
Caribbean Journal o.f Science, Vol. 27, No. 3-4, 130-138, 1991 Copyright 1991 College of Arts and Sciences University of , Mayaguez

An Elevational Transect of on ,


110000 S.W. 84 St., Miami, 33173 2Department of Biology, 208 Mueller Lab, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802

ABSTRACT . – A vertical transect of Cuba’s highest peak, Pico Turquino in the , yielded 203 specimens of 37 species of butterflies. Data are given on the route taken up Pico Turquino, the butterflies taken at six stations at elevations from sea level (5 m) to 1974 m (top of Pico Turquino), and the abundance of each species.

R ESUMEN. – Una transection vertical del pico mas alto de Cuba, Pico Turquino en la Sierra Maestra, produjo 203 ejemplares de 37 especies de mariposas diurnas. Presentamos dates sobre la ruts para subir Pico Turquino, las mariposas diurnas cogidas en seis localidades con elevaciones desde nivel del mar (5 m) hasta 1974 m (cima de Pico Turquino), y la abundancia de cada especie.

I NTRODUCTION Collecting was carried out by the junior There have been two major works on the author and was secondary to the expedi- Lepidoptera of Cuba, Bates (1935a) and tion’s major objective—collecting herpe- Alayo and Hernandez (1987). The former tological specimens. Nevertheless, 37 spe- is a thorough treatment of the then-known cies of butterflies with a clear demarcation butterflies of that island; the latter is pri- of aptitudinal zonation were collected. In marily a photographic atlas of all Cuban addition to the route of the ascent detailed species of butterflies (and some showy di- below, we have included data from anoth- urnal moths) with rather brief accompa- er site, 2.8 km N , 137 m; this locality nying textual comments on each species. is on the southern flank of the Sierra Mae- Rarely, in both compendia, are precise ele- stra, about 30 km to the east. We have in- vational or locality data given for any spe- cluded it because it tends to fill in the ele- cies. vational gap between Las Cuevas (5 m) and Although Pico Turquino is the highest La Esmajagua (560 m). elevation in Cuba, it is much lower than The six localities where butterflies were the highest point in the (Pico collected are (see Fig. 1): 1. Las Cuevas, on Duarte at 3087 m in the Republica Domini- the coast, 5 m; 2. La Esmajagua, several ki- can). Pico Turquino is the highest point lometers to the north of Las Cuevas, 580 in the Sierra Maestra (1974 m), the range m; 3. Pico Cuba, 1720 m; 4. Pico Turquino, that parallels the southern coast of the 1974 m; 5. SW slope of Pico Turquino, 1100 southeastern portion of Cuba, formerly in m; 6. 2.8 km N Uvero, 137 m. All specimens Oriente Province, and now in Santiago de are in the collection of the senior author. Cuba and provinces. Schwartz (1988) recently provided an elevational Pico Turquino Ascent transect of the isolated Sierra Martin Gar- The expedition to eastern Cuba in July- cia in the Republica Dominican. Al- August 1989 was organized by the Museo though the areal extent of the Sierra Mae- nacional de Historia Natural (La Habana), stra is much greater than that of the Martin the Universidad de la Habana, and Penn- Garcia, like the latter range, the southern sylvania State University. Because Pico slopes of the Sierra Maestra begin near sea Turquino encompasses a relatively large level and ascend to Pico Turquino, going area with many place names, and because from xerophytic to mesophytic conditions it has been an important locality for past (broadleaf forest). biological collections, a precise description 130 BUTTERFLIES OF PICO TURQUINO, CUBA 131

FIG. 1. Topographic map of Pico Turquino (contour interval = 200 m) showing the two different trails that have been used by biologists (hollow circles = old; closed circles = present). Abbreviations are: CA (Cueva del Aura), ET (Estribo Turquino), LB (Loma de Bruja, 1682 m), LE (La Esmajagua, 560 m), PCc (Pico Cuba camp, 1720 m), PCu (Pico Cuba, 1872 m), PCv (Pico Cuevas, 1306 m), PMV (Pico Mar Verde, or “Pico Cardero,” 1285 m), PR (Pico Real, 1974 m), and PS (Pico Suecia, 1734 m).

of this area is of value. Previous descrip- each of these two routes, possibly leading tions (Marrero, 1947; Nunez Jimenez, 1959) to some confusion regarding past biolog- are now obsolete, because the route of as- ical collections. In addition, some modern cent and several place names have changed. authors have used the name “Pico Cor- We provide here an updated description dero," an obvious misspelling. The peak of Pico Turquino, current place names, and (1306 m) given this name on the old trail the present route of ascent. is called “Pico Cuevas” on the Pico Tur- Pico Turquino is a relatively isolated quino 1:50,000 scale topographic map, mountain in the west-central Sierra Mae- whereas the peak (1285 m) on the new trail stra. It rises sharply from the south coast. is called “Pico Mar Verde” on the map. The Prior to the 1900’s, the trail ascending Pico local inhabitants now refer to Pico Mar Turquino began at Playa de Bells Plums Verde as “Pico Cardero.” The well-known and El Dian on the coast, headed north to collecting locality of P. J. Darlington (and Pico Cuevas, then crossed a narrow ridge others), “Cueva del Aura,” is on the old (Estribo de la Cueva) to Pico Cuba and Pico trail (on Estribo de la Cueva). Real. This trail has since been abandoned. The butterfly collections on and around The present Turquino trail begins at Las Pico Turquino were made during a six day Cuevas (on the coast) and heads roughly period, 6-11 August 1989. The first collec- northeast along another ridge, joining the tions were made at Las Cuevas, on the coast old trail at Pico Cuba (Fig. 1). The name (5 m). Butterflies were collected here dur- “Pico Cardero” has been given to peaks on ing the morning of 6 August (0800-1200 132 A. SCHWARTZ AND S. B. HEDGES h) in herbaceous growth along the coast cabin and a polluted stream. The cabin was road. Las Cuevas is a small settlement with used in this case as main camp for three only a few scattered houses, and much of days. The knoll itself is open, with only the surrounding land is devoid of the orig- some scattered pines, young tree ferns, inal xerophytic scrub vegetation. The trail climbing bamboo, and a ground cover of is a narrow dirt road leading from Las Cue- grass and ferns (Fig. 2B). Cloud forest oc- vas to two government cabins (La Esma- curs below the knoll (Fig. 2C), but several jagua) at 560 m, several kilometers to the hikes into what appeared to be “good” for- north. The road is steep and in very poor est revealed signs of selective cutting and condition, and therefore most ascents of cleared patches. Butterflies were collected Pico Turquino begin at Las Cuevas on mule around the cabin and along the trail. Here, or on foot. The habitat between Las Cuevas and on Pico Real, Calisto were encountered and La Esmajagua is fairly open (cut-over) more frequently (but not exclusively) in semixeric woods. shaded areas, whereas Greta were found Butterflies were collected around the two only in this habitat and almost always near cabins at La Esmajagua and along the near- water (see Schwartz, 1989:452-457, for eco- by road during the morning and afternoon logical comments on Hispaniolan Greta (two days). The habitat was mostly open, diaphana). with scattered small trees, tall grass, and The climb from Pico Cuba camp to Pico herbaceous growth. Some small patches of Real takes about one hour along a mod- original forest were present along a nearby erately steep and rocky trail. Pico Cuba it- stream. The road ends just above La Es- self is reached in about 20 minutes, at which majagua, and therefore further ascent must point the trail drops into the distinctive be done by mule or on foot. The ascent of Turquino “notch,” and then rises again on Turquino continued on the morning of 8 the west side of Pico Real. Pico Real (Fig. August, taking three hours to reach Pico 2D) is large, gently rounded, and forested Cuba camp by foot. Patches of forest were except for a central clearing. Another trail first encountered at about 900 m, and rel- begins at this clearing and leads down the atively continuous forest was encountered north slope, along Estribo Turquino. The at about 1000 m, although signs of previous cloud forest canopy on Pico Real is about cutting are evident all the way up to Pico 10-15 m high, with an understory of tree Real. Pico Cardero (=Mar Verde) is just a ferns. Bromeliads are abundant. Butterflies small knob on the SW ridge of Pico Tur- were collected along the trail at the peak, quino. It should be noted here that “Pico which was lined with ferns and herba- Turquino” normally refers to the entire ceous growth. The butterflies were active mountain, whereas the highest peak is in the middle of the day (1000-1500 h), as called “Pico Real” (1974 m), although these the early morning and late afternoon were two names are sometimes used inter- misty and cool. Some sleeping Calisto were changeably. collected at night on the undersides of tree Pico Cuba (1872 m) is a “satellite peak” fern fronds and leaves of small trees. Col- of Pico Real, and the two are very close lections on Pico Turquino were made on (Fig. 2A). Again, however, there has been 9-10 August. The descent to Pico Cuba some past confusion regarding geographic (main camp) was made on the morning of place names and elevations. Pico Cuba is 10 August, to La Esmajagua that night, and a small, rocky, densely wooded knob along finally to Las Cuevas on 11 August. the narrow Turquino Trail. The “Pico Uvero is on the coast about 30 km E of Cuba” of nearly all previous biological col- Las Cuevas and is directly south of Pico lections refers to a large relatively open Marti. A dirt road follows the Rio Uvero knoll about 0.5 km to the SW at a lower upstream (north) through semixeric scrub elevation (1720 m). Judging from the ruins and pastures. Butterflies were collected on of several large structures, this knoll prob- 13 August in bright sun at 1100-1300 h at ably was once the site of a large coffee a location (2.8 km N Uvero, 137 m) where grove. Presently there is only a wooden the road begins a steep ascent. There are 134 A. SCHWARTZ AND S. B. HEDGES is abundant. Specimens: 2.8 km N and Hernandez (p. 94) commented on the Uvero, 4; La Esmajagua, 9. larger size of specimens from upland and Synapte malitiosa malitiosa (Herrich-Schaf- more mesic localities. Wingspreads of such fer), 1865. Alayo and Hernandez (p. 112) larger individuals are approximately 104 considered S. m. malitiosa abundant in the mm. Our specimen is from a moderate el- extreme eastern portion of Cuba and rare evation and has a wingspread slightly less elsewhere on the island, always in fields than 104 mm. Specimen: La Esmajugua, 1. and meadows, and never along marine Heraclides andraemon andraemon (Hub- coasts. Our single specimen is from 2.8 km ner), 1823. Alayo and Hernandez (p. 96) N Uvero. considered this species the most abundant Cymaenes tripunctus tripunctus (Herrich- papilionid on Cuba, occurring throughout Schaffer), 1865. Our single specimen is from the island and in all localities (although La Esmajagua. According to Alayo and preferring meadows and gardens). Bates Hernandez (p. 112) this species is very (p. 112) examined 32 specimens from abundant throughout Cuba. throughout the island. We have one spec- Wallengrenia misers (Lucas), 1857. This is imen from Las Cuevas. another species that Alayo and Hernandez (p. 114) considered common and wide- P IERIDAE spread. We have one specimen from Las Ascia monuste eubotea Comstock, 1943. Cuevas. This species, the most common of the large Hylephila phylea phylea (Drury), 1773. whites, is widespread on the southern Si- Considered by Alayo and Hernandez (p. erra Maestran slopes. We have specimens 115) as very common throughout Cuba, we from 5 m to 560 m. Specimens: Las Cuevas, have one individual from Las Cuevas. 9; La Esmajagua, 1. Parachoranthus magdalia (Herrich-Schaf- Appias drusilla poeyi Butler, 1872. Much fer), 1863. Alayo and Hernandez (p. 116) less common than the previous species, A. stated that this species is locally abundant d. poeyi is apparently uncommon in this throughout Cuba, including sunny road- region. Alayo and Hernandez (p. 75) con- sides in the uplands. Bates did not mention sidered this species rare, although distrib- the species. We have one individual from uted throughout the island in both coastal La Esmajagua. and inland areas. Bates (p. 119) examined Choranthus radians (Lucas), 1857. Alayo 24 specimens from the provinces of Or- and Hernandez (p. 116) considered this iente, Santa Clara, and La Habana. Our species rather uncommon (although most specimen is a “dry season” female taken common in the east) but present through- on 7 August and thus does not show the out Cuba. Bates (p. 225) examined twenty diagnostic characters of the subspecies. specimens from the former provinces of Specimen: La Esmajagua. Las Villas (Soledad) and Oriente. Our ma- Eurema nise nise (Cramer), 1775. This small terial consists of four specimens from (f. yellow is rather uncommon on the Sierra radians) La Esmajagua. Maestra, having been taken at only one locality. Eurema n. nise was first reported P APILIONIDAE from Cuba by Bates (p. 129), whence he Parides gundlachianus (Felder and Felder), examined 15 specimens from La Habana 1864. Alayo and Hernandez (p. 94) stated and Las Villas Province. Specimens: La Es- that this species is abundant at certain lo- majagua, 4. calities in the eastern portion of Cuba, oc- Eurema elathea (Cramer), 1775. Alayo and curring from the high mountains to arid Hernandez (p. 78) stated that they had col- coastal regions. Bates (p. 106) noted that P. lected this species only on the coast near gundlachianus is commonest in eastern Cuba, , where it was abundant. with specimens from Sardinero, San Car- Bates (p. 126) examined only 10 specimens los, and “Torquino” [sic], taken in January, from Guantanamo. We have two speci- April, and July. We have one individual mens from La Esmajagua. with a forewing length of 46 mm. Alayo Eurema lisa sulphurinum Poey, 1853. This BUTTERFLIES OF PICO TURQUINO, CUBA 135 subspecies, not recognized by either Riley mon (Bates examined 99 specimens from (1975) nor Alayo and Hernandez (1987), is throughout Cuba), we have only one in- not common in the area. We have three dividual from Las Cuevas, and one from specimens from Las Cuevas and one from La Esmajagua. La Esmajagua. Cyclargus ceraunus filenus (Poey), 1832. By Eurema messalina messalina (Fabricius), far the most common of the three blues in 1787. This, the only small white on Cuba, the area under study, C. c. filenus is restrict- is considered abundant by Alayo and Her- ed to lower elevations. Specimens: Las Cue- nandez (p. 80); they also noted that ex- vas, 12; La Esmajagua, 1. tremely small individuals are often taken, Cyclargus ammon ammon (Lucas), 1857. and one of our specimens is indeed such Although considered by Alayo and Her- a dwarf (forewing length 10 mm; male). nadez (p. 72) as very abundant and is- Bates (p. 127) examined specimens from landwide, we have only one individual the former provinces of Oriente, Las Villas, from Las Cuevas. and La Habana. Eurema m. messalina is rath- er uncommon on the southern Sierra H ELICONIIDAE Maestran slopes. Specimens: 2.8 km N Uvero, Heliconius charitonius ramsdeni Comstock 1; La Esmajagua, 3. and Brown, 1950. This species is common Eurema dins dins (Poey), 1832. This me- throughout Cuba and in our study area. dium-sized and bright yellow butterfly is We have specimens from 5 m to 560 m. abundant throughout the island (Alayo and Specimens: Las Cuevas, 3; 2.8 km N Uvero, Hernandez, p. 81) and has a broad vertical 4; Las Esmajagua, 1. distribution on the southern Maestran Dryas iulia nudeola (Bates), 1935. This hel- slopes, occurring from 5 m to 560 m. Spec- iconiid is apparently quite uncommon on imens: Las Cuevas, 1; 2.8 km N Uvero, 2; La the southern Maestran slopes. We have one Esmajagua, 1. individual from La Esmajagua. Eurema nicippe (Cramer), 1779. Consid- Argraulis vanillae insularis (Maynard), ered by Alayo and Hernandez (p. 82) as 1889. Alayo and Hernandez (p. 64) consid- very conspicuous in fields and meadows, ered this the most abundant of all Cuban E. nicippe is one of the truly abundant Cu- butterflies, as it is elsewhere in the West ban butterflies. It is common at lower el- Indies. In our study area it was quite com- evations on the southern Maestran slopes. mon at 5 m and 560 m. Specimens: Las Cue- Specimens: Las Cuevas, 8; 2.8 km N Uvero, 1. vas, 12; La Esmajagua, 1. Phoebis avellaneda (Herrich-Schaffer), 1864. Alayo and Hernandez (p. 87) stated N YMPHALIDAE that this species is local in eastern Cuba, Marpesia chiron (Fabricius), 1775. Consid- and at and Santiago de las Ve- ered relatively abundant in woods and gas. In the east it is generally abundant. shrubby areas (Alayo and Hernandez, p. Our single specimen is somewhat tattered 46), 28 specimens of this species were ex- but still beautiful. Specimen: Las Cuevas, 1. amined by Bates (p. 171) from throughout Phoebis sennae sennae (Linnaeus), 1758. the island. We have two individuals from This large sulfur also appears to be uncom- La Esmajagua. mon in the Sierra Maestra area. Alayo and ]unonia genoveva zonalis (Felder and Feld- Hernandez (p. 90) considered Ph. s. sennae er), 1867. Our series is from near sea level. “very abundant” on the entire island, and All are assignable to J. g. zonalis; none is J. Bates (p. 133) stated that it was “exceed- coenia (Hubner), 1822, another species ingly common.” Specimens: Las Cuevas, 1; which occurs on Cuba. Specimens: Las Cue- La Esmajagua, 520-560 m, 1. vas, 8. Athanassa frisia frisia (Poey), 1832. Al- L YCAENIDAE though considered abundant and island- Leptotes cassius theonus (Lucas), 1857. Al- wide in distribution by Alayo and Her- though Alayo and Hernandez (p. 71) and nandez (p. 58), we have only one individual Bates (p. 199) considered this species com- from 2.8 km N Uvero. 136 A. SCHWARTZ AND S. B. HEDGES

S ATYRIDAE discussed: C. herophile and retained parsonsi Before discussing the two species of Ca- and bruneri as subspecies; C. sibylla with listo collected on the Sierra Maestra, we three subspecies: smintheus, delos, (but bio- should review the taxa involved in Cuba cellata a forma of delos), and brochei de la and the . A major prob- Terre, 1973 (Cupeyal, Prov. de Guantana- lems is: how many taxa (species or subspe- mo); and C. israeli de la Terre, 1973 (Cu- cies) occur on those islands? Authors do peyal). not agree on the arrangement of names or We have two species from the Pico Tur- even on the validity of some of them. Bates quino transect; one a high elevation, large, (1935a) recognised only C. herophile Hub- very dark species (forewing length 22-23 ner, 1823. Later, Bates (1935b) described mm [3 males]; 21-26 mm [28 females], the two new species (C. delos from the Sierra other a lower elevation species, much Maestra and C. smintheus from Loma del smaller (forewing length less than 21 mm Gato in the extreme eastern Sierra Mae- in both sexes), and much more obviously stra). The latter name was based on nine marked on the underside. Comparison of males and four females, the former on two our high elevation specimens with Alayo males, one from Loma Cardero, the other and Hernandez’s photograph (Pi. 5, Fig. K) from Pico Turquino. He noted that the dif- of C. delos reveals no similarities. Their ferences between these two taxa were more specimen differs in its pale color and there- subspecific than specific in nature, but he fore in its relatively vivid underside mark- preferred to consider them separate spe- ings. But Bates’ (1935b) description leaves cies. no doubt that our freshly collected speci- Munroe (1950) accepted C. herophile, mens are C. delos. The salient characters without other Cuban subspecies, C. smin- given by him are: dark fuscous upper side, theus Bates (with subspecies muripetens underside of forewing cell with an oval Bates, 1939, and bradleyi Munroe, 1950), and dark red patch, postmedian and submar- C. sibylla Bates, 1934 without subspecies. ginal lines fine on underside of forewing, Munroe also noted the occurrence of two hindwing with antemedian, postmedian, “unclassified forms” from Cuba, one from and submarginal fine lines indistinct, ocel- Loma del Gato (stating that they were not lus oval with a basal white spot [=dot], and C. smintheus, of which species Loma del Gato three tiny white spots [=dots] in the ocellar is the type-locality), the other similar to, row. The series of smaller individuals we but not the same as, parsonsi Clench, 1943. consider herophile but do not assign them Clench (1943), when describing C. herophile to subspecies; details of subspecies in that parsoni, suggested that it seems to connect species have yet to be ascertained. We also herophile (s.l.) with smintheus, using the lat- consider delos a distinct species, due pri- ter name as a specific epithet. marily to its (apparent) isolation. The lack Michener (1949) considered the as-then- of specimens of any Calisto from Las Cue- known ranges of six taxa, and suggested vas and Uvero may indicate that there are that delos might be better considered a sub- no members of the there; on the species of C. smintheus. Riley (1975) rec- other hand it may only be due to insuffi- ognized the following: C. herophile (sea lev- cient collecting. el to 3000 ft; subspecies parsonsi on the Calisto herophile Hubner, 1823. Fifteen Sierra de Trinidad; bruneri Michener, 1949, specimens of this small Calisto were col- from Mea, Prov. de Holguin [and apollinis lected at La Esmajagua, where they were Bates, 1934, in the Bahamas]); C. sibylla (a abundant. The two species of Calisto are montane species; subspecies smintheus, Si- apparently not syntopic. erra del Cobre; delos Bates, 1935, Pico Tur- Calisto delos Bates, 1935. This larger spe- quino; muripetens Bates, 1939, Sierra de Es- cies is abundant and widespread above 1100 cambray; bradleyi, Sierra de Rangel); and C. m and is most common above 1647 m. Sev- biocellata de la Terre, 1968 (Pico Cuba, Si- eral were taken sleeping 1-2 m above the erra Maestra). Alyo and Hernandez (1987) ground on tree fern fronds. Specimens: SW BUTTERFLIES OF PICO TURQUINO, CUBA 137

slope, Pico Turquino, 2; SW slope of Pico ited on the Sierra Martin Garcia is 1037 m, Turquino, at Pico Cardero, 1230 m, 3; Pico less than that on Pico Real. In addition, Turquino, below Pico Cuba, 1525 m, 3; Pico there are fewer species of butterflies known Cuba (vicinity), 1647-1769 m, 15; Pico Tur- as residents on Cuba (about 170) than there quino, top, 14. are on Hispaniola (about 200). The differ- ence between these two totals is due pri- I THOMIIDAE marily to the number of species of ringlets Greta cubana (Herrich-Schaffer), 1862. (Satyridae), of which there are 37 on His- This clearwing is an inhabitant of upland paniola (and more are confidently expect- areas above 1647 m and is very common at ed) and only six on Cuba (but the number the top of Pico Turquino. It is an inhabitant is sure to change; see the discussion of Ca- of wooded and shaded situations. Speci- listo in the text). We are certain that the mens; Pico Cuba (vicinity), 1647-1769 m, 4; total number of species now known from Pico Turquino, 10. Pico Turquino will increase with addition- al work there. Several families (Lycaeni- D ANAIDAE dae, Nymphalidae, Apaturidae) are poorly Anetia briarea numidia (Hubner), 1823. or not at all represented in present collec- Alayo and Hernandez (p. 37) considered tions. this species rather abundant in the central Still, comparisons of the lepidopteran and eastern Cuban mountains, and on the faunas of the two massifs are interesting Isla de la Juventud. It occurs in clearings and pertinent. The 37 species from Pico in forest. In the Pico Turquino area, it is Turquino fall almost perfectly into two common above 1647 m and is a member of groups: 33 occur from sea level to 560 m a quartet of lepidopteran species in this (i.e., lowland and moderate elevations) and upland area. A few were taken while sleep- four occur only above 1100 m. The only ing on tree fern fronds 1–2 m above the exception is the skipper Urbanus p. domingo, ground. Specimens: Pico Cuba (vicinity), a primarily lowland species that reaches 1647-1769 m, 5; Pico Turquino, 8. 1100 m. Since we doubt that we have ex- Anetia cubana (Salvin), 1869. This, the amples of all species found on Pico Tur- phenotypically most “aberrant” of the An- quino, in reality this dichotomy may not tillean Anetia, is common above 1647 m in be so diagrammatic as here suggested. the Pico Turquino area. Alayo and Her- Schwartz (1989:406-407) stated that on nandez (p. 38) stated that it is restricted to Hispaniola there are two basic butterfly the old province of Oriente, where it lives faunas, a lowland-to-moderate elevation in the deepest forests, rarely sallying forth fauna (to 2300 m) and a truly upland but- from their deep shade. Specimens: Pico Cuba terfly fauna (down to 1100 m) that consists (vicinity), 1647-1769 m, 7; Pico Turqui- of about 14 species (including Greta dia- no, 4. phana, two species of Anetia, and 29 species [83%] of the Hispaniolan Calisto fauna). The D ISCUSSION concordances of about the same elevation in the two cases and of genera are striking. The number of butterfly species known Even more interesting is the large num- from Pico Turquino (37, or about 22% of ber of Hispaniolan species (ten) that have the 170 species known from all of Cuba) is very broad elevational ranges, from sea fewer than the number of butterfly species level to 2300 m. Thus, on that island one known from the Sierra Martin Garcia (67, encounters, at high elevations, examples or about 40% of the 200 species known from of species that also occur at sea level. This Hispaniola). This is perhaps an unfair com- difference between Cuba and Hispaniola parison, because the Martin Garcia was is surely not due to the vagaries of col- worked during 1982-1986 by four butterfly lecting on Pico Turquino. collectors associated with the senior au- thor, and all were engaged only in butter- Acknowledgments. —We thank the partic- fly collecting. The maximum elevation vis- ipants of the 1989 -Turquino Ex- 138 A. SCHWARTZ AND S. B. HEDGES pedition (Emilio Alfaro, Riberto Arencibia, — 1935b. The satyrid genus Calisto. Occ. Papers Boston Sot. Nat. Hist. 8:230-248. Alberto Estrada, Antonio Perez-Asso, Oc- Clench, H. K. 1943. Some new Calisto from His- tavio Perez-Beato, and Richard Thomas) for paniola and Cuba (Lepidoptera; Satyridae). Psyche their assistance; the staff of the Museo Na- 50:23-29. cional de Historia Natural (especially Gil- Marrero, L. 1946. Elementos de geografia de Cuba, berto Silva Taboada) and Linda Maxson xv + 540 pp. Editorial Minerva, La Habana. Michener, C. D. 1949. Sympatric species of Calisto (Pennsylvania State University) for their in Cuba (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae). Amer. Mus. cooperation and support; and the govern- Novitates (1391):1-3. ment of Santiago de Cuba Province for pro- Munroe, E. G. 1950. The systematic of Calisto (Lep- viding logistical help. The National Sci- idoptera, Satyrinae), with remarks on the evolu- ence Foundation supported the activities tionary and zoogeographic significance of the ge- nus. J. New York Entomol. Sot. 58(4):211-240. of the junior author (grant BSR-8906325). Nunez Jimenez, A. 1959. Geografia de Cuba, p. 624. Editorial Lex, La Habana. Riley, N. C. 1975. A field guide to the butterflies of LITERATURE CITED the West Indies, p. 224. Demeter Press, New York. Alayo D., P., and L. R. Hernandez. 1987. Atlas de Schwartz, A. 1988. Butterflies of the Sierra Martin las mariposas diurnas de Cuba, 148 pp. + 49 pls. Garcia, Republics Dominican. Carib. J. Sci. 23(3- Editorial Cientifico-Tecnica, La Habana. 4):418-431. Bates, M. 1935a. The butterflies of Cuba. Bull. Mus. —. 1989. The butterflies of Hispaniola, xiv + Comp. Zool. 78(3):65-257. 580 pp. Univ. Florida Press, Gainesville.