premaxillary bones where the ascending processes form an A-frame arch; gas bladder with a pair of long U-shaped appendages; and a thick, oval-shaped sagitta with deeply grooved caudal section of the sulcus. Paranebris bauchotae is distinct from all Nebris species in having a firmer interorbital skin and scale cover (spongy to the touch in Nebris), a larger eye (6-7 vs. 8- 12 times in head length) and large ctenoid scales (vs. small and cycloid in Nebris).

Key words: New genus, new species, description, , Nebris

About 80 species of sciaenid fishes are wintersteeni Walker & Radford 1992 and found along the Pacific coasts of the Americ- additional Stellifer species (Chao, in this vol- as between southern Alaska and southern ume). Chile. A few species also occur at the off- A new genus and species of sciaenid shore islands, such as the Galapagos and fish, Paranebris bauchotae (Fig. 1), i s Archipelago Juan Fernández. Tropical East described here based on three specimens col- Pacific sciaenids are most speciose between lected from the Gulf of Panama in two inde- Baja California and northern Peru, and new pendent collections. Paranebris bauchotae is species continue to be discovered and a medium sized fish with an elongated body, described from that area. Some are restricted and a large and oblique mouth. Although to deeper offshore waters, such as Ctenosci - externally the new species looks very differ- aena peru v i a n a Chirrichigno 1969, ent from the species of Nebris, these two gen- Cynoscion nannus Castro & Arvizu 1976, era share some distinctive anatomical charac- Cynoscion sp. Béarez (in this volume) and ters that are not found in other sciaenids, Umbrina bussingi López 1980. Most howev- including a thick fleshy gap at front of the er occur in inshore waters, such as, Stellifer upper jaw, between the tips of premaxillary m a n c o re n s i s Chirrichigno 1962, U m b r i n a bones, a pair of long U-shaped appendages on 82 R E V I S TA DE BIOLOGIA T R O P I C A L

the gas bladder, and a thick oval sagitta with follows Leviton et al. ( 1985). Anatomical deeply grooved cauda on inner surface. These descriptions and illustrations were based on synapomorphies suggest that the new genus the MNHN specimen (211 mm SL). is closely related to the genus Nebris. How- e v e r, difference of overall morphology, Paranebris new genus including meristic and morphometric charac- ters (Table 1) clearly indicate that this species The type-species of Paranebris is desig- warrants placement in a new genus. nated here as P. bauchotae new species. The diagnostic characters of the genus are the MATERIALS AND METHODS same as the type-species. Paranebris is a sister group of Nebris due to sharing of spe- All three specimens were collected from cific characters, including a premaxillary the Gulf of Panama. The first specimen arch, and morphology of the gas bladder and (MNHN 1988-261) was collected by of the sagitta. Gabriela Bianchi during the course of prepar- Etymology: The new genus is named ing the FAO Identification Sheets for Central Paranebris (para = near), to suggest that the East Pacific in the mid 1980s. Two addition- new genus is closely related to the genus al specimens (USNM 360918 and MCZ Nebris. 157272) were collected recently by the junior co-authors in the Golfo de San Miguel with a small shrimp trawl at about 12 m depth. Paranebris bauchotae new species Unless specifically noted, methods of count- (Fig. 1.) ing and measuring follow Hubbs and Lagler Holotype: USNM 360918, 185 mm SL, 8°18’N 78° 28’W, Golfo de Miguel, Panama, collected by (1964), and morphological terminology and Philippe Béarez and Ross Robertson during a STRI expe- descriptions follow Chao (1978, 1986, 1995). dition on board R/V Urraca, by bottom trawl on January The standard symbolic code for collections 23, 2000, at about 1km west of Punta Patiño on a mud and sand bottom at 12 m depth.

Fig. 1. Paranebris bauchotae n. gen. n. sp.; holotype USNM 360918, 185 mm SL(photo by R. Robertson) I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L OF T R O P I C A L B I O L O G Y AND CONSERVAT I O N 83

Fig. 2. Premaxillary bones of Paranebris bauchotae. Fig. 3. Gas bladder of Paranebris bauchotae with a pair Note that their ascending processes form an A-frame arch of long U-shaped appendages, a Nebris-pattern. on tip of snout with a fleshy and cartilage gap in between (top fig. A); their granulated tooth plates are exposed lat- when mouth is completely closed (Fig. 2 B). eral to the lower jaw when viewed from the underside of the head (bottom fig. B). Gas bladder with a pair of tubular appendages, which extend from anterior margin of gas Paratypes: MNHN 1988-261, 212 mm SL, a chamber to posterior end of body cavity, then maturing female specimen, from Gulf of Panama, col- U-turn back, and extend forward in front of lected by G. Bianchi. MCZ 157272, 138mm SL caught main chamber of gas bladder (Fig. 3). Sagitta with holotype. thick, elliptical with a large tadpole-shaped sul- Di a g n o s i s : Jaw teeth short, conical, rather cus on its inner surface (Fig. 4). flat and densely packed, forming granulated Etymology: The species is named in tooth plates and rough to touch, like coarse honor of Dr. M.-L Bauchot for her contribu- sa n d p a p e r . Anterior basal points of premaxil- tion in caring for the very important fish col- lary bones do not converge, and ascending lections at the Muséum National d’Histoire processes of premaxillae forming an A- f r a m e Naturelle, Paris, and for her enthusiasm and arch at front of wide snout (Fig. 2 A). Too t h - hospitality to many students of fishes. less fleshy gap present at the front of upper Description: Dorsal-fin rays IX + I, 21- jaws where toothed tip of lower jaw fits in 22; anal-fin rays II, 9; pectoral-fin rays 17; between upper tooth plates; entire lower jaw gill rakers 5 + 10 = 15; lateral line pored enclosed within the tooth plates of upper jaws scales 48; vertebrae 11 + 14 = 25. 84 R E V I S TA DE BIOLOGIA T R O P I C A L I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L OF T R O P I C A L B I O L O G Y AND CONSERVAT I O N 85 86 R E V I S TA DE BIOLOGIA T R O P I C A L

Head large, almost equilaterally triangu- one half length of first ray. Caudal fin long, lar, its length about 32 % of SL; dorsal profile pointed, nearly rhomboidal, its length about evenly arched, slightly concave above eyes. equal to length of head, with margin of upper Top of head flat and firm, covered with thick lobe slightly concave and lower lobe slightly scaled skin without visible bony ridges. Eye convex. Pectoral fin darkish and moderately small 6-7 in head length, orbit somewhat long, 23.2-24.4 in SL, its tip extending slight- ovoid; interorbit wide, 3.2-3.5 in head length. ly beyond tip of pelvic fins. Origin of pelvic Snout blunt and long, 3.6-4.3 in head length fin slightly behind that of pectoral fin, and (Table 1). Ascending processes of premaxil- pelvic fin without a filamentous prolongation lary bones form an A-frame arch at tip of on first soft ray. snout (Fig. 2a), and anterior basal portion of Scales large, ctenoid on trunk and verti- premaxillary bones do not meet at symphysis cal fins, cycloid on head except a few ctenoid of upper jaws, thus a toothless, fleshy gap scales on opercles; scales on snout much presents at tip of upper jaw. reduced in size, but not embedded. Dorsal Mouth large, terminal, lower jaw slight- and anal fins with one or two rows of small ly projecting, gape slightly oblique no more ctenoid scales along base, and a few scales on than an a 30° angle. Teeth short, conical to the membranes up to 1/2 of fin height along flat, tightly packed in a mosaic patch, like hind margin of soft rays. coarse sandpaper to the touch. Upper-jaw Pored lateral-line scales ctenoid (47- tooth bands well-spaced from each other; 48), with aborescent lateral line canals and lower-jaw tooth plates converge at symph- intercalated with smaller ctenoid scales. ysis. When mouth closed, upper-jaw tooth Scale row just above lateral line similar in plates extend laterally, entirely enclosing size but lacking intercalated scales (48-55). lower jaw except its tip. Teeth from upper Paratype: (MNHN 1988-261, 212 mm and lower jaws do not appear to touch each SL) is a mature female, eggs are visible other (Fig. 2). Tip of upper lip on a horizon- through ovarian walls. Pyloric ceca well- tal line passing below lower margins of orbit, developed in two clusters of five each. Peri- with two marginal pores at its lower edge. toneal wall pale. Underside of lower jaw with two pores at tip Nebris-pattern gas bladder (Chao 1978); and a distinct symphyseal knob (Fig. 2b). a pair of long tubular appendixes (diverticula) Maxillary long, 1.9-2.2 times in head length, originating from anterior margin of main its end extending behind eye. chamber, extending posterior-laterally along Preopercular margin embedded under body cavity to base of first anal-fin pterigio- scales rather smooth at angle. Opercle ends phore, then looping back (a U-turn) and slightly anterior to origin of pectoral fin. extending forward at front of gas bladder to Hind margin of postemporal bone covered auditory bulla under cranium (Fig. 3). Drum- with small ctenoid scales, appearing as a ming muscles associated with gas bladder bony flap above dorsal end of gill slit. absent in the female; male not examined. Lateral gill rakers long and slender, 4- Sagitta oval, very thick, with a notch at 5+8-10 = 13-15, median one (longest) dis- posterior margin. A large tadpole-shaped sul- tinctly longer than gill filaments at angle of cus mark covers almost entire inner surface, first gill arch. Inner gill rakers short and with a large ostium expanded along lateral knob-like, 2-3+7 = 9-10. margins and closed in a narrow spurt to the Spinous dorsal fin low, longest spine not anterior margin of sagitta. Cauda sharply reaching origin of second dorsal fin when bent, with a deeply grooved and expanded depressed. Second dorsal fin long with one distal portion. Outer surface of sagitta ele- spine and 21-22 soft rays. Anal fin truncate vated, almost rounded in middle (Fig. 4). with two spines, second spine short, about I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L OF T R O P I C A L B I O L O G Y AND CONSERVAT I O N 87

Color: Body uniformly silvery slightly deeply grooved cauda section seen in the dark above with a bronze cast and yellowish Nebris-pattern. Further study is needed to lateral line when freshly caught; turn to light determine the phylogenetic relationship of brown in preservative. Side with four faint the sister group of Paranebris and Nebris blotch-like vertical bands, three on and below with other sciaenids. dorsal fin and one on caudal peduncle. Pec- toral fins distinctly dark; pelvic, anal and cau- dal fins fairly dark, especially toward the dis- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS tal ends; and tip of spinous dorsal fin also dark. Opercles with a diffused dark blotch We thank Gabriela Bianci and Walter due to black lining on inner opercle. First gill Fischer (both formerly at FAO, Rome) who arch with a black line along base of gill fila- collected and sent the first specimen and pho- ments. Inside of mouth pale. tographs to NLC during the course of prepar- Relationships: Based on the diagnostic ing the Sciaenidae section of the FAO Identi- characters described above (Figs. 2-4, Table fication Sheets for Central East Pacific. We 1), the new genus Paranebris is most closely thank Karsten Hartel, fish collection manager related to Nebris. Paranebris bauchotae and Anne Everly, assistant fish collection shares the following synapomorphies with manager at MCZ, for making the rendezvous the species of the genus N e b r i s: (1) the of fish specimens and information among ascending process of each premaxilla form an three distant authors. K. Hartel read earlier A-frame arch in front of ethmoid bone under versions of this manuscript, and his kind sup- the skin of snout (Fig. 2 ); (2) a pair of long port and friendship made this and other fish U-shaped appendages on gas bladder (Fig. 3); studies possible for NLC at the MCZ. Karl (3) a thick oval sagitta with a deeply grooved Leim and Bruce Collette have sponsored cauda of the tadpole shaped sulcus (Fig. 4). NLC as research associate at MCZ, Harvard P. bauchotae can be distinguished from the University and NMNH, Smithsonian Institu- Nebris species (Table 1) by having a thick, tion, respectively. Support from the Smith- narrow head, that is not spongy to the touch sonian Tropical Research Institute and the as in Nebris, a larger eye (6-7 times in head Smithsonian Short-term Visitors program length vs. 8-12 in Nebris), a slightly oblique made the 2000 Darien Expedition possible. terminal mouth (a strongly oblique mouth The ready assistance of the crew of RV Urra- with a projecting lower jaw in Nebris), fewer ca is acknowledged as is help from W. soft dorsal-fin rays (21-22 vs. 27-32 in Bussing, T. Duda, R. Cooke, C. Tapia, K. Nebris) and large, ctenoid, pored lateral-line Kaiser during the Darien Expedition. PB also scales (48 vs. 100-116, small cycloid i n thanks STRI for financial support to partici- Nebris). Sasaki (1989) proposed that Nebris pate in this expedition. Keiko Moore of the and Larimus form a sister group, whereas National Systematics Laboratory National Chao (1978) suggested a more distant rela- Marine Fisheries Service made improvement tionship between these two genera. The to the illustrations. external morphology of P. bauchotae is simi- lar to that of juvenile Totoaba macdonaldi, which is endemic to the Gulf of California. RESUMEN The gas bladder of T. macdonaldi also has a pair of long tubular diverticula, originating Se describe una nueva especie y un nuevo género, from the anterior margin of the main cham- Paranebris bauchotae, del Golfo de Panamá. Su den- ber, but terminating posteriorly without a U- tadura es característica y el ojo y las escamas permiten diferenciarlo de Nebris. turn as in the Nebris – pattern (Chao 1978, 1986). Its sagitta is not rounded and lacks the 88 R E V I S TA DE BIOLOGIA T R O P I C A L

REFERENCES Hubbs, C. L. & K. F. Lagler. 1964. Fishes of the Great Lakes region. Rev. Ed. University of Michigan, Chao, L. N. 1978. A basis for classifying western Ann Abor, 213 p. Atlantic Sciaenidae (Pisces: Perciformes). Nation- Leviton, A.E., R. H. Gibbs Jr., E. Heal & C. E. Dawson. al Marine Fisheries Service, Tech. Rep. Circ. no. 1985. Standard in herpetology and ichthyology: 415, 64 p. Part I. Standard symbolic code for institutional Chao N. L. 1986. A synopsis on zoogeography of Sci- resource collection in herpetology and ichthyolo- aenidae. p.570-589. In Indo-Pacific Fish Biology - gy. Copeia 1985: 802-832. Proceedings of the Second Indo-Pacific Fish Con- Sasaki, K. 1989. Phylogeny of the family Sciaenidae, with ference, July 28-Agust 3, 1985, Tokyo, Japan. notes on its zoogeography (Teleostei, Perciformes). Chao, N. L. 1995 Sciaenidae. 1201-1813 p. In W. Fisch- Mem. Fac. Fish. Hokaido Univ. 137 p. er et al (eds.). Guia FAO para la identificación para los fines de la pesca. Pacifico central-oriental.