Identification and Molecular Characterisation of Unknown Genes Involved in Desiccation Tolerance Mechanisms in the Resurrection Plant Craterostigma Plantagineum

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Identification and Molecular Characterisation of Unknown Genes Involved in Desiccation Tolerance Mechanisms in the Resurrection Plant Craterostigma Plantagineum Identification and molecular characterisation of unknown genes involved in desiccation tolerance mechanisms in the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum Valentino Giarola Identification and molecular characterisation of unknown genes involved in desiccation tolerance mechanisms in the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades (Dr. rer. nat.) der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn vorgelegt von Valentino Giarola aus San Pietro di Morubio, Italien Bonn, 2014 Angefertigt mit Genehmigung der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 1. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Dorothea Bartels 2. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Peter Dörmann Tag der Promotion: 2. Oktober 2014 Erscheinungsjahr: 2014 A Linda donna unica e straordinaria, nonché futura madre di mia figlia, che grazie alla sua presenza, ai suoi innumerevoli sacrifici e al suo costante supporto ha reso tutto questo possibile CONTENTS SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 1 CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................ 5 General Introduction 1. Desiccation tolerance in plants: definition, distribution and evolution ............. 5 2. Strategies used by land plants to survive desiccation .................................... 6 3. Desiccation tolerance in resurrection plants ................................................... 7 3.1. LEA proteins ........................................................................................... 8 Structure ................................................................................................. 8 Classification .......................................................................................... 9 Function ............................................................................................... 10 3.2. Morphological changes and modifications in cell wall properties .......... 12 3.3. Chloroplastic proteins with protective roles ........................................... 13 3.4. ABA-dependent and -independent regulation of protective mechanisms ......................................................................................... 14 4. Desiccation tolerance within the Linderniaceae............................................ 15 5. The experimental system Craterostigma plantagineum ............................... 16 6. New sequencing and gene quantification technologies: use of RNA-seq and RT-qPCR to study plant desiccation tolerance .................... 18 7. Objectives of the study ................................................................................. 19 CHAPTER 2 .............................................................................................................. 21 Identification of reference genes in the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum for accurate gene expression analysis under different experimental conditions using RT-qPCR Abstract ............................................................................................................. 22 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 23 Materials and Methods ...................................................................................... 25 Results .............................................................................................................. 28 Discussion ........................................................................................................ 37 CONTENTS CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................. 39 The Craterostigma plantagineum glycine-rich protein CpGRP1 interacts with a cell wall associated protein kinase 1 (CpWAK1) and accumulates in leaf cell walls during dehydration Abstract ............................................................................................................ 40 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 41 Materials and Methods ..................................................................................... 44 Results ............................................................................................................. 49 Discussion ........................................................................................................ 62 Acknowledgements .......................................................................................... 67 Authors contributions ........................................................................................ 67 Supporting Data ............................................................................................... 69 CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................. 73 Taxonomically restricted genes of Craterostigma plantagineum are modulated in their expression during dehydration and rehydration Abstract ............................................................................................................ 74 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 75 Materials and Methods ..................................................................................... 78 Results ............................................................................................................. 82 Discussion ........................................................................................................ 94 Acknowledgements .......................................................................................... 98 Authors contributions ........................................................................................ 98 Supporting Data ............................................................................................... 99 CHAPTER 5 ........................................................................................................... 101 General Discussion Use of RT-qPCR and validated genes for gene expression studies in C. plantagineum .................................................................................................. 101 Isolation and characterisation of new desiccation-related genes in C. plantagineum .................................................................................................. 102 Importance of comparative studies ................................................................. 105 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 109 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................... 141 SUMMARY In higher plants desiccation tolerance mainly occurs in seeds and in vegetative tissues of a small group of species termed resurrection plants. Among resurrection plants, Craterostigma plantagineum has been extensively studied to understand the molecular basis of desiccation tolerance. The mechanisms that enable desiccation tolerance in this species are not fully understood, however many of the genes that are induced during desiccation have been reported. Recently, transcriptome data from this plant was obtained thus providing the gene sequence information for molecular studies. Here C. plantagineum is used as an experimental system to further characterise desiccation tolerance mechanisms in this plant. RT-qPCR is a very sensitive and accurate technique to study gene expression but cannot be performed without any prior validation of genes used to normalise data. To allow RT-qPCR expression studies, putative reference genes were identified in the transcriptome and their stability in different plant tissues was investigated. Next, transcriptome data from C. plantagineum was used as a source to discover unknown genes involved in desiccation tolerance mechanisms in this plant. In CHAPTER 2, the stability of eight commonly used reference genes (ACT , CAC , EF1 α, EIF5A , GAPDH , TKT3 , PP2AA3 , YLS8 ) was analysed in leaves and roots during dehydration and rehydration and in ABA-treated, dried and ABA-treated dried callus in order to identify the most suitable genes for expression analysis in these tissues. YLS8 , EIF5A and TKT3 were identified as the optimal reference genes for normalizing gene expression data in leaves whereas EF1 α, EIF5A and GAPDH for roots and YLS8 , CAC and GAPDH for callus. This study represents the first evaluation of gene stability in a resurrection plant. Validated genes allow the use of RT-qPCR for quantitative gene expression studies in C. plantagineum . In resurrection plants desiccation tolerance mainly relies on the induction of cellular protection mechanisms during dehydration. It is believed that the accumulation of sucrose and protective proteins (e.g. LEA proteins) contribute to protection mechanisms in C. plantagineum . Important but less characterised aspects, i.e., folding of cell walls and the accumulation of protective proteins in the chloroplasts during dehydration as well as protection and repair mechanisms during rehydration are thought to be essential to the desiccation tolerance phenomenon in C. plantagineum. 1 SUMMARY Although, the rehydration process is part of the survival strategy of resurrection plants,
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