(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0101506 A1 Epple Et Al

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(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0101506 A1 Epple Et Al US 2015O1 O1506A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0101506 A1 Epple et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 16, 2015 (54) OFFSET PRINTING INK OR OFFSET Publication Classification PRINTING VARNISH (51) Int. Cl. (71) Applicant: Epple Druckfarben AG, OR :49 38:8: Neusaess-Augsburg -Augsb (DE)DE CSK5/00 (2006.01) (72) Inventors: Carl Epple, Augsburg (DE); Artur C09D II/2 (2006.01) C09D II/06 (2006.01) Eisele-Kohler, Augsburg (DE) CSK5/09 (2006.01) CSK5/098 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. (21) Appl. No.: 14/519,196 CPC. C09D II/08 (2013.01); C08K5/09 (2013.01); C08K 5/103 (2013.01); C08K5/098 (2013.01); C09D 1 1/12 (2013.01); C09D II/06 (2013.01); (22) Filed: Oct. 21, 2014 C08K 5/0041 (2013.01) (57) ABSTRACT The present invention relates to an offset printing ink or offset Related U.S. Application Data printing varnish that is suitable for direct contact with foods, comprising at least one binder and where appropriate at least (63) Continuation of application No. PCT/EP2013/ one colorant, wherein all the components of the offset print 059008, filed on Apr. 30, 2013. ing ink or offset printing varnish are either food as defined in Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament (30) Foreign Application Priority Data and of the Council or food additives as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the May 2, 2012 (DE) ......................... 10 2012 103825 Council. US 2015/0101.506 A1 Apr. 16, 2015 OFFSET PRINTING INK OR OFFSET nents that are potentially hazardous to health or whereof the PRINTING VARNISH effects on health are unknown. 0001. This application is a continuation of International SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION application no. PCT/EP2013/059008 filed on Apr. 30, 2013 and claims the benefit of German patent application no. 10 0007. The object of the invention is thus to propose an 2012 103825.2 filed on May 2, 2012, which are incorporated offset printing ink or offset printing varnish that is suitable for herein by reference in their entirety and for all purposes. direct contact with foods. 0008. This object is achieved according to the invention BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION with the offset printing ink or offset printing varnish of the type mentioned in the introduction in that the offset printing 0002 The present invention relates to an offset printing ink or offset printing varnish comprises at least one binder and ink or offset printing varnish, comprising at least one binder where appropriate at least one colorant, wherein all the com and where appropriate at least one colorant. ponents of the offset printing ink or offset printing varnish are 0003 Offset printing inks and printing varnishes are either food as defined in Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the widely used for printing onto food packaging, for example for European Parliament and of the Council or food additives as printing onto food packaging in the form of folding cartons defined in Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European using the sheet-fed offset process. Printing inks and printing Parliament and of the Council. varnishes that are permitted for this application sector must 0009. According to Article 2 of the cited Regulation No meet certain conditions so that the possibility of the packaged 178/2002, food (or foodstuff) means any substance or food being contaminated by components of the printing ink or product, whether processed, partially processed or unproc printing varnish that are potentially hazardous to health can essed, intended to be, or reasonably expected to be ingested be ruled out. In particular, there are limit values on the maxi by humans. According to Article 3(2)(a) of the cited Regula mum permissible quantity of components that are permitted tion No 1333/2008, food additives mean any substances not to pass through from the printed outside of the packaging, that normally consumed as a food in themselves and not normally is to say towards the food. This phenomenon is called migra used as a characteristic ingredient of food, whether or not they tion. have nutritive value, the intentional addition of which to food 0004 Offset printing inks include one or more colorants, for a technological purpose in the manufacture, processing, typically pigments, and one or more binders that bind the preparation, treatment, packaging, transport or storage of colorants to the surface of the printing substrate by forming a such food results, or may be reasonably expected to result, in film (in contrast, offset printing varnishes contain no colo them or their by-products becoming directly or indirectly a rants and are used for example to form an additional protec component of Such foods. tive coat over the printing ink). The binder orbinders, for their 0010 Thus, all the components of the offset printing ink or part, include one or more resin components and a solvent printing Varnish according to the invention, that is in particu which dissolves the resin components in the printing ink or lar the at least one colorant and the at least one binder, but also printing varnish and reduces the Viscosity to the required all further components such as auxiliaries and extenders, are level, wherein the solvent enables physical and/or chemical Substances or compositions which are provided and Suitable drying of the printing ink or printing varnish after the printing for human consumption according to the legal definition and procedure in that it evaporates, is absorbed by the printing whereof it is beyond any doubt that they are harmless to Substrate or undergoes oxidative curing. Since in all cases the health, at least within certain quantities. Thus, consumption solvent has by far the greatest volatility of all the components of the printing ink or printing varnish according to the inven of the printing ink or printing varnish, it makes a very Sub tion would overall also be fundamentally harmless, at least in stantial or even the only contribution to the problems of the relatively small quantities which could be transmitted to a migration, with the result that, when offset printing inks and food in the event of direct contact between the printing ink or printing varnishes that are Suitable for food packaging are printing varnish and the food. developed, hitherto considerations have been limited to the 0011 Practical applications which are made possible by selection of suitable solvents. the printing ink or printing varnish according to the invention, 0005 For example, DE 10 2007 012264 A1 proposes a in contrast to the offset printing inks known hitherto for printing ink or printing varnish for food packaging, compris printing onto packaging, are for example printing onto the ing a binder having a resin component and a solvent compo inside of food packaging, which may in particular be of nent, wherein the solvent or components of the solvent are a interest for certain packages for confectionery (such as food or food additive. In this case, contact between the pack advent calendars), and applying printed labels directly to the aged food and the migrating solvent is harmless to health surface of food (such as in the case of bread labels). It is even since the solvent is a component that can itself be used in possible within the scope of the invention to print by the offset foods. procedure directly onto foods such as thin wafers of dough 0006. Despite these developments, offset printing inks and which are known as edible paper. printing varnishes may fundamentally only be used for print 0012. The food additives used within the scope of the ing onto the outside of food packaging, that is to say the present invention are in particular those listed in Annex II of printing inks and printing varnishes must in particular not Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament come into direct contact with the food, since in this case the and of the Council, amended by Regulation (EC) No 1129/ food may be contaminated not only by the solvent but also by 2011 of the Commission, or in Annexes 1 to 7 of the German all the other components of the printing ink or printing var Regulation on Permitted Additives in Food for Technological nish, in particular with the colorant or colorants and binder or Purposes (ZZulV). The substances and compositions listed in binders. However, the offset printing inks and printing var the said regulations are permitted for use in food as a result of nishes known from the prior art always also contain compo their proven harmlessness, at least within the European US 2015/0101.506 A1 Apr. 16, 2015 Union. All the food additives listed in EC Regulation No 0019 Curcumin, riboflavins, tartrazine, quinoline yellow, 1333/2008 have an E number which is to be allocated Orange Yellow S. cochineal, azorubine, amaranth, Cochineal uniquely to them. The German regulation ZZulV additionally Red A, erythrosine, Allura Red AC, Patent Blue V, indigotine, lists some further substances without E numbers which are, Brilliant Blue FCF, chlorophylls, chlorophyllins, copper however, similarly permitted for use in food. complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins, Green S, plain 0013 Furthermore, it is also possible to use for the offset caramel, caustic Sulphite caramel, ammonia caramel, Sulphite printing ink or printing varnish according to the invention ammonia caramel, Brilliant Black BN, vegetable carbon, food additives which are permitted as such in a different Brown HT, carotenes, annatto, capsanthin, capsorubin, lyco country, Such as the USA, as a result of their proven harm pene, beta-apo-8-carotenal, lutein, canthaxanthin, betanin, lessness. anthocyanins, calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide, iron oxides, iron hydroxides, aluminium, silver, gold and lithol DETAILED DESCRIPTION rubine BK.
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