London Borough of Harrow DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY 30 JULY 2003 PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED Contact: Rebecca Arnold, Committee Administrator Tel: 020 8424 1269 E-mail:
[email protected] NOTE FOR THOSE ATTENDING THE MEETING: IF YOU WISH TO DISPOSE OF THIS AGENDA, PLEASE LEAVE IT BEHIND AFTER THE MEETING. IT WILL BE COLLECTED FOR RECYCLING. DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY 30th JULY 2003 PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED SECTION 1 - MAJOR APPLICATIONS SECTION 2 - OTHER APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDED FOR GRANT SECTION 3 - OTHER APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDED FOR REFUSAL SECTION 4 - CONSULTATIONS FROM NEIGHBOURING AUTHORITIES SECTION 5 - PRIOR APPROVAL APPLICATIONS ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Development Control Committee Wednesday 30th July 2003 BACKGROUND INFORMATION All reports have the background information below. Any additional background information in relation to an individual report will be specified in that report:- Individual file documents as defined by reference number on Reports. Nature Conservation in Harrow, Environmental Strategy, October 1991. Harrow Unitary Development Plan, adopted 28 November 1994 Revised Deposit Draft, Harrow Unitary Development Plan, 21 March 2002 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Development Control Committee Wednesday 30th July 2003 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY 30th JULY 2003 INDEX PAGE NO 1/01 30/32 UXBRIDGE RD STANMORE STANMORE PARK P/6/03/CFU/GM