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Go Out to Washington Park This Afternoon and Enjoy the Field Meet of the Eighth Infantry Brigade METAL MARKETS. I Tort ll"r ffew Yort electrolytic Wow Tn afhrer .v 0t II Pasto Huírniitíí (tetó 35TH YEAR EL PASO. TEXAS. SATURDAY. APRIL 3. 191 5. ENGLISH SECTION 12 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS GERMANY THREATENS RETALIATION IF RUSSIA ASSUMES El Pari Quest Today. RODRIGUEZ ONGE MOREfflDELAYS ATTACK CAPTIVE SAILORS OF SUBMARINES ARE OFFENSIVE FROM ON MATAMOROS AND GEN. FUNSTON HARSHLY TREATED IN BRITISH PRISONS ROUMANIAN LINE DECIDES TO RETURN TO SAN ANTONIO TO American Ambassador Transmits Sharp Note BALTIC, SAYS From Berlin to Failure of Artillery to Reach Destination, Reason Given for British Foreign Office and Receives Reply From Edward Sir Fabian Tactics of Villa Commander; Aviator Rhine hart Grey SWEDISH REPORT on Status of Prisoners. Disappears From Camp. B tht laaoctotrd Prr tJgriterul for information at tne rartleal London. April t. A Herman protegí na oii.roirnrc regaruitig 111c resuu 01 nn hy jamks r. HEnnnn. of liodrlguet scouts and outposts ran be " UNBROKEN SERIES Staff Morning Times, seen rtoni the tnreat or reprisals on accounl of the treat steps taken.' OF SUC orrcsimndeat American sido of the river Blr Edward 'irey replied u Ihe American ownsviite. Teiaa. April t. Ueneral almost roQntantly and 11 Is evident that swot r (treat Briuin lo UM prisoners ambassador under date or April t as rol Jose Hodrlguer. commanding the Villa the villa commander Is taking no CESSES CLAIMED BY PE-- 4 chances íKf-- on uoarn or was maae Iowa: troop tnvesilng Matamoros, today made on a sortie rrom the garrison. Thus submarinea "The or far. public here today secretary state for foreign no move inward attacking the trenches de however, the t:arranristas have bean t presents Ids compliments to tne TROGRAD, BUT DENIED fending Hie town to remain In their This protest wan Oreat rerer-enc- trenches. transmitted lo I'nlted States ambassador, and with tvas repotted today that the general The eipoct.-- reronnalsance or tha Britain through ihe United mate. lo his exrellenry's note of the HUM BY assault on Matamoros la unlikely to occur positions which General Rodrigues Tim reply OMlt waa ultimo respecting reports In the press upon VIENNA; FIGHTING IN for six or seven days and, accepting this had planned for this morning failed to of Britain also made Ihe treatment of Herman take public. prisoners from Infiii itiatlon as authentic. Major General place, owing lo the absence of the aviator. submarines, has Ihe honor to state thai IL Herman government In It protest me or WESTERN CON- - lunsioti. commanding Ihe American forces M. nntnehart. who lasi night quietly ss.-- w n learns from lord s commissioners FRONT on 10 . newer ureal eiriiain the that the men ihe border, decided to return his look his departure, supposedly ror accord favorable 10 cap admiralty officers and at Man Texas. Ac Ohio treatment who were rrom siibnu-rtne- beadauarlers Antonio. Herman crews l rescued Herman FINED TO SCATTERED tured submarine than and I' U have been placed in AR cording to present plans, the general will It was openly charged by Villa other war if so rorm t prisoners, and what naval detention barracks in view or tne leave tomorrow morning and will not here ibis morning that lihlnehart mis would taae. mnuuu' necessity or segregation from other pris- TILLERY DUELS; SUBMA until Informed thai Ibe Ions expected had been bribed lo leave bv the airan staled that ir Ureal Britain adopted sum haul, is about to occur. consul. This, the a course a army oners of war. ronsttl Indignantly de- British officer held pri '10 these quarters they are treated with aexpei led delay in the arrival of nies, declaring that Rhlnehart lert because Onor In Germany would receive corre RINE CONTIN Hie cap- - humanity, given opportunity for exerriso, ACnVITY Is given as the reason for the villa government tried lo pav him in spondingly harsh treatment for each delay. is or rial currency or ttii'ii member of a German submarine with the Herman books, sun. II stld Ihat several baiiertcs instead ihe gold be la crew. firorlded no forced labor, and are betier UES. ai mi. 11 and other troops are held up at alleged to have been promised A-- clothed than Ornish prisoners of amargo, w miles west of Matamoros. Another aviator will be brought The rorrlgn secretary, Edward Orey. in equal now from r Bis reply said that the prisoners rrom Her- rank in Hermany. where the railroad was cut by a roving Monterey to opérale ihe machine, which "As, however, the crews of Ihe two Ger- band or t The artillery. II was has been Is now man submarines had been placed In naval man arranclstas. repaired and ready for l submarines In question before lltey learned, will probably be brought overland flight as soon as a qualified detention barracks and segregated rom rrom pilot appears were rescued the sea were engaged .1 lo tin' Villa camp Huelas, rrom to take charge. other war prisoners, but were bring treat- hi By thr asocio fed prrtt al Las ed humanely to ex- sinking innocent mitlsb and neutral which General liodrlguet Is directing the The pruhUiiiion agalusi and permuted take merchant ships and wantonly killing non ndon, Apri The Russians now are on the export of orcise. Kiirthermore. the foreign secretary me in ensue ao.ng me wuoie or men peraltóos Tor the rapture or the town food or other supplies lo the Villa camp combaiants, they cannot be regarded as rront or staid. Hermán prisoners in England are honorable opponents, rrom the Baltic sea hi file loom, 1111,111 bur- tme battery 7S and M millimetre rield at Las Rucias continued lodav and. undr but rather as persons guns ayaa lie 1II1I11 better fed and clothed than are British who, at the orders or their government. der and In Hie Caucasus, and according 10 said tonight to three direction of collector Irank Hahb, customs oners of equal rank in Hernumy and nave a Stockholm dispatch they have concen- miles of Matamoros. service men hailed every person attempt- Hermans ara subjected to forced ommiiieo arts wn eh are orrens an not against the law or nations and contrary trated enormous amount of soldiers on Meanwhile while no actual fighting ing to cross Hie river In either direction. E the coast of K inland to prevent any attempt going on. General Itndrigtiex is pursuing Those who carried a pass Collector en- from As the submarine rrtwt have been us s government ui me iii;riufflw to land inert. usual lacilrs of the Villa army In en Balib were allowed to proceed. All others gaged In sinking snips majesty would also The t neutral merchant tg 10 me I Bosnian advances, according I'rtro deavorlng lo wear out Ihe enemy. Troopa were turned back. British vessels, Edward nonce or the nlled Slatei grao, pro. and unarmed sir eminent that ritirlno iii- i.r nr urni are ding wlin success. The are constantly moving from one point to Protests against the closing of the sup- said, tbey could not be regarded as hon- more Husslan. official report Issued tonight port of entry were "orrenders man one thousand officers and men - another, occasional shots are rireii into the al Villa NtttVfO, through orable opponenta, but or the German navy have been Miss. mr riaim mat me t.cimans m norm trendies and everything possible Is don which the villa forces had against the law of and common rescued are lie- received a nations irom me se, sometimes In spile or dan- t'oiand being pushed back lo eas teep the derenders large quantity of were humanity." In carranelsta alert supplies, lodged . ger to the rescuers I'rus.slan border, ami that iho canialh any The foreign secretary said that 1,000 orrt-- and someilmes lo tot un an attack at minute with ihp state department at Washington prejudice or the British naval operations. lansheiw ren iipkovv and passes The continue sinning yesterday. rers and men of the Herman navy had o the Busslans have captured .still another t:arraiirisia soldiers during war, but thai none rase has. however, occurred of any rrom the trenches, nut managed lo do little Up to a late hour tonight consul Emilio been rescued the orrirer or man of the royal navy being strongly fortified ridge, overcoming f from the British navy had been rescued doing o almost insurmountable difficul- lanugo owing to the thick iindcrliriisn flarta had not stireeded in obtaining any by the Germans. However, he made no ties, such as he scaling of sleep which offers the opposing force Plenty reply lo his message. suggestion for a change. hills and penetrating cleverly ar- of opportunity fur concealment. Parties (enera! Kunalon this rooming re reived I or rrom nder dale March 30. the American ranged barbed wire and Umber obatruc-Hon- advices Laredo lo Ihe effect that tha ambassador wrote Sir Edward Orey, the Tne Russians also have taken the nrl carranza garrison at Nuevo Laredo, with British foreign aecreiary, as follows: CORPORAL SLAIN; Tensive against Hie German forces In the Ihe exception or 100 men. had lert the region or ko.iouwka. near the liaok pass. border lown for Lampaaos 10 oppose the 10 his secretary on compliments majesty's Will. ong nas Deen launcnmg attack Wm. Woodhead, President of the Associated Advertising advance of a Villa force stld to bo march-tu- state for ro reign arrows and nas me nonor, agalnst the Kusslan posiiiigi. m ihat dls GENERAL ROBLES north under instructions from the secretary of irirt a ntimber of nnsonera arc reported to Clubs of the state at Washington, to transmit the hereto nave neen captured.