Council of Laodicea in Phrygia Forbade Inferior Classes, Subdeacons, Readers, Etc., to Usurp the Orarium
0363-0363 – Synodus Laodiciae – Documenta Omnia Synod Of Laodicea this file has been downloaded from NPNF (V2-14) Philip Schaff At the end of this canon in Labbe’s version of Dionysius we find these words added. “And thirty bishops signed who were gathered together at this Synod.” Isidore Mercator has a still fuller text, viz.: “I, Eusebius, being present subscribe to all things constituted by this holy Synod. Theodore, Nicetas, Macedonius, Anatolius, Tarcodimantus, Æthereus, Narcissus, Eustachius, Hesychius, Mauricius, Paulus, and the rest, thirty bishops agreed and signed.” Van Espen after noting that this addition is not found in the Greek, nor in Martin Bracarensis, adds “there is little probability that this clause is of the same antiquity as the canons.” 123 SYNOD OF LAODICEA. A.D. 343–381. Elenchus. Historical Introduction. The Canons, with the Ancient Epitome and Notes. Excursus to Canon XVIII., On the Choir Offices of the Early Church. Excursus to Canon XIX., On the Worship of the Early Church. Excursus to Canon XXII., On the Vestments of the Early Church. Excursus to Canon XXIV., On the Minor Orders in the Early Church. Historical Introduction. 124 The Laodicea at which the Synod met is Laodicea in Phrygia Pacatiana, also called Laodicea ad Lycum, and to be carefully distinguished from the Laodicea in Syria. This much is certain, but as to the exact date of the Synod there is much discussion. Peter de Marca fixed it at the year 365, 199 NPNF (V2-14) Philip Schaff but Pagi in his Critica on Baronius’s Annals172 seems to have overthrown the arguments upon which de Marca rested, and agrees with Gothofred in placing it circa 363.
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