Go Out to Washington Park This Afternoon and Enjoy the Field Meet of the Eighth Infantry Brigade



CAPTIVE SAILORS OF SUBMARINES ARE OFFENSIVE FROM ON MATAMOROS AND GEN. FUNSTON HARSHLY TREATED IN BRITISH PRISONS ROUMANIAN LINE DECIDES TO RETURN TO SAN ANTONIO TO American Ambassador Transmits Sharp Note BALTIC, SAYS From Berlin to Failure of Artillery to Reach Destination, Reason Given for British Foreign Office and Receives Reply From Edward Sir Fabian Tactics of Villa Commander; Aviator Rhine hart Grey SWEDISH REPORT on Status of Prisoners. Disappears From Camp.

B tht laaoctotrd Prr tJgriterul for information at tne rartleal London. April t. A Herman protegí na oii.roirnrc regaruitig 111c resuu 01 nn hy jamks r. HEnnnn. of liodrlguet scouts and outposts ran be " UNBROKEN SERIES Staff Morning Times, seen rtoni the tnreat or reprisals on accounl of the treat steps taken.' OF SUC orrcsimndeat American sido of the river Blr Edward 'irey replied u Ihe American ownsviite. Teiaa. April t. Ueneral almost roQntantly and 11 Is evident that swot r (treat Briuin lo UM prisoners ambassador under date or April t as rol Jose Hodrlguer. commanding the Villa the villa commander Is taking no CESSES CLAIMED BY PE-- 4 chances íKf-- on uoarn or was maae Iowa: troop tnvesilng Matamoros, today made on a sortie rrom the garrison. Thus submarinea "The or far. public here today secretary state for foreign no move inward attacking the trenches de however, the t:arranristas have bean t presents Ids compliments to tne TROGRAD, BUT DENIED fending Hie town to remain In their This protest wan Oreat rerer-enc- trenches. transmitted lo I'nlted States ambassador, and with tvas repotted today that the general The eipoct.-- reronnalsance or tha Britain through ihe United mate. lo his exrellenry's note of the HUM BY assault on Matamoros la unlikely to occur positions which General Rodrigues Tim reply OMlt waa ultimo respecting reports In the press upon VIENNA; FIGHTING IN for six or seven days and, accepting this had planned for this morning failed to of Britain also made Ihe treatment of Herman take public. prisoners from Infiii itiatlon as authentic. Major General place, owing lo the absence of the aviator. submarines, has Ihe honor to state thai IL Herman government In It protest me or WESTERN CON- - lunsioti. commanding Ihe American forces M. nntnehart. who lasi night quietly ss.-- w n learns from lord s commissioners FRONT on 10 . newer ureal eiriiain the that the men ihe border, decided to return his look his departure, supposedly ror accord favorable 10 cap admiralty officers and at Man Texas. Ac Ohio treatment who were rrom siibnu-rtne- beadauarlers Antonio. Herman crews l rescued Herman FINED TO SCATTERED tured submarine than and I' U have been placed in AR cording to present plans, the general will It was openly charged by Villa other war if so rorm t prisoners, and what naval detention barracks in view or tne leave tomorrow morning and will not here ibis morning that lihlnehart mis would taae. mnuuu' necessity or segregation from other pris- TILLERY DUELS; SUBMA until Informed thai Ibe Ions expected had been bribed lo leave bv the airan staled that ir Ureal Britain adopted sum haul, is about to occur. consul. This, the a course a army oners of war. ronsttl Indignantly de- British officer held pri '10 these quarters they are treated with aexpei led delay in the arrival of nies, declaring that Rhlnehart lert because Onor In Germany would receive corre RINE CONTIN Hie cap- - humanity, given opportunity for exerriso, ACnVITY Is given as the reason for the villa government tried lo pav him in spondingly harsh treatment for each delay. is or rial currency or ttii'ii member of a German submarine with the Herman books, sun. II stld Ihat several baiiertcs instead ihe gold be la crew. firorlded no forced labor, and are betier UES. ai mi. 11 and other troops are held up at alleged to have been promised A-- clothed than Ornish prisoners of amargo, w miles west of Matamoros. Another aviator will be brought The rorrlgn secretary, Edward Orey. in equal now from r Bis reply said that the prisoners rrom Her- rank in Hermany. where the railroad was cut by a roving Monterey to opérale ihe machine, which "As, however, the crews of Ihe two Ger- band or t The artillery. II was has been Is now man submarines had been placed In naval man arranclstas. repaired and ready for l submarines In question before lltey learned, will probably be brought overland flight as soon as a qualified detention barracks and segregated rom rrom pilot appears were rescued the sea were engaged .1 lo tin' Villa camp Huelas, rrom to take charge. other war prisoners, but were bring treat- hi By thr asocio fed prrtt al Las ed humanely to ex- sinking innocent mitlsb and neutral which General liodrlguet Is directing the The pruhUiiiion agalusi and permuted take merchant ships and wantonly killing non ndon, Apri The Russians now are on the export of orcise. Kiirthermore. the foreign secretary me in ensue ao.ng me wuoie or men peraltóos Tor the rapture or the town food or other supplies lo the Villa camp combaiants, they cannot be regarded as rront or staid. Hermán prisoners in England are honorable opponents, rrom the Baltic sea hi file loom, 1111,111 bur- tme battery 7S and M millimetre rield at Las Rucias continued lodav and. undr but rather as persons guns ayaa lie 1II1I11 better fed and clothed than are British who, at the orders or their government. der and In Hie Caucasus, and according 10 said tonight to three direction of collector Irank Hahb, customs oners of equal rank in Hernumy and nave a Stockholm dispatch they have concen- miles of Matamoros. service men hailed every person attempt- Hermans ara subjected to forced ommiiieo arts wn eh are orrens an not against the law or nations and contrary trated enormous amount of soldiers on Meanwhile while no actual fighting ing to cross Hie river In either direction. E the coast of K inland to prevent any attempt going on. General Itndrigtiex is pursuing Those who carried a pass Collector en- from As the submarine rrtwt have been us s government ui me iii;riufflw to land inert. usual lacilrs of the Villa army In en Balib were allowed to proceed. All others gaged In sinking snips majesty would also The t neutral merchant tg 10 me I Bosnian advances, according I'rtro deavorlng lo wear out Ihe enemy. Troopa were turned back. British vessels, Edward nonce or the nlled Slatei grao, pro. and unarmed sir eminent that ritirlno iii- i.r nr urni are ding wlin success. The are constantly moving from one point to Protests against the closing of the sup- said, tbey could not be regarded as hon- more Husslan. official report Issued tonight port of entry were "orrenders man one thousand officers and men - another, occasional shots are rireii into the al Villa NtttVfO, through orable opponenta, but or the German navy have been Miss. mr riaim mat me t.cimans m norm trendies and everything possible Is don which the villa forces had against the law of and common rescued are lie- received a nations irom me se, sometimes In spile or dan- t'oiand being pushed back lo eas teep the derenders large quantity of were humanity." In carranelsta alert supplies, lodged . ger to the rescuers I'rus.slan border, ami that iho canialh any The foreign secretary said that 1,000 orrt-- and someilmes lo tot un an attack at minute with ihp state department at Washington prejudice or the British naval operations. lansheiw ren iipkovv and passes The continue sinning yesterday. rers and men of the Herman navy had o the Busslans have captured .still another t:arraiirisia soldiers during war, but thai none rase has. however, occurred of any rrom the trenches, nut managed lo do little Up to a late hour tonight consul Emilio been rescued the orrirer or man of the royal navy being strongly fortified ridge, overcoming f from the British navy had been rescued doing o almost insurmountable difficul- lanugo owing to the thick iindcrliriisn flarta had not stireeded in obtaining any by the Germans. However, he made no ties, such as he scaling of sleep which offers the opposing force Plenty reply lo his message. suggestion for a change. hills and penetrating cleverly ar- of opportunity fur concealment. Parties (enera! Kunalon this rooming re reived I or rrom nder dale March 30. the American ranged barbed wire and Umber obatruc-Hon- advices Laredo lo Ihe effect that tha ambassador wrote Sir Edward Orey, the Tne Russians also have taken the nrl carranza garrison at Nuevo Laredo, with British foreign aecreiary, as follows: CORPORAL SLAIN; Tensive against Hie German forces In the Ihe exception or 100 men. had lert the region or ko.iouwka. near the liaok pass. border lown for Lampaaos 10 oppose the 10 his secretary on compliments majesty's Will. ong nas Deen launcnmg attack Wm. Woodhead, President of the Associated Advertising advance of a Villa force stld to bo march-tu- state for ro reign arrows and nas me nonor, agalnst the Kusslan posiiiigi. m ihat dls GENERAL ROBLES north under instructions from the secretary of irirt a ntimber of nnsonera arc reported to Clubs of the state at Washington, to transmit the hereto nave neen captured. World N TO III DEMANDED FOR annexed of a telegram dated March 17, THREE AMERICAN tPOl.tn.t text Against these reports of Russian 111c l now N IXAG which Mr. Bryan bas received from tne til IV. IN MEXICO. cesses ihe Aiistrlans make the claim that Bv the .taaoeiuled Teeaa German foreign office through the embassy they have repulsed all at the Husslan attacks the outdoor Adverttsera' association, iho AND Washington. April s Inasmuch a tba ncrim me ueakta rango or mountains, rartuei Onion cttib. whlrh is composed or the bull - eaat. WILLIAM WOODHEAD nets managers or Hut principal magainet esecratlr- of the American flag flying SOLDIERS Toe Russians of country, anu Na- - to havr made known Its intention not to HIT BY declare they have success the the Assuciailon of above the home ot John B. McManus, an fully countered an Austrian raid into Has slctlpnal Aitverttscrs. nimunsn of national accord ah fln officers and. crew I of Ger say American clilian murdered in Mexico city, man Mibrtiarlnts who become pns aarabial. near r.oolta- - Their reports anreriiaer. woo spent more man to.onn.oDQ PARDONED hv - IS BY was 01 dl- year, tba art of persona mem as pria iw nuns uro uuBgea in advertising tasi viro various lawless acting with riaioii 01 toa musician army, wmrn under ar asaociatUi.-i- directly or iiulitccilv out authority, the United govern look this aMhcesion, ARRIVES IN CITY iri States cede lo tlie the advantage or BULLETS were virtually annihl cerned adveriislng were taken Into our ment officers their IN RIOT imtd over a .000 of iho supvlvora organisation. decided today to make no demand rank. for an The German government Is of tne Opt. were raptured. "TJut newspapers have given greater sup apology, It' Is declared li.at iho Turks have now port lo the work of our association thi VILLA; RETIRES TO secreary Bryan announced that the hid neen entirely cleared out of past year Hunt ever before, and much, of den! was closed with the receipt today of ana mat tne Hussiaus hold the WILL tlllirtl ss III MKss tr. Mils the unces achieved is due lo Ibolr a dispatch from tho In execution of rders given lo them, and in COLON Black sea lurkuii Braillisn minister doing this hav c solely fulfilled their milt AT Coast as far at Arkhave. 0.1111. 41 niiui ai IV lc operatiou. Mexico City. lary duties. m Iho wrstcm front the htltles are or a .l IN Ills. HOVIIt 'Iteports received from our advertising "The Rratllian minuter." said Mr. Rrvan. any the question scattered nature. Beyond artillery engage rums ine country over snow that me Lull- "did not think ihe facts in Ibe 'At rate reports in only Is on PRIVATE LIFE cate showed have heroine so numerous In the tnents the rigntlng that has taken ed Mtales the eve of a great revival any attempt on the nart or anv nr neutral piare the Le aseriares Comleg ( hlrago t nnieuii. iiiisii.es-- , arm officer press thai an immediate explanation of tne It la forest of Pre ire, west or in advertising and our ad sulhorlltes lo desecrate the fia, and he appears lo be of most urgent Coin A Mousson. Where the French are Be Greatest Event In History of el ins will play a prominent pari ill ibis did not therefore true facts to reach tne leading Clubs of World. V revival. regard It as a case where Importance, If for no other reasons than trying toads from 8t. vertlslau an aiioiogy lie 10 to or advertising snoinn asked." . consideration of public opinion In PANAMA POLICE FIRE UPON wintci iei., and the south Pe "roo blgpcd ewr put over out later renne, where Ihe French also are on the for Texas lias been Ibe prominent part the thai ihe atti At- - tude was In with the H ' ffenstve. William WoiMlhcad, preslilrnt or Ihe eyas cilios nave lasen m our tccord united latea The Imperial foreign offlpe tbererore international dealing with auch caaes in the paat. the embassy to have UNARMED MEN AND SERI- During ihe last invnly four hours news sociaieil Adveflising flubs of the World. conventions. Kl Paso made a rdi at FORMER WAR SECRETARY'S requests American the Toronto las) gave The payment or Ihe ),000 Indemnity y mi Inquiry or the British government made has been received London or ihe sinkinx is lo ne ine honor gungl aiM deliver convention year ami tne f the Urttlsli steamer Kston lormeiu iIih principal address at an ban the easternets a new idea or Una .eriioii the widow of MeManus and ibe genera ex- iy Isrrgrtipü through the medium of OUS TROUBLE IS elabórale COMMAND IS INCORPO pression of regret hv American embassy m London as to wnetn-- t NARROW. SoutllliOltltj. the Notweaian hark Nnc and quel 10 b given this evening by the Kl Psai of the southwest." the way three British trawlers by Herman suMhia- - Ad. I11I1 Ihe mam dining ...un or (lie Ho- - Mr. Woodhead will remain in the city un- authorities are held to be sufficient repara- and lu what they intend to treat tion Hie officers and crews or Herman LY AVERTED WHEN TWO and or the hutch stenmer sehleland. arrived the clly si to til Sunday morning, when he leaves for RATED INTO RANKS OF In the circumstance. boats who have been captured, in presumably by a mine, deven sVilors of Ihe chick last evening from limcim. Arlt. He Oklahoma City. Ho will later visit Neosho, herretary ftryan today conveyed to the nrmetann are missing. as met a by a committee roo- Mo, and St. Louts. Mo., en route to Chi- Brazilian minister the appreciation ton am respect worse than other prisoners. the Irabi cago, of 'Should this prove to be the case tne THOUSAND COMRADES The sinking of law irawlers. it is alleged sting of President H K of ibe where he will attend an exerdtlre CONVENTION: EUGENIO I'nlied sutes government for "hit efficient In name Me iwre. is a violation oí i ne Hague ronven Iclub, Herretary K :. 1'ivls. committee meeting lo arrange tor ihe hood- handling of ilu- MeManus caaa." request is added that, the of t'lalrborue ing or German government, tne sharpest protest OF VICTIM LEARN ion of inn. wbirli exempts fishing vessels Adams, M. p. Carlock mid Mayor K. C kel Ihe Dig ronvcnlloii Irom Juno at) to BENA VIDES be lodged with the British government OF irom moiesianoil. . ly and escorted lo it.. Hold s)nrliloii, whore REPORTED taaklrr (daughter Indicted. In I .11 against snsn proceedings and that no doubt connection with ihe submarine war loci valióos liad nude for uim By the A aooetel pyte rare 1. Marshall lo Visit be lert that for cacti member or the crew TRAGEDY; INJURED MEN Ihe Herman protest, made through Ihe lite in. this evening promises to be Phoralt. FLEEING TOWARD TEXAS riciiver. Colo.. April 9 Coney C. Slaugn-ler- , i Bp .1 d of a submarine made prisoner a British unen aiaies, me rciusal or (ileal one of most elabórale and enjoyable the ssoctofr PrtM until recently cashier or the Mercantile AO Los Angelen Vice v ontcar held a a prisoner of war Britain to rerogmie the captured crewa of ever given unuer ine auspices 01 ine tpril President and Natioual bank or Pueblo, Colo., now in too 1n Hermany will receive corresponding NOT FATALLY HURT. stibmaHnes engaged In attacks on merchant club Over a hundred tickets have been sold Mis. Marshall lert late today ror Phoenix. BORDER; OBREGON LO hands or a aa or go receiver, wo Indicted today haraher treatment. ships prisoners war and the British and there are indications dial every teal In Alii., whence Ihey will to Scotisdale to by the federal grand Jury on a charge or 'The Imperial foreign office win be foreign secretary a reply thereto are creat iho big main dining room of the hotel will visit Mrs. Matralialrk parents, Mr. and Mr. CATED IN QUERETARO. ralsirying the books or the bank. W. u. Ing a lot of Intarest In l.umlon. The British lie taken. There will be good music, and Kinitey. slaughter, president of the bank and rout- reply declared that, while over I. out) sailors for the nrs: llmu Hi. of Hie Ad er of the cashier, was arrested at Pueblo aty A AttoviKtré Prett belonging to warships destroyed by British club ladles of ilut city will grace and adorn Hank President a Hulrlde. Colon, April 1 corporal Langdon, or the men had been rescued by Ihe vjr- - tne occasion wlin iheir presence in at lors I a Hrltish sailor had been tendance will also be reoresentative bust IL. April Mark P. Hobin- - TUMULT REIGNS AT coast was junglg Bp A lad Press artillery, shot and plrked up by the Germans vhen alley were nrss noil of the city, including members of annalist and vice 01 fl alecto killed and three, other American soldiers tucceasrui the Adclub, Rotary club and Ihe chamber National bank or Hawaii, Washington. April Dispatches to tha or rirst were Injured, one of them seriously. In a i.omuieroe, who are cordially Invited u killed himself early today. airauia agency here sluing that ueneral PRINZ EITEL evoawEi.it n i tntiN or lien. together a tin men wives, daugii In ittiiU: he irullcatid II. al tlui READY riot here today. The soldiers ware ea ill RMM. lit Ills SHIP Sttcllbol till Wis lera or mothers. Tickets which will ne caused by a nervous condition obregoii was threatening Hie line of com WOMEN'S MEETING gaged In patrol duly in the tenderloin By tht Avocnteii Prtt each, may Le had .mill 3 o'clock this an insomnia iiiiiincatHJua of the Villa Zapata forcea by London. April 3. ii.iai a. The eruoon by applying lu the clerk at the a message district The shooting, which At pi. occupying Ouereiaro. and from resultad corrvspondenl of the Pally Ion. ueneral Villa lo his representative a general right, was the outgrowth of an senda the rollowlng dispatch ma William Woodhead la a rorCertii. eloquent noiiiulng the surrender or Ueneral Jose FOR DASH TO SEA argument between a soldier who is alleged five lo ihe alnklng r Itie Morwegian bark and peis.iaalve apceker. and Die topic ol his SILVER CITY GIVES laobei hobles, secretary of war to General Mor, which was yesterday in this evening will lu- ho of tu rrpU;ettk uejikr o u lo have drinking, and a Panama address "7 Work Kulallo iiutlerrex, ware the chief develop- at ihiih been the North sea by tin German submarine the Associated AdverlUlng t:lubs ami Our tomgbl It. twill MM. IP WITH policeman 1) " ments In the military situation In "BATH HIM Set JOHN to. ibe .Nor a crew being landed at the I'reicnt iipporiiiiuiy In addition a num- Many shots were fired by the Panama Hook r Holland by ihe sicamor Dalla. ber of brief talks will be made by local Mrtlre. police, the civilians or The defection of Robles, who was said PTCAM AND HI PPIIKa and soldiers all being "Captain HI men sen the v.i atalrd that speaker:.. Mayor kelly has Invited u his on Wm if AaUM he was signalled up Hie BOOSTERS BANQUET to have turned ovar command UKMMAN COMMCaUX Htliil.lt WAJTO HI..I Call Neat la Wheat Lady to uiiennea. Brigadier uetierat Clareare to and was ordered IUO ...luce honor guest of Ule evening. Altoosais Edwards, commander of Ihe Hk- - siilHiiarine. He waa - rrirnlgr or amnesty, which waa granted, ott It. AT NEWPtMaT uir.Mii.ee iiriioii ralle l American aboard told that Mr. Woodhead. I. the editor of lha by MHs aaalflMS lor forcea In tka canal gone, who Is here lo hit cargo, which consisted or seasoned Hunsel Magailue and one of the waa accompanied the Might lo Port Major to Voters. beaukiiowa 11 teaslntnc meet Major Leonard Wood, wood, was and crew men or Has a Haws ias. waa reported, of ueneral couraander of contraband thai hit Pacific roast is noi stranger By the in iiepai i or the east, uitii..rr.i n must go abueid the steamer I'nlla. whose 10 El Faso. Ha visited this clly about a agento Agnirre nenavideai another tasoolatsol traaa mediately cargo already tied been and year ago a AO cabinet ornear. . Newport New. Va April Bit thr .1 aoeta lea Prrmé i took charge and ordered all sol eiamined aud delivered nolalile ad. Ire.. ELKO TMKIPI I.KM.III TO APPORD ' passed. . In Adjcluli. many ways lie herreury 10 van announced roraially that the Herman raider Print Kllel :lilcag, A11 t. A deuonslrtuoa ara diera rrom Ihe streets. Tore the In has MKASTV itos m Kl. I'thO t' nrin will spvam 10 seg A thorough investigation Is being "The Italia, whose destination wat shown his intareat In and rrirtidsnhji ror t IM I AT NVCTH1H the Ulan lof Ibe drclaiaHon or Mexico Clly and attempt 10 .Up paat o machino a rioi in lis uproar and disorder made was tilts ihe ...rii..ii or allied off the marked a woman's political today by both ihe military Panama Hull.' say. apialn sniicnsen. iiieti Kl faso and Is accordingly a visitor whom a a neutral area within which no faction warshipa Vir meeting and tat go my ginia egpea, or would 10 was .sone 01 lit- - imiered lu lo Holierdaiii lo land tlx whole riiy delights to honor. Shortly was to engage military operations, was submit luterumeoi. and brought lo an end only when uinuriiiea. shams Milico ti a 01 me men was crew. The captain of submartne mid an. bis arrival last ei.mng Mr. Wood lie to under consideration but said be had lernauied mystery tuntrbt. managers incaler in which the meei or rlvUlana InJared. ne be ara lug was held the steel rn Herman v.110 hoi thai uiv shi. uould destroyed, bul .aid iai. mem i., make aa lo ihr progress of ir bar orders to aafl the Kllel aranas rt dropped curiam and 1. langdon was It was still afloat when I IrM I have rrom well Her flUtxl orna a can oy urorr of the military "I have jual coins POoanu aad pllgrlins to the niuiibor of fifty warn Ui the lie. .11. lions He asked that the plan prepared buoiers are with surciaiur sm rioi lor ins po' arretted aatlior Ihat slie w a set on ny I, I lice The sweeting was Ma learned alora tire tiom .... Aril. Al lucsou I. .mid a Inoor guosta at a big baoooci and sinoke nc neutralisation of the railroad rrom coal enungh hi take her to tka oaaraat called by Miss ttics and waa confined a guardbasaae. He Herman-- , who easily r who a year ago was Pro- - rould led have progrrsaive organisation iho business rlv. ii bv the sneer L o 111 10 Vera (.rus bad baeu lakou tioituan port, her atoras have boon re- nun nrakr. Ihe It waa said that none of the three souk with shells owing to the night plenished v. audi. late for aMerman of Iho a ..umi her nature men of tin rliy. knoou as the Lunelle. and everywiiere her nor binary haa boon re- laiauy nun (Continued ou Page t.) club, and were uiodo who re i.an.i and a ..using welcome to in. paired and her and crow aro re- Ursl ward and wag derlalvMy beaten by The shooting onurr.-- u- arrantremonis officers near r.ii by growing was loinoirow inoiiolla they v. ill alien. sign, d to any fate that John ("Beiri Hoiiao"! lougtilan Miss Urake grounds, where a team this orgaiiiistn admitted and walling for Hie ror representing 10 Uieildiet ship lu Uta Associated Advertís aeaalollB of Its rsoutllWasltau NW M had ujgatiued "Can't stand Thomp firm ui m Mates wfaaury waa playing I sou and until lull, of in. World Both al Cattle Hsiohi aaairlatloo. whlrh to you When ihe LIU I had fun abed taking .lot. declard herself cruUoaMl nine Koine inlaakra of ALL aALOOKh MtBT LtMK groat was iwni anapniou.lt and Willi a large alien. "I haw tho pleasure Inform 00 Patay nao. tne tM ami iucs.ui laleresi ruatUf salad mat lenerai tnae issinei nooies, spare tupplle. ihat originally were not lo have was inn lenin ana iwemv iiimii uitu.ir. Today Iselrrlloe day. aad through in the onvriilluo lo be held al ..tor ago aod Unlay. Abv additional onierlauiiiHiii been delivered until Sunday, two tinned reglntoats who were witnessing the uui the state of Teta salooas a III of 'udutg asf euu. ride to. clly, ixuig lary of war under itulterret, altar a 000 - ball both Iheaa cilios air arranging, to sOad ovtr u lie State luga alosad guard al her stern coast Kill greatly upon delegan. a...arnbaoy l ror farrnrr which bad al Matapu with l as will'ia si cited hrertaar repreaoalaliie ns to k.raiigad haiurday artlllrrymoii patrolled her ram andldalr, aaainsl n Hale Ihomp l Ueneiel Margarito Kaluio., who waa roan pier ami and mu Heiuabliran rswuv inruwn iirdav la toril I. art I'aoo aouihwest aperial mat. I under WV bad a prosperous trip I10111 Kl aso, woro favoiablt- for a possible ihr miunn " the election ol school and leavm Ihe Motel su,i.i..n made mission-- d by nse to confer with Ruble darknraa daab as a Swollier auppurtrr Drake Mrsof vsrl. iniurrd The far trua ataini. LI Paso will send 10 Una big coa arier to aao. Mix ..m.-er- tooo the of the stole. I du' to X M iiliout at Hie auggeatloo of Ihe taller, haa surreo u nav. augura I exrltomatit roaitaurd uotil army lo rural tlslrlrl. i.üII.ju. think It 1. lu Hit interest of the rim Innuua. arel Lata today ...id wiui xugntau aad. oo IM or mishap or am kiud lo .... n- Icrcd h. Ihe convention government aod tba situation aboard iho Cltal Iher ladiiirlao- - whom si., had altackrd arrived and ordered Ihe men 10 take trams ahile elorlloa he held la enure uihoest t., hat. adequate repre-a- i drill was trnae. Every and sailor waa Iho larger . Mira, Ihr saloons saaM re- ago I pleasure our journey we goi nix baa .oleum!) piomtsrd In retire lo prívala officer lit raiaeaian a vear aao. arotalma hi. an.' wnutfl like to on hoard, although at tanca amiss wore or main closed la every arrctaet la Uta lire sci Hon l- -l ' ...... nir ne oeuverod ai ma roor otaron Womew supporter, rtmiupatMi " n 1. otate. Uta soase aa oa pri making reption coaaraJia). and eaasvrtod h tm god all bis woo have re lo reeaive nd. uo the pair. Thai .1 kflsa at- - hod formed such aa allien, e. MVeWTaaUrtSN alatewtae operate lu anana thai tuns ronunand. many of them believed they ware suing 10 - It aaary day. v array house wti re we rd payed a 11m Hie Us- py nance 1)r ,tc CJtN OK aad rlerlloa ana. rntisird in ..in. nit. ranks. Tha ettr aiuV-a- ami llieMlog. eliner BCaMtVA. year IllOelosnn, given by Ihe atilotaen em gag tea waa t Jual when they navght - well filled with Last etoa the riuha woro That fnah aan cunvcutiun will be tha big aod render of H.dile. his induce.) to glvs siga, a jMka tasgnastsat rVsaa - H was bo ordered to go they claimed not to know, - slasag aa Iho rtrai Saturday la April goat ilu- or our of hrliy Han 10 an 01 10s i.i.ii. u. Ml.- loak. Aiuuni Washlasrum, April in history lieiuing order toa turcrs eoovaouao but all there was not much ajlss .Mr Cecil npriag to a Pom oad other Hie. la Use there will ho fully iv.iou delegaisa al of the rcirpii euntmiiaan al Out lo Injure or molral Ueneral Hobles asserted tluv aiiBuprters iirrneni wa. Dora Karl. hue aha Srttlah 1,.. . atate. every at neuung our ly reiufoiie Mft ror the rrtualo m Mrs. fiaaan 1. Jenka. airs at S Itoirr lasMaotsr. retntag from section of the riuivel frees hasp 00. arts coioolsl secretary at ftanHli.,o souse, I men 1. ton automu loaded wttli watera unte.a ha ahouhl luirroe v 1, gjattho la thr oiloas there was ano tonada, atw aava been k fie laaued Ibe follow Mrs t 11. sale Mrs Oortruata Pre. os caUtathra g v.uh us 10 silver .lata dcuaiiiutat baas Its thai two uaor. hi Utah Helen A. HuldsiuMh. Mrs I ooaai lo iar oernii lor ike r.i in spite ..1 ibe luropran war Journri uta .uuunarr of from Mexico. sell Mrs oulao Of g Mnaagsaasry W. i ' v. i.r ass lad al 1 ailvlres bad II ufl lha well Oataff a of Bárralo. v . iMiiay Or Will lie r. pre w Illation III at o'clock ndey of louird huelgo nil iisborne and oiiiera kauwa la saffrage by a at SaaaalMe ta belog hola "The depaPUneai la in lat etpt adviooa could not be voriried Ivt Lata Uxlty, atari tlerUoa April I 11. .01 Eagle Pasa, nans nriw. Tkja ataaa arre, nao Louaty T .isie. .latina that howovar, otto Ornish warship was aooa by -- aad U. Hill deparuueot had tiagkar roaold altafory "The pant year ha. leen Use higgosi ansí Iba city military control, tediuau iuaa roooi aosa sraey .. Use (aoOciatea la still under but an .hip lyiug about ftvo bad wad spree airea liiailal Ihe b"si ui Ihe LI. lor i candidate ooarv aod Coaapirotlor Tarro II loe Adverttsuig hay u uui. uo aoru t oUh-- out aad dir.ctly p.utb Of Ote statp I arotse ts iTnbs of iho world Wa a pea iraké nag toa aaaa an arrecí a loa t U Ot IM. on P . ueneral Hernandos lasuwl Ootrsa lai.- a., oaly buwrd torta thai ihr lu wfen k Mr M.ni II." orad that oaaa iuhuhh tl of ht ..U.UUS ..... a tut a Oo too ..osaolsd rvtaa tub: ling the clreulottOO fQPflU flat Where's Ttmnqii organisation, Iks- aegtaa asooaaajo Iroaa Aa sMaraay apa), totuia tua entire time to 100 nstrvaarad. April t tvta Lotutuoi. laiuiey ui llsdraa dtotri. I oaoaoor aaaa ihc ottaraey - M Tin- .ay ejuvoe today 10 It.. sumen! la tmt tho car bst I ..Ulcer .0.1 ta ranal) o as aa er with an adiuo- .Is., dexdjtog tro. roluma adilxd tl. rim.. .suiio.iiwo awoas ,.s the ..jhjeol of aHraad Austilan peace aaaa auabuitiir. ai w,. rus aav. ..fu It. M . April t Al llClea of fose lo Iheir ,,tcr..i 10 tiiaa Our fundo ha.o tiahlcd !. "WiatJaa U ha bata jhaagpday lo a our vlgllaoce work pm'h uaofa a fftxttpe. Tba naaapapor asaena dull clally off cod xtuooigtuir l'aróésa. eoa of Of laaj ITII lull wera filed today lo loa ófrica wore lotto u,d hi la. held hVMto 11. eii known . ..r too ally ror uu tuding a prulQajgad requoai for general .U.lio larougaout Uta asMataror church. otate oad loa ta aiaatalari iraasanll hi. .ugh Ihe Vio, to hVrlm with a such purposes aa ho una at w'.ati 10 make loa aü alsaai U no cianea ea ataoMi a Wil ui ho 1 1 orara The uftsoi di.. in. as a score 0 lolua Mho ad.eruouia mora .fforu.o and view hi oagfaootlog kauporor puling aoonitaraa n eduiat II pubic a. hi tlx alu of advor l.aio .dwluiete daaire" ta ."Ulllluc thai ha will luuduPt ih.to law an uaa or "r",1ff o uto war. Hcli Weak '."u. ur.. fidouit" fr! fi so., but thai thi. cflon lalle.i aTse?.1: Maesa -- year aaaa ó UV ttSsliciaal and had a 99 Tha. baaosThi atar Mt a aad thai h i,. ityiug iiuough urtavrs of ao..rnimni and SjwalaH atra tasar, approached many .rf opatttuao gayata ..'..,,,.0,1. K T. Wthaa paakt aaa gnat iho klndfad loo soaso m fetrogra.1 u. or aowly appslalaa c.a.asil af 10 J ward haoltvg to do with aanotglnatl afrerutg ki avuo v.ra oai Uta satos, lUau hd K Taa3sV.mStVB ylimut awratg lu Mat about. ruio .uiieudiu 'iu returned tun uoofa Wm aau as tha rvaii ajvarilaltui 01a. aWtliasjtkao aod OeJtae. isruugbi bitu to Vara Uta." OOMVfOO,'i"l N M EL PASO MORNíNG TIMES April 3. WIS.

BOYCOTT TO BRING TURKS COME BACK What You've Always Wished For BRITISH TO TIME AT UNITED STATES Saturday Specials h Here Today st aj - or Oven Roast, B. . . 15c Clothes Especially Designed For Pock ShouMer, lb. 15c rtree rnnalrM tteoaaa Men Tkreeleeed Pecase Lleaely PaBawa steels af Thai al Pork Ham, lb. 17V,c Willi I an at tagala v asset. Beelarte ttaaMagtaa far ef Assert Veal YOUNG MEN caagreaaaaaa la ranaseipaia. i' aes ha saHaa's BaasaMa. Loaf, 2 lb, for 35c He Curad Bacon, lb. v 'Aa atnaaeiglerf rVres . 22ac with style that was heretofore confined only to high Philadeipaia. April metro waamngion. April 1 roltowing ctoae on facturera wra argas lo take immediate the heels of ihe Amarlcan evtvnunilt' to to Ihe Americana Purs Pork Sausage, 20c priced garments But style ia not everything. You eorwerted action to obtain a modlflcgliaa Turkey prolert ...... gl the mission school of Urumlgb. I'ersla. want wool fabrics; good tailoring (by hand, where es- of ureal Britain's rules governing oversea Huaaen Beg, rbarga of Hie Turkish em commerce to neutral countries by Herman bassy here, loday presented to the state ; asking for an Investiga-tlon.o- sential) dependable linings. You get ail this and more A Men, member or congress from Now department a note killing ID Metleo of two Turkish SPRING LAMB TURKEYS In the in the Sophomore and Frat Clothes. We are sole agents York and a widely known manufacturer. obecta. and On- - recovery of their bodlea an addreaa at a cnarerenre or dye men here Two Hyrlgns, alaUbfrti ?HgTi and Harael CHICKENS FISH for these brands of clothes in El Paso. looey i mess tne hi man governtnen lereteare. aald to ltae been etecttted at HENS rhangrs Its policy. Mr. Mats declared, bun Torreo by Villa soldiers, rhe chsrgc OYSTERS dreds of factories throughout ihe l.ntied against them beang that they had attempted Mates will Save to suspend operations and Id circuíale ertunierfeit ctirrancy notea. It about MOmo men will be throws out of waa claimed In defensa of the men thai All Prices Prevail Greatest Strength eniploiraseoi. the noiaa had been approved at genuine by 'Tna stale department la doing all It ran the Villa commander. Everything For Your Easter Dinner to ropa wim tne situation, asm nepre in St note 10 Ihe department, riled on entente Mara, "but It la compelled to re instruction ftotn lile government, the spert international law. Tne mantifactur Turkish charge reqnosled Ihe United itstea $15 to $30 and era of this country will bare lo lake lb to protect Turkish subjects In Mágico and $18 $20 matter out or the hands of tbe stale de lo ask for redress In the present case, ito abd fey de r..i,l.. was marte lodav to the Turkish TO v nartmeni handle it themselves Telephone -- Mesa . Marine an industrial war on Kngland. They quest, although It" waa understood tbal It am 220 will haf lo ten England thai unless she would De campimn wnn assumes i nmre reasonable aliunde she 2576 ivtsj i Eas- will be deprived or niton, ammunition and Why Not? rj LizEverything for your win- things nan from sou- Take a look at our other she been buying Beach's Art Sfeap for appropriate Amanean amines In great qitanillies. venirs of El Paso and the southwest? A ter outfit is here. Don't rm dows things you won't Mr. Met said that American mantiractur varied and complete assortment display, forget come and era ara absolutely dependent upon tot rioneer Plata, city Natl. Bank Wdg. to see for certain raw materials, but In or- l Advertlaemen' find in any other store, ex- der to get them they must find a way to the many new things we ship to Oermany the cotton and other asan for The Times - - have to offer. We clusive styfes and patterns things she has been buying from American ven ion it win he a hummer and sailors, but Ihe Chilean foreign office held don't sources In great quantities." of great valua to El Paso. that the Germans were being held lot charge for looking. only found here. "Tba Germans," be added, "have gotten DRESDEN INCIDENT violating neutrality In overstaying Uto time Hred of sending us dyesluffs and other ma CHINESE TO FINANCE PROTEST. limit given them ror repairs. lerlala without getting anything In raaim It Is understood that the Germán, govern "If American manufacturers declare an Celestials In t nlted Stales la Be Aaked lo m. nt has shown a disposition lo make embargo on England," declared Ihe apeak rer i.apne. reparltion lo Chile fbr the Incident, altbougd or, put an Contribuía tie they would end to export ron Ah ftM S BIG what form the reparltion win take ia not and would mighty near end the nW,l Pre COMPLICATION dttioiu nan Francisco. April , Each of the known lure. war. Tou say that would ha in violation soon will or the law. Perhaps It would1, Chinese In the I'nlted Ctates but It Is a 0 tax for the nurpojae Mnil Clerk Indicted for Then. high time that we kirk a few boles in in- he asked to pav or lb. lanteat crr seen In tl section. ternational law." oi raising a limo i rvnia i",i. n ..v,,.-,.-- By lax AttoefteA Prrn was hrniiifht Hi n... police station laai upon t hlni, according lo rromlnent mem Denver. Colo., April I Charlea üldfieig two wlio lite animal RAILROAD D. f. WlHira of this city read a letter colony. oi Hi III i:0l"VT SHOWS VESSEL WAS RUSSIA ASSUMES flight bv add FINDS from Wilson preal- bers oí san Franclsco'sj Chinese I O or Kansas City was indicted by a redergi was killed ontsSfa telephone pole tun President in which the futid, t "III r BIS IMT.HD WIE.V near dent said ihe eu. r., tna cnitectton of this BEITTSB nCAXSt. here today tni Borderland Inn. about t from state department appreciates a of ARRIVED on grand Jury charged with fourteen the, and is doing all It can ro- was said, were laid today al meeting iliefl of M5.000 from an Atchtson, Topega. B1 l'eso. yesbTday afternoon. The rat wan situation lo y if fSa TBS enmniandrr of the BBS' llers It. chinase leaders nun neaos 01 me in-nonar- k santa Fe mall train between Kansas city rir". of a dark reddish brown color and WMS&td party, held at Ihe headquarters of as mariii gave nn certificate to the errrct ernty five imtinda. meas- Bit the Attentat Prest flint Hip Vh 1i d'atroyetl for carrying SllfiillSialatl m FIGURES WRONG llm ntnese ix i.ompaiiies. " Washington. April s. Detalla of lb at- " uring flic- fcri and All luche from ing to develop these plans winiwill be held contraband.' tip of Ha tall to 11a head the negroes tack on the German cruiser Dresden in with a shotgun, It wan ATTORNEY GENERAL Sunday. i.htlean waters, by a British squadron, were WTIJI VTrsMKB BLOWN t;p killeii ir llilnkinf Dr. Fong Do You, head of the Chinese a panther. of officially received by the rnlied states gov- Phones .n Phones Kg ) kllXKtt Nationalist association, said the Chinese ernment today with information of amenes feared thai President Yuan Shi th Hull, i.ntlaitj, April t The nutrh steam- TfcXtN GRAMI. MINNESOTA TAL KXPKRT ( ONTF.Mia character of the representations recently er s up If gat was nrennrtnr to accede to Japan's de made Brltlah blown yesterday aftil AOAINNT IM Rl l II by Chile lo tho government I The opera operatic i.lllMIM. mands, and he would be urged by ninrnlnit ia the Vrrllt point ' HATES. SAYS LAW VALID that over the Incident. ftnle-- from Spurn, on the pint mail of company will play VtrdTl famous opera IS petitions lo make no concessions that would It wag revealed ror the first time here i iMUii.i i ine entrance m ilic number, (four coiaWSlüWtf al a :m Injure China's integrity. that the Dresden was about lo be Interned ta nan of Hw crew was dllleil. "Travlale" artai by wnwli the the Chilean government for overstaying The and oilier of Saturday. April 3. A'torlatré Preti DANIELS' ADVISER I ITH. the limit of twenty-fou- 'initio who i April v. hours granted lo ijtr crea err I" Hull. Another Thl rompany romea direct from Jho tiirato. Minen Jurrrnaen. her when 'he British cruisers Glasgow and II- engineer or the Minnesota railroad boat Ith Mvrn sailors rrom Sr.htcinna Mexlro City Orand opera liotiae, wtaere KWI.Y APPOIVrSD MICW til Mi o lWv. Admiral Plake Aske ta Ee Relieved fraaa Kent and Ihe auxiliary drama opened tire. .1 and gave a h Inimingriatu lonuiiil fu-- inn in it has played an enaaiii'iuent of fun year warehouse rnminlialnn, IM. AiniTOIt TOLD TO GO AHEAD Duly aa Aide lo Sac rotary of Nary. According to Ihe official report of the Im'cii missing sevrial bouts la In It ai ine inieratate i.ommeree Chilean government, when the Dresden put and considered lb' beat Mexico. heartng of ihe freight ami out. aml orrict. Ru the Annnctatrd Prtnt The sUtcit a ron iric In cast a weatern rale Brad.-le- Into Cumberland nay withm 500 yards from ainain tonirht that earrlea firt) four coie lb" and today a beata Washington. April Hear Admiral explosion occurrm Hit' Sriiipiantl net of scenery for each play, Being concerning for tie re- snore, ana asgcrt tor etgnt nays in wturn . rcaaonableneaa ratea, lie appeared In A. Flskc today presented a written as Mown up, daiiiHKiiiK inr sicaucr ruily trni to play any of tue modern of Bn Kptclal rrtre to the Timet re- to repair her engines, the maritime gov oppoaitlon lo ihe I weatern railroads' plea quest to Secretary Daniels asking lo be iiperailtea and operas. .anta Fe. M. M.. Anrll 3 Howell Earnest lieved of his duties as aide ror operations ernor of Juan Island did not i.ii- Un ni. in killed who uaa a .! for increased ratea. agree, but gave the vessel time limit wjilcli Thin allow, though strictly 'paniah. will traveling auditor, whose office waa abol position military three oilier were lujiipit. The itp Juritensen qiioted the appralaala of Ihe ny He lias held the of senior to depart. After the expiration of appeal lu every one who totea prerfy - siten the state legislamre at lis recent to ihe secretary of the navy sine that ten two hoai Too Imai i by r .ai.- Invurrsl in Minnesota, Wiaconain, session, lodsv lost the round of hla adviser time he communicated to the Chilean gov- - .'i tiiualr, pretty arenco and novelty efTenta, first shortly before lb close of the Tan admin- ih' rai'tmo mm urn io tin- ship and re Nebraska. oinh Dakota and part of Mich! rigni to remain on the state pavroll when ernment ilia' with Ha approval he would maincd by her nntt) she This boat lieiim eearstially a meal apu'larular abow. aun, and .aid the capitalization exceeded istration. immediately mean- mk M Aliorney Oenersl rank W. Clancy decided intern the vessel. In the aves r.i tt up D.v a passing a ee rhealra the praaenf liook value of .to reason was given by Admiral Ftske Hie Utrr in" !' at Hyan'a every day the propertlea. that v H. Whlitler, appointed under the communication, time British emiaers arrived and the ..n i i .m In shore, "ai" for aale from He Hint rrasonable-iH"'.- -' for his anion In his brier j trim make but a contended thereforo the new law. which makes tbe traveling audi maritime governor was about to go aboard ''-- ! '.1 finally taken in a mi at the Ihraier from 7 o'rluck of should not be computed upon and he declined to dtseua It tonight. the British Glasgow was on rales tor a ornee a department or that or tne not cruiser uhrn he l"u fu passing (Adv.) a i. .1.1- - of outstanding atouks and bonds. secretary Daniels said tonight he had obliged to turn back, he reported, on ac- 'ral' stale auditor, ran go ahead wltb the or- upon he would appoint lie outstanding capital stock and bond- ganlMllon determined whom count of tna broadside aha aent toward the St new s cara, The Shlelaad of fcm net tunnage AT Tilt: l of his office. to tbe post, thai he had asked the ad- and wat ana ll.ttt ed aecurillea of tne roadn involved In tneec The opinion was necessary but ahora. . w n IWai shy wan fri Mil 1HWF.R Wll I, M. SKHtMa y made bv the vice of Admiral Wlnsio today and would ttJO and tg.oo per Hour, sutil wl t Ionic. tl.MKH staiei averages iü.wia a nulo or main refusal fhe report adds that tbe white flag wa 3"! frat beam ami in fret deep. Her home il NHAV KVCRV l.MIV 111 M a said) yesterday Of Earnest 10 turn over con rer with other naval officers or high up on word was aent our Specialty KtHII n.on and aitioij mile of all tracks." me dook.s and or Ine to hi run the Dresden and Short Trips. 2c. port was li'ittvrdain soivtAitv rt.n PtAit. Mr. Jm n "i;onra.-t- d 'Ills Ire' rrcerds orrtre rank in the near future as to tba best way to tne coiumanner in 12 a M an." i t" successor. Msndaaug Draceedlnas cam nriusn inai alises intTO r. iHitverllarmenl by Hie ta of organising the new bureau, president was being made In santera. As Quick Baggage Delivery by Auto Truck, book tost, av shown repartí of the pel the ireftafer were Use territorial Mil Wlldrat Near It.ir.irriaiiil Inn KII.3M a mite or mam road- contemplated, but Wilson win fea consulted before a final that farted to stop the attack. Use dayman e rallniada. t attorney holds, this to a I'm i" 'i" a dead wildcat, one Aihamhraerieliirra-'- VauSevtlM.- - CAdy. way, ror proceeding election It made. a plain blew up his own ship. the or U,!i7 a mile all trackage. The nei'iiiess ami mat wmttu-r- . the law. When book coat l.a aiMüm.iMO lesa than the out under German captain and crew reached. Va- niay proceed with the duties of the office S itORN THE JUNE CO., Inc. siajidinif rat'iial alock and funded debi. rii - HABEAS CORPI FOR lparaiso they were Interned. The German tnoiign lu predecessor never existed government protested that they should be actual dofireelated book coal la $a':.. i.u.iaal Earnest takes- the position (hat law less man tne uutatandtng tiocks and runde, the Bridge Dysejaller Altases Ceaatitutlónal given their liberty, since Ihev were held Office, orndorff Hotel. abolishing the traveling auditor appointed Violates. to in fhe same category aa shipwrecked flent.-- by the governor RlSbts Are be Concerning Is Invalid for the reason Ihe various methods adopted mat It was finally paased over the rover By the ta aorta led Preti by the railroads In charging depreciation. veto Boston, April J -- a pennon for a writ or Mr. Jttrgennen nor'a after the ronatliutional limit of dis- aald. the Chicago, Burlington toe session nao expirad. habeas corpus waa filed In the federal A yuiney onargen ror depreciation to loco- Today's opinion of the attorney general trict rourt today In behair of Werner Horn. motives lo 7.B8 per cent, n Fresh Texas Eggs, Doz 20c 07 whereas puts the neu move clearly up Co Mr who Is under arrest for alleged illegal In nlioutd have charged only .1.1 per rent, and Earnest. terstate transportation or explosives prtoi the llock Island A pacific charged to Ihe wrecking of the International rail n.ie to ll should charge a.ui Creamery Butter Pure illbbon Cane Byrup, Aai tahereas I II WIN TRIALS IN VIENNA rnad bridge al VancelKiro. Maine, on Feb per ittti. rtiary I. By order or Judge Morton, the por lb 30c t home made) gallon "What u the effect of making a wrong 91 Baroness Among These Reported Sentenced Lotted states marshal will produce Horn GRAND - as to It TEXAS Bulk Chow Chow. Fancy Itawellan I'lnc- calcination depreciation?' asked Death. in court lor a hearing on toe petition next A, hdgerton, attorney general or la pill I 15c applr. 3 cans, 50c assistant Ra th AasorfalrsT Prett Monday. London. April S (I at) a. m.) A' The Detitton recites the rlalm of the rimall Iwwdrop Peaa, Lump Htarvh. Hi- - Hie. dispatch i BurUoffton." answered wltne from Ilerne to the Morning Post says Mu- defense that Horn, as an officer of the ran 10c 4 Iba. , .'. . 25c "would charge a greater sum to 0eratmg German army and a belligerent, la not aun us earn- rnrn Cotton Ball ctpenses tiiereny reau'e net ly municipal employee of Prague. Bohemia. answerable to tne courts, out to mo de- Saturday, April p. Kiinkle Flake. . 3 8:30 m. - at ings, bill the Hock Island would charge s, ...- ' ror per 4 25c 7 25c ii i'miiiu giunr oi nigu ireasoii anil partment of state unneutral acts low bara i to tiperailng "tpensea and thereby increase sentenced to terms of imprisonment rang formed In a neutral country against a Boapii de. ...i. Urapa Fruit, Us net earnings." lug from one to sixteen years. The men country bis own country Is at The Remarkable Light Opera Company Mr. Jiirgeusrn the with which 2 larte pka;. 35c for 25c aald railroads charged war. It la alleged that Horn't removal to too miicti in general eapenditttres, averag- vorable to according to wan ing to 15 per this state from Maine in violation of coin, whareaa the general the ml respondeat. ' constitutional and treaty rights. HOME DRESSED HENS average In Hie átales he cited was i.ii per "A Vienna the corre- spondent lontlnuea. "condemned ftrty-tw- ADMITS ILLEGAL DEEDS. C ft Wright, counsel for ihe railroads, persons pi death for high treason, among WimerRuanova asked the w lines questions Intended to them the countess Ilarrach right or these Directly show thai singla irark laigely had been persons have been executed, but the from the Teatro Principal , of Mexico City UT lotistdei-e- and In alatea uiiem doniu,. of the remainder have been com- - PRICE GROCER tracks were used no calculations bad been 54 PEOPLE IN THE CAST 54 in I'H tniprlsonmenl." AND MEAT MARKET In the South. Dakota figures, the wltne ley former congressman, who la ranre Orchestra, Consisting of Twelve Professors Y said, no allowance, had been made In tba Al MH1AN AVIATOR ABSENT WHEN senting Mayor Donn M. Roberta and tbe C DEA I II SENTENCE READ twenty-eigh- valuation or tne t.nuago a. Northwestern WAS majority of the t Tarro Haute The Immortal Play in Four Acts "We l ik.- lo Uvr and lint Llve" for Its new station In Chicago, although the Mf the Asa orlaled Yeas men on trial in IB .federal court on station building alone, applied to the en- - Venice. April I (Via Paris). -- Advicag re- charges Af election fraud, began th cloa ceived here from Austria say that the mili- ing argument for the defense late to- - 408 Wyoming St. Phones 1571 and 1572 tary tribunal at Lalbach has condemned in day. Tomorrow District Attorney Daley his absence the aviator. Johanna Widmer will begin th argument for the govern- of Trieste to fea shot In Ihe back because in mi in noit or i i or tu km ment Mr. Stanley admitted there ware it he deserted from the Austrian army and many Illegal came to Italy and acta committed In connection endeavored to enllat as with the last election In Terre Haute, an Han in military aviator. Widmer Is safe but Glory of the Well Known Master, Guiseppe in Italy. asserted tbat, unless shown by th evi- Verdi dence that these acta were In support of DIVINÚ AFPARATl S TESTED. ine conspiracy, ine jury in tna present Seats for sale Ryan's 9 a. to inrantry. last night reaulled In the arrest case had no power to take tbe in Into con- at from m. 7 p. m. after of a Mean an gave tlir name of Juan PreparaUaaa Resumption sideration in determining tbe guilt or In- Standard Pullman, chair cars and dining cara i avara, who will be required far af Work far that, at the Box Office, Texas Grand. QQ lo enacei Reeevery ef Sunken f-- nocence of tbe to the charge or snauning a purse rrom By through to St. Louis via Fort Worth. Dallas Ihe hand Mrs Ulfroore, the 4 asacta tea) Tea a of tl III South Honolulu. April a MLNUE MAYOR IN BAD. SEATS, BALCONY, while she was In Ihe s in final teat in tba BOX $1.00. 50c GALLERY, 25c P.M. and Little Rock. alreel. harbor today of the diving tube which distent walking along the street. is apt to 6 Larson wnen expected to play a prominent nan in fur- laglcted far Caa racy Haatprr Law MAIN FLOOR, 75c ami üanderaon went nearby ther errorta In the airtcken ansun.. tne man made the (rali, they sav. and gave raise Eaferceaaeat. Direct connection at Fort Worth for all points in Oklahoma chaae immediately, aoott nne P a, Diver Arres descended two reet Mm th Prwaj ruuning nun fhe lest, It was said, Acimttd dotaa. Hie iimu-- proved entirely Múñete, ind.. April An and South Texas. Mralcan protested his ' It waa planned indictment 15 DAYS' SEASONCHANGE PROGRAM DAILY am at the station, and a aearch of Dia and to lake Ike nasanre In orflc was return-a- tiersin failed lo reveal the missing purse. toSsy fey ihe county grand Jury against Via Mra. J. H. Day, a neigltsor of Mrs Tnlmore. and lower Agre at Iba spot where the Mayor hollín H. Bunch He was arrested was lu company with the latter wnen tne is oeueveo io lie nearly sot reel below tag tonight and released on 11.000 bond. Trite crime Is alleged lo have been eonunltlrd. surface. hills charging the acceptance of brides were Ihe M inch tube la ntted with staunch against Mayor plate glass returned bunch and members NriOAL Ak.aOeH.AMk CONTEST. porta, iheough which tgreg, if of tbe cuy administration yesterday. snceeaaful especia to obtain the rtral view The indicunant returned today charge rifty Tkuoaand Dallara la grísea af the i since she disappeared wlUi her Mayor Bunch conspired with Denutv lar kteata 'rewof iwealg-ojl- on (be Texas Pacific oiyiniiiug auiy I morning of Prosecutor Gene Williams. Chief of Police g tk A aaeeieleal wm. A Mr vain and uerb Naddv prest Sy meene of g aewpbonlr ce New York. Ki'illrtfa uali"iial aeroolane dev with dent of the police boards to praieal th r. on whlrh Hie lidie Is equipped ihe diver would atarasasant or lawn. uiiietiiloa lo beau, July t and end on be rnarded lo direr! lbs work of attaching $39.86 viciooer a, ib pignora oy ine Aero I lob or cablea to tbe bull America, ll was announced touiaht TEXAS JLTM.E MOttTtLl l MUI UKO SPRINGS, ARKANSAS, Ivealdes denemsiraiing the ni ai th abilllv ,.r Chick HOT AND RETURN Using necoplanes f"i general purpoaa. it suicide Eellewn BfeaaMSS Affray ea sírcela WBaby Food waa aaseriea mat tne aim is to aastat lb" ef CaaaSiaa. Teta. J army and na y l developing corpa Ike tasarte I sat PVeea m Is ftiiRranteed ta Rata Your attaiioo r. anadian, April í for the Nail'iueJ uSard and the naval mllllia A Remedy fe ana. Diatriri Judge Baby jjflK ver naay was ana proa-ab- l Cluck. aii'i io ueinoosireie lor ihe iK,.iofti, o ,P Frank P nre anoi pariiuanl raaaaStUty (aiallv wounded in tbe tuerta it l a mw aa, t lbs of ualug Ilia aero I A Humes, It is s real bsby foo4 for bsby rhick "V a plane to carry mail to For All Pain torea near here said lo heir lanlaird places in orawvor, snot ana gnie.i nun U nine than la uo done Tfea efSeteeaag any Seng-- aaga Dr p. saot Juaga 3 per cent, predicated 'i'k'i ' ol P. self The shooting Makes aeee SM muscle. Pre- More than Ma. DOS may R tibian. I a known ea un by Use s wai snortiv afterward wai be ollarag as reeuli taut lo have bean over a court aecitton vent a white disrrhoea and leg weakness. Costs only CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE svnsra. rae ronipruiKMi ia to be ror ihe afetaaa fraaa ttm agav. U we Ira able to eoa a cent e ug g trol pain and dtataaao by asgaaa of any are grealct di.'sJi coveiad in hours dur-tá- tin erred Maa chick for three weeks. Conaaaiaaicin Men avante. iba tuaety dajr. wa certainly are warranted ta lie g . est ate fSW fatal ayaapaoatn of all lAe AseeeteteS erase kg gay $1.00. Bit SO, mmé nUf. aanriatsv We gr atgUaat imana os Inderal mi BBiaaUiHaaasMH a pala, asta tats is waai sbapatlaui WeBBaan. Vaaaa.' Aartl Jobo tin a i ataa. s ins ioscr ik baeci ksultm I. today. taooS rnday. mad rrsae m OHg UiUMiag, aanilaa aa laa lar. a. anaaaaaiix i National Bank Maoaa MS, rfcaaa SnUS. relieve iiafaUa If wa aaaaa ik,: . wlibnia fare to IM eaal Mueaariae Prraalar iserleres Bs aaii.nl I. Hable hanged".! kmullf upon It Me had Poultry Regulator klhH. Lively latere , I I. aVrfal. Kenpaar .oat to Irani PrattS. Bu oaken renedlee wUak wllT aJRart nMirk depraaaed atase hit wife at Iht aiaeeieleal fresa a. One remedy wtkáeh April : ' o I dln.li' Keep up healthy growth, 'a e,i" I u a ta insure rrtalrty Produce rapid Hala ine Hungarian nrenurr in p'. ami tag lanainsa. saaay tas vanea ara Ibelr la Telia far larra lag laaa." ajsassapsssat and earlier matunry alter chicks udey of tus eaajen trip u Vkasaa, ""H hat of retrying a revolver. Dea hate passed a M"irMi. aa arreatad Iga the baby food stage. Especially helpful log late hatchet. LEVY GROCERY alrfct Beer Kl Paso atsat Mvaatb reata Makes caicas. Usares eggs. ay nmear rae ser ano piar- - nr strong won Coats onry as auaT.UÍiS'i..rí bud- - SPECIAL Ihe aPgSiest cent per month peg SALE thai CO.f. skltJ U-t- Bmtl aim im lS-l-k ataV r. HJS; BmikmndSOt. J$. pmtkmgi, as ha war kraut Mail Caaa suing Saatia a a S Cana Kaatara Tabla 1 vachaa ui T-arO- Afways refuse sahsututca. Insist on Pratt. rga Cana Baked B 'uV''" loara t ear Yossr UtagiiSiirr m or rrasaraa. a naguta r awtrr, Sc ara. BStB aa aaxa eava aara. Maul varatora gtu grrg I aHraiiW, W. D. &. ÉtfSSt MW i - UaMlaaaS WISE CO. Setarday. April 3. 191). tL PASO MORNING TIMES SAYS DETECTIVES GREAT INTEREST U.S. Army and Navy Goods Store The MADE THE BOMBS IN FIELD MEET Men's 304 Vi Mifk SL OLIVE DRAB CLOTH VajUKM Clothes OH TRIAL IN NEW Easter Have goOrenlf a ratt mi..i ef onr fia (nulnn ARCsTrT roam v rises, A tag TW V. B. olrve drab 14 r ra a at. for rloih. and DYRksaTnt PI OT n POLKX. gsrrr.au t bit the we onda. Tha beat w sarin material ni can bir. are every as important as women's and Don't phow dirt. 4 Inch wlda. Par yard are especially well prepared to serve you men. Par- Everything is hi tor tire field 14 --ou aces St.TS readme, ticularly do we ask your attention to the extraordinary mast of the Eighth army brigade, to be netd IJM urinine Carbraae at m trial, with Frani value offered when you can choose from the new yarda makea a suit oomplrts. Aaarno. oa the charge or attempting 10 at Washington nark this afternoon from t IS i eg R Olive Oooda rtptmr oootn in rairira raineorai IM o'clock. Great Interest is being spring selections of f Drab Khaki Cot toa Extra rafted toda lo shake the torv that Mi shown an lava events, aot only In army cir- quality. Per yard Mo paniripatlon in the alleged plot had been cles, but by the people of Ft Paso as well, ADLER'S "COLLEGIAN" Uaanlae U. B). Nary Blue , Broadcloth, at asiigainu nv inure neterllve Amedeo and indications are that there will be Pnllgnani for the purpose or Training him big crowd at the park In addition In the Inehca wlda, weight 1 yard S1.S5 ATTERBURY SYSTEM" t jauneaa. Per op- - field events, band concerts vtin !. rendered Caraone denied louilv thai he had anv by several or the mllltarv hands, which "STRATFORD CLOTHES" U. S. ARMY DUCK thin to do a iih mixing the Insrrrtirnu ot a III add much to the enjoyment or the oc the bombs, accused the detective nr having cas ton. for Men and Young Men at Extra Qosdity Price Right maaurarturen inrm. and swore he was Ml Yesterday members or the dirrereni regi- os. V. & Army Double Filled Duck. Par yd . lac duced by mm to go 10 the cathedral. ments or ihe Eighth brigade ere busily The IT. K Army Double Pillad Duek. Par Mr witness accused the police of healing en gaged in making rtnal preparations ror rd him In order in make in in contris He de today's meet. During the sricmnon Hie V. 8. Army Doable Pillad Duck. Per yd.Mc nled knowing anything about the anarchist preliminaries la bayonet exercises ware literature said in have been found In Id held at Fort Rllss to qualiry entries rur the possession He said Polignani par SIS had finals afternoon. and S20 GOLD MEDAL COTS this chased such lie yes- They're tailored in an unusually cpreful manner of Gold Folding literature for htm. but had In the rtrle match held at Fort nits Medal Cots tl.M not reao 11. some or II was In English terday morning, with teams or Is marks the stylish Glen Urquhart plaids, overplaids, tartan Folding Camp Tablea SS.00 which he could not read, he said men each from each regiment competing, Folding Porch or Camp Chaira...... $1.50 Afbano took the stand In his own dcrense first tronara Ml to the sixth infantr. while checks, tartan stripes, chalk and pencil stripes, shep- and told a similar story. Pnllgnani had the second place as won by the marks plain fancy Serges. lasen mm nonp unit avenue, he said men representing the Firiermli cavalry herd checks, and and Blue Wr have the beat leather Tan Putteea pointed out the homes or John I). Rocke Representatives or the Twentieth Inranlry for the money In El Paso. Pair. . . tJ.50 reller and Andrew Carnegie and other won first piare In Ihe shooting events ror The very best value in El Paso today at weanny men Canvas Leejg-ln- from . . . - 43c to and urged violence against officers. Rivalry Is keen on Hie pari of ec them as well as a raid upon lewelrv stores rnnirsianis enteren ror tnc various events and banks this afternoon, which Is an annual arfan The mother and slater or Abanto testified with Ihe Eighth brigade. The dtrrerent that Polignani was a rreauent visitor at regiments have selected their wry best V. 8L Army meir no me ano exenen an evil inriueaca men as a result or a series or rumination SIS and S20 upon him. The mother said that Tor this mstches. and the regiments which win this Shoes reason she had warned Polignani to cease artrrnnon will have to show both skill and ms vimi form. There will be no charge and the "My brother wis a good boy until he public IS invited. ' ' rVi me Polignani.'' the sister testified. rt We carry a complete line of U. 8. Army Alhambra Melares Mo Vaudeville. (Adv.) r HAT a 43LOTHINC OCX ) ütraw II, .i- -, t'onipletp show - Skirts, U. 8. Army Shoes. U. 8. Army Mat. U. 8. U. 8. U. Iras to SS Army Socka, Army Blankets, BARGAINS IN USED KNOX ft 8. Army Navy Blankets, and a full line of BRITISH litis Mtof PanaxtaaN SS..10 to S10 PROCLAIM RTKTNOSÍ HATH Sit. -' Comer San Antonio and outing; and campiña; goods. VICTOR. KPbX'IAL .. SS Mena Avenue Military HappMea of Every Deet ilptioet M Rifles, Ammunition, Belts, Saddles, Bucles, AUTOS, AND UP Field Qliaaaa. Etc $80 WIRE CENSORSHIP VAUDEVILLE SHOW EASTER WEATHER The International Anto Co.. 413 CAL HIRSCH & SONS Texas EDITOR Sl lt.S it atrect Is orrering more automobiles ror less CARLS MESSAGES RETWEEN NETTRAL nil money ever A thsn berore. rew used cars AND ENRsTT COVNTRIES TO RK Scribe Haled Retore rntorsrto Leg. A. HARRIS, hare been taken In trade and now must tu Henier Nfr. sold. STOPPED AT WILL. Islsturr In Explain Assault. The lot ottered consists of cars In run BY NOOSE LODGE GENERALLY CLEAR Hu tu. i. Press ning order, ready ror the road or rent lienver, r:olo. April .:. II. Newell, service. A Packard limousine, has not been ashlngton. April Oreat Britain in editor ar a penver arternoon puper, nas run more than a rew months; 12.500. perore two men a collision on street tention or stopping all messages sent over Issen suuiiimneil In appear the house. had the touring car, amo. An Immo- cables com rol to In which a Mexican was in- bile, seven passenger baa under British relating Of representatives tomorrow morning on Thursday. car. not been ron in or "ta TO BE til VEN IN CONNECTION WITH IN- possum np Kits AUTO COLLISION; both machines or since overhauled, 1500. A 1400, trade contraband I l.ocu sunn charges r a nr jured snd more less Rulrk at a enemy STALLATION Ol nt-- in 1 atiacking member inat damaged. Shannon, in dismissing maxweu sag. which a resident in an country Is PLATEM REfilUN UNI t.l ,04kM Isidy. to Ihe to Judge rososier, a one of been NEWS OE THE HECK. NOTE IX KOREI order the case, advised the two men to get Loilrr, good as new. 11.500: and other real the parties," has communicated tsl produce Ih Hint- berore the body rot- to bargains In uaed A to tne tinned Mistes government tnrougn loweij a physical encounter on the rioor and amicably settle the matter ss cars. complete stock or Ambassador Page London. damages sad blame. new Packard, Bulck and Jeffery cars In at arrange- f Ihe house lodav between Newell slut A given to Mr. Page and Next Friday night, according to li Ike Associated Prrt A. 4.1 on stork. See these cars purchasing. memorandum P. Ardotirel or Ronlder. DRIVER ARRESTED B. Atkln waa fined arter conviction berore cabled by him to the state department to ments already made, the local Moose lodge Washlngluu, April 4. Fair skies and a the charge or having destroyed private other firm ran compete with the values Newell, ti is alleged, was occupying one In these cars. Deal with day, contained the first rot mal announce will not only Install Its own elect- wsrm spring sun were promised ror nf Hie members' svais when Itepiesenta property. ottered the ment or censorship officers "Largest Automobile House in the South- Great Britain's cable ed some time ago. but will also a In nearly all sections east or the live Ardotirel requested the seakcr to Lass of Property Reported. ' policy the or the war, gire ihi- - New- west. Phone us, 10x1. (Ad v.i since early days vaudeville show, all the ror which Rocky In fore- enforce rule agslnst such action. C. J. Reynolds reported to the depart- wnen ere reminded or talent mountains tonight's weather ell lert the iind s mnmeni tn. that while be was enjoying neutral nations has been selected among the members or chair later DAYS ON ment yesterday V. a. ihe right of the British government to stop cast. The only exreptloits were slung ine men met at the rear or tlie and Woto SOLDIKR I.H SIXTY the or a display window in front UAILx WatATSHta sVIXatTM. the lodge. Billy Frawlry has charge or the chamber ROCK PILE FOR MM t Hill M. beauties mmumraiion over the tables it con ror some past New England and New York coasts, wnSte exchanged blows. Arrinurel was ordered lo or a local clothing store, someone unknown show, and time the cast has w a I Tbs snows tha rnaun. trolled. or dwindling rains aid blustering winds now his seat and .Newell arraigned on lie in PEACE to him gently picked his pocket or a followlns weather been busy In rehearsals. The meeting rhargv or a Hons that prevailed at The memorándum, after Quoting the or In- hurrying northward rrom Halteras prob- striking house member. He rirteen-Jew- Elgin Reynolds lives tbs various aaslhei Ihe lodge this week waa particular walch. bureau stations throughout original notice or Great Britain's rlgbta over on coming event. ably will threaten any display or EAaler was granted until tomorrow to secure 417 North El Paso tha United terest account ol this In sosjassrt. As the result or an automobile collision at street. States at I p. at., sarao ty-- ft meridian Iter cables given through the international addition to business, applications rinery nsrly In Ihe day. Hope ror s pleas- A Mexican messenger youth named other ant was held out, however, in I on Florence street yesterday afternoon. time, yesterday bureau at Berne, said; rrom a number or prospective new mem- sfternoon "The necessity ror control or cables In were passed upon. promise nr "clearing" conditions after MK A1. wind I Temp. bers Jose Mtteuf was arrested on the charge bicycle which he left standing a rew is relation to matters which may be de Elks Crratiag leterest. rain. a store resllvsl or Is or reckless driving-- II 11 Mated thai minutes yesterday in front of local scribed generally as being or a purely naval What Is known as Elks' week will begin Wft the llorkles clear weallier A negro lad about ten years old was ar la Marteus wu driving a Mudcbakcr touring or military nsture obvious and needs no nrxt Sunday and proceed In one rontlnusl rested yesterday on the charge of stealing demonstration In addition to this. It li round or pleasure until the r.illowlng Sun AT THE rar on Florence and attempted to cut Into sacks from the premises or the Santa Fe i Tii clear that in view or the great importance day. On Tuesday evening the lodge will Magoffin avenue, striking a Ford driven fuel company on stagomn avenue. or restricting the enemy's supplies snd instan its new otriccrs, and on wedm-sna- THE TEA ror carry- Thursday evenings nun COLONIAL by A. was coming withholding rscllltles from them and will occur the Ouaderrama. who west Should Net ing Oh govern atrel ahow, for which the caat been re- 521-2- NA- in of the Tollac club. Lucidly, reel Dlscetiraaed. their trade, his majesty's hss ROOM, 6 FIRST front little So many people troubled with indigestion be expected to afford Use us. hearsing durlnr the past ten davs or mote. damage was no one seriously in- ment cannot done and and constipation hare been benefited by nrtusn raoies tu en arte neutral sou Friday afternoon the people of l Ptso will TIONAL BANK BUILDING, TOD AY jured. Tablets one lmlW an the taking Chamberlain's that bo to make arrangement have opportunity, under suspires a t II. countries Oroieo Soldier Fined lie t. should real discouraged wan has aot given xople-- f. - Ho shreU etaoaa shrtna mlkmh wtin earn omer ror tne codooci or mat f the jolly lulls, to see Barney OidrteM, sixty days on the city rack pile was the them a trial. hey contain no pepsin or Abilene, clear N to ta al as 40 trade, and the principie upon which Ihe the speed Ling. In action at the park, and package Antonio Barron drew yesterday oiner digestiva rerments, out strengthen Amarillo, clear B 8 50 54 at .00 censorship or commercial telegrams la con- at tne same time i.ioyd inompson. tne not on conviction In police court of disturbing the stomach and enable It to perform Its Atlanta, rain RE 4t 4 3 to ed aviator, will thrill the throngs with dar BIJOU-TODA- Y "Runaway ducted Is withhold, so far as British the peace. When arraigned the prisoner rtinrtlons naturally. ObtalnaMe every- - Boise, cloudy K It 04 70 M cables sre concerned, all racllltlns Ing reala In the sir. The proceeds or the attempted to explain Ins Identity to the wnere. (Advertisement.) nosion. ctoar rtw on enterlslnmrnts of the week will go lo swell carrying trade, directly or Indirectly, or court, as though the fact he was a rormer Chicago, pt. cldy N 10 wtin an rnemy country. the fund for tne transportation A two act Drama oldler in Mexico would ameliorate the Alhambra Pictures No Vaudeville. Adv.) Cincinnati, cloudy .. N 19 40 44 30 .00 "Accordingly, all cables are liable lo be ouien Sabe flub to the Llks' convention at name. He Denver, clear .. Ml 44 36 .0 l oa Angeles. TRAP DOOR" orrensr standing opposite bis stopped which show clear evidence either THE June" lietrolt, cloudy M 14 special IMsseasstlen Expires. said ho served under Ueneral Hcrnandci In a New York Batel. by the text or .the telegram or by tne in li mum, near K 93 It was at the regular meeting The Interest this picture at Chihuahua and (ijtnaga when those two Each week brings Its amusing or Inter- 4 .4 known tact as lo the sender or addressee, anapunrud cities were captured by troops under EL PASO, clear ... .. K S 68 70 41 in tne t agics mis wees mat wnsi is Known at fever heat at ull timos. In a Mew hotel that they refer to a transaction whether In special period ex Villa, and was subsequently Interned at esting incidents York Galveaton, clear ... .. ft 16 44 46 44 contraband non contraband, a ss the dispensation had Havre, 70 71 46 or to which meaning Ihe member Fort Wtngate with 4,000 other soldiers or Travelers come from such distant points as clear SW S in an enemy country Is one or the plrcd, that hereafter Also Jacksonville, rain ..NW .. 44 46 54 resident ship fee .will be Ihe regulation This CRAWFORD THEATER the Huerta army. China, the Argentine Republic. Mexico City .O parties. A Charge- - Little Hock, cloudy. H I.' 4i 44 lodge baa made arrunaeiueiiis for Ihe tut C400D HUM Ml Reckless lrllug Ulsatlwd. Alaska ibe North sea sone. Angeles, "This principle, it will be observed. It or or new uu The charge or reckless driving, upon and war For Los cloudy .00 nation a large class taaasn in KveniHK Ht 8:30 Nashville, "IW IS 44 applied impartially to Brillan, silled or the near "LOVE AND TROUBLE" Inn inch F. ttmtlb and D. H. Bennet were Instaure, at the .Martinique this week Is who future t L. or which New Orleans, cloudy. NW 16 46 neutral subjects endeavor to trade Caes Holds fractal. to In id, was dismissed by the Judge. The captain Edgar Cow the csrlb. with the enemy through the medium of atsllasnta at started ror Bremen with cotton and sank New York. nt. cldv.. E 6 U An Interesting social wis held by Tor- TliurmluyM, Sulurday, Mnulnvs arier striking s mine In the North sea ilmalia. clear NW a to British cablea." nillo camp, No. 44, Woodmen or the World, TOMORROW cm mi y jt. He returned to America oa kPhoeniX, cloudy NE 4 4 84 44 .00 his weeg at Its coiiiiii'hiious lodge nnme. board the Nleuw Amsterdam of the napia cuy. pi. ciay.. st. to 54 56 8 .00 Taking Care of Ibe children The program consisted uf musical numbers, "A HAM COMEDY" WESTERN BURLESQUE line March ft. Ros well, clear IF Hi a to m in No parent wo lid consciously be careless toasts and other features calculated lo pro- - WHEEL Mr. lad Mrs. t: T. Bailey, who have St. Louis, cloudy NW 8 44 48 16 .00 or the children. Joe A. Iioxmsrln, i.lark- mole Ihe welfare or tills rest rrowlng or- Entitled livi it In Mexico city many years, were at Salt Lake, cloudy NW o 4 M 44 .00 son, Neb., uses Fcley's Honey and Ttr ror der. "HAM AT I II l i . lili i . I I'rt'fspntlng: croup, coughs the Martinique thla week, on their way to San Antonio, clear... .K lo 6S 6 38 .00 his two children for and U I II I Ml '8 It I.I," "INDIAN MAIDENS" Infection! Knglapd, where they expert to paas a year 8. Francisco, cloudy SW 10 AO 06 54 .00 rolda. He says, "We sre never without keep your eyes open for The Times santa Fe. pt 56 00 .00 Foley's Honey Tar in A IN TaUUUI A TS Little hurta often cause ser- a suing developments m the rinanctal con- rdy....SW 8 3i and the bouse." otary Edition. II will be a bummer and "A RIOT OF FUN" ditions or Mexico, where they round II un sektlle. pt. cldy s 14 54 58 56 1.14 distressing cough, sleepless nights and raw, of great value lo El Paso. lAoiumr, oo Washington, E n Don't Miss It I'ltit i:s Isat to si ious ailments sometimes IKisslble to remain with comfort cloudy.. 46 40 14 .00 inflamed throat lead to a condi- -. Wichita, NE 10 46 IS 88 .00 In - Man is. t Blood Germ infection is Mr W. Wustedt Is at the Marllnlque. clear tion which the child not able to resist too. with htst sister, Mrs. M. Paetx, who It re Yuuia, clear NE 4 o 4 60 uu contagious ox inreellous diseases. Foley's a danger always present, lucnlip to ner parents In Hamburg. Sue Honey and Tar Is Iruly healing and prompt dsaty ral Kill tha germs bas lived in China many year- - and her Caamkerlala'a t ougk Rssaaaly. In action. It relieves rough, colds, croup prevent Infection by using tin hand la still there. They were all lu the From a small beginning the sale, and use and Whooping cough. urug U) (AU- - eiCICED UP IN siege of Talng Tao. when Mr. Westedt or Ibis remedy bas extended to all parts of vertlsetnent ) ui made his escape in the clothes or a tourist ine unneu states aim to inauy roretgn HOTEL LOBBIES and got passports ror them. He has beep countries. When you have need ol such a WAGE HEAR INI. COMPLETE!!. around the world twice In a year, this last medicine give Chamberlain's tUugh Hemedy J. A. Ttpee, El I'aao manager ror Morris SLOANS time not voluntarily, as he left Germany a trial and you will understand why it baa A Co., returned lo the llou-- l Shetdoa yes- ten days berore the war started snd wss become so popular ror coughs, colds snd Uawa toril ja. terday from San Francisco, where he at In Siberia, got away to croup. (Adver- - WIQWAM riraa. raptured but Obtainable everywhere. By the Associated convention or ihe Ameri- UNIQUE tendedwhe recent go on board a Japanese steamer. He was ueineni Chicago. April f. '..,ihe last word can National and way. nit nniair l.lvastock association LINIMENT unable to return that Now he .will or the opposintr sides in inr arbitration helped boost and work fur El I'sso. Mr. , han to remain In American for a time, BOWLING the demands or engineer- - and riremen of Tspe says that he grvsily enjoyed his Today TODAY ONLY The Great Antiseptic. arter seentg his sister start ror boms by SCORES lern railroads for higher rates of pa: slay In the. exposition cll and wss uu way ol Denmark spoken Good for eats, sores, sore throat, only rew or here litis afternoon when war luelliely grstlfted by the Slircess Of Kl These are a the interesting Mint AM Bovtl inc. AND A I III L I II CLL'R. ren s. head r tti.- nroUierbuod o "The Oakland bruises, swellings, scratches snd men and women at the Martinique ror I'aao in landing for next January the con- the omollve Enguirers, imirluded his oral vention of Ihe largest and the moat bite of weak. S Csurrbeaaa Na. vs Baveraasa Ma. 4. argument. raltla sssoclsllon in Ihe world. Handicap" A stipulation as entered inlo by which En route home Mr. Tapce also visited an 4 turrbeass 1st IS4 IS7 4Í7 the unv limit the handing duwn or an CHARLIE AtaR daalan. Mes Raw ass. rr niego and ibe Man tdrto exiHiaillnn, whim Great race horse picture in Gotncx its in mi 4ju award was rticiided froas April ) in April Abilene. Texas. April S. The Rodrigues 1ST be says Is very creditable one. lr. tall. ÍW,Irx Pfciil SI Lash IS8 171 SOS sai. tne Doato may. it ns wora is coin two exciting parts, with Wm. Americans, led by Manager Howl Jones IT0 1U 104 m plelcd. retuler Ibe auard it any lluic before Keep open ror Wol-cam- leased a local club, S. Barato 181 an 111 471 your eyes The Times Clifford and Mane p lib ine tmriiein Rotary Edition. It will be a bummer snd The case has been on Hearing No CHAPLIN slnre or great value lo ElPaso. in the cast. M4 414 Sit 44t vember 88 last, and is to SHERMAN TEAM. said have bssfl the moat elaborate anil n arching I NNLCEMHARV Fttrnus 906 1T4 108 arbitra MORATORIl M 7t than or an Industrial case known in this World's Rerghauer IT! tal 14 57 rountry "His Only GET IT AT McMICKLE'S Bruvtn in tog its 431 Pants" .Sherman 147 IS4 Greatest til 564 v Campbell 161 104 ISU 537 ande ilia (Adv.) A Nestor Comedy Dril A way out Comedian i t n (Enuff 814 SSI "ttS HST LaWLOIISU PRINTERS MEET AtiAJN. or tita iiirrti uiite, which haw Said) Loaf.....4c High sum- Barcia. sVt High total rinanrisl officers of W irguila slm la His Latest Effort or Fucnirs. 57. Points wo- n- Sherman, 4 Ihr derlarallon a slate iiK.ratnrlum McMICKLE MAKES Cuurrhcsae. 0. Margin V plaa. erexal Orasaliallaa March lu Is pointed nut in an opinion hand THE PRICE Master printers ol LI Pss met last ed down laic today by A. A. Lilly, stale TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Segur Na. I vs. Ne ning si s local rale and In all Informal attorney general lie opinion says ihe su Watasa 1 Uie In Brease, BOUl.'E TEAM. manner discussed mat would dltor or Ihe stale authorised draw Edmund in "In the Park" ai ue through a prrmancui sanitation inonev to nat the exus-n- or un us Homo Dressed Hams only pound Igc on the psrt of the eiuploi uig printers or El stale anveriiment from the money tit the Come to Paso the war or good fellow snip a provided for Walls the matinee as tha Spring Launb sLtsoj CKopa. VgC in and lata fund blank applications "The of Jericho and pound 17 clearer and a bum understanding amona Attorney (.crural I illy - ruling aava there nig hi crowds will be large. Cranberries, nice ireah stock, 3 qts. ill Ihe craft, such sa would be rooduclve to Is no rtiriiin need ul holding up Ibe sals 28c ihe advancement snd promotion uf Uteir aa played by Jas. J. Hackett Charlie lingers today only Brookfield Kgga fresh stock for Easter; doz. . . . 23c i mi. ,. - I.e., terb-- t preslitad sod Hiere wss s large or a moratorium Remember we sell you the very best of everything Mcl.sia tmdsJtre or pruprlrtors sad represea ta The unusual situation wss brought about lio bag lu- leading piUiiina afoahliiiuuenir by Ihe rerusel of itw legislature lu pass Meary matter of krringmg the tas necessary revenue nussureg. walson plan sad tTbruf He prupuenl orgaulsa putter, beast Sis- atosaad saisak, Ms. 14e Hardtker Hull i ref. riv.1 lo a olliiulllee rollslallng HUMAN MINI lb Bk I ICR I MM. New repasata, Ik. Me Imsa Nseaak. i afLsw Frrlel Irbainuaii'. It W. Page, W lb. is s, i ollavg. naa. SSxt Hoaast, Y. un. and James r wsteh U to Outoaas, IS Rib Msaéia, SR. lie report ai a Hireling la be held m BBS. Cam MUk. a it. Saoaaa, n, M.Mt'al'ú Mrlsm. uu- - supp-c- i ( far lac 17 'Si Potáis uo- - vfats at near luiurr 10 ias can si 'ecasVsl vrrrsei Tasasasssm. a M4insla1ws , chairman of toaawdllae. Hurley. V M April I -- Mrs. William Cam tor lie Hast Waaat. lb.. .is I Se bogue, u Msrgtav 814 plaa. ta t'lu'esrr, bawl rrraax. lb. Smo rMrb Jones, who lives Willi Iter husband uu a ike mall reach three wiles north or una klaueruul . Laala. t ten txt a for. las form a wtaose ..I4r place, aarrwwly ...a....! a.ih by llgm AlhambraTODAY ISm Mb i Massva. S Saw ning Wednesday Wnih- hanging sal asr and TOMORROW bb. bolt her ft.t a lb. . Jam svarlft rVrssalasra . wsahuig a struck and stnaamrw, Msuaas, S. IS BLOOD DISEASE en story full of human interest that will both ama. TBLLS IT WM in,' II wss inougtii she bad kiiie.1 A appeal to old Kama, S Ue atraSft Prmssiaaa Bavtxsa. lb. ST J Sc stoat However, sue wu revived, si rmk tbs skin, aura throat, outright. and young msmsaam. ai mi i asas., is) mata kteasa, lb nssasss. ssots oa ihougb aha will aoi hare cousptattly swtsUsa aaSksla. pasas, cal acra, dutksd A Osa ...... 4 ams rraasb Oyasaana, pa. Sbclc baas lor assb mi watch Usig ryea aakS haggard not uttly win, h live . lulhes wire by a FAIRY AND nssamt lelUV kmamitHSt, aba. loot doas'tbc wait lied lo 'THE THE WAIT' - Stc lb u u neliui SC sasasd Stasias aauier pbMcal cualu at bar aisb was imiauUy Elllas ky 4Tf 444 boll. 81 Five TEAM hut I... lur sauw Mr. Josas tas sel ia Acia Mkiacx nouns al tlss lasas. TlWBERRIES, BOX . . . 12c 1C& tSS Tt tbs karata iiag hutuiliaiios of kauwiag that MARY MILES MINTER JJa Ocatsary smsf CVasas to arby ssvve yoaa SS par asas I mIsbs east as Llrsaase. I w lsavauascB yea o aba Jj L MasSi, 1444 Myrtle. Hupuaubue Star of he I ittlest Rebel" iW sauttld bars tyitiiaaaj lbs say uf Us syiaptotaa ar uaailest PtKC'Y HELTON ni,. to tsr. beowa. m Arch Si . raulaslelptita. ar a bsttis or From Miracle Man The Roturo of Peter IXT-MclvnCKX-xESs-- Early You cava aaad for 'Tha aad Gruñía" sod Avoid lbs Husk ahraya So seAtsg I ISJ baVOtaSet'S RLSOR TaaUTISaVsT. SI at McMtaatht's Monday n ajsJSJl aasaakS. sasttfb to last a sauatb Take li aad s- - ADULTS, 20c t H1LDRÉN. 10a

--Oats) Saturday. Apr I Í. I9IS- PL PAftO MOPfsHMT. TIMES MWIIMimwmHIIHtllHIIMIIMMWimiWIIWWIWIIIHmMlli PUZZLE PROBLEM GREAT HELP TO DID GANE OF Mil Phone j Eyster's C. 0. D. Grocery CLOSES TONIGHT A SICK WOMAN LEAD TO MURDER? SOCIETY 5 0 4 9 Mint.. Grocery Department . 434$ I nOneS Meat Department . . 434$ Th4 Ltady Sdrya, "I Cnnot Fktd TTaBXaav It CI IK K Mintll.HT IB All Kinds W carda Elxpraaaa Thtuik-ft- d Fruito and Vegeteble of 10 who ixt am. making preparation" for a social lo be HtH.B BCT FOB clobishi to How FrWi i.mti.tni-- rnr rau TeMC n III! IK iMItl TKLinHKRII T airen aoon t I ini. Pt'ZZLE. I aan Civrdai" and OyBtar Plant. 1'iwm him The Uñateas aerred dainty refrehmenl to Oreen Pea. 1 lbs. ..a c Turnips to the many members wbo wera praaami. Freeh Aaparasjua, per lb aic bunrhea ' Awful telephonlr slaswrs. soiutioas Free Oal ef Town Mailed, by term sal Degntles Bee Rev at Ban Rhubarh, lh 10 ave s laa Presta Mvalertee Bwrreued Bell Pepper, per lh. ., BOr freh alltn up al eran sharp, SOCTfiTY PERSONALS. i win appre- ld Fancy Celery, per' bunch. . .less keeping pe..pie from their dinners, at ef Dee ta Jonewvllle. V. "I certainly tag tisejaaj et raareaar Freeh Toma toe, par lb We ciate what CnrdJnl. woman 'a Beets, Ppinnch. per lb c HoMltir them the while rn harp or tha tonic Oreen Onions. Carrots. Upon every mi-- .i movement Mlaa l.ra Silverman, danahir Mrs baa dona Owen V. Sam MlviTman of my. who fonlght the great putila lame of itw for me." write Mrs Artec spending moat of yesterdsy st lb 15c Of your ramilv and yourself thu attend d TexaU StnwberrieB Full PinU ma In l.m Ariari perntlna the Morning Tlrnea will rloee. When the rloek Walla, of thus town "Refer I beaten Inn Inveetlgsting Ihe killing of showing no rhool c . 'BJsn's fmrrovrmnr: strikes midnight It will be me signal Harry Van gel (known bv nicknsme as 10V- Fancy O rap Fruit .So I Hi. If vaiallon with h'r aunt aod unrle to take Cardul, I could hardly go ursngea, do . JtOc and 0c Florida V. hsd in build t "h ebi thai the most Interesting game the people Clarice y and it Hardy White Laarga of Loa Anaolea Miss Mllveruian will be had womanly negro Fancy Bananas, per dos . . 10c Fancy Extra Flortda of this territory have indulged in for a about. t eerveral hy a named Jerry Scott. Sheriff IWJ more the hnnore at a number or iietiantru af 4 for Ys whn rause tfidliestton by ber ton tima will be over. trouble, which ceuad me much Bu- snd Iieputlea Pulsnam and ktrkpat Fresh Blue Ribbon Butter. drape Fruit, Then Ihr famed slrarnrd rarrot pud. fair" to be anvra for hr annl and or an over me evening convinced BaTga. doc Mc frietina tnousanns people neio ffering, and ware very tick returned Issl that par lb he Blue Ribbon Asking question arter question. other i overed by the Times have been busily trouhleeom. they had surrerded in turning the light on now per- Yard Eggs, received from MounUin Park Kbbs. do... He 'iniii tfcai vnu kno a hat s iii rooming the elusive tittle rlrrles laat But I feel Ilk a different many of the rircumatanrea TesdlBg up to Fresh good, for each ill thai comes to weary Mra c. W rtaner and baby. ' lartnre. jr., few weeks, and those people who thrwere not son. the tragedy, although admitting thtt manv Chicken Farm 3 time week, Peanut Butter, extra - a i ary engaged tn still They Human head fir bind- or freí renirtied last nlaht afier enjoyable oiiniing for themselves were I had often read of Cardul. but had mysteries surround the esse. dosen Mc per lh. kindly a Just o0 qMTjr: visit of a month wtm relames ano menus oonttng rar tneir mentis, nieat tnteresi rprenenri tne neero tutnor or tne City Meat do you in vkreveport. La, and surruumlina towns. has been aroused in ibe puiile game, and little faith tm It. My husband urged sswffy. wever ascertaining that he made We handle nothing but the very beet Kansas there Wh'n in blares ret? getaway vary tew Yor Mali ci- the nuhlteatlon of the correct number of ma to try It, and now I cannot find his toward Ihe tea mmi.-- line is none OR the market. Below are some of the lowest Ilk mat nr ta better are attend-ni- tirrias In rharl Is Peina antiously nneriii fcowarna states saasnaa smo n a the ci faso airls wbo an army To- word to express how thankful I am. White and the negro had some pre price possible on K. C. Meat: Fast' r " srhool In Las awaited by of Times readers. trouble the fletera of Lorella morrow morning this paper will carry Ihe rdul ha a wonderful medicine and I vtntis lo the shooting, probably In Hie early C. Boiling, extra special Home mad A very social given CriMbfi and speodina the Easter holidays K. Rib and Brisket rniovable tastei rorrer.t number of nreies In the chart, and feel waa help psn or the day. ir is probable that when S0o niirnt st ihe Grand vir rts,i-- i 1.1 won are that It a greater than Sausage, per lb society in ll.ii mi'ii pairnis, It Is a safe bet that the subscribers of the the negro was discharged and paid ofr al Ment. per lb IS Port by the Aid nd Mlialorisry Vivian Benton. Mis- - Huby lull'-- ami Mis. paper will be the job'' aarly anything I could nave taken. the inn hlmaair and White went to Scott't Young Lamb Stew, lb... IS Ihr- - All Baptist "on lookinr K. C. choice Veal Blew. of rlrurin the rhurchet Elsie ray "irlrkland ropy to rind out the shanty, back of ibe bouse, in- were fnr their in order I had scarcely no pain or suffering road snd per lb IS Home Dressed Hens, lb SSc of the city Invited. They epcl lo return the rarly part of Below are given a rew don ts which dulged in s game or dice, although there Sescrtl brief epcerhra on the various at childbirth, and I feel t owe It all to no positive work were the week will prove of Interest to pintle solver in is evidence proving this lo be if :nimi of lb" rsn't View registering their solution- - Cardul. I know that no woman would the rase. By the aame line or reasoning il Meats of All Kinds given Mrs. A. A. Lawlar and Mr. i:iara on moment Is that the game ended a quar Freh gave ( voral Mt Pauline Hryan left Thursday for wall until the last before make a mistake In using Cardul at interred in himiiiirani number MM In your Iniion at the shanty, to tho negro got - delighted in1 Kansas city, when she will visit with bringing most time. will save rel whlrh ten. tells Mrrlnd'- I .on forget to fill ntlt a that critical It Ihe worst of It. Everything Guaranteed guets lili 1"1 reading'. BirHallonH reiatu.-- for several week. solution blank the proper way before bringing It lo this them so much suffering. Me anr iriven hv Ihr King's Amhaesedora and in Both skat freer the Rear. other. . acre serven, office It is my sincere desire that thla It la certain that White and Mangel were Best Prices the Lowest l.strr irfresbinrnis Milton win leave lonlabt for al l ".o neglect to fill in solution Quality the urem and wiilii- decote rooms in shld - statement may be seen and l.y shot from the rear sad that they were run- 01 Ifornla, to b' aune several weeks. niiiulie- A blank without a solution num read away a very suisrtivr manner '.miniiHe aa ning from the inn si the time. TM j'.nquil-- . and ber is worthless. all sufferers who suffer I did. I first man, White, was shot some run ysrds frcrh nsirisu l.tafr Han't, you or town, rorget to were in nidi'iin Ihrnufmul These were Miss Sarah Nathan, who has been nuHe tf live otii am telling all my friend and rrom tne nouse. nsngei feu ririy ysrn members Hi'1 society ill at Provident- hospital, was removed to hav your leiter, with the proper remit fruitier on. snd rrom the nature or hi arm b ntic "I the il rar Be vou tn of the groat cure I hav nom About rai were her heme at tin W Nevada, and Is rapidly lance lime wish subscribe wound It seems be fell in the tracks where ni'stl made In ' Ball," j .re sent. improving. and Miur solution properly out. received." be was sboi. As soon as the nearer was out bis very latest nielare, fnfortunately the Ham at Ihe Oarhage Gentlemen's your homcf before 13 o'clock to- you ail- or White got up sltbotigh shot one day. so hun a or run." Don't miss IL "O f night. istoffiei If suffec from any of the stsbi sod, film can he held but the "riot Au.lllerv netting through the log, wslked to the inn. telling dreds of followers or Tharlle's adventures Junior DOan rorgei vou nave aa goon a ment so common to women, give RACE HORSE PICTURE. -- r t tnai Many Mark, on or the proprietors, that will have to see him today or not at all. '.III II The Junio) Auxilia) y the rnurrlt of Meviro, Is a visitor In the Ml fot a few hanre lo he a winner now as vnu would Cnrdul a trial. Thousands of woman tanget lying out m Ihe l norm wi.s sand hills with Those wbo can do so should srrange to At Ihe unique todsv entitled "The nun! ni il) afe It '!' have bad If you entered the game a month a hole In him. Mark went to ago. hav voluntarily written, to tell of the bullet the rome In th sfternoon. ss the night crowds Handicap," s two reel Bison feature l'artU houe . scene, arriving Just before Mangel died, and will exceed Ihe capacity. Charlie of exceptional merit with Wm. Clirrurd. usual May lndv class wis muí l torget matica i great benefit that Cardul has been to ihester's TI' lull tnai letters neiore in time to tee iscou netaea aown in. this lime picks s plrkpocket's pockets, licks Marie Wolramp. Hex da Hossellt, pitying and at Ik close a ver interesting talk aa I.js - lh tonight will be legiaterod, even though they them. Why shouldn't It help you, too? county road inward Canutillo. giant, atmosphere Is good Rt the convent in f:rurei, .endina for a day two. s giant snd a policeman and throws the leads. The sporting given bv iu Frederick I. Howderi .Mrs. It do not rearh this office or The stories of several of those about the story entertaining Laier holidays with her motlHr, J. i Try Cardul. poliremsn snd pickpocket into the river in this picture snd the rm the missionary work he In now carry Coll forget io iwtnt the rirriea. inn who heard the shots and told Sheriff n excellent .Nestor New Dhsrlle has some time In this picture, but with plenty of action. In on in the dioresa of Mimo. o Kilusrits what thrv knew of the kllllna then, you know Charlie! company will complete the best progrsm The iirrinbeTs ( n aeni at llil nieellni further bore out the theory that the flrsl Kellg News will El Paso today. Ma't-e- . Miss Ulan, noe. of Mr. and A very Interesting Hesrst in re Nlísi liioraia Simar!, Anita if daurhter trr.iiiur stanea near tne road bouse and Sunday-- J. Kerrigan will be W. . noe. Is spending the Last, t he shown. One of Us features Is the ar warsen jov kiutrftflrld. leo Muden Broeck, Mr. lhal the men were not more than s mile or sea "prim Eltel here snd Moodsy, "Tbe Blsck Box " H - Willi Iter parents, is ha annul- - F.aslrr Nperials--.e- us before placing rival the famous raider, fien Maitle. I.oi- Vaenie. Mi.vllla Bólido rnnn flic inn at the time Ibe shooting or or 1st! Tuesdsy Wednesdty Edmonrt Bréese lh nnvent In as Hrurea. your order for evl flower, plañís, gold fUh ck- - Friedticb." with ihe survivors its snd Ralimre, i;iean'.r forrhrr. lold That Tbere Waa No Cur tor Him rurred. Tn from the inn lead to where P. in "The Wtlis of Jerlrho." ss played by o and turds The shop. II? N. Bianton. years shooting place Hi" victim, the William Fry." It raí deewal i im me. una to have a lower "After suffering for over twenty the took The tracks of Charlie is Jtmes J. Htckett st the. Hsrkert Theater, ValnOO' - (.Advertisement.) .Mm naving some ot tne negro also were followed to the place rrom Lsst warning- - remember here randy ale tomorrow at Mr and Mrs rott While have aa their indigetnon and one day only. New York, for one yesr. guest their daughter, Miss Rlanehe Whlb'. best doctor here tell nut there was no cure wnicn ne nreri we itrsi ana second snots. tNl I roan, matea-Hon- sa oniert during the Faster holidays, from MILTON BHEVN KXIIONKIU IU lor me. ihlnk It only right to tell yoi ana men on to too county ah riding, at 1 ami II las for sake of as well a sre tbal mangel and White were run "THE FAIRY AVD THK Walt"..' Okstex Cowboys, bronco nplfcvwtBI lh- for 'irures, sj. vi, wnern snr Is atleiiuing the other sufferers g m. He. lirnyiam tht .i erl fllsrharged by Idaho tenri After Trial on your own satisfaction thai a ü rent bor.l ning away from the intrin when they were Today and tomorrow the Alhsmbra will p. Admission. In br v t hi - afternoon al ) I ."rloek al srhool. (.harne airy band, ef Kmbrtilrment. of t.bamberleln's Tablets not only relieved thoi offer a rine reature. "The Fairy PL'ROATOLL Laxative and Purgative fori BIH by the Kirteen rat in mn me within two months si ir Nanaei or White wss armed st the time i Miss Burrow, who senool Milton Breiuian. who roraierly lived hut cured Syrup For young and old. Drug stores, muí. niel fMrca niute al direrior Julia alienta I am a man or 6 or Ihe killing the been unable to snd the wair." played by Mary Miles N. U. in l.aa Crucaa. is spending the tasn--r F.l Paso, is IB Ihr city rrom Idaho, where though years," writes sheriff bss or (Advertisement- Man h. mem f.onne llrut he wga recently on Ihe rhargu Oroblen, Houston, Taxaa. ascertain tne ran. mere is alto some my Mlnter. the star "The Littlest Hehel." and 15c. I. hollilays with her staler. Mrs. W. II. Iia'y acquitted Jul. obtainable Man" and Boerea a c v - AdverlltemenL) tcry surrounding the gun which was used Percy Helton from "The Miracle at on Sai ni having rmbnilrd clothing from erywbore. j k No Vsudevllle. (Adv.) OBMIarr. Htonre HurKe'' Vuher her home raniento over the O. W. H. tí N. by the negro, ss one story told st the mn Tha Return of Peter orlmin." Thll fs Alhambra Pictures Medlry. "New London ami fjrana o riciilii shlbniint rharmlng story, roll or human Interest and Pan ' r iHrnad. In Idaho, after a trial at com AT THF. ZKIGER. fry witnesses sccredited to Scott with Yankee ;ohan urn. Mtephen and raul (ilnruaz, the -- will appeal to all. The captivating acttng Klei'ilon, The d'.Menr. It will be remembered that Mr. A BOrVKMKR DINNER WILL BF. t It Hi gun, which wss seen when he wss of Mr and Mrs. S. J. tlclo-ha- Mloter, Percy Will AVklli, .erlle MfKl three rhlldren '.in Hi crinan m El Paao last r ts I tliv. HI parking hit effecta. while soother report of little Miss Helton snd mar., gone to Ban Antonio to wit arrested I Mtlt Nlltv HHtv in see Air, "My Letlila" Verrtl have visit on the charge of whlrh he was ac- CJtlvi A FN ih II.M PER PLATE, gives so opposite version. The caliber or Archer will delight sll who It. "The grandparents and eipect lo be gone sort the pistol negro Fstry snd the Is s picture to be im- arOkfi. rTBsx E v r y Man h. "The iild nonunion Baxter their quitted, aad taken lo Idaho for trial. He 12 TO I P. - Advertisement which the used Is atlll also waif 'iur spanned banner " about two months. was a rrelght conductor on the mad wnicn nnsnown. at tne coroner could not yester- mensely enjoyed by sll. In fact. It Is of women charged him with the ofrensn; Mr. bran- day locate ibe ball which lodged in the In- such superior excellence that to compare It knows loe llnlrman Haul. J. niumaz left last night for Bouth- - dan said yesterday that the raw afatnit testines of Usage!. with any other production would be fool- ern Menro. to lie gone about I.', days. him was extremely weak and the buy waa Burning hardy. Come to the day rhows and svold Joe with "Btaa" of shack Net Kaplalned. I lloliman entertalnert a not long in arriving at a after toe the. night crowds, wlU start II a. m.. Wrln k e s. in, .l.i v at the Hotel verdict The burning of one of ibe shscks In shows atiplar nifhi Zlraer. He Is accompanied by Ida wire, wno The Jitney Die 19:15. 1:30, 3:11, 4:00, 1:11, 640, 7:40. S 60 Sagging or Mr. HolimanV wera - Bote llrll, trial Law whlrh negroes who have been employed hi will remain In El Paao while he makes about the. Inn have lived, between the time and 10 p. m. Adults, 0c; children, 10c. Hollow Mi Minnie H'iliman. Mia bnrky Merktn tup lo ualveston. Cheeks and an Impcrrrcl Complexion are A. the officers lert the place Thursday evening and Wolf, Henry Heil Mr. The of El Peso has respond- TODAY. not to keeping Youib and Ucauty. b. o and Mrs. Max Muyr are the proud city council and returned Friday morning, also added io BIJOU aids parents of a boy. horn laat See us for Easter decoration, cut riowers ed to tha public demand for ibe pateas the mystery the killing, ir the I fur Mrv Belaaro. bahy hlrut surrounding "The Trap Door. s two act Kalem Brldflr at it, i'ii home uo North Oregon. nd plant. Thornhlll'a. 305 tí. B tQ ion. or as ordinance that will regulate Ibe serv- shack held some clua at to the right which drama, that will bold your Interest from MASSAGE AND BLSACUIItO mi- A. I. Howlanda will enwrtatn at (Adv.) ice auto.t now operating on the streets of had been overlooked the night before II It start lo tbe rtnlsn. It Is s thrilling produc- brille thin ariernuon at her homo on Dotir-la- Mr. and Mrs. Moirla Kerber and two El Paso. The position of the Morning Times possible the burning wss inrendisry, but tion, well staged and acted by the best treatments given. Htreri to honor her dauthter, Mrs. Jay rhlldren .r Carlsbad, N. M.. arc tn the rity Till SAFE PLACE Take advantage of tne on this question is well known. This paper who burned it in that event would be hard or the Kalem company's players. On the tlte guests or and Mr. values we are offering In Men's. does not to drive the tall, ftelasco of London, Laaland. their sister brother, wonderful desire service cart to on the other hand, there it tha program also there wlU be a romrdy A. - and Mr. Louis Stark. Mr. Fcrber Will Women a and children's Shoes. We can rit out or business. The Timet wants every chance that the rire was accldenuL How- "Love and will GRACE BEMBON. All legitimately th Paso entitled, Trouble." that Hamilton In KatrrUin remain but a fw days and Mn. Ferlier the entire rannly the very laical stylea conducted business El ever, the fire Is unexplained. furnish many laughable situations. 103, Herald Bldg. and rhlldren will prolong their vlalt for at rail money saving prices. El Paso Shoo to prosper. But that doe not mean thai While was aald to be out or Mlaa Jan. Hamilton han will entertain (Adv.) yesterday Tomorrow "A Ham comedy" entitled. I several woeki. Co., Broadway, opposite Majestic public utility enterprises should not be danger from fits wound, unless compllcs-tion- s ihr P. T. Brfda dub tbia aflemoon at has per- boina on Monlanai regulated, aad the council simply set tn. The ball which struck him en fcer Misa K. A. Hoaen of iMuaba, Mrb la tnr BlkHOP ATTACKS CAPITALISTS. formed an set of justice tn pasting the re- spinal saftz terca Just below the column base a ueai of her brother. M. Roseu. en Myrtle cently made ordinance. OtTWDWSri Mli". rattrron to F.aterlaln. avenue. will tur Organ Responsible for - Mlaa Han remain fW Fiada lied flreed peg ulttion along these lines will protect the crotch. Mi- Then I'alleraon will be the hoaleaa daya. llumanllv'a Woes. Ihla her the public, and the Isw should be enforced. Mangel Had boo Reputation. for the Bata Hela. afirrnooa al Bu the asaoos' Pun The Times the new rliy adminis- honr- oo .Nevada. i f.- believes It was discovered that the real name or Mr. and Mrs. w E. Lambeih and W. San Francisco, April - Blehop Melvm tration will endeavor to enforce all the man o-- Lambeth. have from a alt Bell, or Los Angeles, executive head Of IBe the dead Is Mangel, when Mrs. Welsh, Jr. returned laws of the rily, and this one will require who runs the Lima rooming house st llarp.v seven Club Meellnn months' visit to relatives in Metuptile, World's .rial Progress congress, in Mme strength of character on the part of til The Happy Seven rluf niel yeaierday afi Ttnn Irre. scored ihr "money berone" to Mortb Stanton street, yesterday notiried the on those wbese duly u Is to do these things. undertakers that lie had been rooming at rrBoon with Mi F.rna Tanklrley at her o day in his addreta to the convention The Times Is sincere in staling lis bollef place on Mrert. Mrs. M. T nradley ha a bet guest ncr her and that "Clancey" was but s borne nampari Kcononil's and social rrngrese." thai the new tclniinlstrailon will be eousllv nickname. Mrs. Welsh also gave tha om Tb atria planne.i on ainna a daawa noon sister. Mrs. M. Nanes', and children, or "Tberc la iwi much power in the hands strong in as the old. all the coiintry'a at this direction cera the Chicago address where Nangel had and apem the arternoou in new in ami henver. Colo. of the few," he aald. "If w. u. as avenue, i.. cs were developed to the utmost li.e.i Indiana care police depart- rBwBsalxBsIeK3 mulr Howell- or l ment. Ills wire, Mrs. Harry C. Mangel, Uvea áfl halnty l f I aalBaUBkl were aerved. Mrs. K. t. and baby aa probably greed would get bold of Ihe total present were; enters, who have been spending a row pri.iiiici and humanity would be worse orr at Larayette street, Fort Wayne, Ind.. Tbie .Mrs. tiaMi wirn ncr psrents. rnnn brothers, one or Kvelyn I'ayne, Joaenhlne Tranken-binier- . davs with William Hart. return than before. Mlfe f i py ibein P. L. Nangel, live In Columbus, Ohio; How liarlfnalon. Ldllb Srott and to ih. ii home. could he ureii water o , would like tn Ihe tlo.e un the entire another lives In Akron, Ohio, and the rather Mi: 1.811 Ml.. I'ajlie Will In ibr next turn or the dead man, Matt Mangel, Uves . Mrs Anne Temple of Kenlurkv, mvi haa class." In botl'-ah- rai.ltallstlr Miles, Ohio. n been visiting her daughter, Mrs. iieorto He suggested as a remedy more legis P " Mangel MiIIk, i had been In El Paso three months has returned home. lation loc the cipialiiliuii unit Mi.mjn's Auxiliary Mealing. aod a rew days. He came here - o or wealth. direct from The Woman- - Auxiliary of tita- carpen-tera- ' an, l II. I where be waa employed as k mo- Mr. Mrs. J. Boddlr and little union met ynjirnla.v at Hie home of daughter of Arkadelphla. Ark., etieni a row Ml Mi II' M it M not si torcycle policeman on the East Sid. Before Mrs U Funk In Hiabland park. Tha honra tin rjljr Tnur.-da- y ill gwNEN, that be was a police orricer tn East Chi- in with relative ... m . cago. Indiana, he well known, t wnt ihi.artenu.nn in and on their way home rroni Loa Angrk'a. I Open-- Bureau From P- where was Male nlirrsltv Whlrh H- - and where be the Loyal lo Nupply I vp.n i ii. ManaBers. Joined order of w Kagles. He came to El Paso when he round i etprciel ' By mi DOETTE that his lungs been weakened ss Ibe Diversity sltln, April I. To serve the hsd ad- result or a collision In which he was a vic- cities of Texas aa a clearing house for Glov. tim, and was improving in health dally. He ministrative esperta Is Ihe purpose of the waa well by Muni- liked all who knew him In ! Index whlrh the t'nlverslty Bureau of A truly smart and satisfactory city. He was year- or age at Uve Read My Offer cipal It. 'search has begun, ralitoging all this H Free llene of his death aod was working as Sister: qualified applicants for administrative posi glove that if washable chaurreur fur Robert W. Wllmore of the tion, un list win in. rurnisnea any cm Republic Corree company ror the three lESSftlSft-.-- desiring lo employ ueh experts, and thus weeks preceding hla death. It la imped that the right man In municipal Stylish, comfortable, hygienic. you. ray e It is the opinion of all who know Scott Ii aislar, are unhappr bacaus aftlr will secure the right position Tbls thai he hsd with the two men Both are at row leal unfit foe boaiaaholddutlaa. social pUaaurea, or according hsd trouble daily scheme, nt course. preuppoes, latest shades; grey, before Uie right. To bear out this opinion, employ inapt, writ and Ull ma just bow you suffer, 11. ii. James, the elimination of The stone and and (or my áree of! lo Hlrerior ihe bruised hand of the dead man indicates aak tee ears' trial a kerne Waateaaet aoUIIra m Iba or Hie men who are or aults--j lo your naaoa. Bkee eeeeet woman a election chamois, abo white and black. that he had been in some sort right be- iriaae to administer the rily government, and his Scott Is well known in El Caruso sunsrUirs. What ere women know (rum expectance, we or fore destb. know better than any man. I want to tell you how to lii.ir selri lion upon the sole grouttjis Peso, where lie haa been employe.! by many cur Fouraelf at home a coat of about U canta a week. Bwrll and suitability. While Hie position Men. vvomcn. and chaVdren. faiullirs in tbe kitchen, and ha Dears tu at or manager position ..rril or t fit i If you suffer from woman 'a peculiar alimenta csoi-In- a city Is the which the name "a white man's negro," wbo al- The Victor Record ealelstke bead, back, as-- bessek. laaB al weiab bureau la most Interested tn. It neverthe- Name in every ways avoids trouble u possible. He has aad dew a eeaeatloa, falatea or dlagJeeaeseat al less is undertaking the same kind or been in this psn ot the state some twenty of Caruso's voice is drlae .i.ne for city engineers, health offlrers yesrs and before now baa bad very Utile and rtnanclal experts, lit courae, there Is Ask your trouble. just as truly Caruso as skaigaa, ealia no charge or fee or any tort made, either dealer Naaarl's Uriel lies NaUtted. skefy, deeera ta err, rasvr al to the city securing surb help through the Telegrama telling of the death or Nangel isa, craaulaa laakaa eloaa bureau or to Iba person thus aocurtng em- war sent yesterdsy sfternoon to his father Caruso himself. ployment. i ill in Miles, one or the brothers In Columbus. ,rtiktk The rapid aproad of the rliy manager il Oblu, snd to hit wlTt tn Fort Wsyne, Ind., It actually is trees I Ule IllUlMII 1 ar a .eaaret leaka, Ikal U a.l werU ll.la. plan among iba or the has id bul answers had not been received last cities aouthwest pec as I IMVITT YOU TO SEND TODAY FOR MY FREE TEN DAYS' TREATMENT rrcated a demand, according to a statement night. It is e i led that Instructions Caruso his own given out by the bureau yesterday, for a to the disposal or lb body wUI be re- at taessa bnw thee adbaant can b eaetly and surelyoooqwecad at home without tfae danger ana reliable medium for bringing men capable ceived this mora log. Th polio depart magnificent voice, apenaa of an operation. Wheal rae ara aeree, aun ame to aojoy di again, yon can pea tne ajooa or filling or city manager ac- mem at Last CO. cago. Ind.. baa sent wont My laI the position weQ aatong; to esnie other aufeier. home treatment for yaeaag er eM. Tu tliakail eJ Daaarkr ceptably to toe desiring to employ that Mangel la know to the ra. and piala how to ovarooaae green aankraaaa (cbkwoaia). Ulasrularítiea. beadachaa. and LaaaL rule have imiulredTurtber Into the facts of uve with all the wonderful adela yoeng women and reatar tkaaa to pliimpnaaa and heéith. Tall me If yew ara worried about uch Individual- - Easter Candy Sale killing They also supplied ihe nam and roar dauarhter. Biesieikir at eaete raw a u. ajiv my poena treatment a ten daya trial, and or The power and beauty of itklee i address the dead man's rather. doe o't Interfere with daily work If kaeBk la wards eeaiaa farthen arcaot my aeaaroua offer and Oar Jti ni v niter hi. and ir body IS the Peak undertaking parlors, Ml- Till- - r slip, añ- Delicious Aaaorted si ertte far aka tree Woersases, ln.lu.1lng my llluatrated bskUtTWeeaea'i TOwe Medical AJrleer POM'T ut out this On where ii waa vettcrdav Drenaron ror bur tone that make him I will seed all lu plain wrap para poet paid To eave tuna, you own cut out this oer. mark youi (aee. ilóse with 5c to Foley k Co.. Chicago. Ill Ml. end where ll will be Bald pending baa. and return i. ior Seed tadar. go mag not aee tbia otter aaala. AaUreaa, writing your a aim- and clearly EASTER EGGS answers in of MRS. M. UbJMCnS, BOX N, KUTN HMD, IND. oti will reralv In return a trial package the greatest all mu laming i dry 's Honey and Tar Com- pound, for cough, rolda and croup; Foley 15c the L.b. tenors. kidney PiUs. for pain tn aides and back, Only rheumatism backache, kidney and bladder Saturday Every one of the Hint nt- and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleanalng THE Amusements hundred and twenty- - rapeiialLy rutnrurting to atout par- áosla Owl brug Co (Advertisement ) Elite Confectionery Co. four Caruso records brings you not only his rjcaa avknvb and tsxas an art, but his personality. When you hear The Ladies t IIIIVMs T A Caruso on the Victrola in of IN si IH'sl M fUT. I B AVW ORU your own home, TUTt rrotes Auella in. Crawford sjssakar awuead another ra you hear him just as truly as if you were listen- mn Are t.rttls pacity bouse laat atgtn to wtuataa ihe see in St. Clements Hu r.M.r .ac. rariraevaeVal Bfl Bt iineo. . ot il.r Mr.-ic- v u. r i. ing to him the Metropolitan Opera House. Church -- rnii'isity Station. March II "tin sam- their indita Maid." aad avany wet uo ples of kerosene bought here atad tbere IB aan ta see u re even aunoiog room Tbe is in the hearing. Aualtu rere taken lo ibe Bureau of Tb nUaaj.1, saappy offering wool off t.'oot Corn in and we wjQ Will Hold a i.c iog for testing borne f Use Candy Sale witn uuuausi snap aau ginger earn en. gladly play you Victor Recordi by taruso or any other saiuplea were from eles'k retaaltng at II veiy owntber of lb big organ uanou en oi the world's greatest .ant. per gahVak. other samples rroot stork taring to their wart UJs ttksy bad aa ua atatt. retailing al cante per gallon The Ik TODAY ONLY usual inter! There are Victors and Victroja in great vteriety of .ent kerosene la sisppoeed. of court, to pBlBil of ta Home-Mad- Mol leal fa ytcs Irotn $10 to $50, and we'll arrange tcrxr e be of belter Jeiit7 to The Om I BSOet srtietlr to suit Cake Sale made no Iba Brice lo be lb OBly Of FawkS III. room. your convenience For all pre- mal purpurea the It 3 ,. I.l s ,. .1, III. PECAN CARAMELS of ibe It ml oil. sai rred Huaiei ta ike obo i w luck Ware Uatad. are auiiply ael ISe tat 13 lb. sre after tteror ting uní, lor rente a lalluti átate say afvaraaoa Y9 - This all! be the first uiaunrs On SATURDA APRIL 3, lh- eke ape r oil alves out a snauklei fHWW a, id ii Is safa nans to aay that leading W.G.Walz&Co. at ifpaade upeu lbs- lamp or de.ne buiuin Otar Huela Water basa tase room will pratalaai. and it U tki IT asJr is ti It." says tire ktatrr at ibe laboratory. i ami uler form of lUel tils nut II it taatueaary over the aiavt lo --all ibe ut craves now. rí U tigtu sad airy. EfTAaUaI8HD saitw on si n prices, ti ta the advtee oi in o to.-- 1881 WATSON'S tb Bureau of BotaBOBMr Ueoloiy that con roua GROCERY pre a hi in un w a mat aay twit as 10-21- 2 Uxm St. 3131-2-- 3 4-- 3 103 SOUTH PASO ST. Í fto Iom Ardtii's fhur.tay mint a IkUmLBf. IBIBUN 4V iwat WKWaJe- - 220 Sea flH ia lew wavl WIeV av.Kl see st laa Wigv. Para," Tala is (town of How the Old Days of Crinoline Ohiffon OvWaMk, with Recalled by the Expanding Prnnounreri Are Bands L asGinatioib 9L Skirt Lines of the Spring Modes, of Taffeta. f and the Ingenious Ways

in Which Transitions . Are Being Brought About. the tlghtetralgtit WHEN lost Ita novelty the arbiters of fashion agreed to effect revival of the bouffant aklrte of the crinoline period. They knew that the fabric manufacturer would welcome the chance, but they wera not eo aura of the approval of the feminine werlfl. The narrow kirie with the incep- tion of extreme modea were becom- ing and source of great economy to who! - the woman waa her own wear are the sup- jjinsnBBBBB ' The yarda arid yarda of ma- pie chllTon taffeta, faille, poplin or of Jm terial required to fashion the new transparent fabrics arranged over a "m frocka will sometimes cauae a alrh of silken foundation. P regret to eaeape ur lipa for the good The bodlcea used with the bouffant P" eld daya when Ut waa possible to skirts are decidedly ecanty. and many I clothe cireelves With leas than half of them are nolnted In front, after aBTfl Tat V V the "amount the manner of the e basque. y Realizing this, tee designer aald: Some of them are even (" boned with gsT "We must make tl e crinoline frocka whalebonlng, ao we'll have tp hold ao fascinating that no woman will be ourselves erect and acquire the dlgni- - . able to resist their charm." They fled carriage of our grandmothers, ü aurrounded themselves with all the else our bodices will wrinkle an un- - , BVL. lovely chiffons, lacee, alike, flower pardonable calamity when one wears w 'daf lÉ and rlbbona, and then dreamed won- P JKn JTI derful sartorial dreams, which mate- The dance. frocks, almost without rialised In the attractive gowns which have wide skirts of chiffon or at present please our fancy. tulle over silk and bodlcea of satin. ff The new frocka are aa delightfully Qarlands of poslos are used lavishly feminine la J' as It possible to make to ornament the bodice and skirls. r JM

rue Empire bodice has short. punca sieeves nmsneu witn narrow frills of the silk over another of lace. The rounded decolletage had several rows of shirring, which form a little heading. The skirt banga straight and full ta kJag the ankles, and Is trimmed with three gB ííj narrow ruffles of the silk. r 'Kr till another gown which caught my ve to fashioned of palest pink silk Just a delicate pearl pink and It haa an Empire bodice, with straps passing hit the shoulders. Three frills of net sre used to form the short sleeves, and from the bodice, on the right side, hanga a bow of lavender gause rib- bon, with long enda. The skirt Is gathered about the walat, and extends In straight lines to the ankles. A slip of palest pink allk Is worn beneath this frock. Three fascinating women made the preaent modes famous. Empress Jo- sephine, Queen Victoria and the s Eugenie. The fuller frocka pos- sess a charm and effectiveness that to undeniable, and we do not mlas the Dance Gown of White Taffeta. novelty In design of past seasons. The Parisiana are toe d leevea are with the bodice, taffeta edged with d seal to altempl the hi .arre, and are spend- and a pleated frill of chiffon finishes lopa finished with a pleated frill of ing more time on the artistry of their yMMB the edge. Above there Is a border of the blue chiffon. creations. American deslgnsra are Full the embroidered rosee to correspond The flounce Is erfllu oldered with striving to show the world that they with the bodice roses and hangs full over pantalettes are quite capable of keeping the wheal HÉBA o vfwyM"' Skirt Reminiscent of Crinoline Dayi. Th full skirt, gathered about the of pink chiffon lined with blue and of Fashion revolving at the usual rata, waist, to atUched to a belt of the trimmed with lace. and are presenting styles that ara There frothy cre- - modes should developed In mate- sre be blue and silver. It to ctoaped In front Anotiier y frock which worthy of our adoption. The work- fMN' made of upon fashionable sL atlons layer rials at that tima with a cameo, and Ions aaah ends looks as if Ita wearer should always manship Is still a little crude, but re- layer of tulle or chiffon There seems to be little demand for hang from the hack. be atrolllng down Pomander Walk--la member how very new they ara ifjj the weaves at aometlmes of three or stlffer which we A blue and sliver bund encircles the of pale blue, the greenlah blue not originating fashions In time they will 1 temptingly displayed In shops. more of the pastel tints, the skirt Just above the knees, and from quite so dark as the robin's egg, flow- probably rival the Partalsns In every f tbuched here and there Thoae wiseacres who keep their eara this Is hung a wide flounce of the ered with yellow. respect with delicately colored flowers. Lace cloae to the ground to hear the rum flounces have lost nona of their popu-- 0 blings predict that the women In the larity, and wonderful creations of vanguard of the fashion world will chiffon or taffeta ara ornamented make the change In one bound, and NEW DEVICES for HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCE trimming. will discard the clinging, pliable ma- with thla saving devices are always tact with lea They ' are made of of melted butter to added to Wreaths, festoons, bowknots and terials now In vogue for the fabrics the ususl LABOR to heavy glaas and metal, protected with cske batter, doing away wltb the compact bouquets of olored with a "body." and the housewife thus little vari nap porcelain tons. Little aluminum greasy amoke generated flowers are tucked among the continually In search of them. under the The Jos.ph.n. Model. sheers are good where egge are used old conditions. folds of lace, for no frock, however Nevsr was the market more liberally frequently In garnlahea, Hllke of groagraln weaves, moires, salads and One of the best English wall brushes elaborate. Is complete without flower supplied with them than It Is today. as they do work evenly, slicing a trimming taffetas, silk poplins, shantungs, ra- the has metal handle three feet long for First, Is the "first aid" alt. It the entire egg at onca dusting pic tures, so on. All the are enraptured diums and cachemires de sole promise there and Within debutantes A sink dish pan. new In the market, the handle Is a telescope by the quaint frocks with their bebe to be ths favored materials for after- Includes tl necessities, all stowed rod. which la aquare, like the sink, with four lengthens Wt, handle ample skirts. They love noon frocks. They all come In a won- away In the roasting pan. aealed up three feet far waleta and short, thin legs and a plug In cornice and high ceiling stiffening crinoline the derful array of colors, and an matter the work The the of about In a nasal package These include two centre. When the plug Is drawn It rod snaps in place, beta, which makes the wearer appear what particular tone you may have with Ita other square pana smaller than the lets out ths dlah water, which drains reach, so that It to perfectly to float across the floor when she In mind you will be aure to and it In solid roasting pan. a stove, a grater, potato through a wire drawer elx by eight A stair brush worth while bris- dances or walk They are also con- one shop or another. has her, strainer, two spoons, tora, Inches In alse by one inch deep. This tles of Tain pi co or soft corn, scious of the fact the crinoline There to a new fabric called broom that vegetable knife, bread knife, can catchee all greasy substsnrea and sad the brush haa a flat fashions belong to youth, and that soiree." which to woven wltb a taf- handle with opener, chain pot cloth with handle, waste from ths water. Then the a n space through elders are not wear any but the feta finish with a, high sheen. It Is which to their apple com lemon reamer, small drawer may be removed and emptied Insert the The hoop-skir- t suitable, for both afternoon and even- lingera bristles at modified expression, of the eup. rolling ing wear. saucepan, measuring pin, Into the garba can, which savea either and are four baches deep, grad- aad basque. clogging prevents Oas of the moat charming daaas patent milk bottle top. butter curler the sink and the uating toward the centre, until under sgg sets handling of the waste by n OU Fa.biee.ed Frocks. frocks worn recently -- pi I notice and an beater. Titeas are the dlah the opening they are only wedding washer. Be prepared, therefore, to see M1m that Ieat has not dampened the popular for tin gifts two lachea deep. to food steamer There Is a new wire enamel kitchen A new weet and Twenty" flaunt her de- dancing ardor of the followers of There aa excellent wire basket baa a mm may soap e be used with dish with oas lightfully old fashioned frocks and Terpsichore Is developed of radium of aluminum, which handls that hooka cloak dial fee m m ens, or compartments, ao over the water faucet It Is pot. bonnets Defers your eyes, hoplag to taffeta In a changeable weave ef two three beta the aide of the that lift the bas- may be eeoead cleanly and economical, as it keeps ket to ex- awaken your envy and a loagtng for cyclamen pink and M ue. fafcourse.it that the whole meal Ike surface with a Jump one of the gas soap both drained and dried. The actly on may your hast youth Console yourself was worn by a lovely debutant, and at unos over bole ths th minuta It atoo be range. kidney shaped double scrubbing brush to a geared one ur de-- el with the fact that you. toa. had yoar was a Josephine frock, with a abort The for tare minutes, as pan to great labor sever, popular with for- reeV three-aunu- day, with the w aisled bodice and full skirt. omelet of aluminum folds Another has a get being eign housewives, but upcoming glass In and other fashions kaas attrac- The bodke to artistically embroid- tier and Insures the omelette lust sand the handle that tails the skirt known wataher when the sgg to due tive, aucb aa the balloon slaevee and ered in raised blue, silver sank aatd perfectly cooked on each side. here ta a The lobster brollar, which to deep, bustle frocks. Uut undoubtedly thla mauve roans and toavea The Ths Fran ah saucepans are new and tura. vary They Upa wide and doable wire, way alga be For thoae who era food ef Is the as oat picturesque period In trapped tow ever the shoul- desirable. have wide at preparing atoan, tit covers. used this season for the ..roiling of own cáete there to small y fashions that wa ve had for assay a der, is gathered Into a band as Meat and tight tins at their a In roast-ta- holding two pagase year. satin bordered wltb silver A carnea For refrigerators Use white enamel stuffed birds and season for roaster al eepe-cktl- eara. grlddto bee green haa a gag grUl We have accepted the fuller shirt ornaments this baud In the centre dtoken, bowls, cans nad alunare Th aluminum beaaa It IBI a to an air space underneath, which keeps leeurtug uvea beat, which IBIBI to asset reduce the break a an denying the face but the tkere aasToag cakes burning, coffee i the assy, are d eloped of asst. pliable santas Above lbs band asteada a tucker of arblto the "hold team" the fren and a Waodea the nil, aad rotary wataB handle which does not re- tlua nam. a the par foot brewalag of rials This was net the Mas of the blu. caneTun gathered la at the ten are the newest rsaaataoles la beat It tw quires so greasing. If laaepoonful designers. ti with a narrow stiver core), TM short cual sauces or wines in direct con s rASO MORNING TIME POLLY S L DAILY PROGRESS OF OF EL PASO MORNING TIMES ESCAPADE E THE SOUTHWEST EDITORIAL PAGE THE Breaking It Gently to Carranza. Southwest Pnm. GLIMPSES OF THE PAST. CONNOR'S COLIF 'Ti 1 JPajio obaervlng world haa wondered why the aharp Plane for holding a county fair at Alemogordo laomiitgSlmfi Till, ago. ANTstT J Washington In October were under discussion several weeks .From File of The Times.) K MILLION W I no Taar nntea have emanated from have the PMbM Sr, Owr f TIiCi"i"- ' that Nothing haa been beard of the project letely Hare . . - i -v fi--mm agLMgLM" had ao little effect upon General Vanwatlano those plsns been lost? Or has all the Interest faded TWENTT-rOtl- TEARS AOO TODAT. "I wss certainly delighted." said WrfX Marlines, rVMLi TWHtn anrda-wh- orrK'E The effect of those notes tiara been out? Alamogordo (N. M News. rat iimi ni n.riKO m m soCTW WW sranwx. l preeldent of the El Paao Water UsjOW association, of natura of pouring tratar oa the bark A county Otero county ought to be a new echool Knlldlng In the First ward wag raso. Tgxaa tha fslr for The "at the cordial and friendly rercpflealajei Secretary rea mosximi mm x a ev.ort rapidly nearlng completion of duck. thing for ell that portion of Hew Mesteo. and Lane, of Interior department gaL to our Inti- a the The reason ha been made plain through "with the rich reeourcee of that section to draw npon, I favor- Sam Hlng. the n railroad contractor, mation and request that he help us getting filed la Washington at tha Instance of there ought to be a fair held that Would be a credit In the S Bart we. Spartal Aarvea. fMN returned from a trip to Mexico able consideration snd aclton by cOngrea lull C II. Hllllman, who is among number who to Charlea tha the entire Southwest. matter of securing sn appropriation of at gssst a Sara B ru In city from Preeldlo. i are credited with repreeeatlna; Preeldent Wilson John Ford arrived the likely Ke neces- HMkr.1 CBS CMS Is million dollar, which smount will g H where hie ranch located. a.ntth 10 In Mexico. The superintendent Of the city schools of El Paso sary for the utilization of the eTaWtnevsj water power dm la announced a few days ago graduation dresses rosTAux batm tm timb rooom Mr. ftltliman complains that Consul Canada that C. B. Eddy, of the Pecos Valley for the girl of the El Paso nigh school must bs lim- stored at the Elephant Butte daan. too blunt In hie dealing with Carranza neither Railroad company, arrived In the city from Eddy. power, wnlch will be n M pa. ited to 32 00 In high "Just to what extent thl Dsl E"2i aoftena or explalne any of the harsh notea he handa This applies to all girls ths N. M. school, ahd according to the superintendent moat be developed la excess of 12.000 bore power at the to Carraña, while Hllllman giras all note passing HI HATH, complied with. While this order to many may seem Teetsrday Tax Collector Merrill paid over to the dam, la to be utilised. s matter of detail that will Uail through hla handa a sugar coating. like sn unwarranted and unreasonable Interference th in, uumI MM city treasurer the sum of S30.se. representing part have to be threshed out here at heme, so that flan an wnSar. In apeak-In- on the part of eupertntendent. It Is a splendid M iei . 4.M One of the spokesmen for Mr. Bllllman. the of the tax collection for 1900 an Saciar IU matter can be Intelligently presented at a later dsts 1II MtM . 9.M plan and ahould he carried out In every school of IHll, im SiuMai. ikrw MrtM "f these matters, ears: country. to the government. Some raver the utilization of flallr nd MH .ft the Donatas Arlz.) Dispatch. The McOlnty club held an enjoyable function at lam, in. . IM "The last three notee have been pretty ahsrp. It Ta iBJpgM tlw aria That wa a happy Idea evolved by the superin- the Mesa garden. thla power In the El Paso valleys and others that rI I you know, sad It has been most emhsrrssalng for be applied in El Paso for providing electric lights . ' tendent of the El Paso public schools. It kseps the tMllr ud Sunilaf. sua MMk him to have to present them. He has been very Weston city from Boeton. or other facilities. It Is a big question and one eania Zwioan Beaaa ram graduation prevent any Frank arrived in the ra dresses on a parity and will that I am not prepared to djgpgwss offhand Just at (uharrltwra feo rail I win H.X W raavilarlr .r. diplomatic shout It, though. He has been careful eater n, wutlnaa, .m. la iimi rftef on ths part of those who might not The Grand Army post leaaed the old quarters ths present tima Otra prwrafTW arid Im full Inri WMV to point out that the Bnglleh tongue differs from ran have been able to Invest In an expensive graduation of Cactus club on San Antonio street. "The cause for rejoicing Mag In the fact that or tor trafl --r rtgltlatoil 111 if. It sometimes the Iimmi the Spanish, and that sounds harsh gowa. Lans seems so friendly ta both our city and Itona MM. prititl htaertv a huii with tin tmrit meaning Is not severe. General Carransa gave our great reclamation progsgt and disponed to aid aperan hlr mplora of Mt when the The Uniformed Rank, Knight of Pythias, a Tm isa every way. Of coisjeg, ihe matter will have to m1 Altar m. haS been very good shout accepting hie explana- drill on the vacant lot at First and Campbsll streeta la fOBam ton bolldaia UN lollowlo will MM . I'nder the constitution only such measures as are to be preeented In definite sTujtje and the engineers tions, snd Mr Rllllman has been careful, when Also Mtl Juara llllBrrn.h awl I1W.U Manaaar specified by the chief executive can be considered at United State government waa having blocks will pass upon our proposal, the congreeslons! gallarla ami Sapo" The Maa Mmmsw MM presenting a sharp demand, either to precede or a special session, although this constitutional pro- 7 committee which Secretary gane has promised will MM snd I. Battarthwaite addition, fsnesd. Ths blocks MM .Sorfau K and Mali Herat Mtl Ada. Or. DU. apology." vision has previously been very liberally pay u a visit in May. ieV: important to us to w follow the presentation with a sort of sn construed are situated between North Oregon, North Santa Fe, but If Ik ran lar falla lo oallrar Iba papar proaapUf. BwUff m snd strstched to Its full limit Phoenix (Alia.) have a friend at court, aa It were, t the person of anf f law ahara talapfawaa And that la why delivering American notee to Missouri and Franklin streets. Gazette. the secretary of the Interior, who, it u generally Any amianii reflartlai upon tha alandlng. character er rtaartaila Carransa haa assumed very much the characteristics understood, Is quite cloee to the president. a anr partial flrta of corporation whir mar topear Special session of state legislatures are always Consul A. J. Sampson was expected to arrive In Ika at- - of pouring water on a duck's back. cause wby I feel jubilant Is the reflec- rf II Tin. will ha unir lo called to enact special legislation, and muet be lim- the city, accompanied by his brlds. "Another tendan af Iha maiiMamant Personal Representative Hllllman tells Csrranxa tion thst whsn Uncle Sam once puts his hand to ited to the subjects recommended by the stats ex- plough never back. The gov- the president doea not mean what he says. He FIFTEEN YEARS AOO TODAT. the handle he turns that ecutive. ernment la already committed to the Rio Grande Phelps, Dodge & Co.g Annual Report. nullifies the force of the president's assertions with An expert golf player Denver will In project In an enormous Investment of capital, and tepnrt of Phelps. Dodge ft Co., ths from arrive Hnnunl sn spology. Hospital accommodations In Paris sre being en- the city within a short time to teach local players It is safe to say thst the government will not leave jr- corporation operating so extensively in Is It sny wonder that Carransa has become ex- larged at the request of Oenersl Joffre, and this la the fins points of the game. the greet work In an unfinished state In any of r 1914. taken to mean Lord waa not uttering its aapecta, nor oonsent to stand by and see the the Southwest, nnd covering the yesr how alted with Idees of his own Importance and filled that Kitchener en Idle boast when he said war would begin R. Morehead and family left Monica, enormous power thst the dam will develop not e prodm Hon of I I J2 pounds of copper I. y with contempt for the United Btatea? that ths C for Santa .;, In May. phoenix (Aria) Republican. Cal., on a visit. utilized in some practical way for some useful pur- II eral subsidiary companies, und also H.St.0IO Complaints Sllllman'e against Canada's pose. art of friends There ie a grlmneea about the preparation that plans and speci- pounilK from Miami ronrrnlrnlw", whlrh lUtrr bluntness are but laurels for Canada. It Is evident S. H. Buchanan arrived In the city from Lorde-bur- "As I have stated that, while the are being made for carrying on the war that la highly have not been completed or even agreed Mmrmnt wm lo ttiMi rompiiny in th form he Is right man In the right place. N. M. fications ü.hirl the suggestive of ths period when human Uve are going upon for that matter, we. who are intereeted In the of hunter ropprr Inrlurtlim ropprr rrrrlvnd President Wilson should hsve Consul Canada de- to be aerificad by million, perhaps, In order to Frank Taylor, of Sliver City, was spending a few matter feel much encouraged to proceed since the 111,(17. ITR poMBdJ BOM nil notee to General Carranza. He should before. nourtcf. liver all hla ring about some decisive results. days In El Paso. visit of Secretary Lane than we did dtllvrrrd l.y helpa. Dod.. Co. last yoar at an recsll those handed in by Bllllman and have them "Both Mr. and Mrs. Lane were delighted with banquet which we and said that it had avrrAar. prlrn of 13 f.7 cent iifr pound again tendered through Canada. Railroad managers and employee of Texas were the tenderd Orders. been arranged In the time on record that t Army watching deep Interest the progresa of the ehortest Thf report xhowii Unit pounila of ifila The I'nlted fltatea government has no spologles with pleased to double-head- hearing now claiming they know of. and they were especially 10", 494 the attention rnppor waa aold lo ihr domratlr. and 70, to offer Carranza. He must be made to understand By Hptoial Wirt to Tht Timet of the railroad comm.lesion at Austin. ses so many ladies present" Ü6, h :.,:'! 3 pounda uf In the forrlirn tradf, and that that, and realize that President Wilson has suffered Washington, D. ft, April 2 First Lieutenant bring IS 16 of the thr total wai aold iturlnR lh- flral aevt-- monlha of Carranza to inflict himeelf upon the situation simply John N. Qreeley. fourth field artillery, Is detailed T. E. Hunt, commercial agent of the Southern "We expect to the convention Associated Master Plumbers' of Texas to El Paso." V the yoaf. laavlnR only iilionl 62,000.0110 pounda to through Amerlcsn friendship for the Mexican people. for ser ice In the signal corps, effective May It, Pacific, returned from California. vice First Lieutenant Karl Trueedell, signal corps, said Al J. Eraser yesterday. "El Paso Is getting to aold out of Kuroprnn wiif. be-- b after thr thr relieved, May Attorney W. A. Hawkins, of ths White Oaka line, convention city and we believe In keeping up of E. W. Clapp, assistant general freight effective II. The Incohie acrruinn lo I'liHpa, Oudgr Co from Friend ' Captain Adam Eechlanser. medical corps, re- accompanied by Mr. Hawkins, arrived In the olty the good work. The plumbers' convention will bring we aubaidlarlva ami from the Male of copper during" snd passenger agent of the Houthern Pacific, with lieved, and will gall from Manila about Juns 16 for from Alamogordo. over 660 delegates, and I feel pretty sure that can get it practically for the asking. 114 wan equal to 114.80 a H.tr.-. aaulnat 114 paid: headquarters in Tucson, will bs glad to learn of Ssn Francisco. Colonel K. W. medi- A building permit was issued to Thomas B. "Ths truth of the matter Is that It was under- In the previoua year dividend totaled S16.K0 a hi promotion. He haa been mads general freight Lieutenant Merrltt Ireland, cal corps, 16 proceed to Nichols for the erection of a residence on Octavia stood that the convention was to have met here this In Uou Angeles, about July will the United hare, romparlna. with $17.50 earned. The RtaR agent of the road with headquarters States. street, to cost 11, 69. year, but owing to the depression existing in the Canyon Fuel company made no dlaliurwment laat and will assume his new dutls April 1. His Juris- The following changes in stations and dutlee of cotton section of the state, we did not prees oar consented go to Waco, year to the parent corporation, whereo in the diction will extend from Santa Barbara and Fresno. the medical officers Is ordered: First Lieutenant General Superintendent H. U. Mudge, of the clstm and that the convention Btuckley, corps, Fe, passed through city bound for s. where it will be held on April 7, 8 and 9. 1 Nogales, Arla., El Paso. Narrlaon W. medical reserve after Santa the year it had contributed SO. (inn All of Cal., to and 6 over l,n,,u arrival in Uplted (Mates, will proceed to Fort Roe-cran- "The local delegation will leave on April the other autrttidlarle lowered the amount paid Cal., and report for duty; First Lieutenant tha Una of tha Texas Pacific, and those who wHl t the company, although. In tha caaa It will cost the United Btates a vast price, both atdwln H. Maynard. nedlcal reeerve corps, after ar- R. H. Ptéree left for Alamogordo after spending make the trip are L. R. McC'ljcsney, L Mattlce, Joe Brennan, N. R. Nations, myself. of the Mnrcantlla eompany, operallng atore, tha In blood and treasure to Intervene In Mexico, de- rival In the United Btates, and upon tha expiration several days In the city. Joe Ooheen end of leave In Incidentally we will take along some advertising pnid wa more of two year ago. clared Vloe President Marshall In a spaeoh delivered May. which will tie granted him, will amount than that proceed to Benjamin Ind., re- A large of Mormons arrived In the city matter nnd boost El Paso just a the Adclub rep- dsys ago. Fort Harrison, and number The follow Ink romparlaon ahow how the In Chicago a few He said intervention pon for duty, relieving First Lieutenant Thomas B. from Mexico en route to Salt Lake City to attend resentative did about a month ago when they se- have puld tilt idendt) intn the I'helpa-Uodar- e would mean taking over the country, and the I'nitcd V. Keene, medical reserve corps: Captain Robert M. the annual conference of that church. cured the 1916 convention of the Associated Ad- Clubs of Texas be year." treaaury In paal year: States afterward might not want It. as in the case Culler, medical corps, will proceed to Fort Robinson, vertising to held here next the three (octet y of the Philippine, and It would be difficult to dis- Neb., and report for temporary duty. The Ladlee' Aid of the First Presbyterian 1914 1913 1912 Captain Benjamin T. Simmons, Seventeenth in- church held Its annual election of officers. Colonel W. S. Davidson, chairman of the board pose of Mexico, in his opinion. I'opper Queen .34,500.000 15.700,000 IS.707.IS1 fantry. Is detailed as major of the Porto Rico regi- of directors of the First National bank of Beaumont, ment of Infantry, May Captain Tex., an Institution which he helped to organise Detroit 20.000 780.000 1.484,110 effective ii, and Progress. The city of Albuquerque mourns and refuses to Howard C. Price, Infantry, is removed, effective Southwestern 26 years ago, remaining aa Its president until about Moctezuma 1.170.000 1.950.000 1,6.7 two years ago, whan he voluntarily la spend- M comforted, and It Is all on account of New May 22. Robert P. Brvlen, land commissioner of the retired, the ing a days in city guest of Mr. and fttag Canyon .... 180.000 414.927 Captain Price Is assigned to the Nineteenth New Mexico, says receipts from ealea few the the Mexico foot and mouth dlseaee quarantine. A big otate of and W. Miller, of 1616 Arizona Colonel 9. n. Mercantil. 4110. 000 :.oo.ooo He will Join that regiment. Mrs. B. street. 300.000 four-da- y year 3600.000, clrcue waa billed for a stunt In the New Leave of absence for two months Is granted first leases this will reach which will Davidson is en route to Ban Francisco to visit the Mexico city, snd there were glad visions of being able Llsutenant Roderick Dew, Infantry. be an Increase of at least 1160,006 over the receipt Panama-Pacifi- c exposition and will depart in a few Total 150,000 99.1 10.000 3lO.OAK.459 days Golden Oate City. Colonel Davidson, to play with the bullelefant and feed chile to the Leave of absence for one month, effective about from ths ssms source lest year, and aervea to demon- for the April 29. la who le well known in banking circles over the state Indication eem to point to a new copper period time, governor granted First Lieutenant Charles B. strate In some degree the growth and development monkeys for thst of but the Elliott. Infantry. and who Is a brother of General R. V. Davidson, of auhaidiary. poatably wllhln a year, in tha of the state was sbdurate. The circus cannot enter Sergeant William H. Stamper. Company I, Ninth of New Mexico. Gslveaton. former attorney-genera- l of Texas, says Jlurro mountain, upon which coiialderable develop- New Mexico until the quarantine has been lifted. infantry, is transferred to Company K. Tenth in- that he is delighted with Er Paao and-- ls thoroughly ment work haa lieen done fantry. There ie always something doing in the Fort enjoying his stay In the city. The following in of officers' The Copper Wueen and Utitrult mine were uble. of Wsles Is with changes stations tbs Stockton, Tex., country. Farmers of that section re- The diminutive Prince the nrit. corps of engineers "The operation of the new state laws providing curtailment, lu lower coata le ordered: a solid load of fine notwithaumlina their ish army at the front, and Is being kept busy with Captain Theodore H. Dlllen la relieved from duty cently shipped out train alfalfa for compulsory education and also furnishing free which offwt to ome extent the Inm In earningr. minor duties. He Is said lo be perfectly happy at station at Portland, Ore., to take effect at such hay. about Id. 606 head of fat shssp have Just been text books, under conditions, will result in practically doubling of county by The Moctexutna property, hmfiy hamparvd by In- he Is ehsrlng the life of time a will enable him to comply with this order shipped to market from that point, and with a bond the enrollment the school with the belief that actual new scholastic year begins September uw tlt-- up a snd will proceed to ths canal sons to taks station the time the ability to make hipnieata iua to of soldiers and of some service to hla country. issue of S(,4)40 the county has Just completed the and report before May 1 to the governor of the 1." said Miss Myra Winkler, county superintendent in M xn o. materially in reaaed it ore re soo flrst-claa- a public highway. Panama canal; First Lieutenant Karl J. Atkinson about miles of of schools yesterday. ei vea. Joseph Weldun Halley haa tentatively accepted will proceed in the canal sons snd report to ths gov- "The Increase will be especially noticeable In but 28.442 aeree out of the 160,040 Mexican children, though heavy Nothing wa churged off to detireciation In locka an invitation lo address the special aeselon of the ernor of the Panama canal. With under the there will be a A. Anderson, medical cultivation year, Increase In the attendance by the American children owned during 1914. although 91.500.000 waa ao It Is called, It la First Llulenaat Everett the Rio Grande project under laet Texas stst legislature when and corps, Leavenworth, as well. I look for the congestion to be especially charged In each of the three preceding reserve will remain at Fort the product was nearly 36,000,000 and serves to believed thst he will st that time definitely an- Kan., until service can bs spared. aculs In the Concordia district, hut this will be re- Htag I will be when The Canvoii hue company mkfied 1.335.939 nounce his Intentions regarding the threatened candi- Captain Douglas II. Jacobs, cavalry, will pro- show what the results all this land lieved by the building of new school house with tflUg poal. 195,127 cultivation. All but (.006 acres of ths land proceeds of a 666,006 bond issue, the hav- of of which tona were conaumad dacy for the I'nlted Btates senate. ceed to Hot Springs, Ark., and report for observa- Is under the bonds In the manufacture of 239.9(9 tona of coke. tion and treatment. producing this amount waa planted in alfalfa. ing recently been sold. The Smelter school district, aa Is called, will also, I t Major Harry L Oilchrlat. medical corps, effect- it generally fear, be greatly The Tombstone 'onunlul.ited and other mlnei advice received from Santa Ke. N- M.. In- fall, fact will ive Heptember 1, will proceed tu Fort Grant. In the Plana are being perfected for the working of the crowded thlo and in It be Imperative In the Tombatone JiatrKt bate been purchuaed and dicate that Governor W. C. McDonald still retalne canal zone, for new school buildings to be erected In a number and take station. recently discovered about 39 miles are being operated aa 11m Honker Hill Mine com- possession of his goat. Major i... ui T. Hess, medical corps, will rspalr coal fields from of district throughout the county. An election is Tasas, Including building pany. Development in the Hurro Mountain and to thla city and report On August 20 o ths chief of sierra Blanca, the of a line being held In the West Ysleta school district today the division of military affairs for duty. railway to minea. The coal' Is said to be of on a bond lasus In the sum of 617,000 to construct Chemung properties i procaedlng and the concen- Winter sppears lo have lingered long enough In of the I.cav of absence for two months, effective about a new echoolhouse at Weet Teleta and .two smaller Spring to pluck a considerable portion excellent quality, and a number of Kl Pass people trator for those properties will be ready for opera- the lap of May I. la granted First Lleutensnt Manfred Lanza. buildings In ths upper end of the dletrlct, and I hope tion by tha end of Hie present year. of the Texas peach crop. Infantry. are becoming Interested In the proposition. to see the bonds carry by a large majority."

POULY AND HER PA1S--- Tfiey Drove Pa to It, That's What They Did! By STERRETT

-- -- n QXlljntoy wiAi VtB PM r Thai ) .- - ífS PS ZT T IT f7-- vh! I GdsJT ffi - u.d fe 1 rT "- 09. Me: r XClf- 4- f c i J vJm Lift j lltTJ J '

L Saturday. Aprl 3. IVI. EL VA3Q MORNyG TIMES CATTLE EMBARGO WMi Glmds Swell Blood Hoods attention TO BE MODIFIED Eren a Swtt t Gland May Result in S5TSTal We've unboxed the .oKRoft iK kfkyvji to rmovn Mil MM W.HM.MIM MUMC Con,4VueBC. "RADNOR" M MM Hl Is. .. 12 Sharp-Hur- ry r Tonight new ARROW Collar. ñu "-- Wire t e Tlesr At A real new idea in ollar con- Attelm. Texai. April a roofer-e- n re iiu. morMnt with J. H. Avery, rimr struction. High back, low enea of the Tease livestock sanitary front. It'a a aurpriee. OoremOr Prrgnton nominret be would auarove some moOifirtuon of tne Solutions must either be in this office or in the mail post- - marked prior to 1 2 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT. strRHpatSiiarantlrK. now in torce, which revenís the slitnment (if livestock Into inn APRIL 3, IN ORDER TO,QUALIFY. Pay particular attention to this and do not have your solution disqualified tat. Mr. Aven- rune to Austin dlrert from by carelessness on the last few days. San Francisco, where a conference was beld between lhc represenlatlvee or Mw 4 suie Uvesiock saniierv board or colo- e 109 Te Street red... lew (teller), n..nu and Tetas. anl In our Intricate body tbe use of S A Ha-v- an was a Circles at whlrh agreement rear bed whicn. S for the blnod has moat remarkable You Counted the ir ammivrd. will iiermll the Interment" Influence. We little realise our gland- If you have not done so you are losing a perfectly dandy chance to get $500.00 or some of the other fifty prizes, all nt shipments between in rotir elates men ular system It may be a ttny bulb no COURTS tinned, ell or which are free from blaTaTor than a pin point, and yet If a golden coin, that are going to be distributed by this paper. The Puzzle Game will close Saturday midnight, so if you and moutli disease AH Utipmcnis dteease s;erar ata Into It. la a made under ine agreement will ne un there need money for your vacation this summer, or for any other purpose, take a look at the circles in the chart, then tlllrli first IIMrlrl .,rl Joel lo Um sanitary regulation! of tne tremendous awelllna. It become a fin Jackson. J nl stales lavolved. boll, a carbuncle. It may be a "blood count 'em. It costs nothing to enter beyond a payment on subscription to The Times, new or renewal. Send this lv ojea n i Wtlss. tresspass to try Chairman Avry will call a meeting ol rlslna;." and It Is often a source or Ullr, ni1. ine ommiinn in fori worm a ""n misery If not checked. Many in when you send your solution. as possible, el whlrh time the proposed of the moet excrurlatlnsT forma of tor- Iiirt, llrsl IN si rlil .inrt clisnee will bn rlrafted and submitted tu ture beln with the awelllna; of a tiny CIRCLES MONEY. ENDS SATURDAY, MIDNIGHT n. Price. 'ovrrnor Irrguton for approval. ajland. caused by a dlaeaa erm And COUNT THE AND GET SOME OF THIS GAME f. Jiulr The new arrangement will not arrecí A It Is S. 8. fl. spreads throughout king v. tcxs Pirlflr and swu the prohibition on the shipment or hides, that Ft railroad. damages, on trial. etc., bul merely rovers entpmenn the blood circulation to prevent Juet Two thousand dollars in fifty prizes, and with a littl e determination one or more of them can be yours. cattle they al- un' tetes or xew ateneo, sritona each condltlone. Or If have solu- al Hrih IMstrlrl Cauri. colorado and Tcta. ready atarted, 8. 8. 8. will soon put the A payment on subscriptions to The Ei Paso Morning Times of from 75c to $8.00 entitles you to submit a i (Ballard Coldwtll. Judgt blood In auch a elate of health aa to Wtae rt. Larmca Wise, divorce: Wbv Nat? overcome the tendency to glandular tion of the puzzle and participate in the distribution of $2 .000.00 in gold 50 cash prizes. ivivajo rugs arc easily cared for. Tneir awelllnca. It la a natural medicine for ENTER use Insures a home thai It tttrictlv. clean the blood, Juet e esaentlal to health It TODAY. and eenitery rae tbem exclusively in your be Impure, ) the blood aa are the meats, Only accuracy and patience required in solving this problem. Both old and new subscribers may enter. THE (Adrua root. Jdrt now nuneaiow. notntng moro appropriate. fats, (rains and luftra of our dally State or Trias vs. .Manuel Aranda. eeMAg Art Shan. food. SOLUTIONS MUST OFFICE 1915 Honor on Sunday: pleaded guilty and fined tw Pioneer Plaia. City Nail. Bank uidg. REACH THE NOT LATER THAN APRIL 3. :A (Advertisement.) It contains one Ingredient the sctlv and costa. purpose of which Is to stimulate the or A. Riba ran, selling Stat Texas v.'. TV FINED. ONE DIKMISMKU exchange of new flee ta for dead or waete iKlttor on Sunday, dismissed. matter. COUNT THE CIRCLES slate or Telas vs. I. antInn Maria. sell- Men Accused r Selling l iquor an Suodey Get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. today nf any ing liquor on Sunday, pleaded ajullty and re s.w une aaa your rined (30 and roils t;otj. druggist, and If caae la stubborn, Three cases in the roui.ly rourt bernre write to the Medical Advlaer. The 8wlft J. L. ftenlong vs. W. B. Srhtilit. sun on Pool Co 108 Hwirt Qa. on Judira Adrian were vesterdty settled BpeHflr Bidg. Atlanta, contract, trial. when Manuel Aranda and l.anaino Marlai Thla department la In charge of a noted Justice Uort. plead guilty to charges nf eeTllnr liquor phyalelan. (J. M. Heaver, Judge.) on Minnay. ana tne case against A. mueran - on the tame charge, was dismissed on mo M. vs. M. M Oamble, gtrnlsn- tion or the county tttorney. Aranda and nirnt: dismissed. Marias wore rined 950 each and coila tor - M. de coursey vs. Jack McAlptne their orreoae. The cases are the result of VITAL RECORD ind AUen J. Sandusky, suit to rent; filed. e reld by the city police torra lest Sundev M Mclvln vs. E. P.. 'amble, garnishment; In tne forty-rirs- t district court vester Birth. riled. day tbe (aee of Irvtn kin airatnst the Texas BORM To Mr. and Mrs. kngue bur 4 Parirle and the sanu Fe railroads Tcxa Parirle, March a tor alleged deinaa-e- to werr-- nuda. 3stt Ty. rattle which CAXAt'S-- To Mr. and Mrs. carlo CaV snipped over ilcrcnrtants lines was railed 931 March a boy. Jury was tans. Marorrin. and the chosen. After the Instl CAM-- To Mr. and Mrs. Man-n- At-- en, union or some evidence, the case at coo tin East nrtii, Mtrrh a, a rtri. HORLICK'S tlnued until today. tlCHOA - To Mr. end Mrs. Placido ornoa, In the district court. O. I. Denver end cotton. March 17, a vri. . Wise nied suit for dlvnrce rrom hti wire. The Original Carmen Wise. He alleles that she ties not Deaths. lived with him for more than the yetr and I. ARA-J- are. eB, April V. si. rain MALTED MILK that he has at all times been a faithful elrcet. Burled In Cuncnrdiu. cemetery, mmy end kind husband. Citation wes Issued by April a you "MORLIOK'S" the notifying; g. .11. m court the defendant that suit BPAl LDI.N0 Albert SpauUling. ntmy not SmmmiHmtm, nad been rued. Han li .silver City, N. M. Remains Iran through local unilertsklng parlors en route lo Bnfralo. Y April HK.NlJHH,-Ma- rv itcv Hendrtrgson M. April I. 1104 North Stanton. Remains sniboed to Mattiei. nd.. Arrtl IÍARH1S Eduard I.. Harris, 4S. April I, hoici 1sten. Diirieu in tvergreen cemetery Aiinl J. FmEVROOFGunter8AN ANTONIO. HotelTEXAS. EUROPEAN Liil'EZ (lenrin I.opex. months. April I. wis Mtgorrtn. Burled in cuncoruia A Hotel Built for the Climate cemetery April : PERCY TYBREIP. Maweger. Official HcadqaartCTa T. P. A. A.A. A. Maniage Ureases. Knrique Morena lo Ai legrega Reyes. t HAV1S AOULAR-Blv- etn t liavla to Ma rla Agulac BREVITIES lAdT National Bank Dr. Dcuiitt. Milla State men. uioc. ES1ABL1SUEO APKIE. 1SS1. iUASCZ Commercial Etrliatige. Consult CAPITAD, SURPLUS AND PROFITS Ing business eert, interpreters and trans $200,000 00 latora. Phone IW, M cotuerciu. Juaret, Met Interest Paid on Savings Accounts Dr. Nayfteld. opioalte Tlrell, Juarei C. R. MOREHEAD. President. JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, Vlce-Pre- Raorhmes Killed bv Hunter. By Hprctal C. N. D. Y, Wire to thr Time BAS8ETT, GEORGE FLOR Caahler. Odetea. Texas, April t. T. '. Bishop, ine TU J. GILCHRIST. Aaat Caahler. young man accidentally snot uy nunter Copyrighted, ten near here, died this morning from hi wounds. Deceased, wbo was years j THE PROBLEM age, wae one of the most popular young A $800.00 Dividend Prize for a Tb problem la to count the circle. Every circle Is complete. There ara no parts at ranrumen in actur county. circle or shams or deception of any aort In the pugsl. In the event that no oaa prise will be awarded correct Dr. Deedy, l Mills Bldy. phone MM. Small Investment on Subscription counta the eaact number the for the neareat .solutions. Ipse, allenilou disease a of women i surgery. Accurácy and patience are the main requisites for arriving at correct or nearest correct count. Those who display thaaa qualification to the boat advantage will solve the Accordion netting. ?i Buckler Bldf. Banking By Mail IIRKT PHI.K 100 IN COLD puttie bast JUST AS EASY TO OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH US AS Pins M TUaet Amount Paid. With Wlaalia Solution. HOW TO ENTER ir M.uo for subscription, lbs would be tsno. THOUGH YOU LIVED NEXT DOOR. li pild first prise game la open to any man, woman, boy or girl. A payment on subaotipttona If M.tO I paid for subscription, the flrat prlte would be Uio. Thl ta pay 4 cent compounded every Leagnrll'i Tango Lavender I. Ine rent A) ror The Morning Time of from 7to to 18 00 entitle a contastant to submit a solution We par interest, twice rear. Wo do - ir Is paid subscription, tbe first prlte would be Ittu. cart, tajtlrabt. liinousinct and euo Dag- If I paid for subscription, ib flrat prlte be 1117. bualnoaa under the depoaltora' guaranty law of the State of Texas, and gage give day or S.7t would of the puasl. provided by trucks best service The of money paid in will cover the aubacrlptloa price for the paper accord- are a Guaranty Fund Bank, as such law. ntgnt. rootie t. at.coM pana it in cog.ii araouui Our plan. In addition to belnr convenient, 1 aafe, profitable and ing to the regular rata. ratal ta I nyll-l- i orporilloa Plus 3 Times Amount Paid. With Wnsalsf Solution. many may aa contestant upon liberal. Nobody hap over lost a dollar In a Stats Bank la Texaa. Sabara K Aa different aolutlone be submitted the dsslrea making 0 'As tsiodarril Pree t&ou It paid for iubcrtpilon, second prlie would be fciTS. payment with each one. net more caa be paid with any WRITE TODAY FOR OUR FREE BOOKLET. "BANKING BY MAIL'' ew ork. April 2. kuig Ocorge s order- ir M.uo i paid for tubtcrl, lion, second prlte would ba fiso. an additional but than II OR SIMPLY MAIL YOUR DEPOSIT. In council forbidding trtdlng with the ir tt.JO It paid for tubsciiptlon. second prlte would be flM). one solution. and Autrlans caused the failure of If K.'i la paid for subscription, second prig would be KI.?i. It Is not necessary to pay the lams amount with each solution If more than aaa be EL PASO BANK & TRUST CO., El Paso, Texas. Uawo and larticr, Limited, an Engllah car-- . submitted. THIRD IM m t ot pon. oration dealing lu and tuanuraeiuring PaiZE l 0OUI. A prtsea bmv an valve, mi Germany Fnglend the added rhlnaware in ami Plus M Tistes Am, ..ml Peld. With Wleutlsf Setutlea. according to what la paid la aa Tb toveruni.nl. or Mi.nia slut i.er if M.0O it paid tor loburlptlon. third pruvs would be (itoiv). or winning many sclied the cten.ivc plains Bawu If M.M is pitd for subscription, third prlte would be Hi t mi subscription with the SOLUTION BLANK and nutter, and insolvency followed. If IJ.lu li paid for subscription, third prlta would be ( M.uo. oonteatant should famil- If 10.75 ie paid for subscription, nurd priaa would be $ !.. iarise themselvae with the DIVI- Dat Seat till. before sending In Ill-Il- FLY TIME IS HERE. rot'RTH paize-- m ts cold. DEND schedule EL PASO MOKNING TIMES l South their eubaertptlon and aolutlong. Oregon St.. El Paao. Taaaa. A coat oí paint will make your old screens look like new or It will Try the aaw bar. Plus 10 Tlasrs Asseual Peld. With Hlnaiaej Setatlaa. money order, boat. T. V. neiib. prop. If Nlou Is peld for eubeerlplloa. fourth prlte would be rlot.oo. Remit by check keep your now aereen a from setting old. If it m l paid Jor subscription, fourth prise uuld be a ttJB. registered latter or In una or two I enclose I for year TIm sweltast bar us town finest roods If it pild for subscription, fourth prise Would 47.00 pa subscription to THE MOHNLNO PHONE US YOUR PAINT TROUBLES t the Oem, .) bet eent ta at TIMES. If 10.7 l paid fur subscription, fourth priaa would be fas.ou Whatever la paid, whether on one TUTTLE PAINT & GLASS CO. Srrtlaa Papers. nrra prize- - m cols. or a number of solution, may ap- Deputy Mlatilcy N. timid. Jr., ye- ply on a continuous subscription to 206 tOS IIO-SI- S N. St. left ror in. i lun Isbcns anil Yalela ,Ptu I Tlase Aateuat Paul. With WbsaUfl Balallea. Phones. and Stanton - Morning on i. ,1 nn in.- If paid ror subscription, sao.no. The Ttmea disirirls ini.iiici. oiinc It firth prlte would be slictirr s ofriis-- He will urobahl) trlurn If UM paid lor subscription, nrih prlte would be Ml 00 Solution unaccompanied by caah to ti Paso Ikla evening. ir iv m It paid ror subscription, nrth prlae would be sat on aubacrlptlona will not be registered SOLUTION AND PAYMENTS If ki.78 It paid for subscrlptloa, fifth priaa would be This I'usale Oams la open to both Hoofing ti, i ti and 1st.;. (The following apace provide aar roll. Burwn Lingo Co.. Pb. to. old and new aubecrtbart. far three TEN rafZRS-I- W ca, le Meta erlrl ba added tare Usees solutions, with tb payment you deelre to the paid o subsrrlpllea wlaaiag Need Ota A segen, to sc. amul with lb solution make with them Ynu may submit one or sat? leta Lech f Iheae arias aia be worth tit. a near ore run btiabiianed iwt. Rateas. many different aelullona a you wish to Prob- 1. pay CI Peso W.ms Hoaerrd flPTKO Cmlv u la rash, to which Kill be added twice Kl PAalO MOMJIINU TIMES. lem No. You can on month to oaa NEW ORLEANS or Ihe aassuat psld with the wbsalsg solutivo. .Mrs. Oeoigc hullegc El Peso, luu. The arliaa .71 yr subscripUoa to THE MOKNIKU TIMES.) .lorth urrgou slreel, ba been aioJiii-.- l atar a warth Ul each. On month I aa on or the Him-- iblraalcs at Uige Thre month ...... I ll Mr Count Is I froui Tetas to the convention or tan Aa- TWENTY PRIZRS- -e la rath, sha Ihe aatenal aaeS Six month 111 iional Coagre.s or Muluers and i luid wn lb wlaaiag sebillo Iheae erf, ase y be werlh SM .."k. rare mofareaa to be held at ban Kraa Twelve months I.N My Count la M , IN tsaa Nay tr to h, inclusive Tbe seoosMl proMc-an- or Use to 34 HOURS paule decida tasa, My Count la Is.seweooi ft RUATuU. Laxative and Purtalite has beast eliminated fraan Uses advertisement thru ugh Syrup Por young aad old. Drug slurs, lack of apace However, fall destalla regarding tbe Ail Solutions to the Circle Are you now a auboerlberT Answer tic (Adveriltcflteat.l MSSBbi JMtAsSai 111 be utsUleU u all tttuac tuaklug If you want paper sent lewhr thaa above address give Nam and Addresa below: A ., la aaedaaii. Puzzle Must Retell tie 'l tieve of lb prciuctt homes in ota of lb beat location in LI Paso fur tala at low price, owner need money. THE EL PASO MORNING TIMES Office Not Later Than The Sunset Limited WUl Mil cheap Call ana see II for yattrssir. A. P. colea a Brae office M Daily at 8:45 a.m. Nana Ora go street El Pase, Texas April 3, 1915 IMI sAMPLK, deottst. Mill bug PULLMAN CARS, TOURIST CAR THROUGH Dr. Paget. DarutL Hob.- - aeog. TO WASHINGTON, D. C. DINING CAR, OB- Kl Pass Waaa Se. Mrs. Utile Lr llclrlMi llr of fl 8. CAR; OIL BURNING LOCO- Ih-i- i brr died at i u cluck a m fnurauay "TAKE LIFE SERVATION t the family home, tlKH Motilan stiwel. EASY" 'ASK FOR GLOBE MILLS Assayer and Chemist ltd lisa fuuriaj mill br be id today el Hie IIIIS ON 111 HUI II III I QUO w LMKRON s kwAWr Meets . MOTIVES. reeiaeuie, Hrv alee. Ut IMC Llirislian H. MOHR ts CeaU PEERLESS HEN AND Rapreaenlative Por Shippers to taa i Loan.' Ssibser Heels Ceatg ufticiatiua burial n at ine Cut Rate Hardware, u ... a esatttery. Drard was at CHICK FOOD" El t Minelter a vri much autuui Glass 'iMEV'liATHEl1 20A ban fraaetsav a., taaa. v Paint and EVTU)ttS tl ncietrr auowu. CO, Mad hoen lb loruiuia tur.es r u. tto eas San Francisco and return $45.00 Mow til II fa... SH w lully ror year by the nJ l ouitrj Sr. A aaa keuaa. aucketT aaay.. over tUis. ' Z bupply C , of Loa ngH-s- . use of in Los Angeles and return $35.00 11 .cat poulirr supply nsuwi in in San Diego and return $35.00 Iir Mawliaa Practice Uwiua tu ebtlitrlu wti. In .legaui egg p...Jcr too ad ruldra a dieeaaa aMMsib bu blot lest you to (get CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE . aale daily ; lirtut 3 a. a iav Dr. Carl Smith MADE IN EL PASO a n.HMMi.1 On months l III Mb-- . HUM ill I IV hi hi n The riinnsl i.l ,.. Uartu wtir I'll skis tstsrera, Ctsemlat. UaUlluigiata. be awhl al i as. seturdai aft mo.rn. ai PtrM I It kium t AMD lit. tu for Ora Saipfopa. aapiitt .'Minn .i,i i.ii.,. vhi amasm HIM .M S Uinltlve in- - a. Kill G UAMAMTKIUI dan at. CITY TICKET OFFICE 206 N. OREGON ST. san log it taa grate c rtsrarf, Havana 111 POMIIoN GLOBE MILLS ill rraa3aS NaM tersad.. 1st El . Taaaa. ru.t National Bnh aidg M Pnooe 142 r. Davta. Mgr !. aad i aarvie. t. It. All Ink LLAsslllbU Als. lta,b IkU. LLAball'ifcb ilx nt tl. ink ULA3SIMLU A 1)4 htAU Iki. cLAsSIHtD APV

.a.aVLWs.A set. A. Jt.-.- . KáiHki.. EL PASO MORNING TIMES StaTtUr. Ap 3. 19I.

MORNING TIMES CHART JUAREZ RESULTS -- ti' !1 . at 4 . Twne ft 4 8, 4 , place. j i ift, II lili day. Ir' (! By weeltrk r.f and up. Bel Wrantilnp Dpraaaaa. Trained by P. ft Veatal. Setwtehed l.aday Pender. Patrioilr. 3479 ZtfS,;..:::;):' MidOig aurt pood won In a gallop, aee.ond and Ihlrd drlvlaa. Higfi prtre. I.easla HOTEL Knox í WlnfMr nlvra';! for Ni. huí iiverw.ighi. i Thoaaaa. 1. Stetson Op ?i ImM. 14. Hora Ull Joekev tu. galloped ilrecnbrae laned Jtahe,l moutly 141 in j . II (jcierri Xlnle.w.rlh ,.ne Hats Easter Hats Hats HM Jo I 'AJoaeph' 11 Mnry I AOA MIXtH BAI.I Five .ml ha telling. Three ). r old and lip. POWHATAN t ' U3 -r HI Bound . t ill I nil. II i:, v L MorM SB valne to Irm- pl. aeeor Hi Xumru 4 iBWlMirnMII) i. 1" Maye ID tndet Horaelt Wt wtk.jUm (PfmithAi .. it R shilling t Omeh t U ytlewHenry) in It .WASHINGTOr Oiieen Meew- I Mm AM n lnwxm .' ll :emili a I Murphy 3113 Yuba a rjp.am.eT I' rinniiii Ji'wke.'., T Rntpy JohtVMM 'Wri.arTerty) S r,. Marro By See Window MM t .Fngh-h- n II M VI a oreen to t4lt .lit r D.tC Just Walk and Our demur mm i umaa a 108 I II t M The Shrimp KFOrtrlicH. '1 SI II nig naoyaai t 7' Carroll i lrk vi X.r-ar- at 8441 h III f fl 19" i a UH Adama wi Hhuima Salmllle w.xmviorlhA-- II' lH 34M I Themselves nr. (I'MagiiiMAi a lwv II Ann Heed lol ennejr Display. They Speak for 111. tiru urn no w .. i 11" ia to 3IPt Lofty lleywnod a JHWalker .118 9 11 F lactam to Iloeele t tiTtr , 10" it" rrii 7 f 34.13 I , v 3 . piy a (BAJon)) Ml Mnleaworib l L ltd j Orino-- n.lT.ini.oili).-- 7 14 'tiMith. ofamercaN if carter Chauepr I J 6 J4Bi Wood Fjtig.rald III? II .. II Mullían 0 ttai Ml. i lEin cnnnein tta Howard II It II :n.i Butler Pall a lOulnViiAlllcgrl n I Murphy 4 We Have Them in All Shapes and Materials Ifi3 nmiy ynch jKndoi.h to; iimUHup1 ora I h J viao Kid Neon 8 (lilHoat II Hteyrn to 1 city waair. awes' ' At pom 4 minute, ilrr at 14. Time :fi is. 7 I I. I V Verte, piare. gap I Tigtrt Boy a Hi H) I ti Poland tka lwwhatn ha4 lb how. niece. I 1 Hound l)D. how. 4k Winner b. f by Sir Huon flpttsa) kaii. Jnv. show. 9 I H xi m.i minuter ft ai Time ft ? 8 concha, place. 1. iiiu Trlncd lv ll landin start Pad; won flrl three driving 4 tii. 5. Dempscy, la ara ka a heart Winner entered for two. .No bid. overweight. Bob Lynch. Veata. I. t. - It Straw Sailors - $2.50 to $5.00 Veala dosed strong. Joy rood race. The Phrlmp broke poorly. Lynch crowded Freda r rained bv C. Ilenrv out early, in .tart pood, won flrt three drlvlng- Winner entered for atoo. Mo bid. overweight. Panamas (Genuine) - $4.00 to $7.50 . Concha. ; peed. I. ;,.; M X' i hr furlong. rum. Three yew old. Net value to winner irtlch cloned very gamely Yuba, no ecue Johoon clo.ed atoiilly Bankok (Extra Value) . - - $5.00 3480 nn4 third Hi. XatOK SEVhVUTM RACE-- Mile. selling and up. Nat value to Leghorn - $5.00 index Horse. lip. Jockey" T second 35 third tl kltthxTav 'WiTíñT l Mole.worlh Indea. Ijorap. Owpjar. Bali - and 3Mvt ."I J Howard Buntals $12.50 $15.00 Josefina .mu. iNrwnuM.xoniltii 4 It Shilling Kill ' nr. :; ta7 Caro tome PJMIIeai V II rei. irvmrt'H i:arier 311 3 8 ft More, ... Hennsn 1 ü 110 4" i.aiiipnell i.oneman (TIIRyan) Itt worm 38 ueil a rjpi iioggciv Hit ! II i44 7,anaaree if Branch ta 7 Marro uMRcvnold) Carnill 3I.VI 11 ' 3 Kofi nsnrieil) inn 6 Sharper Knight I tMCKeer T'l I' to cavanaugti íiso nid irme 348 a (WAMcKlnnex Hat 7 at s" in n h in. . ,,1 BT " Rolibln Metl t ormea til Miwcowa (f lorertkkVtje 9 Morv. litar 1. - JPHawsitu ISI 7 liawnon 34t t .... Tht Towttatan ia rfnJ. 7! - 11 3 Murphy u ilni. WhiiAHcnme V J I'earri- 31) Hardy (Srulttoawirkhwin tl .ft 7' l t and restlul. lu 3ltElla 4 (CltTTtaltiCp) tOT I t capieT ta at location on Pennsylvania M i ininiii.'- - al Mil. Tima t , I OU J klliy May. plarr. 7i t f fi.t nff .a i xi ,.,si t fM, 17 ". 1:11 1:891-8- . Home, place. and M Streets, I ahnw. I Joaerina árale, piare. how. . Pela, allow, Winner b. t. i niiniiie. off at Time A.enur. Ittb 8. 1. Zangaree. . hy a ketc)Hr-ter- by Hip Plait Trained v. Montgomery. Mandina pood; won I: How. I.oneman. place. i. how. ahow. Winner hr. in. makes it deirble Piral kittle in marl 'rnament-Zarcn- . e man innnst samr. aill.y. J; Jaiiir, krnworthy, Trained by n J Miles scratched ar. kali lula Slamllng lot bridal couple, ilrtMiia. arirond ttilnl ilxerwilpHt. Feli, I; t; won iTIvlnp. High Hardy, 5 . Schools and Molí, May. I. ' good: aecond and third eaally price. Caro .lome, parlies, convention. . twin. Mo Some. I. J college- i early inierreri-nrr- riowji Winner eniered lor bid. overweight. Utile ouitaoied .aran', lei iih gamely ' Zangaree pap. " am Nome ram wide, but gamely. I.oneman flntahed fm. closed a The Powhatan amact the 1AQ1 llllllli xi ih'. eilint. Tlirer yetr'-ol- and up. Me ialúeio' winner people ol culture, and education. OO IM m nil tii, urn .1 11.. Ill proaiimty to State. War and Indei. llorar. fir. Un, iorkiy. ,Op. National defeated the Norfolk Virginia Nvv Deoartmtnt. lo to mnf S JUAREZV WORKOUTS league 7 to today. point of ht. roncal intrrett, r, team. t. her :i4AI iililo a nimtierlakei .11 ! i'l II Keeney Score R. H. E. makes that hotel especially at iJPkeeaek) . IM al a a 1 I ducriminaling pub- nil iviil in. II atareo tnarer, r April 1 Traek fet. .Norfolk I 4 t tractive to 3111 liarnard i Wl.rirhaerrr; .IOS II It I 3 Mbieaworth I Distance. Time. Philadelphia 7 10 lic 17 l ady IMnt 'MMPIrkeri .101 10 I IM It fir. 1' 6 Marie irBnep Ratlerlea. Waller. Cochran and Ma.se, The Powhatan otter, room, .1111 ;i XHXVilk. aoO) . ) I :. SI i 0 Mm 5i 7'l rjeniry Pan Zareta Stewart; Blxey, Oearhger and Adam- -. with detached bath at tl so, COAST LEAGUE SCORES :'li:. ij k Trip a (WWnradrordi .113 7 S a F Jarkaon I 4 Little Luck O'Connor. tí 00 and op. Room with pri- n.M Palma a 11 HmiihJtco) IOS 11 t r V 1 Robbin. in 10 Maanle vet bath, ..ta. ta and up. FRESH OYSTERS Mill Breeaer :i . 84 l 31ft n in 10 ti FOR :,, Jlilnallsli, t I t:rawturd Molin a Pride Hila OH Al Kali Lake venire salt l.akr t. urn Pott a (IHIrlkeri .103 4 ai H 7 91 Muihare m pi Platera Houate. , Writ for booklet with map. Served In all atylea to to - s fi Frank I'atlerson At Lobi AnrMi'- r'ortland I. Loa Ance SKH -- nirar Lump a (MiinaonMay .106 3 10 in. tot to to" orme in Bp il" AuociiteH Prru t -- i a. Dan I -- Ham Connor E. YOUNG'S CAFE air i ram ro Oakland ran. 1107 Mlv al 5 (ClKlW) .in 7 71 II II II Morya Í0, 0 Houston. Texas. April t. The N'ew Y'ork C. OWEN, PHIL :liro ....t,1..,. f ooma National regulara got AJid - Dlaliaa. Itoi or t XI MM I 1 mlnutea. at Time 5, P. 1:1 t:4t - UIIKi. sixteen nils for thirty all km. of Minean ofr 3:tl :J i i. Velle Forty In today' game Mauaacer. cold plan-- iluiw, I. Hlen. place, nhoxx, Barnard, ahow, 1. Winner rh. t- by ñu bases hern and dereated luncni. i hk tin; Kin ih in mom-(A- dv i mu HoiiHlon. or the Texas league, IS lo I. Moreleln Cincinnati PPM lilarwood uild Priie. Iralnril hy c. Tlmlierlakc Scratched: Vlalblc. Mandlnp man poou Ml.s Lewtalon HHily, .No - Srore: B. II. E. Biiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiutepl Wl.i-k- RRM WWEENKV, Prop. II mi lianilil.v. aecoiiil Hind drixmp. Wlnni eniereii rr üi. bid. over- Maglron .r II M IIIWIK 2fc Houston I 7 3 rltht. Trip, C. Mandadero 'inilax. lor everybody. Weloli .nil., cloaeil t. Bleu ouimde .all Hie.wa;. Barnard rinlaliedpa;Bel.T. New York , is to 3 alr.i l.nnili. Vm Han ninnlo St. iAdv. Pave Montgomery ..... Olrnn. Ware Ben' .... Batteries: and Baker lo) BTH It A L and one hair and Brother and Smith. a. Tioo rive rurlontk Sellln. Sir Ormonde World's Champions for up. Wet value to inner aivi, aerund SM. third lift. l:tS ""s Va HI Yip Bp ft Asaociefcat Prrtm Clricland Americans Win. k". LIVERY CO. Hume. St. X Htr. Jockey. Op. a. kl'.- 3d :i Philadelphia. April 8 John Tenn f AUTO ladea, Wt rtn. a - New Orleans. April t. The Cleveland 3 7. I .08 In ra CHICHCSTER S PILLS 111.' Snlder Beat iolllcei ...Mt 7 T it l Marro a 0 kooienay Americans dereated the New (.cleans nuili president of the National leagtir. is 510-50- 9 II 1 4 Max :S6t-- Phones NI II A Ml y. 3112 Frokendale ii .Mulhollaiiil ...tm I'l I'l ." ! Darter 4 ern aasoriation team, 9 to 4, hern todax. vor or giving baseball followers of the Pa- 5 I s Twilight :S0 vmr w A 317 Hoodar (Wcclancy) ...11 Jl ' 3l Mnleaworth ' score: R, h. E. cini- cuasi an opportunity lo ee tlie team seven-passeng- MSI ml. Apr (.NewiiianASiliii ' ii .. to l it Crawford 4 4 Hoadmaaler All cars at fill. In ll i'i l: Cleveland A a 10 4 wlnrlng the world's championship next 3i:i- -' Tempeat 4 (WUHendlayi ...II 10 .. 4 Ml 5"4 D lientry A untie 1 r bo.M. ,. .Ilk Blu. k v It tí curl New Orleans 4 II l rail in a series against the $2.00 per hour. (HII)CtM, LlnilBley S (WTaylor) .. .110 11 .. 9 9 V (I'l A Oreen 10 in Nodaway 1.08 team or the dereated league at tito :tir.3 Felina I Bl.llayinaki'i' ...106 5 7'l 7'l 7 Morya :36 t t oveta rill Hum h. 7; 4. exposition. SIM skinny B. 3 (ILowe) .. 14 K'l O Carroll 4 4 Be 1:31 t to- r Bast. Safnt. AI MM k alll ..MIS til 9l Nashville. Tenn.. April t. The I'ltisburgh Mi. Tener so expressed hlmseir here hwl 3117 Beaumont a McOlltiin.H .. tin .. i." tO'l II' 9 Mullíale su M day up m hi return rrom Hie exposition, SOLO BY DRUGGISTS VLRVWHÍ Rf lúa White a ISPolkl ...It7 I .. ;l Hi' 10 II Clark i to Nationals dereated the- Nashville .Southern or l Pi BASEBALL SCORES. association team loday, 7 to 4. where lie participated in the dedication 34Í3 ilapl. Iiruce (EHwyer) ...II 4" a gi ll orme a the Pennsylvania building;. sliorllianil (I'JMIIe) .. .IH3 9 .. 13' I It 19 It P. Shilling IS III rore: R. H. E. CENTRAL BARandCAFE nil Nashville President Tener said that lie believed liadNxIck a (t:wJtrkon 1. ...in 12 .. 111 It It It Dealy 3fl 30 Chaltanoapa. t; Clnrlnnall. t. 4 9 t a wotihl he rtnancially surress-- r -- STANTON -- JlirEri MteUy o W (fall) I'ltisburgh 7 t such scries lit in in MUM Hai kan- (Win uiij L u J Robbina to to Bh the Amnrinird Prct it and that 10 pat llcipate in it would be a REAL n N . Rogers. r OH in lilsill.H A I TOMOH ttlRC. xi I orr at : Tllfte 1.05 Chattanooga. Tenn., April The Chatta- Battertrs: Leverett, MrI.eod and well worth ror every hall ILEN FOR poal minute iJ. M M Baat, placo, t; Street. Smith; Hill, Cooper priie winning W receive rrrsh oyiura. Lobalera and I I I place. I: I. ItooHler, I, . by - nooga .southern association nlub dereated and Smith, In the IVational and American Paao Auln and Tail Lltery. rnki ndalc. ahoixx. ahow. Winner b. Ceaarlon- Murphy. player Flab dally. 11 la Trained by 0. Rice, scralrhed: Vira. Movlnp mart irood; won easily, aer- - Cincinnati Nationals here today. to 0. league. Care open from a. in. lo a. m. Thirty larte ror .No Score. R. II. E. t ram lourint ond and nurd same. Winner entered $J00. bid. overweight. Shelly, l Short- C BIINy.AI.EW. Proprietor and ta that never aleep. hand. I: Bkinny, 3; Frokendale, 3: Aba, I. Chattanooga I ( I "V. fiel Norlo Hotel. snidrr'a Beat raced ram laal quarter. Frokendale and Boomer atopped. Shelly Cincinnati 0 4 0 lit W. San Antonio Slrrri mumbled and rail, Batteries: Currie. Roaa and Kitchen: I'bune .IK tl IK IN Benton, Lear and Doom, Oonaales. ADTOHOBUE AND ACCESSORIES DIRECTORY Von will rind what you are looking- ror ojoo ill III ' t Five rnrlonga. Helling. a and up. Net value to on lb CJaaairted pat. wimii r liraj. aecond 3i, ihlrd l XlhlrtlcN Rrat index. Horae. Wt. 81. V. ta a. ptr. rin. Jockey. By tht M.ocoicif PrrtM Richmond. Va.. April The Philadelphia I Lesbia 3 iMNVcstal) .104 4 II 1" I' l Mnleaworth t Fin. 4 Alhlettc dervaled the Richmond Interna- Shot Gobs, Ravolvwn, 3400 Oreenbrae 4 (II Kern .107 8" S'l tl Morys to Goodrich Auto Truck Tires un. Fori Johnson a (AMorgani 9' 3 h dark a tionals here today. S to t. and Hunting Knivea, s'l R. H. E. Coats, 3374 Biihy Sun 3 (OTHutton) Mi 81 II o'Mahoney IS Score: Drop or 20 per rent since Feb. I, 3 Kl St. Tel. 3381 f 1 tttt. KLAFFORT. South Pm 3 Nolitiy 3 (MengesltPhllllpsl t 4 8 1) Roland to Philadelphia 3 i Camp Kit Ammunition. 7 and :t l tu Avocado 3 (JPKeeiek) ftl .74 H4 .' Steven 6 Richmond i 4 3419 Jewel or Asia 3 (AAiireggi .. It' i'l 71 7' A Oreen i naileries Wyckorr. Myera and Schang, 3140 cha, coeii 6 (WHTuilyi ... ' P M p Onnm is Morreaette. J arman and Srbaulfe. Shelton-Payn- 7 CLEVELAND GARAGE e Arms Co I4W Nolile Li .uní 6 III. ill ... t 10' O'l F Jarkaon ti THE SQUARE ten sua Zulu a (JBtWiodinaii) 10 104 in Lonaja to Phlladalphl, 7; Narfatk, I. 3 (Kattll) 13 p." r. E. WKKJfatT. prop. F1KST CLASS Cor. Faxao :II4U lieorge oxoartl til It'! Dealy to Bp Ike y4aoo4alt Peru GARAGE AND RKPAIR BHOP. --A? Kl and OTtrlmnd ata. inki.mil 4 UHWoodford) ... 1Ü ti W í Howard 8 Norfolk, April t. The Philadelphia Baxrrtoa Nlajht atad Day. ni" if Vt.. Wax FTmnklln a laata f Slav. Phono 517. yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiriitiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiitiiH IIIIIIHINIIIItnillllllllllUIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIHIIIIIIIIIMIIIUIIIIIU


JOCKEY CLUB JUAREZ tt SPLENDID EVERY DAY Tuesday and Friday, Ladies9 Days

Street Cars Direct to Grand Stand Every Few Minutes From Cor. El Paso and San Antonio Streets

First Race at 2:30 P. PL, Sharp Admission $1.00 , Saturday. April 3 1,5. MORNING m LL PASO TIMES JOCKEY MOLESWORTH IN GOOD FORM RIDES THREE WINNERS CNO oio unios oo oo snoi ao '.e-o- a oks oc co John8on-Willar- d Fight Returns Will Be Announced by Rounds Through Megaphone at Times Branch 9, Monday


Veata and Joy Have Hard Time Overtaking Mike Donlin, Champion's Masterly Boxing Skill Marvels Island Residents, Which Take Big Early Lead Snider 's Beat Comea in Promoters Uneasy Over Johnson's Determination to Co Strong Rush to Beat Frokendale Kate Shelly Falls With On in Exhibition With Sam McVey Tonight Willard J. Kobbins, But Boy is Unhurt Laro Nome Wins final. Continues to Lambast Sparring Partners With Ease. PL jJ J k Wl Baato fBaTfcr JaxHa tíLlW Í jt Jtl WINKER. Bw Ike Aaaactaird Presa Havaaa, April 3 Jack Jala son an fa uilfar irainot today kelgreea m kigb Vast (Moleswortk) to I (Mareo) I aaaWfr heavy dwapur rains for ihelr eh smplnii.hlp flnbt oa Monday I I Saltier' But to iltam axaivlaiaT BBxggal aaaaaaW --1 m axttttW I wind made ifee unplrasaal. Ike road work In the early morning wag Kittle May (Molesworth) 8 tb 2 Leshla (Molesworth) . Stal lath ' light, milng la Ihe wet and sllfepery mail. Their eierrlsr at ihe arternoon ex- Otilo (Irene .11 lo Concha (Stlrllag) IU - hibitions waa ol a harder nature, particularly in Ihe nf Willard. Car Nome (H shilling ) Itol The challenger weal through his si mils In a an dust rmsred ring before a large hollda) crowd, each or whom paid IVHIarrt boxed By HY SCHNEIDER. in rents admission. three rounds each wltfe Hemphill, Sav nge skonlnti unusnall) Tfe telena rider Otarte M4swrlh was there nil bells on during Ike running of and Mnhaa, lorm. Ills In lighting Ihe best he has shmnn tkhs Iar. He Irled Ike eatlre card al Ike Mexican plant beyond Ike Rio I. ran da yesterday. Bla riding was nd uu using Ihe eronrh Ibis atlernenn He wu fast tilth kls left, ecasinnlly tkr outstanding feature of Ike afternoon's sport. using his right, snd lugged wltfe Sasage and Mnaalian at limes. After Ifee He had a mount la every rarr. storing wins, finishing and Vxi- $3SSÉ3PÍZ&ÍÍ- Ihrer seeond oare third nxaxttk TüfetMB Sal hosing he wrrdird aad threw the mcdlrln ball. I aire, bring iraplared wken ke failed lo net any portion or toe purse with Miss Sly a worked this netor la the sixth. Maleswortk wo hi- - Ural with Vrato In Ik opener, lollontnu up that Johnson afternoon a moving plciurr machine, desenlng me Minr-- x hi me ncxl ly winning with Kltly May, a filly ky First TODAY S SELECTIONS regular ring for restricted inace on tn Plait, running la the Inlerr-- of Sam Waring. This start narked the first floor. Hn boxed eight rounds With Mini. uppcarahre of Warlng's filly In a rare. 8 he was made rqnl favorite with Josefina HY si it m 1111 u Scott and Hell. Ills ..ii round, winch Zarate al I to 2, and hi winning displayed a elever perfermaarr, oiilgamlog New- - (El Paso Morning Timet.) was wlUi Bell. Iisled eight minutes an filly at Ike ead. la the third aad fourth Molcswrth flalsked to Ike show hole AS THEY APPEARED AT WASHINGTON PARK THURSDAY Charles fJsBts, Kitty Sianfleld. the champion Joked with file sriectaiors as t coir Ball. or exhaus- oa a Wap, 1..11. he in,: ii. showing no signs Barnard and Rooster. He came hark with win la, Ik firth on Lasóla, aad la Ik I. Pan oulrk Trip. boxing skill 3. Bird Man, I Itlle Birdie, Maria Mac. tion. Johnson's misierly it final was second on Loncgian. still a niirvel lo the Havana people. 4. Carrie Ormr. Laxkrose, Mimik among mem Shortly IbA- - V B. A. Tower, There is iiuicli uneasiness after the field left the barrier Jon, lien's Brother. beri or uie tl$Ui undiratr over Johnson s the fourth Kite Shelly stumbled and Tell, YER 6. Cantem. I t rat Star, Befe fita Dana. intention to box Ram McVcv in rounds AMATEUR BASEBALL PLA WITH SPEED AND BRAINS 7. Atures, nose luna, throwing- Jockey Rottblns lo the ground ' senator Jimrs. on Sat11r1l.1v Apparently 110 amount or e-e- s F ose oso oso argument rtn rítante the chiuno ion mind. heavily. Horse and rider were uninjured, High School Freshmen Beat Soyhoaiorr. ato PETER CLARK. He says Ihll those of Ihe public who have though Bobbins got severe enough shak- In a game replete with brilliant and spec- (Chingo Pally Racing Form.) bet on lum aie entitled to get a final lili" ing lo Torce him to cancel his engagements tacular plays the "HI" freshmen beat the HARD-HITTIN- 1. Kitty Sianfleld. Charles ooett, ooma. on his rinal condition. The bout Saturday, Sophomores at the C. A. A. grounds G 2. Henry he asserts, ol course, will not be a right, Boland RECRUIT Sim Connor. Electrowin. in the fifth and sixth. jack" was arternoon. This was the rirst a DISPLACES but a hard, ethlbiilon. or of risi subntiluted for Robblns on Slobby in the series inter class games In the El Paso 8. Mirla Mar. Bird Man, Little Birdie. high school. The among By CHRISTY MATHEWSON. er and "Joe" Jackson. This list bunch year, he round none had any big league He declares Ikal as hampunn. he i rresbmen number 4. Cecil, osapie. rifih an. Tight Boy hi the sixth. In riding The come up like they to set too high a the ability 10 nil. Lackroae, themselves some or the most promising hitters don't of real stars arrive qualifications exrepl !.. egn and should he able lo protect Nobby Boland made bis first appearance In use to, tfeelared John Mcflraw at the Cohb Collins and "He lo be a slugger himself.'" Ben's Brother. Did Danes, R. A. Jones. young players in (be city and will make a standard. Take and used tl. against all romera at all me saddle nere in a long lime, ann was strong bid ror Giants' training ramp In recently, All of highly polished serti'il Mcflraw. referring lo the scout. I'ontefraci. i.anlem. Canap. himself the class pennant thai is Jtaiifn speaker. them are 7. seneTor James, High street, Rose ning. the redolent of a hearty ovaunn from hun ror the wlnnerjif the series. he looked over a bunch nf in ine other departments of the gime every biiaher' he saw who could busl times, aad thai If he rould, should dreds of friends and admirers as the field On " the) a along wifh aad glte a chance al Wednesday of The coming week the rrlsking ahmit the Held. 'Joe' Jackson the batting. Each can run bases and ball little, he brought XL DOBSON retire others paraded to the post. Juniors and Seniors will meet, and on Fri- was practically the last slugger to arrive field and think. The scouts hive started feltn. Look at that armful out then' They Ihe illle Jnha.an thai he broke day the enough grt or (Sgn Francisco Examiner.) sld Otilo, making bis seco start under winners of this gime will meet the from the 'bushes' who rould slough the looking or more Cobbs and Collinses and cannot move rast to nut his arm on Jim JoIiiim.ii and then Freshlcs On Saturday next a gime will bail." speakers In the raw, and the result baa their own way. They would Dlock I. Ooma. Kitty Stinrielil. Bio Prospect. the colors of C. Tlmkerlake, who be played with an out of town team, the What MrCraw said is true, especially or been thai an herd ot re- basen so you would have lo dig tin in out Wip, yulck Trip. couldn't be delrated. There la no purchased Ike horse from J rundí lo be used in getting uniforms. the recruits that have appeared at the cruit; has Docked Uto the tram ok ramp. of the dirt to get them around. .1. Bird Man, Marl Mac. Rosemary. chance of being lnurrd k MrVey, a The lineup or the teams In yesterday s k'lunts' camp this season, but I believe Cobbs and Collinses and Speakers are rare Of ooursr, this sort won't do, eilhcr. 4. Lackroae, Cecil, Osapie. he nelleveg. Nell, jaaexad the third la krals. game ft. was as fallows: there Is a direct cause for this. Scouts birds and not lo be found frequently. B. A. Jones. Ben's Brother. Did Divlea. with PeUI Bleu and says It I lag stretch rim Presides. Position. Sophomores. ire seeking too much In a ball player th sj "Yon come across man like Cohb only 6. Art Rick, Ponterrict. Senorlia Dana. McVey wants to return to rane M. Mudd Minn, in- . jonn-so- j Barnard. catcher II. Wright It to be that when a once 5 I have McCYaw l .MM'AL PITCHING STAFF 7. Bob Lynch, Hose Semior Junes. with Juhnsuii. wline peci-- if F. days. used digger In years," heard Is Williams Pitcher ,.W. Modler in the saw a youngster who remark. "Or perhaps not so often." HITLE8S WONDERS' SALVATION. still champí. in. lie will turn the tin The talent was mucb divided as to lb S. "bush coul.t Ac over tn in. when lie ins re Walker First base J. Lewis hit. he bun into the big league And yet Giants' manager himself C. BEHGIN. announcet L. Shear. Second base B "shooed" the In the history of biseball there his been fmm the v proper candidal tor tbetr support in nearly Jenkins without rurther question, riguring that he complained not so very long ago about a - icinclnnall Enquirer.) rine R. Monis Third base D. Carson only one club which made a great record ihal he will retire, but is nyt ier':n mat very number, as tb fields were large and D had a diamond tn the rough, but now ibey new scout he sent to look al a man. As I. Bad Prospect. Ooma, Kilty Sianfleld. give Ibr n. MCXey Crutcher.... Shortstop S. Sheay consistent It Is need- Wap, Beleolore, F.leetrowan. he will ruaiiiplonslllp made up of the cheaper grade or 0. Deer Left field C. look for speed and bead work and a lot the scoul was leaving, McGraw said 10 without real, hitlers. a. did to Marvin Hail. generally McKemy 1. Bird Man, l ittle Rosemary. Jim Jerrrltt Bush field C. Fox more stuff. him: less (or ma lo say thai this was (he White Birdie. horses. They managed to put across only center 4. Lackrose, Marie O'Brien, Carrie Armstrong, night field A. Brlesb The real hiiters appear to come up In "ir you see any other promising players Sox under Fielder Jones, whi n, known ai orme. one musían lin choice with the victory of 5. B. A. Jnnrs, Did Davles, Twilight JOHNSON INIH LGINU IN or Umpire: each Kenkauf and c. groups. Look al the days of the out that way, hook onto them." 1h "llltless Wonders," they swept the Lesbia in the nrth. with the win vesta. Lajole, Wagner, came cam ft. i'onterrart. Art Hick. Señorita Dana. THA1NINU HKIM4IONS7 Kitty May and Caro Nome the players rot dr. Then The scout bark with five. Mucb country and won Die world's champion SECRET . . ry Cafen, 10 got a ttn- - 7. Bob Lynch, Huíala. Hose lung. only a the The flock which incmdad and a MrUraw's disgust when he look ship In I90A. But the team hid an The chain;. uis roni.nued luiprovemeni fair break In speculation. Sophomores Collins, In books received a good Jolt through the little later "Eddn;" "Tris" speak- at this bunch spring practice the nxltuual pitching starf, great speed ma a with the little public work which lie lias manager, stayed' up at DAVID LEIGHTON. done has mven a story or winning Oí Caro Nome In tte final. Thai wonderful and (New York Telegraph.) rise lo secret flUy as the lop ror one season only. The clubs training, w turn Juhnsnn denies with a was harked with confidence the ENTRIES I. field was on the way to the starter JUAREZ that have ituck up there year liter yeir Ooma. Kilty stanrield, Russ Sand. laugh. II is reponed that he was seen she . wap. wnn Ml opened at four, went up six and closed MORNING TIMES CHART BOWIE RESULTS h.xve all been hitters. Bitting 11 the Pick Hoscas, Sam Connor. boxmg on his root ai daybreak lo On 8. Vvy, report. at five to two. hundred and fifteenth day, Saturda BAI.1 .n !., in.. April jf, IWV Wcailier clear. Hack fall. bone of a team. Bird Man, Mini Mac, Wild Irish. but ibr latter also denies the fefll :" 4. Marie O'Brien. Larkroa. When adv. sed by lus to do ami F1KST it ACL lour furlongs, selling. Time .36 3 4, Trie "bushes" seem to vary In their cacll. friends RST RACE Selling. and ii. as soil with crops. 5. B. A. Jones. Mabel Dulweber. Twills .iurxv ayork. Johnu replied At(k m- productivity, the does I lNSHOT UtHtt - f iv Minor Iffl rMi - - sat Titers arw good year and Dad ones, and 6. Potiterrarl, Caotein. Spindle. best Jimae nf my condition and am satis 347g S owner, Wc x Sir. Fin. Jockey. ina pp. 7. Hlnata, Rose Ring. " fled. I know lhat can right three hours NEAR 81 JÍ Cl a loriar sp re Aiuraa, UNTIL HOME. OOMA J barren iu has bbvi iodm in al a ir necessary. 34! 'reelings ITT Ambruae 3 13 I cruit season. The greatest production of stretch Rund Up, at thirty to one, threw a sear 34SÍ EVA I'ADWICK MIX) BL Some of the right roiloweri say they am 3?04 Cincinnati :::::í::ÍB DM f Lauder all s'as the period when Cobb. Collins WALTER PEAMCE. into those who had backed vesta. He took SI47 OOLF.BAtL '101 W 3 Hugnes 30 30 (Louisville not turn whether Johnson la in such good pace, broom Straw á 3' . and Speaker were blooming. This th tm w iri- the lead early, selling a good and M8 KITTY STANFIELD 10i 7t Margaret O. T .McTagfirt 8 shaie as claims. They say thai at the until the S479 SHH1MP tif t finen crop of ball players ever developed. I. noma. Kitty Sianrirld, Bad Prospect. dic champion it ru appearance, IB remained front entering THE 10J Penance IDO g !' fr Llllev 8 I in before Vesla could him. MS3 CHAS. GOETZ 101 In my opinion, and I believe It was tfeeir Sam Connor. Wap, Beleolore. cannot tell lila anual physical condition stretch overhaul 310? 1. loan.-1- 114 I Si Burns 7 Doll Boy. Allen. Little Blrdla. The Tatter was always close up, but was SI6I BAD PHtrSPECT 04 marvelous ability which has been largely Doc since they hive not seen him in a lest Bllllsla 108 10 Buxton 30 4. best-t- o 34J7 SAND- 107 ' 7l responsible for the recent deirlh. Their Lickrose, Marl O'Brien. Osapie. right. They sur no Is slower on Ine - rn'itd to do her bead Tulletf's BUSS 3IUJ Little Alia 101 I 7 Mri.erinolt g ire S48J BEAI Lrapibllltles were too tnanirold. They 5. B. A. Jones. Dad Davles. Ben's Brother. ofTens and defense he was when ors an eighth out. Joy came from mini MUM 3IM Sands Diamond 101 II II tr Hopkins 30 - than ii. Up '0 6. Ponterrict, First Star. Art lurk. he rough! Jvrrrlra at In tuni. ine position a late rush to beat Rmiml II 7 SECOND RACE Selling. Three year ..lit, Doctor Sullivan IU' McAtee l 7. Bob Mich, nose Ring, liiev believe, will go for place. Queen Macve was prominent 4i since, has been lhat scouts are looking senitor Jamei. battle, twcniv rounds and upwards, one mile. - Eddie T i'OM.HN)t.. . 10 II Wils'holm 30 and lliey express ihe opinion early. Baby lynch was crowded out or all Slfll EMEI.DA w .;i." ", for 100 high gride material, too extraor al least mat .reelings, place, ahow, Cincinnati, place. .... how, eon. IW00111 Straw rblg- - CONSENSUS OF OPINION. win enter ihe all money contention early, being forced to pull up. IM BELCOLORE W dinary a ..intimation of assets. The Wiilsril ling cien snow, e. gesl stars are uniaily round by accident I. (sum, Kilty- Sianfleld, Bad Prospect. ravorne. a a a 3414 OYLFI IM t.ri'i'tlugs drew gway from field to easily at Uie end. Cincinnati good per- Wap, ' onnor. Hoscas. Many backers or apparently aM 34l MOTTO PHIDK M06 win i and obtained rhe.ip. t. Saut Johnson KITTY MAY MAKES GOOD formance, showed gimo speed. Marggret o., a big gap. Straw ran a man. .war. u.111 noy. not anxious lor beis fol- 34J3 IOS closed utooui old time slugger, who dug a toe t'irii naris ami Willard's ELECTRO WA.N swell tare under ligiulling by Hughes- Tlx Lackrose, Cecil, ormc. lowers are gaining confidence as a ien4L AT FIRST ASKING. 3in0 AO.NES 107 hold when he went to the piale, set him- t.arrir 0 .1 lleqiie-i- s r.11 I.. la.-- -- - B. A. Jon.-- Ben's oilier. Dad Davlei. nilds t iwek di..iie.i Breaking tXUUD CHIEF HI COND RACK Five and r furlongs. Selling. Three year - olds. self In It and just walloped away, has 5. in tblrd position and overtaklna ÍII0 .....M07 I'onieriart. Art Rick. Cinlem. .i.u In s tu Tom Flanagan, Johnson's Zarate Ooggety, Kilty May was 3143 SAM CONNOR V.M07 3474 .11.1 13 j. , good; won easily. for good. Baseball Is too rait for manager, Jeerma and j is I:u0. Start 7. Bob Lynch, Aturaa Jimea. elder adviser and roinier winner In her flr-t- errort. 3416 WAP M07 him these days, bul there, must be better senitor In give Ihcse says ho returned Josefina Index, lloro. i.Mi.-- j. WL PL Sir. Fin. Jockey. op. CI. odds. He Has y.arali' CM out the running until near the 3441 HOSCAS IIS) sliders man ine ones wno are coining much money to bet, bul only at even finish, neck, 34IÍ Mol II CAD 110 sM 'Pied Piper .109 Ia II Butwell 6 p. is my heli. that or the boys Alhambra Pictures No Vaudatlll. (Adv.) losing to the winner by a - l4 3l It most terms and will get these beturc Monda. lioinrciy stopped early, tela, away first 31M PATRIOTIC 110 Babe i::::::::;:.::::!- lug 4 f i" f siewari t l I 1 the minors have heard and read so on the rail, was the victim of WISE MASO.t 'IU so mar g'l fii I Nicklaiia 4 i murri about "Inside" baseball the ma interference 3l BOWIE It CJU being 34HI OLTCK 1'HIP Ingomar .lug T .. t 4a I' Melcalf 8 Ibey hive neglected the funda- - ENTRIES UN BBJ I VEASINKHS right after the break, rorcod back. I'l t Jnrs Ihll H' came stoutly in the siretrh to bo 3419 HENRY WALBANK Ill Early Htser to 8 .. o'i &'i -- shuiiinger I niniiiiil- - in order to - - iioiliu.il ON PART OF PROMOTERS) . i:,7 King caucus g g 7 f ! Burns u 30 Prince George, Md.. April i ...ri.l.mlnr Tin Vpnu nrlhv, (Iwu'H ..,.11.- - RACE selling. and ... IU t qualification. This Is 1 big mlslikn and Race entries The eonilnurd Um pro third 131 I - 101 I 51 6 T-- Wals'holSk H feu for day. spring meeting, rain la worrying upwards Five luriongs. Htl the .layéis who hive not yet utalned to third Saturday. muli-rs- bul Uie fighi I 10 b i .'173 Irish ileneral ... 10?. 3 7'' 7 8 8 WirnnglOfl 30 a. 14511 LITTLE BIRDIE ...... MM tn. tug league, bul who halt ambitions April oil Un- itlle gel, III.' pugUl.ts, d necusaarJ. 3li'j WILD IRISH IiiKUiianfieii fur foul and nun ed last. way. should not lay 100 touch FIR8T"iiai:k Maiden. Filiiei. r nghiitig under a canopy. would mean OTILO WINS WHEN PALMA ... that stress Tim 344 MISS SliY Babe, place, show, .1111. .1011 place, j ahow, Ingomar, show, on Hie "inside" woafc. olds. Four furlongs. 110 in., in... in lures, inijiling great dv ANO LADY MINT RETIRE. - J4M HOC ALLEN scratched Hey, oakwuod. Aa a mailer of fan, "inside" baseball la REGINA II crease in lirorn- The moving picture meu Fakna and Lady Mint were the pacemak- !.'.. :al CtRN Pled Piper bumped italic m slretcb and waa disqualified on claim of foul by greatly overrated institution. It It not iBl.l'Mi: tay Uirre is no (iieimn but uiey win a stages or the i33IiB1RD MAN slewart. babe showed good carlly speed, tired, onar. always well up. had PLKIONE show the nims all over tin- world II ers dirferenl running in tb .., bul the intricate game u s made nut lo tie third,-bot- h (WUlCORDOVA 111 K'.o.l p. at the end. Early Hl slejdili pr early. 3406 IRRAWAI'liV .. 10 tue retiring In the stretch when iit:d lilsh ouneui uiuneni by long sbol. on few clubs that I have win, owing popular demand. came up 34M ROSEMARY ' Mls PHII.BIN It futid al on.. - during thv Otila stoutly to be returned th I, ACE f , tiserved Is a player tn d.in-- ,r geiimg rained dy MARTA MAC Tlillll) tint mil furlongs. Selling. Three linio iviil (IDLES and til.- ty mat llin slurili winner The early leaders were unplaced. 3475 fever rrom the signs-- be must learn. tilines niy rrom 4S6)DOLL BOY :Í4. :48 1:0 start good woo handily. brain JMi CASCO continue fin several days. PeUI Bleu and Barnard came far back ' Naturally, the pitcher, ralchcr in.l base- - to lake place and snow honors in the order FOURTH Threevear-oli- Index. Horse, owner. Wl. si. '.. , Pin. Jockey. no. c.i. signals, OUEEN APPLE Hie American righl lolluwers ire arrlv lir. mem have and the batter and base I ing every kvy named There was a heavy play on Bar- Five f furlongs 199 v I ! on tissiuer. be Weal boai. and upwards. and Devlin .109 I' Aiubruse runnrri have Incm, but the rest or the 3313 ATAKA lutviiig- de- nard, which Just managed to neck out l ady 34 vv PLANETARY 7 lirf .107 7 i'l iinn arrived lain today, been Haven 3'l S' i McAaiee I Ign eturr Is the raw bunk a far as I I Whiliiey entry. layed by the storm, luid JM figbi laus uu Mint for the show. Breexer and rolls were (34S,r.ARKIE ORME ftf 106 Task Collins 8 know. I have actually come well up with the icen recruits SIC'iNIi HACE -- selling Three year- old a board. The ileimrra are unking special early leaders, Slid MARIE O'BRIEN N Primary Lilly IV the training camp with several pads trips as urey ran cover ine route. MAZN1K HI Five and f fiirlon rati is Jtu .'; Jack Hanover Harrington piper and many leed pencil, in ract, l lug Key nmigpi 344 rt03 S47 III I'l IDF NT Sfe ersoiia in n from West KATE I.AN'flllORNE Timepiece McTaggarl up In a 01 SHELLY STUMBLES CURL mili showed Marlin thus cuuii ped BON MORA 104 reponed nial tuere was big jam M0 AUNTIE 8t Merry Jubiliee ..107 6 Pirketii in iraveli-ra- - there, being unable u AND FALLS WITH BOBBINS. 1i tills spring. 1353 ENERGETIC 108 hundreds 34U CECIL I77 Subject .109 Melcalf K an- you open l in i.uiia- - Mitras) cabled to- I m What going to do. a o kl WI'IE 106 Welsh Before the field had gone a quarter In th 34J JOHN HI III r y09 Mild of Honor ..107 :.'i M. laggartl.'. d il, glit lie nad bran to get , 1443 stationery store1" Mcflraw asked him. tOó FAIR HELEN that unable Kite Shelly, with J. Robblns OSAPLE Deviltry, I I 4 i. I . lot fourth aboard, niece. ti show. I. Cliff Haven, place. 5. show, ask. show, "I brought Ihll Hong 0 that I could 4Ytt FLY HOME MoT across and nut he had (hartarad a fell, was running in sixth 3443 LAl.KROSE fiyrla. to- she position Scratched take down the sígnala al ihe meetings snd 887 MEEI ICKA 110 special tleiuier, winch was dun late when th spill came, the greater number FIFTH RACE selling. bit Devtliry alwavs pacemaker, with ease at in, finish Clirf Haven night funongs. nearest drew out learn them liter." declared the candidate 103 REBECCA MOSS 110 or tor neid passing over the rider without fair early speed, cloaed ran. Task much used In arly running. I'lituary had at) ill sincerity. result-li- Menocal today sent a letter to Infllcliug injury. The up ID 314 VIVA THIRD hale Selling. olda. American .Minioer s. iliiougli wuotu winner turned 4A4 H Ynu can noiitali MABEL ft Wl ni facta. take down all the signs that ne an.! onr hair rurloogi. lie nad received liifurihallon n am. Hug llio 3440 TOWER u II RACE furlongs. us In your besd. or we don't want j..u pursuit ui ine pacemaker, r roaen-clal- e Sil feMBf. aud up. uno XI BM4 STI.HBollN publicailon In inr iu tne mied oearesi 3476 1.1 snider's Besl drew up on even terms tiM TWILKHIT 1:14 start with ui," said "Mar" promptly. f I'llllll It IUU situ-- i of i ri uorl mat he nad pigced a DAD DAVIE8 frel sure that niitiy are awed J. B. HARHFI.I. 10 wager .111 Johiiton, wnn Hie leader Oefore entering the siretrii it Inqex. Horse, owner Wl, St. Vi 4 Sir. Pin Jockey. OP, CI. Nil ulu.n in preaidaal winning by three lengths going away J44Í BEN'S BROTHER ... into failure by luc big leagur. Must of 3IM.BF.ST RIB AND TICKER Iu taiu 344 B. A. JONES BM4 New Haven I I II 1 13 5 It ISO .leúdale look the place by four lengths til !! it Matthews them honestly believe is some sort of trjo DIXIE "II ji urititleat to aiy trial thar i ab- SIXTH HACE- - Selling and 4tl Chuckles no I 4 il so . Ambrose 5 t organization full or signal HM5 MAROAHET C 108 solutely no iruib in II asy from noosier. wnirn lay in miro position (TAUJ.Joe li intricate this report. upwards one mile Knighl KM 8 .14 i a Slrwaid 5 and Mirreia and password like a secret 34S7 HEl I11l.ll APR 108 more turn .tones are gent abroad. I during ill the race. Tempest and Captain 4 ri snail 34X0 SEÑORITA DANA ill Laura , lul I'l II 4 4 Wals'holni 10 loilgn. They think II Is allogeilier diff. rent -- 111 NORUS 10 do all III luy poner lo pievcni boxutg riuan suoweu sonic rany peen 7 Tuluj-r- . 3473 HESTER Blue Jay II e ! 7'4 I' pendergasl II 0 rrom Ihe league and company In winch liE8IIM till 110 takiiii pIk in Cuba m liw SiU rtYl.fO Hulling stone Ill .. 1 4. 4 Warnngto) s th y have been playing and are nervous FolHTH 'broe year old! I regret tuvlog to 4m so forceful about LESBIA HAS EASY 3464 ART RICK ge Caaiara II .. HP 100 in oH v 1't Mcu air iki over 11 all that Ibey rail for no other rea and upwirda. 8ix furlongs. an api a.'iiuy iiis.guiricrni mallei, but V"U I (SlstiCANTEM HO Remarkable 10 t I l i Jackson I I I ' So m u my mat trxe II UK UUNS FIFTH. mo I'l son "BUSfeers bate said to m mi FA..I concur in opinion rniir SPINDLE lag.- util e I .. at I ral so so 1171 I IN N Mol execuiivt' of a nailon should uot b ii,. nfth proved tioihin more than an 34f v afraid ot try to ui. the hi J"F drawn 34W CANAPA a Eirl Light lot 19 It' u' W I0 J Mi Tag gar us) 9 - BRIAB PATH "101 into of llin knot rspeculiy when "airing ror Lesbia, which waa VIM league because it would be 100 fast for lfli't returned DAVIS hi Blackronl lug It .. It i i Lauder tg ' COV 108 ihe solu purpose a kind of over MTBCK II me 3IS it lo obuiu little the raisl winner i. recubra.. 3441 ITHST STAR .... Ui Palm Lear IS SH IB"ti ! la Carey IU0 too K'.lll PHoOHKfeSIV ll f "Johnny Ii. til and t ort Johnson. Th winner was 343 POHTErRACT P'W!" US tf ti I II MTlaaxa M ritn Liers ritaled about ItBI ntj t'EALEH Ill a) i me rrniit witn between r f lea.iua Troy to Join the Cubs whefe he bad Unto dayiighl SEVENTH BALE- - sailing olds Haw place. a, snow. . J field, a Haven I CtugJjl. idsc, II lo. afeo. 15- Joa knigni. Mw 111 IIMH RAI I selling old and HO TLX MEN PROMISE herself aud her wumiiis m aallon ana uparaa. rivr lurionga. show. even. craicb.il. loddiuur. opportunity, for fear big In I Ou. Ore obrar raced itoutly lo gel Its waa 100 rapid him npwards luriongs IO UI I. (Kill 34U HINATA rr II 1T1. Hid INil tog piare, won Johnson cam (rom the .11 lie'ii'iAidoua1 didn want to lake a rhanos oa H." . .. 1 IF tori ..i. III. STREET I By tí lo fia Time rear with a rush lo lake uto show Nobby BOS í '.bTT lili giWM Even has declared to m since, "l Tfe V 340 LYNCH a I wat BADE MM Haiana. i.uki. April liar wnnn was prominent early Charles Ooeig broke 344 KsMB RING v. tin .11. r.. un.. afraid 11 would be too fait for hui the miad urUy tnai - in, 94 Jl YoDIT IN11 pievaiirit of Jack ill on the outside, bul retired alter racing 34xt JRNNIE CRAWFORD 3477 yaga- olda and up. Tun . I I . lité . I. at I t. lit I g.,i up He 11. I found hoi lus an nnp-i- t would raise Uwlr raiva lor a :, so gifTrrrni ii Iu I IT0kBALp quarter in thud 34&Í ASL'BCA I aally. from the ailnnrt in. uard AN rowd Hui rn.lt an. nd Ihe VA.Itarü jwjtiiuji INI Dfe Usa IIM Juhnsnn - H40 NEUIER Index Horse rrwner .aim sai of I ball aud plajed under II4M ORTYH (..ii) in ii bailie. i HM HA Bl NS i.oou HALE 334 FOROB IT r' Use amo rul.M (7v7lANAMI lor iiataoi 011 mi April i. aa feaaa 34M Hani.- Anil ikrough of Ike Botel TAKB SENATOR JAMES th bl league wa an fast thai 3VOS kA) DF.HOSkhOS uispt'iieu action TO Ft BkC FROM t Holt t' I 44 4 - x 111. Ifee lit-ui- I Wan union "Jiibtiay" baa since show 11 up by his 1114 PATON nsrli Ibruisrivrs. .iiJH of Yuba, the rbwlc. looked lo Mat Not aka. Itowence cuumed- - P P I'l Steward I la 3 oa,n quick ibluking. winning al lee I aa I'Uiiie solum lie, lu.sna HOlei fe. Pea. o. k I SUTil Four to por.' in the firth Won slug turning into 1' I'l 'l I'l Lilly in I fey that laeauy alone. niUrh to my furlongs. owur" aiaiicia II Va .le. I.lrd th- Mai fe 4 upwards fell wno ill run At tfcst potsl afee was al Usa tllnupao astJ Ford HI fr T MrTagnrt I As a of ifee big inlliei s hn fu.. aio i..,.. man 83t Luke 3 s ft) atelier cold fan. 4 I'ANNlM.k a ra . k batlA. (yonl by three iogib. with Mias Sly sec- Bg he Presa Var Lsndi j Ii Plefceoa rTLleague r (V7II HE sad hi. of the Aaacul v it not so much rasii or mori' HRVM M 1VVU ond and Lofty Hey wood tblrd The two Puiebursl. N C prl of Frog i 7 7' 71 7 7" Corey Is) 13 In regular nave hecli 1 cui.eiloa minian: than a high rUss minor, but U.I Mm named gull, while Concha stoutly ill and eooud round, of maten pity rsri Aniel.. 1.1. Harrington kg a loui.ala ull Kid ror IB last rani first Myrtle 1 t (lltll ft rsMiiiiret inore nerve in make ,,.,.! .t.,l . in a iMioriuuwd Mrotrb offwrt lo Ukr first II, Hie flfte. olh .III.,.. Ui.ll.-- II. Illl aild IfO Vtrion i.d ,11 .. l.iougt al it li Una tail ..f 1.. 1.. i.ita nuuiy kl tin Many o( II neax--y bj a leogib Iroin Yuba Boggy outli amateur golf toumarueoi here loUiy Shepcr.le.. place. 1. snow Love (sgy, pigre 7 lo, afeow. I Hau n Ml untribulors . i loin I lit lo limit J. .hurón luade a kit ran to fee) in ibr elimiriailoq of Iranrta cock, .now 1 uis flaal i. third. mulled and a una lake looks asure cosIIk Tear (IIM COLONEL COOK uba, and . .. ,. 1,11. ..nal amateur champion, aud Wal- She ...a in. iar lorn ami tb'ii SODONCO eui. Travis, i o ic.i of arrors nuke, ihem more likely If a UU Ill with urley waa Ihll Usy stwi.i.i gnu 10. I ler in amateur rbainiuoa. SEVENTH feMAKPIM k Moll eaAILN among otoera ouioMt was defeated in in yuuidt!. -- obI-i ..ii.. up be iU'Viog II wat ohll flglu paiioiii u.e ivguiar lalsa of IU no . aaane. h aloe- - a .ml upwards, .me mile an.l twenty yards ne Mill lAJxt-- TB lltoxi morning oy num. .11 or tin: tUKM Wmm . - t. all ibr ..mu a, wool ila in turn Jev ini.i.ai. la iTw Jot iv '180 ilaxsaastii) N H . rlufe. I up and to play m"" "' iIIUlg lour ycai -- Ids and up Tim lul kclter ruuldiiy iuse of malo All arpee kaighi rua Ms bast rara wheat 347H ",n Xr" . 01 I j j 117. I tl 15. I t '"'f Slafi gaog woat drlHaMt. a future tuaiiy when reermi ba ..: ibai uw ii4 am aiuwkkd, ab felona hi fioui tlx iet. Mm fe ifeiDka to imai I ugly I o a 11 Wk hi irjfotii, be aauti show aa nuke tn tnn acroi.t to the fruot in law ha. uei. h iu tb last P Vk Jl .hi-- let geoulnt4' J. VG W. a . . tf . rrrifnri storiwduesa and be ovi.rira.hri him ill b run rra kvy at wile and set tin pac until it mm "i JW'i - 5 3Mn'itr1HtAL'PEhE 18 OU Suiidiy. 1. supere MS I I urv What lfe I Weal arnvuig fur boom, wfeera Mutual slopped badly pl ii II alf yuuiuoUsra afeould do 1471 MPBM I. uigkL uiii it hi. he. a. mm Th kuup tM 4 i ti McTaggart g rail fcatvk as law fuiwtaii.eiiisl. and 17 tan .iuud rtiiitiiing outatue ta loo ae y caro fc larn MA VENAL .109 Uat inguiai in beautiful a 3i7 ru iu la 3 BBtlOO t Pi all. I Mid and run feaaea Tfe real can nl Uip. which waa always close i 347 WKVANOKE ... III bri-'.- la n. fea readily actulrd. and utoM of all tfe boat ii kwiog ground whra fast as th Hoattnear. ilir orín orougnt uo near arrive ggQifest. felg Ma)t, fur II. are not allow toca tutu fal ..1 leo feeauUful ftxWa will fee a SI II up anynd uf id taxing U pia froaa langa oautag asar. At uu iu big ralfeer nd .c .ataandaiu-- o m.j- - i.,r nt. to of art goods Wltfeaa very ' Si AM eler hunda ooi stork Iff IV 1 league xtra la iiubt win joo b h..... aud a fexasi waa mud Hardy la d wail Mriy uaua we hup 10 fev a oiakipt! BMtMafetaro. Ttx.' I J tral i.iieanaai Parua rl ftBat Mtuatp. aaavot, a. show i. w blla tui la hlilla tltri.git it... iaaa aim Labia i., wail nam Ult miau 1. ...i.iiUi dlafeB. a the Ulurs feupt' under kard dene ikrougfeoul aad )uH did uuu The Mutuo wade a in i. .. dul Ui t n f i oauiai eua a.o Ir 1. al ...... I ... i n'.li .irii.il l. ami mi time, in i.ei.li P.iulu. k u, ly lor r .hVí,Hít.t11 PER PLAIfe. Tuesday .rukui aau LI gayvi gal UP Ibj I tHIIAII ''v 9m aBtsa iot -- will m P. M 1 V4irXMtsal j Till rméüá - la eataS Wars 3. 1915. in ELPA50 MORNING TIMES Saturday. Apri) Good Business and Morning Times Want Ads Are Truly Inseparable Advertising Rate Card. Crpportaaddea Room and Board Offered " RsbrI Estate Cky Plug artj ounnn I.INr.e FIRST CLABB I OT.f n ,.1T, UM La Pas Mmran Restaurant, t eraia wraM rat IS rr muni lit ft. kaataes at. STKAM heated rtns. soj boarl. 3SS loapacv M per na V saamk. Baal Menean Inabes 10 Towra. Aim rates aerar n k arSrr lirm Stock For Sake 3t ACRES. H miles Inwrr vi hmmi 4w aftar first intmMB. . lay. all tn airalfa. 9 It'll HALE OR rtie properly of the UNDAY houae aa.nrsi AimiBui hertsa tiaiiiH FOR SAI L -- One all around 7 year nld mm Vinton Rlirk snd Tile o . lorsted on th btf, 101 a. re- - all in airairi A.. T. A F. Ry. I of F.I I'sso nor sr. rnr. ruerna Tail. to Bats MM ttM. mllea nnrtb skater IBs IkM Write janiea IMHi'trs, I'. O. Boa 74, Kl land, good Ml arorea la ft MM. tots arres raw MMItof Paso. 31.300. atoaaatai April Triar soil. ..alf mile Yalrta. I. Itll o down, r r n, n Irfi. prrtnal II I laka M acras miles N. i. WHulEsALE onrj. California produce, rheap to pears; very fine; mm Mas latarahone tmlrr ta tSaraaaUaas "L I." ees hill onlonr now our apeelally. Peter I. priR hale f saddle cow ponías, mostly assart b aaaasr In writing. rnone faas. SlO.fW as Nakaya. Kl paM h re Warcttouae, 4M B. TIMES flrrr ten MORNING r AiawaaH altar THE on far 1WMIM Mr rrr la doaen surveys aw t santa Fe a strtlno No reap albir for irm man Eggs the island, from .V to ass. (4M1bn Paakry and 30 seres near Las Cruces, All ilaarrnrarit a nniillr Mir Will contain a iplendid list of houses for sal e and rent ; aleo bargains in city property. highly Impnived and very THOROt'OHBRED black Ml mirra cockerels selected birds. Is each: esas from abertal fine; 39.300. Practically every flat and room for rent and everything for sale or exchange will be Indian 30 acres fine land 14 miles mated taras, ft.SO settlnr. white up, 34.000. runner nucas, am a eggs, so setting -- I, advertised in the classified columns of pan; si m acres, hair In MM it im ... amiable for a lady Tims. C. Edwards. Alt in. TCk. cultivation; i a rood llrlna In II; Wirt eaah will MM ai spacf All to prr tnrti. qilaain handle n see Inula Howell, HOT Herald FOR SALE - Settings ol eggs. per set the above, and more, nprn nl ratr. rrr 'Isra. id. It traite for city property. ravrfi trrsrrttari. Ta ta Bltir Una: Barred Horka. white Orpingtons Un Braviara. aHi Inarrttan. SJ ASM 1 black Orpingtons, black Mlnorraa. tttl Ntm.lt nt dMtlar prr tnrp prr usntilli III NEW ftiiuiiiirc eiebaavd for obi: will .nir Magornn. mona teas swot a a p. m. 5 room bouse, large lot, - oa ,. ffir lergr aaarsrala 1 alaplar Ad Mine inn. noma The Sunday Morning Times close in oh Prospect Ave rr i sajara oil s. .Uarmirit INDIAN Runner Ducks. While Lernom This week only. See this RliAIUM. MlThTA silting tiulck and you will buy. raaAMrte anaMrr. par liar. White Wyandotte, Barred Rock Par r'b FOR HA I.E cheap, food payin reslsursnl. eggs rnone ijai.l j "SEE US." It ata. sen once. uoa M4, DAVIS TANDY COM ly.tU par Ithr. rae tnamtnrt 11 osnu. innai si Addreia Tomb CO.. IX lASO MUS CO.. '"tn Aria. Phone in Your Want Ad Now if You Have Mi. mn- - Trust Building. Phone 3014. FOH typewraer, visible. tin Rebuilt Typewriter Co., 40 Masa. FOR SALE Rhode Island Red ngga. It per TIMES BRANCH I bone f747. Anything for Sale, Exchange or Rent sitting, delivered. Phone 1443 or 1037. OFFICES t. PftM Mining TIkm U ra.. FOR SALE. ra i4fnit twfrona TU Tlv- - Financial and Investments 4 FOR SALE. IKtwtog pla-- a Mlniatin lirai.rt, ,4t ' FOR SALS. Mranrh - l For Sale Miscellaneous Personals Housekeeping Rooms For II von note to FOR BALE. ltr.vi.rh (Mi rri.rt and Kl li IS have good sell or want a loan on chattel mortgage or col 7 room bouse, t corner lota, N. Oregon St., SWEET potatoes for beddtnf. 19.30 per oo t AMIII s I. till CI.AIRVOYAVr AND Rant Equitable Loan Asmete fine floora. steam Urti.rh II 11 Kaat Han Antonio season, lateral security. view, hardwood beat; Hranfh IX mHlwrr Hotel a pound, atipa in t. it. rstterso I'll M tlon, Trust Bldg. atom; terms. Highland Hiora, Hignland Tart Rooming Houses for Sale Vsleta. Teisa. Tells the object of your vlsll without you fcaat Kl I'tui Drug Htnra. I'.'i AlamMa Hi saying a word. Brings success in business, r...ijr Lrug li and F(ih BALE Hemlnstor typewriter, visible, love, Ho- Money ta Loan HitF. spet'ulatlnns and call at Advance FOR ffttraata 40. Rebullí Typewriter Co.. 40 Mesa. tel, i, o, san Anvonio RENT Suite of housekeeping rooms. Mif rtpit g irrd admtlng .?pd at Phone r74T. Phone 4U0. ills Wyoming. WE make loans on chattel mortgage and tlJOO: terms. H ROOMS. sot IHN CHANS SEKH. Ur LB. WHITC HOUSE CAFE Equitable Loan Ass'n,' Trust Bldg. D. I'ark, Boa El Paso, i location ot Three .Nations, 8. clone in. well rurnlthed. Ion leas; aayj. t. ni. Tei orinar tt3 3 lots Msss snd River Sts.; V.TV. This la rato ra it balance too par month. Hem only Kl Paao BL Newly rurntaned. handaomely s snap. Male Help Wanted bju per itiuntn. WANTED To buy second hand furniture decora tad; spotleaa clean prívate booths for HI I' ladlea. ilM HOY. Prop. V, A WILLIAMS, tn room hoiiae, 114 blocks (Tom library; "a Mine Auction Salea and Commission Broker srwi, twin issh. balance 9ft per month Wanted to Bay Mbcelianeous WHITE treatment for berrulosls and to IM). If you come office Entrance renins Bldr. WOMAN tiHtk, malí i V Mm., S4u urn. Kent ratarrh. audaf from catarrh I sell at or prlvste sale R1X1MINO take a demonstration treatment free. It will everything suction H. II. work. .New Meilro. 31.TS HOUSES, WANTED To buy second hand floor TWO rurnlshed housekeeping rooms, cheap, ornee rnone ran ; neaioence, aaau-- A goo tenement. 38.000, to feemalers. any 5 40 i onvlnce you. .11 E. Main Bt. paying 7r lav Japanese conk, ramlly, Nrw Mrilco, alie from to fooma, ranrlnr from how rasas; muat be up to dale and cheap. .'it. W. Franklin. cent net: hair caab. balance Ion- - time. i 10 f,.io. CmiHldrr me ai vour nervine I. arti Oawred woman or Chinese cook, fam- Phone Sto. MADAM MACK, splrllusi medium, clairvoy- ALEX. ATA. ily. New Mexico, 1.10 monUi. l( you have a roomln houaa (or sale or Experienced Auctioneer, lots in 1330; uuy. ant. Advice on business affairs, ramtly I corner Altars Park. wiau 10 troubles, love, etu sos Meas. First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 438. FALL k MITCHELL. M. E TOWTtLEY. Fins apartment atlas. ' With Icy Land LARUE room. SM Employment. 30 Su Frenclaco L Lai Co.. FoR BAI ' itenilngton typewriter, visible, front light housekeeping J. 8. CAOZIEIt. 30 Mesa Ave. phone -- ;l - Myrtle tou. Autoa end Accessories 40. i.rbrllt Typawrlter Co.. 403 Mesa. Are. Auctioneer, Firs Insurance. Notary Work 'hone 747. 703 Rio Grande Bank Bide. Pkone tsl. 1. R. SMITH A SONS, FOR TRADE liandy saion roadster, in rood Phone 441. 300 Tax SL mid n i,,ii new tires. Will lake dia- r I) H O A T O L L Laxative and purgative Real Estate Fire Insurance young sac. aad monds, iroud lots, notes, or what have you? syrup, tor ariu oia. irrug stores, Fl'MN IsiTeI i housekeeping suites. SOS N. EMPLOYERS' CLEAR1N0 HOJSE. n im Demlna, N M., or will he ANDERSON-FILLE- REALTY CO., rooms; clone tn I Mn Address Hoi MAKICURIMfl WI Myrtle El I'aso BL 11 In ai M. A orrice, it:. Banner Bids;.. Are. 1 and 3 Dldg. Pipe ror mine, New Mexico, S3 90 per rooms; rioac Oorrr Hackler rttter i: rooma; rent M0 Monday, tin 5ih, only. HSkl'ii. rooms. V13 E. Missouri, phone 5413. day. cook ss prr week, room A Tliree rlly. It rooms: rem 140- ,- For Rent Miace llaneous nil. AMU HENRY. PHONE Mélico, 14 per I and board. Machmial, New 15 rooms; rióse In t.oto tilt SALE New and second hand electric HT1UBEK REPINO rooms. 011 E. Missouri. day, v liouri. and hand power carbonatóla fur Imme- WANTED To buy second-han-l furniture CLKAHUND MuDSb in rooms: rent MO EMI'liiVEIIS' 19 rooms; 1,900 diate shipment at a saving- to you. Write and gas ranges, nhaa. Fouix. Phone nod HOUSEKEEPINO rooms. 511 N. Stanton. Valley lands In rharee of H. C. Hailrv 1904. 313 Milla Bldg. aleam heat hone & rooms; all llartx hpiisekeepiiuT I.7G0 ror rolder The Hytro Company of Texas, personally, who Is better posted on valley Dallas. Texsa. LIOHT housekeeping rooms, sno Upson. land than any man In town. j:. nsims; all transient t.OOO Capíes Building. Telephone 433. II olhr-- all llarht housekeeping r.900 MINE, pfTtM, apellar mm rlmaer Ji looms: HiH SALE A 7 pas sen Hunk ear, IIOL'SKKEI I'IiNU suites, sos N. Oregon. in rhara-- nr xa E :ia rooms; all transient 2 .Alio lull rer Roomlnr houses Town - nt iirlp rnv in fmployere. (live as good as new, speedome- hoti.ae-rS- 33 rooms; sll apartiucnla 3JB0 ore and Office 5 ley, who naa sold More rooming r us your order. ter; just put of the paint shop. Any one than any person In El Paso In HEflVICE When you want a ii.oininr iioum iiieu Furnished Room For Rent the past toree HtMlNEiH CO.. watiiiiiK a Inn rum look this over. Call 3B64. DESK months. i Milla Rld See CREEL, wllb room for rent; telephone and lights Phone JAMES L. MAHH A CO. J07J. MixkED or broken r, sun - stratyi icned fnrnlahed; ground rloor; lelephoae an- OELICHTTfl. ROOMS. guaranteed. Brown Welding swered, 313 pi t month. Rebuilt Typewriter With is In it iMH. all I II. k.: terina Trai and welded, Co. Phone 3747. 40 Mesa. C. C ROWEL L. It's worth your while UNIQUE CAFE ,.. 'i.' San I ranriaco. Phone, 3347. IIRI.ICIOl 8 BOARD. DOLOLAS In raOMMi rent fM; terms tnnn Everything New. Real Estate. Inaurance. 308 Mills Bldg. 7 in- :i:. BAILEY LAND CO., ni', rent 3S0 MUST Houses Placa tor Your Car. 30 rooms; money on Special SACRIFICE For Rent 306 Ness, Omdorrr Hotel nuker, terms. tourlnf car; beat caah orfer una week HOTEL PAR H. BIO FAMII Y hlMMEH Sfrc- -3 mena, 7 WE HAVE II HIM sin OI I HE II takea It. Bee dealer. El Paso garage. 017 Magoffin Are. Phone SS77. 306. salad, pic, caki ele he on. apé- HOt MEM, tMt W AM MORE. Ul K nala fu bruaktasl. UELMuMT CXfX 401 LA - Mil HEAL I Y CO.. HOTEL MENTiER-N- In charge of Mr. and San Antonio 11. m lit Phone tag. Furnished Houses 30 Mrs. I. W. Rlshop. Large, well rurnlshed s. Oregon at Cash price, 3550. For Rent rooms at reasonable weekly rates. Ample NEW rarolltire t u hoiiya r i ,d w.ll bU) '. itnovt RtMIMIM. Hill HE. ENJ NliTK. bathing raclllttea. Entrance on Overland St. arvond liaTMl roods. Hione IMS. 11, 'tit Lonr lease. Always mil. v. FOR good FOR RENT Furnished, 3 room house, 335; near El Paso SL -- SALE Cadillac S. HtlMK n i'Niri'HE CO. Ill H. Union 3I. work splendid, sarc investment, t'lose In t rima, .etr. in no children: no peí- - W. H. Weeks, 7t3 N eitra tire, i extra HEI.LBEHO k BLAIR. Phone I44S. OH if I'sso BL Hue new iilsno. Four vesilgale. 711 N. Oregon St. Texas St. Phone 1K40, FINE large rooms for gentlemen, spacious VATKI- - At once, tmtfher StS little en ham- - tin .' .rssi. iSvESTIUATE front and aleentne norrbes. tn naa a-- prrlenrn in rroeeriea. IHKI Bnuievaril TODAY 7 PASSENGER Bulck. model No. 43. excel stury home, in desirable. healUiy location, FOR LEASE Market nrneery (trlavia Met! and Store. lent rondtnoti. pui tlrally new Urea an . WITH all conveniences. US Nevada. Pbone Flee unfurnished apartment sroiuiil, S7.VI rnone n77tr lárVi W tn To Lambeih. Upson Ave. Wanted to Rent si Real Ertata City Prcsperty Most modern Id the city. ItotiM HIHIMINC ME. MM. I X Hltl REM' on SALE My Stevens Dnryea "Six," SPLENDIDLY furnished parlor bedroom to Four Urge rooms, bath and line lease. nrnlliire Insured Tor ai.nou. model; good rondltiun; sultui han inotlel gentlemen or ladles employed; rate to Mí H. kannas. WANTED On or by May 1. a fnrnlahed Real Estate City Property all conveniencia. New Heuovaled. YOCH oppoHTIi.NITY. liini Wood. Phone 496. in. me one peiinaiiem parties. I3IV n orrgon. inly rof the sumiTier; would like 7it where the care of place would bo part con- k H UN HO- - i Y Female Help Wanted IIIIHs PARK It ROLE At.ENIH. HAItOAI.NH used si s. Aulinnoblles rrom sideration of rent, no small children and l.l loante furnished front 115 Main St. t.'rawford Theater Bldf. 330 up. IniernsUunal Auto Co., 110 Texas no sick: good iri ere nee. Address Marion room; also room wttn sleeping porch RaaJty Co. t tK v holfl. ' moiilh: lannly. ariu tuniitlt M, Phone int. care Times. Sunset Heights. Phone 317S-- M. n ,, Wallli-- . 130 IIHllltlL It ROOMS REM Mil; MM Phone 117ft. a Mess. down, rteauliful place. Close North HKCAL good FAIRMONT HOTEL, (ISA, San Anlonlo St. HERE ARE SOME OF THE an I rain iti-- HI In. of roadster.- lites and ncwlv By young couple. 3 or 4 room MOST PROP- Hacks. irruunds, rine porchea. WSU If sold at once. 04 wanted nice rooms, ano perms DES1RVRLE ni' painted: rash furnished aparuneul, about April 33; alate eiean transient Or MAR- A Worth im est Bldg. nent. 4703. ERTIES THE WANTkir trlrl lur iremial liouaework; jnore Hate Mills location ana price Address n. eauu, care Phone KET AT BARGAIN - II II o - HOLE M.I BMMI alay main- Call al In:. 1. Ilonle Is i imes. vartl. 115 Main St. t:raw'forUTbeatei Hltle. FoR s.vi.r.. irr,. one Maiwell riinalHiul, In FURNISHED rooms. 3 blocks of POStofTTes, PRICES good londllton; new top, new tlrca. opposite the library; rates reasonable. YOU SHOULI SEE ITI V WANTED By pcriiienenl couple. small 34. too WANTBO- - ..in .in In tin aeinral liotiar S HOIIMh HI VR I OF HI SINESS IHS TRIt Phone 7011. house, close in, rurtilsbed ur unrtirnlsheti riione 7Ui7. I., i.- ami money. Rio lirande St. bargain: I work, i all al i.' hoiiri'vard after item i.ease ti. k. cniiuiik Phone 3H7L rooms I earfttt at rlf tec at tl.vwi su Towlv, With and aleeptng porch, H li -- glassed in. A beauiirul soutb-- t bungalow, furnace HERE 19 YOI'R CHANCE w Mi eaklna 715 tl.'i Main st Crawford m, is Florence rrout heat. BAROAI.NS-EA- iMi.li l.nll"li Theater Terms can be made. SY TERMS. Jr. Special Notice Mual asll Building site on ROOMS, IN s MI ONE Isrgu front room, close truick. Tillaros a si III NI 11. Un- - as In. suitable St., smith .front, on paving. i. in im nouaaworaV I . Always mil. location, near library. Apartments For Rent 4.130. reneraJ ÍS line ciose-l- 3875; terms 3160 down. 310 per ' ni im' income special pin e anil terms El I'aso. red pressed brick month. They ACE tarnished 5 room modern bungalow, won't last. PARK Bit OS, SOt.K NTS. WE CAN FIX IT SHOP REALTY CO., 115 Main St. t aw ford Theater Old' Mi ELY furnisheu room, walking distance cloae to high acbool; terms Situation Wanted Male Foil RENT 3 rooms, bath, sleeping- porch. In private family; If Pbone easy. Cloaa-l- bornes Pbone 19sH. 317 Myrtle. board. desired. sail III ROOMS. not water. Dlllll in leaiures. janitor Bays, quickly. I I OPPOSITE LIBRARY. ni II 0ÜANT, linmerU leward al pa Ea.--y . walking distance. Caroline Apartments 13,600. Dandy. terina, see im-- sure. key, f nek Slid Oun Work a Sperlalty. IMMaM Aiiilftn ehte aim pastry ehel at PARK into- - SOLE ACE NTH. Phone 03. one or two rooms, new suburban home new bungalow, up al eqnjluyril Varaaola Covered and Repaired. in id iit Nnrte. iirerrent 11 M in housekeeping If desired; no sick. Phone to Use minute, garace, lota, ar. In si. rawfortl lln jler Itldr Un buy . I private I at lutí t lun lirande. h ), les Sold and Hepairtd. NFW mm. ni exrbaugrd lur uld; wul papa fruit trees tn hloo-n- s i cks oren fur inKaneinenl after the I ..lit of April. Tarea at Reduced. I'rlcsa. second hand goods. noise 133. r Alts VI ata acbool. can At reffp'tin a and t ml' nuaK HOME FURNITURE CO.. lit N nanton t any make lenna.pup Close In business corner, rentins- rnr am ui n eral yeara' t lal TWo rooms and bath, steam heat. Pnkrell par mouth. Para SA4 ner cent on oiiiiuri ei Lost 4 rooms, 3 blocks Alta vista pries. nntriua t kimwietiae lipaalsn, any and Found Apartments, 1415 San Antonio St. Four DELMAR ROOMS 417 N. Stantn rnr. wa school. 3 run lota, south front; Tana. ruiialdereil; ruotl refer-a- Mew Annerican rooms and bath, first floor Phono 6S73-- tr. free baths. BOr. 31 day: 33.50 up week. trees, grass, rlowera. Nica 4.141 tare Tlinea JAS. 1. WATTS, 8 room Utile bom. hospital ti First National Hank, an Fun RENT apartasen!, hardwood Ft'ltMSHED room In private faintly, aepa VALLEY LANDS. I man i li. goud noornooa. rnone s . too (SL 104 M'Mtl iiiik wnl work of Lin star pin. set with pearls. Finder inrs. naif rate entrance. Phone 1319 Myrtle 33 40 tn alfalfa, Ban Francisco BL a chance rnr .lewly rurniabad, handaomely dacuiated 3044. acras. on kind where thcie return in I'miiiienie Hospital and in sputlcaaly clean private booths ladlea. naln canal, room Bou. and taotemt ni Atltlrerr X 1X11, care Tunea reward lor BAM WAIL Proprietor. outbuilding a. A bargain FOR SALE Rv owner vrnnm hr,..r..& Pat Apartments For Rent Would consider other proper- knee uf valuable papers LET L'S OFFER RELIEF ly an to I B. Tnbln. kindly to tltU in trade. i.iit.ii r....r.r. .:r zt s":vzl return and comfort Ibat we give olhera lur chronic Furnished ISO aerea, 330 per acre. Fine I'ahiis CooTi Me aid I'liiHle J. u( ÍL"i!5,i. D,0" A'ta Vista school Can and nertous alimenta men and viuiiicii. land, under ditch, been In or i.Diiiri talk with us; cuDsuliation free. MODEL 4 h" DO,"rnl'. furnished unfurnished, St lust une m iid inkpin with coral set, In SIMMER APARTMENT large Fop RENT rooms, furnished or unfur cultivation. Qot to asll. - phyaiclans and trained nuraes tn at munis, with private bath and sleeping phone 3113 WHITE PADEN REALTY CO.. vrand stand at Waahiiitlon park. Re- II V nlaned; at. Wyoming. midan, r call lu 7. Nuuday lu II porch, lui lushed or unrurnlaaed; walking aPtaona 1Mb. Ty..srownf' SOUTHERN MEDICAL INSTITUTE distance Phone stut Jbode. hsrdwood. finished. ,,ii,i floor Herald Hldg El Paso, Teaaa L,r í5,up"i,0w jmprovementa. 60x130 fL IDST l.aal aeck. s bull puppy Ions; tall. at s bargain: III.OOO. Must auitable iv Inn mini To permanent couple. 3 room seen be Ilin.tT rtaiiii. i, for ears clipped; If, reward. toi Montaiu INCORPORATE. to be appreciated Pbone 33BB, Ih, ,11, ItlTu. furnished apartment, rrom and bark Naw Mexico now haa moat liberal Incor- porches, nice yard, prívale family. Phone MUI l.l.l I IM (icen. I'd V46I poration lawa. New Jcraey statute. No ..li 7 157 N. Hi lln a tartlh For Sale Miacelittnayous tax Provision nun liability un- Improvements. 60x1) ft. franchise lot. ror sale st s bargain; 113.000. paid stork New Mexico Incorporators' MM I. apartment, baib. sleeping porch, hoi Must be Situattiona Wanted Female wv a.. n iairU i riOlll! tAAM. ANY rOt.H MINI H Trust company, Bknta Fa, SpecialUta cor- water serviré, eloe in. au I table for ri'ii will tell you that "beans' the porate or gan at ton bos nuple ur woman, at 71 N. a buck (old; business Santa MILITARY HEIOHTS. block SO. loto 30 31 WANTED Poallloli aovertiraa Inl nut am financier will tell you lhal the man e. Phone 33IT. titer, mat (iaii- eertifii air. (rruawpllahetl r unh Ike job is the market. That's lbs ra SU. Bam Slaller, 330 Alameda. in nni-i- and evprraaiou. Hui MC. Hawvin, aun lite Myrtle TradUia Place la always mi i 1 rurnlshed housekeeping apart JAP rook anta placa tn family, city or i" kiim nut fur kibs for the It How i tot riled their claim ideaae do ao mum tu, in with sleeping porch, at 1103 Ne country, a. rare BUSINESS other n nil, nines. property at a price with tarns Wi an lit, market place ami it w, 1U1I dlaieiy tnr iiiniers:gne vade. all at tlln Nevada (or lofor malion s H. Thorn. IU BusineM Opportunities keep lie other D'Uow bu- - mere will be no kl. PASO A3.3oCIAT.ON ol CREDIT ME. NICE room, six minutes' walk, private SFWÍ. t 307 City National dank bldg. tn APARTMENTS In Kl niarkrl We have a selfish ml, nr. in keep mill lineal Paso. family. Pbone 304 W 3 room; lot il3?an. on car Una. easy i - uu busy row a, Miuuiicr ratea. Large sleeping porchea tun ni sini.s hit, in it muí ins mUkltiB Jcrary PIkuic icuaiujed ror sarasa; anna ana lenre. Real Estate Halt buatawaa. . NbW (..untura old; will buy Walking distance, no W. Boulevard. Farm and S imercrt ihhi pIU( lag goods. ISSaV Mats. Half iBien-r- second Baud Pi..ue li,u.n raluuu. mar I'. N 5 roor Kaat El Paso, s tola and aousa -- altMiii r,.r sale .liquor) t.. ..lirNlH S.ATAWfl ecll'IC Sllll alllomallC DttlaOS HOME FURNITl'HL CO.. It. Slanloa Full MKNl Well lurtUaned lal, with 'l t larse barn and plenty of fence , electric for AaTÚaTI lata i unfa, llunei a and inovln in ing porchea, garas. Also one iiarr ele pu in WALL paper cleaned, (t par room Itioaa taja. lígula, ciiy waiar as TeWLft. WITH rink HMo-I- 1' Mara; aiaall tasa paynreut, bal UM0. M. sure easy monthly linislliuenls The Hyaru Malo Ulittk N.iiin ttf Pualttlli looms, summer 4 corner lota on La Lu St.. t rooms aad niui'Aoy of Irías. Dallas, leías I 4 of Alia A aléenlas uorrb. south front. blocks lea ti .tail hualOraa. nlr.lh A SIN. KA DID aatm env wdj uy cook will bake your rakes. vista acaaaa. MR FARMER, earatna r to a in,,ntii furintura eicbaticed lor old: bread your own boasa, IN W fur áSjau. va ia.Ki .'L,n irja. ules end in or Ml. bouarht Will uivolee nearly lilla LeO aoisis lake Phone 4MB. IiiR r 4 belli glassed Kaat El Paao, houaa coal 430. 4 aerea. 3110 nun t FUR.NITl'RF CO.. N. Blanloo SI oidera. ken rooius, private per arre; 38 amount uwuer r suae of tit tn. SMS. seras 30 J I A in asaeplni porch, close Pbone alfalfa. arrea plantad MI MAHH CO now 31 4 bT'DAN StED- - Ü.V pnuntl; SPECIAL Piste your order for Aren- two (urntsswd rooius. 413 MyrUe. Phoaa now; room adobe house JU4 Bao Anltiuiu at seconds for 90r pbune a . lit SS ner UBI Riia ara apu rske, 3013. Archer For HE NT furnlsheal aparine-ni- 330 down, 4 room brick bouse, kaat with baibrooiu sheet iiadraatma umiuu lt N Iron . Bakery. US Stanton fHal floor PBoiw blocks of line shea; IM you a buainr-r- Itufí I ubbork, Teaaa. slreplat pnrrh tats wssi. tut SSxtts. t car chicken houses flow HD is in ihtnuah Wa have plenty mure at every price. las spring and pond t bouia' tlail) aajina better Vanilla wafer- - at for jour sno REMEMBER tti u.M large rurnlshed apartnseni. kllenanatu ducka. atanaad up uVsdar p. tiian i n4iin II you til work. Una pound every Saturday at Arcber'a Bakery dam; i be located ea good lateral ad Unrt"it IOS N Stanton. NEWMAN INVESTMENT su road, JAMEM L NAHM CO. I u"jrrsvel near La A 1A41111 violin. Pkuue tTsje anor p. av Wo rooms, kncncnells aad baib. tieaw Room aavd Board Offered This bargain Aitioato At. sospa. N Apt, ' requiraa ax fan LIQUID usual caeaucala. acceasortea. heat Til Stanton. Oavurgaii COMPANY IIJ30 cash. wiu. oalanca s, papar toarais. Phone at. Juarea coca. Co. HOME KOR BALaT átoaU We are mak For Sale MiaeelUaeosa UlNVAEKaCRNT FOR TUBRRCNJ lounlaiua l 'IMS with tna a auadaltv of an a fool ami to fool WANfEIs- - To buy second hand furniture Mess Ihjjm srssssianlsttoaa. aoua fiiaaiaflí SOipJaia, atock deaiaii. a aaapiui aiMuiaoa, rsiea reaaoaanie. Park al in skuea an raíale muri sell ruralataad aod Fraukfort Sto Fort Bllaa car Is atoar. NEWMAN INVESTMENT aaruaf at aa par cansí m you. reruut n a to at nine Woubl tmialilel ,. lime fur mall Toldar atld price Tba Myfro ooiupauy i. mi. and to drairalile truant Call ALL kinds uf (resh randies at Ai cuera reoliua N COMPANY leaaa, uauaa, rasas tilt N flaaviH. MS SiaahaS. Nit V l'B"i fvruleRed tSM II Phone 33. ios Sau Antonio . . MUia porrb. a.lS'itima BUI a. r,iR eillt etoaj.-- iu t,mr ,u.,j TMK BMClJaUB. M St. Heal llaliaa odell. rfiat 5SaMTSiI ear I .. .Ildi 11..11 M. asMssS at ulive oil tiioRevaa. bouaarbold ill Ira. Iruod AUd baUaUaCUl uu S Stan N. t ample II Rooaas m slorrrooia Ill FOR BALK wood, 1 For ski.kct berara. Nasi wtaprtvle bastaad a. Cndei fan Rebullí ypa paw 70s Ga., at3 Mesa Pboaa 47. baltoay Mis- - Da Myrtle Ptsoua bouee ubi uruialse.1 batí t PAsJUNtlER kriirn sisiin Maya as beat writer tasa or HUM ramtn tan per tuunib m M itaSHllUuii, lisair tar. clrasp (or caab Sac i blot k iroui car line la Oraad View POta acres Uurbradi tract a miLTZZ WANTatD---ta3- a to rijralabed faaasg ib eiMAUawesL For aarrirular. andblurlta Barter, tea Baa Eraaclaaa. curtains wash. Ph IBM U, rua (ur cmsvdT arunin asWlaaats. and ay. south Will Mou cu.. luilltshrd qak scciissssnsaili as aj aajWSBI Ball aadrias Parry Accat. iouua. MASÜI uRly reíam da ta eacbauged us at rinaaifcfi srSaaa mw hnTlg or fuá AiB A sasri lUAdlaa ualll. caniaMs HAIR ACILhtKk 441 Myitis AVO wnb i acrws laud, at an saw US I paar I arladla an rsu si luaa day Itasj will i euaeglaaceats, fSsaStv. aVaaVd east si 0 aiHl luntt) rawoa (or U ID mu kuaus) itats. Pauaa aSak H1STAIMAM saks. Buy Phuae am Fob REN ikae UatM porctsaa Usui Artauea- - taiaaa aaatata. care TaaBaav aiaekaaslns mt. We Siva l tare w Fur balk larataasaj. rwa. iuT lH.lt. erltra left Ilk MS. YH wiu alwari rkad frrat arwa aad b.,,.,., aMd at sBssa. ()aasi Wsasf paurirasa al ArcbaTs kaAery. af H worn city PbuaH . . Last as aaaw you alan wttei ra have i TBana swaei ttthiF BH ! n saay iaa Wia rotaras si ta n SSSS im sB larsas waai ajgsiaa Blasts ga oajaRatoke sau as. ras raaisbr aaak aa rtty on parad alroaaa asid raar ttaaa. bam. i aaaakaa StHSIM H.il saask aSBai. M B. (Sear Usad w r i.tist Wllb a at ssarsv 'm a, m iMes. iksa aa-e-a- . 'Am svu-s- atar. s MAJIILUWRU. ltVA TajkSB. Mui atkttriRO atatt. ajaVMy p. tu Masa plnatawki l .. ta al PtlsMMi aa tT&Ct'TT 11 xtxircjay . April J, 1915. fl, PA3Q MINING TIMES tee ntar Roaee Ureor, in tea rlty of F.I Paao, Tatas, rdtsinrrs tn conflict wim iht ordinance cata a ratear better tone to tooda an isaj Mettttay m me mm ra prts sty. his, - K on aha M day of HS. IM. Hvn and the nrevUrOtat at? tM ordlnaiine ami an m.ofar "MarRtBerv which ha. beep as'upiea EL PASO BUSINESS HOUSES FROM A TO Z rsat ratinn ne foreign reponed lo Be ifter t anawer petirfnti riled in 1d other ordinance, rerularinr the and hit thef unir orders It ka of motor Tusara h o l Thl. Mints, o hall he in trilte The situation In the weal showa no forre and erteet rmoi and rter April 1. material chante, pttrrhaaes being few and eetinn e t pon tne rilanr or tur tp ' wttaretn F. payntenl or rar between 11.70. Oaty Ilrffririnrer la plhatK rad the audi approved Isl day or iK a. moons, pmm am. plaintiff and LAiilM i of bond fl. rasgad and this Heniired basts am .non Til LOAN on at rent k ns south Ratf'lfinrer and lbs maktnt nerinftr A. la fllte 8 dtairoMa IMr noraea axi mm and aald peilunn alios ma ihat mr, cWk shall issue a April. It. tall. Texas Fine months. 7IV: xtVaarbwo eJeamrt W main.or Ine. iwf! the rlty C. I SILLY. Mayor monlha. sttrMe MS tr .' plaintiff and dafendant were married in Al to tk applicant to operate a motor BtB i me- warrant! Denver Jewelry Co., t. BROWN. Ptmne I7 Ron Inntown vívanla, on -- a one mm or Paso. Territory r In suple 74Trc: fine Wl Sida. vterinry Ptin eptembar I, bus or muloe Mu fbf awrtod ..f : AOOINU Antnnto. natn plial 'or noraea. 6W Tetaa Phone MM. atlon. dium staple. sTfie; rin rtuihing etajtei m. ad lived Ibero hu.hand year from the rilint of aald arrh. blond end wife until sanwateat n una, al whirh aertinn in. No lleeuae of ine kmd pro- fine nvedlum rRtthint, aiJÉtSr ,Blf adding mé mm atUMJS. t.s aajafxav, M. MASER. PftaSa 111. uatarte Jx 8. aSwaslli. issued oomblnf. 7rlvTSr; Ihiee eighth Blooal hurrouohs Mtm, nut time the defendant diinieriir Ian Iba bad vided for In thl oraimene shall be APRIL 1 ami board or plaintiff nh the mton Ibe applicant Iberetor shall nave romhing. ataksxTc. MTU EL PASO IRON AND METAL 09- .KM Sas Ue of tbe nre Pulled-F.- A, DAL TON Addm huminee. tM a St - WELDING. non of anaiKtnnln httii. that they have ima th rlerk a bond approved Arte the head lm trlpllr tlr rnc. AA. 7JkJac; rate AJsaooeo, aawaara scrap rxuevr. tad fired with rlty Hv govern A iroa. aa whlcb pon. I hall re and tR mental rharartertattra attftnr; topers. topar, breea. bxW ate. Pboaa km. not load lofetbar rttiaband and ttire By Ihe cRy council, or a perfxea. - 8Syv. APVKHTWIHG. alnro aald ItraV. Hut plalnttrt properly sup- exeeuled hv the ippllcinl. tnaTiher Hh The woman of this blrtbdare is nervnu. Laat CUM Barnes AfTIetr. ported and maintained tier dorinx aid time ram or more tonal nd siiffirieni sureties very be abandoned ntm ray or by nd a in temperament, amblilou.. win rl rrrysrery disap Malino l.iait- -i rppmen'i. at. Trutt Rldg. You wtll find woat you and that wtihotil eveiuied te riflle!t! oivnt rice and fine ex- No Utile surrounds the are haokta for Hxxii caiiar. rnrporfl61i. inenrporaled under Ibe law. herself far other Rt on the Claaatftad par. Herein fall you H,ie of rexaa. or a ermii ecutive ability. pearance or Utile Irene Pella woeimeti, not. hut ktv before aald of ihe havlnr The of (hi la Intuition, TE suv ail E53 a junk and bottle. It court, lit aroreataS Beat rearular terwi, to do bntlnea in the Siale of Texv whim renlut Ririhdlte daughter of Leon noeimen of El Paao, LajfsJ NotlOM tl sum iiHuiaand and Ihe electric magnetism of the hand, la a. l74na. rtrrt end st.rato. root sos. thla writ, with yonr return tliercm lKlnr iwnd shll he in Ihe of ftx great who ha been missing from her heme and Rorus dajokl. bow ynn Rave o a era led lia ame dollars if such license shall be for tne AM A The Inve la foe uwyih. ILLINOIS BOTTLE ANO JUNB CO aXEcTluN rMui.i rioi. J A. attrtjeda clerk of the ra'ion of ahv number or vehicle, less of thla nature Rirmonv harried all effori to loctte her tnce Milla Rldg. Phone Hi 1 I hereby Ivon Witness. all thinks. Tin woman sssTT Orarlaud. Waaoa iftt. Nolle mu as awetton Sixty of 1.1 Paso County I and thall b in the sum of ten and beamy in flernoon. A anon t the llitlo ha tSa cliy of Kl riflh Mairlei ttiari ill h..uid .pond some time in qxilel med Thursdy nil be held Texa. Given under my hand and seal uf aald thousand dollars If the number or vehicle dally girl w mat. tne parent BABTK& on Tueoosy. tn urn day or April. D. cuy auch llcenae anal! nailon and develop her soul qualities, bul intiiiuteu LUNCH ROOMS court, at orrire in of F.I Peo, Texas, lo be operited under so search, having Ihe aid of the police do toil, aama bein the aaooni Tuaadajr in Kl or April. IMS. eaoeed rive be lea than Hex en. and the tendency Is lo become absorbed In Ida - uurpoee tbl. tea dy and great partment. anil Sheriff Edwerdi and RKPRteiCVmO ti"jrte. 1 trit- PKoPUrs LUNCH ROOM usar, boma cook-in- t April, for Ike of efactlor Ike (Seal) J. A. ESCAiKRA, whicn bond shall be in the sum of firteen her work Ihat abe rnrgels tbe lesaoii. or Friday T A mayor or the fnrre. The officers spent most factum ComnMTtm mi I Mf C Station A. E. Mocrhaad. Prop. ty otflcera, of Court F.I Paao dollars If (hn number of vehicle prom in silence. city El clerk Dlstrlrl iunty irousend e She marry a man nlrhi on ibe lookout for tee rhlld. without Uta of fcur alderman el urn Ibis vd nr pril. S lo be under uoh license .nail should bom between Issued day operited 88 one Ali and all day yesterday rnenns eon MERCANTILE AtíENCtKa. rrom vaa city or U Paw: a jtMas M 10a J. A. tSCAJF.DA, ceed ten, and which bond shall 1' payable Mnh i and April or born In results, District Clerk. i scnur In all eorpuration toun. a treaaurer or Ui elly lo the Mayor or Ihe city or F.I Paso. Texas, go. tinned to Ihe city direclumt a The otfieera found one trace of the girl. A. City LOCAL MERCANTILE AfMSPJCT. of U Paaoi city uaaaaur and collector of RY hla auceeaacir fn ofTlce. r..i the una JOSE a. HORCASITAA rati IBI. - HE IT URl'M.NKD rHK 11V tXM V.IL and he had Special-tie- Reporta and Individúala, collec- use 'ha cliy of El Paao At aaio. elae- or any all persons, a hi enough lo lead to the holler that rood Imimi, Mexican produeo. : riling al ft OF TtlE CTTT OP liLPASO: and benefit and m R . Member the National laiion may who han been in the Mexican quarter, tbe south Mass i.d con. tto rtrst Bank tion. of Ao mk no person or or their interests aiper. Hldr Phone X7S1 ti Section I. That anal drive have a rau.e or action ayaltist lite princi- ern part or the cllv. The mnmer anil all the officer above ñaman, rea aald 4 propel n utortioblle ror hire cr a motor pal in auch bond, by virtue of the father are much grieved. nd hope that, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS .wt r:i H'nld Rid lion will be neid in the manner and form bus aa hereinafter denned upon or tinny of said principal or hia or tl If TVs Your Birthd.y finally, their apprenhensmn Hut their ureecrlbed by toe lawa of IB tiaia of the atraéis. Meya nd public place or tn rents, servant employes. In rnnneo hlld has fallen into the hand or some. Cliy or El Paao. wilntiui i HARE, am add Tars, SRd will be held between tin nour Tette. tlon with the operation of any .urh klndlv person who will rare well for her ral conirseior . 7 p. m. the conditions hereinarier builder. Jobbing, plana and etlmte. of S Hi. and of Iba aald data. The tinder and which bond shall he eonoi III be rcall rod. Phone tm. M'rviNO' Movtasi call odoova Tr atufar Os. atecttoo wui be held In Iba vandua pre- a chaurfeur icrtiricati Honed for the prompt and raltnrul pay- cinct a follow, Serltoo That when thla ordinance roe ment nr all donares Which Ihe principal on Nature. I a. into erren, iha Mayor shall a com- Ceaimiiaet Wllk NEW ANO SECOND BAND GOODS. Precinct No. Orear Stab. Ill Weal appoint aueji bond shall in any civil suit in a conn J. Murphy. ror the past CARPKNTKRft. W. mission composed of three persons, all of XII XI MARKETA Judge J. xho overland trot.. C Bulrer. prealdlnr or competent Jurisdiction he condemned o had been in the neithhorhnnd of said pracincti Jobn J. power, . whom shall be lav payinr voters of tire to pay on aeonúni of Injurv lo the person dv. itidr El one or New 1 nrk Metal of Hueco lank, hunting and enjoying the . Treolo and c M. Voiaa. aaaoeUla udrv. city or Paao, and whom snalt or property of nv peraon or ei on by No. s 117 Kaat Second atraet. possess skill in the drlvinr and propeninr Presa open air. returned yealerday evening in Precinct At reiaon or Ihe nerlirvne of ucn prlnclpi la let are more A. preUdlnr Cram nr auinmohiie. whlrb commission ahiu it- - employes April v paper, states that road" in nun CARTCT RiCWOVATINO PAINTING AND PAPERINÜ. Lonrnackard. judr; or his or rents. servants or York. Mercantile ai. m woodsr"" WlndbaiiM, Frank Parker and Jeaua Blan- be known at Iba Automobile titmmmr in connection with the operation or any shape and thai Ihe Utile jatmt tbe Board. reí ny and communing wtin niture nas improved PU tAcIO k WELLBORN. Phone M. TEL TUN PAINT CO.. SOS II. Stanton. P. 147 surh xehlcles, ieron tuvint CprSemct ÍÍS i ciiiraJ nr itatmn. J. T. Section 3. Any person dckjrinr a cause of rilon on mch bond as Herein him fifty per cent. CHINA PA Prsaer, preldlr.r judr T. W. Brown. W. certificate shall nuke written ap- before provided aramst uch principal 5. Antea aril S. w. Bonner, aatocuta Judr plication to the aald Board for an ex- therein., shall have the rlrht in hi aim El Paaa smelter u "tallen. i deposit an OL'MTOJfs STUDIO, Lucarna Apis. P. Precinct No. 4. 4U virrmi tut t. amination and shall examination to Join with such principal as co defend (Corrected Dally.) noi.ro edition II will he a hummer and t P. A. fee or tx.no. and said board shall wltntn 6. W. Brown, prealdlnr Judae; Mora, anis the sureties upon such bond. Mich Bar silver (Handy 4 Harmon quotation), of great value to Et Paao. CIVIL EN G INKERS Saorr EeMt and W. J. Ceck. aaaoclai ten days after tbe flltnr of such nppltra bond shall continue aa a subsisting- onu Hon and the. payment ef attch reo. examine bavn fully ex- 8!tV. ""precinct or ritlon until it ahtll been London lead. CM 7 atl. DAVID M WHITE, civil engineer and PILE) CURED. No. 410 Tays straaL R. E L. said applicant at to hit knovtleiire ine hausted, but In no svtlii shall Ihe surety u. w. or the City Of F.I Paso and Una ror more copper wire bar. 13.13. Mil Bliss 81. Pbette Sis. Newmxn. prealdlnr Jud ordinance or luretlcs thereon be liable pit lead. 11.13. $100 REWARD for any uncomplicated caaa F. 0. Alderete and F. Kecaj. laws of tne suto of Texts reriaiaonr trar-ri- than the amount of surh bond. Should EL PASO CATTLE DEALERS of pile w to eure without iha knife. and vehicles, and before reroiwnr alien wholly or par- CLUMM. AMD PMEStUMU. filly Judaea. such bond be exhausted, Matey Kl Ibreture. eiiiie-- or carbolic acid prerfnet No. 6 aty hall. William Albert, ctuol Tour's cert i ríceles sutil be required. tially exhausted by recovery or recoveries Mexleaa la Past. AND COMMISSION FIRMS. RHINO 1:9 your .loihea lo presa. Only 0 prealdlnr Judro; Henry Jerrali Oaoria In show, upon such elimination. irrrree thereon. 11 shall thereirter be unlawful (Quotations From tbe UTTEKNATIONAL A. E. of or such ordinance- - and m Trading company.) centa a Milt. Moretead, the Tailor, 401 N. SPECIALISTS. Huchanan and Cbeurcb. aaaodata knowledre liw ror the principal therein to roniiiiuo RARRY L. RtiBlNsnN Corner Taxa a. to a of r Nacional and Rant or London 13. oen'.ral .ittle Oregon St. Phona SMS. and Matt. El Paso. Tex. Judr aurrtrirnt warrant trade oeralr any motor bus or motor huasca bills. Lobby of Hotel S te'deia. Precinct No. 7 Eaat El Paao fir tuo, cent, anil "lull also he required upon lb sirems. alleys or public preces Sitie hills redera!) II CLAIRVOYANT PLUMBERS. Texaa aireet. Crui Ortlx. prealdlnr Judnt to demonstrate his ability to safrly drive or the cita nr El Paao MRU! lie or It shall Villa currency, m,. C. H. Hoik--, Ben Tar Eyek and A. Jan.a. motor vehlcrr throurh Ibe rmwdstl por- have rirsp riled with the city Clerk or PAY CASH and save money on your plumb aaaocut Judrea. tions or tbe aireet or Ihat section of the the city or Kl Paao a now bond In a like Ina; work. All work guaranteed PDone Precmct fo. a 3603 Alatnas avenue ad e.tly described In section 13 of n ordin-n- sum a the original bond and In like min- Mexican silver hair altara, etg. 1087. F.I Piso Plumbing Co.. BI6 South ixium to wm. Liehtnar'a). 8. Foater. nra- - rrrulalliit lrrrie within lite Cliy of io conditioned nd nproved. CCLVEKTS virginia. aidlnr judre; i. B. Saui dera. R. L. Caatle- - Kl Paso, passed and apptpved mi r 14, Section II. The word "person" Used LIVESTOCK MARKk'T'l 'rry and A. tooeii, aaai 1114; and when such examination shall nvc tn this ordlnanraa shall Include persons, RUBBER TRY cuy NO. oaraa been passed by the ppllrnt successriiiiy. or of per- Chicara) Livestock. and uta Plumbing Co. Better plumbing Prerlnrt rtrni. corporation associations corrugated iron tteel. Dallaa and tor leaa. Phone HU4. 6H a. Ctmpb.;!! at. Boulevard. John ri. Harper, prealdlAr as herein required, the slid board shall in sons and Joint slock companies MANUFACTURE!) DAILY Myrtle. Hill. Sutton White Mrr Co. to the ne Hv rae .4aoeóio.i Pera Judye; Win 1. cheraln. 0. W. ameron and wrltlnr recommend Ma"r nut section If II hall be, unlawful Chirgo. April Hogs Receipt, l.l.raxi. moke BI.WINEG- riumbinr rnarsnteed. a. M. Churrb, aaaociete Judre. bo Kianted a cliatifrettr' certiricite, nd (a) Tw drive nr operate or cause to b DEAD CATTLE. IOS ata- Mayor ihereupon Issue him a Walter F. Errln. S. Stanton Phone 137 Precinct No. 10 HlrMand Park fire the shall driven or operated, any motor bus upon M 3rMjM.Ml1; plga.' 13 tOtftn.nfl' Ellis Bros. Printing Co. nco. E. B. Elfar. prealdlnr ludre; 9. N. cerllTlcate lb word no flrttre tiibsln-HaH- or along any street nr other public place cattle, I cattle Receipts, 1.000. Market atedy. dead horses nd mulea PRONTO MBERS. wr Trvas Phone liw;l Alerld, Archibald Dormán and J. V. Brown, ts roltow: unless there is in rorce and effect valid hauled away free. Phone 74. immediately. Work City of ror ,nvr sierra, n.wna.o; weiern steer. xuaranteed. aisocltl judre. tl Pto, It license it prescribed in thla ordinance MSKUT.at), calve, :tci met .ao. 11 soutkaaat corner Mliaourl "Tbl l to certify that ) the operation or auch motor 6.S0. N. NATIONS, pluroMnt- - Phone ajo. bu. Mheep Receipt. 1,000 Mrkei steady to t. and Brown tireet. Claiborne Adama, pre- has surcesarully pasted the examination b) To drive or operate any molor bus strong, sheep, 17.10t.tu, limbi, 17.739 siding W. W. Roe, U. A. Criterion provided ror rhaufreura within the Cliy or upon or along any public placo 1ST BUSH PLUMBINO 478. Judre; street or t 18 DR. buck rirat National Bank Bid. Co. Phone and C. M. Cunnlnrham. aaaorlale Judrea. Kl Paao and la entitled tn run and operate without havlnr prominently displayed upon EAT AT No. Musses elher public so rw 4 Mill 1078. Precinct IS M Octavia street. Jobs motor and venirles same as to plainly visible from the Cliy Llvaslaek. DR. A. BURTON. Bldr. Pbone PI Bl.lt. STENOGRAPHER A. H. 1. within the City Kl Pito, to Kansas The Neweil aad Seil Seatattraat Carney, orealdlnr turn Wooda. of subject street, l sign or punting showing bolli Prank Pay Bob Props. E. cawihoi' and B. L. rurar. jclate ordinances and laws, ami such law Hie deatintlon nd route of same. Bythr " tnlnl Prrn aad Gaai, orntrnvE aoknciks. judre. Mid ordinances as may hereirter be pissed. Kansas City, April Hogs Receipt.. J. C. STANSEL tí SON DETECTIVE AOtNCY. 4,n00. Market higher. Hulk. M.70j)6J3; We aoUcIt the palronaire of attorneys, víratela and Rio Grande. P. 1. CJirro d, "Mayor,"" midor pus unless the same shall bear tn heavy, 16.7nay6.an : pigs, g6.4JR96.73. Club House Cafe corporations or Individúala in any clan of prealdlnr Judre: H. E. Cornwall, t. 9. Attatt: plain view, to as to be easily visible to Cattle Herelnts. 600 Market steady. South El Pase si. hennehaker and 'K. W. Piar, aseoe' a persons upon the tne name of tne in legitimate investigations, civil or criminal tiity ' aireet, In 076. KM RtpSSS, 'ÜctÍl" the license to opérale stirn In.74tf7.tn; calve! HSin.sd. ones handled by expert Investir aiora the PHONE Flrat National Bank Bldr. pro- Berson holdlnr United State and Mexico. Room 607 Two Prerlnct No. 14606 North Kanaaa street, Section 4. Before Hie aipllratlon which name shall be in letter al sheep Receipts, ijon. Market higher. F. A. Tay- t con a asxatya. Republics Lire nina;, Pnone war aVBOPia E. J. Reddlrr. prealdlnr Judre: vided lor in Section hereof slilll be rea.t lour inches in height nibs. :! to, yearlings, REPAIR lor. A. Barrman and Atlaa Jotiea, aa oclat udcred by aald Automobile Lvamininr id) TO run upon the streets, alleys or public Kl any THE BEN WILLIAMS DETECTIVE AGENCY. aecond-ban- .udree. place in the City of Paso rart Wart Uveataek. WANTED To buy tool and motor the top up. sun- Hn Mfir.rtal II Or lo fa OPEN NIGHT investigation made In civil and criminal H. Mohr, 308 9. El Paao SL bus with between Inn,, ALL rate. 1st Nat. Bank Bids- Phono 4406. run. ron atreeL F. J. William, orealdlnr iudraj paid lo the member, of tbe Lxamliiinr down and sunup, unless the Interior oi Fort Worth. Teta. Aprtl . cattle R- Pretxcrlptlona tillad and delivered 1. aroaeniaruw Board us roinpenalion ror their service. Hie same ia equipped with a light or llgnia eceipt, i.too, Including 300 ctlve... Market iHtattSMAoglltt SANATORH'MS. ludras. im section Ó. The word or term rnomr winch shall lie hurtling al such times ledy ill around. Beer sters. Mt86.7:. kt any time day or night precinct. No. 16 El Paao Oas company, an btia" shall mean and Include any automo- so as to well light tho rear seals of said Mockers, none. Cows. U, .MCT6 Melrers. Malil Orders Filled Promptly. DRESSMAKING. 015 N. CI Paso. Pb. 61S6 W North Oraron treat ' bile, automobile truck or oilier trarkieas Ew. srK(i7ir, Storker rows. M, hulk, M.3O0 idlnr judre; Nathan Solomon, w'uiíam vehicle entered In the business or- carry-in- r Bet non 13. Any person who shall violate 6.13. Blocker heifer. MMy7lo. Bulls. A. E. RYAN & CO. KDLCATIONAL. Scharrer and Wm. L. Sheffield, aaaodata passengers ror biro m and upon tne any provision of shall be .Mexican SECOND-HAN- CaOODb this ordinance 64!KS.. bull. 4.4.tfl. FUR KALE. judre public aireet of El Pino, which I held rullty of misdemeanor, and. upon convic- Olives. V nns storker calve. 83.B0M. Dnigrlt Mr a. Corrlnrtoh. Exprart'or. Buckler 8. SS Precinrt No. 17 k Co.. corner out or nnotinced by sirs, voice, writmr tion thereof, shall he punished by a fine H its Receipt. 6TW Market itiioc. liith-Cr- . WHY throw away your old furniture when Main and Santa Fe atreata. M. R. Dlnan. device or advcrtlarrneni or which la not cxrvedliig two (Jno.ii Top. bulk, we are ib nlybeat payer any hundred dollars 16.4uS6.33. potltivcly far prealdlnr Judre; Oeorra BlUh. WtlHam to be operated or run over Section ii Any person holding a llcenae ssheep-No- tecood-han- rurnllure and bouaeboLl particular nr mule or ft, to a In City Paao New and street ami Iroin opérale public automontte the Dr. Che H.k facial niassag;o. acaJr treatment, pair dr tl second aod Store. particular points or piares. or El paso at tne rime mi KA'NSAN CITY PRODI CE. 5 Buckler Bid; Ph. Phone 400 S. Paao. oriiuunee taes Inr manicuring. 34l tl , oua precinct are nvreoy auinoriaoo ana Section 6. No perlón (ball operate or erfeet. may aurrender the satire and snail Jig rae free Blood i ause motor nn or ror IU jeiala Curat Rheumitlim. FRUIT STANDS niio wfti r.i i iu aeirct iwn or mum oacraa iu lo be operiten motor thereupon be entitled to credit Kansas City, April . Butler, eggs and Pouon, Internal and mora for your than any In each of the ald precincts. vatuo or tne unexpired portion inrreoii poultry un, hanged special rood firm the It I nolle or pro according; Dlieaiei. 308 S. Kl paao. Weatern Furniture Co. hereby directed thai thl rand lo time In payment oi woman. CUT PRICE FRUIT STORE ror beat frulta at city. election hall be pubiianed in lb license therefor from Hie CHv Clerk or Ihe license fee Any per- ireatmenl tor Phone TaM. tmclal provided herein. DIN'S WEKKI.Y REVIEW OF TRADE. Coneulia-lio- loweat price, can 173. oram oeuv neuapaper of Iba elly of El Paao, and a ihe city of Kl Piso, provided, however, son operating an automobile auch I Moderate fats, Oat at By I hi PrmtB ered. tradtnf itsaop. tecond-ban- true copy or thla notice of election aftall be that this llrenfl shall not be required oi ib lined herein at the nine Ibis ordinance .1orteted WANTED To buy tool and or Raw York, April I. Dun's Review of rt. H. Moor, 30 9. Paao su potted up for thirty daye next precadiny the rhaurreur immediately In charge pit.. mes erraetlve under a public auto- 401 san GASOLINE. tuns. tl aald election at tbe aeveral placea unless he Ibe owner, dot to Trade tomorrow will shv Antonio Si turh motor bua. be mobile license who shall wili oats gam slowly, WINO MACMINES. for holdlnr tald election, in eacb of lessee or proprietor thtreor. ply with the provision or this ordinance "Domestic trade but war Pbone mo. B. Gasoline 75c: oil 68. Pbone 4717. tbe election 7. Peroro license shall be is- may li- orders' and food exports continue very t rL aforeaald preclncia. Section surrender auch public automobile or SEWINO machine for rent. Free. Slnrer. In amnony whereof I have hereunto ael sued to any person to operate a motor bua cense, and shall be entitled lo a rciund heavy, and In all branches business. The FII'E B raaollne 7Sr; oil 66o. Ph. 4737 White and Standard. Machine my band, thlt 11th day of March, A. D. or line or motor busses upon the street, or the value of Ida unexpired licensed pro bit advance in rollón is a great roller tn rl repaired. In south, All repair ruaranteed. Needle fur all 10I&. and caued tbe teal or tee city or El Uey and public placea of the Cliy or Kl rated according to lime. the depression Ihe while in the HAIR DRESSING. Fur. Paao, by of ine city Paso, person shall rile city MetKÉ I", or regu- west high price ror fsrm products make PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY make of machine. Rorer Co. Ph. 74. incited the aaal dark aald with tne specific enumeration ror of the city of El Paao, to be affixed tea Clerk of the Cliy or Kl Tow, a writ- lations herein shall In no manner relieve roniinued activity, and In pile of low Office Lokay tngelua Hotel, Pkeae I7B IM R DRESSING, manlcurtnr and "MarnePo" Po. ap- temperatures in Ibe wheal section SAVINGS BANKS. ten application Tor such license, which audi molor busses herein mentioned rrom winter Unmarked ror by plication state: general or vehicles, to rar crop prospects r regarded as favorable. autumobllea Hire VIII, shall regulations al or trip, hour or day. Kanner Bldr- baaemeinu DON'T be penny-wis- and pound foolish Mayor Pro tern, of tea Ctly or El Paao, (a) The name, residence and business ad- tne me may be applicable thereto at "A notable expansion slock exchange Depoatl your while they are Texa. dress of the applicant such general regulations are now or may activity la speculative expression, bolh or rite piaienrer car it so per nour. You will 'And what you are looking for esrninrr or r 11.00 per pare. You an b.nk wliii ul by mail, Attaat: C W. FASSETT. City Clark. lb; The number or vehicles lo toe oper- her'rter be provided, In other ordliunre the Improving business conditions and cr hour. on tne ciassitiea Íoura. National Bank, 107 Texaa. ated under audi licenses. rerulalliir tbe same, and olherwiae than the increasing hopes or pea, e "Safety Alwayi." Oaea Day aad Mphl No. 11,718 (c) Tbe type or motor car to be used, herrín provided, all auch motor busses "Hank clearings ror Ihe week lolal 8JvXO.ND-rxA.N- CLOT BES. CITATION BY PUBLICATION. toreiher wirh tee horse powor Ibeivor, snail no subject to ine auic regulation 40.v.l, a decrease of 13.4 per rem a LINES. In the Dlalrlct t:otirt --nrry F. the factory number ihereur and tbe county compared with tne snie weet laat year. AUTO STAGE Hfffelfinrer va. I.oulac HW reirinrer. Tbe license thereof coinnier, il railuro- - for the week num- Indopendxsnt Asstay Oftlosj SUte or Texaa To the HherlfT or Any d The seatliif capacity nr such vehicle, anon- - ordinances relative to vehicle and ber IT.', against 343 ror the correapundiug Constable or Fl Paso County. You to trade week year." w Btraeuenaa . MoaMNO rum DixivxnT. Oreellnr: aeoordinr their laiint. unless audi iitotnoblle In roneral. lat D. W Hawai A Ptnwar plaaa. front of Matat akaiaoa. are commanded to summon Louise seattnr Capacity has boon liartrod by re- section is. The holding or adjudication w Uiud Rundas aa M a. a. by maklnr publication of this cita- construction or modification. In wnlrn or any eclton or subdivision or sny rc- - BORTON WOOL MARKET. Fara 13 Paae to Canutillo. T5r; Anthaar. II.H, CITY SIGN CO.. 300 N. Stanton Pbon 1147 tion once in each week for four urcelva event the sealing eaparliy a, so modified llon or Hila ordinance lo lie invalid stun Jlv Ihe Afocialré Prru - . Tierum. ar.ii. M men a ata; aaaaiu rara. ai. ra week previous to the return day hereof. nni arrecí ihe validity pr any other s. Hon Boston. April v- .- The commercial Bulle- rr-- Lu craca. U aO EL PA. SIGN CO., 414 Meaa. Phone l!3j. In tome newapaper published In your or ub division or a section, hut all other tin will say tomorrow: Wmv3M aa. katarniMb auto laaraa Don kaaaardo. baa county, by or a i p. Ud to appear at the next rerular lerm accompanied a license fee cirnlaen sections and sub divisions of sections snail "The wool market has been erratic una JkBrBlaV oat Craeaa. at a at Sixty-fift- F.I he.-- n ror n of tbe district court of Paao dollar each vehicle, such fee wlmn be and ramaiti In full rorce and errecl. week, but manufacturéis hve making aawtaaeva aauJi aaaaaa oar.tad at leal rataa. - , nacnadana nientna a SaaaMb county. Texaa. to be bolden at the rouri- collected lo be placed In a Inn. to b section 17. All ordinance and pari Of more Inquiries, which is thought to Indi-- Mtla alai Itwa MADS :N EL PASO Galvanised steeL Tbe HP No, . let Taaaa Straac bed made. Delias and Myrtle. Milla, ax aUto u sutton wnii Mir co. Laana pwm itaaa. rnau Bowl abaldaa. aib aa Bund), at a. m.. aavlata Pabaaa .44 ft. B.. tARJkJÜT METAL PRODUCTS. aortb rood t Yaavta: tbaam aut road ta aiaaa Laoaaa I ft. w rt cum. Saa SUaarkL WHOLESALE and retail lanka, culvert. GoUbag. Ytiata. umtw kt Paao la It ft. rana m Faaa WHAT YOU GONNA DO WITH IT?&y xao. ARE to Yaaxa, cunt, sac: raeaaw aaa: aaa rnaarta, ( tie. Uabt aaaraaa kaaaaaaa tiaaaaita at a aw tail opyrisht. Itlo. by R. I. UxJtdbaar;. raiaa. Mak ioaaraaOoalBM aotoro at naaaa II Pfcaa ana. ACME SHEET METAL WORKS Oeneral Clmdanaa akeat xoaiai contraetora oi an utas, ait BMwniCAkkisoao mail unb. Texaa St. rama aaau. raaaaaaor awaua laaaaaa katk BaaaaU aad i dftUi and BaaJaa at I a. aa. far Phwabo, Ttanla. STSVS WADXLNfc. - naa7 Ltmaota. Fan Stoaua. Caaataa and NoaaL - OfxJ CHiXZY- cLeVCrV'S i evJtW- ton .ALMOST sSTv2ArsiGLb O5OKIS0G S tanaa 'aeo aar la.4. iafaikaia aaSMa vie ssPevT exErsmoc a ptt aula. Baaaaea aaaalad aa ta in aoaade IT OsACá? rKjh VT TOOK CAK.e I aa pound at te nor pound. rWfVx VRrVCTtC 110x3 Ofv) 0j OF THQSe for. coxUacks, ft,BOSWSM.on AUTO iXJÍif AMT ls bOCT&RS TO CttrX "TMfc I ' Oawaaa aad tlaaatiaa. rana SEVN)eJG HIR.TS SHe cHtARcaes m. s5xTt?R Ütei5 KJt-C- - cash KlMxC OUT Or MV txTJ. j, ocobi to raorrnx STtiVES taken down, rurniiure repaired SOesXS& f" i - CRxJMBfi OpCHOCCoLTt E. M. fOfe C)Lblt?e, mmm T YoOHa&eLf- VT . Via Aut eaa laaaaa Okaaa daab houaenold roods packed by LOpax lmmV22mmmmr ' V TwX - ' now I li Maaa roaamltaaa at basuloa 345 Myrtle Ave. with rtrhaffer turn Elc AL ailrslGS cuLLt?e.5 coopten HoaaV O lata, Qua Valla auto ataao Laaa HsfJ JOLO0 CjoE THIS kTMUtiS VltJUsMutaklS. LW MONAH.VNS ÚRANL FALLS AUTO LINE. W. PL laaly. Proy. best Muirned in aouihwaai: moat a. j Round trip dally (ax. Sunday), one arty. St ble. Pbuae ror ratea. Our aran will call. El Paso storare waranouaa. poon- - RAILROAD TIME TABLES tiaa. esa a. ttsnt re at. TMae TatAa It. . IMn iiaM a. w, TEW ART FURNITURE Maroa I. kMa. id a lor, pack. blp and SSÜ. ,TrtT SJS 8. Stanton SL rroaa ta SaS aad kaat Anta. ' I CaWonuaa tata luaurauco rata. City Tranafar Co. rouo taoo EL Pi SIJ::::::::::::! ho us ! ianaaia vs.:::::::::: Taiaaiian-- Paaa Uaai 'ttl P tan aa-a- Iliatmjt SPAN IMI 1.EMMINN a Oil Imi But Uauoa t caaaar oar Mti 14Ikaaaaa CONVBkkATIONAL milktt Palotora CasIJaB. J IHpx.X Afta? SPANISH Uaaon liaataaxtTl W. tea Sort Aaataa. TA1TKS. Miataafan aeaj - Al I. kind Aak for cataaMua. Ptsotte law. Mteresz- z Hina. suitoa k WMla MTt- Go. tAJUxtMJajSTS I I laT McU.L4.AR BAOS Plus llu 1W triacu aTjSANSahSTtMlaV 'lrófe.::::::.:::::::::::::::jS Saa tea laaa "SOaaaai. Ma ataaaaa llaaan a 44 ta 48 S. JSEODN. Uautr. Proa. Ftaone

IN immt uX3 I!'.".'""." " itStat lac a of tajaaa ana a. Co.. 40 Maaa t raa fill TYPSWHJTIR AID otrtrjr 41PP1Y AJJ aaaSVM o8 raatvad aaa rapajrad tt auu at raj aaa aaoaii i aroas lypawrtiae - amalV"' I a Waal A4 aurfaiar aad ta aa. aaaoaa ana. tack (aa s MS-- fcL FASO MORNING TIMES . -- furrier. April 5. IV?' For the "Eleventh Hour" Easter Shoppers I PASO HONORS We Offer TWO GREAT MEN for Cash V K. Lowest er ivrr.aine I.4NK M I MIH. -- I Ml - mtfiktéá WeeK-En- BAKAY IRAK AT BANOI FT GUARANTEED FRESH d EGGS, DOZEM 20c Specials I - pass r lor Bee. Water iKHl- AwWIu ai retry Law at .r..rirarer at Ore! Irrlsattee rratret. . That Will Prove Our Low Prices 16 Ika. Granu- Extra Fancy Pea A promlaa froto Herniary of tbf inwrlor lated Sugar $1.00 berry Coffee," lb. 25c woman' wardrobe would be complete and certainly no woman could be happy KrankMn K. I. ana that fee Ill UMMI ,li..o.r.i 10 fh raquaat prawn'od.! by Fancy Potatoes. Cottolene, NOwithout new Raster apparel Millinery and Access o rica. It ia the one time of the romrnltlra from lb .l I'aao Wbr Uar' t.oriMbia for ih appropriation of f i 12 lbs for 25c 10-l- pail $1.25 year when the world ahould look young and gay to all mankind, and the White Houae of for thr darrloptntml anil uilllraiion Uneeda Biscuits. i prepared a never before with charming; creation in Suit. Dresses and Coat for the ina water powrr from in Klipbant Hull' Snowdrift, dam, toawtner with the aiplanafory natr 6 boxee for 25c grand Fashion Parade tomorrow. You will be there of course, but you must wear juat rrwnl that a conrraaalonal rommlitra will 10-l- pail $1.10 right if you wish to show individuality in rlalt Ft Psao In May and look ovar the Freeh Creamery Butter. the costume dree. .iiiiatinn. SI whlrh time the propnH'ot Cream will reretrr rarernl ronnderiflon and guaranteed. Sisconsin waa the rootl Irnirirani mateiiwni per lb. 30c lb ... . 20c made by Mr. I.ana yemerday durrnir at urtrr Today he and Van Camp's Soups, We Feature Easter flay In the rlty. SI whlrh time Dried Apples, Mri l ane and former United lata Hens-lo- r 3 for 25c J.,., nil W. Bailey, of Tean. rrr honor per pound 10c cans ueala at a banquet Ivtm by Ibr Wter ai.oriation In Ibr main rtlnlnr room CITY &nd Dresses t;erf - WE DELIVER TO ALL PARTS OF THE FREE Suits at oro- 14.50 of Ilw Hotel Paao del After havin made an niended trip of la-- , These Values Stand Supreme aperiion. in whlrh he viiitrn varum, weni- - rrn reriamatiun ano irriiraiion i.ijri rrretarv t.ane. Mr. l ane anil wr wayr.r Lion Grocery Company Mr t.ane'i nrlvair weretarv. arrived In CI yttierday rnornln 1 u o'rio.-- Pato l Two . 109 S. Stanton $14.50 SUITS $14.50 DRESSES Arlx. The party waa met Phone 2424 from Phoeni. ' at the trkln by K. H. Baldwin. niipervlKiiur 2408 Street eleventh hour display of new ARMING conception in pongee. níinirr for the nonlhern dlviaioo or me fyfr mi,,. xtate. rrriamaiton serwice; AN, Suit made of silk poplins, taffeta, crepe de chine and char- - l.awKin. manajrer for Ihe Rio Oread meuae. projerl; Kelli Martlnei, president or tn crepe poplins, serges and gabardine in All the new Easter colors repre- Water rtera' afaorlatlon; B. K. Burgo. I k urn. J. J. pertninr. (eoran 11 sented. Flare and circular skirts, lace smiiii. Nayox Mrt. I). B. Smith. Gooley Wlnrl all the new springtime" color. Belted and r liaron kid A. W. Reevea anl earoried U Dklley. fleneral Pershing. and heatar trimmed bodices and some embroidered ihr lintel l'aio del Norte. C. E. Kelly. Felix MarfTnei. r. and Mrs Moye. plaited jacket and new wide flare skirts. x waa made In the plana James O. MeNary, H D. alee. Mr. and with gold. . Here rilante M. Murphy, Makgs Like H. The moat talked of valuee in tor Die lav fr. anr. It uorar.. nao re Mr. L. .aw son. Mr. Mr. and It reel Self and fancy trim- - a m hln relurn Mm. V. s. Me an. Mr. and Mrs. W. I.. "I suffered with kidney ailment for two g ry Paso reived lelegrims whlrh Hu Special to watltinkion a. eariy a. iioj.iofr, no,, Tuolev, Hon. Richard F. rfs, Mr. and years," WTItes Mrs. M. A. Bridges. Robin med. value. would he Mrs ir. T. White. H. n. PlcvcBs and wife. son. Mist., "and commenced tailing Foley nleXt at tlndliia that Ihrrr iniufrirlrnl s carry oul orlalnai Mr. and Mrs. Humphries, col lector of Kidney Pills about ten months aao. 1 am $1450 tinir hi whlrh in bit A. plan or Ibr Klephant Rutte dam and and Mrs. Z. L. Cobb. Jnlui Happer. now able to do all my work without vlnlltnir M. Mr. Mulyanlo I age rrrurn to leave for Waahlnirton yesterday John w van . Mr. and Mrs. fatigue. am now years uf sod reel pr an tnvilailnn 10 ri fleorge n. Lr Rarnn. Mr. in d Mrs. Hubert afternoon, anipted Mr. Mrs. . main al Hie hotel and annul banquet Krakauer. and Julius krakaurr. Easter $2.55 J. J. Mundj. A. W. Beeves. Florence Hall, deranged kidneys; relieve backache, weak Day At honor. Blouses lila $15 irivrn in Charles I'm-- . A. hack, rheumatism and bladder All Janies II. Harper, Charles trouble. I v Srnitor Rallrv Alio Honor l.iievl U. Sweeney, They are tonlr in artlon. owl Drag; co. El Bailey Klnnle, Joseph llarrv swalne TOILET SPECIALS Paso's Best Values PorriHT senator Joaeoh W alao and wire. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Knhlherg. (Advertisement.) arrived In Ihe rlty yemerday nmrnlnr H. s. Reach. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bruwn. J. Motile of lnre WO special of from Turwin, Arlr... where he bad isnilth. R. E. Hlnes. Ct plain Seanion. Today 'Mity 39c tables pretty new "blouses on been enaaaBd for iu"veral IBy In tnnnei-- captain Lowe, Major Elliott, Harris Waltbal. display for late Easter shoppers. The col- Hard. Kofi or Medium Ballev aa met by a larire nkniber of Tortri liniHhes.,... 25c lection includes crepe de chines. Jap silks, tub frlflBjds, ineludltiaT a comuilttee of which It F. rhklrman. The former t;iyi-r- - silks and lace and chiffon combinations. Biirr ti. 4711 i M'hMr Itoer Shown lenator. rtlsilnftiimhed stalenman and Ine Htmp. 37c in black, white and all the delicate hades. Plain, liel an inrntmal reception In Ihe ! lobby or Ihe Hotel def iNorle, where - ili' tucked Pao Mb (.1.1.1. of Bulk Perfumen and plaited modela. New collars and long he w met ami rreeted by rore of hfa Make Your Dollar Produce More Axmotumi Oeees, tlx- - 33c sleeves. irii iid. He hail a briRlil Minn- ana a cor- dial liandnhalir for them all. but the ena- - 10c- - Fine ut Hteel Nail filen. tnr m. not ill.iio.ed to talk iniirn - in a New York City Hotel or All Day Kncvlal 5c .$1-9- 5 5 pollllral way. He fought .hy all qnei iet tX-- . $2-9- toiirhlnr any tHilliiral amblllonH he mlfbi Í5e Hteel TMeeierH, Good hrii.h or tho di'.lre of III. friend, lhal In A pleasant room with private bath, Quality. Axntd. Msen, I li 15c enter the raen for United Stales senator year. also declined to make any PER DAY facing large open , next He $2.50 court. gtaj iN.wder f'onven-len- t ax lealalatiire or lb, roiimient lu Ihe Trias (Met one room, bat one hood red of them ) Ms to Carry. I n h ...... 15c KANTKK 111.1)1 M s AT Sftc One table of new rrlr-- urc.iiiiiilisiuneni. of the adinthlxlratlon or waah Monee. Including reftSS, illml-ii'- - Uovernor Ferguson. An excellent !Vfk- - of Klfcrr' Violet rrepe. rosaban, Ballry were ar room with private Jar offfandlc and lawns In whltn new The frlenlt of .senalor Cerate. Today Only 35c and shades. ranrlntr a banquet In his honor, when PER DAY hath, facing street, southern ex- Plain and a lover embroidered effects. leirnlnit or the airamtemenls ror the ban $3.00 Ur Kitvl Manicure Hclnaors, Many neatly trimmed.- - Choice quel In honor or Scrretary l.ane, the two posure. 37c by arreement, and Ihe ban- Today Only 95c were merged XNot eae room, bat elgbty-aeve- quet, which waa arranged 1 very abort of them.) Colgate' :.. Wurtctl Toilet notice by the Waler raer' aaaoclatlon, Whiti-n- , All Day 37c , waa restored by brief atldreaae by both To Stimulate Enster Buying These senator Bailey and Serretary Lane. Mmon Pace Alao attractive Boom wfthoat Bath per day. The fte Poudre . , 1 Kerrrlary llellvrra aa AiUrrss. $1 .50 All Day ljune 53c Felli Marlines, president of loe Water Uaera' utmn, was tbe toaatinaster, and Reatairant prices are meat moderate. .0. run- - of Melha Taleuro WeeK-En- in introducing herretary l.ane tald that El Powder, All Day, the cea 36c d Specials I'aao waa esperlslly proud Of the honor Great the elty by reason ol Ma ronferred upon' 1MB' Boie of Bonner's Faoa Hits "not so much because of nli LOCATION vl.il and One minute from 5 m.i. r n All Day Npeetal 38c Early Shopping Is Essential Today off trial station as for the reaann of Ma of the largest depart. .ti lling qualities and nn rnvniDie rrrom Cola-ate- ' Mu 5c Dar of t'up $1.00 CORSETS TODAY 76c CLOCK SILK HOSE 59c 1 iiaieawun. a aood citizen and a uublH' Flee mina tea walk frota 19 prtactpaJ the-- Ing Hoap. the her 3c servant who had done o much in beltair An Easter special in new of Extra quality pure Ik nose or tbe equallfarioo or the right or man SAc Can of Colgate'- - slum- model in Mr. ne sa.il substantially thai h Witnln a block af Mm Fifth Arenas aaotv C-- was or the fact that ptntT hewsasr, Hpmial 17c such make as B a La Spirite. black with white clocking and and nenalble district iba I'aao peoplo doubtless more Brery Hue of rr ur any transportation passes tas Warner' a and Royal Worcester. white black with self clocking. vitally Interested than those other Aoor. or seetliin In Ihe problems of Irrigation and All new models and regular $1.00 Broken lot that must go. 75c development. He said that during tbe fore- Fifth Arcane 'Bos line and piliu teal ear. - noon a committer or cltliens had railed face Unoa. EXTRA!- values. values upon hurt and asked hi aid In the matter Tbe HaeaosrTebes across ur obtaining an appropriation nom Ihe l tbe street Tonight To 8:30 Today Today government uf al least tt.0B0.uuu ror IsTBted Railroad Station across roe street 6 79c 59c Hie development and iitllluudn uf lb Subway Station three talantes away. r power Hurt would be generated al the Ele- IX n thymol Tim ill i I" K" Grand Central Station within seven min- phant Butt dam. lie said, thai he had. or ases, p. ml limit one 14c 50c EASTER GLOVES FOR 29c EASTER HANDKERCHIEFS cotirae, no right n make audi an appro- 20c a congrrsHlunal committee Psnnaytrania Railroad Station VuiIIiii-'- : priation, but thai jut eae Hoxra of I'tuf would visit El Paso In My, tu which lime block away. Powder. Tonight Only 30c Our regular chamoisette All white and colored border tltrv would look Inu. tbe urotiositloii and 600 Rooms upon feasibility, practicability, h I Kan de gloves in white only. Full length pus. lis el. .i Hot In. Plnaud'n styles. White centers with colored am sure, nuwever. or saiu won THE HOTEL gl.UO Mlae 66c our 50c sellers. the Quinine. and Extra special and self and colored mil.- and amidst applause. "Ibal EVERYTHING NSW AND MODERN. borders em louimittre will be met by the A FIVE MILLION or aagacious Baths DOLLAR HOTEL same lot enthusiastic and 400 " 7 broidery in corner. EQUIPPED TO Kcutlmien as presented the petition to me SATISFY THE MOST 29c 20c. 3 for this morning, and in this, a In other wal- EXACTING TASTE. 50c lers. wish you well." at v He woke of tbe snectal attention that had AH Baggafe Transferred Free to EASTER NOVELTIES been given ut years 10 the develop- FOR 25c TAFFETA SILK PARASOLS ment or great conservation, reclamation and from Pennsylvania Station. and irrlgatluii prujecls in Uie 1,'nlled Stales. A wonderful array of new Easter $2.50 Regular 10 gold rib styles, He also mentioned iue won inai uie oneu Slates was doing and about to do In Alaska, novelties for, children, including with or without adjustable handle tl the time the I lilted Stairs aruulrrd THE HOTEL MARTINIQUE in plain and Alaska rrum Hussla was thought hardly celluloid kewpiee, dolls, celluloid carved effects. Shown lu be worth the sum ut aT.louOU whlrh On Broadwray , 32d to 33d Street, New York novelty fans, in taffeta silk covers of black, ror It, yet tin- inicial treasury bad novelty feather fans, received thitiugb Alaska alone the enor 3HAELBS LEIGH TAYLOR WALTER CHANDLER," green, black and white. ewu.uwi.uou, JR. WALTER 8. GILSON fancy Jap pin cushions, Dresden mous sum ur and ine touimy bamboo effects and other new colors. No in uunstiun was lust on the eve Of IBB President General Ifaaacer Vies President baskets for enurmoua develupnu'nt uf Its magnificent eggs, boxed handker- woman will feel that her costume resources which would come with the chiefs for gifts boil, ling or the Alaskan tatlway and ine and Crane's Easter is complete Tomorrow without one Impruveiueul ur the rivers and barbors of fSha Sale Of $7.50 writing paper. Dozen of the ouiintry. . - other of these new Lester parasols. Th lie SBJU inai lie aiipreciau'U siucrrciy iue novelties the uni-- am kindness of the people of FJ Paao IB ar- at price is mod- ranging such a splendid banquet al aucb Sailors $ A 95 form price of f erate notice. It showed tbetr spirit of . . eyjC at .... m or enterprise and sunny to "do Special At $2.50 things." HOTEL J' lie expressed his satisfaction over the ra.'l lhal the water usera and the iieople IIIIHIIItlHIIIItllllllll Continues Today generally were pleaard and satisfied wltb In BalBSarf, in rnarg.- 01 uie 1110 uraiior iFLAlTOERSr last word In tyle fur Easter. ,je, and were working haruiunlouily Till', .if tka hlaheet ur the furtheranre of their mutual in 1U 47th Street The right kind of a hotel in the right grade creation and shown in, all new lerests He .aid lhal he was liwrouglily A .niialliy with Ilw plan. Dial had been JUST OFF BROADWAY locality. colora, black white. All cleverly In the heart of the theater and Littl l.ioached for holiiini, 1 lebration in trimmed. These 17.60 Phone keeplag with Ihe luipirlanee of the row- district aad adjacent to the shopping Kallora Today PI .1 on ,r lie mil orauar ,ii,ri i nri vrai Nw fork Citj Ir would endeavor lo orne in person and PnairivaJv firnmnl 450 Iso use ma beat offices with President atnra J Store Of to gel him to ami. lien cuisine and an exceptional orchestra. A large addi- Service' . at the furniai reremnnirs 111. lining dedication He said he felt wan anted tion juat cofnpleted. containing library, grill and bil- "Our Windows Never Looked So Pretty As They Do Now. See Today" yuig lhal if on, mi, - change for ta liard hall. Them latter and the meaMlent's duties arduous and (ess gravely responsible Pr,?.w,B.,h Dp would runsidrr It huih a pieasuir and 3S0 $1.50 Per Day id why I ha n. for lima ak.iliul M. M, Bl 7 r, a privilege to Wall El Paao on thai orraslou. tl. and t. blork alau imn fornwrly praaldrBI of Uif From OraatdltsCentral ataUsa. ears marked "Broadway with- houili.ni t lmiilii be Ua tasu bal for m'IIIbs blakey 1. blurk 7J publir .im.il i.n.i ju 4uv waa rrlllc srailur Ballry aaapllateals tWrelary FERGUSON KEEPS Msri-- niiany. today din runl by .iq.rrnr Joseph W Ballry was in- - out toáoste; Pennsylvania Station. Tta Ara cara without I. 111. i.iurt urdar ka appear oa rmri senalnr "I mo hiy iiro-j'- for auiuiiwiloii He spoke upoa har brforc urunUa lu ilw Juan AraiMtdaru mayor uf Nunirm, tu W..111. on a by IriMluie.t amidst applause brief Booklet raqtiset tlial I any liquor HanKw ..in sen anil broiislit in ly nmpliiiM-n- l of Merrviary l.ane aa a auuM prniiiUy trlu Irlli. Iran .J land iliuab-- hi oiapai of a mm in H R. Prop. i. uf In. 1. - .it uf Mnric i aao SHARES. BbaM'vrr kind or iKxripiHin iM .n. i..wu Munorru. Tela. ' ami Muallina; ,,,, 1,, rrroyrr II.- - man with hum uie amiuy ine win iu I it nay duly V kiwii ibal (iromlw " !. nii.Hiii, on ran ilrtr or rou-au- al ror ...... no great wura for Ihe devefcsrviiiciii of ! ,taiuti fnun lb twtuibrro Paritur. CAMPAIGN PLEDGE imtrriuu faiaumui ilay IB Bar nirvry uiaib' tur Joan N. a l.iuan. rtir ,, company si rat prulrrla Ibal would lie bene - h..u-- r ii ufuci i,,,,i,.,i ot Amrnra t bill McB provldra tor I Br .!laauaiv and roqiauiias I arm. SI sad that m 1) wben Mr. UvrU inn. lo tas entire rouBiry. He 4,,i luat ut BsnUabla rollón wsroBiiuar rvrrqHi roaiulrralloB Jan IS. iirctidatii , tbr HouUwm Psririr runqiaiiv he lbl Mr in wai Out a nil- iiw airariloa uf Un drpariairai uf " ""i iBlo an agrvainaal of a iran.ln 011 or levas nial it ae inr uenrru 10 iiiMirau. ind tiankina MleWVwaiMi arrumna ui tbr Roulbrrn II. ifu- wui. n bane baa rularan est seoonae n traen L. W. HDffwBrr bi build biirk buiblins waa lu ntak an uailUI paymant ibrrroi r Ihe great stale uf Texas. 10 coats ut tirasen raoMfitt .trees act re 7 lu on. tViui iMfi 10 way of El PAao. if M l n hiATl-- - Laistlva and Ptiraaiiv ii lull blurk Frankllu llnani. for ooaluv lb ..mi Bis slate by and thai BJUtlt Hon Air lun I 10 I III Le "wiqi youji a.ldlllmi I.' . aaUafMHl tu Hotel Fur old atuica. were ball and tarry la Marquis I I sad rii,, mrrl .rr.llHJ olillaill.. tats M.I II l .HUM s.ixriiarntroi.i utakr al U laiiMvt ih plaamff allrava not ,,,,. nun city, uf whlrh all Irxaw kt rur.il rauoa'i 12 24-1-0 Tlúrty-Fir- st inrilaad airajrL BJOu iHB.tr. Willi ilia rraull ibal Ha- ,.u,, an. rotad, Texas would aa well satisfied a Last Street. H.. M b.M IJi.,1., r klaawara rtalaraa Bjs VisajstlMs Ad-- l .inn. .i. ui .i. ii an rir. irir nan nn inroiia-- lb fura. lo.ur., of be bad pencil ated uno la Brart ol the al Miu Mad tranlltn 110. utanv uf 11. BoldBfca'i TIHK InMudnl nua a iribuU-t- ilwl. sisar Tbe KStalor .n.i mu..i A Excluadv Flrre-Pro-of Hotel us akl wiriaint properUea la ArlsoajA. Hi. rlty aad Hi pMiple aibl . pi rinfiim. pktdav U rl- - riant a la pásela. iuad urina: tar REALTY TRANSFERS Hruia lur Bhroaatliaa lut regr. ibal be i ouM imt rruialn luiigei H1TUATEJP IK THE VERY CENTRE OF TOWN. "I iauuk nuiiHrriain irtiiuriil u iu ' Ike iiujori Ihea tdymnnu Sast B woeU aui aiairuv' it1 " Mallas a BillSkll. KiUi w la Lula ... hi., u.i IS i. lid fur rsauuiali.iii wiitn Mri. lion Mdsirrs Ms Mask Is wtsasl. a law rnlout-e- s leadlBg steroa ..y 1' a i' o eaaQV KM At 1 Bfca Witbla of all tea éesaftaasnl aad near nuour laJai ill r.tg and ra,t of 17. Mot S I i. i,i. .ui ua 'a fan b raa work of IBB I 11, .1 ...... tu I betid sHMalh mod siair, aleh-oiaa- s tbeaiare. B. BVBB in.ii lata 4f ami uilwr mriiiliri r ny family artri a lt.BMt. no matin bow badly ha In Ilw hotel lobby all taa . ay Bui y . faairy rendered inunr 'H II. i SI j...u.n áe. aaam durliif tlw paal 00 auaut du Hd work ba ami In lae SBBUXI BaM at luiervals dur- Vive BtuButae Peiuxarlvaala Scat " bin ill fli iy, mat Ufa - aim freo, ta loe baa ikr um sasi fj iiri urih ing in. baiHiui I. tawt a delscfetaraji ul trwu.s 4 tor i rular a SX Ur ilai a pauri ii.ti.t ih UiaHi ur Uiruui n alt .gl ieii.1 rr.i 4r slw a. aa an eafwl l avne i.Umr iImi w bj rr I iil.i.i. Binaiy nun I wnuii,1. All .allí jreaes ttf t. 0. iu irsacii a ftieert. Ma L ijauaaai ajiuriti u lhai ,tr. ii hotel lu ha t uion ,a Bealiiii erwnnals Par las aaplr 4 M aaa M blu.-- ms . BBBBa uaana uaa urea I wpt Hildajassrk rauaya tilín lr oner ul.l. Hull' 4 -6 g f aciUas .i.ua..i tu saars taas oa i aau I abara irtai a Bgttrgoa amd Bmtk. ill ,4UirUiiarai tiMoat ol tbe ..ibwe.ir Parlor. f y í fui .ill Sartor . v i lu i. a w Sal u-- i as; l i SSI owl uraa - .Adrar lua Heiih.r lit it aaxHiiu autf M ami II. Blura I LBtk.fl MALaV IB IAMBI CataM hi tagl Rgoa, i.50 .1 tin Uirmeal ra IW Mil i - luuay auasBt tu rwlui Ur Tkuae atti IhllBg f ts .,1 Ibr Isiert rlaeklet aad partlcuktrs aa leaueet. M I U mía a sacsesari ui VN4t' T .... i. Waat S Tearffy-FaT- IU. 1 tmrnl Eaet FVth Areeaaa, New mvrinut aw "taaaa BaaaaM la arrtaaes aaa . aawk f, Sunday rlisyti fur Wma a Street, el York Ore UB areau ul urn lv4ksW. 1 as B IBS J. i eja..sst aUea. it. u. . waur Law. sab Aae i -.- Ad.